How to make the slopes of an interior door. How to finish the slopes of entrance doors - all possible materials and installation instructions

The creation of door slopes is ideal option to complete the finishing of any opening - including exterior and interior doors. These works are the same an important milestone repair, as well as the process of installing the canvas itself. And the final picture, which can affect the entire interior of the room, largely depends on their quality. In order to carry out the installation of door slopes with your own hands, you should have certain skills, as well as decide on the method of execution and materials of construction.

Classification of structures

There are several options for how to make a door slope with your own hands, which are to be used:

  • drywall, suitable for surface finishing, the leveling of which will require a large amount of mortar. With the help of gypsum plasterboard sheets, the surface is easily leveled and, at the request of the contractor or customer, is painted or plastered;
  • plasters, which is used in cases where the surface can be leveled by applying a layer of mortar with a thickness of no more than 30 mm. This option is not the fastest, but profitable and simple;
  • laminate suitable for doors or arches already finished with this material. Finishing door slopes with laminated chipboard is not suitable for rooms with high humidity and, moreover, for external doors;
  • MDF panels resistant to temperature extremes and high humidity, thanks to which they are suitable for any doors;
  • wood, the material is not cheap, but has good aesthetic and strength characteristics. For finishing the slope doorway when performing repair work of various classes (economy, standard or exclusive), both ordinary wood and valuable wood species should be used.

Choosing an option with do-it-yourself door slopes with decorative stone or tiles is a rare, but also valid option. It is mainly used for entrance doors mansions. Looks especially advantageous decorative rock in combination with a porch, terrace or path to the house made of the same material.

The variety of methods for finishing door slopes allows you to choose suitable option for any conditions. One of the main selection criteria is the correspondence of the decorative characteristics of the structure to the general interior. If several options are suitable for the design of the room, they choose the one that best suits the tastes and financial capabilities of the home owner.

Do-it-yourself door slopes

During the installation process, surface preparation is required. And only then apply the chosen finishing technique. And it, first of all, depends on what kind of doors we are talking about - installed between rooms or entrance doors.

Slope preparation

In most cases, the surface is pre-leveled. For this, the contractor first needs preparation necessary materials- plasters, primers, starting putty, construction mixer(or a suitable drill bit), roller, net, masking tape and buckets. In addition, in order to prepare for finishing, the slope must first be completely cleaned of old finishing materials (such as polyurethane foam or plaster) and dirt. And then go on to the alignment steps, which can be found on the net and even watch a video of this process:

  1. Prime the surface;
  2. in a container suitable for this;
  3. Apply the mortar, smoothing it to the desired thickness. The adhesion of the material can be improved by spraying the concrete with water. And, if the wall was badly damaged when installing the door, you should use a special mesh;
  4. using corners;
  5. Rub the dried layer of mortar until cracks and irregularities disappear;
  6. Re-apply the primer;
  7. Bring the surface to its normal state using already
  8. Having leveled the surface, proceed with the final finishing - painting (if the simplest option is chosen), wallpapering, laying tiles, installing drywall or panels.

Slopes for entrance doors

If we consider options suitable for external doors, it is worth noting the three best ones, which have a sufficient margin of safety and withstand constant closing vibrations. Internal slopes are finished with laminated chipboard or MDF. The panels are installed using polyurethane foam, liquid nails or using guide rails.

Exterior finishing of the door is most often done using plaster, on which tiles or stone can be attached. The beginning of the installation does not differ from leveling the surface, but ends with the fixing of the finishing material with glue. If additional finishing is not expected, the plaster is painted.

Slopes for doors between rooms

Do-it-yourself work on finishing the slopes of interior doors can be done using almost any materials. The main thing is to comply with the correspondence between the styles of structures that go into the same room. In the living room, MDF slopes look good - especially if you choose them to match the interior. Suitable for decoration and slopes with wallpaper, visually extending the walls and increasing the size of the room.

Bathrooms use ceramic tiles- again the same one that fit on the walls. The ceramics are glued to the leveled surface. If the room is finished with plastic or metal-plastic panels, it is worth choosing the same materials for the slopes. The same applies to rooms in which the enclosing structures are finished with plasterboard.

Among the options suitable for the slopes of interior doors, panel and plasterboard structures... In addition to the fact that they look more profitable, the cost of such a structure will be more profitable than for options made of wood and tiles. And the repair time is shorter compared to


The way how to do door slopes made of MDF panels, suitable for any door and consists in installation timber frame, slats for which are purchased in advance and treated with an antiseptic. In the process of choosing a material, the main thing is not to be mistaken with the dimensions. It should be borne in mind that the thickness of each strip in the process increases by the size of the plate attached to it;

Panel decoration begins with the selection necessary tools and materials:

  • panels with which finishing is performed;
  • wooden bars;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette and level;
  • hacksaws.

