What you need to learn to sing. How to learn to sing at home: Important exercises

Over the past fifteen-twenty years, family song culture has practically disappeared in Russia, and this is a very serious loss.

Previously, the song sounded constantly: sang adults, going at the same table; Mom sang, laying babies to sleep.

People sang just like this: Going in a campaign, rear potatoes, making general cleaning.

Nevertheless, song traditions are gradually returned.

Today, a huge number of people dreams of not just singing, but to do it right, beautifully. Not everyone has the opportunity to engage in vocal with a professional teacher. In this case, try independently learn to sing at home.

How to learn to sing at home: develop the breathing apparatus

Karaoke is a real find for singing lovers. Many sing at home, in karaoke clubs, with friends and just for themselves. There are talented people who have given a voice from nature, and then they may well find themselves in the profession of vocalist.

How to learn to sing at home? First of all, it is easy to understand that it will not be easy and quick. If you want to achieve a truly good result, we'll have to work in three directions:

Develop proper breathing;

Learn to articulate correctly;

Pick up a suitable repertoire.

So how to breathe right and why is it important for those who want to learn to sing? The problem is exactly the fact that many lovers sing well, but they do not have the volume and power of the sound. This is because the unprofessional exhales the air immediately, without holding it. The air ends, the muscles relax - the sound is lost.

SAMI home Error - inhale the air into the top of the lungs. With such a surface breathing, the shoulders and clavicle rise, the neck and ligaments occur. A beautiful "flight" sound will not work.

How to understand what proper breathing is? There is a very simple way. You need to lie down, relax and imagine yourself sleeping. During sleep, a person breathes most physiologically. The air is gained in the lower lung departments. It is possible to understand this by the fact that the sleeping person does not rise the chest, but the stomach.

That's the belly, and you need to learn to breathe a person who wants to learn to sing at home, without a teacher. Such breathing is not accidentally called the diaphragmal. Air filled light at the bottom extends and begin to put pressure on the diaphragm. A good respiratory support is created, without which it will not get a strong, clean sound. Diaphragm - Secret proper breathing, successful vocal training.

To check whether you breathe correctly, stand up to the wall, straighten your shoulders and try, putting a hand to your stomach or (for clarity), some elongated object: comb, small umbrella. If you feel that the hand went ahead or see how the belly "pushed" the subject, everything is in order: it is precisely it, breathing belly, or a diaphragm.

Now you need to train muscle muscles with special exercises. The more you exercise, the faster and better learn to sing. In fact, the stronger and longer pull the sound, the stronger there should be a voltage in the muscles. This will help to escape the whole musical phrase, or even two, without tension, beautiful and fully.

If you breathe the air and immediately exhale, the end of the phrases simply will simply "smear" or not sound at all. That is why the amateur singer often does not "reach" the line to the end. To avoid a common mistake, you need to learn to keep the breathing support constantly.

Not bad assistance is provided by the usual pressing of the press, but there are professional exercises.

Exhale air as much as possible, then, without gaining air into the chest, breathe a "press", with an effort breathing and exhausted. Such an exercise is intended for the development of aperture, it is impossible to breathe in this way during singing! Inhale is done with a nose. In the breath of the belly draws away, the exhalation is a bit more pronounced. The pace of inhalation-exhalation gradually, as the diaphragm is strengthened, it is necessary to increase.

Classic academic exercise for the diaphragm: Symbol. Imagine that you need to verify a person who is on distant distance. Make the "Hey!" Shout, feeling how the diaphragm tightened. Do 8 - 10 such "okrykov".

How to breathe when singing? Dial to nose air, filling as much as possible low part lungs. Inhale should be silent, free, natural. Breast, or clavical breathing is unacceptable: you will just become choking when singing, overload the ligaments. It is fraught with voting loss, hoarseness, sore throat.

You need to train daily. This is the basic condition for success: the respiratory and articulation apparatus should receive a permanent load to be in a tone, maintain strength. A well developed diaphragm elastic, strong. Thanks to her, you can gradually work out the technique and learn to sing well.

