Kingdom of Lesotho: capital, population and attractions. Geography, natural conditions, climate

The tourist slogan of the country - the Kingdom in the sky - is not far from the truth, since the lowest point of Lesotho lies at an altitude higher than that of any country in the world. With landscapes reminiscent of the highlands of Tibet, majestic mountain landscapes and colorful local culture, this country is rightfully considered one of the best places in the world for hiking and trekking. Almost all tours in Lesotho are connected with outdoor recreation, and excellent trout fishing on mountain rivers attracts connoisseurs from all over the world (requires a fishing license issued by the Ministry of Livestock). Plus, almost 300 bird species and a large number of wildlife species is quite an impressive figure for a country landlocked and lying at such a significant height.

Maseru is located almost on the western border of the country. Previously, the capital of Lesotho was compared to a quiet swamp, since for almost its entire history it was a tiny provincial town, known only for its royal residence. But since 1970, the city began to expand rapidly and acquired a completely unique style - most of the territory of the capital is the so-called urban villages, such as the Fomolong district, where both the type of building and the way of life have preserved most of the traditional customs of local residents. Almost all of Maseru's major attractions - the Hat Craft Shop, the Royal Palace, and the National Museum - are all located within a kilometer of each other, within the city center. The Maseru market is small, but on weekends it is the best place to buy traditional local souvenirs, vegetables and fruits.

Taba Bosiu, located 16 kilometers east of Maseru, is a small village that grew up around the citadel of King Moshoesho, famous for the fact that European colonialists were able to occupy this old fortress only in July 1824. Prior to this period, the citadel was subjected to regular attacks for 40 years and, thanks to the rational use of the terrain and the stamina of the defenders, never surrendered to the invaders. It is now the most important historical site in the country, and Mount Taba Bosiu (Night Mountain) itself is a well-organized center for historical tourism, with carefully prepared information for visitors, official guides, historical theatricals and good views of the surrounding area. The center of Taba-Bosiu is the Quilone Tower, whose architectural forms are clearly inspired by the shape of the traditional hat of the Basotho peoples.

Teyateyaneng, whose name can be translated as Marshy Place, lies 30 kilometers northeast of the capital. The city was specially founded and is still maintained by the Lesotho authorities as the center of the national traditional industries and arts and crafts. The region is often referred to locally as Ti, and boasts that it is here that the best examples of fine tapestries, various woolen products and other unique examples of handicrafts and arts and crafts are made. And all this is collected practically in one small place, which makes it very easy to get acquainted with the culture of the region.

Mokhotlong (or Mokhaleshoek), a city north of Sani Pass, has a reputation for being the coldest and driest place in Africa, and also the most isolated place in Lesotho. The main wealth of the city is the magnificent landscapes and the peculiar vegetation of the Dragon Mountains. The trekking routes laid in the surrounding mountains are considered among the best in Africa.

Kuiting (Place of the Wind, 130 kilometers south of Maseru), often also referred to as Moyeni, is the southernmost of the major cities in Lesotho. The city is divided into two parts - in Lower Quitting most of the shops, hotels and residential buildings are located, while Upper Quiting lies on the slopes of the steep gorge of the Orange River and is more colorful. There are numerous colonial-style buildings, a fairly good hotel, a Catholic mission and various statues of the colonial era. Most tourists come to Quiting for its striking sandstone church, the famous cave city of Masitis Cave House, located near the city and a unique natural phenomenon - hundreds of dinosaur footprints have been found on the surrounding rocks, which are estimated to be approximately 180 million years old.

is a small South African country that does not have its own access to the sea. Geographically, the country borders on only one state - the Republic of South Africa, as it is surrounded by it from all sides. The main attractions of Lesotho are its natural resources, which attract many tourists here.

The capital of Lesotho is Maseru

Most often, it is with a visit that tourists begin to get acquainted with the sights of Lesotho. Maseru is located in the western part of the country on the border with South Africa. It is here that the only international in the country and a large, within the country, railway junction connecting Lesotho with South Africa are located.

