Phlox perennials - planting and caring for bright flowers. Perennial phlox - planting and care

Almost on every personal plot there are beautiful flowers, where they grow. They can please the eye with their rich and bright flowering from spring to late autumn. There are about 60 species in the phlox family, each of which differs from the others in height, shape, and color. Thanks to such differences, they can be used to create almost any composition, even one that will bloom continuously. Further in the article we will describe in detail the popular perennial varieties of phlox with a photo. Such information will help flower growers choose those species that will create colorful flower beds.


The styloid phlox is able to grow up to 16-18 cm. Due to the structural features, it can cover the entire surface of the area allotted to it. The stem does not have the ability to reach for the sun, which is typical for many flowers, on the contrary, it spreads along the ground.

The plant has a large number of small and sharp leaves that sit tightly on the stem. At the end of the stem is a peduncle. Usually it is one, but sometimes it happens that there can be two or three peduncles at the same time.

As for the inflorescences, the diameter of one flower is usually equal to about 2.5 cm. They come in pink, purple and white. colors are also found, but much less frequently.

The flowering period of styloid phlox begins in May and lasts until the first decade of June. Repeated flowering comes into force in August and lasts about a month.

Phloxes are considered, but among them there are quite a few winter-hardy ones. They are perfect for decorating walls, as well as mixborders. They will also be a great addition to the Japanese-themed landscape design.
Before you start planting styloid phlox, you need to carry out processing. It consists in removing weeds, because they can spoil the overall aesthetics of the flower bed. And after the flowering of phlox, it will become much more difficult to exterminate.

You can plant and transplant such a flower at almost any time, since it is a perennial. It is advisable to schedule such manipulations for warm season, for example, in mid-April. The flowers that will be planted during this period will be strong and strong.


The splayed variety of phlox has the appearance of small bushes, up to 30 cm high. The foliage of this plant is oblong. Under natural conditions, it lives in Canada and the eastern United States. Grows in damp forest stands and mountains.

The most popular varieties of splayed phlox are:

  • Blue Dreams. The name comes from the color of the flowers, which have a lilac-blue hue. In the center is a dark "eye".
  • Laphamia. Very dark purple flowers.
  • Clouds of Perfume. They have a lavender smell, lilac flowers.
  • May Breeze. Large flowers, purple-white.
  • Variegata. The leaves are white-green, the flowers are variegated.
  • Sternensplitter. The flowers are lilac in color, inside there are darker stars.
This type of phlox does not have special requirements for the soil on which it will grow. And yet it is better to place them on loose soil, which will pass moisture well. Also, the earth should preferably be slightly acidic.

It is recommended to plant in those areas where groundwater is located no closer than 15 cm from the surface. If this is not possible, then you will have to make beds on an artificial sandy elevation.
Phloxes perfectly tolerate both abundant sun and temporary shade. The ideal option is a place where it is sunny in the mornings, and a shadow falls at noon. Planting flowers should be carried out at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

After the flowering period is over, cut off the stems, leaving about 10 cm of the shoot. Such manipulations should be carried out annually.

Important! It is imperative to ensure that phloxes do not overgrow with weeds, otherwise harmful plants will sprout through the carpet of phloxes and it will be difficult to get rid of them. If this nevertheless happened, it will be necessary to dig up all the phlox bushes in the fall, divide them and transplant them to a fertilized and cleared place in the garden.

Starting from the spring, when the stems and leaves of plants begin to actively grow, they should be fed with nitrogen-containing components. When the buds begin to form, it will be possible to introduce phosphorus and potassium into the soil.
After the phloxes have faded, you can fertilize them with phosphorus. You need to be extremely careful with top dressing, because if you allow an excess, then the inflorescences will become looser, and the stems may even crack.

Reproduction of splayed phloxes is carried out by layering and. The first option is simpler. It lies in the fact that roots can form on stems bent down to the ground. At the end of spring, you should loosen the soil near the bush, water it and carefully spread out the stems with roots.

Then they need to be attached with slingshots to the soil and sprinkled a little with earth. The soil needs to be regularly moistened and then by the fall the layers will take root and they can be planted by next spring.


Phlox paniculata is rightfully considered one of the best flower plants used in the formation of flower beds on the site. It is not capricious to the environment, endures low temperatures, and also has lush variegated inflorescences and an incredible aroma.

The color of phloxes of this species is unusually wide: They are purple, carmine, scarlet, dark purple and are complemented by dots, eyes, rims, etc. of a different color. A flower in diameter can be either 2.5 cm or 4 cm, depending on varieties.

At the current time, such a bush plant has many subspecies (several thousand), thanks to constant breeding work. Panicled phlox reproduces vegetatively in almost all parts.
The plant is distinguished by its original appearance and extraordinary beauty. You can use inflorescences not only in landscape design but also as a beautification flower beds. The most common plant varieties are:

  • Phlox paniculata Success;
  • Red Riding Hood;
  • Sherbet cocktail;
  • Traviata;
  • Blue Paradise;
  • Alina;
  • Tequila Sunrise;
  • Europe;
  • forget-me-not;
  • King;
  • Gzhel" and many others.
Panicled phlox should be planted in the spring, around the end of April, or in the first decade of May. Planting during this period allows the plant to take root in the ground and strengthen, all this thanks to the weather, which is characterized by humidity and temperature stability.

But it is also allowed to plant flowers at the end of summer or even in the first week of September.
The flowering period of phlox of this species is quite long. It starts in spring and ends in autumn, but during this time there is a month-long break in flowering, which occurs in July.

Reproduction of panicled phlox is carried out in a number of ways:

  • leaf-bud cuttings;
  • vertical shoots;
  • green cuttings.
The plant will be able to endure winter frosts perfectly. You can help him with this by sheltering young plants with spruce branches. Stronger individuals no longer need shelter.


The predominant number of perennial phloxes are tall, and therefore it is difficult to use them in the formation of living borders or rock gardens. But the view of Drummond is just not able to grow above 30-35 cm.
The diameter of the flowers is 2 cm, but they are collected in inflorescences, and therefore they seem large and voluminous. Flowering lasts a very long time, from June to mid-autumn.

Plant varieties differ from each other in the shape of flowers, petals and, of course, colors. The most popular are:

  • Buttons. This is a two-color phlox, the flowers of which have an "eye" inside them. They are drought tolerant and do not grow taller than 20 cm.
  • Milky Way and Starry Lace. Valued for the peculiar shape of the flowers, which resembles an asterisk.
  • Strawberries with cream and Chanel. They have lush double flowers.
  • Tetra Riesen and Grandiflora. Varieties with large flowers (up to 4 cm in diameter), endure frost.
You can extend the period of abundant flowering of Drummond phloxes by choosing the right site in the garden. The place can be sunny, as this plant tolerates hot days and drought well. The plant is also not afraid of frost.
A sharp drop in temperature has a negative effect only on the flower petals, and all other above-ground parts will still be green.

