How to grow a peach from the bone. Growing peach from a bone - landing and care at home and in the country

There was a stereotype that, from a bone or seeds, a cultural tree did not grow, it turns out the dick, and to make sure that such "truth", fruiting is offered to wait 7-10 years. But over time, this myth, created by seller sellers, collapsing with respect to many cultures. In their number, peach and nectarine.

Peach and nectarine from bone: successful cultivation practice

Gardeners amateur were already raised, checked and divided on the Internet, on the forums and in videos, their successful experience of growing these fruit crops from the bones. It turns out that the tree grows and binds the first fruits on the second or third year. Of course, a tree with large fruits, peaches and nectarines will grow out of the southern fruit in the conditions of the middle strip and Siberia, will be smaller, but the taste and fragrance will remain.

Nectarine is a subsidian subsidiary. The plant is not a hybrid, but created by nature. Scientists in vivo found such a mutation (peach with smooth fruits) and secured, growing cultural seedlings from its bones. Therefore, all technologies of growing peach from the bone are fair and for its direct relative - nectarine.

Born in the new region, the village will adapt to the local climate. However, at the genetic level, this culture is still thermal-loving. Although there are winter-hardy peach varieties (winter-hardy, frost, white swan, etc.). Their wood withstands frost -30 ... -40 ° C, but the flower kidneys perish already at -20 ... -22 ° C. That is, the tree will grow, but in the spring it will not bloom, there will be no fruit. Therefore, in the state market of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation there are no varieties zoned for middle strip and Siberia.

Residents of the northern regions did not accept such a state of affairs. They also grow peaches and nectarines in areas and cottages, but in stalante form. As for the South, the inhabitants of Ukraine, the Krasnodar Territory, the Crimea, then they can be grown from the bone without any concerns.

Peach seedlings in the southern regions appear from Samosov

It is said that the trees from the bones do not repeat the varietal properties of the parent plant. But no one bothers to take away from several seedlings those that correspond to the variety. You can again take the seeds and sow a second generation, thereby consolidating the necessary qualities.

Video: Peach, grown out of the bone, is already fruit

Landing Peach and Nectarine Bone House

Most often, bones for breeding peaches in the fall are simply drunk in the garden and the spring is observed. But if you want to control the whole process, and not to suffer unknown to spring or planted it in the spring, that is, the cultivation options and such cases.

Where you can take bones and how to prepare them

To get the planting material, most of the gardeners of our country will have to go to the market or in the hypermarket and buy there the most ripe and sweet peaches or nectarines and take off their bones. Yazhnes and Ukrainians need only to come in the summer in the garden and stretch their hand to disrupt ripe fruits from their or neighboring tree.

Before autumn sowing fresh bones, rinse and dry. If they were kept all winter until spring was dried, then perform two uncomplicated manipulations:

  1. Soak in a rain or melt water for 8-10 hours.
  2. Hold 3-4 days in wet sawdust or cloth at room temperature.

Correct dates of sowing

It is undesirable to keep germs for peaches and nectarines at home! In conditions of stagnation of air, its dryness, or, on the contrary, high humidity, seedlings are ill with a black leg, pautoic ticks are seized on leaves. It happens that the grains are rotten, and not having time to climb.

Seita, when it comes to warm, on the windowsill, many sunlight, the windows and windows are often opened. The earlier the seedlings will be in the conditions of your climate, the faster they fit to it, they will grow and better prepare for the winter. However, it is possible to plant them in open soil only after the end of return freezers. Therefore, the optimal period of seeding seeds is 1-1.2 months before the onset of heat plus 2 weeks to appear germs. It turns out in Siberia in April, Moscow and the region - in March-April, in the south of the Russian Federation and Ukraine - in February-March.


Sowing with stratification is not the only way, but the most reliable. Seeds for stratification are sent 3-4 months before sowing, that is, in the south, it is processed in November, north - in early February.

For Ukraine and the south there is such an option: stratification to start in February, and in April to sow seeds immediately into the soil, bypassing the growing on the windowsill.

Certification steps:

  1. Wrap the seeds into a wet napkin and put in a cellophane bag. Plot in it pre-holes with toothpick so that the seeds can breathe.
  2. Place the packaging at the bottom of the refrigerator. The optimal temperature is + 1 ... +5 ° C.
  3. Deliver seeds once a week, turn, wash clean water, change the bag and napkin to prevent the appearance of mold and rot.

Seeds can germinate in the refrigerator before the deadline. We will have to immediately sow and take care of it: to protect against disease and pests, to heal. The reason for premature germination is the temperature in the refrigerator above optimal. This can be avoided if you control not only seeds, but also temperatures inside the refrigerator.

It is believed that the speed of germination during stratification depends on the variety, some will germinate after 2 months.

Spring bones must be improved in the ground

Preparation of soil

The soil will suit the universal from the store or its own, mixed with a humus and any baking powder (perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber, sand) in proportion 1: 1: 0.5. And in its own, and in the store mixture can sleep fungi and pest larva, disinfection is needed. Heat the soil to the state of the harvest in the oven, microwave or on the furnace. Make it a week before sowing, but you can deliver the soil and autumn on the grill.

Sowing a bone at home

Cups or pots with a volume of 200-300 ml, mandatory with drainage holes, fill the prepared soil, pour thawa, rain, to the extreme case of tap and rescued water. Spread seeds on the cups, indulging in the ground to the depth of no more than 1 cm. Gardeners noticed that when landing on a large depth of the grain, after splitting the shell heeps, and not having time to germinate.

Not always and not everyone can understand: what edge will split the bone, from which end the root will appear. When landing on the edge it may turn out that the root is directed upwards, and the semi-deeds down. To correctly navigate, the spurt will need extra time and strength. Therefore, the bones are not put on the end, but the plastics.

Bone put plafmes, and not on the edge

Cover the crops with a film and take into warm (about +25 ° C), you can a dark place and wait for shoots, regularly opening, conducting and moisturizing.

Sowing in warm place under covers or film

The germination of peaches and nectarines is low - about 50%.

Sowing a bone

The way is not easy, because the bone in the peach is thick-walled, eliminate it without damaging the contents, difficult. Pliers, hammers, rocks, knives are allowed. But it is safe for fingers and nucleols to use vice. The bone is clamped between moving planes and gradually shrinks to shocking.

The walls near the bones are very thick, it is difficult to split them

It is possible to immediately sow in a cup or first germinate it in a rag. As the eyewitnesses say: from a stratified bone, shoots appear after 2 weeks, and from the nucleoline - after 14 days. That is, there is no difference in the speed of germination.

The nuclei did not bundled, there is a positive result: the root neck in the air, did not start, the plants develop

Care for seedlings at home

Ensure that the conditions are as close as possible to natural. Keep them on the brightest and warm windowsill, in the dirty days open the entire window. The temperature difference is necessary: \u200b\u200bduring the day - from 23 ° C to 30 ° C, at night - 18 ... 20 ° C. Do not turn seedlings to glass with different sides, do not rearrange them from place to place. Mark the side of the side of the pot, facing the light. Always keep such a position, and when disembarking into the ground, orient the seedling in the south's labeled side.

The rest of the care at home:

  • watering as the earth dries;
  • feeding times in 10 days with a complex mixture of the Firth of Suite;
  • timely detection of pests, diseases and struggle with them.


Shopping seedlings are prepared from autumn or early spring, as soon as the earth will be reached. Place choose solar, without flooding with rain and thawed waters. It is desirable that in winter there was a good snow cover. Usually such a plot is found at the wall of the house or barn.

On the surface of the garden, scatter fertilizers, spending 1 m 2: Pouring bucket and ash glass. It is possible to replace the ash superphosphate - 20 g / m 2 and potassium sulfate - 15 g / m 2.

