Russia is ruled by a homosexual lobby. Blue Kremlin Gref and Volodin are not blue

In fact, the finest hour of gays that allowed them to reach the pinnacle of power took place after the collapse of the USSR. As you know, in the USSR, not only ‘‘ there was no sex ’, but homosexual relations were also punishable. By the Criminal Code. However, the ‘new Russia’ ’showed tolerance and gay relations were decriminalized. And this was the first step towards the Kremlin.

In 1994, there was a scandal - the deputy head of the press service of the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Belenkov, fell out of the window. He survived. It would seem, so what? “Falling out of the window” is a fairly common way to kill politicians, but in this case it turned out to be much more prosaic. A high-ranking official hosted a gay party and simply overdid it in extreme orgies with his partners. The presidential security service, led by Korzhakov, close to Yeltsin, soon found out that the presidential administration turned out to be a hotbed of gays - at least 15 high-ranking officials preferred their own sex to the opposite sex. The gay government turned out to be up to 20%.

If anyone thinks that under Putin, gays were cleaned out, then.

The interregional movement Unity, created specifically for Prime Minister Putin with the aim of bringing him to the presidency, had a strong gay lobby. The head of this lobby was MP Vladislav Reznik, then also the deputy head of Unity. Gays and I. Dinesa (member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, head of the State Duma's expert council on lotteries and gambling business), V. Golovleva (member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes), A. Wulfa (member of the State Duma Committee on Information politics), V. Semenov (Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture and Tourism), A. Barannikova (member of the State Duma Committee on Legislation), V. Kopteva-Dvornikova (Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Property)

Needless to say, this citizen is still in United Russia and is a prominent member of the ruling party?

The gray cardinal of the Kremlin - Vladislav Surkov (real name - Aslanbek Dudayev), although he is not openly gay, but the pro-Kremlin youth movements created by him are ‘Nashi’ and ‘Young Russia’ ’

Enjoy the parties of young Russia activists - ‘strong male friendship’ ’. And this is only a small part of the photos (the rest can be seen at the link)

And here Surkov stands with his beloved boy - this activist of the pro-Putin movement and a gay part-time, according to rumors, is especially loved by Surkov-Dudaev.

Vasily Yakemenko - Surkov's friend, leader of the Nashi movement (already disbanded) and the head of the also liquidated agency for youth affairs also does not shy away from boys, but he also loves girls, i.e. is bisexual. The customs on the Seligers, the gatherings of these movements, would also make Europe tolerant

In the summer we went to Seliger, tens of thousands of children from all over Russia are brought there. And I had long hair, T-shirts like that, in general - you can see it from a kilometer away. It so happened that I was the only one for several thousand people. They even came to see me. Some bogies rolled up who tried to convince me: they say, it's so wrong. But our guys drove them with sticks.

This is said by Ruslan Savolainen, an activist of the pro-Kremlin movement close to Yakemenko.

Be gay and walk with your head held high - Our movement will provide you

And when I last came to Seliger, there were already two guys - a couple who lived openly together. Then a small community was organized among the lesbians, and one of my classmates just came out there.

And the higher authority does not mind

Yakemenko once expressed himself in the spirit of Putin that, they say, I’m not against it, only that demography is suffering. (I saw Putin and Medvedev and greeted them by the hand.)

Those. You can fight boys, but the necessary minimum is to make a child, be kind. And then with the boys, you can.

It is worth noting that our gays are in power - this maxim is strictly followed: Yakemenko has two children, Surkov has three.

The myth that gay men supposedly do not marry and have no children should be smashed. In societies that have a negative attitude towards gays, the latter have to mimic the norm, that's all.

Yakemenko, by the way, also took part in a very unambiguous

It must be said that even after Surkov's departure, the AP did not become more traditional. The next first deputy heads of the Presidential Administration, Volodin and Kiriyenko, are rumored to be also gay. Nikolay Alekseev, the organizer of the gay pride parade in Moscow, passed Volodin

V. Romensky - [...] in the ruling elite there are many rumors that there are also many people with non-traditional sexual orientation.
T. Olevsky - Why don't they support you?
N. Alekseev - Do you want me to name them?
V. Romensky - Yes, of course. Come on, name it.
N. Alekseev - Do you want me to name them? I’ll name them on the air.
V. Romensky - Come on.
N. Alekseev - Deputy Head of the Administration of President Putin Volodin is a person of homosexual orientation. The head of Sberbank of Russia, Gref, is a face of homosexual orientation. The head of Sheremetyevo airport is a person of homosexual orientation. And still you have to continue further?
T. Olevsky - Enough. Why don't they support you, why didn't they protect you?
N. Alekseev - But they don't need it. They have all the rights

This statement provoked a corresponding reaction - the news was published by Alekseev with the US State Department, who allegedly paid him money for ‘compromising evidence’ ’on Kremlin officials. Then, that the State Department letter was replete with gross spelling errors

In general, the sediment remained. As for Kiriyenko, he allegedly appeared in a fight in the gay club Chameleon (Moscow) back in 1998.

Blue mafia.

An inquisitive reader will ask - well, they are gay, so what? Sexual Orientation in the state. management is not so important, the main thing is professionalism. The problem here is that these persons are also criminals.

The same Volodin, when he worked in the Ayatskov government in the Saratov region, introduced the practice of 5% kickbacks, which he received personally from businessmen, officials, the budget, etc. Without these kickbacks, it was impossible to conduct any economic activity in the region. This is how the scheme was described by journalists.

By conspiracy with the head of the city of Saratov O.V. Grishchenko his assistant Andrey Krasnov - collected money from persons obliged to do kickbacks at Volodin's request. These amounts are in the Saratov region in the range of 200-250 mil. rub. monthly RUB 65 million of this amount Krasnov monthly delivers Volodin to Moscow and gave them to him in cash, the rest of the amount remained with Grishchenko, some went to other leaders of the region and the city. This continued for a long time, when Ayatskov and then Ipatov were governors. But later, Ipatov began to oppose this method of siphoning money from the regional budget. On this basis, conflicts began between Ipatov and Volodin, which ended with Ipatov being forced to resign, and Volodin prolapsed the appointment of his homosexual partner Valery Radaev to the post of governor of the region, who regularly transfers the indicated monetary kickbacks from the region to Volodin to this day.

Kiriyenko also introduced a system of kickbacks and theft in the Rosatom headed by him (before he came to the Presidential Administration).

- And here I stole 100 million

Weak guy, where do you go to my Dagestani billions

Thus, 26 million rubles were stolen through the subsidiary of Rosatom, OKB Gidropress. The design work of the elements of the NPP was planned.

OR 100 million spent on the purchase of hand manipulators for nuclear waste storage. The money was also stolen.

As a result, Kiriyenko's deputy, Evgeny Evstratov, was taken into custody. He stole almost 50 million rubles, issued for fictitious research projects on nuclear safety.

Kiriyenko does not shy away from nepotism: the head of Rosatom's asset protection department, S.V. Bratanov, the former head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, who is married to Sergei Kirienko's cousin. His deputy is also from Nizhny. Needless to say that Kirienko is from Nizhny Novgorod?

The aforementioned Yakemenko is a member of the Lyubertsy criminal group, according to

He was also associated with an organized criminal group from Naberezhnye Chelny through Akbars LLP, which he co-founded with the mafiosi from Tatarstan - Adygan Salyakhov, Alexander Vlasov, Nail Nuriakhmetov, Rosil Rakhmatullin and Yuri Eremenko. Yakemenko owned 18.69% of Akbars.

As a result, all the co-founders of Akbars LLP, except for Yakemenko himself, were found guilty of criminal offenses.

“I am deeply impressed by the presence in the Russian government in the rank of minister of a man named Yakemenko. More than twenty years ago I knew him as one of the active members of the Lyubertsy group, ”General Ovchinsky said.

Konstantin Eduardovich Dobrynin is a Russian political and public figure, from March 2012 to September 2015 a member of the Federation Council of the FS from the Arkhangelsk region. Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.

The citizen said that it would be nice to reduce social aggression towards gays.

From curriculum vitae

From 2001 to 2004, he worked as Deputy Director and Acting Head of the Legal Department of Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC. Took part in a dispute between Basic Element and Ilim Pulp Enterprise. For a long time he worked in the pulp and paper industry.

The company was founded in 1992 under the name of Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC. Among the co-founders of CJSC Finzell, which established CJSC Ilim Pulp Enterprise, in addition to Zakhar Davidovich Smushkin and the Zingarevich brothers, was Dmitry A. Medvedev, the third President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, Medvedev owned 50% in Finzell CJSC, and 20% in Ilim Pulp Enterprise.

