Multilevel landscape. Multi-level plot landscaping Landscape design with different levels

Landscaping of territories with complex terrain is carried out in such a way as to rationally use their entire area. They have great potential and are often more picturesque than flat areas. The company "Grintek" performs landscape design, decoration, gardening for areas with complex terrain.

At the first stage, the site is assessed, topographic survey is performed, drawings are prepared with the actual location of the boundaries, capital buildings, and valuable plants. Be sure to remove the relief, mark the heights. With their large differences, the composition and structure of the soil are evaluated. This is important in order to exclude its displacement, the formation of ravines, and to optimally plan the location of landscaping facilities on the territory.

For areas with difficult terrain, surveys are very important. They become the basis for future design, help to assess the amount of work to be done. Precise definition soil characteristics, groundwater level, insolation regime, wind loads is important for correct placement recreation areas, decorative compositions, open areas, small architectural forms.

How is the design done?

With multi-level relief Special attention given to vertical planning. When developing a project, it is planned to carry out work on profiling or strengthening the soil. Individual irregularities can be smoothed out if they interfere. With a large difference in height, it is possible using retaining walls, planting plants, root systems which will protect the soil from displacement, the creation of reservoirs for collecting perched water, the use of geotextile materials, geogrids to protect against soil slippage.

The horizontal and vertical planning of the territory is carried out first. They determine where recreation areas, flower beds and flower beds, a garden, a kitchen garden, an economic zone will be located, where the front zone will be located, what elements it will consist of. At the same stage, paths are laid on the drawings, boundaries, lawns are indicated.

Separately plan engineering training site. It involves the device of drainage and lowering the level of groundwater to protect against flooding, from waterlogging of the soil. For difficult areas, soil strengthening technologies are additionally applied. Project documentation determines where the cables will pass for, pipelines for the automatic irrigation system. All these elements should not interfere with existing and planned communications.

Preliminary design defines how the site will look after completion of work. Its design should be consistent with the architecture of the buildings, with the appointment of separate zones on the site. Based on the agreed sketches, a dendroplan (landscaping project) is developed, design requirements individual elements improvement (platforms, paths, MAF, street lighting, flower beds and flower beds, hedges, etc.).

Features of the improvement of a multi-level site

Due to the difficult terrain, the use of special equipment is not possible in all cases, but almost always large-scale excavation profiling is carried out by excavators. If the ground is unstable and it is not safe to use heavy equipment, it may be possible to strengthen it or carry out work by hand.

The exact set of works is determined by how the territory will be organized. For multi-level sections, the following is additionally performed:

  • installation of massive retaining walls. These are structures with their own foundations. The main part is vertical, with a rectangular or trapezoidal section. It works as a "barrier", keeps the soil located above it, protects it from slipping;
  • terrace arrangement. The organization of the relief, in which the slope is replaced by extended "steps", terraces. The surface of each of them is horizontal and is used as a separate zone for landscaping, gardening or as an element of a multi-tiered decorative design slope. With a large slope, with unstable ground, the terraces are strengthened, protected from collapse;
  • laying of geogrids. They are used to protect the upper, fertile soil layer, to strengthen it. These are polymeric tapes, which are interconnected in such a way as to obtain a voluminous and fairly rigid frame of cells. They are laid at a shallow depth, filled with soil;
  • organization of drainage and . On multi-level sites with slopes, runoff is washed out fertile soil, can provoke the formation of ravines, swamping of lowlands. To avoid this, they organize drainage to lower the level of groundwater (the soil becomes more stable) and a storm sewer that drains thawed, rain water, top water;
  • leveling, backfilling. Helps smooth out small bumps. It is carried out only after surveys: changing the relief should not worsen the conditions on the site;
  • stair arrangement. They are placed in gaps in retaining walls, on slopes, along the line of footpaths with a large elevation difference to move around the territory. The engineers of the "Grintek" company recommend additionally highlighting the stairs so that they remain safe even at night.

Nature does not have bad reliefs, everything is harmonious and original in it. It is believed that if you got a plot with a slope, then this is not good. But this is not a reason to be upset - this is an occasion to think about how to turn his shortcomings into virtues. We will build a house at the top of the site, decorate the middle with terraces, in the lowland under the slope - the best place for a small reservoir. Many flat land owners artificially create hills and lowlands to embody exquisite design ideas. After all, uneven terrain is a huge field for creativity, the main thing is not to be afraid and roll up your sleeves.

