Project hookah business idea. Opening a hookah bar: legal aspect

To open own business We need not only money, but also a good idea. One of these can safely be considered a hookah bar. AT recent times they are gaining popularity. Therefore, opening a hookah bar can be a very profitable business.

Now in Russia there are many similar establishments that are invariably in demand.

However, in many cities this niche remains unfilled, while there are a lot of lovers of hookah smoking.

The successful development of such a business directly depends on the quality of the services provided. It should be noted that the hookah room as a separate institution is very rare.

In most cases, they act as an additional service in various restaurants, cafes and nightclubs.

Such a business is very attractive in terms of profit, since, despite the low percentage of cheating, it is in great demand among the population. However, for this it is necessary to correctly manage the available budget and follow a few rules.

One of the main advantages is the relatively low investment. Initially, a hookah bar is considered as a small business, since large establishments in this area may be unprofitable. Therefore, if you manage to organize everything correctly and provide for all the details, then the profit will be stable and very high.

Market analysis

In order to be successful, you must study carefully competitors and evaluate prospects. Of course, if you open such a business in a big city, then in most cases it will bring good income. In the case of small towns, the situation is somewhat different.

It is necessary to analyze all available establishments that provide such services and understand whether your business will be in demand.

You can buy ready-made. Then there is no need to promote the brand, as most hookah lovers will already know about it. Despite the rather high competition in this area, the quality of the services provided by most establishments is at a rather low level. That is why you can successfully compete with them.

One of the most important tasks will be creating the right atmosphere hookah room. In many institutions this is not the case, so you need to pay attention to it. Special attention. This is the main mistakes of competitors. And if you approach these issues in detail and find the right solution, then attendance and stable profits are guaranteed.

The popularity of such a business is described in the following video:

Business registration

To register such a business, you can choose both status and status legal entity(for example, ). It is worth emphasizing that if you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, the registration process will become much more complicated. This will take a very long and difficult to draw up. Moreover, in this case, it will be allowed to provide customers with exclusively nicotine-free hookah. That's why best solution there will be a ban on the sale of alcohol.

For registration the following documents will be required:

  1. Certificate of registration of LLC or IP.
  2. License confirming the right to trade in tobacco products.
  3. Fire service permit.
  4. Permissive document SES. This should be considered at the very beginning of choosing a room.

Selection of personnel and equipment

Interior the hookah room should be very pleasant, so that customers can fully relax and enjoy their vacation. It is advisable to equip the room with comfortable soft sofas and small tables.

Also for opening a hookah bar would need:

  • Hookahs. Their number depends on the number of places for visitors. It is advisable to have at your disposal from 15 hookahs.
  • Tobacco, smoking mixtures and coal. It is important to have a wide range of flavors here.
  • Interchangeable details for hookahs (hoses, cups and flasks).
  • Burner, foil and tongs.

In general, the main part expenses will make the necessary furniture. If, in addition to hookah, you will offer drinks to visitors, you will need a refrigerator and a bar counter.

Need to hire multiple people to serve customers waiters, hookahs and bartenders. Hiring a hookah man requires a special approach. The process of preparing a hookah is quite complicated and the lack of experience of an employee can affect the quality of services provided and profits. Therefore, it is better to hire someone with experience in this field. Otherwise, enough trained waiters and bartenders.

Also, one should not forget about the reporting that must be maintained and regularly submitted to the tax authorities. To do this, you can hire an accountant who will deal with this. However, you can make it yourself, saving money.

Marketing plan

When drafting, take into account advertising campaign. Competent and effective advertising will allow you to develop your business in the shortest possible time and start earning steadily. It is much better if the hookah bar is located at restaurants or cafes. This will save you money and time in business development.

  • Advertising around the city. This option consists in handing out leaflets that contain information about the institution and its address (a very profitable method of advertising).
  • Bright sign. A fairly simple method, but it differs in its effectiveness. You need to hang a bright sign near the hookah bar so that people pay attention to it.
  • Promotions and discounts. This method provides various discounts not only to regular customers, but also to new visitors. For example, a discount in a certain period of time will be very pleasant for visitors, and they will want to come to you again.
  • Social networks. It is currently one of the most right ways attracting customers.
  • Advertising in the media. If you order a short video about your establishment and pay for it to be shown on one of the TV channels, the result will be extremely effective.

Hookah advertising should be approached with a serious attitude. Sometimes it's better to pay an advertising agency a certain amount to help with attracting the target audience. In most cases, such services are not cheap, but this way you can grow your business as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is important that advertising should not end at the initial stages. You should regularly hold such events and regularly come up with something new.

Such establishments work almost around the clock. However, the main flow of customers falls on the evening. Therefore, in more early time costs arrange promotions and discounts to attract visitors regularly. Holidays and weekends are the busiest. Therefore, at such a time, the hookah should always be open.

