Flowers that don't like water. Names and photos of indoor shade-loving plants

AT flower shops buyers often ask to pick up unpretentious houseplants that require a minimum of care and deliver maximum pleasure. Someone already had bad experience with dried flowers, and someone is just going to decorate a house or office and already feels responsible. Sellers are sure to find suitable specimens of resistant plants that can bloom even in low light, irregular watering and lack of mineral supplement. Let's go through the list.

1. Geranium

This plant is planted in the house and in the front gardens, it feels comfortable everywhere. Among the diverse varieties of geraniums there are light-loving and shade-loving, drought-resistant. At home, she feels great with room temperature and bright lighting. There are no special requirements for the soil, but you need to water it regularly, focusing on the moisture content of the earthen coma. In winter, the frequency of watering can be reduced, as the plant is usually dormant.

2. Tolmia Menzies

An easy-to-grow plant will please with its unusual ability - the appearance of young leaves next to an adult leaf. In order for Tolmia Menzies to please for a long time, it is necessary to provide her with a temperature environment within 15–18 degrees, keep away from heating systems in winter. Regular watering is needed: in summer twice a week, in winter - once every two weeks. It tolerates bright diffused light and partial shade.

3. Hovea Forster (Kentia)

Despite the fact that the subtropical palm was brought from the coast of Australia, it has taken root well in our apartments and has become one of the most shade-tolerant plants. It is quite satisfied with the north and northeast sides. It tolerates dry air and a significant drop in temperature. Therefore, it can often be found in offices. Watering should be moderate, focusing on the condition of the top layer of soil - dry or not. The plant will signal a lack or excess of moisture in a pot with the appearance of leaves - large leaves may appear on them. brown spots. Healthy leaves love to shower.

4. Syngonium

The graceful shape of the leaf and the unusual color of the syngonium attract the attention of flower growers, who also love this plant for its simple and easy care. The plant tolerates partial shade and diffused light well, but in winter it is better to keep closer to natural light so that the leaves retain color saturation. Likes moist air and temperatures around 20 degrees. If you wipe the leaves with a soft sponge in the heat, the syngonium will be grateful for such a gift.

5. Silver peperomia

Looking at the bizarre leaves of this plant, you just want to smile - how similar they are to a watermelon! If you get a silver peperomia at home, then you are in a good mood. Especially if you provide her with a little appropriate care: bright diffused light or partial shade, temperature within 20 degrees, moderate humidity and moderate watering, focusing on soil conditions, especially in winter.

6. Chlorophytum crested

Good choice for use in hanging planters. Unpretentious in care, resistant to disease, tolerant of temperature changes. Irregular watering will not affect its condition. For chlorophytum, you do not need to worry about saturated soil and abundant fertilizer, a large pot and bright light. All this is enough in moderation and with a reasonable approach. Will be grateful for frequent spraying in the summer.

7. Gasteria

The plant got its name from the compaction in the form of a tube in the lower part of the perianth, which in Latin sounds like "gasltron", and is translated as "pot-bellied vessel". To fill this vessel, it is not necessary to water the flower abundantly, it is enough to monitor the moisture content of the soil. In winter, you can water once or twice a month. But she would like more light, although she does not like direct sunlight. Then it's better in the shade. He does not like drafts, but he will not refuse airing.

8. Ficus rubbery

Only in our latitudes is ficus considered an ornamental indoor plant, and in its homeland in the tropics it is a tree from which rubber is extracted. But family ties strong, so the plant loves warmth and a lot of light, preferably diffused. Does not like drafts and waterlogging of the soil. Will be grateful for spraying in rooms with dry air and rubbing the leaves with a damp sponge.

9. Araucaria heterophyllous (Norfolk pine)

Would you like to have a Christmas tree in your house? Buy araucaria. Evergreen very unpretentious in care. It can grow in the coolest room, and in summer - in partial shade. open balcony. If the air is dry, then it would be good to take care of spraying and regularly moistening the soil. It is better to water and spray with soft water at room temperature.

