When is it better to install plastic windows in an apartment. Installation of plastic windows in winter: important points and installation features

Modern windows are installed not only to replace old wooden ones, they are often given preference for the construction of new housing as well. What if the process of installing the window unit fell on winter period? Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter, or will this process have to be postponed until spring?

When to mount windows

Of course, it is best to do a leisurely replacement or install in warm time year under normal weather conditions and positive temperatures. But, if the construction of a new house has been delayed, then installation is also possible plastic windows in winter. The same applies to replacing old windows with new ones. There are some positive aspects in this season, but you need to take into account some of the nuances. So is it possible to install plastic windows in winter?

Advantages of winter installation

Windows in our country are a seasonal product. Most consumers are trying to have time to carry out installation in spring- summer period when it's more convenient. Most often, window installation companies during this period work with an increased load, so the owners have to wait longer for the order to be completed.

In winter, the demand for assembly and construction works falls sharply

The installation of windows in winter, on the contrary, gives an advantage in the quality of order fulfillment. Most of the construction work, including the installation of windows, is less in demand during the cold season. At this time, you can find interesting proposals for the manufacture and installation window systems: promotions, discounts and others... In addition, the installers will not be in a hurry, since the schedule is not so tight, which will affect the quality of the installation. These are the main advantages with which you should not be afraid to carry out winter installation of windows.

The nuances of the cold season

It is important to consider at what temperature the installation is carried out. It is forbidden to install plastic windows in winter at rates below -20 degrees... In this case construction foam, which is used as a sealant, will contain a large amount of ice crystals, and the quality of such an installation will be much lower. And after a while, there will be consequences such as freezing and mold.

Also, with too much frost (-15 and below), the seals of the opening windows become less elastic, which can lead to poor-quality adjustment of the sashes.

Seal for PVC windows loses its quality during installation works at temperatures below 15 degrees

If you are planning the winter installation of plastic windows in a new building, then at permissible air temperatures, all work can be carried out without problems.

Another thing is replacement in living quarters. It should be borne in mind that the installation time is 30-40 minutes for each glass unit, and the rooms will cool down at the same time. To do this, in contrast to the summer period, it is necessary to dismantle and change the double-glazed windows in stages.

In winter, after the delivery of double-glazed windows, they need to be kept in the house at room temperature for 24 hours in order for all the elements to warm up. This is done in order to avoid thermal deformations..

Another option winter installation- this is to carry out the so-called warm installation of window systems.

Winter installation technology

Installation of window units in winter is complicated by low temperatures and hanging humidity. It is necessary to somehow level these negative conditions. For this, installers can use two methods of winter installation of double-glazed windows.

The simplest winter installation

As mentioned above, in winter time some nuances must be observed in accordance with the time of the year.

In the cold season, frost-resistant polyurethane foam must be used to seal the joints.
  • Firstly, for sealing it is necessary to use polyurethane foam with frost-resistant components in the composition.
  • Secondly, in the cold season, when foaming joints, a "heat" gun is used. With the help of it, a layer of applied foam is heated from the side of the street. And only then they start filling the gaps with foam from the inside. This is done to fill all voids with a sealant (foam).
  • Third, it is phased installation... That is, having dismantled the old one, a new one is immediately installed, and so in turn, working with each opening.
  • Fourth, the mounting tape is attached in warm conditions. If opportunities permit, then before removing the old ones.
  • And fifthly, hydro and vapor barrier tape(PSUL) during mounting is also warmed up by a "heat" gun.

With the help of a heat gun, the surfaces of the joints and the PSUL tape are heated

This is the most elementary "winter" technology for installing double-glazed windows, without which it is impossible to obtain a high-quality result.

Warm installation

The use of this technology will increase the cost of installing windows, but its use allows you to smooth out the conditions of the winter season.

Warm installation diagram

What does the technology of warm installation of plastic windows provide?

