Embossed wallpaper. Characteristics of the material and technology of the sticker

Hardware stores today offer the widest range of wall covering materials, but wallpaper still occupies a leading position among them, and hot embossed wallpaper is especially popular in modern interior design.

They have many advantages over other materials. The main one is that such a wall covering is practical and durable, since the technology of their manufacture involves obtaining a high density of the material.

The coating can be easily washed using cleaning products without damaging the surface.

Vinyl wallpapers made using hot stamping technology, subject to the performance requirements of the manufacturer, can last from 7 to 15 years.

Such durability is a nice advantage over other types of coating.

Wallpaper hot stamping resistant to ultraviolet radiation, temperature extremes, high humidity.

This means that they can be used not only in living rooms, but also in kitchens and bathrooms without fear that the coating will lose color and integrity.

In addition, such a coating is easy to clean with wet wipes and gentle cleaning products.

For those who make repairs on their own, an important advantage of the material is that the wallpaper can be easily glued to a variety of surfaces: concrete, wood, drywall and plaster.

In addition, the texture of the surface helps to hide minor flaws and imperfections in the walls, such as small cracks and bumps.

Wallpaper type "hot stamping on non-woven base" can perform not only a decorative, but also a heat-insulating function.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of vinyl wallpaper is 0.16 W. For comparison, the same coefficient for drywall is 0.15 watts.

Pasting the walls with this material will help make the house warmer.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then embossed wallpaper can provoke an increase in humidity in the room due to the fact that the vinyl coating layer has a low ability to pass air.

The consequence of this may be the formation of mold and fungus under a layer of material.

Non-woven wallpaper does not tolerate high temperatures and mechanical damage, since both of these external factors lead to damage to the top vinyl layer, which is responsible for all the benefits of the coating.

There are several technologies by which hot stamping wallpapers are made:

The selection of material should be carried out based on the state of the surface of the walls on which the coating will be glued, and the design solution chosen for the interior.

The most demanding type of wall quality is silk-screen printing. Such a coating is quite thin, therefore it is unable to hide minor flaws in the repair.

In addition, if irregularities are noticeable on the walls, then the coating made using this technology will only emphasize them.

This is due to the fact that the special appearance of the material, imitating silk, is created due to the play of light and shadows, and any unevenness violates this game.

It should be borne in mind that silk-screen printing can show all its beauty only with high-quality, preferably natural light.

Therefore, for well-lit rooms, you can choose wallpaper in bright colors with large ornaments. If the room is dark, then you should choose wallpaper in pastel shades with small details.

A large number of ornamental details allow the material to "play" even with a lack of lighting, and a delicate glow of calm colors will visually expand the space.

The compact vinyl coating, unlike silk-screen printing, is very dense and thick.

The volumetric layer of vinyl helps to create a complex texture that can imitate a variety of materials: brick, wood, stone, leather.

Such a hot stamping coating on a non-woven base can easily hide all the imperfections of the walls, it is most resistant to external influences and mechanical damage.

The selection of the invoice depends on the size of the room in which the repair will be carried out.

A large ornament, popular for compact vinyl, is recommended for use only in large rooms.

In small rooms, preference should be given to smaller, geometric or background ornaments.

Inhibited wallpaper has the highest stability and durability among all types of embossed coatings.

They are produced according to a complicated technology using chemical embossing, they are more expensive than other vinyl ones and are not yet widely used.

However, their high performance is beneficial for high traffic areas such as hallways or offices.

When the definition of the type of material is over and the turn has come to select a pattern, you can not be limited to just one type of wallpaper.

The widest range and production of collections by manufacturers has led to the fact that the modern trend in repair has become the combination in the interior of wallpaper coverings of similar colors that are different in pattern or, conversely, identical in pattern, but contrasting in color.

A careful selection of such companion wallpapers can expand or, if necessary, narrow the space, highlight zones in the room, and emphasize the unity of neighboring rooms.

Vinyl-coated wallpaper should be glued, taking into account the nuances that exist when pasting a room with hot stamping wallpaper, otherwise the flaws in the repair can ruin the entire interior, and there will be no one to blame.

How to glue embossed wallpaper correctly?

Before proceeding with the direct gluing of the wallpaper, you should make sure that a sufficient number of rolls have been purchased so as not to end up in a situation where a couple of strips were not enough to complete the repair, and there were no such wallpapers left in the store.

You can refer to standardized tables, which, based on the height of the ceiling and the perimeter of the room, indicate the average number of rolls required.

If there are enough rolls, then you need to check the batch number to which the wallpaper belongs: it must be the same for all rolls. Otherwise, you can get a pattern mismatch or a difference in shades.

The length of the wallpaper strip should be about 7 centimeters longer than the height of the ceiling.

Rolls should be cut in compliance with the drawing step, if there is a need for its selection. When cutting the roll, you need to unwind it in the direction indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

The surface on which the material will be glued does not need additional preparation, if it is concrete, wood, painted or plastered surface.

If there is already wallpaper on the walls, then they must be removed in order to avoid lagging behind the embossed wallpaper covering from the wall along with the old covering.

Wallpaper glue should be special, suitable for non-woven and vinyl coverings.

When preparing the adhesive mixture, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. Apply glue directly to the cut strips in a thin layer without gaps.

The smeared canvas must be folded in half and left for 10 minutes for impregnation. All webs should be impregnated for approximately the same amount of time so that their properties do not differ during the gluing process.

For the first panel, use the building level to draw a line on the wall along which the material will be glued.

The canvases are glued end-to-end, so that the joints are less noticeable, the wallpaper should be glued in the direction from the window.

In the process of gluing walls, it is important not to stretch the canvas in any case in width, since hot stamping wallpaper coatings tend to stretch strongly when wet and shrink when dried.

Using a spatula or rags, if necessary, air bubbles are expelled from under the canvases in the direction from the middle to the edges. The joints must be carefully smoothed with a hard roller.

Embossed wallpaper reacts more strongly than other types to changes in temperature and humidity in the room after gluing.

Hot embossed vinyl wallpaper is a convenient and practical material, durable and easy to use. This flooring is ideal for living rooms, kitchens, hallways, studies and offices.

Like any other branch of production, the construction industry is developing every year, gaining momentum. It becomes obvious that modern technologies for the main construction works differ significantly from their predecessors of the last century. This fate befell the finishing building materials, the development and production of which is now at the highest level.