How to transplant seedlings:

In the future, follow the humidity of the soil and the cleanliness of the bed, smear weeds. For the winter for seedlings, build a salash from a sailter or twig and agrovolokna. The village, which passed natural selection and wokeered in the spring, can be resettled at a permanent place.

Video: Peach from the bone (Ukraine)

Nectarines and peaches from bones are growing rapidly and early come into fruiting. In the northern regions they are grown in stalante form through seedlings. In Ukraine and the south of the Russian Federation, thanks to the early and warm spring, the bones can be sowed immediately after stratification, bypassing the stage on the windowsill.

Peach (Lat. Prunus Persica) - The plant is the meal of the pink almonds. Where there was a plant, there is no reliable data. In any case, it is known that in Northern China, David's peach grows, which is a wild form of the ordinary peach. In culture, the tree is cultivated in the warm regions, and China is the champion in industrial cultivation of peaches.

Landing and care for peach

  • Landing: In the area with a cool climate - in the spring (before the start of the depotation), in the warm regions - both in spring and autumn.
  • Bloom: from mid-April.
  • Lighting: bright sun.
  • The soil: Anyone is well drained.
  • Watering: Early varieties - on average 2-3 times per season, late - 5-6 times. Water consumption - from 2 to 5 buckets for each tree depending on age and size. Peaches watered early in the morning or in the evening. First watering - at the end of May or in early June, the second - in the first half of July, the third - in the first half of August. The soil is impregnated with water to a depth of 60-70 cm. Watering is important for the quality of fruits for 3-4 weeks before harvesting: depending on the age of the tree, water consumption is from 30 to 60 liters. Next watering - only after harvesting. Last watering - Primary, October. Water consumption for waterproof irrigation - 90-100 liters per m² of the priority circle.
  • Feeding: Poor soils are fed annually and organic, and mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers contributes to the fertile soil once every 2-3 years.
  • Pruning: Sanitary and forming - in spring, between the beginning of the coating and blossom of peach. In the fall - pruning in sanitation.
  • Reproduction: Seeds, vaccination, stalling.
  • Pests: Plumbing and eastern, wave, stripes, striped moth, bloom, fruit, fruit and mining moths, springs.
  • Diseases: Klaasternosporiosis, moniliosis, mildew, curls of leaves, cockel, pasta, fruit and gray rot, cytospose, Milky glitter, gamot, verticillosis, homose (mushroom burn).

Read more about growing peaches below

Peach tree - Description

The peach root system is located close to the surface - in total at a depth of 20-50 cm. In the height, peach trees reach an average of 4 m, and their krone can grow to 6 m in diameter. Leaves Peach Lanzetovoid, fine-grained around the edges. Flowers of pink or red, almost seated, open in the middle or late April, before the peach appears the leaves, so the flowering peach is reminded from afar of Sakura. Peach fruit, usually velvety, can be flat, rounded or elongated elliptical with a groove on one side. The bone of the fetus is wrinkled, furred, with a pointed top.

Persician trees come into fruiting in 2-4 years from the moment of landing, the period of fruiting is 10-15 years old. Peach, just like mango and oranges, is one of the most delicious fruits with the finest aroma and refreshing taste. He has to relative with such fruit trees like almonds, from which it differs only by the fruits, apricot, Irga, Quince, Aria, Plum, Rowan, Hawthorn, Rosehip, Kizystnik, Apple Tree, Pear and Musmula.

We offer you a diligently selected material on how to grow peach in your garden and how to care for a peach than to treat a peach from pests and diseases, how to fertilize the peach throughout the season and how to instill a peach if you have a desire to engage in reproduction .

Landing peach

When planting peaches

Peach landing time depends on the climatic features of your area. Than south you live, the advisability will be a peach landing at the autumn time. In the northern regions, planting seedlings in open soil is better in spring, so that during the spring-summer season the tree is well rooted and managed to go into growth. The conditions of the middle band are made possible both spring and autumn planting peach, however, preference is better to give the latter.

For peach, choose an elevated and wind-protected, but a sunny place on the south side of the site. Large trees, shrubs and buildings should not close the seedling from the sun. Purchase peach at least 3 m from other plants. Do not squeeze a peach where strawberries, alfalfa, clover grew up to him, and bashey cultures, as he can get sick verticillosis. After the listed plants, it is possible to plant a peach on the site only after 3-4 years.

Spring peach landing

Kotlovan for a seedling need to dig up in advance - the more time will pass from the digging of the tree to landing the tree, the better the soil will be. If you are going to plant a peach in the spring, prepare for him the pit in the fall, half a year before landing. The depth of the pit depends on the sizes of the root system, but, as a rule, the yat for a seedling is digging with a diameter of 50-70 cm, its depth should be the same. In the bottom of the pit in the center drive down a strong long peg of such a length so that he performed at least half the meter above the surface level.

If the soil on the site is poor, the upper layer of the soil removed from the ground is mixed with overwhelming manure, humus or compost in the amount of 5-8 kg, 200-300 g of wood ash, 50 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium chloride and are diligently all stirred. Only mineral fertilizers and ashes are added to the fertile soil. The soil with additives pour into the center of the pit.

When buying seedlings it is worth asking how they are adapted to the area in which they will grow. Make sure that the place of the captivity is a smooth, without influx. The bark of peach and its root system should also be healthy - pinch a piece of cortex: its exhaust should be not brown, but green. Carefully inspect the roots of the seedling and make sure that they are not overwhelmed and do not rot. It is best to take root in the open soil annual peach saplings.

The tree is placed on a hilly in the center of the pit, carefully spread its roots and fall asleep with soil. As a result, the vaccination location should be a few centimeters above the surface of the site. The soil is tightened from the edges of the priority circle to the trunk, then the seedling is watered with two-three buckets of water. When the water is absorbed and the earth will fall, tear the tree to the peg, and the sugary circle is closed by a 4-10 cm layer with a thickness of 8-10 cm. Make sure that the mulch is not in contact with the seedling barrel.

Landing peach in autumn

A pit under a sapling on the eve of the autumn planting is digging at least 2-3 weeks, but the asna and mineral fertilizers are mixed with the soil. The soil with fertilizers as well as during the spring planting, pour into the center of the pit around the spicy. Peach in the fall in the same way as in the spring, but after planting and watering a seedling, when the soil dries, the village is plunged into a height of 20-30 cm, and on the eve of the cold peach, the peach trunk is wrapped in it, having done in it from the south side of the ventilation.

Peach care

Peach Care Spring

Peach care is starting from mid-April: the first procedure - treatment of a tree on swelling kidney from fruzing, twey and other pests. Then you have to process peach with three percent bordrian liquid from fungi. According to the pink bud, printing peach on replacing and processing from fungi drugs replacing burglar liquid, since during the actively vegetation, it is impossible to spray peach with copper-containing drugs.

After flowering, the combined treatment of trees from pests and diseases is carried out.

If the winter was honest, and Spring is dry, do not forget to pour peach in May.

Peach care in summer

After the exhaust ovary occurs from the tree, distribute the load of the fruits on the tree: on each fruitless shoot, leave so much fruit so that 8-10 cm the length accounted for one zazhi, the rest of the fruits remove. Watch out for the state of the soil in the rich circle - loosen the soil and remove the weed grass. Peach in the summer needs irrigation, especially when it comes a test heat, but first wait for the scene, otherwise the fruits will start cracking. In order not to lose the crop, handle the tree from diseases and pests.

Before collecting fruits, it is advisable to spend 2-3 extra-root fake pieces with potash fertilizers to increase sugar in fruits, which can be combined with treatment from pests and mildew. No later than a month before the harvest, it is carried out by watering a peach - this will increase the fruits in the amount by a third.

