Types of indoor plants are tall. Houseplants

Blooming houseplants decorate not only sunny windowsills. There are some indoor flowers, which basically grow and bloom in the shade and partial shade, which are used for landscaping rooms with little sunlight. Many beautiful blooming unpretentious indoor flowers are presented in this article with a description and some recommendations for their agricultural technology. Having learned the names of crops intended for growing in pots, you can confidently go to a specialty store and choose plants for your home there. Do not forget that there may be "folk" names for indoor flowering plants, so they may be known to you under different names. But this does not change their botanical essence. See photos and names of flowering indoor plants and choose those crops that will allow for maximum effect solve your design tasks:

The name of the first home flowering plant - (with photo)


Home flowering plants Ehmei are bromeliads with funnel-shaped flowers and densely rosette leaves. The inflorescences in Aechmea fasciata, the most popular species, are pink, in Aechmea chantinii they are red-golden, in Aechmea fulgens they are coral in color. This is the first representative of the bromeliad family. Look at the photos of these plants and continue our acquaintance with agricultural technology and botanical characteristics:

    • Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliads).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Bright but not direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: All year round not lower than 18 ° С.
  • Air humidity: Spray more often. Does not tolerate dry air in rooms with central heating.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: From April to October, moderately moisten the soil and pour water into a leaf funnel. Use only soft water. Water less from November to March.
  • Top dressing: In spring and summer, fertilize every 2 weeks.
  • Transfer: After 2 years.
  • Reproduction: Lateral shoots - children or seeds in spring at 20-25 ° C. The seeds are light-borne.
  • Pests, diseases: Scabbards, root aphids.

After looking at the photo and finding out the name of this home flowering plant, you got the opportunity to find it on the store counter and purchase it in your collection, look at a few more varieties:

Allamanda - climbing flowering houseplant


Allamanda shoots in a short time reach a length of several meters. The flowers, depending on the variety, are 8-12 cm in size. Allamanda cathartica is on sale with flowers of various colors: Henderson's (orange-yellow), Grandiflora (lemon yellow) and Schotta (yellow). The latter type of climbing flowering houseplant develops exceptionally strong.

  • Family: Arosupaseae (Kutrovye).
  • Homeland: North-east of South America.
  • Location: Bright, sunny lighting.
  • Temperature: All year round not lower than 18 ° С. Loves warm soil.
  • Air humidity: High, about 60%.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture with nutritious loam.
  • Watering: From April to October, water abundantly and spray more often. Then cut both.
  • Top dressing: Feed weekly in summer.
  • Transfer: In February / March.
  • Cropping: After flowering or in spring, it is possible to shorten the branches.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings in spring or autumn at a soil temperature of about 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Yellowing of leaves, cushion, false shield.
Important! Allamanda prefers lime-free water. Carefully! All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Anigosantos - tall flowering houseplant


The kangaroo paw is a tall, flowering houseplant with lanceolate leaves and graceful summer flowers. The texture of the petals resembles wool or felt.

  • Family: Naetodoraceae (Hemodorium).
  • Homeland: Southeast Australia.
  • Location: Bright lighting all year round.
  • Temperature: In summer he loves warmth, in winter it is cool (10-15 ° С). In the summer, you can expose the Anigozanthos to the open air, in a protected place.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Top dressing: Apply small doses of fertilizer weekly from March to August.
  • Transfer: If necessary, it can be replanted in the spring.
  • Reproduction: In the spring, by dividing old plants or seeds.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.
Anigosantos is a light-loving plant, so it may not bloom in a “bad” summer. In addition, in a dark place, the "kangaroo paw" does not grow as a compact bush, which can be corrected by treating anigosantos with substances that inhibit growth. Look at these beautiful blooming indoor flowers in the photo, where specimens are presented during the period of budding and blooming of petals:

Afelandra - small flowering houseplant

Afelandra protruding

Protruding Afelandra is a small flowering houseplant with dark green leaves and creamy white veins. Bright, sun-yellow flowers, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, consist of cover leaves laid like roof tiles, which last for a very long time, and short-lived light yellow tubular small flowers. The flowering time is regulated by the gardener, and we can buy a flowering plant at almost any time.

  • Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus).
  • Homeland: Central and South America.
  • Location: Bright lighting all year round. Temperature 20 ° C.
  • Air humidity: High. Spray more often.
  • Watering: The soil should always be slightly damp.
  • Top dressing: Fertilize every 14 days from March to August.
  • Transfer: In the spring.
  • Cropping: Before the transplant.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings at a soil temperature of 25-30 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, false shields.
  • Important! Drafts should be avoided. Aphelandra blooms next year only if it is placed in a cool (10 ° C) and very bright place for 8 weeks in winter.

Look at these flowering indoor plants in the photo, which shows the forms of blooming buds and their color options:

Brunfelsia - flowering and unpretentious indoor flowers in pots


Brunfelsia pauciflora var. calycina are unpretentious indoor flowers, depending on the variety, blooming with white, yellow or light and dark purple large flowers. Spreading shoots, little branching. The 'Floribunda' winter flowering cultivar is interesting for its blue and violet flowers. These potted potted flowers that bloom for a long time require regular fertilizing with minerals.