Interesting, isn't it? Gay lobbyists have business partnerships with senior officials of the Russian Federation.

By the way, in an interview with Radio Svoboda, Dobrynin rejects all attempts of the journalist to somehow `` discredit '' the Federation Council, he also said that he respects Chairman Matvienko very much, and indeed, he did not experience any problems with his opposition in the Federation Council and found a common language '' with the senators.

This caused a lot of jokes in various media and a wide discussion on the network whether the first deputy head of the presidential administration could in fact be homosexual.

On November 18, the website of the Izvestia newspaper published an article entitled “LGBT activists are used to discredit Russian officials”. In the text, the authors recall a story more than six months ago, when public figure Nikolai Alekseev said on the air of the Echo of Moscow radio station that a number of high-ranking officials in Russia were secret homosexuals. Alekseev personally mentioned the first deputy head of the presidential administration Vyacheslav Volodin, the head of Sberbank German Gref and the head of the Sheremetyevo airport Mikhail Vasilenko. Now Izvestia has collected the opinions of political scientists about why this statement was made.

Referring to the correspondence between Nikolai Alekseev and representatives of the US State Department, allegedly laid out by "hackers", the newspaper claims that in this way representatives of the LGBT community are trying to discredit Russian officials at the request of the State Department. The day before, on November 17, in the same Izvestia it appeared about the financing of the LGBT movement from abroad and the alleged correspondence, which the representatives of the US Embassy in Moscow had already called a fake and that it was fake.

Sergei Chernyakhovsky, represented by the political scientist, calls Vyacheslav Volodin an "interesting politician" and explains why 7 months ago he was called gay.

“People who work in those areas that were far from being in the best condition before, and now bring effective results, are under attack. For example, Vyacheslav Volodin is credited with successfully suppressing the attempt at a white-ribbon coup and rebellion in 2011-2012, increasing the responsibility of local authorities. "

Another political scientist, Sergei Markov, explains Alekseev's words by the need to “work off” grants.

“The surest way is to make such a stuffing, since no evidence is needed to accuse non-traditional sexual orientation. After that, the politician finds himself in an uncomfortable situation, all the ways to prove the opposite will look like an attempt to justify himself, and silence can also be interpreted not in favor of the activist. "

Dozens of journalists and thousands of social media users drew attention to the article. First of all, an attempt to answer Alekseev's accusations after more than six months looks strange. It is also not entirely clear why it was necessary to involve political scientists at all, and why not ask Volodin and Gref themselves about their sexual orientation.

Echo of Moscow host Alexander Plyushchev (by analogy with the mandatory media mention that an organization like Islamic State or Right Sector is banned in Russia) believes that it is possible to introduce a clause about that this or that civil servant is not homosexual.

“We came up with the idea of ​​adding the obligatory“ Not gay ”clause to the bureaucratic position. Let's say, "the vice-premier of the government is such and such, not gay." Or "a high-ranking official of the Presidential Administration, not gay," Plyushchev wrote on his blog.

Many saw in the publication of Izvestia the initiative of Vyacheslav Volodin himself, who, for some reason, in this way has now decided to remove himself from suspicions of homosexuality. Publisher of the Meduza website Ilya Krasilshchik proposed this version on your Facebook page.

“Great text. Volodin reports through the Izvestia newspaper that they call him gay, but he actually did a lot of good for the country. "

On Twitter, the Izvestia article became a real hit. One of the most popular versions: Vyacheslav Volodin thus admitted that he really is homosexual, since there was no actual reason for the publication, and the assumption that he is gay is not directly refuted anywhere.

The Anti-Terror Union and the Working Group on Combating Corruption in the Highest Echelons of Power informs the President of the Russian Federation that the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation V.V. for about 20 years, abusing his official position and exceeding power in the territory of the Saratov region, where he previously served as the first deputy governor of the Saratov region, then other public positions, including the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, organized and leads an organized criminal community. This criminal organization, mainly consisting of various officials of the city of Saratov and the region, inclined to non-traditional sexual orientation (homosexuals, one of whose leaders in Russia is recognized - Volodin V.V.). As part of this criminal organization, Volodin involved the leaders of the region and the city, including officials of law enforcement agencies. Over the years, under the influence of Volodin, this group has committed numerous episodes of embezzlement of billions of dollars of budget funds, through abuse of office, embezzlement and embezzlement, constantly engaged in raider and bandit seizures of companies, real estate, land of various legal entities and individuals, tax evasion, kidnapping people, contract killings of citizens and officials who are trying to counteract the criminal activities of this criminal community. This group, on the initiative of Volodin, organized collective orgies of homosexuals in the places designated for these purposes by Volodin, using young children and even babies from orphanages for their comfort. The customer of numerous abductions, murders, and attempted murders, as a rule, was V.V. Volodin himself, including the murder of the Saratov region prosecutor Grigoriev on February 13, 2008, when the latter, at one of the gatherings of this criminal organization, refused to cover further criminal the activities of Volodin and his participants and left this gathering, thereby signing his own death warrant.

The Anti-Terror Union and the Working Group on Combating Corruption in the Highest Echelons of Power Having analyzed the criminal activities of this corrupt criminal octopus of powerful persons and their intentions, having studied the materials of numerous checks, materials of criminal cases initiated by various law enforcement agencies, materials published in the media and on the Internet in recently, I came to the conclusion that this criminal organization, under the leadership of V.V. Volodin, is a threat to the national security of the country, which can at any time cause a social explosion in Saratov and the region. This group has large capitals in the form of real estate, land, money both on the territory of Russia and abroad, and being in criminal ties with a terrorist criminal organization - the "Z" group, which was previously engaged in the withdrawal of capital from Russia, and associated with corruption ties with the group of M. Prokhorov, who is an active member of the "Z" group, as well as corruption ties with criminal groups of the former Russian Defense Minister A. Serdyukov, the Minister of Agriculture E. Skrynnik, M. Sh. Shaimiev, and other corrupt officials of the country such as the dismissed Surkov , associated with the main Freemasons of Russia Volodin and Primakov, poses a danger to stability in the country due to the intensification of criminal activity at this stage, which has led to numerous corruption processes.

Currently, this criminal community, carrying out its criminal activities in many regions of the country, through its representatives is trying to discredit the President of the Russian Federation, spreading rumors about the involvement of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. to the homosexual community Volodina V.V. and the corruption scandals of the upper echelons of power. At the same time, they use Putin's divorce as the basis of their arguments, with the aim of a subsequent call for the overthrow of Putin V.V. and the occupation of this position by V.V. Volodin. The activities of this organization under the leadership of V.V. Volodin, if not stopped in time, can at any time be used by extremist elements to provoke a social explosion, both in the country as a whole and in its individual regions, threatening the national security of the Russian Federation and overthrowing the government in Russia, which the American hawks have been striving for recently, led by a world secret government.

The specific criminal activities of the criminal community headed by V.V. Volodin, in individual episodes, are as follows:

1.Volodin V.V. since 1996, when he was still acting as the first deputy of the Saratov region under the governor Ayatskov and oversaw the economic block, the regional budget and personnel policy, out of selfish motives, he started the vicious practice of collecting kickbacks from officials, any industries to whom budget funds were allocated. Using his powers of authority, he established the practice of transferring to him 5% of the allocated budgetary amounts. This practice stuck with him and, after he went to work in Moscow as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and then in the Government and the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, since he remained the regional curator from the center. This demand was based on the fact that it was he who lobbied for the allocation of budget funds for the region and, therefore, the amount of allocated funds depended on him. This operation took place as follows. By conspiracy with the head of the city of Saratov O.V. Grishchenko his assistant Andrey Krasnov - collected money from persons obliged to do kickbacks at Volodin's request. These amounts are in the Saratov region in the range of 200-250 mil. rub. monthly RUB 65 million of this amount Krasnov monthly delivers Volodin to Moscow and gave them to him in cash, the rest of the amount remained with Grishchenko, some went to other leaders of the region and the city. This continued for a long time, when Ayatskov and then Ipatov were governors. But later, Ipatov began to oppose this method of siphoning money from the regional budget. On this basis, conflicts began between Ipatov and Volodin, which ended with Ipatov being forced to resign, and Volodin prolapsed the appointment of his homosexual partner Valery Radaev to the post of governor of the region, who regularly transfers the indicated monetary kickbacks from the region to Volodin to this day.

