Shareholders "Academ Riverside" and "Churilovo. Lake City” was deprived of real estate and money

On July 7, the meeting of the General Director of Greenflight LLC with an initiative group of equity holders of the ACADEM Riverside residential area took place. The meeting was planned for the houses of the Grand series, but according to tradition, they touched on different topics.

The purpose of the meeting is to answer the questions of equity holders, provide comments on the latest events covered in the media and fill the remaining information vacuum.

The first question asked by equity holders touched on the situation with, perhaps, the most difficult houses of the Grand series No. 16 and 54 to work with.

Question: “When you plan to start building houses 54 and 16, we are most concerned about the issue of their conservation”?

Everything will be carried out in accordance with the technical regulations, we will not violate it. We are not talking about the conservation of houses. We have a common concept to start building these houses. In the near future we plan to deal with the property that can be sold right now, and with this money we will start building further, at the next stage we plan to resume construction at 54 and 16 houses. Approximately the end of 2017 - the 2nd quarter of 2018, their completion is planned.

Question: “When will the houses be commissioned?” and “What funds are needed for this?”

The commissioning of the facilities is scheduled for mid-2018, and the total funds for the completion of these houses are approximately 384 million rubles for house 54, and 332 million rubles for house No. 16. A house-to-house construction schedule will be provided to you.

For us, the main task is to complete the construction of houses and transfer them to equity holders, in accordance with the DDU. For this, an action plan has been developed and the first step for the resumption of construction is the introduction of a monitoring procedure.

As of today, 487 million rubles of unpaid bills, of which 270 million rubles. - this is the money that must be paid to equity holders on writ of execution. The monitoring procedure allows you to unblock accounts to use them specifically for construction, and not for paying penalties. If you pay a penalty from the sale of apartments, then the money will again go only to pay for them.

Question: “At what stage are you negotiating with TsUP LLC?

- If TsUP LLC is ready to take on this project and conclude a deal with us, we will only be “FOR”, last Friday (07/01/2016) we were asked for the necessary documents, we prepared them and on July 6 officially handed over to LLC “ TsUP". In case of a positive decision on their part, the construction completion time can be significantly reduced, in this case, approximately until mid-2018, we can complete the entire project.

Question: “Have you discussed the financing schedule with LLC TsUP”?

We will be answered the question about the financing schedule after receiving the package of documents and analyzing it - this is a rather complicated process and it cannot be answered just like that.

Question: “At the beginning of the conversation, it was said that you were not interested in the bankruptcy of the company, on July 19 there is a hearing on the claim from ABS-Standard, is Greenflight doing something to avoid bankruptcy”?

It is on this claim that a monitoring procedure will be introduced so that all penalties are suspended, arrests are removed from the accounts. Then we can use them for construction in full. During the year we will be able to work quietly and build houses.

Question: “Have you already decided that you will not invest your own funds”?

When I raised the question of waiving forfeits before the equity holders, there were claims in the courts for 120 million rubles, today they are already worth 270 million rubles. That is, the decisions of the courts, which are already irrevocable and require immediate payments of 140 million rubles. and 130 million are just those who recently imposed provisional measures on accounts. Therefore, at the moment I made just such a decision, to become an anti-crisis manager.

Question: “What is your strategy for getting the company out of this situation, as an anti-crisis manager? Are you looking for a new investor?

- Yes, one of the options is to find an investor, continue construction, sell a liquid asset, these proceeds will be used to build facilities in the ACADEM Riverside residential area. A small loan will be taken from the bank to resume all processes.

Question: “You got in touch with D.A. Karabintsev as an investor? Maybe invite him to become an investor again? We, as equity holders, offered him. Waiting for a response.

Today we had a conversation with D.A. Karabintsev and he confirmed that he was not interested in the project. I will not mind considering any suggestions and am always open to them.

Question: “The apartments offered by KZhSI OJSC, we believe that this is an unequal exchange. Is it possible to revise the calculations based on the amount of the contract, and not square meters?

Shareholders at different times purchased apartments at different prices and conditions, directly by assignment from realtors with installments, etc., so we took the area of ​​​​apartments as a basis. Added various multipliers depending on the location of the replacement objects. All information is on our website. We made an offer, those who consider it reasonable can change apartments, those who don't want can not do it. We do not plan to revise the calculations.