All the main attractions of the capital of Lesotho are located within the city center. These include:

  1. The residence of the King of Lesotho was built in 1976 and looks more like a villa. The project has now been completed and a new palace in a modern style is expected to be built soon.
  2. . A small shop designed in the form of a traditional Basotho hut. In the store you can buy handicrafts of the Basotho people.
  3. . The current Catholic cathedral, made in the colonial style.
  4. Machabeng College. The largest college in the country, providing education according to world standards in English. The patroness of the college is the Queen of Lesotho.
Historical and archaeological sites

Several attractions in Lesotho are of historical and archaeological value and arouse no less interest among tourists than natural beauty. The most popular of them are:

  1. . A small village located 16 km from the capital of the country. The main attractions of this place are the citadel of King Moshoeshoe I of Lesotho and the Kwilone Tower. Mount Taba-Bosiu is a symbol of the country, its name in translation means "night mountain". The ruins are Lesotho's most revered historical landmark. The fortress is known for the fact that for 40 years it managed to hold back the raids of the colonialists, and only in 1824 it was captured. interesting in that it is made in the form of a national Basotho headdress.
  2. The house of the priest David-Frederick Ellenberg is made of red brick. The roof of this house is a rocky canopy.
  3. . The mine is located at an altitude of 3100 m above sea level. This is the highest located mine in the world. Four of the twenty largest diamonds were mined at this mine.
  4. Fossilized dinosaur footprints on the rocks in Quiting. Many dinosaur footprints have been found in the kingdom, immortalized in local rocks. The age of the footprints found at Quiting is estimated at about 180 million years.
  5. Rock paintings in a cave in the Liphofung nature reserve. The reserve is located on the territory of the Buta-Bute district. It was here that numerous Stone Age objects were found, which were subsequently sent to.
natural attractions

The natural attractions of Lesotho are of the greatest value. The most famous of them are:

  1. located just south of the region. On the territory of the park there is a fairly large area with campsites, hiking is developed, you can visit the local Aboriginal tribes.
  2. located in the area and is one of the highest mountain reserves in Africa. The main interest among tourists is the Lepaqoa waterfall. The peculiarity of this waterfall is that it freezes completely in winter, forming a huge ice column.
  3. 192 m high. One of the most beautiful waterfalls in Africa is located near the city of Semonkong. The source of the waterfall is the Maletsuniane River - a tributary of one of the largest rivers in Africa called. The waterfall remains full-flowing almost throughout the year, thanks to the highlands.
  4. . The park, created in 1970, is the oldest nature reserve in the country for protection. It is here that most of the trekking, cycling and equestrian routes are laid. The route along the famous Sani Pass begins here.
  5. - a city that is located north of the Sani Pass. It is considered the coldest point in all of Africa.
  6. Afri-Ski Resort can be safely attributed to the sights of Lesotho, since only here in all of Africa you can go skiing.
How to get there?

Since the public transport network is practically undeveloped, most attractions can only be reached by renting a car. Most of the parks are located in hard-to-reach mountainous areas, so it is better to choose four-wheel drive cars for rent. A day of renting such cars costs from $70.

From many cities adjacent to the natural attractions of Lesotho, hiking, horseback or bicycle tours are organized to the most interesting points of the reserves.

Even a very small country can be original and original. Especially if it is located on such an exotic continent as Africa. It is there that Lesotho is located - a small state, surrounded on all sides by the borders of South Africa. It is not well known to tourists, and completely in vain. What is the name of the capital of Lesotho and what interesting things can you tell about these lands?


The main city of this state is called that way. The Kingdom of Lesotho is surrounded by a border on all sides. In noticeably especially often. The city ends on three sides. Perhaps, if you need to find the most unremarkable center, the capital of Lesotho will become the leader in the list. The Kingdom of Lesotho has an interesting nature and ancient culture, but you will not find them in the main city. Maseru is a boring town with only a few streets. There is surprisingly little here and attractions are limited to supermarkets. Outside the central streets are typical African houses that can be seen in any chaotically built-up village. However, at least once a tourist keen on the continent should see Lesotho. The capital allows you to find surprisingly cheap lodging for the night - for only four hundred rands you will get a cottage with a kitchen for the night. The exchange rate of the local currency is quite easy to calculate. One American dollar equals seven rands.

Unusually, accommodation in the capital is quite budgetary not only by the standards of Africa, but also within the state itself - at national attractions you will have to pay about two hundred rand more for an overnight stay.

Visa regime

The capital of the state of Lesotho is located near the border, so you can get there from South Africa through several checkpoints. The traveler does not need a visa - you just get a stamp in your passport. Guests of the country are simply recorded in a special notebook, after which they can safely go to explore the mysterious land of Lesotho. The main state is located in the center of Maseru. Therefore, often the first thing that tourists who come to Lesotho see is the capital. The most accurate and equipped checkpoints lead exactly here. There are eight of them in total, and some of them are located right on a dusty country road without asphalt, in a small house of a very modest appearance. If you want something exotic, look for just this one, but for the familiar look of the border, it is worth entering near the capital of the country.

There are some amazing features that make Lesotho different. The capital is happy for tourists, but not for their cameras: photography here often causes displeasure and even anger. Passers-by will look askance at your camera, guards may make comments, and even the main temple of Maseru is better not to try to capture: the abbot may want a personal conversation, and it will not be friendly at all. There is no explanation for such a wary attitude, but for some reason all more or less important objects are considered secret.

