Small fleas in the apartment how to get rid of. The right way to get fleas out of the apartment

Earth fleas are often confused with leaf beetles - real earthen fleas, which are completely harmless creatures. The first belong to insects-bloodsuckers, causing a lot of inconvenience to humans and animals.

A flea goes through 4 complete stages of development: egg, larva, pupa and adult

Ground flea habitats

The earthen flea is also called the basement flea because it likes dark, damp places, for example, the basement of a private or apartment building, from where it can get into living quarters. Contribute to this gap in the doorway, walls and floor, ventilation holes. Often, fleas are brought into the house with shoes and outerwear, pets.

A friend of mine who lives in an apartment building on the ground floor had pipes constantly flowing in the basement. Due to the fact that it was always dark and damp there, a large number of fleas bred. From there they made their way to the entrances and apartments. And there were mice in the basement. All cats went hunting there, including domestic ones, who only walk outside during the day. And the fleas began to “attack” the cats and, together with the latter, penetrate into warm, cozy apartments.

The greatest activity of ground fleas is observed in summer and early autumn.

In residential areas, fleas feel great. There you can always find a "victim" and feast on her blood. In addition, the apartment has nooks and crannies where you can hide and lay eggs.

Most bloodsuckers like:

  • gaps in the floor, between skirting boards, floors and walls;
  • the space under the linoleum in the places of its backlog, under the entrance mat;
  • carpets and carpets;
  • fabric upholstery of upholstered furniture;
  • mattresses and space under them;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • places under furniture and bathroom;
  • any places of accumulation of moisture and dust;
  • pets, their beds and rugs.

Ground fleas love dark places with high humidity.

Many mistakenly believe that fleas can only start in a house where a cat or dog lives. The same friend always had only an aquarium with a few fish, and fleas made themselves felt regularly.

Outwardly, the accumulation of earthen fleas resembles a lot of moving black dots that begin to “scatter” in different directions at the slightest movement on your part. Finding them is easy. It is enough to carefully examine the above places for adults, larvae and eggs through a magnifying glass.

You can also experiment. Lay a white sheet of paper on the floor and wait a while. If there are fleas in the house, then they will definitely jump to this white spot. On the surface of the sheet, you can see "jumping" black dots.
You can find earthen fleas in an apartment using a white sheet

The danger of flea bites to humans

  • typhus;
  • anthrax;
  • hepatitis;
  • tularemia;
  • encephalitis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • listeriosis;
  • plague;
  • fungal infections.

First aid for a flea bite

The bite site should be treated with any antiseptic. If itching is very bothersome, then you should purchase a soothing ointment for insect bites. If symptoms such as drowsiness, fever, lethargy and a general deterioration in well-being appear, you should definitely seek medical help. If there is no infection and an allergic reaction, then the bites will stop bothering you after a few days. This will depend on the individual characteristics of the body of the victim.

If the fleas bit the child

Children tolerate flea bites more severely and more painfully. The latter appear as red blisters. Sometimes a small rash (urticaria) appears on the body, in addition, the child constantly scratches the bites, which often causes an infection.

The child should definitely be shown to the pediatrician if:

  • body temperature above 37 °C;
  • diarrhea;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • irritability;
  • general weakness;
  • rashes on the body.

Methods of dealing with earthen fleas

If fleas were found in the room, then you need to act immediately. Special chemicals against insects and folk remedies that are safer for others will come to the rescue. The latter are not so effective, but they are quite useful for prevention and as auxiliary ones.

Upholstered furniture, mattresses, carpets, curtains are treated with products that are harmless to humans and animals. Floors and all hard washable surfaces can be treated with more toxic products.

Pay special attention to the bathroom. Under the bathroom, where it is dark, damp and warm all year round, fleas feel especially good.

You can purchase a steam mop. It will allow you to process upholstered furniture, mattresses, carpets, etc. with hot steam. Fleas cannot stand high temperatures.

You can also contact a special insect control service. Professionals with the help of effective and safe means will help to cope with the "flea invasion" for a long time.

There are many ways to deal with basement fleas.

Getting rid of fleas with chemicals

All chemical insecticides can be divided into three groups:

  • powders;
  • aerosols;
  • liquids (sold in ampoules).