10. Mirsina

Modest care requirements - distinguishing feature this indoor tree. It only needs to be placed in a bright room, but not under direct sunlight, and also provided with watering and spraying. The soil must be breathable, you can choose it yourself from equal parts of garden soil, humus, sand, or buy a ready-made mixture.

11. Fat woman (money tree)

Apparently, the shiny fleshy leaves of the plant are associated with coins, which is why the second name is firmly established behind the fat woman - Money Tree. But even if you do not get hung up on this, then the simplest care will keep the plant blooming, the greens - juicy. It is important not to overdo it with watering, do not transplant the flower often and into a large pot. Fertilize only in summer period special feeds. He loves diffused sunlight - this is affected by African roots.

12. Ceropegia Byda

Even if you have not watered the plant regularly and never fed it, it will still delight you with flowering in early summer. Only for this you can fall in love with Wood's ceropegia. And she also feels good in conditions of high and low temperatures, on the southern and northern sides. The only thing to consider for an ampelous plant is to hang the pot higher, as growth can be fast and violent.

13. Aloe

Tree aloe is the most common and most familiar representative of the genus of succulent plants. Most often it is bred for medicinal purposes because of the fleshy leaves, the contents of which are used as folk medicine, as well as in the traditional one. This plant is able to survive in extreme climatic conditions, so it has survived to this day. So, your departure will survive.

In nature, there are about 500 species of aloe, there are very beautiful specimens, so feel free to look for the one you like best. So that the money for the flower is not wasted, still try to pay attention to it. Care is simple: in the summer you need to water the plant once a week, in the winter - once a month, you can focus on dry soil in a pot. It is enough to transplant into a special soil for succulents once every two years. The flower tolerates shade better than the scorching rays of the sun.

14. Kalanchoe

The parade of unpretentious succulent plants will continue with Kalanchoe, which is also known for its medicinal and decorative properties. Of the two hundred species growing in tropical zones, several dozen fell into the category of our indoor plants. You are guaranteed to be able to choose your Kalanchoe and make friends with him, even if you pay him a minimum of attention. A plant will better endure a drought in its pot than a flood at your mercy. Feels good in a cool room and does not like to be under the scorching sun, although he prefers the light.

15. Echeveria (echeveria)

This flower from the succulent genus is also called the "stone rose" because of the resemblance. The plant is easy to grow, as it does not require special conditions. The soil can be used clay-sandy, if there is one in your area, or you can buy a special mixture for succulents. Doesn't like standing water in the pot, so even in summer it's best to reduce watering if the soil is still damp. AT winter period from watering, you can generally refuse for a month. With sufficient light, expect to bloom in spring or early fall.

16 . Rawley the godson

Behind unusual shape leaves, this succulent was called "pearl strands." Their dense skin was formed in the process of adaptation to the harsh conditions of arid Africa. So, it will survive in your conditions. For a beginner florist, a ragwort is just a godsend. You can not water it for a long time, put it on the shady side or on the sunny side, dry the air in the room or supercool it. He will silently endure all experiments, reacting to them only with the size of pea leaves and more elongated weakened stems.

17. Stonecrop (sedum) Morgana

The following plant with unusual hanging stems may become your favorite not so much because of its appearance, but because of its unpretentiousness. For its root system, you can take small pots, the soil is common for succulents, which include stonecrop. He loves the sun, as he comes from warm countries. With watering, it is important not to overdo it in order to prevent rotting of the root system. Be careful when watering or moving the plant so as not to snag fragile leaves. If they fall off, then new ones will not grow in their place, “bald spots” will remain.

18. Striped Haworthia

The bright attractive appearance of a small succulent makes it a favorite of everyone who has encountered it at least once on the windowsill or in the far corner of the room. Haworthia loves Fresh air, so the ideal location for her is a shaded balcony. Or find an opportunity to ventilate the room where the flower is located more often. Watering can be minimal, as for most succulents. Landmark - soil moisture and air temperature. Avoid getting water on the rosette of the plant, so as not to cause rotting.

