How to make an extension from cinder block. How to attach a cinder block extension to a wooden house

Let's decide on the basis of what you made decisions and schemes.

1) The dimensions of your extension are larger than the dimensions of the house. As I understand it, you wanted to make an entrance through an existing vestibule, expanding it as well. Solution problems: If you combine the vestibule and the extension with a single foundation, then the place of their connection will be potentially dangerous in terms of cracking.

2) You are going to build walls of foam blocks and overlay bricks on the outside. I assume that this decision is only to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the building. Solution problems: The wall is made of two-layer materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion. In general, a two-layer wall behaves worse than a single-layer one. The thickness of the facing wall will be ½ of a brick, which will require the installation of flexible ties. A brick wall will give additional weight, which will be comparable to the weight of the entire wall of foam blocks.

3) You want to tie the roofs of the extension and the house, combining them into 1 structure. Problems of solution: Precipitation of the extension in the next 3 years will be large (with gradual attenuation). If you arrange a roof in 1 year, especially a slate one, which is very sensitive to any deflections, then you will redo it several times. I’m not talking about the total cost and laboriousness of the work, most likely it will be equal to the device completely new roof for 2 buildings (in other words, you will take down the roof over the house and make a new common one).

4) You are considering the installation of pile foundations from asbestos-cement pipes, I am not a supporter of this technology as such, since pipes are usually used too thin, which do not allow for high-quality reinforcement, these pipes also have very smooth walls, which greatly reduce bearing capacity along the side surface. In general, how much it is realistic to hammer an asbestos-cement pipe into the ground (especially into clay like yours) is a mystery to me. In your case, most likely the device strip foundation more justified. Moreover, this is the foundation of the main building, which will allow them to work more or less the same (one depth and width, most likely).

Now about the good :). An extension on a separate foundation not connected with the main house - the right decision. It will be possible to attach houses almost close, but it will be necessary to build a 2nd wall at the junction. Please note that you will close the windows of one of the rooms. The groundwater you, most likely, however strange it may sound, are superficial, just a clay layer does not allow them to go into the ground. Water seeps into the black soil, stops above the clay, and then spreads in this plane. You need to figure out how quickly your trenches fill up with water. If this filling is slow, then I don’t see any big problems, they won’t interfere with the concreting time, and then they are not terrible. If the filling is quite fast, then you will have to divert the water. This can be done in several ways. First, dig a canal around and use it to divert water down outside the house (where below, as a rule, can be recognized by the slope of the surface layer). The second is to make a clay castle either directly in the trenches under the foundations (expand it from the outside by 100mm and arrange a clay wall 100mm thick) along the outer contour, or at some distance from the whole house and the extension in a circle, thereby diverting water from the house as a whole. Clay castle should go into the base clay by 100mm. Only needed before clay castle triple a drainage layer 150-250 mm high and 200 mm thick (from the bottom layer of clay) of crushed stone (pebbles) along the entire contour so that the water leaves unhindered.

I would not combine the roof into 1 structure, but would make an intermediate connecting section between 2 roofs to drain water from galvanized iron.

Please read everything carefully, and think about what decisions to make, in the light of what I have said.

Important! The roof should be lower than the roof of the main building.

It is interesting to note that the demolition of enopolises would lead to the loss of an important historical and architectural witness of the recent post-war industrial past. In fact, few traces remain of that period of great economic and industrial recovery that crossed Italy after World War II and goes by the name of the "economic miracle".

However, the recovery operation carried out on the Calcinelli escalation, although carried out with the logic of transformation, acquires an important historical meaning and is to some extent classified as an intervention of "industrial archaeology", namely the historical discipline, which it undertakes to study, document and improve the material remnants of industrialization, be it factories, machines, architectures or anything else related to the industrial process, which no longer exists today.

When developing a project, the following are planned first:

  1. Plots for future laying of communications.
  2. The location of the doorway with its coordinates is the best option for arranging the place of the window. If it is necessary to cut out a new opening, you first need to calculate the loads and take into account the impact of load-bearing walls.

