How to build a roof with an attic. What do you need in order to build a quality mansard roof with your own hands? Drawings and calculations of a mansard type roof

Attempts to use the attic as residential space have been made by our compatriots for a long time. But in those days there were no effective and easy-to-install heaters, modern innovative membranes were not produced to maintain optimal parameters of relative humidity in the room and reliable heaters, roofing materials did not allow creating roofs with the required operational parameters. As a result, the attic rooms were used for living only in the warm period of time, in winter the microclimate indicators became uncomfortable. Today the situation has changed for the better, mansard-type roofs are widespread.

Developers were able to significantly increase the living area of ​​the building with relatively small capital investments. And a great variety architectural projects allows you to choose exactly the style that is currently considered relevant and in demand. If desired, you can order exclusive project mansard roof, this approach allows you to build a prestigious building.

It is strongly not recommended to start the construction of a mansard-type roof without the full availability of all building materials and components. Shortage becomes the reason for stopping work, and this always has a negative impact not only on the overall construction time of the house, but also on the quality of architectural elements. To purchase materials, financial resources are needed, their specific amount can be calculated only when the developer has fully decided on the type of roof and the list of additional elements.

What affects the estimated cost of a mansard roof?

NameBrief description and performance characteristics

The mansard roof can be single-slope, gable broken or hip of varying complexity. The hip roof will cost the most, but this does not mean that it provides the maximum dimensions of attic spaces. From an economic point of view, it is more profitable to build an ordinary or broken gable roof, it is not only easier, faster and cheaper, but also allows you to equip attic rooms with the largest usable area and volume. Flat truss systems for such purposes are used quite rarely. As for hip structures, only wealthy developers can afford them.

For mansard roofs, two types of insulation are mainly used: mineral (basalt) wool or various types of foam plastics. Ecowool, bulk insulation and other exotic materials are used extremely rarely. Mineral wool slightly increases the cost of a mansard roof, but it is characterized by low thermal conductivity, high environmental friendliness and resistance to fire safety. As for foam insulation, this is a budget option with quite acceptable performance characteristics.

Modern industry produces a wide range of windows and doors directly for mansard roofs. These elements significantly increase the comfort of living in the premises, improve the appearance of the building as a whole, and make it possible to make a zonal breakdown of attic spaces. Installation skylights and doors can increase the roof estimate by about 10%.

Best of all on the mansard roof looks like a roof made of piece natural tiles. But this material is considered one of the most expensive among all existing ones, it is used only on prestigious buildings. It is not recommended to use cheaper coatings from galvanized metal sheets because of their high noise level - this factor is of great importance for residential premises. Professional builders recommend using bituminous tiles for mansard roofs, in the aggregate of all technical and performance characteristics this is the best choice for most developers.

The colder the climate, the more attention should be paid to the insulation of the mansard roof. Mistakes in the choice of the type and thickness of the insulation causes very big problems. And the point is not only that it is difficult to maintain comfortable temperatures in the rooms. the main problem- in a too thin insulation, condensate is constantly present, and high humidity has an extremely negative effect on all wooden structures truss system. Even the most modern impregnations do not help. The roof quickly loses its original bearing capacity and requires major repairs, such work can cost more than new construction.

A significant impact on the cost of a mansard roof is provided by the qualifications of the performers. Oddly enough, it will be found out that the relationship is the opposite of the expected one - the higher the professionalism of the roofers, the cheaper the construction will cost, despite the fact that you have to pay increased wages. This is due to several factors.

  1. Achieved savings in building materials. For experienced roofers, the amount of non-productive waste is minimal, which favorably affects the roof estimate.

  2. The quality of work is increasing. The higher the quality, the longer the service life, the lower the risk of leaks and other unpleasant situations while living in the house. Troubleshooting requires not only time, but also significant funds. The conclusion is that the increased finances invested during construction pay off many times over during the operation of the building.

  3. Deadlines are decreasing. The complexity of the work on the construction of a mansard-type roof lies not only in the technology itself, but also depending on climatic conditions. A period of stable good weather is chosen, but no one can give an accurate forecast. The longer the roof is being built, the greater the risk that the weather will worsen. Wetting of the structures of a house under construction is never without negative consequences; significant amounts are required to eliminate them.

Prices for building boards

Building boards

Types of mansard roofs

It is impossible to give a complete classification, individual changes are allowed in each project, specific decisions are made by the developer. Consider only the main types of mansard-type roofs according to the generally accepted classification.


Most simple designs, occur infrequently. Attic rooms with limited dimensions due to low height, opposite walls are located at different levels. Such mansard roofs are recommended to be placed on small dachas, bathhouses, garages and other outbuildings.


The most common, have a huge number of options, can be symmetrical (horse in the middle of the building) or asymmetrical. Gables on the line of facade walls or shifted inside the attic to equip the attic balcony. The angle of inclination of the slopes should provide a convenient height for the residents of the premises. Gable roofs can be simple and broken.

Broken lines have a more complex design, but make it possible to significantly increase the usable volume of attic spaces. It is this type that currently has the widest popularity among developers. Broken roofs for the attic are used not only in the construction of cottages, but also in relatively small buildings.

Hip (four-slope)

The most complex roof structures are installed on houses with a large area. They differ in increased parameters of resistance to wind and snow loads, they can be simple four-slope and complex multi-gable. These types of roofs are used only on prestigious buildings, the most qualified roofers are involved in the construction.

Mansard roofs with balconies

Recommends betting on big houses, somewhat limit the internal attic space. Balconies can be open and closed, the size and material of the platforms depends on the material of the facade walls.

If you have taken into account the above factors, purchased materials and additional components, resolved issues with builders, then you can start building a mansard roof.

The roof of the mansard type must be strong, and its truss system must withstand heavy loads. We offer you to get acquainted with detailed information about the design of mansard roofs on our website. you can study the drawings and a step-by-step guide for installing rafters.

Bar prices

Step-by-step instructions for building a mansard roof

For example, we will consider the simplest version of the mansard roof - a gable roof without special windows and exits to the balcony. The truss system is already installed, it is no different from the usual.

Eat two options for arranging living quarters in the attic, each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

The first stage in the construction of a mansard-type roof is the installation of an insulating pie. Extremely responsible work, perform them with strict observance of building codes and regulations.

Mansard roof insulation

Step 1. Nail slats about 4-5 cm thick to the rafters.

The fact is that during the construction of the roof for the rafters, boards 150 mm wide were used, this size is not enough for a warm roof. Even if the thickness of the insulation is 15 cm, then it is necessary to provide a gap between it and the vapor barrier to remove excess moisture.

Important. Insulation thickness of 150mm is considered the minimum for the middle climatic zone; in regions with a colder climate, this parameter increases to 200–250 mm. No need to save money on the thickness of the insulation, it always has very negative consequences.

Step 2 soak everything wooden elements truss system with an antiseptic.

For an ordinary roof, this is not necessary, it can only get wet from natural precipitation, and there is protection from them. In addition, on non-residential attic there is always effective natural ventilation. A completely different situation on the roof of the mansard type. The warm layer is closed on both sides; when moisture enters, its evaporation occurs very slowly. A long stay of wooden structures in conditions of high humidity accelerates the processes of decay by an order of magnitude, they require mandatory additional protection.

Not all types of impregnation are noticeable on the tree after drying, this complicates the process, there is no way to control the quality of work. To facilitate the work, it is recommended to add color to the solution; it can be purchased at any hardware store.

You can process lumber with an air gun, roller or brush. The choice of tools depends on the amount of materials and the preferences of the master.

Step 3 After the impregnation dries, fix the vapor barrier on the rafters. These are very responsible works, the effectiveness of the thermal insulation of the mansard roof and the durability of the building operation depend on their quality. The task of vapor barrier is to prevent the penetration of warm and humid air from attic rooms into mineral wool. The fact is that wet mineral wool conducts heat perfectly, which dramatically increases heat loss. In addition, prolonged contact of wet wool with wooden structures increases the likelihood of fungi and rot, and these processes are considered the main enemies of the truss system.

It is attached to the rafter legs from top to bottom, due to this the amount of moist air entering through the overlaps is reduced, it moves up and does not enter the cracks. To increase the density, the joints need to be glued, modern vapor barrier materials have special strips with an applied substance of increased adhesion. If you are using cheap materials, then you can use ordinary double-sided tape to glue the joints.

Pay special attention to the exits of chimneys, skylights and doors, in these places it is very difficult to make hermetic insulation. Do not rush, do some operations twice.

Important. Carefully look at which side you need to nail the vapor barrier. On each package, the manufacturer indicates the recommended position. If it is not followed, then the protection does not work.

Step 4 Nail the slats, the materials for the interior decoration of the attic rooms are fixed to them. Another function of the rails is to hold the insulation material. In our case, this is mineral wool, and it has a rather large mass and requires reliable support.

The process of fixing the rails on the slopes of the attic

Step 5 Install the drippers in place, waterproofing will be glued to them. If there are no factory ones, then they can be made independently from galvanized sheet metal.

It is not a problem that the elements have an unattractive appearance, in the future they are completely covered by a gutter and are invisible from the ground. Droppers are nailed to the outer battens of the crate, the lower edge should fall into the gutter, the edge of the waterproofing film will be glued to the upper horizontal one.