Much attention is paid to decorating the walls of the premises. After all, the individuality of your apartment depends on which wallpaper you choose. The variety of wallpapers on the market today is simply confusing. Moreover, terms that are not entirely clear: foamed vinyl wallpaper, silk-screen printing, inhibited, liquid wallpaper, etc.

To satisfy a wide variety of tastes, to help decorate the interior in a modern style, you will be offered hot stamping vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base. Judging by the repeated reviews, vinyl wallpapers are perfect not only for an ordinary room, they can be used to cover the walls of the kitchen, hallway and even for the ceiling.

Why hot stamping? Such wallpapers undergo the most complex processing. They are passed through hot ovens, processed at high temperature, due to this, the fabric is denser and more elastic. All these terms, structure and quality will be explained to you by an experienced sales assistant in any shopping center of finishing materials.

There are four types of hot stamping wallpaper: silkscreen, compact vinyl, heavy vinyl, inhibited.

  1. Silk-screen printing is the thinnest and lightest of the listed types. They have a smooth and aesthetic surface structure.
  2. Heavy vinyl or compact vinyl are thicker, so they hide uneven and wall defects.
  3. Inhibited, or as they are otherwise called chemical embossing, have high strength. Such wallpapers are resistant to detergents.

See also: All about embossed wallpaper

Whichever hot stamping you choose, they all have good adhesion to materials such as drywall, concrete, wood, plaster. Service life up to 15 years. They are resistant to moisture and steam, as well as ultraviolet rays. Another advantage is that hot embossed wallpapers can be washed well with non-abrasive household products.

A wide range of colors and varied design allows you to solve many problems in the design of the room - visually expand or narrow the room, harmoniously match the color of the furniture.

It all depends on the manufacturer. European wallpapers are much more expensive than Russian ones. Although domestic wallpapers are not inferior in quality at all. Take at least the wallpaper collection "Palette" - a good combination of price and quality. A huge range of kitchen, children's, designer wallpapers. The choice is yours.

Before sticking vinyl wallpaper, you need to prepare the surface of the walls or ceiling. The surface should be as flat as possible.

At the end of all these preparatory work, you can proceed directly to wallpapering.

Intending to purchase this type of wall covering, you need to know some of the nuances. Vinyl wallpaper is pretty capricious. They are worse than paper tolerate temperature changes when drying.

If they are glued end-to-end, then the wallpaper will ideally cover the surface of the walls. But otherwise, cracks may form during the drying process, which will greatly spoil the overall picture of the repair.

This type of wallpaper sticks well, if you do not apply a large layer of glue on them. It is good to use a rubber roller, carefully rolling the joints.

dense coatings, instructions on how to glue with your own hands, video and photo

Surely, many have heard about the existence of such a rolled finishing material as dense embossed wallpaper, however, not everyone knows what it is. But this coating deserves attention and can take its rightful place in the decoration of your home. Therefore, further we will take a closer look at the features of this material, their advantages and disadvantages, and also consider how to stick this coating on the walls.

Dense embossed wallpaper

So, embossed wallpaper is a kind of paper wallpaper, they are also called embossed wallpaper. They are considered dense because they consist of two layers of paper. However, their main feature is still the drawing, i.e. embossing.

It is carried out using special machines with convex rollers. Under high pressure, these rollers are rolled over the material and thereby give it a relief. For a greater decorative effect, after embossing, the canvas is dyed.

The technical characteristics of embossed and thick wallpapers are, of course, higher than ordinary paper ones.

In particular, the following points can be highlighted:

  • Due to its greater strength, the material is more durable than single-layer paper webs.
  • Most often, embossed wallpapers have a moisture-proof coating, so they tolerate wet cleaning well.
  • On sale you can find wallpaper embossed for painting, which allows you to paint the walls in any shade you like.
  • Dense embossed canvases require less careful preparation of the base than single-layer ones, as they are able to hide minor flaws in the base.

Brick embossed wallpaper

As for the disadvantages of this material, they are less strength and durability compared to vinyl coatings. However, the price of these wallpapers is lower, and the appearance does not lose at all. Therefore, they are an excellent option for finishing rooms with a small level of load on the walls.

Advice! When choosing a material, it is necessary to pay attention that all rolls are from the same series, of the same quality. It often happens that almost the same canvases differ somewhat from each other in shade or pattern.

Embossed painted wallpaper

So, we have dealt with the features of this material. Now let's take a closer look at how to glue embossed paper wallpaper on the walls.

Like any other finish, this procedure consists of several stages:

At each stage, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology, since any mistake can affect the final result.

How attractive and durable the finish will turn out will depend on the preparation of the base.

The instructions for doing this work are as follows:

  • If the repair is not carried out “from scratch”, for example, in a new building, then it is necessary to remove the old coating, whether it be paint, whitewash or old wallpaper.
  • Then the wall must be cleaned of dust, remnants of old glue or other contaminants. It is best to wash the base with warm water, you can even add detergents. True, the surface will need to be rinsed with clean water and dried. If this procedure is not performed, then there is a possibility of stains on the coating, in addition, it is impossible to achieve good adhesion of materials to a dirty base.
  • The next step is to cover the walls with soil. This is also a very important stage, since the primer will improve the adhesion between the materials, as well as prevent the occurrence of mold and mildew. As you know, the appearance of microorganisms under the finish leads to the need to re-perform the repair. The primer is applied to the walls with a paint roller. After drying the first layer, the procedure must be repeated again.

In the photo - puttying the wall

  • If there are cracks and significant irregularities on the surface of the walls, then it is necessary to putty with universal putty.
  • After the walls are leveled and dried, the surface must be sanded with fine sandpaper and primed again.

This completes the base preparation process. It should be noted that this stage is the most time-consuming and lengthy.

Applying glue to wallpaper

The next step is the preparation of materials.

You need to start with wallpaper:

  • First of all, it is necessary to measure the walls and cut the canvases. It is advisable to immediately cut into pieces for the entire room, taking into account window and door openings.
  • After that, you need to draw a vertical line on the wall, along which the first sheet of coating will be aligned. For these purposes, you can use the building level or plumb. The line should be located from the corner at a distance of the width of the wallpaper.

Pay attention! It is necessary to cut pieces of canvases with a certain allowance, which will allow you to join the patterns.

