Buzulnik slope herbaceous plants for open ground. Buzulnik Przewalski: photo, planting and care

Many gardeners try to find non-trivial and at the same time simple solutions that will help them improve their land plots. The planting of such a representative of the Astrov family as Buzulnik Przewalski(lat.Ligularia Przewalskii ) , which will be discussed in this article.


General form a blooming adult may remind many of a kind of candle. The stem reaches a length of 150-200 cm, while the flowering part is about 1/3 of its entire height. Buzulnik Przewalski both in our country and in Europe, blooms from mid-June to late August. This kind notable for the fact that the small, yellow flowers of each plant are collected in long narrow inflorescences, while the upper parts can tilt slightly.

Did you know? Buzulnik Przewalski contains 13 different compounds, some of them have antibacterial activity, therefore, it was used in China as a medicinal plant.

Species for breeding in the garden

Three varieties of Przewalski Buzulnik are best suited for cultivation in our latitudes:

  1. "Rocket"- characterized by stems of a red-brown hue, reaches up to 2 meters in height, has a fairly strong structure that does not need additional support, has heart-shaped leaves.
  2. "Maple-leaved"- shorter than the previous one, up to 170 cm in length, the leaves, as the name implies, are maple-shaped, larger than those of the "Raketa" variety.
  3. Light fingered- has rugged foliage and inflorescences of a rich yellow hue.

Landing features

Evolutionarily, it turned out that Przewalski's buzulnik is a rather unpretentious plant, and therefore no special difficulties with planting and caring for experienced gardeners are expected.

Seat selection

The best place for the cultivation of perennials, it will become wet, preferably not far from the reservoir, a shaded area.

Important! In sunny and dry areas, the plant quickly begins to suffer from a lack of water and wither.

Growing soil

Although the buzulnik is undemanding to, however, for the best result, it is necessary to plant in moist and inexhaustible soil. In the event that the site where it will be planted has a clay structure, you must first fertilize the soil

Planting rules for Przewalski's ligularia

There are basically two different ways planting a buzulnik - dividing an adult bush or propagating by seeds. This bush can grow in one place for up to two decades, and if it suits you, then every five to six years it is recommended to rejuvenate it by dividing the mother bush.

Important! Remember that the distance between plants should not be less than 1 meter, otherwise they will clog each other and wither quickly.

Vegetative way

This method involves dividing the mother plant into several parts, followed by planting each of them in separate holes. To do this, the dug out rhizome should be thoroughly washed and divided into separate shoots with a knife, while at least one fertile bud must be present on each section. Further, daughter plants are planted in separate holes measuring 0.4x0.4x0.4 m, which must be filled in advance with a mixture of humus and fertile land... For best results, it is recommended that a small amount be added to the wells immediately after seating.

Growing from seeds

Buzulnik Przewalski bushes can also be obtained by growing from seeds. This method is less fast than the previous one. A visible result is likely to be obtained only after 3-4 years.

Did you know? Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky, after whom this bush was named, made several expeditions to Central Asia, where he collected a lot of botanical and zoological information, in particular about this flower. It is considered one of the greatest climatologists of the nineteenth century.

Seed material should be collected from a faded plant in late August - early September, then, after a short period of drying, it is worth sowing them in marked soil to a depth of 2 centimeters. The best seeding season is early or mid September. Buzulnik can be sown both in open ground, and seedlings can be pre-grown. The first shoots of the flower can be expected by next spring. If you decide to grow seedlings, then after the young plants get stronger, you can start transplanting to places convenient for you.

Plant care

Shrub maintenance is pretty straightforward. Almost the only and main rule is a sufficient amount of moisture. Therefore, it is important to choose a wet and shaded area for planting this plant, which will greatly facilitate caring for it.


If the buzulnik grows near a reservoir, additional watering is unlikely to be required, however, in especially arid summer periods it is recommended to wipe the petals with a cloth soaked in water in order to simulate the humid microclimate that he needs so much. If the plant grows in an area far from water, then it will need constant abundant watering.


This bush does not require constant pruning, but if you do not need seeds, then after the inflorescences lose their colors, you can safely cut them. This will help the bush acquire additional visual splendor and create a fundamentally new aesthetic effect.

