Decorative bridges in the landscape design of the dacha. Ideas for stylish garden bridges Decorative pond with a bridge

Sometimes on personal plot there are small streams or others, but more often the owners create artificial reservoirs on their own. Ennobled, harmoniously integrated into the landscape, they are equipped with bridges of varying degrees of decorativeness. Romantic natures also build them on a flat surface of the site, over small grooves, flower beds and "dry streams", because they decorate the site, making it more interesting and well-groomed.

Members of our portal offer many options for decorative bridges, embodied in their areas. Let's use their experience.

The style of decorative bridges depends on the size and composition of the area. small plots it is better to decorate with small bridges, larger objects will fit well into a larger area.

If your house is built in modern style, but has a clear strict layout, then appearance the bridge is better to choose simple forms.
Omi4 made a bridge decorative stone and metal

Savelij used wood and stone

Wooden bridges of FORUMHOUSE participants Or and Novikova suitable for any site, even if there is no reservoir.

With a country-style house or chalet, where there are a lot of wooden details, rustic-style bridges go well. The decor is welcome at the bridge of any style, even the most strict forms of the bridge will harmonize well with openwork casting or forging.

Universal user wooden bridge Grem Suitable for most landscape styles

Chinese motifs of a wooden decorated bridge Prosperitas sustained and at the gazebo.

openwork bridge AdvacedLTD adds tenderness and makes the landscape almost fabulous.

Decorative bridge of the portal member Agatha from bricks, curved bars and boards draws attention to the flower garden.

Wooden brutal bridge santolia will add individuality to a completely flat area.

Minimalistic style of a bridge made of painted boards of a portal member Spring 888, due to its strict form, will suit any landscape.

How to build a decorative bridge yourself

If the bridge, in addition to purely decorative functions, has serious practical significance, then it should be of medium or larger size. And in this case it is better to consult with or entrust them with all the work. A small bridge over a shallow ditch or a bridge, whose only function is to decorate the site, is quite possible to do it yourself, following the flight of your own imagination and the advice of "experienced" portal participants.

You can combine both options by ordering some parts, and doing most of the work yourself. This is how FORUMHOUSE user did his humpbacked bridge IlyaOgnev- he ordered bent blanks in the workshop, bought most of the rest himself. Welded parts, processed wood and installed the bridge on my own. Useful for installation welding machine, laser level, broken bricks, cement, and common work tools.

Completed bridge:

CorsaC939 completely independently and very quickly built several simple, but nice bridges for his site - from a pine board, timber, the remains of the flooring from the bed came up for the railing. Hardware, nuts, bolts were used to fasten the nodes. Tools - a screwdriver, a jigsaw, a drill - the most common tools for working with wood. The cost of all purchased materials was only 1,000 rubles for one bridge!

User Gexx talks about his experience of building a simple bridge on forest area from bent one and a half inch pipes with welded jumpers, guides from boards. Handrails were not provided due to the immediate prospects for the transportation of building materials.

wooden bridge FORUMHOUSE member djotr can serve for intended purpose, located above the pond, or simply become a decoration of the site - among the flower garden or above the "dry stream".

And according to the recipe djotr portal member Yulyunchik33 I already made a similar bridge for myself.

T-80 made a bridge that combines simplicity, practicality and romance.

The original "birch" bridge from Butterfly29.

log bridge from Stevedore in country style - reliable and emphasizing the overall "rustic" style of the composition.

Bridge - terrace Sergmishel will hold a solid weight.

Sergmishel FORUMHOUSE user

The bridge is on a double corner, a screed is poured inside the first two corners, and flagstone is laid on top between the second two corners.


It is not only the reliability of your structure that is important. Any, even the most "toy" bridge must be safe, as it will definitely be used in children's games, I will test it for strength by jumping and running.

Considering that all country bridges have a small width, pay attention to the handrails - it is better to avoid open sharp corners and protruding parts at the level of the child's head. Iron also heats up in the sun in summer, which can lead to hand burns. Such handrails are unlikely to be pleasant in winter, so it is better to close them with wood or make them entirely from this material.

It is also important to think about how to protect yourself and your household in case of a fall on the bridge - the opening between the sidewalls and the bottom should not be too large. Having slipped on a wet surface, the foot can easily slip into this space, and then injury cannot be avoided.

The surface of the boards does not have to be perfectly flat if we are talking about the humped bridge. It is important to make the entrance and exit convenient, flush with the bridge. And, of course, it must be stable, so it is necessary to take into account the shrinkage of supports, the impact of precipitation and a reservoir on the soil under the bridge.


The most expensive bridges are made of metal and specially prepared boards. Wooden bridges made from improvised materials will cost several orders of magnitude cheaper. You can build them yourself, attracting specialists will add costs.

A bridge made by a professional company specializing in products and structures from specially prepared boards.