After the wallpaper is cut, you need to dilute the glue with your own hands, according to the instructions on the package. For corrugated wallpaper, you can use wallpaper glue, as for ordinary paper sheets.

Pasting embossed wallpaper

Now that everything is ready, you can proceed directly to gluing.

This work is performed in the following order:

  • The canvases must be laid out on a flat surface face down and treated with an adhesive composition.
  • Then the material is applied to the wall and aligned along a vertical line. It is more convenient to perform this procedure together, in which case one person is engaged in gluing the sheet from above, and the other smoothes the coating from below. To get rid of air bubbles, you need to use a clean rag or a rubber roller for wallpaper.
  • Next, in the same way, the second canvas is glued end-to-end to the first. After fixing the sheet, you need to “walk” along the joint with a roller, while applying a little effort.
  • Then all subsequent canvases are pasted over.
  • At the end of the work, it is necessary to cut off excess pieces of material with a sharp clerical knife.

Please note! The coating should dry indoors, without access to fresh air. Otherwise, you will have to do the work again.

This completes the gluing of embossed wallpaper. It remains only to glue the borders or panels on top to give the walls a complete look.

Embossed and thick wallpapers are a kind of compromise between vinyl and ordinary paper materials. Therefore, they can successfully decorate walls in bedrooms and living rooms.

As for the gluing technology, it does not differ from working with ordinary single-layer paper sheets. From the video in this article, you can learn more about embossed wallpaper.

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  1. Sticking
  2. Preparing the foundation
  3. We prepare materials
  4. wall pasting

Embossed wallpaper is a type of paper wallpaper. Many people, when they ask in a building supermarket or in the market, say that embossed paper sheets are needed, and they mean that two layers of paper were used in the manufacture. What is embossing? This is a relief pattern applied to the top layer. Embossed paper wallpapers are good to use and beautiful.

They are produced on a special machine on which rollers with various bulges are installed. Moving along the paper, the rollers leave an embossed imprint on it, and this is how the relief is obtained. A planned pattern is applied to the finished embossing.

Two-layer paper wallpaper with monograms

Duplex wallpapers are of high quality and due to their convex beautiful texture, if they are glued to the walls, they can hide small cracks, depressions or surface irregularities. If you have somewhat uneven walls and you do not want to pre-putty them, get these duplex paper wallpapers. Then, looking at the walls of these shortcomings, no one will notice. All guests will note the excellent repair, that beautiful wallpapers are pasted correctly.

These duplex paper sheets can be used for coloring. Choose your favorite color, coordinate with your family so that everyone is not disgusted. After pasting, the wallpaper will dry for two days, and then you can paint them in your chosen color. Due to its relief, early in the morning, paper wallpapers are very attractive, they play with sun glare, which is very beautiful and uplifting for the whole day.

Now do you understand exactly what kind of paper canvases are? Beginners are worried before repair, but how to glue such unusual duplex wallpapers on the walls? After all, you don’t want to spoil the material, especially if there is a drawing. After all, you won't find another one like it. Everything must be done right.

Ordinary people are usually not thrifty and may not buy a roll for future use, no more, but those who have already ruined a few are more prudent and purchase paper sheets in reserve. After all, your child or puppy, cat or other pets can tear the wallpaper. You will need to glue the same new ones, and where to get them.

Do not forget to check the batch number on all rolls, it must be the same

How to glue paper wallpaper? The procedure includes the following steps:

  • you need to prepare the foundation;
  • then buy duplex materials and prepare them for pasting the walls;
  • directly gently apply the canvases to the walls.

Any stage must be done with high quality. If you make a mistake, this can negatively affect the result and the duplex wallpaper will hang on the walls obliquely, crookedly, which will not please you and you may want to redo it. Pre-learn the pasting technology and do everything right right away.

The smoother you make the walls for duplex canvases, the more likely it is that even with little experience, you will perfectly apply wallpaper on the wall and they will delight you for 5 or 10 years.

Walls well prepared for wallpapering

Don't worry, you'll be fine. Follow these instructions and get to work.

  1. If you are not pasting over the bare walls of a new building, but are making repeated repairs in your apartment or private house, then you need to carefully remove the old coating. This is either wallpaper, or whitewash or paint. Especially in offices, they do not always use wallpaper for wall decoration.
  2. Now remove dust, old islands of glue, and other contaminants from the walls. The best thing to do is to pour warm water into a bucket, take a clean rag and walk along the walls. It is good if you add washing powder or dishwashing detergent to the water. True, after such washing, you need to walk along the walls with a rag with clean water. Then wait until the surface is completely dry. If you want the strips to stick perfectly to the wall, do everything that way.
  3. Now apply primer to the walls. This coating is necessary, so there is less chance that fungus or mold forms on the walls. This is especially true for Khrushchev, kitchens, baths and other rooms in which there is high humidity. Wallpaper applied to the primer glide perfectly on the surface of the wall, they can be freely trimmed according to the pattern or qualitatively butt-fit monochromatic options.
  4. Take a paint roller and apply a primer to the surface of the walls step by step. When the first coat is dry, repeat the procedure. If even before the primer on the walls you notice cracks or recesses, then apply putty to those places. Choose universal, acrylic.
  5. Now wait until the treated surface dries and sand the entire surface of your walls with a coarse-grained sandpaper. Then do the final primer.
  6. This process is laborious, but extremely necessary. Do it well and move on to the next step.

First of all, prepare for work dense wallpaper:

  • Measure your walls with a centimeter and cut the required number of duplex strips. Keep in mind that the window and door material takes less.
  • Now draw a straight line on the wall. Align the first strip with the edge along this line. To draw a line evenly, you can make your own plumb line, a weight on a thread. Bring one end to the ceiling and mark there, and let a family member help you to put a line on the bottom, as well as intermediate marks in the middle and other marks. Draw this line so that you start gluing the duplex wallpaper from the corner, which means step back from the corner to the width of the strip.

If you have wallpaper with patterns, then make the necessary allowance in length, this will help you line up the pattern evenly.

Cutting a roll of wallpaper into pieces of the desired length

Have you cut, prepared the canvases? It's time to breed good wallpaper paste. If you buy a special wallpaper that was recommended to you by a wallpaper sales assistant, follow the instructions on its pack.