Peach caring in autumn

Peach in August and September lays out and forms flowering kidneys, and their winter hardiness directly depends on the amount of moisture in the ground, therefore, the moisture-proof irrigation of peach, which is carried out within these time.

If you have noticed that your tree is often amazed by fungal diseases, as a preventive measure in October, when the leaves begin to change the color, perform the processing of peach by a three-percent bordeaux liquid, and after leaffall - a single-surfactant solution of the copper mosper or seven-percent urea solution.

In the fall, organic and mineral fertilizers, which the tree should be taken to spring, close to the soil of the roller circle.

Watering Peach

The amount of irrigation during the growing season depends on the weather conditions, but on average, the early peach varieties are watered 2-3 times per season, and later - 5-6 times. For a session on one tree is spent from 2 to 5 buckets of water. Watering is carried out in the early morning or evening. The first time the peach is watered in early June, and if the winter was without snow, and spring without rains, it is better to pour a plant at the end of May. The next irrigation is carried out in the first half of July, and the third one in the first half of August. Try to dampen the soil to the depth of rooting roots - 60-70 cm.

It is very important for 3-4 weeks before harvesting is irrigated, which will allow the fruits to increase the mass. The amount of water for each m² of the priority circle is 30-60 liters depending on the age of the tree. After that, before collecting the crop, peach can not be water, otherwise its fruits will become watery and saccharity will lose.

It is no less important to the Promination of Peach, drinking the soil moisture and an increase in the winter hardiness of the tree. Water consumption for waterproof irrigation of 90-100 l per m² of the rolling circle.

Pretch peach

The cultivation of peach involves annual application in the soil fertilizer. The amount and composition of the feeding depends on the quality of the soil. For example, poor soils require annual mapping and mineral fertilizers, and organic fertilizers contribute to fertile soils once every 2-3 years. Under conditions, when you have often to water peach, the amount of fertilizer introduced increases, because when watering, they are washed away.

The first spring feeding of a peach on the still sleeping kidney can be the treatment of a tree with seven-percent urea solution: this measure will provide a plant with nitrogen and, moreover, destroy the pathogenic microorganisms and insect pests wound up in the cracks of the crust and in the upper bed of the soil. Before processing peach, make sure that the buds on the trees are still sleeping, otherwise the urea will burn them. If you are late, and the kidneys began to bloom, instead of treating on the leaves, reappeat the soil in the priority circles of peaches with simultaneous deposit under the young trees 70 g of ammonia nitrate and 50 g of urea on m² of the priority circle. The older the tree, the greater the fertilizers per unit area: every 2-3-3 years the dose of each fertilizer is increased by 15-20 g.

In summer, it is better to make fertilizer to a non-smelly way. What to feed peach during the growth and ripening of fruits? The culture is well reacting to such a composition of fertilizer: 100-150 g of hydrophosphate aqueous exhaust, 50-60 g of ammonia nitrate or 30-50 g of urea, 50-80 g of ammonium sulfate and 30-60 g of calcium chloride or 50-70 g of potassium sulfate, 15 g manganese and 10 g of boras dissolved in 10 liters of water. If the fruits on the peach are already being seen, eliminate the nitrogen component and the boor from this composition.

To achieve more intensive coloring and increasing the sugarness of fruits in the phase of their maturation, the peach peach with a solution of 30 g of potassium salt or potassium sulphate in 10 liters of water is carried out.

In the fall, 40 g of superphosphate and 50 g of calcium chloride on m² are made under the people of the priority circle in the soil. Once every 2-3 years, organic fertilizers are added to the soil - humid or compost, but instead can be grown in the seedrates - oilseed radar, surepitsa, lupine or rape.

Wintering peach

Peach plant is thermalized, and for the winter it needs to be stolen: next to the barrel to the ground is driven by two cavallers with a tree stack and wrapping the trunk and pegs with a bag from sugar. You can make a box of the trunk from the cardboard and wrap it with a film. If the winters are not too cold, prohibited the earth peach stack to a height of 50-60 cm. The priority circle for the winter is mounted with a layer of peat or humus a thickness of 10-15 cm.

Pruning peach

When trim peach

The best time to trim the peach time interval in two or three weeks between the beginning of the coilment and the beginning of flowering. The easiest plant will move the haircut from the beginning of the appearance of pink buds before the start of their disclosure is a period of time in about a week. At this time, the risk of a peach of cytospose is minimized. After harvesting, a sanitary trimming of a tree should be carried out.

The formation of peach must begin already from the first year of growth, and the formation is completed only after four years. How need forming crown crown? First, it regulates the balance between the crown and the root system of the plant. Secondly, it allows you to maintain the health of the tree in good condition. Thirdly, it contributes to the earlier peach entry into fruiting, and also provides you with convenience when harvesting.

How to trim peach

Peaches of different ages are cut in different ways. The crown of the tree is usually formed in the form of a bowl. How it's done? In the year of planting, the seedling conductor is cut at an altitude of 60-70 cm. Located above all the peach branch should have a wide angle of disheavage. Choose a little lower than two more increments located at the same angle, and cut all three branches up to 10 cm on the outer kidneys. The rest of the shoots located on the strap and explorer, do trust immediately after the kidneys are blown.

In skeletal branches of the second-year trees of life, it is important to keep the optimal tilt. The continuation growths are shortened to 60-70 cm. Strong upper and lower increments are removed, the side is thinned, and those of them that remained, shortening into two kidneys.

On the upper skeletal branch of the trees of the third year of life, two powerful second-order branches are chosen and cut them up to 60 cm from splitting the main branch. Part of the conductor cut over the top branch. The upper and lower sides of skeletal branches are released from powerful gains. Those who have reached 80 cm. Annual growths are cut into two kidneys for the formation of a fruit. The lower escape is cut up to 50 cm. On short-reaching twists in two buds, the growths growing upwards are shortening for fruiting, and the lower two kidneys. Next year, fruit links will be formed.

On the fourth year of the life of the peach on the branchings of the second order of skeletal branches, two successful branches of the third order are chosen and shorten them by one third of the initial length. On the ramifications of the second order, the formation of fruit links is completed, and increments on the ramifications of the third order thinning and some are cut briefly - into two kidneys, and the rest do not touch to use them like non-permanent fruiting branches.

On the fruit units of the first order remove non-pronomous parts. Last year, the branches of the lower increase last year are cut into two kidneys located below. 7-8 kidney groups are removed on the upper increases to stimulate future fruiting.

Spring trim in spring

The forming trimming, which we told you, is carried out in the spring in order to give the Crown convenient to care for peach and harvesting the form of a cupid form. But the pruning of a peach also pursues sanitary purposes: after spring on the tree, you can find frozen, patients or damaged branches that need to be deleted. After trimming, treat sections with garden water.

Pruning peach in autumn

In the fall, trees are prepared for winter: carefully cut the old, patients, dry and damaged by harvesting the fruits of the branches, as well as those that grow inside the crown, thickening it: the tree must consume strength and food only on healthy branches and shoots that next year Give harvest. Forming trimming in the fall do not do, for this there will be time in the spring.

In summer, the fruitful peach is not cut without need.

Peach reproduction

How to breed peach

Peaches determine the seed, vaccination and stalling. It is possible to grow the cornesological peaches from cuttings only in conditions of horticultural farms, since the lover is very difficult to create the conditions necessary for rooting.

The cultivation of peach from seeds has some drawbacks: the plant grown out of the bone may not inherit the characteristics of the parent tree. In addition, it is not so easy to find a good sowing material: in stores and supermarkets usually sell peaches, from the bones of which it is difficult to grow something, and market peaches do not always meet the necessary requirements. It is best to take the sowing material from the owners of healthy zoned peach trees, and then will remain only pedantically to perform instructions developed by experts on the cultivation of peach bone.

