The weight of the interior door. Metal door weight Entrance doors weight

The weight of a metal door depends on the thickness of the metal of the door leaf arranged in the structure. The rule is simple, more thickness - more mass. Most of the entrance doors profil doors have a small weight, this value ranges from 40 kg. At the same time, there are doors of the middle weight category (this is 60-70 kg), as well as the so-called specialized doors, the weight of which is veiled from 120 kg and more. Let us consider in more detail what the weight of a metal door consists of and what it actually shows. An equally important role in the weight of the door is affected by the severity of its metal frame. The design feature of the door leaf also contributes. We are talking about the number of stiffeners, the configuration of the frame and the thickness of the steel sheet welded to it.

The front door should weigh exactly as much as its functional purpose requires. It is this principle that is the basis for calculating the weight of metal doors.

Of course, single-leaf metal doors weigh less than double-leaf ones (a door with two wings). With almost equal dimensions, the latter are superior in weight to the former due to the complexity of the design, as well as higher requirements for reliability and strength. Do not disregard decorative trim, overlay, locks, hinges and other additions that together also form the weight of a metal door. Insulated metal doors have definitely more weight than conventional doors. However, manufacturers are trying to reduce this difference to the smallest possible value. This goal is achieved through modern insulating materials. Their presence inside the door leaf leads not only to the preservation of heat inside the house, but also to the muffling of extraneous noise coming from outside it. In the center of such a door frame and door leaf there is a volumetric and at the same time negligible in weight seal (usually rubber). An equally small appendage is given by wood panels, plywood and double porch construction.

How much this or that metal door weighs can be found in the accompanying documentation for the product.

How much does a metal door weigh

Based on the foregoing, it turns out that the weight of a metal door block depends on the configuration of the product. The weight of a simple metal door is much less than doors of an insulated or specialized (the same fire door) type. A considerable increase in the weight of the door unit can be given by the installation of an additional metal door grille. At the same time, a door block with one door grille has a lower mass than the same conventional metal front door.

Do not forget that the weight of the door is not so important as the material from which it is made.

How much does a fireproof metal door weigh

Fireproof metal doors are specialized structures, the functionality of which includes refractoriness and fire resistance. A number of key features affect the weight of a fire door. These include: the type of door frame, the thickness of the door block and steel sheet, the characteristics of the fire-resistant material, the fire resistance of the metal structure. Fireproof metal doors are divided into two types:

  1. First generation doors, consisting of: rectangular pipes in a frame and sheet steel 1.5-2 mm thick. The average weight of such doors is 50-55 kg/m².
  2. Second generation doors, consisting of: bent steel profile 2 mm thick. The mass of such doors is 40-45 kg / m².

To calculate the weight of a fireproof metal door, the following formula is used: multiply the area of ​​the door unit by the weight per square meter of the door. Types of doors and their approximate weight:

  • Fireproof metal doors of the 1st generation - 55 kg/m²;
  • Single leaf doors of the 2nd generation - 42 kg/m²;
  • Double-leaf fire doors of the 2nd generation - 45 kg/m².

Today's market provides the widest selection of metal doors from various manufacturers. But special, far from positive attention should be paid to metal doors. from a Chinese manufacturer. Such products are mostly made from low-quality raw materials and are often amenable to opening with an ordinary knife. Besides, the weight of such doors is often less than 30 kg, which only increases the likelihood of their poor quality. All this to the fact that, when choosing a door, you need to be very careful about very cheap products. Summing up, we note that the weight of a metal door is not the main indicator of its quality, strength and burglary resistance. Today's manufacturers, on the contrary, strive to increase the reliability coefficient of doors, while winning in their weight. In addition, the excessive weight of the door structure complicates its operation and leads to early wear of the door hinges.

The weight of an entrance metal door is an important parameter that largely determines most of the characteristics of the product. This is quite logical, given that the most massive parts of the structure are made of steel. First of all, this applies to the box and the canvas, which are the basis of any entrance doors. Therefore, knowing the mass of finished products, it is possible with a high degree of probability to determine how high-quality, reliable and durable they are.