  • Family: Solanaceae (Solanaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light to semi-shaded all year round.
  • Temperature: Loves warmth. From November to January, keep in a cool place (10-12 ° C).
  • Air humidity: High, spray more often.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: From March to September, water the plant abundantly with softened water. Then cut watering.
  • Top dressing: From March to September, apply fertilizer once every 2 weeks, then stop feeding.
  • Transfer: After the end of the main flowering period in early summer.
  • Cropping: Prune long shoots.
  • Reproduction: Apical or stem cuttings in spring, at a soil temperature of 25 ° C. It takes root with difficulty.
  • Pests, diseases: Yellowing of leaves (chlorosis), false scutes, spider mites, aphids.
Carefully! Brunfelsia is poisonous.

Calceolaria is the best flowering houseplant (with pictures)


Calceolus means "little shoe" in Latin. Almost 500 different species and cultivars derived from them are characterized by the lower lip of flowers, swollen to the size of a wide shoe. Flowers are monochromatic, two-colored, brindle-striped of various colors - yellow, red, orange. Calceolaria, due to its decorative properties, is the best flowering houseplant that allows you to effectively decorate any windowsill.

  • Family: Scrophulariaceae (Noricidae).
  • Homeland: South America. Only cultural forms are on sale.
  • Location: Very bright, but not illuminated by the bright sun, spacious room.
  • Temperature: If possible, not very high (15-20 ° С).
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Abundant.
  • Top dressing: Fertilize weekly.
  • Transfer: Not needed, because this plant is grown as an annual.
  • Reproduction: In summer, at a temperature of 18 ° C, sowing seeds that do not need to be covered with soil (light-like seeds). Growing seedlings does not pose any problems.
  • Pests, diseases: Whiteflies, aphids.
  • Important! The plant does not tolerate waterlogging. In autumn and winter, young plants need additional artificial lighting.

Look at the pictures of these indoor flowering plants, where their decorative properties are illustrated:

Bell - indoor ampelous flowering plants

Bell ( Campanula isophylla)

As pot plants, the common bellflower (Campanula isophylla) and its varieties ‘Alba’ (white flowers) and ‘Mayi’ (blue-violet flowers) are cultivated. These are excellent indoor flowering plants, in addition, Campanula fragilis (brittle bell) and Campanula pyramidalis, popularly called "Jacob's ladder", are grown.

  • Family: Campanulaceae (Bellflower).
  • Homeland: Mediterranean regions.
  • Location: Bright, to sunny, spacious room.
  • Temperature: Not very tall. Wintering at 10 ° C.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Water regularly from spring to autumn to keep the soil constantly moist. Campanula isophylla even tolerates hard water.
  • Top dressing: From May to August, once every 14 days, fertilize with a special flower mixture.
  • Transfer: In the spring.
  • Cropping: After flowering, in autumn.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mites, gray mold, leaf spot.
When cutting cuttings, non-toxic white milky juice appears on the slices. Dip the cuttings in lukewarm water and it will stop flowing out.

Decorative flowering indoor plants: names and photos

Consider an ornamental flowering indoor plant that can be easily grown in a pot culture. The names of decorative flowering indoor plants presented below are not familiar to all growers, so the information will be useful and interesting. Look carefully at the photos and names of decorative flowering indoor plants - among the variety presented there are very interesting new items:

Diosma - Coleonema calydum.

This evergreen potted plant has recently been marketed (sometimes under the name Coleonema pulchrum). Beautiful leaves, resembling heather leaves, exude a spicy scent. In spring, numerous small pink-red flowers appear on the branches.

  • Family: Rutaceae (Root).
  • Homeland: Southwest region of the Cape Province of South Africa.
  • Location: In summer it is a sheltered, sunny place in the open air, in winter it is well lit.
  • Temperature: In summer - outdoor temperature; in winter - a cool room with a temperature of 5 ° C.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Very plentiful in summer, less watering in winter.
  • Top dressing: During the growing season, once every 14 days, apply a full mineral fertilizer diluted in water.
  • Transfer: After flowering.
  • Cropping: When transplanting, pinching the shoots, if necessary, a more radical pruning.
  • Reproduction: From March to September with non-lignified cuttings at a soil temperature of 22-25 ° C. You can use the waste from the pruning.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.

Columbus - Columnea.

Columnei are luxurious ampelous plants. Numerous species and varieties are on sale, partly with variegated leaves... The most famous is the Stavenger species hybrid. The flowering time is different depending on the species or variety.

  • Family: Gesneriaceae (Gesneriaceae).
  • Homeland: Central America, mainly Costa Rica.
  • Location: Light to semi-shade.
  • Temperature: It prefers warmth, but during the budding phase, which lasts 30-40 days in winter, a temperature of about 15 ° C is needed.
  • Air humidity: High. Spray gently.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: During the growing period, slightly, evenly moisten the soil. Water less in winter. Once the buds are 1 to 2 cm in size, increase watering and place the plant in a warmer place.
  • Top dressing: During the growing season, apply small doses of fertilizer weekly.
  • Transfer: After flowering, transplant into azalea pots.
  • Cropping: Prune during transplanting.
  • Reproduction: Apical or non-lignified cuttings at a soil temperature of 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphid infestations.
  • Important! It is not recommended to use water and fertilizers containing lime.