There are disadvantages and in the method of breeding peach by vaccination. First, it is not so easy to acquire the right dating, and if you grow it yourself, it will take at least a year of time. Secondly, it is necessary that the compatibility between the tissues of the lead and the stock, otherwise they will not merge. Thirdly, you need to pedantically follow the instructions, otherwise the slightest error can reduce all your efforts.

Reproduction of peach seeds

Seed peach reproduction, besides flaws, has undoubted advantages:

  • corresponding seedlings grown out of bone live twice as long as graft peaches;
  • they are more resistant to droughts, colds, gamuseture and other diseases;
  • in some cases, the corrosionic seedlings in many characteristics exceed their parents.

If you are full of desire to grow peach from the seed, we are ready to tell you how to do it right.

Find a plot for future peaches, located no closer than 3-4 m from any adult trees, large bushes and premises. The place should be sunny, but at the same time protected from cold winter winds. Landing is best practiced in October or November, so that the seeds in the land for the winter have passed natural stratification.

Before boarding the bones, they are not soaked, on the contrary, they are dried in the shade and, carefully open, take out the kernels. A trench is digging on the site, filled with it with a fertile loose soil, into which the peach seeds are planted every 25-30 cm to a depth of 5-6 cm. After planting, the seeds close up and watered. Do not panic if you won't see shoots for a long time: first from the seed, the root will develop, and only then the sprout will appear. That is why the soil in the trench falls asleep soft and loose. The first time the area is watered daily.

When the spring will appear seedlings, they are fed by a weak mortar solution, and also produce the processing of seedlings on the leaves of drugs, or thieves - also weak concentration.

Peach seedlings transplant three times. For the first time, peach, together with an earthen room, you need to dig up when it is formed by 8-10 leaves. The central root of the seedling is gently cut by 6 cm below the root neck, then the seedlock is planted at the same place, then compact and water the soil around it.

The second transplantation is carried out when the peaches reach a height of 90-100 cm. Do it in the spring, before the start of the sludge: the seedlings are dripped around the perimeter at a distance of 25-30 cm from the stems and, having removed them with an earthen room, transplanted by changing them with each other.

For the third time, peaches when they will grow enough and get fixed, transplanted at a permanent place.

Grafting Peach

Peach is a culture with limited winter hardiness, but perfectly tolerates drought - this is one of his indisputable advantages. You can vaccinate a varietary peach using apricot, plum, almond or quince as a flow. The technology of vaccinations on any of these victims is the same: you should prepare a cutlength of the variety you need in advance and instill it on an annual or two-year seedling of one of the crops listed.

The cuttings are harvested at the end of the autumn before the start of frosts, store them in the cellar or in the garden, undermine the warm material, and on top covered with a layer of wood sawdust with a thickness of 20 cm. As soon as warmer, the cuttings are transferred to the fridge vegetable box. We are vaccinated in the spring, after the start of the sludge.

As a collection, you can use both the seedlings of peach and the diet of cultures listed by us, the thickness of which is not less than 1.5 cm. Dilt is cut into the desired height, check the bark to be smooth and without kidney. Methods of vaccinations, depending on whether the thickness of the lead coincides with the thickness of the stock, may be such: kidney, cutlets or in splitting.

Diseases Peach

Diseases and peaches pess are able to greatly complicate life and to you. Peach diseases to bear numbers are one of the disadvantages of culture. Let's talk about those diseases that occur most often and are the most dangerous plants.

Klaasternosporiosis - The harmful fungal peach disease, which also affects nectarine. All terrestrial tree organs suffer from this disease. On the leaves there are light brown spots with raspberry or dirty-red border, the fabric inside the stains dries, dies down and falls out, leaving the holes, because of which the slurryosospieriosis is often called a holey spottedness. The bark of young shoots of annual seedlings is covered with orange lacquered stains, which are blurred in the length of the fibers, the bark is cracking, and gum is highlighted from cracks. The affected shoots die, peach dries.

Curly leaves. This is perhaps the most dangerous disease for the peach, which most often occurs in conditions of protracted and raw spring. The leaves of the sick tree are covered with reddish swollen, their surface becomes uneven, wavy, they swell, on the bottom side of the sheet plate is formed a white flare, the leaves are raging and falling. The shoots are taken off, acquiring the look of the lion's tail with the leaves instead of a tassel on the end, curved, thicken and yellow. If you do not fight curlyness, Peach will begin to lag in development and will eventually die.

Puffy dew Forms on the underside of the leaves, the top of the next year's shoots and fruits is a white felt flare. Savages begin to fall behind in growth, deforming, partially die away. The first symptoms of the disease appear from the end of April to mid-May, and the maximum development of the disease reaches the heat in the middle of the summer.

Moniliosis The boneless - common disease, from which the shoots and separate branches dries off, on the peach fruits appear and dark spots appear, the pulp of the fetus becomes a drone, rotten peaches are frozen and dried. Healthy fruit can be infected with moniliosis from the patient.

Processing peach

The peach treatment of the swasteporiosis is performed for the first time with the chlorokis of copper or the meteor drug during the swelling period, but you need to have time to spend it before they start opening. The following processing is carried out before flowering and after it preparations of chorus or topcin m in accordance with the instructions. In the spring, before the start of flowering, it is necessary to cut all the affected branches and shoots, treatment with an eight-percent solution of lime with the addition of a two-surround solution of iron or copper sulfate, after which the sections need to be covered with garden water.

If you have determined that the peach struck the curlyness, after harvesting, when the leaffall starts, carry out the processing of the wood chlorokis and meteor. In early spring and during the beginning of the appearance of pink peach buds, the peach is treated with the same copper-containing drugs that can be replaced by the chorus or near the addition of Dela. Sick leaves and shoots are cut and burned before the spout.

To protect against pulse dew, peach at the end of flowering are treated with topaz preparations, topsin m, soon, vertra or strobe. Spring and autumn trimming of victims affected by disease, the collection and destruction of the fallen leaves and the fruits and the soil resistance in the coil circles, are very important as preventive measures.

From moniliosis, peach will have to handle three times: the drug is chorus before flowering, in the pink boot phase, the preparation of topaz after flowering and topsin two weeks after the second processing. Disease damaged areas cut and destroy.

In addition to the described diseases, peach may suffer from kokkomicosis, fruit, fruit or gray rot, cytospose, milky gloss, gaming, verticillosis, homosex or mushroom burn.

Peach peaches

Eastern and drying fruit - Butterflies of small sizes using a peach for the proceedings of their offspring and as a place for wintering. Butterfly caterpillars eat young peach shoots, adults feed on the bones of his fruits. Winter cold insects spend in cockcons in cracks of peach bark or under fallen leaves in a rigorous circle.

Methods of struggle. Get rid of Peach from fruzing to you will help you a triple treatment of wood with such injecticides, like chlorofos, metaphos, carbofos or durban. Interval between sessions 2 weeks.

Methods of struggle. While the tli is not too much, it can be removed mechanically, the protections after that the areas affected by soap solution. But if you viewed the appearance of the Tlya, and she managed to break, treat the peach carbofosomes, accutelic or any other similar drug. Perhaps processing will have to repeat. The interval between sessions is 10-14 days. Last processing is carried out no later than 2-3 weeks before harvest.

Shield It damages all the ground parts of the peach: in a day after the crushing of the pest on the crust and fruits, red spots appear. The shields are depleted by the tree, popling skeletal branches, the tops of the shoots and the trunk. The tree at which the shields will settle, the bark is cracking and dies, the foliage is premature, the gains dry out, the fruits are minor and deformed.

Methods of struggle. In the fight against the shields, the peach processing is effective by drugs such as Aktellik, Aktara, Bolat, Inta-Vir or Mospilan in accordance with the instructions. From folk remedies, pepper tincture or leek water are most famous, but they are ineffective.