Another "experimental field" for beginner flower growers. Resistant and loyal to the trials on the part of the owners, he will express his attitude to unsuccessful methods of care only by dropping the leaves. But, if the situation with watering, spraying, lighting improves, he is ready to release new leaves and curl further around the room, as befits a liana. Epipremnum feels ideal in the kitchen - here it is warm and humid.

One of the few plants that calmly withstands direct sunlight and at the same time is able to grow on the shady side, for example, the western one. In summer, he is comfortable even in hot weather, and in winter it is better to leave him alone and move to cool place. It can even be an insulated balcony. Watering - moderate settled water at room temperature.

This is only a small part of the plants that can survive your negligence in caring for them and will delight with green leaves, and even flowers. But still, it’s better if you take the time to inspect them, notice new shoots, rejoice in their stamina and thank you by feeding them with special fertilizers.

Currently, few people can be surprised by beautiful and unusual indoor plants. And every self-respecting housewife tries to fill her house with green "pets" to purify the air. But often, due to insufficient care or lack of appropriate conditions, the plants die, and the housewives begin to wonder why this happened. The most common cause death of indoor plants - lack of sunlight and air. We've rounded up a list of the most popular houseplants that can thrive in a dark corner, keeping your window sill free from cluttered pots!


The patterned leaves of this plant (yellow, white and color pink) will decorate any room, but direct sunlight burns it beautiful leaves, the best place for calathea is partial shade. She loves abundant watering and high humidity, and it is better to water with warm water.


A plant with beautiful yellow-green leaves, which all year round will please your eye with its splendor. Loves diffused sunlight. Dieffenbachia must be shielded from the sun, especially in spring period when young leaves appear. In winter, be careful, the air temperature should not fall below 18 degrees. Does not require frequent watering.

Dracaena or dragon tree

Pointed leaves with a red outline growing upwards explain the name of this beautiful indoor flower. Direct exposure to sunlight can seriously damage it - so keep it in a shady spot, the dracaena loves artificial light and moisture, but don't over-water it, it can rot the roots. In general, dracaena is easy to care for and is perfect for a beginner grower.

Chlorophytum or spider flower

Unpretentious in courtship, easy to propagate and incredibly beautiful, due to which it is popular among indoor plants. In addition, it has useful property- purifies the air. It also prefers dark places, plus do not forget about timely watering and top dressing in spring and autumn.

Philodendron heart-shaped

The name of the plant is due to the glossy leaves in the shape of a heart. Philodendron can be put in dark room, it must be pruned regularly to prevent the growth of a bare stem. Since the plant reaches a fairly large size, it is better to take care of its space, in addition, careful watering is necessary.


Didn't expect to see a tropical plant on this list? This original flower can grow under fluorescent light and high humidity, even in the bathroom. It is necessary to water moderately and make sure that the water does not stagnate in the pan.


If you often forget to water your indoor plants, then the spatiffilum is the flower that can get along with you. This plant needs to dry out between waterings, so it can be watered less often than others. Spathiphyllum blooms beautifully, and the flowering period lasts several months, watch the temperature, which should not fall below 16 degrees.

Chinese evergreen aglaonema

A great option for beginner gardeners, a relative of dieffenbachia. Very hardy and grows in low light conditions. It rarely blooms, but with proper care in the summer it can produce a modest inflorescence. Prefers high humidity, in summer - regular spraying of leaves and abundant watering.


Despite its dangerous name, this plant is very bright and easy to care for. With good lighting, the coil will grow more intensively, but it also tolerates dimly lit places well - just watch the root system, which, by the way, is prone to rotting when over-watered

Aspidistra or cast iron plant

The foliage of this plant is incredibly resistant to poor lighting, excessive heat or cold. But keep in mind, it grows slowly. It is very rare to see the flowers of this plant, as it blooms only in summer and only one day. It is advisable to periodically wipe the sheets with a damp cloth or spray. Water immediately after it dries upper layer soil.