Improvement of the sloping site will require serious both material and physical costs. But as a result, you will get a unique, stunningly beautiful and expressive landscape of the estate, prompted by nature itself.

First you need, the direction of water flow, the composition of the soil, the orientation of the slope in relation to the cardinal points. The next step will be planning a place for future buildings and recreation areas. It is better to entrust the design and all calculations for a site with a particularly difficult terrain to specialists, and a slight slope will make it possible to do all the work yourself.

Experts will help evaluate the site from an engineering and architectural point of view, suggest how best to adapt an uneven site to the desired operating conditions.

In the process of planning a site on a slope, it is necessary to take into account several characteristic features of such a relief.

  • On the slopes, the soil is highly susceptible to various natural and climatic influences (snow, rain, wind, and others), which can cause its erosion or creep.
  • In different parts of the slope, the microclimate will be different. The lower part is characterized by a slightly lower temperature, accumulation of moisture, and some stagnation of air masses. And the top of the slope is exposed to the strong influence of the sun and winds, so the land there quickly dries up.
  • The orientation of the slope relative to parts of the world should be taken into account. The southern slope will always be sunny and the plants will need additional watering, while the northern one will be shady and humid.
  • When starting work on the improvement of a “difficult” site, it is necessary to carefully consider the geoplastics of the soil. Where it is possible to level the relief as much as possible, removing part of the soil layer in one place and pouring it in another. Sometimes it may be necessary to additionally fill the area. This is due to the drainage and uplift of wet lowland soils or the formation of planes.

How to fill the site or its parts depends on the further use of the territory and the tasks set. So, to strengthen the soil for construction, to level depressions, to form terraces (if there is a shortage of own soil), it can be used in the lower layer construction garbage(broken brick and concrete), crushed stone or gravel for the middle layer. In damp wet places with loved ones groundwater, in addition to the listed materials, sand is also used. The dumped area or part of it from above must be covered with a layer fertile land(for landscaping, the soil layer should be thicker).

The first priority is to avoid ground displacement. You can leave the natural slope, leveling its relief and strengthening. Another option is terracing a site on a slope. Most often, these options are combined.

Slope strengthening

If the slope of the site is small, then various plants with a highly branched root system can be used to strengthen it. These are dwarf species of common spruce, mountain pine, creeping junipers, cross-pair microbiota, cypress, hornbeam, hazel, willow, euonymus, snowberry, hawthorn, shadberry, barberry, Russian broom, golden currant, white deren, which you can learn more about. And fast-growing cornflowers, clover, bluegrass, fescue, buttercups, daisies will not only help strengthen the sloping site, but also create a beautiful Moorish lawn on it.

And what to do with strong slopes? Use geotextiles, geogrids, geogrids, geomats. These materials are high-strength, resistant to sunlight and aggressive environments, have a long service life, do not harm environment. They are laid on a slope, then covered with soil. And plants planted on top will enhance the bonding effect of these materials.

A strongly sloping area should also be strengthened with the help of terraces.


Reliable strengthening of the slope is the creation of horizontal "steps" - terraces over its entire surface. You should not make them long and straight, it is much more beautiful and practical when they are different in shape and size. The advantage of terraces is that they provide a horizontal plane for arranging recreation areas, gazebos, and lawns. On the terraces, you can plant fruit trees or break garden beds. Each "step" of the tier should be designed differently, which will make the landscape design on the slope especially interesting.

You can arrange the terraces in any order, showing creative imagination. Their size will depend on the intended use. Each terrace is secured by a vertical retaining wall. The walls can be different in shape, but it is better to form them with ribbon-like bends that repeat the natural relief. This will make the whole structure more durable, bring harmony to the overall landscape.

The technology and materials for the construction of retaining walls are selected depending on the height of the ledge and the overall landscape design of the uneven area.

If the height of the tiers is very small, up to 50 cm, then you can use a simple masonry without a cement binder, and in the gaps between the stones are placed the seeds of perennial herbaceous plants which, sprouting, strengthen and decorate the wall.

For creating high retaining walls, as well as when placed on a terrace building objects(house, outbuildings) use concreting, as well as foundation blocks and plates. The ennoblement of such walls is carried out with the help of various materials matching the style.