As for the soil, there are important nuances on which attention should be focused. Drummonds do not like both excessively heavy soil and too light, sandy. Heavy soil will accumulate too much moisture, which can provoke damage to the phlox root system by rot.

Too light earth, on the contrary, will not be able to retain moisture, in summer it will overheat, which will also have a very negative effect on the roots of the drummonds. So when preparing a garden plot for planting phloxes, you should adjust the soil by adding the necessary components to it (, etc.).
Planting this type of plant can be carried out in two ways: seedlings or immediately seeds. If you initially grow seedlings at home, this will significantly speed up the onset of flowering, but in cases where you do not want to fiddle with flowers for a long time, you can simply sow purchased seeds directly into the soil.

Did you know? Phlox "Drummond" was brought to Europe from Texas. "Phlox" literally translates as "flame", and "drummondii" comes from the name of the traveler from England, Henry Drummond. It was this man who was the first to send phlox seeds to England from the USA, which opened a new flower plant to Europeans.


Phlox spotted is considered a close relative of the paniculate species. The people often call it pyramidal, which is explained quite simply: the spots on the stems of the plant can hardly be distinguished, but the peculiar shape of the inflorescences, which looks like a pyramid, immediately catches the eye.

The spotted phlox grows in its natural environment on the banks of rivers, meadows, and also in wet low forests. This species is native to the eastern United States.
This is a tall ornamental that can reach a height of 100 cm. Its stems are strong, straight and numerous. The leaves are small, narrow, dense and shiny, have an opposite arrangement. The flowers are fragrant and have a purple or light purple color.

The diameter of one flower is 2.5-3 cm. The flowering period depends not only on the variety, but also on the growing conditions. On average, the plant begins to bloom in June or July.

At the current time, spotted vila phloxes can be found on sale, which do not have specks on the stems. There are also white and pink flowers. This type very common in floriculture because it is great for shaping flower beds, arrangements, mixborders, etc.
Phlox of the spotted species tolerates winter cold well, and also steadfastly holds on to pests and diseases. The plant loves moisture, grows weakly in dry areas. As for soil requirements, the soil needs loose, light, loamy, slightly acidic, permeable and non-saline.

Panicled phlox has relatively few varieties, but breeders are still working to expand the range of this ornamental plant. In addition, this species is often used to hybridize new cultivated phloxes. The most popular and common varieties are:

  • Natasha. The variety is universal, the bushes grow up to 70 cm. The flowers are white, they have a light strip of crimson hue. The name of the variety was in honor of Natalia Lunina, who was the curator perennial varieties plants in the Botanical Garden.
  • Schneelavine (Schneelavin). A plant with a height of 50 cm and above. The stems are strong and grow very quickly. The flowers are medium-sized, snow-white in color, collected in large cylindrical inflorescences. The considered variety is characterized by high winter hardiness.
  • Rosalind (Rosalind). Perhaps this is one of the tallest varieties of phlox. The plants are large, up to 130 cm tall, the stems are numerous, powerful and strong. The flowers are pink or pink-lilac, collected in inflorescences.
Usually spotted phlox is propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings.
Division is best done in early spring, but it is also allowed to carry out these manipulations in summer and autumn. As for cuttings, it is carried out at the end of May or in mid-July.

For spring cuttings, the entire stem should be used; for summer cuttings, only its upper part can be taken.


Phlox of a multi-flowered species is a prominent representative of the Sinyukhov family. These flowers are believed to have originated in North America. V natural environment lives in the mountains and is one of the creeping species. Despite winter hardiness and non-capriciousness in care, this plant is rarely used in culture.

The considered species of herbaceous plants grows no higher than 15 cm. The stems are creeping and lie on the ground. In the process of growth, they are able to form thick, but at the same time compact, dense pads or sods. The leaves are bare and shiny, have a rich green color.
They are usually collected in bunches, and slightly pointed at the tips. The length of the leaves is about 2.5 cm. There are a lot of flowers, they are white, blue, pink and purple. In some varieties, the flowers are of a single type, while in others they are collected in inflorescences. The flowering period begins in May and lasts approximately 25-30 days.

This species is extremely winter-hardy, it is also resistant to various diseases and pests. Flowers look great in rock gardens and rockeries, they also look no less harmonious in flowerpots. Such phloxes love nutritious and moist earthen areas.

As for lighting, the best option would be diffused light. You can plant this culture in the sun, so it will bloom more profusely, but at the same time not for long, so it is better to give preference to an openwork shade.
Like many other representatives of the genus, the multi-flowered phlox does not like piercing winds and drafts. So it is extremely important to provide him with a calm place on the site. Caring for such a flower will be quite standard.

It will be necessary to periodically water the soil, apply fertilizers, and also carry out preventive work aimed at. All of the above manipulations from the grower will take a minimum amount of time.

The plant in question, under adverse growing conditions and improper care, can be affected by viral or fungal diseases. These include curly leaves, spotting and variegation.

It must be understood that such diseases cannot be treated, so the task of the gardener will be to prevent their occurrence.
Speaking about diseases of fungal origin, one should first of all remember about. It usually affects phloxes at the end of August. Such a disease manifests itself as a white bloom on the foliage, which gradually increases in volume and provokes the drying of the green parts of the plant.

You can fight powdery mildew with the help of fungicides and drugs that have copper in their composition.

Pests that can pose a threat to multiflorous phlox are slugs and earwigs. The most common are slugs and nematodes.

Preventive work consists in the timely cleaning of the site, as well as overexposure of the necessary agricultural technology.
Feeding plays an important role in the cultivation of these flowers. They directly affect the development and growth of the plant, the abundance of flowers and wintering. It is recommended to fertilize the soil 3 to 5 times per season, the exact amounts will depend on the nutrient level of the soil.

So, at the beginning of spring, the site can be fertilized with components containing, which must be diluted in water. In the first decade of May, you can pour under the bushes. When budding begins, a liquid form of potash is a good option.


Phlox dwarf grows naturally in the prairies, as well as on the hills, where the soil is especially dry. It is widely used in the USA, namely in the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, etc.

These are undersized creeping perennial phloxes that have a number of requirements for growing conditions, which is why they are not very popular among gardeners.
Dwarf phlox can grow no higher than 30 cm. Its stems are ascending and bright green. In the course of growth, this plant can form dense, but at the same time attractive sods, on top of which large flowers bloom.

The flowers themselves are fragrant and can be of different colors: lilac, purple, white, pink, yellow, etc.

Did you know? Dwarf phlox is one of those species of this plant that can please the grower with yellow flowering, and as you know, there are very few of them. True, it should be noted that such an unusual yellow pigment can be destroyed under the influence of bright sunlight. But many researchers are still breeding in order to get phloxes with a more persistent "sunny" color.

This kind herbaceous plant extremely winter-hardy, rarely gets sick and is affected by pests. Reproduction can be carried out both vegetatively and by seeds. But the latter method is considered more effective.
Like a number of other representatives of the genus, the dwarf species will grow better on nutritious, loose and permeable soils. Excessively dry, dense, excessively moistened or swampy soils are categorically not suitable.

