The chimney cap is a modern architectural element. Chimney cap - a modern architectural element Chimney deflector with a semicircular top

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Chimney deflector

System that removes smoke from heating devices and devices, is considered one of the most important components heating equipment, which is equally important when arranging comfort and coziness in a residential building.

A correct chimney system performs two main functions: the removal of all elements released during fuel combustion, and a correct and high-quality air flow. Special attention it is worth giving to those chimneys that do not have forced pressurization, which makes it necessary to devote more time to the calculations and construction of such systems.

Their main problem can be considered strong air currents in environment that disrupt cravings and correct work chimney. This causes the generators to malfunction. thermal type and smoke pollution of the living quarters or boiler room. It is possible to correct such a nuisance with the help of a deflector on the chimney, which is able to establish traction and exhaust in a non-coercive system.

Potential system smoke problems

Most often, smoke in the chimney system occurs for the following reasons:

  • strong wind gusts, as a result of which air under strong pressure penetrates the pipe, which causes a decrease in the traction force and smoke in the living quarters;
  • too narrow smoke passage, which is not able to provide the system with the required level of thrust;
  • insufficient lifting height of the chimney, which does not allow the formation of the required pressure and draft force in the pipe.

Deflectors of a statistical type are designed precisely in order to solve all these problems, allowing the chimney to work extremely correctly and efficiently. The use of this element of the system is relevant for private or collective ventilation and chimney systems. As a rule, there are no restrictions on the use of this auxiliary device, if its location does not interfere with other functions of the chimney.

Purpose and use of deflectors

As a rule, chimney systems are considered the most important element of the entire heating system, because it is the work of the chimney that affects the combustion of fuel and the removal of all combustion products from the system and the house in particular.

The whole process of the heating boiler operation depends on the high-quality air flow and on the complete removal of smoke from the system. Without the proper amount of oxygen, the combustion process is impossible, and the remnants of food in a living room can decently harm the health of residents.

In order to organize the correct level of draft in the system, it is necessary to know some features of the chimney, the device and organization of which must be correct. First of all, it is worth considering the required section of the pipe intended for the inflow and outflow of air. The height of the chimney and its configuration can be considered as important factors. Now let's look at these requirements in more detail.

The choice of the required section directly depends on the power of the thermal energy generator. The flue duct or passage itself must be of a vertical type and straight enough not to create air locks during operation.

The height of the pipe should not be less than 0.5 m above the level of the ridge element of the roof structure.

In the event that compliance with these requirements has not yielded a tangible result, it is worth resorting to using a deflector, which is mounted on the top of the chimney.

The deflector works by using the wind as additional tool in leveling or increasing the level of traction in the system. Outwardly, it looks like this. A part of the system is installed at the end of the pipe, which has a larger inner diameter than the chimney itself.

A strong wind makes it possible to create a rarefied space in the deflector, into which all combustion products remaining in the chimney move.

Among other things, the deflector also has additional useful functions that have a positive effect on the entire operation of the chimney. With the help of such an element, you can protect the system from rainwater and snow getting into it in winter time... As a rule, this helps the system to function efficiently in any weather.

Varieties and principles of the design and operation of deflectors

Deflectors can be made in several common configurations and designs:

  • deflectors of TsAGI type;
  • round type deflector (Volper);
  • deflector designed by Grigorovich;
  • open and H-shaped deflector.

The deflector itself has a structure consisting of several separate parts... These parts include the bottom type cylinder, diffuser and umbrella. The diffuser is in the form of a cylinder located at the top of the element, and the umbrella protects the chimney from rain and snow. As a rule, deflectors are made of galvanized steel, which eliminates the possibility of metal corrosion and such debris.

The work of a deflector does not have any features in its concept that even a novice master cannot master. The wind flow goes around the entire deflector, colliding with it. This allows air to enter the upper deflector cylinder, increasing the draft in the chimney and drawing out any stagnant smoke in the system. Due to the intensive movement of air inside the deflector, the traction force increases several times.