Widely used in retaining walls masonry made of natural stone or brick, bonded cement mortar.

Gaining popularity in landscape construction gabions. These are mesh frames made of metal wire filled with natural stone. They are practical, easy to use, durable, decorative. It is easy to create retaining walls of any configuration from them. The production of such blocks is not very difficult. Sometimes inside the grid, stones are mixed with soil, and then seeds are laid there. ornamental plants. In gabions, you can use any stone or even some other material. In addition, they are easily integrated into almost any landscaping site with a slope.

The use of timber in strengthening retaining walls gives the site a certain flavor, looks very decorative. However, one should take into account the fragility of wood under various natural influences. Careful processing by special means protection will shortly extend the service life.

If the retaining walls are high, and are also built on loose, moving soil, then they must necessarily have good foundation. For low walls (up to 1 m), a crushed stone or gravel cushion (20-40 cm) is sufficient at the base.

A retaining wall of any material should be backfilled with fine gravel and have a small pipe at the bottom to drain water.

Slope drainage systems

The suburban area on the slope is most susceptible to soil erosion due to heavy rains and spring floods. Water is also destructive to retaining walls. In the rainy season, the bottom of the slope will be excessively wet and damp. Therefore, during the formation of terraces and the construction of retaining walls, it is worth taking care of drainage. This can be a simple drainage consisting of various water-permeable layers (broken brick, fine gravel, coarse sand, and others) or a complex system using plastic drainage pipes and filtration holes. In parallel with the drainage, the irrigation system is also arranged.

The drainage system may be closed or open. Closed will save space, and open will become an element of decor. The water running down the open decorative gutters can, on some ledge, turn into a small waterfall or form at the bottom of the slope decorative pond. More practical owners can arrange the collection of water in special containers on the site, from which they can then carry out automatic watering.

It doesn’t matter which one you choose, the main thing is that the drainage system is done correctly, taking into account the features of the relief and the direction of water flows.

The owners of suburban areas are trying to equip the territory so that it is comfortable and beautiful. More and more beds ...

Walkways and steps

Landscape design of a site on a slope cannot do without paths and steps. They serve for convenient movement around the territory and combine the terraces into a harmonious composition.

Paths are arranged on a relatively flat surface. Winding in a variety of ways, the paths will visually smooth out the steepness of the slope. And twisted by a serpentine, on the contrary, will emphasize differences in heights.

For harmonious integration into the overall landscape, stairs can be curvilinear or radius. Long flights of stairs should be interrupted by rest areas where a bench or decorative ornament. An interesting solution is when the staircase changes its direction from such a platform.

It is desirable that the paths and stairs are equal in width, and also made of the same or matching materials. It can be stone, wood, concrete, tile.

Equipping stairs, the main thing is not to forget about safety. Steps should be non-slip, not steep and fairly wide. With a strong slope, the installation of railings is mandatory. Lighting is very important. Decorative lanterns and lighting should serve not only to decorate the landscape, but also to ensure the safety of movement.

Rules for landscape design on a site with a slope

landscape design suburban area on the slope has a number of features. The location of the zones should be carried out taking into account each specific relief.

Most often, the house and outbuildings are located in the upper part of the slope. This is a more convenient option, since the entrance to the estate is nearby, and the spring melt waters do not cause inconvenience. Tall trees are always planted at the top of the slope. The house, built at the bottom of the slope, is decorated using low-growing trees and various shrubs. In both options, it is important that the plants do not cover the building.

If you want to visually smooth out the difference in heights, then the most tall plants, and closer to the top - undersized.

The selection of plants will directly depend on the location of the slope relative to parts of the world.

For the south, sun-loving drought-resistant plants are suitable. For example, maples, hawthorn, barberry, junipers, mountain pine, shadberry, shrub caragana, St. John's wort, spirea, lilac.

Various rocky gardens (rockeries, rock gardens, alpine hills) are perfectly located on the southern and southwestern slopes. They will be decorated with cute ground cover and undersized plants. For example, arabis, thyme, yaskolka, evening primrose, catnip, stonecrop, monetized loosestrife, woolly stakhis, grass, perennial phlox. Lush fescue pillows, carnations and beauty will add charm. ground cover rose. And the tie and pachysandra will cover the slope with a dense green carpet and strengthen it.