How to learn to sing at home: Important exercises

Daily lessons must necessarily include exercises to strengthen ligaments and articulation. The initial task is to learn how to get rid of the tension in the throat, relax the ligaments. It will be necessary to master the "vocal mask" - this is a special facial expressible person, allowing it easier, stronger, more beautifully rushing sounds.

Exercise "Wide throat":

Make a "vocal mask": slightly smile, feeling tension in the cheekbones;

Pull out the language, keeping the "smile mask." To make it easier, you can hold your cheeks with your fingers;

Keeping such a fairytale, make a doggy, in a different pace. It is important to feel the tension in the press, chill and relaxation in the neck area. You can help yourself by attaching a pencil into a tongue, a wand for sushi, a handle;

Keeping the position of the tongue and cheeks, omit the jaw down as low as possible, continue to breathe;

Leave the face muscles in the past position and say the sound "A" by pushing his belly.

In such a position, ligaments rest.

The most important quality of the right singing is the right articulation, that is, a clear pronunciation of vowels and consonant sounds.

Exercise on the development of articulation.

Enable the original song. Well, if you remember the words for memory. If not, you need to have text before your eyes.

Take a thick marker or felt-tip pen, clamping between the teeth. The main task is to hold the feltster during the pronunciation of words. Watch that the upper teeth are hung over the felt-tip pen: it will make it easier to sneeze the sound.

First you do not need to try to sing, it is important to say words. Language at this moment should not be under nor above the felt-tip pen. When pronouncing, he will constantly come out to the barrier and tired. This is a serious training for muscles.

Having done the exercise two or three times, you can go to the riding text. Make three pouring renovation.

Now you can sing without a marker. The bottom line is that the articulation apparatus remembers the position of the muscles of the person, in which he will easily sing. Thus, the exercise allows not only to improve the articulation, but also get used to the "vocal mask".

Sure, do not ignore and pattermandatory element Development of clear diction for all artists. Prophoving speaking, pay attention to the end of words: they can not be "swallowed", the phrase should sound purely from beginning to end.

Excellent suitable for simultaneous training of respiratory organs, voice ligaments, diaphragms Some exercises respiratory gymnastics According to Strelnoye. Many singers are engaged in this system, why not make it and beginner vocalists? The basis of this paradoxical system is a special breath of the nose. It should be sharp, short and noisy. But the exhale must be completely imperceptible, easy, it is performed by his mouth. Accent attention needs to be inhaling.

Exercise "Pump".

Make a semi-clone, freely dropping hands. The spin is rounded, legs on the width of the shoulders.

Make a slope stronger, as if you really work with the pump, and at the same time with this movement sharply breathe.

Take the initial position along with silent exhalation.

Repeat. One cycle exercise is eight breaths. Full exercise is 12 cycles.

Exercise "Mint Shoulders" It is aimed at expanding the lower lungs department, which is very important for singers. When inhaling the chest must be clamped, and all the air rushes down.

Place your hands parallel to the floor, bent in the elbows. One hand is located on top of another.

Abruptly, simultaneously with the breath, throw his hands towards each other, hugging himself by the shoulders and at the same time clamping the chest.

On the exhalation compression weaken, return to the original position.

The number of repeats is the same.

Another remarkable exercise must be performed just like the "pump". However, the hands must be put on the stomach. Simultaneously with the tilt to press the press and pronounce the syllables with any consonants and vowels "and", "U", "O", "E". It turns out very similar to the classic Mi-ME-MO, Ri-Ra-Ro, etc., etc. The exercise helps to develop a respiratory support and put a voice.

How to learn to sing at home: Choose a repertoire

It's time to choose a suitable repertoire. This is not as simple as it may seem. It is important to catch the tonality (the height of the voice), in which the ligaments will work as comfortably as possible, without tension. If the song is "Your", the sound will pour freely, without clamps.

Try first to guess the individual sounds in unison (single-s) to the selected song. This means that two sounds of one height will sound at the same time: your voice and music. If at home there is a musical instrument or tuning, it is possible to make the sound clean easier. Pick the sound to the sound so that it coincides, merged with the tool or by Tam. To begin with, you can do this without springing lips, that is, simply wash.

