Kachkanar quarry. Jsc "evraz kachkanar mining and processing plant"

The Kachkanar Mining and Processing Plant (EVRAZ KGOK, previously KGOK Vanadium) is a Russian producer of iron ore raw materials. Located in the city of Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk region. It is part of the Evraz Group (managing company EvrazHolding LLC). Develops iron ore deposits of the Kachkanar group (Gusevogorskoye deposit). The history of the company dates back to 1963. Major shareholders: Nizhniy Tagil Metallurgical Plant - 57.68%, West Siberian Metallurgical Plant - 39.95% of shares. The production capacity of the plant is about 55 million tons of iron ore per year. The main consumer of EVRAZ KGOK products is EVRAZ NTMK. In 2016, EVRAZ KGOK produced 3.4 million tonnes of sinter and 6.5 million tonnes of pellets. Official site .

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JSC EVRAZ Kachkanar Mining and Processing Plant. EVRAZ Kachkanar Mining and Processing Plant (EVRAZ KGOK) is one of the five largest mining enterprises in Russia. The plant is located 140 km from EVRAZ NTMK, in the Sverdlovsk region. EVRAZ KGOK develops the Gusevogorskoye deposit of titanomagnetite iron ores containing vanadium impurities. The vanadium content makes it possible to smelt high-strength alloy steels. Mount Kachkanar is the only source of vanadium ore in Russia. Geological exploration of the ore deposit began in the first half of the 30s of the last century. In 1956, the Soviet government decided to build a mining and processing plant at Kachkanar to supply vanadium ore to the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, and eventually to all metallurgical plants in the Urals. Over time, KGOK turned into one of the leading mining and processing enterprises in the USSR and Europe. The production capacity of the plant is about 55 million tons of iron ore per year. The main consumer of EVRAZ KGOK products is EVRAZ NTMK. Currently, EVRAZ KGOK extracts ore from three open pits with its further processing in crushing, beneficiation, agglomeration and agglomeration shops. The final product (agglomerate and pellets) is loaded into railway cars and sent to consumers, including abroad. EVRAZ KGOK today: is one of the five largest mining enterprises in Russia; the only producer of vanadium-containing iron ore in Russia; develops the Gusevogorsk deposit of titanomagnetite iron ores containing vanadium impurities, which makes it possible to smelt high-strength alloyed grades of steel; the only plant in Russia that produces high-quality iron ore from ore with a low iron content of 15%; EVRAZ KGOK serves as an iron ore base for another EVRAZ enterprise, EVRAZ NTMK. The deposit of titanium-magnetite ores with billions of reserves is located 140 kilometers from Nizhniy Tagil, which increases the efficiency of linking the two enterprises. Ore is mined in three open pits: Glavny, Zapadnoe, Severny, and also in the Yuzhniy deposit. From the lower horizons, the ore is delivered by BelAZ, the rock mass is transported to the crushing plant by rail. Powerful 130-ton dump trucks, modern NP-1 locomotives, excavators with a bucket volume of 12 cubic meters are used in the quarries.The average iron content in the ore is 15.7%, the vanadium content is 0.13%. The technology for extracting iron ore at EVRAZ KGOK is as follows: drilling - blasting - excavation - transportation to the processing site and overburden to dumps. The main quarry was commissioned in 1963. Now the volume of ore production in the Main open pit exceeds 14 million tons. The development of the Western quarry began in April 1967. The planned volume of ore extraction is over 11 million tons per year. The ore of the Western pit is characterized by a high vanadium content. The first ore in the Northern open pit was mined in April 1969. Today the Northern quarry is the longest, the length of its horizons reaches 2 km. The ore mined in the open pit has a high concentration, but a low iron content. The planned annual production volume is about 25 million tons. The crushing shop provides three stages of crushing the incoming ore - coarse, medium and fine. The crushing shop was put into operation in 1963. The shop employs 11 coarse crushers, 11 medium and 22 fine crushers, 20 feeders, 22 GIT-51 screens, 18 conveyors. The final product is crushed ore with a grain size of + 16.0 mm. In 2012, a major reconstruction was carried out at the medium and fine crushing area: the high-performance ThyssenKrupp was added to the crushers of the Swedish company Sandvik. The beneficiation shop is a complex of equipment for dry magnetic beneficiation of crushed ore, wet magnetic beneficiation with a grinding circuit and wet magnetic separation. There is also installed equipment for dehydration of iron-vanadium concentrate, storage and shipment of concentrate to agglomeration factories. In total, there are 29 technological sections: sections 1-15 produce concentrate for the production of sinter, sections 16-29 - for pellets.The workshop produces about 10 million tons of concentrate annually. The beneficiation process of EVRAZ KGOK makes it possible to obtain high-quality iron-vanadium concentrates for agglomeration and pelletizing from poor titanomagnetite ores with a mass fraction of iron 60 and 63%, respectively, and vanadium pentoxide 0.55 - 0.6%. The production of finished products - pellets and agglomerate - is carried out at the agglomeration plant. Agglomeration workshop is the main division that accepts charge, produces and produces sinter. Sinter production is carried out on two AK 3-200 sintering machines, sintering area 236 square meters. A sinter cooler operates in the workshop. The iron content in the agglomerate reaches 57%, vanadium pentoxide - 0.55%, mechanical strength - more than 70%. There are four OK-228 roasting machines operating in the pellet shop with accessory equipment - a modernized bowl cooler and bowl pelletizers, and developed gas flow schemes. All roasting machines are equipped with a hearth thermal control system. Control systems have been installed that provide accurate information on the progress of the pellet heat treatment process. Currently, the annual production of pellets exceeds 6 million tons. Pellets are a fired spherical product obtained by special concentrating methods from fine (dust-like) ore or finely ground concentrates. In the charge preparation workshop, preparation and dosing of charge materials for the production of sinter and pellets is carried out.