Let's consider the main stages of building an extension to a residential building made of natural wood. First, you should pay special attention to creating a solid foundation.

Of course, as always happens in these cases, the final achievement is not exactly what the original idea suggested. The planning of an architectural project is, in fact, always very much: the designer must dictate the driving lines of what should be the final achievement. All the variations made during the work are in this case interesting because they are made in full accordance with the original design philosophy, often rather by expanding their breath. The guiding idea is based on the implementation of an intervention with impact characteristics that does not compromise the original nature of the site and at the same time can increase the characteristic volume of the various blocks of the Enopolis architectural complex block.

Of course, for an extension of foam concrete blocks, you do not need a very powerful and solid foundation. However, you need to be guided by several important criteria:

  1. Its design should be similar to that of the main building.
  2. Go to the same depth.
  3. It is necessary to calculate swelling and subsidence of the soil - these indicators should be the same.

The uniqueness of the structure of the building was, in fact, the main feature that, obviously, for the reasons stated above, the architect wanted to keep: all the measures conceived within the restoration project were planned in this perspective, The choice of materials, being a key element in the implementation of the project, closely related to the possibility of the maximum possible impact on a predetermined environment. Hence the use of steel and glass, exposed iron pipes and raw lumber that can respect the character of the site.

On non-swellable soil, a rigid binding of the foundation with reinforcement is used with dimensions determined after the strength has been calculated in detail. It is desirable that this be done by specialists with extensive experience in this field.

When creating an extension to wooden house from foam concrete blocks on their own between the buildings leave a gap for possible deformations. To fill it, a heater is used. This work is quite simple and economical.

The Enopolis complex consists of three large blocks of architectural volumes. The first block, in order of importance and order of construction, consists of a central building with a sloping roof containing a core of concrete barrels. These barrels affect the building right from the start. low level, basement, to the attic of the second floor. It is interesting to note the excellent strength and static load resistance of the structure, as it is designed to contain liquids that exert high pressure on its walls. To this we can add the ideal condition of the property, given the relatively recent age.

Note that it is possible to create various foundations in accordance with the design of the extension.

Usually the floor level is lower than in the building by a value in accordance with previously calculated deformations.

Main stages of work

To simplify the procedure for arranging the foundation, it is necessary to have a pre-designed project. By the way, claydite blocks are the most popular among builders today.

This is the most original part of the entire complex, which, for the characteristic roof and the presence of barrels, determines the stylistic typology and character of the rest of the building. At the top of this first unit, located directly under the roof, is a large room which, overlooking the casks, was used to handle all operations related to vinification activities such as clarification, fermentation control, etc. on the surface of the floor of this environment there are several hermetically sealed ventilation openings that are directly connected to the inner surface of the trunks: through them all the operations necessary for proper vinification are carried out.

After completing the work with the foundation, proceed to the construction of walls. After its complete solidification, the surface of the base is covered with a waterproofing coating. For this, a special mastic is used. Then insulation is carried out and everything is poured with bitumen.

An extension of foam blocks to a wooden house is built quite simply. This does not require any special skills - the process is similar to working with cinder blocks.

Even the large rectangular control holes at this level had the same function; they communicate directly with the corridors between the shafts and, by providing full visibility at all levels down, allow direct control of the operations carried out in the corridors from above.

The second architectural block of the complex is open space- a kind of pergola, placed on the front of the first block and covering it along its entire length. This space was used for wine retail operations, grape vines and, in general, all stem pre-fermentation operations. This space was added to the first block later.

The top of the base is covered with roofing felt, then the laying of the first row of blocks follows. Lay on a traditional cement-sand mixture. Masonry starts from the corner. Installation of subsequent rows is carried out on a specialized glue (winter or summer varieties).

The resulting row is moistened from above, and the mounted foam concrete is treated with an adhesive solution from the ends and sides.

Finally, the first two volumes have been added to the third, which, due to its impressive and massive shape, is immediately obvious to the eye: it is a cubic block on two levels, which houses some offices and a caretaker's house. The design guidelines move from the first and second blocks to appear immediately as "original", where the term refers to the dominant element of the overall architectural profile.

