Drawing ak 74 from plywood. How to make a wooden machine with your own hands

How to make an AK-47 from a garden shovel aslan wrote in February 11th, 2017

There have always been craftsmen in Russia who amazed the world with their skills and inventions. We are especially good at making weapons. So the Izhevsk master Mikhail Kalashnikov created the legendary AK-47 assault rifle, which inspired another master to create a copy of it from a simple garden shovel and iron pipes.

And by the way, this is not at all a Russian craftsman.

On the left in the photo, by the way, is the same machine from a shovel, and on the right is a Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD).
But we are getting ahead of ourselves.

The master who made it hails from the USA. Once he was driving past a shop with garden tools, he saw a shovel there and decided to buy it. This was the best deal you could get for $ 2, he thought.

The handle from the shovel, by the way, later turned into a butt and is surprisingly quite comfortable.

I decided to try on the stock on an old Kalash. The cat looks in disbelief, is the owner drunk again?

I cut off the tray from the shovel, from which the body of the machine will be made.

Thoroughly calcined it over the fire.

Now you need to align this iron sheet.

We fold the sheet, drill holes.

To the left is a detail from the present "Kalash", to the right of the future.

Experts, of whom there are always many, will tell you in the comments what kind of detail it is.

More details.


It was the turn of the barrel, you could buy the original for 200 bucks, but they preferred the economy option for 30 bucks.

Below in the photo is the upper barrel from a real "Kalash", in the middle there is a ready-made factory version of the barrel and the third, collective farm version - our choice.

We process the trunk.

Trying on.

Finishing the details.

We weld parts from a real machine.

There is very little left.

We drill a hole to drain the gases.

Trying on the store, and the butt from the shovel, everything seems to fit!

What is most surprising is that he shoots, and at the same time, the bullets fall quite heap.

After 60 shots, the barrel warmed up slightly, but my homemade AK-47 fired pretty well.

In total, at minimal cost, we get a pretty good, combat-ready weapon. Thanks to Mikhail Kalashnikov for his great invention!

If you have anything to add, dear weapons experts, please comment.

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Children often ask their parents to make some kind of toy out of wood. The boys demand to make weapons for them, with which it would be possible to continue the endless courtyard "wars". The best option for a child will be a dummy 47 made of wood. How to make an AK-47 out of wood? Even a beginner can handle this task with the right tool. Information on how to make an AK-47 out of wood with your own hands is presented in the article.

Where to begin?

To everyone who is interested in how to make an AK-47 from wood, craftsmen recommend, first of all, to acquire high-quality raw materials. The product will turn out to be reliable and strong if you use a pine board with a thickness of at least 50 mm for work. In addition, you need to have a corresponding drawing.

About manufacturing

All elements of the machine are made of wood. For those who do not know how to make an AK-47 out of wood, so that the dummy looks as believable as possible, experienced craftsmen recommend equipping the product with a removable store. The workpiece of the future product is cut out of the board using a jigsaw. For the side walls of the machine, you need two sheets of plywood. In the future, they will cover the store mount. It can be made from the same board as the dummy machine. The movement of the store in the fastening mechanism will be carried out without delay if all corners are carefully grinded with a file and then with a grinder. PVA is suitable for gluing the side walls. The process can be optimized using a tool such as clamps. Connected parts that are securely attached should be left to dry for a few hours.

About the trunk for the dummy

For this element, you will need a cylindrical blank. You can make it yourself on a lathe or purchase a finished product in a store. The barrel must be equipped with a front sight. You will have to cut it out of the tree yourself. In addition, for the muzzle of the machine gun, the stock must be equipped with holes. They will turn out to be smooth if you work on a special drill stand. After the muzzle holes are ready, cylindrical blanks are inserted into them. Then, with the help of PVA, an already turned and carefully polished front sight is glued to the barrel.

About painting works

In addition to the question of how to make an AK-47 out of wood, many are still interested in what paint is best to cover the finished product. The dummy will look very realistic, experts advise, if you apply oak-colored paint to it.