On the western slope, bulbous primroses, as well as irises, echinacea, mallow, and alyssum will comfortably fit. East is suitable for dicentra, astilbe, bergenia, aquilegia.

The northern slope is the most problematic, it is shady, humid, not very warm. On such a plot, you can plant dwarf conifers, pea-bearing cypress, hazel, euonymus, snowberry, fieldfare. In the spring, primrose, lungwort, anemone will please with flowering, then astilba, volzhanka, geranium, aconite, rogersia will pick up the baton. You can also pick up shade-tolerant ground cover plants, for example, periwinkle, saxifrage, duchenea, tenacity.

In a lowland, a small decorative pond will ideally fit. The loosestrife, astilbe, meadowsweet, miscanthus, hosts, marsh geranium, swimsuit, brunner, and various ferns will help to ennoble its shores.

On one of the upper terraces, you can equip a recreation area, so it will be nice to relax, admiring the panoramic view of the entire site. If you prefer privacy, then create a recreation area below, so that on a hot summer day you can read an interesting book in silence and coolness.

Terraces will give you the opportunity to show all your creative imagination. For improvement, you can use various design directions. The most successful will alpine garden in the style of a chalet or rustic landscape (natural) style.

We have considered the basic principles of planning and design of a territory with sloping terrain. Now you know how to make your "difficult" site with a slope comfortable, beautiful and original. Despite the sufficient laboriousness of the process, the result obtained will more than pay for all the difficulties. You will get much more than a banal rectangle of the earth.

Home→Helpful→Garden & Park Design→ Multi-Level Plot Design

A multi-level plot at first glance may not seem very attractive to owners. However, this perception is widespread because most simply do not know how great the resources of such land are. Rugged terrain, slopes, hills, ravines are usually much more picturesque corners compared to the dull and smooth plain.

If you are not afraid of the fact that on such a site you will have to invest a little more in landscaping and landscaping, both financially and in time, and at the same time you like non-standard solutions and attractive views, then this option is definitely for you.

What to consider when landscape designing a multi-level site?

Such sites are difficult to design - in the work on them you can not do without the help of professionals from the landscape design studio "Grintek-landscaping" (Grintek-landscaping, Moscow).

Moscow). Preparation for the start of work should be very thorough, because the relief area highlights all miscalculations like a litmus test. it back side the fact that it is the areas on the slopes and hilly areas that have every chance of becoming a real work of art in the hands of a competent specialist. First and most important condition success - right choice contractor.

In the landscape design of a multi-level site, the following factors come to the fore:

  • terrain.

    A multi-level relief can be very diverse: a gentle or steep slope, a depression with slopes around the circumference, a hilly surface, an area with a ravine, a combination of the above options, etc. Design decision will be built on the basis of an analysis of all the properties of a particular site, and they are always absolutely unique for such objects.

  • Soil quality. This factor plays a special role due to the fact that some types of soil have a greater tendency to slip from slopes, some less.

    So its study will be a decisive factor in the choice of options for strengthening the slopes. It is also necessary to accurately determine the quality of the soil, the presence of moisture in it in the lowlands and on the hills. This information is necessary for planning the planting of trees (especially large trees) and other plants.

  • Orientation of the site to the cardinal points. For a site with a complex relief, this factor becomes decisive in further design.

    It will always be sunny on the southern and southwestern slopes, heat-loving plants will feel great here. On the north and northeast side, you can’t get away from the feeling of lack of light, but coolness will reign here, so necessary in hot, dry periods. The well-thought-out arrangement of objects on the site with a combination of slopes, lowlands and hills will allow the owners to feel as comfortable as possible and grow plants with different climatic preferences.

  • Availability of facilities.

    If the site already has outbuildings, a house, gazebos, terraces, ponds, etc., then it will be necessary to make a decision on their preservation, transfer or demolition.

    For example, perhaps at the lowest point of your site, on the side of the northern slope, is located artificial pond, inherited from the old owners. On the one hand, such a decision seems logical, since water in nature always accumulates in lowlands. However, an experienced designer of the company "Grintek-landscaping" will tell you that the pond is personal plot is a place for relaxation.

    It should be nice to relax here, look at water surface, enjoy the splash of the jets of the fountain or the cascades of the waterfall. In the lowlands, the water will only attract many insects, create excess moisture and make staying in the immediate vicinity of the pond unbearable. In this case, the decision to move the old or equip a new reservoir will be very reasonable.