1. Brief historical background

In 1957, on the basis of the large - more than 3 billion tons - reserves of the Gusevogorsk iron-vanadium ore deposit, the construction of the Kachkanarsky GOK was started - an enterprise for the extraction and enrichment of titanium-magnetite ores and agglomeration of iron-vanadium concentrate.

The project, carried out by the institutes of Uralgiprorud, Uralmekhanobr, and others, provided for the construction of three open pits with a total capacity of up to 33 million tons of ore per year (subsequently up to 45 million tons), as well as a group of processing plants: crushing, processing, sintering, and pellets. The engineering support of the complex included powerful railway transport facilities, electricity, water, heat supply, repair and other necessary auxiliary services. In addition to production facilities, the enterprise includes a complex of subdivisions that meet the social and cultural needs of workers.

Production facilities were put into operation in stages in the form of start-up complexes. In September 1963, the first start-up complex was put into operation at the Main quarry and an enrichment plant with a capacity of 8.25 million tons of ore mining and processing, the output of 1.375 million tons of concentrate.

In 1965, the first sinter machine with a capacity of 1.35 million tons of sinter per year was put into operation at the sinter plant, and the second in 1966. In 1966, a second start-up complex was put into operation at the Main quarry and the concentrating plant, similar to the first with the capacity for ore mining and processing, concentrate production. In 1968, another one of the same capacity was introduced, incl. the first stage of the Western quarry. In 1970, the concentrating plant was completed, the second stage of the Western open pit was put into operation, the first two roasting machines at the pellet factory were put into operation. In the same years, the construction of the Northern quarry was also underway. In 1971, with the commissioning of the 3rd and 4th calcining machines at the pellet factory, the construction of the plant according to the initial design was practically completed. The plant reached a capacity of 33 million tons of ore mining and processing, production of 5.6 million tons of concentrate, 2.7 million tons of sinter, 2.8 million tons of pellets.

During the 70s, 80s, 90s, the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of all production divisions continued. As a result, the acts of state commissions fixed the capacity: for the extraction and processing of ore - 41.7 million tons, concentrate production - 7.07 million tons, sinter - 2.7 million tons, pellets - 4.7 million tons ...

In fact, the work on the reconstruction of the enterprise made it possible to achieve capacity: for the extraction and processing of ore - 45.2 million tons (1990), the production of concentrate - 8.6 million tons (2003), sinter production - 3.33 million tons (1989), pellets - 5.3 million tons (2003)

However, in the 90s, due to a number of known factors, the normal development of the plant was disrupted. If in 1990 45.2 million tons of ore were mined and processed, then in 1991 only 40. During all the 90s, the unstable operation of the plant can be noted.