It is water-based. The dummy painted black also looks good. On top of nitro paint, some craftsmen also varnish their products.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Verkhovskaya Secondary School No. 1" Oryol Region, Verkhovye Township Production of a model - a copy of the AK-74 Kalashnikov assault rifle Performed by: student 9kl. Andriyanov Ivan Head: teacher of technology Martynov Oleg Ivanovich Verkhovye 2015

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Choosing and justifying the idea of ​​the project I study in the 9th grade, I am fond of technology, the history of weapons, I like tinkering. I really like the technology lessons. I decided to prepare a creative project and take part in the technology Olympiad. The teacher advised me to take the development of a product suitable for making by students in technology lessons and in the “Skillful Hands” circle as the theme for the project. The product should be easy to manufacture, technologically advanced, made from available materials, and cheap to manufacture. When working on it, as many different operations as possible for processing wood and metal with hand tools and on machine tools should be used.In the lessons, we usually made pointers, mallets, boxes, benches. mops, but it was not very interesting. I thought that usually guys like to play war, are interested in weapons, and decided to develop and make a model of some small arms. In addition, it will be useful for the school detachment of the Yunarmeytsy. one

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Aims and Objectives Purpose: To create an original, technologically advanced cheap product suitable for making by schoolchildren in technology lessons and in a circle, necessary for the school. Objectives: 1. To learn to mentally represent the subject and graphically express it in the form of a technical drawing and drawing, to work with design and technological documentation. 2. To know and correctly carry out various technological operations for the processing of wood and metals. 3. Realistically assess your knowledge and skills. 2

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Choice of product variants Having examined several models of the AK assault rifle, I opted for option No. 4 of the AK-74 model with a wooden butt, deciding that the model of this assault rifle, made of wood, would look more impressive. 1 2 3 4 3

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A brief history of the creation of the machine "It is not a weapon that kills, it is a man who kills." MT Kalashnikov During the Great Patriotic War, it became necessary to transfer the main small arms of the Red Army to the 7.62 mm cartridge. The main advantage of such a cartridge is sufficient destructive power at medium distances in comparison with pistol ones, and the lower weight of the intermediate cartridge in comparison with the rifle cartridge allows the fighter to carry more ammunition with him. After the creation of an intermediate cartridge of 7.62 mm. in 1943, the active development of small arms began, in which the most famous designers of the USSR took part. Kalashnikov also took part in the competition. His development showed good results, which allowed him 4

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go to the second stage of the competition. In 1947, Kalashnikov presented a modified version of the assault rifle he had developed, which was later adopted in 1949. The first Kalashnikov assault rifles had two modifications: with a wooden non-folding stock (AK-47) and with a metal folding stock (AKS-47). Kalashnikov has created a practical and reliable weapon. The merit of the developer is the optimal arrangement of time-tested technologies into a single sample that meets all the requirements. Despite the fact that the Kalashnikov assault rifle entered the armament of the SA back in 1949, due to the Soviet secrecy, the weapon was presented only in 1956. In the 1950s, samples of medium-sized small arms began to be supplanted by Kalashnikov assault rifles. Soon it became the main type of small arms in the allied countries of the USSR, as well as in Finland and in some other countries. Such a rapidly growing popularity of the machine was associated with the simplicity and reliability of the design. and also with a low cost of weapons. In the early 70s, the USSR began to develop a new automatic cartridge of 5.45x39 caliber. In 1974, a new AK-74 assault rifle was adopted by the Soviet army under the 5.45 cartridge. More than 60 years have passed since the creation of the first version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The well-known developer managed to achieve his goal: “to develop a weapon that would be understandable to an ordinary soldier”. Indeed, the Kalashnikov assault rifle is very popular 5

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on all continents. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is one of the most popular weapons in the world. It is in service with the armies of 106 countries of the world. Recognized as the invention of the century and entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the most widespread weapon in the world. For his Kalashnikov assault rifle he received the Stalin Prize of the first degree. 6

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Choice of materials For the manufacture of my product, I used the most affordable and cheapest material - wood, metal scraps, wire. For the receiver, store horn and handle, it is advisable to use birch, since its wood is dense, hard and does not have pronounced annual layers, but it is suitable and pine, spruce. Only birch should be used for turning the barrel and gas pipe. Birch. It has a very uniform structure, color, light, closer to white, sometimes with a yellowish tinge. It is used for the manufacture of plywood, handles for tools, furniture, etc. Spruce. The wood is white with a yellowish tinge, knotty. It is used for the manufacture of musical instruments, in construction. Pine. The wood is reddish-yellow, has a small number of knots. It is used in the construction of bridges, wagons, flooring, etc. Tin. Galvanized sheet with a thickness of 0.2 mm, bends well, cut with scissors, processed with a file. Used for the manufacture of the trigger bracket, the lever of the translator, front sight. sighting bar. For finishing the finished product, I took black enamel, and for the butt texture for wood, the color "walnut". eight

