What is the shower cabin made of? We make a shower cabin with our own hands

Shower cabins have brought great comfort to our lives. We are used to them and can no longer imagine life without a comfortable shower. A variety of shower cabins allows you to equip a small and large bathroom, choose a corner and square shower, with and without a bathtub. But, as it turned out, it is not easy for everyone to overcome the barrier of a classic shower cabin with a tray. Elderly people or people with disabilities are looking for another way to arrange a shower cabin - do-it-yourself shower cabins without a pallet are a great option for this.

Are you dreaming of a comfortable and stylish shower cabin in a private house or apartment? Can't choose a product in the store according to your requirements? Masters give detailed recommendations how to make a shower without a pallet with your own hands. Shower cabin without a tray: the process of creating a shower with a floor drain has some fundamental differences from installing a standard format shower cabin. We will talk about them in this article.

Photo 1. Shower cabin without a pallet

How to make a shower room without a pallet with your own hands: the advantage of choosing

A do-it-yourself shower without a pallet has several advantages of arranging a shower with a floor drain in the bathroom. You can install it anywhere you like. You also determine the size of the shower yourself, based on your needs. Not always a standard cabin suits the owners in any way. Its dimensions may not "fit" into the area of ​​​​the bathroom or create inconvenience for cleaning. Also may not be satisfied with the size and functionality sliding doors booths. While designing your shower, you will select doors and other accessories according to your desires. There is another important argument in favor of arranging your own shower cabin with your own hands: low cost.

When arranging a shower, you can prudently make a step or install wide convenient doors right size. Doors can be frosted, glass, transparent or colored. Or maybe not - it's a matter of choice! The thickness of the floor in the shower is also adjustable. The floor may include several layers: a heat-insulating polystyrene foam layer on the floor surface, a concrete screed, a waterproofing layer, a screed and a tile or granite tile.

Photo 2. Shower room without a pallet

Creating a shower without a classic shower tray begins with a study of theory. Before you start work, learn where to start and how to make a shower in the apartment. The design stage is the most important. For drain system shower, provide a margin of height, 15 cm is enough. This is necessary for waterproofing and a sloping floor. In a private house for a cabin in the bathroom, choose the first floor, it is more convenient to carry out work on the drain device.

The sloping shower floor option is more suitable for spacious rooms. The basis of a shower device without a pallet is a shower drain system (ladder). It provides drainage to the sewer, filters liquids, prevents sewer odors, and simplifies cleaning of the drain system. On sale there are standard drains with a water seal and a dry seal.

Ladder with dry shutter

A shower drain of this type is a device with which excess water is removed from the floor. This is a construction of a grid and a built-in shutter and a drainage system to the sewer. Function - an obstacle to the penetration of smell from the sewer, timely draining of water. There are ladders with different mechanisms: pendulum, membrane, float and a device with molecular memory.

Photo 3. Ladder with a dry shutter

Shower drain with water seal

Drainage system for arranging a drain to the floor, equipped with a curved tube with water. Proper bending and water are an obstacle to the penetration of sewer gases. Among the disadvantages of the system is a possible drying out. As a result, the water seal is eliminated and odors gain access to the room. The cause of the problem may be the high temperature of the warm floor or in the room, design errors. Equipment with a water seal must be regularly flushed with water.

Photo 4

Do-it-yourself shower without a pallet with a drain to the floor

First, determine what size your shower will be. Sizing depends on the area of ​​the bathroom, the choice of materials and functions. Make a markup with a tape measure. It is most convenient to place the booth in the corner of the room. In the instructions on how to make a shower cabin yourself with your own hands, the craftsmen focus on waterproofing and correct installation ladder.

Step 1. We mount the concrete form in the intended place of the room. It will require boards or a finished frame in the form of a box. It is assembled from boards 5x10 cm.

Step 2. We lay the waterproofing. A rubber membrane will do. It is placed on the bottom of the form. The ends of the membrane go up to the wall, to a height of 20 cm. We fix the canvas from the corner. We straighten and stretch a little. We fasten with nails or a stapler tightly to the board. The fasteners are also 20 cm above the bottom of the mold.

Step 3. We equip the drain hole. In the intended place, cut out a round hole. Its size exactly matches the size of the drain. Install the drain plate at the marked point. We fix it with bolts. Then we mount the drain drain. Before concrete work it must be sealed with protective tape.

Step 4. Making a cement mortar. It is made according to the instructions on the cement packaging. To simplify the task, you can buy ready-made cement mixture. The thickness of the concrete at the walls of the form is 6 cm, at the place where the drain is installed - no more than 3 cm. Leveling cement mortar carry out with a spatula. Let the concrete layer dry.

Step 5. Laying finish coat. For this, tile or porcelain tiles are suitable. Choose any size and color of tiles.