It is possible to grow dwarf phlox on strongly acidic soil, but only if the site is limed first.

Planting flowers can be carried out both in spring and in autumn. As practice shows, plants that were planted in the spring take root better. The roots of the dwarf species are shallow, they go into the ground by about 25-35 cm, so that a landing hole can be made with just a shovel bayonet.

More abundant flowering will be if the phloxes are planted in an area open to the sun. But if there is a desire to get a longer flowering period, then it is better to choose a place with diffused lighting.


Forked phlox can be seen naturally on hilly and rocky areas, and they are also found on the prairies. This species is actively used by gardeners and has a number of very attractive varieties.

The stems of the forked plant are hard and rigid, slightly pubescent and erect. The leaves are narrow, linear type, no more than 4-5 cm long. The flowers are medium-sized, graceful, can be purple, lilac, blue, white, and also of a mixed color type. On average, the diameter of one flower reaches 25 mm.

The considered species is considered early flowering. The flowering phase begins in May and can last about a month. The duration of this phase depends on the location of the plant, as well as on the climate conditions.

At the current time, the following are considered the most popular varieties of forked phlox:

  • Blue Form (Blue Form);
  • Petticoat (Petticoat);
  • Colving White (Colvin White);
  • Starbrite (Starbright).
Propagation of plants is carried out by cuttings, which must be taken from the stems. Each branch should have at least 2 nodes and a few leaves.

Important! If the grower will carry out cuttings in the first days of July, then only the upper part should be taken from the stem, since the plant at this stage will already gradually become woody.

Such manipulations should be carried out in the last ten days of May, or in the first days of June; cutting cuttings can also be done at the end of summer.


Phlox Siberian is a very rare species. It was even listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The natural habitat is river valleys, mountain slopes, meadows, steppes and forest edges. You can find a plant in Siberia, Mongolia and the South Urals.

Under natural conditions, most often propagated vegetatively, less often - by seeds. Employees of botanical gardens are actively cultivating Siberian phloxes.

In the process of growth, it forms numerous straight shoots of a pubescent type, which can reach a height of 15-20 cm. The foliage is green in color, linear and located on the stems in an opposite manner.
Flowers can be purple, pink and lilac. They are small in size and often collected in paniculate inflorescences.

Important! A distinctive feature of the Siberian species of phlox is that it is used not only as ornamental plants, but also used in traditional medicine. This is due to the fact that the green part, as well as the petals of this flower, contain a large amount of anthocyanins and other extremely useful elements. The plant can be used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, as well as in order to combat insomnia. Once upon a time, infusions from the Siberian phlox were recommended to drink to calm down due to fear.

How abundant and colorful the flowering will be depends on the correct and regular care of the plant. It is especially important to pay attention to watering the soil. In its natural environment, Siberian phlox can grow without problems even in rocky and dry areas, but such an attitude will not work for the cultural appearance of this flower.
Watering should be regular, systematic. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the soil under the phlox is constantly slightly moist, but at the same time not waterlogged. plants are better in the evening, using the heat of settled water. After watering, the soil should be loosened slightly.

When the first night frosts come, it will be necessary to prune this flower crop. It is necessary to cut off the green mass with scissors or with a special trimmer, leaving 5 cm of sprouts above the soil. Trimmings must be removed from the site and burned.


Phlox Douglas are natives of North America. In nature, they live on slopes and rocky mountains, as well as in areas with dry soil. Outwardly, it is very similar to the subulate type of phlox.

Did you know? The plant got its name in honor of the man who in 1927 discovered this type of phlox in the mountains. His name was David Douglas.

This flower is undersized, its maximum height can be about 10 cm. Its stems are dense, and the foliage is dark and stiff. The flowers are relatively small, sessile, can be of different colors from purple, red and purple, to purple, pink and white.
The species in question prefers moist and loose areas, the soil should be nutritious and non-saline. Do not over-fertilize and fertilize the soil under the plant, since an excess of such substances will affect the abundant growth of green mass.

Douglas phloxes need good lighting, and places with openwork light are also suitable. Too dark areas will be fatal for this species.

This species grows somewhat slower than its relatives, but today there are varieties on sale that grow very quickly. There are many varieties, more than 150 varieties are actively used by flower growers to decorate household plots. The most popular of them:

  • Crackerjack (Crackerjack);
  • Boothman's Variety (Boothman's Variety);
  • Karakulka (Karakulka);
  • Lilac Cloud (Lilak Cloud);
  • Zigeuner Blut (Signer Blut);
  • Eva (Eva);
  • Red Admiral (Red Admiral);
  • Waterloo (Waterloo);
  • White Admiral (White Admiral).

Summing up, it is worth noting that phloxes are represented by many species that have both a number general characteristics, as well as a certain number of distinctive features. To grow a profusely flowering plant, you should provide them with the right care and then the result will not be long in coming.

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And dacha. It is used for landscaping. In this case, you can create compositions from only one phlox. A variety of species (up to 70) and varieties (up to 1500) that bloom at different times will make it possible to make a flower garden that will delight with lush flowering from spring to autumn. Perfectly fits into the composition with other plants.

For the most part, this perennial plants, except for one annual species, Drummond. Subject to the simple rules of care, watering, the right landing site, they easily take root in the plots. They tolerate winter well. A beautiful hat of flowers and a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening made the plant popular. Previously, separate varieties were common and known, mainly paniculate phlox.

Now it is possible to order new, very unusual varieties. The variety of shapes, shades, color combinations of inflorescences, combined with relative unpretentiousness, make the plant indispensable for gardeners.

North America is considered the birthplace of Phlox, the annual species came to us from the USA. It has been cultivated in Europe since the 17th century, and the name of the plant was given by the great naturalist Carl Linnaeus.

Classification, plant species

Although there are a lot of types of phlox, there are 4 main groups.

They are combined according to the timing of flowering, height, shape of inflorescences and leaves, these are:

  • subulate phlox;
  • splayed;
  • paniculate;
  • one year old Drummond.

Each of these species groups has many varieties. Many lovers may not realize at first that the beautiful flowering rug that adorns the alpine hill is phlox. Most varieties have poetic, gentle, beautiful names. Our breeders gave the world varieties with Russian names.

styloid phlox

This type of undersized phlox, ground cover, is most often used in rockeries and alpine slides.

Main features:

  • perennial;
  • height up to 20 cm;
  • the leaves are narrow needle-shaped, up to 2 cm. Remain green until almost frost;
  • on a low stem one, less often 2.3 inflorescences;
  • flowering: mid-May end of June, again, August-September.

These flowers create a beautiful bright rug in a wide variety of colors and shades. A spectrum of blues, lilacs, raspberry pinks and whites predominates.

Interesting. With a variety of colors, among all varieties, they could not bring out yellow phloxes.