Question: "How is the staffing issue resolved?"

The issue is now being resolved, new employees are being recruited. Everyone is welcome, everyone is welcome. We need lawyers, managers, accountants, builders.

Question: “According to the 14th house, readiness is 75%, how long does he have now? Why is the target date end of 2017?

- The terms depend on financing and the number of equity holders in the house in the first place, on the construction technology in the second place, to complete the construction of this house, 175 million rubles are required.

Question: "Have all engineering networks been built and paid for by the ACADEMY of the first stage"?

Yes, all engineering networks: electricity, water supply, sanitation are paid. Now we are putting things in order with the documents on them.

Question: “We asked TsUP LLC if they can transfer money to a separate account so that the money goes only for construction? The same question for you."

If it is possible financially and legally, then I am not against opening such a bank account.

Question: On the lower section of the ACADEMRiverside, how many DDUs are in place?

1067 signed contracts .

I am focused on the continuation of construction and will make every effort for this. I want to repeat, observation is not bankruptcy, I went through this path and was able to bring the enterprise out of this state.

I have one task to complete the houses and give you the keys to your apartments.

Shareholders of long-term construction projects in the Chelyabinsk region are declaring new problems with the completion of housing and the transfer of real estate to them. Greenflight LLC, the developer of the Akadem Riverside microdistrict, initiated a lawsuit with the owners of non-residential premises, refusing to recognize equity participation agreements. Shareholders claim possible falsification of documents and point to the facts of assignment of disputed premises in favor of Trest Magnitostroy LLC at reduced prices. At the same time, citizens refer to the silence of the situation in the Ministry of Construction, whose representatives today refused to understand the situation, sending construction participants to the supervisory authorities. Problems also arose at another large facility - the contractor Churilovo. Lake City" announced the postponement of the delivery of houses due to serious construction defects made by the developer Rechelstroy LLC. Shareholders, moreover, contrary to promises, did not receive monetary compensation from the company.

The situation around the completion of problem facilities with the participation of equity holders was discussed today at a working group of the government of the Chelyabinsk region led by Deputy Governor Sergei Shal. In the most difficult long-term construction of Chelyabinsk - the residential area "Academ Riverside" - the delivery of houses continues. According to the General Director of Greenflight LLC Oleg Laknitsky, in 2019 it is planned to settle 1391 people. However, during the meeting, it became known that the developer still had a conflict with non-residential premises shareholders who could not get their property. According to the participants in the construction of house No. 102, the design and estimate documentation for this object was changed. According to citizens, now Greenflight LLC refuses to transfer non-residential premises.

Deputy Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region Sergey Shal

Recall, according to Laknitsky's statement, the said equity participation agreements were drawn up incorrectly, and the transfer of premises is possible only by a court decision. It should be noted that the contracts were concluded with the Key People real estate agency (a subsidiary of the developer LLC Greenflight). Oleg Laknitsky also said today that he is acting within the legal framework. However, buyers of real estate see the interests of Trest Magnitostroy LLC in the conflict that has arisen.

“Shareholders applied to the arbitration court with claims to recognize the ownership of the unfinished construction object. In the course of the lawsuit, we learn that the equity participation agreements between Key People LLC and Greenflight LLC have been terminated. At the same time, for these real estate objects, Greenflight concludes agreements of intent and booking with Magnitostroy, which states that the areas cannot be transferred to anyone other than Magnitostroy. We have already declared in court about the falsification of documents and demand an examination. Magnitostroy, on the other hand, is assigning rights in favor of Magnitogorsk Grid Company, which, in turn, is appealing the court ruling, according to which one of the equity holders was included in the register of Greenflight equity holders, ”explained during the meeting a representative of the initiative group of equity holders“ Greenflight".

Citizens also note that the assignment of space in favor of "Magnitostroy" was carried out at extremely low prices - in particular, the cost per square meter in the premises in house number 40 amounted to 450 rubles. The legal dispute between the equity holders and Greenflight has already reached the court of cassation. Citizens believe that the regional authorities do not provide the necessary support in this matter. Today, representatives of the Ministry of Construction recommended that equity holders apply to the prosecutor's office, refusing to discuss the issue at a meeting of the working group.

