A rose creeping on the ground. The incomparable beauty and practicality of a groundcover rose

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Ground cover roses are a whole group ornamental plants for landscape design garden. Their distinctive feature is the long, twisting stems that creep along the ground and cover it like a carpet.

Externally, a groundcover rose looks as follows: the plant has creeping creeping shoots up to 2 meters long. At the time of flowering, the plants are covered with inflorescences in the form of brushes of many small flowers.

The diameter of the flowers can be from 10 to 50 mm. The color palette has a wide variety. The leaves of such roses are small, dense, shiny and do not fall off for a very long time. In some varieties of roses, they can remain until spring.

Characteristics and classification

Depending on the variety, the plant can form from 80 to 150 buds per bush. At correct selection varieties in accordance with the climate and the nature of the soil, the shrub can bloom from May to the very frost.

Classification of ground cover roses depends on the growth and characteristics of plant shoots. Such a division is rather arbitrary, but it is widely used in practice:

Initially, these varieties of roses bloomed once and bore abundant fruits in the fall. Modern varieties are characterized by long-lasting and abundant flowering almost before the beginning of the winter cold.

Almost all varieties of ground cover roses have several common distinguishing characteristics inherent in this particular group:

All of these qualities are invaluable for landscape design. In addition to all other advantages, these breeds ornamental shrubs are extremely easy to care for.

blooming all summer, selected by breeders in a separate group relatively recently. However, work with these plants is very active - a large number of various varieties with a rich color palette and the height of the bushes.

Gallery: ground cover roses in landscape design (25 photos)

Most popular varieties

Below is a list of the most popular varieties of ground cover roses, which are easy to care for and unpretentious, combined with beauty and aesthetics.


Hello variety differs in the small height of the shrub and its spreading. Flowers are densely double. In the process of flowering, they change color from red to dark cherry. The flowers are odorless, but they are distinguished by the greatest splendor and doubleness among all known varieties. Hello rose is distinguished by its high resistance to frost, good immunity and abundant flowering.


Swanee variety it is distinguished by an average height of a shrub and a wide spreading crown. The leaves of the Swanee variety are evergreen, small and shiny. Inflorescences are large in the form of umbrellas. Each inflorescence consists of 15-20 flowers white with a pink center. Flowers have a strong aroma. These creeping roses are very cold resistant.


Ground cover rose Ballerina varieties differs in considerable height - up to 2 meters. The crown is dense and rounded. Resistant to drought, frost and most diseases. A distinctive feature can be called a long flowering - until the onset of winter cold weather. The flowers are simple, collected in lush brushes. White petals at the edges take on a pinkish tint. The flowers have a pleasant, delicate aroma with musky notes.


Rose Knirps it is highly resistant to winter frosts and has good immunity. Distinctive feature- good quality stock. These roses do not degenerate over time.


This variety is very takes root and grows quickly, forming rather dense thickets. The height of the shrub can reach 60 cm. Flowers are most often white, sometimes they can have a pinkish tint. Large racemes can have 30-40 flowers.


The variety is distinguished by its compactness of shrubs. The flowers have a rich and vibrant color palette. Rose Bessie is different high resistance to disease. This variety is very often contained in hanging planters.


The shrub is different strong arched branches. The flowers are small, bright pink, double, with a strong pleasant aroma. Differs in good immunity and frost resistance during cultivation.

Landing features

Compared to other varieties of roses, ground cover ones are unpretentious and easy to care for. And yet there are some nuances.

To obtain healthy plant with lush beautiful flowers, it is very important to choose the right soil for planting it.

Choosing a landing site, you should immediately abandon such places in the garden where fruit stone fruit trees - cherries, apricots, hawthorn - grow or grew earlier. These plants are very depleting of the soil.

To create optimal lighting, it is desirable that the site has a slope to the west or southeast. This will give the plant enough sunlight in the morning and shade a little during the hot day. Flowers can begin to fade when exposed to direct sunlight.

Do not plant young shoots next to powerful plants or with high walls, giving a strong shadow... This can lead to insufficient root development, poor nutrition and, as a result, poor flowering of plants.