Photo 5. Do-it-yourself shower cabin without a pallet with a drain to the floor

Do-it-yourself shower cabins without a pallet with an inclined floor

Do-it-yourself shower cabins without a pallet require certain sequential actions. At the beginning of work, we determine the type of floor slope. There are two options: draining from two planes or from four planes into an “envelope”. The procedure for both cases is the same. The shower floor will have several layers: a concrete screed, a 5 cm foam layer, another 4 cm concrete layer, a waterproofing layer and floor tiles. In a layer of expanded polystyrene (polystyrene), a drain is mounted and a drain is made into the sewer. Tiles are laid at an angle to the side. This is necessary so that the water does not stagnate. Some craftsmen pour the second concrete layer with a deliberate slope, in which case it will be possible to lay the tiles faster.

Photo 6. Scheme of installation of the built-in drain

Stage 1. We prepare the base. We dismantle the old coating, remove the old concrete screed. For work, a puncher is needed. We clean the base and close up the existing cracks, holes, cracks. You can use tile adhesive. All irregularities of the base are also eliminated by mixed compositions. Treat the dry base with a primer.

Stage 2. Subfloor waterproofing. With the help of a waterproofing layer, damage from unexpected leaks is minimized. Coating materials or gluing insulation are suitable for creating insulation. Coating compositions can be ready-to-use or dry. Easy to apply with a brush. Before work, we isolate the joints of the floor and walls with waterproof tape. We apply several layers of the mixture. Let's dry. Glue-type waterproofing is a roll coating with glue already applied. It is laid on the base with an overlap. We make an “entry” on walls 20 cm high. We get a waterproof bowl.

Stage 3. We carry out the laying of the screed. It is done only after the waterproofing has dried. For screed, a cement-sand mixture is used. Before applying, we determine the place of the drain and its height. Do not forget to take into account the width of the finish ( floor tiles), it is easy to calculate: add height to the thickness of the tile adhesive solution, 5-6 mm. The location of the ladder from the wall should also be calculated taking into account the width of the tiles plus 2 mm for the seam between them. In this case, the process of laying the cladding will be easier and it will be possible to avoid unnecessary cutting of the material.

Stage 4. Installation of the ladder. Mark the desired height on the part. Cut off the excess. We insert into the groove sealing ring. We install the structure in the place allotted for it. We adjust the device in size. Paste on top protective film. Masking tape will do. This is necessary in order to prevent the ingress of concrete, dirt during work.

Stage 5. Installation of beacons. To determine the height of the future concrete screed, we make marks using a level. Stretch a string between them. Do not forget to give the desired slope to the drain. The height difference must be at least 1 cm.

Stage 6. Laying concrete mortar. Level the cement mixture with a spatula. We fill all the space from the floor to the beacons. At the end of the work, pass the needle roller over the surface of the screed. It will help remove air bubbles. Leave the screed until completely dry.

Stage 7. Install the siphon. From the ladder you need to remove the protective material, install a siphon. Attach the O-ring on top. Close the lid. After that, it is necessary to turn all the way to the side according to the instructions. Insert rubber if necessary.

Stage 7. Laying floor covering. For the formation beautiful coverage take ceramic or porcelain tiles. Laying is done with an "envelope". We put a decorative frieze along the perimeter of the walls. Then beacons-tiles at the ladder. After that, you need to lay the rest of the lining. The seams between the rows are oriented parallel to the friezes. We lay out the envelope from the ramp opposite the entrance, then the right and left sides. The last one is at the door to the room. The final touch is the installation of shower doors.

Photo 7. Shower cabin without a pallet

In this article, you learned how to make a shower without a pallet with your own hands. For care glass doors and walls fit the same rules and means as behind the classic shower. Happy using!

Video: How to make a do-it-yourself shower without a pallet

If it is not possible to hot water in private house or in country house, then in this case it would be advisable to build an outdoor shower.

How to build a summer shower with your own hands from wood?

To build wooden shower in the country with your own hands, you can follow the following instructions:

First you need to choose appropriate place for building a building. When choosing, it should be borne in mind that such a country shower will be constantly exposed to moisture both inside and outside.

Tip: it is better to build such a structure in a well-ventilated area. This is necessary so that the wood dries faster. Also, do not plant bushes, trees and tall plants, as they retain moisture, do not allow air to circulate, and as a result, prevent the drying of the wood from which the country shower is made.

Production earthworks. For a shower, we dig a hole 1x1 m in size, 40 cm deep. We lay a layer of rubble on the bottom of the pit, which will help the soapy water soak into the soil faster. Next, cinder blocks should be laid out in the corners. They must be leveled.

Next, we proceed to frame manufacturing. To do this, we take boards whose thickness is 30 mm and a width of 15 cm. A base measuring 1x1 m will be made from them. 4 beams with a section of 70x100 mm are attached to this base. For dressing the frame, side and two transverse jumpers are used, which are inserted into the grooves. They also serve as a reinforcement for the roof, on which a hundred-liter tank will be installed.

Works on frame sheathing. For these purposes, you can use lining, blockhouse or false timber. The gaps between the grooves should be two to three millimeters. This is necessary so that the timber can expand freely when regularly wet. In our case, a material imitating logs was used for shower cladding.

do-it-yourself shower step-by-step instruction. Photo

Finishing work. Before painting, it is necessary to prime the wood. For these purposes, a bioprotective antifungal impregnation is suitable, after drying of which the surface is painted with at least 3 layers of facade acrylic water-borne varnish.

