Roofing structures made of wood. Structures device of the roof of a wooden house: a frame of a gable, flat and other types

It's no secret that the roof is playing important role in the construction of the house. In turn, the roof itself is a complex system that must be reliable and durable. V recent times it became popular to make the tops of buildings from wooden structures, besides, cover it with natural materials. Next, we will talk about how to make wooden roof and what constructions are used for its construction.

Types of roof structures made of wood

In the construction of low-rise buildings, roofs made of wooden structures are quite popular, which are divided into 3 types:

  • on the basis of layered rafters;
  • on the basis of hanging rafters;
  • on the basis of wooden trusses.

Inclined rafters are installed in such a way that their ends, on the one hand, have a lower support in the form of a Mauerlat, and on the other, rest on the top of the building wall or a rack. The task of the Mauerlat is to receive and disperse the load that is transmitted from the rafters to the load-bearing walls.

The rafters are placed at a distance of 0.6 to 2 m. The load and the type of wood affect the determination of the distance. As rafters, a beam is used, which in cross section has a size of 0.2 × 0.2 m or several boards with a thickness of more than 5 cm. The racks should be at a distance of 2-3 m from each other.

To increase the rigidity of the structure of the rafters of the wooden roof, the racks are tied together in the horizontal direction with boards up to 0.2 m wide. To prevent the rafter system from being blown away by air currents, it must be fixed to the surface of the building. For this, a wire twist is used, which is fixed in the wall with anchors. Such a rafter structure is most in demand today because of its convenience. It can always be adjusted to the shape of the house.

Note! In order for the rafter system to be mounted, at least one longitudinal load-bearing wall is needed to fix it. In this case, the width of the building should not be less than 7 m.

If there is no load-bearing wall in the middle of the building, the construction of a wooden roof made of hanging rafters is used, which do not have such an upper support as in previous version... The width of the building in this case should not exceed 8 m. Such a system is used for small economic structures. The rafters at the bottom rest directly on the outer walls, which are exposed to considerable horizontal stresses. The rigidity of the system is provided by the rafter tie, which neutralizes the thrust forces. The fixation of all wooden elements takes place thanks to bolts, nails and metal plates.

Note! If the attic room is planned to be operated, the screeds should be placed as high as possible.

Wooden farms are rarely used in the private sector. Such structures are used in structures where spans reach values ​​of up to 20 m. The structure of the truss is quite complex. It consists of nodes, the elements of which are beams with a cross section from 50 to 150 mm. Such structures find their application in older buildings that require roof repairs. V modern construction these systems can be used in the construction of large barns.

Roofing materials

Wood materials can be used to cover the roof. Among the products for roofing are:

  • shingles, which are wooden plates that are formed through sawing and are joined to each other using spikes and grooves;
  • shindel - small chipped wooden plates resembling free-form tiles;
  • a ploughshare, which is a type of shingle, has a spade shape with a curly lower part;
  • tes, which is made of coniferous wood, and is edged board with a sample along the edge;
  • shingles - uncalibrated wooden plates, which are notable for their small thickness and are formed from aspen and alder by chipping;
  • wood chips, which is a type of shingle, but is inferior to it in length.

When installing a roof from planks, you need to know that such an overlap is used mainly for equipment pitched roofs, the angle of inclination of which does not exceed the value right angle... For steeper roofs, significantly more material is used, which increases the durability of the structure.

Roofing made of shingles, shingles and plowshares

Depending on the roofing material, the technology for performing work on laying roof elements changes significantly, while the type of rafters changes. The construction of a wooden roof can be done with different elements.

Overlapping the roof with shingles is considered one of the most complex methods... To make such a roof yourself, you need a lot of practical experience. The size of a wooden plate reaches up to 0.7 m in length and up to 0.15 m in width. Wood plates are cut from the boards. The disadvantage of this material is the roughness at the saw cut, which contributes to increased moisture absorption. To reduce this minus, sawing must be carried out in such a direction, in which the structure of the fibers would correspond to the natural one.

One side of the board is cut in length to such an extent that the thickness of the product reaches an average size of 4 mm. On the other hand, a groove is cut or hollowed out at the end, the depth of which reaches 1.2 cm. The groove at its end point should have a width of about 4 mm, which corresponds to the size of the wedge hewed out. Among the types of wood that are suitable for this type of roofing are oak and aspen, as well as pine. Before laying the planks, for their fastening, a crate is equipped, built from a bar with a sectional size of 4 × 4 cm or 5 × 5 cm. It must be performed with a certain distance between the planks. The laying of wooden blocks should take place along the axes with a step that is equal to a third of the length of the shingle plates. The lathing can also be made solid from boards.

All planks should be laid in an even row in such a direction that all grooves would look up. The next row is installed in such a way that the shingles of the shingle enter the grooves. After laying, each element is fixed with a nail to the bar at the top of the board. Nails should enter the bars to a depth of 2.0 cm. You need to know that the type of wood dictates the choice of material for the nails. If the roof is covered with larch material, copper nails are used. For other breeds, galvanized fixing products are suitable.

The reliability and durability of the roof depends on the number of layers of shingles to be laid:

  • 2 rows - upper layer hides the lower half of the length of the plate. It is used for simple buildings.
  • 3 rows - the upper layer hides the lower one by 2/3 of the length of the shingle. Used for residential buildings.
  • 4 rows - the upper layer hides the lower one by 3/4 of the length of the plank. It is used for structures with increased responsibility.

