How to arrange the priority circles - we decorate the territory around the trees. Survective circles of fruit trees: Features of the care and options for the design of flower beds Young trees in a residential

Often the territory under the trees remains without proper design. And in fact, this place can be used for flowers and create interesting projects in the attractive circles. Read the details of the selection of plants and design.

Features of the selection of assortment

Creating flower compositions under the trees is radically different from the standards of flower beds located in open places. The lack of sunlight obliges carefully to choose the plants that will actively develop in such conditions.

In a partial or complete shading, the host will grow well, sparks, fern, anemone, a loyal. As well as ivy, lily of the lily, Barwin, Primula, Violet, Lisimahia, etc. Under a dense crown that does not transmit rain moisture, you need to plant plants that are resistant to drought or provide regular watering.

It is important to take into account the individual properties of wood and soil conditions. Sometimes there is so specific atmosphere (red oak, conifers) so a specific atmosphere (red oak, conifers) that the lawn grows with difficulty. The conifers create a peculiar "aura", which almost all plants, except for an orchid family and heather, do not take place. Birch is very picky to the neighbors, but favorably perceives the carnation, a meduse, dicentro, ferns and valley. Due to the deficit of the country area, few people make it possible to have decorative trees, fruit, more laconic to any neighborhood dominate.

Many flowers are natural satellites and defenders of trees. For example, calendula, nasturtium and velvets warn the reproduction of Tly and nematodes on apple trees, plums, pears. The valley protect the cherry, cherry from fruit rot. When broken down, you can use these facts.

In the garden zone, the best option will be a robbery decor. It looks amazingly to the dissolution of foliage and harmonizes in the period of flowering fruit trees with the mute hyacinths, tulips, proleskov, muscari, daffodils, Szilli, etc. Such an organization favorably affects the colors, since in the spring there is no thickness of the crown, and the sun comes sufficient.

How to arrange a rig

The principles of organizing flower beds under the tree are the correct selection of the range of plants. There is also an important factor affecting the compilation of compositions: the depth of the root system of colors. Usually in the projection of the crown close to the surface are the roots of the tree, and should not be calculated on the full resistance. Focus on fine landing with minor bulk. In the future, the care of the flower will be careful: it is basically a weeding and loosening, and minor feeding.

Options for compositions can be applied any. More often is the classic arrangement of colors in a circle, that is, the round flower bed is made. The barrel has high species, with a uniform decrease in the flower height to the edges.

If the tree is on the edge of the site, adjacent to the construction and is viewed only on the one hand, you can make a flower leaf. The form is selected arbitrary (semicircle, crescent, angular asymmetry).

The flower bed looks like the colors of one species under the tree, this option is called "monochlochk". It will naturally bloom it will be at a certain time, although thanks to the selection of different varieties, the time of the bootonization can be lengthened. For example, some Astra varieties bloom in July, and the Late will delight in August-September.

A more complex flower bed, and for many welcome, there will be a flowering flowering flowering. Here you need to use early bulbous primordars, summer and autumn blooming. The whole season under the cover of the crown will bloom zinnia, sage, kleoma, geranium. From August, the buds will reveal Japanese anemones, chrysanthemums, asters, a bell placodon.

There is an unconventional way to decorate the trunks under the flower garden. Around the barrel is mounted vertical support with subsequent placement of plants (containers, cachepo, boxes, pots). If you give preference to perennials, disembark geyhera, aygu, green-yellow cuff, Casnotka, Iberis.

The desire for natural design is manifested in disordered, chaotic landings. Perfectly plead to narcissus islands, multicolored stains of primulous, charming glare forget-me-not, and brightness of tulips. The likeness of wild, without limiters and focusing, give a special charm landscape.

Stages of creating flowerbeds under a tree

Deciding with the place and the size of the playground for flowers to begin with the preparation of the soil. The selected area is cleaned of weed vegetation. The soil is removed between the roots of the tree with the rehabilitation by 10 cm. It is convenient to do a small spatula or a symphist.

The resulting intercane empties fall asleep with a nutrient mixture, compost. Everything is plentifully spilled by water and leaves for a day for shrinkage. Then you can proceed to seeds. If seedlings are planted, then free spaces between flowers are immediately murdered with chip or chopped crust.

The place in the shadow of a fragrant linden, powerful oak or compact chestnut connoisseurs of natural harmony tend to turn into a cozy corner of relaxation and privacy.