The technology for finishing the slopes of interior doors with their own hands from MDF is as follows:

  1. Removal of peeling paint and old plaster;
  2. Surface primer, which is optional;
  3. Fastening a frame made of bars on a level with alignment of distortions on the walls (using boards or pieces of plywood);
  4. Laying of mineral insulation (especially important for the outer door);
  5. Cutting panels according to the size of the trimmed slopes, fitting or fitting.

The final stage of work is to fix the material on the frame. If self-tapping screws are used for fastening, they are screwed in with a slight deepening into the material and. Although when installing MDF panels, liquid nails are most often used, which are pointwise applied to the guides.

Approximately the same technique is also suitable for installation as a finishing of slopes for do-it-yourself interior doors of a laminate. Work begins with securing the bottom board with self-tapping screws and securing the next three to the lock. The fifth board is also installed using fasteners or liquid nails, after which the frequency continues. For a horizontal slope, each plank is fixed. The corners between walls and slopes are finished decorative corners or platbands.

Plasterboard constructions

The option of installing slopes for interior doors made of plasterboard sheets is suitable if the enclosing structures of the room are finished with the same material, and leveling the surface with only putty will require a significant amount of material. The choice of the option of two of them is influenced, first of all, by the length and width of the slope.

So, for small assembly seams and minimal damage when installing the door, the first method is used:

  1. From drywall sheet elements are cut taking into account the slope angle;
  2. The surface of the slopes is cleaned and primed;
  3. Dry mix for gluing drywall is diluted with water according to the instructions;
  4. The finished substance is applied in a thin continuous layer to the element that needs to be pressed against the prepared slope;
  5. Panels are installed starting from the side surfaces;
  6. After installation, the cut parts are fixed with masking tape.

The glue dries up, after which the seams need to be putty and cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. And after another layer of primer is applied to the slope, it is considered completely ready. Additional trim can be installed on top of the drywall.

After installing a new iron front door in the apartment, all the pleasant impression about it can immediately disappear if you do not make the slopes from the inside of the apartment. Only they can say about the fully completed stage of repair work.

To make them perfect, specialists are most often invited. On the other hand, you can do them yourself, if you have previously studied all the tips and tricks.

What are door slopes?

Slopes represent small area walls around the door frame (outside and inside it).

V last years their arrangement is a must, because they not only decorate the general appearance door space, but also serve as a start overall design corridor or a room.

Types of finishing materials

By choosing correct material, we can safely say that in the process of finishing the slopes, success awaits you. If you are a beginner builder or do not have a lot of time and money, do not tackle methods that require really significant skills and experience.

In order not to be mistaken, you need to know about what materials suitable for creating a beautiful space around the front door.

MDF panels

MDF panels are a popular material that is perfect for these purposes. As a result variety of colors, panels can be used to trim slopes in almost any interior.

Installation takes place using ordinary or liquid nails, as well as self-tapping screws, corners or platbands are superimposed around the perimeter.

Among the positive properties, the following should be noted:

  • able to withstand impacts and damage of small force;
  • have an attractive appearance;
  • easily assembled by one person, do not require professional help;
  • resemble various types of wood, which makes the appearance of the slopes visually expensive and refined;
  • have good noise insulation properties.

The disadvantages of the panels are that they cannot withstand scratches and strong impacts, and also can change their appearance and structure, if installed in rooms with high humidity (for example, baths and saunas).

In addition, undergoing various pollution, require careful care, otherwise it will be almost impossible to wash them.

Stone look decorative tiles attached to a special solution. In the interior decoration with decorative tiles looks interesting and expensive.

The benefits include:

  • has a lower cost than a natural stone;
  • is lightweight;
  • does not require special care;
  • thanks to the wide colors able to imitate the appearance of any stone;
  • able to withstand significant temperature fluctuations;
  • resistant to moisture.

The main the disadvantage is the fragility of the material. V rare cases the size of the opening will coincide with the size of the tile, so its installation almost always requires the ability to correctly and accurately cut the tile in order to avoid cracking it.

Choosing a heavy tile, there is a possibility that it will lag behind on the upper part of the slope, creating a danger for human life and health.