Remember that this wallpaper is double and quite heavy. Do-it-yourself glue made from starch or flour is not suitable for them. You need a special one that grabs pretty quickly and securely fixes the canvases on the wall.

Follow technology. Let's repeat some steps and add new ones. Sticking also has its own specific steps:

  1. Remove old wallpaper from the walls. The walls need to be very even.
  2. Apply base and finish primers to the walls.
  3. Measure the material from rolls with a small allowance of 5 cm if you have plain wallpaper and how much is required when patterned. Now cut the sheets with good scissors or a knife.
  4. Prepare the glue. Suitable for those that are used for paper or vinyl canvases, it will reliably stick even rather heavy embossed high-quality wallpapers. If you want to make the composition even stronger, add our PVA there, but do not overdo it.
  5. Lay the strip on the floor and apply glue to it with a brush. Now fold the sheet so that the surface impregnated with glue is inside. This will make it easier to glue later. Let a minimum of 5 or a maximum of 7 minutes pass until the base is well saturated.
  6. Glue the first strip, preferably from the corner of the wall. Some masters prefer to start gluing from the window. Align the sheet so that there are no air bubbles. You can do this with a construction roller, you can use a comb.
  7. Align the first strip end-to-end and glue the second. The edges can be additionally treated with glue and pressed tightly with a small roller. Remove excess glue with a dry sponge.

You can turn wallpapering into a family holiday

Do not forget that paper wallpapers dry successfully only with closed windows and doors, when the room is at least +15 C and the temperature is not higher than +30 C.

Finished gluing on the walls? On top of the embossed wallpaper, you can add decorative borders. They come in different widths, shapes, plain and patterned. If you like, buy and continue to glue under the ceiling. Embossed duplex wallpapers are good, both in the living room, in the bedroom, and in other rooms. Do everything right, adhering to technology and the result will please the whole family.

  1. Vinyl
  2. Types of vinyl
  3. Advantages of hot stamping
  4. Manufacturers

Thinking of carrying out repairs in your apartment, you are faced with the need to choose finishing materials. A small trip to the hardware stores is unlikely to help make the right list of everything you need, you need to consider each type of material in more detail.

Sturdy red wallpaper with fancy monograms

Today we would like to tell you about hot embossed vinyl wallpaper, which is currently the most advanced, both in terms of quality and decorative. This type of wallpaper occupies a large part of the assortment of all stores.

Vinyl wallpaper has exploded into the building market this millennium. They reflect the positive dynamics in the development of wallpaper production in recent years. There were no such high-quality, wear-resistant, safe materials before, only with the advent of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) it became possible to create such products.

Wide meter rolls of wallpaper on display

Vinyl wallpapers consist of two main components: a decorative layer and a base. The decorative layer, as you may have guessed, is made of vinyl, and either paper or non-woven fabric acts as a substrate.

  • On a paper canvas, small wallpapers are created that have a light texture, the paper is simply not able to stick to the wall with high quality if it is subjected to a lot of weight.
  • On a non-woven basis, wide wallpapers are produced, here the thickness and weight of the vinyl decorative canvas does not matter. Non-woven fabric perfectly adheres to the wall and keeps it very firmly.

On the basis of this kind, modern oilcloths and tablecloths for kitchen tables are created.

Interlining was invented by the Germans, making a kind of symbiosis of paper and fabric. Of course, this union is not at the molecular level, just fibers of the fabric are added to the cellulose and everything is pressed together. It turns out a material with good strength characteristics, which can largely replace plain paper.

Dark wallpaper for a serious interior

Realizing how good this material is for the wallpaper industry, they began to actively introduce it into the wallpaper industry. Thus, modern vinyl wallpapers are modern on each of their sides: the decorative component is created on modern equipment using advanced graphics computers, the non-woven base is given no less influence and is produced on complex high-tech lines.

Entire divisions of wallpaper factories are engaged in the creation of a decorative component. The process begins with the development of design, embossing, then the selection of the necessary materials, components, and then a unique material is created.

By the type and quality of this material, vinyl wallpapers are easily classified:

  • foamed - airy, soft, pleasant texture, which allows you to reinforce the image with a relief;
  • washable - soft, slightly rubbery, able to withstand moisture, made mainly in the kitchen style;
  • dense - high-quality pressed, with a clear, shallow texture, mainly imitating other finishing materials;
  • silk-screen printing - thin, pressed, capable of reflecting light in a non-standard way, mainly with floral patterns;
  • hot embossing - the most durable, textured, with various embossing, not afraid of anything wallpaper.

Using urban themes for wallpaper

Wallpaper fabrics created using hot stamping technology have a long list of positive characteristics, which we, of course, will publish.

During processing, the vinyl is first foamed and then pressed at high temperature, which allows the material to become strong and durable.

The average life of wallpaper created using this technology is 10 years, while their condition under normal operating conditions may not differ much from the original. Time has practically no effect on canvases.

Cozy interior created with Italian wallpaper

Most of the negative influences that simply destroy paper wallpapers do not affect them either.

  • Vinyl is not afraid of sunlight, its paint is always bright and saturated.
  • Moisture cannot damage them, because it is not able to penetrate the structure of the material.
  • The ambient temperature is also not able to harm our wallpaper.

In addition, wallpapers are not able to absorb odors, which makes them simply indispensable in the kitchen.

Kitchen, hallway, living room, hot stamping can be glued to any room, and the surface on which the wallpaper will be glued does not play a role. They stick perfectly to drywall, concrete, plaster, wood, it is enough to lightly prime the surface and sticking will be successful.

In addition, a dense canvas with a relief will successfully hide small problem areas on the wall. For those who cannot or do not want to make a perfect surface, such wallpapers are just a godsend.

Interesting striped pattern on the wallpaper in the living room

Since the wallpaper is extremely dense and rigid, it is able to keep the heat inside the house. An additional heat-insulating layer is especially relevant for private houses, to which special attention is paid to heat supply systems.

The reverse side of this effect is the lack of air exchange between the walls and the room, which is easily compensated by ventilation or air conditioning. The appearance of mold and fungus from stagnant air is hardly possible if the room has normal humidity.

It is believed that of all types of vinyl wallpaper, it is hot stamping that is the safest type, since formaldehyde resins are removed from PVC during its heat treatment.