Varieties with names:

Flowers of Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty', Purple Beauty.

A perennial plant that loves light. Flowers ranging from rich to pale lilac, purple. Blooms in May, June. If you cut the tops, re-flowering is possible closer to autumn. Bush height up to 17 cm.

Styloid phlox bifida "Petticoat", Petticoat.

Forked white flower, gives it a resemblance to a moth. Stem height up to 20 cm, loves well-drained soils with small pebbles and sand, for which it is also called sandy. Star flowers exude a delicate aroma. Tolerates frosts up to 20 degrees. Inflorescences are pale blue, purple, white and purple. Blooms in May-June. The middle is highlighted with interspersed with a different shade.

Phlox "Red Wings", Red Wings, Red Wings.

Intense pink inflorescences will decorate any rockery and alpine hill. A bush up to 20 cm high. It tolerates frost and heat well. Likes drainage soils. Quite unpretentious. Flowering is accompanied by a pleasant aroma, like most of this species, it blooms in May-June, again in autumn.

Distinctive characteristics of styloid phlox:

  • well tolerate frost and heat;
  • love bright areas;
  • early flowering. After flowering, the tops are cut off for re-blooming in the fall and the formation of new inflorescences;
  • love drainage soil mixed with turf and sand;
  • once every five years, the bushes are divided and rejuvenated;
  • need 2 single top dressing in spring and summer;
  • reproduce by dividing the bush and lateral processes.

These varieties are bred in foreign nurseries, they are not represented by domestic analogues.

Phlox splayed

This species is distinguished by the fact that it is the most unpretentious. In addition, it has a strong pleasant smell. Used in landscape design. Grows in partial shade and full sun.

The main features of the species:

  • stem height 20-40 cm, depending on whether planted in the shade or in the open:
  • inflorescences loose;
  • small flowers have a characteristic shape. Expanded at the edges, the petals taper towards the middle;
  • leaves are hard, elongated (up to 5 cm);
  • bloom in May-June;
  • colors: shades of purple, white, blue.

"Blue Dreams", Blue Dreams, Blue Dreams.

Blue Dream can grow under trees and shrubs, covering the ground with a fragrant carpet. Winter hardy variety. Easily propagated by lateral shoots.

"White Perfume", White Perfume.

The name refers to the enchanting smell of the flower. A delicate carpet of white flowers fills the entire garden with fragrance. White Perfume can be planted under trees and shrubs. Reaches a height of 30 cm.

Distinctive characteristics of splayed phloxes:

  • strong gentle aroma;
  • can be planted in the shade and in open areas;
  • unpretentious, like mixed, drained soils:
  • tolerate winter cold well;
  • easily propagated by lateral processes;
  • planted every 5-6 years.

Panicled phlox

The most famous and widespread type. The variety of varieties will surprise any gardener. It is in this species group that domestic varieties are bred.

The main features of the species group:

  • in height they distinguish: low (40-60 cm), medium (up to 1 meter), high (from 1 to 1.5 m);
  • elongated leaves (lanceolate) from 6 to 15 cm in length;
  • the stem is straight, stiffens by autumn;
  • the shape of the inflorescences is varied, mostly spherical. Density of inflorescences: compact and loose;
  • flowering: early flowering (July), blooming in mid-summer July-August), late-flowering (August-September);
  • the species is distinguished by a variety of varieties and a wide range of colors;

white phlox

White paniculate phloxes look especially expressive against the background of bright greenery. They give the flower beds airiness. There are a lot of varieties of white phlox, they impress with a variety of shades and the shape of a flower and inflorescences.

Foerster, late.

Variety Heaven, early, blooms 1.5 months.

Sea Foam, blooms in the middle.

Variety Swan, blooms in mid-summer.

colorful phlox

Variety Larisa, early.

Grade Blue Paradise (Blue Paradise).

Variety Margarita, blooms in mid-summer.

David's Lavender.

Bloom from July to September.

Spotted panicled phlox

They impress with a variety of color combinations. Specialists are constantly working on updating breeding varieties. The novelties of both our and foreign works are presented.

Varieties in the photo:

Variety Ivan, blooms in mid-summer.

Variety Europe, blooms from July to September.

Grade Miss Pepper (Miss Pepper).

Phlox Bright Eyes (Bright Eyes).

Bloom from July to September.

A separate subspecies of panicled phlox, these are fillings (Feelings)

Varieties bred by Dutch and English breeders. Some species are called "buds". Their originality is in the form of buds that do not bloom.

Grade Red Feelings (Red Philins).

Grade Natural Feelings (Natural Philins).

Annual Phlox Drummond (Phlox drummondii)

Phloxes of this species are grown from seeds. There are two ways, directly landing in the ground (May), when the soil warms up. Or using pre-grown seedlings.

Drummond Features:

  • height up to 30 cm;
  • characteristic flower shape, with pointed edges;
  • flowering period three months from summer to frost;
  • use for rockeries, flower beds, alpine slides;
  • planted in lighted places;
  • the flowers have a delicate fragrance.

Variety of varieties in the photo:

Seeds are sold in mixes and individual varieties.

Features of varieties, where to order

The varietal variety of these flowers is so great that you can separately arrange a floxaria that will bloom until frost.

Phloxes are quite unpretentious, but in order for them to bloom beautifully and for a long time, they need care.

Note. Proper and timely care contributes to a long, abundant and beautiful flowering.

Care Tips:

  • love loose, neutral and slightly acidic soils;
  • fertilizing with nitrogenous, potash and organic fertilizers is necessary (up to 6 times);
  • it is necessary to water not on the foliage or under the root, but around the bush, with water warmed up in the sun;
  • all phloxes, except for splayed ones, do not tolerate shading;
  • despite the fact that they withstand frosty winters, it is better to mulch the roots in late autumn;
  • the optimal time for planting is autumn;
  • it is better to seat by layering from a bush with roots. At the same time, the roots are slightly pruned for rejuvenation and old ones are removed;
  • moisture-loving enough, you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out;
  • to improve the quality of the inflorescence, the tops are cut off after the flowering season is over.

Compliance with these simple, in general, traditional rules, will allow you to admire the flowering of these beautiful plants all summer long.

Where can I buy seedlings and seeds

Each culture has its own lovers who specialize in growing specific plants. Phlox could not leave gardeners indifferent. It is this kind of enthusiasts who distribute seeds and seedlings. Moreover, the owners of the floxaria will give you advice and reveal the secrets of care. They are touching about their planting material, so they will be interested in how it took root and advise you. Seedlings purchased from local gardeners are more adapted to local conditions.

The second option is flower shows that take place annually in spring and autumn.

The third way, specialized shops. But there is a caveat here. Many outlets use foreign material. Not all varieties take root with us immediately and endure stress from changing growing conditions.

And, of course, the Internet. You can find specialized sites, order seedlings and seeds.

