The whole truth about quartz vinyl tiles - a new generation of flooring. Best Quartz Vinyl Flooring Quartz Vinyl Walls

We owe this material to Japanese developers. It belongs to the multilayer group. In section, it resembles a pie, consisting of five layers of different thicknesses:

  1. Base. Consists of pure polyvinyl chloride, which allows the product to fit as tightly as possible to the base.
  2. Basic. The thickest of all layers. It is formed from a mixture quartz sand or marble chips and pvc. Moreover, the share of the first component can reach up to 75%. This gives the product strength and good insulating characteristics.
  3. Reinforcing. Located inside the main one. It is a glass fiber that effectively reinforces the part.
  4. Decorative. Can be made from various materials on which the drawing is applied. It can be an imitation of any coating or an ornament, drawing, etc.
  5. Protective. Polyurethane foil mixed with aluminum oxide. Has increased durability and anti-slip effect.

In addition to sand and pvc, other ingredients are included in the composition. Despite the fact that among them there are synthetic substances, they are all safe and. Provided that a certified product is considered.

Strengths of the material

The tile is good for different premises... It can be laid in the bathroom, toilet. In any case, it will last a long time and will not lose its attractive appearance. This is due to the resistance of quartz vinyl to impact external factors:

  • Liquid. The coating is completely insensitive to it. No wet air, nor the ingress of large amounts of water on the surface does not spoil the cladding. Therefore, it can be installed even in swimming pools, saunas, etc. premises.
  • Heat. Thermal deformation of the quartz vinyl plates is not threatened, so they never warp. During operation, gaps between the elements do not appear. The material does not burn, and does not emit toxic substances when heated strongly.
  • Chemical compounds... Use of any household products safe for cladding. It is inert to alkalis and acids.
  • Mechanical damage. The protective film covering the surface of the parts is very durable. It is difficult to damage it, so accidental scratches, dents or chips are almost impossible.
  • UV radiation. The product is well protected from ultraviolet radiation. Doesn't even cause burnout and discoloration.

All these properties explain the durability of the material. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for a 20-year flawless life of the quartz vinyl floor. Subject to the rules of operation, it will be even larger. The finish is comfortable to use. It is pleasant to walk on it because it is "warm". The difference with ceramics is palpable. When laying in the bathroom, you do not need to use rugs or mats to protect your feet from the cold after bathing.

It is very easy to clean the cover. It is well tolerated by anyone. You can vacuum or wash it with any solution. Another plus: during the production process, the material is treated with an antistatic agent, which makes maintenance even easier. Dust does not accumulate in the joints. In case of damage to the cladding, it is easy to repair it. It is enough to take out a fragment with a defect and put a new one.

Disadvantages of quartz vinyl

There are not so many obvious disadvantages to him, but still they are. The main one is good elasticity. This property can be considered an advantage, because thanks to it, it will "lie down" where it is impossible to lay "hard" floors. However, this requires Special attention give to the base. It must be well leveled, otherwise all the irregularities, bumps and depressions will be too clearly noticeable. The elastic plates will not hide them.

And one more nuance. Lock-joint quartz vinyl tile is the only one right choice for . The likelihood of problems with possible repairs... It will be very difficult to remove the fragment glued to the concrete.

By reviews users can identify another drawback of the material, which is associated with its plasticity. If you put very heavy furniture on the floor, after a while, dents under the legs may appear. This is due to the effect of too much weight on a small piece of quartz vinyl.

Cladding attachment types

There are two ways to attach the elements. They can be glued to the base or assembled as a "floating" floor. Therefore, there are two types of finishes:

  • With a lock connection. Each plate is equipped with tongue-and-groove locks, which snap into place during installation.
  • With adhesive bond. The tiles are glued to the base end-to-end. can be applied to reverse side element in the production process, then a self-adhesive type of coating is obtained.

Both options are in demand and easy to install. It is impossible to say unequivocally which quartz vinyl tile is better, glue or lock. Considering that the method of fastening does not affect the operational characteristics in any way, you can choose any most convenient option for your home.