When choosing a place to plant roses, you should avoid areas with high humidity. In summer, excess soil moisture will reduce air circulation, and in winter it can lead to hypothermia of the roots and death of the plant. To eliminate the high humidity, it is possible to carry out work on soil drainage using a system of special tubes.

The most the best soil for planting roses- loam. It provides good ventilation and allows enough water and air to flow to the roots. If the soil is rocky or clayey, a mixture of sand and organic components can be added.

The soil, very favorable for roses, has a slightly acidic environment. If the soil is acidic, you can lower it with ash or limestone. Excessively alkaline soil can be slightly acidified with superphosphates.

Before you start planting roses, it is necessary to carefully dig up the area and remove all roots and parts of weeds. You can pre-treat the soil with special herbicidal substances.

In order for the bushes to grow freely, it is necessary to leave a distance of 30 to 100 cm between them - it depends on the variety. Drift roses can be planted in flowerpots of 3 seedlings per flowerpot.

Saplings after planting in the soil should be slightly shaded for 2 weeks. To enhance the vitality of young shoots, they are cut to a length of 25-30 cm and processed copper sulfate.

When planting, the roots of the plant must be properly straightened, then gradually add the prepared soil mixture. When the planting hole is full, it is tamped a little and watered with abundant warm water. A small embankment of soil is formed around the pit.

Ground cover roses in the photo

Ground cover roses are a new group, which has original qualities: long, up to 4 m, winding shoots with small leaves almost completely cover the soil with a carpet, which is especially effective during flowering. Among the varieties there are those that bloom once, but the varieties that bloom repeatedly are of particular interest.

Roses with creeping or drooping stems, which grow more in width than in height, are called groundcover. When several bushes are planted next to each other, they quickly take up a large area. In this group there are both once and repeatedly flowering varieties. In the garden, it is effective to plant one such rose among low ground cover plants.

Look at the photo of ground cover roses in landscape design - during flowering, the bushes literally hide under an avalanche of small flowers collected in dense racemose inflorescences:

Ground cover roses at the cottage (photo)

The first wave of flowering is followed by a second, sometimes less abundant.

Groundcover roses are mostly re-blooming, including blood red, pink, pale pink, pure white with double and non-double flowers, some of them smell. These mastiff roses do not shed their foliage, sometimes until spring.

When describing ground cover roses, they are divided into five groups that differ from each other in the height of the bush and the shape of the shoots:

  • group 1: sluggish, lying on the ground;
  • group 2: growing steeply upward;
  • group 3: undersized, thick;
  • group 4: high, with arched drooping shoots;
  • group 5: horizontally creeping.

For an amateur garden, representatives of the 2nd and 5th groups are least suitable because of their height or intense abundant growth.

Caring for all varieties of ground cover roses is complicated by weeds, especially perennial rhizomes such as wheatgrass or bindweed. In areas inhabited by weeds, roses should not be planted until they are completely cleaned. After all, as soon as the roses grow, it will no longer be possible to set foot on this territory.

Ground cover roses: "Yellow Fleurette" in the photo
The flowers are yellow, with golden stamens in the photo

"Yellow Fleurett"- flowers are yellow, with golden stamens, medium, collected in inflorescences-umbrellas, neatly fading. The leaves are dark green, glossy. The bush is dense and strong. This is one of the best varieties of ground cover roses for the Moscow region with a luxurious, abundant flowering. Height 70 cm.

Ground cover roses "Sea Foam" in the photo
Fragrant white flowers, with a delicate blush (photo)

"Sea Foam"- fragrant white flowers, with a delicate blush, later creamy white, medium, densely double, collected in a brush. The foliage is glossy. The bush quickly grows in width, the shoots reach 1.5 m. Constantly and profusely blooming, viable and healthy, winter-hardy rose.

Ground cover roses "Snow Carpet" in the photo
Small double flowers disclosed in June-October (photo)

Snow Carpet- this variety is sometimes referred to as miniature roses. Small double flowers open in June-October, they have a faint aroma.