Striped mole no less dangerous pest. Her caterpillars burgitate in the kidneys and young shoots, having released the core, why the affected areas will dry and die. Fruits damaged in the field of fruits expire with gum. One caterpillar is able to damage from 3 to 5 shoots.

Methods of struggle. During the dissolution of the kidneys, treat peach carbofosomes, chlorophos or a zone. Recognize timely and cut damaged shoots and burn them.

Dangerous for peach may also be slugs-color, fruit and mining moths, pliers and other harmful insects.

Persian varieties

Persian subspecies

The type of peach is divided into several subspecies:

  • peach ordinary - His description we gave at the beginning of the article;
  • peach (or Almond) Potanina - A low-spirited tree, reaching a height of 2 m, with a reddish bark, large white or pink flowers and rounded fruits with an elongated bone, unsuitable in food. This type of peach is found only in the nature of China. Since the fruits of this subspecies do not represent a nutritional value, it is not grown in culture;
  • peach David. - a tree growing into a height of up to 3 m. The fruits of this subspecies are small, with dry spindlers and a low-sweet pulp, so they grow a peach David mainly in decorative purposes;
  • peach Hashansky Growing in the wild of China. It is a mid-grade tree with a height of 3-4 m, it looks very effectively during flowering when it covers small pink and white flowers. The fruits of this peach with low taste qualities are small, rounded, yellowish tint, with a rigid flesh of white. This subspecies serves as the basis for the removal of the valuable varieties of the peach of the ordinary, emphasizing them with its resistance to disease and frost resistance;
  • peach Mira - Wild-growing tall oriental subspecies, reaching 8 m, with spherical fruits of low taste. It does not represent value for cultivation;
  • nectarine Very similar to Peach. Its main difference is smooth slippery skin. Coloring nectarine can be yellow, white or yellow-red. The flesh of fruit juicy, yellow, not so sweet, like a peach, but the seeds in the bone are just sweet, they can be used as the almond kernels;
  • some scientists in a separate subspecies are also distinguished peach engineering or fergana, Presenting a tree with a height of up to 5 m with a wide scattered crown. For figs, this subspecies has nothing to do. Fruits at the peach of figs rounded and flattened, with a pressed vertex. The skin is weakly populated, dense, yellow with a greenish tint. The flesh is light yellow, fibrous, sweet and fragrant. The bone is petty. The advantage of the variety is resistance to the freezing of the kidneys and buds.

Persian varieties

Today there are many varieties of peach, the fruits of which are different in shape, size, aroma, taste, painting and texture of peel and pulp.

In view of the fruit of peaches are divided into four classes:

  • real peaches - velvety fruits whose flesh is easily separated from the bone;
  • pavia - velvety fruits whose flesh is not separated from the bone;
  • nectarines - naked fruits whose flesh is easily separated from the bone;
  • brunions are naked fruits, whose flesh does not separate from the bone.

The color of fruits of the variety of peaches are divided into:

  • yellow (memory of Rodionova, Sunny, Donetsk Yellow, Glo Hayven and Bogun);
  • red (Sankret, Harmoni, Krasnodatr);
  • green (juicy, grisboro).

Nectarine's best varieties include abundant, pink princess, autumn blush, rusty, skiff, lol. And the best winter-resistant nectarine varieties are the Scythian, Krasnodatar, Fodor, Loves 1 and Pets 2.

In terms of the time of ripening, peach varieties are divided into early, secondary and late.

Early varieties of peach

The best grades of the peach early ripening include the following:

  • Moretthini - Superraznial self-polishetic silicon grade of Italian selection, entering fruiting 2-3 years after landing. The yield of this variety is up to 30 kg from the tree. The fruits of medium sizes weighing up to 115 g are covered with bright yellow gently pubescent with a bright red blush in the form of spots and points occupying 60% of the surface of the fetus. The pulp is yellow-cream, fragrant, juicy, with delicate fibers. The bone of the average size is separated from the pulp with difficulty;
  • Velvety - Medium-term yield variety with medium and large fruits weighing up to 140 g of rounded shape, bright yellow with a carmine blush, almost completely covering the surface. Frozing is weak, suede. Very juicy pulp of golden yellow color with delicate fibers of excellent taste. Little bone is badly separated from the pulp;
  • Kiev early - The raven, winter-hardy and high-yielding grade of Ukrainian selection, undemanding to growing conditions. Rounded-elongated light yellow fruits of medium sizes weighing up to 100 g can sometimes be covered with a bright blush. The flesh of fruits of greenish-white color, juicy, tasty;
  • Redcheven - Sources-resistant and curly grades with large fruits weighing up to 150 g of orange-yellow color with red spots and specks. The flesh is yellow, gentle, very fragrant. Unfortunately, the trees of this variety in non-compliance with agrotechnics are amazed by fungi;
  • Collins - winter-hard-resistant and yield grade, resistant to mildew and curly, with sources weighing up to 150 g of red-yellow color, sweet taste with pleasant acid. This variety requires caring care - frequent feeding, irrigation and timely trimming.

In addition to those described, such varieties such as forest-steppe early, juicy, fluffy early, memory of Rodionova, Greensboro, Novoselovsky, May Flower, Arp, Early Rivers, Domestic, Excellent, Red Bird Clinge and others are popular.

Mid-medium varieties of peach

From the varieties of the Perch of the average ripening time, it is most often grown:

  • Veteran - Winter-hardy high-yielding variety of Canadian selection with rounded weakly-refined fruits weighing up to 130 g of yellow with a red blush covering a significant part of the surface. The pulp of yellow fruit, medium density, juicy, fragrant, sour-sweet. The bone is easily separated from the pulp. Grade resistant to mildew;
  • Mira Ambassador - winter-hard-resistant self-dwelled yield variety with very large fruits weighing up to 220 g of yellow-carmine painting with a dense yellow, juicy, fibrous pulp of a pleasant taste, which is poorly separated from the bone. Peaches of this variety in mid-August;
  • nectarine Krasnodar - A variety with small rounded fruits with a barely noticeable seam, weighing up to 50 g of yellow color with a bright red blush, consisting of points and strips. The skin of the fruit of this variety is smooth, without omission. Yellow pulp, juicy, tasty, with delicate fibers;
  • Soviet - A variety, zoned for the southern regions of Ukraine with oval-dull fruits weighing up to 170 g, slightly composed from the sides. Middle velvety skin, yellow with a carmine blush. The flesh is yellow, medieval, very juicy and fragrant. The bone of medium sized is easily separated from the pulp;
  • friendship - winter-hardy grade derived from Chinese material with rounded fruits weighing from 140 to 250 g with ribbed abdominal seam. Skin gentle and elastic, with barely noticeable input, creamy-yellow, with a blush from dots and red strokes. The pulp of creamy-white, sweet and very juicy, easily separated from the bone.

Of interest is also the middle-air fraction of a white swan, golden anniversary, champion, Dakota, Tuscan Cleaning, double mountain, new yield, beautiful, nectarine pineapple, salary and others.

