Insulation of the roof of an extension to the house. wooden extension

The veranda is cozy and comfortable spot for evening tea or relaxation, but in cold and damp weather it is practically not used.

Therefore, it is worth considering how to insulate the veranda to make it more comfortable.

As a rule, the veranda is a glazed building that is not heated, so the temperature in it differs little from the temperature outside.

The veranda can be attached at the design stage of a private house, or you can organize the construction later - it all depends on the wishes of the homeowner.

But both options need warming. Work is better to start from the floor.


Usually, in a private house made of wood, the floor is arranged in this way: logs are laid on the ground, to which boards are attached. To insulate such a floor, the following work is carried out:

  • boards are removed;
  • wooden beams are installed between the lags, which are fixed with screws;
  • insulation material is laid between the bars - foam mats and plates, mineral wool or penoplex;
  • so that the plates tightly fill the space between the lags, they need to be adjusted. In this case, foam boards are good - they are easy to fit to any size by cutting with a knife;
  • mineral wool - if it is used - it must be additionally insulated with a film or foil to prevent it from getting wet;
  • all voids formed are filled with mounting foam.

Completion of work

The height of the insulation structure should be calculated so that a gap of several millimeters remains between the floor boards and the insulation: so a constant inflow fresh air will carry away moisture, preventing wetting and rotting of floor materials.

Finally, a polyethylene film is stretched over the insulation boards. The edges of the film are glued with metallic tape. After all the procedures, you can lay the floor boards and move on to the insulation of the walls and ceiling.

Inner lining

Only the outer walls are subject to insulation, and those that connect the veranda from the inside with other rooms of the house do not need to be sheathed. Styrofoam is perfect as a material for wall cladding. Warming from the inside occurs in several stages:

  • the wall is covered with a waterproof material - polyethylene or foil, which are glued with horizontal stripes, and the joints are glued with construction tape;
  • the size of the insulation plates is measured and, in accordance with the measurements, they are nailed to the wall wooden blocks so that insulation mats are placed between them;
  • insulation is laid: foam boards can simply be glued to the surface with special glue.

Easy option

It is even easier to spray liquid foam on the surface of the walls - polyurethane foam. This insulation will protect well from the cold, last for several decades, but it is often not used due to its high cost. We attach polyethylene and heat-reflecting material to the insulation plates metal surface inside. Then you can sheathe the walls with clapboard or other decorative materials.


If you also insulate the ceiling from the inside, most warm air will remain indoors - with a "thin" ceiling, the air masses rise up and simply go outside. Sheathing is carried out according to the same principle as in the case of walls:

  • the insulation is isolated from moisture;
  • wooden planks are stuffed for fixing the insulation;
  • voids are filled with mounting foam;
  • the whole structure is sheathed with clapboard.

In the insulated veranda, high-quality window profiles and double-glazed windows, as the greatest amount of heat escapes through the windows.

If indoors verandas large area occupy windows, structures with triple frames should be installed. Also, before insulating the veranda, you should take care of fire safety: it is better to use non-flammable insulation materials such as mineral wool. Many types of polystyrene burn, so you should consult with experts when choosing a material if the insulation is done by hand.

It is impossible to insulate the terrace, but it can be fenced off so that it is not blown by the cold wind. To do this, a small brick fence can be laid out around the perimeter of the terrace. We described the option of how to insulate a wooden veranda from the inside. A similar insulation structure can be built on the outer surface of the walls. External insulation protect wooden walls from precipitation and wind.

outdoor work

External insulation of the veranda begins with the foundation - this will save it from deformation after freezing and warming the earth. It is possible to carry out such insulation at the construction stage. The entire basement around the perimeter is lined with polystyrene foam plates.

You can insulate the veranda with your own hands using materials such as polystyrene foam and liquid polyurethane foam. However, on moving soils, the foam can crack and generally needs to be waterproofed from the inside, as it will absorb moisture from the ground. Polyurethane foam is new modern construction, which works as a liquid spraying on the foundation. After hardening, the coating becomes durable.

Wooden walls

The insulation of the walls of the veranda from the outside depends on the type of building - wooden or stone. wooden walls trimmed as follows:

  • gaps in the building are caulked;
  • a vertical crate of bars is stuffed with a distance of up to 0.5 m (it is better to stuff exactly the size of the insulation boards for a firm fit to the grate);
  • mineral wool is placed between the bars, fixed with dowels;
  • the surface is covered with a waterproofing film using a construction stapler;
  • the finished surface is sheathed with siding or clapboard.

brick walls

If the veranda is built of bricks or blocks, then glued to the walls polystyrene boards with special glue and additionally strengthened with dowels. The surface of the plates is impregnated with the same adhesive and a reinforcing mesh is applied. After drying, the walls are plastered and painted.