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Choice of tools and equipment In the manufacture of my product, I used the following tools and equipment: Pencil Ruler Scribe Vernier caliper Square Joiner's workbench Locksmith's workbench Drilling machine Lathe STD-120 Lathe TV-6 Electric drill Hacksaw Locksmith scissors Rasp Planer Chisel Kiyernka Oobzik Milling cutter

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Preparation of technological documentation I have carefully studied the design and types of the AK-74 Kalashnikov assault rifle. Having removed all sizes from a full-size metal model of an assault rifle available in the OBZh class, with the help of a teacher, I developed a technology and procedure for the production of individual parts, drew and cut out from cardboard templates for a case with a butt, a magazine, a handle. Completed drawings and flow charts for the manufacture of the main parts of the machine. The templates will later be used by other students to make a model of the machine. 10

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Specification Receiver with stock. Gas pipe with trim. Fly. Sighting bar. Shutter Lever. Translator checkbox. Barrel with compensator. Ramrod. Cleaning rod brackets. Shop. Trigger brace. Pen. The trigger. 12

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Flow charts for the manufacture of the main parts of the AK-74 Kalashnikov assault rifle 13

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Technological map No. 1 Manufacturing of receiver with buttstock 14 No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Receiver 1 1: 1 Birch

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The sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 1. Select the workpiece of the required dimensions. Ruler, pencil, hacksaw 2. Draw the contours of the future product on the workpiece according to the template. Template, pencil 3.Cut the part from the workpiece along the lines. Joiner's bench, jigsaw, clamp 4. Cut the ribs at the top of the receiver. Joiner's workbench, milling cutter, clamp 5. Process the stock according to the sample. Joiner's workbench, plane, rasp, knife 15

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The sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 6. Drill a hole with a diameter of 20 mm to install the barrel. Drill, drill 7. Drill holes with a diameter of 20 mm. Drill, drill 8.Collapse the slots for installing the magazine and the handle. Joiner's workbench, chisel, chisel, mallet 9. Finish the finished product Sandpaper 16

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The sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 1. Select a workpiece of the required dimensions. 2. Apply the contours of the future product to the workpiece according to the template. Ruler, hacksaw Template, pencil 3. Cut the horn of the store along the lines from the workpiece. Jigsaw, joiner's bench, clamp 4. Mill the edges of the leading edge of the part. Joiner's workbench, router, clamp 5. Apply with a burner the marks on the sides of the front edge of the store. Joiner's workbench, pencil, electric burner Technological map No. 2 Making the barrel of an assault rifle No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Barrel 1 1: 1 Birch 17

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The sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment Select a workpiece of the required size. Ruler, hacksaw 2. Process the workpiece in the form of an octagon and glue the centers. Planer, center punch, hammer 3. Fix the workpiece in a lathe and grind to a diameter of 26 mm Lathe STD-120, chisels, vernier calipers 4. Perform further turning according to the drawing Lathe STD-120, chisels, vernier calipers 5. Finish finished product. Lathe STD-120, sandpaper 18

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Technological map No. 3 Production of a gas tube with a cover plate No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Gas tube 1 1: 1 Birch 19

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The sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 1. Select the workpiece of the required dimensions Ruler, pencil, hacksaw 2. Process the workpiece in the form of an octagon and mark the centers. Joiner's workbench, plane, center punch, hammer 3.Fix the workpiece in the lathe and grind to a diameter of 39 mm. Lathe STD-120, chisels, vernier caliper 4. Make further turning of the part according to the drawing. Lathe STD-120, chisels, vernier calipers 5. Cut the lower part of the part by 5 mm and finish. Joiner's workbench, planer, sandpaper 20

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Technological map No. 4 Making the handle of the machine No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Handle 1 1: 1 Birch 21

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The sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 1. Select a workpiece of the required dimensions. Pencil, ruler, hacksaw 2. Apply the contours of the future product to the workpiece according to the template. template, pencil 3. Cut out the part from the workpiece along the marking lines and round off the edges of the side faces. Joiner's workbench, clamp, jigsaw, rasp 4. Apply a pattern to the side surfaces of the handle with a burner. Joiner's workbench, pencil, ruler, electric burner. 5. Make the final finishing of the part. Sandpaper 22