Remember. Do not despair if a new variety, especially foreign selection, did not take root right away. Try to save at least part of the planting material. Consult with amateurs, you can use the gardeners forum. The plant needs time to get used to, and your reverent attention.

Phloxes in landscape design, floksaria

Traditional varieties of phlox have long been mastered garden plots, these are mostly paniculate varieties of several colors. Now the flower is experiencing its renaissance. Selection novelties have significantly expanded the range of varieties used. A more refined design of the plots, using landscape design techniques, also had a positive effect on the increase in the popularity of phlox.

They go well with such plants: geraniums, dwarf conifers, irises, carpet greens, geraniums and others. It is necessary to take into account the flowering period so that the flower bed constantly looks elegant. Low-growing species are planted from the edge. Bushy, paniculate in the middle. They give the flower bed volume, due to the height and beautiful flowering.

Styloid, splayed species and Drummond are most often used in rockeries, Alpine rollercoaster, border compositions.

They can be planted separately as a flower fence along the paths.

They are suitable for all types of flower beds (regular flower bed, mixborder, array, etc.).

In addition to the long and lush flowering phlox gives us a delicate aroma and fills the garden with fragrance.

Your flower garden will become much more spectacular, and the air in the garden will be filled with a delicate smell of flowering, phloxes grow in the flower beds.

About the rules of growing on video

Enough informative material about the nuances of planting and care. The text is accompanied by a selection of spectacular photos.

Bright waves of flowers that spread the heady aroma of a hot summer throughout the area are associated with lush flower beds of phlox in parks and botanical gardens.

The variety of varieties of this crop allows gardeners to create multi-level multi-colored compositions. Unpretentiousness and ease of reproduction makes it possible to grow phloxes in summer cottages.

Phlox means "flame" in Greek. A variety of color gamma inflorescences - from white to dark purple, resembles a fiery dance of a torchlight procession. And all this riot of colors can decorate a personal plot from spring to mid-autumn.

flower description

Perennial phlox can have erect or creeping stems. Plants in the form of bushes grow more than 1.5 m tall, and the lowest of the species do not reach even 10 cm. Phlox flowers of a tubular shape with a flat corolla of five petals are collected in inflorescences.

After the flowering period comes fruit ripening. late autumn the seed pod dries up and bursts. Seeds germinate in spring in moist and humus-fertilized soil.

On smooth, dense stems of bush species of phlox, oval, elongated or pointed leaves are arranged in pairs. At different varieties the color of the vegetative part of the plant varies from dark green to olive color. The leaves may be drooping, horizontal, or pointing upwards.

The branched rhizome is located in the surface layer of the soil. On its vertical part there are growth buds, which give new shoots in spring. Every year the phlox bush grows more and more. This property of the plant makes it possible to propagate it by dividing the root system.

Early varieties of phlox (Phlox subulata) bloom already in early May, creeping stems with subulate leaves densely cover flowers of various colors. A little later, Phlox divaricata (splayed) blooms and decorates the garden with pale blue inflorescences.

From the end of May to August, undersized varieties bloom, which are replaced by bushy tall phloxes. A variety of colors and forms of inflorescences is achieved by crossing and breeding hybrids. Phlox genus has more than 70 varieties.

Reasons for the popularity of phlox

Phlox is almost the most common in the front gardens and summer cottages of the Central Russian strip. The popularity of the species lies in its unpretentiousness and decorative qualities.

The main condition for the viability of the plant is good illumination of the place of growth and soil moisture. The frost resistance of the culture makes it possible to grow flowers in a temperate continental climate.

By selecting plants according to the length and shape of the stems, the area in front of the house can be decorated in any style.

creeping early varieties planted on alpine slides, along curbs and others, used as part of the arrangement.

Low bushes and loose sod varieties are suitable for the external design of flower beds, in the center of which tall bushes are placed.

A variety of shapes and colors of inflorescences allows you to create picturesque compositions on a flat surface, on hills and on terraces of the site.

The original rich aroma of phlox flowers is one of the reasons for planting these plants near the house. A delicate bitter smell with nutty notes intensifies in the afternoon and in the evening fills the air with a cozy nostalgic atmosphere.

How to choose varieties for planting?

Varieties of phlox for planting on the site are selected taking into account climatic conditions, topography and size of the site.

Most types of phlox have high hardiness and longevity in lighted areas with loose, well-moistened soil.

It's important to know: preferred in northern regions early species. In the Central Russian zone, both early and late varieties plants.

Phlox divaricata (splayed), which belongs to the intermediate group of loose sods, has the least light-loving. Its creeping stems form a loose sod on the soil, favorable for the reproduction and growth of a herbaceous plant. Flowering shoots branch off from creeping stems and cover the entire area with a continuous carpet as early as May.

Panicled phlox, which is habitual for garden plots, which belongs to the tall bush group of the species, has even, stable stems with woodiness at the base and inflorescences in the form of lush panicles. This variety is the most frost-resistant and suitable for planting in all climatic zones.

Features of planting and reproduction

Perennial types of phlox are propagated by dividing the root system, cutting stem shoots and growing seedlings from seeds. The place for breeding these plants is selected taking into account their natural growth in nature.

Usually clusters flowering phlox are observed on the edges of the forest, in meadow lowlands and floodplains on loose soils rich in organic matter. Therefore, for planting young plants on household territory you should find an unshaded plot of land with well-mulched soil and accessible watering.

The division of an overgrown bush can be done without digging it up from June to September. With a sharp shovel, the extreme shoots, together with a clod of earth, are separated from the common root system and transplanted into the prepared soil, 2-3 stems in each hole. The hole remaining near the mother plant is covered with fertilized soil and mulched with dry peat.

Cuttings of above-ground shoots begin before the budding period. The stems are cut so that 2-3 nodes remain on them. The lower leaves are cut off, and the cuttings are planted in the prepared soil. Rooting occurs after a maximum of 3 weeks.

Seeds for propagation are collected when the fruit pods have not yet opened. From September to November, the seed is laid in the prepared soil. In winter, natural selection occurs, and the strongest seeds germinate in the spring after the snow cover has melted. In May, seedlings are planted in the places allotted for flowerbeds and rabatki.

Care rules

For normal development and abundant flowering, phloxes need fertile, moist, but loose soil.

Most suitable for these plants are moderately acidic or neutral loams with the introduction of humus, ash, peat and decomposed manure.

Pest and disease control

Viruses, fungal microorganisms and polyphagous pests pose a threat to the life and normal development of cultural phloxes. The most dangerous for plants are viral diseases, as they are practically incurable.

Most often infected ornamental plants from vegetable crops. Having noticed light uneven stripes on the petals of flowers, curly leaves, yellow or brown spots on the vegetative part, it is urgent to dig and burn the entire bush, and disinfect the place of growth.

Gnawing and sucking pests of phloxes are roundworms (nematodes), naked slugs, caterpillars of garden butterflies. All of them cause harm, depleting the plant, which can lead to its death. To combat caterpillars, special drugs against leaf-eating are used.