The next stage in the construction of a soul in the country is tank installation for water.

building a shower in the country. Photo

Tip: for a summer shower, it is advisable to use a tank with a minimum volume of one hundred liters.

You can build such a wooden shower in the country with your own hands in one or two days.

building a shower in the country with your own hands. Video

Do-it-yourself summer shower

For the construction, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • timber;
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws);
  • shower kit, which includes a bracket, a mixer, a curved pipe, an adapter and a nozzle;
  • rubber hose.

How to build a summer shower in the country with your own hands?

Construction order:

Drafting drawings. For such a structure, it will be necessary to make wooden pallet in the form of a circle of dense wood. We will have cardboard as a template. required size. First you need to lay the cardboard on a flat surface and fix it with tape. Next, using measuring devices, draw a circle with two squares located inside. According to this template, the construction of a wooden floor will be carried out.

do-it-yourself summer shower drawings

Construction pallet. The floor will be three-layer. The order of the base for the floor is as follows:

Works on pipe installation. Connect all the elements that are in the shower set.

do-it-yourself summer shower step by step instructions. Video

do-it-yourself summer shower step by step instructions. Video instruction

Summer shower for giving from pipes and polycarbonate

This option attracts with its low cost, resistance of materials to the action of sunlight and moisture, as well as ease of processing.

The procedure for the construction of the foundation and floor

Before you start building a polycarbonate outdoor shower, you need to decide on its location. For such a structure, an inconspicuous place with a flat surface, away from wells and wells, is suitable.

Site preparation. To do this, we fill it with sand and ram it.

Drill or dig four holes into which posts for the foundation will be inserted.

Lay a layer at the bottom of the hole rubble 10-12 cm thick.

Install pipes made of plastic, used for laying sewers. We make them inside and out.

do-it-yourself summer shower step by step instructions. Photo

In the central part it is necessary to dig drainage pit and fill it with rubble.

We also cover the area around the blind area with rubble.

From a bar with a section of 100x150 mm we make base for the construction and attach it to the foundation posts. For these purposes, it is necessary to drill holes in the cement and insert plugs into them.

It is also necessary to fasten jumpers to the frame with self-tapping screws and reinforce the structure with steel corners. Between the pipe and the beam we lay waterproofing.

Tip: before installing the jumpers, you need to try on the pallet, as it will subsequently be installed between them. Therefore, if necessary, it will be necessary to adjust the frame to the dimensions of the pallet.

Next, you need to remove the floor height from the timber 50x50 along the entire perimeter and after that you can proceed to the device floor covering. The result should be a base with a built-in pallet.

The order of the construction of walls and roofs

Let's start building wood frame shower. At this stage, it is necessary to provide a doorway. In our case, the height of the walls will be 2.5 meters.

summer shower made of polycarbonate step by step instructions. Photo

A solid one is attached to the rafters crate.

Making a layer waterproofing from roofing felt or bikrost.

From the sides we produce sheathing finished board.

For coverage roofing use soft tiles.

After that, we process all wooden frame wood stain two coats, and then varnish in two or three coats. For such a structure as a half-carbonate summer shower, about 7.5 liters of stain will be needed.

Frame cladding polycarbonate from the outside. For these purposes, it is recommended to use special thermal washers, for which it is necessary to cut holes on polycarbonate using a cutter.

Door made in the form of a wooden frame. Its height is two meters. To give rigidity, jumpers and jibs are used. Next, the door frame is painted, hung on hinges and lined with polycarbonate.

After that hang water heating ba k, faucets, curtains, hooks, rugs and other accessories.

At the bottom of the pallet it is necessary to bring the drain into drainage pipe , inserted 20-30 cm into the crushed stone base.

At the final stage we produce entrance improvement in the country shower. To do this, we dig a hole, fill the foundation with concrete and lay reinforcement in it. After the concrete has gained strength, we lay bricks on it, on which steps made of wood will be installed. You can decorate if you want. To do this, you need cement and stones.

Attach steps.

Do-it-yourself shower for giving

The first thing to do before starting construction is to decide on location summer soul. For such a structure, a well-lit, calm, slightly elevated place is suitable.

Tip: it is desirable that the shower is not located too close to the buildings and is built in the same style as them.

Stages of building a soul in the country

Drafting project. It is planned to build a shower consisting of two small spaces. The minimum size of the bathing compartment should be 100x100 cm, changing rooms - 60x100 cm. In our case optimal size soul - 200x150 cm.

At the chosen site mark out the rectangle dimensions 140x190 cm. We drive pipes in the corners. The foundation for the shower will be piled from two-meter asbestos-cement pipes, the diameter of which is 90-100 mm. They must be buried in dug pits to a depth of about 1.5 m. 20-30 cm should remain above the ground. After that, drainage and a drain system are arranged.