Late varieties of peach

Late peach varieties are not so many, as early and secondary, but for a thermal-loving culture, it is in order of things. The best of late varieties are considered:

  • Jaminat - High-yielding grade with extended fruits, slightly compressed from sides, bright yellow with marble redness. The bright orange pulp of medium density, very juicy and sweet, with a barely noticeable acid flavor. The bone is well separated from the pulp;
  • Irganai Late - Frost-resistant variety with rounded fruits weighing up to 160 g. The peel with suede float, bright yellow, with beautiful red spots. The flesh is yellow-orange, sweet, tender. A small bone is well separated from the pulp. The grade is unstable to the slurryososporiosis and curlyness;
  • Kremlin - a yield grade, zoned for the Crimea and the South of Ukraine, with rounded fruits weighing up to 200 g with yellow-orange skin and a marble carmine-burgundy blush that occupies a significant part of the surface. Skin with soft omission. Orange-yellow fragrant pulp of medium density and juiciness of a very pleasant taste is easily separated from a small bone;
  • Golden Moscow - winter-hard-resistant high-yielding variety of fruits weighing up to 180 g of bright yellow main color and blurred red blush covering most of the fetus. Leather legs are weak, velvety. The pulp is yellow, fragrant, dense, medium juiciness, moves well from the bone;
  • Tourist - Relatively winter-hardy grade, zoned for the Crimea and the South of Ukraine, with the fruits of a rounded widespread form weighing up to 200 g, greenish-cream painting with a blurred burgundy blunder, occupying up to half the fetal surface. The legipulation of the peel is weak, suede. Greenish-white flesh fibrous, medium density, juicy and fragrant, sweet taste with insignificant acid. A large bone is well separated from the pulp.

Their late peach varieties are also a good feature of the Idinovsky oblong, champion Late, the Hudskaner late yellow, Geochay Late, October and others.

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After this article usually read

The easiest way to plant a peach is to buy a seedling in the garden center or a specialized store. But often the cost of a seedling is quite large, and garden centers or shops are not always located near and in a convenient place. But there is a way out of the situation - the cultivation of peach from the bone. How to choose and prepare landing material, plant and make care, read further.

In the cultivation of a juicy fruit in this way there are several advantages, due to which the data method of peach breeding began to be popular:

  • This method of planting is gaining profitable, because high-quality seedlings of fruit trees have a high price.
  • The planting material has the opportunity to undergo stratification that accelerates the germination of seedlings, increases their germination, as well as pass the natural selection.
  • Peach, grown from the bone, will be maximally resistant to all adverse phenomena of your climate than purchased seedlings that were brought from other regions.
  • The method, of course, more time-consuming, rather than planting seedlings, but very interesting and allows gardeners to experiment to the enthusiasts.

By the way! Peach, planted with a bone, in contrast to (by 6-7), gives a yield for 3-4 years.

Video: Advantages and Features of Growing Peach Bone

Rules for selecting planting material: what peach bones are suitable for landing

The South Sun and the warmth of Peach is not a completely familiar guest in our gardens. Therefore, not every grade can be successfully grown on its site. But that the cultivation of peach from the bone at home was still crowned with success, the planting material should be carefully selected.

It is best to choose the bones of those peaches that have grown in your region. This means that they can adapt to the weather conditions of your edge and give a crop. Such fruits can be found on the market or at local gardeners who are engaged in the cultivation of this delicious fruit. Thus, you will immediately see which tree can grow and what approximately the taste of fruits. Varieties, unadapted to the climate of the region, can distort over early flowering, frozen, not aging harvest. It is also recommended to choose winter-hardy varieties.

Tip! You can ask the gardeners in advance, under what conditions the peach was grown to take their experience.

Choosing between the graft and the cornesological tree, give preference to the latter. A grafted tree may be fruitless.

  • imported fruits produced quite in other climatic conditions, so the probability of successful cultivation is reduced to a minimum;
  • the yield of shopping fruits is removed in advance, to biological maturity, so that they can save the commodity appearance before entering the counter, because of this bones of peaches do not ripen, which also reduces the chances of success.

Collect fruits needed at the end of summer. They should be large, healthy, ripe, they must be absent signs of rot, insects, damage, mold. The bones themselves should not have cracks and traces of pests.

Video: Growing a peach bone

Ways and timing of peach bones

There are several ways to landing:

  • a straight landing in the fall into open soil (in October-November, as a rule, with the arrival of first frosts);
  • artificial stratification (germination) at home and landing of a very young seedling in spring in open ground (on stratification in January-February, in the garden - in May).

Tip! Regardless of the selected way, it is desirable to plant a lot of stones at once, because Their germination can be unpredictable, and sometimes some are gluable only for 2 or 3 years.

Landing in autumn in open ground

The simplest and fastest way: in the fall, it is necessary to simply plant a peach bone to open ground. This method will help the bone to go through natural hardening (natural stratification), thanks to which the strongest and stable instances will grow.

Plant peach bone is necessary in loose and good fertilized soil soil. You need to deepen the landing material only slightly (1 centimeter, although you can and deeper). Distance between bones 10-15 centimeters. Then it should be closed with dry coniferous needles. And the first sprouts will appear in the spring from the ground.

Video: How to grow peach from a bone - Autumn landing and further care

Stratification and germination of bones at home

In contrast to the first method, artificial stratification of planting material is carried out at home, which allows you to control this event. The way helps the bones to prepare for germination and improves germination. Before stratification, it is necessary to prepare bones: wash them, remove the traces of the flesh, dry.

Stratification is carried out in cool, wet conditions, the temperature must be not lower than 0, and the air intake is also important. The optimal place is a refrigerator or a basement. It is advisable to hold an event at the end of winter (January-February).

Stratification at home is carried out as follows:

  1. Push into the container of small size wet and clean sand.
  2. Blind the planting material so that the sand is covered on all sides.
  3. Cover the container with a plastic film and do holes in it for air intake.
  4. Place the container in the refrigerator or in the basement.
  5. Periodically examine the container if the sand dries up, be sure to moisturize it. It is impossible to allow oveurgement, otherwise rotting can begin.
  6. After about 3 months, the first sprouts will appear.

Phased instructions for transplanting germinated bones in a pot and further cultivation at home:

  1. After the appearance of sprouts, it should be obtained from a cool place and transplant seedlings to the pot (it must be a hole for drainage). Soil for planting can be prepared independently: sheet or garden earth, humid, peat, sand (2: 1: 1: 1 ratio).
  2. Then the pots in place with good lighting and temperature of about ten degrees should be placed.
  3. A few days later, the pots should be rearranged in place with a temperature above +20 degrees.
  4. Next, it is necessary to regularly water peach in a pot when drying the soil.

Stratification and germination of bones at home with seed extraction

The method is a faster option to receive seedlings than the first two. Its meaning lies in split a bone and extract the kernel.

You can remove and germinate the seeds in this way according to the following scheme:

Care for peach seedlings before landing for a permanent place

Proper care for seedlings is the most important element of grinding peach from a bone. Therefore, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Regular irrigation - it is important to provide seedlings with the necessary moisture, but the soil is not worth the revengery.
  • Good lighting - young plants should receive sunlight in sufficient quantities. If it is impossible, use phytolamba.
  • The top layer of soil in the pot should regularly loose.

Rules for disembarking a young peach seedling planted by a bone, permanent place in the open ground

When growing a seedling in the first way (that is, with a direct landing of a peach with a bone to the open soil in the fall), it will be possible to disassemble and transplant young seedlings for a permanent place in about a year. And when growing a peach seedlings from a bone at home in a pot, transplanting them to open soil in spring.

Before boarding, you should decide on the growing place of the future tree. The place should be sunny (southern or south-eastern part of the site), well-lit. The soil should be nutritious and loose. It is very important that the tree is protected from drafts and cold winds. Do not choose to land a peach area with heavy, clay soils and places with moisture stagnation.

There should be about 3.5 meters between the young trees. Buildings and other plants capable of sharing should also be on the same distance from the peach tree.

Video: Posad Peach bone at home and its landing in open ground

Caring for peach (planted bone) after its landing in open ground

After planting a peach bone and during further cultivation, the young tree needs special care. Therefore, the first two or three years of cultivation should be as attentive to the peach tree.

