What does mechanics study. Functional and job responsibilities of a mechanic

Within any training course The study of physics begins with mechanics. Not from theoretical, not from applied and not computational, but from good old classical mechanics. This mechanics is also called Newtonian mechanics. According to legend, the scientist was walking in the garden, saw an apple fall, and it was this phenomenon that prompted him to discover the law of universal gravitation. Of course, the law has always existed, and Newton only gave it a form understandable to people, but his merit is priceless. In this article, we will not describe the laws of Newtonian mechanics in as much detail as possible, but we will outline the basics, basic knowledge, definitions and formulas that can always play into your hands.

Mechanics is a branch of physics, a science that studies the movement of material bodies and the interactions between them.

The word itself has Greek origin and translates as "the art of building machines". But before building machines, we still have a long way to go, so let's follow in the footsteps of our ancestors, and we will study the movement of stones thrown at an angle to the horizon, and apples falling on heads from a height h.

Why does the study of physics begin with mechanics? Because it is completely natural, not to start it from thermodynamic equilibrium?!

Mechanics is one of the oldest sciences, and historically the study of physics began precisely with the foundations of mechanics. Placed within the framework of time and space, people, in fact, could not start from something else, no matter how much they wanted to. Moving bodies are the first thing we pay attention to.

What is movement?

Mechanical motion is a change in the position of bodies in space relative to each other over time.

It is after this definition that we quite naturally come to the concept of a frame of reference. Changing the position of bodies in space relative to each other. Keywords here: relative to each other . After all, a passenger in a car moves relative to a person standing on the side of the road at a certain speed, and rests relative to his neighbor in a seat nearby, and moves at some other speed relative to a passenger in a car that overtakes them.

That is why, in order to normally measure the parameters of moving objects and not get confused, we need reference system - rigidly interconnected reference body, coordinate system and clock. For example, the earth moves around the sun in a heliocentric frame of reference. In everyday life, we carry out almost all our measurements in a geocentric reference system associated with the Earth. The earth is a reference body relative to which cars, planes, people, animals move.

Mechanics, as a science, has its own task. The task of mechanics is to know the position of the body in space at any time. In other words, mechanics builds a mathematical description of motion and finds connections between physical quantities characterizing it.

In order to move further, we need the notion of “ material point ". They say that physics is an exact science, but physicists know how many approximations and assumptions have to be made in order to agree on this very accuracy. No one has ever seen a material point or sniffed an ideal gas, but they do exist! They are just much easier to live with.

A material point is a body whose size and shape can be neglected in the context of this problem.

Sections of classical mechanics

Mechanics consists of several sections

  • Kinematics
  • Dynamics
  • Statics

Kinematics from a physical point of view, studies exactly how the body moves. In other words, this section deals with the quantitative characteristics of movement. Find speed, path - typical tasks of kinematics

Dynamics solves the question of why it moves the way it does. That is, it considers the forces acting on the body.

Statics studies the equilibrium of bodies under the action of forces, that is, it answers the question: why does it not fall at all?

Limits of applicability of classical mechanics.

Classical mechanics no longer claims to be a science that explains everything (at the beginning of the last century, everything was completely different), and has a clear scope of applicability. In general, the laws of classical mechanics are valid for the world familiar to us in terms of size (macroworld). They cease to work in the case of the world of particles, when classical mechanics is replaced by quantum mechanics. Also, classical mechanics is inapplicable to cases where the movement of bodies occurs at a speed close to the speed of light. In such cases, relativistic effects become pronounced. Roughly speaking, within the framework of quantum and relativistic mechanics - classical mechanics, this is a special case when the dimensions of the body are large and the speed is small. You can learn more about it from our article.

Generally speaking, quantum and relativistic effects never go away; they also take place during the usual motion of macroscopic bodies at a speed much lower than the speed of light. Another thing is that the action of these effects is so small that it does not go beyond the most accurate measurements. Classical mechanics will thus never lose its fundamental importance.

We will continue to study the physical foundations of mechanics in future articles. For a better understanding of the mechanics, you can always refer to, which in individually shed light on dark spot the most difficult task.

Mechanics is the science of the mechanical movement of material bodies and the interactions between them that occur during this.

Mechanics is usually understood as the so-called classical mechanics, which is based on the laws of Newtonian mechanics. Newtonian mechanics studies the motion of any material bodies (except elementary particles), provided that these bodies move at speeds much lower than the speed of light (the motion of bodies with speeds of the order of the speed of light is considered in the theory of relativity, and intra-atomic phenomena and the motion of elementary particles - in quantum mechanics ).

Mechanical motion is understood as a change over time in the relative position of bodies or their parts in space: for example, the movement of celestial bodies, fluctuations in the earth's crust, air and sea currents, movement aircraft and vehicles, machines and mechanisms, deformation of structural elements and structures, movement of liquids and gases, etc.

In mechanics, interactions of bodies are considered, the result of which are changes in the velocities of the points of these bodies or their deformations. For example, the attraction of bodies according to the law of universal gravitation, the mutual pressure of contacting bodies, the effect of liquid or gas particles on each other and on bodies moving or resting in them, etc.