For some daches, the optimal decision will put a regular bench under the tree, and others are engaged in finding original ideas.

In any case, the lawn under the tree can not only perform aesthetic function, but also carry the functional load, serving a place for family tea party, evening conversation with friends or lonely thoughtfulness.

Create a flower bed under a tree

The flowerbed around the tree looks spectacularly, and inexperienced inhabitants such an idea seems simple and easily executable. However, when it is created, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the type of wood and the decorative plants growing under it. There are species that do not endure any vegetation in the zone of the priority circle. Such soles can be attributed to birch, Ivu, spruce, walnut, larch, maple, IRGU, Tyu and Posina.

These breeds of trees have a surface root system and will inject any closely growing plant, competing for nutrients and moisture. The prioric circles of this group of trees are better to arrange some other than creating a flower garden, doomed to death. Nicely under such trees will grow lawn grass.

However, with a large desire, in such cases it is possible to create some elevation from the soil mixture in the form of a podium, more of the design of such a flower garden will be discussed below. The lover and chestnut is isolated toxic substances to other plants.

Apple tree, pear, rowan, linden, oak, poplar, ash and fir are easily allowed under their crown of grassy neighbors, allowing you to create luxurious compositions.

Regardless of the tree type when planning and a flower garden, it will take some more features of such a designer project. Flower plants are selected only by trendy and resistant to uneven humidification. Such plants include all kinds of hosts, most of the soil rims, dwarf conifers, some perennials (Badan, Badwin, Volzhanka, Lily of the Lily, Camnheel, Medicarian, Snowdrop, Ferns, Ferrust, Violet, Voronets, Shoe, Hot, Anemone) and bully.

As a rule, the flowering of teothelubil plants falls on early spring, when Krone still skips enough sunlight. Although the main decoration of the shadow flower beds is to decorative foliage.

Before planting flowers around the tree, you need to properly prepare a place. First remove the top layer of soil. It is done very carefully in order not to damage the root tree of the tree. In some cases, the landing is carried out in "pockets" between thick root ramifications. The bottom of the dug hole should be protected with non-woven material to protect the root system and contain its growth.

Next, it is necessary to lay a drainage layer of pebbles, a broken brick or rubble with a thickness of 10 cm. Removing the soil is replaced with a nutrient mixture of compost, turf and peat with complex mineral fertilizers. In the presence of rozing plants, they are recommended to carefully choose. Planting seedlings are produced in moistage soil. Free areas mulched sawdust or wood chips. Complex flowerbeds from plants with different prediction are drawn up according to the principle: the higher, the closer to the trunk.

The shape of flower beds can be both round and asymmetric. So that the soil does not fall down and was not washed away during irrigation, the border of the flower bed must be designated using decorative stones or a border of wood or plastic. The arrangement of flowers in the flower bed should not necessarily obey some kind of scheme, the chaotic composition is interesting and naturally look.

Raised flower bed under the tree do it yourself

When creating flower beds, under adverse trees, difficulties associated with many roots penetrating the upper layer of the soil can occur in the coil circle. For the composition you can not use perennials with deep-rotor roots, it is much more profitable to plant annuals (Ameratum, Begonia, Amarant, Annual Astra, a Talk, Carnation, Gotanyania, Lobelia, Verbena).

To increase the space for the growth of the roots of floral crops, you can design a raised or multi-tier flower leaf on a tree under the tree. For the manufacture of the side of the asymmetric flower beds, wooden slats and plastic bottles can be used, and bricks, old tires and plastic border are suitable for round. Just and quickly make a square wooden box of boards. It is important that the height of the soil sprinkling the tree trunk does not exceed 10 cm. If the root neck is somewhat raised above the soil level, then the soil can be filled and higher.

You can originally and smallly make a flowerbed from the lane. For this, thick branches or the trunk of the old tree are cut to the cylinders with a length of 20 - 30 cm, which, in turn, split on the halves. In construction stores you can buy ready-made borders. Prepared lamps are treated with antiseptic and dried.

Then cut off the geotextile tape, to which the lamps and nails are fixed. Geotextile will protect the tree from moisture and extends the service life of the border. At the next stage, the finished border is plugged into the soil around the tree and fastened with steel rods. After laying a nonwoven material, drainage devices and sweeping of the soil flower bed is ready for landing.

Place of rest under the tree: bench and table

The zone of the priority circle can be not only beautiful, but also useful. A round, hex or square bench around the trunk of a tree and the table successfully complement the well-kept garden, without requiring the selection of a separate place. The shop and the table can have a different design, characterized by the style and complexity of execution.