The second way to receive money through the same Andrey Krasnov, he was also the illegal head of the land committee, in conspiracy with Grishchenko and Volodin, he sold land under fake documents, where land prices were significantly lower than the actual sale. In this way, there was a departure from normal taxation. Krasnov transferred the money received from these transactions to Grishchenko and Volodin. As a result of similar thefts and extortions, the city and the region were mired in debt. The debts of the Saratov region during the reign of Grishchenko increased 10 times and now amounts to 42 billion rubles, at a time when the entire budget of the region is 52 billion rubles, that is, the region is on the verge of bankruptcy. For 7 years of reign O. V. Grishchenko the head of the city of Saratov, as Volodin's protege, his team under the auspices of Volodin stole from the country's budget at least 35 billion rubles, 10 billion rubles. went directly to Volodin. It should be noted that at the same time, the personal capital of Volodin and Grishchenko increased significantly. They have accumulated significant sums, which Volodin keep on the accounts of the Vneshtorgbank branch in Berlin in the amount of 7 billion dollars. USA and other bank accounts in Italy and Germany. Volodin, together with Sliska, are the owners of a controlling stake in this branch of the bank in Berlin. In addition, on the azure coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Volodin has real estate in the form of a separate villa. Near the villa of Volodin are the villas of Ayatsky and the Jew Roman Pipiy, friend and partner of Volodin, who is an active member of the 5th column. There, on the Cote d'Azur, is the castle of the head of the city of Saratov, Grishchenko OV, on which the police have numerous materials about the theft of budget funds, but neither the regional prosecutor Grigoriev and the head of the Arenin regional police department did not take any measures to hide these facts from the investigation under pressure from Volodin. These law enforcement officials are practically under the control of Volodin's security service. This security service, disguised as Volodin's personal protection, is an armed gang, consisting of 20-25 people, designed to commit any illegal actions on the orders of Volodin. It was created a few years ago, when Volodin became a co-owner of a group of companies called "Buket" and for the safety of the company organized this armed unit, which committed various actions, including contract killings, which is clearly evidenced by the murder of Saratov Region Prosecutor Grigoriev, murder FSB officer Yakimov and a dozen other persons who tried to tell the public something about Volodin's activities and his crimes. The public of the city and the region, numerous publications in the media, speeches at rallies, meetings, testifies to public outrage at the lawlessness and corruption committed by Volodin and his team, but they cannot do anything, since Volodin's armed guards (gang) can destroy anyone at any time, who will raise his voice against Volodin - the future tsar of Russia, as he openly declares in a narrow circle of his associates, hoping for an early ascent to the throne and support in this matter from friends from the West and members of the 5th column and Western agents of the "Z" group. The leadership of the "Z" group, located in the West and in Russia, has relied on Volodin and Prokhorov as an understudy, who can take over control in the country, relying on the capital that has been taken out of the country in the last 20-30 years.

On the facts of embezzlement of budgetary funds by the leadership of the city and the region, residents of the city of Saratov, including former law enforcement officers, have repeatedly sent statements to all instances and against the head of Saratov Grishchenko and other corrupt officials of the Volodin gang, but the regional law enforcement agencies are the prosecutor's office and the regional police department. and cities, following Volodin's instructions, extinguished these signals and concealed the criminal activities of the criminal organization headed by Volodin.

    In early 2002, Volodin V.V. gave an order to the Minister of Transport and Road Construction of the Saratov Region Dzhalavyan G.D. from the funds received from the state budget for the construction of roads in the region, 5% to transfer to him personally through the trusted Volodin V.V. Deputy from Mordovia V.I. Grishina , which was performed by G.D. Jalavyan. monthly for several years. Starting in 2003, Volodin will demand an increase in the rollback to 6% of the sums received for the construction of roads. In total, as Dzhalavyan GD stated during the investigation, he gave Volodin at least 50 million rubles. during 2002-2004. At the beginning of 2006, at the request of G.D. Jalavyan. a group of State Duma deputies appealed to the General Prosecutor's Office in order to verify the available information. At that time, Volodin had funds and property in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles found. this body was directly under the control of Volodin himself. Instead of objectively checking Dzhalavyan's statement, at Volodin's direction, the police received a strict order for the waste of budgetary funds, to bring the applicant to criminal responsibility. Jalavyan G. D. was prosecuted and sentenced to a long term in prison.

    A similar fate befell the former mayor of the city of Saratov, Aksenenko Yu.N., who did not agree to give Volodin money and steal it from the city's budgetary funds. Volodin demanded that Aksenenko voluntarily resign and give up his place as mayor to OV Grishchenko, a member of the criminal organization, who was Volodin's partner in homosexual orgies. But Aksenenko avoided voluntary resignation, after which Volodin organized a forceful influence on Aksenenko. In August 2005, at Volodin's command, a group of armed men from Volodin's armed guards, armed with pistols, dressed in black uniforms and masks under the command of Grishchenko, attacked Aksenenko's house and demanded to write a letter of resignation. He refused, after which, after conducting a search and seizing 800 thousand rubles. money and other valuables from the house, Aksenenko was kidnapped and forcibly taken to the forest, In the forest, armed men put him in front of a dug grave and, threatening to kill him, demonstrating his weapon, demanded to write a letter of resignation, in case of refusal, they threatened to kill him. After threats, beatings and repeated offers from Grishchenko to write this statement, Aksenenko was forced to write such a statement and resign. Having received a letter of resignation, Grishchenko was appointed to the post of the head of the city of Saratov and served it for about 7 years, committing various crimes, under the guise of Volodin. Moreover, since Aksenenko expressed disagreement and tried to uncover his illegal arrest, abduction and robbery on the part of Volodin and Grishchenko, Volodin, anticipating his actions, gave a command to law enforcement agencies and opened a criminal case against Aksenenko, after which , he was arrested and later convicted and served a sentence of 4 years in prison.

    Under similar circumstances, at the direction of Volodin The.The. was brought to criminal responsibility and the mayor of the city of Engels M. Lysenko. Lysenko, as a former crime boss with the patronage of Volodin, was previously appointed head of Engels. Even earlier, Volodin, together with Lysenko, seized the Seeds of Elita company and through it, with the participation of Skrynik, billions of budget funds were stolen. Through this company, transactions were made for the sale of seeds to Japan. When a criminal case was initiated against the Skrynik company and a shortage in the amount of 39 billion rubles was revealed. she asked Volodin to repay the indicated amount. Volodin, in turn, began to demand from Lysenko to transfer the Semyon Elita company to Skrynik so that she could pay off the shortage. Lysenko refused to comply with Volodin's demand. In response, Volodin gave the command to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Region, Arenin Sergei, to initiate a criminal case against Lysenko and arrest Lysenko. Lysenko was arrested and is still in custody. The police are conducting a criminal case against him.

  1. 03/22/2005, the specified criminal organization under the direct leadership of the head of the city of Saratov O.V. Grishchenko. and his assistant. Former FSB officer A.S. Zadumina - active members of the criminal community at the direction of V.V. Volodin, who allocated funds for these purposes with the use of officers of the security forces of the leadership of the Saratov Internal Affairs Directorate (OMON), about 50 people carried out a bandit seizure of a 9-storey building with an extension located on the street ... Moscow house 55 in the city of Saratov, owned by OOO PSF Saratovmeliovodstroy worth 500 million rubles. owned by businessman V.Ya. Kainov, who owns 67.7% of the shares of this company, which is part of Saratovvodostroy LLC, where Kainov is the sole owner.

Subsequently, during the trials, the disputed building with annexes was arrested by the court. Despite this, Volodin, showing particular cynicism towards court decisions and disregard for the rights of citizens, abusing his powers, gave orders to the head of the city of Saratov, O.V. Grishchenko. and his assistant A.S. Zadumin. sell the captured building in parts for 500 million rubles. and draw up a transaction according to the documents 40 times cheaper, that is, for 11 million rubles, which the latter did. The funds received as a result of this transaction were divided by the members of the criminal community among themselves, thus evading taxes in the amount of at least 65 million rubles. and stealing an additional 12 million 119 thousand rubles from the accounts of the society they seized.