When studying the movement of material bodies, he operates with a number of concepts that reflect certain properties of real bodies, for example:

A material point is an object of negligible size, having a mass. This concept can be used when the body moves forward or when the motion under study can neglect the rotation of the body around its center of mass;

Absolutely rigid body - a body, the distance between any two points of which does not change. This concept is applicable when the deformation of the body can be neglected;

Continuous variable environment - this concept is applicable when the molecular structure of the body can be neglected. It is used in the study of the movement of liquids, gases, deformable solids.

Mechanics consists of the following sections:

1) mechanics of a material point;

2) mechanics of an absolutely rigid body;

3) continuum mechanics, which, in turn, includes:

a) the theory of elasticity;

b) the theory of plasticity;

c) hydrodynamics;

d) aerodynamics;

e) gas dynamics.

Each of the listed sections consists of statics, dynamics and kinematics. Statics is the doctrine of the balance of bodies under the action of forces (Greek statos - standing).

Dynamics is the study of the movement of bodies under the action of forces. Kinematics is the study of the geometric properties of the motion of bodies.

In addition to the above sections of mechanics, the theory of oscillations, the theory of stability of motion, the mechanics of bodies of variable mass, the theory of automatic control, the theory of impact, etc., are of independent importance.

Mechanics is closely related to other branches of physics. Mechanics is of great importance for many branches of astronomy, especially for celestial mechanics (the motion of the planets and stars, etc.).

For engineering mechanics is of particular importance. For example, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, dynamics of machines and mechanisms, the theory of movement of ground, air and vehicles use the equations and methods of theoretical mechanics.

A mechanic is a generalist who is responsible for the technical condition and repair of equipment on site. manufacturing plant. What functions an employee applying for this position should perform is decided by the company's management together with a specialist from the personnel department. The main provisions of the document should not contradict the legal norms of the Labor Code.

General provisions of the job description for a mechanic

  1. Who and with what education has the right to hold the position of a mechanic.
  2. What knowledge and qualities should an employee applying for this vacancy have?
  3. Who is the immediate supervisor of the employee in the position of a mechanic.
  4. Operating mode.
  5. Who should perform official duties mechanics in case of vacation, sick leave and other life circumstances.
  6. Vacation information.

The position of a mechanic depending on the type of activity

The functional duties of a mechanic depend on the field of activity in which he works and what position he occupies, namely:

  1. Mechanical engineer.
  2. Mechanic for the release of vehicles on the line.
  3. Chief mechanical engineer.
  4. Driver mechanic.
  5. Garage (vehicle) mechanic.

In addition, the specifics of the work of a specialist of such a plan depends on the type of equipment or vehicle that is under his control. For example, a ship mechanic, among other things, must have undergone special military training and have an appropriate education, which includes knowledge of the science of shipbuilding. Each company has the right to establish its own requirements for the job seeker of a mechanic, which they prescribe in the relevant contract, namely - job description. Before signing employment contract the employer must familiarize the future employee with this type of document.

Consider the features of the functional and job responsibilities of a mechanic, depending on the type of activity.

Responsibilities of Chief Mechanic

  1. An employee holding the position of chief mechanic is obliged to organize and conduct a scheduled and, if necessary, urgent inspection of the technical condition of equipment or vehicles at the enterprise.
  2. Draws up the schedule of work and vacations of employees under his subordination.
  3. Assesses the technical condition of the equipment, vehicles of the garage. Makes an estimate for its repair and submits it to higher management for approval of the repair plan.
  4. The duties of the chief mechanic also include organizing the replacement of old equipment with new ones, conducting its technical test in operation.
  5. Once every six months, conduct a safety briefing, as well as convey to your subordinates information about new work instructions and orders.
  6. Supervises compliance with safety regulations and working conditions.
  7. Controls the workflow of subordinates, namely, how correctly they operate the equipment and how well they perform their functional duties.
  8. Compile a report within the deadline set by the management technical condition equipment and the cost of repairing it.
  9. Develops and implements a plan to improve the quality of equipment or other technical means for which he is documented responsible.

A mechanical engineer has a special responsibility for the technical base of the organization, whose duties are to optimize production. Let us consider in more detail what the employee holding this position is responsible for.

Job Responsibilities of a Mechanical Engineer

  1. To carry out quality control of the equipment and vehicles at the disposal of the organization.
  2. Conduct equipment performance analysis. Based on the results of the study, draw up a plan to improve its performance, which must be agreed with the chief engineer.
  3. Make an application for necessary accessories for the repair of equipment or its purchase.
  4. Once every 2-3 months, check how correctly the equipment under his responsibility is operated.
  5. Provide monthly reports on the work done and scheduled inspections to the chief engineer.
  6. Must make suggestions and recommendations for improving performance in shifts, providing facts, drawings and diagrams.

It should be noted that the mechanical engineer is responsible for equipment breakdown and production downtime. The duty of the incumbent of this position is to prevent this incident.