Another option for finishing door slopes is laminate, material has the following advantages:

  • good indicative strength;
  • the shelf life can be up to 15 years;
  • a rich choice of colors allows you to choose the right one for each specific room;
  • have excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • easy to wash and clean from various contaminants;
  • they can be easily attached decorative elements(using regular glue).

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that this type of finishing material poorly resistant to moisture and temperature drops. As a result, it can change its appearance and initial technical characteristics over time.

If you plan to install the laminate on the frame, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the doorway will become smaller.


Plastic trim works well for a doorway just because you do not need to spend a lot of money to purchase it, it is lightweight, can imitate various textures and materials, and is also easy to clean.

Of the shortcomings, it can be noted - its fragility, because even with the slightest influence and exertion of effort, it simply deforms and breaks.

Decorative rock

Decorative stone is a material with a huge number of positive properties. Decorating with decorative stone quite expensive compared to other materials, but also looks more luxurious in the interior, as shown in the photo.


  • completely environmentally friendly material;
  • installation does not require a perfectly flat surface;
  • perfectly withstand high temperatures, a large amount of moisture;
  • unlike natural stone, it has a significantly lower weight;
  • wonderful appearance, variety of textures allows you to please the tastes and requirements of any customer;
  • can be mounted in a doorway of any shape and size;
  • does not burn, retains heat well in the room;
  • washes well and does not absorb foreign odors.

Of the minuses of decorative stone, it is only known that it is not recommended to use it for exterior decoration doors that immediately go out into the street.

Under the influence of very low temperatures v very coldy material may deteriorate slightly.


Plaster is often used to create doorways... This is one of the economical finishing options, with the help of plaster, if necessary, you can not only repair the slopes, but also level them.

It has the following advantages:

  • perfectly insulates living space;
  • well cleaned of dirt;
  • has high strength;
  • thanks to different ways applied to the surface, you can give the slopes a unique appearance;
  • long shelf life.

The main stages of plasterboard installation:

  1. Having measured the value of the side slope, cut a blank from a drywall sheet, which must necessarily be 1 cm wider in width. If this is not done, then the sheet cannot be inserted into the gap between the opening and the box.
  2. Making a recess with a knife in the foam passing between the door frame and the opening, insert a side cut sheet into it... Bending it slightly on the other side, apply polyurethane foam along the entire length using a gun.
  3. Press the material well against the wall. Make sure that there are no distortions. The sheet should be placed strictly vertically. Fill all gaps with polyurethane foam.
  4. Performing all of the above actions, fix the second vertical slope in the same way.
  5. Measure the top of the opening and from the drywall sheet cut a sheet identical in length, which will be 1 cm wider in width (for the same purposes as the side segments).
  6. Make a recess in the polyurethane foam, where to put the resulting piece of material. Use a spirit level to check that the angles are correct. between the side and the top of the slope.
  7. Glue the sheet with polyurethane foam, pressing it well against the base of the wall.
  8. After waiting for the polyurethane foam to dry completely(it will take 1 day) you can start applying finishing materials to drywall.

This video shows step by step how to do the trimming of the slopes with your own hands.

How to arrange?

Slope design - an important stage in the entire work of creating a doorway. You need to start it by creating corners on drywall using putty.

This should be done in the following way:

  1. Using a spatula, apply a small layer of putty to the corner.
  2. After waiting for it to dry completely, we apply a serpyanka, which is covered with another layer of putty.
  3. When the second layer is completely dry, a finishing putty is thinly applied to the corners. In this case, it is necessary to avoid any irregularities.

If you plan to paint such slopes, then the entire surface of the drywall must also be plastered twice. In the event that you complete renovation work there will be wallpaper, the sheets can be additionally not processed.

Creating beautiful door slopes is not very good hard work that any man can do, without resorting to outside help. The main thing in this case is to first study all the necessary recommendations, consult with a specialist and purchase those materials that will be simple and easy to work with.

Even the most luxurious front door will look unpresentable if the slopes around it are sloppy. They are designed to serve as a beautiful frame, complement and highlight the main element -. To decide how to trim the slopes of the entrance door, you need to pay attention to its style, design and color scheme. The slopes framing the entrance inside the apartment must correspond not only to the decorative parameters of the door, but also to the design of the hallway.

In addition to a purely decorative function, these elements around should also serve as an additional effective insulation, since their plane covers the joints between the door frame and the wall.

How can you trim the slopes?

The finishing of the slopes in the running door can be made from different materials, or you can simply put the existing slopes in order.

1. If the door is reliable and strong, but not outstanding in design, you can simply level the slopes with plaster, reinforcing their corners. Such work is usually carried out both from the side of the entrance and in the hallway.