Choose the plant you like the most and be sure to get it! Your home will be instantly transformed, giving you a clean atmosphere. And if you already have similar green favorites, then perhaps you will look at a couple more plants.

Are there unpretentious flowering houseplants? After all, not all of the people are willing to spend their time and effort on the complex and time-consuming care of flowers. There are plants that will not be difficult to care for, for this you do not need to be an experienced florist. They are suitable for both home and office.

Criterias of choice

Such indoor flowers easily and quickly adapt to any conditions of detention. They can withstand being in a shaded, dry and dusty environment, do not require special care and don't take too much time. At the same time, maintain a sophisticated look, delight the eye with fresh greenery and lush flowers.

But some subtleties should be considered before choosing a pet. This will depend on his future appearance and abundance of flowers. First of all, you need to understand exactly where the flower will be kept and what conditions await it. The following points should be taken into account:

    illumination (light-loving or shade-tolerant);

    humidity (dry or humid air);

    watering frequency;

    the frequency of transplantation;

    soil composition.

Given all these factors, it is quite possible to choose a flower that is suitable specifically for your conditions of detention. The variety of plants is very large, and there is always exactly what is required. Some plants have a miraculous ability to survive in any Spartan conditions. They will adapt and feel great. And they will not cease to delight you with their luxurious look.

Unpretentious flowers for the home

It is necessary to consider the most popular house plants that are completely undemanding to care for:

    Abutilon (room maple). Quite light-loving plant. Flowering begins in early spring and continues until late autumn. In winter, a rest period is necessary. But if you provide a sufficient duration of daylight hours, additionally highlighting with phytolamps, then the pet will continue to bloom. Care consists in abundant regular watering and pruning in order to form beautiful crown.

    Pelargonium (geranium). He loves a lot of light. It is necessary to water after the soil dries out rarely, but plentifully. It blooms almost all year round, with a break for 2 winter months. Has a specific smell. In order not to grow strongly, it is recommended to pinch the shoots.

    Anthurium. Sunlight loves scattered light. It blooms with very bright, usually red, flowers that do not fade for a long time. All care consists in fairly rare watering and spraying. Comfortable temperature is around 20°C.

    Spathiphyllum. Will adapt to almost any conditions. If the plant is really bad, then it will simply be inactive and bloom a little, but will not wither at all. The flower does not need any special care. It easily tolerates lack of light and irregular watering. It's very hard to kill him. Pleases with unusual snow-white flowers, very similar to callas. Often used in homes and for decoration office space.

    Balsam (Roly wet). Flowering continues almost constantly in the presence of good lighting. There are many varieties with a variety of shades. Requires regular watering and frequent spraying. We tolerate temperature fluctuations.

    Fuchsia. The sun does not require so much, it also feels great in artificial light. Blooms all spring, summer and autumn. For the winter, the plant needs rest, during which it sheds leaves. Does not like to be touched and moved during flowering. Proper care It consists of regular watering and periodic top dressing.

    Violet (saintpaulia). For brighter and abundant flowering good lighting is required. Likes heat, humidity and good watering. It is better to water in the pan, then the excess water must be removed. very decorative and miniature plant with velvet leaves and a huge number of varieties with flowers of various shapes and colors.

    The name from Latin can be translated as "always blooming." Loves the sun, but otherwise quite undemanding.

Plants for office space

Flowers for the office must meet slightly different requirements than plants for the home. Although all divisions are very conditional. The plant needs:

    look beautiful and spectacular in any season;

    be easy to maintain and care;

    do not emit pungent odors so as not to cause allergic reactions in anyone.

The most unpretentious and suitable plants for the office:

    It easily tolerates dry air and irregular watering, but is quite demanding on the presence of good illumination. With a lack of light, the trunk will be elongated, and the leaves will be too small. It grows quickly, does not require frequent transplants.

    Zamioculcas. The plant can live in direct sunlight and in the shade. It just looks a little different. In poor light, the leaves will be elongated, but no less beautiful. Easily tolerates high humidity, temperature fluctuations and rare watering. Fits into almost any design. Transplants are needed no more than once every 4-5 years.