Duties of a driver

Unlike his colleagues, the driver is responsible for the vehicle issued to him by the company. His responsibilities include:

  1. Drive a car provided by the organization.
  2. Before leaving the line, receive a waybill with a mark on the passage of the pre-trip inspection of the driver and vehicle.
  3. Provide the car to the mechanics of the garage for a scheduled inspection on time.
  4. Perform scheduled oil changes, refueling and repairs.
  5. Make a request to the mechanical engineer for the necessary spare parts.
  6. Submit a report on the consumption of fuels and lubricants.

In a word, the duties of a motor transport mechanic are to ensure that the vehicle controlled by him is in a technically sound condition. He is also responsible for the provided vehicle. If the breakdown of the car was due to his fault, then he makes repairs at his own expense.

Functional duties of a mechanic for the release of vehicles on a flight

In connection with the increasing number of accidents due to a malfunction of vehicles, the government of the Russian Federation in 2015 tightened the pre-trip inspection. Therefore, the mechanics involved in this activity were assigned additional responsibilities, namely:

  1. The mechanic must carefully inspect the vehicle. technical means must be in perfect working order.
  2. Checks whether the driver of the car has the relevant accompanying documents and a driver's license.
  3. Must report to his immediate supervisor on the condition of the vehicles in the company's fleet, as well as violations in the actions of drivers.
  4. Maintaining necessary documentation.
  5. Installs a seal on the speedometer and gas tank.
  6. Compares the indicators of devices with existing standards.
  7. Before being released to the line, he must make sure that he is allowed to work as a medical worker.

Improper performance of one's duties bears responsibility, which can be expressed in several forms.

Types of punishment for a mechanic in case of improper performance of duties

1. Administrative responsibility. Means an oral or written reprimand.

2. Material. If the company has suffered losses due to the fault of the employee, he is obliged to compensate them. In the worst case scenario, he could be fired.

3. Criminal. If, due to the improper performance of the professional duties of a mechanic, harm was caused to the health of a moderate degree of severity of one or more people. For example, if a mechanic releases a technically faulty vehicle onto the line, which as a result gets into an accident with human casualties.

Changes to the main provisions in the job description

The employer reserves the right to change the instructions developed by him with the functional duties of a mechanic. This is due to the fact that Russian legislation constantly adopts acts and regulations on safety at the enterprise and on the road. A representative of this profession is obliged to familiarize his employees with each individually and strictly under a personal signature.

Such a profession as a mechanic is quite in demand at the present time. However, this position also implies greater responsibility in the field of production and transport logistics education and work experience of at least 3 years.

Mechanics is one of the sections physics. Under mechanics usually understand classical mechanics. Mechanics is a science that studies the movement of bodies and the interactions between them that occur in this case.

In particular, each body at any moment of time occupies a certain position in space relative to other bodies. If, over time, the body changes position in space, then they say that the body moves, performs a mechanical movement.

Mechanical movement is called a change in the relative position of bodies in space over time.

The main task of mechanics- determining the position of the body at any time. To do this, you need to be able to briefly and accurately indicate how the body moves, how its position changes over time during this or that movement. In other words, to find a mathematical description of the movement, that is, to establish links between the quantities characterizing the mechanical movement.

When studying the movement of material bodies, concepts such as:

  • material point- a body whose dimensions under given conditions of motion can be neglected. This concept is used in translational motion, or when, in the motion under study, the rotation of the body around its center of mass can be neglected,
  • absolutely rigid body- a body, the distance between any two points of which does not change. The concept is used when the deformation of the body can be neglected.
  • continuum changeable environment- the concept is applicable when the molecular structure of the body can be neglected. Used in the study of the movement of liquids, gases, deformable solids.

classical mechanics based on Galileo's principle of relativity and Newton's laws. Therefore, it is also called Newtonian mechanics .

Mechanics studies the movement of material bodies, the interactions between material bodies, the general laws of changes in the positions of bodies over time, as well as the causes that cause these changes.

The general laws of mechanics imply that they are valid when studying the motion and interaction of any material bodies (except elementary particles) from microscopic sizes to astronomical objects.

Mechanics includes the following sections:

  • kinematics(studies the geometric property of the movement of bodies without the reasons that caused this movement),
  • dynamics(studies the movement of bodies, taking into account the causes that caused this movement),
  • statics(studies the balance of bodies under the action of forces).

It should be noted that these are not all sections that are included in mechanics, but these are the main sections that are studied by school program. In addition to the sections mentioned above, there are a number of sections, both of independent importance and closely related to each other and to the indicated sections.

For example:

  • continuum mechanics (includes hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, gas dynamics, elasticity theory, plasticity theory);
  • quantum mechanics;
  • mechanics of machines and mechanisms;
  • oscillation theory;
  • mechanics of variable masses;
  • impact theory;
  • and etc.

The appearance of additional sections is associated both with going beyond the limits of applicability of classical mechanics (quantum mechanics), and with a detailed study of the phenomena occurring during the interaction of bodies (for example, the theory of elasticity, the theory of impact).

But, despite this, classical mechanics does not lose its significance. It is sufficient to describe a wide range of observed phenomena without the need to resort to special theories. On the other hand, it is easy to understand and provides a basis for other theories.

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