Features of working with soil on a multi-level plot

As you know, the soil tends to slide down from inclined surfaces.

The fertile layer comes off, exposing the clay underneath and the roots of the plants. This process also leads to many fatal consequences, for example, if it affects the soil under the house, the building may crack.

In this regard, the first stage of direct work on the transformation of the site is the strengthening of the soil, or geoplastics.

Multi-level garden: planning features

The main techniques in this work is the construction of retaining walls, which strengthen and redistribute the soil. At this stage, the site is divided into functional zones, it is planned where the observation platforms will be located.

To prevent the soil from slipping, it is also necessary to strengthen the strength of the top layer. One of effective ways- geogrids, which are polymer tapes connected to each other in a checkerboard pattern, resulting in a cellular formation that prevents the soil from moving.

Another option to restrain the descent of the earth is to strengthen the soil with plants.

To do this, planting shrubs at a distance of about five meters from each other will be useful. These may be berry crops, like currants, gooseberries, cherry plums, etc., or magnificently flowering bushes acacia, hawthorn, lilac, weigella, forsythia, etc. They are surrounded by strong borders, and the free space is sown with clover.

It is important to separately take care of the soil in the areas intended for the project for the garden and flower crops.

It is necessary to take into account the features of drainage, irrigation and active soil erosion in uneven areas. Water will accumulate in the lowlands - additional drainage will be needed here. Water will drain very quickly from slopes and hills, so intensive watering will be required here. But even under this condition, drought-resistant plants must be selected for such places.

Decoration of the relief territory

Landscape design on multi-level plots is possible in almost any way, but at the same time, objects such as stairs, bridges, ponds with cascading waterfalls, alpine slides, terraces in such areas are almost indispensable and look much more profitable and organic than in other conditions.

The main decorative emphasis is on terraces reinforced with retaining walls.

They are specially equipped flat areas on a slope, which are prevented from crumbling by retaining walls made of concrete. The decorative resource is the paving of terraces and wall cladding. The most common materials for these purposes are natural stone, its imitation, brick, tile, wood. Beautiful garden furniture, swings, hearths with live fire, sculpture and flower beds in flowerpots will make magnificent recreation areas out of such sites.

Another important point- Deciding how to move around the site.

The most popular option is the stairs. The material for these structures usually repeats the material of the terraces. In areas where the differences between the levels are not too large, the connection of functional areas can be carried out using tracks with different angle slope.

In choosing the main decorative elements determining is the individual character of the site.

For example, if it is completely located on a slope, then it would be logical to choose a waterfall from water bodies. If, on the whole, the site is flat, but on some part of it there is a hill, then it is quite possible to afford an ordinary pond in a well-lit place, and use the resources of the hill for planting shrubs, fruit trees, arranging a gazebo or a house (depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hill).

Lands with ravines are very difficult to develop, as the ravine tends to grow.

But if you still find the courage to take on such a site, you will get a view unsurpassed in terms of picturesque properties.

According to the designers of the Moscow company "Grintek-landscaping", eco-style is perfect for such places. Large sizes coniferous trees and forest shrubs will strengthen the soil, a fast forest stream will give dynamics to the landscape, flower beds from shade-loving plants decorate the slopes, and all this together will create the atmosphere of a primeval Russian forest.

Special offers:
1. Prices are reduced by 20% for all planting material!

There is an opinion that a plot with a different level of height is a disadvantage, but this is not at all the case - the difference in the heights of the garden is rather a highlight and allows you to translate the most incredible ideas of landscape design into reality.

When creating a landscape project, all plants, buildings, paths, a recreation area must certainly be linked into a single composition. Everything should be designed to the smallest detail, as even the slightest flaws will immediately catch the eye.

Soil strengthening

The choice of ideas for landscape design directly depends on the relief and the condition of the site. For multi-level surfaces, professionals advise using geoplastic techniques, which consist in the development of the design and arrangement of retaining walls, which perform the functions of strengthening and redistributing the soil.

Geoplastics allows you to divide the site into separate zones, design an observation platform, or plan the construction of additional relief zones.