Installation features

Laying the plates is not particularly difficult. You can do it yourself or even alone, since their size is small. They are easy to transport and install. The first thing to do is to properly prepare the foundation. It doesn't matter what it is made of, and what type of cladding joint will be used, in any case, the surface must be flat and dry.

Concrete must be cleaned of dirt and dust, remove defects, if any. For better adhesion with an adhesive, the base should be primed. However, the screed is not required. A surface is fine as a base. In this case, the gaps between the sheets are closed, the caps of the screws are sanded. Before priming, it is advisable to treat the tree with an antiseptic.

After preparing the base, you can proceed with the installation:

  1. We start with the markup. Find and mark the central point in the room. Styling will be done from it. To facilitate the work, we outline the lines along which the plates will be laid.
  2. Apply a thin layer of glue to the base. We are waiting for it to dry. Depending on the brand of the composition, on average, this happens within half an hour.
  3. We start laying tiles from the doors or from the center of the room. We put each plate end-to-end with adjacent elements. So that there is no gap between them. We roll the coating with a special roller to remove excess air.

We remove the protruding glue with a swab dipped in ethyl alcohol. Immediately after installation, you can only walk on the new floor, but it is undesirable. It is worth waiting for two to three days. It will be possible to wash the coating for the first time after five days. Trimming of parts is done with an ordinary knife, special tool not required. Laying plates with locks is no different from installing laminate, quartz, protected from mechanical damage, but also moisture resistant, inert to most chemical substances and are not afraid of temperature changes. Vinyl products contain a large amount of synthetic ingredients that are unsafe for humans. When heated, they can release toxic substances... By this they differ from environmentally friendly and safe quartz vinyl.

The latter can be mounted on any type. Truth, provided that the maximum heating temperature allowed by the manufacturer is not exceeded. It is undesirable to lay vinyl cladding on a heating base.

Quartz vinyl tiles - practical and functional choice... She has good performance characteristics and at the same time differs in the most varied design... It is very easy to choose a decor to your liking. These can be high-quality imitations of the most different materials, cladding with original textures, patterns and colors, and much more. Quartzvinyl is confidently gaining popularity among users, and its demand will only grow.

  • Prepared by: Inna Yasinovskaya

Quartz vinyl floor tiles are a material admired by manufacturers and sellers. An innovative structure, a lot of advantages and almost complete absence of disadvantages. Is this coating really so perfect? Our independent analysis will help you figure it out.

What are the tiles made of?

Quartz vinyl flooring consists of several layers that are permanently glued together. 60-80% of quartz sand is added to the mixture for the base layer, the remaining 20-40% is occupied by polyvinyl chloride and various additives.

On decorative layer photo printing is applied, the drawing of which very realistically imitates natural materials - wood, marble, granite, pebbles and others. Base layer from a mixture of vinyl and quartz makes the tiles durable, elastic and gives the perfect geometry.

Function protective layer- to prevent chips, abrasion and color fading.

Benefits of Quartz Vinyl Flooring

1. Huge assortment of decors... Wood of various species is transmitted not only externally, but also by touch with the help of a textured surface. Stone-like tiles look just as gorgeous as natural material, but at the same time they do not slip so much in a wet state, not cold, not ringing. The modularity of the tiles allows you to lay out different patterns on the floor, creating a unique flooring.

2. More affordable price compared with solid board, cork floors, parquet.

3. Wear resistant and long service life... To comply with this point, it is important to choose the right tile, which we will discuss below.

4. 100% moisture resistant... It tolerates spilled water and frequent wet cleaning, as well as prolonged flooding.

5. Reliable, does not crack when heavy objects fall.

6. Fast and easy installation, which even a beginner can do.

7. Easy to clean if the surface is smooth.

8. Does not form mold and mildew even in high humidity conditions.

Cons of quartz vinyl floors

In order to choose the right floor covering, it is important to know the shortcomings of PVC tiles, which we were able to identify by studying information from manufacturers, research by scientists and customer reviews.

