Estet company overview: ideal door designs in the catalog and in the photo. Telescopic trim on the door what it is How to install a telescopic trim on the door

In the design of the premises, the facade of the building, a beautiful door plays an important role. A neat and aesthetic appearance is acquired by the door structure with high-quality installation of the frame and accurate, accurate installation of platbands.

What is a telescopic platband?

According to the design features, simple and “know-how” of the construction industry are distinguished - telescopic door frames. The convenience of this technology has been appreciated by both the masters who install the doors and the residents of apartments and houses. There were times when only wood was used as a material for their manufacture. Today, metal (aluminum, steel), plastic, MDF are used, and the surface is laminated and veneered or varnished. They are both flat or semicircular in shape, and complex configuration. Their installation is the last stage of installation, decorating the door and finishing the entire repair of an apartment or house (after the wallpaper is pasted, the plinth is nailed).

The telescopic casing differs from the usual one by the presence of a thin mounting protrusion on the rear edge (located at an angle of 90 degrees to the working surface), which is inserted into the box into a special mounting groove. It should be borne in mind that in the places where the hinges of the door frame are attached, the mounting groove of the platbands will be covered with screws. In such areas, the protrusion is removed to the desired size with a special high-quality cutter.

Installation of telescopic architraves

Telescopic architraves provide the fastest and most convenient installation of the doorway and provide a number of advantages of installing the entire structure:

  1. If the wall is slightly wider than the box, then the architraves are a good option for not using extensions.
  2. It will hide all the inconsistencies between the box and the wall.
  3. Thanks to this design, the platbands become easily removable, which makes it possible to repeatedly dismantle and install them when carrying out painting work or pasting the wall with wallpaper. When removing it, it must be taken into account that when pulling it out, we apply it strictly perpendicular to the wall surface, otherwise the mounting protrusion will break off.
  4. Another important advantage is the absolute absence of fastening marks, nails, screws or glue.

The DM-Service company provides high-quality telescopic architraves, according to European standards. The full production cycle makes it possible to fulfill not only individual, but also wholesale orders. Quality, reliable

Platbands on MDF doors are an important part of the design, because they close the joint between the frame and the wall and give the opening a neater and more attractive look. But in order to achieve the best result, you need to choose high-quality elements and properly fix them.

First, we will analyze the most popular options used for MDF doors. Then a universal installation option will be considered, which is suitable for all products and which can be implemented by hand.

Note! The installation process is not complicated and does not require special skills and abilities.

Platbands on MDF doors can be of four types:

  1. Wooden;
  2. plastic;
  3. From MDF;

wooden elements

Their main advantages are obvious:

  • Environmental friendliness. Products are made of natural wood, therefore they are safe for human health and can be used in residential premises without any restrictions;

  • Beautiful structure of elements. Wood has a unique texture, in addition, you can choose products from different types of wood - from budget pine to oak or cedar;

  • Various profiles and product sizes. A huge number of options for platbands with a width of several centimeters or more are made from wood. You can choose both standard products and custom-made options that will be made according to your sketch. The price of such options will be much higher, but if you value exclusive solutions, then you yourself understand that there will be no savings here;

  • Possibility of decoration. You can buy both uncoated products and trim in the color you need. In the future, the surface can be repainted, which is also important, because other options are not painted.

As for the disadvantages of wood products, they are as follows:

  • The highest price of all options. And the higher the grade of the platband, the more you have to pay. Valuable woods are even more expensive;
  • Difficulty getting into shade. If you have plain colors, then it will not be difficult to choose the paint for the casing. But if you have an imitation of a natural texture or complex coloring, then it will be very difficult to get into color;
  • Low resistance to moisture. If the room is damp, then the wooden casing can be deformed, and over time, fungus and mold will form on it;
  • Pest infestation- various insects can spoil the elements over time.