Further, these decorative flowering indoor plants are shown in the photo with the shown possibilities of their use in the interior:

Beautiful blooming and unpretentious house flowers in pots (with photo)

Choosing home flowering beautiful flowers, you always want to get the most unusual and original copy. And there really are. Get to know them further on the page.

The fat woman is fiery red - Crassula coccinea.

Fiery red bastard - home flowering semi-shrub flowers 30-60 cm high. It blooms with fragrant bright red flowers. The shoots extending from the base are densely planted with opposite, cross-shaped leaves 2 cm.

  • Family: Crassulaceae (Crassula).
  • Homeland: South Africa.
  • Location: A room full of air and bright, diffused light. In the summer - in the air, in a place protected from rain. In September, home blooming flowers in pots, bring it into the house, put it in a bright place for the winter until the buds appear.
  • Temperature: In winter, about 10 ° C, in summer - the outside temperature.
  • Substrate: Sandy soil.
  • Watering: Moisturize slightly in summer, water very rarely in winter.
  • Top dressing: In the summer, once every 4 weeks, feed with fertilizer for cacti.
  • Cropping: After flowering, shorten the shoots by 10 cm to stimulate a second flowering.
  • Reproduction: Shoot tips in June. Plant in sandy soil, after drying the cut surface for several days.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, mealybugs, pillows, soft-bodied mites, powdery mildew, leaf nematodes.

Important to remember! Dislikes the midday sun.

Dipteracanthus - Dipteracanthus.

There are about 250 types of these unpretentious blooming house flowers, but only a few of them are offered to us as indoor flowers. These are low, almost creeping dwarf shrubs. Leaves with light veins, pink flowers or white and purple stripes. Looks great as ampelous culture.

  • Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light to partial shade. Does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: Increased all year round. The soil should also be warm.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture with the addition of polystyrene chips.
  • Watering: Moderately moisten the soil. Soften the water.
  • Top dressing: From March to August, once every 2 weeks, apply fertilizer in small doses.
  • Transfer: Transplant into flat vessels every spring.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings in spring, at a soil temperature of 22 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Rolling leaves, impaired growth, root rot, whitefly.
Dipteracanthus is a fabulously beautiful ground cover plant for a window display with a special microclimate.
Check out these blooming house flowers in the photo, which shows the different periods of their life and development:

Flowering plants for home and apartment (names and photos)

Numerous flowering plants for the home allow you to create unusual floristic compositions... These are unique possibilities for interior decoration. The following are descriptions, photos and names of flowering plants for a house and an apartment, look and choose the ones that are suitable for yourself:

Euphorbia Mil (thorns of Christ) - Euphorbia milii

Euphorbia Mila is one of the most popular representatives of the vast, 2000 species of the genus Euphorbia. In places of natural growth, it is a meter-high deciduous shrub. Euphorbia Mila are unpretentious flowering plants for an apartment, they tolerate the dry air of a city apartment, and central heating, and the burning rays of the sun. Its long, hard, like pencils, prickly shoots can be guided along supports, like in trellis plants. The newest varieties grow almost vertically, in compact bushes up to 60 cm high. different options in red and pink tones, and also comes in white and yellow. Euphorbia lophogona, originally from Madagascar, is evergreen and blooms all year round with white or pink flowers. Hybrids of both species are bushy and decorative, bloom profusely and successfully displace pure species. These hybrids, called Euphorbia Lomi, bloom almost all year round with yellows, pinks, reds and purple flowers... True, they are easily affected by powdery mildew.

  • Family: Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae).
  • Homeland: Madagascar.
  • Location: Very bright, sunlit.
  • Temperature: Loves warmth.
  • Substrate: Soil mixture for cacti with a small admixture of loam.
  • Watering: Moderate, especially in winter. After flowering for one month, water a little, so as not to dry out the root ball. Increase watering slightly from March to August.
  • Top dressing: Once every 2 weeks, add fertilizer for cacti to the water for irrigation.
  • Transfer: Transplant young plants every 2 years.
  • Cropping: Pruning is done in the spring before new shoots appear.
  • Reproduction: Spring cuttings. You can use the shoots left after pruning! Use pieces of older shoots. Dip the slices in lukewarm water to stop the release of milky juice. Dry for one day and then plant in a mixture of sand and peat.
  • Pests, diseases: Falling leaves.
Don't be afraid to keep spurge in a room with dry air.

Carefully! All parts of the plant are poisonous. Milky sap in all Euphorbia species contains substances that irritate the mucous membranes. In addition, sharp thorns can cause injury.

Gloriosa (climbing lily) - Gloriosa superba.