Features of concrete barrels, some details of the electrical system, even graphic elements such as the numbering of barrels, signs of power, characteristics of the wines they contain, elements that are unlikely to resist a search operation of this type were maintained or restored, not without effort and attention from the outside. workers involved in this work.

The joint should have a maximum thickness of 3 mm, which will further reduce the likelihood of the formation of cold bridges.

Do-it-yourself extension to the house - photo

1. Entrance door of the extension.

2-3. support poles canopies are made of pipes of large diameter connected by welding with pipes of smaller diameter.

4. The roof frame of the canopy is welded from square pipes.

6. A crate of unedged boards was placed under the corrugated board.

7. Paving stones were laid in the yard and under the shed.

When building any extension to a previously erected house, it is very important to properly attach it to the wall.

Scheme of attaching the extension to the wall of the house:

1 - strip foundation;

2 - brickwork;

3 - wall of the house;

4 - cinder block;

5 - steel corner;

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An extension to a house made of foam blocks is one of the ways to increase the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200byour house. While doing construction works a series of mandatory requirements and established standards, as well as to know the features building material, methods of laying walls and features of foam concrete, its properties.

Wooden house with a block outbuilding.

You can independently build an extension from foam blocks saving your own money. The information article should help novice builders cope with the construction of an extension using foam blocks.

Foam blocks are a modern building material with an affordable price. It is suitable for the construction of various extensions. Using foam blocks, you can install a convenient, in all respects, warm and durable structure.
Masonry is somewhat different from the technology of using bricks and cinder blocks. But before moving on to the process of describing the masonry and building the foundation for the building, let's look at its advantages and pay attention to the disadvantages.

Advantages of the blocks used

Advantages of building material.

  1. You can do the work yourself.
  2. Save money.
  3. The workflow is not stretched. The construction of an extension from foam blocks will not take much time.
  4. Foam concrete does not burn.
  5. Possessing a porous structure, foam concrete does not exert additional pressure on the entire structure, shrinkage is minimal.
  6. The material is considered environmentally friendly.
  7. Blocks have low thermal conductivity due to porosity.
  8. It is easy to process, including, it can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw for wood.
  9. The durability of structures where blocks were used is determined by 50 years of age. These are the minimum times.

Besides, foam concrete blocks perfectly "breathe" thanks to the cellular structure.
They can, without problems, be used in the construction of extensions on all types of soil.
Everyone knows the high strength of this material.

On a note!
The light weight of the blocks during the construction of the extension allows you to abandon the powerful foundation (foundation).
Not the last place in the choice of material is the speed of masonry.

About the shortcomings of the material

The main problem of using this building material is that it requires strong protection from the effects of precipitation.
Unpresentable appearance compels homeowners to resort to exterior finish which increases the cost of labor.

Which houses can be built on

Using blocks, you can expand the area of ​​​​an already built house. And it doesn’t matter what material the house was built from, whether it’s a chopped building, brick building or concrete building. In some cases, an extension to light frame structures is allowed.

If the house to which the extension is planned is 15 years or more, it is necessary to make a careful calculation of the strength. This is the opinion of professional builders.

The question of how to make an extension of foam blocks comes down to:

  • to the choice of a certain type of foundation;
  • compliance with the technology of laying blocks;

It is important to consider a way to interface the details of the extension to the main structure.


Since construction work is being carried out from scratch, it is necessary to build a foundation. Let's take a look at pairing methods. Work can be done in two ways:

  1. The use of a rigid, reinforced connection. This option is suitable for the already established foundation of the main structure, which has undergone a drawdown, and the overhang of the new structure will not affect the strength. This type of foundation is recommended for use on non-rocky soils.
  2. The second option: the arrangement of an expansion joint. This is, from an economic point of view, the most profitable option. The construction is much simpler than a reinforced connection. You can use one of three ways: on the screw piles, columnar or tape version.