Now start laying the insulation.

Prices for material for vapor barrier

Vapor barrier material

Mineral wool installation

If the mineral wool has been in the package for a long time, then it is recommended to release it, let it lie in a free state for several hours and take its original forms.

Practical advice. In the implementation there are heaters with a thickness of 5 cm and up to 20 cm. If the thickness of the wool on your roof is 15 cm, then it is recommended to buy material 5 cm thick and lay it in three layers. During laying, the joints of the lower layers are overlapped by the upper ones, due to this technology, the overall heat losses are reduced.

Step 1. Lay the first layer of cotton wool, the length of the strips is factory, the thickness is five centimeters. Make sure that there are no gaps anywhere, if any. problem areas, then they need to be sealed with segments.

Step 2 Lay the second layer of mineral wool. To offset the seams, cut the first strip in half and start from the half. In the future, use whole strips.

Step 3 The third layer starts with a whole strip, due to this, the joint will again shift by half the length.

In order to facilitate movement along the pitched roof during the installation of insulation, it is recommended to fill bars of approximately 50 × 50 mm in size on the rafters in various places. After completion of work, they are removed.

Step 4 Start laying, the first strip is fixed from below, it must be positioned in such a way that the edge is attached to the dropper. The material is fixed with a stapler to the rafters. Do not pull it strongly, leave a sagging between the rafters of about 2-3 cm. Condensation will drain along it, the slats of the counter-lattice will remain dry.

Step 5 After the waterproofing is done, nail it with slats at least 5 cm thick - the minimum gap to ensure ventilation of the under-roof space. This important parameter, it is necessary to carry it out.

Waterproofing is fixed with rails

Step 6 Install the counter grille. The distance between the boards is selected depending on the parameters of the metal tile, in most cases it is 35 cm. The condensate flows freely along the waterproofing into the gutter, the elements of the counter-lattice remain dry, warm air is not blown out of the mineral wool.

The arrow in the photo shows a template - an ordinary bar, which is used for the convenience of attaching horizontal rails. The template for controlling the distance between the rails looks like an ordinary piece of board of the required length, insert the template between the rails before screwing them

Control grid. Gap between rails and waterproofing

If everything is done correctly, then the thermal insulation effectively copes with its tasks, the mansard roof allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate in rooms with little loss of thermal energy. This is very important at the present time with ever-increasing energy prices. The counter-lattice is ready, you need to start mounting the roof.

Do not forget to leave a pocket for ventilation at the skate. Horizontal stripes do not arrive until the very end, leave about 20 cm. It is then covered with a longitudinal piece with slots of at least five centimeters along the entire length of the slope. The piece is nailed onto the counter-lattice, due to this, a gap is formed for the removal of moist air from the insulation.

Prices for mineral wool

Installation of a roof on a mansard roof

Before starting installation, you need to attach some. The specific list depends on the feature and manufacturer, in most cases it is necessary to fix the brackets for fixing the gutter and the cornice strips.

Do not forget to maintain the minimum slope of the gutter, it should be about a centimeter per linear meter.

A mesh must be installed between the drip and the counter-lattice, it protects the under-roof space from the penetration of birds and large insects.

You can start from either side of the slope, but it is better from the leeward side. The edges are aligned along the cornice line with an overhang of ≈ 5 cm. To align, you need to put the first sheet on one self-tapping screw, snap the second one to it with a lock and turn them together for final alignment. Some roofers recommend that a third sheet be installed for guarantee and verification, and only then fix the roof. Each master chooses the technology at his own discretion, taking into account personal experience.

Installation of roofing material

Practical advice. Screw in the screws correctly. Control the right angle, do not pinch the rubber gasket and do not leave it loose. Hardware is screwed in a checkerboard pattern, at least seven pieces per square meter.

After the installation of all sheets is completed, the ridge is finished, for this there are special metal additional elements. At the final stage, wind (end) strips are attached. The roof is ready, you can finish installing the drainage system, check the functionality and hand over the work.

Video - Construction of a mansard gable roof

If you have made such a decision how to build an attic - it will be the right one. Before building an attic in an existing house, you first need to decide on its shape, and whether the roof will be completely converted into an attic floor or not.
After all, the construction of the attic is considered not only more economical, but also a process that will require much less labor in comparison with the construction of the next floor. It is these facts that make the construction of the attic very popular. Projects of country houses with an attic, as a rule, have a special or, as the builders call it, a "broken" roof, as it makes it possible to make the most of the usable area.

Particular attention in solving such an issue as building an attic must be paid to the quality of the roof. Since it should not only have an aesthetic appearance, but also have excellent thermal insulation, and also have good waterproofing. The best thermal insulation material for roofing is either slate or ceramic tiles, but in no case do not use metal tiles, as they tend to get very hot in the sun. In this case, how to build an attic with your own hands? At the initial stage of building construction, it is possible to make calculations of the supporting structure with maximum accuracy.

It should be borne in mind that the installation of rafters must be done at an angle (from 30 to 60 °), since an increase in the degree of inclination leads to a decrease in the useful area of ​​​​the attic.
To solve the problem, you can insulate the attic from the inside using mineral wool.

A residential attic requires a large layer of insulation. The material must comply with fire safety requirements and be non-toxic. Mineral wool is one of the most suitable options.

Varieties of material

The main types of mineral wool are basalt wool and glass wool. Each has its own properties, pros and cons.
Basalt wool

Basalt wool is produced from gabbro-basalt rock. Carbonate rocks are specially added to it, which allows you to adjust the acidity module. Material of greater acidity is more resistant to moisture, more durable. The addition of binders to basalt wool: bituminous, synthetic, composite, bentonite clays - holds the fibers together, helps to give the desired shape.

glass wool

Glass wool is a mineral material, for the manufacture of which raw materials used in the production of glass are used, as well as waste, broken glass.

The properties of glass wool are different from those of basalt, its thickness is 3–15 microns, and its length is several times greater than that of basalt. Therefore, glass wool slabs are more elastic, have greater strength, and are resistant to vibrations. Glass wool is fire resistant, withstands up to 450 °C.

Despite all the advantages of glass wool, there is one significant drawback that reduces the popularity of its use. When laying this material, a lot of small particles that are harmful to health are formed. Therefore, the installation is carried out in special clothes, shoes, a protective mask. It will not work to clean them after work, you will need to throw them away.

Nuances of isolation

When insulating the roof, it is better to use cellulose wool, it provides better moisture conductivity, and does not allow moist air to accumulate under the roof.

The main difficulties of insulation are manifested when working on the slopes of the roof, which has a truss structure.

Here it is necessary to use dense cotton wool, which can be securely placed between the rafters. It should be light and elastic.

The main advantages of mineral wool are its incombustibility, soundproofing, good thermal insulation performance, vapor permeability, high environmental friendliness, and relatively affordable price. It is produced in plates, mats, cylinders, there are options with foil coating.

If the size of the insulation is greater than the distance between the rafters, it is cut into the necessary pieces, adding a few centimeters for a tight fit.

This method is well suited for warming attics, residential premises located directly under the roof. The disadvantage can be considered a decrease in internal dimensions due to a layer of wool, drywall and additional finishes.

Thermal insulation methods

Depending on which structural element of the building is insulated, there are 2 ways to insulate the roof from the inside.

Thermal insulation of the floor

The first option is floor insulation. The method is inexpensive and very easy to implement. It consists in laying wool on concrete base slabs or, in the case of a wooden floor, between structural elements. Any kind of mineral wool will do, even soft and granular. Laying is simple, it is not required to bypass the rafters, as when insulating roof slopes, you can easily fill all the gaps and cracks.

Thermal protection of slopes

The second option is the insulation of the roof slopes. If the room in the attic is not in use, then this option is not economically viable. The consumption of materials increases significantly, it takes more time due to bypassing the rafters and additional fastening mineral wool.

Insulation of slopes can be done in two ways: over open rafters or between them. With the first option wooden beams remain visible indoors and have an additional decorative function.

Sequence of work

Regardless of which method of mineral wool insulation is used, the general algorithm of actions is as follows: surface preparation, waterproofing, installation of insulation, laying vapor barrier, sheathing.

Preparatory activities

Before starting work on thermal insulation, the surface to be insulated must be prepared. The structure is inspected, if necessary, the identified defects are eliminated, cleaned of dirt and debris. TO preparatory work can be attributed to the calculation of the amount of material.

The thickness of the insulation layer should be at least 15–20 cm, so when choosing wool of a smaller thickness, it will need to be laid in two layers.


To protect the roof from moisture, waterproofing is installed on the surface to be insulated. It is overlapped, fixed with a stapler and gluing the joints with adhesive tape.

It is important to install the waterproofing membrane so that there is a ventilation gap between it and the insulation, and the material completely covers the entire rafter system and goes a little onto the walls.

A batten sheathing is then nailed over the insulation to the rafters to secure the material and provide a ventilation gap. All wooden structural elements are best treated with a special antiseptic.

Insulation laying

After installing the waterproofing, you can proceed with the installation of insulation. To do this, mineral wool is cut into pieces about 5 cm wider than the distance between the rafters. Then, after laying, the material will straighten out and better fill the space. Installation of mineral wool should be carried out in such a way that the material fits as tightly as possible to the beams and there are no gaps left.