  • Warm installation of windows is a mandatory external sealing of the opening... To protect the installation site, a protective screen is attached to the opening from the street side. A heat shield for window installation keeps the heated air in the room and prevents it from freezing installed double-glazed windows... In addition, this protection will prevent excess moisture from entering.
  • For sealing, as in a conventional winter installation, frost-resistant polyurethane foam is used.
  • Mandatory observance of the internal sealing of the joints between the frame and the opening. Indoors - silicone (sealant that prevents moisture from entering). The middle layer will be polyurethane foam, which serves as a seal and insulation of the joint. Outside, all gaps are covered with waterproof tape.

Installation of windows in winter provides for an algorithm of work similar to the usual one for installation in the warm season:

  • The opening is closed;
  • dismantling of old frames;
  • preparation of the surface of the opening;
  • installation work;
  • finishing of slopes.

The protective shield provides a reliable and quality installation PVC windows in winter

Use of technology warm installation more preferably in winter. A protective screen in combination with materials will provide a better installation without additional risks (destruction of the seal, the appearance of mold and mildew) in any type of building (brick, panel or block house)... In addition, the use of triple protection for warm installation will increase the tightness, which will reduce heating costs.

Additional work

A prerequisite for high-quality installation both in winter and in summer will be the finishing of the slopes of the window opening following the installation.

Why do we need this additional work? The main function of finishing slopes is to protect the gaps between the window and the opening from temperature extremes and moisture. Foam is an excellent sealant and insulation, but is very sensitive to UV rays and moisture. If you do not close the gaps, after a month the seal layer will lose its properties, and by spring it will begin to collapse.

It is better to finish the slopes of the window opening with insulation

After installation, finishing works are underway. It is best to make the slopes warm, that is, with an additional layer of insulation (foam, mineral wool) ... In the schematic drawing, you can see one of the options for insulating an internal opening. These are not very high costs. But in this way the thermal insulation of the window will be improved.

How high-quality installation

How to understand that the windows were installed without breaking the technology?

  • The glass unit does not fog up and does not freeze.
  • There are no drafts from under the frame or sash. When installing windows, they are regulated and set to seasonal settings. You can check for a draft by holding a lighted match or lighter to the window. If the light does not hesitate and does not go out, then the sealing is correct.
  • The sash opens easily without the use of significant efforts, the same applies to the transition to the ventilation mode.
  • When opening or pressing on the frame, there is no backlash of the entire system.
  • There should be no gaps between the profile and the window opening.
  • All joints with ebbs and window sills are thoroughly siliconized.

The installer is obliged to check the quality of work and provide warranty service for double-glazed windows

Also, during operation over a significant period of time (several seasons), the frame should not sag and loosen in the opening. And all the accessories work correctly, without jamming and failures. If there are violations from those listed in the list, then you need to contact the company installer... Usually all manufacturers and installers give a service guarantee and such defects are eliminated free of charge.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter is yes, but taking into account some nuances. One of them is compliance temperature regime... Installation of PVC windows in winter is a more demanding process in terms of technology, but it is possible, just like in summer. In addition, correctly installed plastic double-glazed windows will significantly reduce heating costs.

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This question is asked by many who make repairs, or are just planning to do it. Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter, and what is it, installation of windows in winter, when is it better to order windows. I will try to talk about all this today.

So, when is the best time to change windows Installation of plastic windows in the winter season is technically practically no different from installation in the summer, although many argue the opposite, and see this as only one drawback, but in vain.


A large number of companies offer big discounts for the installation of windows in winter. All this is connected not with problems in installing windows in the cold season, but with the traditional decline in consumer activity, few people change windows in winter, so there are few customers. Of course, it is more convenient to change windows in the summer, and all repairs should be carried out in warm weather, but in the summer it is an expensive undertaking, and in summer no one usually has no money, everything goes to vacations and summer cottages.

In winter, you can save a lot of money, and all sorts of New Year's bonuses and 13 salaries will come in handy. Almost all firms offer New Year's discounts, and indeed, since there are few buyers in winter, prices are accordingly reduced in order for the firm to somehow stay afloat. I think this is the first and good answer to the question: what time of year is it better to install plastic windows and when is it better to order windows.


Installation of windows in winter allows you to quickly identify all the flaws in the installation. Poorly glued seams, will immediately begin to skip cold air, and you can instantly notice it and react quickly. If the installers have poorly carried out the thermal insulation, then condensation and ice will instantly begin to form on the frames. If you put the same window in the summer, then you will hardly see a poorly sealed seam, and then in winter go find these installers and try to prove something.