Factors affecting the weight of entrance doors

There are several main factors that determine how much the front door weighs. First of all, you should consider the most massive parts and parts of the structure, which form the mass of the product. These include:

  • Door leaf and frame. For their manufacture, sheet and profile steel is used. At the same time, the minimum thickness of the metal, which is established by the GOSTs in force in Russia, is 1.5 mm. Some manufacturers, mainly from China, often use a steel sheet with a value of this parameter equal to 1 mm, and sometimes even 0.5-0.7 mm. Obviously, their products are much lighter;
  • Strengthening elements and stiffeners. They are made of profile metal, and different models contain a different number of similar parts;
  • Locking devices and various fittings. In most cases, steel and its alloys with other metals are also used for the production of these parts, which are necessarily present in each input structure. As a result, the weight of fittings and locks can be 8 or even 10 kg for some models, which is a considerable share in the total mass of the product;
  • Finishing and filling. It is difficult to call these parts of the iron door heavy, however, they also make up a significant part of the total mass.

It is especially great when using various decorative forged elements, mirror or glass inserts, as well as when facing the entrance structure with solid wood or MDF panels.

The above factors should be considered first when determining which front door weight is most appropriate. Naturally, there is no single correct answer to this question, since it depends on the operating conditions of the product, which can vary quite significantly.

Standard weight of typical steel doors

Despite the wide variety of steel doors and their different functional purposes, some common points related to the weight of structures can still be distinguished. Firstly, a product whose mass is 30-40 kg cannot be of high quality. This means only one thing - steel 0.5-0.7 mm thick was used in the manufacture, which is a characteristic feature of the products of some Chinese companies.

The standard weight of an entrance door with a frame, in the manufacture of which a metal corresponding to GOSTs was used, cannot be less than 55-60 kg. Moreover, when using steel with a thickness of 1.8-2.0 mm, which is common for most of the most popular models on the market from serious manufacturers, the weight of the finished product is 70-80 kg. Of course, this figure also includes 5-6 stiffeners installed in such steel doors.

At the same time, it should be noted that the mass of entrance doors belonging to the elite category can reach up to 100-110 kg. It is the result of several factors. Firstly, steel with a thickness of 2-2.2 mm is used in the manufacture. Secondly, the number of stiffeners can reach 6, and for some models 8-10 pieces. Thirdly, in the design of the product, solid wood, forged elements, as well as the already mentioned inserts made of glass, mirrors or stained-glass windows, which have considerable weight, are used.

Weight of fire, armored and insulated metal doors

Quite often, potential buyers ask themselves how much an entrance door should weigh, which has enhanced thermal insulation or fire protection characteristics. The answer to it can vary greatly, depending on the specific type of product and, last but not least, its dimensions.

For insulated doors, the factors affecting the weight of the structure are a greater consumption of heat-insulating material, the installation of an additional element, which is a thermal break, as well as a more complex profile of the box and the product leaf, due to which a three-circuit sealing system is created. As a result, the insulated entrance structure may well weigh 110-120 kg, and often more.

Fireproof steel doors have even more serious parameters. This is due to an increase in the consumption of metal, the thickness of which can be not 2, but 3 or even more mm. In armored construction, this figure can reach 6 mm. In addition, such products provide additional protective parts and elements, which also affects the weight growth. As a result, the weight of fire-fighting structures ranges from 80 to 120 kg, and in the double-leaf version - up to 160-170 kg. The mass of armored products is practically unlimited and can be equal to 200 or 300 kg, often exceeding even these impressive figures.

Sections of the article:

When choosing a new door to an apartment as an entrance or interior door, any person pays attention to the quality of workmanship, material and appearance. However, in some cases, one of the most important selection criteria is the severity of the structure. There are several reasons why reliable information is needed about how much a metal door or a product made from other materials weighs.

The heavy structure will not be able to be opened by children and the elderly. There is also a high risk of serious injury when hitting a door with a large mass. In addition, the need to create additional fasteners for products heavier than 60 kg should be taken into account.