Arrangement of vapor barrier

After laying the insulation, it is necessary to protect it from water vapor coming from inside the room. If this is not done, the mineral wool will gradually get wet and lose its thermal insulation properties. Therefore, a vapor barrier is installed on top of the insulation. As a vapor barrier, special foil materials, polyethylene films or roofing material are used.

For tightness, the vapor barrier is laid with overlapping layers, the seams are glued. It is important to install foil vapor barriers with the metallized side inside the attic. Fix the design wooden slats, on which the sheathing (lining or drywall) is subsequently attached.

Roof insulation with mineral wool is one of the most available ways arrangement of a warm and cozy attic. The main thing is to strictly follow the technology. And then everything will work out.

Try to pay special attention to the insulation of the attic roof. If the roof is not insulated, do not expect heat in the attic. A roof is a roof covering. A mansard roof is a “roofing cake” consisting of several layers: a vapor barrier layer from the inside, a waterproofing layer from the outside, a heater between them and an air gap.

Various materials are used as insulation. The characteristics of the materials used depend on several factors: functional purpose room, humidity level, critical temperatures, loads and so on. Non-combustible, basalt materials are the best option.

Various materials are used as insulation for the attic from the inside. The most popular and simple - mineral wool

Styrofoam is not recommended. He is hot. Possesses poor vapor conductivity. Mineral wool is perfect. It is pressed into a plate. On the inside, there is a vapor barrier layer. WITH outside– waterproofing (special layer).

Now it has become quite popular to use polyurethane foam spraying to insulate the attic from the inside. This method is also quite economical and very effective.

If the attic is made from an old attic, then, as a rule, the rafters are retained. The load is minimized by using low-density insulation for this, as they are much lighter. The disadvantage is that they are blown by the wind. Additionally, windproof, vapor-permeable material is laid.

Approach the installation of insulation with due attention. Do not forget about the presence of sufficient ventilation space between the roofing and the insulation layer.

The attic is warm in winter and cool in summer only when all the work on the insulation of the walls and roof is done correctly. Do not ignore these rules and your budget will get a tangible effect.

Attic - fashionable architectural element. F. Mansara (French architect) three centuries ago was the first to use the attic space not only for household purposes, but also for housing.

Now in civil and industrial construction, it is quite widely in demand. In individual construction, the attic is experiencing a real boom. It is equipped both during the construction of a new house, and during the repair of attics (roofs).

The house takes on an expressive look, and the attic space is used functionally and efficiently. The area occupied by the attic is decent. An additional room for a good relaxation room (billiard room) or a wonderful summer bedroom. By making it warm and dry, it will be habitable.

A well-insulated and well-made attic can be an excellent rest and work room.

How to properly insulate the attic from the inside? A pre-designed project is required. It will allow you to prepare well, to foresee all the nuances. Competent approach to attic insulation and mandatory use quality materials help to avoid mistakes, which over time can play a very bad role.

In a private house, as a rule, there are large heat losses. Basically, this happens through the ceiling and upper floors. The processes of wetting (drying) of the insulation under the roof degrade its quality. Violation of the microclimate is often the cause of the cold inside the house. This occurs mainly due to poor performance. construction works associated with the attic.

It is recommended to insulate the attic not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Warming is a technically rather complicated process. The impressive area of ​​​​the attic floor, its maximum contact with the external environment, the complexity of the design - requires certain knowledge and skills from the one who will deal with its insulation.

Attic structures are distinguished by the fact that they can be built from the most various materials, for example, from wood, metal, reinforced concrete. There are no restrictions here, it is only necessary to ensure stability and proper insulation. The ceilings in the rooms can also be very different: inclined, flat with one inclined wall, formed by two slopes converging at an acute angle. All this and much more has made the attic so popular for more than four hundred years.

The main advantages of such a roof are as follows:

1. The possibility of an attic add-on, that is, the use of the infrastructure of an already standing building. At the same time, there is no need to completely disassemble the entire roof, which allows significant savings during the work. This is an additional floor that can be used for its intended purpose.

2. The living area of ​​the house is increased due to the reconstruction of the unused attic space. This allows you to add a full-fledged second floor at a relatively low cost.

3. In places with fairly dense buildings, the attic second floor is the best way out.

4. The external appearance of the building is improved, the structure acquires a complete, integral look.

5. Attics can be attached not only to one level. If necessary and in compliance with all the rules and requirements, it is possible to build a two-story attic, which will decorate any building, adding additional living space to it.

6. During the construction of the attic, heat losses through the roof of the house are much reduced. In addition, this results in lower heating costs during the winter months.

7. The construction of attics is possible even in a residential building without the need to resettle residents. For this, it is not necessary to use heavy construction equipment, all work is carried out directly on the roof of the building for shortest time. A new floor can be built almost without problems and costs.

But when building an attic, there are also disadvantages, like any design. It is worth noting such shortcomings as:

1. When arranging such a room, some of the usable area is lost.

2. Beveled and sloped ceilings greatly reduce the height of the walls, the ceilings in the attic are usually low, do not exceed 2.4 meters.

3. Windows in many cases can only be located in the ceiling, which is not always convenient.

4. Roof structures due to lack of ventilation begin to degrade quickly. Usually their service life is about three times less than with a cold attic.

5. Large amounts of snow often accumulate on skylights in winter, which reduces the level of already insufficient lighting.
Varieties of designs

When deciding how to make an attic, you must first decide what type of truss system will be used. A characteristic feature of the attic design is its broken, rather steep configurations, but we must not forget that this is not an aesthetic function, but a purely practical one. Such broken forms provide:

correct transfer of all loads to load-bearing walls;

allow you to effectively protect the entire structure from precipitation;

· give stability to such negative phenomena as temperature extremes, showers, snowfall, the formation of a large amount of ice.

The simplest form of a residential attic is a triangle, the most complex is with a break. All horizontal logs and vertical racks are recommended to be made of wooden thin beams.

Among the used truss systems for the attic floor, the most commonly used are:

1. Hanging type rafters. They rest on the walls, creating a horizontal load. If you decide to make an attic second floor using this type of truss system, then you need to take into account the design features. To connect the beams, intermediate supports are not used here, only special puffs made of metal or wood.

2. An inclined type of truss system is recommended for small cottages in which the load-bearing wall is located in the center or intermediate supports are available. The rafters rest on the outer walls, the middle part of the structure - on the inner wall. Apply such simple system it is possible only for those houses in which the distance between free-standing load-bearing walls is not more than six and a half meters.

3. Hanging and inclined rafters can be in the form of right triangles, which have an emphasis behind the bearing wall. In this case, the Mauerlat does not need to be erected; ordinary beams are taken for the rafters. Struts are required, all racks cut into the floor beams, the rafters are attached with anchors.
Construction stages

So how to properly assemble the attic structure? The sequence of all work should be strictly observed, which will allow you to build a solid, secure attic. Be sure to correctly determine all loads, which only experienced designers can do.

The construction of the attic provides for such work as:

1. Dismantling of the old roof. In this case, it is not necessary to completely disassemble the overlap. Unless it is foreseen by the project.

2. If necessary, the floor structures are strengthened. This is done so that the second floor (mansard) does not give unnecessary loads. If necessary, an additional layer of waterproofing is laid at this stage.

3. The construction of the truss system, the insulation of the attic itself.

4. Installation of windows.

5. Interior and exterior decoration of the building.

For the construction of the attic, it is recommended to use wooden beams that have a cross section of fifty by one hundred and fifty centimeters. At the same time, the following sequence of work is observed: first, the frame of the future structure is made, after which the support beams and rafters are strengthened. After the installation of stepped bevels, waterproofing work is carried out, insulation is laid. Now you can strengthen the crate and lay the roofing material. Finishing work is carried out last, after all windows are installed.

The attic second floor must be insulated to ensure the safety of the structure and the comfort of living conditions. In order for such a process to become effective, it is necessary to observe the construction of a multilayer "pie", which includes:

· internal finishing material on the ceiling of the attic room: moisture-resistant plywood, drywall, etc.;
vapor barrier membrane

insulation (usually mineral wool in rolls or slabs);

installation of waterproofing

installation of roofing (tiles, corrugated board, etc.).

The insulation layer should be two hundred and fifty - three hundred millimeters, often a special frame is made for its installation, which is attached perpendicular to the rafter system. When laying, it is impossible to allow gaps and cavities to remain between the insulation plates, as this will lead to significant heat losses, low thermal insulation efficiency.

The attic is not only beautiful, but also a very functional architectural element that is able to fulfill the numerous tasks assigned to it. This perfect place for housing. Here you can equip a nursery, a playroom or a large gym.

The attic construction technology consists in the high-quality and consistent performance of such works:

1. Development of a project for the construction of an attic floor or its refurbishment.

2. Dismantling of old roof structures.

3. Strengthening the wall structures of the upper floor.

4. Device for waterproofing and thermal insulation of ceilings.

5. Construction end walls attic space.

6. Mansard roof erection, its insulation and finishing.

7. Installation of attic windows.

8. Arrangement of a new living space.

To work, you will need to purchase materials and tools. It is usually necessary to have wall panels (or other material) for sheathing the end walls of the attic space, thermal insulation materials for walls and pitched roofs, roofing materials, beams for roof construction, finishing materials, etc.