1. Although the tile contains quartz sand, it is in fact artificial material which can cause allergies, especially in children and chronic allergy sufferers.

2. As plasticizers in the protective layer of the tile are added phthalates- salts that do not bind to polymer molecules, so they constantly evaporate into the surrounding air. The negative effect of phthalates on the reproductive system, liver and kidneys, their ability to provoke asthma, oncology, metabolic disorders has been proven. Children are especially exposed - psycho-neurological conditions associated with scattered attention, lack of self-control can develop, and male sexual characteristics can be suppressed in boys.

3. Stabilizers in PVC tiles help to keep the original properties, not to age. In their role, some manufacturers use lead and cadmium - heavy metals, the harmful influence of which is a well-known fact. European brands add zinc and calcium as stabilizers, otherwise they will not pass certification. But Chinese and Korean manufacturers choose cheaper components, so there is a high probability of heavy metals in their products.

3. It has been tested by consumers and us - quartz-vinyl floor static and attracts dust.

4. Textured tile surface difficult to clean, the dirt clogs into the veins and between the roughness.

5.PVC products decompose for dozens of years; when smoldering, they release toxic chlorine compounds, which causes significant harm to the environment.

Another feature that cannot be attributed to pluses or minuses is that quartz-vinyl tiles are marked for fire hazard - KM2-KM3 (weak or moderately flammable, moderately flammable, moderately toxic, with high smoke generating ability). It should be borne in mind that when exposed to fire, PVC begins to release toxic vinyl chloride and other compounds into the air, therefore, in the event of a fire, you must immediately leave the room with the PVC floor.

Which quartz vinyl floor is best?

When deciding to choose PVC floor tiles, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

1. Select material in accordance with the class of the room:

  • 23-31 class - for residential premises with no high degree exploitation.
  • 32-42 class - home premises with high traffic, commercial - with medium intensity of use.
  • Class 43 - commercial premises with high traffic - foyers, halls, corridors shopping centers, airports, as well as production facilities.

2. Choose tiles with a protective layer of at least 0.3 mm, and for commercial premises - at least 0.5 mm. 2mm thick tiles only for home use... The basis for this recommendation was the feedback from our clients. Here is one of them. White faded spots are visible on the floor.

Considering that fading began to occur after a year of operation, we do not exclude the marriage of a batch of South Korean tiles. Its characteristics: thickness 3 mm, protective layer 0.3 mm, wear resistance class - 32.

3. Before laying PVC tiles, it is necessary to prepare the base in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. This is a prerequisite for the durability of the coating, despite the fact that the tiles are flexible. The service life and resistance to wear of the floor depend on the evenness of the base.

  • The base must be even and stable over the entire area of ​​the room. The maximum drop is 2 mm per 1 m.
  • The base must have a strength of at least 15 MPa.
  • You can use the 2 m long "rule" tool to check the geometry of the base.
  • When using a self-leveling mixture, its layer thickness is provided at least 2 mm.

4. Think about safety. The content of phthalates, heavy metals, polyvinyl chloride is the worst solution for a child's room or bedroom. It is quite acceptable to use tiles in corridors, on loggias and balconies, in garages, warehouses, halls - where the time spent by people is minimal.

Which PVC tile manufacturer is best?

Here are some brands of quartz vinyl flooring and their features:

South Korea. Service life - 25 years. Wear resistance classes - 32-43. Application in the temperature range from - 15 to +60 ⁰С. Thickness - 3 mm. Protective layer: 42/32 class - 0.2 - 0.25 mm, 42/33 class - 0.3 mm, 43/33 class - 0.5 mm. Resistant to short-term exposure to burning cigarettes. NanoSilver silver ion coating provides protection from germs. Fire hazard - KM2.

Orchid tile... South Korea. Thickness 3 mm, protective layer 0.3 mm. 34 class of application.

. South Korea. For class 34-43 premises (residential, commercial and industrial). Has an antibacterial surface. Protective layer PU 0.5 mm. Fire hazard class: KM2.