Glorious gloriosa (Glonosa superba) is a sensational liana with flowers 10 cm in diameter, fiery red, with a yellow border.

  • Family: Liliaceae (Liliaceae).
  • Homeland: Tropical regions of Asia, Africa, Madagascar.
  • Location: For germination and vegetation - light.
  • Temperature: Loves warmth. Tubers overwinter in a pot at 15 ° C.
  • Air humidity: Spray more often until buds form.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Water regularly from March to August, then limit watering and gradually let the plant wither.
  • Top dressing: From March to August weekly.
  • Reproduction: In February, tubers.
  • Transfer: In March, transplant into a new pot, water.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, spider mites.

When buying, pay attention to whether the tubers have a small green top (growing zone). Caution Tubers contain colchicine, a poisonous substance.

Beautiful flowering indoor plants (photos and names)

Beautiful flowering houseplants can be quite familiar, but unusually decorated. For example, an unusual composition can be formed on the basis of balsam. And the lead in the container will decorate any interior. See photos and names of beautiful flowering indoor plants and scoop interesting ideas to decorate their houses and apartments:

Balsam - Impatiens.

Waller's balsam (Impatiens walleriana) is a beloved pot plant that blooms all year round. Flowers of various colors, there are even two-color petals. Meanwhile, ‘New Guinea’ balsamic hybrids have appeared and have proven themselves well.

  • Family: Balsaminaceae
  • Homeland: Tropical regions in eastern Africa, Ceylon, India, New Guinea. Mostly cultural farms go on sale.
  • Location: Light to semi-shade. New Guinea hybrids tolerate sunlight well.
  • Temperature: Room temperature all year round. For Waller's balsam, it is somewhat cooler in winter (12-15 ° C).
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Water regularly in summer, less in winter. Avoid waterlogging.
  • Transfer: In the spring. Better to root the cuttings in the fall and let them overwinter.
  • Cropping: Shorten the shoots from time to time.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings. Waller's balsam - you can seed it in spring.

Pig - Plumbago indica.

After the ear-shaped mug (Plumbago auriculata) found how container plant there are many admirers in temperate latitudes, its "pink" relative - plumbago, or pig, Indian (Plumbago indica) - has spread as an attractive indoor culture. It forms clinging shoots and blooms all summer with pink-red flowers collected in an ear.

  • Family: Plumbagiaceae (Pigous).
  • Homeland: India.
  • Location: Plenty of light, but protect from direct bright sun.
  • Temperature: Warmly. It is cooler in winter, but not lower than 13 ° С.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Moderate in summer, very limited in winter.
  • Top dressing: During the growth period in spring and summer, apply a complex fertilizer every 14 days.
  • Transfer: If necessary in the spring.
  • Reproduction: In spring, herbaceous apical cuttings at a soil temperature of 20 to 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, powdery mildew, leaf fall.
  • Important! Be sure to avoid stagnant waterlogging!

Skullcap - Scutellaria costaricana.

Tropical skullcap is a mountain plant accustomed to a lot of light. The partly woody species reaches a height of 0.5 m and blooms in summer with bright spike-shaped apical inflorescences with fiery red short-lobed flowers.

  • Family: Lamiaceae (Lipoids).
  • Homeland: Costa Rica.
  • Location: All year long there is a lot of light and air, without direct sun. The temperature in summer is about 20 ° С, in winter it is not lower than 15 ° С. It is important that the soil is warm.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Maintain a moderate moisture content in the substrate.
  • Top dressing: From March to August, feed weekly with low doses of mineral fertilizers.
  • Transfer: Every 2 years, in the fall. Better to grow new plants.
  • Cropping: Before the transplant.
  • Reproduction: Apical or other cuttings, in autumn, at a soil temperature of 20 to 25 ° C. Do not pinch! Inflorescences are formed only at the tops of the shoots.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.
Plant several young plants in the same pot for a thicker look.

Strelitzia - Streiitzia reginae.

The name "bird of paradise" is due to the brightness of the flowers, painted in orange and sky blue and enclosed in bracts with red edges. Strelitzia has long been known as cut flowers, but it is growing in popularity as indoor plants. In the homeland of strelitz, in South Africa, there are 5 species of this plant, but the most widespread is only (Strelitzia reginae).

  • Family: Musaceae (Banana).
  • Homeland: South Africa.
  • Location: Bright and sunny, from the middle of May it is desirable to be protected from the wind in the open air.
  • Temperature: Warm, cooler in winter (10-14 ° C).
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Abundant in summer, very scarce in winter. Drizzle exclusively with water at room temperature.
  • Top dressing: From March to August every week.
  • Transfer: If necessary, but preferably every 3 years, as the roots are very sensitive.
  • Reproduction: By dividing or by seed.
  • Pests, diseases: Shields.

Vriezia is an unpretentious and shade-tolerant flowering houseplant


The most famous type of this unpretentious flowering houseplant is Vriesea splendens. In addition to it, there are shade-tolerant flowering indoor plants with green leaves and dark red and other color spike-shaped inflorescences.