The device of this element allows you to increase the thrust even in the case when the wind flow moves in the vertical direction. For this, there are special gaps in the upper part of the cylinder through which air enters the ventilation and chimney systems.

It is worth considering such a thing as downstream wind, which can make it difficult to remove smoke and reduce the level of draft in the chimney. Due to this wind flow, versatile wind flows are formed under the deflector umbrella, which clog the entire pipe.

Wind deflector protection

Due to the presence of this feature of wind flows, deflectors began to be equipped with special protective devices, which contribute to an increase in the level of traction in the pipe in any weather. For this, an axle is installed inside the chimney on two bearings located at different levels.

A semi-cylindrical screen, a weather vane and a cover are installed on the axis. It is this design that protects the entire chimney from the influence of the lower wind flow.

After the direction of the wind flow changes, the weather vane turns, while closing the chimney from the correct flow wind. Thus, any direction and strength of the wind is not able to block the path of the exhaust smoke, and the draft in the chimney remains the same power.

Do not forget that the deflectors are designed for circular pipes, which can be a problem in the presence of an old brick pipe with a square section. In order to solve this problem, special pipes are used that act as adapters.

For chimneys with a large square cross-section, which are built for fireplace heating systems, it is necessary to use adapters in the form of spacer legs that connect the pipe and the deflector itself. These legs are made of metal strips that can be galvanized or painted with high quality.

Brick pipes need an appropriate transition with an overflow in the right direction, which allows you to connect a round deflector and a square chimney. In other words, it is not difficult to fix this element of the chimney system in the presence of any type and shape of chimney structures.

The deflector does not have to be bought at a hardware store, because it can be extremely easy to make with your own with my own hands... To do this, you need to calculate the size and shape of the element, after which you can start the manufacturing process.

On sheet galvanized steel, it is necessary to draw the upper and lower cylinders of the future deflector, which is easy to do with an ordinary simple pencil. Cut necessary elements you can use scissors for metal, which can easily cope with such a task.

As soon as these two parts are cut and filed, which is required for high-quality joining of two edges of one part, you can start securing these edges. As a rule, a welding machine, bolts or rivets are used for this.

It should be noted right away that to connect the workpiece made of galvanized steel using welding machine extremely difficult, because it burns through thin metal rather quickly. It is for this reason that rivets or small bolts are most often used.

The finished cone cap must be fixed to the upper cylinder of the deflector. This is done using small brackets of the same sheet steel. It is worth attaching the brackets to the branch pipe with rivets. Do not forget that you should only attach the brackets to outside deflector, so as not to create additional obstacles in its inner part for the correct air flow and smoke extraction.

A reverse cone must be attached to the element umbrella. In addition, the assembly of all parts of the deflector should be carried out directly on the pipe itself, which will make it possible to qualitatively mount and secure each individual part of the structure.

Otherwise, it is possible to poorly connect two elements of the system, which subsequently will cause a malfunction of the structure and the entire chimney as a whole. In some cases, it is simply impossible to make this structure on your own.

This usually happens when brick chimneys that require quality adapters or stands. From this we can conclude that it is much easier, more profitable and faster to buy this inexpensive element of the system than to try to make it yourself.

It is worth recalling that only galvanized steel can be used for the manufacture of a deflector, which successfully resists the formation of rust, which negatively affects the life and quality of service of such a system element.

Effective draft of the smoke removal system and its protection from rain and gusts of wind is provided by a simple device - a deflector on the chimney pipe. It is quite possible to make and assemble it with your own hands.

Any heating system of a private home always needs to be equipped with a chimney. It provides extraction of combustion products of wood, coal and other fuels. The quality of functioning of the entire heating system depends on the efficiency of the chimney.

The smoke outlet does not always provide flawless operation or ovens. This is especially noticeable in cases when the wind is raging or it is raining outside. With such whims of the weather, the gases in the chimney experience an increased load. This becomes the reason for the deterioration of (often quite noticeable) traction.

Smoke outlet

This can be avoided by a deflector on the chimney, which is often called a weather vane, reflector or chimney.

