Beautiful flowering bushes. Catalog of deciduous shrubs for the garden

It is worth noting that not all gardeners plant garden perennial shrubs in their backyard. Basically, such summer residents try to plant vegetable and fruit crops on their land. However, among this number are those gardeners who are happy to grow such plants. The popularity of perennial flowers is not accidental! Such plants are very easy to care for, and they can bloom all summer. In this article, we have collected for you perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. Here you can find their photo and name.

Perennial shrubs for the garden. Catalog

Before we start listing the names of shrubs for the garden, it is worth saying that there are quite a lot of them today. However, in our article there are the most popular shrubs that can be seen in almost every summer cottage.

More and more gardeners today prefer to plant winter-hardy perennial shrubs. This factor should not be surprising. After all, a rather harsh climate prevails on the territory of Russia. Therefore, shrubs should be chosen those that will be adapted to these conditions.

Catalog of popular shrubs.

Lilac. Everyone loves this shrub. A lilac tree can grow up to 3 meters in height. Of course, such a height is useless in a garden plot. And all because the branches of the plant will create an excessive shadow. However, there is a way out of this situation. It is enough to make competent pruning of branches and then the plant will look neat.

Due to the fact that winters in our country are distinguished by their severity, some gardeners do not want to plant this shrub in their country house. However, if you choose those varieties that are resistant to frost, then in this regard you can play it safe. TO frost-resistant varieties can be attributed:

  • Variety "Alice Harding",
  • Sort "Paul Triton".

But if you are afraid for your lilac bush, then the bushes are covered with covering material in the fall before winter.

Spirea. This shrub changes during flowering. Its shape becomes cascading. This is due to the severity of the small white flowers. A variety of spirea can be divided into sub-varieties. In this quantity there are those trees that can bloom: in spring or summer.

Thanks to this factor, you can admire the flowering of Sperea from early spring to mid-autumn. In this case, it is recommended to plant a couple of bushes with different flowering periods. The height of such sub-cultivars can be 2.5 meters. But if you do not want to see an ogre shrub, you need to cut off its shoots after the flowering of the perennial.

Russian gardeners plant mainly Japanese varieties:

  • "Golden Princess"
  • "Shirobana".

The two varieties described above are distinguished by their diminutiveness. Their height can reach 70 cm. However, this will happen if the shrub is properly and competently cared for.

Buddley. This shrub thrives in temperate climates. The plant belongs to thermophilic. However, it can easily endure fairly low winter temperatures. However, before the onset of winter, it is necessary to cover the shrub with spruce branches and spud.

Buddleya is also a popular shrub. Color large lilac flowers from July to October. But if the autumn turned out to be warm, then the flowering time can be increased. A shrub can always be given an unusual and beautiful shape. One has only to prune immediately after flowering and the plant will delight you with its appearance.

But if you do not trim the shoots, then the height of the shrub can reach a height of 3 meters.

Hydrangea. In this article, we list for you unpretentious perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. Let's get acquainted with the next interesting shrub. A tree-like plant called hydrangea is able to please all gardeners with very large inflorescences. The shrub is distinguished by the fact that it can freely transfer even the most severe sub-zero temperatures.

The shrub needs mandatory pruning, which should be done a couple of times a year. The first pruning occurs after flowering. In this case, all young shoots that have not acquired a tree form are removed. The next pruning should be done in the spring. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the tops of the shrub, to the very top of the perennial bud that has not blossomed. The needs of the shrub include regular top dressing. In this case, those compositions are selected that have a high content of magnesium and iron.

Above for you, we have listed beautiful perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. We managed to name only the most popular ones. These varieties will easily endure even the most difficult winter. But before landing any of them, it is still recommended to get acquainted with useful information.

Shade tolerant perennial shrubs

For growing in the garden, many summer residents choose shade-tolerant shrubs. These plants require minimal care, and their beauty can make absolutely any garden plot beautiful.

On a note! Shade-tolerant shrubs are recommended to be planted along country house or other commercial buildings.

Catalog of shade-tolerant perennials.

Wisteria. This shrub can have a height of 18 meters. This plant is used to decorate arches and few presentable buildings. To grow a plant, you need to stretch the threads that are pre-wrapped around a branch or bush. Wisteria flowers can bloom from late May to early September.

Weigela. This shrub reaches a height of 70-80 meters. purple flowers or Pink colour appear at the end of April. And if you take proper care of the shrub, then it will be able to bloom even until late autumn. The plant feels great in a dark place in warm weather. However, with the first frosts, the shrub throws off all its inflorescences.

Action. This shrub has small size and has beautiful flowers. The plant begins to bloom in late spring. The flowers are small and have a pink or brown color. This shrub is involved in creating attractive compositions. You can plant several shrubs at once. So that the plant is always neat branches and shoots are constantly cut off.

All perennial garden shrubs that like shade also tolerate winter well in Russia. But if the plant was planted in a region where a harsh climate prevails, then before the onset of winter, the shrub must be covered with special material.

Fast growing perennial shrubs

Shrubs that grow quickly are also popular among summer residents. With their help, you can quickly and easily create a hedge in the garden.

What shrubs are used to create hedges.

Dogwood. The berries of this shrub are widely used in folk medicine. The height of the shrub can be 5 meters. Thanks to this, this shrub is planted to create a hedge. The flowers of this shrub can be admired from March to May. And in the summer you can pick berries from the bush. This tree has a dense crown. Therefore, regular care is required here in the form of trimming the upper branches.

Barberry. To create a hedge, small varieties are mainly used. An unpretentious hedge will turn out due to the fact that the shrub has small thorns. Shrubs need to be looked after. Care consists of: feeding, watering and pruning.

Turn. If this shrub grows freely, then its height can reach 3 meters. But to create a hedge, the shrub needs to have a more miniature look. Therefore, regular pruning will achieve this. It is worth noting that the blackthorn hedge is distinguished by the fact that during flowering a very pleasant aroma emanates from small flowers. And after the first frosts have passed, the fruits of this shrub can be eaten.

On a note! All types of shrubs that are listed above are fruit trees. Therefore, they carry two functions: fruits and beauty.


From this article, you were able to learn a lot of interesting information for yourself. We hope you can choose for your garden exactly those shrubs that can decorate the summer cottage and make it attractive.

In conclusion, it is worth saying only that in the garden plots of many people, mainly fruit bushes are planted. These shrubs include: currants, raspberries, plums and cherries. To save space in the garden, it is recommended to plant several varieties of shrubs. In this case, you will be able to achieve the perfect effect.

Good day to all!

Now almost everyone has their own summer cottage. Someone grows vegetables, berries on it, someone is engaged exclusively in floriculture.

But everyone, one way or another, gives their site an aesthetic appearance by planting ornamental shrubs on it.

Now in many magazines, and on the Internet, it is told how to do it correctly.

Scientifically, this is called landscape design. Our task today, of course, is somewhat different, we will not touch on this topic much, although we will touch on this aspect a little. And we will consider what shrubs exist in general, and what they are.

I think that this information will help you decide what to plant and what not to plant in your free zone. And to begin with, I would like to give some advice on choosing these plants.

  • When choosing, pay attention to the region in which one or another species can be grown. What climatic conditions are suitable for it.
  • Be sure to pay attention to whether you are purchasing seedlings that are sun-loving or shade-resistant. Plant accordingly. So, for example, the latter are often planted in the shade of the former. Or they prepare special places for them in accordance with the distribution of light throughout the day.
  • More important is the size of the plant. So, if the site is small, then it is not worth planting heavily sprawling, lush plants that require a lot of free space in such areas.
  • If you plan to make a hedge, then undersized representatives of this species are perfect for it.
  • V Lately many stores sell many beautiful arches. For their design, you should choose climbing plant species.

Perennial, summer-blooming shrubs for a summer cottage

Many people try to plant these types of plants on their plots. As a rule, they are quite unpretentious and therefore do not require constant care. And if at the same time they also bloom all summer, or most of it, then such a plant will be just perfect.