In fact, the most interesting and unusual details await you far from Maseru. It is worth going deep into the country, where paved roads end and mountains begin. There you can see ancient Lesotho. The capital is filled with modernity and inscriptions in English, and far from civilization, the local tribes of Sots still live, walking around in loincloths, keeping the former culture of the state intact.

Main attraction

What are the must-sees in Lesotho? Information about the country may seem scarce, but this state still deserves attention, primarily because of the most important local attraction.

This is a mountainous country, and the most beautiful place also differs in height, although it has an artificial character. The Katse Dam is the second largest in Africa, a structure that can be called one of the wonders of the world. You need to go to it from the capital along the picturesque mountain serpentine, which in itself deserves attention. On the way, you can see traditional stone buildings and climb a pass 3,000 meters above sea level. You definitely won't be bored. The pass is the highest in Africa, and such are rare on other continents. Soon after it, you can already see a huge reservoir stretching for 50 kilometers. It was created as part of a special project developed together with South Africa. It is aimed at collecting and transferring water from mountainous areas to areas characterized by dry weather.

Then the dam opens to the attention of travelers. The height of the main part is almost 200 meters, and the width is 710. It took 2 million tons of concrete to build it. There is an excursion on the dam every day: the beginning is at 9 and 14 o'clock. Within its framework, you can get inside, but taking pictures in the process is prohibited. The dam houses many picturesque tunnels, elevators, locks and high-tech equipment. You can stay overnight at the hotel, from the windows of which you can see this wonderful building.

Country history

A small island on the map appeared as a result of the Anglo-Boer Wars of the nineteenth century, when the Sots, the people of Lesotho, decided to make an alliance with the British. They fought alongside them against neighboring Africans. The Boers continually seized the lands of the Sots and thereby reduced the territory of the kingdom, so the decision to participate in the war against them was obvious.

As a result, the British won, subjugated the entire southern part of the continent and allocated a small piece of land for the allies - a protectorate called Basutoland. However, the Sotsy did not receive real independence for a long time, and part of the historical territories remained outside the area allocated for the kingdom on the map.

Lesotho and South Africa

Despite the difficult history, now the country has nevertheless gained sovereignty. Interestingly, the capital of the kingdom of Lesotho is surrounded on three sides by the border of South Africa, and the influence of a large neighbor on the state is immeasurable, but independence in these parts appeared much later. The Boers had long existed in the country of apartheid, and in the center of their territory there was a piece of English land - a protectorate. Only in 1966 Lesotho gained independence from Britain. However, the influence of a European country is noticeable here and now. English is even the second official language along with the national dialect of Sesotho. All signs and posters are reminiscent of British domination. The price tags in the store are also in English. In a word, it will not be difficult for a tourist who is unfamiliar with exotic dialects to find a common language with the locals. The current population of the country is 2,031,000 people.

ATTRACTION The country's tourist slogan - "Kingdom in the Sky" - is not far from the truth, since the lowest point of Lesotho lies at an altitude greater than that of any country in the world. With landscapes reminiscent of the highlands of Tibet, majestic mountain landscapes and colorful local culture, this country is rightfully considered one of the best places in the world for hiking and trekking. Almost all tours around the country are associated with outdoor recreation, and excellent trout fishing on mountain rivers attracts connoisseurs from all over the world (requires a fishing license issued by the Ministry of Livestock). Nearly 300 species of birds and a large number of species of wild animals - quite an impressive figure for a country landlocked and lying at such a significant height. Maseru is located almost on the western border of the country. Previously, the capital of Lesotho was compared to a quiet swamp, since for almost its entire history it was a tiny provincial town, known only for its royal residence. But since 1970, the city began to expand rapidly and acquired a completely unique style - most of the territory of the capital - the so-called "urban villages", such as the Fomolong district, where both the type of building and the way of life have preserved most of the traditional customs of local residents. Virtually all of Maseru's major attractions - Hat Craft Shop ("Hat Craft"), the Royal Palace and the National Museum - are all located within 1 kilometer of each other in the city centre. The Maseru market is small, but on weekends it is the best place to buy traditional local souvenirs, vegetables and fruits. Taba Bosiou, located 16 km. east of Maseru, this is a small village that grew up around the citadel of King Moshoesho, famous for the fact that the colonialists were able to occupy this old fortress for the first time only in July 1824. Prior to this period, the citadel was subjected to regular attacks for 40 years and, thanks to the rational use of the geographical conditions of the area and the stamina of the defenders, never surrendered to the invaders. It is now the most important historical site in the country, and Mount Taba Bosiu ("night mountain") itself is a well-organized center for historical tourism, with carefully prepared information for visitors, official guides, historical theatricals and good views of the surrounding area. The center of Taba-Bosiu is the Quilone Tower, whose architectural forms are clearly inspired by the shape of the traditional hat of the Basotho peoples. Teyateyaneng, whose name can be translated as "Swampy place", is 30 km away. northeast of the capital. The city was specially developed and is still maintained by the Lesotho authorities as the center of the national traditional industries and arts and crafts. The region is often referred to locally as "Ti" and boasts that it is here that the finest examples of fine tapestries, woolen goods and other handicrafts are made. And all this is collected in one small place. Mokhotlong (or Mokhaleshoek), a city north of Sani Pass, has a reputation for being the coldest and driest place in Africa, and also the most isolated place in Lesotho. The main "wealth" of the city is the magnificent landscapes and the peculiar vegetation of the Dragon Mountains. Trekking routes laid in the surrounding mountains are considered among the best in Africa. Kuiting ("Place of the Wind"), often also referred to as Moyeni, 130 km. south of Maseru - the southernmost of the "large" cities of Lesotho. The city is divided into two parts - Lower Quiting houses most of the shops, hotels and residential buildings, while Upper Quiting lies on the slopes of the steep gorge of the Orange River and is more colorful - there are many colonial-style buildings, a fairly good hotel, a Catholic mission and various colonial era statues. Most tourists come to Quiting for its amazing sandstone church, the famous "cave city" Masitis Cave House, located near the city and a unique natural phenomenon - hundreds of dinosaur footprints have been found on the surrounding rocks, which are estimated to be approximately 180 million years old.