The country veranda (closed and open), if desired, can turn from summer to winter, i.e. from cold to warm. From the veranda you can make an entrance hall, a corridor in the house, a full-fledged room or a winter garden, a greenhouse, in general, a warm room that can be used all year round. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to insulate the veranda for winter residence. Below is step-by-step instruction with photos, drawings and diagrams.

Which side to insulate the veranda - from the inside or outside

Warming cold veranda begins with the choice of insulation and the place of its installation. As a rule, the veranda has a beautiful exterior and interior decoration. And deciding which side to hide under the insulation is not easy.

To make a final and balanced choice, we offer arguments in favor of one or another type of insulation.

Insulation of the veranda from the inside


  • can be performed in any weather;
  • free access to surfaces at any height;
  • in one approach, you can insulate all surfaces: walls, ceiling, floor.


  • requires dismantling existing coverage;
  • the freezing point is shifted into the wall, which leads to its destruction.

Insulation of the veranda from the outside

  • the way of life caused by repair work is not violated;
  • all garbage remains outside the veranda;
  • preservation of the veranda area;
  • displacement of the freezing point into the insulation, which reduces the rate of destruction of the walls, and the walls can accumulate heat;
  • veranda decoration. Veranda lined with OSB boards or plywood, can be transformed after insulation with subsequent finishing.

External insulation of a wooden veranda made of timber or logs will protect the wood from getting wet, preserve the interior of the extension, and make it possible to update the facade. Among the minuses: deprivation of the opportunity to observe the state of the veranda-log house from the street.

How to insulate the veranda - materials

With the existing variety of thermal insulation materials, the choice still remains difficult. However, among the well-established are:

1. Penofol

Flexible foil insulation Penofol can be used as an independent heat-insulating material or in combination with other types of insulation.

The material is environmentally friendly, thin, low vapor permeability, easy to install and fireproof. Among the minuses: softness, small thickness.

2. Styrofoam

Rigid material with low weight, which does not change its properties during the period of operation. Easily mounted in both frame and frameless way. Disadvantages: interest for rodents and flammability.

Note. Insulation of the veranda with foam plastic saves the owner from installing a hydro and vapor barrier, because. polystyrene has almost zero indicators of hygroscopicity and vapor permeability.

3. Styrofoam

It has all the advantages of foam, and is also very durable, easy to cut. Cons: low sound insulation, collapses at high temperatures (more than 100 ° C), does not burn, but self-extinguishing does not occur.

4. Mineral wool

Flexible (soft) insulation with low thermal conductivity, non-combustible, compressive strength (for dense types) and tensile strength, provides excellent sound insulation, and is resistant to temperature deformations. Mineral wool is resistant to chemical and biological activity. Cons: needs a frame, loses density over time (caking), which means they decrease thermal insulation properties.

5. Basalt wool

According to the characteristics, the material is identical to mineral wool, while being environmentally friendly.

6. Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Polyurethane foam insulation is available in three varieties:

  • Dense (solid, rigid) panels
  • Flexible (soft) plates
  • Inflatable (sprayed)

Among the advantages: light weight, ease of installation and application, resistance to chemical and biological activity. Cons: expensive, deteriorates from mechanical stress, subject to aging when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Note. The low rate of vapor permeability of PU foam in the slabs will lead to the accumulation of moisture and the destruction of wall surfaces or structural elements.

7. Flax, tow, moss

Materials designed to insulate the veranda from timber and logs without disturbing appearance buildings.

Flax, tow, moss are absolutely environmentally friendly, but difficult to install. In addition, they are desirable prey for birds that use materials to build their nests.

Note. Warming with these insulators is best done at the stage of building a veranda.

8. Synthetic insulation for construction

Polymer insulation eliminates the disadvantages inherent natural materials. For example, the construction of a veranda using warm house technology.

Do-it-yourself warming of the veranda to the house

If you are going to insulate the veranda, you need to remember that insulating only one surface will not give the expected result. After all, heat escapes from it in different directions.