What affects the weight of the product

The main elements that directly affect the final weight are the selected material, the available filling, as well as their thickness. In addition, the following elements affect the weight of an interior door or entrance structure:

  • Basic and additional fittings;
  • Inner heat-insulating layer and its density;
  • cladding elements;
  • The thickness of the main canvas;
  • Box.

Also, when calculating the mass of a composite structure made with decorative inserts other than the base materials, it is important to take into account the difference in material densities and element sizes. The size of the thin steel sheet used for the lightest blades is 0.8 mm. The thickest sheet is made in dimensions of 4 mm.

To reduce the total mass and, at the same time, to give a significant strength to the product, stiffeners are placed inside, between the two main sheets. Between them, in most cases, to increase sound and heat insulation, manufacturers lay polystyrene or mineral wool.

At present, the weight of a metal door is significantly affected by the locking mechanism. In most cases, manufacturers equip the blades with a set of 2 locks, the nominal weight of each of which can reach 7 kg.

iron products

It is rather difficult to name the exact weight of metal doors, since iron can have a different thickness and workmanship. However, approximate figures can still be deduced.

The design of the simplest standard products weighs in the range of 40-50 kg. The lightest are Chinese-made structures with powder coating and a steel plate thickness not exceeding 2 mm. Such products do not have special decorative elements, and their weight is about 40 kg.

The most acceptable weight for an entrance metal door, together with a box, ranges from 60-70 kg. Such a design often has a decorative coating of veneer or laminate, or is finished with MDF panels. Products with valuable natural solid wood elements usually weigh more than 100 kg. In the manufacture of high-strength doors with multi-layer steel construction, the total weight of the leaf is more than 150 kg.

It is important to remember how much the chosen iron door actually weighs. Since, despite the high efficiency of heavy elements, there is a rather significant drawback in terms of ensuring safety. Such products are not only inconvenient during installation, but also tend to deform during operation from their own gravity. Therefore, such input elements need additional care in the form of a systematic adjustment of the bearing loops and the position of the web itself.

The most massive products using steel are special-purpose doors, namely:

  • Models of increased fire safety;
  • Armored systems;
  • Products with improved anti-burglary characteristics.

Such structures may have a nominal weight on the order of 120-150 kg.

Interior doors

The severity of a structure made using plastic can be calculated by the ratio of weight to the dimensions of the canvas. So, 1 sq.m of the product contains 1.5 kg of material. In the case of using metal inserts inside the structure, the weight will already be 2.5 kg per 1 sq.m.

The weight of wooden doors largely depends on the structure of the material used and the type of wood species. The mass of material made from solid elements of deciduous trees is more than 20 kg. per 1 sq.m. In the case of using light and soft, often coniferous types of wood, the nominal weight of a wooden product is reduced to 15 kg per 1 sq.m.

Using these figures, it is easy to calculate the severity of an interior door of a deaf type of manufacture. So, given the weight of all the accessories necessary for the product, including handles and locks, the approximate data will be as follows:

  • Plastic construction about 5 kg;
  • Glass about 20 kg;
  • Wooden, depending on the breed, from 25 to 40 kg.

However, it should be remembered that the weight of a wooden door with glass or plastic components can differ dramatically from the design of a deaf type of execution. By the same principle, door elements differ, having different design solutions, but at the same time, made of the same type of materials. So, a high sliding door, when manufactured using natural elements, will not be lighter than 100 kg.

A door made of MDF material can weigh no more than 10 kg, when it is made hollow or in the case of cardboard filling. If the interpanel space is filled with tempered glass to enhance the heat-insulating and sound-absorbing qualities, the weight of the product increases significantly.

The heaviest structures made using solid natural wood materials are oak doors. Their weight can significantly exceed the weight of a metal door. The use of such massive structures at home is justified only if it is necessary to give a respectable appearance and with the obligatory presence of large free space and strong walls. An alternative, where you can get the same effect, but with a significantly lighter design, is the use of lightweight products using decorative veneering.