An interview with one of the founders of the hookah bar can be viewed in the following video:

Financial plan

The costs required to open such a business will differ depending on the region.

However, this difference will not be that great. Average for the opening hookah requires about 400-500 thousand rubles. If you would like to start with small room, then 200-300 thousand rubles may be enough.

Approximate spending plan to open a hookah bar:

  1. Room rental. The average cost of a suitable room is estimated at 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Repair and arrangement of the premises. If you come to grips with the design of the premises and its arrangement, then the costs will be about 100-150 thousand rubles. It should be noted that saving on design and customer comfort is not worth it.
  3. Buying hookahs. In your location you need to have from 15 hookahs of good quality. The cost of each will be about 5 thousand rubles. Total - 75,000 rubles.
  4. Stocks tobacco, coal and foil. The amount will be about 15 thousand rubles.
  5. Staff salary. If the establishment is quite large, then several employees will be required. Wage each starts from 20 thousand rubles.
  6. Set of fire extinguishers. 10,000 rubles.
  7. Advertising campaign. If you turn to specialists trained for this, then the costs will be from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. In the event that you want to organize everything yourself, 5 thousand rubles will suffice.
  8. Decor documents and registration of the status of an entrepreneur. Here you will need about 15,000 rubles.

Based on the above points, it can be seen that the amount required to open a hookah bar may differ. It all depends on the intentions of the entrepreneur. If the budget allows, then it is better not to save and organize everything to the maximum. Then the result will be the same.

Level income from a hookah is very difficult to determine. On average, with minimal investment, it is 20-30 thousand rubles a month. If you invest the maximum amount, then the profit can reach 100 thousand rubles.

Term payback business is 6 to 12 months.

Until now, there are disputes about where is the birthplace of the hookah. Some people think that this device for smoking comes from distant India, and there are supporters of the theory that for the first time hookah began to be smoked in North America. For modern lovers to raise flavored tobacco among friends, this issue is not fundamental. The origin of hookah is shrouded in mystery. In Europe, this fashionable hobby appeared in the 19th century. Among the youth of our country, addiction to hookah takes on a large scale. Young and carefree people like to spend evenings in a pleasant company, enjoying inhaling the fragrant smoke. Even those who are with both hands for healthy lifestyle life, do not find anything vicious in this occupation. What could be better than philosophical conversations with friends? And if you lead them sitting on soft pillows, smoking a hookah, then the evening can be unforgettable in every respect.

Hookah business and law

On the issue of smoking, the opinions of deputies State Duma divided. Federal Law No. 15 - F3 "On protecting the health of citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke" states that smoking a hookah is equivalent to smoking regular cigarettes. FROM June 1, 2014 a ban for owners of cafes and restaurants on smoking hookah came into force. Guests were offered herbal mixtures. It has become very difficult for inspection authorities to prove what exactly visitors are smoking: tobacco, marijuana or harmless weed. For a more accurate analysis, you need to conduct a thorough examination, and this takes a lot of time.

If we consider this issue from the other side, then it is impossible to describe all smoking mixtures used in public places in the legislation. However, many parliamentarians believe that the necessary measures should be taken to prevent tobacco smoking through hookah. Numerous raids on cafes and restaurants were carried out in our country, the purpose of which was to identify the illegal sale of smoking mixtures and the use of hookah.

On the this moment in Russian law, not clearly spelled outWhat is "hookah"?

The anti-tobacco law prohibits smoking in public places, but entrepreneurs manage to find loopholes to legalize hookah. They call it "steam cocktail".

The entry into force of the new anti-tobacco law forced the owners of hookah bars to spend a little money on equipping their establishments accordingly. They needed to equip a special area for smokers outside (outdoor hookah) or equip a specially designated place for this. It should not be located indoors and be an extension to the building. For violators, the law provides for large fines: from 60 to 90 thousand rubles.

The owners of cafes and restaurants who want to provide their customers with such a service as hookah smoking still have several ways out of the current situation:

Today experts Public Chamber they want to increase fines for smoking tobacco hookahs in public places up to 300 thousand rubles, and for a repeated violation the fine could be 3 million rubles.

What you need to open a hookah bar: documents, registration

There are not so many such establishments in Russia. Therefore, the question “how to open a hookah bar according to the law?” interests not only established restaurateurs, but also start-up entrepreneurs. By organizing a business of such a plan, you can get a good profit and recoup your investment in a short period of time.

In order to open a hookah from scratch, you need to collect all the necessary documents for this. What is included in this package?

  • Need . If you plan to trade in alcoholic beverages, then in this case you need to issue documents confirming.
  • Permits from SES and fire service.