Of course, not all of them bloom all season, but by arranging them correctly with those that bloom most of the warm season, you can achieve such an effect that the entire summer season will be beautiful in the garden.

Let's look at the most successful options for planting in the garden. And let's start with perhaps the most beloved and frequently used.


This magnificent plant is planted almost everywhere. The peak of its flowering occurs in May and, a little in early June. Its pleasant spring smell will delight anyone, and a sprig of lilac, placed in a vase at home, always gives an element of spring mood.

Lilac is not only purple, but also with white flowers, and also distinguish varieties such as simple, terry and super terry.

Even when it has already faded, its leaves are always fresh and beautiful, and it is very much in demand in plantings.


Another name for this beautiful and interesting plant is mock orange.

This shrub is loved for its incomparable aroma. During the flowering period, it attracts many insects to the garden - bumblebees, bees ... Its sizes are different, and depend on the variety and species, and can reach a height and width from one to four meters.

It is mostly a southern plant. Although there are certain varieties that grow in the Urals and Siberia. There are quite a lot of species and varieties of jasmine (about 60). And on the site you can plant several different seedlings. This is due to the fact that all of them can bloom at different times.

Basically, of course, jasmine blooms from mid-June to late July. One of the most popular varieties is the fluffy mock orange from North America.

However, there are many other popular species, among them frost-resistant. Let's look at them too.

Mock orange(has a very fragrant aroma). He hails from Western Europe, but it has taken root well with us. It is distinguished by a fairly high and spreading crown up to 3 - 3.5 meters, abundant flowering. Its peduncles have a pleasant slightly creamy, more white hue. Able to withstand frosts up to 25 degrees.

Chubushnik Schrenk- Its homeland is China and the Far East. It is also a fairly large plant, capable of growing up to 3 meters in height. The flowers are pure white, beautiful, with an incomparable aroma. It begins to bloom around mid-June, and blooms almost until mid-July, but the average flowering period is 25 days. It is also quite winter-hardy, and will be able to overwinter with temperatures of -25 degrees.

Odorless mock orange- the name speaks for itself. Alas ... but the flowers have no smell at all, although they are quite beautiful and at the same time they are also collected in tassels. The flowering period is quite large, begins at the end of June, and is 30 days. This winter-hardy shrub, reaching a height of 3 meters, also came to us from North America.

Chebushnik fluffy- also a native of North America, but a little lower than his "countryman", and reaches a height of 2 meters. The flowers are light, almost white with a slight creamy tinge of inflorescences, which, unlike the congener, have a faint pleasant smell. It blooms at the end of July, that is, later than all representatives of this species.

Chebushnik Gordon- the tallest of all, its height under good conditions of detention can reach 5, and even 6 meters. It begins to bloom from the second half of July, the flowers are delicate, white, with a slight pleasant smell.

tree peony

Almost every gardener grows a peony on the plot. But this herbaceous plant has a shrub relative - called a tree peony.

This beautiful plant is not much different from its herbaceous relative. Blooms a little earlier. Reaches sizes up to 1.5 meters.

There are a lot of varieties of it and they differ in the color of peduncles: there are burgundy, and yellow, and pink. And all of them are gorgeous and incredibly beautiful.


If you are a lover of roses, then you will definitely like this plant, because its flowers are somewhat similar to rose flowers. If you properly care for him, then he does not skimp on flowering and delights the owners with his appearance for a long time.

By the way, camellia also feels good as a potted plant in the house.

The bush, of course, does not grow as huge as in the garden, but the flowers are also pleasing, however, like the camellia itself as a whole.


This is another plant that gardeners love to plant in their area. He is loved not only for the beautiful abundant flowering, but also for the fact that these flowers subsequently give abundant harvests of useful fruits.

In fact, this made viburnum almost a permanent "tenant" in the dachas.


This plant has a very nice pleasant aroma. In addition to decorative properties, this shrub also has medicinal properties, which makes it planted in the country.

Elder has one most useful quality- mosquitoes and flies do not like its smell. Therefore, by dropping it under the window, you will protect yourself from uninvited guests.

The only thing, many do not like to grow this plant because of its high growth. Height can even reach 10 meters. However, if you cut it correctly, you can not only give a decorative beautiful shape but also adjust its height.

Flowering begins in May, sometimes in June, depending on the weather. Please note that the fruits are red and black, but only black ones are edible.

Black elderberry juice is useful for maintaining health, and is widely used in folk medicine. The range of application is quite wide - it is a tonic, antipyretic, expectorant, antiviral and antifungal agent.


This plant has recently become very popular and loved by gardeners and summer residents. This beautiful perennial shrub with curving branches, full of flowers. At the same time, one plant can have only one white flowers, and there can be both white and pink.

It all depends on the type of seedling.

Unlike the tall elderberry, the tallest spirea can only reach a height of two meters. And there are also undersized varieties, which many give their preference to.

By the nature of flowering, spirea is spring-flowering and summer. Therefore, it is best to plant different varieties so that its flowering is constant.

She also has different shape- this must be taken into account when landing, choosing a permanent place for it. Creeping and weeping forms differ, both are beautiful.

Very beautiful and varieties with decorative foliage. These even without color look very impressive.


This is a perennial plant that not only blooms beautifully, but also gives the first delicious berries. Of course, they are somewhat specific in taste, but they have a lot of useful properties.

This shrub is represented by both straight and curly forms, which makes it decorative application more varied.

For example, curly forms can be grown on arches. It looks just amazing.

Honeysuckle berry is very useful. It is good both in its natural form and in compotes and jams.


The shrub is thorny, and therefore it is good to use it as a green fence. It is often planted not only on the site, but also outside it. When it is necessary to enclose something.

Unlike other shrubs, hawthorn must be cut periodically to give it desired shape. This way it looks more beautiful.

The hawthorn berry is also very useful, and has a wide application, both in folk and traditional medicine.

Rose hip

We know this plant as the most common one, which can grow both in the forest and wherever it wants. However, in planting and designing plots, it also has its own special decorative purpose.

Its value cannot be overestimated - it is beautiful when it blooms, useful when it bears fruit. And also just as good as a living beautiful hedge.

It is more prickly than a hawthorn, and therefore a rosehip hedge from uninvited guests will become much more effective.

And as you know, wild rose is a wild rose, and who doesn't love them?! Therefore, garden shrub roses were brought out.

shrub rose

This plant is available in almost any suburban area. It can be planted both as a hedge, and simply in flower beds; both separately and in complex plantings. And also they are very beautiful on special arches.

For example, such a wonderful hedge turned out when planting different varieties of roses. It's hard to take your eyes off this beauty.

It looks great in the garden, and just decorating the wall on the street.

These were popular and common plants. But there are other species that you may have only heard of.

However, they are very beautiful, bloom well and will decorate any garden.


There are a lot of species and varieties of hibiscus. There are annuals - these are single flowering plants, and perennials - beautiful shrubs.

Among all species, the Duc de Brabant variety is popular. It blooms very profusely and beautifully.

While young, hibiscus is a tall bush. As it matures, it takes on a woody form.

By the way, another name for it is the Chinese rose.


This plant is very loved in China, and it comes from there. It is very beautiful, and when flowering has quite large flowers.

Magnolia is starting to bloom in early spring when the first leaves had not yet appeared. And it always looks just great, I want to look and look at this miracle of nature.

According to the color of flowers, magnolia can be pink, white, and yellow. If you want something exotic, then magnolia is just what you need!


This shrub is quite unpretentious, and it can often be found not only in the garden, but also on the street and in the park area. It is often planted there as a hedge.

It blooms beautifully and profusely, and by autumn produces colorful numerous berries, which also makes it quite attractive.

There are a lot of types and varieties of cotoneaster, so it can be planted on the site in different zones in accordance with the task.

When creating hedges and cutting it in time, you can get such a wonderful appearance.

Such hedges can be used to create a classic design.


This sprawling plant with reddish branches can reach a height of one and a half meters, while thorny branches can occupy a fairly large space.