The cost of vinyl created using the above technology is somewhat higher than simple wallpaper, but such a price is justified by the high quality of the material. Wallpaper on a non-woven base is a priori a little more expensive. But on this basis, all the leading factories in Germany, Italy, and Holland make wallpapers.

As many manufacturers as there are so many approaches to the design of wallpaper. Since the non-woven base can be trusted to hold a lot of weight on the wall, vinyl is not saved on the decorative side. There are a variety of colors, ornaments, textures, which are even difficult to imagine.

Luxurious bedroom interior, photo from a glossy magazine

However, the most popular colors for wallpaper have long been known and among them:

  • plain wallpaper canvases of various colors, mostly pastel colors;
  • stripes, thick and thin, horizontal and vertical;
  • floral motifs, ranging from branches and leaves, ending with whole flower arrangements;
  • monograms, intricate designs with many lines, bends, curls, popular since the nineteenth century;
  • imitation of other finishing materials: stone, tile, brick, leather;
  • landscapes, photographs and sketches of cities, sights;
  • geometric shapes, abstraction.

In addition, the colors of wallpaper from different countries carry with them the ethnic group of this people, which is certainly read on their canvas. Based on these flourishes, we can conclude that everyone can choose a wallpaper to their liking.

In this material, we have already mentioned eminent manufacturers of hot stamping wallpapers many times, we present you a selection of the most popular ones.

Floral motifs on the wallpaper in the bedroom

Russia is represented by two wallpaper factories: Palitra, Erismann.

  • The Palitra factory produces the widest range of non-woven wallpapers, all of which are created on professional equipment, taking into account all modern innovations.
  • The Erismann factory was built by a famous German brand at the beginning of this century, since that time, high-quality wallpapers from this manufacturer have been abundantly presented on our market and have already fallen in love with the end consumer.

Ukraine is known for its Edem factory in Dnepropetrovsk, which produces European-quality non-woven wallpaper. The two flagship brands of hot embossed wallpapers Versailles and Status are known far beyond the borders of this country.

Domestic wallpaper depicting poppies

German production, in addition to Erismann, is represented by A.S. Creation and Rasch, which are widely represented in our building stores. Wallpapers from these brands are famous for the highest quality workmanship.

Wallpaper with large poppies in the interior of the living room

Italy is perfectly represented by the Zambaiti brand, which, like no other, reflects the breadth of views of Italian designers. Collections of this brand are produced for the most demanding taste. The well-known manufacturer Sirpi produces interesting wallpapers with monograms.

The most famous wallpaper brand from Holland is BN. Wallpapers based on non-woven fabric of this country are distinguished by non-standard patterns that complement the standard European quality.

You should be very careful when choosing vinyl wallpapers made using hot stamping technology, because most likely they will hang on your walls for a long time and it will not be very good if you do not like them. Design your apartment with soul and heart.

One way to change the interior is to update the wallpaper. The market offers a large number of materials of various colors and structures that will satisfy any designer's fantasies. Among all the variety, wallpaper with a corrugated surface stands out for its decorative effect.

Initially, a good quality gravure print is made on the outer surface, which is glued to the bottom layer and fed to a fixture for creating a relief pattern.

Embossing is done by dry, wet, hot and chemical methods. Next comes drying, the creation of rolls and their packaging. The basis of embossed wallpaper is thick paper or non-woven fabric.

Thinking of carrying out repairs in your apartment, you are faced with the need to choose finishing materials. A small trip to the hardware stores is unlikely to help make the right list of everything you need, you need to consider each type of material in more detail.

Sturdy red wallpaper with fancy monograms

Today we would like to tell you about hot embossed vinyl wallpaper, which is currently the most advanced, both in terms of quality and decorative. This type of wallpaper occupies a large part of the assortment of all stores.


Vinyl wallpaper has exploded into the building market this millennium. They reflect the positive dynamics in the development of wallpaper production in recent years. There were no such high-quality, wear-resistant, safe materials before, only with the advent of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) it became possible to create such products.

Wide meter rolls of wallpaper on display

Vinyl wallpapers consist of two main components: a decorative layer and a base. The decorative layer, as you may have guessed, is made of vinyl, and either paper or non-woven fabric acts as a substrate.

  • On a paper canvas, small wallpapers are created that have a light texture, the paper is simply not able to stick to the wall with high quality if it is subjected to a lot of weight.
  • On a non-woven basis, wide wallpapers are produced, here the thickness and weight of the vinyl decorative canvas does not matter. Non-woven fabric perfectly adheres to the wall and keeps it very firmly.

On the basis of this kind, modern oilcloths and tablecloths for kitchen tables are created.

Interlining was invented by the Germans, making a kind of symbiosis of paper and fabric. Of course, this union is not at the molecular level, just fibers of the fabric are added to the cellulose and everything is pressed together. It turns out a material with good strength characteristics, which can largely replace plain paper.

Dark wallpaper for a serious interior

Realizing how good this material is for the wallpaper industry, they began to actively introduce it into the wallpaper industry. Thus, modern vinyl wallpapers are modern on each of their sides: the decorative component is created on modern equipment using advanced graphics computers, the non-woven base is given no less influence and is produced on complex high-tech lines.

Types of vinyl

Entire divisions of wallpaper factories are engaged in the creation of a decorative component. The process begins with the development of design, embossing, then the selection of the necessary materials, components, and then a unique material is created.

By the type and quality of this material, vinyl wallpapers are easily classified:

  • foamed - airy, soft, pleasant texture, which allows you to reinforce the image with a relief;
  • washable - soft, slightly rubbery, able to withstand moisture, made mainly in the kitchen style;
  • dense - high-quality pressed, with a clear, shallow texture, mainly imitating other finishing materials;
  • silk-screen printing - thin, pressed, capable of reflecting light in a non-standard way, mainly with floral patterns;
  • hot embossing - the most durable, textured, with various embossing, not afraid of anything wallpaper.

Using urban themes for wallpaper

Wallpaper fabrics created using hot stamping technology have a long list of positive characteristics, which we, of course, will publish.

Advantages of hot stamping

During processing, the vinyl is first foamed and then pressed at high temperature, which allows the material to become strong and durable.

The average life of wallpaper created using this technology is 10 years, while their condition under normal operating conditions may not differ much from the original. Time has practically no effect on canvases.

Cozy interior created with Italian wallpaper

Most of the negative influences that simply destroy paper wallpapers do not affect them either.