Tape type foundation

First of all, you should dig a pit, at the level of the foundation of the erected structure. The pit should cover the entire perimeter of the extension.
The next step is the installation of formwork. The structure is built from wooden boards.
Further, the bottom of the pit is covered with sand. The embankment layer is within 5-15 cm and is poured with concrete (footing) about 5 cm thick.
The reinforcing cage is knitted with 12 mm rods. The frame should not be brought close to the main structure, so as not to cause shrinkage of the main structure. Just lay the tarred boards, and the issue will be closed.

The foundation of the tape type with a slight deepening.

We fill the base of the pit with a concrete mixture prepared in a ratio of 1/3. Experts recommend using cement M-400, not lower. You can knead the mortar by hand, but for the quality of the mixture it is better to do this using a concrete mixer.
Then it is necessary to withstand the time for the finished base to stand. The process usually takes 30 days.

Column foundation option

An extension to a house made of foam blocks, including a wooden house on the basis column foundation. It must be dug around the entire perimeter of the future structure. The work is being done in stages. First, pits are arranged in increments of up to 1.5 meters, into which the formwork is lowered.
An extension to a wooden house made of foam blocks involves the arrangement of formwork, which is a roofing material rolled into a roll. The bottom is covered with rubble, fittings (4 bars) are put together with clamps. The structure is poured with a pre-prepared concrete mixture. It is important that the posts are at the level of the grillage of the house.
In this case, the bars should protrude 200 mm upwards, which should be connected with the reinforcement of the grillage during work.
The final stage of work involves pouring the formwork, knocked down from the boards, with a concrete mixture.
The analogy of execution does not differ from the arrangement of the strip foundation. Previously, soil is raked to the bottom of the tape. When the concrete hardens, it can be removed.

Pillar foundation.

Withstanding the required curing time concrete mix you can go to masonry walls.

What you need to know about wall laying

Block laying starts from the corners.

To improve adhesion to the solution, the underside of the block is wetted with plain water. In order to prevent moisture seepage in the future, a waterproofing composition is laid in several layers as a protection on the first row.
Before installing the next row, the previous "floor" is wetted with water. Close attention should be paid to the laying of the first row. The check is performed horizontally and vertically.
Depends on the quality of the initial design further process and correct laying. Subsequent work must be performed on the adhesive composition.
This will allow you to get seams of small thickness, about 1 mm. Usage adhesive composition reduces the total area of ​​seams that can pass cold. Seams are also called "cold bridges".
Each finished row of masonry is checked horizontally and rubbed with a grinding float. All work is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions. Having thus laid out 5 rows of the wall, reinforcement should be used at the corners, designed to more firmly bind the entire structure and prevent the formation of cracks.
Using circular saw you need to make a square cut to a depth of 50 mm. The cut edge should not exceed 30 mm.
Having knocked out a groove with a hammer and / or a chisel and having cleaned it, welded reinforcement is placed in the center of the groove. It must (mandatory) be filled with adhesive. An extension to the house from foam blocks involves the further arrangement of window and door lintels, the manufacture of a reinforced belt and ceiling.

You will learn more about how to connect the wall of the house and the extension from this video:

Window and door lintels

If the jumper is installed incorrectly (meaning a large clearance), an increased load will adversely affect it. In this case, you can make a brick lining, which will strengthen the structure.

Arrangement of jumpers.

But this situation rarely occurs. The arrangement of jumpers and window structures can be done using two methods: resorting to the installation of removable or fixed formwork.

reinforced belt

An extension of foam blocks is not possible without arranging a reinforced belt.


It is necessary to give the house stability, including strengthening the load-bearing walls of a new building.


When an extension is installed from foam blocks, the ceiling is the final phase of construction work. The foundation of the house is poured, the openings are ready, the construction of the erected walls is not satisfactory, therefore, it is possible to proceed with the overlap.

Overlapping of an extension from foam concrete material.

After a pause of several days, after installing the reinforced belt, an overlap is made. The material for the work is most often wood and aerated concrete slabs.
If mounted wooden details they must be impregnated with a bio/protective and flame retardant composition. The foam block extension is ready. It is necessary to bring an external gloss, give a decent look to the walls, and insulate them. Decoration involves use in decoration artificial stone, decorative plaster or foam.