. South Korea. Thickness 3-5.5 mm. Protective layer Extreme Protection 0.3-0.5 mm depending on the collection. For rooms 34-43 classes. Fire hazard - KM2.

There are other South Korean brands as well (for example, LaFlor with NanoSilver coating), the characteristics of which roughly coincide with the above brands.

Among them, we would like to highlight PVC tiles with NanoSilver antibacterial coating, which helps to fight harmful microorganisms. Tiles with a 0.5 mm protective layer will last a long time, so we can recommend them. However, do not forget about the phthalate content, which manufacturers usually keep silent about. We do not recommend using these coatings in bedrooms and children's rooms.

Fine Floor... Belgium. Very durable tile, withstands loads of up to 100 kg per m2. Wear resistance class 34-43. Thickness - 2.5-4.5 mm, protective layer 0.3-0.5 mm. Fire certificate KM2. Certificates confirming safety and absence of harmful substances.

Germany. Innovation in flooring. A mixture of natural minerals with polyolefins, from which packaging for food and medicine is made. Does not contain phthalates, chlorine, plasticizers, heavy metals. The coating is recyclable. Upper layer SEALTEC.

As you can see, there are European brands that do not contain phthalates, have all the certificates confirming safety. Indeed, in Europe, quality is strictly monitored. However, European floor coverings are more expensive than South Korean ones and, due to their cost, are not in demand in Russia. Their price can be comparable to parquet board or cork floors in the economy segment. And often the natural finish wins.

Which quartz-vinyl floor to choose is up to the buyer. But in order for it to serve for a long time, it is important to follow our recommendations. Tiles with a thickness of 2 mm and a protective layer of 0.2 mm may last 10 years in the living room, but in the corridor, they will most likely quickly wear out and change color.

From the budget but reliable Korean options, we advise you to opt for the tiles of the Decoria and LaFlor brands with silver ions.

The responsibility for safety also falls on the shoulders of consumers, since in Russia there is no obligatory certification of floor coverings, and products with phthalates in the composition continue to enter the market.

We advise our clients in living quarters to purchase natural coatings... For example, a cork floor has served for more than a dozen years, and if its original properties are lost, it is varnished and looks like new. Long lasting material there is also a parquet board, which gives the aesthetics and comfort of natural wood.

With the upcoming renovation, the owners of residential and non-residential premises must be interested in the increasingly popular material - quartz-vinyl floor tiles. It differs from other finishing materials by numerous advantages and the possibility of using it in almost any room. Experts recommend using quartz-vinyl tiles in residential premises with low traffic, and in office centers, and in public places with high traffic, and in production workshops with heavy and massive equipment.

Coating structure

To understand what quartz-vinyl tiles are and what their properties are, you need to imagine its structure. It is a multi-layer material that consists of:

  • base layer made of PVC,
  • balance layer PVC with fiberglass reinforcement,
  • the main layer with the addition of quartz,
  • a decorative layer that imitates any texture,

This multi-layered coating does not mean that it should be too thick. Quartz vinyl pvc tile in thickness can be from 1.6 to 4 mm, which determines the degree of its wear resistance.

Advice! The choice of tiles of a certain thickness and, accordingly, strength is carried out depending on the place of its intended use (living spaces, public buildings, production halls or warehouses).

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The demand for this material is not growing by chance. Its increase is determined by numerous advantages quartz vinyl tiles:

  • high strength and durability (the minimum warranty period for the trouble-free service of such a floor covering is about 15 years),
  • resistance to external influences(moisture resistance, heat resistance, no burnout in the light, etc.),
  • ease of installation and ease of maintenance,
  • possibility of replacement individual parts, which many flooring materials lack,
  • lack of sliding on the floor, which saves from the possibility of injury (important in rooms for children),
  • a high degree of comfort when using in the bathroom, as the quartz vinyl floor is warm,
  • a wide choice (both in texture, color and shape, and in the method of fixation),
  • adequate price for such characteristics.