Slopes can be neatly finished with plaster

Plastered slopes will look quite neat - they can be painted in a color close to the shade of the door itself or to match the wallpaper in the hallway.

2. In the case when the walls of the house are thick enough, and the slopes are wide, you can use such familiar material as drywall for finishing. It will make the walls warmer and reliably close the joints between the door frame and the wall, giving the slopes a neat look.

Drywall, if desired, can be pasted over with wallpaper or covered with paint. The advantage of this material is that you do not have to painfully level the plaster using a rule and then clean the wall.

3. You can make slopes from natural wood if it is suitable for finishing the door. Wood has always been popular and has never gone out of fashion, it goes well with almost any interior, and its tint can be easily changed using modern or folk remedies.

The tree will reliably serve for many years without changing its natural decorative properties. In extreme cases, it can be painted to match the color of the hallway.

4. An alternative to wood can be a laminated lining based on fiberboard.

Since the lining is produced in various colors and imitates the textured patterns of a wide variety of wood species, it can be matched to any design of the hallway. However, it is not recommended to trim slopes with this material with outside doors, since it will not last long there.

5. Ready-made PVC panels can be another finishing option. They are produced in various widths and in a wide range of colors. The production and sale of such parts is carried out by specialized firms, in which there are masters who are engaged in installing panels.

One of the most successful decisions- carefully fitted PVC panels

This finish looks respectable and aesthetically pleasing. Will serve PVC panels long time, but it is also better to install them from the side of the apartment, and from the side of the entrance, use the first or second method described above for finishing.

If you are confident in your abilities, then ready-made slope details can be installed on your own.

Another option for using polymers for finishing inside doors can become plastic lining... It is also easy to match it to the color of the hallway walls, since there is a wide range of this material on sale.

6. Sheathed slopes and chipboard panels - they are mainly used for very thick walls. However, it should be noted that at present this method of finishing is not very popular, since a large number of other materials have appeared that can easily replace these rather heavy panels in installation.

However, if this material was found at home required sizes, then it can be used to decorate door slopes from the side of the apartment.

It should be noted that there are other materials that can be used to tidy up the planes around the door, but the above options are the most popular.

Tools and building materials for finishing slopes

For finishing the slopes, you will need materials and tools that will help to carry out all the work neatly.

1. For plastering works you will need:

  • primer and finishing putty for surface preparation.
  • plaster mix or traditional cement mortar.
  • perforated metal corner for aligning corners.
  • a serpyanka mesh, a clerical knife and self-tapping screws will be needed if the slopes are made of drywall.
  • sandpaper coarse and fine-grained.
  • wide and medium trowel.
  • shorthand rule for leveling the surface of slopes.
  • container for mixing the solution, a drill with a special mixing attachment
  • plumb line and level.

2. For the installation of panels made of different materials, it is necessary to prepare:

  • ready-made panels for installation on slopes or material for them.
  • decorative corners and platbands for closing panel joints.
  • timber with a section of 15 × 30 or 20 × 30 mm, if the lining will be installed.
  • dowels for fixing panels or timber to the wall.
  • small nails and special holders for the lining.
  • hammer drill or hammer drill if the house has concrete walls.
  • self-tapping screws for fixing panels.
  • measuring instruments.
  • hacksaw or jigsaw, screwdriver, knife, hammer, etc.

Having prepared everything you need, you can proceed to surface preparation and installation.

Slope finishing technology in the running door

Each type of slope finishing work has its own characteristics:

  • The installation of many of the materials presented is carried out using the same technology.
  • Some of the finishing technologies are distinguished by their simplicity, and with the right approach to work, they can well be done independently.
  • Others can be used for self-application only if the homeowner has the necessary skills to work with building mixtures and tools.

All measures for the installation of slopes begin after the door is installed and all the gaps between door jamb and a wall. In addition, all breakaway parts of the old pavement are removed from the slopes and crumbling areas are cleaned. When these works are carried out, they start finishing in the chosen way.

Plastering of slopes

If the decision is made to level and plaster the slopes, the process goes to following sequence:

  • First of all, the cleaned surface should be well primed, preferably in two layers, but the second time the primer is applied only after the first layer has dried.
  • Further, the evenness of the slope angles is clarified. If deviations from the norm are determined, then this fact must be taken into account when installing reinforcing corners. They can align corners that have small deviations from the vertical.