Top dressing

Top dressing, as mentioned earlier, is necessary during the transplanting period. In other periods, it is not recommended to carry out it. However, if you intend to fertilize your flowers, then both mineral and Experienced gardeners it is recommended to make half a bucket of humus or a 1:10 mullein solution under each bush from May to July every year. From mineral fertilizers the best way a simple one in the amount of 40-50 g per 1 m² is suitable. This will be best diluted in water and in the spring-summer period, make a single watering of each plant, about 1 bucket containing 40-50 g of the substance under each bush.

Flower buzulnik, or ligularia (lat.Ligularia) belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the family Astrovye, or Compositae, which has more than one hundred and fifty species. The Latin name ligularia (ligularia), translated as "tongue", indicates the shape of the marginal flowers of the buzulnik. In nature, buzulnik flowers are found in Asia and Europe. They have gained popularity in garden culture literally recently, displacing the favorites that have long settled in our gardens - phloxes and peonies, because, firstly, they grow well in the shade, and secondly, their flowering lasts at least two months, in- third, in one place they can grow for many years.

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Planting and caring for a buzulnik (in short)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - in spring or in November-December. Sowing seeds for seedlings - from January to March (specific dates depend on the species and variety), planting seedlings in the ground - from mid-May to early June.
  • Bloom: from mid-summer to early autumn.
  • Lighting: shade, partial shade, although it can be planted in full sun.
  • The soil: moist, fertile, composition does not matter.
  • Watering: regular, more frequent in dry seasons, frequent and abundant when grown in the sun.
  • Top dressing: from late spring to the beginning of flowering with mullein infusion (1 part mullein to 10 parts water). In the fall, half a bucket of humus is introduced into the soil of the trunk circle.
  • Cropping: before freezing, the ground part is cut off at the root.
  • Reproduction: seeds and dividing the bush.
  • Pests: slugs.
  • Diseases: powdery mildew.

Read more about growing a buzulnik below.

Buzulnik flower - description

Buzulnik plant grows up to 120 cm, on its straight stems - large, up to 60 cm in diameter, heart-shaped or triangular leaves of green, greenish-purple or red-brown color on long petioles. In some species, the upper side of the leaf plate is purple-green, and the lower side is purple. Sometimes only the veins and leaf petioles have a reddish or purple tint, and the leaf plates themselves are monotonous green. The inflorescences-baskets have a diameter of about 10 cm, their numerous tubular flowers are inconspicuous, but the marginal ones are of bright yellow, orange and reddish shades. The baskets, in turn, form racemose, spike-shaped, corymbose paniculate inflorescences. Peduncles sometimes reach 2 m in height. Flowers in inflorescences bloom from lower to upper from mid-June and bloom until mid-August and longer. Buzulnik fruit is a crested achene.

Planting a buzulnik

Sowing buzulnik seeds

Buzulnik propagates by seeds and dividing the bush. Buzulnik seeds are planted in the spring directly into the soil to a depth of one centimeter. The soil before the emergence of shoots should be moist all the time, and the shoots that have appeared from noon to the evening should be shaded from direct sunlight. But it is better to sow freshly harvested buzulnik seeds in November-December, then they undergo natural stratification during the winter. If you are interested in the seedling method seed reproduction, then you need to sow buzulnik for seedlings from January to March (depending on the beginning of flowering of the species or variety), and plant it in open ground in May, when the last frosts have passed. But in the place of those who have not yet grown this plant, I would not have wondered how to grow a buzulnik from seeds, because the buzulnik reproduces well by self-sowing, if the seeds have time to ripen and wake up on the ground. However, it is worth knowing that the buzulnik blooms from seeds only in the fourth, or even in the fifth year.

Transplanting and dividing the buzulnik bush

Buzulnik grows in one place for up to two decades, but at least once every five years it is necessary to divide and transplant a plant, the roots of which begin to protrude from the ground. It is best to do this in the spring, at the very beginning of active growth, when young leaves are just appearing in the buzulnik - at this time the engraftment process is easier. Don't dig up the entire bush, just cut off a piece of the plant with a shovel and dig it up. Fill the hole left after digging with fertile soil and water the mother plant. Rinse the cut off part in water and cut it into divisions with a sharp knife so that at least one kidney ready for growth remains on each. Process the sections with potassium permanganate or crushed coal. The planting of the parcels is carried out in prepared pits 40x40 cm in size, located at least a meter and a half from each other, into which one and a half buckets of humus, a little ash and superphosphate must be added in advance. If you do everything correctly, the planted parts of the buzulnik bush will acquire decorativeness the next year.