Flowering is plentiful, begins in summer, and can last quite a long time. And by autumn, red, not very large fruits appear on the branches.

It looks very good in the neighborhood with other plants, especially conifers. Therefore, this is taken into account when planning landings.

It can be cut, while creating quite acceptable shapes and sizes.

In this chapter, we have considered different types shrubs, but unfortunately, not all of them can take root in a cold climate. Therefore, we will specifically focus on plants that are not afraid of the cold and survive any winter perfectly.

Decorative frost-resistant shrubs for the garden plot

In the last chapter, we have already considered plants such as spirea and barberry. They are not afraid of frosts, and they winter well, so they like to plant them in cold regions. But here are some other plants worth paying attention to.

Derain white

An interesting frost-resistant plant that grows well and looks beautiful, pleasing to the eye.

The plant is characterized by bright red bark. To maintain this color, the bush must be cut every year so that only small stumps are above the soil.

At the same time, it also gives wide thickets.

Derain is not picky about growing conditions, grows on different soils, both in the shade and in the sun. This unpretentious plant can be grown both separately and in joint plantings with other shrubs, as well as as a hedge.

The red shoots of this plant look best in winter.

Agree that for a gloomy, gray-white winter, this color looks quite positive, and it may well cheer you up from simply contemplating it.


This plant has a rich geography. Some of its varieties come from Japan, others from China, and still others are completely brought from North America. And perhaps only the latter can survive the cold winters.

Therefore, no matter how much you would like to plant southern beauties on the site, do not give in, and get the necessary seedlings that are not afraid of cold wintering.

The flowering of hydrangeas is very plentiful, starting around mid-summer. With timely top dressing, the inflorescences are large, consisting of many individual flowers.

The bush has a rather voluminous beautiful view, this is due to dense and juicy foliage and of course large flowers.

Hydrangea requires abundant watering, develops and grows well in the sun, but can also exist well in the shade.

It can be planted as a separate bush, and in the vicinity of other plants, including flowers.

The plant is just fabulous! It can have a completely different color of flowers - these are white and blue. and red, and all their shades. And if you plant them next to conifers, it always looks amazing.

Vesicle viburnum

This is a fairly large, tall and spreading shrub. It can have golden or purple leaves, which separates it into two different types.

Flowering begins around mid-summer, the flowers are small and can range in color from white to pink.

A remarkable feature of cultivation is that the plant is completely unpretentious, grows well in the shade, and also tolerates dry summers remarkably, without needing special watering.

It is often grown in the shady zone, where nothing else grows. However, it is worth knowing that hedges can also be perfectly created from it.

As you can see, it looks quite decent and quite beautiful.

Potentilla shrub

This plant is better known as herbaceous, although there are also species that belong to the category of shrubs. The most famous among them are five leaf tea and Kuril tea.

Bush varieties of cinquefoil can reach a fairly decent height of one and a half meters. And they especially love it for flowering, although the flowers are not very large, there are always quite a lot of them, and Potentilla is simply strewn with yellow petals collected in a simple inflorescence.

Blooms from summer until autumn.

It is worth noting that this is a light-loving plant, and if you plant it in the shade, then it probably will not want to grow there. However, it tolerates drought very well, which is a plus.

If it is not possible to plant it simply as a separate seedling, then you can use the plant as a border, separating the backyard path with it.

We have considered some varieties of plants, but there is another category. which you do not want to deprive of attention - these are berry representatives of this species.


This is a shrub up to 3 meters high, with upright shoots. Sometimes they think that this is a tree, but in fact it does not belong to those.

It blooms from late spring, blooming very beautiful flowers. It is a valuable honey plant and always gathers a lot of bees around it.

With the onset of autumn, the irga is painted in multi-colored shades, which makes it very picturesque.

Flowering and foliage are not all that this plant has. She also bears fruit profusely. Berries have a remarkable, incomparable taste. In addition, not only tasty, but also useful.


The height of the plant can reach 3 meters, although it grows rather slowly.

Magnificent red flowers, collected in buds, bloom at 3 years of age. During this period, she is incredibly beautiful and attractive. It is photophilous and drought-resistant.

The only thing is that quince prefers specially prepared soil. Preparation for winter includes hilling and bending down the lower branches.

But you can trim the plant only once every five years.

It grows quite widely, therefore it requires free space. Keep this in mind when boarding.


Despite its toxicity, this plant is the height of fantasy garden landscape architecture. Just look at these photos.

It is by trimming boxwood that you can create various figures and entire compositions. You can also use it as a hedge.

The plant is exceptionally shade-loving. This is an evergreen plant that winters under the snow. It is preferable to plant it in the spring.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for growing in a summer cottage, so choose not only what you like, but also those plants that will grow best in your climate.

Features of planting plants on the site

Planting shrubs in the country provides for their placement according to a specific planning. But the main thing is the compatibility of plants.

That is, it is better to plant such plants nearby that get along well with each other. The compatibility of some garden representatives is shown in the table below.

Green and White color- plants are compatible, red - not compatible.

The placement of shrubs, beds, and other things on the site is now called landscaping. Although people have always been doing this kind of action.

When purchasing a plot, we first of all begin to plan what and where will be built and planted.

Even fruit and berry plants and vegetable crops just planted in a certain order will already give your site a very attractive appearance.

And the placement of paths, recreation areas in the form of a gazebo, a pool or a mini pond will give the site a more residential look.

When planting shrubs, two methods are used: geometric and landscape.

When using the geometric or regular method, the plants are arranged in symmetrical shapes, such as squares or rectangles.

Alleys are also made, between which there are paths. Very well suited placement in a checkerboard pattern.

Landscape style is also called natural. In this variant, plants are planted as they grow in nature, i.e. somewhat chaotically, without a definite, pronounced plan.

This style is ideal for areas that are not completely flat in terms of terrain.

The main thing is to draw a site plan, which indicates what and where will be planted. You can, of course, do without a plan, but then you can just get confused.

When planning a site, at the beginning decide whether you have an exclusively vegetable garden, or you want to allocate at least part of the territory for a recreation area.

Then, in such a territory you need to place either all or part of the listed elements: a gazebo, or another recreation area, a pond, a pool, a barbecue area, or a barbecue, or maybe a summer kitchen.

One of the concerns of any site owner is the fence, namely, what it should be. Some are blocked by various building materials, others choose a hedge.

This is also worth thinking about when planting all your green pets.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. Here you need more imagination and desire, and everything will work out. And of course, landscape design is a whole science. This is very interesting topic that requires knowledge, imagination and desire to do it.

Video on how to form landings at your summer cottage

And if you are interested, then finally a short video on country landscape design.

See if you can get some ideas for your garden. After all, all this is incredibly interesting and exciting!

And that concludes our story today. It turned out not small, but I hope useful and interesting. After reading about shrubs and looking at their many photographs, you can easily find plants that will delight your eyes.

What kind of trees and shrubs to plant on the site so that they harmoniously fit into the design of the garden?

What decorative deciduous trees and shrubs can be planted in the garden in the country

Here you can find photos and names of deciduous trees and shrubs for the garden, which will decorate any site.

Euonymus winged (Euonymus alatus). Euonymos are champions in autumn coloring. In the summer they are just green, but in the fall they perform with a solo part. This deciduous garden shrub is low, suitable for sheared or loose borders, a single planting somewhere in the foreground. Grows up to two meters in height. In a sunny position, the color is brighter. It is worth looking at other species of the genus. Euonymous trees are well cut, in the first years they develop slowly. When deciding which shrubs can be planted on the site, take into account that spindle trees do not require special care, do not have specific "family" diseases and pests.

(Hydrangea paniculata), or rather, its varieties, has become the star of the gardens literally in the last decade. She has no equal in the duration of flowering in the second half of the season. Hydrangeas adorn the garden from July until frost. All these decorative leafy shrubs for the garden need is sufficient moisture and a cool, bright place (possibly with a little shade). They take root easily, they are also easy to cut, bloom quickly and become only more beautiful every year. We are only talking about panicled hydrangea (well, and also about tree-like). Large-leaved hydrangeas, which can also often be found on sale, are required in a climate central Russia all sorts of "dances" from the gardener. Hydrangea can be both a member of a complex composition, an accent, and a tapeworm. If you have not yet decided which shrubs can be planted on the site, it is highly recommended to pay attention to the paniculate hydrangea.