According to numerous claims of the victim Kainov for 7 years, the arbitration court of the Saratov region and higher arbitration courts, including the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, recognized the illegality of the bandit seizure of the said building by the Grishchenko group and ordered the return of the property to the rightful owner. However, to date, at Volodin's direction, the building and the stolen funds have not been returned to the rightful owner, contrary to the decisions of the courts. Moreover, during the trials and before them, at Volodin's instructions, the victim received repeated threats to abandon this building, and when Krainov did not refuse, Volodin organized three assassination attempts against him. According to one of the attempts, Volodin's chief of security, FSB officer Yakimov D., knowing about the order for the murder of Kainov from Volodin, warned Kainov about the time and place of the alleged murder, which allowed Kainov to hide and the murder did not take place. Volodin learned that his subordinate FSB officer D. Yakimov warned Kainov about his murder, gave an order to his killer to kill Yakimov himself, and that, in the presence of many people, several days later, demonstratively shot Yakimov. This murder of Yakimov was committed publicly at 11 o'clock in the afternoon at the direction of Volodin in the presence of members of his criminal group Zadumin and Krasnov, who drove the killer to the scene of the crime. Yakimov at that time was with the guard and when the killer approached them, he took out a pistol and warned the guard not to twitch, he was not interested in him and fired a shot in the head of Yakimov and began to leave. Yakimov's guard tried to get his pistol, but the killer warned him not to do this, the killer shot the guard in the stomach and said, “Live for now, but if you say something, we will find and kill wherever he is!”. On the fact of the murder of Yakimov, by Volodin's order, the law enforcement agencies of the city of Saratov brought another innocent citizen to justice on Volodin's instructions, which they did. The true killer of Yakimov remains at large to this day, although Kainov pointed out this fact more than once, indicated witnesses and eyewitnesses to this murder in his statements to the heads of law enforcement agencies in Saratov and the country.

Despite the fact that the above crimes on the seizure of Kainov's property and the murder of Yakimov were obvious and committed in the presence of numerous witnesses and were confirmed by the materials of the prosecutor's check, the criminal case, despite the instructions of the prosecutors of the city of Saratov and the region, on the fact of the seizure of the building and the theft of money and not excited to date. Volodin V.V. gave instructions that a member of the criminal community he created, the head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Saratov Region, General Arenin, not to initiate a criminal case, which he does. In the course of the prosecutor's check on these materials, it turned out that those interested in concealing the participation of V.V. Volodin In this operation and the gangster seizure of the building, officials (Governor of the Saratov Region V.A. Radaev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation N.V. Pankov and Deputy of the Regional Duma V.P. Sinichkin and others, 6 people in total), asked the victim V.A.Kainov. I AM. so that he does not name Volodin as the organizer and leader of the bandit seizure of his building and the murder of Yakimov.

    In January 2008, when the scandal surrounding the seizure of the Kainov building was gaining momentum due to the activity of the latter, Volodin convened a meeting of his criminal group and invited the regional prosecutor Grigoriev and the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Arenin to this shooter in order to get them to extinguish this scandal. However, Grigoriev did not listen to Volodin and left this gathering. Unhappy with the actions of Grigoriev, who refused to fulfill the illegal demands of Volodin, the latter decided to kill Grigoriev. For this, he, together with Grishchenko and the director of the Saratov meat-packing plant, Belostropov, developed a plan for the murder of Grigoriev. Belostropov at that time was dissatisfied with the actions of Grigoriev, since he initiated a criminal case on the theft of 2 billion rubles by Belostropov together with Volodin. from the meat-packing plant and brought this enterprise to bankruptcy. During the investigation, in order to hide the traces of the crime, on the recommendation of Volodin, Belostropov organized an arson attack on the meat processing plant.

Having developed a plan to assassinate prosecutor Grigoriev, Volodin to organize and search for a killer to kill Grigoriev entered into an agreement with the former State Duma deputy from Mordovia Korgunov ON, promising to facilitate his appointment as head of the Rosselkhozbank in Saratov and a land plot in the center of Saratov. Korgunov, fulfilling Volodin's assignment, persuaded a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Captain Marat Kozakov, to commit the murder of Grigoriev, deceiving that he should remove the well-known criminals Valka Zakhar. On February 13, 2008, Marat Kazakov committed the murder of Grigoriev by shooting him near his house in the city of Saratov. At the same time, Marat Kazakov was given a task. If he is detained, then he must point to the customer and organizer of the murder of Valka Zakhar on Maksimov, the head of Hammer and Sickle, which subsequently happened. After the murder of Grigoriev and the arrest of Maksimov and Belostropov for the theft and arson of the meat-packing plant, Volodin ordered the murder of both held in the isolation ward. to hide his participation in ordering and organizing the murder of prosecutor Grigoriev. After that, Maksimov was killed by hanging in a cell, presented as a suicide. Belostropov allegedly tried to commit suicide 6 times, but each time his attempts were unsuccessful. Volodin has not yet managed to get rid of an important witness, but he will try to do this in the near future, if he is not stopped by the highest authorities in the country. Volodin, leading the investigation through his friends in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and through the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Arenin, successfully deals with his opponents with the hands of others, bringing them to criminal responsibility, and killing some with impunity. For organizing the murder of Grigoriev, Volodin really helped and organized the transfer of the Korguns to the Rosselkhozbank bank in Saratov. In addition, Korgunov received free of charge a land plot (public square) in the city of Saratov, under the patronage of Volodin. Volodin and Korgunov are currently stealing budget funds allocated for the region's agriculture through the Rosselkhozbank. At the same time, the innocent Maksimov, at the behest of Volodin, who was framed as the customer and organizer of the murder of Grigoriev, was illegally arrested and then killed in the pre-trial detention center. The public of the city knows about these facts, but no one can do anything, because behind everything is Tsar Volodin, who wants to keep his domain in obedience and that he will say so and will, now he has already swung at the presidency of the country and together with Surkov spreads rumors about Putin and continues to go unpunished with billions stolen from the people.

    At the direction of Volodin, the head of the administration of the city of Saratov, A.L. Prokopenko. a plot of land with an area of ​​18,287 sq. m. was seized. on the Zeleny Island in the city of Saratov of the operating sports complex of the Sokol base and the Yunga yacht club. After the seizure of this land plot, the members of the criminal group, at the direction of Volodin, prepared two cadastral passports for this plot, one worth 9 million 455 thousand rubles. from 04.10.2012 and another in the amount of 168 million 341 thousand rubles. from 16.01.2013 These documents allow you to sell this piece of land to your own persons and to evade legal taxation on the transaction. On this land plot, there are 40 suspended oil wells for oil production. Each well can produce 100 oil per month. Volodin seeks to seize these resources of the subsoil, and for this he takes all measures up to threats of murder of the owners of this land plot. With the knowledge and permission of Volodin, in violation of environmental legislation, oil rigs for oil production have been installed in Saratov itself on the banks of the Volga, next to the beach where the citizens of the city rest. The installation of such oil wells and derricks on the territory of summer cottages and the pumping of oil was allowed by the Volodin only for those who, from his point of view, deserved persons, namely the former prosecutor of the region Bondar and the head of the FSB, who for a long time of their service in the city of Saratov closed their eyes to Volodin's atrocities and covered up his criminal activities.

    Over the past 10-15 years, V.V. Volodin, abusing his official powers and using the members of the criminal organization he created, managed to seize by seizure, forgery, fraud, several fat factories in the Saratov region, and then throughout the country. A criminal group headed by the General Director of the Solnechnye Products holding and the Buket group of companies Burova V.Yu. like-minded and classmate Volodin V.V. and other persons, by order of Volodin and under his control, seized and became the owner of dozens of companies in Saratov, Krasnodar Territory, Novosibirsk, Moscow, Armovir, Krasnoyarsk. The production of sunflower oil, mayonnaise and other more than a hundred types of food products of the Solnechnye Products holding and the Buket group of companies are practically owned by Volodin. These companies have annual profits of several million US dollars. The magazine "Finance" assessed Volodin's assets in these companies in the amount of 95 million. US dollars. According to the published income for 2009, Volodin had 359.9 million rubles, while he himself declared for 2007 only 3.16 million rubles.

To seize various companies, both in Saratov and in other cities of the country, Volodin, on the basis of the Buket company, created his own armed security service, which, on Volodin's instructions, manage all law enforcement agencies practically on the territory of the Saratov region. This armed gang, according to operational data, at the direction of Volodin, during the seizure of enterprises and the fight against the owners of these enterprises, killed 15 people, who were secretly buried near the wall of the Saratov fat plant. So, during the seizure of the Moscow fat plant, a shootout took place, in which a member of this armed guard by the name of Evgeny Upolovik was killed. At Volodin's instructions, he, like the other persons killed by this armed gang, was buried near the wall of the Saratov fat plant in order to conceal the very fact of his death. The secret burials of Volodin's victims and crimes are reliably hidden from human eyes on his own territory, where reliable guards are installed and where there is no access for unauthorized persons. The land, watered with the blood of Volodin's militants, reliably stores the atrocities of the mercenary rulers of the world, striving for unlimited power, unleashing terror against their own people.