Force majeure landing of Buzulnik

If it so happens that you got a buzulnik seedling in the summer, in a blooming state, be sure to cut off the peduncle, remove a third of the leaves, starting from the bottom of the seedling, plant it as described above, be sure to shade it from the sun and keep the soil slightly moist all the time condition. An untimely transplant will require a lot of energy from the plant, so be patient - the buzulnik will take root for about a month.

Buzulnik care

How to grow a buzulnik

Buzulnik is planted in a shady area with fertile moist soil, rich in humus, best of all - along the shore of a reservoir, even an artificial one. In the spring, when the active growth of the buzulnik begins, it is advisable to loosen the soil on the site and mulch it. In the summer, cultivation of a buzulnik involves regular watering during dry seasons and a garter of inflorescences, if necessary. The more sunlight hits the plant, the more often it will have to be watered. Buzulnik is fertilized with mullein infusion at the rate of 1:10 from late spring to July. Good results are obtained by applying humus to the soil in the fall - half a bucket under a bush, only you should avoid getting fertilizer directly on the roots.

Buzulnik pests and diseases

Buzulnik is a plant that is not susceptible to diseases, and insects shun it. True, in spring, young leaves of a plant can eat slugs, but if you scatter under the bushes granular superphosphate, it will not happen. Sometimes there is a disease of the buzulnik with powdery mildew - a fungal disease, which is eliminated by spraying the plant with a 1% solution of colloidal sulfur or a solution of potassium permanganate (10 liters 2.5 g).

Buzulnik after flowering

How and when to collect buzulnik seeds

If you want to collect buzulnik seeds, tie a few inflorescences with gauze at the end of flowering so that the seeds do not spill to the ground after ripening, and cut off the rest of the flower stalks. This measure stimulates the growth of leaves and an increase in their size, and also prevents spontaneous self-seeding. In autumn, when the leaves begin to change color, the buzulnik becomes a real decoration of the garden - until mid-October. When the inflorescences in gauze bags are completely dry, cut them off, bring them into the house, shake out the seeds from them, peel off the remnants of flowers and wind. If you want to sow buzulnik before winter, just spread the seeds on paper and wait for the time to sow. If you are sowing seeds in the spring, dry them on paper and put them in a box or paper bag.

Buzulnik in winter

With the onset of the first frost, cut off the ground part of the bushes at the root and, just in case, mulch the site - although the buzulnik is a winter-hardy plant, severe unexpected frosts in a snowless winter can harm even such a cold-resistant plant.

Types and varieties of buzulnik

Most often grown in culture:

Buzulnik Przewalski (Ligularia przewalskii)

A completely unpretentious plant, often used as a scenic screen to mask unsightly areas of the garden. The height is up to one and a half meters, the inflorescences of this species are spike-shaped, the leaves are cut, resembling maple - the plant, although monumental, is elegant. Blooms in late July. Varieties:

  • Rocket- two-meter high flower stalks directed upward are covered with yellow baskets, the stems are red-brown, strong and not needing support, the leaves are almost round, heart-shaped with a sharp-edged edge, green in summer, and burgundy-crimson in autumn;
  • Maple-leaved- maple-shaped leaves, larger than those of the Rocket - up to 25 cm in diameter, growing in height up to 170 cm.

Buzulnik toothed (Ligularia dentata)

Perennial approximately one meter in height with large bud-shaped leaves collected in a basal rosette. Baskets 7-8 cm in diameter are collected in panicles. Tubular flowers are light brown, ligulate - light yellow. It blooms from August, moderately winter-hardy - it is better to cover it in a harsh winter. Varieties:

  • Desdemona Is a variety with bright yellow flowers and lilac-brown leaves with jagged edges. Blooms from August;
  • Othello- green shiny leaves up to half a meter across, intensely burgundy on the underside of the plate, tangerine-orange flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 13 cm in diameter;
  • Osiris Fantasydwarf variety not higher than 50 cm with dark green leaves on the upper side of the plate and burgundy underside. Blooms in July.

Of interest to florists are also:

Buzulnik Kempfer (Ligularia kaempferi)

Japanese species with straight, slightly branched stems, basal large kidney-shaped leaves on long pubescent petioles, almost round, green, unevenly toothed, up to 25 cm in diameter.Numerous light yellow flower baskets, reaching 5 cm in diameter, are collected in erect corymbose inflorescences on branched peduncles. Blooms in July. Requires mulching for the winter. There is an early flowering variety with golden flowers and bright green rounded-angular leaves with golden specks.