Floor insulation on the veranda

1 way:

we remove the boards of the existing floor and the subfloor (as well as floor coverings: linoleum, laminate);

we fall asleep expanded clay between the lags;

re-laying the floor.

2 way:

dismantle flooring or we perform work on the existing floor. Then it will perform the function of a rough coating;

we install wooden bars 50x50 on the logs or on the subfloor;

Note. The thickness of the timber should be equal to the thickness of the insulation. Before installation, the beam is covered with a protective compound.

laying a vapor barrier film;

we lay a heater (for example, mineral wool). We make sure that there is no free space between the frame and the insulation. If there is one, it must be filled with scraps of material and blown out with foam;

from above, we cover the material with a vapor barrier or penofol. The foil part of the material turns inside the room. The junction is glued with metallized tape (for example, Isospan Isospan).

install flooring.

Additionally, you can perform insulation of the foundation of the veranda.

Veranda roof insulation

A significant part of the heat escapes through the roof of the veranda (the heat loss of the roof depends on the design and material). How to insulate the roof of the veranda - from the inside or outside? Simple shed roof does not have an attic, respectively, it is difficult to move around it. To perform insulation, you need to dismantle the roofing material. Therefore, the roof of the veranda is insulated at the construction stage or from the ceiling.

Veranda ceiling insulation

It differs in the same sequence of actions as floor insulation. Only the canopy has to do the work. This creates some difficulties in the installation of insulation.

How to insulate the ceiling on the veranda - methods

1 way - wireframe

you need to dismantle the ceiling covering, if it is drywall and replace it with plywood or OSB;

a hydrobarrier film is attached to the surface of the ceiling;

for soft insulation, a frame is made of timber (the thickness of the timber is equal to the thickness of the insulation);

insulation is installed between the bars of the frame.

Note. With a soft insulation width of 600 mm. it is recommended to make the distance between the bars of the frame 580-590 mm. This makes it easier to install.

the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film;

the ceiling is decorated with plasterboard or lining.

2 way - frameless

Suitable for polyurethane foam and rigid insulation. In this case, the insulation is installed directly on the ceiling. Then the surface of the ceiling must be puttied.

Note. Before puttying the ceiling, the foam must be closed with a mesh. This way the mixture will hold better.

Insulation of the walls of the veranda

It can also be done in two ways: frame and frameless. Work is carried out in the same order as with floor insulation.

How to insulate a wooden porch

Many are interested in the result of external insulation. The natural beauty of wooden lining will be hidden under a layer of insulation. Professionals recommend dismantling the existing finish, performing insulation, and then installing the lining in place. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out dismantling carefully so as not to damage the lamellas. However, part of the lumber will still have to be replaced. You can even out the difference in shades between the old and new lining by sanding the board.

Insulation of a wooden veranda in a house made of timber and logs

It is carried out by driving natural insulation into cracks (caulking, sealing cracks between logs).

Warming the house using the "warm seam" technology - video

If the veranda from the timber has lost its attractiveness, then the insulation occurs by mounting the frame outside the extension. A heater (heat-insulating material) is inserted inside the frame and sewn up with facing material (for example, lining, siding).

Insulation of veranda windows

Wooden windows can be insulated if they are protected from the outside of the building with a film. At the same time, space must be left between the window and the film. This gap (air cushion) will prevent the accumulation of moisture and destruction wooden frame. The film is attached to the frame using a construction stapler. The disadvantage of film insulation is that the transparency of the window is reduced, therefore, on warm time year it is removed.

Note. Users advise that when insulating windows with a film, fill the rails on the frame, and attach the film to them. The film will be removed in the spring, but the slats will remain. Thus, the wood frame is not destroyed as much when mounting/dismantling the film.

Warming the veranda, made in accordance with all the rules, will significantly save heat and increase the temperature in the room. According to user reviews, the temperature in the insulated veranda does not drop below zero. Of course, this is clearly not enough for everyday use. Installing heaters will solve the problem.

Heating of the veranda

Installing portable electric heaters is the easiest and most cheap way solving the issue of heating the extension. The device of full-fledged heating on the veranda requires the development of a project, its approval in the relevant authorities (depending on the type of heating), the performance of work on the heating main, etc. Easier to install UFO or electric on the veranda heating device. The main thing is to follow the rules of fire safety.

If you properly insulate the veranda and choose a good heater that matches the area, the extension will become a room that can be used all year round.