As for the quality of installation and manufacture of the window, in winter, your window will be given maximum time than in summer. This is due to the fact that in winter the craftsmen are not so busy, and they have a lot of free time, there is no rush as in the summer, so you can be sure that your window will be made much better, paying more attention to every little thing.

In the summer, the procedure for manufacturing and installing a window will be standard and one can say in-line, therefore errors and shortcomings in work are likely, everyone is in a hurry, so think for yourself what time of year it is better to install plastic windows.

Here are two of the most compelling reasons for installing windows in winter, and now think for yourself, when is it better to change windows and when is it better to order windows, and is it possible to put plastic windows in winter.

This is not an idle question. Why freeze until the end of winter, when you can change the window right in the cold, and enjoy the rest of the cold season in the absence of drafts in the apartment? Considering that the cost of installing plastic windows in winter is usually lower (there are fewer orders), and you will have to wait less for their production (for the same reason).

But will the window be installed as well as in the warm season? After all, the installation is associated with the use polyurethane foam, sealant and others chemical substances, which can become fragile in the cold, and their service life will be greatly reduced from this.

As the installers joke, when installing plastic windows in winter, all installation errors are visible immediately: the installers have not left yet, but it is already blowing out of the window.

Features of installation of plastic windows in winter

It is possible to install windows in winter, this is allowed by both GOST and the rules of window manufacturers, you just need to follow some rules.

First, after being delivered by a cold machine, the window must stand indoors and warm up to room temperature... The fact is that in the cold the plastic shrinks a little, and the installed cold window after heating from the room can strongly "lead".

Is it dangerous to cool the apartment during installation?

It is clear that at the moment when the old window has already been removed, and the new one has not yet been installed, it will intensively leave the apartment warm air... Many homeowners are afraid of expensive apartment renovations, as materials for interior decoration usually not designed for operation in subzero temperatures.

However, there will be no minus temperature in the room. The fact is that the opening will remain open for no more than half an hour, and even then, at the request of the customer, it can be closed with a film. And then a plastic window will be put in place, and it will only blow in the narrow slots on the sides of the window until foaming. In practice, the room temperature drops by no more than 10 degrees.

However, things that are especially capricious to temperature changes and houseplants it is better to move to a warm room during installation.

Quality of winter installation of windows

As in the summer period, the result depends mainly on the experience of the installers and compliance with the installation technology.

The order of work for the winter installation of windows is as follows:

  • Dismantling old windows
  • Preparation of a window opening, cleaning it about snow, ice, and heating the opening with construction hair dryers. The latter is necessary for better adhesion of PSUL (pre-compressed self-expanding sealing tape) and polyurethane foam to the surface. "
  • Installation of a window frame in the opening. Everything is done, of course, according to the level, the skewing of the window is unacceptable.
  • Foaming the window around the perimeter. A special winter foam is used.
  • On the day of installation, it is immediately necessary to install and insulate the internal slopes.
  • The window sill is immediately installed on the foam, pressed with special weights or cans of water.
  • It remains only to install all the fittings and adjust the operation of the window. As mentioned earlier, this should be done at temperatures up to -15 degrees.

How to determine if it is blowing out of plastic windows?

The flap tightness test is very simple - you need to pinch a sheet of paper with the flap and drag it. If the fit of the sash is good, the sheet will break, it will not be possible to pull it out. Each sash must be checked in this way on four sides.

An even easier way to determine blowing is by external signs. If you open the sash wide and find dust deposits on the inside of the frame (rebate), then the window is not tight enough. In this case, it is worth urgently calling a specialist for repair work.

So, the winter installation of plastic windows is quite acceptable, and even beneficial for the customer. control over the quality of work is required regardless of the season. The customer does not need to take special measures to protect the apartment from frost.

More on the topic:

What to consider when choosing plastic windows - expert advice

There are many opinions about whether windows can be installed in winter. Some say that it is possible, but only at positive temperatures. Others say no - you can't categorically. Still others, on the contrary, argue that it is better to install it in winter, since you can immediately notice defects in the installation and adjustment of the fittings.