Large-leaved Buzulnik (Ligularia macrophylla)

In the wild, it grows in the Far East and Central Asia. The lower basal elliptical leaves of a bluish tint on long petioles reach a length of 30-45 cm. Numerous baskets of yellow flowers are collected in a racemose panicle. Peduncles up to one and a half meters high. In winter, it does without shelter.

Wilson Buzulnik (Ligularia wilsoniana)

A one and a half meter plant with straight, slightly branched stems, large kidney-shaped basal leaves on long petioles, numerous yellow baskets up to 2.5 cm in diameter, making up erect inflorescences. Blooms in July, winter-hardy, but shelter is desirable.

Siberian Buzulnik (Ligularia sibirica)

Rhizome perennial from 30 to 130 cm in height, grooved stems, rosette leaves, elongated-cordate, sometimes triangular-cordate or kidney-shaped, racemose inflorescence, consisting of yellow baskets.

Narrow-leaved Buzulnik (Ligularia stenocephala)

A species similar to Przewalski's buzulnik, only with larger flowers and sharply serrated heart-shaped leaves.

Fisher's Buzulnik (Ligularia fischeri)

Perennial from 30 to 150 cm in height with a shortened rhizome, straight furrowed stems, rosette heart-shaped, sometimes spear-shaped leaves 12 to 23 cm long and 10 to 25 cm wide, rounded or pointed at the top, on long thin petioles. Bright yellow flowers in carpal inflorescences of 2-4 baskets 2.5-4 cm in diameter. Blooms in late June.

Buzulnik Hessei (Ligularia x hessei)

A hybrid of Wilson and toothed buzulnik, more like a toothed buzulnik - baskets in a large shield, only the inflorescence is looser. The flower baskets are similar to chamomile up to 5 cm in diameter, the leaves are heart-triangular, the bush reaches a height of two meters and one meter in diameter. Blooms in late summer.

Buzulnik Tangut (Ligularia tangutica)

He is also a Tangut Ragwort - a spectacular buzulnik with a tuberous root that forms stolons, which make it easy to use the vegetative method of reproduction, since this species almost does not give self-seeding. Small-branched stems 70-90 cm high, laced deeply dissected-pinnate leaves, elongated inflorescences of small yellow flowers. Blooms in July-August.

Buzulnik Vicha (Ligularia veitchiana)

Perennial up to two meters tall and heart-shaped leaves up to 40 cm in length. A large number of yellow baskets are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence. Blooms in August. Winter-hardy, but shelter is desirable for the winter.

Buzulnik palchatolobastny, or palmate (Ligularia x palmatiloba)

It grows up to 1 m 80 cm in height and up to a meter in diameter. Lower leaves large, rounded with deep lobes. The yellow baskets of flowers are collected in loose clusters. Flowering begins in July-August.


Buzulniks represent ornamental plants valued by gardeners for their elegant large shrub and profuse flowering... Powerful inflorescences of buzulniks, sometimes reaching the height of a person, are paniculate or spike-shaped, bear a great many bright flowers.

The Latin name of this genus from the Compositae family is Ligularia(Ligularia, which means "tongue"). It was received by the buzulnik due to the structure of its graceful "chamomile" flowers.
The color of the flowers of the buzulnik is yellow, yellow-orange, orange or red-orange.

Buzulniki demonstrate all the beauty to the fullest in a sunny place with moist and damp fertile soil (including heavy clay). Therefore, the buzulnik grows well and blooms wonderfully next to.

Popular types and varieties of buzulnik

At the buzulniks grown by flower growers different types and varieties, in addition to spectacular flowering, are beautiful and the leaves are green or dark-colored (purple, brown, bronze tones). A Buzulnik Kempfer(Ligularia kaempferi) has an attractive garden form(f. aureomarginata) with bright golden spots on green leaves.
However, it must be taken into account that in the shade colorful leaves Buzulniks turn green due to insufficient lighting.

The giant common in gardens toothed buzulnik(Ligularia dentata) huge rounded leaves (up to 80 cm in diameter), peduncles up to 150 cm high; brightly yellow flowers(up to 5 cm in diameter) are collected in umbellate inflorescences.
Popular varieties of toothed buzulnik:
- "Desdemona" - has purple-brown leaves and red-orange flowers;
- "Othello" - with intense purple leaves and bright orange flowers;
- "Rocket", "Little Rocket" - especially decorative due to yellow flowers that stand out against the background of black peduncles;
- "Black purple" - large yellow flowers look great against the background of purple-black leaves, plant height is about one meter.