Roof elements are stacked on top of each other. It means that Bottom part the plate, which is in the upper row, overlaps two halves of the lower plates. The joints of elements with a figured end, called grooves, are laid in a fan-shaped position. To make such a formation, the narrow ends of the plates are given the desired slope in the lower part, while the plates in this place take the shape of a trapezoid.

Note! As you know, wood tends to be influenced natural phenomena... To extend the service life, the shingle must be subjected to an antiseptic treatment. In addition, the tree is also on fire. Therefore, the elements of the roof must be additionally treated with fire retardants.

The principle of shingles and plowshares is similar to the previous one. Since these wooden plates are inferior in length to the shingles and reach only 0.4 m in size, the battens must be fixed accordingly more often than in the previous version. There are no connecting grooves in plates of this type, therefore, the construction of a wooden roof is carried out using butt-laying.

Note! Since, as a result of precipitation, the roofing material swells, there must be a gap between the planks, the value of which should be about 4 mm. Otherwise, after some time, the roof will warp.

In weather with high humidity with such design feature the joints fit tightly, and on a sunny day, dry wood elements allow the air to create ventilation on the roof.

It would be wrong not to mention one of the wood species, which has a number of advantages over other types of natural roofing material. It is about larch, which has the following advantages:

  • the presence of resinous substances and high density do not lead to corrosion and insect infestation;
  • high durability;
  • wood looks beautiful due to its structure;
  • the price of the material is relatively low.

Roofing made of shingles, chips and wood

If the roofing material of the roof wooden houses shingles protrude, the coating device is performed in 3 or 4 layers, while the overlap is maintained in the horizontal and vertical directions. For shingles, boards are used from 0.4 to 1 m in length, from 0.09 to 0.13 m in width and approximately 4 mm in thickness. On the long side, the shingles are laid according to the same rules as the shingles. Plates that are located next to each other must be hidden up to approximately 0.3 m. The next horizontal row should be laid in such a way that the middle of its elements coincides with the joint of the planks of the lower layer. Each plate is secured with a 70mm long and 1.5mm diameter shingle nail to each batten. The ridge is equipped with a structure of 2 boards knocked together to form an angle.

The overlap of chip elements is done according to the same principle. The only difference is in the shorter length of the plates. For chips, plates are used from 0.4 to 0.5 m in length, from 0.07 to 0.12 m in width and 3 mm in thickness. For this material, the lathing bars are fastened tightly - the pitch is 0.15 m.For comparison, when laying shingles, this distance is 0.3 m.Since these boards weigh relatively little, the size of the structural element for the lathing can be 4.0 × 4.0 cm. For greater ease of installation, a solid-type lathing can be prepared under wooden plates.

Roof with wood flooring, the construction of which takes place using a timber, is considered the simplest and cheapest. The durability of such an overlap is significantly inferior to other types. The fact is that when sawing a piece of wood, the natural structure of the raw material is disturbed, and the planks can no longer fully resist the effects of natural phenomena. However, there is another way to make the elements. When splitting the workpiece along the length, the structure of the fibers is not disturbed, since the break passes along them. Natural properties the wood is preserved. One hundred years of operation of such a roof is considered a normal period. The roof of the plank is mounted in 2 ways: transverse and longitudinal. In the first case, laying occurs parallel to the ridge. This method is simplified and is used for buildings with a short service life. The boards are fixed to the lathing with nails in the direction from bottom to top, while the upper layer hides the lower one by 0.05 m. There are 3 types of longitudinal methods:

  • Two rows are stacked back to back. The elements of the upper layer lie on the lower ones with an offset of half the board. The gap between the swelling plates is left in the region of 5 mm.
  • Along the slope, the laying is scattered. The lower layer of the plates is laid with a layer of 5 mm and hides under the upper layer at a distance of 5.0 cm.
  • With an overhead cover. The bottom layer has a solid surface. The joints are overlapped with smaller planks, which extend into the bottom row by 5.0 cm.
  • For all types of installation, the upper planks are fixed to the bars with 2 nails in each bar. The lathing is made of wood structural elements, the distance between which should vary within 0.6-0.8 m. The thickness of the planks used should be from 0.019 to 0.025 m. The section of the plank should correspond to a size of 6 × 6 cm.

Note! It is undesirable to install steam and waterproofing under a roof made of wooden elements due to the fact that because of them the roof will not be able to breathe and its service life will decrease. When the roof is covered with natural material, there is no condensation in the attic, since the tree has little thermal conductivity.


This video shows the process of finishing the roof with shingles.

The roof of the building protects it from cold weather, rain and wind. It's the same important element like exterior walls and foundations. The rafter system is supporting frame roofs. She takes on all the loads: from structures, from snow and wind. In order to avoid problems during operation, the structure of the roof of the house must be strong and reliable. Do-it-yourself installation of the rafter system should be done only after careful preparation and learning all the information you need.

Roof and roof

Before you start building the roof of a private house, you need to distinguish between two concepts. Non-professionals are often confused, but builders clearly separate the definitions of roof and roofing. The roof is the entire structure that separates the building from the street from above. The roof structure of a private house includes rafters, all other load-bearing elements, thermal insulation material, roof covering.