The most common garden furniture is arranged under the birch, chestnut, nut and ever. The main rule: buildings should not tightly fit into the trunk, it is necessary to leave space for growth. The material is more acceptable, but metal and stone are also used.

From rocks, it is preferable to choose a larch - a record holder for durability and sustainability to external influence. Less expensive options: pine, acacia, spruce and cherry.

The most common design of the garden shop has the shape of a hexagon without a back or with a high back.

To make a simple bench with your own hands, you will need to perform the following work:

  • preparation of material (wide boards for the seat, 12 bars with a length of about half a meter for legs, 6 frames for the backrest, small billets for connection and self-tapping screw);
  • determination of the size of the section (the largest side \u003d the diameter of the barrel + 15 cm, the smallest inner side \u003d the length of the greatest side / 1.75);
  • cutting parts constituting each of the 6 sections, and the angle of the cut should be 30º;
  • processing of all parts and seats of cuts by an antiseptic with a subsequent drying;
  • assembly sections consisting in fixing the seats for meter transverse boards;
  • the assembly of the legs, consisting in fixing the outer and inner legs to the common broad bar with the help of self-tapping screws, as a result, 6 prefabricated elements should be obtained;
  • fixing the adjacent sections to the legs, and two parts of 3 sections in each should be obtained;
  • fastening parts around the tree;
  • installation of parts of the back;
  • the finished design is covered with astactic impregnation.

The table around the tree of the simplest design consists of a metal frame with bars attached around the trunk, and a table top consisting of several sections. The connection of the frame and the countertops is carried out through wooden planks.

How to arrange a gazebo around the tree?

If the creation of flowerbeds and benches seems too simple and unoriginal, you can think about the construction of something more large-scale, for example, gazebo or a cozy recreation area.

The plot under the tree can be a great place for an open garden gazebo. At the same time, Krone Tree serves as a natural canopy from the scorching sun, and if the shadows seem insufficiently, it is possible to plant the actinidia - a fruiting liano-fledged lens with large leaves protecting from the sun and a small summer rain.

A garden gazebo around the tree serves as a comfortable place not only for outdoor activities and communication, but can also become an excellent corner for sleeping and reading. Its design may be the most different, the design depends on the overall style of the garden. A simplified solution is a small podium from a wooden flooring.

If you add a low fencing to the raised flooring, it will be pretty simple in the open gazebo.

Those who want to create more monumental structures and, so to speak, climb over the ground, you can advise buildings on high wooden racks. They look quite impressive, and allow plenty of enjoy the picturesque view of the site.

All considered design ideas of the section of the area in the zone of the priority circle can be actively used on any garden plot, adding new parts and modifying the proposed appearance of the construction. In addition to the presented options, the territory around the tree can be decorated with pebbles, sowed the grass or is clicked. In some designer styles, such minimalism is the best choice.

In the country area, any empty space of gardeners is perceived as an opportunity to implement their creative ideas and practical ideas. After all, even in the smallest territory, you want to extract the maximum benefit, while simultaneously making it beautiful and cozy. Therefore, many dacha and private household owners often think over the grounds of the garden landscape design, provide how to make a flowerbed around the tree and effectively decorate other areas of the site.

Regardless of the type of wood, the conditions of its content require the purity and order of the surrounding space. Good care helps to avoid the occurrence of diseases and various pests. Accordingly, the crop improves, the duration of growth increases and his crown becomes more beautiful.

Knowing how to make a flowerbed around the tree, you can implement different interesting projects. The dimensions of the enclosing structure and its design are individually selected, while the general design of the plot, its decorative solutions and the landscape style of the garden are taken into account.

Key Features

Under the trees, decorative and functional flower beds are created by the same principle as small forms disposed on open areas. The main difference is accuracy during work and more careful selection of plants and colors. If they are selected, the actual conditions and microclimate under the crown must be taken into account. Accuracy and cheepingleness are also required in the process of plant care, during watering, loosening and weeding.

Stages of soil preparation under the trees for arrangement of flower:

  • Weeds and excess vegetation are carefully removed.
  • The upper layer of soil is removed with a small blade. It is necessary to produce very carefully between the root system without affecting it.
  • A special nutritious soil is poured into the wells, which is thoroughly shed with water.
  • A dropout of pre-selected plants is made and watering them.