Vriezia die off after flowering. Plants can be kept as epiphytes.
  • Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliads).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light or semi-shaded, avoid direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: It is warm all year round, the soil temperature is above 18 ° C.
  • Air humidity: High. Frequent spraying and providing artificial moisture.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Keep light humidity constantly with soft water at room temperature. Pour water into a funnel and onto someone.
  • Top dressing: In summer, feed in small doses every 14 days.
  • Transfer: Not required as the plant dies off after flowering.
  • Reproduction: Offspring, which should not be smaller than half of the mother plant.
  • Pests, diseases: Growth disorders, leaf damage.

If at words houseplants you remember only ficuses and geraniums, which means that you are not yet familiar with the most unusual representatives of this group.

Below we will talk about growing indoor flowers, which are rarely found in our apartments. These handsome men will surely surprise and intrigue your guests. And growing them is actually not that difficult!

Tillandsia blue (Tillandsia cyanea)

A tropical guest from the Bromeliad family. The original pink spike-shaped inflorescence does not need additional delights, but in the fall delicate lilac-purple flowers appear on it.

It grows very slowly. Comfortable temperature of keeping: in winter + 18 ° C, all the rest of the time up to + 25 ° C. Light partial shade, moderate watering, periodic spraying. High humidity must be maintained constantly, this is one of the main conditions for growing.

When planting, good drainage is required; high peat with crushed bark and leafy soil with charcoal must be included in the soil mixture. When using a different planting mixture, it may grow poorly or not at all.

Euphorbia tirucalli (Euphоrbia tirucаlli)

It is a tree plant of the Euphorbiaceae family. An evergreen succulent with intricately curved bare branches and small greenish-yellow flowers. Its juice (like all milkweed) is poisonous and can cause a slight burn or an allergic reaction.

A soil mixture for cacti and succulents is suitable for him. The pot should not be large, otherwise the spurge will grow poorly (by the way, it can reach 1 m in height, and grows well in breadth). Water sparingly, no need to spray. Choose a light place, but a light partial shade will also work. In the sun, the stems will be slightly yellowish, in the shade - more juicy green.

Needs to winter period dormancy (usually after flowering) at a temperature of +12 ... + 15 ° C. In summer, you can take it outside in light partial shade.

Hypocyrta glabra

Epiphytic ampelous plant, representative of the Gesneriev family. With beautiful small juicy green glossy leaves.

Blooms from spring to late autumn with bright orange flowers unusual shape, which can be seen in the photo below. Dry air and temperature drops during cultivation are unacceptable. When the temperature drops, plant growth slows down.

Humidity of air and soil should be normal, in winter watering should be reduced. Likes a bright place (direct sunlight during the day is desirable). The room temperature should be moderate, in winter - low: +12 ... + 15 ° C.

Lachenalia aloides (Lachenalia aloides)

It will give its owner an elegant flowering in the middle of winter: clusters of elongated yellow tubular flowers with a greenish, reddish, pink or purple tint appear on tall multi-colored stems.

After 2-3 weeks after flowering, watering should be reduced, and then stopped altogether. In September, the plant must be transplanted into fresh soil (the top of the bulb should be placed below the soil level) and watered once; when shoots appear, you can continue watering.

Lashenalia loves moisture, so sometimes it needs to be sprayed. Prefers the sun, especially on windowsills, where half the day is in direct sunlight, but does not accept heating. It develops well and blooms at a temperature of +7 ... + 15 ° C. Closed balcony with low above zero temperatures in winter will be just right for her. Reaches 35-45 cm in height.


It is appreciated for the decorativeness of the leaves: they can be from white to deep green, with unusual stains and patterns. And the saffron calathea (Calathea crocata) is also for the beauty of the flowers. The plant loves care and constant care: it must be protected from drafts, direct sunlight (light partial shade or diffused light), placed in a warm room in winter and organized high humidity air. Watering is constant, reduce the frequency in winter. It should be transplanted once every 2 years.

The most popular forms of calathea:

  • Calathea Makoya(Calathea makoyana)- wide leaves are patterned on the front side, purple on the back;

  • decorated calathea (Calathea ornata)- pink stripes on top of the leaves, with inside the leaf is purple;

  • Calathea Lubbers(Calathea lubbersii)- light green oval leaves with bright green and yellow spots;

  • calathea is wonderful(Calathea insignis)- with large (about 45 cm long) lanceolate leaves with oval patterns;

  • striped calathea (Calathea zebrina)- on leaves about 30 cm long, there are spectacular dark stains;

  • pinkish-colored calathea (Calathea roseopicta)- oval leaves with a central pink stripe.

  • saffron calathea (Calathea crocata)- one of its main advantages - long flowering... Flowers on straight peduncles. The upper side of the leaves is dark green, the lower side is a greenish-purple hue.

Coleria (Kohleria)

The bush is quite compact, with beautiful pubescent leaves and bright flowers... She was once extremely popular! Now you do not often meet her, and completely in vain! This plant has gained its distribution as ampelous, so it is better to choose a pots or a pot on a stand for it, but with the expectation of long time... After transplanting, the soil from the leaves is extremely difficult to wash off, leaving dark streaks.