    On August 9, 2007, while on the personal yacht "Princess", the largest yacht in the vicinity of the Saratov region, Volodin V.V. During spearfishing, he fired a shot from a harpoon and seriously wounded Anna Molodkina, the general director of Nadezhda LLC, in the stomach, causing her grievous bodily harm. This episode took place during a regular banquet organized by Volodin together with the city and regional administrations. All those present, and there were at least 20 people, were warned by Volodin about concealing this fact. When the incident became known to journalists and the newspaper Saratovskiy Rasklad published an article, on Volodin's instructions, the law enforcement agencies of the Saratov region, in violation of the law, brought innocent journalist Eduard Abrosimov to criminal liability for libel. Truth and truth in the Saratov region cannot go beyond Volodin's criminal group if Volodin himself does not want it. He turns everything obvious into darkness and lies, destroying everything light in his path.

    In November 2009, the law enforcement agencies, under pressure from the all-powerful V.V. Volodin. brought to criminal responsibility, allegedly for libel, State Duma Deputy Valery Rashkin. Rashkin, in his statements to the police, indicated 6 episodes of the criminal activities of Volodin and the criminal organization he created. At the same time, the police, under the influence of Volodin, evaded an objective verification of the indicated criminal episodes and refused to initiate a criminal case, after which Volodin forced to bring Rashkin to justice for libel. Volodin chose tactics in his activities, when he found out that someone had written a statement against him, he immediately gave an order to law enforcement agencies through his high-ranking colleagues in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the region to block this statement and initiate a criminal case against the applicant for libel. which is what the law enforcement agencies are doing. In total, according to the available information, at Volodin's instructions, 11 criminal cases were unlawfully initiated against the applicants, who tried to convey the truth to the public about the lawlessness that Volodin was doing in the region entrusted to him and other regions of the country.

    11. At the direction of Volodin, one of the entrepreneurs of OOO Grechanka, V.I. Petrovsky district of the village of Abodim, which is covered by Volodin, for illegal smuggling of alcoholic products from Gelenzhik to Saratov in huge quantities, built a recreation center for Volodin on the banks of the Medveditsa River. On the instructions of Volodin, the city administration through Grishchenko allocated budgetary funds to this base for the construction of a helipad of other buildings, the base itself. This base is listed on the Deputy of the City Duma Isaev. Volodin regularly arrives at this base by helicopter or cars with armed guards, together with homosexuals and members of the criminal community Radaev, Grishchenko, Sinichkin, Pankov, Glybochko and others, and arranges orgies and gambling games there. For entertainment and sexual pleasures, Volodin makes V.I. and the general director of the "Feed mill" Topilin V.A., also involved in the illegal smuggling of alcoholic products, to supply young children, including babies, who are taken from orphanages for an orgy. Children for sexual pleasures Volodin and his accomplices in orgies were supplied from the Petrovsky orphanage "Baby". The former head of the Petrovsky district delivered these children, including the babies Batyaykina. Infants 1-1.5 years old were used during sex orgies by inserting a penis instead of a nipple into the mouth of the child. After orgies, children were killed by drowning them in the Medveditsa River.

Through the specified feed mill, where Topilin was the head, Volodin's group also committed large-scale embezzlement of budget funds.

    A similar recreation center, where Volodin, together with his accomplices and homosexuals, organizes orgies, is located in the village of Samodurovo, Volsky district, Saratov region - Volodin's homeland. There, at the direction of Volodin, in the building of the former school, they made repairs and reconstruction, made a helipad, other structures, fenced off with a high fence and installed security and 24-hour video surveillance. Budget funds for construction passed through the budget of the city of Saratov under the control of Grishchenko in such an amount, as eyewitnesses indicate, that it would be possible to build a city for 100 thousand people. When Volodin arrived at the base with his retinue, young children were delivered there, which satisfy the owner of the Saratov region and the entire district, since he declares that he is the main one in this territory and that no Decrees of the President of Russia should act on his estate until he becomes president of all Russia.

13. Volodin's brother Evgeny Gennadievich Krasnov, fraudulently and by forgery of documents with Volodin's patronage in the bank of the city of Volsk, Saratov region, received a loan in the amount of 60 mil. rub., which he did not intend to repay. At the request of the bank, a criminal case was initiated against Krasnov. He was put on the wanted list. After some time Krasnov was detained and arrested. Volodin, having learned about this fact, sent his people to the police, who forcibly released Krasnov from custody, and then the police stopped the criminal case against Krasnov at the request of Volodin.

14. Volodin, together with Sliska and VN Titayev, Ayatsky's brother, were involved in the destruction and looting of strategic missiles in the Saratov region, and in particular missiles, which are located near the village of Svetly, Tatishchevsky district. There is the main missile shield of the country. A group of people under Volodin's control removed SS-200 missiles from 3 mines. Then they dismantled, exported and sold the equipment of these mines to Iran and other countries. The cost of equipping one mine is 1.5 billion rubles. Later, these 3 mines, where they sold equipment, blew up the mines, and the resulting metal was also sold, including abroad. This metal has proven to be harmful and charged with reactive substances that cause disease in humans. The destruction of these three silos disrupted communications with other launch sites where the missiles were on alert. For a long time, the launch sites were removed from combat duty due to their technical unpreparedness. In connection with the damage that led to a decrease in the national security of the country, a criminal case was opened and it turned out that from the sale of equipment and metal obtained from the destruction of mines, Volodin accumulated 7 billion dollars in a branch of the foreign trade bank in Berlin. USA. Despite the enormous damage caused by Volodin's actions and the country's security, the criminal case was again unjustifiably terminated.

According to rough estimates, Volodin owns assets in the form of the value of the companies where he owns, in the amount of at least $ 400 billion. USA and cash in accounts in the amount of 10 billion dollars. USA., Land, as well as real estate in Russia and abroad.

It is possible to point out hundreds more episodes of the criminal activities of Volodin and his criminal organization. For more than two decades, using his power over the people, he did a lot of evil for the Russian people, carrying out his genocide, seizing his property, using his labor, taking lives, mocking children to his pleasure, who were then killed, killing faith in justice and honesty.

To conceal his criminal activities, Volodin, managing the region practically through his protégés, liquidated all public organizations in the region that could reveal his illegal actions. Instead of these organizations, he created in the region one public organization "Public Chamber" under whose leadership he appointed his own man - Lando A.S., who is an active homosexual partner of Volodin and fulfills all his orders and extinguishes all signals about the corruption activity of his boss.

Only the President of Russia can stop this disgusting ghoul by removing him from office and conducting an investigation by the central apparatus, as was done in Dagestan in relation to the mayor of Makhachkala.

Union Anti-Terror

Dear Companions, we believe it is extremely important to tell you the following information:

Vladimir Putin Chose the Russian People and Homeland! "The Russian People are all the indigenous peoples living in the skete of Russia, in the Russian Empire, who adopted the Great Russian Culture, formed from the Great Slavic-Aryan Vedic heritage of our Many-wise Ancestors, which has always served for Development, prosperity and favorably united all the Peoples of Russia."

"The Union of Indestructible Republics of the Free was united forever by the Great RUS"!

Taking into account the appeal of V.V. Putin to the People and to all state authorities, about the danger of actions directed against the Motherland and the People of the fifth column, which, like a cancerous tumor, enveloped all levels of state power, law enforcement and judicial bodies, and public organizations throughout the territory of Russia.

In modern history, we are well aware of cases of society's unforgivable attitude towards those sad murders of Presidents: America ... and leaders of other countries ... heroically, but unfortunately tragically perished, defending the Truth and Freedom of the Peoples who elected them as leaders, and sometimes the Truth and Freedom of All Peoples living on Our planet. We must not allow such a thing in relation to those who, directly and from a pure Heart, stood up to defend their Clan, their People, and their Motherland.

We call on everyone who is firmly convinced that human life on our planet is intended for development, creation, love and prosperity: Family, Clan, People and all mankind in harmony and harmony with nature.

For more than twenty years, the colonial regime has not legally subjugated to itself not only the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the created colonies, but also all the natural resources and wealth of our Sacred Motherland, without pitiless plundering and destroying the divine significance of the ROD.