What are the worries about the winter installation of windows based on? Let's figure it out. There are several factors that make the winter installation of windows relevant. For example, clients often want to replace windows just when it gets colder, but they can't always do it in the fall. Another option is a house under construction, when you urgently need to put windows in order to "close the perimeter", turn on the heating and start finishing work in winter. In addition, window firms want to ensure the workload of production and assembly teams in the cold season, and therefore in winter they often make good discounts on their products.

And then the question arises: at what temperature can plastic windows be installed? Windowers I know call different numbers. A former window installer from Novosibirsk (now a technologist of a large Moscow company) claims that in calm weather, with all the precautions, you can work up to -25 degrees. And no less competent Moscow specialist does not recommend installation if the thermometer has dropped below –10.

Problems of winter installation of windows

Many fear that when replacing windows with low temperatures freezing of the room and damage to heating systems will occur. In addition, the most common windows today are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or, as we say, plastic windows. And PVC becomes brittle at low temperatures, there is a danger of cracking due to mechanical impact on the structure during installation. Polyurethane foam, which is most often used as filling the assembly joints of a window block with an opening, requires water vapor for polymerization, which is very small in the air in winter (there are a lot in summer). And at lower temperatures, the foam can freeze before it cures. It seems that the answer to the question "when is it better to install plastic windows: in winter or summer" is unambiguous - it is better to install windows in the warm season. Not certainly in that way.
Yes, modern sealed windows came to us from warm enough European countries. But we live in a country with a harsh climate - look at the temperature reports below.

In such conditions, one must look at things realistically. If there is a construction task for winter installation, install it in winter. But to look for compromise solutions that allow in winter to bring the installation conditions closer to summer mode... What can they be?

Problem 1. Freezing of a house or apartment

This is a myth about “when is the best time to install windows”. Qualified and experienced installers organize the process in such a way that the window opening remains very a short time(20 to 50 minutes). During this time, only the air is cooled in the room, the walls cannot freeze through.
Of course, in winter, unlike in summer, certain measures must be taken: not all windows should be installed at once, but one at a time. different rooms... During installation, keep the door to the corridor closed so that the thermal draft in the exhaust ducts draws less cold air into the room. In addition, it is better to install windows in calm weather.

Avoiding inconvenience - heat shields

And yet, at what temperature can plastic windows be installed in order for the installation to be of high quality, and for the specialists to work comfortably? It turns out, almost any. In situations where the temperature is low and the weather is windy, and the customer is afraid of inconveniences during installation, special protective screens are used, making the installation of windows quite convenient in winter. On the Internet, you can easily find videos detailing the installation and use of such screens.
Fact: Assemblers are resourceful people. If it is not possible to purchase a professional heat shield, various home-made screens and curtains made of film materials are used. And their quality is sometimes not inferior to industrial ones.

Problem 2. Embrittlement of PVC profiles

This problem is also being addressed. Frozen in the warehouse and during transportation window blocks the day is kept in a warm room. In addition, when using thermal screens, the windows are already in the warm zone during installation. If you need to install windows in a frozen country house, a new building, the openings before installation are covered with a film and with the help of heat guns the room is heated to above-zero temperatures.

Problem 3. Freezing of polyurethane foam

Competent installers warm the foam in a water bath before use or simply leave it in a warm room overnight. To speed up the polymerization process, they are heated before applying the foam. window slopes hair dryers, the foam itself is applied in two approaches, special tapes PSUL (pre-compressed self-expanding sealing tape) are used for primary sealing, the surface of the slopes is wetted before applying the foam, etc. A special "winter foam" is also produced, which, according to the manufacturers, can be used up to -15 degrees (the usual "summer" - up to +5 degrees).
Fact: The quality of window installation in winter (and not only) directly depends on the professionalism of the installers. And the winter installation of windows has its advantages: due to the lower workload of window companies, you can get not only good discounts, but also more competent installers for your facility.