  • Then it is necessary to set perforated corners at the corners of the slopes along the plumb line and level. They are best planted on finishing putty sold in finished form... It is applied with a spatula to the corners of the slopes - the composition will serve for gluing the corner and makes it possible to align it to a perfectly vertical or horizontal position. Excess mortar, which will show through the holes in the corner, must be immediately removed with a spatula. Having brought the corners to the ideal, the solution under the corners is left to dry.
  • If the surface of the slope is uneven, then before installing the perforated corners on the corners, you can set the direction from the door jamb by fixing a narrow strip of drywall 8-10 mm wide along it. This material is fixed to the wall with a putty. If she is on gypsum base, then it solidifies quickly enough.
  • The edge of the plasterboard strip and the installed reinforcing corner will become points that need to be connected with a putty solution and leveled with plaster.
  • Further, after drying the elements correcting the wall, the putty is diluted in the proportions indicated on the package to a pasty consistency.

  • Using a trowel, throw the finished composition onto the wall, starting from the floor. By sketching required amount, about a meter in height, the putty is leveled with a rule. In this case, the beacons are a perforated corner fixed at the corner and a strip of drywall fixed along the door frame.

  • Then the solution is poured onto the next section and is also leveled, and so on to the top of the opening.
  • It will be more difficult to putty the ceiling part of the opening. Putty is applied to it with a wide spatula and leveled with a short rule. Then putty is applied to the wall above the correct opening, and it covers the upper part of the metal corner.

  • The slopes treated with putty are left to dry. The time of this process depends on the thickness of the layer and the composition of the putty.
  • After this layer has dried, you need to check the quality of the surface, remove possible minor imperfections - chip off or clean the incoming irregularities. Then the slopes need to be removed with a finishing putty to perfect evenness.
  • Further, after the filler layer has dried, it is covered with a primer.

The resulting surface can be painted, wallpapered or finished with decorative plaster.

Video: finishing the door slopes with plaster mixes

Prices for popular types of putty


Plasterboard finishing of door slopes

It is easier and more pleasant to work with drywall than with the removal of slopes using plaster. Nevertheless, in this case, you still have to work with the finishing putty, which will play the role adhesive composition for drywall sheets, but it is still better to use a special gypsum-based glue for this purpose, produced specifically for working with gypsum plasterboard.

If space is limited, then drywall is perfect for decorating slopes. This process is carried out in the following sequence:

  • To begin with, all surfaces of the slopes are measured. separately.
  • The received data is transferred to GVL sheets, and elements are cut out along them, which will be fixed to the walls.

  • Installation of finished parts starts from the ceiling of the opening. To do this, glue is applied to the drywall blank in several slides, and then this element is firmly pressed against the installation site and fixed in this position by pre-prepared supports.

  • Then the sloping walls are finished with the details cut out from the gypsum fiber board. The prepared element also fits small slides glue, and the sheet is pressed against the wall and measured according to the level. Plasterboard sheets can be fixed to the wall with hammer-in dowels, making through holes for them, but not too wide, using an electric drill or perforator.

  • On the corners of the slopes, in the same way as when plastering, metal perforated corners are fixed with putty.
  • Then all joints are coated with putty, leveled, and after drying, they are thoroughly cleaned.
  • Further, the entire surface of the slope is covered with a primer.
  • To achieve a perfect surface, a thin (no more than 1 mm) layer is applied finishing putty... It will completely hide all irregularities, joints and holes from the dowels.
  • After the layer of putty has completely solidified and, if necessary, sanding with fine-grained sandpaper, you can proceed to decorative design slopes. They can be painted, pasted over or covered with decorative plaster.

Fasten drywall and otherwise, in the event that you need to level the surface, covering a significant thickness from the wall.

Combined fastening of plasterboard parts - on glue and on guides
  • To do this, bars of the desired section or metal profiles, corners or U-shaped shapes are fixed to the slope surface, thus creating a crate that will help level the wall, giving it the required direction. This method of fastening has the advantage that an additional insulation material.
  • This whole structure is then covered with drywall, which is screwed to the bars with self-tapping screws. Further, the process proceeds in the same way as in the first option.

Video: finishing of door slopes with plasterboard - ceiling part

Video: continuation of the video about finishing the slopes with plasterboard

Decorating slopes with panels or clapboard

For finishing slopes with materials that manufactured in the form of rigid panels - fiberboard, lining different types, MDF and others, a similar technology for attaching them to the wall is used. This method is attractive in that with the help of panels it is possible to align corners that have large deviations from the norm.