Warming the veranda with your own hands requires certain time and material costs. But it makes it possible to obtain additional square meters of living space. And also, this is an opportunity to practice before performing the insulation of the house.

Warming of the veranda can be carried out at any time of the year. There are two options: to insulate the building from the outside or from the inside. The first method, it is desirable to perform only in good weather - and it is easier to work, and the materials used will not be damaged. But the second one is quite relevant in cool and even cold weather. In addition, you can kill two birds with one stone: insulate the veranda and prepare a good base for interior decoration.

If you have not had time to insulate the veranda, now is the time to correct the situation. Insulation work will give an excellent opportunity to gather in winter with family and friends in country house over a cup of warm cocoa. What and how should be done to insulate the veranda from the inside - useful information find in our material.

1. Choose a material

First of all, estimate the total amount of work and the necessary costs. Take measurements of the floor, walls and ceiling of your veranda. Now is the time to decide on the material for insulation. There are several options here: polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam. The most popular are the first two: with their help, you can transfer the cold veranda to the status of "warm" and save the family budget. Keep in mind that foam sheets are usually quite thick - up to 12 cm. This feature will reduce the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Mineral wool will retain heat better and it is much easier to install. In combination with double-sided metallization or with an outer layer of foil - get the maximum heat on the veranda, but you will also be provided with tangible financial costs.

Tip from InMyRoom: if your veranda is too large in size and you want to be warm even in very coldy, it is worth considering the option of combined insulation. To do this, it is necessary to mount rolled thermal insulation based on mineral wool on the walls, and then - sheet foam.

2. Tool preparation

The most reliable method of insulation is considered frame. Such a design will be durable and reliable, in comparison with the usual gluing of insulating material to the required surface. In addition, the frame will allow you to lay any type of insulation on the walls and hide it under any sheathing - whatever you choose, drywall or lining, everything will look aesthetically pleasing. For the installation of thermal insulation, you will need various tools. Your chosen insulation, wooden bars and slats of various sections, a hacksaw, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, nails, a level, a tape measure, a pencil, a construction stapler with staples, polyurethane foam, a roller, a protective antiseptic and a moisture-resistant film - here it is a set of tools with which you can perform all the necessary manipulations for warming the veranda.

Tip from InMyRoom: the size of the timber should depend on the number of layers of the material used and its thickness. If only one layer is supposed, then make a wooden beam 50x50 mm - after all, the insulation itself has a thickness of 50 mm.

3. Wall insulation

The primary task is to make a frame on the walls: set the wooden bars in a horizontal position over the entire plane with a gap of 50 cm. The size of the bar depends on the number of layers of insulation and on its thickness. The first beam can be laid directly under the ceiling. Then measure the required space (about 50 cm) from the bottom edge of the beam with a tape measure and mark with a pencil the place for the next beam. On the marked lines, screw the frame elements using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws - we do this until the very end. Do not forget to use a level for all these manipulations.

As soon as the wooden frame is made, you can safely proceed to the process of warming itself. Insert the cut sheets of foam into the resulting openings and glue along the end. Thermal insulation in rolls is nailed (or sewn) to the rails, and the excess is cut off. Keep in mind that mineral wool must be inserted tightly with a small space between the frame. Make sure there are no holes or crevices. To insulate the walls of the veranda, it remains to attach a vapor barrier - it will not allow dampness to penetrate into your family nest. We do this work with an overlap, with a margin of 10 cm. To fasten the material, use a stapler and staples: attach protective layer to the frame will be easy. And in the end - glue all the joints with special tape.

Tip from InMyRoom: so that the wooden frame for the insulation lasts for more than one year, treat it with an antiseptic - it will protect the wood from mold and decay.

4. We insulate windows and doors

Often the veranda has most of the glazing - therefore, the issue of its timely insulation is on the agenda. The main heat losses are carried out through windows and doors. Pay attention to the windows already installed: what quality they are, how long they are in operation and whether they retain heat well. If the results are not at all pleasing to you, the first thing to do is replace the windows. Bet on double or triple glazing - and save heat, and sound insulation will be much better. Make sure that the junctions of the window beams and walls are well treated with mounting adhesive or foam. Insulating doors is no less important task. Alternatively, pad it with felt (or other similar material) either outside or inside. Put self-adhesive stickers around the perimeter of the door frame rubber seals. If possible, you can install a second door - get an additional air gap.

Tip from InMyRoom: do not forget that so-called "cold bridges" often appear under the window sills. To eliminate a gaping crack, use the same sealant - thermal resistance will increase several times.