It is most convenient to use aerosols, since even secluded places can be processed with their help. Walls should be sprayed at a level of 1–1.5 m. Fleas do not climb above.
You need to carefully process the shelves in the lower kitchen cabinets and the space behind them

Powders are scattered throughout the room, and liquid poisons are first dissolved in water, and then floors, furniture, window sills and walls are washed with this liquid.

When choosing an insecticide, be sure to see if there is a mark "for crawling insects." Such a tool will be most effective.

insecticidal powder

Powders are good because they stick to the paws of insects, due to which they spread through all the cracks. Processing is carried out as follows:

Spray can

You can use both a purchased insecticide in an aerosol, and prepare yourself from preparations in ampoules. On average, 10 ml of product is required per 1 m 2 of surface.

Step-by-step instruction:

After spraying the room, it is important to keep windows and doors closed for 2-3 hours. Limiting the free access of air from the street contributes to a more effective destruction of fleas.

Carrying out wet treatment with insecticide

You will need ampoules to prepare an insecticidal solution. To fight fleas you need:

Chemical preparations for the fight against earth fleas

Insecticide preparations may differ in active ingredients. The most common of them are:

  • preparations based on dichlorvos. For the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is carried out at least twice. Dichlorvos affects the nervous system of the insect and causes paralysis, as a result of which it dies. May be hazardous to animals and humans;
  • preparations containing pyrethroids, pyrethrins. These are substances that have a deadly effect on the nervous system, provide a long-term effect, but negatively affect animals. They are better to handle only washable surfaces;
  • fipronils. They have a paralyzing effect on the nervous system, are safe for animals and people;
  • imidacloprids (neonicotinoids). Safe for warm-blooded creatures, but effective against crawling insects.

The most popular chemicals are:

  • "Raptor", "Raid". Easy-to-use aerosols, safe for children and animals;
  • "Get" - the product has a pleasant smell and does not spoil the surface of furniture, including varnished. But it is undesirable to use it if there are pregnant women and children in the house;
  • "Combat" is an insecticide of contact-intestinal action. Sold in ampoules and in the form of an aerosol. It has an unpleasant odor, harms the coating of furniture, but has low toxicity to humans and animals. Security measures: ventilation and thorough wet cleaning;
  • Dichlorvos is a proven remedy that can be bought in the form of an aerosol. Modern drugs are low toxic to humans, but it is still necessary to ventilate the room for a long time after treatment;
  • disinfectant solution neostomazan. Release form - ampoules. Harmless to all warm-blooded creatures.

For maximum effectiveness of preparations in the manufacture of solutions, it is necessary to use water without chlorine (purified or settled). Chlorine interacts with the active substances of insecticides and weakens their action.

There are also special preparations that are distributed in the form of steam throughout the room. But they are ineffective in comparison with aerosols and powders.
Insecticide "Raptor" is distributed in the form of steam throughout the room

Folk methods of struggle

Alternative methods are safer than chemical ones, but they are significantly inferior in efficiency. Some agents act solely as repellents, while others are capable of destroying insects and larvae.

Repelling with plants

Fleas do not tolerate the smell of wormwood, tansy and damask chamomile. Fresh stems with leaves and flowers are laid out in problem areas. Every two days, wilted plants are replaced with fresh ones. The method is effective, although it will not work to destroy pests and their offspring.

In the same way, you can use sawdust of coniferous trees, orange and lemon zest, strong-smelling spices, garlic.
Ground fleas cannot stand the smell of cedar

Wormwood tincture

Ready concentrated infusion is sold in a pharmacy. You can also cook it yourself:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Pour a handful of chopped herbs and boil for a minute.
  3. Turn off the heat, let the liquid cool down.
  4. Insist 4-5 hours, and then strain through a sieve.
  5. Dilute the finished infusion in clean water with the calculation of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 st. water.
  6. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and treat your favorite flea spots around the house.
  7. Repeat the procedure after a week.

In the same way, you can prepare infusions of tansy, eucalyptus leaves, Damascus chamomile.

Tansy infusion is considered one of the most effective folk remedies for fleas.