Plastic casing

This option has appeared recently, but has already gained considerable popularity due to the following reasons:

  • Reliability. Plastic is not afraid of moisture, so it can be used in any room. The service life of such elements is tens of years, because they do not rot, crack or swell from moisture;

  • Dimensional accuracy. All products are manufactured on high-precision equipment, so they have the same parameters. But, more importantly, with changes in temperature and humidity, the elements do not change size and retain their original characteristics;
  • Products may have different colors and sizes. With the help of a special film on the surface, an imitation of different textures is created, and monophonic options are also produced. The width varies from 6 to 12 cm, but the parameters may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer;

  • Possibility of cable laying. If you need to lay wires, then you can use a special casing with a cable channel. You can hide several wires in it at once, which is very convenient when the repair is already completed, and there is no other way to hide the wiring.

Among the shortcomings, the following should be highlighted:

  • Difficulty with accurate hit in shade. Always make sure in advance that the option you choose goes well with the door leaf, and will not look foreign;

Advice! If you are not sure, it is better to buy one plank and attach it to the door, if everything is fine, then you can purchase as many trim as you need.

  • Not a very attractive look. If from afar the platband looks good, then upon closer inspection it is clear that this is an inexpensive imitation of natural material.

Platband from MDF

MDF platbands on the door have the following advantages:

  • They are made from the same material as the doors in the same factories. That is, they will match perfectly in color. No need to look for the elements separately, they are sold in the same place as the doors, and you can buy everything as a set;

  • Low cost. This option has an affordable price, which is also important. And often, when buying doors, sellers give an additional discount on all additional elements;

  • Various product options. In addition to the fact that the MDF trim may vary in profile and width, it may have a different coating. The cheapest option is paper, a more reliable solution is film, and the most interesting type of product is veneered planks, outwardly they are almost indistinguishable from natural wood;

  • Ease of processing. The veneered casing weighs a little, it is easy to cut and fasten, which is important for those who do the work with their own hands.

Of the minuses of veneer, the following can be distinguished:

  • Low resistance to moisture. For this reason, the trim is recommended for use in residential areas, although it works well in the kitchen and even in the bathroom. The main thing is that water does not constantly get on the surface;
  • Impossibility of repair. If you damage the veneer or film on the surface, you will have to change the entire element. You won't be able to repaint it.

Telescopic casing

This option is also made of MDF, but has so many important differences that it always stands out as a separate type.

Its main advantages are:

  • Sold with a door frame. The photo below shows the design of the system, from which it can be seen that all its elements are clearly adjusted to each other. You do not need to look for a suitable option, everything will already be in stock;

  • Ease of installation. To install a platband, you do not need to have experience in this area. One has only to cut off all the elements in size and combine them correctly;
  • Lack of fasteners. Due to the fact that the casing has an L-shape and is inserted into special grooves on the box, you do not need to use any glue or nails. All that is needed is to carefully insert the element into the groove and follow the uniform gap along the entire length of the door frame;

  • Ease of dismantling - if necessary, the trim is carefully removed from the groove and put back again. There is no need to rip out nails or tear off glue.

As for the cons, they are:

  • The telescopic casing cannot be placed on any MDF doors. It can only be used where there are special boxes with grooves for the installation of such elements. And in most cases there are standard boxes;
  • Items need to be placed carefully. If you overdo it and hit the casing too hard, it can crack. It is also very important to take measurements correctly so as not to cut off the excess and not spoil the product.

Product characteristics


We are talking mainly about the width of the front strip of the product, since the length of the elements in the kit is usually standard: two racks of 220 cm each, and one horizontal part of 120 cm.

But the width can be different. Again, sizes from 60 to 80 mm are considered the standard, but they can change in any direction, both larger and smaller.

The diagram shows the main dimensions that are important for the installation and aesthetic perception of the door frame

  • Standard width trims fit most doors.
  • But there may be exceptions. For example, with a massive oak door, wider products will look better.
  • But those whose width is less than 50 mm look frivolous. In addition, they may simply not close the gap between the wall and the box.