If there are records of the favorite song, performed by a professional artist, and if the tonality suits you, start singing. Try to copy the intonation, facial expressions, the movement of the singer - this will help you master the singing technique. Ideally, your voice and the voice of the artist must merge completely.

The next stage is to try to sing a karaoke or "minus one" of the selected song. Be sure to write down your execution and listen to it. When a person sings, he does not hear himself. An analysis of the recording will allow you to see the errors and work them. For example, if you are fake somewhere, that is, you do not fall into a tonality, you need to work this fragment.

Learn to sing very helping children's songs. Usually they have an unintelligible range, a pleasant and understandable melody. When a children's repertoire is mastered, you can switch to popular music, romances, folk songs that you like.

If you know a foreign language - wonderful. Foreign performers will significantly expand your repertoire. If you do not know - the same good: thanks to the music you can learn the language. The main thing is that the work is technically simple, sounded within one octave (that is, there would be no very difference between low and high sounds) and had a simple text.

Ask good-minded relatives or friends with musical hearing, listen to your singing. Do not take criticism in the bayonets. In the end, you just learn to sing, so every remark will only benefit.

Beginner vocalists are concerned about the question - how to learn to sing beautifully? And today I present you a check list - brief advice Suppose to understand why other vocalists sing beautifully, but I can't do it yet?

1 Regularity of occupations - The most important aspect. Classes should not be from occasion. Better if you work on your voice every day. And forget the question - how quickly from scratch in one day learn to sing beautifully, especially if there are no voices at all. Tales B. real life can not be. Vocal occupation is a serious work. Of course, there are people with very beautiful colors from nature, but no one has canceled the concept of "school". There are certain rules for singing that you need to know vocalist. But besides knowledge you need to be able to apply these skills in practice.
Imagine an athlete who asks how many days need to be accessed to acquire a sport form. The answer is every day, and so throughout life for maintaining and improving your form.
Remember, there is no limit to improving!

2 Classes with a teacher - The key to greater success in vocal training than self-practice. Even if you think that in the whole district there is no worthy teacher, it is not. Initial skills can be obtained not necessarily at the famous opera diva. Often, they are not interesting to them - to train the Azam vocals, they have other tasks - to give their talent to give the joy to listeners, and if they teach, then on more high level Mastery must be disciples.

3 - Once, in the framework of the pedagogical workshop, I gave a master class in the conservatory, which was attended by teachers of vocal music schools and student graduates with their teachers. The topic is the preparation of the vocalist-student of the music school to the competition. I conducted a lesson with my promising student.

In addition, the girl had good vocal data, artistry, performance, victory in international competitions, her parents could afford to write expensive phonograms, sewing stage costumes, trips to expensive contests. After classes, I invited the teacher and graduates of the Conservatory to work out with the child, especially since the high payment of lessons is guaranteed.

To which they stated in one voice, it is very responsible, and you need to know how and what to teach a child, and they have completely different tasks. It was the answer of real professionals - everyone must do their job!

If you decide to learn how to sing yourself at home, because there is no possibility to deal with the teacher, then find vocal trainings and courses on the Internet and work on the production of your voice. In this case, you will be helped by a passionate desire and purposefulness.

5 - For some reason, novice vocalists are concerned about the question - how to sing high notes, but not just high, but very high. Do not forget that every voice has - the distance from the lowest to the highest sound that the singer can sing. And there is a concept working range - sounds, convenient for artist who sound without tension, smoothly, in a single position and dynamics. The volume of this range is always less than the scope of the range.

When working on the exercises, small melodic phrases are used, and to extreme (both high and low) sounds, the vocalist is suitable for halftons gradually. And therefore, it can sing these sounds easier and freer.

Summary of the fifth point - singing songs that do not go beyond your range. Now on the Internet you can transpose phonograms, that is, transfer the melody from one tonality to another. You only need to choose a tonality convenient for your voice, that is, height. It is not so difficult to do this, only some skills are needed.

6 - I really want to advise novice vocalists: do not chase for the performance of songs in foreign languages. Singing for a start should himself understand the meaning of the work, and then to transfer his emotions to students. And which emotions may be if the artist does not know the language in which he sings the song, did not bother to make (or find) the translation, pronunciation - what I hear, then I sing. Picture sad!