After preparing everything that is required for construction, project development, you can begin the main work. First you need to make a frame for the roof. Rafters can be made from beams measuring 50x150 cm. The structure must be well fixed, slings, support blocks must be installed, attic walls erected and rafters installed. The truss structure must be mounted securely and accurately. After that, stepped bevels of the walls, partitions of the attic room are installed, and work is carried out on the insulation and waterproofing of the attic. Next, you should build a crate for the attic roof, lay a heat insulator on it, strengthen it and then finish the roof with roofing material. After that, the installation of doors and windows, interior decoration and arrangement of the premises.

Attic roof

In order to understand how to make the roof in the attic correctly, knowledge about the features of such a room will not be superfluous. Leaks in the roof and other roof defects will affect the entire building to a much greater extent than the same defects in an ordinary attic roof. In this case, water will flow into the living room, which is likely to lead to the repair of the premises.

The main feature of a mansard roof is that it is exposed to moisture both from the outside and from above (snow, rain, etc.) and from below (condensate formation from the moisture in the air of the living quarters of the lower floors). To eliminate this problem, the attic construction technology provides for the installation of a special vapor barrier layer that prevents the penetration of wet and warm air from living rooms to tiles.

It is also necessary to make waterproofing under the roofing material and ensure sufficient ventilation of the roof of the attic space. As a roofing, you can use soft bituminous tiles or metal tiles.

Warming and arrangement of the attic

In view of the fact that the attic is usually used as a living space, great importance is attached to its thermal insulation. High-quality insulation of the attic roof ensures the creation of a comfortable microclimate in such a room and other rooms of the house, effective heat preservation and a long service life of the entire building. There are several ways to insulate the attic. Warming outside means the general warming of the whole house.

Optimal and most effective way is an additional internal insulation, involving the use of a multilayer heat-insulating structure, consisting of the following layers:

The first layer (internal) - finishing material, such as drywall sheets, plywood and other materials that form the ceiling of the attic room

The second layer is a vapor barrier film

The third layer is porous thermal insulation material(mineral wool, etc.)

The fourth layer waterproofing material, laid with the formation of a small gap and the possibility of a simple withdrawal of water to the outside

· The fifth layer is roofing (metal tiles, soft roofing, etc.).

Advice from the master!

In addition to the thermal insulation of the attic roof, it is also necessary to insulate its walls and floor. The arrangement of the premises in the attic includes the implementation of such works as the installation of skylights, internal partitions, doors, as well as decorative trim.

Installing pitched roof windows is the best solution for an attic. Glazing can occupy a significant area of ​​​​the attic surface, at least - 12.5%. The glasses in such windows are special: they do not break when pressed hard or hit, but crumble into granules that do not have sharp and cutting surfaces.

The specificity of the attic rooms allows you to equip them in a special way, arrange them in an unusual and original way. Many designers recommend using translucent plastic partitions or partitions decorated with translucent fabrics for zoning these rooms. When choosing a shade for wall decoration, it is recommended to give preference to light colors that will make the interior light and pleasant. It is not recommended to decorate roof windows with curtains, but it is better to choose light-colored blinds.

Having learned how to build an attic yourself, equip it, create a comfortable, cozy and unusual room, you can try to build the top floor at home. This is a great way to make your home unique and individual, increase its usable area and equip additional living space.

It should also be noted that the attic should be at least 3 meters wide, and the height in the center of the room should be at least 2.2 m. But in this case, how to build an attic that was not originally planned? There are always additional questions such as, for example, the device of the stairs. You can place a ladder in the area of ​​​​the attic hatch, which will simplify construction, and a spiral staircase will also make it possible to save space. In order to prevent the wood from rotting and being damaged by pests, all wooden elements of the roof must be treated with an antiseptic.

To increase fire resistance, it is necessary to impregnate with flame retardants (special wood flame retardants). Also, when deciding how to build an attic, it is necessary to take into account that the attic and attic differ primarily in climatic conditions. The attic is a less ventilated room, which causes condensation to form on the insulation. Therefore, it is necessary to leave a space between the insulation and the roof (at least 50 mm), and another layer of vapor barrier should be laid on the insulation from the inside. When carrying out thermal insulation work, one should also not forget about the insulation of walls, which are thinner in attic structures. The layer of their thermal insulation must have a thickness of at least (250-300 mm). Self-construction of the attic floor is possible, but for this it is necessary to carefully plan the implementation of all work and thoroughly observe the existing technology.
Of course, it would be much easier not to disassemble it, but to reinforce the ceiling over the premises of the house. As load-bearing structures, you can use bars, or a channel.

After the ceiling is reinforced, you need to determine the size of the attic rooms, their height at the walls should not be lower than 1.5 m, and in the middle part it should be a standard height of 2.5 m, or even more. After that, a guide profile (PN) is attached to the floor, for drywall, and above it, the same profile to the rafters. Marking, which is done with a plumb line, tape measure, or a strong cord. Then, the rack profile (PS) is installed in the guide profiles, the pitch of which should be 600 mm. On inclined ceiling surfaces, the metal profile can be mounted horizontally. After that, when the layout of the rooms is clearly visible, several skylights can be installed on the roof so that the rooms are well lit with natural light. In addition, it will be necessary to make an opening in the ceiling for the installation of stairs to the attic. The least space on the ground floor will be occupied by a single-flight staircase, with goose step steps.

After that, from the outside, the frame of the attic partitions can be sheathed with waterproof drywall, and then laid inside the frame electrical wiring, for connecting switches and sockets. Further, mineral wool slabs, 100 mm thick, or, in extreme cases, 50 mm, are placed in the frame. From the inside, they are closed with a vapor barrier, and an inner lining of waterproof drywall is attached, holes are made in it for the installation of sockets and switches, and wires are brought out into them for connection. Then the ceiling and inclined surfaces are hemmed, which are also insulated with a mineral wool board.

The attic in the room not only provides additional living space, but also creates a cozy atmosphere, ennobles general form building. Due to the fact that an “air cushion” is created, the presence of an attic ensures the preservation of heat inside the most capital premises, despite the fact that it can be used by residents only in the hot season, and not heated in the cold. When constructing an additional room, it must be borne in mind that the attic can be made, however, independent work may be complicated by the complexity of the design and its size, so it is better to turn to the services of a professional.

Roof modifications are varied, but the most commonly used are gable or broken modification. They differ in their organization. Before, before doing mansard roof at home with your own hands, you should decide which of the two modifications is more preferable for a particular house, and also easier to install in a particular case, it is necessary to study the features of both structures. When building an attic, it is necessary to understand which type of reference reception to prefer from the two available. The roof of any building is one of two variations of truss systems, either layered or hanging. Both of these structures have their own characteristics, their choice depends on the placement of the load-bearing wall of the building.

Top hanging device type

This name is given to the organization of rafters, the base for which are only the extreme base walls of the building. This model is used if the building has no other capital floors other than external walls. The use of this design is permissible, taking into account that the distance between both capital foundations does not exceed eight meters, the reason for this is a noticeable weighting on the base of the supporting structures. As you understand, this load should be reduced. To do this, you can use the following devices:

  • struts;
  • crossbars;
  • grandmas;
  • puffs.

Beams that are used, for example, for overlapping are pulled by means of braces to the supporting legs, and the puff is suspended by the headstock to the upper knot. For overlapping in this type of structure, hewn logs or wide beams placed on the edge are used. The profile must be at least 100 by 200 mm. In order to comply with the required dimensions, it is recommended to contact a specialist to perform all calculations, the floor in the attic room must be reliable.

Type of layered structure

Unlike the previous scheme, the structure is mounted not only on both supporting external walls, but also on solid ceilings placed on the base. Therefore, before you build a mansard roof with your own hands, you need to plan in advance the construction of the attic itself, namely, the foundation. In the event that the base is made tape, on which it is already planned to raise the load-bearing partitions, then the layered system is the best option. In this case, the structure withstands impressive loads and has an advantage over the hanging scheme in this regard, in addition, it provides a powerful base for the logs and deck of the building. Thanks to the base floors, the layered structure has additional support. When the builder chooses a broken roofing option for the attic, a mixed roof organization system can be used, in which the side rafters are of a layered system, and the upper ones are by a hanging method.

When building a building from blocks or bricks, often the front of the attic is built from the same material. The main plus is that the builder does not need to calculate the dimensions of the top elements, assemble them and move them to the wall. However, it must be remembered that a do-it-yourself mansard roof involves a preliminary carefully designed structure scheme. With such a scheme, the foundation must be strong and the thickness of the walls is appropriate, since with such a pediment there is a huge weight on the base building.

Let's take a look at this situation. You decide to use the attic as part of your living space, what will it take. First, decide how you want to use it. If it is year-round and as a living room, then the most acceptable option for you will be the front wall lined with brick or foam blocks. To ensure the optimal height of the attic room under a gable roof, the slopes must be made at an angle of 45-50 degrees, based on the width of the end of the building. With a smaller angle, the living space of the room is significantly reduced. In order to avoid building an unreasonably high roof, which will lead to overspending of materials, weighting of the structure and significant windage of the roof when strong wind, it is not recommended to increase the steepness of the slopes.