    Chlorophytum. Belongs to those plants that require almost no maintenance. Grows in any conditions and in spite of everything. Only occasional watering is required. It is absolutely indifferent to air humidity, and there is no need to spray. Pruning and top dressing are not needed. The only thing is that it is required to replant quite often, since the flower can grow too much and lose its decorative effect.

    dieffenbachia. Highly ornamental plant, has beautiful variegated leaves that do not require light in large quantities. It will feel great in partial shade. Regular plentiful watering and spraying is required. Lowering the temperature endures with great difficulty. It grows quickly, without losing its beauty and attractiveness.

    ficus. He likes good lighting, in winter it is best to organize additional lighting. But it can adapt to a lack of light and low humidity. It is necessary to water rarely, but not allowing the earthen clod to dry out. On glossy sheets, settling dust is very clearly visible, so they need to be wiped periodically. Because of rapid growth will have to be transplanted quite often into larger containers.

    Fatsia. It does not require any special conditions at all. Adapts to any indoor climate. Easily tolerates shade, temperature changes and even proximity to working heaters.

Do not be afraid to start indoor plants. You can pick up a not too capricious representative of the flora, which blooms beautifully, luxuriantly and for a long time.

Indoor plants decorate the house and make the life of a modern city dweller happier. And though not always city ​​apartment sunny and spacious. There are many - large and compact, bright and modest shade-loving, decorative foliage and flowering - that can decorate any home, even a dark hallway. For example, here are those do not need bright lighting.

In urban dwellings, there is often a shortage of well-lit, sunny places. Therefore, shade-loving ones are especially valued. Sciophytes - "shade plants" - this is the name of representatives of the flora who prefer shaded places. They are also known as heliophobes - afraid of the sun.

Bright light if not harmful, then definitely not useful. The ancestral home is the gloomy deciduous forests of the most different parts Sveta. Under their canopy, the leaves acquire an exotic color, only here flowering is possible.

Many shade-tolerant inhabitants of the lower tiers of tropical and subtropical forests settled in city apartments. And now the best place for them were the northern and western home window sills, the shaded corners of the rooms, where only diffused light falls.

Among them are those who do not bloom or have very modest inflorescences, but have extremely decorative leaves of various colors. Others have colorful flowers.

Some of the shade-loving ones are luxurious and large, many are graceful and airy. undemanding plants. Everyone needs correct placement and special reverent, loving care.


A small part of shade-loving plants can boast of luxurious flowers. However, spectacular views are also known among them that can make up an exquisite collection.

Anthurium - a flower that prefers shade

To feel good, this exotic plant needs partial shade from spring to autumn and diffused light in the cold season. Blooms from mid-spring to late summer. The inflorescence-cob is framed by a bright "wax" coverlet.

Requires regular, but not excessive watering, air humidification, compliance temperature regime(constant temperature around 15 degrees).


Good lighting is needed, but indirect sunlight. Annual flowering will provide winter rest, during which the flower must be moved to a cool room (with a temperature below 12 degrees), reduce watering and stop feeding. The rest of his time do not move, replant, re-moisturize.

Occasionally, you need to wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

Bell-shaped red, yellow or orange flowers, collected in an inflorescence on a high peduncle, look bright and very impressive.

A bright representative of the "atmospheric" bromeliads. A 70 cm inflorescence with bright bracts makes it memorable. For luxurious flowering you need a stable temperature in the range of 19-28 degrees, and constant humidification of the outlet.

Sempolia or Usambar violet

This flower, although it needs enough light, does not tolerate direct sunlight: burn spots appear on the leaves, their color turns pale, there is no flowering. The best way placement - light penumbra, diffused light.

Violet is a very popular flower.

decorative leafy

The main advantage of decorative leafy plants - spectacular coloration of their leaves. The flowers may be small and inconspicuous.

This plant of "strict lines" is called by amateur flower growers "Teschin's tongue" and "pike tail". Many varieties have been bred with different color combinations in the color of leathery leaves.