Starting in 1999, the kominat began to steadily increase its production capacity and by 2005 reached unprecedented indicators in the history of the enterprise. In 2004, when Kachkanarsky GOK became part of EvrazHolding, the plant mined and processed more than 47 million tons of iron ore, produced 8.9 million tons of corn concentrate.

2. The state of the mineral resource base.

The plant develops the Gusevogorskoe deposit of disseminated vanadium-containing titanomagnetite ores with balance reserves of category B + C1 - 3 billion tons (rounded off) and category C2 - 2.4 billion tons, with an average iron content of 16.6%, vanadium pentoxide V2O5 - 0 ,14 %.

The state of reserves as of January 1, 2004 in the design contours of three operating open pits: industrial reserves - 1.3 billion tons, opened - 212 million tons.

As can be seen from the above data, the mineral resource base provides a long-term stable operation of the enterprise with an ore mining capacity of more than 40 million tons per year.

3. Brief description of the technological process.

Ore and overburden are represented by rock formations and are mined using drilling and blasting operations. The height of the working benches is 15 m. Blast holes are drilled with SBSh-250MN roller cone drilling machines with roller cone bits with a diameter of 250, as well as 215 and 270 mm.

Ore is mined by open pit mining with loading by EKG-8 (10) I excavators, with buckets of 8, 10 m3 capacity, into 2VS-105 dump cars with a carrying capacity of 105 tons. ) and OPE-1AM.

Overburden loading is also carried out by excavators EKG-8 (10) and into dump cars 2VS-105; the removal of overburden is carried out to external excavator dumps by traction units EL-10 (20) and OPE-1M. The proportion of overburden in the total volume of the rock mass is relatively small and amounts to about 0.1 m3 per 1 ton of ore.

When opening new horizons, BelAZ dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 40 tons are used to remove rock mass from the entrance and cut trenches (since 2003 - 55 tons). The rock mass is transported to temporarily organized transshipment points, where it is loaded onto railway transport.

Coarse crushing of ore is carried out in two buildings: No. 1 - in two stages with KKD 1500/300 and KRD 900/100 (700/100) cone crushers and No. 2 - in one stage with KKD 1500/180 crusher. Medium and fine crushing up to -25 mm class. produced in 14 sections, each consisting of one KSD-2200 crusher and two KMD-2200 crushers. Finely crushed ore on two belt conveyors with a belt width of 2000 mm. fed to the processing plant.

At the enrichment plant, preliminary enrichment of crushed ore is carried out by the method of dry magnetic separation (SMS) with the separation of rock in the tailings of CMC (1.87 million tons in 2000) in the form of crushed stone of various classes and screenings. Pre-concentrated ore goes through two to three stages of grinding in rod and ball mills with a volume of 40-48 m3 and 4-5 stages of wet magnetic separation (WMS) with the release of iron-vanadium concentrate. Then the concentrate is dewatered and shipped by conveyors to the charge preparation workshop. Tailings from MMS with a volume of more than 30 million tons per year are transported in the form of slurry through tailing pipelines to the pumping station of the first lift of the tailings facilities workshop.

The tailings facilities workshop consists of three slurry pumping stations - the first, second and third lifts - equipped with ground centrifugal pumps with a capacity of 4000 and 8000 m3 per hour and two circulating water pumping stations equipped with centrifugal water pumps of the same capacity. MMS tailings, in the form of a slurry with a solids content of about 10%, are pumped through slurry pipes with a diameter of 1000-1200 mm, in 2-3 rises, to the tailing dump. Tailings are stored here, and water is clarified in settling ponds, which is then used as a circulating water in the enrichment process and for other technological purposes.

The process of concentrate agglomeration includes: preparation of solid fuel and limestone, dosed batching of the concentrate with solid fuel and limestone, mixing of the charge components with hot return, pelletizing and sintering of the charge on two KZ-200 sintering machines with a sintering area of ​​236 m2. The process of producing pellets includes: preparation of powder from bentonite clay, dosed batching of concentrate, mixing of batch components with return of raw pellets, pelletizing of batch in bowl granulators, screening of raw pellets on roller feeders and firing on four conveyor roasting machines OK-228 m2 ...