Installing windows is not enough - you need to save them

And in moderate frosts, in compliance with all the rules, the competent installers of the window installed, adjusted, you signed the acceptance certificate. Now what? In the case of an ordinary inhabited apartment, everything is simple: minimally damaged wallpaper can be carefully glued, calmly wait for summer and make cosmetic repairs.
It is worse when it is a new building, where, with the involvement of "specialists" from the post-Soviet space, they make "European-quality repairs". It has already become a bad habit to start such repairs with the replacement of windows. What is the threat?
1. Often, builders throw out construction waste through the open sash, and by the time the work is completed, the fittings are clogged with cement and brick dust. When you try to close the sashes, you can easily damage their fittings.
2. Carrying out "wet" construction and finishing works(screeds, brick partitions, wallpaper sticker, use of paints on water based etc.) lead to dramatic increase air humidity and, accordingly, condensation on slopes and window structures. Moreover, this can last for months, and the workers refuse to do even elementary ventilation to reduce the humidity of the air, because "they are blowing" and "the wallpaper is warped."
The situation is even worse at large facilities, where internal construction and finishing work can continue for more than one winter. These photographs show "dead" windows from Sweden. It was no longer possible to repair them, and had to be changed. The object is an elite residential building in the center of Moscow.
Conclusion: It is not necessary to start repairs by replacing windows. If windows made of PVC and "warm aluminum" can still be washed and cleaned at the end of finishing work, then "euro-windows" made of wood, combined wood-aluminum and aluminum-wood windows can receive irreversible damage. The same applies to window sills made of plastic and wood: they sometimes extinguish the "bulls" and walk on them in dirty boots. Otherwise, condensation on glass and mold on the slopes will not be long in coming.
Advice: If you have a long period of internal construction and finishing work, including in winter, the window openings must be closed with "ersatz windows" (frames made of wooden bars, covered in two layers plastic wrap). This is exactly what they did during the construction of this house in St. Petersburg (pictured). After the end of the dirty and "wet" work, the "ersatz windows" will be replaced with normal ones.

Our specialists are often asked the question: "When is it better to change windows, in winter or summer?" We answer: most often this question directly depends on when the repair or construction work is planned. They are often scheduled from March to November.

But there are also benefits to ordering windows in winter. In order to make it easier for you to decide when to change windows, I will give the advantages and disadvantages of ordering and installing plastic windows in the warm and cold seasons.

Replacing windows in summer

Let's say you've started a renovation. Replacing windows is one of its first stages, and that's all. further work(for example, finishing slopes and walls) is best done in the warm season. In the summer, you can safely open the windows and dry the room faster. Therefore, most residents of the Russian Federation seek to replace windows before the onset of cold weather.

That is why summer is a real boom for those who want to change the windows in the apartment. We accept most orders from August to October, and due to the high production load, the terms may change.

Window replacement in winter

Oddly enough, the advantages of replacing PVC windows in winter are much greater than in summer.

  • In cold weather, all the shortcomings of the room are immediately visible: blowing, freezing and other shortcomings of walls and structures. This eliminates most of these disadvantages when replacing windows in winter.
  • The disadvantage of replacing windows in summer leads to the advantage of installing in winter: you can be sure that your order will be given more time compared to summer and autumn orders.
  • Another nice bonus: in winter, many companies (including Kaleva) often hold holiday promotions and make discounts. Therefore, in December-January, it is possible to change the windows in the apartment with an additional benefit.

There is perhaps only one drawback to replacing windows in winter. It is difficult to install windows in frost below -25 ° C. Therefore, at negative temperatures you have to use special polyurethane foam.

Another drawback is more likely to be classified as myths. It is about cooling the room at the time of installation. It is worth dwelling on it in a little more detail.

In the process of replacing the window, the opening remains open for no more than 40 minutes, so the temperature in the room will recover in a maximum of a couple of hours. Often, the temperature in the room is restored even before the end of all installation and finishing work. So you should not be afraid to freeze during window replacement.

When is the best time to change windows?

When is the best time to change windows, in summer and winter, it's up to you. Personally, I recommend changing the windows in the apartment in winter. Then you do not have to wait for the onset of cold weather to understand whether the windows are well installed.

If you decide to change windows in winter, you should consider thermal insulation. The best option- which protects the house from the cold twice as efficiently as a conventional double-glazed unit.

I also advise you to our blog, in which we publish useful articles about plastic windows every week.