Installation of such materials is carried out as follows:

  • The primed surfaces of the slopes are marked out for fixing bars or a metal profile on them, on which the finishing material will be fixed in the future. These auxiliary elements are located at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other if they are installed across the slope. In this case, if lining is used for decoration, it will be mounted parallel to the door frame. If it is necessary for the panels to be located across the surface, then the bar is fixed along the jamb and closer to the angle of the slope. For a wide surface, not two, but three or even four bars are used.

  • You can carry out the lathing as shown in the picture - this option is called for fixing the lining parallel to the door.
  • After installing the battens, it is recommended to lay an insulation material between the bars - this can be mineral wool, polystyrene or one of the other modern insulation materials.
  • Further, the installation of the selected facing material is carried out along the crate. One-piece flat panels are installed end-to-end with each other, the lining is connected with a groove-tenon fastening.

  • The plastic and laminated lining is fixed to the bars from the side of the slotted part of the lock using special metal holders, which, with their protrusions, are put on the bottom shelf of the slot and are attached with a guide with small nails or self-tapping screws.

  • Panels, large in area, are screwed to the crate with self-tapping screws, the heads of which must be "drowned" by 1.5-2 mm into the thickness of the material. These holes are later sealed with wood putty with the addition of a dye of the appropriate shade.
  • Having finished with the installation of panels, the appearance of the slopes must be refined with corners matched to the color of the cladding. The corners are glued at the outer vertical and horizontal corners and at the junction of the door frame and finishing material.

Features of vinyl slopes

The most in a modern way transform the slopes is the installation of vinyl panels. They can be purchased from specialized firms that are engaged in both the manufacture and installation of this finishing material. If has non-standard shape slopes, then they are made to order, after measuring the parameters. The surface of the slopes can simulate many natural materials, therefore, they can be matched literally to any interior of the hallway and the color of the entrance door.

The most important advantages of ready-made panels in their installation are its speed and the absence of a large amount of debris and dirt in the process. It is impossible not to say about the aesthetic qualities of this finish - it is cut exactly to the size of the slopes and has no joints or seams on the planes. The only connections that cannot be abandoned are the joints of the horizontal and vertical planes. The material looks very presentable and neat.

For the installation of such slopes, universal glue is used, which has the properties of firmly connecting to each other various materials, such as wood and concrete, brick and chipboard, vinyl and plaster surfaces - almost everything used in construction and decoration. In addition, they are often attached to polyurethane foam.

Such adhesives are applied to the inner surface finishing panels and they are pressed against the slopes around the door. In this case, you do not need to drill holes in facing material and walls, which can also be called the indisputable advantage of this technology of installation work.

By doing the work in stages and adhering to the technology, it is quite possible to independently complete the work on finishing the door slopes. Even without the opportunity to purchase finishing material, many apartment owners use what is at hand, for example, chipboard panels from used furniture. But still the most affordable and easy-to-install (except for ready-made vinyl panels) is the option using. He opens ample opportunities finishing decoration in almost any existing way.

As a rule, renovation in an apartment affects almost everything. It may also include the replacement of windows and doors.
In order for the doors to look neat, it is necessary that the finishing of the slopes from the inside of the front door be done with high quality.

Since indoors it is possible to maintain constantly one and the same temperature regime, then the decoration of the entrance doors from the inside can be done by any finishing material.
For this, they are very often used:

  • Plastic panels.
  • Siding.
  • Plaster.
  • Decorative rock.
  • Wooden lining.

Front door trim with plastic panels

On this moment plastic panels are very popular. All this is due to their high technical characteristics.
They are quite easy to attach and give a neat look to any surface.
Plastic properties:

  • Practicality.
  • Durability.
  • Easy installation.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • Not subject to temperature changes.
  • Resistant to high temperatures.
  • Do not fade in direct sunlight.

But these are all the properties that plastic panels have. In order to fix them on the surface, it will not be necessary to pre-level it, which cannot be said about the use of decorative stone in the decoration of doorways (see Beautiful decoration of doorways with decorative stone).

Installation of plastic panels on the inner slopes of the entrance door

To carry out the installation of PVC panels on the slopes of the entrance door, you will need some tools and additional materials:

  • Wooden bars.
  • Self-tapping screws for wood.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Plastic panels.
  • Internal plastic corners.
  • External plastic corners.
  • Sealant.
  • Construction stapler.
  • Starting guides.

For reference. Plastic is considered a versatile finishing material that can be used in any interior.