In favorable growth conditions, very tall inflorescences (up to 1.8 m) of a spike-like shape form Buzulnik Przewalski(Ligularia przewalskii) with rounded split-finger leaves, as well as elegant buzulniki with heart-shaped leaves: Buzulnik Vich(Ligularia veitchiana) and Wilson's Buzulnik(Ligularia wilsoniana). However, in comparison with Przewalski's buzulnik, both of the latter species are less winter-hardy.

About the unpretentious and frost-resistant Przewalski buzulnik, I want to tell the readers of the site in detail the site in this article.

Buzulnik Przewalski in landscape design

Buzulnik Przewalski is a powerful ornamental perennial that has a lot of significant advantages and adorns the garden all season. I grow the Maplenleaf variety.

Fans of "large forms" in the plant world will not remain indifferent when looking at this herbaceous giant. Everything in the guise of a buzulnik is fascinating: both huge dissected maple-shaped leaves, and a huge arrow of spike-shaped inflorescence with yellow graceful flowers directed upward. Small yellow "chamomile" baskets with long tongues of "petals" gradually bloom on a slender inflorescence from bottom to top.

Such a handsome man is the very place in a single planting, where Przewalski's buzulnik, not burdened by the neighborhood with other plants, will be able to show and demonstrate all his best qualities... And there really is something to show him!

Thanks to its beautiful leaves and long flowering, Przewalski's buzulnik in my garden retains its decorative effect from spring to stable autumn frosts.
Figuratively cut leaves of buzulnik, in addition to their interesting shape and big size, attract and unusual color. Somewhere from the middle of summer, bronze-brown stains appear on them, which gradually increase in size until late autumn.

The paniculate inflorescence of Przewalski's buzulnik is very dense. Located in different stages dissolution "flowers" give the inflorescence a touching openwork look.
Faded buzulnik flowers do not spoil the decorativeness of the plant, since they only slightly dry out and twist slightly darkened petals.
After the complete dissolution of the inflorescence, when the flowering wave reaches the very top, if desired, the peduncle can be cut off.

Reproduction of buzulnik

After the end of flowering, I do not cut off the inflorescences of the buzulnik - I leave them on the plants until autumn. Indeed, even in the cold rainy Vitebsk, the seeds of the Przewalski buzulnik ripen well and fall to the ground.
In winter, the seeds pass naturally, and in the spring, single shoots appear next to the mother bush.

From seedlings of Buzulnik, powerful flowering plant it takes a long time, you will have to wait 3-4 years. But you want "all at once and now"!
Therefore, many gardeners prefer a faster and more promising way of breeding buzulnik - by dividing the bush.

I carry out vegetative propagation of the buzulnik mainly in the spring.
You can do this in August, but then problems with rooting are possible. You will have to take great care of both the mother plant and the cuttings, since the dry and hot August weather leads to strong evaporation of water from the leaves. And taking into account the fact that the size of the leaves of the buzulnik by the end of summer will be very impressive, you will have to make strong pruning of plants and increased watering.
In the spring, with the division of the bush and the rooting of the buzulnik division, the situation is much simpler.

TO vegetative propagation I start at the moment when young leaves begin to emerge from the ground. Buzulnik Przhevalsky has a powerful rhizome, from which numerous cordlike roots extend.
To divide the buzulnik bush, it is not necessary to dig up the entire plant. It is enough to cut off the necessary part of the overgrown bush with a sharp shovel and then dig it out.
The resulting hole should be covered with fertile soil, well watered.

I wash the dug out part of the buzulnik bush in water so that all buds that are outlined in growth are clearly visible on the rhizome freed from the ground.
Further, depending on the location of the buds, I cut the rhizome into several parts with a sharp knife. It is better to sprinkle the slices with crushed; you can process them with potassium permanganate.

I plant the resulting buzulnik cuttings in a previously prepared place with well-treated soil (digging, filling with fertilizers).
Landing and covering with spunbond or clipped tops plastic bottles to preserve moisture, because the spring winds greatly dry up the soil.

In early spring, the leaves of the buzulnik are still at the very beginning of development and evaporate little moisture. At this time, the plant spends energy only on healing wounds and restoring the root system. Therefore, the survival rate of delenok is almost one hundred percent, and already in the middle of summer, most young buzulniks bloom.