After the plants come true, free places are covered with crushed bark, wood sawdust or chip.

Registration options today there are a large amount. The most traditional design is a round, in which, as a rule, landed plants are planted around the edges. Tall views usually grow closer to the trunk. If the founding of the tree is viewed only on one side or it grows in close proximity to the fence or other facilities, it will rationally be equipped with an asymmetric or semicircular flower bed.

A monochrome flower bed is very unusual and stylishly, in which only one type of colors or green plantings is used when disembarking. When all the flowers bloom at a certain time, it will make an incredible effect on loved ones and guests at home. For example, for shaded sites, experts advise to plant low-spirited asters, which are so self-sufficient, which can be seamless in one color scheme or bloom in a bright multicolored carpet.

Experienced gardeners can show all their skills, equipping flowering flowering beds. Regardless of the time of year, various flowers will always be blown up under the trees. The retaining walls with curly plants around the trunk look original.

Using a standard garden curb, you can create an unusual multi-tiered composition instead of standard, familiar flower beds. However, it should be remembered that most trees do not tolerate the tight back of the ground of the root system. Increasing the soil layers can lead to negative consequences, in particular to the reinforcement of the trunk. Experts are recommended to fall asleep the ground no more than 10 additional centimeters.

Modern trends of landscape design demonstrate natural, unordered landings in flowerbeds under the trees. On exhibition samples and catalogs, you can see tulips, daffodils, asters and other plants planted in chaotic order in combination with a green carpet of various plants.

Selection of plants

Under the trees it is very difficult to find a place quite lit by sunlight. At best, if there is a spoken crown, part of natural lighting can fall. Therefore, selecting the range of plantations, take into account the actual climatic conditions of the place and its illumination. Landscape design specialists advise under the trees to plant the valley, primulus, violet, fern, ivy, balquin and other plants that have a well tolerant shading.

With a lack of moisture, the plants of drought-resistant species acquire. By the way, watering vegetation in the flower bed must be frequent and abundant, as water will consume plantations and the tree itself.


Violets are a great option for landing on a flowerbed under a tree. The video footage will tell about how to plant violets.

Landscape design has gained great popularity among summer residents. Everyone is waiting for the spring-summer season to create magic landscapes, flower beds on the household plot, flower, alpine slides and other floral decorative compositions. When forming a landscape design of the site often we forget about any minor at first view of the details. One of these moments is the space under the trees, begins the shadow, and the soil permeated with the roots, has a very unsightly kind, and this space must necessarily keep clean in order to avoid infection with various pests and diseases. Many gardeners make this problem with this problem, as with the inevitable one. But to get out of this situation, naturally, it is possible to create a flower bed or other variants of floral design.

The first few years after planting a young tree, the space around his trunk is trying not to include in the overall picture of the landscape. This is an explanation: the seedling is still too small and the intervention in the rolling area, where the main mass of its roots is, it may endure the crying. With an agrotechnical point of view, the best design of the rigorous circles, especially for young seedlings, is a mulching with organic material. It helps to keep moisture in the root zone, and also provides the best air permeability of the soil. To decorate the priority zone, it is best to pay attention not to the usual mulch, but on the decorative - painted in different colors wooden chip.

However, after 2-3 years, the young village will strengthen and then the time will come to think about how to make a naked land under it. And for this we will need patience, inspiration and creative approach!


The basic principles on the creation of flower beds around the tree are the same as when it is located separately in open locality. The main difference is a careful selection of the range in accordance with the conditions that were formed under the crown, as well as neat soil treatment before planting, so as not to damage the roots of the tree. The latter case also assumes cautious care during weeding and loosening.

How to handle the soil in the rolling area of \u200b\u200bthe tree?

First of all, it is necessary to remove all weeds around the tree or lawn grass. We find the free gaps between the roots of the tree and mark them with the help of pegs. In these niches, we choose the top layer of the soil, a depth of 5 - 10 cm, we fall asleep fertile soil, water water and planting the plants. After that, all the rich flower bed with new "apartments" water again and mulch the bark. Mulch will allow you to keep moisture in the soil, which will contribute to the rooting of plants.

Falling fertile and mulch the soil around the tree, you should not pour it on the trunk. This can lead to rewarding the trunk or the formation of additional roots.

Under plants with a surface root system, it is impossible to pull the soil. Even carefully, it is necessary to make even loosening under conifer. Anxious of the roots of conifers can not.