The foam block extension is completely ready. As you can see, there is nothing supernatural and archi-complex. It is necessary to have the desire and implementation of the planned plans to come true. For self-confidence, before starting work, look through the technical literature and see how others are building. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the video material, which is in sufficient quantity on YouTube.

Foam block structures can be attached to almost any structure, including in order to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba residential building, whether it is made of wood, brick or the same concrete. Often with the help of it they expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200beven the simplest frame buildings: garages, greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses and aviaries.

Professional opinion on this issue suggests that the main condition for the possibility of erecting an additional structure next to the main structure is its strength and technical condition. So, it is not recommended to expand a building that has served for more than 15 years. However, in most cases, after inspection and calculation of the residual strength, a positive conclusion is given for the work to be carried out.

Preparatory stage of work

Preparation for the construction of an extension includes two main components: drafting a future structure, taking into account all safety, functionality and cost requirements, as well as purchasing necessary materials and tools for its direct construction.

Self-design takes place in three stages:

  1. Folding the architectural concept of the future structure.
  2. Accounting for individual private nuances of implementation.
  3. Preparation of plans, drawings and estimates for the entire structure under construction.

Foam block elements do not impose any restrictions on the configuration of the new building. Therefore, its architectural appearance, as a rule, corresponds to the style of the main building.

There are no strict restrictions on the type of finish. In most cases, it repeats the surface of the main house.

Definition technical parameters project in the case of construction with your own hands, you can also do it yourself. It is enough just to delve into and follow the principles, because the hours of “brainstorming” put into thinking through the details of the project more than justify themselves, as they speed up the process of direct construction at times.

For your own perception and understanding, it is advisable to write a list or table with the main positions of the future structure:

  • the widest range of functions that a given structure must or can perform;
  • design features necessary for the most complete implementation of this functionality;
  • materials required for construction and their quantity;
  • a work plan that necessarily determines their beginning, completion and total duration;
  • own comments that require consultation with professionals, for example, when choosing in favor of certain features or design alternatives.

Accounting for traditional functions includes:

  1. Weight load, on which the type and power of the foundation will depend. Its correct and balanced calculation is extremely important, since in case of revaluation it will lead to additional inefficient spending, and in case of arrogance that “it will not go anywhere, it will stand”, it can lead to the collapse of not only the new structure, but also the collapse of part of the adjoining to it the walls of the main house. It is extremely difficult and expensive to fix a foundation that does not meet the necessary parameters, therefore, in case of errors, a decision can be made to build a new building instead of reworking the old one.
  2. Lighting mode that determines the number, design and installation of windows. Not all rooms need sunlight, for example, a pantry or garage can easily get by with electric lamps, and the lack additional elements increase both the stability of the structure and its heat capacity. For specific buildings such as greenhouses, greenhouses and conservatories, not only natural light is a prerequisite, but also its penetration from above - through the roof, which is quite possible. True, the roofs of the extensions are often flat, which means that in winter a powerful layer of snow accumulates on them, which requires the installation of special reinforced openings for windows, which significantly increases the weight and cost of construction. For walls made of foam blocks, there is the possibility of both cutting through a solid wall and embedding ready-made window openings, but both of these options are undesirable.
  3. The possibility of access to a new building from the outside determines the number and location of doors. It can be, as only one doorway between the house and the annex, together with their adjoining each other, or the presence of a second external door to the street in an additional room. In the second case, when creating a second external doorway, it will require a new calculation of heat-shielding parameters. In addition, a porch and a change in house passes will be required. Block walls due to their fragility, only in the most extreme cases can they be changed after construction, for example, by cutting additional or laying extra openings.
  4. Compliance with optimal temperature parameters may require additional thermal insulation of the floor, ceiling and walls, influence the choice of the type of glazing and auxiliary heating of the new premises. Thermal insulators are needed for most rooms, but too many of them can significantly increase costs. To ensure low temperatures, a room air conditioning system may be required, but it can be installed already during the operation of the foam block structure.
  5. Soundproofing, which performs the functions of both protection from external noise, and prevents it from leaving the house itself. In this aspect, the functional features of the room should be taken into account, for example, if this is a home cinema, then it is not easy to insulate all surfaces from the inside and outside, but also take care of special acoustic coatings.
  6. Plumbing and require installation and conduct plumbing equipment and communications. Their installation again requires additional investments, so it is better to postpone its implementation to a later date.
  7. Power supply can be easily and without the involvement of specialists in foam concrete walls in advance. It is especially important to distribute electrical wiring with a margin and taking into account constant and powerful consumers of electricity, as this will at least save significant funds on the purchase of extension cords, tees and other equipment in the future.
  8. Compliance with fire requirements. concrete blocks different good performance fire safety, so the premises of them are universal and suitable even for storing fuels and lubricants, for example, in the case of a garage. When organizing a workshop for work with high temperatures and open fire, you should always take care of its finishing with special heat-resistant coatings.