When registering, the following can be selected:

  1. 74.84 Provision of other services.
  2. 93.05 Provision of personal services.

Rospotrebnadzor must be informed about the beginning of its activities.

In addition, I would like to note that today, in connection with the new law, many hookahs prefer to work under the sign "". What does it mean? Closed clubs are being created, the members of which, at the first visit, must fill out a special questionnaire, which indicates that customers are warned about the dangers of smoking hookah. And visitors pay not for ordering a hookah, but for visiting the club.

To the question "what do you need to open a hookah bar?" the answer suggests itself. First of all, this is a room. The hall in which guests will smoke a hookah should be equipped with a good ventilation system. Mandatory requirement– provision fire safety. The presence of a powerful hood and a smoke exhaust system is a prerequisite for opening a hookah bar.

The hookah area is selected based on the capabilities and wishes of the entrepreneur. If you plan to open a cafe in a separate building, then it should be in a calm, quiet place. People come to hookah lounges to relax and unwind.

A small hookah bar is 100 - 120 sq. meters.

For the convenience of visitors, the premises should be divided into separate zones, fenced off from each other. The size of one zone should not exceed 8 - 10 square meters. meters. It would be nice if each room had a separate bathroom. Don't forget one or two large rooms– for numerous companies.

All smoking areas must comply with the requirements of Russian legislation regarding smoking areas. If there is a Wi-Fi zone in the hookah bar, this will bring additional profit to the establishment. These areas are very popular with visitors.

The interior of the rooms can be made in oriental style: comfortable low sofas, soft pillows, carpets of bright colors, pear chairs. Lighting should be soft and subdued. Bright lights are not welcome. The design project for a hookah should be fully consistent with the establishment of such a purpose. The cost of designing a cafe with an area of ​​100 sq. m. will cost 90-100 thousand rubles.

Required equipment

In order to start a hookah business, you will need equipment. So, what does it take to open a hookah bar?

  1. Hookahs and their accessories (tubes, replaceable cups, hoses, etc.).
  2. Tables.
  3. Cash machine.
  4. Quality audio system.

It is best to buy mixtures of foreign production, its quality is much higher than domestic. Charcoal for a hookah needs to be bought wood, because. it burns longer. To keep the cost of purchasing raw materials from being too high, try to find a good wholesale supplier.

Services provided by the institution

What additional services can such an institution provide? In the hookah you can hold all kinds of events in oriental style. The abundance of oriental dishes will give the holiday an unforgettable atmosphere and a sweet taste of the luxury of the East. You can organize a performance by professional dancers who perfectly perform belly dance. It would be nice to organize karaoke. Tea ceremonies may not be superfluous, at which experienced craftsmen will prepare exquisite, aromatic drinks for customers.

You can hold various events for hookah tasting and show ceremonies with prizes. The more products and services you can offer your customers, the more confidence you will have that they will come back to you again and again.

A simple and "autonomous" business on vending (coffee) machines:

How much money do you need to open a hookah bar?

Now consider how much it costs to open a hookah bar. Starting investments includes several items of expenditure:

  • purchase of equipment and components - 30,000 rubles;
  • furniture and design decoration premises - 250–300,000 rubles;
  • purchase of mixtures, coal, drinks. etc. - 50–70,000 rubles.

Based on these approximate calculations, we can conclude that opening a hookah from scratch will cost about 400,000 rubles.

I should not forget about monthly expenses. And they are the following:

  • rent of premises - from 10,000 rubles;
  • purchase of the necessary goods - 15,000 rubles;
  • staff salaries and outsourcing - 100,000 rubles;
  • total: 125,000 rubles.

Is it profitable to open a hookah bar?

The average check in a hookah bar is 1500 rubles. In one day, you can earn up to 30-35,000 rubles. Such figures allow us to calculate a monthly profit of 300,000 rubles. The profitability of this project is 50%, the payback is several months.

Advantages of the hookah business:

  • quick payback of the project;
  • due to narrow specialization - ease of compiling a detailed one.

From shortcomings I would like to note only one thing: the institution should work at night. Hookah lovers are not in a hurry to go home, they can sit up for a pleasant activity until late at night. If you did not have experience in this field of activity, then it will be difficult for you at first to create an atmosphere of oriental warmth, hospitality and wisdom in a hookah lounge. But, if there is a desire to work and get a good profit, welcome to this tempting business.

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Hello! Today we will consider the question of how to open a hookah. Every day there are more and more such establishments, and the demand for them is only growing. In small towns this area is not very developed, therefore, you can become one of the first businessmen who will bring real "joy" to the population. All in your hands!

What do you need to open a hookah bar

Opening a hookah business- This is not a simple matter, as it might seem at first glance. First you need to create general idea about how you see your hookah room. First of all, you must like it. It is necessary to abstract and understand whether you want to return to such an institution again . If the answer is “yes”, then it means that you are on the right track.