The disadvantages of quartz-vinyl tiles include the severity of the floor covering, which is determined complex composition and the presence of quartz rocks, as well as the need to level the base under it. Since the material is flexible, all elevations and depressions will remain noticeable and palpable if the floors are not leveled first.

Product variants

Quartz vinyl tiles can imitate absolutely any surface (wood, stone or plastic), having the same texture and color. In stores, it is presented in the form of squares or stripes. Depending on the choice of shape and method of styling, you can create different decorative effects On the floor.

According to the method of fixation, the material is divided into three types:

  • tiles laid with glue,

Each of us is trying to make our living space more ergonomic and comfortable, and an essential role in the arrangement country house or city apartment flooring. But aesthetic qualities alone are not enough. When choosing a coating, you should not make hasty decisions and focus only on appearance and cost, since these criteria do not affect the quality of the product in any way.

The choice should be consistent and thoughtful, then it will turn out to transform the interior with a sufficiently high-quality coating and for a long time forget about dismantling and various unpleasant alterations. For this, it is better to use quartz vinyl tiles.

The tree contributed to the creation of an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house, but it had drawbacks. Over time, it dried and cracked. Linoleum was much more practical, but the poverty of choice for design, did not give a chance to get a highly aesthetic result.

Laminate or linoleum flooring looks perfect, but unfortunately, these materials are not as durable as piece ceramics. Ceramic tile corresponds to the indicator of a long service life, but it is not entirely durable and can crack under mechanical stress, which will finally destroy the integrity of the coating.

Fortunately, today the situation on the materials market has changed, and we have the opportunity to get a lot of alternative solutions.

Advantages of vinyl floors

Vinyl floors have become a good replacement for expensive parquet, and now, thanks to various functional characteristics, it has become possible to create original design compositions, fill the interior of the premises with individual details, and combine various textures and shapes.

Vinyl floors combine the advantages of laminate, wood floors, linoleum and are completely devoid of their disadvantages. As the manufacturers tell us, this is almost a unique floor covering. But is it true? In this article we will deal with the disadvantages and advantages of vinyl floors, carefully consider the quality characteristics.

Production technology

The relatively low cost of vinyl flooring is due to the simple production technology. It is based on the method of hot pressing of polyvinyl chloride, quartz chips and a mass of inert fillers and various components. Although vinyl flooring is made up of unnatural elements, it is safe for humans to deal with toxic emissions.

Types of vinyl flooring

Vinyl covering is produced in three versions - these are rolls, rectangular tiles and vinyl laminate. They are divided into classes of wear resistance and have different quality and technical characteristics.

The durability class is the main characteristic that people pay attention to when buying a floor covering.

Wear resistance classes

- 43rd class for wear resistance (protective layer 3 mm). Vinyl covering for rooms with high traffic flow and heavy floor loads. Typically used in gyms, production halls, warehouses, etc. Features of the 43rd class vinyl covering are anti-slip and antistatic properties of the top layer, increased elasticity. The service life is about 20 years.

- 32nd - 42nd wear resistance class (protective layer 2.5 mm). Vinyl flooring for public spaces. The service life is about 12-15 years.

- 23rd - 31st class for wear resistance (protective layer 2 mm). Vinyl flooring for low traffic residential areas. The service life is about 7 years.

Benefits of Quartz Vinyl Tiles

Quartz-vinyl tiles ideally combine the whole universal set of quality parameters and have properties that make it possible to use them in almost any room. The manufacturers managed to combine in one coating the entire list of necessary criteria, which symbolize that this material is really high quality and reliable.

Material composition

The composition of the material contains quartz sand, which gives the coating strength, vinyl provides the plasticity of the created composition, and high thermal stability and wear resistance is achieved through the application of a top layer of polyurethane, which is able to withstand any mechanical stress.

In addition, the polyurethane layer is highly moisture resistant, so this coating can be used in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the hallway and in other rooms, since the material is laid joint to joint, which completely excludes moisture penetration to the rough base and has additional waterproofing protection in in the form of glue. The material has a high coefficient of thermal stability, which completely eliminates deformation during temperature changes.


