Arabis: planting and care in the open field, growing from seeds. Ornamental Plants Nursery Catalog

Arabis (Rezuha) - perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the Cabbage family. The Arabis genus has about 100 species that grow all over the world: in North America, Africa, Europe and Asia.
The height of the peduncle is about 30 cm. The stems are creeping, climbing, rooting. Stem leaves are densely pubescent, toothed, solid, silvery-white or bright green in color. The plant also has oval-shaped basal leaves, which are often collected in a rosette. Perennial flowers are pink, white, red, purple (depending on the variety and species), double or simple, small (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), collected in loose umbrella-shaped brushes. Arabis blooms very profusely from April and lasting for 8 weeks. During the flowering period, Rezuha grows quite strongly, and in those places where the shoots are in contact with the ground, they take root in the ground. The fruit is a pod.
The most popular types:

  • Arabis tower.
  • Arabis Arends.
  • Arabis is whitish, or Caucasian.
  • Arabis is bruiform.
  • Arabis breakout.
  • Arabis towering or protruding.
  • Arabis ciliate.
  • Arabis is undersized.

All Arabis species are grown in approximately the same conditions.


Optimal conditions for growing Rezuhi are an open, sunny place, well-blown by the wind. Partial shade is also acceptable, but in a sunny area, Arabis blooms much more magnificently and becomes more compact.
It is better to choose the soil for planting loose, sandy, not too wet, filled with humus or organic fertilizers... Rezuha does not tolerate an excess of moisture, so the soil must be permeable (for this purpose, it must be well drained before planting). Even calcified and acidic soil is suitable for the plant.
The classic Alpine Arabis is propagated by seeds, and its hybrid terry varieties are propagated by bush division and cuttings. The seeds are sown in early spring or, before winter, directly into open ground (to a depth of 0.5 cm). The soil temperature for fast germination of seeds should be +20 ° C. To increase the germination of the planting material, the area where Rezukha will be located can be covered with a special non-woven covering material (for example, agrospan). It permeates water well and prevents soil erosion. If desired, up to 3-4 plants can be planted in one hole, so the entire area will be evenly covered with a flower cover. The perennial will begin to bloom only in the second year.
It is not difficult to propagate Rezuha by dividing the bush. To do this, in August-early September, you need to dig up a perennial together with a root, then carefully divide it, choosing 5-6 well-developed parts, and plant it in pre-prepared holes. In this case, the distance between plants should be at least 30-35 cm.
Cuttings are carried out from mid-May to June. To do this, cut off the tops of green shoots 6-8 cm long, remove a couple of lower leaves and, in this form, plant the cutting in a well-moistened and shaded place (to a depth of no more than 4 cm). Above planting material it is advisable to cover with a "covering" material or paper. Rooting of the plant, as a rule, occurs in 2-3 weeks. In late August - early September of the same year, cuttings become suitable for planting on permanent place.

Growing and caring

Arabis is absolutely unpretentious plant and does not require special care... Watering the perennial is not very plentiful and is carried out mainly in the dry season.
In a winter with little snow, it is advisable to cover the plant, although some new Rezukhi varieties were bred with absolute frost resistance. With the onset of spring, it is important to make sure that the soil is well drained, as otherwise Arabis can rot from stagnant winter waters. If the snow melts too early, it is useful to cover the plant, protecting the delicate shoots from drying out.
When growing a perennial on your site, you must take into account the high rate of its growth. To prevent it from drowning out neighboring plants, it is required to regularly trim the shoots. This will not only help maintain the limits of their distribution, but also give beautiful shape bushes. In addition, thanks to this procedure, the next year Rezuha blooms much more abundantly (in order to prolong its flowering during the season, it is recommended to remove the faded flowers). If over time, the leaf plates and flowers are crushed, and the shoots will stretch out, you can severely cut the branches or simply replace the bush.
Arabis is also susceptible to various diseases. These include:

  • False powdery mildew - the affected stems are deformed and thickened, whitish spots appear on the upper part of the leaves, and a white bloom of sporangia is visible on the lower side. The leaves are bent downward. To prevent the development of the disease, perennials should be sprayed less often, and in winter gardens and greenhouses to reduce air humidity so that dew does not fall out at night. For mass plantings, you need to create good ventilation and spray the plants with Alet and Ridomil Gold preparations. The affected parts of Rezuha are removed.
  • Kidney gall midges- young leaves are deformed, located close to each other and omitted, the buds at the ends of the shoots swell strongly. In order to fight the disease, the Gauls are cut off and destroyed.
  • White rust- whitish spots form on top of the leaves, which then turn purple or brown. In the lower part of the leaves, as the disease progresses, whitish-yellow papillae appear. The perennial loses its color and gradually dies. In order to prevent the spread of white rust, affected plants are removed from the greenhouse. The rest are treated with Strobi, Copper Oxychloride or Topaz. Less watering also helps prevent the development of the disease (fungal spores disperse in a humid environment).