5. Floor insulation

The easiest way is to lay the insulation layer directly on the floor. Main condition - mechanical strength basics. If you chose this option, then first you will have to cover up all the cracks in the floor epoxy resin. As a result, you will get a “silent”, almost monolithic floor. As soon as the base is prepared, start laying the rolled moisture-resistant insulation. Using a stapler and staples, shoot the material to the floor in 10-15 cm increments. Make it a rule: the thicker your thermal insulation material, the more often the fasteners should be made. We nail the laid insulating layer in the corners with nails with wide caps. It remains only to glue the seams with adhesive tape, and the heated floor is ready. At the end, lay on top of the chipboard sheets and the vending top coat(carpet, linoleum).

Tip from InMyRoom: the direction of the insulation layer should be perpendicular to the finish coating - this feature must be thought out in advance so that the floor on your veranda lasts a long time.

6. Ceiling insulation

After insulating the floor and walls of the veranda, you can proceed to the final stage: insulate the upper part of the room. Since any ceiling is exposed to precipitation, good waterproofing work will be required. First, remove the headlining. Then the waterproofing layer should be mounted. Special film with perforation for this is quite suitable. Using a special metal-coated glue, glue all the seams of the film. All other work is similar. wall mounting for warming.

Tip from InMyRoom: when installing a wooden frame and installing a ceiling insulation, be sure to use safety glasses - there is a possibility of injury to the eyes when shedding small chips, when fixing the insulation with staples and nails.

Tips from a professional: the nuances of warming the veranda, which are important to know

We learned from architect Nikita Morozov what subtleties you need to remember when insulating a cold veranda, what you can save on and how to achieve a more effective result.

Nikita Morozov is an architect. In 2007, he organized the KM STUDIO design bureau, where young architects and designers create interiors in various styles– from art deco to loft. At work, she appreciates the opportunity to constantly meet new people. interesting people, draws inspiration from books and movies, classical fine arts and the latest technologies. Believes that perfect interior should combine aesthetics and ergonomics and give impressions.

Extension Features

When choosing a veranda insulation material, consider which room the veranda will adjoin. If it's a kitchen or fireplace Hall, then it is worth refusing to use some materials for reasons of fire safety. For example, it cannot be said that polystyrene is a rapidly flammable material, but when high temperature it melts, releasing toxic smoke.

About materials

To the above recommended materials, I will add Penofol as an additional or main insulation. Penofol consists of polyethylene foam and a layer of strong aluminum foil: it reflects ultraviolet radiation well, and practically does not burn, and retains heat at very low temperatures. A good analogue of mineral wool is basalt wool. According to its characteristics, it is absolutely identical to mineral, but it is an environmentally friendly material.

About insulation outside

For a more effective result, I also recommend insulating the outer walls of the veranda. Use foam and fasteners "fungi". Before insulating, impregnate the wall with anti-fungal and mold agents. After the insulation boards are fixed, fix the mesh, on top of which you can apply the finish coat. There are many more ways to insulate walls from the outside - the choice of one or another method depends on the finishing material, budget, climatic conditions at the time of the insulation process. Insulation of walls from the outside has a number of advantages in relation to the internal insulation of walls. For example, when internal insulation the freezing point is shifted into the wall, which leads to its destruction; at the outside - into the insulation, which reduces the rate of destruction of the walls, and the latter can accumulate heat. The internal area of ​​​​the veranda is also preserved and there is no need to dismantle the finish.

What to do with windows

The quality of the installation of windows and their condition certainly affects the coefficient of heat loss in the room, but if the budget does not provide for a relatively costly replacement of windows, then a number of actions can be taken that will keep the heat on the veranda at least temporarily. For example, it is important to carefully caulk wooden window frames, then seal all the cracks, upholster the outside plastic wrap, but leave space between the window and the film - this gap (air cushion) will prevent the accumulation of moisture.

Additional measures

If your veranda is a functionally actively used room: there is a dining or study area here, then it is also worth considering the installation of a UFO or an electric heater.

Finishing the terrace in a private house (photo)

The veranda is a small room attached to the house. It can be open or glazed (closed). It is used both for agricultural needs and for recreation. How to insulate a veranda for winter living from the inside with your own hands and what materials are best to choose for these purposes? Find out the answers to these questions below.

What to look for when warming the veranda from the inside?