Where there are no plants, it is better to climb the soil with wood sawdresses, crushed bark or chip.

Features of the selection of assortment

The main thing in horticultural is able to correctly choose the material for the planned composition. The task of selection of plants for a priority circle complicates the shadow trees constantly under the crowns, as well as the presence of powerful roots in this zone, which will tighten the nutrients from the ground. Thus, treasurely and unpretentious plants should be selected that can exist on poor soils. But we should not forget that not all trees can become good neighbors. Some even distinguish poisonous substances that slow down the growth of other plants or, in general, devastating for them. Such trees include, for example, robinity (liar), chestnut and lion, nut.

An important role in the selection plays the location of the root system of the tree in the depths of the soil. The oak is cherry, larch, fir, linden roots go deep enough, so there are no contraindications to the existence of even tall perennials. Another thing - Birch, Oak Red, Thuja, Maple. These trees develop an extensive surface network of roots, on one territory with which only plants with a small root system will survive, for example, soil rims or low grassy perennials. One of these win-win plants is ivy that does not suffer from lack of lighting and quickly conquers the space around the tree, forming dense curtains.

In the scattered shadow can be located and low perennials: hosts, astilbi, cuff, vowiness, oriental doronicum. Very good in conditions of high humidity, various ferns feel and carved leaves which will make a variety of vegetable composition.

Under the trees are wonderful and many spring melluccic - crocuses, muscari, tulips, proleski, galantus, chess rinks. This is due to the fact that they bloom in early spring, when the leaves on the trees do not have time to dismiss and create a deaf shadow. In addition, these plants are not demanding to soil conditions.

Well tolerate the shadow of ripple, Barwin, anemone, Lisimahia, Lily of the Lily, Primula, Violet, Ivy, Fern, Host and others.

If the crown is very thick, dense, then you should take care of frequent irrigation or to give preference to drought-resistant species. And in general, watering should be abundant and frequent, as it will consume water and wood.

It is also desirable to take into account the soil conditions that are individual for each tree. Sometimes they are so specific that, under it, even the lawn grows with difficulty (red oak). And some floral plants act as a kind of protection. For example, the valley will be removed from the fruit rot cherry and a cherry, and calendula, marigold And the nasturtium will scare the TRU, nematodes from apple trees, cherries and other fruit.

Under coniferous plants, the lighting conditions are practically not changed throughout the year. The most difficult conditions under the firings will be the most difficult. Under them is always a deep shadow and dry soil. Krone Fir Tree is usually so thick that the rain rolls along the spruce paws, as on the roof. And if you consider another dense layer of small chevings and the acidic soil reaction, it will become clear how difficult conditions are complex. Pick up beautiful plants often turns out to be so difficult that it falls from this. You can try to create compositions from beautiful stones and corigrants.

Under the pine crown, an openwork shadow is created, more transparent for light and rain. This is the perfect place for drowning, rhododendrons. In addition, sand mixed with pine opeglades forms light loose soil, which is just suitable for growing these plants. Pine is actively draining the soil, in summer it is not always desirable, but during the autumn rain or after the spring flood such a feature is very useful. Bringing a flower garden under the pine tree, it must be remembered that those who love rich organic soil can not be squeezed close to the trunk. In too "fat" land root neck can bend. It is better to place them on the periphery of the crown. For the same reason, the coniferous opead is used for mulch, adding the organic on the periphery. By the way, it will respond to such a feeding of pine to the active growth, lush branching and bright coloring young needles.

Under coniferous trees, plants of the family of orchid - Labor, Yatryshnik, shoes can also be planted. Here the heers - heather, Eric, Baguchik, boiled, and others will feel well here.

In addition to these plants, red elder, IRGA, Rosehip (Park Roses) will grow here. All these shrubs are demanding of air-permeable soil. In the pine fellow, Piron Marine root feels comfortable.

A good option will be the use of early decorative ornamental species that will delight the eye to dissolve the crown when bare branches do not prevent the penetration of light. These are tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, musi, prolesk and others.