Thus, a detailed study of each item makes it possible to build your own terms of reference, on the basis of which you can already develop the required sketches of the structure under construction and a list of necessary materials.

Their minimum set includes: cement, crushed stone, sand, roofing material, trowels and, of course, a sufficient number of foam blocks themselves.

Required construction tools: building level, a hacksaw, a puncher, a shovel and a container for mixing the solution.

The result of all work in more depends on the correctness of the calculations and following them when assembling the structure from foam blocks, the design procedure itself is simple and accessible to everyone.

Extension foundation

The correct foundation construction technology and the choice of its type for an extension structure mean much more than for an independent structure. In theory, you can choose between several types of basis:

  • tape;
  • columnar;
  • pile-screw.

The determining factor in this case is not copying the foundation of the main structure, but the mass of a specific extension and soil features. So, buildings such as baths, equipped with a heavy stove system, as a rule, require a strip base for maximum uniform distribution loads.

This type of foundation requires a large amount of concrete and at least a month of time for erection and strengthening. The pile-screw foundation design is universal, but difficult to erect, as it requires the invitation of professional workers and special equipment.

For a standard foam block building, a simple and cheap columnar foundation is enough, which is built in a few days, even with only two pairs of working hands.

To begin with, clearing and leveling of the building site is required. The height of the pillars is almost not determined by the load created by the building and is approximately 1 meter. But their number and placement depends on the weight of the structure.

The process of mounting the pillars is simple and is carried out in stages for all elements at once:

  1. Digging a hole 1 meter deep.
  2. At its bottom, a small-stone or sandy pillow is poured.
  3. A waterproofing layer is being laid, a sheet of roofing material is optimal in this regard.
  4. Armature is installed.
  5. Covered with stones.
  6. Filled with concrete mortar.

You can adjust the height of the pillars that act as a foundation using bricks. Logs are often used to connect the pillars, but it is more reliable to make this structural element from the same concrete by constructing a simple formwork.

As a result, a solid encircling foundation will be erected with minimal cost time, effort and resources.

Regardless of the type of base, foam concrete is hygroscopic, which means that it is necessary to lay a layer of roofing material waterproofing substrate on top of any foundation before laying the blocks.


As in the case of other block elements such as bricks, the laying of foam concrete elements starts from the corner. As with most building materials, the rule of the first “ideal” row applies, since it is he who determines the correct geometry of the entire structure and always fits very carefully and scrupulously.

Due to the hygroscopicity of foam concrete blocks, their bottom row is covered with a waterproofing solution. The upper side of each layer of blocks is soaked with water and coated with a special glue. The seam between them should be no more than 1 mm in thickness. It is advisable to lay reinforcement in every fourth row of blocks in a pre-cut groove. This will prevent the walls from cracking.

The second crown of blocks also begins to be laid from the corner, but according to the dressing rule, that is, at the joints of blocks in adjoining rows, in no case should they fall on each other.

As you approach the wall of the main building, it becomes necessary to cut the blocks protruding along the length, which is easily done with an ordinary hacksaw, because foam concrete is cut even easier than wood.