Such a simple design device perfectly copes with its task. It perfectly increases chimney draft. The essence of his work is given below:

  1. Air jets bend around the surface (outer) of the deflector, which leads to the formation of a special rarefaction zone.
  2. The rarefaction, according to the Bernoulli effect, increases with increasing wind. As a result, the draft at the end of the smoke exhaust pipe becomes much greater, and the system functions truly efficiently.

The elementary deflector has been proven to increase the useful action smoke exhaust system by 15–20%. Among other things, the weather vane perfectly protects the pipe from clogging it with small debris and does not allow precipitation to penetrate into the chimney. The following is important - the effect of the work of the chimney - factory or self-built, does not depend on the strength and direction of the wind. The deflector always performs its task perfectly!

Chimneys are most often made from sheet steel - galvanized or stainless, sometimes from copper. V recent times metal weather vane with enamel and even with a special heat-resistant coating based on polymer materials came into fashion. In form, such devices are:

  • with a semicircular or flat top;
  • with the end of the gable type;
  • with a cover of the opening type.

But structurally, the deflector is divided into the following types:

  • smoker Shenard;
  • weather vane TsAGI;
  • Astato;
  • Smoke tooth;
  • Voller;
  • spherical rotating device;
  • deflector Grigorovich.

Types of chimney deflectors

There is no particular difference between these weather vans. All of them consist of a diffuser - an upper outer cylindrical part, an inlet pipe, a cap and brackets for fixing it, a body.

TsAGI chimneys are considered the most popular and reliable in operation. Other types of deflectors can be purchased at hardware stores. And if desired, a reliable and efficient deflector is easy to build with your own hands. More on this later.

The first step is to calculate all the parameters of the weather vane and transfer them to the drawing. When performing this stage of work, the cross-section (internal) of the existing chimney should be taken into account. It is this that sets the width and height that a homemade deflector should have.

The width of the outer part of the weather vane is always taken as 1.2-1.3 times the diameter of the chimney, the hood - 1.17-2. And the height of the chimney is taken within the 1.6-1.7 section of the chimney. You can find drawings of homemade deflectors on the Internet with exact numbers. And be guided by them when building a weather vane with your own hands.

Construction of a weather vane with your own hands

For work you will need electric drill, tape measure, clamp, galvanized or stainless steel sheets, grinder, metal scissors, metal strip, nuts and bolts, welding unit, tape measure. The deflector is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. Cut out structural elements with scissors - diffuser, cone, cylinder, cap. They must fully comply with the dimensions indicated in the drawing you prepared.
  2. Create a weather vane from separate parts. Her individual elements connect with bolts or welding.
  3. Cut brackets from a strip of metal. Without them, you will not be able to mount the hood.
  4. Attach the cut-out brackets to the outside of the diffuser.
  5. Connect the cap with a reverse cone.

The work is, in principle, completed. A self-made deflector can be installed on the chimney. This is done as follows:

  1. Mount the lower cylinder to the chimney and bolt it to the pipe.
  2. A diffuser is connected to the installed cylinder.
  3. Place a reverse cone under the hood.
  4. Mount the hood on the brackets.

Enjoy the flawless functioning of your chimney!

The flue structures are the same important elements thermal installations, as well as stoves, fireplaces and boilers operating on fossil fuels. They are simply necessary: ​​after all, for the proper functioning of the heating system, it is necessary to provide an optimal output of combustion products. If a chimney for a heat generator is made and designed correctly, it should ensure a stable and natural withdrawal of combustion products, working without pressurization. Otherwise, if these rules are not followed, you can create a special obstacle in the path of wind currents and use a device such as a chimney deflector. This will make it possible to restore and increase traction, as well as continue the combustion procedure.

Reasons for smoky pipes

There are usually three main causes of fuming:

  • Incorrectly selected (very small) chimney cross-sectional size.
  • Blowing into the chimney (which very often happens at the moment of gusty and strong wind), and besides this, the pressure on the smoke that comes out of the chimney, as a result of which the draft drops significantly and a little smoke remains inside.