Summer shower project. Photo

To organize the flow of water is done waterproof layer. It can be made from a PVC film or roofing felt, which must be laid on an inclined surface. Alternatively, a reinforced concrete screed can be made.

Making the top and bottom strapping frame.

Plank floor covering.

Tip: In order for water to flow out of the shower cabin, it is recommended to install floorboards with gaps that are 10 mm wide.

The shower room should be separated from the dressing room by a high threshold and curtain.

Finishing work. Outside, the country shower is sheathed with clapboard or siding, moisture-resistant plywood, fiberboard, etc. Inside, for finishing, materials that are not afraid of moisture should also be used.

It is necessary to install a water tank on the roof, the water heater is installed indoors.

Hozblok with a do-it-yourself shower

The order of construction of the structure:

After a suitable place has been chosen for the construction of a shower, you can proceed to earthworks: dig foundation pit, fill it with PGS and lay out point brick foundation.

After the foundation is ready, you can proceed to the device wooden frame designs. For these purposes, a beam is used.

For plating shower on the sides and back in this project, a board with a thickness of 10 mm was used. A window and door opening should be provided in front.

Device roof frame from a wooden beam. In this project, window openings should be provided on the folding roof.

Corners should be lined with boards.

Can be used for roofing shingles.

The door is made from boards. Handles for doors and steps can also be sawn out of wood.

All wooden elements are necessary paint paint or varnish.

Bench arrangement, installation shower tray, wall cladding with plastic, fastening hooks, etc.

Summer shower projects for a summer residence

Project No. 1

For the shower, you can also use not only a wooden frame, but also a metal one. This design can be installed directly on the ground. A curtain is used as a door in this project.

Project No. 2

The shower can be made from a corrugated metal sheet that can be bent into a semicircle. For this option, there is no need to install a water heater. It will be enough to connect to the water supply.

Project No. 3

Such a summer shower made of pipes is lined with white plastic on the outside, and brown on the inside. The shower cubicle can be erected on a paved concrete pad. For this option, you will need a water heater.

Project No. 4

As a floor in such a shower, you can use wood flooring. Inside the room is lined with blue plastic. Instead of a roof, a wooden lattice is used.

Project No. 5

The base of this shower is made of metal pipes. Brown corrugated board was used for wall cladding. The roof is also made of corrugated board. Light enters the shower room through the holes between the wall and the roof.

Project No. 6

For the manufacture of this shower, red polycarbonate was used. For this option, there is no need to install a tank on the roof. To use such a shower, you will need to connect it to the water supply.

Project No. 7

The frame of such a shower is made of metal pipes, painted in Blue colour. Plastic was used for wall cladding white color. A metal structure was made for the tank.

Example #8

Rustic shower. The frame is made from dry tree trunks. Branches are used for cladding. Logs are fixed on top of the structure, on which a water tank is installed.

Project No. 9

The frame for such a shower is made of metal elements. Floor and wall cladding - varnished wood. In such summer shower There is no door or water tank.

A shower in the bathroom is no longer a luxury these days. She confidently occupied her niche in human life, and almost every homeowner seeks to equip it in his home. The simplest showers were those that existed in Soviet times- bathtub with shower curtain. Now times have changed, and shower cabins produce the most various forms, types and contents. Those who do not have the opportunity to buy such a device, or the parameters of their premises do not allow to install ready product, build a shower cabin and do it yourself.

If you do not take into account the financial possibility, then the type of shower cabin installed in the house depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where it will be installed and the contingent of people involved in its use. And, of course, the desired design.

Options for do-it-yourself shower cabins are limited to three main types of structures. The lack of a finished shower tray throws out some of the designs that off-the-shelf products have.

In addition, the type of shower cabin depends on the material from which the floor is made in the room. A concrete floor gives you more options than a floor with a wooden base.

Types of shower cabins that you can make yourself:

  • Shower cabin with a tray in the form of a bathtub;
  • Cabin with a homemade pallet;
  • Factory shower with ready-made tray;
  • Modern shower cabin without tray.

AT modern projects In interior design of bathrooms, it is increasingly possible to find shower cubicles without trays. But their construction imposes special requirements on the performer.

What can a do-it-yourself shower be made of?

Varieties building materials, which can be used for equipment in the house of shower cabins, not so much, although enough for a change in design. It's not surprising functional responsibilities shower cabins impose their responsibilities on the quality and ability of the materials used.

Do-it-yourself shower puts forward one, the most important requirement during construction - water should not flow either into the floor or through the walls of the cabin. Otherwise, the design will not be durable, and its operation will be accompanied by various problems in the form of mold, leakage and destruction.

The pallet of such a shower cabin, if any, must be properly equipped. Draining the water in the cabin must be done correctly, so that the water has time to drain, and not accumulate, and does not pour out of the sides of the pallet.

For the manufacture of showers with their own hands are used:

  • Shower cabin with a tray made of bricks filled with cement mortar and lined ceramic tiles;
  • Pallet made of artificial stone;
  • The bathroom may well serve as a shower tray, equipped independently;

For the manufacture of cabin doors, polycarbonate, glass cloth or double-glazed windows are used.