Rafters - roof supporting structures

The roof is the top of the roof. She is also a roof covering... Roofing device requires careful selection of material. After all, the reliability of waterproofing and the comfort of living will depend on it.

System Requirements

To properly mount the rafter system with your own hands, you must take into account a certain set of rules. Without taking them into account, the structure will not be able to effectively resist negative influences from the outside.

First of all, it is worth considering the strength. All elements must withstand the load without destruction... The device of the roof rafter system involves a preliminary calculation load-bearing structures by the first limiting state. It is he who checks the elements of the rafter system for strength.

The rafter system must be strong and rigid

The second requirement is rigidity... The maximum deflection is taken into account here. The structure of the roof of a wooden house or any other should not sag too much. Permissible deformations in the middle of the span are equal to the length of this span, divided by 200. Before starting construction, the structure of the rafter system must be calculated according to the second group of limiting states - for rigidity.

Do-it-yourself roof rafters are made taking into account that the structure has a low weight. Otherwise, the load on the walls and foundations increases greatly. It is for this reason that wood has received wide use as the main material. Wooden rafter system has sufficient strength, but weighs relatively little. Attention should be paid not only to the roof structure, but also to choose the roofing material correctly. It shouldn't be too heavy. Ceramic tiles have lost their popularity not only because of the cost, but also because the roof of the house, its walls and foundations must be reinforced under it.

Roofing material weight for wood truss structure shouldn't be too big

Special requirements are placed on the quality of the material. The manufacture of wooden elements should only be carried out from good raw materials. Consider the following recommendations:

  • For the main elements, 1 or 2 grade wood is used. Grade 3 can only be used for lathing and other small parts.
  • The rafter structures of pitched roofs are recommended to be made of conifers. They are more resistant to decay and other troubles because they contain resin. With the same cross-section, the allowable span for hardwood will be less.
  • Before starting work, all elements must be treated with an antiseptic. This stage of preparation allows you to prevent many troubles in the future. Also, if you wish, you can treat the wood with fire retardants. This will increase the fire resistance.
  • It is better to buy wood from northern regions, which is prepared in winter period... It is this material that is of the highest quality.

Parts of the structure

The rafter system diagram includes many elements. To understand the drawings and correctly perceive the information, you need to know at least the main ones. So what does a roof consist of?

Ridge, cornice and ramps - the main part of the roof

First of all, these are the ridge, the cornice and the slopes. These items are the main parts... The ridge is the uppermost part of the structure. The cornice or overhang is the lower one. Slopes are inclined surfaces that are located between the ridge and the cornice.

The construction of a rafter system requires knowledge of the supporting elements. These include:

  • Mauerlat - a timber that is laid along the edge of the walls of the building... The Mauerlat is needed to evenly transfer the load from the rafter legs, which are point-based. Usually, for its manufacture, a beam with dimensions of 150x150 mm or 200x200 mm (for large buildings) is used.
  • Rafter legs are inclined beams that transfer the load from the roof's own weight, snow and wind to the Mauerlat... These beams are usually installed from ridge to eaves. But upon erection hip roof items appear that have only one of the specified points. They are supported on a ridge or cornice. Such details are called worms. They usually have the same cross-section as the rafters. In fact, wives are cut off on one side rafter legs.
  • Run - a beam on which the roof elements rest... The purlin can be installed under the racks. Another option is ridge girder(crossbar). The rafters rest on it at the top point. The cross-section of the run depends on its span, usually 200x200 mm is taken.
  • Slant legs are only needed for hip roofs... They are diagonal rafters supported by the Mauerlat at the corners. The section is taken to be enlarged, usually 150x200 or 100x200 mm.
  • The construction of a wooden roof assumes the presence of puffs, struts and struts... They are designed to reduce stress on the main components. When building a house with your own hands, it is important to remember that the racks cannot be supported on the floor span. Installation is only possible on underlying walls or on purlins thrown between walls. It is possible to mount such elements on the floor only if it is designed for such a load and is reinforced in the required area.
  • The lathing is needed in order to make the base under the cover... For metal tiles and standing seam roofing, the sheathing can be thinned from boards with a thickness of 32-40 mm. For bituminous shingles, you need a solid base of boards 25-32 mm thick or moisture-resistant plywood.
  • In order to make the overhang of the cornice, filly are installed... They become an extension of the rafters. The filly is fastened to the rafters for a length of at least 1 m. The section of the element is usually taken 50x100 mm.
Bearing elements of the hip roof

Another element of the rafter system is the truss. It is a one-piece structure, which consists of rafters, braces, struts and struts, rigidly connected to each other. The truss has a triangular shape, and inside it is divided into several smaller triangles, which provides it with good stability.

Roof shapes

Pitched roofs are different forms... It is worth highlighting here:

Types of rafters

There are two designs:

  • with layered rafters;
  • with hanging rafters.

The device of the roof of a wooden house is possible only with the use of the former. This is due to two rules:

  • hanging rafters must be rigidly attached to the Mauerlat;
  • in a wooden house, the rafters must be hinged to the Mauerlat.

These two statements contradict each other, therefore, the truss system of a wooden house can contain only layered elements.

Only layered rafters are mounted in a wooden house.