  • Plastic is attached to the crate. Initially, it will be necessary to evaluate the surface, if there are significant irregularities on it, then they are eliminated with a spatula or sandpaper to ensure that the battens are evenly attached to the surface.
  • Lathing for installation plastic panels made from wooden blocks. Each element of it is fastened to the other with self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

When an entrance door for a house is installed, many people have a question of how to finish the slopes of the entrance door after installing iron doors.

This work can be done in different ways, depending on the style and interior.

Often, the slopes of the entrance doors require repair and replacement, not only after installing the doors, but also in old houses.

The material will discuss in detail the methods of decorating the slopes, as well as the procedure for performing with the help of your hands.

Do-it-yourself front door slopes - what to do?

Often the problem arises if the house is panel or brick and the building was erected in the Soviet Union. You can cover a slope in an apartment or house using different methods, among which there are 11 ways. Some of them are used to decorate the outside of the entrance, and some materials are suitable for internal works.

Thanks to modern materials the choice for the client is very large and the price of the slope will turn out to be different, depending on the material chosen. Now we need to get acquainted in more detail with the characteristics of materials and their application:

Material: Description:
Drywall: GKL can level the surface, the material is in demand, but embedding the slopes will be a laborious process. After installation, you need to plaster the material and you can paint, glue wallpaper, lay an artificial stone.
Plaster: It is better for the master to do the plastering. At the end of the preparation, it will be possible to paint the finished slope, put a decorative stone, use a board or tile for facing.
Decorative plaster: It is applied to plastered slopes, the material is textured, so the surface must be flat. Great for outdoor use.
MDF: Slope handling and metal doors carried out quickly and inexpensively. It is used for a narrow slope, you can build up the door and use additional sound insulation between the panel and the door.
Laminate: The material is similar to MDF, but is used even if the slope is wide.
Wood: Suitable for interior work, especially if the hallway cladding is made of wood. Installation can be carried out independently, the doors themselves can be sewn up with wood, but in addition, antifungal agents and varnish must be used. It is possible to insulate doors and slopes.
Chipboard: The material is inexpensive, rarely used and only if the slopes are very large. The material is short-lived and for the duration of operation it is better to use chipboard with an additional film, such material does not need to be laminated, it comes from the factory with lamination.
Completion: Perfect if the entrance has two doors. In this case, one material is used for doors and slopes. The price segment is average, installation is easy.
PVC panels: It is not difficult to arrange the slopes of PVC entrance doors, but the look will be simple, but the material is practical and durable. Vinyl material not afraid of moisture, easy to care for, can be used outside.
Stone: Not fashionable, but a decent option and practical for entrance doors. You can use natural stone, as well as decorative - imitation of natural raw materials.
Tile: A non-standard choice for slopes, it may look strange, but durable and practical.

Important! Knowing the main points of how to decorate the slopes in an apartment or house, you need to make a choice and you can start work, which will be discussed below. It is worth noting that cork can be used after preliminary plastering. It looks very nice; a sandwich panel, brick and other possible finishing materials are also often used.

Do-it-yourself slope near the doors (video)

It is difficult to show detailed instructions on finishing door slopes in the photo, so you can watch the work of the master in the video:

External slopes of the entrance door

After installing the doors, you will need to carefully seal up all the joints and gaps between the door frame and the walls. Ideal for this polyurethane foam... When it dries, the remains must be cut off and checked for leaks, for this the doors are closed, and a lighted match or lighter is held around the perimeter. If the flame moves, then it is necessary to re-use the mounting material.

Further, the platband is placed on both sides and at the top. Platbands should be chosen in color and design to the door. If the door is installed with a recess, then the slope must be repaired. From the outside, as a rule, a cement mortar is used, but before it is fitted around the wall, it is cleaned of dirt and dust.

In principle, you can finish covering up the slope and you can finish it different materials, for example, use "Rodband" and other mixtures. Finishing may also be different. For example, a slope can be painted, sheathed using lining, and if the door was installed not in a private house, but in an apartment where the entrance is heated, then it is recommended to use laminate or plastic.

The interior of the front door can also be decorated with different materials and is most often used:

  1. Drywall.
  2. Wood or fibreboard (MDF).
  3. Plastic material (lining).
  4. Plaster.

Wood slope is the most popular type of finish because it is natural and can fit perfectly into any design. But the lack of material is the cost, and from temperature and other factors, the wood will deteriorate over time and must be restored.

It is simple and cheap to repair the slope with plaster. A beginner can also plaster the surface, after which the slope can be painted in any desired color. If the door slope is plastered, then, if desired, at any time it will be possible to repaint it and even finish it with other materials.