7 Singing novice vocalist songs from clipsOver which the whole team of masters worked.
In this video, there are many acting persons involved, and the storyline. And here, let's say, the disciple of the music school decides to fulfill such a song at the concert. What do you think, whose execution will be better? Yes, the student will not look at the best light. And what will he do in long losses that are found in the clips, because there is an action, some video row?
That this does not happen, you need to have a musical taste, a common culture. And here the teacher comes to the fore, the task of which is not only to teach sing, but also to make a sense of measure. And in this case, convince not to sing at the initial stage such songs.
Pick care carefully

8 - The repertoire must be able to performer, remember on the principle of sequence - from simple songs to complex

9 - More sake in your native languagebecause vocal art is the synthesis of music and words, you will be easier to pass the content of the work. Pay attention to pronunciation if you perform on foreign language, be sure to translate the text to know the content and meaning

10 Melodic works At the initial stage it is easier to perform in terms of accuracy of intonation, and for singing fast songs, we need an execution technique that you still need to work out

11 - Be sure to: Tell your words in your words, view the picture - the script - what you see in the details when we sing every offer

12 Decide on the character of the song, emotional plan - through which facial expressions and movements you will transmit your emotions.
But remember that emotions should not overwhelm the mind of the artist, analyze your singing while performing your singing, think about the execution of each specific task - whether the performance of high sound, whether the upcoming jump, do not forget about phrase and breathing

13 Listen Works performed professionals. But it is important - not only to listen, but also hear: analyze how they sing, how to pronounce text, as breathing during singing, how to move on stage

14 - Constantly engage in vocal technique - breathing exercises, work on diction and articulation, sink every day, it is better to choose one single complex of vocal exercises for a certain period of time, for example, on a semester. Remember: in any case, the system and systemic classes are better than even the most good improvisation.

15 - If you decide to learn to sing on your own, and no one to check the sound of your voice, apply in work technical means - write down your execution to get used to the difference in the perception of how you hear yourself, and how to hear your voice in the record, analyze the heard

16 - When working on a vocal product, use not only the phonogram, but also play melody by anything tool To develop accurate intonation and for better memorization of the melody

17 - Take the rule: so that your execution is conscious and that you owned the necessary information and could freely operate vocal terminology

Apply these rules in practiceTo learn to sing not only beautiful, but also professionally.

Good luck in learning!

Sincerely, Irina Anischenko

The human voice is a unique musical instrument presented to us by nature itself. It has a lot of advantages compared to musical instruments, created by human hands. Namely - he is always with us, at any time and anywhere, he also has the opportunity, in addition to music, reproduce words. Agree, listen to the song, as a rule, more interesting than just music. That is why so many people who for some reason can not sing, but they really want to learn.

But how to learn to sing yourself at home? As much as possible? Consider these questions.

Is it given to sing?

Many people are firmly convinced that they have "bear in the ear". In other words, they believe that they have no musical hearing. Not really! Do not believe these allegations! The rumor is absolutely everyone, just in some people it is in its infancy, that is, not developed at all.

It is clear if the child was born in the family of musicians and is surrounded by music every day, his musical ear will develop himself. Another thing, if from birth he does not hear music, no one sings him, then his musical abilities will not develop.

The same applies to singing. If a child with childhood is not interested in singing, will not light up the desire to sing, then in adulthood he will do this, of course, will not. That is why the question arises whether it is possible to learn to sing. Therefore, it can be said with confidence: everyone can sing, it is only worth it very much.

What do we need for vocal?

Now, when we have already decided whether to learn to sing, having a desire, you need to understand which components we need for this purpose.

So, first of all, you need a corresponding room with good acoustic data. Voice should not fly away or sound deaf as in a small closed space. Acoustics should be normal, without unnecessary pride. Many teachers recommend singing indoors where there are big windowswhich very well reflect the sound and are additional resonatars. When you hear the ringing of the glass, then they are already vibrating!