Next is this correct selection premises. It is best to choose establishments that are popular among wealthy people. A restaurant, bar or cafe must have a good reputation. This guarantees a constant flow of people and a good profit.

First of all, you need to figure out how to open a hookah bar according to the law. It is necessary to study all the laws on running your own business, as well as the laws that regulate the activities of hookah rooms. This is one of the most important factors on which the prospect of your business depends.

Next important fact- this is the purpose of opening a hookah bar. You should not think that after opening your own business, you can sit back at home and just get money. Such a business requires, in addition to financial investments, a lot of time and effort. If you yourself love hookah very much and are tired of leaving money in other establishments, then this business is ideal for you.

In other words, absolutely everything needs to be thought through to the smallest detail. First you need to draw up a clear hookah business plan with calculations, which will indicate all the little things that you especially need to pay attention to. We'll talk about everything in detail below.

How to open a hookah according to the law

As already mentioned, first of all, it is necessary to study the current legislation. And all because June 1, 2014 deputies Russian Federation adopted a law banning smoking in public places. This applies to both businesses and establishments. Catering.

Anyone can read the text of the law on the Internet ( the federal law No. 15 "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of tobacco smoke"). There is not a single word in the text about smoking cigarettes, cigars or hookahs. However, it clearly states that the use of tobacco is strictly prohibited. That is, it is impossible to smoke tobacco in any of its forms.

Therefore, on June 1, 2014, all owners of cafes and restaurants had to remove hookahs from their menu, but not for long. Businessmen immediately found a way out of the situation. They began to offer their visitors herbal-based smoking blends. For the inspection authorities, this became a real test, because they could not prove for sure what visitors actually smoke: tobacco banned in public places, marijuana or some harmless grass. A thorough examination takes a lot of time, so no one did it.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not clearly spell out what a "hookah" is. Therefore, entrepreneurs find permitted "loopholes", with the help of which they "legalize" hookah smoking. It cost some a "round penny". The owners had to re-equip their premises specifically for customers who wish to smoke hookah. Most often, such a zone is located outside in the open air. It also assumes a separate corner or room in the room itself. Perhaps you ask, is it possible to open a hookah bar in a residential building?

Remember once and for all, hookahs are not allowed in establishments that are located in residential buildings. Fines for non-compliance with the rules are far from small, and range from 60 to 90 thousand rubles.

Another solution that the owners of the establishments came up with is the delivery of a hookah to the client's home. But, such a service is not very popular among the common population, as it is quite expensive.

Switching to special tobacco-free smoking blends is another way out of this situation. By law, they are not prohibited, and therefore have become great alternative. But, many visitors refuse to smoke them. This fact must also be taken into account.

Of course, you can always break the law and offer tobacco hookahs to customers. But, remember that today a very tough system of fines is due for such illegal activities. The amount of fines can be up to 300 thousand rubles. And in case of repeated violation, it can reach 3 million Russian rubles. Think about whether "the game is really worth the candle."

Franchising and buying a ready-made business

If you still don't know how to open a hookah bar, it's not a problem. Today, many entrepreneurs operate on a franchise basis. For beginner businessmen, this is a great option that does not require much effort. Large companies offer interesting terms of cooperation. Among them:

  • Hookah Place;
  • smokehouse;
  • Nargilia and many others.

Franchising is profitable only if the brand has its own name and reputation. The population should be familiar with this name and call only positive emotions. This will help earn the novice businessman the respect and trust of the guests.

In addition, in this case, you do not need to invent your own original name institution, interior design and way of working. All these conditions are dictated by the company. You only need to maintain the image of the company. The main thing is to ensure the smooth operation of such an institution and then the number of customers will increase exponentially.

Another option is to buy a ready-made hookah business. This is the easiest option for a novice entrepreneur. Announcements of sale can be found both on the Internet and in local newspapers in your city. But, remember that no one is going to sell a really good, promising and successful business just like that.

Therefore, before buying, you need to check everything carefully. It is possible that the owner had problems with the premises or with the law. The verification is best done with specialists with a legal background. They will be able to find all the "pitfalls", if any.

There are also cases when a person is vital large sum Money and he has no other choice but to sell his hookah business. But, as a rule, such a case is one in a million. Beware of scammers and unscrupulous sellers.

Opening a hookah bar: do's and don'ts

We reviewed the legal framework. Now we need to summarize everything that we learned before opening the hookah. A novice entrepreneur must clearly understand how to run a business, and how not.

So, smoking tobacco in any form in public places, including catering places, is strictly prohibited. Accordingly, you can not smoke a hookah with tobacco in a cafe or restaurant. Smoking rooms cannot be created either. It would seem, but then what is possible?

