Yezhzhin Spiridon Dmitrievich when born. Poet Spiridon Dmitrievich yeast: biography, best works and interesting facts

Stories, fabulous and not very, useful about animals not only for schoolchildren, but also for beginners to read preschoolers, because in addition to reading skills, the horizons are expanding. FROM examples of texts You can meet.

Understanding and memorization is greatly alleviated. Not all children (for various reasons) love to draw. So we came up with stories to coloring : We read the text and paint an animal. The site "Non-standard children" wishes success.

Short stories about animals

Story about the protein.

He lived in the old forest of protein. Squirrel in the spring appeared daughter squirrel.

Once a squirrel with a squirrel collected mushrooms for the winter. Suddenly, a cunnage appeared on the next tree. She prepared to grab a squirrel. Mom - Squirrel jumped toward the cunitsa and shouted his daughter: "Run!"

The squirrel rushed in the nude. Finally she stopped. I looked around, and the places are strangers! Moms - no proteins. What to do?

I saw a squirrel in a pine hood, hid and fell asleep. And in the morning I found my daughter.

Greedy squirrel

Near the new school, builders left a dozen two birches and pines. It turned out a small square.

Despite the school noise and gams in it settled two proteins. The animals were young and clever. If someone appeared at the bottom, they immediately coiled on the top of the tree.

Schoolchildren brought nuts to the proteins. They left a treat on a large boulder in the middle of the square. When children left, the animals descended and fed.

Sometimes they came hooligans. They threw the stones in the protein. But the animals flew to the tops of the trees. Stones did not reach there.

Once a stranger old squirrel appeared in the square. At first she ate all the nuts on the stone. Little squirrels tried to go down the food too. But someone else's squirrel knew them.

So it was several times. Young squirrels of starvation. They ate their reserves and left the square because of greedy old proteins.

Story about the Council

Owl lives in the northern forests. But not a simple owl, but polar. This owl is white. Paws shaggy, covered with feathers. Thick feathers protect the feet of the bird from the frost.

White owl is not visible in the snow. Owl flies quietly. He hides in the snow and podkraulit the mouse. Sleeping mouse will not notice.

About cuckoo

Cuckoo, cuckoo, how old will you live? - Ask and adults, and children, having gone to the Cucushkin.

We listen and we are to her Kook. Cuckoo - Bird careful. To see it, you have to be observant.

The cuckoo is often getting stronger for putting eggs in the nest of other birds. Reception Parents Cubuschonka feed, raise, for example, learn to fly.

Why does cuckoo do that? Other birds carry all the eggs almost simultaneously, and then the chicks are sitting. The chicks are happier together, grow together.

The cuckoo carries a lot of small eggs not immediately, but gradually, almost all summer. Therefore, she cannot surround the chicks herself.

Having demolished the egg, the cuckoo takes it into the beak and puts in someone else's nest. Cheating never detects.

But the cuckoo is very useful. It eats such shaggy caterpillars, which none of the birds no longer. Do not hurt cuckoo!

Story about Los.

Old elk walked for a long time. He is very tired. Stopped elk and tristed.

He dreamed of the moose that he was still a little husk. He goes with mom in the forest. Mom eats branches and leaves. And the losyok is fun jumping along the path nearby.

Suddenly someone scary thugs near ear. The grasskery was frightened and ran to his mother. Mom said: "Do not be afraid. This is a bumblebee. He smears not biting."

On the forest glade, Losenka liked butterflies. First, the skins did not notice them. Butterflies were sat on the colors. Slosenok rocked the glade. Here the butterflies flew into the air. There were a lot of them, a whole swarm. And one, the most beautiful, sat down the Losenka on the nose.

Far behind the forest roaming the train. Old elk woke up. He rested. You can go further on your affairs.

Tale about deer

Deer live in the north. The birthplace of deer is called Tundra. The grass, shrubs and gray deer moss growing in Tundra. Deer Moss - Food for deer.

Deer go to herds. In the flock of deer of different ages. There are old deer and kids - a deer. Adults are protected by kids from wolves.

It happens, wolves attack herd. Then the deer surround deer and put the horns forward. They have sharp horns. Wolves fear deer horns.

In the herd there is a leader. This is the strongest deer. All deer obey him. The leader guards herd. When the herd rests, the leader finds a high stone. He stands on the stone and looks in all directions. Saw danger and bears. Deer will stand and go away from trouble.

Story about the Lesse

At the foot of the mountain was a round lake. The place was deserted, quiet. In the lake swam a lot of fish. This lake liked the flock of ducks. Ducks fibers nest and pulled out. So they lived on the lake all summer.