A mixture of soda and salt

Another popular remedy is a mixture of baking soda and table salt. The processing process is as follows:

  1. Mix equal amounts of salt and soda (1:1).
  2. Sprinkle in the corners of the house, near the baseboards and the front door.
  3. Leave overnight, preferably a few days.
  4. Collect with a vacuum cleaner.

Baking soda and salt are often used to repel crawling insects.


To combat earth fleas, essential oils of eucalyptus, geranium, cedar, cloves and mint are most often used. They are added to water for washing, making sprays, and are also used in their pure form:

  • for wet cleaning, add 5-10 drops of oil to a bucket of water. It is desirable to carry out such a procedure at least 2 times a week;
  • to prepare a spray for 1 tbsp. water will need 3-5 drops of oil. The bottle is shaken well, and then cracks, joints and other places in the house are treated;
  • for use in its pure form, a few drops of oil are applied to napkins or cotton pads, and then the latter are laid out under furniture, in corners, near the front door, etc.

A friend of mine prepares a spray with essential oils of eucalyptus and mint to prevent the recurrence of fleas. He processes all the problem areas in the apartment 1-2 times a week. He says that even the pain has become less, because these oils are able to kill germs.

Brewer's yeast is mixed with chopped garlic in equal proportions. This paste is used to treat problem areas in an apartment or house. After drying, the product is collected with a vacuum cleaner. The smell of garlic, combined with yeast, acts as a powerful repellent for any insects in the house, but it can be unpleasant for all family members.
The smell of garlic repels fleas and other insects

Borax, botanical dust

These are relatively safe insecticides that have a destructive effect. They are used in the following way:

  1. Preliminary cleaning of the premises.
  2. Powders are scattered in all "flea" places and left overnight.
  3. Collected with a vacuum cleaner and carry out wet cleaning (possible with ammonia or essential oils).

Pregnant women, children, pets should leave the premises during treatment.
Boric acid can kill both adults and larvae


Kerosene has a strong, unpleasant odor. It is used in a diluted form for washing floors and treating carpets. A bucket of water will need 50 g of kerosene. When treating problem areas, you can make more concentrated solutions (1: 1).

Kerosene is a highly flammable substance. Smoking is prohibited in the treatment room.

Video: folk methods of dealing with earthen fleas in the house

Safety measures when removing fleas

Since most insecticides are toxic and can harm the human body, protective equipment should not be neglected. You will need:

  • respirator, gauze bandage;
  • protective glasses;
  • latex gloves.

Do not forget to ventilate the room after treatment for several hours. It would be ideal if you can leave the house for 1-2 days during the treatment.
Gloves and mask - reliable protection when working with chemicals

If there are children in the house, pregnant women

Small children crawl around the apartment, touch everything with their hands, and then put their fingers in their mouths. Pregnant women inhale harmful fumes, which can adversely affect the development of the fetus. In such cases, only completely safe products can be used. These are the same folk remedies, with the exception of boric acid, botanical dust and kerosene (its smell can cause nausea in pregnant women) or based on neonicotinoids, neostomazan (look at the packaging). During chemical treatment, children and pregnant women must leave the house. After the procedure, a thorough wet cleaning is carried out and the room is ventilated for a long time.

If there are animals in the house

It is undesirable for pets and birds to be in the house during processing. If there is nowhere to put them, then it is recommended to use only those products that are sold in a veterinary pharmacy and are safe for animals, for example, preparations with active ingredients fipronil, neonicotinoids, neostomazan.

Prevention of the appearance of earthen fleas in the house

Video: how to deal with earthen fleas in an apartment or private house

Cleanliness and dryness in the room is a guarantee that earthen fleas and other insects will not want to settle in the house. If the "neighbors" nevertheless appeared, then you need to immediately begin an active fight against them. At the same time, it is worth remembering that it must be comprehensive, and then fleas will not appear in the house again.

And how to permanently get rid of domestic fleas with folk remedies, if they managed to multiply strongly and flea bites began to appear more and more often? One of the most effective methods is to place freshly cut mugwort on the floor. For several days, the grass needs to be walked on so that it emits a fragrance. Smell specific but the result is worth it.

You can check for fleas in the room using white sheets of paper spread out on the floor. If dark dots appear on them, disappearing with slight stirring, then there are fleas.