All about the deflector

Deflector purpose

- Deflectors should provide traction enhancement by deflecting air currents. Different designs deflectors carry out the same procedure - the occurrence of an area low pressure when the surrounding air flows around the obstacle. In this case, the wind does not disturb the thrust, but only enhances it.

- With the help of a deflector, you can achieve a substantial increase in the efficiency of the pipe (up to 20%).

- Chimney deflector gas boiler, fireplace, stove ... protects the chimney from snow and rain, as well as various debris, etc.

Tip: Installing a deflector on the chimney will give an excellent increase in draft if the chimney is not straight, but with two to four turns.

Using the deflector

Today, the deflector on the chimney pipe is used as special systems for exhausting air from these structures:

- garbage chute shafts:

- outlets for the emission of all waste products of combustion (from the operation of the generator, gas water heater, solid fuel boilers ..);

- collective and individual chimneys;

- individual and collective channels of natural ventilation.

Deflector options

There are deflectors of various designs:

  • deflector Grigorovich;
  • TsAGI deflector;
  • defl. H-shaped;
  • defl. star ("Shenard");
  • round defl. "Volper";
  • Astato open deflector.

Deflector structure

It consists of the following components:

- umbrella - or cone-shaped;

- lower cylinder;

- diffuser - upper cylinder.

Installing a deflector on the chimney

- The deflector is made of galvanized iron.

- The work of the lower cylinder is usually performed by a ceramic, metal or asbestos-cement chimney, on which the deflector itself is installed.

Advice: The diffuser, the cap and the reverse cone can be assembled independently on aluminum rivets or welded special. contact welding with a rivet.

Important: the patterns of the elements depend on the diameter of the smoke. pipes, but the proportions of the dimensions of the deflector parts must be strictly adhered to.

How the deflector works

The deflector works in this way:

  1. Air currents, when hitting the walls of the upper cylinder, bend around it from all sides.
  2. Another part of the air flows, moving along the surface of the cylinder, turns upward and immediately sucks in all the smoke escaping from the pipe both from below and from above.
  3. The movement in the tube becomes very active and the thrust increases accordingly.
  4. When the wind does not blow in a horizontal direction, but from bottom to top, or top to bottom, at an angle, then the chimney deflector helps to increase the draft. The wind passes through the gaps into the upper cylinder and sucks the smoke that enters the pipe.
  5. The only negative, which is present in all deflectors, is noted at the moment when the downstream wind is blowing: vortices are formed under the hood, slowing down and preventing the exit of smoke.

Tip: If a downwind occurs, you need to put a reverse cone under the hood (umbrella), with its help you can reflect the air currents with smoke, in particular, cut them and bring them out.

Deflector operation with wind protection system

A deflector for a chimney with a windscreen (or a weather vane) works like this:

When the wind direction changes, the weather vane turns, and then the curtain, blocking the chimney from the wind, begins to turn with it, so the smoke can come out without obstacles from the leeward side of the chimney.

- Wind currents, sliding along the top of the semi-cylindrical screen, suck it in, thus increasing the thrust.

Tip 1: In order for the wind vane to rotate easily and freely along with the canvas, the deflector bearings must be constantly lubricated, and in winter time the ice arising from the condensation of steam that simultaneously comes out with the smoke from the chimney must be knocked down.

Tip 2: A chimney deflector with a windproof function is good to buy and use in southern, warmer areas, where winters are not so harsh, but there are much more sunny days.

Features of using deflectors

  • The fixation of the deflector of chimneys with a circular cross-section to rectangular or square chimney brick pipes is carried out with the help of branch pipes (transition pipes).
  • The transition from square pipes to circular sections of the deflector occurs only with the gradual filling of the brickwork.
  • If the chimney has a considerable cross-section, then special supports or legs made of strip steel are attached to the deflectors.
  • Deflectors should be used for those fireplaces that run only on solid fuels.