Let's decide how to properly insulate will allow you to make it a full-fledged living space for the winter. You can use it absolutely at any time of the year. Before starting work, it is necessary to think over absolutely all the nuances: the option of insulation, material for thermal insulation, places for installing insulation. At the same time, it is possible to lay insulation from the inside and outside.

Insulation of the veranda wooden house possible subject to the following conditions:

  • Installation is possible only if there is good ventilation.
  • In cool weather, the heating should always be on in the veranda.
  • Additional wall insulation cannot exceed a thickness of 55 mm.

Modern in the interior

Overview of materials used for internal insulation

Now on construction market There are many different materials for thermal insulation of premises. They differ operational characteristics and cost. So, let's figure out how to insulate the veranda from the inside?

  • Styrofoam is the most popular type of insulation in many areas of construction. It features light weight, good rigidity, stable performance even in long-term use, easy installation, and can be installed with or without a frame. The disadvantages of polystyrene include its high fire hazard and attractiveness to rodents. This is a significant disadvantage for warming the veranda in a private house.

    When using foam, there is no need to build another waterproofing layer.

    The scheme of insulation of the walls of the veranda with foam

  • Penofol is recommended by many experts. This is a modern and high-quality thermal insulation material, it can be used in conjunction with other types of insulation or without them. Penofol is ideal for warming all buildings in a country house. It has a low vapor permeability. The material is environmentally friendly. It is possible to mount it yourself without any problems.
    Floor insulation with penofol
  • Another popular insulation is mineral wool. It can also be used to insulate any buildings in the private sector. It is possible to use mineral wool for rooms intended for winter use. To mount thermal insulation layer from mineral wool, you will need to equip the frame. Such material, four to five years after installation, will lose its density, and this will inevitably lead to the loss of thermal insulation properties.
  • Basalt wool is an analogue of mineral wool. It also gradually loses its thermal insulation properties. It differs from mineral wool in greater safety from an environmental point of view.
  • Expanded polystyrene combines all the advantages of foam insulation at once. It has good strength and is easy to work with. Even a novice in this business can equip a heat-insulating layer with expanded polystyrene. However, this material has a high sound transmission.

    Expanded polystyrene belongs to the category of non-combustible materials.

  • Glass wool surpasses all the materials listed above in terms of strength and elasticity. It can be purchased in roll form. Working with it is quite simple, but it is necessary to use means to protect hands, eyes and face, as well as respiratory organs. Therefore, along with glass wool, you will need to purchase goggles and a respirator. Glass wool has little strength, so it can sag a lot over time. Such material is absolutely fireproof.

We warm the closed veranda with our own hands

In this block, we will discuss how to properly insulate the veranda from the inside with your own hands. Consider the features of insulation of walls, ceiling, roof, floor, doors and windows. Before starting work, it will be necessary to purchase all materials and tools, seal windows and doors.

Preparatory work before insulation

There are many ways to insulate the veranda with your own hands. We will talk about the most popular methods among people. The list of required tools includes: a stapler, a construction knife, a paint roller, a hacksaw, paint brushes, a screwdriver. Except selected thermal insulation material you will also need to buy: a door seal, mounting foam, vapor barrier film, self-tapping screws, gypsum, wooden beams.

When preparatory work finished, it's time to make a warm living room out of a cold veranda.

Wall insulation on the veranda

It is worth starting the insulation of the walls on the veranda with the installation of the frame (metal or wood). The wooden frame is made of slats and bars, and metal carcass made of galvanized profile. The latter is most suitable for the insulation of drywall structures. The technology for mounting the frame is the same when using the materials listed above and is as follows (an example of installing a wooden frame).

  1. To mount the frame, you need to install the upper and lower wooden bars, filling the distance between them with the help of intermediate bars. They are mounted only horizontally.
  2. Before mounting on the wall, the beam must be treated with an antiseptic to protect against rot and mold. Use mineral wool.
  3. It is possible to fasten the frame to the walls of the veranda using self-tapping screws, a puncher and a screwdriver. In this case, the method of fastening the beam directly depends on the material of the walls.

  4. Control the horizontal mounting of the beam with building level. The width of the frame cells will always correspond to the dimensions of the insulation boards. In case of dense laying, you can reduce the spacing of the cells by 3 mm. During the installation of the frame, there should be no cracks and gaps. Stack insulation for the veranda entirely, removing all unnecessary only after installation. When the heat-insulating layer is installed in the crate, it will be necessary to pull the vapor barrier film with an overlap to the frame bars.
  5. At the joints of the film, you need to stick a metallized adhesive tape. The procedure will protect the heat-insulating layer from moisture.