In general, control over the moisture level of the soil in which Arabis grows and proper care will help to avoid the above problems.

♦ Heading:

Planting and caring for arabis (in short)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - in October, sowing seeds for seedlings - in April, planting seedlings in the garden - in late May or early June.
  • Bloom: in May-June.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or partial shade.
  • The soil: loose, sandy, moderately moist, pre-fertilized.
  • Watering: moderate and only in severe drought.
  • Top dressing: one per season: in early spring, before flowering, a complex mineral fertilizer is applied. The plot is mulched with humus.
  • Reproduction: cuttings, layering, dividing the bush and seeds.
  • Pests: cruciferous fleas.
  • Diseases: viral mosaic.

Read more about the cultivation of Arabis below.

Arabis flowers - description

Arabis flowers are grown as annual and perennial ground cover plants with rooting creeping stems. Arabis can reach a height of 30 cm. The leaves of the razuha are green, densely pubescent, whole, cordate, sometimes serrated at the edges. Pink, white, purple or yellowish flowers, simple or double, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, collected in small but dense racemose inflorescences. Lush and long flowering Arabis, starting in the second half of spring, is accompanied by a pleasant aroma, to which bees flock en masse. The fruit is a pod with flat seeds, winged in some species.

The relatives of arabis are plants such as alyssum, horseradish, rape, cabbage, mustard, iberis, radish and other cruciferous crops. In addition to a strong aroma, rezuha is undemanding to growing conditions, therefore, planting and caring for Arabis in open ground the classes are not burdensome and enjoyable.

Growing Arabis from seeds

Sowing Arabis

Rezuha thrives on seeds, which can be purchased at garden centers, shops or flower shows. Seeds are sown directly into the ground before winter in October or in early spring (in April) for seedlings in boxes or containers with garden soil with the addition of sand or small stones in a ratio of 3: 1. Seeds are planted shallowly - 5 mm - and germinated at 20 ºC. To increase germination, the container is covered non-woven fabric, for example, agrospan.

Arabis seedling care

After 20-25 days, when Arabis shoots appear, the cover can be removed, watering is somewhat reduced and the container with the crops is transferred to a bright, warm place. They take care of the Arabis seedlings, like any other: as necessary, water and gently loosen the substrate.

Arabis pick

In the phase of development of the first true leaf, if you want to grow Arabis as a separate plant, the seedlings dive at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other, and even better, plant them in separate containers. If you want to grow Arabis as a soil cover, then you can skip the dive. Before planting in open ground, the seedlings are hardened for 10-12 days, daily taking them out into the open air for a while and gradually increasing the duration of the sessions. During hardening, make sure that the seedlings are not in a draft. Once the seedlings have adapted to the conditions in the garden, they can be planted outdoors.

Planting Arabis in open ground

When to plant Arabis in the ground

Planting arabis, or planting rezuha in the ground, is carried out at the beginning of June or at the end of May, but not before the seedlings develop three true leaves. They choose sunny, well-blown areas for Arabis, although it grows well in partial shade, but it does not bloom so luxuriantly and does not grow so much.

How to plant Arabis

The soil on the site for Arabis should be loose, sandy, not too wet, well-cultivated, free of weeds and fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. To increase moisture and air permeability, you can add sand, small pebbles and sod to the garden soil. But if you plant it in calcified or poor acidic soil, it will grow too, although not as violently. Planting scheme for Arabis 40x40 cm. You can plant 3-4 seedlings in one hole. Immediately after planting, the site is watered, and if fertilizers were not applied to the soil before planting, then literally a day or two after planting the Arabis, feed it with complex mineral fertilizer. Arabis blooms from seeds in the second year after planting.