  • Vinyl is not afraid of sunlight, its paint is always bright and saturated.
  • Moisture cannot damage them, because it is not able to penetrate the structure of the material.
  • The ambient temperature is also not able to harm our wallpaper.

In addition, wallpapers are not able to absorb odors, which makes them simply indispensable in the kitchen.

Kitchen, hallway, living room, hot stamping can be glued to any room, and the surface on which the wallpaper will be glued does not play a role. They stick perfectly to drywall, concrete, plaster, wood, it is enough to lightly prime the surface and sticking will be successful.

In addition, a dense canvas with a relief will successfully hide small problem areas on the wall. For those who cannot or do not want to make a perfect surface, such wallpapers are just a godsend.

Interesting striped pattern on the wallpaper in the living room

Since the wallpaper is extremely dense and rigid, it is able to keep the heat inside the house. An additional heat-insulating layer is especially relevant for private houses, to which special attention is paid to heat supply systems.

The reverse side of this effect is the lack of air exchange between the walls and the room, which is easily compensated by ventilation or air conditioning. The appearance of mold and fungus from stagnant air is hardly possible if the room has normal humidity.

It is believed that of all types of vinyl wallpaper, it is hot stamping that is the safest type, since formaldehyde resins are removed from PVC during its heat treatment.

The cost of vinyl created using the above technology is somewhat higher than simple wallpaper, but such a price is justified by the high quality of the material. Wallpaper on a non-woven base is a priori a little more expensive. But on this basis, all the leading factories in Germany, Italy, and Holland make wallpapers.

As many manufacturers as there are so many approaches to the design of wallpaper. Since the non-woven base can be trusted to hold a lot of weight on the wall, vinyl is not saved on the decorative side. There are a variety of colors, ornaments, textures, which are even difficult to imagine.

Luxurious bedroom interior, photo from a glossy magazine

However, the most popular colors for wallpaper have long been known and among them:

  • plain wallpaper canvases of various colors, mostly pastel colors;
  • stripes, thick and thin, horizontal and vertical;
  • floral motifs, ranging from branches and leaves, ending with whole flower arrangements;
  • monograms, intricate designs with many lines, bends, curls, popular since the nineteenth century;
  • imitation of other finishing materials: stone, tile, brick, leather;
  • landscapes, photographs and sketches of cities, sights;
  • geometric shapes, abstraction.

In addition, the colors of wallpaper from different countries carry with them the ethnic group of this people, which is certainly read on their canvas. Based on these flourishes, we can conclude that everyone can choose a wallpaper to their liking.


In this material, we have already mentioned eminent manufacturers of hot stamping wallpapers many times, we present you a selection of the most popular ones.

Floral motifs on the wallpaper in the bedroom

Russia is represented by two wallpaper factories: Palitra, Erismann.

  • The Palitra factory produces the widest range of non-woven wallpapers, all of which are created on professional equipment, taking into account all modern innovations.
  • The Erismann factory was built by a famous German brand at the beginning of this century, since that time, high-quality wallpapers from this manufacturer have been abundantly presented on our market and have already fallen in love with the end consumer.

Ukraine is known for its Edem factory in Dnepropetrovsk, which produces European quality. The two flagship brands of hot embossed wallpapers Versailles and Status are known far beyond the borders of this country.

Domestic wallpaper depicting poppies

German production, in addition to Erismann, is represented by A.S. Creation and Rasch, which are widely represented in our building stores. Wallpapers from these brands are famous for the highest quality workmanship.

Wallpaper with large poppies in the interior of the living room

The most famous wallpaper brand from Holland is BN. Wallpapers based on non-woven fabric of this country are distinguished by non-standard patterns that complement the standard European quality.

You should be very careful when choosing vinyl wallpapers made using hot stamping technology, because most likely they will hang on your walls for a long time and it will not be very good if you do not like them. Design your apartment with soul and heart.

Home improvement is a very painstaking process, since such an occupation requires not only serious financial investments, but also patience. You can make your home cozy in a variety of ways, and one of them is to stick non-woven wallpaper on its walls. The pros and cons of this finishing material will be described below, but first you should tell in more detail what these decorative elements are and what characteristics they have.

Features of non-woven wallpaper

Sometimes it is difficult for an inexperienced owner to outwardly distinguish this finishing material from others, but it has its own specific properties. The principle of creating these wallpapers is as follows: the vinyl layer is sprayed not immediately directly onto the paper, but onto a special base - interlining. This material is made from fibers that are pressed in a special way. It should be noted that the standard width of its strips is 1 m 6 cm, which is almost 2 times higher than the standard figure.

Most often, non-woven wallpaper, the advantages of which significantly overlap their negative sides, are supplied to the market unpainted, which allows you to implement any design solutions. In addition, hand painting significantly enhances their aesthetic properties and makes the living space even more unique.

Advantages of non-woven wallpaper

As mentioned earlier, such a finishing material as non-woven wallpaper has a lot of pluses. Their main advantages include the following:

  1. This material perfectly passes air, thanks to which mold caused by dampness does not appear on the walls. But here it is important to remember that when vinyl is applied to such wallpaper, this property disappears.
  2. During operation, their shape does not change, they are not deformed either after drying, or throughout the entire service life.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper - a material that is environmentally friendly and safe for human health.
  4. Very often, this finishing element of the interior is purchased for painting. Such processing does not affect the integrity of the wallpaper in any way and only strengthens its structural integrity.
  5. Applying this material is very easy. Non-woven does not require pre-treatment with glue, which greatly facilitates the joining of the strips.
  6. With the help of these products, you can easily decorate any type of surface, whether it be concrete walls or partitions made of plasterboard, chipboard or wood.
  7. If you want to change non-woven wallpaper for a new material, it is very easy to remove them, here you don’t even need to pre-soak the material. They are removed quickly and without any problems.

The main disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper

However, not all characteristics of this material can be called positive. If we talk about such a product as non-woven wallpaper, they certainly have disadvantages. Albeit in small quantities, but they are still there.

So, if it is a simple interlining, not covered with paint or vinyl, this finishing material cannot be washed at all, otherwise there is a high probability of completely ruining the coating. In case of contamination, only vacuuming is allowed.

In addition, it is very problematic to purchase non-woven wallpaper inexpensively, since, due to the high quality of the material and the relative complexity of its manufacture, the price for them, of course, is quite high.