Since then, Surkov has secretly declared more than once that Volodin is his project. Having played the show, in opposition to Surkov and Volodin, in order to fulfill the anti-national plans, they broke up into two teams and continued further the execution of black deeds. Volodin's crimes are monstrous and known to the general public, but morality and conscience are completely absent from these non-humans. All actions of the public and political parties, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in an attempt to call the pedophile Volodin to criminal responsibility were stopped by two reasons: 1 dirty money that the criminal Volodin generously distributes to law enforcement agencies and persons making appropriate decisions on his crimes, 2 as well covers up the fact that he is an officer of the criminal over the colonial community of Cabinet 12.

Pedophilia and homosexuality today permeate all the corridors of the central administration of the colony and the top of regional officials. In these nonhumans, such a way of life is considered normal and privileged. All members of the Cabinet 12 cell are homosexuals and perverts, this is their terrible and unifying secret. There is no understanding of the Words: KIND, PEOPLE, MOTHERLAND, HONOR, CONSCIENCE, LIGHT, TRUTH and even more JUSTICE.

A bunch of dirty pedophiles with the help of media magic breed the Great Light Russian People and are confident that they will be able to destroy the Light Great Russia.

Meanwhile, bringing the media into the arena according to the Ukrainian scenario is the same:

Yatsenyuk, Turchinov ... = Surkov, Volodin ....

Our Motherland is the Light Great Rus, which rallied the allied republics around It


Additional deputy request of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to Prosecutor General Chaika about the capital of United Russia Volodin

"The letter [of Jlavian] is with us, and there it is written in black and white that there were kickbacks."

The communists ask the Prosecutor General's Office for the third time to check the deputy Volodin

The regional branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation distributed a copy of the additional parliamentary request General Prosecutor Yuri Chaika.

In the paper, the deputies remind that they have already twice applied to the Prosecutor General's Office with requests "to verify the legality of the acquisition by the State Duma deputy V.V. Volodin of property, estimated according to the Finance magazine in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles., As well as the possible involvement of this deputy. to financial abuse when spending budget funds allocated for road construction in the Saratov region and the construction of the 11th building of SSU ".

The signatories were not satisfied with the previous answers. The first, in their opinion, was of a "purely formal character." Now 34 deputies of the State Duma are asking the Prosecutor General to appoint an additional check and send them an answer on 10 points. In particular, MPs are interested in:

"Did the Armavirsky Oil and Fat Plant OJSC and the Novosibirsk Fat Plant OJSC during the period of the deputy V.V. with the shares of these enterprises the right to place government orders or receive soft loans under government programs? If you did, how much? "

"Does the real market value of these shares correspond to the official income of Deputy Volodin, reflected in his tax returns?"

The signatories also ask to take control of the General Prosecutor's Office of the preliminary investigation in the criminal case initiated by the regional prosecutor's office on the fact of spending budget funds during the construction of the 11th building of SSU.

Valery Rashkin: "We will ask Chaika a number of questions. He will be obliged to answer."

State Duma deputy, leader of the regional branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin gave an interview to the newspaper "Reporter". Specifically, he said:

about Jlavian's letter

“The letter is in my safe. We did not give it to the Prosecutor General on purpose. made a copy... There were cases when such letters were lost. Either there was a fire, or a flood, or just one of the investigators took an important document with him and lost it. The letter is with us, and there it is written in black and white that there were kickbacks. Surnames have been announced. There is also Jlavian's signature, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt. I firmly believe that an investigation should be carried out not on the person who published this letter or voiced it, but on the facts that were stated in it. Whether such a person took kickbacks or not. This is what should be revealed in court. And everything else is from the evil one. We'll think about how to submit the original letter for review. But they do not intend to give it away. If Jlavian says that he wrote the letter from sleepiness, from a hangover or in a state of euphoria, then let it be on his conscience. I think it will be his gross mistake if he says that he slandered Volodin. He will be seated so that the children will never see him again. And he will regret not going with the truth to the end. "

The Prosecutor General's Response to the Communists' Inquiry

“I think Chaika didn’t see this answer. It was signed by his deputy. I believe that people who protect“ United Russia ”remained at this level. But we will achieve our goal anyway. The third appeal to the Prosecutor General’s Office has already been signed by 34 State Duma deputies. We refer exactly to the answers of the Prosecutor General's Office. In fact, we show what issues they are engaged in protecting. Soon Chaika will speak at a plenary meeting on the fight against corruption. And we will ask him a number of questions. He will be obliged to answer. "

Additional deputy inquiry to Prosecutor General Chaika about the capital of United Russia Volodin

On verification of compliance with the law in the formation of large financial capital by a deputy of the State Duma

Dear Yuri Yakovlevich!

Recently, the fight against corruption in all its manifestations has acquired special significance in the country's socio-political life. When you were appointed to the post of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, you quite rightly named this problem among the main tasks of the prosecutor's office.

Through the media, more and more facts about the ownership of officials of executive bodies and deputies of various levels of large capitals in the form of shares (stocks) in enterprises are becoming public, the value of shares and assets of a joint-stock company is always an evaluative concept based on economic analysis data. Such an assessment is used not only to compile rating lists of wealthy people in prestigious media publications, but also in real civil law relations (when making transactions), as well as in judicial and arbitration practice.

In order for the First Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia to have grounds to question the estimate of the capital of Deputy Volodin published by the Finance magazine, he at least needs to have the opinion of another appraiser. Without special knowledge in this area, it is impossible to unfoundedly come to such categorical conclusions about the correctness of the assessment.

It should be noted that the fact that the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma purchases shares of enterprises at a price significantly lower than their market value must necessarily be the subject of a deep prosecutor's inspection, since this may be one of the forms of hidden bribes with the aim of subsequent “lobbying” the interests of the enterprise, placing government orders, etc. .P.

The arguments of A.E. Buksman also look superficial. that the deputy Volodin V.V. does not participate in the management of enterprises in which he has blocking stakes, and does not receive economic benefits from them in the form of dividends. Taking into account the large size and high real value of the block of shares and assets of these enterprises, the amount of the transaction for Volodin's purchase of shares must certainly be quite significant. Even the response of the Prosecutor General's Office contains an assertion that in order to acquire shares, Deputy Volodin had to part with his real estate.

Considering Volodin's rich experience in various positions in the executive branch, as well as his doctorate in law, it is absolutely impossible to assume that he would have so ineffectively disposed of his savings and real estate to acquire shares in unprofitable enterprises without any benefit to himself.

First, a blocking block of shares gives its owner a certain mechanism of influence on the management bodies of the joint-stock company - the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors and the sole executive body. This, in fact, dictated the state control over the acquisition of blocks of shares or stakes that make up more than 20% of the authorized capital of enterprises, prescribed in the antimonopoly legislation.

Secondly, the ownership of such a block of shares and the possibility of influencing the management bodies of the joint-stock company, in practice, gives a large shareholder the right to participate in the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in the form of control over a part of the supply of raw materials and the sale of finished products. It is according to these schemes of work that shareholders often receive real income from owning shares, which is completely incomparable with the officially announced dividends.

Nevertheless, all of the above circumstances remained outside the scope of the attention of the General Prosecutor's Office.

In addition, the response of the First Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia notes that when checking compliance with the procedure for spending budget funds allocated for the construction of the 11th building of the SSU, no violations were found and there are no grounds for a prosecutor's response.

However, according to the information we have, on August 14, 2006, the Saratov Region Prosecutor's Office nevertheless opened a criminal case over the embezzlement of budgetary funds in the amount of more than 1.5 million rubles during the construction of the 11th SSU building, which was "supervised" by deputy V.V. Volodin ... The grounds for initiating a criminal case were the materials of the check on the aforementioned parliamentary inquiries.

The fact that the official response of the General Prosecutor's Office to a request sent by a group of deputies appears in the media much earlier than those of its initiators also raises doubts about the objectivity and completeness of the inspection. Moreover, this answer is published in print and online publications controlled personally by Deputy V.V. Volodin or the United Russia party.

Deputy V.V. Volodin on the progress of the audit. is constantly informed by the Prosecutor General's Office with a copy of the answer to our deputy's request sent to him, which is not provided for by Article 14 of the Federal Law “On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Taking into account the above, we ask you to appoint an additional check and personally send a response to the deputies who signed this request on the following issues:

1) In what amount are the assets of OJSC “Oil and Fat Plant“ Armavir ”and OJSC“ Novosibirsk Fat Plant ”(each, respectively) assessed, which served as the basis for the receipt by Deputy V.V. permission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the purchase of shares in these enterprises?