How You Can Completely Get Rid of Household Fleas if all methods are tried and after a while flea bites reappear? If you can’t get the fleas out on your own, a sanitary and epidemiological station can help. Its specialists for baiting insects use preparations such as Chlorpirimark, Effective Ultra, Sinuzan.

You can also try to treat with a Hungarian drug called Neostomazan. An ampoule of this product is diluted in a liter of water, after which the floors are treated with the resulting solution. With an additional portion, you can process the walls one and a half meters from the floor. The packaging must contain the inscription "Against crawling insects."

There are many ways to get rid of "uninvited guests" of domestic fleas, but choosing one, you need to do a complete treatment of the entire territory. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.


If fleas start up in the apartment, you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Fleas are considered one of the most dangerous insects, because they belong to the category of blood-sucking. Their main danger is that the flea is considered a direct carrier of diseases and pathogens, so they are extremely harmful to humans. This insect has existed for several millennia, during this period it managed to lose its wings in the process of adaptation. The shape of the flea has a complex structure, it received a special mouth apparatus, which is necessary to pierce the skin of another creature. After that, the flea begins to suck blood. Today, about 2,000 species of fleas are isolated, however, in the North-West, including St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, this is represented by only a few species.

Most often, fleas start in animals, in the case of our habitat, it is possible to notice them on pets living in apartments (dogs, cats). Many people consider this pest not so dangerous, but any flea in the house will carry a big risk to your health, and you should think about how to get fleas out of the apartment if they are wound up as soon as possible.

What you need to know to get rid of fleas

A flea is not whimsical about food, it has the ability to survive in a difficult environment and drink the blood of not only an animal, but also a person. Distinguish insects by type, therefore, the main types of fleas are:

  • human;
  • canine;
  • feline;
  • rat.

How to deal with fleas in the apartment

  • Create an unfavorable environment;
  • Carry out measures to exterminate fleas and their larvae.

How to get rid of fleas in the apartment?

If you notice that your pet has brought fleas into the apartment, try to take action as quickly as possible. You will have to treat the pet itself, shampoos, special sprays or drops are used. Drops are considered the best remedy; they are presented in a good assortment in veterinary pharmacies. After preventive actions, be sure to put a flea collar on the animal. Be sure to treat the places in the apartment where your animal lives, clean rugs, baskets or other pet dwellings.

If fleas have spread throughout the apartment, the next step will be a general cleaning. In the initial stages, it helps a lot in the fight against fleas, but still the best way is to contact the sanitary service, where specialists use professional chemicals and equipment to fight fleas.

When treating an apartment for fleas, the first thing to do is wash carpets, soft toys, basic furniture, window sills and slippers. But general cleaning is not always guaranteed to remove fleas - this is a kind of preparatory measure. Further, to remove fleas from the apartment, you will have to choose one of two methods:

  1. Disinsection with the help of specialists;
  2. The use of folk remedies for fleas in the apartment.

How to poison fleas in an apartment

Flea insecticides. If your case is not running, a great way would be to use special tools, in this case you need an insecticidal spray. A standard can is sprayed on an area up to 10 square meters. m. Without a certain experience, it can be difficult to carry out effective treatment of an apartment from fleas with this tool. As a rule, in advanced cases, it makes sense to entrust this work to professionals, whose task is to disinfest your apartment and remove fleas and other insects.

The procedure for the use of sprayed flea products in apartments

Use the tool in two stages:

  • Step 1. Spray wallpaper, flooring, hard-to-reach crevices, cracks, areas behind furniture. Securely close the doors in the room and let the spray sit for a couple of hours.
  • Stage 2. After it is possible to use the room, but for the spray to work, you will have to not wash the floors for about 5 days. This is necessary because during this period, although all adult fleas will die, their eggs will remain alive. When they hatch, they will automatically fall into the infected area and, therefore, will also be destroyed. If the initial treatment of the apartment against fleas did not work, repeat the disinfestation and reuse a new agent, or contact a special sanitary service. The specialists of our company "Sanitary Day" will save you from risks. The accumulated experience allows us to give a guarantee of 60 days for the work done to remove fleas from apartments.