Extension windows and doors

For the installation of window and door openings, special steel lintels are mounted that support ordinary foam concrete elements reinforced with reinforcement or lighter U-shaped parts that are mounted with the hole up.

Installation of windows and doors in foam concrete walls with openings less than 1.7 m does not differ in special requirements, but a large distance already requires the installation of special reinforced lintels to support blocks.

Reinforced belts and floors of the building

In order to increase the overall strength and reliability of the load-bearing walls of the extension, inner wall from above is strengthened reinforced belt, which, due to its large weight, is assembled directly on the wall. To do this, pre-cut fittings along the length lie along the wall on pre-prepared wooden patterns, after which they are welded together into steel frames.

The pattern is filled with narrow frame blocks and after wetting its edges with water, a concrete solution is poured into them.

After the concrete has dried from 3 to 7 days, they begin to install the floors. They perform the function of holding the roof. Therefore, it is rational not to complicate their design, which will only lead to its weighting. As a basis for them, both wood and aerated concrete or hollow slabs from concrete.


Roof installation is similar to most standard buildings - bars are laid across the walls, erected rafter system, on which the crate is attached, and on it, in turn, the roof covering spreads.

So that a large amount of condensate does not accumulate under it, you should not overdo it with fillers. Due to the characteristics of the wall material, it is recommended to use soft lungs roof coverings: profiled sheet or metal tile.


Regardless of what material the main house is - wood, stone or brick, the foam block structure is not rigidly attached to it, but only adjoins. This is due to the shrinkage of the new extension and the possible subsidence of the old one due to the destruction of its foundation. Precisely so that when moving they do not harm each other between them and do not make a rigid connection.

The gaps between the new building and the stone house are foamed. And in the case of a log house made of wood as a house, the gaps are closed with bars, stuffing them onto the walls of the dwelling on both sides of the extension.

The exception is stone and brick structures with the same foundation and not very different in construction time. Under such conditions, docking is possible with the help of reinforced rods with a diameter of 6-8 mm, which are cemented into holes drilled at a level not higher than the first floor in the brick of the main building.

Docking of the walls of the extension and the house is carried out different ways: tires, corners or anchors. In any case, the key to a clear adjoining of the walls of the new and old buildings is not to attract them with something “tightly” to each other, but a reliable, correctly erected extension foundation, which must withstand the mass of the foam concrete structure without changing its position.

High-quality docking of the roof of the main house with the covering of the extension is one of the most important and at the same time difficult operations. Professionals prefer to perform this operation by partially disassembling the roof of the main building at its junction with the new structure. This is a completely justified step, which makes it difficult to dock the roofs of two different designs, and make the roof of the extension building a continuation of the roof of the main building.

This greatly simplifies the entire operation and guarantees against possible leaks at the so-called joint. However, this option should be considered in advance preparatory stage when planning in this case, the extension walls must necessarily be lower than the walls of the main building, otherwise nothing will come of it.

Features of construction using foam blocks

For the construction of walls of any buildings, the basic requirements for materials are always unchanged:

  • strength;
  • ease;
  • resistance to natural influences;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • minimum thermal conductivity;
  • increased heat capacity;
  • the shortest shrinkage time.

Most building materials fully meet only a few requirements, completely failing others. For example, a tree is both heat-intensive and light, but at the same time it quickly rots in the rain, and after installation it shrinks for a long time. Brick is durable, but its weight and the need for skilled hands to lay it does not make it ideal either.

Foam concrete, perhaps, is one of the few materials that have complete list optimal performance.

It fits perfectly with any other materials, which is especially important when building an extension to the main building. In addition, it is also cheap, unlike wood or brick.