Arrangement of the upper part of the chimneys and ventilation ducts should provide protection of the channel from debris entering it and prevent the suppression of thrust due to the strong influence of the wind. The simplest option is a cone-shaped hood that closes the chimney mouth. However, this does not always save one from the negative influence of the wind. To solve this problem, a deflector is installed on the chimney.

What is it needed for

The main thing in calculating the parameters of the chimney is to create sufficient traction capable of removing combustion products from the combustion chamber of a solid fuel furnace due to a significant pressure drop. For this, the required channel diameter, material, sectional shape and pipe height are selected.

A strong wind is able to blow air into the mouth of the channel, thereby preventing the exit of exhaust gases. An extreme case is the effect of traction suppression, when the boiler exhaust is not able to overcome the resistance and flows back into the room, which is in principle unacceptable.

It is not enough to close the chimney mouth from external air currents, but no optimal designs for this. It is better to use the force of the wind itself in order to avoid negative consequences and even further increase the thrust, which the deflector does just fine.

Principle of operation and device

The work is based on Bernoulli's law, which is true for liquids and gases. When gases move in a channel with decreasing cross section their speed increases, and the pressure exerted on the channel boundaries decreases, and a vacuum occurs. If there is a connection between the surrounding space and the vacuum zone, then the fast flow carries away the substance from the outside.

A deflector is a device that allows air to flow around or pass through a narrowing channel, in which a rarefaction zone appears directly near the mouth of the chimney. The gases coming out of the chimney begin to be sucked into the area of ​​the discharged gas. As a result, the wind, which could cause suppression of thrust, on the contrary, begins to increase it.

It is possible to achieve a 20% increase in thrust even with the simplest deflector design. For stoves and boilers for solid fuels, this means better combustion of coal, firewood or briquettes, better heat transfer and, as a result, increased efficiency of the installation. Problems associated with flame attenuation or return of exhaust gases inside the room are eliminated.

The device additionally prevents debris, snow and rain from entering the channel. This is partly due to the presence of the deflector housing, partly because the supported thrust counteracts clogging.


The design is not regulated in any way. Any design that does not cause additional resistance and creates a vacuum in the chimney mouth increases draft justifies its operation. There are several types of deflectors that have become widespread due to their practicality and reliability:

  • Deflector TsAGI
  • Disc deflector, Astato
  • Round "Volper"
  • Deflector Grigorovich
  • H-shaped deflector

Each of the listed types does an excellent job with the assigned tasks. The differences are dimensions and susceptibility to wind from different directions. The disadvantage of almost all types is that in the absence of wind, they themselves resist traction.

Several other devices operate in a similar way: a turboprop head (rotating deflector) and a weather vane with a screen.

The deflector is made of galvanized steel, copper and stainless steel. The main requirement is high resistance to corrosion, because the device will be installed on the chimney, where renovation work will be extremely difficult, especially with a heating boiler or stove operating.

For ventilation ducts where high temperatures, can be used polymer materials, or polymer coatings for metal structures.

Deflector TsAGI

The most common type of deflector. A short channel with a larger diameter is fixed on top of the chimney mouth, which will form a diffuser. The wind flows around it from all sides. Zones appear on the sides high blood pressure... At the front point and at the rear in the lower and upper sections, a vacuum arises, which contributes to an increase in traction.

Turbulence occurs along the upper edge of the diffuser, which can obstruct the escape of gases. In addition, there is no protection of the chimney mouth from the ingress of debris and atmospheric precipitation. As a solution, a cone-shaped protective cap is fixed above the mouth.


An easy-to-use deflector that provides the desired effect in the most obvious way. The two main parts of the device are the chimney visor, Bottom part, which is closed with a cone facing the chimney and a ring from which a truncated cone is formed and put on directly on the very edge of the chimney.

The result is a simple and efficient design. Regardless of which side of the world the wind is blowing from, it hits a point above the mouth, where the cones form a tapering channel, which causes vacuum and pumping of gases from the chimney.