Once a fox appeared on the shore. Fox hunted and came to the lake with ducks. Ducklings have already grown, but not learned to fly. Fox thought to easily catch her prey. But it was not there.

Clear ducks sailed far to the other side. Lisa ruined duck nest and ran away.

In the mountains of hibaine in the north you can meet the bear. In the spring of the Bear is angry, because hungry. All winter he slept in Berorga. And winter in the north is long. The bear was hungry. There is no evil.

He came to the lake. Catch fish, eat. Waters will drink. Lakes in the mountains are clean. Fresh water and transparent.

By the middle of summer, the bear will nasty, grinds. It will become good-respect. But still you should not meet with him. Bear is a wild beast, dangerous.

By the fall, the bear eats everything in a row: fish, berries, mushrooms. Fat under the skin sails to the winter hibernation. Fat in Beror in winter and feeds him, and heats.

Pets surround the child always. In some families, pets are cats, dogs, rabbits. In other - turtles or guinea pigs, even more exotic, for example, iguana. All of them are our four-legged friends from childhood. I want to tell your familiar and relatives about them, especially since this topic is held at school. About, o (grade 2), will be discussed in this article. This material can serve as a good help and for children going to write an essay on a given topic, and for parents who help them in this tradition.

How to make a plan

So, where are you starting to make a plan for a stories about a pet (grade 2)?

Story about the cat

"Once I have bought a small kitten with my mother, he was quite a crumb and fastened to her mother's folded palms. We called it Tikhon, and affectionately.

Tisch grown a little. It is long, and in color - white-redhead. The paws are thick and pink on the pillows, there are almost no claws. And he himself is affectionate and gentle. Comes and extracts in the evenings in your hands at your mother or I. And he loves himself very much, so that he was stroked and scratched under the chin.

A little more time passed, and my mother I learned that it was a kitty. But this is nothing, even the name did not have to change: it remained tishka. Especially since she already responds to her nickname and runs to the kitchen, especially if they give. And soon we are waiting for kittens and we will hand them out to all friends.

I love the silence for the fact that she is affectionate and cut. And it is still very funny that we bought a cat, and eventually it turned out a cat, but it's even better! "

Story About Pet: Dog

"For years already, three, as I wanted a dog. In order not to be too big and very friendly, like spaniel, for example. And for a birthday, I was given a puppy. I called Rokki. And he already begins to respond to his nickname.

He is fluffy, the ears hang almost to the floor, and the colors are white and gray with black. Very sociable and affectionate. You come from school, and he jumps around and yawkat - meets. He is still very small and sleeping on my bed, but Mom wants to move it in his place near the door.

Sometimes we go with Rocky to walk. You have to take it on a leash, but he does not like it. And he is chasing the pigeons and sparrows on the site! "


Yezhzhin Spiridon Dmitrievich - Poet. Born in the family of fortress peasants. The formations of the formation received from his grandfather, Stepan Stepanovich Drazhin, who trained the grandson to read the Azbuchi and Chackelov. And in the autumn of 1858, the mother gave young spiridon to school to the village of Dyachku, where the future poet for two winters was studied writing and account. Those days of D. gratefully resurrected in the poem "at the school at Dycachka" (1905). On this formation, D. was completed - in the winter of 1860 he was sent to work in St. Petersburg.

The next 36 years of life D. passed in painful wandering in Russia. He changed a lot of professions: he was a girlfriend and a restaurant servant, a seller in a gas candle store and a cucer in tobacco and book shops, a lacquer, cruise, black-worker, trusted for the supply of firewood for the Nikolaev railway, an agent of the Volga shipping society "Airplane". Fate brought him to Moscow and Tver, Yaroslavl and Kharkov, Kiev and Tashkent.

The initial, St. Petersburg years of Skitaniy D. (1860--1871) were the time of not only the Nishchensky half-starving existence, but also persistent self-education. The first 4 years in the capital, working sex in the Tavern "Caucasus", D. Eagerly, but unsystemantly attacked for reading literature, often base: chest novels, magazines like "Mirsky Bulletin" and "reading for soldiers". However, D. meets the works of N. A. Nekrasova, A. V. Koltsov, I. S. Nikitin, reads the magazine "Spark" with interest, and since 1866 he regularly visits the public library. For artistic tastes and ideological-aesthetic orientation D. positively influenced his acquaintance at this time with various-democratic youth and metropolitan student. Economic on food and clothing, he collects his own library, which includes works by his favorite writers: A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov, Koltsova and Nikitin, Gaine and P.-Zh. Berance, L. N. Tolstoy and G. I. Uspensky, F. Schiller and N. P. Ogarev, etc. He reads D. and "Prohibited" literature. At the age of 17, he writes the first poem and since then does not cease poetic activity. May 10, 1867 makes the first records in the diary and leads it to the end of his long life.