Do-it-yourself shower cabin from a bath: materials for making

The most reasonable option for a bathroom with a small area is the method of equipping a shower area based on a bath. A fixed bath is quite suitable for being a shower tray.

Do-it-yourself shower cabin from a bath - the right way to furnish a shower space in a miniature bathroom. If you correctly think over the design of such a structure, then your bathroom will have an original and stylish design, besides to provide you with comfort during water procedures.

The type and type of the bathroom itself does not affect the quality of the shower room equipped from it. The disadvantage of this design is that it is not very comfortable to use for children and the elderly.

Steps for making a shower cabin based on a bathroom:

  • If you have not yet installed a bath, install it according to the rules for installing a bath;
  • Check drain. When taking a shower, the water must flow freely. It may be necessary to replace the drain pipe with a wider one;
  • Seal the joints between the bathroom and the walls;
  • Prepare double-glazed windows or polycarbonate sheets for doors and front wall;
  • Depending on the installation method, equip the door and front wall fasteners;
  • Connect fasteners with material;
  • Screw on the knobs;
  • Adjust roller system.

If there are no walls on the sides of your bathroom, then these spaces also need to be sewn up with polycarbonate, or another type of partition should be built.

Practical homemade shower cabin with a tray

One of the most popular types of shower cabins is a device for taking a shower with a do-it-yourself tray. This concept of approach to the arrangement of shower cabins allows you to significantly save money on the family budget and makes it possible to give your design any desired design.

A homemade shower cabin with a pallet will require you to have a competent approach, endurance and skill. But the result will please the family and you for many years.

For pallet equipment you will need: brick; cement; sand; bituminous mastic; thick film; facing tiles; glue for laying tiles; waterproof fugue. In addition, take care of arranging a high-quality ladder for water discharge.

How do they do homemade pallet For shower:

  • We prepare the space on which the pallet will be placed;
  • We equip a ladder for draining water;
  • We select garbage from the space, the remains of concrete, dust, building materials, dirt.
  • We thoroughly cover the installation site of the pallet with water-repellent mastic or bituminous resin, let it dry;
  • We lay out the bricks, make the formwork and fill the pallet with cement mortar, leaving room for the tiles.
  • Not earlier than after 3 weeks, lay out the sides of the pallet, let it dry.
  • We are again taking measures to ensure tightness;
  • Let dry, tile the pallet.

Mosaic tiles are considered the most practical for lining pallets. She has great design and prevents the foot from slipping on wet surfaces. In any case, it is best to put a rubber mat on the bottom of the shower.

Walls for a shower cabin without a pallet

Today, styles with free, uncluttered space occupy a confident position in interior design. This trend is also inherent in showers in modern houses. Shower cabins without pallets are evidence of this. Spacious, practical and stylish. They perfectly complement the interior of the bathroom.

Walls for a do-it-yourself shower cabin without a pallet make it possible to design a unique, interesting design rooms. By completing the walls of drywall and lining them with waterproof material, you will also ensure high-quality functioning of your shower room. Another option is the ability to make the walls of the shower room from plastic panels.

The pallet of such a shower stall is distinguished by the absence of sides. This type of pallet is similar to a regular floor, which has a built-in ladder for draining water. The principle of equipping the floor is similar to the principle of arranging a pallet made of bricks and cement.

Advantages of a shower cabin without a pallet:

  • If your family has children or the elderly, this type of shower is most suitable for them;
  • By arranging such a booth, you provide yourself with the opportunity to take a shower without the possibility of tripping over the pallet.
  • Stylish, unsurpassed design of a cubicle without a pallet will complement any bathroom interior;
  • The option without a pallet makes it possible to equip a place for taking a shower of any size;
  • In a large, spacious shower room, you can provide an unlimited number of functions when taking a shower.

A shower without a pallet will cost you much less if you make it yourself, especially since the design is not complicated. But if you need to arrange a shower in a small space, then it is still better to organize a pallet.

Homemade polycarbonate shower: pros and cons

Building a shower enclosure is not difficult for a person who independently makes repairs in his home. To equip the pallet, you need a little more knowledge and skill. Because there is a sewer. Shutters of the shower door or a curtain, some are driven into a dead end. But don't be afraid. There are several options for making the front of the shower stall.

A homemade polycarbonate shower cubicle is the most acceptable option for equipping shower cubicle doors. This material is not the most expensive. The equipment of objects from it is not difficult.

The polycarbonate cabin can be equipped with or without a drip tray, according to your taste. In shape, it can be a shower enclosure, a trapezoid design, or rectangular version booths. The shape is mainly set by your wishes and the room in which you equip the shower.

A polycarbonate shower cubicle can be equipped in the following rooms:

  • In the apartment;
  • In a private house;
  • In a country house;
  • In the garden area.

In public buildings, polycarbonate shower cubicles are very often used.