Under such wide trees, like Lipa, Maple, Elm, having a deep root system, can also be placed spring ephemeroids. In the autumn, he decorates the carpet of fallen leaves, which will serve our spring plants with reliable protection in winter and extra food next season. True, the leaves are not all trees can serve this goal. In the leaves of oak, for example, there is a lot of tuban substance, which is why they do not overloaded for a very long time. It may interfere with growing gentle plants. And the carpet of Osin's fallen leaves is so closely all over the winter, which can prevent air intake in soil. In addition, it is possible to dig the land and replant the plants, so you can land and decorative flowering in the summer of perennials, which can grow in the shade - aconites, bells, buzles, akveliya, buying, Rogers. Under thick crowns, the maximum humidity is maintained, especially if the soil is inspired by the fallen sheet. From the shrubs here you can land the lash, manzhur, honeysuckle. These shrubs are demanding demanding to the fertility of the soil, and under the crown of wide trees, where the fallen leaves are accumulated, the soil is gorgeous.

More difficult to choose perennials for a flower garden around the birch. Birch, having a very developed root system, quite strongly takes moisture from the soil at a large distance from the trunk. But it easier to transfers the soil seal, depletion of it with oxygen. Warm garden plants will not be able to compete with birch. However, there are such plants that can "remove it" with it. Perfectly feel under the birch of Gorianka, Medicarian, Badan, dicentre, valves, perennial cloves, drought-resistant cereals, legumes. From shrubs are compatible with birch barberry, beacklets, rocket, potatoes, park roses, decorative raspberries, Japanese spirea. They are relatively drought-resistant.

However, fruit trees are mainly dominated on the household sections, rarely will allow themselves to highlight a lot of space for a composition of one or more decorative trees, especially with small size of the site. Close trees, especially modern varieties on dwarf inventions, have a well-developed surface root system. Therefore, they are better to plant plants under them, which will not require deep empty of the earth and frequent transplant. It can be spring bulbous: daffodils, candy, proleski, muskari, spring anemones. In the summer, soil plants can grow here, which, covering a solid carpet, will also be saved soil moisture. In the fall, under these trees, it is necessary to remove the leaves and fallen fruits to avoid various infectious diseases. Shrubs under the apple trees are better not to plant at all, since their root system can compete with an apple tree root system. It can be planted to put Tulpans.

Under any trees grow well:

springtime Beautiful-flowering: Lily of May, Primulus Ordinary and Spring, Bathing, Pechechennica.

summer beautiful colors: aconite, Akvilia, Towl and Przhevalsky, Astilba, the bell.

ferns: Ostrichnik, Male Shield, Female Kochesky.

source: Zelenchuk yellow, european smoothie, balquin small, luggage creeping.

Wood Flombra

Option 1.

1. Place the flower garden perimeter and dig a groove along the edge. Remove the turf with roots of grassy plants.

2. Make a metal fence on the perimeter of the flower beds (sold in horticultural stores) or stones.

3. I smell a layer of wood sawdust (mulch). She does not give to grow weeds.

4. Speak the soil layer (10-15 cm)

5. Look at the plants and pour out well.

Option 2.


2. Put the sand layer down, about 3 cm thick to resolve bricks, but do not fall asleep the groove completely.

3. Squeeze bricks, you can use the level so that they put in exactly. Do not forget to leave the space between them.

4. Fill out the remaining space between the earth bricks (it may be moistened to be moistened) or cement mortar if you make it raised.

Option 3.


1. Dock a small groove in the form of a circle. In order to place a circle - use a wooden peg with a second peg tied on the rope.

2. Put cement mortar over the circle diameter. Put the bricks on the edge (you can use the level) and make a circle of them. Make sure they cost exactly and you can fill the space between them.



Option 4.

Most often flower beds under the tree are made in the form of circles and flat. But you can make a flowerbed in the form of "caps" by making a mound. Here is one of the options that can be placed under a small tree that skipping a lot of sun.


Option 5.

Very decorative phlox creeping in mix with tulips. In combination with stones, it turns out a real rocker.


Option 6.

Good grow under the trees of Pansies, Petunia and Nasturtia. They create a tight bright fluffy carpet.


Option 7.

Raised flower beds are one of the simple ways of decorating an adult garden. Make such a flower beds are quite simple. To do this, you will need wide boards or border tape. Border ribbon can be bought at any store specializing in the sale of goods for the garden and giving.


We start with the creation of a carcass flower beds. Plaques set around the trees, connecting with metal corners or self-drawing among themselves. If you use a border ribbon for a frame, keep it on 1/3 widths. Flowerbed can have any form of your desire. Then pour the drainage inside the frame, for drainage you can use gravel, rubbank, crumbs, even broken brick! From above, pour fertile land, fall out the seedlings of colors, drink the seeds of annuals.

Option 8.