The shoots of the koleria are straight, not branching. In the indoor version, the plant is represented by hybrid forms. It can bloom for a long time, about 2 months; flowers are delicate, fluffy, patterned. Belongs to the Gesneriaceae family, requires rest in winter, so the upper stems are cut off and the nodules are given time to gain strength and grow at a temperature not higher than + 14 ° C, but not lower than + 12 ° C. Loves diffused light and high humidity, but the air around the plant should be sprayed: if water gets on the leaves, stains will form on them, as with a burn. For the same reason, direct sunlight should be avoided. Our reader shares her experience in growing koleria:.

Columnea small-leaved (Сolumnea microphylla)

Densely leafy ampelous plant with hanging long (can reach 1.5 m) brittle, sometimes climbing shoots.

In winter, watering is reduced. He loves moisture, but it is worth spraying around the plant so that the leaves do not suffer. The flowers are bright, eared.

Prefers warm and diffused sunlight.

Stapelia variegata (Stapelia variegata)

A small succulent with an unusual spotted or striped flower that smells like rotten meat, which thus attracts flies for pollination.

The plant does not tolerate transplantation: if the roots are damaged, say goodbye to it right away. The rest is very unpretentious. The temperature for development can be +12 ... + 14 ° C. Photophilous, does not need spraying.

Frisea (Vriesea)

There are several varieties with large, bright racemose inflorescences.

You need to transplant when the pot has become cramped for the plant. After the end of flowering, it is imperative to remove the mother outlets to give the plant the opportunity to recover and form new ones.

Indoors develops under normal room temperature, in winter it must be reduced, but not less than + 15 ° C. Define a bright place with diffused sunlight. Make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out, and there should always be water in the middle of the leaves of the rosette of leaves. The water needs to be renewed every few months.

Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)

Another name is popular among flower growers - "Dione's mousetrap".

Transplant is not required. During the growth period, good soil moisture is needed (water abundantly), sometimes you can spray the leaves. The Venus Flytrap pot should be placed on a tray filled with rain or melt water. Grows well in a sunny place with a slight shade from the midday sun, at normal room temperature, in winter - not lower than + 15 ° C.

Successful hunt

The plant is sometimes fed with insects: for some time it digests food with closed leaves. Potential prey is attracted by a peculiar smell.

Here is a list of unusual indoor plants. Maybe you would like to house one (or several) of them, or maybe some of these green pets already live with you? Tell us!

It is customary to divide into two large groups: beautifully flowering and decorative deciduous. Some delight with bright buds, others with their size, patterned greenery and its variety. Today we will talk about indoor flowers, blooming (photos and names below) all year round or periodically. It is not possible to list all the representatives within the framework of one article, because, for example, one can talk a lot and for a long time only about violets. Let us conditionally distribute all flowering ones into small groups.

Light-loving plants

They all prefer bright lighting. In addition, these are quite unpretentious indoor flowers. Photos and names of some of them are known to everyone.

All of the listed types of indoor plants are by no means shade-loving indoor flowers. Photos and their names are familiar experienced florists as well as the fact that from correct lighting their decorativeness directly depends.

And flowers and leaves

When the plant is in bloom, it is great, but doubly good if it also has decorative leaves. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, then pay attention to the following types.

Dormant plants

All of them are distinguished by the splendor of flowering and a pronounced rest time, when the ground part dies off, and the tuber hibernates in the ground. Caring for them is quite simple, but you need to adjust to the biological rhythm of the plant.

Amaryllis representatives

This is a fairly large family mainly bulbous plants spread throughout the globe, except for Antarctica, but most abundant in the tropics and subtropics. In indoor floriculture in Russia, four types with large flowers resembling lilies are most popular. All of them have a pronounced period of winter dormancy.

  1. Clivia (pictured) - originally from Africa, reaches a height of up to half a meter. Flowers are collected in a neat umbrella on a high peduncle. A bright and showy plant.
  2. Amaryllis. A plant with a large bulb that almost half protrudes from the ground. With proper care, the peduncle rises by 100-120 cm.There are 2-4 large flower, color from white to dark red.
  3. Hippeastrum. This member of the family is often confused with the previous species. The main difference is in the number of peduncles, it may have several of them.
  4. Eucharis. The second name is Amazon lily... With proper care, it pleases with flowering twice a year.

Gorgeous begonias

This is an indoor flower, the name of which is known to many, but poorly represent their impressive variety. The extensive genus of plants includes about 800 species, and on the present stage more than 2000 varieties have also been bred. Shrub forms are characterized by rapid growth, and tuberous - lush and bright flowering. All representatives are characterized by an asymmetric leaf shape, while they can be monochromatic or with bright streaks, spots, etc. Plants are unpretentious and can easily grow in partial shade.

Usambara violets

Their second name is Saintpaulia, names familiar to everyone. There are many beautiful indoor flowers, but this group stands alone. There are whole associations and, as they say, interest groups - people engaged in special breeding of these plants. They gained their popularity in the 20th century. Due to their miniature size, they do not take up much space, but bloom all year round. Saintpaulias prefer bright places, but they also tolerate partial shade well. Demanding on soil and air moisture.