Therefore, before buying, always measure this distance so as not to be mistaken. Narrow architraves are in most cases used only when others do not fit in width between the door and the perpendicular wall. Or some other structural element of the interior.

An example in the photo is a door in a corner or in a narrow corridor. Platband in interior products


Another criterion for choosing a casing is the shape of the front part. It can be straight, rounded, curly and any other. And it should be combined with the type of door leaf: the simpler it is, the less embossed the frame should be.

Below are the most common door frame profiles:

Straight, photo

Advice. You can try to pick up platbands that match the skirting boards in shape, color and width. Sometimes it looks very interesting.


Mounting elements

We will analyze a universal mounting option suitable for any type of platband - installation using finishing nails.

First of all, you need to purchase everything you need:

  • Platband. Its quantity is calculated based on the size of the openings. Remember that on each door a frame is placed on both sides. As for the width, it should be sufficient to close the gap between the box and the wall, it is better if the casing goes on the wall by 2-3 cm;
  • Finish nails. A special version of the fastener, which is characterized by a small thickness and a reduced cap size. The length of the nails can vary from 20 to 50 mm. The color may also differ, it is selected in such a way that the attachment points are as little as possible visible on the surface.

The tool needs the following:

  • Roulette for all necessary measurements and a construction pencil for marking. These devices should be in the arsenal of any master;

  • Wood saw. Choose a tool with a fine tooth as it cuts much cleaner. Instead of a manual fixture, you can use a jigsaw if you have it at hand;

  • A construction knife is necessary if a hardened polyurethane foam protrudes along the perimeter of the box. You can get by with a blade to a knife, it is flat and it is very convenient for them to cut off all that is superfluous flush with the level of the wall;
  • A hammer is needed for hammering finishing nails, the best option is 300-400 grams;
  • Screwdriver or drill. In the process, you need to drill several holes for the nails. In the kit, you must also have a drill, the diameter of which matches the diameter of the nails used;
  • A construction square is needed in order to make perfectly even ends of the casing. With it, you can easily mark the cutting lines.

The work instructions look like this:

Illustration Stage description

Doors must be installed. For complete solidification of the mounting foam, it takes about a day. Therefore, it is best to put the casing on the day after the installation of the door frames.

Advice! Free up space around the opening so that nothing interferes with your work.

The mounting foam is cut off. This is done with a construction knife or a blade from it. It is necessary to carefully remove the excess to get a flat surface around the entire perimeter of the door frame.

Everything is quite simple, the main thing is not to damage the box when cutting the foam.

We will fasten the casing with a straight joint. It is much simpler than a corner cut and looks modern. The main thing is to cut off the end of the top bar evenly. Check the joint in advance, sometimes at the factory the elements are cut unevenly and you need to align the end yourself.

Advice! Some manufacturers offer platbands of different thicknesses - 10 and 8 mm. If you put 10 mm bars on the sides, and place the 8 mm option at the top, you will get a neat ledge, as in the photo.

First of all, you need to attach the trim on the side of the door hinges. This way you will see how much it recedes from the edge of the box, and you can make the same indent around the entire perimeter so that the design looks its best.

Most often, the offset from the inner edge of the box is 4-5 mm.

The cutting height of the casing is determined. In order not to carry out calculations, use a piece of cash, it will serve as a kind of template by which you can easily and quickly determine the exact height of the upper end of the vertical casing.

Do not forget to set the measurement with the desired indent from the edge of the box so that the distance is the same around the entire perimeter.

Marked with a pencil. It is best to put lines both on the end of the casing and on the wall in order to see landmarks for further actions.

On the other hand, the same operation is carried out: the bar is attached with the desired indent and marked.

You should not make two identical elements - the floor level may be slightly different, and subsequently you may end up with a mismatch. It is much easier to spend a few seconds and markup after the fact.

A line is drawn on the front of the bar. To make everything perfectly accurate and get a right angle, it is best to use a construction square. Just stick it, align it with the mark and draw a line.