Caring for Arabis in the garden

How to grow Arabis

Cultivation of Arabis includes simple and familiar procedures - watering, feeding, weeding, pruning, loosening the soil and protecting against pests and diseases, if such a threat arises. Rezuha is drought-resistant and tolerates the absence of moisture more easily than its excess, therefore it should be watered exclusively during periods of prolonged drought and heat, but even then it must be done, observing the measure.

Caring for Arabis involves weeding it often, at least until the crusher is so strong that the weeds have no chance to develop near it. It is necessary to regularly prune the fast-growing Arabis shoots to maintain the shape of the bush. To extend the flowering period of arabis, you need to remove wilted flowers.

Reproduction of Arabis

Arabis propagates not only by seeds, but also by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. O seed method, which are mainly propagated by species arabis, we have already told you. Rare or terry varieties of arabis propagate by cuttings. As a cutting, you can use a razuha leaf with a heel - part of the cambial layer, which will give the roots. To get such a stalk, you do not need to cut the leaf, but tear it off with a guy, separating, together with the leaf, part of the bark of the stem with the subcortex pulp. This is done after the cesspool has faded. You can also use the top of the shoot as cuttings - a piece about 10 cm long, from which it is removed lower leaves... The cuttings are planted at an angle in a loose substrate, after which the container is covered with a transparent cap and the greenhouse is placed in a bright, but not sunny place. Keep the substrate slightly damp, allow the cuttings to breathe daily and remove condensation from the hood. As soon as the upper leaves restore turgor, and this can happen in three weeks, you can prepare for transplanting cuttings into open ground.

In order to get a layering of arabis, bend its shoot to the ground and attach it in the area of ​​the leaf node to the soil, and pinch the top. When the leaf node grows roots in the soil, separate the layers and plant them.

To dividing the bush, the rezuhi is resorted to when propagating a particularly valuable or terry variety. The bush is dug up, divided into parts and planted. It is better to do this after the arabis has faded.

Arabis transplant

Actually, you can divide the Arabis bush without digging up the plant, but simply pinning its shoots to the ground, wait until they take root in the leaf nodes, and then separate the layers from mother plant, divide them into segments according to the number of root bundles and transplant to a new place.

Pests and diseases of arabis

Arabis, quite resistant to harmful insects and diseases, sometimes suffers from a viral mosaic and an eternal pest of cabbage crops cruciferous flea... Symptoms of a viral mosaic look like small brown spots on the leaves that gradually increase in size and eventually merge with each other. The mosaic is incurable, so the diseased specimen must be immediately removed and burned, and the soil in which it grew must be shed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate and nothing must be grown in this place for at least a year.

As for the cruciferous flea, do not waste time on laborious dusting of arabis wood ash, it is better to immediately process the site with Aktellik, Aktara, Biotlin, Karbofos or Iskra.

Arabis after flowering

How and when to collect Arabis seeds

Select the most beautiful Arabis inflorescences during flowering and outline them. It is necessary to collect seeds after the first frost, on a dry, fine day, since seeds collected in wet weather have a low germination capacity. Cut off the inflorescences with part of the stem and dry them in a dry, well-ventilated room, suspended, then husk the seeds and store them in a cardboard box in a dark, dry place.

Preparing Arabis for winter

Arabis can withstand cold temperatures down to -5-7 ºC, but with more severe frosts he dies without shelter. With the onset of winter, the Arabis shoots are cut off, leaving only 2-4 cm above the surface, which are covered with dry leaves, spruce branches or covering material.

Types and varieties of arabis

In culture, the following types of arabis are most often grown:

grows in the Far East, in the north of Scandinavia, in the Polar Urals, in the highlands of North America and Western Europe... This is a perennial Arabis, a plant reaching a height of 35 cm, with ascending generative shoots and very branched whip-like vegetative shoots pressed to the ground that do not die off in winter and form clumps in the form of pillows. The basal leaves of the Alpine Arabis are oval, and the stem leaves are arrow-heart-shaped. Fragrant pink or white flowers up to 1 cm in diameter, forming racemose inflorescences up to 5 cm long, open in April and bloom for about a month. Alpine Arabis has such garden forms:

  • schneeshaube- Plants no more than 25 cm in height with white flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in clusters up to 15 cm long;
  • terry- differs from the original species in larger inflorescences similar to Levkoi;
  • pink- Arabis up to 20 cm high with pink flowers up to 2 cm in diameter in inflorescences up to 12 cm long.

Planting and caring for Alpine Arabis formed the basis of the article.