2) Are these enterprises included in the Register of Business Entities with a market share of more than 35% for a certain product?

3) What was the real market value of the shares of each of these enterprises at the time of their acquisition by deputy V.V. Volodin?

4) Does the price of the transaction for the purchase by deputy V.V. Volodin correspond to? shares of each of these enterprises at their real market value?

5) If the purchase price of shares is understated in comparison with their market value, are there any signs of hidden bribes in these transactions?

6) Does the real market value of these shares correspond to the official income of Deputy V.V. Volodin, reflected in his tax returns?

7) Are there persons in the management bodies of Armavirsky Oil and Fat Plant OJSC and Novosibirsk Fat Plant OJSC persons affiliated with the deputy V.V. Volodin?

8) Are there any entrepreneurs or business entities affiliated with the deputy V.V. Volodin among the regular suppliers of raw materials and / or buyers of products of OJSC “Oil and Fat Plant“ Armavir ”and OJSC“ Novosibirsk Fat Plant ”? If so, what is the volume of annual deliveries and their share in the total volume of deliveries?

9) What is the reason for the lack of payment of dividends on shares of OJSC “Oil and Fat Plant“ Armavir ”and OJSC“ Novosibirsk Fat Plant ”?

10) Did OJSC "Oil and Fat Plant" Armavirskiy "and OJSC" Novosibirskiy Fat Plant "receive? with shares of these enterprises the right to place government orders or receive soft loans under government programs? If received, how much?

In addition, we ask you to take control of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the course of the preliminary investigation in the criminal case initiated by the Prosecutor's Office of the Saratov Region on the fact of the embezzlement of budgetary funds during the construction of the 11th building of the Saratov State University.

State Duma deputies

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

(signatures of 34 deputies)

from: 11/01/2013


for the President of the Russian Federation V.V. and the head of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation G.A. Zyuganov.

The Anti-Terror Union and the Working Group on Combating Corruption in the Highest Echelons of Power informs the President of the Russian Federation and the Communist Party Faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation that the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration V.V. in respect of which the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation is undergoing a prosecutor's check at the deputy request of the Communist Party faction, at the present time, through a member of the criminal community he created earlier in the Saratov region, he ordered his accomplices to urgently collect 1 billion rubles for him. Volodin intends to use these funds to transfer bribes to law enforcement officers investigating his crimes in order to obtain his acquittal on the facts presented by a group of State Duma Deputies from the Communist Party faction.

Within 2-3 days, members of the criminal community under the leadership of the Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Saratov Region Lando Alexander Solomonovich collected 1 billion rubles from businessmen and other members of the criminal community of the Saratov Region. These funds are piled into several travel bags. Lando, accompanied by a group of security guards from the security staff of the Buket company, under the control of Volodin and Burov, transported the funds in bags by train Saratov-Moscow to Moscow and handed them over to Volodin.

We believe that in the coming days Volodin will take measures to transfer the indicated funds to officials of bribes, on which the course of the investigation depends on his verification, in order to prevent an objective investigation.

We earnestly ask you to instruct the relevant authorities to take operational and investigative measures in order to: prevent the transfer of a bribe and obstacles on the part of Volodin to an objective and comprehensive prosecutor's inspection on the facts specified in the statement of the State Duma Deputies, to make a legal and reasonable decision to initiate a criminal Affairs.

At bus stops, posters "Volodin and Gref are not gays" with the slogan "Izvestia" appeared, recently reporting on attempts to discredit high officials. The attack is related to the compilation of electoral lists, experts say

Head of Sberbank German Gref and First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin (Photo: Kommersant)

The poster "Volodin and Gref are not gays" appeared on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday at a bus stop on Pyatnitskaya Street near the Novokuznetskaya metro station - his photographs were circulated on social networks. Later, information appeared about the placement of a similar poster near the Paveletskaya metro station and on Pokrovka Street. Under the words there is a signature: "We make Izvestia out of news." The poles hung for several hours, after which they were dismantled.

The slogan “We make Izvestia out of news” was used by the Izvestia newspaper in its advertising campaign. This publication is part of the National Media Group (previously controlled by Vladimir Putin's partner in the Ozero cooperative, Yuri Kovalchuk), and the newspaper is run by Newsmedia CEO Aram Gabrelyanov.

In mid-November, the newspaper published an article in which it was stated that, by order of the US State Department, LGBT activists are trying to accuse "the most effective members of the government and the presidential administration" of non-traditional sexual orientation. By them, as follows from the note, we mean the first deputy head of the Kremlin administration Vyacheslav Volodin (in charge of domestic policy), Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin (in charge of the military-industrial complex) and the head of Sberbank German Gref. As proof, the newspaper cited the correspondence of gay activist Nikolai Alekseev with a representative of the State Department - the latter allegedly gave the task to spread rumors about the gay orientation of officials.

With Gref Volodina connects work on conducting training seminars for political managers. Since 2013, the Kremlin's internal political bloc has regularly held classes for officials and politicians, mostly at the site of the Sberbank Corporate University in the Moscow Region.

The American department denied the authenticity of the correspondence with Alekseev, finding a large number of errors in the published letter (written in English). Izvestia continued to insist on the authenticity of the document.

However, the newspaper had nothing to do with the poster parodying the article. Izvestia's editor-in-chief Alexander Potapov promptly announced this on Facebook, specifying that the advertising space belongs to the operator Russ Outdoor (a large outdoor advertising operator). A representative of Russ Outdoor confirmed to RBC that the advertising space on Pyatnitskaya belongs to their company. He explains that the advertising stand was broken into by unknown persons - they somehow unlocked the lock and inserted a poster they had prepared. Russ Outdoor heard about a similar case at Paveletskaya, but was assured that this area did not belong to them.

Against Volodin

“I believe that these posters were directed against Volodin,” Gabrelyanov told RBC. In his opinion, the article in Izvestia touched the liberal wing in Russia "and now they are trying to somehow hook Volodin."

Gabrelyanov added that he had known the first deputy head of the Kremlin administration for a long time. “He has a young wife and two small children. He himself laughs at all these assumptions [that he is gay]. These methods [of discrediting] are familiar to me - everyone expects that he will begin to publicly refute, ”Gabrelyanov said.

An acquaintance of Gabrelyanov and Volodin claims that the appearance of posters in Moscow is "the result of hardware games" in the country's leadership. “One way or another, some of Volodin’s apparatus opponents had a desire to tickle his nerves,” he believes.

“Most likely, we are talking about an alliance of several groups, each of which, for one reason or another, wants to weaken the curator of the internal political block. There are both people working in the presidential administration and external forces, - suggests a political scientist, former deputy head of the presidential administration of Bashkiria, Abbas Gallyamov. - The fact that people have become personal, speaks of the degree of intensity of passions. The struggle is going on without any rules. "

Pre-election aggravation

Now the regions and the presidential administration are forming the electoral list of "United Russia" to the State Duma, and this may be the reason for the intensification of the struggle between different groups, political analyst Valery Khomyakov argues: the Kremlin wants future deputies to obey him, and the governors or representatives of the party elite want, so that they obey them. “It is obvious that this process spills out,” the expert notes.

Elections to the State Duma are scheduled for September 2016. The United Russia primaries, which will determine the party's list, will be held in May.

Interlocutors close to the Kremlin confirm that they are looking for possible voting participants in the presidential administration and in the regions on this matter. between the elites and the federal center disagreements arise. Pro-Kremlin ISEPS Foundation regularly publishes ratings of politicians with an eye to 2016. Many MPs say they already know which region they are coming from, but disputes over places on the lists continue.

Interlocutors in the leadership of one of the regions talked about disagreements over entering the lists of business representatives. On the ground, they were interested in entrepreneurs who could finance the campaign, the Kremlin did not welcome the inclusion of businessmen, the interlocutors said.

The struggle of clans in the "United Russia"

In the leadership of United Russia itself, disagreements also appeared before preparations for the Duma elections. Last week, as RBC previously reported, for the first time in a long time, Boris Gryzlov (ex-speaker of the State Duma, now a member of the Security Council) convened a meeting of the bureau of the Supreme Council - the body he heads, but which has been inactive for the past three years. The operational leadership of the party was led by the Presidium of the General Council, headed by Sergei Neverov, close to Volodin.

The relationship between Gryzlov and Volodin has always been difficult, Galliamov claims. His appearance in public space is not the most pleasant fact for a Kremlin official, he adds.