    To improve the quality of insulation, you can install a gasket made of penofol between the wall and the heat-insulating layer.

  6. The final step will be the installation of the frame skin, it will protect the inner layer and perform an aesthetic function. For these purposes it is possible to use wooden lining, MDF panels or PVC panels.

Ceiling and roof insulation

Internal insulation of the veranda involves the obligatory laying of a heat-insulating layer on the ceiling. The principle of the work practically does not differ from the methodology of wall insulation. The main difficulty is that all installation work you need to carry out a canopy. Doing all this alone is almost impossible.

First, dismantle ceiling covering and apply a waterproofing film to the draft surface of the ceiling. Next, you need to build a frame from a bar according to the same principle as for walls. In the gaps between the bars, you can make a heat-insulating layer. Top close vapor barrier film. finishing can be carried out using drywall or lining.

Most of the heat escapes through the roof. To reduce heat loss, high-quality insulation is required. To do this from the outside is possible only at the stage construction works. Roof work from the inside is only possible through the ceiling.

Floor insulation on the veranda

How and with what to insulate the floor on the veranda? One of the most popular plank floor installation schemes is as follows.

  1. Fill the floor with expanded clay or small gravel.
  2. Pour a small layer of sand on top and compact it.
  3. Next do reinforcing mesh with a section according to your project.
  4. A concrete layer with a thickness according to the project is poured from above.
  5. After the floor has dried, lay a waterproofing layer, for example, roofing material.
  6. On top of the roofing material you need to lay wooden logs impregnated with antiseptics.
  7. Between the lags it is necessary to carry out a heat-insulating layer.
  8. After insulating the floor on the veranda in a wooden house, you should proceed to laying the final coating.

Insulation of windows and doors

The best option is to install double glazing PVC. If this is not possible, then you can do the insulation of existing wooden frames.

Preparatory work should be carried out in the following order:

You also need to insulate door frame so that it does not pass through the joints to the veranda cold air. Do this with the help of batting: remove from the hinges and fill slightly protruding rollers from above and below, and then beat them tightly, securing with a stapler or small nails.

Heating options for a closed veranda in winter

Having answered the question of how to make a warm veranda with your own hands, let's look at the most popular and available options heating covered veranda in winter.

Insulation of the summer veranda - does it make sense?

To make a full-fledged room suitable for living in winter from a summer veranda, you will need to carefully warm the veranda with your own hands from the inside and out. The only “viable” option is to make a frame or. But then you have to spend some money Money: first for the installation of double-glazed windows, and then for insulation using heat-insulating materials.

When insulating a summer veranda, it should be borne in mind that the installation of a heat-insulating layer leads to a shift in the dew point. This is the cause of the formation of fungus, mold. Therefore, it will be necessary to lay a waterproofing and vapor barrier layer

Shed roof extension to the house has simple design, so it can be built quite quickly with your own hands without any special problems and significant costs. We will tell you in more detail about how to make a roof, what materials and tools may be required for this, and what the sequence of work should be.

Choosing the angle of the roof

Before you get started, there are a few things you need to do first. First, you need to design the roof of the extension. For this, a drawing is made in which it is imperative to determine the angle of inclination of the roof surface.

The angle of inclination is a very important value that affects the durability and efficiency of the roof. Properly performed calculations will help to quickly and efficiently cope with the work. The higher the angle, the more materials will have to be spent to build the roof of the extension.

This indicator is selected taking into account the prevailing weather conditions in the area where the house stands. The more precipitation falls in this region, the larger the angle should be. Thanks to this, water and snow will not accumulate and destroy the roof surface. In the area where they blow strong winds, it is better to choose a small angle.

The angle of inclination is also selected depending on the material from which the roof is made:

  • tiles or slate - at least 22 degrees;
  • roofing material - at least 5 degrees with a two-layer coating, and 15 degrees - with a three-layer;
  • corrugated board - at least 12 degrees;
  • metal tile - 14 degrees;
  • ondulin - at least 6 degrees;
  • soft tiles - at least 11 degrees.

As practice shows, the roof of the extension to the main structure can have a maximum angle of inclination equal to 45 degrees. But when choosing an indicator between the minimum and maximum, it is important to take into account not only the aesthetics of the roof, but also remember the loads that will occur during precipitation or gusts of wind.