If you plan to open a hookah establishment based on a restaurant, bar or cafe, then instead of tobacco you will have to use:

  • tobacco-free smoking blends;
  • syrups;
  • special stones, etc.

But, it should be remembered that not all guests of the institution will appreciate such a hookah. Most people want to get relaxation from tobacco, and not just inhale and exhale "delicious" smoke.

As they say, every rule has its exceptions. For example, Tobacco smoking is permitted outside catering establishments and in specially designated areas. Therefore, each person has the opportunity to open his own institution, in which there will be only hookahs.

Food and drinks are strictly prohibited there. But, you can allow visitors to come with their own food. It is advisable that they have their purchase receipts with them in case of any verification. And as entertainment, visitors can be offered board games, console games and much more.

How to open a hookah from scratch - we select a room and design

If you do not have the opportunity to open a hookah room in a thriving restaurant or cafe, then you can safely open your own establishment. Learn in detail how to write a hookah bar business plan. First of all, you need to find suitable premises. The area depends on personal preference.

If you follow the recommendations of successful businessmen, then it is best to consider premises, not less than 100 - 120 sq.m. Would like to have a separate entrance. The following requirements are practically the same as the requirements for opening a catering establishment.

The premises must have:

  • ventilation;
  • utility rooms;
  • sewerage;
  • fire protection.

It is in hookah cafes that special attention should be paid to ventilation and fire protection. The equipment must be high class, as it must cope with the continuous flow of smoke. Before the opening of the institution, the fire inspection will carefully check everything, and if there are the slightest deviations, the cafe will not open until they are eliminated.

After choosing a decent room, you need to think about interior design. The atmosphere should be cozy and soothing, because people come to a hookah establishment in order to relax. In order for guests to feel comfortable, it is best to divide the establishment into several zones that will be fenced off from each other. The approximate size of one zone is 8-10 sq.m. Thus, the guests will not interfere with each other with their conversations and will be able to truly relax. But, do not forget about the big companies. They also need to prepare several areas for communication.

The walls should be painted in soothing pastel colors and complemented with unusual and beautiful interior items. Lighting is better to choose not very bright, but slightly muffled. Regarding furniture, it is better to give preference to soft sofas on which customers can relax. Don't skimp on the audio system. Background music should not sound too loud, but high quality. Visitors should feel comfortable during the conversation, and not shout over each other.

Be sure not to forget about the cash register. All checks must go through it. Do not skimp on this equipment. The cash register should be easy to use so that employees can easily understand it and not make mistakes.

We select hookahs and other attributes

Buying hookahs is one of the most milestones in the process of opening a hookah bar. High quality hookahs should be considered, the cost of which will be in the range of 3000 - 5000 rubles. Tobacco or smoking mixtures must also be of proper quality. In no case should they be bitter when smoked or give bad smell. Having smoked such a hookah once, the visitor will never return to the institution.

In addition to hookahs, several additional flasks, cups and pipes should be purchased. This is in case one of these components "fails". By the way, in addition to ordinary pipes for smoking, you also need to purchase special cooling pipes. This will make the hookah more intense.

The interior can be supplemented with various oriental trinkets. Themed pillows with oriental pattern, paintings of the subject and carpets. This is not only for the convenience of visitors, but also to create a pleasant impression of the institution.


Staff is another very important factor. The number of customers and their overall impression depends on the quality of service in your establishment. When selecting staff, first of all, you need to pay attention to appearance man and his manner of speaking. If he came to the interview neatly dressed and combed, then he will try to look perfect at work.

The manner of conversation is also very important, since the employee will constantly have to contact customers: offer services, take orders, explain things that are incomprehensible to the guest. The employee must be polite with the client in any situation. He should always smile, but he should not be intrusive. Excessive attention and obsession can only scare away the client.

Employee knowledge is very important. They must thoroughly understand hookahs and tobacco. Usually, the client does not know which hookah flavor to choose, so he describes everything in in general terms. The employee must, based on the data received, offer the guest the most optimal option for him.

All personnel must be trained before starting work. It is best that the lesson be conducted by experienced people who have been “floating” in such a business for more than a year.

How much money do you need to open a hookah

You will need to spend a lot of money to open a hookah bar if you want to create a really pleasant place that guests will constantly return to. Next, we will look at how much it costs to open a hookah bar, calculate the approximate costs, this will help you draw up your own hookah bar business plan.

1. The cost of renting the premises

If you don't have own premises, in which you can open an institution, or there are no funds to buy it, then you will have to rent it. The approximate cost of renting 100-120 sq.m is 50 thousand rubles.