On plants affected by the nematode, healthy shoots are selected and transplanted to an uninfected area. To prevent the invasion of naked slugs, the ground around the bushes is sprinkled with ash or garden lime.

Methods for combating fungal diseases

White coating on all above-ground surfaces of the plant is powdery mildew. To prevent the disease at the beginning of the season, all bushes are treated with fungicides containing copper oxychloride or furacilin solution. If the plant is still sick, it is sprayed once a week with preparations containing copper until the symptoms disappear completely.

Septoria is a brown-gray leaf spot that causes their death. Copper-containing preparations are also used to combat this disease.

Verticillium wilt of the stems occurs due to fungal infection of the phlox root system. The disease develops on acidic waterlogged soils, therefore, to eliminate the cause, it is necessary to introduce a sufficient amount of ash or bone meal into the soil.

Rust in the form dark spots on the leaves leads to their wilting and death. At the first manifestations of the disease, the entire bush is treated with fungicides with copper.

  • In areas with early frosts and harsh winters, phloxes are planted on the south and southeast side of the house;
  • In autumn, the plants are cut and covered with a layer of peat;
  • You should not place flower beds near bushes and trees, as their roots will interfere with the development of phloxes;
  • Seedlings of tall bushes are planted at a distance of 0.5 m from each other;
  • With a high rise in groundwater, flower beds and rabatki are raised above ground level to avoid root rot;
  • Autumn seedlings next year will bloom earlier than spring plantings;
  • During transplantation, the roots of the plant are pruned and wilted and damaged vegetative parts are removed;
  • The soil under the phlox bushes is mulched with a layer of 5–7 cm. This allows you to get rid of weeds in summer and protect the plant in winter.

From this video you will learn how to plant perennial phlox:

  • Type: cyanotic
  • Flowering period: May, June, July, August, September, October
  • Height: 10-150cm
  • Color: white, pink, red, blue, crimson, purple
  • perennial
  • hibernates
  • sun-loving
  • moisture-loving

Phlox is a genus of flowers that includes more than 70 species, of which about 30 species are wild, 40 are cultivated. There are up to 400 varieties and hybrids. Some types of phlox during the flowering period resemble high tongues of bright scarlet flame. That is why Carl Linnaeus gave the name of the plant genus, which in Greek means "fire". Phloxes are native to North America. Of all the plants of this genus, only one wild species grows in Russia. Phloxes are moisture-loving and quite demanding on soils. They need special growing conditions. What are phloxes, planting and caring for them?

Almost all types of phlox are perennial. Of all the species diversity, only an annual. Plants of this genus have erect or creeping stems. Height can reach 10-150 cm.

Five-petal flowers are collected in inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. The number reaches 90. The color of the petals is extremely diverse: white, raspberry, dark red, purple, with stains and dots. The fruit is a box with seeds, the number of which varies from 70 to 550 depending on the species.

In addition to the annual phlox Drummond, all plants of this genus are perennial.

Ground cover phlox - flower garden decoration

These are creeping plants, the first to bloom in the garden. Flowers appear on them in mid-May. Phlox subulate is very popular. It is named so for the small oblong leaves that look like an awl. The plant loves the sun. When planting it, it is important to choose a place that is not too waterlogged so that the root system does not rot. When the styloid phlox fades, it should be cut by a third. It stimulates growth and more abundant flowering next year. In winter, the styloid phlox needs to be covered. Dry foliage is well suited for this. The styloid phlox is ideal for decorating rocky hills.

Other varieties of ground cover phlox are also loved by gardeners - lovely, forked, Douglas, Rugelli. They bloom in late May and are great for decorating flower beds. The color of Rugelli phlox flowers is very interesting - purple-blue. A feature of the lovely phlox is undemanding to soils. They can arrange retaining walls, the foot of the stairs. The best time to plant ground cover phlox is spring.

The styloid phlox can have any color of flowers - from white with various shades to purple

Loose sod varieties - beautiful and unpretentious

They bloom after ground covers. Among loose-grained varieties, the most popular is splayed (Canadian). Gardeners love him for his unpretentiousness. The wild-growing species blooms luxuriantly with blue flowers with an intoxicating aroma similar to violet. Under favorable weather conditions, the splayed phlox is covered with flowers at the end of May and blooms for about a month. If the season is dry, then the plants fade much faster. The color of flowers of cultivated varieties varies from white to purple and lilac. When planting a splayed phlox, you need to constantly monitor that it is not overgrown with weeds.

Of the loose-soddy varieties, the stolon-bearing phlox is also very beautiful. It is widely used in landscape design, as this species grows rapidly and covers the site with a luxurious carpet. It blooms with white, pink, blue flowers. Another property that is pleasant for gardeners is undemanding to illumination. The stoloniferous phlox feels great in shaded areas. It can be planted under trees. The plant tolerates moisture well.

The flowers of the stoloniferous phlox are extremely beautiful. Particularly interesting crimson-pink color

Bush phlox - for wet shaded areas

Bush varieties can be undersized (up to 1 m) and tall (more than 1 m). Of the undersized, Caroline phlox is popular. Domestic gardeners prefer two varieties - "Bill Baker" and "Mrs. Lingard". First on appearance similar to canadian phlox. The color of its petals is pink. The second is the highest among undersized varieties (up to 110 cm). petals white color. On the territory of Russia, these varieties take root well, since they develop normally on acidic soils.

Of the tall bush varieties, Arends phloxes deserve special attention. They bloom early and delight the eye with fragrant flowers for a long time. They are planted densely, because. plant stems are weak and can be damaged by bad weather. The peculiarity of the variety is that after pruning they are able to bloom again. To do this, the shoots are cut immediately after the first flowering.

For gardeners, two more types of bush phlox are of interest - spotted and paniculate. They are quite widespread. Phlox spotted got its name for the original color of the flowers. They are covered with purple strokes and specks. The variety can be planted in semi-shaded places. Phlox spotted often decorate the space around water bodies, the foot of trees. The most popular varieties are Rosalind, Omega, Alpha, Delta, White Pyramid, Natasha. The advantage of panicled phlox compared to spotted phlox is stronger stems.

You can learn more about the variety of phloxes from the video:

"Fiery flower" in landscape design

Phloxes look great both in single plantings and as part of compositions. Styloid phloxes look luxurious on alpine slides. They plant flower beds and frame lawns to give a more colorful look. Panicled phlox - perfect decor for unaesthetic items. For example, they can mask old curbs. In luxuriantly flowering bushes water tanks or other unpresentable, but very necessary items on the site will be invisible.

Phlox compositions are used to model the garden space. They are well suited for dividing it into zones. On the landscape terrace, these plants are placed on the second tier. With this solution, it is possible to achieve beautiful view terraces, no matter what plants are placed on neighboring tiers. A good option- planting a bright lawn. If instead of grass, the site is planted with phloxes, it will resemble a chic colorful carpet. Medium-sized phlox decorate the edges of garden paths.