Derain white (Cornus alba), or rather, its numerous varieties seem to illuminate the garden, because among them there are so many with variegated and bordered foliage. This ornamental shrub for the site is good because it is completely tolerant to any conditions, winter-hardy, propagated by layering and cuttings, and always looks “one hundred percent”. You can plant one bush and shape it, you can use varieties as a free or clipped hedge. You can even form a tree on a trunk with the help of regular pruning.

Pedunculate oak and red oak (Quercur robur, O. rubra). The first, it would seem, everyone knows, the second has leaves that look more like maple and a completely different outline of the crown. And both of these oaks are huge trees in adulthood. But this is exactly what they are great for: longevity, stability, sustainability, as well as excellent winter graphics. And the red oak also has a good autumn color, shimmering with copper.

Oaks reproduce only by acorns (sowing). When choosing which trees to plant on the site, keep in mind that oaks are unpretentious in the garden, but each species has its own characteristics: red oak is more tolerant of excessive moisture, pedunculate oak prefers where to dry. Oak litter has a very good effect on the soil, making it more structured.

These are, of course, the trees of the background, the long-term backbone of the garden, which is planted once and for all. But they can be admired from afar in winter from the window of your house.

Willow hybrid "Globular Dwarf" and "Weeping Dwarf" (Salix x hybr.). These are two masterpieces of domestic selection. Both names speak for themselves: the first variety grows with a low ball, the second - weeping, but not high. Both are indispensable in small gardens near water bodies, as they are proportionate to them.

Like any willow, they are not very durable, they are affected by many diseases and pests. But cuttings are extremely easy, so they can always be renewed. A plant from a cutting becomes decorative in 2-3 years, that is, very quickly. It would be nice to tie the "Weeping Dwarf" to a support in the first years of life.

Viburnum ordinary "Boulle-de-nezhe" (Viburnum opulus 'Boule de Neige') has long and firmly settled in the gardens. Bribes the simplicity of its cultivation, undemanding conditions, easy cuttings. It is similar to lilac in its use: the shaped bush is beautiful in its graphics. If you are not going to cut it, it is more appropriate to plant viburnum somewhere a little far away.

Kalina loves wet places, can grow near a natural reservoir. Not without reason, in nature, viburnum is most often found along the banks of rivers and lakes.

What other trees and shrubs can be planted in the garden to decorate the site?

False sibold maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum). A very rare plant in our country, despite the fact that this species is a native of our Far East. It is precisely because of this that it is very winter-hardy and perfectly tolerates the conditions of gardens in the middle zone. Why is he needed, this maple? This is a tree medium size with incomparable branch graphics and leaf shapes. It looks like Japanese maples, which are not winter-hardy here. In summer, it is an openwork tree that can reach a maximum of 5-7 meters in height. And in autumn it is a leafy tree for the garden, the king of fall, dressed in glowing shades of red and purple. No tree can compare with it in autumn color. Suitable for small gardens, tolerates shading and spring moisture, propagated by seeds. When deciding which trees to plant in the garden, keep in mind that maple grows very slowly in the first 5-7 years of its life.

(Magnolia kobus, Magnolia stellata). Yes, magnolia. It's not a mistake. It is these two species (and their varieties) that grow well in the middle lane and bloom regularly. Magnolia kobus can also grow into a tree of 4-5 meters, stellata, star-shaped, will be 1.5-2 meters high. When these plants bloom, the whole neighborhood is delighted.

There is nothing difficult in growing these shrubs in a summer cottage: the soil is needed lighter, so that it is not too damp.

Vesicle viburnum "Diabolo" and "Luteus" (Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’, ‘Luteus’). Of course, there are many more varieties of vesicle, but these two are not passing "hits". Stable, simple, cuttings, give a bright spot of the desired color in the garden. The color of "Diabolo" is gloomy, like any purple variety, "Luteus" can be used with less restrictions.

What other ornamental shrubs and garden trees to plant at their summer cottage (with photo)

Choosing which ornamental trees and shrubs to plant on the site, it is recommended to pay attention to the following types of plants.

Mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia). And they composed songs about her, and wrote poems. People's favorite. And after all, there is something to love for: both the nurse and the beauty. Of course, rowan cannot boast of flowering, but fruiting overshadows many, and it can be equated with flowering in terms of splendor, beauty and duration. If you delve into domestic varieties, they are found with purple dark berries ('Pomegranate' or 'Titan'), and with ordinary mountain ash, but very tasty, without bitterness, from which you can make compotes ('Vefed', for example). Two in one, beauty and benefit!

But there is also a weeping variety (‘Pendula’), as well as a variety with a bright autumn color (‘Dodong’).

In nature, mountain ash is an undergrowth or edge tree; in the garden, it also develops better in a bright place, perhaps with some shade. The soil may even be with some excessive moisture.

This is an excellent ornamental deciduous tree for a medium-sized garden, a background for lower plantings (only weeping is appropriate as a tapeworm).

Common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) is a truly Russian folk plant. How many songs have been written about her, and it grows in almost every yard. It is difficult to imagine a more abundant flowering bush. And varieties - a million, for every taste. And a lot of old Russian, and therefore tested and stable.

Although lilac is simple, there are several nuances. For example, they transplant it in August-September, this is due to the peculiarities of root formation. It is possible in the spring, but it will be more difficult to take root and will bloom later.

Lilacs are contraindicated in excess dampness, but soils with lime are nice.

If you want to grow beautiful deciduous trees in the country, it is better to buy own-rooted seedlings. Then there will be no need to worry about the overgrowth of the rootstock, you can give shoots appearing from the ground to friends. In the early years, the lilac may grow slowly, but then it will suddenly turn into the bush of your dreams.

During flowering, lilacs are certainly the queen of the garden, but you can plant them in the foreground if you are sure that you will be shaping them annually. An unformed bush is rather shaggy, so such free plantings are more appropriate somewhere in the background.

Spirea gray "Grefsheim" (Spiraea x cinerea ‘Grefsheim‘) is a favorite among spireas. Attracts with early flowering, like a waterfall of snow-white foam. This does not mean at all that other species and varieties should be neglected. Spiraea has a great variety of them for every taste and size. From the oak-leaved spirea, beautiful clipped borders are obtained, for example.

Spireas are good both in the sun and in partial shade, as long as there is enough moisture, but not flooded. An occasional corrective pruning is enough to make the bushes look perfect. A serious haircut is also possible.

Chubushnik ( Philadelphus sp.), commonly referred to as garden jasmine, is another popular favorite. You can choose any variety you like. Most are good in bloom, but the variegated ones do not even need to bloom, their foliage is so lovely.

Mock oranges are suitable for standard garden conditions in partial shade. Sometimes it is worth thinning out and updating the bush so that flowering does not become poorer.

(Malus sp.). Even fruit trees in bloom are beautiful. And what about varietal ones with large pink or red flowers? Yes, the apples on them are quite small, but they can also be used for jam and compotes if desired, and in some varieties you don’t even want to pick them, so they decorate the tree. The flowering of this garden tree on the site can be compared with the legendary sakura. The crown of the apple trees is also good, its graphics also decorate the winter garden.

Agricultural technology is standard for apple trees: without stagnant moisture, with rare liming.

Look at the photo of what trees and shrubs to plant on the site to decorate the garden:

It is difficult to imagine a modern garden without such landscaping elements as ornamental shrubs, which bring bright touches to the colorful palette of shades of plant compositions. Ornamental shrubs for the garden act as spectacular tapeworms that adorn open areas, hedges along paths, or serve as a backdrop for colorful flower arrangements. Their presence transforms the appearance of any garden and makes it more elegant and festive.