Inclined beams are elements that rest on the Mauerlat at the bottom point and on the ridge girder at the top... This allows you to reduce the horizontal spacing that acts on the walls when the rafters try to part and take a horizontal position. Elements can be reinforced with uprights or struts. Contractions in this case can be placed through one pair of legs.

Hanging tanks rest only at the lowest point on the Mauerlat... At the top, they just bump into each other. To ensure that the system of wooden elements does not disperse, it is imperative that puffs are made. Better to install them on each pair of legs. This option is characterized by a strong expansion effect on the outer walls, but it allows you to get more free space inside the attic.


Before you make a rafter system with your own hands, you need to carefully study the nodes. It is not worth saving time or money to build your home. Only in this case, the result will delight for many years.

The main joints of the rafters

Roof truss attachment points that deserve special attention are represented by the following:

  • fastening the Mauerlat to the wall;
  • fastening the rafters to the Mauerlat;
  • fastening the rafters at the top point;
  • splicing rafters along the length.

Mauerlat to the wall

This knot can be done in several ways. The choice largely depends on the material of the wall. Building a building from brick, block or concrete allows the following methods to be used:

  • on the wire;
  • on staples;
  • on hairpins;
  • on anchor with device monolithic belt along the edge of the wall.

Mauerlat connection to the wall during construction brick buildings performed with anchors

Rafters to Mauerlat

Fasteners are carried out in two ways:

  • rigid for brick, concrete or concrete block buildings;
  • articulated for wooden houses.

Rigid mount can be with or without a cut. The cut is recommended to be done on the rafters, and not on the Mauerlat, as this weakens it. In both cases, the leg is rigidly fixed with nails, screws, staples or metal corners.

With rigid fastening, the cut is best done on the rafters and fixing the structure with fasteners

For a hinged mount, a special part is used - a slide... They allow the beam to mix without obstacles during the shrinkage of the building walls.

The articulated connection allows the beam to be displaced

Additionally, the rafter legs are attached to the wall. This is to prevent the roof from being blown off by the wind. For fastening, a twist of two wires with a diameter of 4 mm is used, fixed to the wall on an anchor or a ruff. In a wooden house, twisting can be replaced with staples. Fastening is carried out on each beam or through one.

At skate level

The inlaid elements are supported on a ridge girder with a cut... Additionally, an overlay is made from a board on both sides. An overlay is also needed for hanging elements. It can be wooden or metal with holes for self-tapping screws.

The ridge girder and rafters are connected using a cut

Splicing rafters

There are several methods for splicing roof rafters with your own hands. The choice between them largely depends on the experience of the master. The splice is located at a distance of 0.15 of the span length from the support... In this case, not only the ridge girder and the Mauerlat, but also the struts and racks are considered as supports.

Splice rafters lengthwise

There are five ways:

  • butt joint;
  • oblique cut;
  • overlap;
  • compound legs;
  • paired legs.

To build quality roof, you need to carefully study the technology, choose the right type of rafters and methods of connecting elements in important nodes. This is especially important when a do-it-yourself rafter system is being built.

The roof in the house plays an important role in the structure of the entire structure. Its main task is to protect the house from the effects of adverse events, as well as to perform a protective function. To date, a large number of different structural elements and materials are presented, from which the roof can be made. For example, a wooden roof is famous for its practicality, long service life and environmental friendliness. In this article we will tell you what the structure of a wooden roof consists of, as well as analyze its structure.

The roof is the main structural element of the structure, which is located above attic floor... The structure of the roof of a wooden house is based on different types rafter system. The rafter system for a wooden house is an individual design, which is carried out based on the type of roof, its size and shape. The wooden system contains the following elements:

  • overhangs - perform a protective function of the walls from moisture ingress;
  • a mare is an integral part of the structure;
  • roof ridge- serves as a junction of two slopes, the crate is stuffed directly on the structure itself;
  • lathing - installed perpendicular to the rafter legs, carries the load of the entire roofing;
  • tightening is the main element of the rafters, which fixes them and prevents them from diverging;
  • rafter legs- provide the rigidity of the structure, are responsible for the slope of the roof and determine its appearance;
  • Mauerlat - serves as the foundation of the entire structure, provides an even load of the entire roof on the walls of the building;
  • roof brace and racks- provide additional stability and reliability;
  • girder - a building element connecting the rafter legs (distinguish between ridge and side girder).

In addition to all the basic elements described, the structure of the roof of a wooden house includes braces, stretch marks and additional racks, which allow to correctly distribute the load on the supporting elements and eliminate the formation of unnecessary pressure on them.

Important! The roofs of wooden houses are mounted exclusively from dry wood, the moisture content of which should not exceed 15%. Wood roofing can be deformed when using raw wood.

Types of roof structures

Wooden roof structures depend on many factors. In the process of building a house with your own hands, the shape of the roof plays an important role, it is for its construction and provision that they are selected and purchased necessary materials for the rafter system. Factors affecting the look of the roof:

  • The correct calculation of the slope of the house and the selection of high-quality building materials, it is on these components that the strength of the structure depends;
  • The level of climatic precipitation, if in the area where the house is being built, the minimum amount of precipitation, the slope of the structure is minimal, if the level of precipitation exceeds the norm, the slope is high and pointed.

For information! When choosing roofing materials, it should be taken into account that various materials are laid at a certain angle and without indentation, i.e. not lower and not higher.