Trees need to regularly water, it is impossible to allow lack of moisture (especially in hot money) and oversupply, water stagnation. In addition to watering, it is important protect peach trees from diseases and pests.About , how to do this in the spring, read. Timely feeding and trimming are also important.

In front of the winter cold, it is necessary to abundantly clinging the ripper or fallen leaves. Be sure to cover the tree, this can be done with burlap. More information about Peach caring in autumnYou can find in.

Grow peach from the bone at home - the occupation is not the simplest. But if everything is done correctly and take care of a saplress in time, you can get a beautiful tree with delicious fruits. And the fruits appear, as a rule, after three or four years.

Video: from sowing peach bones to the first harvest - full cultivation cycle

In contact with

Among beginner gardeners there is an opinion that it is quite difficult to grow a fruit tree from the bone and exclusively breeders are engaged. However, such opinions are delusion, since almost any fruit tree can be obtained from a bone and peach is no exception. Since this process is long and has its own nuances, on how to grow peach from the bone at home so that the fruits are, as well as the methods of cultivation, it is worth staying in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages of grinding peach bone

Before coming for the cultivation of peach, it will be worth familiar with the pros and cons of receiving seedlings from the bone. To the positive moments can be attributed:

  1. When cultivating from a bone, you can get the right amount of seedlings.
  2. Getting seedlings in this way amounts to cheaper than their purchase.
  3. Peaches grown out of bone are excellent material for vaccinations.
  4. If you tried a peach, you could appreciate his taste.

Of the minuses it is worth highlighting:

  1. Get a tree, fruits from which will have the same taste, as well as on the maternal, perhaps only if the planting material was taken from the variety: hybrids do not retain the original qualities.
  2. Sometimes there are difficulties with a search for a suitable material, since the fruit should be caused.
  3. The procedure is long and sometimes time consuming.

Selection of a peach variety

On your site, zoned varieties are best taken for, i.e. those that grow in the local climate. Selecting the grade of peach, attention is paid to the following characteristics:

  • winter hardiness. If the seedloves is supposed to be attached to unprotected ground, preference should be given to winter-hardy and unpretentious varieties;
  • self-polling. A lot of self-esteem peach varieties. However, for better fruiting, it is recommended to plant several different varieties nearby;
  • range. In order for the culture successfully fertile, it is better to plant early varieties.

Early Rivers, Early Mignon, belong to early varieties. The winter is well tolerated by Kiev early, Amnceden, and such as Nectarin Krasnodar, nectarine white, Nobles is characterized by high yield.

Preparation of bones to landing

If there is a desire to plant a peach bone, then you do not need to hurry to eat the fruit itself: it should be good. The pulp should be soft, and cracked on the skin.

From the selected fetus, the bone is removed, washed it and sucked naturally.

Peach bone extinguishing methods

Consider how to germinate a peach bone in different ways.

Cold way

If winter is nearing, it is better to plant bones at the end of this period, but for now they can be laid on long-term stratification. The planting material is placed in a box with moistled sand, blowing them by 3-4 cm. The boxes are covered with a film and transfer to the refrigerator to the lower shelf for 2-3 months, the sand is periodically moisturized. So artificially creates natural conditions. As a result, a tempered sprout can be obtained from the bone.

Warm way

Under a warm way, some gardeners imply a peach cultivation exclusively at home, i.e. in a pot. The tree grows a thermal-loving and absolutely not adapted to growing in the garden plot. If it is still planted in unprotected soil, then the likelihood is that it will disappear. However, there is a different option of a warm way, which involves fast stratification (bones are placed on the top shelf of the refrigerator for a week).

Then it is recommended to reveal the bones, remove the nucleists and place them in the epine solution for several hours. After such preparation, seeds are produced into light and nutrient soil, blocking them by 5-8 cm. To create an optimal microclimate, the container is covered with polyethylene and move to a warm and light place. The bone in this case germinates for four months. When shoots appear, the film is cleaned.

Fast way

If the bone was obtained in early June, then there is an opportunity to grow a peach sapling by autumn. In this case, you need to reveal the bones and remove the kernel, then immerse them in warm water for 2-3 days. Water is changed at a periodicity of 3-4 hours, after which they produce sowing into the prepared capacity to a depth of 4-5 cm. Subsequent actions are similar to the previous method.

Landing and growing peach from bone at home

Many people who wish to get a peach from the bone simply bury them in the fall in the garden, hoping that the spring will appear. However, in order not to be lost in guess and completely observe the process of growing the culture under consideration, it is necessary to consider the entire step-by-step procedure, how to grow peach from the bone at home so that the fruits are.

When sow

Peach shoots are not recommended for a long time at home. This is explained by the fact that the air in the house is forced, it can be dry or wet, which can lead to the development of a black leg, as well as the appearance on the leaves of the web ticks. Sometimes it happens that the bones simply rot.

Sevings should be carried out with the onset of warm weather when a lot of sunlight comes through the windows and the windows are often opened. The earlier young peaches will be on the plot, the faster they adapt to the surrounding conditions and prepare for cold.

It is believed that the optimal deadline for sowing peach bones is 1-1.5 months before the arrival of heat. Additionally add 2 more weeks for germination. For each region, the landing time will be somewhat different:

  • Siberia - in April;
  • Moscow and the area - in March-April;
  • south of Russia - February-March.

Preparation of soil

For the planting of the peach bone, universal primer from the store will be quite conspicuous. Also, the soil mixture can be prepared independently. For this purpose, such components are used as land from the garden, humid and tear (sand, perlite and the like) in the ratio of 1: 1: 0.5. In store and own soil can be fungi and larvae of various pests. Therefore, the substrate predefinitely needs to be disinfected by heating in the oven or on the furnace. Make the procedure needed a week before sowing.

How to sow a bone

Peach bones can be placed in any suitable capacity: in pots, cups, cropped bottles of 200-300 ml. In Tare, it is necessary to make holes in the bottom part for drainage. After that, the container is filled with soil substrate and moisturize. The bones are placed in a pot, blocking them no more than 1 cm. Gardeners with experience noted that with a deep bone landing, the grains do not even germinate.

The crops are covered with polyethylene and transferred to a warm place with a temperature of about + 25 ° C, periodically removing the film for ventilation. After that, it will only be left to wait for shoots.

How to sow grains

Considering in step by step instructions how to plant a peach from a bone, it is worth mentioning the option with a grain. This method is difficult, since carefully reveal the bone and not damage the seed is quite problematic. Often, pliers, knives and other tools use for these purposes. However, it is best to use vice: so fingers will remain intact and nuclei intact. For this, the bone is clamped and slowly twisted in the vice until it opens.

After removing the grains, you can immediately plant or germinate on a damp cloth. If you proceed from the experience of avid gardeners, then shoots from stratified bones, as well as from nucleoli, appear in 2 weeks.

More detailed about landing a peach bone can be found from the video.

How to care for shoots

For normal development, advice should be provided with comfortable conditions. A pot should be located in a well-lit and warm place. Also important is the temperature regime: the day should be order + 23-30 ° C, at night + 18-20 ° C.

Therefore, it is necessary to mark the side of the container, which is turned to the light and always keep such a position. When a seedlings landed in an open ground, a plants in a marked side should be located south.

Care is reduced to the following activities:

  • waterings are made as the soil dries;
  • feed the culture once every 10 days by the complex drug Fetric Suite;
  • watch the state of the plant so that in the event of the appearance of pests and ailments in time to detect them.

Planting and care for seedlings

The planting space for peach seedlings are prepared from autumn or in the spring, as soon as the soil warms. The site should be chosen solar without possible sublopulations. In winter, the place should have enough snow cover, i.e. the land should not be bare.

To ensure a young church with the necessary power on the surface of the selected area, organic fertilizers are scattered at the calculation of the motor bucket and 1 tbsp. Ash to 1 m². In the absence of ash, you can apply superphosphate 20 g per m², as well as potassium sulfate 15 g / m².