Most of the finished marketable products - sinter and pellets - are shipped through loading bins directly to railway wagons and sent to consumers. Some part of the production, in case of interruptions in the supply of empty wagons, is shipped to warehouses, from where it is then loaded into wagons by excavators and sent to consumers. The average daily volume of shipment of products, taking into account marketable crushed stone, is over 20 thousand tons.

Auxiliary workshops provide electricity, water, heat supply, communications, repair and construction work, maintenance of automation equipment, security of the plant's facilities and other functions for the normal operation of the enterprise. The enterprise also includes objects of the social and cultural sphere. All workshops also have their own small specialized electromechanical and repair services.


And I did an internship at the Kachkanarsky GOK, - Alexander Ivanov shares his impressions. - This is the largest enterprise in the Urals for the extraction and processing of iron ores. We were assigned the following goals: to consolidate the knowledge gained in mastering the disciplines of the geological and mineralogical cycle and "Fundamentals of OPI"; acquisition of information gathering skills, independent study of technological equipment; expansion of horizons, creation of a base for the study of special disciplines.

During the practice, we studied the geology and mineralogy of the deposit, the quality of the ore and the methods of its determination; got acquainted with the GOK, the functioning of its components, the enrichment technology, learned the structure and operation of the main technological equipment, etc. Responsible for the introductory practice was a graduate student of the mining and mechanical faculty - Tatyana Yurievna Ovchinnikova. For the first time she supervised industrial practice, but she coped with the tasks perfectly.

The recession will force EVRAZ to postpone the strategic project for the development of the Sobstvenno-Kachkanarskoye field. The group of companies stopped investments in the preparation of the ore mining site in 2013. Investments in the deposit, which ensure the future of the city-forming enterprise of Kachkanar, in 2014 is still in question. Analysts predict a decrease in investments of metallurgists in investment projects in the coming years, and this fully applies to the assets of EVRAZ, which is stubbornly trying to confirm its solvency. However, the parent company is not ready to differentiate the general financial statements by divisions.

In Kachkanar, the intentions to develop the EVRAZ field (controlled by Roman Abramovich) are consolidated in the mass consciousness by holding public events. Public hearings on the impact of the development of the Sobstvenno-Kachkanarskoye field on the environment are scheduled for November 13 at the municipality administration. The presented project promises to increase ore production at the Kachkanarsky GOK up to 63 million tons annually (in 2011, the enterprise received 53.5 million tons of ore).

The launch of the deposit is part of the strategic development of the enterprise, since the ore reserves at the operating deposits of the GOK, where about 6.5 thousand people work, are being depleted. According to the project, the extraction of titanium-magnetite ores at the Sobstvenno-Kachkanarskoye deposit with reserves of more than 100 years should begin in 2015. In 2018, it is officially planned to launch a new crushing plant. A completely new production of two crushing complexes, a warehouse and two main conveyor lines should be created no later than 2045. Previously, investments in the project were estimated at 40 billion rubles.

“The existing Vishnevogorsk field will last for another 20-25 years, but in order to maintain production volumes, the new field should be launched within the next 5 years. The social situation at the enterprise is only stable so far. Today the average salary at the Kachkanarsky GOK is 42 thousand rubles. Higher only at Severstal and Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. We are negotiating a further increase, "- said the chairman of the trade union committee of the Kachkanarsky GOK Anatoly Pyankov.

Chairman of the trade union committee of the Kachkanarsky GOK Anatoly Pyankov

According to the trade union of the enterprise, financing of the investment project for the preparation of the deposit has been stopped this year, and the issue of allocating funds in 2014 has not yet been resolved. It is likely that the project for the development of the Kachkanarsky GOK field will be postponed indefinitely.

“Yes, there will be difficulties. When making investments, EVRAZ said that since 2014 the Kachkanarsky GOK should develop the project at its own expense. Before that, funds came from EVRAZ, - says Valery Kuskov, chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional organization of the mining and metallurgical trade union of Russia.