And the mother plant rejuvenates after dividing and for the benefit of itself occupies the vacated area with renewed nutrient soil. Due to this, it rapidly expands in breadth, fully compensating for the spring loss of a part of the bush.

Growing a buzulnik

Buzulnik Przewalski is a plant that is very undemanding to living conditions. The only ultimatum that the buzulnik puts forward is: "Give more moisture!"
But this requirement is quite reasonable for such a large plant with huge leaves.

Therefore, with dry soil, you should not plant a buzulnik in a sunny place. Otherwise, even with regular watering, situations are possible when the plant will suffer from a lack of water. On a hot day, the foliage of the buzulnik will begin to wither and curl, it will look miserable.
True, after sufficient watering or in the evening, the plant will again take its original appearance. But the impression will already be ruined ...
Therefore, in the event of a deficiency of the necessary soil moisture, it is better to plant a buzulnik in a lace penumbra.

Przewalski's buzulnik will organically fit into the most, where many plant species feel oppressed without sun caress. But on each site there is such a dark corner, and flower growers are puzzled - how to ennoble it?

In my garden, Przewalski's buzulnik grows on the north side of the house. In addition, neighboring buildings approach from the east and west. Therefore, the sun looks here only for a short time - from morning to evening.
And my handsome buzulnik the shadow is only good for me. Here he freely spreads the mighty leaves and proudly raises his strong peduncle, which does not require a garter and support.

Among the advantages of Przewalski's buzulnik, I would like to especially note the resistance of this plant to diseases and ignoring it by all kinds.

All care for the buzulnik is reduced to watering in a drought and several additional fertilizing during the garden season. In the spring, organic matter or nitrogen fertilizers are applied, and closer to the flowering of the plant, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
In the fall, I trim the ground part of the bush. For the winter, Przewalski's buzulnik does not require shelter, he feels great even after the most severe winters.

After 4-5 years after planting, it is advisable to separate and plant a large plant, since over time, the rhizome of the buzulnik grows strongly and begins to protrude from the ground. And the soil requires periodic deep cultivation.

Buzulnik Przewalski, planted by you once in the most unclaimed place on your site, will soon become a true "highlight" of your garden. He will not require special care, and at the same time will certainly bribe with its majestic beauty, attracting enthusiastic attention from spring to late autumn!

Ilona Glazdovskaya (Vitebsk, Belarus)

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Buzulnik Przewalski is an unusual lush and tall plant... This shrub is not finicky, so it doesn't take much effort to grow it. But he will please unusual flowering, which resembles the bright flashes of a fire.

Buzulnik Przewalski is a perennial type of shrub. It is distinguished by its height. These bushes will perfectly complement various flower arrangements in the flower beds. In addition, the buzulnik is able to cover unsightly territories, decorate various fences, walls, etc. Buzulnik is famous for its flowers. They differ in bright shades - yellow, orange. Sometimes it is white. Inflorescences resemble tongues of fire. This is exactly how the Latin name of this plant is translated. The buzulnik flower is very tall - it can grow up to 2 m in some varieties. He can decorate any flower arrangement, will look beautiful both alone and with other plants.

The Buzulnik Przhevalsky variety belongs to ligularies, and this is one of the most famous varieties. Even a novice gardener can plant and care for him. It reaches a height of 1.3-1.5 m. This perennial is distinguished by its splendor and decorative properties. The leaves are excised and large. They have a maple shape. Connected to the stem with a shade of brownish-red shade, which stand out against the background of greenery. The flowering shrub is especially beautiful. The flowering itself begins at the end of June. The inflorescences look like large and tall "candles" of a bright yellow hue. They will be visible from afar. They will stand for about a month, and the shrub, even after the end of flowering, does not lose its decorative effect.

On the this moment up to 150 varieties of buzulnik are known. Of these, only 10 are used in landscape design... For outdoor cultivation, the following varieties are suitable:

  • Przhevalsky;
  • Vich;
  • Serrated;
  • Wilson;
  • Kempfer.

Now several varieties of Przewalski's ligularia have been bred. Here are the most popular ones:

  1. 1 Light Fingered. It is distinguished by its foliage - its shape is more rugged compared to other varieties. The inflorescence has a rich yellow tint.
  2. 2 Rocket. This shrub with an inflorescence will be able to withstand even under the most strong wind... The name was chosen due to the fact that the inflorescence resembles a rocket.
  3. 3 Maple-leaved. Is different large leaves maple-shaped.