Folk remedies for fleas in the apartment

Many respond positively to folk remedies for flea control, but as practice shows, they help in about half of the cases. Doing flea control work in an apartment by professionals is the most effective. If you decide to remove fleas in the apartment with folk remedies, we recommend using a solution consisting of eucalyptus, soda, citrus fruits, mint and a decoction of wormwood. Soda is extremely harmful to fleas, after covering the floor, furniture and other things with it, the insect is not able to move. As a result of this, fleas after treatment can simply be collected with a vacuum cleaner and thrown out into the street. In the case of a large apartment, first of all, try to process those places where animals are most often located.

For those who like to take risks, you can use wormwood, from which a decoction is prepared. The specific smell negatively affects fleas and will help them get out of the apartment. Most likely they will just go elsewhere. Unfortunately, there is a big risk that your apartment will be saturated with the smell of wormwood for a very long time, and it will not work out completely.

The best way to get fleas out of the apartment

According to our practice, in about 80% of cases, we carry out flea treatment in apartments, the owners of which have been trying to remove fleas themselves for a long time and without much effect. Perhaps you should not spend money and time on an independent fight against fleas, but immediately turn to professionals.

Our company "Sanitary Day" offers the best conditions for services for removing fleas from an apartment in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. We are a professional SES service, so we can offer various disinfection and disinfestation services. Our company employs only experienced employees who use advanced equipment that helps to effectively deal with various pests.

Although they appear black from a distance, the actual color of adult fleas is dark brown. In addition, young fleas that have just emerged from cocoons look darker, almost black, until they drink blood.

The dark coloration of hungry fleas is due to overlapping abdominal segments. As it fills with blood, the abdomen doubles in volume. The segments are distributed in such a way as not to impede this growth. As a result, after feeding, the body of the flea looks lighter, since the segments no longer overlap each other.

The height of the jumps of these insects is 50-100 times greater than their own size, so fleas easily jump on animals. And thanks to the hairs and bristles with which their body is dotted, black fleas are firmly held in the coat and feathers and deftly move.

When infected in cats and dogs from fleas, black dots accumulate on the coat. These reddish-black spots are nothing but insect feces, which are the undigested or partially digested blood of the host. These dried marks look like ground black pepper. But when moistened, dry blood is restored and stains the water in crimson red.

How black fleas appear in the house

Adult fleas live on domestic and wild warm-blooded animals - mammals and birds, and lay their eggs there. Animals in the process of life scatter flea eggs wherever they move and rest. The emerging larvae live and feed in the environment until they develop into sexually mature fleas.

How to get rid of black fleas in a house or apartment

We start with cleaning the apartment

Accumulations of dust and dirt on the floor provide a comfortable environment for the development of flea larvae. The larvae feed on the feces of adult insects and other organic debris that accumulates in carpets and house dust. The clumped soiled top layer of the carpet pile protects the eggs and larvae from harmful sunlight and maintains a favorable microclimate for the development of black fleas inside the carpet.

Vacuuming will remove some of the flea eggs from the carpet, disturb the pupae and force them to emerge from their protective cocoons. It will also collect dirt from the surface and lift the pile, which will allow the insecticide to penetrate deep into the carpet.

Washing pet supplies, rugs and bedspreads

In the presence of a steam cleaner, we treat seats, backs and armrests of upholstered furniture, cracks and cracks, soft toys, as well as floor carpets with hot steam. It will not be superfluous to wash bedding before processing the room, especially if black fleas climb onto the bed and bite at night.

Lowering the relative humidity

These insects love dampness, but what small black earthen fleas are afraid of is a dry microclimate and sunlight. We lower the relative humidity in the house with a household dehumidifier to below 50%, and in a couple of days all stages of flea growth will begin to gradually die.

To dry the eggs and larvae that teem in the carpet, use ordinary finely ground salt or baking soda. It is enough to rub it with a brush or a broom into the pile of the carpet, leave it for 3-5 days, and then collect it with a vacuum cleaner. Another folk remedy for dealing with immature stages of fleas is a mixture of boric acid powder with pyrethrum, a dry herbal insecticide. Carpets are also treated with this mixture and sprinkled on the floor under furniture and along baseboards.