Round "Volper"

In principle, the design is identical to the TsAGI deflector, only the cover for protection from debris and precipitation is located above the diffuser. The lid is in the form of a cone, which additionally creates a vacuum in the upper part.

Deflector Grigorovich

Is an further development TsAGI and is better suited for installation in places where upward air currents prevail. In addition, it ensures optimal performance even in the absence of wind, without creating perceptible resistance. In the lower part, the deflector is a high truncated cone with an expansion in the lower part. It starts at the chimney mouth with an overlap up to a third of its height.

Gases from the pipe itself enter the narrowing channel of the diffuser, and thereby cause a vacuum. The upward currents of the outside air further enhance the effect by increasing traction.


A non-trivial design that has proven itself well in industrial facilities and powerful boilers. At the mouth of the chimney, a transverse branch pipe of identical diameter is fixed. For mating, there is a cut-out in the center of the branch pipe, which ensures a tight connection.

Along the edges of the transverse horizontal pipe, two more segments are fixed, resulting in a structure in the shape of the letter "H". It is no longer necessary to use protective caps, because the chimney mouth is reliably closed with a horizontal element, and the side pipes are through and do not interfere with the passage of precipitation.

This design, in any wind direction, provides a uniform air flow directly near the mouth or along the side channels, which already creates additional thrust.


The installation of a deflector is supposed to be installed on the chimneys of furnaces and boilers operating on solid fuel, in some cases also on liquid fuel. However, it cannot be installed on gas boilers... This is due to the inconstancy of the created thrust, because it directly depends on the strength of the wind. If the draft is too high, the fire at the outlet of the injectors in the combustion chamber can go out. All this is indicated in regulatory documents SNiP 2.04.05-91, SP 7.13130.2009.

For efficient operation, the deflector should only be installed if the chimney mouth is located above structural elements roofs. For pitched roofs a lower location is allowed. So at a distance of 1.5-3 meters from the ridge, it is possible to install it on a level with it. When located further than three meters, the angle between the plane of the ridge and the conditional straight line between the ridge and the mouth of the chimney should not exceed 10 degrees. For flat roofs it is enough to go beyond the limits of the main enclosing structures.

You can make a deflector yourself. The easiest way to make a version of TsAGI or "Volper". The calculation of the dimensions of each of the elements is carried out, starting from the inner diameter of the chimney. If we denote it as d, then it turns out:

  • diffuser diameter - 1.2-1.3d;
  • deflector height 1.6-1.7d;
  • the width of the protective cap - 1.7-1.9d;

The height of the diffuser is taken to be equal to half the height of the entire deflector. In its lower part, a clamp is equipped, which will be mounted at the mouth of the chimney. A diffuser is fixed to it with 4-6 strips of galvanized steel. A protective cap is attached to the latter using the same strips. The gap between the diffuser and the bell is 0.2-0.3d.

To increase efficiency, you can build a nozzle with an external opening at the chimney mouth, or better on the deflector mounting ring. The height of the nozzle can be equal to 0.1-0.2d, the outer diameter should increase approximately the same (1.1-1.2d)

This is the easiest construction to prepare. All elements are easily cut from sheet steel with a small amount of trimmings.

In order not to be mistaken with the markup, it is better to first cut out the shape of the blanks from cardboard, and then transfer them along the contour to a sheet of metal.

All elements of the deflector are connected by folding, riveting or welding. After that finished structure can be fixed on the chimney mouth and checked in operation. To be sure of a reliable and effective work deflector, it is better to purchase a ready-made structure with ideally calculated parameters and dimensions.

Have you ever noticed a special hood over the chimney on the roof of your neighbors? This is a deflector. Literally translated, this word means "reflector". In fact, the deflector is a short pipe, a shell, which is usually mounted on a head with an umbrella and is designed to protect the upper section of the chimney from strong winds. And the chimney deflector is also called a chimney or a weather vane - this is an old architectural element. Some of its variants remain a real work of art to this day. Why not spruce up your steam room too?

What is a deflector and why is it needed?