The question "How much does an interior door weigh?" is one of the most important when choosing this interior element. Along with color, material, shape and other features, mass is of great importance. The features of the door frame, hinges and other fittings depend on this factor, which will ensure the durability of the structure and its aesthetic appearance.

What determines the mass of the product?

The weight of an interior door directly depends on the quality of the material from which it is made. Factory models are produced in accordance with state standards and have typical indicators: size and weight.

Materials, in turn, have such a property as density. The specificity of the material from which the product is made directly affects how much the door weighs. Here are the densities of the most common materials:

The mass of various doors, their advantages and disadvantages

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic has unsurpassed insulating properties. It perfectly retains heat, cuts off odors and noises. Models made of this material are light in weight, they have a reduced risk of injury. In addition, they are affordable. The main drawback of these models is their non-environmental and even toxicity. Therefore, they are not recommended to be installed in residential buildings. An exception may be products made of high-quality plastic, which are comparable in cost to wooden models.

The interior door with glass looks concise and attractive. These models allow you to give the room airiness, the interior - lightness, let in a large amount of sunlight into the room. Modern tempered glass or triplex is characterized by high impact strength and safety. However, their price makes one think about the feasibility of installing such a model.

Models made using wood processing products are considered a worthy replacement for solid-massive counterparts. They are more affordable, resistant to moisture and temperature changes. In addition, the wood-shaving material weighs less in comparison with the array. Fine wood veneer finish gives the product a respectable appearance.

Products of new technologies are alternative synthetic materials that cover the fabric to give not only an external gloss, but also to increase significant consumer qualities. New generation materials include artificial veneer (laminate), nanoflex and eco-veneer. They are considered a model of environmental friendliness and have a high resistance to moisture and temperature extremes. The polymeric covering provides smaller weight of a shvenirovanny door.

Models made of deciduous (hard) wood are considered an attribute of luxury. Their cost is really high, but it is offset by the benefits. These products are reliable, durable and very beautiful. However, wood can quickly lose its appearance due to a sharp temperature drop and high humidity in the room. In order to prevent the wooden door from deforming from adverse factors, it is covered with special moisture-resistant compounds. The mass of such products, depending on the type of wood, can reach up to 150 kg. This means that the load on the door hinges will be maximum, especially durable fittings and a high-quality wooden box will be required.

Models made of PVC in appearance are practically indistinguishable from solid or veneered products. They are resistant to adverse external factors, aesthetic and practical in care.

Factors affecting the mass of the interior product

The weight of the door is also influenced by other factors:

  1. Canvas dimensions (length, width and thickness). Models made of the same material, the same height and width, but differing in thickness by a few millimeters, will have a weight difference of several kg (depending on the material);
  2. Homogeneity of the material. Products can be deaf and glazed, made of one material or contain a combination of materials with different densities. All these nuances are reflected in the mass of products.
  3. Its production technology:
    • The heaviest will be solid wood doors, whose weight can reach 140 kg.
    • Slightly lighter panel type products. Interior doors made of veneer contain fragments of wood materials (chipboard, MDF). The upper part of such products may contain inserts in the form of panels, glass, cardboard with a cellular structure. The severity of the model will depend on the quality of the insert. It ranges from 20-40 kg.
    • Panel products have a hollow structure. The cavities are usually filled with cardboard inserts in the form of honeycombs. These models are characterized by low weight - 10-15 kg.
  4. The quality of the hardware used. Door handles, lock and other accessories add weight to the product in the direction of increase.

Why do you need to know the weight of the door?

The weight of the canvas needs to be known for several reasons.

Firstly, this information is needed for the correct choice of the door frame, if it is not included in the package. If you hang a heavy product from a solid array on an MDF box, then such a design will not last long.

Loops are also selected according to the weight of the product. Doors of various designs have their own subtleties of location, fastening to the box.