The first attempt to publish D. made in 1870, sent five best, in his opinion, poems in the "illustrated newspaper", but they were rejected. The literary debut took place in 1873, when his poem "Song about Moja Maughty" was printed in the journal "Vommoteki". From that time, D. becomes an active employee of numerous magazines: "Word", "Business", "Family Evenings", "Russian wealth", etc., including children: "Children's years", "Children's reading", "Lark" "," Yuna Russia "and others.

At the end of 70--80. Fame D. as a poet grows. Interest in the novice author of self-taught showed I. Z. Surikov, which was reflected in their correspondence of 1879.

In 1889, the first collection of works by D. "Poem 1866--1888 comes out in St. Petersburg. With the author's notes about your life. " This book was withstanding two more editions (1894, 1907), much raising in each. However, this did not strengthen the material position of the poverty poet, and in the beginning. 1896 D. finally returned to the native lowbow, where he is entirely devoted to literary work and agricultural work. The decision of the poet to return, L. N. Tolstoy was supported in the village, with whom D. met twice: in 1892 and 1897. In the village of D. A unlawful police officer was installed.

Meanwhile, the fame of D. grows. In 1900, the outstanding Austrian Poet Rainer Maria Rilke visits the lowcomer. Four poems of the Russian peasant poet were translated into German.

In the first decade of the new century, the books d.: "New poems" (M., 1904), "Year of the Peasant" (M., 1906), "Cepete Songs" (M., 1907), "New Russian Songs "(M., 1909)," Bayan "(M., 1909). In December 1903, the Surikovsky circle of "writers from the people" organizes in Moscow evening dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the literary activity of D. In the same year, a lifetime pension in the amount of 180 rubles per year was appointed to the poet. In 1905, the poet is elected by a member of the Society of Russian Literature Amateurs at Moscow University. And on December 29, 1910, D. was awarded the Prize of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences in the amount of 500 rubles for collections of 1907-1909. According to a special presentation and on the basis of the review of the Honorary Academician K. K. Romanova (Poet K. R.). On October 19, 1915, the Academy of Sciences celebrated the honorary "Pushkinsky" review another book d .-- "Songs of the old Pahar" (M., 1913).

Life in the village does not open D. from important social events. It turns out to be among those few Russian writers who sharply opposed the imperialist war (the poem "Down of the War!", 1916), calling it in his diary "Rangered Barbardism" (recording from 7 Sep. 1914).

The Great October Revolution was happily met with a 69-year-old, poet. It is included in the public work, being chosen in the membership of the Voloser Executive Committee, travels around the country with reading his works. In 1919, the poet was elected chairman of the congress of the proletarian writers from the people of the Tver Lip. In the same year, it becomes a member of the Tver Literatures of the N-Art Society. I. S. Nikitin. Its poetic activity continues. In 1923, a collection of "Labor and struggle", marking two anniversaries of the poet: the 50th anniversary of the literary activity and the 75th anniversary of the birth. In connection with these dates, D. is elected by an honorary member of the All-Russian Union of Poets; In Tver, the library reading his name opens. And in five years, the 80-year-old poet receives a greeting from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, signed by its President A. P. Karpinsky.

September 28, 1928 D. met in Moscow with M. Gorky, who entered the poet's notebook: "In memory of the old poet, with surprise before his inexhaustible creativity - S. D. Drazhzhin. M. Gorky. "

In recent years, D. works on the collections of "songs" (M., 1928) "Pathways" (M., 1929), "Peasant Songs" (M., L., 1929, the last lifetime book of the poet), is preparing To print a full collection of essays in 4 tons, he brings their "notes about life and poetry."

The 82-year-old poet died in native lowbow. In 1938, his ashes, as well as the house where he lived most of his life was transferred to the village. Also Konakovsky district of Kalininskaya oblast. (the former Tver Lip.), where the Memorial Museum of the poet was opened.

More than 60-year-old creative path D. was extremely fruitful. During his lifetime, 32 collectors were released: 20 of them - until 1917 and 12 under Soviet power. His poems are artistically unequal, but in the best part of the poetic heritage there is a pretty talent, skill. In the work of D. noticeably the influence of Koltsov, Nikitin, Nekrasov, in a number of its works 80--90. Summones of poetry S. Ya. Nadson. Simplicity, incessia, immediacy, sincerity - determining the qualities of lyrics D. He is a singer of peasant life, as he himself has determined his vocation from the first steps in the literature ("My Muse", 1875). Along with sorrowful verses, poverty drawings, disintegration of the Russian peasantry ("death of Kony-Pahar", 1877; "In the hut", 1882; "Not cheerful entanglements ...", 1887; "in drought", 1897) and urban Poor ("Songs of the Workers", 1875; "Seam", 1876; "From without bitter doom ...", 1906), the poet depicts the joy of the creative work of the bashing age ("in the Strand", 1875; "First Borozda", 1884; "Song Pahar ", 1891); He admires the spiritual beauty of the Russian peasant ("Rovenice", 1878; "The heat of spring rays ...", 1880). In poems, the motives of the social struggle ("We live ...", 1889; "Udalty", 1903; "Plotch's song", 1906; "From the darkness to the light", 1913).