If you do not have the opportunity and time to care for indoor plants constantly or there is too little space in the apartment, then be sure to pay attention to succulents. The classic representatives are cacti, but about them a little later. However, in addition to them, this group includes a lot of different plants from more than 40 families. Feature- fleshy stems and leaves, rich in moisture. But other than that, some have unusual and vibrant colors. Here are just three of the most famous and common.

Blooming cacti

A significant group of succulent plants (5 thousand species) attracts attention for a reason. Most of them are compact, are content with rare watering, wintering takes place in general at rest. At the same time, they are spectacular, and some are distinguished by bright flowering. For example, the familiar "Decembrists" and epiphyllums (pictured below), reaching truly gigantic proportions. Or a genus of mammillaria. Small cacti are covered with various colors.

And in the photo below you see an indoor flower, the name of which is little known, but appearance familiar. It is usually called a cactus, period. Perhaps the most common representative of a large family in our homes is echinopsis. Differs in its magnificent, but, unfortunately, short flowering.

How to choose?

It can be quite difficult to choose something from the whole variety of indoor plants without explicit preferences. First of all, pay attention to the following sides of the question:

  • how much time are you willing to spend on caring for flowers in the house;
  • how often you are not at home and for how long;
  • lighting in a house or apartment (bright with southern windows, partial shade or solid shadow side);
  • temperature and humidity, there are significant differences between apartments and private houses;
  • housing area.

Plants in the house are his decorations, especially if they are healthy and in bloom. In many ways, success depends on the correct choice of the species, as well as your willingness to spend your time caring for them. Here is just a small overview, including both shade-loving indoor flowers (photo and names above) and light-loving ones.

Do you want to decorate your home with beautiful plants? Today on our site we will provide you with the most popular indoor flowers - photos and names, home care. Flora for your own home should be chosen not only in appearance, but also in accordance with existing home conditions. If the plant feels uncomfortable, its appearance will not be pleasing to the eye.

Indoor flowers - photo

Indoor flowers - illustrated names of popular varieties


This is one of the most common indoor plants. The photo shows what highly decorative properties it has. Azalea blooms most of the winter making it especially desirable for home cultivation.

In the photo, the beautiful Azalea

To get a truly beautiful houseplant, you need to follow the following care rules:

Lighting- Azalea loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct midday rays.
Moisturizing- it is necessary to take care of high air humidity and regular watering. At the same time, you cannot spray the leaves and flowers.
Temperature- Azalea blooms better in cool conditions (10-18 ° C).
Top dressing - carried out once a month, more often during the flowering period.

It is very important to regularly prune the azalea bush so that a beautiful ball flaunts in the pot.

Family Marantovye

Of the beautiful indoor plants without flowers, representatives of the Marantovy family (about 400 species) have won special love. At home, you can find various varieties from the following genera:

Arrowroot is a compact and unpretentious indoor crop that easily tolerates dry soil and air.
Calathea is a tall plant (up to 80 cm) with large leaves, very demanding to care for.
Ktenanta is as demanding in her care as Calathea.
Stromanta is a compact plant with long, sharp leaves that requires particularly careful care.

Indoor flowers of the Marantovye family

Home care for representatives of the Marantovaya family:

Lighting- good, but without direct rays.
Humidity- watering should be frequent, and the air humid (regular spraying will help).
Temerature- it is impossible to allow drafts and cooling up to +18 ° С.
Fertilizer - the culture should be fed once a month.

Palm areca

This type of palm differs from the rest in its special decorativeness and rapid growth. At home, most often you can find such a variety as Chrysolidocarpus yellowish.

Areca palm for home

Care to maintain the beauty of a palm tree should be aimed at creating conditions for the hot tropics:

Lighting- Areca palm prefers bright sunlight. It is not recommended to abruptly change the position of the pot.
Humidity- frequent watering and spraying is recommended.
Temperature - perfect option consists in maintaining the air temperature within 18-25 ° С. If the air warms up more, it is necessary to increase the humidity.
Fertilizer- carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks, but only in spring and summer.


For those who like to decorate windows with live green balls, Soleirolia is suitable. This openwork grass grows rapidly, creeping along the ground and creating an air cushion over the pot. Different types differ in the shade of small leaves. Solleyrolia is often planted in flowerpots with large flowers to increase the decorative effect.

In the photo, openwork Soleirolia

Home care:

Lighting- saline loves shade, so it will feel bad on well-lit windows.
Humidity- a resident of the subtropics is demanding on the amount of water. It should be watered through a sump and sprayed frequently over the entire cap.
Temperature- should be maintained at the level of 18-23 ° С. The plant does not tolerate cold, and when it is hot, the soil dries out quickly.
Fertilizer- held once a month in winter, more often in summer.

Indoor bamboo

In fact, bamboo is not grown at home, but the stems of Sander's dracaena, which are painfully similar to him, are very much even. The shoots turn out to be very tenacious, and they are grown at home without any soil.