We continue to be inspired by various creative ideas that can transform our dacha, make it more attractive, cozy and individual. AT landscape design Special attention is given to accents, for example, decorative bridges can attract attention, this will be a bright accent.

Wooden bridge over a dry stream

Even such a simple wooden bridge will significantly improve the perception of space in the country, it can even be thrown over a gravel path.

Decorative bridge with railings

Nice little bridge over a dry creek. The railing posts are fitted with solar-powered lamps.

The idea of ​​a bridge over a pond

You can often come across the idea of ​​a bridge, which is thrown over a pond in the narrowest place. This also logically divides the pond into two parts, and also gives you the opportunity to create an additional interesting place to which you can draw attention.

Wooden bridge with railings

The idea of ​​a bridge with double railings, the upper part is single, and vertical slats are decorated below. To make the bridge last longer, it is recommended to treat it with protective impregnations.

A simple decking bridge

A geometric pond requires an equally modern bridge. The idea is somewhat strict, it seems to me, but there are such lovers!

Decorative bridge with rope railing

If your landscape design is close to rural country style, such a bridge may well become a decoration of your space. The railing posts are round, and the railings themselves are made of ropes.

Flip bridge in traditional style

A beautiful idea of ​​a bridge thrown over a pond, decorated with flowers in tubs. The idea of ​​​​a full-fledged country composition, there is even a fountain!

Bridge over a stream in the country

If you have a stream flowing through the site, then in a narrow place you can make a similar bridge. The design is traditional, classical, with two crossbars. However, even if there is an elongated pond on the site, the bridge will be quite appropriate.

Bridge as a transition

This bridge serves the purpose of logically connecting the patio and the rest of the garden. The design is made of decking board and will last a long time. Pay attention to the backlight, which in the evening illuminates the space under the bridge, highlighting the silhouettes of rounded stones.

Small decorative country bridge

Similar bridges are common in Japanese gardens. It's completely decorative design, the length can be only 30-50 cm. It can be put on two stone slabs and use as a decoration on a rocky flower bed - rockeries.

Humpbacked bridge for a summer residence

An element of the path in the form of a humpbacked bridge, under which a stream of pebbles “flows”. The path itself is made of stone slabs.

Long bridge with double railings

And this traditional bridge can be built even on street territory, in the village, on the stream. Beautiful and stylish! A real footbridge that can support several adults.

Bridge with square posts

As you can see, the design principle of country decorative bridges is approximately the same - this is a “humpbacked” platform base, three or more support posts, railings, either single or double.

Convex bridge to give

And here is the idea of ​​a bridge, the railing of which repeats the bulge of the platform structure. An original, beautiful idea, I think.

Model of a functional bridge over a stream

Well, the last idea, modeled by the designer in the program. The idea for a real full-fledged bridge over a stream, either flowing through your territory, or to connect your site and the roadway, through a groove.

The country bridge is designed to play not only a decorative role, being part of flower arrangement, but also be an approach to the gazebo or decorative arch. It is also able to perform a purely practical function of crossing a ditch or ravine. On vast reservoirs, islands are sometimes made for viewing, to which a reliable and practical crossing is necessary. By the way, the bridge can also serve as an excellent platform from which it is convenient to admire the surrounding landscape.

Where to install a decorative garden bridge

If there is both a reservoir and a stream, then it will be much easier to build it across the stream - the bridge will be shorter and, moreover, it will be more practical and safer. If there is no water element in the garden, or if the pond is very small to accommodate large forms, you can make a bridge on a dry stream, which is lined with pebbles and lined with "coastal" plants.

Regardless of the style of the garden, it should be borne in mind that all its small elements and architectural forms, including garden bridges, should organically fit into the overall composition and be a reasonable part of the garden. There should be no bridges that lead "to nowhere", it is necessary that the decorative bridge be an integral part of the garden paths. In this case, he will make the usual walk through your garden the most memorable and interesting. In addition, it will connect different functional areas of the garden, or serve as a transition to a secluded corner, where a table and benches, a deck chair or a hammock are installed for such an occasion. Of course, the material and shape of the garden bridges must correspond to the architecture of the house, the style of other small architectural forms, the material of the paths in the garden.

In gardens designed in landscape style, with a reservoir having irregular shape, a garden decorative bridge is usually installed in the narrowest part of the pond. It divides the water surface into unequal parts. Also, the bridge can visually separate the main part of the reservoir from the shoal, on which coastal and shallow-water plants are located. A bridge can separate an active recreation area and a water garden.

Exactly in the middle of the reservoir, bridges are made for a pond in a regular garden, where everything should be strictly symmetrical. And if a decorative gazebo with curly flowers is installed on one of the banks, to which the bridge will go, you will get a very effective composition that has a strict linear perspective. A comfortable bench is installed in the gazebo. In this case, several convenient viewing platforms are obtained at the same time: with a view of the reservoir with a bridge and a gazebo, with a view from the bridge itself to water surface and with a view from the gazebo to the main part of the garden. Naturally, both the gazebo, and the bridge, and the bench should be suitable in terms of materials and style.