To beautiful shrub organically fit into the already existing landscape, when choosing a plant, a number of basic criteria should be taken into account.

Criterion # 1 - decorative culture

Attractiveness is one of the key criteria for choosing a plant. Today, on the horticultural market, you can find more than one hundred of the most diverse types of shrubs that have unusual shape and foliage color, and elegant flowers of juicy shades, exuding marvelous aroma. If it is a flowering shrub, then it is desirable that it pleases with continuous flowering throughout the season. Ornamental leafy varieties are also interesting, changing colors over time.

When planning the design of a suburban area with plants, any owner wants to create a picturesque ensemble, all the elements in which harmoniously complement each other

Criterion #2 - plant height

When selecting shrubs, the compositional structure of the garden should be taken into account. On a plot with a small area, it is better to plant the most compact varieties with a dense, non-spreading crown (for example: columnar junipers). When planning to plant a shrub as a free-growing hedge, you can opt for crops that are prone to rapid growth. Particular attention should be paid to the shape of the crown so that it looks attractive not only in summer with a “cap” of foliage, but also in winter period.

Criterion # 3 - growing features

When choosing a plant, one should take into account the characteristics of the climatic zone in which it grows. Some varieties feel comfortable in semi-shaded areas of the garden, while others are able to show decorativeness only in well-lit areas. For novice gardeners, it is better to give preference to varieties that do not require special care and conditions for breeding.

Spectacular flowering shrubs

The indisputable favorite among the beautifully flowering ornamental shrubs for the garden is the rose. Park varieties of roses are easy to care for and have excellent winter hardiness.

The only drawback of park varieties is that they bloom only once a season, but during the flowering period they look just amazing and at the same time exude a delicate, charming aroma. The most decorative varieties are: "Ritausma" with terry pale pink flowers, "Shevchenko's rose" with flowers of a dark red hue, Hansa with large red-pink flowers.

Jasmine, beloved by many gardeners, today adorns many suburban areas. Jasmine bloom is irresistible: white flowers, blooming at the beginning of summer on the branches, create the feeling that a snowfall has passed in the garden. V landscape design jasmine is used to create flowering avenues and hedges. Shrub shade-tolerant, but blooms more abundantly in the sun. Read more about varieties, planting and care.

An elegant shrub, dotted with thousands of cream-colored flowers, spreading a pleasant aroma throughout the neighborhood, adorns front entrances and recreation areas in summer cottages.

Jasmine is especially spectacular with architectural form crowns ("Virginal" with a dense vertical crown and "Pyramidal" with a clear wide pyramidal crown).

Extremely effective winter-hardy shrub vesicle, forming pretty openwork hemispheres of pale pink and white inflorescences

The fruits of the vesicles look very interesting, which are original leathery leaflets of a slightly swollen shape, which, as they ripen, change their color from green, and later yellow to deep red. Among the ornamental varieties, the most widespread are: "Diabolo" - a branchy handsome man with dark burgundy foliage, "Summer Vine" - compact with red foliage and white-pink inflorescences, "Copertinna" - with orange foliage, turning into a red palette closer to summer.

Lushly blooming rhododendrons, decorated with a scattering of miniature flowers in summer, in the place of which bright berries later appear, are excellent candidates for a place in the garden.

Medium-sized rhododendron shrubs often act as group plantings against the backdrop of an emerald lawn or coniferous plantations. Varieties are especially decorative: "Alfred" - an evergreen with a pyramidal crown dotted with purple-red flowers, "Blue Peter" with a spreading crown decorated with lavender-blue flowers and "Violetta" with flowers of dark purple hues.

Deren is also very popular among gardeners. A tall three-meter shrub is formed from flexible erect coral-red branches, the shoots of which are often covered with a bluish bloom. From May to September, deren is decorated with inflorescences in the form of umbrellas and panicles, collected from miniature white flowers. Retains ornamental shrub and autumn period when its foliage turns bronze-crimson. The shrub is also unusually effective in the winter months: the bare dark cherry shoots act as a bright contrast against the background. white snow and evergreen conifers.

The plant is decorated with miniature wrinkled ovoid leaves, painted green in summer, but closer to acquiring purple-red hues.

Derain looks equally beautiful both in single specimens and in group plantings. He perfectly tolerates a haircut and quickly gives multiple shoots. Among the ornamental plant varieties, the most interesting are: "Gold Star" - leaves with a yellow pattern, "Rubra" with bright autumn leaf color, "Cherokee Princess" with a slender crown.

Attractive ornamental plants

Deciduous shrubs are a real find for the garden: they are good from spring to late autumn. Such shrubs are interesting first of all original form foliage, painted in bright unusual shades.

Beautiful foliage of unusual purple and burgundy shades, effectively combined with coral-colored berries, has an evergreen barberry.

The picky shrub looks great in hedges and single plantings. The barberry is famous for its autumn attire, when fiery red, purple and ruby ​​colors blaze on the branches. In landscaping, the varieties of barberry Siebold, Juliana and Thunberg are most widely used.

Known to many gardeners for its delicious nuts, the hazel tree plant is also widely used for landscaping.

Against the background of lush greenery, the forms of common hazel look spectacular: golden-bordered, dark purple and white-and-white. Tall shrubs freely tolerate a little shading, but prefer well-lit areas.

If we consider evergreen varieties of shrubs, then boxwoods and hollies are famous for the greatest decorative effect. Graceful lines and clear contours of boxwood make the appearance of the garden strict and at the same time elegant.

Holly mahonia, decorated with dark green leaves with prickly-toothed edges, can act as a bright decoration of the site.

In the winter months, the green foliage of mahonia turns burgundy and bronze, acting as a bright accent against the background of a snow-white carpet.

When creating a picturesque landscape, it is important to correctly combine plants. And then it's beautiful flowering shrubs will delight with bright colors in warm time year, and evergreen and decorative leaves will saturate the garden with cheerful shades in the winter months.

Decorative shrubs for summer cottages, photos and names of which will be presented in this article, are often exactly those elements that harmonize the overall picture and emphasize the necessary nuances of the site so that it looks attractive, bright and harmonious. They are like strokes on a canvas, which will help to correctly “dilute” the flowerbeds with the necessary details, to place accents on some specific places. I am sure that every summer resident, gardener, owner personal plot I want to do everything correctly and accurately so that vegetables, fruit trees, beds with greenery - everything is in its place.

Depending on the size of your site, imagination and general preferences, ornamental shrubs can be a backdrop for other plantings, an element of garden compositions, appear as hedges or act as the main nuance to which everyone's attention will be riveted.

In this article I would like to talk about the most popular shrubs, most often planted in our region, and, of course, the most beautiful. It is unrealistic to cover the entire spectrum of these representatives of this plant kingdom, but it is worth paying our attention to the main flowering ones, as well as to the decorative and deciduous ones.

How beautiful to plant ornamental shrubs: the main placement criteria

The very first thing is to choose just such a plant that will feel comfortable in the climatic conditions of your region. It is necessary to choose a certain variety based on this factor. The second nuance is its location.

If you get a sun-loving representative, then you need to plant it in a sunny place, where there will be a lot of light and there will not even be a hint of shade. But shade-loving, on the contrary, should be placed in shaded areas, or even in general in the shade of buildings or large trees. This is important, as the wrong choice of location can affect not only the brightness of the colors of the foliage or the lushness of the flowers on the shrub, but also its viability.

The overall picture of the garden should also be considered when choosing a particular plant. In a small area, tall and lush specimens will look out of place. But, for example, blooming frost-resistant, low beautiful bushes fit perfectly, and even will delight you with their appearance until the very cold.

These representatives include dwarf varieties of juniper Cossack Tamariscifolia and Green Carpet - undersized, creeping along the ground, very frost-resistant. These are ideal options for creating compact alpine slides, rockeries, lawn edging, curbs.