The elements are cut. The most important thing in this process is to hold the casing well so that it does not move when cutting and constantly monitor the line.

Do not press too hard on the hacksaw: lightly press on the handle and work with the maximum possible amplitude. MDF cuts well, so the process does not take much time.

The platband is attached to the box, leveled, after which a hole for a nail is drilled in the upper part.

It should be located no closer than 10 mm from the edge and be 1-2 cm below the upper edge of the door leaf.

In the process of work, make sure that the drill goes horizontally, and not skewed. The depth of the hole should be 5-10 mm less than the length of the nails used.

The platband is nailed onto one finishing nail. Everything is simple here, the main thing is not to hit the surface with a hammer. Work very carefully or use a special device called a doboynik.

The nail is needed to fix the element in the desired position.

The same work is repeated on the other vertical rack. A hole is drilled in the casing, after which it is carefully nailed onto one finishing nail.

The length of the horizontal element is measured. Here, too, it is best to take measurements in fact: insert the casing on one side, and on the other, put a mark in the right place.

The cut-off platband is inserted into place. Its position is checked. If suddenly you made a mistake by 1-2 mm, then you can carefully remove the vertical element and move it. That is why we did not attach them to all the studs, but limited ourselves to only one.

If everything is fine, then you can continue to work further.

Holes are drilled for fastening in the upper element. They are located 10 mm above the edge. Three attachment points are enough: two at the edges and one in the middle. It is possible not to drill the box, the main thing is to go through the casing, because if this is not done, then it can crack when the nail is driven in.

Before driving nails into the horizontal plank, be sure to level the top edge and hold it while driving the nail.

The platband may drop slightly if you do not hold it, and then you have to redo the work again.

Vertical elements are nailed in 4-5 places at regular intervals. This completes the work - you have a neat door with a securely fixed frame.


Now you know what types of MDF door trims are, and you can independently carry out installation work using the tips from the review. The video in this article will help you understand some of the nuances of the topic even better.

Installation of interior doors involves several stages of various work. First of all, you need to buy an interior door, then install it. However, everything does not end there, because you need to make sure that this element fits harmoniously and decorates the interior. At this moment, platbands (slopes or cashing) come to the rescue. Now the market is represented by various types and models of such decorating elements. In today's article, I want to talk about interior telescopic architraves and invoices (ordinary). I will try to explain how they differ and what advantages they have.

Why are they needed?

Before proceeding to the types of platbands, or, as they say in everyday life, slopes (cashing), let's figure out what it is and why they are needed? Platbands are strips that are installed around the perimeter of the door frame. They are made from different materials and come in different shapes. The latter is the most expensive option. The main function of the platbands is to hide the gap between the wall and the door frame, as well as to complete the entire door structure. They resist drafts and retain heat. They perform a significant decorative function. A well-chosen shade allows you to significantly transform the interior. According to the method of their installation, the following types of platbands are distinguished:

  • ordinary or overhead platbands;
  • telescopic architraves.

Ordinary platbands

The most common type, based on the method of installation, are overhead platbands (slopes). To carry out their installation and hide the gap between the door frame and the wall, nails, screws, glue or sealant are used. By such means, the slopes are attached to the wall. This type has gained great popularity, due to the ease of installation, and even earlier few people knew about the telescopic system.

Telescopic architraves

Telescopic platbands are a more complex design. Such slopes do not need to be nailed, glued, screwed or seated on a sealant. Two strips on the outer and inner sides of the interior door are perfectly fastened together, using the original L-shaped form. One edge of the slope has a rounded shape, it fits snugly against the plane of the wall. The second is bent, and during installation fits tightly into the groove of the door frame, which allows you to firmly connect with it.

Advantages of telescopic architraves

In addition to differences in the installation method, there are still a large number of possibilities and advantages of telescopic architraves, compared to conventional (overhead) options.