Arabis bryoides

comes from the subalpine and alpine belt of the mountainous regions of Albania, Greece and Bulgaria. It is a cushion-shaped perennial up to 10 cm high with small, oval, ciliate leaves covered with felt down, collected in rosettes, and white flowers, which, in an amount of 3 to 6 pieces, form loose corymbose inflorescences;

some scientists consider it as a subspecies of Alpine Arabis. It grows in the Caucasus, Crimea, the Mediterranean, Central and Asia Minor. At the time of flowering, this perennial reaches a height of 30 cm. The leaves of the Caucasian Arabis are small, gray-green from dense white pubescence, oblong, with large teeth along the edges. White flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter in racemose inflorescences up to 8 cm long bloom within a month from the beginning of June. But individual flowers can appear on the plant until autumn. The fruit of the plant is a long, narrow cone. In culture, the species has been since 1800. There are such garden forms of Caucasian Arabis:

  • flora-pleno- a plant that blooms profusely with double white flowers on long peduncles;
  • variegata- a variety with yellowish leaves at the edges;
  • Rosabella- variety with pink flowers.

found in the wild in the Balkans. This is a ground cover plant up to 12 cm high with small rosettes of leaves and faded flowers. Most often, the plant is used to anchor sliding slopes. Arabis running out is unpretentious and frost-resistant, but it is still desirable to cover it for the winter. The most famous variety is Variegata, with green leaves with a wide white border and a bunch of purple flowers that gradually turn white;

Stunted Arabis (Arabis pumila)

grows naturally in the Apennines and the Alps. It grows up to 15 cm. Its white, nondescript flowers that have no decorative value open in May or June. The fruits of dwarf arabis are attractive - because of them it is grown in culture;

Arabis androsacea

grows on the rocky slopes of Turkey at an altitude of 2300 m. It is a perennial 5-10 cm high with small oval pointed leaves collected in rosettes and white flowers in loose shields;

growing in the California mountains at an altitude of 500 m, is a ground cover perennial up to 8 cm high with a bush diameter of about 25 cm. Its leaves are gray-green, and the flowers are dark pink. In culture, varieties are most often grown:

  • Route Sensation- a plant with elongated leaves and bright pink flowers;
  • Frühlingshaber- variety with small leaves and pink flowers.

Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii "Variegata"

- floor evergreen no more than 5 cm in height and a bush with a diameter of about 30 cm. This arabis is prized for its abundant and long flowering. It has attractive, light green leaves with white, yellow or pinkish edging and white flowers. Wide pillows of leaf rosettes look impressive. In the presence of good drainage this plant is able to withstand low temperatures.

Razuha (Arabis)

Rezuha, or arabis- perennial herb of the family Cruciferous (Cruciferae) with wintering aerial creeping and rooting, most often long branched, sometimes strongly shortened shoots. The leaves are also hibernating, of various shapes and colors. It enjoys well-deserved popularity among flower growers due to its unpretentiousness and ease of growing and reproduction. Razuhs bloom, like all cruciferous plants, with flowers with four petals of white, pink or yellow color. Propagated by seeds, dividing bushes, cuttings. Have Caucasian raspberry (Arabis caucasica) aerial shoots are creeping, rooting, wintering. Leaves are small, whole, lanceolate, toothed, densely pubescent, grayish-green, overwintering. Grows up to 25 cm in height, forms a solid carpet covering... Blooms profusely in early May with white or pink, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, flowers collected in a raceme up to 8 cm long. Flowering continues for a month. Flowers with a characteristic honey smell. Has universal use: single and group plantings, under shrubs and trees, etc. Razuha is especially effective in combination with tulips. Can grow in any light, loose, well-drained soil. Likes a sunny place or light partial shade. Timely pruning of fading inflorescences helps to prolong flowering. After the cessation of flowering, it is recommended to carry out a complete pruning of the shoots at a height of several centimeters from the surface of the earth, which contributes to the emergence of numerous young shoots.

Rezuha Arends "Rosa bella" (Arabis arendsii "Rosa bella") is a garden hybrid (Arabis aubrietoides x Arabis caucasica). It blooms with large, light pink flowers that do not fade in the sun, collected in a brush. The plant is compact, forms a dense, low (about 20 cm tall) carpet of silvery-green leaves. Unlike these types Funka rezuha (Arabis funkii) forms small rosettes of oval-lanceolate leaves, the color of which can vary from dark green to light green, depending on soil and climatic conditions. In May, a peduncle 10-15 cm long grows from the middle of the rosette, with 10 or more white flowers about 1 cm in diameter. The flowers form a brush, spreading along the entire length of the peduncle.