Roof types village house may be as follows:

  • hip;
  • single-slope;
  • gable;
  • flat;
  • attic;
  • tent;
  • multi-pliers.

For information! Wood covering is used for all types of roofs: single-pitched, gable, hip.

All of these types of structures allow you to increase them. performance, namely:

  • provide excellent thermal insulation of the floor, because wood retains heat well;
  • self-cleaning when snow falls, triangular device wooden roof allows snow to slide freely and reduces the load on the entire structure;
  • the presence of a large slope allows water not to stagnate, which eliminates damage wooden system;
  • long plumb lines allow you to drain liquid from the walls and increase their service life, as well as reduce the level of damage to the load-bearing elements of the structure;
  • wooden roof structures do not require a lot of investment Money to carry out repair work.

Most often, building materials are used for wooden structures, such as:

  • slate;
  • ondulin;
  • metal tile;
  • roll roofing material;
  • bituminous roofing material.

If the structure is supposed to be massive, experts recommend using light materials, for example, ondulin or metal tiles. Such materials exclude the formation of an additional load on the structure.

Roof device

The photo shows the rafter system of a wooden house.

Wooden roof structures are performed taking into account certain rules. The step-by-step roofing device consists of:

  • Installations of the beds, they are fixed parallel to the side walls of the building, for this they use a bar with a section of 15x15. If the length of the timber is insufficient, it can be built up from segments and connected with construction spikes;
  • Laying racks with the obligatory observance of the step, which must correspond to the step of the rafter system;
  • Fixing the outer rafters to the Mauerlat, using the support on the racks;
  • The upper corners of the pediment are fastened with a ridge girder;
  • Installation of ordinary rafters, they are fixed on the Mauerlat, support posts and ridge elements;
  • Gable trim.

When the entire rafter system is assembled, the next step is performed construction works consisting of:

  • mounting the lathing;
  • stacking the cake;
  • laying roofing.

For information! Roofing cake may consist of several different layers. This feature depends on the use of the attic space, if you plan to use the attic as a living room, it is better to insulate it.

It is worth noting that the rafter system can be made in two versions:

  • Inclined - consists of one or more intermediate supports on load-bearing structural elements;
  • Hanging - consists of support on the walls of the building, than they are a little bursting. To avoid destruction or disruption of the structure, a jumper should be made and fixed at the ends of the rafters. The main task of the lintel is to contain the structure.

The device of a roof in a wooden house can be done by hand, however, it is better to entrust the manufacture of wooden structural elements of the roof to specialists. A properly made rafter system will reliably protect the house from negative factors and will significantly increase the service life of the entire roofing system.

For a home from anywhere building material the roof truss system is assembled from wood. Wooden rafters are equally good for any kind of roofing. In addition, the tree is suitable for creating any shape of the roof: one- and two-slope, half-hip or hip, etc. What is the structure of the roof of a wooden house, the types and shapes can be found by reading this article.

The roof frame for the construction of a house from a bar depends on the chosen shape. The complexity of the rafter system, the device, the material for it and the calculation of loads depend on what form will be.

How to choose a roof shape

On the choice of form future roof for wooden houses, a number of factors affect:

  1. How much precipitation falls in the region where the construction is carried out. For regions with heavy rainfall, choose a device with a steep slope, high, pointed. For a minimum, a flatter and lower option is suitable.
  2. Roof type. From what kind of roof the roof slope will be, a certain material has its own slope during installation.

If the shape of the roof is conceived individually, then you need to calculate the frame for loads and provide for what material will be used as a roof.

Types and shapes of roofs

All wooden roofs can be classified into:

  1. Flat
  2. Pitched

Flat roofs have a device with an angle of inclination of less than 10 ° C, more are pitched. All these types are subdivided into forms.

The shape of the roof of a wooden house can have a structure:

  • Shed. Tilt on one side only.
  • Gable. Triangular, with two edges.
  • Flat.
  • Mansard room.
  • Multi-pliers.
  • Hip.
  • Tent. (For a variety of hip but with slopes of the same size).
  • Semi-hip.
  • Four-slope half-hip.

Roof slopes and shape affect performance. The simplest in design is gable and flat wooden.


This is the most simple construction flat roof. Its plane is inclined to one side and rests on the load-bearing walls of the house. On the one hand, the frame is lower, and on the other, it is higher. Due to the simplicity of the design, it is used for outbuildings.

Gable roof

Advantages of a gable, simple wooden roof:

But a gable roof is suitable only for detached buildings, for example, for the construction of a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

The flat roof structure is not suitable for regions with big amount precipitation. This is due to the flatness of the slope. Flat roof it is applied for small buildings in the southern regions. The rest of the options are suitable for any latitude of Russia.

A flat roof is shaped like the roof of a high-rise building. This is the most economical option, since a massive rafter system is not required. It consists of:

  1. Monolithic plank base.
  2. Vapor barrier and insulation.
  3. Waterproofing


This version of the roof in the places of the gables has 2 more triangular slopes. These triangular pieces are called hips. The structure of the hip roof is complex and it is impossible to assemble the rafter system without experience on your own. A viewing window is made in the upper part of the hips.


By design, these wooden roofs are placed between the gable and the hip. The shape of the ends of the pediments of this design is tropeciform. On top of the pediments there are half-hips, small triangular slopes. A full-fledged window can easily be placed in the rontone, and the wind resistance and additional decorativeness are betrayed by the half-hips.