A difficult situation arose at another problematic facility - Churilovo. Lake City, which is being built by Rechelstroy LLC, owned by a deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma Andrey Pyazok. The first phase of the residential area has already been commissioned, houses are being occupied - in December 263 equity holders will receive apartments. However, according to the Western Luch company, which is building in the status of a contractor, as a result of defects made by the developer at the first stages, the deadlines for the completion of houses will be postponed.

“We have begun the completion of the second stage of the Rechelstroy houses. House 5.7 is on schedule, but there are difficulties at 3.25. Construction defects were found - these are very serious shortcomings of the building structures themselves, in particular, we have identified through cracks. All this can be fixed, but additional measures are needed to strengthen the firmware. In this regard, the commissioning dates will be postponed. Completion of houses is possible with competitive production, there are no difficulties. However, there are problems in relations with a bankrupt company,” said the manager of JSC FGC Western Luch, an individual entrepreneur Sergey Sikharulidze.

It should be noted that, according to the government's plans, house 5.7 should be put into operation in May 2019, and the deadline for commissioning house 3.25, which was originally planned for June 2019, now depends on the results of an additional examination. At the same time, construction work at this facility has not yet begun, - said the bankruptcy trustee of Rechelstroy LLC Anton Svistunov.

Recall that this week the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk Region declared the Rechelstroy company bankrupt. Bankruptcy proceedings have been introduced against the enterprise. Andrey Pyazok, the owner of Rechelstroy LLC, is accused of fraud. The investigation is at the final stage, the TFR reported earlier. According to investigators, the defendant directed funds from equity holders in the amount of 300 million rubles for purposes not related to the construction of houses. At the moment, Pyazok has deposited 22 million rubles into the company's accounts, at the expense of which the construction is being carried out. At the same time, we note that earlier the Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Chelyabinsk Region also stated that the owner of Rechelstroy compensated the damage to equity holders in the amount of 172 million rubles. However, the shareholders themselves denied this information. Today Sergei Shal also confirmed that all funds of Rechelstroy are directed exclusively to construction, all other obligations have been suspended due to the developer's bankruptcy proceedings. Collection of penalties will be possible only after the delivery of all objects.

At the moment, the issue of building a kindergarten in the Churilovo district is also being worked out. Lake City”, which, according to Sergey Sikharulidze, will be built by the end of 2019. Kindergarten will appear in the "Academ. Riverside. The object will receive co-financing from the regional and federal budgets.

It should be noted that the difficult situation with the completion of houses remains at a number of other facilities with the participation of deceived equity holders. So, according to Sergei Shal, there are no investors to complete the construction of the houses of IC Raduga LLC - the government is waiting for the company to enter bankruptcy proceedings, after which the search for investors will begin. Recall that last week a criminal case was initiated on the fact of embezzlement by the management of LLC IC Raduga of the funds of participants in shared construction under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud committed on an especially large scale." An audit by the prosecutor's office showed that the funds were stolen during the construction of a residential apartment building No. 7, located in the microdistrict No. 51 of the residential area No. 11 of the Krasnopolskaya site of the Kurchatov district. As the prosecutor's office explained, the money received under shared construction agreements was used, but the apartments were not provided to the owners.

The issue with the completion of the residential complex "Novograd" is still not resolved, the shareholders of which earlier went to the rally. As Pravda UrFO reported, a new developer, who had been searching for 3 years, announced his readiness to build a high-rise building, however, in order to continue work, it is necessary to obtain a land plot for the construction of another section. To transfer this site, the developer needs to demarcate the land, but in this case it will become the property of the municipality, not the region, and will not be able to pass to equity holders. The solution of the issue passed into the judicial plane. As explained today to Pravda UrFO Sergei Shal, construction participants were especially unhappy with the fact that representatives of the city administration ignore court hearings. However, at the moment, these issues have been removed, and city officials have been ordered to be present in court.