Secondly, the weight of the door will allow the owners of the apartment to plan the correctness of its placement. Heavy products will be out of place in the nursery or in the bathroom. This will create unsafe living conditions and cause difficulties in operation.

To ensure reliable protection of housing from foreign penetration, a metal door is most often used, it is distinguished by reliability and durability. The weight of a metal door determines its resistance to mechanical breaking and susceptibility to deformation during operation.

All metal doors depend on the design and affect the degree of burglar resistance

Requirements for metal doors

To begin with, consider what requirements apply to the front door made of metal:

  • Reliability. Only a high-quality product can guarantee housing protection from mechanical burglary and penetration by opening locks. When choosing, it is important to consider not only the design and thickness of the steel sheets, but also the locking mechanism system.
  • Heat and sound insulation. To keep the heat in the house, a heat-insulating layer must be placed between the metal sheets, which also performs the function of sound insulation.
  • Durability. By installing a new metal door, residents are counting on its reliable long-term operation. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the weight of the steel structure and the hinge, they must be calculated with a margin of safety. Otherwise, over time, there may be problems with opening / closing due to skew.

Strength and reliability are the main requirements for an entrance metal door

What components affect the weight of the structure

The main component that determines the severity of the product is the thickness of the metal sheets used. In general, the weight of the door consists of the following factors:

  • thickness of steel sheets;
  • weight of the metal box;
  • number of stiffeners;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • sheathing;
  • additional fittings.

Design features directly affect the weight of the door

Sheet steel used for the manufacture of metal doors is of two types: cold and hot rolled. Hot rolled steel is cheaper, but prone to corrosion. Such an alloy has the designation 19903 according to GOST. Cold-rolled sheet (19904 according to GOST) is more expensive, resistant to humidity, temperature changes, suitable for external doors of private houses or entrances.

The thickness of a thin sheet of steel is 0.8 mm, thick - 4 mm. For the entrance door to the apartment, the optimal value should be at least 2 mm. And for reliable protection of a summer house or a cottage, you should choose 4-mm sheets.

To reduce weight and make the structure more rigid, the ribs are made of rolled products with a complex profile that cannot be bent mechanically. The number of ribs is selected from the "reliability/weight" ratio. The minimum number of stiffening ribs laid down during the manufacture of the door is two vertically, one horizontally. But in order to provide protection against hacking, it is better to increase their number.

To make the structure more reliable, metal doors are equipped with stiffeners, the number of which determines the weight of the product.

For heat and sound insulation of housing, a special heat-insulating layer is placed between the steel sheets of the door structure. As a heater, as a rule, polystyrene plates or mineral wool are used. To give an aesthetic appearance, steel sheets are sheathed with veneer, MDF or laminated panels. Each of these details increases the overall mass of the structure.

Modern door models, as a rule, combine several locks of different types, the weight of such a locking mechanism can reach 7 kg. Moreover, the more the finished product weighs, the more loops there will be. The standard entrance design is equipped with two loops. For heavy specialized products, 3-4 loops will be required.

How much does the finished product weigh

So, how much does a metal door weigh? The lightest are Chinese metal products, weighing about 40 kg, as a rule, powder-coated with a sheet thickness of no more than 2 mm and do not have any additional lining. Such products are not able to provide reliable protection for the apartment. The optimal weight of a metal door for an apartment is 60-70 kg; such doors are most often covered with laminate, veneer or MDF panels. Structures finished with solid natural wood often weigh more than 100 kg.

The front door covered with laminate or MDF panels weighs about 70 kg

The weight of heavy-duty metal structures with a double or triple layer of steel can reach 150 kg or more.

Of course, such a door will provide the most reliable protection, but too massive structures can cause certain inconvenience during installation, moreover, heavy doors sag over time. Therefore, during long-term operation, it is necessary to regularly adjust the position of the web by adjusting the hinges.

When choosing a metal structure, one should focus not only on its weight, but also on the manufacturer. Firms that care about their reputation will not use low-grade raw materials and unnecessarily weight products, but will direct all their efforts to the strength and reliability of the structure.