Also need to possess good health and not have any serious diseaseswhich could prevent vocal classes on the way to solve the issue of how to learn to sing beautifully.

The last factor, but, probably, the most important thing - faith in yourself, in its capabilities that are actually endless. In other words, the development of musical and vocal technology is a matter of thoughtful work. Everything goes out of my head, therefore the cryos about how to learn how to sing beautifully, also from the field of psychology.

Help nature

Nature has created all the conditions for a person so that he does not only sang, but also did it very beautifully. For this purpose, we were given the so-called resonators.

What is it? The resonators are such places in our body, when they get into which the sound is repeatedly enhanced, it becomes more powerful, fuller and more. They will answer the question of how to learn to sing well. Voice ligaments themselves are not able to give us such a strong sound. Knowing your resonators and owning them, you can understand how to learn to sing beautifully. And it will not be such a difficult task, the whole thing is only in technique and desire!

We are looking for resonators

When you will master the science of resonance, it will immediately become clear how to learn to sing from scratch. The word "resonance" translated from french Means "Otzvuk". The resonance is able to strengthen the sound, like a mykorode. It is he who is responsible for ease of voice, his beauty and flight. If you just put pressure on bundles, nothing good, except for their breakdown, will not come out. Very many people who try themselves in vocal skill and do not know how to learn to sing on their own, begin to do it, relying on the bundling apparatus. As a result, the larynx is clamped, in the region of the bundles there is an unpleasant feeling of the clamp, which is very discomfort and threatens wheezing to voice.

What to do? Search resonators! On our body there are a lot of resonators, especially on the head. For the most part, they are located in the solid bones of the skull, jaws, hymorovy sinuses. Even the teeth reverb! Therefore, first you need to understand well where these resonators are located.

Do you need talent?

When you start thinking about how to learn to sing on your own, a natural answer arises: a talent is needed. Yes, indeed, talent is a very useful thing that facilitates the lives in many things, however, as many say famous people, Success most often depends mainly from the diligence. And there is. The ability to sing is beautiful, so as to conquer the hearts of people, comes gradually. Namely, a man must first work out a sense of excellent.

You need to hear the voice in my head to whom it wants to strive. In order to hear it, you need to imagine it. But for this you already need to have a well-developed imagination. What should I do if the imagination is not well understood good? Everything is fixable! The imagination is well amenable to "dresser". Let's try?

  • Take a look at the clouds and try to see any image in them. At first it will seem difficult tasks, but in that whole secret to see the first thing that rushes into the eyes. No need to try to squeeze something out of myself, everything should be easily and easy.
  • Take 3 of any words, preferably nouns, and try to come up with a connected offer with them. Let such a proposal will sound ridiculous, it does not matter, the main thing that it happened.

Such simple techniques will help solve the problem of lack of imagination, since it is more contrived than the existing one. Each child has a well-developed imagination. The whole trouble is just that, growing, we forget what to be a child.

Padagogue search

When people wonder how to learn to sing beautifully, many people come to mind to address the help of professionals. This is quite justified, because the talented teacher will help to avoid many mistakes that can be allowed, learning independently. In this case, you will have to retrain, and it is known, it is easier to learn anew.

However, it is not so easy to find a person who will be simultaneously both a good teacher, and a good singer. Very often the best singers can not well and competently explain to the disciple, what and how to do for the correct sound recovery, and vice versa. Nevertheless, if such a desire arose - to find a teacher for himself, you should not neglect them. Who is looking for, he will always find, and this is a fact.

High notes

High notes are considered the edge of the range, and therefore they are particularly difficult to sing. And a person begins to think about how to learn to sing high.

Everything is very simple. Reconnect the imagination again. We imagine that high notes are not at all such and high, and that there are notes that are even higher. In this case, sing high will not seem so difficult.

Do not zide connect our natural resonators, they must vibrate and respond. The sound should fill all our sinuses and raise not only from our mouth, and literally from the whole body.

Improving the technique of singing

In addition to the above resonators, a person who wants to master the technique of vocal, you still need to correctly put the performing breathing. It is not simple, as it may seem at first glance. We are all breathing, and it gives us life. Breathing vocalist, however, requires work and training.