The construction of a gable roof is more simplified than that of broken structure, due to the use of even rafters from the top to the edge of the walls, and the absence of additional connections and kinks. But a broken device has its advantages, it allows you to organize high ceilings in this part of the home and a spacious room. Installation of a broken system is much more difficult in all respects: in design, in laying roofing, in execution, but in this case the building receives external solidity, and a significant space is formed under the roof. The presence of a large number of connecting nodes complicates the installation of a broken structure, it is necessary to perform all the ligaments in accordance with the rules, only in this case the entire structure will be reliable and motionless.

This design provides for a significant number of complex articulations of the components. In that circumstance, if the building is made of brick or stone, then the front parts can be erected in advance, as in the original version of the attic, during the main masonry process. To create a support system in this case, it is necessary to organize intermediate supports and retaining connections to them, focusing on the gables already made. Before you implement your idea, you need to prepare. To build a mansard roof with your own hands, project drawings of the entire structure are required. They should be developed in advance, they should display the dimensions, and only after that it is necessary to organize the purchase of materials for the selected building from the above scheme.

Design dimensions for the gable top of the attic

In order to correctly position all the elements in the overall model, it is necessary to take a figure with right angles as a starting point, for example, from a square or rectangle - the profile created by the attic room. Taking as a basis the parameters of the height and width of the room, it is almost impossible to make a mistake in the meaning of the angles at which the slopes of the top, all retaining elements, rafters and the location of the top will be located. After calculating these parameters, you must immediately transfer the digital data to the drawing. At the very beginning, the middle of the width of the front wall is determined. Taking this value as a basis, it is necessary to determine the height of the ridge, the ceiling of the attic room, the dimensions of the cornice overhang and the placement of the base walls.

Any of the designs implies the necessary volume of connecting joints, of various modifications, therefore, each bundle must be drawn separately in order to see in detail the connections of all nodes that converge at a point.

Each basic scheme contains the main links and additional, optional in a number of designs. The main components of the attic roof are:

  • floor logs are the basis for other elements of the truss structure, they are mounted on the supporting walls of the building;
  • the supporting leg, which is straight with a gable roof, and in a broken pattern formed from two components. With such a scheme, the upper support is called the ridge, as it forms the upper point of the roof - the ridge, the walls of the attic are formed by rafters, which are called side;
  • a sleeper or ridge board is an indispensable element of a gable roof, an exception can sometimes be, for example, when a broken structure is installed;
  • the mauerlat is attached to the base side walls of the building and is a powerful legel on which the supporting legs are mounted;
  • to strengthen both the gable and the broken structure, supporting elements are needed - racks. With a broken pattern, side and upper supports are attached, and when constructing a gable roof, the rack is the basis for sheathing and insulating the walls of the room;
  • bevels or connecting diagonal parts auxiliaryly fasten the longitudinal beams or posts and supports, thus, the structure is more monolithic.
  • Attic floor beams are designed to connect racks. They are considered the main basis in the attics of all types.
  • in the broken structure of the top, inter-rafter runs are provided, which are needed to give the structure hardness.

In order to be sure that the created plan is carried out correctly, it is recommended to consult with an expert. He will be able to check how correctly all the indicators of the entire building are calculated. Also, there are various training systems not for professionals, developed for advisory purposes, you can familiarize yourself with them by watching the do-it-yourself mansard roof video step by step on our website.

After preparing the drawing, based on the dimensions fixed in it, you can begin to calculate the amount of materials that are needed for work. The choice of materials should be based on the requirements of environmental friendliness and fire fighting equipment. Wooden elements must be treated with special impregnations to reduce the combustibility of the material. For the construction of the structure, it will be necessary to purchase:

  • a tree for supporting legs, the profile is selected based on calculations;
  • depending on the selected support system, the crossbar, which has a profile of either 100 by 15 mm, or 150 by 200 mm, in addition, the distance between the main wall structures must be taken into account;
  • for rolling the Mauerlat, a sleeper with a profile of 100 by 150 or 150 by 150 mm is purchased;
  • logs for racks 100 by 100 or 150 by 150 mm;
  • subfloor deck is made from unedged board in addition, it will be needed for a number of fasteners;
  • it is necessary to purchase various mounting hardware and a sheet of metal for cutting overlays with a thickness of at least 1 mm;

Modern people try to use the area of ​​their home as efficiently as possible. Therefore, the proposal to equip additional space under the roof is always met with enthusiasm. It is much easier to plan the construction of an attic at the stage of building a house, but you can make an additional superstructure above the old building.

How to make an attic on an old house

The presence of an attic not only increases the living space, but also gives the building a colorful look.

Attic turns Vacation home in a fabulous building

An old house can be updated by building a superstructure in accordance with existing standards.

The attic superstructure begins with calculations of the strength of the old house

First you need to decide: can they withstand the load of the attic floor and the new roof existing foundation and walls. If they have a sufficient margin of safety, then you can start remodeling the house. Otherwise, they should be strengthened.

Old brick walls sometimes seem strong, but with additional stress, cracks may appear in the mortar over time. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately consider their condition, and, if necessary, tie them with a rigid belt. This is done as follows:

  • metal poles with a section of 10x10 cm are inserted into the foundation with the lower edge, and connected with the armored belt of the first floor with the upper edge. Installed around the perimeter of the house every 2 meters;
  • metal fittings with a cross section of 12 mm are placed in strakes and tie the house along the walls: from the bottom of the window every 2 meters up;
  • a metal mesh with a cell size of 2x2 cm is laid on top of the reinforcement, which, after completion of all work, is covered with plaster.

Strengthening the foundation is carried out by tying with a reinforcing belt from all sides.

If the old foundation cannot withstand the attic, then it must be sheathed with reinforcement

Having decided on the strengthening of the building, you can proceed to the choice of the project of the future superstructure. It should look harmonious against the background of other buildings and match the style of the whole house.

The type of mansard roof will determine the calculation of the dimensions of the inner upper room and the necessary materials for construction

There are several types of attics:

  • single-level with a gable roof - low ceilings with a small living space;

    A single-level attic with a gable roof is the simplest type of superstructure for small buildings

  • single-level with a sloping gable roof - increased interior space, but serious costs and time for construction;

    A single-level attic with a broken gable roof is usually built on a brick house

  • single-level with cantilever extensions - a complex structure that allows you to get even more area, since the attic frame extends beyond the building, and the windows are installed vertically;

    A single-level attic with cantilever extensions allows you to get a lot of internal space by increasing the upper structure

  • multi-level with mixed roof support - used in the construction of a new house, built only by specialists.

    A multi-level attic with a mixed roof support on old houses is usually not installed due to the complexity and large amount of work.

Video: converting half of the old roof into an attic - an easy way

Alteration of the roof under the attic is a relatively cheap way to increase living space. In a private house, a pitched roof is usually placed, so you can make an additional spacious and bright room with your own hands.

Internal wood paneling makes the attic warm and bright

And if the house is large enough in length, then the attic can turn into a real floor: with several rooms and even a balcony.

A large attic allows you to divide the area into different residential areas

Advantages of creating an attic:

  • the possibility of arranging one or more new living rooms;

    An attic with low ceilings under a gable roof is most conveniently furnished with low sunbeds

  • low costs compared to the construction of a full-fledged floor or a side extension to the house;
  • renovation of the exterior of the building;

    A house with an attic under construction always attracts the eyes of passers-by and is interested in the final result.

  • the opportunity to observe a beautiful view from the attic window.

    A lot of sunlight comes through the windows in the attic, illuminating the room all day

However, this solution also has certain disadvantages that must also be taken into account:

  • the need for insulation and soundproofing of the ceiling and a new roof, the installation of several double-glazed windows;
  • complexity of conducting additional heating and lighting in the upper part of the old house - will have to be combined with home wiring or use an offline connection;

    To heat the attic with access to the balcony, you can use a potbelly stove

  • part layout home space under the stairs leading to the attic;

    The stairs leading to the attic must be fenced for safety.

  • the need to purchase special furniture for a sloping roof or purchase squat models: low cabinets, sofas and tables.

    Low furniture is best suited for attic interiors

The presence of sloping walls makes the room unusual and romantic, but with this decision you will have to take a more responsible approach to design development. You can make furniture for an inclined superstructure yourself or assemble a single complex from existing multi-level models, painting everything in one color.

Furniture that repeats the slope of the attic can be made independently

So, the main disadvantage of converting an attic into an attic is the need to invest, but it's worth it.

Building an attic will cost much less than creating an additional floor, regardless of what materials will be used to build the walls. Indeed, to create them, you will need the main material, insulation and decoration, while for the attic superstructure you only need roof insulation and a new truss system.

The superstructure is made in a symmetrical or asymmetrical shape. Internal walls are designed both inclined and vertical.

Having studied the schemes of single-level attics with different types roofs, it is easier to make a choice when planning

Alteration of the attic into an attic does not require the dismantling of all existing structures. But you need to make sure that the ceiling is reliable: check its condition, reinforce it with wooden or metal beams, sheathe with a new board. Then it will be able to withstand the weight of furniture and people.