Do-it-yourself shower in the apartment (video)

A shower cabin in your home can be equipped in any convenient location bathroom: in the corner, in the center, in a separate niche. A well-planned design and the right calculations will help you build a practical and comfortable shower stall.

A good idea is to build a shower without a pallet with your own hands. After all, even Chinese-made booths are sometimes quite expensive, but you don’t want to invest so much money in the purchase. If a major renovation is planned in the bathroom, then you can literally make a very beautiful and comfortable shower from improvised materials: cement, brick, tile. the only mandatory requirement to such a structure is its thorough waterproofing. This will prevent conflicts with neighbors from below regarding the flooding of their bathroom.

Where to start building?

Preparation for the construction of even a small structure begins with an assessment of the possibilities of construction. In the case of the construction of a shower cabin without a pallet, the main attention should be paid to the choice of a sewer ladder, or a drain device. Through it, the water falling from the shower head will be removed without accumulating under the feet of a person.

In city apartments and private houses with an existing subfloor, it would be more rational to install a horizontal drain system with a side connection to an existing one. sewer system. If the construction of the shower takes place during the construction of the cottage, then you can also mount a vertical ladder with an outlet to local sewerage through the cover.

Before you make a shower cabin without a tray, you need to consider that the water drain unit will take up space under its floor. Even for a horizontal ladder, the height to which the floor must be raised is about 10 cm. This creates a rather large load on the floors in high-rise building requires significantly higher repair costs. In this regard, a decision should be made: make a small podium for the cubicle device or evenly raise the floor level over the entire area of ​​​​the bathroom.

How to make a podium?

The size of the raised area of ​​the floor for the shower room should be sufficient so that a person can take a shower without touching the walls and the fence of the stall. They depend on the dimensions of the owner of the house and can be chosen to your taste. It is irrational to make the podium smaller than 90x90 cm.

For the device of the podium, the following materials will be required:

  • waterproofing film or mastic;
  • sheets of expanded polystyrene 5 cm thick;
  • cement, sand and gravel for screed, brick if necessary;
  • shower drain and sewer pipes;
  • finishing material (tile, mosaic, etc.).

Clean the selected place from the old screed to concrete floor. Apply a layer of mastic so that the isolated area is larger than the area of ​​the planned podium by at least 10 cm around the perimeter. Mastic should be evenly covered with adjacent walls to a height of at least 15 cm.

Lay and connect new pipes to the sewer. When carrying out communications, it must be borne in mind that the angle of inclination of the pipes should be 2-3 ° with a decrease in the direction of the riser or sewer. Install a drain assembly with a siphon and a grate, connect it to a new pipe. Check the operation of the drain and eliminate defects.

The next stage of construction will be the formation of a multilayer floor, as a result of which the podium will rise, and communications will be hidden in the thickness of the new architectural element. The basis of the shower cabin is formed as follows:

Making a podium is advisable in large bathrooms, where there is room for a raised floor area. Most often, in city apartments, the bathroom has a very small area, where an extra "step" can interfere with installation washing machine, plumbing or the movement of the owners themselves. In this case, it is better to prefer the option without a podium.

How to make a drain in the bathroom floor?

Highly convenient option for small bathrooms - a shower room, which is limited only by temporary walls made of plastic curtains. When no one is using the shower, the corner it occupies provides more space in the bathroom. To carry out hygiene procedures, it is enough to close the curtains. Even in large bathrooms, inconspicuous showers are gaining popularity. It is convenient and beautiful, although it requires material costs and pouring work. concrete screed throughout the bathroom.

The principles of arranging a shower without a podium are no different from building one on a raised floor area. The first step should be reliable waterproofing of the base cleaned from the old coating and screed. Unlike the podium device, you will have to isolate the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom and lower part the walls of the room. The shower drain must be installed in a place convenient for the owners. Usually this is the far corner of the room: there the booth will not interfere with walking.

The assembly and connection of the drain is carried out in the same way as for the podium. After it is installed, you can determine the height to which the floor level will rise and mount the connection nodes to the sewer of other plumbing for the bathroom. Further, everything happens in the same way as indicated for the device of the podium: PPS slabs, concrete screed, waterproofing and screed again.

The last layer of the screed is formed with an inclination towards the drain hole. There can be many options for manufacturing an inclined floor:

  • quadrilateral;
  • smooth circular, bowl-shaped;
  • double-sided (if the drain is in the very corner);
  • semicircular or in the form of a sector;
  • one-sided (convenient if ladders-trays longer than 1 m are used).

Tiles are laid on top of the screed and carefully.

After the installation of the floor is completed, you can install plumbing fittings: mixer taps, a shower hose with a watering can or other spout systems (“mountain waterfall”, cascade, rain). In order to prevent water from splashing all over the bathroom, they equip the cubicle with a glass fence or hang protective plastic curtains.

How to make a fence?

If the bathroom is large, then the shower cubicle, even before the start of the floor arrangement, is protected by stationary walls made of brick or glass. In this case, it may not even be necessary to install a door, because there is enough space inside the cabin so that the spray does not fly out. But in a small bathroom, every centimeter of area is accounted for, so it is better to make the wall sliding. The easiest option is a curtain.