2. Repair and design costs

You will need to hire workers who can make redecorating premises. Also, if you can’t come up with an interior design on your own, you will have to spend money on the services of a specialist. These costs also include the purchase of furniture, decor and other attributes. The approximate amount of expenses under this item is 500 thousand rubles.

3. Buying hookahs

In this case, it is better not to save. As already mentioned, it is best to purchase high-quality hookahs from well-known companies. Their number depends on the number of tables in your establishment and the expected number of visitors. Hookahs should be bought with a margin. It should be expected that at a small table you may need 2-3 hookahs, and at a large table - up to 6. The approximate amount of costs is 60 - 70 thousand rubles.

4. Buying fire extinguishers

These are mandatory attributes of each institution. The fire department will not let you work unless you have several fire extinguishers available. They should be placed in the guest room, in the kitchen (if available) and in the utility rooms. The approximate cost is 10 thousand rubles.

5. Purchase of materials (tobacco, smoking mixtures, coal, etc.)

Don't skimp on this article. Tobacco is best ordered from imported manufacturers who have been operating on the market for such products for more than a year. In order to order high-quality consumables, it is best to consult with specialists. They will tell you which tobacco and coal to take, and which one is better to refuse. The approximate cost is 20 thousand rubles.

The total cost of opening a hookah establishment

The amount is 650 thousand rubles . This is the most budgetary real amount. If you have the opportunity to immediately invest large quantity money - do not regret. Then in the following months of the activity of your institution, you will be able to spend less.

Remember that you will also have monthly expenses:

  • rent - 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase Supplies- 20 thousand rubles;
  • wages for staff and advertising - 100 thousand rubles.

In total, about 170 thousand rubles will be spent per month.

Expenses are not a very pleasant part. All entrepreneurs like to calculate the future profit from their business. Now you are most likely thinking whether it is worth opening a hookah bar? Hookah business is a rather new trend in our country, which is gaining popularity every day. Therefore, if you think over everything correctly, as well as invest money wisely, then it will bring good profit to its owner.

Is it profitable to open a hookah bar

Net profit should be considered only after you have covered all your monthly expenses. The average check for a hookah establishment is 1,500 thousand rubles. It is not difficult to calculate that approximately in a day you can earn 30 thousand rubles (this is not the most optimistic forecast). Accordingly, you receive about 300 thousand rubles per month. Net profit after all expenses and taxes will be approximately 150 thousand rubles. This project will pay off in a few months.

Advertising is another important component when opening a hookah establishment. You should make sure that as many people as possible know that a new trendy place for hookah lovers is opening soon.

The main audience of such institutions is young people and middle-aged people. Therefore, it would be reasonable to decide to launch, in particular, in in social networks or . To do this, it is enough to create your own group or community and simply invite people there. It's free and effective.

In order for people with great desire to gather at the opening of your institution, you can come up with various drawings and discounts. For example, you can organize a contest of "reposts" of information about the opening of a new cafe. As a reward, the winner can be given several hours of free hookah.

On the opening day, you can also invite famous hosts and musicians of the city in order to attract more visitors.

And if every weekend you hold theme parties in your institution, then this will also serve as a very good advertisement. In other words, show your imagination and creativity, and then your business will flourish.

Business registration and necessary documents for opening a hookah bar

You have thought through all the details of your establishment, calculated the costs and possible profits. Now is the time to start registering your business. First, decide on the substantive form of activity.

For restaurants, cafes and bars, including hookah establishments, it is best to choose the form of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Check out the information.

The "Individual Entrepreneur" form should be selected only if you plan to trade exclusively in hookahs. The “LLC” form is suitable only for those entrepreneurs who are going to sell alcoholic beverages in addition to hookahs. The choice is yours alone. But, keep in mind that if you plan to sell alcoholic beverages in your establishment, then in addition to all the documents you will need to receive.

Another mandatory documents are the permission of the SES and the fire service.

Before starting their activities, each entrepreneur is obliged to report their intentions to Rospotrebnadzor.

Also, you will definitely need. Most often, entrepreneurs give preference.

After you have collected everything, registered your business, you can get to work. Good luck and success!

After the adoption of the anti-tobacco law, many entrepreneurs abandoned the idea of ​​​​creating a hookah bar. Two years later, when passions subsided, and the rules of the game became clearer, it's time to return to the question: hookah as a business - is it profitable?

In the article, we will look at what affects the profit of hookahs, how it can be increased and how not to fall under fines. After reading the article, you will decide whether it is worth opening a hookah bar.

Hookah as a business: new conditions

According to the anti-smoking law, hookahs must be equipped in separate rooms with a professional ventilation system. It can be both an institution at a cafe, and a closed hookah club.

We will consider the hookah option as an independent business. There is no separate OKVED code for hookahs. To register activities, they most often use OKVED 92.72 "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups." That is, you open a closed hookah smoking club.