Transplanting a seedling in the ground is performed as follows:

Further care activities involve control of soil moisture, its loosening and removal of weeds. To protect the peach tree for the winter, the shelter of the twig and agrofiber or other materials are built. After winter, not all trees can wake up. Those who remained can be transferred to the place of permanent growth.

After reading how to grow a peach from the bone at home so that in the future there were fruits, as well as methods of planting this culture, every beginner gardener can repeat the actions described. Peach from the bone is developing pretty quickly and in fruiting comes early. Living in the southern regions, landing can be made directly into the ground, bypassing the stages of stratification and growing on the windowsill. There is nothing difficult in this process. The main, desire, attention, accuracy and patience.

Sweet and juicy fruits peach love all: both adults and children. Fruits contain a large number of useful vitamins and trace elements. Peach tree is very whimsical in cultivation. It is quite demanding for sunlight and warmth, so it is possible to grow it only in the southern regions where there are no cold frosty winters. But thanks to modern selection, varieties were obtained, which can be grown in the middle lane of Russia. Such varieties are distinguished by frost resistance.

Many gardeners are not solved to plant a peach tree on their homestead. But you can grow peach from the bone at home. You can do it as spring and autumn. It is absolutely not difficult to grow a tree, the main thing is to adhere to certain rules.

Selecting planting material

Tree landing in this way has one big advantage compared to planting seedlings. The bone at the initial stage passes the natural hardening and the process of natural selection. What can not be said about those seedlings that were grown in special nurseries.

It also has the fact that when the bone is sprinkled, you can be confident in the taste characteristics of ripe fruit. Before proceeding with the cultivation of a peach from a bone, it is necessary to choose the right selection material.

How to choose the right place for landing:

  • Landing a peach from a bone can be successful only if the fruits were not purchased. As a rule, in stores sell immature fruits, of which it is difficult to get sprouts.
  • Trees grown in this way, though they retain a large share of the taste characteristics of the maternal tree, it is still better to choose the fruits grown on the core, and not on the grafted copies.
  • Use better bones derived from autumn harvest. It is important that there are no signs of damage or rot.
  • Use seeds to plant a peach, preferably the fruits that were brought from the places near the future landing site.

How to grow a plant in spring?

To the question whether it is possible to grow a peach tree in the spring can be unambiguously replied that you can. There are several common ways to plant a peach bone.

  1. 1. Stratification.

Peach bones can be raised using stratification. Used in the event that the planting material is not very much and the process must be controlled. This will require a room pot.

  • The planting material must be carefully cleaned from the pulp to prevent the appearance of rot.
  • Stretching material for planting is needed in a small container. It must be filled with wet sand and sawdust.
  • After the planted bones begin to burst and green sprouts will begin to appear, they must be put in a pot filled with fertile soil. For its preparation you need to take one part of the peat and one part of humus.
  • Some time after the landing, the root system will begin to form.
  • Watering appeared sprouts need as soil drying. But not to allow an overaction of moisture in a pot. Also, the pot must be rearranged on a sunny place so that the sprouts are more actively developing.
  1. 2. Planting peach bones in the container.

This method has small differences from stratification in the fact that it takes less time:

  • The planting material must be obtained from ripe fetus and carefully launder from the pulp to prevent the appearance of rot.
  • The bones then open and remove seeds from them. You can split a solid shell with a hammer. But it is necessary to do it extremely carefully, so as not to damage the soft seed.
  • Grinding peach seeds need to be placed in warm water for two or three days. Every day, water where seeds are needed, you need to change to fresh.
  • On the third day, the seeds will swell and will greatly increase in size. This is the first sign that they need to plant them in the ground.
  • Each seed is planted into a separate container to a depth of no more than 10 cm.
  • Then you need to pour the soil and cover the container with a film or polyethylene package.
  • Every day the film needs to be removed for a while to ventilate, otherwise the soil will begin to be covered with mold.
  • At the bottom of the container you need to make a small hole so that the water is not stood and the fungus did not appear.

Autumnal hassle

The question of how to grow peach, interests many gardeners. Saplings can be grown in the autumn period of time. There is only one common way.

How to germinate a peach bone? Bones need to rinse and plant in loose, wet soil. You don't need to dig in the ground, it is enough to sprinkle a little. You can also cover the soil with sprigs and dry cheese, so that young sprouts are not damaged by birds and animals. Due to this method, the bone will be the natural process of natural hardening and will be less susceptible to the negative effects of winter frosts.

How to grow nectarine?

In addition to peach, you can grow nectarine from the bone at home. To do this, you only need landing material and drainage. Nectarine is the same peach, but the resulting mutation. In addition, there is a slight difference and as part of these two fruits. First, nectarine contains much more than such useful trace elements, such as organic acids, various compounds of phosphorus, potassium, iron, as well as fructose and glucose.

How to grow nectarine:

  • It is necessary to take ripe nectarine. It should be not damaged and it should not be spots rot. It is best to choose the fruits of late varieties, because in this case the likelihood that the young church will retain the characteristics of maternal much higher.
  • Then you need to separate the material for landing from the pulp. If this is not done that it will start refusing.
  • After the planting material was washed, it must be dried over several hours.
  • The bone purified from the pulp must be poured with water and leave for four to six days. Every day you need to change water to fresh.
  • After this period, the seeds need to fall into a container filled with sand and sawdust.
  • In the container you need to make small holes to flow out excess water. Excessive soil moisture can lead to the fact that the seeds will begin to be covered with mold or refuse.
  • The container is then placed in a small hole dug in the soil.
  • After that, the soil must be poured, and then cover with sawdust and layer of herbs.
  • The sawdust and grass layer should be at least 10 cm.

Landing a peach from a bone and care for it will not be a lot of work.

  • When the sprouts just growled a little, they need to ensure proper care. First of all, they need a lot of sunlight, so if the sprouts are in the pot of the house, then it must be rearranged in a sunny place.
  • Soil need to constantly water and disappear. It is also important to ensure that the soil has not been converged.
  • During rest, young seedlings need to keep at rest. They must be placed in a cool room, where the temperature will be from +2 to +4 degrees.
  • When the spring will come a period of flowering, a container with a tree must be transferred to a warm room, where the temperature will be from +10 to +15 degrees.
  • After some time, the container must be transferred to the room where the temperature will be from +18 to + 25 degrees.
  • During the period of rest, as in the ripening period of fruits, seedlings do not require abundant irrigation. It is only necessary to moisturize the soil around them.
  • Transplant to another container seedlings needed immediately before the start of the flowering period. It is necessary to do it at the beginning of spring. The soil in the container must be prepared from two parts of the leaf land, one part of the turf and one part of the peat.
  • Making mineral and organic fertilizers is carried out twice a month. Starting to make feeding need in March. Last feeding is made in August.
  • Every year a peach tree needs trimming. It is possible to conduct it both in spring and autumn. It is possible to trim and in the summer. It depends on what kind of trimming is the target. Spring trimming is carried out to form a crown. Summer trim is needed in order to remove dry branches that are difficult to replace in spring. Autumn trimming of peach wood is necessary in order to prepare it for winter, crop all dry and affected branches to prevent the spread of various diseases for the next year.

In order to plant a peach tree from the bone successfully, it is necessary to adhere to some uncomplicated rules. First, more attention should be paid to the selection of landing material. It is best to use fruits grown in the gardens, and not purchased in the store. As a rule, imported varieties are selling in supermarkets that cannot be raised in Russia. If even the seeds come up, the tree will be empty and suitable only for decorative design. In addition to the choice of planting material, it is important not to forget about the care of the saplth. First of all, it is necessary to responsibly approach the formation of the crown.