This guard can be removed when the booth is not in use by simply sliding it against the wall. To hang the curtain, you need to install brackets with a rod. Exists different models these hangers. What they have in common is that the support brackets are attached to the walls in the right places, and a straight or curved bar is placed between them.

A more difficult option can be considered the installation of glass walls and doors. These devices can be purchased at ready-made or make to order. As a rule, profiles made of plastic or metal are provided for mounting them on the floor and ceiling. They must be installed and secured as recommended by the manufacturer. Usually the profiles are also skids for moving the sliding cabin door. After the frame is fully assembled, you can glaze the booth and hang the door.

Choosing independent device shower room without installing a pallet, you can make a booth of such a shape and size that will be convenient for the owners. With a large selection of fittings and finishing materials, this structure will turn out to be no less aesthetic than expensive models of purchased plumbing.

Video instruction

The development of modern technology allows you to arrange a modern shower room even in wooden house. Wood is a capricious material, so the main focus should be on high-quality waterproofing and finally take care of aesthetics.


Planning the space of a shower room in a wooden house begins with marks for installing a booth, washbasin, bidet and toilet (if the bathroom is shared). If desired, in the same room you can place washing machine. traditionally mounted in a corner or against a wall. Consider where the hood will be located, placement elements. Connect sewer and water pipes.

When planning a shower room, the size of the room plays an important role. Do not install the toilet in front of the door, it does not look aesthetically pleasing. It is better if at the entrance the eye falls on the mirror, which creates the illusion of spaciousness and gives the room a more spectacular look. In a small shower, you should avoid piling up items - cosmetics, bathing and household supplies it is better to place it in hidden systems, and not put it on a table.

Tips for planning a small shower room:

  • The freer the floor, the larger the room seems. Therefore, when choosing plumbing, pay attention to suspended models shells.
  • Instead of shelves, use niches, they visually increase the space.
  • In order to save space in a niche, you can install a washing machine and hang a dryer or shelves above it.

When planning a large shower room, problems can arise no less than when arranging a limited space. If in a small room you need to carefully consider the use of each centimeter, then in spacious room the formation of empty zones must be avoided.

If you do not know what to look for when choosing a shower cabin, it is recommended that you read this article:

How to decorate a large shower room so that it does not look empty:

  • Select a seating area with an armchair, a glass table.
  • Place a large closet, chest of drawers or several cabinets.
  • Make a green area with live plants.


Shower room with a large cubicle, toilet, cabinets, pencil cases

Material selection

Shower cabins are available with or without a tray. The first option is more practical, the second one is easier to install. A shower stall with a sloping floor instead of a pallet is suitable for small spaces. The shower tray is made of bricks or poured out of concrete, then tiled. One of the best options for the manufacture of a movable wall - this is glass. You can also make this part of the booth from other materials. Instead of a movable wall, you can use a plastic curtain.

Tips for choosing the material for the booth:

  • Tempered glass is the most good option, as it holds shock loads very well.
  • Ordinary glass - glass sheets with a thickness of 6 mm or more can be used. outer side It is recommended to paste over with a self-adhesive transparent film. This will prevent the glass from breaking into small pieces in case of damage to the structure.
  • Acrylic and polycarbonate - door elements made of this material must be framed in an aluminum profile.

Required Tools

After the end of the preparatory period, you need to decide on the configuration of the booth. Then prepare everything necessary materials and tools.

What tools will you need to make a booth:

  • Measuring tools and building level.
  • Masterok, spatula.
  • Several containers for mixing grouts, mortars and glue.
  • Perforator and drill.
  • Screwdriver, hammer and screwdriver set.
  • Bulgarian, hand saw or electric jigsaw.
  • Spanners.

Step-by-step instructions for equipping a shower room with your own hands

Wooden structures under the influence of moisture swell, warp, lose practical properties. high humidity can adversely affect the condition of buildings made of logs or timber. To avoid this, it is necessary to waterproof all surfaces of the shower. Thanks to the abundance of modern waterproofing materials, you can make a functional and comfortable room in any wooden house.

Stages of arranging a shower room in a wooden house:

  • Arrange a reliable ventilation system to remove water vapor.
  • Install water outlet.
  • Perform waterproofing of the room.
  • Install a shower stall.
  • Perform finishing work.

Ventilation system

It is generally accepted that in houses made of timber or logs, air circulation is provided naturally, through micropores in a tree, and they do not need a full-fledged ventilation system. It should be borne in mind that wooden floors not only breathe, but also absorb and release moisture well. This property can quickly turn from a virtue into a disadvantage. Especially when it comes to rooms with excessive humidity: kitchens, bathrooms, showers, bathrooms. Without additional air outflow, mold and fungus will appear on the wood, which will lead to damage to the floors.

passive air exchange in a private house

For a small wooden house enough passive ventilation system. With this method, air exchange occurs naturally without the use of supply and exhaust fans. Air enters the house through micro-slits in building structures or through supply valves installed in living rooms. The outflow of air is carried out through the exhaust holes in the upper part of the wall in the kitchen, shower room and bathroom.