The sale of food and alcoholic beverages is prohibited in the hookah bar. Entrepreneurs often allow guests to bring food with them. It must have a check. This is confirmation that you did not provide food service in the hookah bar. Tea is not directly prohibited, so hookah bars offer visitors various varieties.

Also service to minors is prohibited. Experienced businessmen advise raising the age limit to 21 years. Companies of eighteen-year-olds, as a rule, order one or two hookahs and sit for hours.

Let's figure out how much profit a hookah bar brings and what affects it.

Hookah bar: what determines the profit?

Hookah is a product with a low cost, the markup on it reaches 500%. But besides it, you can’t sell almost any product, and the average check is small. Therefore, an important indicator is business turnover. Is it profitable to open a hookah, first of all, depends on how many hookahs per day you can sell.

Quickly and efficiently

Hookah workers should sell as many hookahs as possible to each table. A common practice is discounts for the second and subsequent hookahs. Select or train hookahs so that one hookah takes them 5-7 minutes.

The less visitors wait for a hookah, the higher their loyalty and the more they will order. This directly affects how much profit a hookah bar brings.

It is not necessary for everyone to offer complex mixtures, the preparation of which will take 20 minutes. Basically, it's a waste of time. Leave complex options for connoisseurs. For most of the guests, the main requirements for hookah are fast, tasty and without bitterness.

Additional services

Additional income of a hookah bar as a business will be provided vending machines with drinks and snacks. They do not fall under the anti-tobacco law. You can issue them to a separate legal entity. The machines are easy to maintain and bring a good income.

Holding events and show programs is another way to increase hookah profits. But only if the program or event is paid. That is, guests pay separately for entrance and hookah. Otherwise, this measure will negatively affect profits. Visitors will sit for a long time and order little.

Free events can be part of a hookah bar marketing campaign. You should not spend them more than once a month, so as not to lose profit.


On average, guests spend two hours in a hookah bar. You must ensure their leisure, but not to the detriment of yourself. Traditional set - various board games. Do not offer games that can stretch for more than one and a half to two hours. As a rule, companies that just want to spend their leisure time somewhere stay up for a long time, but order little.

Always remember that a hookah bar is a business whose profit depends on turnover!

Is it worth opening a hookah bar: mistakes

Many entrepreneurs who first encountered hookah as a business make typical mistakes that negatively affect profits. They all come down to one thing - companies sit for a long time.

How much income does a hookah bar bring in, in which visitors sit for five hours? Scanty.

What is killing hookah bar profits?

  • Food delivery. We wrote above that guests can bring food with them if they have a receipt. You can also install vending machines. Shipping is your enemy. She will have to wait at least half an hour.
  • Film screenings. It doesn't actually pay off. The tables sit for a long time. At the same time, you will lose part of the public that planned to relax and chat. Film screenings are relevant only if you have a separate room for them.

    Gaming consoles. They are very popular among young companies. Them features- they sit for a long time, order a little, make a lot of noise.

Another way to deal with companies that order one hookah and sit until the evening is not paying for a hookah, but for renting a table.

What profit does a hookah bar bring

A well-organized hookah bar will pay back the investment in a year or a year and a half. The main thing is to learn rules of the game:

  • Guests love a delicious hookah, which is prepared quickly.
  • The more hookahs are sold, the higher the hookah profit.
  • So that the tables do not sit for more than two hours, give up game consoles, long board games and events. Think of an alternative to food delivery.
  • think over additional sources arrived.
  • Do not break the anti-tobacco law! This carries heavy penalties.
    • On average, a hookah shop sells 30 hookahs per day. The more guests you can serve at the same time, the higher the profit. The average profit of hookah bars in Moscow is 100-200 thousand rubles.

Those who like to relax and smoke a hookah after a hard day only increase every year. If ordinary cigarettes cause irreparable harm to your health, then a hookah can be absolutely harmless prepared with juice or milk, without the use of tobacco.

Due to the high demand for the service, it makes sense to talk about opening a hookah bar as a business with minimal investment and a quick payback.

In today's article, we will discuss in detail how to open a hookah from scratch. How much does it cost and what documents are needed for the legal activities of an institution of this type?

How to legally open a hookah bar?

It should be noted that there are some difficulties in organizing this type of business. Due to the law on the prohibition of smoking in public places, it is quite difficult to open a hookah bar in a food establishment. But as they say, you can always find loopholes in the law. You have two business development options.

Opening a hookah bar in a cafe

If you want to be clean before the law, you must understand that the ban on smoking directly applies to catering establishments. And smoking a hookah is a violation that will entail the imposition of penalties. On the other hand, opening a hookah bar in a room where other services are not offered is an unprofitable business. The only option is to offer your visitors a hookah without the content of nicotine mixtures, for example, fruit, milk, wine and others. Thus, you do not violate the law, customers are satisfied, and you get your profit.