The variety "Snow Carpet" ground cover roses have shoots covered with light green small shiny leaves (photo)

As you can see in the photo, this variety of ground cover roses has shoots covered with light green small shiny leaves.

Ground cover roses "Hydekind" in the photo
Cherry flowers, colorless, medium, double, flat (photo)

"Hydekind"- cherry flowers, non-fading, medium, double, flat, with a serrated edge of the petals, collected in large brushes. The leaves are glossy, the bush is dense, slightly weeping, strong. These ground cover roses are some of the best: they are strong and resilient. The height of the bush is 80 cm.

Ground cover roses "Red Blanket" in the photo
The flowers are large, semi-double, light red (photo)

Red Blanket. This variety is a descendant of the famous "Yesterdey" and justifies its name "Red Blanket". The flowers are large, semi-double, light red, in large inflorescences, with a slight aroma. The bush is up to 70-80 cm high, the shoots are strong, up to 1.2 m long, do not lie on the ground. A 3-4 year old bush will cover an area of ​​up to 3 m2 with abundant elegant foliage and beautiful flowers. Exclusively decorative variety, unpretentious, resistant to pathogens, winters well under light shelter in the conditions of the Moscow region.

Ground cover roses "Royal Bassino" in the photo
Semi-double flowers, bright red with a golden yellow eye (photo)

Royal Bassino... One of the brightest ground cover roses. The flowers are semi-double, about 6 cm in diameter, bright red with a golden yellow eye, collected in large, dense inflorescences. The leaves are dark green, large, shiny, dense. The bushes grow 70 cm wide, the shoots are strong, they do not fall on the ground.

Pay attention to the photo - these ground cover roses are planted wherever a decorative bright spot is constantly needed:

Ground cover roses "Bonika" in the photo
The flower is pale pink, mother-of-pearl, terry (photo)

"Bonika"... The flower is pale pink, mother-of-pearl, double, 50-55 petals in one flower, flower diameter 6 cm. Flowering is very long from May to November, on one peduncle during the period of mass flowering there are 16-20 flowers at a time. The plant grows in the second year after planting up to 100 cm in diameter, the plant height is 80-100 cm, the leaf is dark green, dense, semi-gloss, the plant has decorative orange fruits. Disease resistance is very high, very frost-resistant variety (up to -40 ° C), does not tolerate hot summer.

Ground cover roses "Essex" in the photo
Rose flower "Essex" in the photo


"Red Bells" "Red Bells" in the photo
Rose flower "Red Bells" in the photo

Red Bells,

Ground cover roses "Suffolk" in the photo
Flowers of the rose "Suffolk" in the photo

If an ordinary rose is the queen of flowers, everyone knows ground cover rose known to few, let's try to figure out what kind of plant it is and how to grow it. are a whole group of plants that have twisting stems up to 2 m long and small shiny leaves that cover the ground like a carpet. The description will help to tell what a ground cover rose looks like: this is a plant that grows intensively in width, with rather long creeping and drooping shoots, which, during the flowering period, are covered with tassel-like inflorescences formed by multiple small flowers. Flowers with a diameter of 10-50 mm have white, pink, red color and are very diverse in appearance - dense and semi-double, as well as simple. The foliage of these roses does not fall off for a long time, in rare cases it remains even until spring.

Did you know? The largest rose bush grows in the United States, its diameter is almost two meters.

It is a mistake to believe that ground cover is only creeping roses, since they are represented not only by low-growing varieties.. An important feature of these roses is that their height will always be less than their width. There are conditional subgroups of these plants: creeping in a horizontal plane, low lodging, strongly branching low, widely growing falling and dense upright growing. Growing blooming clouds lush bushes any subgroup will decorate private plot covering quite large areas.

Features of planting a ground cover rose in the garden

Groundcover roses are less demanding to care for and grow than other varieties garden roses, however, also need sufficient care given their characteristics. We will try to briefly outline the basic points of planting and further care for these beautiful plants.

Choosing a place to plant a ground cover rose

An important point for obtaining a lush, healthy bush of a groundcover rose is right choice planting sites and the proper level of agricultural technology, in further care behind the blooming pride of the garden will be uncomplicated.