Vacuuming carpets

Also, the vacuum cleaner, creating vibrations in the carpet and releasing heat, imitates the presence of the victim and tricks the lurking mature pupae out of the cocoons. Vacuuming regularly after insecticidal treatment, when the carpets are dry, has a positive effect on how quickly reappearing black fleas die from poison. The withdrawal process is speeding up.

We carry out chemical treatment

Chalk "Mashenka" and similar remedies for black fleas are also ineffective, because adult insects move mainly by jumping, and the larvae hide in carpets. Both are unlikely to come into contact with the scribbled lines, unless the floor is covered with a layer of toxic chalk. In addition, adults of fleas live in animal hair, and not on the floor.

Aqueous concentrates of emulsions and suspensions on pyrethroids, organophosphates or neonicatinoids retain insecticidal action on the surface for 4-6 weeks. With proper precautions, these products are quite safe for people and animals. "Dobrokhim FOS", "Confidant", "Taran" and other insecticides for professional and domestic use after one treatment will destroy 4-5 generations of domestic black fleas.

After treatment with contact preparations, it is important to refrain from wet cleaning the floor for at least 10-14 days. Therefore, I wash the apartment before disinfestation, and then we manage with a vacuum cleaner and a broom.

We process animals

As mentioned above, adult fleas live on the body of animals, and if they are not processed, all work will go down the drain. We must process cats, dogs and other furry pets on the same day when we carry out pest control of the premises.

Caution is required when choosing veterinary flea products, as products for dogs, for example, can be dangerous for cats. In order not to risk the health of your beloved animals, we first consult with a veterinarian. Before using any product - a collar, drops, tablets or shampoo - carefully read and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

You will need

  • - a mixture of herbs;
  • - tar soap;
  • - feverfew;
  • - garlic;
  • - Brewer's yeast;
  • - pine sawdust;
  • - baking soda;
  • - salt;
  • - citrus fruits;
  • - boric acid;
  • - shavings of needles;
  • - camphor alcohol;
  • - vinegar;
  • - kerosene.


Many plants have a rather sharp and specific smell that can destroy annoying insects. To prepare the infusion, you will need 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves, 1 tablespoon of tansy, 2 tablespoons of wormwood. Mix these ingredients and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Leave the resulting mixture for 10-12 hours in a cool place. After that, pour the infusion into a spray bottle and treat the room, paying special attention to carpets, rugs and floor coverings. This tool can also be used as a preventive measure.

Pine sawdust is no less effective in the fight against fleas. Most insect vectors are pets, so fill your pet's mattress or pillow with pine shavings. The bugs obviously don't like it.

Feverfew is an ornamental plant that will help to cope with fleas. This flower is colloquially referred to as Persian chamomile and is considered a versatile flea remedy. The fact is that pyrethrum contains natural insecticides, which, unlike artificial ones, are neither for humans nor for animals. A decoction of Persian chamomile is prepared from dried inflorescences. Pour two cups of vegetable raw materials with boiling water, then insist in a dark place until it cools completely. Then rinse the floor, baseboards, and all existing gaps with the resulting composition. You can also bathe a dog or cat in a decoction of pyrethrum, they are the carriers of fleas.

A well-known antiseptic is boric acid. It is also useful for the destruction of fleas in the house. This drug is sold in pharmacies, it has the form of a powder of small crystals. Scatter it on carpets, under mattresses, treat furniture. Fleas, upon contact with it, will carry away its particles on themselves and subsequently die. For people and pets, this substance is absolutely safe, even if ingested.

Ventilate the room daily - fleas do not tolerate cold. Clothes, rugs, pillows, mattresses, etc. occasionally take out to fresh air under direct sunlight.

Baking soda also kills fleas in enclosed spaces. To do this, mix baking soda and table salt in equal proportions. Spray this mixture on carpet, rug or other floor covering. Vacuum the surface thoroughly after 10-12 hours. You can repeat the procedure if necessary.

The smell of citrus fruits perfectly repels fleas. Spread dry peels of tangerines, oranges, grapefruits around your home. Don't forget the most inaccessible places, such as nooks and crannies behind and in furniture, vents, floor crevices, etc.

Wormwood and pine shavings can be used as a flea repellent. It is especially convenient to use it if you live in a private house. In this case, the mixture of these ingredients is scattered before entering the room.