First of all, it is necessary that it is voluminous and so that it is enough for long phrases and passengers. It is also important that it is a diaphragimental, or, in more specifically, the support has accounted for a diaphragm.

All this is achieved by practicing and attentive self-control. At first, of course, it is difficult to control so many things in the same time, namely: to follow the correctness of your breath, do not forget about the resonators, and also keep track of your singing. Everything comes with time and with practice. Gradually, you will notice how it is becoming easier and easier. You will already pick up a more complex repertoire or songs that will be better to approach you. The extreme notes of the range will no longer seem like nonsense and will be easy and easy.

Believe in yourself and stock patience, and you will not notice how quickly you will learn to sing beautifully and no longer wonder how to learn how to sing yourself.

In each person there is something creative: someone is fond of drawing, dancing, someone found themselves in acting, someone sings, it is about singing today we will talk. Or rather, how to learn to sing beautifully and not be afraid of your voice.

Of course, each singer will tell you that learn to sing on their own, this is a very difficult task, you need a teacher, or it is better to say a master who will give you a voice. Difficult - but implemented, therefore, a person who really wants to learn to sing will do it, not looking at all difficulties.

Singing is one of the most best ways The self-expression of man, his feelings and thoughts.

Of this definition It is possible to conclude that everyone can learn to sing beautifully, because we can pass our thoughts with the help of spoken speech, so why not learn how to do it with singing? Note to learn to sing, it is not so important to possess some kind of technique, much more important to treat this work with all your heart and soul.

How to learn to sing

Ear for music

The first thing you need to do is start training hearing. You ask why hearing, not a voice? - Because, you will have a voice in the process of training, but with hearing many people begin problems from the very first lessons. Let's deal with this concept so that we can do on the further with a certain base.

Ear for music - a set of human skills that allow him to fully and objectively assess music or some sounds, see in it advantages and disadvantages; The rumor is the most important factor for the successful musical activity of a person.

Varieties of musical hearing

  1. Relative hearing is the ability of a person to find and reproduce sound relations in the melody, to the music. intervals, etc. It should be noted that the height of the sound is determined by comparison with the reference sound. Relative rumor is required tool For every professional musician.
  2. Absolute rumor - human ability to find an absolute height of sounds, while without comparing them with reference sounds. This type of hearing is congenital, and as scientists say, cannot be obtained by artificially (diverse exercises), but still development in this activity continues.
  3. Intonational rumor - human ability to hear "expressiveness" of music.
  4. Inner hearing - the ability of a person to clearly present separate sounds, harmonic and melodic constructions. This is a type of hearing, which allows you to hear and perceive music within himself, without any external intervention.
  5. Floor hearing - the ability of a person to distinguish between the lade-tonal functions of each sound separately.
  6. Harmonic hearing is the ability of a person to hear chord combinations of sounds in their correct sequence, as well as to an arpeggle by voice.
  7. Polyphonic hearing is the ability of a person in a song at the same time hear several separate votes (two or more).
  8. Rhythmic hearing - the ability to move music engine, feel musical rhythm and copy it exactly.

There are still some other hearing varieties, but I drew your attention only to these six main. It would be nice if you could distinguish them without any abstract or crib.

How to learn how to sing a learn vocal for beginners №1

Nature of musical hearing

Music hearing is specifically connected with the musical gifting of a person expressing in more than, his emotional experience and perception of the musical image. The various aspects and subtlety of the musical hearing are studied in such specialized sciences as psychoacoust, musical psychology, hearing psychophysiology, musical acoustics.

The development of musical hearing

The development of hearing is engaged in such a special discipline as Solfeggio. I note that everyone has a musical rumor, it just needs to be developed. So, let's start developing our rumor, and the first to what we turn to, this is unison.

Unison is a phenomenon when different sounds sound at one height. Our task is as follows: learn to adjust your voice for any sound that we hear. To achieve this result, there are several exercises.

The first exercise "finger in the sky":

You are given a question why it is so called? Because you have to pick up voices, making different sounds, and from the first time, it is almost impossible to do it.