  1. The use of telescopic architraves avoids the installation of extensions for interior doors. However, this is only if the thickness of the door frame does not exceed 1.5-2 cm. They will easily close the gap between it and the wall.
  2. Telescopic slopes can be installed not only on the door frame, but also on the trim strips.
  3. If the wall is curved, then you can level the interior door. However, when using overhead or regular platbands, the gap between the door frame and the wall will be simply huge. You will have to level the walls, or watch a not very pleasant picture. Otherwise, the door will be installed crookedly, and its position will be fixed, that is, it will constantly either open or close. In the case of telescopic architraves, this error can be easily hidden. Thus, the interior door will be installed in level, a large gap will not be visible.
  4. The advantage of telescopic architraves also lies in the fact that the joints between the slats are less noticeable, and the installation itself does not require any additional funds.
  5. Telescopic architraves can be dismantled without damaging them. With conventional slopes, this will be more difficult.

Summing up, I would like to say that overhead platbands are very popular. This can be explained by the fact that they are not expensive and everyone is used to them. However, in my opinion, the choice of telescopic slopes will be much more relevant. The possibilities that this type of cashing carries in itself are much wider than with ordinary slopes. Currently, there are many different models and materials from which they are made. Anyone can choose something for their interior.

If you have not read my colleague's article about the latest in the world of chainsaws in 2018, then you.

I hope my article was extremely clear and useful to you, if you have any questions or thoughts on this topic, then state them in the comments. I will gladly answer everyone!