Care indoor bamboo very simple

Features of caring for indoor bamboo in water:

You need to deepen the lower ends by 1-2 cm.
Change the water weekly.
Add liquid top dressing once a month.
Avoid bright light.

After the roots appear, the plant can be safely planted in the soil. A lightweight substrate should be used and a good drainage layer should be provided. Dracaena Sander needs well-moistened soil, frequent spraying and warmth. It is necessary to accustom it to the rays of the sun gradually.


This very common plant is popularly called female happiness. Flowers can be white or red. Spathiphyllum is known for its ability to purify the air at home.

Spathiphyllum purifies the air at home

Light- absent-minded.
Humidity- high, frequent spraying.
Temperature- comfortable for a person.


Looks like zamiokulkas, or dollar tree, quite unusual, than, along with unpretentiousness, fell in love with very many people. It is suitable for any interior in a home or office environment. Zamioculcas is a plant for the laziest flower growers. It retains moisture in the stems, and therefore can survive even a long drought.


Conditions and care:

Light- plentiful, but absent-minded.
Moisturizing- moderate watering; in summer (during the period of active growth) - abundant. Rare spraying can be carried out.
Temperature- constant heat (not lower than 18 ° С).

Indoor violet

There are many varieties of this delicate houseplant with a variety of leaves and flowers. Violet is generally unpretentious in care, but she should completely like the proposed living conditions.

Indoor violet is great for growing at home

Primary requirements:

Lighting- long-term (12-14 hours), but no direct rays.
Moisturizing- do not let the earth dry out, pour water only under the bush or into the pallet, do not spray the leaves.
Temperature- 18-25 ° C. At higher values, the humidity should be increased.
Fertilizer- in spring and summer, once every three weeks, the rest of the time - once a month.


This vine began to grow as a houseplant several centuries ago. A special support is installed in the pot, or the branches are allowed to weave along the wall. The genus Philodendron is represented by many varieties, the main difference between which is the size and shape of the leaves.

Philodendron at home

Philodendron Care:

Lighting- the liana is used to curling through trees in dense forests, so it will calmly develop in the depths of the room only with artificial lighting.
Moisturizing- the soil should always be moist, and the air humidity at home should not be reduced more than up to 55%.
Temperature- a tropical guest needs constant heat (at least 15 ° C).
Fertilizer- they are applied only during the warm period of the year, once every 2-3 weeks.


Blooming Kalanchoe is a lovely decoration for the home (see photo), if those living in it do not have allergies. It is often presented as a gift instead of a bouquet. If the plant is properly cared for, the flowering period will be long and often repeated. It should be noted that medicinal varieties do not bloom and are not used to decorate living space.

On the picture blooming Kalanchoe

Indoor flower called Kalanchoe is undemanding to care for. Here are the basic conditions:

Lighting- bright, but scattered, no more than 10 hours a day (in view of this, flowering occurs in winter).
Moisturizing- Kalanchoe tolerates drought well, it should not be heavily flooded (especially in winter).
Temperature- growth and flowering occur when this indicator is between 18-28 ° C.
Top dressing- carried out only during the flowering period.


This miniature palm always looks good at home, refreshing the interior. Of the hundreds of species, only a few of the most unpretentious are grown in everyday life. The photo shows one of them. The plant is famous not only for its grace, but also for its ability to cleanse the air from harmful impurities.


A little about leaving:

Lighting- bright, but not exposed to direct rays.
Moisturizing- watering is carried out as the top layer of the earth dries up; in the summer, foliar moistening is additionally carried out.
Temperature- for the subtropical Dracene, they create cool conditions in winter, and for the tropical ones, this indicator is always maintained at 18 ° C.
Fertilizer- dressing is applied only in the summer once every 2-3 weeks.

Money tree (bastard)

This plant is found in almost every home today. Someone likes its unusual round and thick leaves, other growers believe in the magical ability of the fat woman to attract money into the house. The leaves of this indoor culture have medicinal properties - they are eaten or applied to wounds.

On the picture Money Tree

Home care:

Lighting- the fat woman loves the bright sun, so the south window is perfect for her.
Moisturizing- the money tree tolerates drought well, but reacts extremely negatively to waterlogging. In winter, watering should be particularly scarce.
Temperature- to maintain growth in the warm season, the temperature is maintained at the level of 20-10 ° С, for the winter it is reduced to 12-14 ° С.
Fertilizer- use feeding for succulent plants and only during the growth period.


A popular summer blooming houseplant, it is a relative of room violet... Coleria is a flower with a dormant period. For the winter, an empty pot or dug tubers are stored in cool place(10-15 ° C), moisturizing from time to time.

Different types Coleria at home

A few words about leaving:

Lighting- koleria loves light, but not direct summer rays.
Moisturizing- watering should be moderate.
Temperature- 20-25 ° С in the active phase, 10-15 ° С - during the rest period.

Additional list of indoor flowers with photos and names

In the photo Plumeria

In the photo of Hatior

Pictured Orchid

In the photo Bougainvillea

Christmas star