Phloxes are well suited for decorating the banks of reservoirs on the site.

We are looking for "good neighbors in the garden"

Phloxes are beautiful on their own, so they can be planted separately. But many gardeners consider these flowers rustic and prefer to group them with other types of plants. Perhaps this opinion is not entirely fair, but it would still not hurt to “dilute” the phloxes.

One of the most advantageous options is planting phlox against the backdrop of silver conifers. It is also a good idea to plant stunted ones next to phloxes, for example,. They will cover the lower part of the higher "fiery flowers" and the composition will look complete.

Some gardeners create compositions of phlox and roses. The idea is debatable, since both types look great on their own, and in combination, both can lose. But if you choose the right color scheme, such an experiment can be very successful. Bright roses will look good rich colors against the background of white or pink phlox.

Design option: a combination of phloxes and roses of similar shades, “diluted” with cineraria

How to combine colors in the design of the garden?

When combining different types of phlox in one composition, you should remember the golden rules of color harmony. Do not plant flowers of warm and cold shades together. It is also undesirable to combine two or more types of phlox with spotted and variegated petals. Compositions of white phloxes on the background dark colors most often they do not look very good, because dark background "eats" even very beautiful white flowers. But dark against a white background is an acceptable option. Groups of the same color, but of different shades, planted sequentially look aesthetically pleasing.

Multi-colored phlox, planted in groups along the border, zone and decorate the space

Vegetative and seed propagation of phloxes

Like most garden plants, phloxes are propagated by seeds, cuttings and dividing bushes. For division, an adult bush is chosen - from 3, and preferably 4-5 years. If you plan to plant phloxes in the spring, then the bush can be divided into 15-20 parts, and in the fall it is better to play it safe and reduce the number of new plants to 4-7. This difference exists because in the spring phlox take root and take root better.

Spring cuttings

Phlox cuttings need from May to mid-summer. Then the survival rate of the bushes will be significantly higher. You can harvest cuttings from the entire stem of the plant. To do this, it is cut into pieces of 2 knots each. This is best done on a cloudy day. After harvesting, the cuttings are immediately planted in abundantly watered fertile soil so that they take root.

It is better to prepare the soil for planting cuttings yourself by mixing earth, sand and humus in equal proportions. Planted cuttings are regularly watered. The ideal option is to cover them with a film. The root system begins to form about a month after planting the plant.

To harvest the cuttings, the stem is cut into several parts, the tops are removed

Features of autumn cuttings

If there is a need for phlox cuttings “out of season”, then all manipulations should be carried out in cool rooms with a constant temperature. For these purposes, greenhouses and cellars are suitable. In autumn, cuttings can not be immediately planted in open ground, because they will not survive even the first signs of a cold snap. For planting, choose a suitable container or flowerpot in which young plants take root and grow until spring. They can be planted on the site in May, when there is no longer a risk of morning frosts.

If the cuttings are prepared in the fall, they need to be planted in a container.

Reproduction of flowers by seeds

Growing phloxes from seeds is a classic of the "gardening genre". seed propagation plants takes more time than vegetative, but it has an undeniable advantage - high adaptability. Phloxes grown from seeds adapt better to the characteristics of the climate and soil. A significant drawback of this type of reproduction is the possible loss of varietal characteristics. Planting seeds makes sense only if there are no other options or if the amount of planting material is more important than maintaining the characteristics of the variety.

Seeds can be purchased or driven out on your own. They are harvested during the period of wilting foliage. Then the boxes already acquire a brown color, but do not yet have time to crumble. You can plant seeds immediately on the site, and preferably in enclosed spaces. A mixture of humus, sand and soil is placed in the containers, seeds are planted and covered with earth by 1-1.5 cm. In December, the containers are covered with snow, and in mid-March they are transferred to the greenhouse. Young plants are planted in the ground at the end of April. First - in a greenhouse, a month later - on the site.

After planting the seeds, you can put the container in the house on the windowsill

How to prepare the soil and plant phlox

Although the plants tolerate semi-shaded areas well, they are best planted in well-lit places: this way the flowering will be more abundant, and the plants will take root better. Water should not stagnate. The soil is suitable sandy, loam with peat and humus. Humus from a birch leaf and needles is very good. Fresh manure must not be introduced.

The soil is loosened, weeds are removed, fertilized with compost, watered. During spring planting, phloxes can be planted immediately after the soil has frozen. Then it is likely that they will bloom this season. Planted in autumn until mid-October.

Plants are planted at a distance of 35-50 cm from each other. A closer location is needed only if a bush planting is planned. Old plants need repotting. If the flowers have become smaller, it's time to think about rejuvenating the phlox. It is dug up, divided and transplanted.

The first signs of plant aging may appear at 3-5 years of age, then it is time to divide and transplant them.

What do flowers need for normal development

Caring for phlox differs little from caring for other garden plants. They need to be weeded, loosen the soil, cut off dried shoots. If the gardener wants to grow a short and voluminous bush, you can periodically pinch. It should be remembered that pinching delays the flowering period of the plant by about two weeks, or even a month. It is best done in May. The later the manipulation is carried out, the longer the bush does not bloom.

Phlox equally poorly tolerate both excessive soil moisture and drought. In the summer they have to be watered. You can do this not only in the morning and evening, but also in the afternoon. The main thing is to pour water under the roots and try not to splash on the leaves. During hot dry periods, phlox can be watered twice a day. To retain moisture, the soil is mulched with humus or peat. A layer of 5 cm is enough.

Mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil every week, from the end of June to the end of summer. The concentration of additives changes: it is gradually increased from 2 g per liter of water to 8 g, after which it is also reduced. Phloxes prefer fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus. You can add saltpeter to the "diet" (2 g per liter of water). After mid-August, fertilizing the plant is not worth it. It is advisable to cover phloxes for the winter, especially if they are recently planted.

In order for the plants to bloom well, they need to be fed and dived.

Beware of danger: powdery mildew and spotting

Phlox often suffer from powdery mildew and spotting. Signs of diseases: dots and spots on the leaves, their wrinkling. Sick leaves should be removed, and the plant should be treated with Bordeaux mixture or analogues. Can be sprayed for prevention. In this case, you should not wait for the symptoms of the disease, and the treatment should be carried out in the spring.

Plants can be attacked by filamentous worms or nematodes. To avoid misfortune, you should not plant phloxes in areas where strawberries grew. If the plant is already sick, there is only one method of treatment - elimination along with a clod of earth and disinfection of the soil with lime.

For preventive and therapeutic spraying, insecticides "Sumi-Alpha", "Karate", "Fury", "Kinmiks" can be recommended. For more information on pest control, see the video:

07.03.2017 15 278

Planting and caring for perennial phlox: 5 secrets of lush flowering

Perennial phloxes attract the attention of gardeners with their unique colors and rapid flowering. Caring for plants is not difficult, and you can plant in spring or autumn. Plants are problem-free in cultivation, but still require compliance with a certain technology. This applies to both perennials and annuals.