Important! When choosing a planting site for ground cover roses, you should avoid areas where trees and shrubs such as cherries, apricots, pears, hawthorns or other varieties of roses grew, as these greatly deplete the soil and the rose bush will grow in unfavorable conditions.

It is desirable that the area where the rose will grow has a slight slope to the west or southeast for optimal lighting in the morning and light shading in the midday period. The scorching rays of the sun can have a detrimental effect on the flowers, which will fade and fade. It is not recommended to plant young rose bushes near powerful plants in order to avoid a lack of moisture and nutrients, as well as near high walls and in strong shade, which is fraught with slow growth of the root system and shoots and the lack of flowering.

The place for planting roses should not be excessively wet and have close-lying groundwater, since in moist soil the roses will not have proper oxygen circulation, and in winter in very coldy the roots can become overcooled and cause the death of the entire plant. At high humidity soil drainage should be carried out using moisture-removing tubes.

The best soil for roses will be loamy, which will allow oxygen and water to pass to the root system. Stony and clayey soils for improvement, they are diluted with a mixture of sand, peat, compost and bird droppings, and sandy ones - with a mixture of compost, peat, turf and clay. Favorable growth conditions will be in slightly acidic soils with a pH level of 5.5-6.5. Increased acidity can be neutralized with limestone or ash, and alkaline reactions- superphosphates.

Preparatory work before landing

The place of the rose garden should first of all be dug up and thoroughly removed weeds and their rhizomes; at the request of the gardener, the soil can be treated with Roundup and loosened well. Moreover, the entire area of ​​the future rose garden is subject to preparation and processing, where rose bushes will grow, since over time the roses will densely inhabit the area allocated to them. For planting a bush, a hole is dug in advance with a depth of about half a meter and the same diameter. For free growth of bushes, the distance between them should be 30-100 cm, depending on the varietal sizes of ground cover roses.

How to plant a groundcover rose in the garden

Planting ground cover roses is within the power of even a novice gardener. First you need to prepare a nutritious soil mixture - mix garden soil, turf, sand, clay, peat, humus in a bucket of each of the ingredients, add 100 g of superphosphate and ash. A layer of bird manure about 10 cm thick is poured into a hole dug out in 15-20 days. Then, a small mound is formed from the nutrient soil in the center of the planting hole, on which the seedling is placed.

The roots of the plant should be evenly spread for better growth and rooting, after which you can add soil mixture, periodically shaking the seedling to better fill the inter-root space with earth. After the planting hole is filled with soil, it should be tamped, watered with a bucket warm water and spud the seedling with an earthen embankment of 15-20 cm. It is recommended to shade the seedling for 10-15 days after planting.

Important! Before planting, rose seedlings should be cut to 25-30 cm and treated with copper sulfate - this will increase the vitality of the young plant.

The best tips for caring for ground cover roses at their summer cottage

After the cover rose is planted, it is planted in a suitable place and taking into account all the needs, it should be provided with proper care, and it will bloom magnificently and fragrantly for more than one year. Let's take a closer look at the process of growing ground cover roses and how to care for them.

How to properly water ground cover roses

After planting, rose seedlings and later young bushes require frequent moderate watering as the soil dries out. Adult bushes are watered every 6-9 days; in dry periods, the frequency of watering increases. Watering is best done with warm water in the morning. From the second year of life, a rose needs a bucket of water for favorable development and flowering, and this plant does not accept excessively moist soil, since it can be detrimental to the roots. In the fall, rose bushes do not need watering.

Features of feeding ground cover roses, how to fertilize a plant

Caring for ground cover roses involves their regular fertilization and feeding. V spring make organic or nitrogen fertilizer, when forming buds on a bush, they are fed with sodium humate or potassium sulfates, after the end of flowering - potassium or phosphorus fertilizer according to the attached instructions. For optimal pre-winter feeding, organic fertilizer should be applied in late summer - early autumn, potassium-phosphorus fertilizer after 15 days, and potassium sulfate after another 10 days. Such systemic fertilization will prepare the plant for wintering and nourish it with strength for active growth in spring.