The essence of the exercise is as follows: Being, near the sound source, try to repeat it, making different monotonous sounds ("Oh-oh-oh!", "Aa-ah!", Etc.), After some time, you will definitely repeat the necessary sound, the main thing to train.

Second exercise "Carpet bombing":

The essence of the exercise: Stand next to the source of monotonous sound, and begin to publish different sounds, mobs, buzzing, in general, experimenting with voice. Let us give sounds similar to the noise of chainsaws, on the hum of the accelerating car or flying aircraft, etc. In music, this technique is called Glissando, we will call her "entrance", by their voice, we, as it were, collect all the sounds down or up.

So, how do we now determine when we achieve unison? - you ask. Everything is very simple, physics there is such a concept as a resonance, this is when two sounds merge into one and enhance it twice. It is when this phenomenon occurs, it will mean that you have reached unison. After that, you will begin the stream of fantasy, you will be more interesting to do this, because You have already achieved any success.

Well, we talked about such a thing as a musical rumor, and found out that it was the most important criterion In order to learn to sing beautifully. After familiarizing with some theory, we discovered 2 exercises for improving hearing. You need to regularly fulfill them to constantly improve yourself.

Ability to hear yourself:
Another equally important factor is such a feeling when you can objectively hear yourself from the outside. First time you will be very contracted by your voice, do not be afraid of this, this is a normal phenomenon. But over time, such a defect must pass, and then you will just need to record your voice, and then listen to them to analyze your errors. Let it be a voice recorder or program on a computer, the main thing is that the sound is clean. Making such exercises, you get rid of many mistakes, and your voice will be all perfect.

In order to learn to sing well, you need to learn to breathe correctly. You should not breathe, as I got, choking during singing and makes unnecessary sounds. Breathing should be as close as possible to the usual one. Try to breathe sharply, and exhale slowly and smoothly. It is very important to control the length of the exhalation and the depth of breath. In respiration, muscles of the diaphragm and ribs are involved. Note that oxygen should do exactly through the nose! In order to learn how to breathe correctly and do it immersively, regularly perform the exercises that we will understand below.

We will now understand how it is breathing involved in the process of singing. Sound source that comes from your body - voice ligaments. Sound is obtained as a result of the closure of these most vocal ligaments. The air jet, fluctuating them, comes from the bronchi, the sound turns out to result. This is the whole process in a large reduction, in fact he passes a little more difficult.

We will analyze breathing exercises:

Exercise 1: very useful exercise With a candle that develops a smooth and slow exhalation. The essence of the exercise is as follows: Put in front of you (at a distance of 20 cm) a lit candle, dial a small amount of air into the lower part of the ribs through the nose. After that, smoothly and without unnecessary jerks, exhale the air in the direction of the candle, while the fire should not be extinct. This exercise will help you avoid unnecessary jerks and jumps when singing. In addition, the exercise develops the duration of the exhalation, which will have a positive effect on your personal data.

Exercise 2: As mentioned earlier, in singing breathing, the lower ribs and the diaphragm are most of all in the work. This exercise just affects the muscle group. Lie on the floor or on any other solid surface, then put some load in the abdomen area (it can be some heavy books). Now you need to just breathe evenly for a short time. Newbiems This exercise may seem strange, but in fact, when performing the muscles of the diaphragm, which contributes to the right breath.

Vocal lesson. Sound attack. Singing on the support. Jazz-receiving


We did not unite such concepts as breathing and articulation into one group, because Personal indicators of these data should be developed precisely in the aggregate, otherwise the result will not be.

Now we will analyze several exercises on the development of articulation.

Exercise 1: This exercise develops chewing muscles, joints and ligaments. Wide open the mouth, mentally say the vowel "a" and hold this position within 5 seconds. Make a few repetitions. Also, the exercise can be complicated by pressing the lower jaw with a fist.

Exercise 2: Exercise strengthens the muscles of the cheeks. Take turns to inflate, right, then left cheekAnd then draw both. Perform several repetitions.