The subtleties of landing

Before you start planting seedlings, pay attention to 3 conditions successful cultivation colors. Without them, it will not be possible to achieve a chic result:

  • landing is carried out in places with sufficient illumination in open flower beds, partial shade is also allowed;
  • the location of the flower garden should be convenient for the owners, with the possibility of irrigation;
  • the soil must satisfy such qualities as high fertility and friability.

Flower growers with growing experience recommend planting phloxes of perennial varieties in partial shade, near sprawling shrubs, so that the flowers are protected in the hot heat. The lack of watering has a detrimental effect on plants, but it is also not worth planting in places where water accumulates in the spring.

Phloxes grow best on slopes, alpine hills, where in spring the snow gradually melts and lingers. If willow, spruce, birch or lilac grows on the site, it is not recommended to place a flower garden nearby.

phlox grown on the site - in the photo

It is good to equip a flower bed on the eastern and western sides of the house, but not near the northern walls and in the shade of conifers. Western thuja, namely undersized dwarf varieties, are quite suitable for creating a harmonious flower arrangement.

What should be the soil for growing:

  • need acidity close to neutral (5.5-7.0 Ph);
  • fertile, loose, moist soil (medium loams are better suited).

Land for autumn planting must be prepared 3-4 weeks before work, if planting is planned in the spring - preferably all preparatory stages complete at the end of the summer.

Flowers are very responsive to the introduction of rotted cow or horse manure, compost, ash and leafy soil, mineral complexes, and organic fertilizers. Plants have a powerful branched root system, which is located at a depth of 25-30 cm. It is necessary to take into account this feature and make the soil fertile not only in the surface layer.

The planting hole for flowers should be larger than the root system. At the bottom, when planting in the fall, put phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and in the spring - nitrogen. At the same time, the roots are straightened and directed down, covered with nutrient soil mixture.

The rhizome must be positioned so that its upper part is hidden under a 3-5 cm layer of earth. The soil is well compacted and watered, necessary quantity water, depending on the season of planting. If the planting material has a wilted appearance, soak in any growth stimulator (Kornevin, Heteroauxin, etc.) according to the instructions.

phloxes in the country - in the photo

When to plant phlox?

In spring, summer and autumn - in any of the indicated periods, landing is carried out on a flower bed, but each period has its pros and cons. Planting in autumn is more extended in time, about 35-40 days are allotted for work, of which flowers can be planted on any day.

Autumn planting, as well as division, is carried out from the last days of August, and the events end at the end of September. Planted plants should have time to get stronger and take root in a new place before the arrival of frost. Late-flowering varieties are planted from the second half of September and continue until early October, or leave planting for the spring months.

Phlox planting in the spring, as well as division and transplantation, occur only after the snow melts, when the soil dries out a little and it will be possible to work. Depending on the region of cultivation, planting dates differ. Yes, in middle lane In Russia, in the Urals and in Siberia, the Leningrad Region, work should be carried out at the end of April, or in the first decade of May.

Top dressing for beautiful flowering

Due to the fact that the flowers grow in one place for several years in a row, it is simply necessary to fertilize them. The timing of top dressing is usually divided into several stages:

  • first dressing carried out after May 10-15 with liquid mullein (1:15, 10 l / m²) or ammonium nitrate (3/4 tablespoon per bucket);
  • second fertilization produced in early June, using mullein or chicken manure, and also add superphosphate (1/2 tbsp) and potassium salt (15 g);
  • third dressing usually occurs at the beginning of July. You can apply all the mineral components listed above, and organic fertilizers. The only condition in this period is the need to reduce the dose of nitrogen by 1.5-2 times.

flowering phlox - in the photo
phloxes - in the photo

Subsequent top dressing is carried out depending on the condition of the plants. Usually late-flowering varieties are fed in early August. The feeding recipe is as follows: exclude nitrogen, add only potassium salt (15-20 g) and phosphorus (1/2 tbsp).

In addition to the above recommendations, you can purchase special complex fertilizers in stores and feed according to the instructions indicated on the package. Some summer residents and gardeners quite often use preparations to achieve lush flowering.

Watering and mulching rules

Unfortunately, even with the right fertilizer, it is impossible to get beautiful flowers if they are not watered. The culture is very demanding on moisture, so the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The soil should be kept moist throughout the growing season.

The root system of phloxes is close to the soil surface, powerful roots lie at a depth of no more than 20-25 cm, so you have to irrigate the plantings so often. In addition, during the period of growing green mass, the appearance of buds and flowering, plants absorb large quantity water.

phlox - planting in partial shade from an apple tree

If watering the culture is not enough, the stems grow thinner, inflorescences are poorly formed, small flowers appear. How much water do phlox need? There should be enough water so that the entire root layer is well moistened. As a rule, for 1 sq. m. area requires 1.5-2 buckets of water.

After watering, the earth needs to be loosened, but not deep. Many gardeners skillfully use such a wonderful tool for loosening, which is easy and convenient to work with.

In order to keep moisture in the soil in hot dry summers, the crop must be mulched. Straw, hay, mowed grass, peat or humus are taken as mulch. Special attention should be given to plants with a large horse system, especially in which the rhizome sticks out. It is advisable to carry out mulching for the winter so that the root does not die during severe frosts.

autumn pruning

Many novice gardeners are wondering if phlox should be cut for the winter? If we are talking about a perennial crop, experts recommend preparing it for winter correctly and pruning. You can see how to do this in the video.

Pruning for the winter is carried out in the fall, when flowering ends, from about September 20 to October 31, after the transfer of accumulated nutrients from the green part of the plants to the rhizome. Work should be completed before the onset of stable cold weather.

For example, in the southern regions and in the Kuban, pruning may be carried out a little later. Consider the climatic features of the growing region, but be sure to wait until the plant has faded, only then proceed with the surgical intervention.

Pruning for the winter is carried out when it is already cold outside. Many flower growers leave small stumps (10-15 cm), some completely cut off the stem, almost flush with the ground.

The experience of experienced gardeners shows that full pruning reduces the risk of disease and the spread of infections. After cutting, the soil around is recommended to be treated with fungicidal preparations. A week later, the space is sprinkled wood ash, then mulch with peat chips.

Phlox types - choose the most beautiful

When planning to plant beautiful flowers in the country, it is advisable to decide on the varieties that are most suitable for your garden. Conventionally, all types of phloxes are divided into several groups:

  • bush tall, having a height of 90-170 cm, bloom in summer and early autumn - Phlox paniculata etc.);
  • bush medium-sized(0.4-0.7 m) - begin to bloom in spring and the first decade of summer - Phlox pilosa;
  • undersized phloxes(25-40 cm) are creeping, bushy. They begin flowering in the second decade of spring and the first summer month - Phlox divaricata, Stolonifera;
  • creeping plants(rising) are located no higher than 15 cm from the soil cover and bloom already in the spring months - Phlox subulata, Douglasii.