For frequent climbing to the attic, you will need to make a comfortable staircase, provide for the installation of ventilation, natural and artificial lighting, and perform interior decoration - all this will create a cozy and comfortable room.

A superstructure with a sloping roof, decorated in light colors, visually increases the space, and color spots add brightness to the interior

When building an attic floor, the following conditions must be met:

  • rafters are made of glued timber with a thickness of at least 250 mm so that the required amount of insulation can be laid;
  • foamed polystyrene is used for insulation due to its low weight and high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • a gap is left between the thermal insulation and the roofing material to provide natural ventilation;
  • a hydro- and sound-proof layer must be laid.

Alteration of the roof under the attic do it yourself

During the construction of a house, there is usually not enough money, so many refuse to build a second floor. Or another situation may arise when an old one-story house of a small area is purchased along with the site. In both cases, there is an affordable option for increasing the place to live - do-it-yourself restructuring of the attic space into an attic.

Create a project

Before starting work, you need to draw up a plan and develop a project with accurate drawings. The correct calculation will allow you to get a cozy, durable and reliable room. You can perform all the calculations yourself or entrust it to specialists.

You can draw a plan and develop a draft design yourself by studying various options on the Internet

Strengthening the walls and foundation may be necessary in the event of a complete replacement of the rafters. If the roof is partially redone, then reinforcement may be needed only for overlapping. You also need to immediately decide what types of windows will be used in the attic: the reinforcement in the truss system will depend on this.

The location of all windows in the attic roof must be thought out in advance and this data entered into the project plan

truss system

Rafters can be layered or hanging. The former rest on the inner walls of the house or additional supports, and the latter on the outer walls.

In the attic, layered and hanging rafters are used.

Hanging rafters are best suited for the attic.

An attic with hanging rafters looks prettier and wins in the size of the internal area

The attic usually occupies the entire space of the attic, and its walls are combined with the outer ones.

The best option for creating an attic is a layered truss system.

The rafter system consists of different load-bearing bars. To understand the structure of the entire structure and build it correctly, you need to understand the purpose and operation of its individual elements.

Image individual elements truss system helps to understand the device of the whole structure

Refurbishment of the premises

With a sufficient height of the attic, the truss system does not need to be redone. It is enough to inspect the old rafters, identify possible flaws and eliminate them.

If the truss system is in good condition, you can proceed to the arrangement of the floor. Insulation is first laid between the lags, after which the surface is sheathed with ordinary boards or sheets of OSB, chipboard.

The floor in the attic is insulated and covered with boards

Before laying the insulation, all necessary communications are mounted between the rafters, places are cut in the roof for installing windows. carried out before warming.

All wires and pipes of communications must be placed in special corrugations

Care must be taken to create natural ventilation of the under-roof space through the vents so that moisture does not accumulate inside the room.

Roof insulation

It is necessary to insulate the roof correctly and efficiently - the microclimate under the roof will depend on this. Typically, mineral wool, polystyrene foam or sprayed polyurethane foam is used as insulation.

A thick layer of heat insulator is tightly laid and fixed between the rafters so that there are no gaps or gaps anywhere. On the upper part of the roof - between the roof and the insulation - waterproofing is mounted, then heat-insulating material is laid from the side of the room. Then from the inside the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film.

For better ventilation, a small distance is left between the roofing material and the insulation: this is how air circulates through the holes in the eaves and ridge. If the roof is covered with corrugated sheets, then the thickness of the gap should be 25 mm, if flat material, then it is necessary to bring it to 50 mm.

When creating attic thermal insulation, it is necessary to strictly observe the sequence of layers

When planning an ascent to the attic, you need to take care of the convenience and safety of movement. Therefore, the ladder is usually mounted inside the house. It is constructed from wood or metal: it can be either a screw or a marching structure.

The staircase to the attic can be of different types and designs, which allows it to fit into any interior.

An opening is cut in the ceiling of the first floor, which is reinforced along the perimeter with metal or wooden strapping.

The design of the stairs to the attic must be durable, reliable, safe and beautiful.

Interior decoration

For wall cladding, in most cases, gypsum boards are used, the seams between them are plastered. Wallpaper is glued on top or decorative plaster is applied. An alternative option is lining or natural wood.

If some rafters protrude through the walls into the attic, then they can be designed as decorative elements and even use it as a horizontal bar for hanging a hammock, swing, chandelier and other fixtures.

The design of the visible parts of the rafters in the interior of the attic is an interesting and creative business.

It is not recommended to use heavy finishing materials in the attic, as they increase the load on the walls, ceiling and foundation of the building.

There are many options for interior decoration of the attic, but it is advisable to use only light materials.

To cover the floor, you can use a laminate or linoleum, and it is better to refuse tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Roof of the attic floor

The roof of a residential superstructure should consist of the following layers (in order - from the street to the interior):

Video: why and how to properly lay layers on the roof of the attic

Mansard roof calculations for a house

Determination of the total weight of the roof

To calculate the total weight of roofing materials, it is necessary to multiply the specific gravity of one square meter of coverage by the total area of ​​​​the attic roof. To obtain the weight of one square meter, it is necessary to add up the specific gravity of all the materials that make up the roofing cake, and multiply it by the safety factor (1.1).

If the thickness of the crate is 25 mm, then its specific gravity is 15 kg / m 2, a 10 cm thick insulation has a specific gravity of 10 kg / m 2, and ondulin roofing material has a weight of 3 kg / m 2. It turns out: (15 + 10 + 3) x1.1 \u003d 30.8 kg / m 2.

According to existing standards, the load on the ceiling in a residential building should not exceed 50 kg / m 2.

Roof area determination

To calculate the surface of a sloping roof, you need to break it into simple shapes (square, rectangle, trapezium, etc.) and determine their area, and then add everything up. To determine the surface of a gable roof, it is necessary to multiply the length by the width, multiply the resulting value by two.

Table: determination of the attic roof area

When calculating the angle of inclination, the climatic zone in which the house is located is taken into account, and that it is convenient to move in the attic in full growth

It is also necessary to calculate the slope of the roof. Usually the angle is 45–60 degrees, but when determining it, one must take into account the climatic zone in which the house is located, the type of attic construction, snow, wind loads, and the architectural design of the house.

The greater the angle of inclination of the roof, the less will be the load on the truss system, but the consumption of materials will increase.

Calculation of the truss system

When choosing a truss system, you can stop at the following options:

  • hanging rafters;
  • oblique type;
  • skating run;
  • combined design.

If the length of the roof is more than 4.5 m, then support runs and struts can be used for reinforcement. With a length of more than 7 meters, a ridge beam is installed.

For wooden rafters, a bar with a thickness of at least 70 mm is used. The step of their installation should be 50 cm.

On a large area, it is better to fix a metal truss system: due to the increase in the distance between the rafters, the absence of spacers and struts, the weight of such a structure will be less than that of a wooden one, and the strength will increase significantly.

If the attic area is large, then it is better to install metal rafters

Calculation of the required amount of materials

To carry out the calculation, you need to know the following parameters:

  • width, thickness and pitch of the rafters;
  • distance from the edge of the roof to the rafters;
  • the size of the boards for the crate and the step between them;
  • size, type of roofing material and overlap between its sheets;
  • type of steam, hydro and thermal insulation material.

The roof is divided into simple shapes and the required amount of each of the materials is determined. For this, simple mathematical formulas are used.

The results obtained are converted into standard values: for wood - in cubic meters, for roofing materials, steam, hydro and thermal insulation - in square meters. And you can go to the store.

Common Mistakes

Most often, with self-calculation, errors are obtained during the determination of the required amount of insulation. If the climatic conditions are harsh, then its volume will have to be increased, otherwise it will not work to create in the attic comfortable conditions residence. The insulation is laid on the floor of the house, the walls of the gable and the slopes of the roof. But everywhere the thickness of the insulation can be different.

Video: calculation of a mansard roof with diagrams and loads

The attic floor allows you to get additional living space and gives the private house a modern attractive appearance. It is not difficult to create an attic with your own hands, you just need to draw up a project correctly, perform calculations and carry out high-quality installation of all materials. And the result will please the owners for a long time.

The mansard roof implies the arrangement of living quarters under it. Making such a design is one of the easiest ways to increase the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. At the same time, additional meters are not used on the territory of the household, there is no need to carry out land work and lay an additional foundation. The manufacture of a mansard roof frame with a broken slope line will maximize the future roof space. Despite the complexity construction process mansard roof, it is quite possible to make it on your own. To do this, you just need to understand some of the nuances of the construction of the truss system, the choice of materials for insulation and the order in which the layers are installed. roofing cake.

Calculation of the area of ​​the mansard roof

Carrying out accurate calculations and drawing up a construction project is a prerequisite for equipping a residential area in an attic. Taking into account the features of the mansard roof structure, the shape and size of the usable and auxiliary area is determined.
There are certain rules that are used when carrying out calculations for structures of this type:

  1. Only a zone in which the gap between the sloping part of the roof and the floor is at least 90 cm can be considered as a usable area. All parts of the attic with a lower ceiling height fall under the concept of a dead zone. Usually they are used for niches, pantries and hidden compartments for household needs.
  2. Since a mansard roof can have several slopes with different angles of inclination, its surfaces can form quite complex shapes. In order to accurately calculate the area of ​​​​such a roof, it is conditionally divided into the simplest geometric shapes, which are most often rectangular triangles, parallelograms, squares and trapezoids. Then the areas of these figures are summarized.
  3. The choice of the angle of inclination of the slopes of the mansard roof affects the type of roofing material. This is due to the fact that each coating has individual requirements for the slope of the roof.