A wide range of coatings deserves special attention, the line contains a huge number of different textures that imitate any finishing material... The modern collection presents a wide selection of textures - wood, slate, ceramics, stone. The high rate of frost resistance allows the use of quartz-vinyl tiles on open verandas.

Self-adhesive floors

Dealing with the types of vinyl flooring, a separate group can be designated self-adhesive floors - on back side adhesive material is applied, covered with a special protective film... This coating greatly facilitates installation and you do not have to bother choosing and looking for glue. The cost of such coverage is not much higher than usual.

Protective layer

Quartz-vinyl tiles are covered with a protective layer, which has the highest - 43rd class of wear resistance. He is not afraid of falling heavy objects, exposure to chemicals, the tile is resistant to scratches and other damage. The protective layer gives the tiles an anti-slip effect, which reduces the risk of possible falls and injuries.

Coating structure

The structure of the coating is multilayer and consists of 5 parts:

  1. The base (a layer of adhesive with a protective film), in other words it is a self-adhesive floor.
  2. Polyvinyl chloride layer (base layer).
  3. A decorative layer with an image. There is a very rich selection of both monochromatic coatings and with various patterns (patterns, images, imitations natural materials etc.)
  4. Transparent layer of polyvinyl chloride, which is UV protection.
  5. UV-treated polyurethane layer that protects the coating from mechanical damage.

Advantages of Quartz Vinyl Coating

  • Resistance to mechanical damage(With proper use and care, vinyl will give you years of service.)
  • Water resistance ( high humidity not a hindrance to the use of vinyl in bathrooms and toilets).
  • Durability (period of operation up to 20 years, depending on the class of wear resistance).
  • Possibility to install self-adhesive tiles on old flooring.


  • Since the tiles are quite flexible, a perfectly flat base is required for installation. Otherwise, floor imperfections will be noticeable.
  • Self-adhesive tiles cannot be glued on cement screed, in such cases it is better to purchase products with a thorn-groove fastening.
  • Additional floor insulation is required (unfortunately, the vinyl is thin).
  • Quite high cost.

With the help of quartz vinyl tiles, you can make any design fantasy come true. A variety of vinyl flooring designs allow you to create these types of flooring. Vinyl flooring is easy to clean: wipe with a damp cloth to remove dirt.

More than 12 years ago, a new product for the domestic buyer appeared on the Russian market - LVT vinyl tiles (luxury vinyl tiles). Large manufacturers such as Tarkett, Berry Alloc and others have proposed a finishing material that successfully competes with rolled PVC linoleum, laminate, porcelain stoneware and even parquet board. The next step in the development of this direction was the so-called quartz-vinyl floor tiles - a truly unique solution for decorating a home, office, shop or industrial premises.

Quartz vinyl tile is a multi-layer floor covering that is flexible and resilient. It is produced by thermal pressing from PVC, fine quartz sand and some other components. The structure resembles heterogeneous linoleum with the difference that the calender (high-density) thermoplastic base is mixed with a filler, which not only increases the weight of the product, but also serves to:

Structurally quartz vinyl floor tiles are composed of:

  • 1 and 2 - polyurethane protective coating (transparent). This is a transparent high-strength PVC, which is often supplemented with various protective layers, which provide increased resistance to abrasion, lightfastness, bacteriostaticity, etc. It can create a special decorative "volumetric" effect due to the so-called structural embossing "in register".
  • 3 and 4 - a decorative layer of vinyl chloride with a thermal printed pattern. Imitates various types of wood, stone, cork and other materials.
  • 5 - interlayers of fiberglass, providing stability of the product and additional protection of the base.
  • 6 - base layer, which takes on mechanical loads. Consists of 70% silica sand mixed with thermoplastic polymer.
  • 7 - reinforcing fiberglass.
  • 8 - stabilizing layer.

The closest analogue of quartz-vinyl is vinyl tiles, in which the base does not contain a quartz component, but is made of calender vinyl chloride.