Shrubs for hedges should also be chosen among undersized or medium-sized representatives with a dense crown, so that later instead of an attractive fence you do not get columns of tall thickets. Spiked bushes, decorative flowering, columnar representatives, for example, junipers, are best suited for such a design. For joint landings weigela, buddley, spirela, oleander are well suited, they will look harmoniously with other green counterparts growing nearby. And if you want to form an arch or, for example, decorate a gazebo, a fence, then in this case you should choose climbing species.

The choice is wide! For each site of any size and shape, you can find your own option. In addition to flowering plants, there are a lot of varieties of shrubs with amazing foliage color, with an unusual crown, leaf shape. Diversity is an important aspect in this business. In most cases, the country landscape is divided into three zones (or tiers): the lower one is vegetable beds and flower beds, the upper one is fruit trees. But the bushes can occupy the so-called middle zone. The correct selection and combination of plants among themselves is the main goal for a summer resident who strives for beauty, comfort and harmony in his area.

Deciduous or flowering shrubs are not only a pleasure for contemplation, but also functional plants. Thus, by planting them near the fence, you can create a barrier from prying eyes or unwanted penetration (spiky varieties).

With their help, it is very convenient to zone a site, for example, to separate recreation areas and an area for growing garden crops.

Borders, paths, hedges, which have already been mentioned, creating protection (shadows) for more gentle shade-loving plants, decoration of some unsightly fragments on the site - all this can be arranged, decorated or hidden with the help of a variety of bushes and bushes. And if you decide to plant fruit representatives, you will be additionally rewarded for your work with useful berries.

Flowering shrubs for a summer residence

Some of these representatives are also fruit, this nuance will be indicated in the description.


I'll start, perhaps, with flowering weigela. This shrub looks great both during flowering and after it. Nana Variegata can also be classified as an ornamental leafy variety, its foliage has a beautiful golden border, and Nana Purpurea has dark, red-brown leaves.

Weigela Nana Purpurea

The sight of a blooming weigela pleases the eye with pink bell flowers that bloom in waves throughout the season (usually all of May). The first wave is the most abundant. Some varieties can produce color twice a year, such as Weigela Middendorf.

Weigel Middendorf


Spirea is very unpretentious and very beautiful. Its varieties can bloom both in spring and summer. If you calculate the time correctly, then you can plant these two species in such a way that one fades, and the second only enters the flowering phase. Some varieties of spirea have beautiful foliage - Vagnutta, Pink Ice. For this reason, they can be attributed to decorative deciduous shrubs.

Spirea Vangutta

Spirea blooms profusely and luxuriantly, leaning branches literally plastered with white flowers to the very ground.

A low, slow-growing Japanese spirea blooms with lush lilac-pink inflorescences. She is also attractive and a honey plant, like her white-flowering species.

Japanese spirea

Spireas are not particularly capricious about the choice of soil, however, you should pay attention to the requirements for light / shade for different varieties.

Spirea in winter:

Jasmine or mock orange

Garden jasmine or mock orange - well, how could it be without it ?! Because of the enchanting aroma, it is known and loved by almost everyone. To date, there are its multiple varieties and hybrids - all of them are very attractive. They differ in size, shape, color and aroma of flowers.

But in our case we are talking about a white-flowered representative - frost-resistant, disease-resistant, very unpretentious (can be placed in the shade or in a place lit by sunlight). It looks equally great in group plantings and in single ones, the main thing is to water it on time, but do not allow water to stagnate in the area. trunk circle. The flowering time of the mock orange depends on its variety, but it usually begins in May and lasts about a month. There are those that bloom both in summer and in early autumn.


Jasmine (mock orange)


Kalina refers to both fruit specimens and decorative foliage. A unique plant in every sense: it blooms beautifully with large white spherical inflorescences, the berries are useful, they are widely used as a medicine. The foliage also deserves attention: its hue changes from rich green to golden and red.

In general, viburnum has many species (about 200), among which you can even find evergreen specimens. In our area, two of its usual types are the most common and popular - viburnum ordinary and viburnum bulldonezh. They are frost-resistant, non-capricious, decorative at any time of the year, they love shade and moderate watering. Flowering time - mid-May / end of June, about 20 days.

Viburnum vulgaris in bloom and with fruits:

Viburnum ordinary

Kalina Buldenezh:

Kalina Buldenezh

Rose hip

Some shrubs that can grow in the country do not even need introduction and recommendations, for example, wild rose. It is attractive in appearance, useful in many ways, not only decorates your site in the spring when it blooms with pink or red flowers, but also creates a prickly barrier if you plant it along the fence. In some of its varieties, flowers in their beauty are not inferior to roses ( terry look), and varieties with healing red berries will give you a natural “medicine”, the valuable qualities of which are known to everyone. Rosehip is unpretentious, branches quickly, has a very dense crown, prefers the sun or partial shade. It blooms from May to August.

Rosehip blooms
Rose hip fence rosehip leaf in autumn


Fragrant, having many colors and shades - lilac! Without it, it is difficult to imagine a summer cottage or a house territory, whether private or multi-storey building. Lilac is a fairly large (up to 2, 3 or more meters in height) shrub. Even in a small area, at least one bush, but you can plant. There are many different varieties of lilac.

It is resistant to cold, unpretentious, beautiful in itself (good in a single landing). It is preferable to place it in a sunny place, but in partial shade the lilac will feel comfortable. When landing, leave free space around her so that she is not crowded. Flowering time is May, some stretch until June.

Common lilac
Lilac white
Lilac Hungarian
Lilac Beauty of Moscow


Flowering forsythia shrubs are the real "suns" on your site! It blooms in early spring with bright yellow bells, and the foliage on the shrub appears after the flowers have fallen off. Time abundant flowering lasts approximately three weeks.

This is a heat-loving representative, which maximally shows its decorative effect in the warm regions of our country. It looks great as a single plant or surrounded by bulbous flowers. Suitable for the formation of hedges, does not like waterlogged soil, drafts and cold winds. Prefers light fertile soil, for the winter it is better to protect it with covering material. Its other name is forsythia. Forsythia bushes are medium in size, suitable for small areas.


Forsythia bush shaped like a ball


There are shrubs that grow and bloom where many others refuse to develop and give color. It is to such specimens that the hydrangea belongs, which prefers shade and moist soil. This hardy shrub blooms in large snow-white, lilac, pink, blue, purple "balls". If you cut a hydrangea flower and put it in a vase, it will last long enough.

Hydrangea is characterized by long flowering, which begins around July and continues until early autumn. Some varieties, such as "Freudenstein" bloom until October inclusive. This is a non-capricious plant that feels good even on acidic soil, which most flower and garden representatives do not like so much. Can be used in single plantings, but also harmoniously looks in the company of rhododendrons, clematis, lilies, roses, all kinds of hostas, fern varieties.

Hydrangea, photo:

hydrangea bushes
Hydrangea paniculata Vanilla Frazi

Budley David

Buddleya is a fairly popular shrub among gardeners recently. Its blue, lilac, pink, slightly elongated inflorescences consist of multiple small flowers that exude a magical sweet aroma. This plant can reach 3 meters in height, blooms for quite a long time, from mid-July to the second half of September. Due to some external similarity, it is sometimes called autumn lilac.

Looks attractive in a single landing on the lawn, as well as in the company of cinquefoil, undersized ground cover roses. It is also good as a tub plant, only the capacity for it should be large. Thus, by placing a buddley in a voluminous flowerpot, you can decorate a terrace or a place near the stairs, the entrance to the room. Likes sunlit places, drained fertile soil, does not like drafts and windy areas.

Buddley David:

David Budley Bush
Inflorescences of Budleya David


A relative of hydrangea and mock orange is action, it is distinguished by abundant and long flowering (from 30 to 60 days). If you plant it in partial shade and protected from drafts, it will bloom in densely growing white-pink or snow-white (depending on the variety) racemose inflorescences starting around June.

Most varieties of deutsia are tall flowering shrubs that can reach 4 meters in height. Looks great in the form of a hedge and in single plantings.