In the penumbra it becomes brighter contrast color spots. In favorable conditions, it blooms, throwing out long "candles" of white and yellowish inflorescences.

Ferns - love dark places

Among the many types, you can choose for both home and office, large-sized or compact views. For example, broad-leaved Asplenium or delicate thin-leaved Adiantum (Venus hair).

All of them prefers shade or partial shade, wet air and soil.

Fat woman (money tree)

It does not tolerate shade well, but feels comfortable in dim lighting. Abundant watering is not required.

Compact ampelous and dwarf species need partial shade, they bright light is contraindicated. Moderate watering, air humidification, temperature above 12 degrees are necessary.

It takes root well in a bright room, but at some distance from the window. Requires frequent spraying of leaves and maintaining a temperature of 12 to 20 degrees. Compact and large species have been bred.

Palm trees and large trees for the home, growing in partial shade

Such plants will decorate a spacious room, office or winter garden.


tree-like plant with contrasting coloration of narrow long leaves. Depending on grows from 70 cm to 3 m in height. To preserve the decorative sufficient, but not bright lighting, moderate moisture.


Height from 0.5 to 2 meters. Often grown in tubs. It differs not only in a variety of colors, but also in the shape of the leaves: they are very narrow long, lanceolate, wide rounded. Cordilina is often confused with dracaena.

Cannot stand bright light at all. He likes "water procedures" - wiping and polishing the leaves, spraying, abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter.

Under this name they unite different kinds, which have one feature: a single growth point at the top of the stem. Most palms grown in room culture love penumbra, plentiful watering in summer and less intense in winter, humid air.

All do not tolerate drafts and transplants.

curly shade tolerant

For decorating walls, creating three-dimensional compositions, use climbing plants and vines.

Does not tolerate direct sunlight and strong shading. Best accommodation - in bright but diffused light or in partial shade. Humidification is weak in winter, frequent and plentiful in summer.

There are a huge number of species of this ampelous plant with a variety of leaf colors. To preserve the decorative penumbra is needed or indirect bright lighting.

A great option for decorating large areas. The scope of fantasy gives a variety of varieties - the leaves can be large leathery and small tender, whole and dissected. It grows quickly, becomes attractive and decorates the room.

Features of shade-loving colors

All shade-loving plants are characterized by properties that distinguish them from others:

  • the most pronounced decorative qualities are manifested, if the flower is in the shade or partial shade most of the day;
  • under intense illumination, development is inhibited, growth slows down, leaf color fades, flowering may not occur; with direct sunlight the plant can get burned;
  • need sufficient soil and air moisture;
  • it is necessary to observe the temperature regime;
  • usually shade-loving do not tolerate frequent transplants.

Shade-loving plants are beautiful in their diversity. From them you can make exquisite, bright, stylish, light or respectable compositions that will become the main decoration of any room.

We all love to have clean and fresh air in the house. In winter, when rooms are less ventilated, houseplants are a great way to purify the air.

It is indoor plants that will enrich your living space with oxygen. When choosing houseplants for a conservatory or a few houseplants for arranging a particular room, you should know that there are houseplants that can easily do without a lot of light. It is these indoor plants that should be placed at home.

Non-light-loving houseplants will easily endure the winter, they are not whimsical to care for. Indoor plants will not only make the air in your home clean and fresh, but also diversify your home design, filling it with coziness and comfort.

Indoor plants, the varieties of which you will see below, can be located not only on the windowsill or near the window, you can safely place these indoor plants in any part of the room.

Houseplants, the list of which we presented in our post, will enchant you not with flowers, but with leaves.

Beautiful leaves of houseplants that do not need a lot of light can have the most intricate shape. Here, mother nature has experimented as it should.

See houseplants that are not whimsical to care for and can survive even in the shade.

Indoor plants that are not afraid of poor lighting: photo list of indoor plants

Sansevieria three-lane Aspidistra high dieffenbachia Chlorophytum crested
Dracaena marginata
Philodendron heart-shaped neoregelia