The deflector itself increases the thrust by deflecting the air currents. Here the wind simply hits an obstacle, and a zone of low pressure appears in front of it. This is how the craving increases.

Special studies have shown that even with an ordinary deflector, the efficiency of any chimney increases by as much as 20%! But it also protects the pipes well from snow, rain and plant debris that can be carried by the wind. Moreover, the deflector works well in any conditions - regardless of how and where the wind blows.

Let's take a closer look at how the deflector works. Air currents hit its outer surface, flow around it and thus create a rarefaction of air. In physics, the phenomenon is called the Bernoulli effector - when the air moves quickly and bends around an obstacle, it discharges, and it is this process that significantly increases the draft in the chimney.

If you have a back draft in the chimney, we advise you to read the article

The most popular types of deflectors

Modern deflectors are:

  • With a flat top;
  • With opening lid;
  • With a gable roof - two slopes on the pipe;
  • With a semicircular top.

With a flat copper topping, a deflector is often installed on houses that are built in the Art Nouveau style. But for modern buildings, a cap with a semicircular top is more suitable. With a gable roof, they best protect the chimney from snow.

Basically, deflectors are made of sheets of galvanized iron, although recently you can see more often on sale such deflectors in which the metal is covered with enamel or even a layer of plastic.

  • Deflector TsAGI;
  • "Smoke Tooth";
  • Deflector Grigorovich;
  • Spherical deflector with rotation;
  • Open Astato;
  • Round deflector "Voller";
  • Star "Shenard".

The most common today is the TsAGI deflector. Let's take a look at its structure:

  • Inlet branch pipe;
  • Diffuser;
  • Deflector body;
  • Brackets;
  • Umbrella.

Also popular today is the domestic model of the deflector "Smoke tooth". You need to insert it with a door in the direction of the smoke collector. It looks like this: we put one edge on the wall, raise the second and lower it into place. For convenient installation, remove the lining plates from the back and side walls. You also see two handles in front of you - they are called " cold hand»And is designed to control and regulate the operation of the furnace.

Have you chosen a model? Now let's look at how you can make a chimney deflector with your own hands - for your steam room.

How to build a deflector yourself?

The deflector has its own parameters. So, its height should be 1.6-1.7 of the inner diameter of the chimney, and its width should be 1.7-1.9. The diffuser width is 1.2-1.3. But first, let's decide on the material from which it will be made:

  • Copper;
  • Galvanized iron;
  • Stainless steel.

Why copper, if it's such an expensive material? The fact is that the deflector is located in one of the most inaccessible places of the bath, and therefore, so that it does not have to be repaired, it is better to make it as resistant to atmospheric phenomena as possible. And copper is the best in this regard.

And here's how you can make a deflector:

  1. Draw on the cardboard a schematic of all the major parts such as the hood, diffuser and outer cylinder.
  2. Transfer everything to the metal and cut with the metal scissors along these patterns.
  3. Connect the parts to each other using rivets, bolts or welding.
  4. Make brackets from a strip of metal - with them you will fix the cap on the surface.
  5. Attach the reverse cone to the cap.

The deflector itself must first be assembled, and only then installed on the roof. First we put the lower cylinder and fix it with bolts and nuts. With the help of clamps, we fix the diffuser on the lower cylinder, and on it a cap with an inverse cone.

Deflector vane: state of the art

This is such a special device, in which the body rotates simultaneously with the visors-deflectors curved on it. And those are connected to the bearing assembly. In the upper part there is a weather vane, which allows the whole structure to always be "downwind".

How does this thing work? Quite simple and ingenious: the air flow passes in the space between the visors, accelerates and thereby creates a rarefaction zone. As a result, the draft in the chimney increases, the fuel in the stove burns well, and the air exchange improves - if ventilation was also created additionally. These deflectors are good for preventing reverse thrust, sparking and flame blowout.

You can make such a miracle of technology yourself! Then simply attach the structure itself to the cut of the chimney using a ring with a bearing assembly. A high-quality supply of fresh, clean air and a good removal of combustion products are the main secret of a good stove and light steam!