Instead of an ordinary flower garden under a tree, you can organize an elevated flower bed in the "Vazon" from the vine. This design repeats its outlines a roller circle and resembles a large bagel with a tree in the center.


In order to build such beauty, you should drive pegs around the trunk in two rows. Two circles are obtained - greater and smaller diameter. There is a vine between the carriages, as when construeding a fence-whites. Please note that the "fences" should turn out dense, without cleansing, since the soil is subsequently saturated between them.

If the desired density of observance failed and the walls are permeated with a set of cracks, it is recommended to be imposed by the "Vazan" from the inside the film so that the soil could not get enough sleep during the wind or wash the raindrops. Now it remains for small - pour the soil inside the improvised container and plant plants. If the tree creates an openwork shadow, then you can use for landscaping lawn grass. Otherwise, those species that we have considered in the previous block of the article are suitable when plants for a flower bed under a tree

The correct decoration of the priority circles of fruit trees is one of the variants of landscape design in the garden, and does not require high time, forces and means.

The rolling circle is the facility of the root plant of the plant, located the projection of the crown. When planting seedlings, the diameter of the landing pit is considered as a rolling circle, but in the process of plant growth, the sizes of the priority circle increase. Most often, the root system of culture extends to a considerable distance, so it is necessary to decorate or decorate the priesthood around the trunk.

Care for the priority area should be carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • in the early spring period, it is necessary to free the told circles from the snow mass, which will allow the soil to dry quickly and warm well;
  • in order to delay vegetation and flowering, such simple techniques can be used as the sweeping of snow in the crown radius, mulching with peat, manure and humus, which allows slowing the heating of the soil;
  • the soil around the trunks should be contained under the so-called "black ferry", so it is necessary to carry out three-time loosening;
  • purchase the soil to the depth of half the bayonet shovels are needed very neatly, while simultaneously exercising loosening and removing weed vegetation;
  • in dry weather, the soil must be moistened enough, and irrigation events are best complemented by mulching peat, humus, overworked by dung or compost;
  • it is very important to control the appearance of the dichki stroke, which should be systematically removed at some depth from the surface of the soil.

Throughout the period of active vegetation, garden plantings should be fertilized by fertilizers. The main refueling of fertilizers is used, as well as soil feeding with liquid or dry fertilizers, and the extra-root version of the feeding. For the main refueling in spring and autumn, organic and mineral fertilizers are used. On a single square meter of the rolling zone, about 6-8 kg of organic organics are made in the form of manure or peat complex, as well as 60-70 g of superphosphate, 25-30 g of ammonium nitrate and 15-20 g of potassium chloride or potassium salt.

For sealing dry fertilizers, forks or tips are used. At the stage of active growth processes, in order to increase yields and improve the indicators of winter resistance, full-fledged complex fertilizers are used. When preparing for Winter, preference should be given to wood ashes, superphosphates and potassium chloride.

How to form priority circles (video)

Options for registration of priority circles of fruit trees

In the conditions of gardening gardening, several options for the design of the soil around the trunks of fruit and berry trees, including the creation of a flower garden or decorative mulching with special materials.

Decorative mulching

The main goal of mulching, from the point of view of agrotechnology, is to improve the soil characteristics and the preservation of moisture by reducing its evaporation. Also, decorative mulching allows:

  • minimize the development of weed vegetation;
  • prevent soil seal;
  • provide a good root system air mode;
  • disguise drip irrigation systems and lighting;
  • it is contrasted to highlight plants on the background of flower beds;
  • garden landings the most accurate, well-kept and attractive appearance.

Most often used mulching with colored loose materials in the form of color sawdust and bark or chips. A good result gives the use of decorative pebbles. The layer should not exceed 10 cm. Under the loose decorative mulching material is lined with a layer of Agryl, Loutrasil, Spanbonda or other water-permeable materials, due to which the norms of irrigation measures should be reduced by about a third.

Flowerbed Around Trees with Shadowish Flowers

Usually, A round or polygonal flower bed is drawn up in the rode or polygonal circles, On which many shadowless blooming decorative cultures are quite successfully growing:

  • lily of the valley - a long-term shadowless, unpretentious, drought-resistant plant from the family of Lily (
  • bow bear - decorative, wounded plant, distinguished by edible vitamin cutters and leaves;
  • liver - a perennial popular plant, very attractive in April, immediately after a snowy mass;
  • fascular violet - forming a solid low decorative cover, and richly flowing in the first decade of May;
  • host - long-term, shadowing, very decorative culture, perfectly suitable for any garden compositions;
  • geichera - a perennial herbaceous plant from the camnery family, with long-term preservation of external attractiveness;
  • fern - relatively rare discharge of plants that do not have seeds, and recently is widely used in the landscape design;
  • astilba - Perennials from the family of encounter with long, lush flowering, shadowness and resistance to high ground humidity;
  • astrance - a wonderful shadowless perennial with very attractive and unusual inflorescences;
  • brunner - a grassy rhizuermic plant from the bouquet family, which does not require much care.