Ksenia Morozova, Polina Mudrova

The Riverside Akadem microdistrict can again become one of the most problematic points in the Chelyabinsk region in terms of providing equity holders with apartments. The authorities of the Chelyabinsk region managed to regulate the financing of the construction, and a new investor, Trest Magnitostroy, entered the construction site of the long-term construction. However, now questions arise about the quality of the work. As a result of an inspection by the Ministry of Construction of the Southern Urals, it turned out that the load-bearing monolithic structures of one of the high-rise buildings do not meet the requirements of building legislation - on the upper floors of the building, the wall deviates by 13 centimeters from the given vertical axis. With such violations, part of the already erected box of the house must be dismantled and refilled, "otherwise the house simply will not pass the acceptance of the State Construction Supervision Authority." Future new settlers are waiting for other "surprises" from the asset Oleg Laknitsky, who undertook to complete the construction of the scandalous microdistrict "Greenflight" for loan funds. So far, the company does not comment on the situation, but on the construction market they say that “it’s easier to disassemble this structure now than to try to push a positive decision through a commission later.” No one will put the lives of several hundred people at risk, "not the nineties."

Residents of Chelyabinsk expect new problems related to the construction of the Akadem Riverside microdistrict within the boundaries of Brothers Kashirinyh, Molodogvardeytsev streets, the embankment of the Miass River and Chicherina Street. The regional authorities managed to remove questions on the date of delivery of houses for deceived equity holders. Now problems arise with the quality of construction and the safety of housing for future owners. The new general director of the bankrupt Greenflight LLC, Oleg Laknitsky, told the regional governor Boris Dubrovsky that, according to the road map, apartment buildings in Riverside Academ will be put into operation no later than December 31, 2018.

11 houses for defrauded equity holders should be handed over by the end of this year. All work is being carried out at the expense of a private investor, the Magnitostroy Trust (70% owned by the Laknitsky family of Magnitogorsk businessmen), who received a commercial loan from SMP Bank for these purposes. The developer will sell the sites free from the rights of equity holders to cover loans.

Riverside Academy

Recall that 33 problematic houses in Chelyabinsk and Miass were registered in the Southern Urals. 4,942 contracts have been concluded with developers, of which 90% is accounted for by the Greenflight company. On the fact of fraud during the construction of the Riverside Academ microdistrict in 2016, it was when the security forces revealed the misappropriation of funds for 6 billion rubles. Under equity participation agreements, the company owes about 11 billion rubles to individuals and legal entities. So far, only the former general director of Greenflight is the defendant in the criminal case. Sergey Manuilov who is currently in custody.

Informed participants in the construction market associate the problems of Greenflight with the activities in the region of the ex-governor of the Chelyabinsk region Mikhail Yurevich and his family. A criminal case has also been initiated against Yurevich himself on the fact of receiving a bribe of 3.4 billion rubles. , and Mikhail Yurevich himself, according to his lawyers, is being treated in London.

At the end of August this year, representatives of the Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure of the Chelyabinsk Region decided to conduct an unscheduled inspection at Riverside Academ to assess the quality of work and the compliance of the building materials used with technical regulations and project documentation. In the construction of one of the 18-storey buildings, 8 serious violations were immediately revealed in terms of technology and the quality of monolithic works. For example, during a visual inspection of the mounted monolithic reinforced concrete walls, it was found that the deviations of the end plane of the wall exceed the maximum allowable 15 mm by almost ten times. In fact, the deviation from the norm is 130 mm. Violations were identified at around +52.150.

According to experts in the construction industry, we are talking about a deviation from the structure on about the 16th-17th floor of the building. “Everything that concerns the structural elements responsible for reliability and safety, any violations are essential for future construction. There is such a set of rules for load-bearing and enclosing structures. This document is included in the list of mandatory for builders. In fact, to eliminate this violation, it is necessary to disassemble and refill the structure. Such a house will not be able to pass acceptance, ”the source of Pravda UrFO believes.

According to the official materials of the inspection of the Chelyabinsk Ministry of Construction, the work on pouring monolithic structures was transferred to a contractor - SK Monolithic Technologies LLC (Chelyabinsk), and the Magnitostroy trust, as emphasized, was obliged to control the quality of execution and compliance with project documentation. At the time of publication of the material, the publication was unable to obtain comments from representatives of these companies about the current situation.

Meanwhile, private investors are talking about other questionable aspects of production at the Riverside Academy. In the middle of this year, the environmental prosecutor's office convicted the developer of being convicted of builders and other violations of environmental legislation. Thus, according to the Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region, Trest Magnitostroy LLC illegally emitted harmful pollutants into the atmospheric air and into the Magnitogorsk reservoir on the Ural River. At the same time, the company did not pay special fees to the budget for the negative impact on the environment. There have been no inspections of the construction site in Chelyabinsk by the environmental departments yet.