To enhance the strength of the upper sloping soil layer, such an engineering technique as geogrids is used - these are polymeric tapes fixed to each other in a checkerboard pattern, which create a cellular structure that provides effective soil strengthening.

Layout features

Choice appearance multi-level garden completely depend on your preferences.

Perhaps you want to equip a traditional garden with a spacious lawn and a courtyard for children to play, or you want to maximize the beauty of nature and arrange a garden, for example, in the Japanese style.

Basically, when planning a garden, they try to combine business with pleasure, but the final result depends on your imagination and desires.

Having created a project for a summer cottage, it is necessary to take into account some objective limitations.

Secondly, it is important to consider factors such as:

  • type and topography of the soil;
  • the location of the site and the presence of structures in it;
  • the climate of the area.

For example, you want your living room to have a view of a beautiful decorative pond, but it is preferable to place it in the sunniest place, where it would be nice to have a place to relax. In this case, you will have to choose or combine.

In addition, from natural conditions depends on the choice of plants. In sunny places, many of their species will be able to grow, and not every flower or bush will survive in the shade.

When arranging a multi-level garden, give free rein to your imagination, the main thing is that there are contrasts in everything. In such a garden, landscape stairs, streams, waterfalls, terraces, stone flower beds will look great. Garden structures are located closer to the house, located at the very top of the site. Combine various buildings into complexes.

When planning a site, a rule is used called " golden ratio”, namely, 3 parts of the square are equipped with flowers, bushes, 5 - paths, alpine slides, rottarium, fountains, etc., 8 - lawns (3:5:8). With such a layout, the garden will look harmonious.

In a private garden, there must be some small detail that will become the highlight of the garden, and will certainly immediately attract attention. An elegant fountain can become such a detail, sundial or exotic plant. Whatever it is, the main thing is that this zest is fully consistent with the style of the garden.

Land terracing

Markup and preparation

When arranging a multi-level garden at the very beginning, it is important to determine how many terraces the sloping relief can be divided into. If it is a small slope, then 2-3 levels will be enough.

You should also calculate the length and height of the slope. To do this, you need to drive in two poles at the top of the slope and at the foot, between which pull the rope horizontally using a level. The distance from the rope to the stick located at the top of the slope will be equal to its height, and the length of the horizontal cord will be equal to the length of the slope. Depending on the length of the slope, the number of terraces is determined, and the total height of the slope gives an idea of ​​the height of each of the terraces.

After all the settlement work on the site, markings are made and the soil is removed in those areas where the first terrace will end and another will begin - as a result, large step earthlings will be obtained.

When terracing a site, horizontal platforms (terraces) are formed, reinforced with retaining walls. Using this method, you can also turn a flat area into a multi-level garden.

The boundaries of the terraces may not be rectilinear; bends look more aesthetically pleasing in landscape-style gardens.

Lawns, rockeries, ponds, fountains, vegetable gardens and fruitful plants are comfortably placed on the terraces.

retaining walls

There are two types of retaining walls: solid and light.

The first type provides for large loads and they are used as a support for the cut soil. The thickness of the main retaining wall should be at least 25 cm. To improve performance, the wall should be built with a slight slope towards the slope, while in the lower part drainage holes to drain excess water.

To build a retaining wall, you must first organize the foundation. To do this, dig a trench about 40 centimeters deep, then half fill it with rubble or small stones, strengthen it with cement mortar. The next stage is the laying of stones for the retaining wall. It is advisable to do it with a slight slope to strengthen the structure. The gaps between the stones must be filled with compost, consisting of sand and leaf humus.

Lightweight retaining walls are mainly decorative, they can be used to build small raised flower beds. Such supports do not require drafting, and they can be one brick thick.

Plants can be planted in the seams of the walls. Near brick or wooden walls you can place benches or equip them in the body of the retaining wall itself, if it has the appropriate dimensions.

garden paths

Garden paths are the best option pay attention to something and correctly direct the gaze. Garden alleys with a clear border are immediately perceived as a compositional axis; for these purposes, undersized plants such as spirea and boxwood are perfect.

The fountain

Fountain flow

The water flows of such a fountain pass from bowl to bowl in a cascade. It is not at all difficult to choose a pump, you just need to take into account the estimated pumped volumes of water and the height of the structure. The main task in the construction of a fountain - a stream - is to properly organize a cascade, which consists of several bowls (mostly 3 or 4), each of which has its own foundation. The water jets of the waterfall descend into the reservoir in the form of a small lake. As finishing materials Suitable for both natural and artificial stones. By grinding the surface, you can simulate the appearance of water flows (from thin jets to continuous small waves).