Ferdinand's Rezukh (Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi)- grows in the form of a carpet a little more than 5 cm in height, formed by thin branched stems that easily take root in places of contact with the soil surface. Leaves obovate or lanceolate-elongated, bright green or pigmented, alternate or collected in a rosette. Flowering occurs in late spring - early summer, white flowers are collected at the top of the peduncle 10-15 cm long.This cesspool differs from most of its mountain relatives in less aggressiveness, low growth allows it to be present not only as a ground cover plant in large rock gardens, but also on roller coaster of medium size.

A lower dense mat is formed by densely leafy short, well-branched stems Zyunderman's rezuh (Arabis x suendermannii)... The bloom also occurs at the end of May - the beginning of June; small white four-petal flowers, characteristic of most razuha, rise on short peduncles above the mass of glossy dark green wintering leaves. Due to its characteristic appearance, unusually slow growth, as well as a high degree of decorativeness throughout the growing season, it can be recommended for placement in any rocky gardens, including the smallest ones.

In total, more than 50 species of razu are known, most of which can be included in the list of beautiful, and at the same time, unpretentious inhabitants of the rock garden.

Caucasian rezuha "Alba" (A. caucasica "Alba")

Caucasian Rezuha "Rosea" (A. caucasica "Rosea")

Rezuha Funka (Arabis funkii)

Rezuha Funka (Arabis funkii)

Rezuha is a perennial evergreen plant. It blooms from April to June. Gardeners use only a small fraction of the rezuha varieties. They are all capable of forming blooming carpet and are distinguished by exuberant growth.

Description of the plant

Rezuha (Arabis) belongs to the cruciferous family. Homeland of habitation - Asia or Europe. Translated from greek arabos means "rattle". Some of its species have hard, small hairs on the leaves and stems that hurt the hands, which is why the plant was named Razuh.

This low perennial blooms early. In height, it can reach up to 30 centimeters. The shape of the leaves is graceful, the shade is silvery, they have pubescence. The petals are whitish to pinkish in color. Terry varieties look very attractive.

The flowering of arabis is abundant - from a distance the bush looks like a bright spot. In cool weather, Arabis blooms better - up to 8 weeks.

Features of varieties

Each species of the genus "Rezukha" is unique and has its own characteristics.

  • Caucasian rezuha (Arabis caucasica) differs in pink and white color of flowers. In width - up to 60 centimeters, height - 25 centimeters.
  • The most popular variety is Plena... It reaches a height of 25 centimeters.
  • The Schneehaube cultivar is characterized by profuse flowering.
  • Pay attention to the red variety Coccinea and compact terry FlorePleno.
  • Of the new types, it is worth highlighting LaFraicheur and Compinkie... They bloom in the summer.
  • Rezuha Arends is a hybrid. It is obtained through crossing Arabis aubrietoides and Arabis caucasica... The color of the flowers is pink.
  • Protruding rezuha has dark green leaves. Flowering occurs in April. The most popular of the varieties Neuschnee.
  • Variety Variegata has leaves edged with a white stripe.

Planting and leaving

Planting is carried out in the autumn or spring... Previously, the soil is loosened and compost is added. If the soil is heavy, add sand to lighten it. The soil should be well-drained, the place should be sunny or light partial shade.

Take out the seedlings with extreme caution. The glass is turned upside down, then gently pressed so that the roots come out of the container.

During planting, roots should be untangled and oversized branches should be shortened. The distance between plants should be up to 25 cm.

All varieties of arabis are unpretentious. Any soil is suitable for them. As for the Caucasian Arabis (its image can be seen in the photo), it must be periodically rejuvenated, otherwise the central part of the plant will look ugly, and the flowering will shift to the periphery. After flowering, the shoots are shortened - they should be no more than 10 centimeters.

Rezuha: description (video)

  • It is better to plant rezuha in multi-colored groups on large area.
  • After the plant has faded, you can start dividing it. To do this, pluck off the sockets from the bush. They are placed in cups and taken to a slightly shaded place. In the spring it will be possible to land in the ground.
  • At the end of flowering, the razuha is trimmed. A "pillow" should form.
  • Arabis Caucasian can be planted in a hole made in black foil, and then mulched with expanded clay or stones. This will prevent weeds from emerging. You can allow the plant to hang freely from the stone, but in this case, you will have to trim it periodically.
  • When seedlings appear, it is necessary to provide sufficient ventilation. For this, glass is removed in the greenhouse. As soon as the seedlings grow up, they can be moved to the garden bed. Since the appearance of flowers requires low temperature, flowering will occur only after a year.