It is better to start laying the ventilation system at the stage of building a house.

Ventilation Tips:

  • General exhaust pipe should protrude at least 50 cm above the roof.
  • The outer part of the air duct must be insulated to prevent the formation of condensate.
  • All equipment must be made of non-combustible materials.
  • Ventilation shafts in the shower room must be equipped with dampers that block the flow of oxygen in the event of a fire.

Air in passive systems ventilation circulates due to the difference in temperature and pressure drops inside and outside the building. Air currents enter the house, heat up, rise up and are discharged outside through the exhaust openings. This method of air exchange is effective in the cold season. In summer, the circulation of air flows largely depends on the intensity of the wind and pressure drops. In the off-season, air exchange practically stops. To increase the efficiency of air exchange in the shower room, it is recommended to install an exhaust fan in the exhaust shaft. If a ventilation system is not provided in a wooden house, it is necessary to equip the shower room with an exhaust fan.

Installation of a wall fan in the shower room:

  1. Mark on the wall where the device is to be inserted.
  2. Cut a hole with a drill.
  3. Insert the sleeve and cut off the protruding parts.
  4. Connect electrical wiring.
  5. Drill holes for fasteners.
  6. Install the housing and muffler.
  7. Close the case with a lid.
  8. From the side of the street, close the hole with a ventilation grill.


A wooden or timber building shrinks over time. This feature should be taken into account when choosing sewer pipes. Therefore, it is better to use drainage systems made of materials that are resistant to mechanical damage: polyethylene, high-quality plastic or metal-plastic.

Ladder installation

The principles of the sewerage device:

  • For a shower and a washbasin, you need to take pipes with a diameter of 50 mm. A pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is connected to the toilet (if any).
  • All internal drain pipes discharged into a common pit.
  • Pipes are located at a slight angle down.
  • For fastenings, it is better to use movable joints that prevent breakage of the sewer in case of floor shrinkage.

The sewer system will last for decades if you use high-quality materials.

Subfloor preparation

The section of the floor, which is located under the shower, requires additional reinforcement. For this, additional supports are installed under the finishing floor at the construction stage at the location of the booth. The wooden floor must be treated with water-repellent and antibacterial compounds. Next, the floor is insulated with polymer mastic or a self-adhesive rubberized membrane. After that, a screed of cement-polymer mastic is performed.

Laying rubberized membrane

Floor preparation procedure:

  1. The wooden surface is cleaned of dirt, oil stains and paint.
  2. The surface is treated with compounds that protect against water absorption and mold formation.
  3. A rubberized membrane or a layer of polymer coating is laid on the floor.
  4. Drain holes are closed with ladders.
  5. 2 layers of cement-polymer mortar are poured on top. The thickness of each layer is 2–3 mm. The second layer is applied 2-3 hours after the first.
  6. After 6-10 hours, the floor can be decorated with finishing materials, such as tiles.


When screeding the floor at the location of the shower, you need to make a slight slope towards the drain hole.

Wall arrangement

Almost all walls in a wooden house are load-bearing, so they need reliable waterproofing, which is carried out around the perimeter of the room. Wood is treated with water-repellent compounds. If it is decided to leave the walls wooden, then the processing ends there. Before facing with finishing materials, vertical surfaces are covered with waterproof drywall.

To equip the drain in the bathroom floor will help the following material:

Wall and ceiling cladding with moisture-resistant plasterboard

Production and connection of a shower cabin

The easiest way to make a corner shower cubicle is square or rectangular. Minimum dimensions structures - 1x1.3x2.2 m, more comfortable - 1.9x1.4x2.5 m.

Cabin manufacturing procedure:

When installing a drain drain, do not forget about the slope, taking into account which make the screed. Upper level the ladder should be 2-3 mm below the floor level.

Options for decoration and design

There are many ways to design a shower room. Design and finishes are selected depending on the size of the room, the location of windows and doors, the configuration of the booth, etc.

Natural marble - luxurious and beautiful pleasure
mosaic tiles looks beautiful and protects from moisture Finishing the shower with two types of tiles: ceramic and mosaic
Finishing with practical and durable ceramic tiles The shower room without finishing also harmoniously fits into the interior of the shower room

Decoration Materials:

  • Ceramic tile is a durable, reliable and moisture resistant material with a wide range of colors.
  • Mosaic tiles - used to create images on walls, floors, ceilings. The variety of colors, shapes and sizes allows you to embody any artistic ideas.
  • Marble is durable and beautiful material. A natural stone will add sophistication to any interior. The disadvantages of marble include its high cost and complexity of processing.
  • Plastic PVC panels are one of the lightest and most economical materials. Panels are usually lined with walls and ceilings. Other materials are used to decorate the floor.

Video: bathroom in a wooden house

Despite the fact that the tree is afraid of prolonged contact with water, it is possible to arrange a shower in a wooden house. Moreover, there are many materials on sale that provide hardwood floors reliable protection.