Fountain - source

For connoisseurs of natural beauty, a fountain in the form of a spring will be to their liking.

Here you can use a variety of sculptures that serve as the design of the source, the main thing is to give free rein to fantasy. Stone, concrete or polymer concrete is suitable as a building material, it is also necessary to take care of the foundation in advance - the key to stability. To supply water, you will certainly need a submersible pump.

floating fountain

This type of fountain is quite popular among consumers, it can be equipped on a natural deep reservoir. It is sold already assembled, and you can clearly see how the fountain will look in your garden, so here you won’t be able to especially show imagination in its improvement. For installation, you only need to select appropriate place and turn on the network.

Alpine hill and rockery

Alpine hills and rockeries are great ways to diversify the landscape of the garden.

The creation of such decorative elements was inspired by the relief of the Alpine mountains - a society of stones and plants, both of which play the same role, so it is very important that the whole composition is carefully selected and looks harmoniously together.

The difference between an alpine hill and a rockery is that the former forms the shape of an embankment, which is decorated with stones on top and plants are planted, and an embankment is not required for a rockery, a rocky garden is usually arranged on a flat surface or on slopes.

To make an alpine slide, you should initially prepare a trench for the foundation with a depth of no more than 1 m. The bottom, leaving about 40 cm to the surface, is covered with small stones, broken bricks, sprinkled on top river sand, the thickness of the layer of which should be 5-8 cm.

The next stage is the most creative - laying stones. Initially, we set the largest stones, then smaller ones, and the smallest ones at the top. Experts advise not to equip the alpine slide with the right geometric shape because it should be as natural as possible. Then you should start planting plants. For these purposes, heather, juniper and saxifrage are perfect. The most light-loving plants are planted at the very top, and grasses are planted below, since they need moisture most of all.

For an alpine slide, regardless of its design, evergreens, such as periwinkle, are ideal.

In order for your slide to bloom all the time, take care of planting "transition zone" plants, such as violets, bluebells, tulips, euonymus, etc.

For rockeries, the arrangement of the foundation is not required;

In a garden with smooth paths, rockeries should correspond to nature as much as possible - it is highly discouraged to use straight, symmetrical lines with sharp corners, but on the contrary, rounding, s-shaped transitions are welcome. It can smoothly transition into an alpine lawn or scree. As accents, you can use quartz, granite, quartzite, steppe. Plants can also be the main touch, then in this case discreet gravel and river pebbles should be used.

Two symmetrical ones will look very harmonious rocky garden on both sides of the entrance to the house.

Break all rockeries plants according to the criterion of height. Place the tallest (such as spruce, thuja, mountain ash) in the first tier, lower plants (barberry, spirea, mountain pine) in the second, and plant low creeping plants in the third tier.

Staircase in the garden

In a multi-level garden, stairs cannot be dispensed with and they should be considered not only as a necessity, but also as part of landscape design. The staircase in the garden will undoubtedly decorate the hill, and even on an almost flat area, decorative steps will create the effect of a height difference, allowing you to look at the garden from different points. It can be both the beginning and the continuation garden paths, and when using the same building material, it will further emphasize the landscape style.

The most common and at the same time simple option are stairs made of gravel and wood. To organize it, it is enough to lay wooden sleepers and fill them with gravel, which forms smoothly rising steps. To smooth the contours of the corner and create a more effective composition, various plants can be planted around the edges.

The most important thing when building a staircase in a garden is that it should be as safe and comfortable as possible. The steps should be optimal in width and flatness, as stairs that are too narrow and with a steep rise will negatively affect the walk in the garden. It is also important not to make the steps too smooth, as it can be easy to slip on them in wet weather.

It is necessary to take care of the high-quality lighting of the ascent, in the dark time of the day each step should be visible so that it does not turn into a “stumbling block”.

Place to rest

On multi-level landscapes, you definitely need to take care of a place to relax, where it will be calm, calm and where you can inspect the rest of the site. If the plot is medium in size, then it can be arranged in the form of a gazebo or a bench with a table. On the large area can even be equipped sports ground with a rocking chair or a pool with a sun lounger.