Despite the fact that rezuha rarely suffers from diseases, it may appear root rot... How she looks can be seen in the photo. In this case, rotting begins from the top. If this nuisance occurs, simply dig up the grub and rid it of rotting roots.

Use in landscape design

In the rock garden, there must be rezuha. The ground cover plant will bloom with white flowers in April-May. After flowering, the stems should be shortened. Arabis looks great in borders.

V joint landing varieties like "Sound of the surf", "Arabis pink" and "Alpine slide"... Flowering occurs in the spring.

The varieties look original "Sunny Bunny" and "Alpine snow" in a circular flower bed near a pine tree. Previously, sand and compost soil should be added to the flower bed. You can also put arabis to Cossack juniper.

Ciliated Arabis (beautiful both in the photo and in the flowerbed) is used in the foreground in the mixborder and in the border. Rezuha can also be planted for refining dry retaining walls and rocky hills. Terry varieties are often found in bouquets.

In medium-sized rock gardens, Caucasian arabis is mainly grown. A living carpet of leaves will look attractive from spring to autumn. A lush hat of snow-white flowers will delight you with flowering for 3 weeks. The variegated form of Variegata has a spectacular foliage.

Each leaf has a white stripe. As a result, the curtain looks very attractive. The border can change from white to yellow. Some of the shoots may lose variegation, then they are removed.

If you need to decorate a significant part of the area in a short time, you will not find it better. To strengthen the slopes, use "Arabis Towering".

Where to plant

Rezuha is a ground cover plant. It feels great on slopes, walls, in rose gardens. The plant also looks impressive on rocky terrain - in nature it is located in such places. You can plant on the edge of the flower bed. In this case, the center, surrounded by greenery, will look very impressive.

Garden partners

Purple low iris and blue Armenian muscari will be excellent neighbors for rezuha. If your site has alpine slide, in addition to rezuha, it is worth placing on it:

  • rock burchak;
  • shaved;
  • phlox.

Daffodils and late tulips look spectacular on a green carpet.

Reproduction of rezuha

Alpine rezuha reproduces by cuttings in summer period or by dividing the bushes into autumn time... Also, reproduction can be carried out by seeds. They are sown before winter or in spring time... Since from terry varieties you cannot get seeds, their reproduction occurs only with the help of cuttings.

Cuttings are planted in June in a garden bed or in a cold greenhouse. For good rooting, you should separate the leaf so that the skin comes off with it. The cambial layer will open, from which it will subsequently grow root system.

Rezuha: planting and care (video)

It is quite easy to get a large flowering carpet on the site if you use a cutter for this purpose. All varieties of arabis are different from each other, so you can experiment and use them to implement different ideas registration of a garden plot. The plant is planted in spring or autumn. Arabis is undemanding to care. Root rot may appear from diseases.

Arabis belongs to the perennial group, representing the cruciferous family. Its natural habitat is mountains and rocky slopes. Most often, this picturesque carpet can be found in the mountains of Europe, North America and Asia.

Interest in this plant is quite high, however, not all beginner growers are familiar with the peculiarities of its cultivation and care, which often prevents the plant from demonstrating all its decorative properties.

Arabis: description and varieties

This ground cover plant, known as rezuha, belongs to the group of medium-sized and reaches a height of 30 cm.Therefore, it is often used in the design of a variety of objects available on garden plot - arboretum, rockery and rock garden.

This plant looks unusual due to the amazing combination of bright emerald foliage and pinkish, cream, lilac and white inflorescences, which are the main decoration of arabis.

This plant surprises with the fact that it retains an evergreen color under any temperature and climatic conditions. If there is snow cover, Arabis feels good even in severe winter frosts.

It is no coincidence that this plant has such a name, because it received it because of its unusual properties. In nature, there are varieties on the leaves of which there are coarse hairs that can easily injure hands.

Many people know this mountain plant under the name “ sunny bunny". This name looks much more euphonious and at the same time is great for thinning the pleasant aroma of a flower carpet.