Toothed ligularia begins flowering towards the end of summer. This bush is slightly lower than Przewalski's - its height is about 1-1.3 m. It differs in foliage - it is very large and round. The leaf can be up to 0.8 m in diameter. The stem is also long. The inflorescences are bright yellow... They gather in unusual umbrellas. Toothed buzulnik also has several varieties, which differ in the color of the foliage. Here are the most popular types:

  1. 1 Buzulnik Desdemona. The leaves are light green tint... They can differ from the top with bronze, from the rear - a light purple or brownish tone. The veins themselves stand out against this background with a bright scarlet hue.
  2. 2 Buzulnik Othello. Its foliage has red streaks, which is a feature of the species. In addition, the inflorescences are distinguished by a bright orange color.
  3. 3 Britt-Marie Crawford. These shrubs will attract attention with their bright, rich cherry-colored foliage, making them one of the most popular varieties in landscaping.

All of these varieties are very popular for their decorative properties.

Planting and breeding

If you need to grow a beautiful buzulnik, then planting should be done according to certain rules. Ligularia is considered completely unpretentious plant, so that leaving does not involve any complex manipulations. If the buzulnik grows in open ground, then no material and time costs are required.

It is best to choose an area with shade, where the soil is always sufficiently moist. But there should be no stagnation of moisture either. Under constant direct rays, the plant begins to quickly evaporate moisture, which leads to a gradual wilting. The same will happen if you plant a flower in an overly dry soil.

Fertile soil is best. It is this that is considered a guarantee that in the future the bush will be powerful, large and beautiful, and the inflorescences will be bright and tall. If the concentration of humus in the soil is low, then it is necessary to prepare the hole more carefully. At the bottom, you will need to pour humus and garden soil (about at least a bucket). In height, width and length, the dimensions of the hole should be approximately 0.4 m.It is allowed to add more wood ash and superphosphate.

Reproduction of buzulnik occurs in two ways - through seeds and by dividing shrubs. The shrub is perennial. It can grow in the same place from 2 to 10 years, but experts advise to cut the mother plant every 5 years and divide it into several holes. This must be done in spring before the plant is activated. It is necessary to cut off part of the root with all the shrubs. Use a sharp shovel for this. After that, plant in a hole, which is filled with a special garden soil and humus. Be sure to water the bushes. This reproduction is called vegetative. Before dividing the root, it must be rinsed. Each separated part must have a shoot and a fertile bud. When planting already separated parts of the shrub, you can immediately add mineral fertilizers to the holes.

Reproduction also occurs through seeds. This work will be more painstaking. Flowering from a perennial can only be expected after 3-4 years. To get material for sowing, you need to wait for the seeds to ripen on the plant itself. Then collect everything in a bag and dry. V autumn time sow in separate place, and the depth should be no more than 2 cm. Seedlings will appear in the spring. When they get stronger, they can be planted in a permanent place where they will continue to develop.

If you need to grow a buzulnik, planting and maintenance will be very simple, so that everyone can cope with this task. These shrubs are very powerful, with large quantity inflorescences and leaves, so watering should be regular. It is best to plant such a perennial near a reservoir, you can even near an artificial one. On hot days, abundant watering and irrigation is required. It is best not to plant this plant in areas that are too sunny. If there is poor watering, the bushes will start to wither and will not be so beautiful.

Experts advise pruning the buzulnik. After the end of flowering "arrows" must be removed. If the winter is expected to be too cold, then all aboveground parts must be removed before the frost begins. In this case, the buzulnik survives the winter more easily.

The inflorescences of these perennials are distinguished by their stability, but they are very tall, so on windy days it is better to tie them up so that the peduncles do not break. This way you can preserve the beauty of the shrub.

Buzulnik Przewalski responds well to fertilization. If you add humus to the hole when planting, then in the first year you can no longer add other top dressing and fertilizers. Then, before flowering, it is supposed to use a diluted mullein in liquid form - 1 liter of soaked cakes per 10 liters of water. It is recommended to feed the plant 2 times a month. Each bush relies on 3 liters of solution. If the temperature changes sharply day and night, then it is best to temporarily stop using fertilizers.

Experts advise to do mulching in the fall using humus. In the spring, it must be mixed with the upper layer of soil and loosened. Periodically it is allowed to add wood ash.