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Technological map No. 5 Magazine horn manufacturing No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Magazine horn 1 1: 1 Birch 23

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The sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 1. Select the workpiece of the required dimensions Ruler, pencil, hacksaw 2. Draw on the workpiece according to the template the contours of the future product. Pencil, template 3. Cut the part out of the workpiece. Joiner's workbench, clamp, jigsaw 4. Cut the edges of the front edge of the part. Joiner's workbench, clamp, milling cutter 5. Apply notches to the leading edge with a burner and finish the part. electric burner, sandpaper 24

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Safety precautions when working with tools and machine tools When manufacturing a product, it is necessary to know and strictly follow the rules of safe work of all technological operations performed, to use work clothes and protective equipment. 25

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Stages of manufacturing a product The sequence and main stages of manufacturing the machine are shown in the figures. The following technological operations were carried out: Marking Sawing Planing Drilling Chiseling Sawing Metal cutting Metal cutting Sawing Metal bending Turning Brazing Wood burning milling Finishing 26

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A do-it-yourself machine made of wood or a story about how I made a Kalashnikov ...

I decided to please my son with a good friend of mine and make him a wooden toy. To my question: "what to do?", The acquaintance answered immediately: "maybe some kind of pistil?" Not a bad idea, I thought, and went into arms production. True, I decided not to waste time on trifles and instead of a "pestle" make an automatic machine right away! Still, whatever one may say, but every kid knows that a machine gun is cooler than a pistol! :))

I decided to take the legendary Kalashnikov as a basis. I want to say right away for all connoisseurs of modeling and accurate models: the task was, first of all, to make a reliable and sturdy toy, so I did not try to recreate the machine in all details, but made a conditional copy!

A thick pine board of fifty was chosen as a building material. I just took a pencil and sketched the outlines of the future machine by hand, guided by a picture from the Internet.

I do not like all kinds of carnations, brackets, wires, so I decided to make the trigger also from wood. So it is safer and more pleasant to the touch! :)

Immediately I figured out and drew a mounting system for the store. The detail seems to be small, but very significant, without which the machine will not be an automatic machine, but ... a fart for kids. After all, if a machine gun has a non-removable magazine, then such a weapon is worthless! :))) The photo below shows prototypes of the future store. :)

Then I sawed out the workpiece with an electric jigsaw. The result is such a blank.

After that, I cut out the side "walls" of the machine from thin plywood, covering the place where the store was attached.

Once again I figured out the store in place. For him, I used the same board as for the main workpiece.

Sawed and filed the corners so that nothing touches and the parts have free play.

Next, on the milling table, I chamfered the butt and the handle, so that later I could finish what I started with a grinder and finally round off the corners.

I glued the side walls with PVA glue.

He fixed them with clamps and left to dry.

I walked through the corners with a milling cutter and in the end we got something already reminiscent of the same Kalashnikov! :) Then I polished everything with a grinder.

Now you can tackle the barrel of the machine. To do this, I used a cylindrical blank purchased in advance from a hardware store. At the same time, I sawed out a detail of the barrel, a front sight and drilled all the necessary holes.

For drilling, I used a special drill stand. Without it, making an even and perpendicular hole is a task for those who don’t shake their hands and have a diamond eye. I decided to make my life easier and used this convenient device.

The details of the barrel are ready, it remains to put them on PVA glue.

All details and dimensions are pure improvisation! I just looked at the drawing of the machine and did it "like in the picture." In the end, it worked out well. What do they say there? You can't praise yourself ...))

I fitted the store and lo and behold, a legendary machine appeared in front of me, which came out quite similar to the original. Although there will certainly be critics and dissatisfied, but here I am sorry, guys, as you could, it was possible! :))

I know that many would paint the machine the way it should be in the original, I saw how some people use black nitro paint, and the tree is almost always covered with a thick layer of varnish. I am a specific person in this matter. Smearing the texture of a tree with paint and hammering in all the tactile sensations that it gives with varnish is for me how to paste wallpaper on a beautiful mural! :)) But in no case do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, everyone does as he sees fit, according to his own understanding and taste! :)

There is a little touch left to secure the store. For this I used small magnets. Since there were no specially purchased ones at hand, I took them out of the old children's construction set, from which my children left only a couple of parts. The rest was lost somewhere.