It has, of course, disadvantages:

  • it does not differ in beauty, therefore, to give the building from it aesthetic appearance a finishing coating is needed, which can reduce its environmental friendliness;
  • block sizes imply rather rough masonry;
  • a high degree of hygroscopicity, which, if used incorrectly, can significantly reduce thermal insulation characteristics walls.
  1. The foam block is a rather specific material, therefore it is recommended to mount it not on an ordinary cement mortar, but add special glue to it, thanks to which the elements can be installed more accurately, and the thickness of the seams between them can be reduced to 1 mm, which during operation will significantly reduce the possibility of cold penetration into the room .
  2. When calculating the height of the jumpers, the level of the floor must be taken into account.
  3. In the presence of a foam generator, such blocks can be made independently using streaming technology and right on the construction site during construction, so that they are continuously produced and consumed. In this case, even time is saved, in contrast to the delivery of ready-made elements that must be pre-ordered and wait until they are brought and stored.

Having settled down a little in the new house and putting it in order household plot, almost every homeowner begins to dream of an additional extension. Someone needs to expand dining area, and someone just wants to relax on a spacious veranda. For its construction, you can choose any high-quality material: brick, wood, cinder blocks or cellular concrete products. A do-it-yourself veranda to a house made of foam blocks will possess.

Before proceeding with the construction of a new part of the main building, you need to clearly know the size and type of foundation, as well as the condition of the walls, roof and soil. In addition, it will not be superfluous to draft a future veranda, or at least a clear drawing. At this stage, you need to decide whether the integrity of the roof will be violated or not, how the veranda will connect to the house and consider the entrance to it. Only after all these actions can proceed directly to the construction work.

Laying the foundation for the veranda and erecting walls

Before starting the construction of the foundation of a future building, you need to know at what depth the main foundation is located. For this, a pit is made, measuring 1 * 1 m. Its depth should be sufficient in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe old foundation of the house. The best option laying the basis for the veranda is the foundation of the same type and size as the main one. If this cannot be done for any reason, then it is necessary to create a good expansion joint. The sequence of its bookmarks is as follows:

  • A small distance of about 5 cm is left between the foundations, where boards are laid, pre-wrapped in roofing material.
  • At this stage of laying blocks, a gap of 2 cm is left between adjacent walls, which is filled with insulation and sealant. After completion of all work, the resulting seam is closed with panels. Mineral wool is perfect as an insulating material.

As for the foundation, most often for foam concrete buildings they make tape shallow, but for the construction of a veranda, another option is also suitable - columnar brick. This type of base is not only strong enough, but also economical financially and in terms of labor costs.

Features of the construction of the veranda

A special place in the construction of a box of walls of an additional extension is the installation of jumpers. For the veranda, special ones are more applicable - U-shaped, they are quite light. Using them, critical loads do not affect the foundation. Thanks to such jumpers, it is possible to make openings more than 1.5 m long, in order to make them you need reliable U-shaped foam concrete, metal and wooden formwork, commercial heavy concrete mortar and, of course, reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm.

First, blocks of a special shape are installed, then formwork, after which reinforcement is placed in a pre-prepared foam block, the final stage is the manufacture of a jumper - pouring the resulting structure with concrete, which is carefully rammed and leveled.

As for any structure made of lightweight concrete, an armored belt is required for a foam block veranda, it will stiffen the entire structure and protect its walls from cracking and destruction. For its device, you will need the same materials as for creating a specific jumper. The technology of filling the armored belt is similar to driving the same jumper.

Another significant feature of the extension is its attachment to the main building; reinforcement is used for these purposes. To make such a rigid connection, it is necessary to cut small grooves 3 * 3 cm in size and 5 cm deep in every third row of the foam concrete wall, reinforcement is inserted into them and poured concrete mortar or special. AT bearing wall at home, a hole is also drilled, the second end of the reinforcing bar is inserted and concreted. With the help of such a connection, the subsidence of the veranda from cellular concrete will be reduced to almost zero.

The construction of a foam concrete veranda next to a wooden house deserves special attention. This is due to the different density of materials and types of foundations. As a rule, they are lighter under wooden structures, such differences can lead to excessive and uneven shrinkage of both structures. Such specific construction should only take place under the direction of experienced builders in this region.

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Choosing high-quality foam concrete products as the main wall material for an extension at an affordable price, you get a guarantee of durability and reliability of your future veranda.