Deytion bush
Action inflorescences


In fact, there are a great many flowering shrubs; alas, it is simply impossible to describe them all in one article. Many of them combine the beauty of flowering and the taste of the fruit, such as Chaenomeles (or Japanese Quince), which grows to 2 meters or more, blooms with bright, eye-catching red flowers. Subsequently, it gives edible fruits, ranging in size from 3 to 6 cm.

Chaenomeles or Japanese quince:

Chaenomeles blooms
Chaenomeles fruits


Very handsome and popular. Depending on the variety, it blooms with "moth" flowers of different shades. This representative is so unpretentious that he will feel comfortable even on poor soil. Resistant to drought and cold, unpretentious, looks great in single and group plantings. This honey plant is often planted on slopes.


Broom Lena:

The broom blooms for about 30 days, it happens different heights Again, depending on the variety.

tree peony

It is also impossible not to mention tree peony, whose luxurious beauty will become a true decoration of your site.

tree peony


Also, rhododendron is a garden favorite among southern summer residents; with the onset of spring, this shrub is simply buried in pink, lilac, purple, red flowers-bouquets.


Decorative deciduous shrubs for the garden

This is a separate category of shrubs, without which, often, not a single suburban area can do. As in the case of flowering varieties, it will not work to tell about all worthy specimens in one article, but it is worth focusing your attention on individual representatives. Decorative deciduous shrubs in most cases do not require special care, a separate plus is their longevity. Planting a bush once, creating comfortable conditions for existence, it will be possible to admire it for many years.

Red Japanese Maple

If you like a riot of red shades, then you should definitely plant red on the site. japanese maple. This is a shrub with a voluminous crown, its foliage at first has a bright green color, then, closer to autumn, it becomes reddish-orange and eventually turns into a bright red, carmine shade.

In fact, there are many varieties of Japanese maple, each of which has attractive foliage in its own way. Variety "Aconitifolium" - orange-red leaves, "Vitifolium" - carmine-red leaves, one of the most popular - "Atropurpureum" has a dark red, almost black-red foliage color. They look great anywhere on the site, love partial shade, harmonize with coniferous representatives, combined with ferns, hostas.

Red Japanese Maple:

Fieldfare rowanberry

Frost-resistant Rowanberry Sam is very unpretentious, grows quickly, beautiful in bloom, but its foliage deserves special attention. Openwork leaves have an interesting feature - a gradient, a transition from one shade to another. Orange, red, yellow, pinkish, green - all these colors blend smoothly with each other on one single sheet. From a distance, it resembles a bright fire, a riot of colors is observed throughout the season, especially closer to autumn. It can be used in group plantings to hide unattractive landscape details, it grows equally well in sunny areas and in partial shade. Fieldfare is not particularly demanding on the ground, but moist, loose and nutritious soil is more preferable for it. Drought is undesirable for him.

Rowanberry Sam:


Barberries are a separate topic, the first among them, according to their external data, stands out Barberry Thunberg with purple leaves. Even in winter, its red, thorny twigs attract attention. With the advent of spring, it blooms with reddish leaves, against which yellow flowers look very elegant. Gradually, closer to summer, the barberry foliage becomes intensely red, and in autumn all shades of burgundy, scarlet and carmine color the entire plant.

Prefers sunny and semi-shaded places, unpretentious, but does not respond well to excessive soil moisture. The scope of application is extensive - from hedges to single plantings or planting in a flower bed surrounded by other flower representatives. Its dwarf variety is Atropurpurea Nana.

Barberry Thunberg, photo:

A variety of barberry Turnberg - Tiny Gold:

Variegated varieties of barberry are Rose Glow (red leaves with pink dots), Admiration with golden edging along the edges of the red leaf, Kelleris with white-green foliage, Natasza with pink-greenish-white leaves.

Barberry Admiration:

The golden-leaved barberry Golden Rocket is incredibly attractive, the greenish-golden leaves of this shrub are so bright that they are visible to the eye from afar and attract attention. They look perfect on green lawns, in the form of hedges, on mixboards among other plants.

Barberry Golden Rocket:

Barberries with golden foliage have several varieties, but all of them are distinguished by the main feature - the color of the leaves. For example, the Diabolicum barberry has a red edging along the edges of a greenish-yellow, almost golden leaf. Compact varieties of these shrubs are Tiny Gold (photo above) and Bonanza Gold.

Barberry with golden foliage (left):

Composition of several varieties of barberry


Dören is a very attractive shrub, and at any time of the year and even completely without foliage! There are many varieties of dogwood, for example, Elegantissima with white-green leaves, Siberica Variegata has reddish-green foliage with pink edging along the edges, Kesselring boasts chameleon leaves of a brownish-pink hue with the addition of yellow and green colors.

When winter comes and the dogwood sheds its foliage, its upward shoots are bright red, clearly stand out against the white snow. It is unpretentious, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, takes root on any soil. Max Height this representative is 3 meters, however, red turf can grow even higher. He, of course, takes up a lot of space, but the color of his foliage is simply amazing. If you are the owner of a large plot, it may make sense to pay attention to red turf.

Deren red, photo:

Döhren is red in winter:


Fortune's euonymus is a rather undersized (up to 60 cm) shrub, originally from China. It has many varieties, but all of them are distinguished by a variegated, eye-catching color of foliage. It can be formed as a bush, or it can be arranged in the form of a liana, setting the direction with a rope, and there, with its aerial roots, it will cling to anything, even a wall.

Depending on the variety, the euonymus has different colour leaf borders. For example, the leaves may be pale green with a white border, or bright green with a yellow border (variety 'Emerald Gold'). This is a frost-resistant plant, non-capricious, loves moderately moistened soil, looks great as a single element or the main accent of a flower bed, in a word, it is good in any form and looks appropriate in a company that is suitable in color.

Fortune's euonymus:


The vesicle is very interesting in that, depending on the variety, it has a completely different color of foliage. This is a non-capricious plant, however, on loose, moderately moist soil, it will feel more comfortable. It is widely used in landscape design: some varieties can be cut and given any shape, other varieties are used to create borders or hedges. He is good and attractive both by himself and in the company of other garden representatives.

I advise you to pay attention to the following vesicles: Diabolo, which has dark red, almost black leaves and looks spectacular, but a little gothic. In spring, its foliage has a lighter shade - carmine - red, but then gradually darkens. Variety Darts Gold, on the contrary, has a cheerful color of leaves - yellow-fiery. And the Nugget variety changes the shade of the foliage depending on the time of the year, at first the leaves are yellow, and closer to autumn they turn green. Red-leaved vesicle is another popular species, with scarlet leaves in spring and maroon, beetroot - with the advent of cold weather.

Bubble in the country:

Talking about decorative deciduous shrubs, one cannot help but recall the Japanese spirea, which has not only beautiful flowers, but also multicolored, bright foliage.

Heather leaves do not lose their beauty even with the advent of winter, he is unpretentious, but loves sunlight.

Shrubs that you want to choose for a summer residence should always be divided according to height, requirements (whimsical / unpretentious), frost resistance, compatibility with other plants.

Spirea foliage in autumn, photo:

Weigela foliage, photo:

Hawthorn also comes to mind, which has so many different varieties that among them any gardener can find a shrub to his taste. Any figures can be formed from hawthorn bushes, its fruits are medicinal, used in folk and official medicine. In its “behavior”, it is somewhat similar to boxwood, looks great in the design of hedges, in group plantings, as well as in a single specimen.

Hedge of ornamental shrubs

A hedge is one of the most popular, interesting and favorite horticultural "structures", in which green spaces act as a "building" material. Depending on the desired result a hedge can be arranged in the form of a low curb or, conversely, a high green wall. You can choose any shape or length of such a fence, this is a truly creative activity, almost always giving a great result. A green fence can hide unsightly elements of a suburban area (for example, an old fence, a fence), highlight individual zones on the territory, or emphasize other landscape design accents.