Advice! Plastic for the slope of the entrance door is rarely used, as a rule, siding is used when installing PVC doors. Plasterboard is often used for door slopes, with which a simple leveling of surfaces is carried out, after which it is plastering and painting or lathing with other materials.

If the house is private, people live in it only in summer and spring, while the door is steel, then you can only arrange the slopes inside, and leave the door itself alone. In this case, the upholstery is not necessary. But if the residence in the house is permanent, then not only the design of the door slopes is carried out, but also the replacement of the old one or the installation of new material as upholstery. The choice of material depends on personal preference; you can use leatherette or solid materials, between which you can additionally lay insulation.

Stages of installing the slopes of the entrance door

The installation of slopes is carried out in order to give nice looking input or output, in addition, this method allows you to commit door frame, you can set additional sound insulation or insulation so that the cold does not come from the street. The design method depends on each person, you can choose a suture method or seamless. The main thing is to choose the material and only then proceed to work with your own hands.

Initially, it is better to use cement in order to seal holes, give density and the sealing was at the proper level. After that, it will be possible to carry out further finishing.

Preparatory stage

Preparation is a very important process that will be similar for any method. It is important to do everything right so that deformation of the slopes does not happen in the future. Initially, the steel entrance and its box are sealed with foil so that dust does not settle and damage occurs. Then it is necessary to dismantle the protruding parts and foam, which will interfere with the installation of the frame.

When everything is cleaned and removed from dirt, dust, it is necessary to treat the walls with a primer and wait as long as indicated in the instructions. Right choice for priming - deep penetration of the mixture. At this stage, you can lay the wiring for the light or switch. This will complete the preparation, and you can proceed directly to the installation work.

Installation of door slopes

The corner slope can be installed using a frame or by installing the finish on mortar, glue. It is more difficult to work with the frame, so below it will be described step by step this process... For the frame, wooden slats or metal profiles are suitable. You can put the frame on the dowels, the strips are attached along the entire perimeter of the opening, two strips on both sides, as shown in the photo:

To strengthen the slope, several rails are mounted in parallel, can be installed at the bottom, top and middle points. If drywall is used, then it is simply attached to the profile with self-tapping screws around the perimeter, embedding the cap, and the space between the wall and the gypsum board can be filled with insulation. A perforated corner is installed on the edges of the material, and the joints must be glued with a serpentine. Further, everything is putty and leveled with sandpaper. At the very end, the dust is removed and the finishing is carried out.

If MDF is used, then installation on the frame must be carried out with small nails or self-tapping screws. The corners and fastening elements are closed with platbands. The laminate is very easy to install, the first lamella is neatly fastened with nails directly into the groove, and the rest are installed in the lock. Also, the last bar is attached without fail.

Sealing the slopes of the entrance door with plaster

Before carrying out work, it is necessary to cover all parts that may get dirty. After preparing the jamb and priming it, drying the soil, profiles are installed to facilitate the alignment of the walls. The lighthouses are fastened with a plaster solution. For installation, you need to make "blobs" of the solution in 3 places of the lighthouses, using a level to set the plane.

When the solution is solid, it is necessary to start plastering, you can use cement or other mixtures. They just need to overlay the surface of the wall and align everything with the beacons, applying the rule. When the mixture dries out, in about a day, the surface of the walls should be putty using the starting and finishing mixture... For perfect evenness, grout is carried out with a mesh or sandpaper. The slope on the front door has been prepared and the required finishing material is applied.

Entrance door slopes - material combination

If the doors are made of iron, then it is recommended to further refine them. You can glue them using dermantin or leatherette. If the house is a country house, then it is recommended to use wood material that will fill the interior with warmth and the right atmosphere. In addition, the door itself and the slopes can be glued with MDF panels, it will be beautiful and relatively inexpensive, especially since the panels will be easy to install.

Slopes in the hallway are combined with different materials, for example, the opening itself can be made of drywall, make it dark so that dust and dirt are not visible, but the door trim can be made of wood, chipboard or MDF. It is recommended to additionally set the threshold in the color of the opening, and give original view will allow telescopic platband... It is better to install a decorative one at the corner. plastic corner that can close the cracks. Its installation is carried out on a sealant.

It is recommended to use wenge color for openings, but if the interior is made in light colors, then color will suit bleached oak... Reading any review, carrying out work and trimming doors with your own hands is not difficult and takes a maximum of a couple of days, of course, if you do not use tile material and mixtures that dry for a long time. The main thing is not to rush and do everything carefully, you can use the recommendations from the article to help. Having made the correct slope of the front door using the right combination materials, even Khrushchev will be transformed.