When building an attic, you always want to expand the living area. This can be easily achieved if the angle of inclination of the roof is made small. However, this design is not always appropriate.

The angle of the attic roof affects the amount of usable space

When choosing the type of attic, it is necessary to take into account factors that affect its shape and the installation of a particular type of roofing material:

  1. If you plan to build an attic in a region with a temperate climate, which is dominated by windy weather with an annual rainfall of no more than 300 mm, then you can make a slight slope of the roof.
  2. The thermal insulation and waterproofing of the attic space should be treated with the same responsibility as the arrangement of other premises of the house, since the attic is no different from the living rooms located on the floor below.
  3. When designing stairs to the attic floor, a more economical option would be to place it outside. This will save precious meters of living space, but will make it uncomfortable to use in the cold season. An internal staircase is much more convenient, but it has its drawbacks, as it takes up a lot of space indoors. You can solve the problem by installing a spiral staircase, but the convenience of its use leaves much to be desired.

The rules for calculating attic areas for multi-apartment residential premises are described in SP 54.13330.2011 (Appendix B). Methods for carrying out similar calculations for public buildings and structures are specified in SP 118.13330.2012 (Appendix D).

In accordance with SNiP, the distance from floor to ceiling must be at least 250 cm. When designing mansard roofs, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the dimensions of the real and usable area of ​​​​the room. In this regard, when calculating the area of ​​​​the attic, its parts with the following parameters are taken into account:

  • with a slope of 30 o, only that part that has a height of more than 150 cm;
  • with a slope of 45 o - more than 110 cm;
  • with a slope of 60 o - at least 50 cm.

Calculations for mansard roofs with a height of less than 250 cm must be carried out using a special reduction factor equal to 0.7. In this case, the minimum height of the walls should be:

It should be noted that the size of the usable attic area cannot be less than 50% of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

To date, there are many online calculators on the Internet for calculating such projects. This option is quite convenient, as it allows you to calculate all the parameters of the attic, avoiding arithmetic and methodological errors. However, in the field it is not always possible to use a computer, so you need to be able to perform such actions yourself. To do this, you need to remember the school geometry courses, namely the Pythagorean theorem and the formula that determines the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe simplest figures.

In accordance with the Pythagorean theorem, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs. In the form of a formula, this theorem looks like this: c²=a²+b².

According to the same formula, the parameters of the truss system in the frame of the mansard roof are determined.

When making calculations, the attic roof is conditionally divided into simple figures, and the areas of each of them are calculated according to the corresponding formulas:

  1. To calculate the area of ​​a rectangle, multiply its length by its height: S=a∙b.
  2. To determine the area of ​​a trapezoid, you need to multiply the half-sum of its bases by the height: S=1/2∙(a+b)∙h.
  3. To find the area of ​​a triangle, you need to multiply its height by the base, and divide the resulting value in half: S=a∙b/2.

Suppose the project provides for the construction with pitched roof. The house has dimensions of 12x8 m. Let's take the height of the attic equal to 250 cm.

  1. By applying the Pythagorean theorem, it is easy to calculate the length of the roof slope: √8²+2.5²=√64+6.25=√70.25≈8.38.
  2. To determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slope, it is necessary to multiply the resulting value by the length of the house: 8.38∙12≈100.6 m.

By the same principle, the area for a roof with two slopes is calculated. To do this, you need to determine the values ​​​​of the areas of each slope, and add the resulting values.

How to cover the mansard roof of the house

When choosing a roofing material for a mansard roof, the following indicators are taken into account:

  • durability;
  • price;
  • aesthetic qualities (color, texture, size of elements).

The weight of the roofing can create a critical load on the truss system. For example, tiles from natural materials almost 15 times heavier than its metal counterpart and 10 times heavier than flexible roofing.

Each roofing material has a certain service life, however, it is calculated without taking into account the use of the coating in critical weather conditions. It is worth focusing on durability if the attic has to be covered in the northern regions or in the southern regions with a tropical climate.

In addition to good waterproofing and thermal insulation qualities, one should not forget about the noise-absorbing properties of the roof. It should be noted that any roofing material makes noise, but the loudest of them is the metal coating.

When choosing a roofing material, it is necessary to pay attention to the indicators of its noise during rain.

The most popular modern roofing materials include:

  1. Metal tile.
  2. Ceramic tiles.
  3. Flexible tiles.
  4. Ruberoid.

metal tile

The metal tile is a stamped steel sheet of rectangular shape, treated with an anti-corrosion coating, primer composition and spraying from polymeric materials. The weight of the sheet, depending on the size and thickness, ranges from 3.5 to 5.5 kg. The metal tile is designed for roofs with a slope of at least 14 degrees.

Protective coatings applied to metal sheets help to keep the material from destruction and corrosion.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles

  • a huge number of colors and shades of roofing;
  • lightness of the material;
  • smooth surface, thanks to which moisture and snow do not linger on the roof;
  • resistance to fungi and mold;
  • simple installation;
  • resistance to open fire;
  • affordable price.
  • high windage - poorly fixed metal tiles are unstable to strong gusts of wind;
  • loud noise even from light rain;
  • susceptibility to destruction from scratches caused by hail, coming off ice particles and rubbing tree branches on the surface;
  • high consumption of material in the manufacture of roofs of complex design;
  • the need to paint the roof every 4-5 years;
  • the need to install a lightning rod.

Ceramic tiles

Currently, the roof of ceramic tiles can be found quite rarely. This type of roofing has replaced a more technological analogue - metal tiles. However, some 100 years ago, ceramic tiles were laid on almost every building. This material, like all others, has its positive and negative sides.

Ceramic tiles have proven themselves for centuries as an effective and durable coating.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of ceramic tiles

  • service life from 50 to 100 years. For comparison: a metal tile serves 20–30 years;
  • resistance to critical weather conditions (high humidity, ultraviolet radiation, heat and severe frosts);
  • convenient installation on structurally complex surfaces;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • maintainability - if necessary, it is easy to replace any element of the coating;
  • good soundproofing characteristics;
  • aesthetics - ceramic tiles look more natural, beautiful and richer than many other materials.
  • rather high price, especially for glazed tiles;
  • high weight, which necessitates the manufacture of a reliable truss system or the installation of additional reinforcing elements of the frame;
  • fragility - ceramic tiles easily split from a direct hit with a hard object;
  • low installation speed - each element of ceramic tiles has small size so it takes a long time to install.

Flexible roof tiles

Flexible roof tiles is one of the most popular roofing materials. This type of coating includes several layers, which include fiberglass with bituminous impregnation or a coating based on organic cellulose. One of the sides of the flexible tile is covered with small stone chips. Small granules of basalt, slate or finely dispersed mineral chips are used as a top layer powder.

The composition of the material also includes polymer additives and synthetic modifiers, which provide plasticity, flexibility, aesthetics, resistance to mechanical stress, environmental friendliness and long service life of this roofing.

The multi-layer structure of the flexible tile makes it resistant to temperature extremes and the effects of precipitation.

On inside the flexible tile has an adhesive layer covered with an insulating film. For ease of transportation, silicon sand is sometimes placed between the elements. Flexible shingles have more advantages than disadvantages, therefore they are well-deservedly popular with private developers.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of flexible tiles

Ondulin is an environmentally friendly roof covering, as it is 100% made of organic materials. In the production of this coating, cellulose fibers are subjected to heating and pressing, followed by corrugation.

Finished sheets of ondulin are impregnated with bitumen with the addition of polymer compounds. In appearance, this roofing material resembles slate, but its high manufacturability significantly distinguishes it from other coatings. Finished sheets of ondulin are painted in various colors and shades.

Ondulin is a lightweight, comfortable and environmentally friendly roofing material.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

excellent waterproofing qualities;
harmlessness and safety during installation and operation;
resistance to reproduction of fungi, mold and moss;
resistance to alkaline compounds, as well as oil-based substances;
light weight - for the installation of this roofing, it is not necessary to build a strong frame of the truss system;
ease of processing - cutting the material into the necessary fragments can be carried out using a conventional hacksaw for wood;
resistance to small deformations and bends;
low price- in comparison with a metal tile, ondulin is half the price;
good soundproofing.
  • low strength - the ondulin installed on the rafter system does not withstand the weight of a person;
  • unpleasant odor in extreme heat - the coating emits bituminous fumes when heated;
  • combustibility - since ondulin consists of organic substances and bitumen, it is subject to combustion;
  • low resistance to extreme weather conditions - ondulin coating can collapse within 3–5 years;
  • instability to sunlight - after a few years, ondulin burns out, losing its original color.


Using roofing material as a roof for the attic is the most budget option. This coating has been widely used in the past decades. Despite good waterproofing qualities, roofing material has more disadvantages than advantages. It consists of a special cardboard, which is impregnated with oil bitumen. Refractory bitumen is additionally applied to both sides of the material. The outer layer is additionally protected with a powder of fine sand mixed with fine gravel.