Both types are manufactured in 32-34 and 41-43 wear resistance classes and are used in:

  • Living areas including bedrooms, nurseries, living rooms, corridors, kitchens;
  • Office, commercial and commercial, public buildings;
  • Industrial, sports and other facilities with an extremely high degree of stress.

It is impossible not to mention one more feature of floor tiles. Since the thickness of the product varies from 2.3 to 6 mm, the width is from 10 to 40 cm, and the length can reach 1.5 m, the products are produced in several variations to facilitate installation:

Adhesive quartz-vinyl to be fixed with dispersion adhesives for heavy polymer coatings.

Self-adhesive quartz vinyl products... There are two types:

Products supplied around the perimeter classic lock connection"Thorn-groove" (like a laminate) or modernized. Planks or tiles are joined without the use of glue mixtures, if necessary, they can be easily disassembled and reassembled. Because of this property, as well as the similarity of the profile of the locks, the presence of a V- or U-shaped chamfer, this tile is often called vinyl laminate.

Advantages and disadvantages

Combined PVC flooring has incorporated all the advantages of linoleum and modular flooring. In the pluses quality products from reputable manufacturers:

Are Chinese or Taiwanese quartz vinyl flooring harmful to health? There is no definite answer to this question, but you can ask sellers to provide sanitary and hygienic certificates of the Russian sample. Or believe your own feelings - the planks should not have a strong chemical smell, a heterogeneous structure with foreign inclusions, various defects(unpainted areas, blackheads, dents, etc.).

Of the minuses of composite flooring material, we note:

  • The high price of the product.
  • Substantial weight. 1 m² of vinyl tiles weighs about 3.5 kg, and quartz-vinyl tiles weigh 7 kg or more.
  • Over time, shrinkage of the material appears, which is expressed in the formation of gaps between the floor elements.

Laying tiles

Installation work requires the craftsmen to know the basics, that is, the rules for layout, marking and selection of optimal compositions. detailed instructions printed on every package of quartz vinyl, so styling can be done by a beginner too. Prepare the following set:

  • Floor material with a margin of at least 1 sq. m.
  • Heavy-duty vinyl adhesive, notched trowel.
  • Roulette, pencil and water level or control rail.
  • Trapezoidal knife, square, spacer wedges.
  • Heel and mallet for interlocking or smooth lapping roller (weighing up to 50 kg) for adhesive.

Quartz vinyl is installed as both parquet and laminate. More than 15 basic layouts to choose from.

Layout schemes.

Please note that upgraded locks such as BerryAlloc or Karwei allow any of the above schemes to be used. After the appropriate option has been selected, it is necessary to break down the axes of the room: lines are drawn from the middle of the walls and the central point from which the installation begins is located. When laying "in a runaway" position, work should be done from the far corner of a solid wall.

Layout schemes for the premises for laying

Optimum temperature during installation is from +15 ° С to +25 ° С, air humidity is up to 60%. Leave the cover unpacked for 48-72 hours to acclimatize.

Remember that the base must be:

  • Smooth - the permissible difference is no more than 2 mm for every 2 meters of the surface. If necessary, the floor is leveled with self-leveling mixtures, sanding or dry screed from plywood sheets, chipboard, OSB, gypsum fiber board, etc.
  • Dry. Moisture content of mineral bases - up to 5%, organic - no more than 12%.
  • Strong - not less than 15 MPa. It is advisable to pre-prime the surface to increase the bearing capacity and uniformity of absorption.
  • Clean, without traces of old paintwork materials, bitumen, soot, oils, dust and dirt.

With the adhesive installation method, the glue is applied to the base with a notched trowel to a width of 1-3 rows, then the tiles are laid, carefully leveled and smoothed. When assembling in a "floating" way, laying is done in the same way as. That is, the strips are applied to each other and snapped into place. Do not forget about the expansion gaps around the perimeter of the room - at least 8 mm between the canvas and the wall.

Interior view

The range of manufacturers of quartz-vinyl tiles includes not only wood decors, but also interesting textures of stone, ceramics, textiles. Modularity allows you to combine shades and textures. What can come of this - see below:

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