The frame with the overlap of the lower part of the gable with a slope is also a variant of the half-hip roof. In this version, the rest of the pediment is triangular and a viewing window is mounted in it. The half-hip has the shape of a trapezoid. It's new and interesting solution in the design of the roof for the construction of a house made of profiled timber.


This shape resembles a tent of triangular slopes, which are connected at the top by one point. The frame has no ridge and the roof is symmetrical on all sides. This design is convenient for houses. correct shape(square, polygon).

For example, imagine a regular gazebo with a flat roof made of triangles. There can be three or more of them. Such a structure withstands wind loads well, and snow does not linger on it.

Multi-pliers form

The frame of a multi-probe roof has many ridges, ribs and valleys. By its design, this is a unique building designed individually for a specific construction. You should not make such a roof yourself, but rather entrust it to professionals.

Mansard form

Roof roof

Professionals also call this shape of the roof a broken line. Use this design during installation mansard roof... The tilt angle has a kink, which allows you to make the most of the attic area. In shape, the frame has two slopes that turn into almost vertical ones. The window opening in the mansard roof can be of any size. Any height can be made.


This roof shape is extremely rare. These types are also called conical. It has a cone shape, round without corners. In large cottages, the structure is used as a separate element, for example, a turret or a veranda. Covering the entire building with this structure is laborious and expensive.

Combined option

This is the most complex design, which can combine several previous types at once. Suitable for massive buildings with more than one level, with verandas and balconies, with a large number of dormer and ceiling windows. Combined design is always individual. Such a structure is expensive, and it is impossible to mount the frame without specialists.

It is important to understand that the simpler the roof structure, the fewer kinks and bends it has, the more reliable it is. Any new, near-pipe apron or chute will collect snow in winter, and this increases the likelihood of leaks and damage.

For construction reliable design you need to use only high-quality roofing, insulation and waterproofing. And the rafter system is assembled from dried wood.

The main components of the structure

The entire roof structure consists of nodes that have their own structure and design:

  1. Rafter.
  2. Lathing.
  3. Counter crate.
  4. Cornice strip.
  5. Skate.
  6. Roof.
  7. Insulation and ridge cap.
  8. Endovaya (external and internal)
  9. Wind board.
  10. Drainage system.
  11. Snow barrier.
  12. Stingrays. These parts of the structure have a different angle of inclination.
  13. Skates. The longitudinal parts, with their help, the roof slopes are connected, have the shape of ribs.
  14. Ribs. It is a connecting device at two ramps.
  15. Gable. This is the overhanging part of the roof that protrudes above the log house. Has a size of 200 mm.
  16. Pipe. It is made in any private house, used for boilers and ventilation systems.
  17. Apron (pipe holder).

The most important parts, frame and bearing of any roof are considered: rafter system, lathing, Mauerlat. There is additional elements that are fasteners (posts, struts, crossbars, spacers, etc.). Fasteners are responsible for the rigidity of the structure.


Gable roof rafter system

The frame of any roof is a rafter system. Its design and its constituent elements are directly related to the shape and size of the building that needs to be covered. The location of the load-bearing internal walls and supports is also important. For manufacturing, use a bar, boards or logs. The types of its connection depend on what the material will be.

The rafter system made of wood can be of the design:

  1. Layered.
  2. Hanging.

The layered rafter system consists of intermediate support beams (one or more). They are located on the load-bearing wall of the house or on its partitions.

The suspended structure rests on the load-bearing walls of the house without affecting the partitions. This system resembles wall spacers. To prevent more pressure on the load-bearing walls of the log house, jumpers are made at the ends of the rafters. They hold back the bursting force on the walls.

For example, consider the frame of a simple gable roof. The distance that is considered is different, since there can be several options for this rafter system.

  1. If the distance between the load-bearing walls is less than 6 m. The rafters rest on a beam, which is mounted around the entire perimeter of the walls of the log house (mauerlat). The rigidity of such a structure will withstand any roof, and the material consumption will be small.
  2. The span between the load-bearing walls is more than 6 m, but less than 8 m. The structure consists of connected opposite rafters with a crossbar.
  3. The distance between the bearing walls is more than 8 m and less than 12 m, in rare cases 16 m. The structure has a rafter system, but with its own characteristics. On interior walls intermediate struts will be supported. One such support makes it possible to cover with a roof about 12 m. If about 16 m, then there are two supports.

If there are no internal load-bearing walls, and the gap between the main ones is the same 12 m, it is advisable to use a hanging system. In this case, the rafters will rest against the tightening, and the tightening against the Mauerlat. The tightening is made solid, but if this is not possible, you can use a compound one.

The most extreme stops are installed first. It is on them that the raging roof plane depends. They are the main ones in the rafter system. Intermediate rafters are installed depending on the selected material for insulation.


The frequency of the sheathing is directly related to the roof. For a soft roll, you can make a solid one. It is made from plywood or OSB. For a ceramic or metal roofing material, a lathing with a step of 50-60 cm is suitable. The strength and appearance of the roof depends on which material is chosen for the roof.

Roofing materials

When ordering a turnkey service or building a house with your own hands, the question arises, which roof to choose? Materials are suitable for the roof of a wooden house different types:

  • Roll roofing.
  • Bituminous coatings.
  • Metal tile.
  • Ceramic tiles.
  • Slate.
  • Ondulin.