Door handles on entrance doors are the most important element that controls the door structure. The functionality of the handles, the list of materials for their manufacture and the rules for selecting a door handle will be disclosed.
Aesthetically balanced door structure
The entrance to any building, especially to a private dwelling, should be protected by a high-quality door with high reliability and burglary resistance. The entrance design is not a simple decoration of housing and its harmonious continuation in the stylistic direction of home design. Doors should show a set of indicators of a reliable defender:
High-quality protection against cold and other negative effects of the atmosphere;
Good sound insulation, saving from not always pleasant street sounds, protecting the state of mind.
With the usual question, which contains a list of the main components of the door input block, not many will think that the design consists not only of a box and a door leaf with hinges. The door block for blocking the entrance combines a lot of components, among which door handles are one of the most important elements.
The body of the input block, if we compare its design features with human physiology, consists of the main parts:
door panel;
door frame;
Castle systems;
door hinges;
Reliable door fittings;
Door knob.
An important property of the entrance block lies in the aesthetic balance of the design, because it is the first to meet guests at the doorstep. Everything in the door should be balanced, starting with the color and decorative elements of its design, ending with the door handle on the canvas. It is permissible to incur huge costs for a door block during decoration, for example, forging, but the first thing that catches your eye is the handle, to which the guest’s hand will reach. So the correct selection of a suitable pen should be approached with the maximum indicator of responsibility.
A good door should not be out of tune with the overall exterior of the building's facade. The same applies to door hardware. Handles should be in harmony with the style of the canvas and not stand out too much from the general background.
The functionality of the handles
The functionality of the door handle is explained largely by its location. Regarding this feature, it is permissible to divide the entire list of pens into a couple of large categories:
Stationary handles.
Push door handles.
Stationary structures are characterized by a sign of the absence of a locking mechanism in their set. These handles are called staples. A distinctive feature of the bracket comes down to independence from locks. Staples are most often used to equip the interior canvases of office or other premises directly on the surface of the sash. The use of a stationary handle lies in the fact that you can simply take it and open / close the door leaf, after turning the key in the keyhole, if one is used. To fix such structures on the sash, special tightening screws are used. The stationary handle requires no more effort than just grasping it, pushing it or pulling it towards you. The density of the rebate of the web in the case of using a bracket depends on the pressing force. Staples can not necessarily be made in a U-shape, there are:
Curved shape of the staple;
Staples in the form of a geometric or other figure;
Staples in the form of an open loop.
Many photos on the Internet show sculptural brackets. In many photos of castles and modern houses, it is permissible to notice hammer handles, which also belong to the category of staples. In the current season, staples in the form of pistols, presented in the photo of Internet resources, are fashionable. Most often, brackets are installed on sliding interior systems. For interior canvases, staples are used, made from lightweight raw materials and a more elegant design. Staples are also used as a handle for metal-plastic doors.
Push door devices are a special type, most often presented in the form of an arc, when pressed, the tongue mechanism of the lock is set in motion: when you press the product, the tongue of the shutter mechanism hides inside the panel. One of the varieties of the pressure device is the rotary balls, called knobs, seen in many photos of interior design solutions. They are produced in a wide variety of variations, starting with a regular latch, and ending with a latch with a latch and a locking system, and even with photo elements. The convenience of the knob lies in an interesting design and ease of use. The downside of the knob device is that it will not work to open it with two hands occupied, unlike the well-known push button.
The material used in the manufacture
Door handles are the most important element from the list of door fittings. The factory is exactly the functionality that each person has to contact every day and several times. Regardless of the varieties and stylistic decisions in the manufacture, the opening device must be reliable and of high quality, in fact, like the door itself, because the accessibility of getting into your own home depends on them. Among other things, it must be stylish and beautiful, so that the operation process is not exclusively practical, but also pleasant.
Accessories are manufactured by many manufacturers. A wide variety of materials are used in the manufacturing process. Here are a few of the common raw materials:
Metal: Metal door handles are most often made from this raw material, as reliability must resonate in every detail, such as forged steel door handles.
For the manufacture of metal handles, alloys of various kinds are used. The most popular is brass with strength and rather pleasant tactile transmitting properties. Widespread metal products made of steel and aluminum, thanks to chrome and nickel coatings, fittings fit perfectly into the design of any style.
Wood is often used in the manufacture of fittings for sauna doors, where a material with an acceptable thermal conductivity must be used. Carved wood handles are worth a separate discussion, you can’t argue with monumentality and beauty.
Glass: Glass products are used more as a decorative element, although there are exceptions.
Plastic to create door handles is used virtually everywhere.
An important requirement for products is to withstand adverse operating conditions, the environment and the physical impact of intruders. An excellent product is considered if anodized aluminum is used in its production. It is not recommended to install accessories covered with varnishes or painted with paint. During the operational process, typical products lose their aesthetic appearance.
Criteria for the right choice
For the front door, it is worth using handles, which include durable special linings with protective properties, made of an alloy of durable steel. Typical products will be able to successfully resist the process of knocking out the locking cylinder. Reliable devices for input blocks must be endowed with a large margin of safety and withstand a load of about 80 kg.
On sale today, a lot of fittings for doors with a variety of shapes, designs and even photo elements are provided:
famous brands
Manufacturer country
Cost indicators
Armadillo (Armadillo)
from $17 to $202
from $60 to $400
from $82 to $380
from $42 to $298
from $42 to $456
from $13 to $244
The main significant criteria regarding the correct choice of the handle for the input structure are two aspects:
The material used for the manufacture of fittings;
Product cost.

With the help of the platband, a gap is arranged between the door frame and the surface of the opening wall. This detail serves only to decorate this gap, since without it the door will function flawlessly, but its appearance will be unsightly.

Also, an unfinished appearance may be in the door structure, the dimensions of which do not match the dimensions of the opening. If a wide box can always be cut, then building a narrow one is quite difficult. In such cases, you can use different decorative elements for framing, most often this is a telescopic trim on the door.

The meaning of the word "telescopic" is greatly magnifying. This is the reason for the design and functional features of telescopic moldings. Its main function is to increase the width of the door frame. This determines its design, in particular, the possibility of extending one of its parts. At the same time, the device differs from the standard one in that the design has a thin mounting protrusion on the rear edge of the product. It is inserted into the door frame in a special groove. In this case, regardless of the method of docking, the mounting groove must be covered with self-tapping screws.