Almost all tours in Lesotho are connected with outdoor recreation, and excellent trout fishing on mountain rivers attracts connoisseurs from all over the world (requires a fishing license issued by the Ministry of Livestock). Plus, almost 300 bird species and a large number of wildlife species is quite an impressive figure for a country landlocked and lying at such a significant height.

Maseru is located almost on the western border of the country. Previously, the capital of Lesotho was compared to a quiet swamp, since for almost its entire history it was a tiny provincial town, known only for its royal residence.

But since 1970, the city began to expand rapidly and acquired a completely unique style - most of the territory of the capital is the so-called "urban villages", such as the Fomolong district, where both the type of building and the way of life have preserved most of the traditional customs of local residents.

Almost all of Maseru's major attractions - the Hat Craft Shop, the Royal Palace, and the National Museum - are all located within a kilometer of each other, within the city center. The Maseru market is small, but on weekends it is the best place to buy traditional local souvenirs, vegetables and fruits.

Taba Bosiu, located 16 kilometers east of Maseru, is a small village that grew up around the citadel of King Moshoesho, famous for the fact that European colonialists were able to occupy this old fortress only in July 1824.

Prior to this period, the citadel was subjected to regular attacks for 40 years and, thanks to the rational use of the terrain and the stamina of the defenders, never surrendered to the invaders.

It is now the most important historical site in the country, and Mount Taba Bosiu ("night mountain") itself is a well-organized center for historical tourism, with carefully prepared information for visitors, official guides, historical theatricals and good views of the surrounding area. The center of Taba-Bosiu is the Quilone Tower, whose architectural forms are clearly inspired by the shape of the traditional hat of the Basotho peoples.

Teyateyaneng, whose name can be translated as "Swampy place", lies 30 kilometers northeast of the capital. The city was specially founded and is still maintained by the Lesotho authorities as the center of the national traditional industries and arts and crafts.

The region is often referred to locally as "Ti" and boasts that it is here that the best examples of fine tapestries, various woolen products and other unique examples of handicrafts and arts and crafts are made. And all this is collected practically in one small place, which makes it very easy to get acquainted with the culture of the region.

Mokhotlong (or Mokhaleshoek), a city north of Sani Pass, has a reputation for being the coldest and driest place in Africa, and also the most isolated place in Lesotho. The main "wealth" of the city is the magnificent landscapes and the peculiar vegetation of the Dragon Mountains. The trekking routes laid in the surrounding mountains are considered among the best in Africa.

Kuiting ("Place of the Wind", 130 kilometers south of Maseru), often also referred to as Moyeni, is the southernmost of the "major" cities of Lesotho. The city is divided into two parts - in Lower Quitting most of the shops, hotels and residential buildings are located, while Upper Quiting lies on the slopes of the steep gorge of the Orange River and is more colorful.

There are numerous colonial-style buildings, a fairly good hotel, a Catholic mission and various statues of the colonial era. Most tourists come to Quiting for its striking sandstone church, the famous "cave city" Masitis Cave House, located near the city and a unique natural phenomenon - hundreds of dinosaur footprints have been found on the surrounding rocks, which are estimated to be approximately 180 million years old.