Pruning roses

Ground cover roses in the first year of life should be slightly shortened, this stimulates tillering. In subsequent years, dried and broken stems should be cut, thick bushes should be slightly thinned for air circulation and the plant should be kept in shape. After 5 years, you can rejuvenate the bush by cutting off all the stems at a level of 25 cm from the soil. The cut is carried out at an angle of about 45 degrees, stepping back 5-10 mm from the kidney, it is recommended to process sections with a diameter of more than 10 mm with garden pitch, and the whole bush should be treated with Bordeaux mixture.

Important! A groundcover rose is capable of blooming in the year of planting, but for optimal plant development in the first year of life, unblown buds must be removed.

Reproduction of ground cover roses

Ground cover roses reproduce successfully by layering. To do this, at the beginning of spring, a young long shoot is bent to the soil several times to obtain several plants, and the extreme buds of the shoot should be above the ground. The shoot is pinned in a small hole filled with nutritious soil, one bud downward to take roots out of it, and several nearby buds on the cutter remain above the ground for the formation of new shoots.

The cuttings should be watered frequently, and in the fall, provided they are rooted, they are ready for transplanting to other beds for growing. After the young rooted seedlings grow up within a year, they are transplanted to permanent place for growing.

How to cover ground cover roses for the winter

Groundcover roses require virtually no maintenance in the fall, except for sanitary pruning of the stems. Since this type of flowers is quite frost-hardy, a thick layer of snow is enough for it for wintering. But it's better to play it safe, especially with the likelihood low temperatures in snowless winter periods, and cover the ground cover rose bush with spruce or pine spruce branches in autumn, which will also protect the shoots from rodents. Stems high grades roses should be laid on the surface of the ground, bending them slightly. The shelter should be placed on the bushes in the fall after the average daily air temperature has dropped, and removed in early spring, preventing the roses from drying out and decaying under the shelter.

Of course, all of us gardeners dream of flowers blooming all summer long. This is very convenient, especially for busy people who come to the dacha once a week, or even less often. Whether there really are flowers that bloom all summer is hard to say. However, there are plants with long flowering times and flowers that bloom twice a day. summer season... It is to them that we recommend that you pay attention.

It is worth noting that there are ground cover roses blooming all summer long, which will undoubtedly decorate your suburban area.

Ground cover roses grow to a height of about 50 cm, bloom in June, bloom in inflorescences. Just one bush of a ground cover rose is able to twine a whole gazebo. The flowering of ground-covering roses is almost endless - one bud replaces another.

In landscape design, ground cover roses are used for landscaping slopes.

Types of ground cover roses

  • large ones with shoots that spread (the width of the bush is more than 1.5 meters, up to 50 cm high);
  • small ones with shoots that spread (bush width up to 1.5 m, height about 30 cm);
  • large ones with branching shoots (the width of the bush exceeds 1.5 m, the height is more than 1 m);
  • small with branching shoots (bush width 1.5 cm, height up to 1 m);
  • large shrubs that grow straight.

All types of ground cover roses are characterized by:

  1. The presence of a large bush with big amount side shoots, while the width of the rose is several times greater than its height.
  2. Ground cover roses bloom for a long time and very profusely.
  3. Together with buds and inflorescences, autumn grows a lot of leaves (green mass). The shrubs are very picturesque.
  4. Accelerated growth of side shoots.
  5. They are not afraid of freezing, the bushes are resistant to diseases.
  6. Do not require special care, trimming and careful "haircuts".

How to grow ground cover roses blooming all summer

It is best to grow a rose grafted onto a varietal rose hip so that there is no wild growth. Ground cover roses are very difficult to propagate vegetatively. It is almost impossible to dig in a twig so that it sprouts and takes root.

Roses ground cover planting and care.

Roses bloom all season, and all others also love a sunny place, fertile soil... A hole for planting is dug deep enough - about 50 cm. Fill it with organic matter - compost, humus. Sand is added to make the soil lighter. Roses respond very well to ash. Superphosphate or any other mineral potassium-phosphorus fertilizer is also added.