The telescopic casing is a kind of corner. Its design provides for the presence of one shelf, which, when installing the part, is placed in a special groove located along the entire length of the door frame, due to which the width of the frame can be adjusted. And this, in turn, leads to the closure of the missing parts of the box.


Different types of telescopic moldings differ only in their purpose and the presence of extensions. Similar door elements in hardware stores are presented in two versions:

  1. Standard - is a corner without any additional details. This type of product is able to expand the door frame by 2-5 cm.
  2. Expanded telescopic architraves - are able to increase the width of the door frame by 15 cm. Perhaps this is due to the presence of an additional strip.

Design features do not interfere with both models to perfectly cope with the tasks.

Manufacturing materials and dimensions

Similar parts of the door are made from various materials. Most often it is MDF, chipboard, wood, which can be coated (laminated or veneered). There are also models made of plastic and aluminum. Which of these devices to choose depends only on the material of the door, for example, for wooden structures, the same telescopic architraves are needed, and for MDF structures, a part from similar raw materials.

If we are talking about dimensions, then this parameter can be called conditional, since any molding can be cut or equipped with an additional strip. Therefore, there is no fixed length or width. However, there are still parameters of a standard product:

  • decorative strip width - 60 or 80 mm;
  • the width of the part that is inserted into the groove is 40 mm;
  • length - 2.2 m (2 pieces included) and 1.2 m (1 piece included);
  • width of the additional rail - 80, 100 or 120 mm;

The length of the additional lath coincides with the length of the platbands.

To determine the required size of the product, you need to measure the distance from one edge of the opening of the door structure to the other.

Criteria for selecting platbands

If you need a door with a telescopic casing, then choosing the latter will be easy. First of all, you should choose the material, while combinations are unacceptable. Metal moldings in a wooden box feel especially uncomfortable. This is due to the fact that these materials have a different level of thermal expansion (the metal has more), which means that during operation the groove will increase over time and the bar will fall out.

The shape of moldings for interior doors must also match the shape of the door. These parts are straight, i.e. flat, and arched.

If desired, you can choose the color of the casing. Most often, models are purchased according to color and width, coinciding with other elements of the door frame. In this case, the selection can be in tone:

  1. door leaf;
  2. plinth;
  3. walls.

The platband can contrast with other design elements of the room.

There are no special requirements for choosing the size of this door part, since you can always adjust the dimensions of the product to fit the door frame and opening by using an additional trim or trim. Difficulties can arise with a large depth of slopes. To solve the problem, it is recommended to purchase a product of non-standard parameters to order.

Mounting Features

You can install this type of platband yourself, the main thing is to correctly calculate the size and carefully study the installation technology. This process must be carried out after installing the door, in particular the box, the installation of which is the most important stage in the construction of the door structure as a whole.

Installation features require the use of the following necessary tools:

  • hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • construction pencil;
  • miter box;
  • assembly foam.

The sequence of work should be as follows:

  1. Adjustment of platbands and additional rails. At this stage, it is necessary to fit these parts to the opening and the door frame. At the same time, it is important to make adjustments down to the millimeter, since any gaps can look ugly.
  2. Addition installation. The bar is installed in a special groove, which is located on the back of the box. For fixing, you can use special wedges, while you need to make sure that they do not protrude beyond the wall. After installing the extension, the space between it and the opening must be filled with polyurethane sealant. When using mounting foam, it is better to choose one that exerts little pressure during the curing process. You can identify such a tool by the number 65 in the marking.
  3. Installation of telescopic platbands. To do this, it is enough to install them in the groove of the extension or door frame. In most cases, additional fixation is not required, since they are inserted tightly. If, nevertheless, there are nuances, then fastening to the finishing nails can be performed. Particular attention should be paid to the place of joining of the platbands. At the junctions, they can touch at an angle of 45 or 90 °, with the first option being preferable.

A telescopic element can be the only right solution in the presence of a standard door and a non-standard doorway. At the same time, the installation of this part can be done independently, which is another advantage of such a molding model.