When choosing shrubs for this purpose, you need to consider the following parameters:

  1. Varieties of shrubs - in fact, the choice of plants for creating hedges is very large. It is necessary to approach the choice not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a practical one. These can be homogeneous shrubs or a mixed version, when different varieties and species are used that are in harmony with each other.
  2. The growth rate of plants - calculate all the nuances: how often do you visit the country house, can you cut and correct the bushes in time. Where does the shrub you choose grow (sunny or shaded) and how will it manifest itself in this area. This also includes the question of the shape of the future hedge, so that the growth rate of bushes is a very relevant issue.
  3. Height of shrubs - before the final choice, carefully study the potential of the bush and compare its capabilities with your wishes. This item also includes the density (width) of plantings, you may have to plant them in two or even three rows.
  4. Soil preparation for bushes - consider this factor, certain types of ornamental shrubs require a special soil composition. If in doubt, then choose the most unpretentious varieties or consult with more experienced gardeners in this matter. In some cases, you will have to pre-prepare the soil for the desired variety of shrubs.

If you are a beginner, give preference to non-capricious and shade-tolerant specimens that will not require daily soil moisture. Although it is the last aspect that depends on how often you visit the country. Remember that the most successful mixed hedges are obtained by planting plants with the same (or similar) biological requirements for moisture, light, soil quality, as well as with a similar growth rate.

Thuja hedge, photo:

If we consider coniferous shrubs for hedges, then dwarf forms of spruce, thuja or juniper will suit you. Such a fence will always be green, at any time of the year.

Dwarf spruce Nidiformis is unpretentious, has a bright green color, does not exceed one meter in height. Small bushes are planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other, do not make any pruning until the next season, until the spruce grows. Further, the correction is made from the sides (by two thirds of the length of the branches) and from above (cutting the upper branches by about a third of their length).

El Nidiformis, photo:

European spruce hedge:

In nature, thuja is presented not only in the form of a tree, but also a bush. It is the bushy and dwarf varieties of thuja that are used to create hedges. This plant is easy to give the desired shape and height, it emits a pleasant coniferous aroma, is always green and looks great. T ui Smaragd or Brabant are most often used by Russians for decoration green hedges. Tui seedlings are planted about 50 or 70 cm apart, and decoration and cutting are done only at 2 or 3 years of plant life. Smaragd is sheared less often, Brabant - more often, all thujas are frost-resistant, they perform well when planted in clay or sandy soil. Moderate soil moisture is the best option for them. Varieties Hozeri, Danica, Teddy, Little Dorrit are also suitable for creating hedges.

Juniper is one of the favorite, popular, easy-to-cut and care plants for decorating green hedges. He loves sunlight, resistant to drought and cold, but he should be protected from excessively moist soil (to avoid waterlogging). You should not plant it if your site is dominated by clay soil. Bushes are planted at a distance of 60-80 cm from each other, a haircut is made about 2 times a year. Keep in mind that juniper grows quite quickly.

Juniper, photo:

Juniper hedge in one of the southern cities

If you want to create a climbing plant hedge, and very quickly, pay attention to Aubert's Knotweed. This is one of the fastest growing liana shrubs, which reaches one and a half meters in length per season. This plant is unpretentious to the soil, often needs adjustment (pruning), blooms with dense white inflorescences and requires a pre-installed solid support.

Highlander Aubert, photo:

Hops - a shrub and at the same time climbing liana. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, loves moist soil, does not need frequent adjustment. The plant produces very pretty medium sized buds that add to the beauty of the dense bright green foliage. He also needs a reliable and strong support and garter.

A luxurious hedge is obtained from climbing roses. Depending on your preferences, you can choose any variety with the desired shade of buds.

Graham Thomas produces flowers yellow color, Adelaide d'Orleans - white buds with a yellowish center, Super Dorothy blooms with numerous lush pink buds, Alaska - a snow-white rose, delicate and at the same time solemn.

Such a hedge will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. Be prepared for maintenance and regular pruning if you choose roses, they will also need support. Shrub roses can also be used in this capacity.

Climbing rose hedge, photo:

Clematis is an ornamental shrub and at the same time a liana. This plant loves the sun, fertile drained and slightly alkaline soil. It turns into a dense fence in about 2 or 3 years, it looks very impressive thanks to the large flowers of the most diverse colors, as well as dense, rich green foliage. Requires strong support, like all creepers.

The blackthorn (or blackthorn) reaches a height of two meters, blooms with densely spaced white flowers, has multiple spines. When planting a turn to create a hedge, each bush will need to be fixed, tied to a peg. So you set the right direction for the bush, support it at first, until it gains strength. The first month after planting, seedlings should be watered regularly. Blackthorn grows very quickly, gives dark blue fruits - wild plums (tasty, slightly tart in taste).

Blackthorn, photo:

Sea buckthorn is a useful and very pretty shrub, decorative and fruit, I would say. Gardeners recommend planting shrubby sea buckthorn in two rows. Despite the fact that trimming haircut reduces the yield of sea buckthorn, the aesthetic side of the matter only benefits from this. This frost-resistant plant can be with or without thorns. Requires a pre-installed reliable support - then everything will be beautiful and even.

Snowberry is an incredibly attractive shrub. It got its name due to the snow-white fruits, which are located on the branches in the form of clusters. Even when the plant sheds all foliage, these berries persist for a long time, sometimes even until spring. The shrub itself is excellent for the formation of hedges, grows up to one and a half / two meters in height. Often does not need special adjustment, as the branches themselves tend to the ground under the weight of the bunches. If you trim the plant regularly, then it most likely will not bear fruit. The shrub is unpretentious, frost-resistant, blooms in the middle of summer with inconspicuous small flowers-bells of a white-green or pinkish hue. Berries are poisonous to humans, but for birds they are quite edible.

Snowberry, photo:

For hedges, it is best to choose from thick-leaved, easy-to-form plants. Such a "fence" should be tight, without so-called gaps. Depending on your preferences, you can choose a flowering or evergreen, coniferous variant.

Fruit shrubs such as Schmidt's Currant, Felt Cherry or Gooseberry are not only good for creating green hedges, but they also reward you with edible fruits.

When choosing a shrub, consider its features, resistance to cold, soil requirements. It is possible that in order to maintain an attractive appearance, some representatives will need periodic feeding and fertilizing. No matter how unpretentious the variety you have chosen may seem, maintaining a decent green hedge will require you to spend time and effort. Any shrub will have to ennoble, cut, keep in shape. Poor soil should be fed with fertilizers at least once a year, and fertile soils - once every 4 years.

The aforementioned flowering shrubs such as spirea, jasmine, lilac, rosehip can also be used to create a hedge. They can be combined with each other, planted alternately. Different varieties of barberries planted one after another (variety by variety) will create an incredible effect. Cypress shrubs (dwarf varieties) are also ideal for the formation of green "fences".

Berry Yew, which does not exceed 60 cm in height, grows in rounded bushes - it is also great for this purpose.

It all depends on your imagination and the availability of free time. Always keep in mind that taller shrubs require more space between seedlings. Do not forget also about the climatic features of your region when choosing an ornamental shrub.

Ornamental shrubs are most often planted either in the fall, before the frost hits, or in early spring, when the buds on the trees are just beginning to awaken, and the snow has already melted. Moreover, the pits for spring planting should be prepared in the fall - apply appropriate fertilizers, calculate the depth and width of the recess for a certain type of shrub. Purchase seedlings in reliable places - special nurseries or flower shops. Before deepening into the ground, the plant can be kept for several hours in water, to which a growth stimulator was previously added.

In addition to the agrotechnical features of a single species, a simple formula should be remembered:

  1. Low and dwarf representatives are buried in the soil at a distance of about 60-80 cm from each other.
  2. Plants of medium size - about one and a half meters from one another.
  3. Tall specimens that need space for development - at least 2 meters from each other.

The ornamental shrubs for summer cottages presented in this article, the photos and names of which will help you make your choice, are the most popular and adapted for our regions. Choose green residents to your taste and color, let your summer cottage become even more attractive and, to some extent, unique.

Photo of shrubs for a summer residence or house adjoining territory

honeysuckle honeysuckle
Willow globular
girlish grapes
Barberry Harlequin