Varieties of ground cover roses that bloom all summer.

All ground cover roses long flowering... We recommend continuous flowering rose varieties.

1. Bonika 82 (Bonica 82)

A versatile rose with flowers gently - color pink, with abundant continuous flowering, endurance and strength of growth. Resistant to diseases and temperature changes. The flowers grow terry in a diameter of 6 - 8 cm. Most often they are used as a shrub, for container cultivation, landscape gardening of flower beds and plots as a ground cover, good for cutting.

2. Dominique Loiseau

Unusually delicate semi-double White Rose... The height of the bush does not exceed 60 cm. The bush is characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests and at the same time retains abundant flowering for a long period, it can be attributed to roses of continuous flowering.

Used to create hedges and borders with contrasting color inserts, used as a groundcover in the garden.

3. Rose Super Dorothy

Bush with pink flowers with a diameter of 3 cm, combined into inflorescences of 7 - 10 pieces, the height of the bush is 70 cm, the length of the lashes is 2.5 m, this ground cover rose in diameter, blooming all summer, grows up to 2 square meters in diameter. m. Used to create flower beds and how climbing rose on a support.

In this video you can learn how to ensure proper care behind climbing roses.

Deserved the recognition and love of flower growers. Ground cover perennial flowers are used to create unique picturesque flower beds, decorate empty plots of land, decorate alleys, fences, gazebos and curbs. In addition, ground cover roses strengthen the soil in places where erosion develops and will not allow the soil to wash out in the beds located on the slope during the rainy season.

Gardeners have been growing small, branchy varieties of roses as early as the 19th century. But only at the end of the 20th century unpretentious, frost-resistant, long-blooming and very decorative ground cover roses have taken their rightful place in the arsenal of landscape designers and amateur gardeners.

Halloween (Hello)

Halloween (Hello)

Low (about 50 cm), spreading bush. They are distinguished by large, densely double flowers, which, during flowering, change color from dark red to rich cherry. Flowers are odorless, but with the richest doubleness among ground cover roses. The variety is frost-resistant, immune, blooming profusely.



The bushes are high, 75-80 cm.The crown is spreading, up to 2 m in diameter. The Swanee rose stands out for its evergreen small shiny foliage and large umbrella inflorescences... Each contains up to 20 double, white with a pink center, fragrant flowers. Winter-hardy and very ornamental shrub.


Standard rose Ahtiar (Ahtiar)

A tall shrub with long (1.2-1.5 m) falling arched shoots. Large double flowers are collected in inflorescences. This landscape rose is used to create curbs and green hedges., grown in standard culture.



Tall, up to 2 m, bush with a rounded dense crown. Winter hardy, drought and disease resistant. Blooms for a long time, continuously, until the onset of frost... Simple flowers are collected in clusters. The petals are white in the center, turning pink towards the edges. During flowering, the flowers increase in size, brighten somewhat. They have a delicate musky aroma.



One of the most hardy and adaptive varieties... Bushes are low, up to half a meter. The foliage is dark, glossy. The flowers are double, deep red. Blooms profusely, all summer and autumn



Saplings take root quickly, shoots grow actively and in a short time form dense thickets up to 60 cm high. White, sometimes with a pink tint, double flowers are collected in a brush of 30-40 pieces... Bloom from July to frost.

Amber Sun

Amber Sun

Sprawling branchy bushes, 50-60 cm in height and width. Drooping branches. Small semi-double fragrant flowers of all shades of yellow - from copper at the beginning of flowering to cream at the end. Prized for long flowering, cheerful decorativeness, resistance to frost and diseases of roses.



Low (up to half a meter) compact bushes. Scarlet semi-double flowers grouped into brushes. One of the earliest flowering varieties, extremely disease resistant, hardy to environmental conditions... Often planted in hanging pots and containers.



Strong bush up to 85 cm, with long arched branches. Fragrant flowers are double, bright pink, medium-sized, collected in inflorescences... Blooms profusely from early June until frost. Winter-hardy immune variety.