For low-rise buildings, such as a one-story house, a light roof (corrugated board, metal tile, ondulin) is better suited. Roof repair from these materials is done quickly, it is easy to lay the sheets. Are these roof coverings: corrugated board - from 210 rubles, ondulin - from 270 rubles, material tiles from 320 rubles. Both domestic and foreign manufacturers... Ondulin has advantages during precipitation. It is soft and soundproofing will be higher. The metal tile looks more beautiful and does not hold back the snowdrifts. Profiled sheeting is economical. All have a wide range of colors. Profiled sheeting is sold unpainted, it costs from 170 rubles.

For massive houses, cottages, both light and heavy roofing materials (ceramic tiles) are suitable. Installation of such a roof is more difficult, and the price is from 430 rubles. But snow and water do not accumulate on the roof, the noise insulation is increased, the roof is durable and can withstand heavy loads.

For country house you can use the most economical options (roofing material, slate). These materials do not look very attractive, but the price for slate is from 70 rubles, roofing material is from 90 rubles.

What nuances need to be considered when planning the roof frame

The shrinkage coefficient for different types of wood is different:

  • Beam and log natural moisture- shrinkage 10%,
  • Chamber-drying profiled and cut timber - no more than 3-5%
  • Glued laminated timber - no more than 2-3%.

When planning, it is important to duplicate the roof marks before and after shrinkage. If this is not done, repairs will need to be done after the first year.

This must be taken into account when choosing a material for the frame of the truss system. In order for the roof to serve for a long time, it is necessary:

  1. The structure of the rafter system is calculated.
  2. A house made of wood of natural moisture must stand at least 1 year before installing the roof.
  3. Choose high-quality roofing material without saving.

After assembly, the wooden roof must be constantly monitored and checked by the device; it is important to repair all minimal damage immediately. Otherwise, major repairs will be required, and these are unnecessary material costs.

In the construction of any house, wood plays an important role. Moreover, from what material the building is being erected, nothing depends. Such elements are suitable for any type, as a result, it can have any shape, for example, it can be single-slope, hip, mansard, and so on - there are several options. In this article, we will consider what is the structure of the roof of a wooden house, we will discuss its main types and forms, their pros and cons.

Construction characteristics

First of all, when building a residential building, the future shape of the frame is chosen.

It is on this indicator that the structure of the roof truss system in a wooden house depends, the complexity of implementation, the material, the acting loads.

Shape selection

When choosing a shape, the following factors must be considered:

  1. The amount of precipitation that falls in a given region. If this number has maximum value, then the roof structure of a wooden house should be high, at a large angle. If the amount of precipitation is insignificant, choose the flat version.
  2. Type of roofing material. The choice of this element is significantly influenced by the slope of the roof. There is a certain indicator for each type of roof.

In some cases, people want to build a roof that suits their personal preferences. In this case, an individual calculation of the loads on the frame is made, on the basis of which a certain type of roof is selected.

Main varieties

The roof structure of a wooden house can be of two types: flat and pitched. The first view is set at an angle of ten degrees. Anything higher will be considered pitched. In turn, these types can have different shape, each of which affects the characteristics of the coating. The simplest are flat and gable views... Next, we will consider in detail each of them.


This is the simplest roof structure for a wooden house.

It is a slope, the plane of which rests on the load-bearing walls of the structure different heights... This design is also used for utility structures.


Among positive sides of this type, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. If the installation is done correctly, then thermal insulation properties the roofs will be increased.
  2. When erecting high pitched roofs, additional space appears, which can be used as an attic.
  3. In winter, the snow does not linger on the roof and is removed on its own. Thanks to this, the structure is not subjected to additional loads.
  4. The gable roof of a wooden house, the design of which is a triangle, does not retain moisture, which is so harmful to wood.
  5. installed in such a way that it does not fall on wooden walls rainwater or melted snow water. This feature increases the life of the house.
  6. Inexpensive repair.
  7. Installing a gable roof does not take much time and effort.


The design of a flat roof of a wooden house allows it to be used in those regions of the country where there is a small amount of atmospheric precipitation. As a rule, such houses are being built in the southern regions.

A flat roof is similar in design to the roof of high-rise buildings.

The creation of such an element does not require large investments, since there is no need to build a massive rafter system. Such a system consists of the following elements:

  • durable wooden base;
  • hydro, steam and thermal insulation.


A feature of this species is the presence of two triangular slopes, which are located near the pediments. These rectangular pieces are called hips. The device of a roof truss system in a wooden house is a rather complicated matter, therefore its installation requires special skills. In the upper part, as a rule, a window is installed.


This structure is located between two other types of roofs: hip and gable. Compared to the previous view, it has the shape of a trapezoid. In the upper part, at the fronts, there are triangular slopes. Here you can also install a window or refine the appearance with the help of half-hips.

Hip hip roof

This type resembles an ancient hut, which has a triangular shape. The elements are connected to each other at one top point. The sides of the roof are equal on all sides, and there is no ridge. This design is usually used for rectangular or square houses. It withstands precipitation and strong gusts of wind well.