Types of non-woven wallpaper

In the event that this material is an independent wall covering, there is no relief on it, only some pattern is possible.

Sometimes non-woven wallpaper, the pros and cons of which have already been described above, are used only as a basis for vinyl stickers. This kind of material is different in that it does not have some useful properties. These wallpapers are still able to reinforce wall surface defects, they are just as easy to stick, but the environmental parameters will be significantly lower. In addition, such a product will pass air much worse, which is fraught with premature deterioration of the material.

Many owners choose hot stamping non-woven wallpaper as the main element of room decor. This material is very beautiful, it has an unusual appearance and, last but not least, a long service life.

Tools for pasting a room with non-woven wallpaper

This process requires the following list of building supplies:

  1. Standard with medium or short pile length. This tool is needed for applying glue.
  2. A small brush with which you can coat the joints.
  3. When gluing material such as non-woven wallpaper onto walls, surface imperfections in the form of irregularities and protruding sections must first be removed. You can get rid of them by using a rubber or plastic roller, which easily smooths out any flaws.
  4. Regular and pencil. With their help, it is necessary to apply vertical markings on the desired surface.
  5. Glue container.
  6. Whisk or any other tool for stirring the fixing base.
  7. Knife (allows you to cut off excess parts of the wallpaper).

With all these tools available, you can get to work.

Preparatory measures before non-woven base

The whole process must begin from the window in the room. To begin with, you need to mark the wall for the first strip, but experts strongly do not recommend drawing a bright line with a marker, since this material absorbs any dirt very well - it is quite possible that the trace cannot be removed even after staining. It is best to draw a thin dotted line with a pencil.

In such a finishing material as non-woven wallpaper, the disadvantages are also that the adhesive composition for them must be special and have the necessary degree of ductility. It is necessary to apply the fixing base exclusively on the surface of the wall. If the finishing material itself is also treated with glue, there is a high probability that after drying it will shrink, and this will lead to the formation of small but noticeable cracks.

Features of the process of pasting a room with non-woven wallpaper

Professional craftsmen do not recommend cutting finished rolls into separate strips. You can fix the wallpaper on the wall immediately after applying glue to it, while with a high degree of probability you will not have to adjust them. The main thing is to decide in advance where the material has the upper and lower parts.

The overlap on the ceiling should be at least 5 cm so that the slope is not too noticeable, and the bottom of the wallpaper must be cut exactly at the level of the plinth. Each subsequent strip must be connected to the previous one strictly end-to-end. Any excess adhesive should be removed with a clean sponge soaked in water.

Fixing these decorative products on the wall can be done in different ways. But do not forget that when purchasing a material such as non-woven wallpaper (the pros and cons of a photo of this or that sample are not able to reflect), it is very important to carefully visually study the structure of the desired product. Only in this case, you can be completely sure of the quality of the product.

The principle of finishing the ceiling with non-woven wallpaper

This work is not much different from moreover, it is even easier to do it.

First, draw a line parallel to the wall on the ceiling surface. After that, you need to apply glue to the desired area and, having attached a roll of wallpaper to it, slowly roll it out, helping yourself with a roller. The main difficulty is to ensure that the edge of the material runs along the intended line. Having reached the opposite wall, you just need to cut off the canvas, and then proceed to the next segment.

When gluing material such as non-woven wallpaper onto the ceiling, some owners notice the pros and cons of such a solution already while living in a room decorated in this way. It is possible that the room will become darker, but this method of finishing will allow you to create housing that is unique in its external characteristics and emphasizes the individuality of its owners.

How to paint non-woven wallpaper?

First of all, you should decide on the composition. So, on a non-woven basis, it can be as follows:


Water emulsion;

Acrylic, which is the most reliable in terms of quality and durability.

The finishing material that is intended for painting is equipped with a vinyl coating on the outside, which can be either smooth or foamed in a certain way. The second option requires more careful processing, since the composition may not fit well on all protruding areas. Many owners, painting non-woven wallpaper, find the pros and cons of this work at different points. So, this process is quite laborious, however, properly performed work guarantees a high-quality result and the preservation of the coating for a very long period of time.

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Hot stamping wallpaper: 4 groups of material

Vinyl wallpapers of hot stamping on non-woven basis belong to the elite roll coverings. They are of several types. Let's talk about the advantages of each, consider the disadvantages and methods of application.

Technology Description

To obtain a textured surface, vinyl is used, which is heated and rolled between embossing pressure rollers. The surface of the wallpaper cloth acquires an original relief.

As a result of heat treatment, not only a beautiful foam pattern is obtained, but also a finishing material that is safe for health. When heated, harmful chemical compounds evaporate, formaldehyde resins are neutralized.

Varieties: 4 groups

Hot stamping cloths are subdivided according to the type of base - this is paper and interlining. The top layer in all variants consists of vinyl (polyvinyl chloride + additives). The decorative effect and perception of the pattern depend on the coating, the durability and price depend on the base.

Hot stamping can create a different density of the top layer. On this basis, wallpaper is classified into four groups.

Photo Top layer density per m2 Group name. Specifications
250 g Group 1. Heavy vinyl (duplex)

High strength, expressive relief, reliability. Does not require additional surface treatment.

Reminiscent of wrinkled leather or textured embroidery.

Ideally hides wall defects.

90–130 g Group 2. Screen printing

Light wallpaper with a shiny pattern. They look spectacular in bright light.

Reflective abilities are reminiscent of silk overflows.

The thin structure, when glued, shows all the flaws of the walls.

For use on flat surfaces only.

150–200 g Group 3. Compact vinyl

Large thickness gives a high-quality texture.

Colors and themes vary.

More common with imitation:

  • stone,
  • fabrics,
  • brick,
  • tree,
  • large strokes, etc.

100–120 g Group 4. Inhibition (chemical embossing)

Wallpaper designed for public spaces. High abrasion resistance, resistance to moisture.

In apartments it can be used in the corridor, in the kitchen, in the hallway.

Advantages of hot stamping fabrics:

  • Beautiful structure.
  • Versatility in the interior.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Sound and heat insulation qualities.
  • Great potential for use (5–12 years).
  • UV resistant.
  • Possibility of application for painting.

Customer opinions:

Feedback statistics after applying hot stamping cloths in 90% is positive. Dissatisfied were people whose apartment has high ceilings. During installation, difficulties arose due to the large weight of the canvas.