With love for the Russian village, the village landscape filled with many poems D. ("In a simple cart of rustic ...", 1871; "Song from the distant edge" 1875; "Rechange me, a kidder of the native ...", 1889; "Morning in the forest", 1870; "Evening", 1881; "Summer", 1882). Patriotism of poetry D. is not declarative, and deeply sincerely, because of his poems dedicated to the Motherland, and permeated with pain, and are full of faith in the bright future of the country ("on the Volga", 1899; "Motherland", 1904). The life-affirming patriotic pathos of Poetry D. is clearly manifested in his verses of the Soviet period ("There were angry Angry, 1918;" Revenue ", 1920;" Memory V. I. Lenin ", 1924).

Poetry D. is organically connected with oral folk creativity, especially with a song lyrics, no wonder many of his poems (and collections) are named "songs". D. skillfully and freely uses folklore poetics (negative comparisons, psychological parallelism, sustainable symbolism, etc.), its stylization is distinguished by rhythmic wealth ("song" ("like a breeze under grass ..."), 1889; "Song" (" What is not a swallow-kingochka sings ... "), 1885;" Song "(" Ah, there was one ... "), 1903;" Song "(" The good well done was unloaded ... "), 1907).

A number of poems D. entered the folklore ("Song about a soldier", 1872; "Songs of the workers", 1875). Many poet poems were laid on music by composers S. Evseyev, V. Ziring, N. Toltolsky, A. Chernyavsky, F. Lazyom, and others. Songs on the verses of D. performed by popular at the beginning of the XX century. Singers N. Plevitskaya, A. Vyaltseva, M. Ladar, P. Tikhonov, the city of Footheeva were recorded on gramophone records. Two songs on poems from the poem "Dunyasha" (1880--1881) and "Krasno Maiden, the gap, you are mine ..." (1892) were in the repertoire of F. I. Shalyapin (Mus. A. Chernyavsky).

Yezhzhin Spiridon Dmitrievich (1848-1930) - famous Russian poet. Born 6 (18) December 1848 in a small village of low-cost, which was in Tver province. Boy's parents were ordinary fortress peasants. Since 1858, for 2 years, Spiridon studied in a rustic school. Immediately after school was forced to go to work, following the example of his parents. Since childhood, the future poet loved reading.

In 1860-1871. S. Yezhazh works in the Tavern "Caucasus" in St. Petersburg. Being in Nishchensky, still finds money and buys the works of Russian writers and "prohibited literature". He begins to write the first poems since 17 years, in 1870, in 1870, unsuccessfully trying to publish his work in the "Illustrated newspaper". On May 10, 1867, he begins to lead his own diary.

The first printed "Song about the Mount of Good Mood" (1873) came out in the magazine "Dims". Yezhazh begins to actively publish in various magazines: "Word", Russian wealth "," Lark ", etc.

The first book "Poem 1866-1888. With the author's notes about his life, "(1889) was published in St. Petersburg. To replenish other works, this collection was reprinted back in 1894 and 1907

In 1896, Spiridon Yezhazh returns to the village of low-cost, where he is engaged in agriculture and writing new literary works. A well-known poet from Austria Rainer Maria Rilke comes to him, who translated 4 poems of the Russian poet into German, thereby attracting public attention to the beginning author.

For 1904-1909 5 collections are published: "New poems", "Year of the Peasantine", "Celestial Songs", "New Russian Songs", "Bayan". In 1905, the poet in Moscow University includes fans of Russian literature. December 29, 1910 S. Yezhazh is awarded the Prize of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences.

In 69 years, the poet, being a member of a volost executive committee, spends his poems throughout the country. In 1919, it becomes the head of the congress of the proletarian writers in the Tver province. At the age of 75, publishes the book "Songs of labor and struggle" (1923) and becomes an honorary participant in the All-Russian Union of Poets for a 50-year contribution to the literature. For his life, the poet issued 32 collections of poems. I did not have time to publish the "Full Collection of Works in 4 Volumes" and "Notes on Life and Poetry".