Varieties of the Arabis plant

On this moment through the efforts of breeders, it was possible to create about 200 species of this plant, among which more than a hundred - hybrid species, with pronounced decorative properties, due to which they are in great demand among gardeners.

Of the greatest interest among them are two types of arabis:

  • Caucasian;
  • Alpine.

Caucasian Arabis

The main feature of the mountain variety of the plant is the presence of a very powerful root system... It is thanks to her that Caucasian Arabis grows well in the mountains, where its roots find a place for rooting inside crevices.

The bushes, decorated with emerald greenery, are rather stunted and have a height of no more than 15 cm. As a rule, they expand in length to 30-40 cm. Arabis begins to bloom in May, when stable warm weather sets in.

During this period, you can feel the most delicate aroma, as well as enjoy miniature pink and white flowers... Caucasian Arabis is presented in a wild, as well as cultural form, which can often be found both on household plots, and in greenhouses.

Alpine Arabis

This species is also capable of impressing any sophisticated gardener. He attracts attention to himself with an extraordinary aroma, as well as the presence of a large number of white and pink tassels.

It usually blooms in mid-April. It can often be found under mountain crevices and between stones, where it gets along quite easily. Adult specimens can grow up to 18-20 cm.

The varieties of arabis considered above are not the only ones, besides them, there are many other noteworthy varieties.

This list can include the following varieties: bryophyte arabis, running out (native to the Balkans), ciliate, breakthrough and other equally colorful mountain plants.

The first flowers bloom in May, and quite a lot of them are formed, but this picture does not take long to observe - only 20-30 days.

The racemose inflorescences that bring unforgettable pleasure are presented big amount simple and double flowers having a lemon, lilac or pinkish color. After flowering, Arabis begins to bear fruit, forming pods containing brown seeds.

Planting Arabis seeds in open ground

Usually, in search of Alpine rezuha seeds, many gardeners act very simply and turn to flower shops... However, before purchasing seed, you need to know when is the best time to sow.

Despite the great availability of this method, it makes it possible to achieve with minimal cost high results. As a result, you will have to water the plants less often without thinking about creating drainage.

In such conditions, the seeds not only germinate earlier, but also bloom faster... You can understand that seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place by the appearance of their first two or three leaves.

In order for Arabis bushes to grow to their maximum size, they must be placed when planting not closer than 40 cm apart. Perhaps someone wants to get a pictorial flower carpet from arabis. In this case, three or four plants must be planted in one hole.

However, you will have to be patient, since the Arabis will begin to bloom only next year. Although, if you are anxious to find out how the seedlings you planted will look like, you can select in advance special varieties that can bloom at the end of summer.

Once you have mature Arabis bushes, you can use them for breeding. For this you need cuttings. Therefore, if you will be pruning bushes, do not throw out the cut branches.

Plant care

Moderate watering is necessary for the normal development of the razuha. Usually, the need for moisture in plants occurs only during periods of drought. Although Arabis can grow on any soil composition, it will thrive better if you loosen the soil regularly.

So that after sowing the plants will start growing as quickly as possible, forming new leaves, during planting you should use mixtures of soil and sand... Then in two or three months you will be amazed by the rapid flowering and unforgettable aroma.

Arabis is unpretentious plant and in the sense that he is not afraid of many diseases and pests. And this is not surprising, given that he feels comfortable not only in the garden, but also in the mountain crevices.

Accustomed to growing in the mountains, Alpine Arabis demonstrates unpretentiousness in the garden, not requiring much attention to itself.

However, if you want to achieve more expressiveness and saturation from it, then it is desirable during the entire summer season. feed using special mineral fertilizers... Moreover, for the first time they can be introduced into the soil after planting.

Reproduction of Arabis

The sowing method is often practiced among most gardeners. However, for its terry varieties, it is allowed to use and alternative methods- reproduction by cuttings or dividing the bush.

Rooting takes place quite quickly, usually it takes no more than 3 weeks. Over the summer, a well-developed root system forms, so in the fall you can look for a permanent place for it.

Arabis is popular with gardeners not only for its beautiful flowers. This is one of the most unpretentious plants in growing, which are often used to decorate various elements of the garden.

Considering that under natural conditions arabis grows in mountain crevices, even a novice florist will not experience problems when growing rezuha in a garden.

Particular attention must be paid to sowing, since it is at this stage that future plants are formed. But in the future, it will not require much attention, because Arabis can easily do without frequent feeding and watering.