The roofing felt has not very high performance and a short service life, therefore it is rarely used as a roofing material.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of roofing felt

Video: which roof to choose

Mansard roof installation tools and equipment

Roofing cannot be installed with bare hands. This will require the use of not only tools, but also special equipment. Depending on the type of roofing material, the appropriate inventory is selected.

When installing elements of the truss system, you can not do without:

  1. Electric saws.
  2. Electric planer.
  3. Axe.
  4. Hammer.
  5. A set of chisels.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. Electric drills.

When installing bitumen-based roll materials, you will need a gas burner. With the help of this device, the material is heated to the desired temperature, the joints are glued and fixed on the roof.

The gas burner reliably glues the bituminous base and roofing material

The use of a roofing crane will greatly facilitate the work. This equipment will save time and effort during the construction of the mansard roof.

A roofing crane, being a small-sized representative of lifting mechanisms, will greatly facilitate the process of building an attic

It should be noted that the equipment used in the construction of the attic must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003–74. This standard sets General requirements safety to the structures of production equipment:

  • special equipment used for melting bituminous materials must be equipped with thermal sensors and an exhaust pipe;
  • equipment designed to dry the base for rolled welded materials must be equipped with a special protective screen;
  • the process of refueling the fuel tanks of the equipment used must be mechanized.

The following tools are required for the installation of a mansard roof roofing pie:

  1. Yardstick.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Axe.
  4. Sharp knife.
  5. Construction stapler with staples.
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Plumb.
  8. Graphite pencil.
  9. Cord.
  10. Metal scissors.
  11. Wire cutters.
  12. Drill with drills of different diameters.
  13. Screwdriver.
  14. Plane.
  15. Calculator.

Mansard roof sheathing

The lathing of the mansard roof is not much different from its counterparts in other structures. This element of the truss system performs the following functions:

  • evenly redistributes and transfers the weight of the roofing to the truss frame;
  • additionally strengthens the frame of the truss system;
  • is the basis for the installation of roofing.

For different types of roofing materials, the crate is made single-layer, two-layer or solid.

  1. For sheet roofing (metal tiles, slate, ondulin), a single-layer or two-layer crate is made from slats stuffed perpendicular to the rafter legs at a distance of 15 to 50 cm from each other. For lathing, sawn timber of the first and second grade is used.. They contain fewer knots and burrs.
  2. If it is planned to cover the attic roof with soft roll material, a continuous crate is used. To do this, use OSB-plates or thick plywood.

Depending on the type of roofing material, different methods of framing are chosen.

It should be noted that all wooden elements of the frame system must first be treated with an antiseptic.

An important role is played by the degree of moisture content of the wood, which is used as a crate. To determine the moisture content of the material, a special device is used - a moisture meter.

With the help of a moisture meter, you can accurately determine the degree of moisture content of wood

According to the degree of humidity, wood is divided into several types: wet, freshly cut, room-dry, air-dry, absolutely dry.

  1. Wet wood is considered if it has been in direct contact with water for a long time. In this case, the moisture meter readings will be about 100%.
  2. Freshly cut wood is wood with a moisture content between 50 and 100%.
  3. Room-dry wood is wood that has been stored in a heated room for a long time. When examining it, the moisture meter will show from 9 to 13%.
  4. Air-dry wood is wood that has been stored for a long time in a ventilated place or on fresh air. Its humidity ranges from 10 to 18%.
  5. Absolutely dry wood has a moisture index, zero. It is possible to remove all moisture from the material only with the help of special equipment.

The moisture content of wood used for lathing and other frame elements of the truss system should not exceed 18%.

Video: installation of the crate under the corrugated board

Step-by-step instructions for building a mansard roof

When building an attic room, it is extremely important to choose high-quality wood and correctly install all elements of the truss system. This is because roof structure is the basis for the installation of a roofing pie.

If you do not have experience in construction and engineering, then it is better to entrust the installation and manufacture of the truss system to specialists.

The main stages of the installation of the mansard roof

The construction of a mansard roof can be divided into several stages:

  1. Wood preparation. For the manufacture of a mansard-type roof frame, an important role is played not only by the moisture content of the wood, but also by its grade. For this purpose, it is better to use bars from conifers of the first or second grade. It is dangerous to build a frame of a truss system from wet wood, since when it dries, the timber can be deformed, which will violate the geometric correctness of the structure. To prevent this from happening, the prepared bars must be dried in a ventilated room or under a canopy for several months.

    During drying, gaps are left between the bars for ventilation and moisture release.

  2. Rack installation. Vertical racks in the design of the attic define the boundaries of the room. It should be noted that these frame elements must be installed at a distance of no more than 2 meters from each other. In order for the bars to be located strictly perpendicular, it is necessary to use a plumb line and a building level. Wooden struts and metal corners will help fix the racks in a vertical position. For this frame element, it is convenient to use bars with a section of 100x100 mm. In the future, both sides of the vertical racks will be covered with finishing materials. The basis for finishing will be sheets of drywall, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, OSB-plates.

    Attic racks will be fixed in a perpendicular position if you use struts, corners and temporary stops

  3. Installing the top cover. It can also be made from a 100x100 timber. Metal staples, corners and nails are used as connecting elements.

    The upper bars additionally strengthen the entire structure of the mansard roof and form the ceiling frame

  4. Mauerlat installation. Mauerlat is the base of the mansard roof truss system. For this roof element, it is necessary to use a thicker beam, for example, with a section of 150x150 mm. It is installed on the upper ends of the walls. If the building is made of logs or timber, then the Mauerlat is not used, and the rafter legs rest on the upper crown. If the Mauerlat is installed on a brick or stone wall, then it must be isolated from moisture.. To do this, use a roofing material laid in two layers.

    Mauerlat fastening to concrete wall made with the help of studs immured into it at the stage of pouring the armored belt

  5. Fabrication of the frame of the truss system. For the manufacture of rafter legs, it is necessary to use a bar with a section of 100 by 50 mm. Before installing these frame elements, markup must be done. The distance between the rafters should be no more than 100–120 cm. First of all, the rafter legs are installed, located along the gables. Then the top points of the gables are connected with a cord, which will play the role of a guide for the rest of the rafters. The frame of the truss system is connected at the top with a ridge beam. It is advisable to use it if the length of the roof exceeds 7 m. If this size is smaller, then the upper part of the rafters is fixed with stretch marks. After installing all of the specified elements, the crate is mounted.

    The frame of the mansard roof consists of roof trusses connected by a ridge beam in the upper part.

  6. Installation of a roofing pie. When the crate is prepared for the appropriate roofing material, you can proceed with waterproofing, vapor barrier, installation of insulation and roofing. When installing a roofing pie, an important point will be to observe the order of its layers. Incorrect arrangement of the layers of the roofing cake will lead to damage to the insulation, moisture concentration inside the wooden frame and the formation of a humid microclimate inside the attic.

    The roofing pie of the mansard roof consists of several layers of insulating materials laid in a strictly defined order.

Video: how to make a mansard roof

Mansard roof repair

The owners of mansard roofs quite often encounter defects in the roofing, wear of the finishing material, as well as smudges, freezing and cold.

There are two ways to accurately diagnose roof damage:

  1. Disassemble the parts of the roofing cake to reveal the incorrect laying of its layers.
  2. Use special equipment - a thermal imager. This device will help visually identify cold bridges.

The most common cause of damage to the roof in the attic is the wrong order of laying the layers of the roofing cake.

  1. A common mistake is to install waterproofing instead of a vapor barrier and vice versa. This leads to the fact that moisture, accumulating behind the waterproofing layer, will be absorbed into the insulation. Thermal insulation quickly loses its qualities and becomes unusable.

    If instead vapor barrier film lay waterproofing, the insulation will get wet and quickly fail

  2. If the rafter system does not provide a ventilation gap between the roofing material and the waterproofing layer, then there will be no way out for moisture. In this case, wet fumes will begin to be absorbed into the wood of the frame structure. This will lead to the fact that the wooden elements of the truss system will quickly rot.

    In the absence of a ventilation gap, moisture will not be removed from the under-roof space and will quickly destroy the wooden elements of the truss frame

  3. The attic can leak if overlaps are incorrectly made in the vapor barrier and waterproofing film. This will provide moisture access to the insulation.
  4. For uneven placement insulation materials in the design of the roofing cake will form cavities. With the onset of winter, cold air and moisture evaporated from the room will accumulate in these areas. This will create ideal conditions for surface icing.

The easiest way to eliminate small defects in the roofing. Repair in this case consists in replacing damaged elements. To do this, it will be necessary to disassemble part of the roof in order to provide access to the necessary fasteners, dismantle the failed coating and lay new material in its place.

If the cause of the leaks lies in the internal structure of the roofing pie, then it will have to be completely or partially disassembled until the damaged layer is reached. At the same time, it is necessary to inspect in detail all the available elements of the roof frame, treat the wooden structures with an antiseptic, replace the failed coating and check the tightness of the joints and overlaps of all insulating layers.

Video: house roof repair - attic

Having dealt with the manufacture of the structure of the truss system, the composition and sequence of installation of the roofing pie, you can build a mansard roof of the house with your own hands.