An incorrectly chosen angle of inclination will lead to unexpected expenses for repairs in the event of an extension falling.

We select materials

The traditional shed roof is built from wooden beams on which the roofing material is laid. The tree is selected hardwood, well-dried and treated with protective substances from insects and atmospheric influences. In addition, all wooden details, from which the shed roof of the extension will be built, must be impregnated with fire-fighting agents. This will significantly increase the life of the rafters and beams of the structure.

In order to build the roof of the extension, you will need the following materials:

  • timber for beams, rafters and supports;
  • board for lathing and sheathing of the end and sidewalls;
  • insulation and waterproofing;
  • roofing materials.

The latter should be discussed separately. Usually the roof of an extension to residential building made from the same material as the main roof. But if this is not possible, the roofing material is selected based on the financial capabilities of the owner of the house.

The timber for the rafters is selected with dimensions from 120x120 millimeters to 150x150 millimeters. They depend on the weight of the material that was chosen for the roof. The heavier it is, the thicker the beam should be. You also need to take a "margin" for the load in the form of snow, rain or wind.

To do the work yourself, you will need tools:

  • electric or hand saw;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • axe;
  • furniture stapler;
  • screws or nails;
  • level;
  • roulette.

Nails and self-tapping screws are stocked on the basis that for 1 square meter surfaces will need 8-10 pieces. And when buying insulating material and insulation for the roof, you need to remember that to required size you need to add another 10-15%, which will be used for overlapping, trimming or joining materials.

The number of rafters is taken on the basis that they are installed at a distance of no more than 1 meter from each other.

We carry out construction work

In the case when a house with an extension under one roof is not provided, it is necessary that the roof of the house protrude above the extension by at least 5 centimeters. You need to carefully consider how to tie the structure to the wall, otherwise it will get inside rainwater or snow.

The rafters will rest on outer wall, therefore, on it, with the help of a level, a load-bearing beam, aka Mauerlat, is horizontally attached. This is the thickest timber, and the higher the angle of the roof is made or the heavier the selected roofing material, the more massive it should be.

Mauerlat is attached to the wall as securely as possible, because the ends of the rafters will be fixed on it in the place where the extension and the wall of the main building will dock. How to connect them together? It is better to insert the rafters into the grooves previously cut in the Mauerlat. The recommended distance between them should be about 0.6-0.8 meters, but not more than one meter.

When laying the rafters, it is necessary to ensure that they all have the same angle of inclination. Otherwise, a distortion may occur, and water, accumulating, will destroy the roof of the extension.

After the rafters are fixed, the second stage of construction work begins - waterproofing. If the rafters are long, additional supports are added between them. Roofing material is laid out on top of them across the bars, thick plastic film or other waterproofing material. Experts recommend overlapping and gluing each joint with adhesive tape. And the roofing material itself is attached to the rafters with a stapler.

To prevent water from entering the gap between the roof of the extension and the wall of the house, the joint is additionally insulated. How to connect the roof of the extension to the wall? To do this, the edge of the uppermost strip of roofing material is brought out above the surface of the roof of the extension and heated blowtorch and then glued to the wall.

A crate is made on top of the waterproofing layer. To do this, use a bar measuring 5x5 cm, which is attached across the rafters. For a solid roof, the distance between the bars is taken such that one sheet lies on at least two of them. For soft roof the crate is made solid, from boards or OSB.

The final stage - laying roofing material. It is laid, starting from the bottom row towards the top, fixing it according to the technology inherent in each of the varieties. In this case, it is important to ensure that the connection does not have gaps.

It remains to sew up the end parts of the sidewall with boards so that water and snow do not get under the roof.

Warm or cold?

This will reduce heat loss in the house if the extension is not heated. This will be necessary if a separate heating source is made in it.

For insulation, before laying waterproofing on the roof, a draft ceiling is made in the extension. Insulation is laid on it in layers, it is covered with a waterproofing layer on top. And only after that all the work described above is carried out.

From below, the ceiling of the extension can be sewn up with plywood or drywall.

In addition, the end part of the roof should also be insulated so that the side wind does not blow out heat. For this, you can use any material, based on financial capabilities.

Some masters, making the roof of the extension, sheathe the end parts over the boards with different finishing materials, for example, plastic. Thanks to this, such a roof acquires a more elegant and finished look.