Distinctive features of this type are the presence of many indents, ribs and ridge. It is designed specifically for a specific home. Installation of such a structure is rather complicated, requiring certain skills, so it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

Construction of a mansard roof of a wooden house

Differently this system called a broken line. It is located at a certain angle, which is used in the construction of the attic. Thanks to the break, which is located at the angle of inclination, an additional room can be built in the attic. In addition, windows of any size can be built into the roof.


This species is quite rare. It has the shape of a cone and does not contain any corners or margins.

This type is used as individual elements on small structures, for example, on a gazebo. Installing a round roof on a large building takes a lot of time and effort and is also quite expensive.


This is the most complex structure of all of the above, since it combines several types. It is installed on large buildings, where there are gazebos, balconies, etc. It can be installed in both small and large windows. Such a device for a wooden house is very expensive, and installation without specialists is impossible.

wooden house

The main elements of any roof include: rafter system, lathing and Mauerlat. There are also additional elements such as posts, supports, transoms, etc. They are fasteners and are responsible for the strength of the entire structure as a whole. Let's consider in detail each main element.


It is a wooden beam that is used as the main fastening element for the rafter system. Located near load-bearing walls with different sides... Corner Mauerlats are interconnected with wooden beams, brackets and bolts. The beams are installed at half the section.

The Mauerlat is mounted on the load-bearing walls of the house, or rather, on the anchor. It is tied with clamps or ropes. Then waterproofing is performed. As a rule, it is made of layers of roofing material, although other material can be used.

Rafter system

The base of any roof is a rafter system. All of her structural elements, size and shape are directly related to the future structure. Particular attention is paid to the correct positioning of the load-bearing walls and supports. They can be wooden beams of various sizes and lengths. Other material can be used as well.

There are two layered and hanging. The first type of timber system consists of support beams that can be installed not only on load-bearing walls, but also on partitions. The suspended structure is also located on load-bearing walls, but unlike the previous type, it does not rest on partitions. To distribute the loads between the supports, jumpers are made. They are fixed at the ends. Thus, the pressure does not perceive separate part walls, but the structure as a whole.

To understand this issue, consider a simple gable roof... The device of the roof of a wooden house, namely the rafter system, depends on the distance between the walls. There are such options:

1. The distance between the bearing walls is less than 6 meters. In this case, the rafter system will be installed on the Mauerlat over the entire area. This design is considered to be very durable, so it can withstand any roofing material.

2. The distance between the bearing walls is within the range of 6 to 8 meters. In this case, several rafter systems are interconnected with a crossbar.

3. The distance between the bearing walls is within the range of 8 to 12 meters. Such a rafter system has its own characteristics. Wooden beams installed on partitions, and one such element is sufficient. It happens that the distance is 16 meters. Then several such supports are installed.

If the house does not have internal load-bearing walls, and the distance is large, then it is better to use the hanging type of rafters. In this case, the structure will be based on the tightening, and it, in turn, on the Mauerlat. The tightening should be continuous. If this is not possible, then collapsible will do.

At the beginning of work, the rafters are always installed on extreme points walls. The shape of the roof depends on them. Installation of intermediate rafters depends on the insulation material.

What is the meaning of the lathing?

The lathing is an important bonding element in the roof.

If it runs from soft material, then the crate is made solid. It can be wood plywood... For more durable and massive roofing materials, a lathing with a pitch of 50 cm is chosen. The strength and appearance of the roof depends on the type of roofing material.

Materials (edit)

The roofing device of a wooden house can be varied. There are many types of these materials. Among them, the following are distinguished:

  • roll;
  • bitumen;
  • ceramic and metal tiles;
  • slate;
  • ondulin.

For small houses and outbuildings, as a rule, a light roof is chosen, for example, ondulin, corrugated board and metal tiles. Installation of these materials does not take much time and effort. Moreover, their low cost is attracting more and more people. Ondulin costs from 250 rubles per sheet, metal tiles - 300 rubles, decking - 200 rubles. The market offers a wide selection of both foreign and domestic brands. Each of the materials has its own characteristics, appearance and characteristics.

For large multi-storey buildings use more powerful and heavier roofing material, for example, ceramic tiles... Its cost on the market reaches 400 rubles per sheet, while you still have to spend money on its installation. Such a roof can withstand any atmospheric precipitation, loads, and increases noise insulation properties.

For ordinary buildings, you can use budget materials, for example, roofing material, the cost of which reaches 100 rubles per roll. Before making, you should put insulation.

additional information

All elements of the roof of the house require special attention. First of all, attention is paid to the condition of the wood, namely to such features:

  • The timber must be naturally moist.
  • The edged board is dried in a special chamber.
  • The glued wooden elements should have a moisture content of 2-3%.

When designing the roof of a wooden house, it is necessary to take into account such an indicator as shrinkage.

If you do not follow this characteristic, then you will have to frequently repair the roof.

The rafter system also requires special attention. When choosing it, you should take into account the following rules:

  • the rafter system is being calculated;
  • before installing the roof wooden house must withstand at least a year;
  • on roofing material not worth saving.

If all points are carefully observed, then the design will serve you for a long time.

After the completion of the installation, the roof of the wooden house is periodically checked for breakages. If detected, they should be eliminated immediately. If this is not done, then the situation will worsen, and even more funds will have to be spent on roof repairs.

So, we examined what exist and what is the structure of the roof of a wooden house. Now you know what type of design you can put into practice.