Gryzlov, convening the bureau, tried to create a working group that would select candidates for participation in the intraparty voting, said the interlocutor of RBC in United Russia, Neverov spoke out against this.

As a result, such a commission did not appear, but at the bureau of the high council following the meeting last Thursday, other working groups arose - to prepare proposals for changes in the regulations on primaries, to prepare a program for United Russia in the elections and to prepare proposals for the rotation of party cadres ...

These new party organs were headed by representatives of various elite groups. The preparation of the program is directed by Gryzlov. The working group on primaries was headed by Neverov, but it included several governors, including the head of the Moscow region (the former head of the United Russia Central Election Commission) Andrei Vorobyov - he called the current Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu his godfather in politics.

The group for the rotation of party cadres was headed by the leader of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, Vladimir Vasiliev. He was Gryzlov's deputy when he headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the early 2000s. But when he was appointed the leader of the faction in 2012, Vasiliev was considered close to Shoigu, the interlocutor of United Russia said.

For future posts

Many interlocutors associate the intensification of internal struggles and attacks on officials with possible reshuffles in the country's leadership. Usually, the internal political struggle against an attempt to use the rumor about homosexuality begins in order to prevent a representative of one of the groups from advancing further (up the career ladder), says Igor Mintusov, political strategist, chairman of the board of directors of Niccolo M.

After the 2016 State Duma elections, large-scale reshuffles are possible, predicts a source close to the Kremlin. The same thing happened in 2012 after the Duma and presidential elections - then the leadership of the State Duma changed, and many Kremlin officials moved to the government and vice versa.

Now, according to Gallyamov, the opportune moment has come to test the strength of the Kremlin's internal political bloc: Putin has completely immersed himself in foreign policy, and he has less control over the internal situation. At the same time, the socio-economic situation is deteriorating, he emphasizes.

Earlier, the publications of the hacker group "Anonymous International" testified to the struggle within the power groups. They posted documents and correspondence of Kremlin officials. According to the calculations that RBC did in the spring, most of the exposing publications concerned officials of the Kremlin's internal political bloc.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin - Speaker of the State Duma of the VII convocation, a well-known patriot-sovereign, one of the most prominent persons of the "United Russia". In the past, he was the first deputy head of the Kremlin administration, responsible for ideology and domestic policy, a State Duma deputy, head of the government apparatus, deputy prime minister and deputy governor of the Saratov region.

A noticeable resonance in society had a statement by the politician, expressed by him in 2014 in Sochi, during his speech at the Valdai discussion club, namely: “There is no Russia without Putin”. Although some critics considered his statement not so much a conscious conviction as a desire to be in a kind of trend.

The public also paid attention to his advice to study and make a reference book the collection “Words that change the world. Key quotes from Vladimir Putin ”, which was sent out by the Kremlin administration at the end of 2015 as a New Year's gift to heads of executive committees, governors, deputies and other officials (about 1,000 copies in total).

Childhood and family of Viacheslav Volodin

The future famous statesman was born on February 4, 1964 in the village of Alekseevka, at the foot of the Khvalynsk mountains, Saratov region. There, under the supervision of his grandparents, he lived with his older sister until 1968. His mother, Lidia Petrovna, who devoted her whole life to the profession of a teacher, worked as a kindergarten teacher in one of the neighboring villages, where she then took the grown children. She subsequently worked as a primary school teacher.

Later, another son was born in the family. There is no publicly available information regarding the father of the family. It is known that Volodin's brother chose the military path, and his sister became an employee of a consulting firm.

In the lower grades, Vyacheslav was a round C grade student. However, it was impossible to call him a lazy person, for example, at the age of 14, he worked all summer on a state farm as an assistant to a combine operator. Growing up, he corrected the situation with academic performance, which allowed him to successfully pass the entrance exams at the Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization.

Already in the first year, Vyacheslav Volodin showed himself as a Komsomol activist: he was involved in organizing the accommodation and life of students as a member of the trade union committee, was a member of the construction brigade movement, being the commissar of the detachment, at the age of 20 he headed the trade union committee of the institute, at the age of 21 he became a member of the CPSU.

In 1986 he graduated from the SIMSH and remained in graduate school. At this time, he simultaneously taught, wrote the scientific work "Development and substantiation of the parameters of the weighing dosing device for stem feed", which he defended in 1989 and received a Ph.D. in technical sciences.

Vyacheslav Volodin's political career

Volodin's political path goes back to 1990 - it was then that he became a member of the City Council. In 1992, he managed the affairs of the city administration, in 1993 he was the deputy rector of the Volga region personnel center (which received the status of a civil service academy in 1995), worked there as a professor, headed a department. In 1994, another career leap took place - he was nominated to the regional Duma from the Union of Reserve Officers (although he was not a serviceman).

According to some sources, academician Pyotr Glybochko, who headed the regional political council of United Russia, contributed to its promotion on an urban scale. He has long been friends with Volodin, their wives are sisters.

In 1995, the young politician graduated from the Russian Academy of Civil Service, in 1996 he received a Doctor of Laws degree and began to rapidly gain popularity and importance in the political environment due to his amazing work capacity and personal qualities. For the ability to achieve goals with the help of unpredictable actions and complex "multi-moves" he was nicknamed "Byzantine" (later, at the suggestion of Boris Gryzlov, he was also called "Saratov Chrysostom" - for his undeniable oratorical talent).

Due to the loss of understanding with Governor Ayatskov, who began to perceive Volodin as a dangerous competitor, Volodin had to leave power. He moved to the capital and went into business, at the same time participating in the organization of the Otechestvo political project under the patronage of Yuri Luzhkov. In 1999, this political force united with the All Russia movement, Volodin became its parliamentarian, and in 2001 - the head of this electoral bloc.

Two years later, after the merger of "OVR" and "Unity" into "United Russia", he, through complex political intrigues, as the media claimed at the time, became vice-speaker and first deputy head of the United Russia faction. In 2005 he was elected secretary general, in 2007 he was re-elected to the State Duma. In 2009, he took the position of head of the Department of State Construction at Moscow State University.

In 2010, a prominent United Russia member was appointed head of the Russian government's staff - Deputy Prime Minister. He was the initiator of the creation of a new political project - the All-Russian Popular Front - to replace the "United Russia", which fed up the voters.

Viacheslav Volodin on the reign of Vladimir Putin

In 2011, the official, named by the media as the most famous Saratov citizen in modern history, switched to direct service to Vladimir Putin - he became the first deputy head of the Kremlin administration. In 2012, he took an active part in the presidential campaign of Vladimir Vladimirovich.

In 2014, the politician was included in the list of Russians against whom the EU, the United States and a number of other countries imposed sanctions in response to Moscow's policy in Ukraine. In the same year, he entered (as head) into the Supervisory Board of the Higher School of Economics.

Interview of the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin

According to the income statement for 2015, he earned about 87 million rubles (almost an order of magnitude more than the head of state) and bypassed all Kremlin employees in this indicator (for reference, Dmitry Peskov was in second place, having declared 50 million less). The official sent almost half of the funds received (40 million) to charity. In 2006 the weekly edition "Finance." estimated the state of the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration at $ 95 million.

Personal life of Viacheslav Volodin

Vyacheslav Volodin is married to Victoria (nee Dmitrieva), the daughter of the First Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the Ershov District of the Saratov Region, whom he met while studying at the institute. His wife is 2 years older than him, a housewife. The couple raised their daughter Svetlana, who was born in 1990. She is a graduate of the Higher School of Economics. It is also known that two more sons are growing up in the family; the eldest of them is Vladimir.

The curator of domestic politics is unpretentious in food, he is an adherent of simple Russian cuisine. Vyacheslav Volodin also dresses simply, preferring a “friendly image without pretensions”. The official usually rests in the elite suburban village of Sosny near Moscow, where he has at his disposal an estate of 2.5 thousand square meters with a large house, an artificial reservoir and a helipad. According to opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the United Russia party deliberately established some kind of dacha partnership there so as not to declare their real estate. Volodin does not forget his native land, where at his service are magnificent boarding houses on the Volga and his personal yacht "Princess". He also owned a villa on the Cote d'Azur.

Viacheslav Volodin today

In 2016, Vyacheslav Volodin was almost unanimously appointed speaker of the State Duma of the VII convocation, having received 404 votes out of 450 possible. Soon after his appointment, he was named the third in the list of the most influential politicians in the Russian Federation, behind only Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev.

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