Features of growing ground cover roses

These plants were singled out into a separate group about 50 years ago. It combines profusely flowering shrubs with wide creeping or slightly drooping arched shoots. Height from 40 cm to 2 m, crown width from 50 cm to 3 m.

Plants are well leafy, the leaves are medium-sized, shiny, form a dense green crown. Small flowers are double, semi-double or simple, collected in inflorescences, graceful and elegant.

For the ability to form dense flowering coatings, they are called carpet roses. They are used to create elements of landscape design and garden decor, therefore they are also called landscape ones.

Advantages common to ground cover roses:

  • unpretentiousness, ease of care;
  • frost resistance;
  • immunity to diseases and pests;
  • abundant long flowering;
  • easy reproduction by layering;
  • rapid growth and acquisition of a decorative appearance;
  • from 2 years old they suppress weeds.

They are planted along the paths, in the lower tier of flower beds, in rabat beds. With their help they create color accents on lawns, enliven gentle slopes, decorate retaining walls and terraces. Compact varieties look great in planters and wicker baskets.

Planting and leaving

Landing dates and site selection

Carpet roses are planted in spring or early autumn, long before the onset of frost. In the regions middle lane and further north are preferred spring planting to give the plants time to take root and grow stronger.

The soil is chosen fertile, loamy, loose, well moistened and drained.

Roses do not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil and standing high groundwater. Good decision- placement on raised flower beds or gentle slopes.

Provide good lighting for the rose garden... At the same time, light partial shade in the sultry afternoon hours will not hurt.

Good placement for roses - on the western or southeastern steep slopes.

How to plant

The variety is selected taking into account its "adult" size, planned use, placement on the site.

Spring is the most favorable time of the year for planting

For a pink flower bed, dig the entire planting area into 2 shovel bayonets in depth.

Before planting, you need to carefully select from the soil plant residues, weeds and their rhizomes. Subsequently, it is difficult to remove weeds from under the thorny bushes.

Prepare pits 50 cm in diameter and to a depth of 60-70 cm on average, but 10-20 cm more length the roots of the seedling. To plant a curb or hedge, dig a trench... The bottom is loosened by 25-35 cm.

Shoots are shortened, leaving 2-4 buds on each. Dry and damaged roots are cut off. The seedling is placed in a hole, covered with soil. Every layer of earth is watered.

From above, the soil is compacted and again watered abundantly.


Young bushes are watered 2 times a week, adults - 1 time in 7-10 days. Overfilling and overdrying are undesirable.

They are fed three times a season:

  • after the appearance of leaves;
  • after the first wave of flowering and removal of old inflorescences;
  • early autumn.

The first two times make complex mineral fertilizers, in the third - only phosphorus and potash.

Cut off shoots in early spring:

  • dried up;
  • frozen;
  • broken;
  • sick.

Young plantings are mulched with bark, shavings, leaf compost or cover the soil with a black film. These measures will prevent the development of weeds.

Adults landscape roses densely cover the soil surface and oppress weeds.

Reproduction of roses

Groundcover roses are easily propagated by layering.

In the spring, one or more long shoots are chosen. Dig into a deep groove (10cm deep) in one or more places so that there are 1-2 buds at the bottom for the formation of roots, and 1-2 buds on top, from which shoots are formed. Fasten with hooks or wooden pins, watered.

The soil is kept moist until autumn. For the winter, the shoots are covered with spruce branches... In the spring, cuttings are separated from mother plant and transplanted to the right place.

Preparing for winter

For better preparation by winter and the ripening of the shoots in the fall, watering and feeding of roses is stopped.

Ground cover plants are considered winter-hardy and do not need shelter..

In the domestic climate, this is true only for the southern regions and areas with mild snowy winters. It is advisable to protect the bushes with spruce branches or lukrasil, creating an additional air cushion.

Ground cover roses are unpretentious in care and cultivation, novice gardeners can cope with it... They respond to care and attention with abundant flowering and delight with a riot of colors, grace, spectacular decorativeness.