Evraz did not provide information on the subsidiary's intention to finance the development of a new field within two days. The Group also does not provide data from the reports of Kachkanarsky GOK and the main consumer of its products, Evraz-NTMK, for 3 quarters of the current year. In 2011, according to the Spark system, the net profit of the Kachkanarsky GOK amounted to 21.493 billion rubles, in 2012 it decreased to 8.439 billion rubles. Evraz-NTMK's net profit for the same periods amounted to 7.204 billion rubles (2011) and 23.798 billion rubles, respectively. In 2013, according to the NTMK trade union committee, the enterprise operates stably, no reduction in production is planned. At the same time, Nizhniy Tagil Metallurgical Plant is suspending investment projects, as it previously reported. According to the managing director of the plant Alexey Kushnarev, lag in profit to the plan indicated at the beginning of the year at the enterprise is 5%.

“The situation will be the same as in metallurgy before 1998. You have to get used to this. Today, all metallurgists have a profitability of 7-8%, only NTMK stands out from 25% thanks to our connection with the Kachkanarsky GOK. In these conditions it is necessary to work, to reduce costs. It is difficult to predict how long it will take. The next 2 years will definitely be such a situation, "- reported earlier Alexey Kushnarev.

Tax receipts from the city-forming enterprise, which indirectly indicate the financial condition of EVRAZ, were classified in the Kachkanar administration. In 2014, the mining and processing enterprise is expected to increase income tax on personal income. The draft budget for 2013 provided for the receipt of 227 million rubles from personal income tax to the municipal treasury, in 2014, according to the new draft budget - 333 million rubles. However, the indicators can be significantly adjusted.

“We are considering the draft budget on November 13 in the first reading. Then let's start looking at the articles in detail. The increase in personal income tax income is associated with an increase in salaries at the Kachkanarsky GOK and in the public sector. Today the GOK is forced to reconsider the terms of the field launch. The impact of the economic crisis on EVRAZ has an impact. The plant is now focusing on the modernization of production and the acquisition of new equipment. I think that ore reserves make it possible to postpone the project of a new deposit for several years, "the chairman of the Kachkanara Duma said. Gennady Russkikh.

Chairman of the Kachkanar Duma Gennady Russkikh

The speaker found it difficult to guess the specific time frame for which the development project of the Sobstvenno-Kachkanarskoye field may be postponed. The experts also differed in their assessments. According to the analyst of MC "Finam Management" Dmitry Baranov, the recovery in demand for the products of metallurgical enterprises is likely to begin as early as next year. “Decreasing reserves, freezing tariffs of state monopolies, good export potential of Russian metallurgical companies - all these factors will stimulate the development of metallurgy. As for EVRAZ, the company has the resources to support the operation of enterprises during the postponement or short-term freezing of investment projects. With the growth of demand for metal, they will be resumed, "- believes Dmitry Baranov.

Veles Capital believes that the drop in demand for the products of metallurgists may drag on for a longer period, during which large companies will inevitably significantly reduce their investments in investment projects. “Since the middle of last year, ore prices have been showing low dynamics. Overproduction is visible on the domestic market. It is difficult to compete with manufacturers in China and India on the foreign market. In this situation, Russian companies have low incentives to develop production. This and next year, the stagnation of demand for steel will clearly continue, "- said a senior analyst at Veles Capital. Ayrat Khalikov.

Prolonged freezing of the development of the deposit with a simultaneous reduction in ore reserves and a corresponding increase in costs for its extraction can lead to a gradual rise in the cost of the project and a reduction in own funds. However, Kachkanar is worried about this only in the context of his own development. Today the deputies of the local council say that "the development of the municipality has been postponed for a certain period" - until the end of the economic recession, and they associate the future of Kachkanar with the ore investments of EVRAZ.

For reference:

Kachkanarsky GOK was founded in 1963. In 1993 it was corporatized and bore the name "Kachkanar mining and processing plant" Vanadium ". OJSC Evraz KGOK, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, has existed since September 25, 2013. The authorized capital is 441,617,000 rubles. Net profit for 2012 amounted to 8.439 billion rubles. Evraz KGOK's management company is EvrazHolding LLC, 100% of the authorized capital of which belongs to Evraz-NTMK OJSC.

In the authorized capital of Evraz KGOK, 50% is owned by OJSC Evraz-NTMK, 50% - by Evraz ZSMK. OJSC Evraz-NTMK, in turn, is 99.99% owned by the Cypriot company Mastercroft Limited. OJSC Evraz ZSMK is 99.99% owned by Mastercroft Limited.

Will follow the development of events.