Illegal sale of hookah

Many entrepreneurs take this risky step, because most visitors prefer to smoke a hookah containing tobacco. But it is worth remembering the strict sanctions that can befall you. If you're willing to take the risk, you can try to outsmart the checking services, but we wouldn't recommend that you do so.

Hookah bar business plan

It is rather difficult to answer the question of how much it costs to open a hookah bar. It all depends on many factors that significantly affect the amount of financial investments. On average, you will need from $5,000 to open a hookah bar.

Financial expenses:

  • Gathering all required documents for business registration;
  • Renting a room - the price depends on the area, repairs in the room, as well as its location;
  • Repair in the room. Depending on the condition, you will need to shell out a certain amount of money for repairs so that the room meets all norms and standards;
  • Purchase of equipment and furniture for a hookah bar;
  • Purchase of hookahs and smoking mixtures;
  • Staff salaries;
  • These are the most important and necessary costs, of course, there may be others, it all depends on the format of the institution.

Business registration

In order to legally start your business, you need to register with the relevant authorities.

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the substantive form of activity. You can choose one of two options - this is registration as individual entrepreneur or a legal entity (LLC).

In addition, you should obtain the necessary permits from the fire and sanitary service, a license for the sale of alcohol (in the case of the sale of alcoholic beverages in an institution). In addition, do not forget that the sale of strong alcoholic beverages requires the registration of an LLC, consider this nuance.

The location of the hookah bar

Naturally, the location is important and significantly affects the attendance of the institution. Therefore, with all responsibility, take the choice and design of the premises for a hookah bar.

Decide on the format of the institution

  • Bar hookah. If you have a solid start-up capital, I recommend that you stop at opening a bar. This institution should be opened in a crowded part of the city, preferably in the center or business district. In addition to the basic functions, such as the sale of food and drinks, you can offer your customers an additional service - hookah smoking.
  • Private room with hookah in the restaurant. If the starting capital is small, then you can open a hookah bar by renting a place in a popular catering establishment. It's not easy to do, because it's hard enough to find suitable option but as they say, there are no impossible tasks.

Purchase of equipment

To provide this service, you should not only rent a room, but also purchase the necessary equipment.

Necessary equipment for a hookah bar:

  1. Hookahs (from 10 pieces);
  2. Smoking mixtures, coal, tobacco (if you offer a hookah with nicotine filler);
  3. Replaceable cups, hoses and tubes;
  4. Spare flasks;
  5. Torch, tongs, foil, etc.

Buying equipment is not a very expensive part of a business plan. That's why special costs at this stage you will not incur.

As for the interior and furniture, everything should be tastefully decorated. The environment should be conducive, customers should feel comfortable in the room.

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Workers staff

To work in a bar, you will need to hire a staff whose duties will include customer service. In addition to cooks, waiters, bartenders, you also need to hire professional hookah workers. You should not trust inexperienced specialists to fill the hookah, it is important to find competent employees who understand the technology, features different types tobacco, its aromas and tastes. Believe me, customers are very demanding, because for many, smoking a hookah is not an easy action, but a whole procession in a special atmosphere.

Employees of your institution should be attentive to each client, friendly, hospitable and not intrusive. If you want the institution to be in demand among visitors, then take the choice of staff very responsibly.


An institution of this format should work both during the day and at night. Most customers prefer to visit hookah lounges after the working day, that is, the main flow of customers will be in the evening, somewhere after 18.00. Therefore, in the first half of the day it is worth organizing promotions in order to attract more people and thereby stay in the black.

work weekends and holidays is the most profitable for bars and hookahs, because there are many more customers, so an institution of this type must be open at this time.

Restaurant advertising

We have already discussed main question about how to open a hookah, now it’s worth talking about at least important point- attracting clients.

When compiling a business plan for a hookah bar, it is imperative to take into account the cost of advertising, without which it will be almost impossible to turn the establishment into a highly visited place.

  • Advertising around the city. The most profitable and not too financially expensive option for attracting customers is the distribution flyers with the address of the institution in crowded places in the city.
  • Promotions and discounts. Highly effective method attracting people's attention. Agree, nothing pleases as much as the opportunity to get an additional discount on a service or take part in another profitable promotion. Therefore, I recommend that you arrange a variety of promotions and provide discounts on services to your regular customers.
  • Bright sign. A simple, but nevertheless very competent way to attract the attention of passing people. Therefore, do not neglect this type of advertising, a bright sign that glows at night will surely be appreciated by your customers.

Now you know how to open a hookah from scratch and how much it costs. I hope this article will help you navigate and not make mistakes when opening a hookah bar.