An excellent option for relaxation would be an open arched gazebo. This building should be placed at the intersection of paths and requires a set of steel pipes with nylon coating to assemble it.

Drop off at each counter climbing roses, which in the near future will braid the structure and create a wonderful cozy atmosphere for relaxation. In this case, the gazebo is the main element of the garden layout.

Rules for landscaping multi-level gardens

  • Unlike flat garden surfaces, slopes are more often exposed to wind, so you need to think about planting wind-resistant plants: pines, black poplar, field maple, barberry, wrinkled rose, etc.
  • Also very common problem on sloping surfaces, there is soil washout, spring landslides and drying up of slopes. Such a lawn is not always able to fix the soil, as a result of which it often dries up. The solution to this problem lies in planting plants with a deep root system, for example, sea buckthorn, spirea, fieldfare.

  • To prevent the convergence of the soil due to possible water flows, it is necessary to organize the so-called drainage system. To do this, it will be enough to properly plant plants with a fast-growing root system and herbs, for example, bluegrass, oatmeal, clover, thanks to which the water flows will not flow the way they want, but the way you need. If the angle of inclination of your site becomes more than 30 degrees, then experts advise using a geogrid, which is a cellular modules planted with various herbs or small shrubs. At the same time, it is worth remembering that plants must be resistant to a lack of moisture, since water from the slope will drain very quickly. It would be appropriate to create an irrigation system.
  • By different levels, they understand the presence of plants of different tiers: low-growing herbaceous plants, shrubs and directly trees. In the case of the last level, it is a little difficult here, since the seedlings take quite a long time to grow into larger trees. To solve this problem, designers immediately plant mature trees, thanks to which it is possible to zone the garden literally within a year.
  • For planting trees and shrubs, you should not allocate more than 2/3 of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage, since large trees grow throughout their lives, which means that over time they can create an unwanted shadow for undersized plants and nearby buildings.
  • Trees should be planted more than 10 meters from the house, and shrubs - 5 meters.
  • If you want your garden to develop quickly, then by all means opt for forsythia and buddleia - they will become powerful in a year flowering shrubs. But, for example, kalmia, wolfberry and rhododendron grow much longer and it will be necessary to wait about 5 years for their flowering. Perfect for dividing the area into zones hedge, it will act as a beautiful frame for the garden. Perennial flowers such as geraniums, delphiniums, phloxes are a lifesaver for those who want to see their garden bloom every year without planting anything in the spring.

Your site can not boast of extensive flat surfaces? Broken head, how can you use your land usefully? I want to spend time in paradise? This is not an easy task, but it is all the more interesting for true professionals. After all, it is on intricate hills and outstanding reliefs that the imagination of designers can manifest itself in all colors.

Create a project

If you contacted the company with a request to arrange your garden, you will be provided with a project that will take into account all the nuances of the work ahead. The project will outline all the desired zones, define architectural forms and selected plants. And only then, before that, an inconspicuous garden, can turn into the embodiment of the best works landscape design that you can admire and be proud of for many years.

If you look at already finished works designers over multi-level areas, you begin to understand involuntarily that there are no trifles in this. Especially carefully you need to choose materials and plants, as well as furniture and decorative attributes. It is very interesting for clarity in the future and just for history to take a photo before the start of work and after it is completed.

Geological plasticity of the site

Very often, it is the initial state that dictates the conditions for further work. But it is for those who are difficult to work with, multi-level plots specialists came up with geological plastics - this is the distribution of soil and the construction of retaining walls to regulate and prepare the soil relief for future work. This allows you to pre-break the entire site into different zones and facilitates their arrangement.

The most, perhaps, serious problems that arise when ennobling this type of dachas is soil erosion and difficulties with irrigation. But, if you approach the design professionally, then they can be minimized and even turned into advantages.


On any natural natural slopes, stones and wood look very beautiful, therefore, when decorating a multi-level site, you must adhere to the laws of nature. Focus on Alpine rollercoaster, dry streams and any structures from natural stone and climbing plants that do not require further complex care. Then the landscape design of the garden plot will look very harmonious.

Garden paths inside the cottage, in order not to get out of the general idea, it would be nice to make from flat stones or wooden blanks. Choose plants with a strong root system. It is best to provide a mechanical water supply for irrigation.