As for various pests and diseases, insects do not like to sit on the buzulnik. But some damage can be done by slugs. They prefer the leaves of the plant as food. To protect the perennial from these and other pests, use superphosphate in granules, scattering it under the bushes.

In some cases, the buzulnik may suffer from fungal disease... Powdery mildew is an example. To remove fungal microorganisms, it is enough to simply spray with a light solution of potassium permanganate. You only need 2.5 g per 10 liters of water.


Buzulnik Przewalski is unusual and interesting plant, which will decorate any garden, the main thing is to properly care for it. There are several varieties of buzulnik, and the differences between them are insignificant. These shrubs are not picky, so even a beginner can master planting and caring for them. Buzulnik goes well with other plantings. For example, you can arrange a cuff, a highlander, a daylily, hosts nearby. In addition, buzulniks look beautiful alone. By the way, several varieties look great, especially if their inflorescences have different shades - it seems as if they are flashes of fire.

I learned about such a plant as Buzulnik Przewalski recently, when on the market, I saw its very decorative palmate-split leaves on long red-brown petioles. In addition, I was told that it will bloom beautifully. Its spike-candles stretching upward are really impressive. But the leaves themselves look great on, especially when they are not hidden from view and grow in the shade.

At first, I planted the purchased buzulnik in a flower garden near the house, but it turned out to be out of place here. Very large for the edge. In addition, the hot midday summer sun reached him with its rays, and the earth dries up quickly in summer. And Przewalski's buzulnik prefers shade and moist soils. The picture was depressing - soon after noon, powerful leaves sagged with rags and restored turgor only after sunset.

Last year, I transplanted Przewalski's buzulnik to the western wall of the house, it will look very good on the way to the porch. Is not the best place on mine for such a shade-tolerant and moisture-loving plant, but the north side of the house does not yet have the opportunity to plant plants, because the construction is not yet finished, and I have nowhere to do shady flower beds. Well, I will water more often so that my buzulnik feels good.

(Ligularia przewalskii) is a perennial rhizome plant of the Asteraceae family up to 150cm high. Named after the famous Russian traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky. Its homeland is the mountains of Northern China and Mongolia, where it grows wild at altitudes up to 3700 meters above sea level.

Buzulnikov different types and a lot of sizes. All of them are shade-tolerant and moisture-loving.

There are species that grow up to 2 meters and grow a large mass of leaves, and there are low compact ones 50-70 cm high. Their inflorescences are also different: the flowers-baskets are collected in shields, brushes, in spike-shaped or paniculate inflorescences. The leaves are mostly large, up to 50 cm in diameter, differing in variety: rounded, reniform, dentate, finger-separate, finger-lobed, and others. Propagated by seeds and dividing the bush. New varieties of buzulniks with bright and variegated leaves, but not all of them are winter-hardy enough to grow in the middle lane.

Reproduction of buzulnik

Przewalski's buzulnik can multiply by seeds, but seedlings bloom no earlier than 3-4 years. There are no problems with reproduction, because daughter plants are formed on the rhizomes next to the main plant, which can be separated and transplanted. Over the past years, my plant has given several daughter ones, which I safely, having separated from the bush with a shovel, transplanted at the end of August. Next year I will admire and photograph. Buzulniks of other species can be propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush, separating part of it with a shovel, without digging the bush entirely.

Planting a buzulnik

There are no problems with planting, but it is advisable to do this not in sunny weather or on a cool day. You can transplant in spring or autumn, like all perennials, to the same depth as it grew daughter plant... In my experience, the kidneys should be close to the surface - no more than 3 centimeters. Personally, I never add anything to the planting hole other than mulch on top. But if the soils are poor or very acidic, they need to be improved or the soil in the planting pit should be replaced with a fertile one. The soil must be water-absorbing and fertile enough. After planting, the buzulnik should be watered abundantly, filled up with earth if necessary, and mulch the soil with humus or other mulch.

Buzulnik Przewalski is eagerly visited by bees, bumblebees and others. It blooms for at least 30 days, and if in the shade, then much longer. On long peduncles, the lower flowers first bloom, gradually the flowering wave rolls to the very top, leaving flowers that have faded, but have not lost their decorative effect below. Seeds have time to ripen and crumble by autumn. I do not cut off any faded flower stalks or leaves for the winter - I prefer everything to be as in natural conditions.

The best thing Buzulnik Przewalski, like other species of this genus, will feel in shady flower beds or on the shore of a reservoir, where there will be enough moisture for it, and where it does not have to be regularly watered.

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