In 5%, dense embossed wallpaper was difficult to stick end-to-end. Cat owners are unhappy with the instability of the surface to the claws of animals. The high cost of non-woven rolls makes the repair of a large area unprofitable for the budget. The paper-based material soaks during installation.

Comparison of two groups of embossed wallpapers

The technical characteristics of thick embossed wallpapers are based on the substrate used (non-woven and paper). This is the main factor affecting price, quality and durability. Let's look at each category.


Consider the advantages of rolled canvases and the available disadvantages.


  1. Safety. These wallpapers are absolutely safe for humans. They do not contain harmful substances and are recommended for all types of rooms, including bedrooms. Indispensable in apartments with children and allergy sufferers.
  2. Coatings proven to be breathable. They allow air to pass through and exclude the possibility of mold, fungus.
  3. Quality. Due to its composition, the material does not deform after application and retains the saturation of colors for many years.
  4. Design. A variety of textures, patterns and palettes attract attention. Non-woven wallpaper can decorate any interior, hide the defects of complex surfaces (except silk-screen printing).

  1. Decorating possibilities. Many types can be dyed. Under the influence of paint, the base does not change, but the structure becomes denser.
  2. Versatility. Embossed wallpapers are suitable for walls made of drywall, chipboard, wood and concrete.
  3. Dismantling. No soaking or scraping required. The cloth is easily separated from any surface.
  4. Quick installation(roll width meter).
  5. Long service life- 9–12 years old.


The number of strengths can be compared with a single disadvantage. Vinyl wallpapers that do not have an additional coating (lacquer, paint) cannot be washed. Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is acceptable.

Wallpaper on non-woven base is much more expensive than on paper. To save money, it is recommended to use a small pattern in large rooms. Otherwise, 1–2 meters will be taken from each roll for picking.


Paper-based embossed vinyl has strengths and weaknesses. In general, this group loses to non-woven ones. Heavy vinyl (duplex) is considered the highest quality.


  • Slight masking effect (small cracks, roughness).
  • Contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Not exposed to UV rays.
  • Low price.


  • Can't be washed.
  • Cannot be used in wet areas.
  • Low resistance to dirt.
  • With increased parkiness, mold / fungus appears on the paper.
  • Difficult installation - you need to glue the canvas and the wall with glue. A lot of seams are formed, since the rolls are 53 cm.
  • Short service life - 5 years.


For those who decide to update the interior with their own hands, you need to properly prepare for work. Buy glue for non-woven or vinyl wallpaper. Remove the old coating from the walls and prime with a thin layer of glue.

Prepare the glue in a large bowl (instructions on the box). Cut the wallpaper according to the height of the walls with an allowance of 3-5 cm. Carefully control the pattern match.

On the wall, for the first sheet, a vertical is drawn (by level). Now we grease the wall with glue and apply wallpaper.

Work should be carried out with closed windows, in the absence of drafts. The temperature should be within +16…+23 °C. If the pattern is large, then it is more convenient to glue the joints together.

We apply wallpaper on a non-woven base dry and fix it, smoothing it with a roller, brush, rag. Paper wallpaper will have to be smeared with glue and applied to the wall. Cut off the excess fabric at the bottom with a sharp knife.

The next day after gluing, bubbles can be seen on the canvas. This defect is easily fixed. Take a syringe filled with glue, pierce with a needle and inject some glue under the canvas. Smooth it out with a rag, the air will come out and there will be no trace of the bubble.

Glue may protrude at the joints - remove with a dry sponge / cloth. Do not rub, but dab, removing excess. Never stretch the wallpaper wide - after drying, they will disperse at the seams.

If you have heavy vinyl and don't know how to install duplex embossed paper wallpaper, use the instructions above.


Hot stamping technology opens up great opportunities for interior renovation. Vinyl wallpapers on any basis are beautiful and affordable.

In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

In the comments, tell us about the quality of your wallpaper and what difficulties you encountered when sticking.

February 17, 2018

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The emergence of an increasing number of finishing materials is the reason for the formation of certain requirements for a particular type of material. Today, preferences are given not only to outwardly attractive, but also to practical and durable coatings. Hot embossed wallpaper for walls successfully combines the above requirements.

Types, properties, characteristics

Structurally hot wallpaper is a two-component material consisting of vinyl (polyvinyl chloride) and a base. Technologically, the manufacturing process is quite simple, although the possibility of hand-made production is unrealistic.

Wallpaper for hot stamping walls is obtained by applying a layer of polyvinyl chloride to the base (base), placed in a chamber with a high temperature, where the blanks, or rather the vinyl itself, is heated until it reaches plasticity.

Then the softened surface is exposed to textured rollers of several types, which creates the relief of future wallpaper. Thus, this is a kind of well-known kind of vinyl wallpaper, which gave the name to the coating - hot stamping vinyl.

Based classification

The function of the base can be performed by two materials, which was the reason for the classification.

Hot embossed vinyl wallpaper on paper backing

Advantages - excellent vapor permeability, lightness and low cost. However, they are not able to boast of good density, wear resistance, and durability due to the paper's instability to both mechanical and thermal influences.

Externally, it is almost impossible to distinguish a paper web from a non-woven web. Service life - 7 years.

Hot embossed non-woven wallpaper

They have a number of improved characteristics in comparison with paper wallpapers. The durability of non-woven fabric can be envied by any other type. The main advantage is strength, which excludes wetting of the wallpaper during finishing work, their stretching or tearing. .

Hot stamping non-woven wallpapers are denser and more reliable, which allows them to mask small defects in wall surfaces. Vinyl, on the contrary, will emphasize all the existing shortcomings.

Most often, hot stamping interlining coated with vinyl can be found in its raw form, that is, they require further self-painting. The useful life is 15 years. Release form - rolls with a width of 1.06 m and a length of 10 m.

According to the manufacturing method

The embossing used in the production process is carried out according to three methods, depending on which the wallpaper is divided into separate groups:

Silk screen printing

They are distinguished by a flat and smooth decorative surface, which allows them to refract light rays and favorably emphasize the silkiness and beauty of the wall covering. The effect created by the reflection of light waves is called "silk fabric".

It is the overflows that carry the main aesthetic load, and the drawings are given a less important function, so most often the patterns are quite small and unobtrusive.