Exercise 3: Probably, the well-known exercise, these are patters. Learn and repeat speakers at high speed throughout the day, i.e. If you have a couple of free minutes, you can pay them to this lesson. This most you will develop your language, and you will not distort the words. First time do not try to pronounce pators very quickly, let it be slow, but qualitatively. Be sure to pronounce the endings of words, and do not chew them. Over time, build the pace, and soon, the result will give yourself to know.

A very important factor in singing is emotions. Agree, it will not be interesting to listen to a person who came out and worn something to you, yes, in fact, such a person will never be able to sing. I mean what leaving the scene, any creative person must present to people their attitude, their views and emotions to the object of his attention. In this case we are talking about songs. The singer must convey all the feelings laid down in the song, it may be experiences or on the contrary, joyful emotions.

Therefore, before performing a song, be sure to configure it, feel it, PLA, repeat it again and pay attention to all the little things. After all, knowledge of the song, it is a natural necessity, without which the speech will not work. After you figure out with emotions, dilute them with a variety of gestures. Whole books are devoted to this topic, I presented to you brief informationwhich is worth paying attention to.

As I said at the beginning of the article, it is best to hire a coach for voice. It is thoroughly engaged in your training, and most importantly, it will constantly indicate you on your mistakes that it is impossible for independent training. Although a voice recorder comes to help. If you still decided to engage, then do not make yourself a weekend and do not learn from classes. Another very important factor of your success is permanent speeches before the public. No matter who it will be, the main thing is that yours listened to outsiders. Do not be afraid of criticism, this is your main teacher.

Also a big plus is group classes. First, you will have a bigger interest in singing, and secondly, you will always learn from your partner.

This article comes to an end. Good luck!

Made everything necessary exercisesApparent in lessons (do not forget to perform them periodically). Now you know more and ready to develop your voice yourself at home.

Here you will need any record program, such as Audacity, a pretty lightweight program in Russian Download Audacity. The essence of the method is that we will write your own voice with you, and then analyze it. After all, we want learn to sing at home Alone, without a teacher. What essentially makes the vocal teacher: in a broad sense, he evaluates our vocals, analyzes him and gives recommendations - what to fix it, what you need to work. But, learning a lot of new things from these lessons, we can analyze and evaluate our vocals. But remember: you must become a critical listener and agree with all the errors that hear.

Method "How to learn to sing at home?"

Choose any song of your favorite artist (just that is not very difficult for singing). Insert it into the audacity audio editor. By clicking the "Record" button, spoil the song along with your favorite artist, heading to him. The main thing is that when recording you heard the original, so it will be easier for you at the beginning, you will feel the support of your idol.

Save the record (together and your vocals, and the original, that is, two tracks in one MP3 file).

Now go from the computer, you can lie down. Turn on your record, you can in the headphones, and start listening. But not just listen, but analyze. Analyze your voice and look for errors, and compare your voice with the original that sounds parallel.

If you do not like some kind of sputter you, somewhere did not get into a note, gave a rooster - make sure that the performer sang in this place, what kind of reception he took advantage, and the next time try to do the same.

Note: At first, you may not like your voice, he may seem "strangers". Remember, in the lesson "Structure of the voice apparatus", I said why, when conversing, we hear our voice differently than others hear it. You may be unhappy with your vocals. But please, you should not scold yourself and even more so throw singing. You're just on the way to achieve our goal! Many great vocalists also started as you. Move your goal and stop!

So, back. They listened, analyzed, compared - we go to correct errors. We write a song again, but already trying to prevent previous errors. Signed, saved. And analyze again.

Repeat this practice and take at home constantly, change performers and songs. When you already get experience, you can sing without the support of your favorite artist. You can sing, for example, under the guitar ("Lessons on the guitar for beginners"). Take a look in the section "Texts of songs with chords", there you will find a lot of songs under the guitar where you can practice.


With the help of the method described above, you not only learn to sing at home, but also learn to listen to what to some extent will help you develop a musical rumor.

Friends, train, Sake home more, Sake better, do not hesitate and do not be afraid to do it. A video clip on how not to be afraid of the neighbors during singing, you will find on the "Voice Release" page.

Now look and read interesting vocals articles that will help you learn to sing at home better. Go to your goal and in no way stop the floor - "The road will master who will not turn on the floor!". Good luck to you!