Which bridge to choose for the garden: wooden, forged, stone

Bridges, which perform only a decorative role, are most characteristic of traditional Japanese gardens. Basically, these are short and curved bridges made of natural materials. However, in Japanese garden a functional bridge can also be made. Just don't get too carried away curved shapes, since the bridge on which they will walk must first of all be convenient and safe.

In a country garden, a wooden direct bridge over the stream would be very appropriate. To emphasize the style, you need to build wide railings and wooden balusters.

A bridge in an avant-garde garden should be non-trivial, here you definitely need a non-standard color scheme and pronounced asymmetric forms of the bridge. In this case, a bridge "to nowhere" is also possible - bridges that suddenly break in the middle of the reservoir.

A casually executed simple bridge with a boardwalk and railings made of perches is quite appropriate in the shady area of ​​the garden, which is stylized as a wild forest with coniferous plants, ferns and stone compositions. Naturally, a couple of logs thrown over a small "forest stream" will also look here.

DIY garden bridge

You already know that you can just go and buy ready-made garden bridges, even wooden, even made of metal, even stone. But if you want to do everything in your garden yourself or have some interesting ideas decor, you can make a bridge for the garden with your own hands. Here is a simple video tutorial for making a wooden bridge. It is not necessary to do exactly this, you can take an idea, and come up with your own shape of the bridge.

Ideas for garden bridges

Want more ideas? Here are 30 photos of beautiful decorative bridges for the garden. Hope you find something you like here.

Flat board bridge

Decorative wooden bridge

flat bridge

Garden bridge over the water

Making a garden bridge

Bridge over the pond

DIY bridge

DIY Japanese bridge

Bridge over the ravine

simple garden bridge

Garden bridge made of logs

decorative bridge

Bridge as decoration

Red bridge in the garden

decorative bridge

Bridge over the pond

Pond with a bridge

stone bridge

garden path and bridge

DIY bridge

Homemade bridge in the garden

A bridge on a personal plot is able to decorate the surrounding landscape, as well as make landscape design unique and harmonious. If you want to bring zest and decorate the area near country house then try make a decorative bridge with your own hands. Photos of wooden, metal and stone bridges will help you decide on the type of structure.

Bridge material selection

Many will agree that natural, natural materials such as wood, stone. They harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape, combined with flower beds, trees, dry streams. However, concrete and metal constructions look very attractive against the backdrop of nature.

Based on the material of manufacture, the following types of bridges are distinguished:

1. wooden bridge perfectly complement the decor of the site, which is already placed wooden buildings and elements: bathhouse, gazebo, well, table. Thread, original shape balusters, patterned railings - traditional ways decoration of the wooden bridge. To wooden structure lasted longer, it is treated with special protective solutions.
2. stone bridge has a beautiful, noble appearance. Such a structure can be called eternal, because with correct operation it will last for decades. When choosing a stone bridge, one should take into account its large weight, the need to use special equipment. You can use analog artificial stone which is much lighter in weight.
3. metal bridge - beautiful exquisite forged design. It looks great among flowers and plants. Requires attention and care, as the metal is subject to corrosion. The cost of a metal bridge can be reduced if some of the elements are made of wood, for example, flooring, railings.

4. concrete bridge- a monumental, durable structure that will perfectly fit into the garden space, decorated with stones with many plants. With the help of colored tiles, stone chips, acrylic paints You can perfectly revive the gray background of concrete.

When creating a decorative bridge, you can successfully combine materials of several types, which will give it individuality and charm.

Designs of decorative bridges for summer cottages

According to the form of construction, the bridge is:
- Straight, easy to make with my own hands.
- Zigzag - these are oriental trends, where a broken line saves from evil entities.
- Arched. Picturesque in appearance, suitable for any style direction.
- Step-by-step - a great option for decorating a dry stream or a shallow reservoir.
- Stepped, similar to two stairs connected by a platform.

Construction of a decorative bridge for the garden

Placement of the bridge in the garden or in the country

It is known that the main function of the bridge is to cross the reservoir. AT garden design this building is assigned a slightly different role: enriching the landscape, diversifying the dull space.
So, where can you successfully place a decorative bridge?

Here are a few places:
- a small lake or stream;
artificial pond;
- natural groove, ravine;
- dry stream
- path;
— among the flower beds.

The crossing over a dry stream is characterized by compact, miniature structures. Such a bridge is made from a material that is compatible with the existing coating. It should become like a continuation of the track.

Wooden garden bridge

is a harmonious combination of all elements. If you want to make your garden with a pond look unique, try building a small decorative bridge out of wood, stone, concrete or metal. On our site about do-it-yourself repairs, you will always find ideas with photos for inspiration.

Humpback bridge drawing