Also burning, garden irises, phlox and median can be grown.

How to decorate a plot under the tree soil plants

On small areas in the area, in the zone of rolling circles, preference is recommended to give decorative soil cultures:

  • hoof - all year round retains its decorativeness in the shade, but prefers rather loose soils;
  • bowl - a fairly rapidly growing culture capable of forming a good impossible cover;
  • barwin or "Witchcraft violet" - a swallowing semi-staple or a long-term grass from the Cutric family;
  • cups - refers to the genus of succulent plants and the family of Tolstanka, as well as known under such popular names, like the "Herry Grass" and "Fevering Grass";
  • becklett - A highly elective long-term low shrub is most often settled in the rigorous circles of large-scale drivers;
  • cuff - A long-term grassy plant from the Pink family, having therapeutic properties and absolutely unpretentious.

A very attractive and unpretentious carnation of herbanka is grown somewhat less often in the rigorous circles.

Siderats: Decor and use for fruit garden

Very many experienced gardeners prefer to use priority circles for sowing dispersion or sedrates:

  • there is a gradual enrichment of soil with nutritional components and improving quality composition;
  • the creation of a kind of plant pillow from sideral plants does not allow to actively develop weeds;
  • in a summer period, such cultures serve as very good primer protection in a rustic circle from an excessive evaporation of moisture.

Thus, the rolling circle of fruit trees filled with correctly selected sieral vegetation, almost absolutely no resistance and loosening, and also allows you to preserve the fertile layer of the Earth.

How to decorate the rolling circle with decorative elements

To give garden planting the original and stylish appearance, recently, special decorative elements are increasingly used:

  • low fences can be made of natural materials, plastic ribbons, primary agents, as well as early onion crops, represented by crocuses, chioneoxes, stewing, habalars, erantisami, dwarf anemons, primoses, daisies or viola;
  • ready sets constructions from modern polymer materialssustainable adverse external factors have very high decorativeness and durability;
  • natural stones Categories the category of the simplest design. Registration of the priority circle with the help of decorative cobblestone borders, bricks or stone slabs are very relevant in modern landscapes. The border is not uploaded to the stem part, and with proper decoration with the presence of well-handed holes, there is an opportunity to get durable and original decors.

Containers and baskets with flowers are quite popular, but are not always suitable for planting plants having a surface root system, which is due to the severity and decreased air intake to roots.

Bosets as a decor option

It is very attractive and carefully created correctly created bosges round or square shape. Such registration is solid, reaching the stem of the tree and is a kind of wide border, inside which the space is mured with chip or pebbles.

How to mulch trees with sawdust (video)

The most optimal cultures for creating a low boss can become:

  • barbaris Tunberg;
  • barbaris ordinary;
  • turkey ordinary;
  • hawthorn one-stop;
  • felt cherry;
  • steppe cherry;
  • sand cherry;
  • kiznicker brilliant;
  • spirea;
  • blackthorn;
  • kalinolis bubbler.

Western thuja is particularly popular, which is distinguished by incredible shades and allows you to create dense bleeds.

Rules landing plants under the trees

Before starting planting decorative crops in the zone around the trunks of garden plantings, you need to make sure that the tree does not have the surface location of the root system. The average depth of pumping and soil loosening should not exceed 10-12 cm. Such a depth is enough to prepare landing wells to disemboditate the shadownased perennials.

In the process of resistance, complex fertilizers may be added for decorative or abundant blooming crops. Landing It is necessary to perform abundant watering water temperature. It is recommended to make mulch between colors, which will allow for a long time to keep moisture and improve the observing of seedlings.

How to care for fruit trees (video)

With the help of blooming, soil crops and natural materials, even the empty areas under garden trees are easily turned into very picturesque and attractive recreation areas. Spectacular and original, created by their own hands composition, which framed the told circles, allow you to decorate the garden space and fill it with special charm.