Roofing cake for corrugated board. Roof device made of corrugated board: design and installation features

V modern construction a huge amount of various materials which perfectly combine high level quality with performance characteristics as well as functionality and economy. Availability complete set these advantages is one of the basic requirements for modern building materials, which can safely be attributed to corrugated board. It is widely applicable as facing material... A roofing device made of corrugated board, made in compliance with all technological processes, will create a practical and durable roof.

What are the characteristic features inherent in such a material as corrugated board? First of all, it is the way it is produced. For its manufacture, galvanized steel sheet is used, on which cold rolling is applied. A special anti-corrosion coating is applied on both sides of the profile - wave or trapezoidal. This coating can have various shades.

Depending on the purpose, they distinguish between corrugated board: load-bearing, wall and roofing. Each of these groups of material has its own wave height, metal thickness and designation.

For roofing work, you should choose a corrugated board with letter designation"N" or "NS". The latter, by the way, is a versatile material and can be used as a wall option.

The device of a roof made of corrugated board involves the use of corrugated board, which has a height of at least thirty-five millimeters. If the roof has a small slope length, then it is possible to use corrugated board with a lower wave height.

Use of roofing material

The technology of roofing from corrugated board, according to SNIP, involves the use of corrugated board having a height of forty-four millimeters. Roofing profiles have an aluminum or zinc coating with an additional polymer layer that plays a decorative or protective role.

The basis for the corrugated board can be wooden bars or metal purlins. The load-bearing capacity of the foundation depends on the wind strength inherent in this climatic zone and the expected load of the roofing material on the roof of the building. In addition, in order to adjoin the profiled sheet to the wall system, the corrugated roofing device provides for the presence of aprons made of galvanized steel sheets and covered with a polymer layer.

The finishing of roofing passes is carried out using shaped-type roofing elements with a comb similar to the cross-sectional profile. In addition to eaves, gutters and ridges during construction roof structure other elements are also used: special plugs, snow barriers and ridge seals.

Profiled sheets can be used both for a cold roof in the form of piece elements, and as part of a warm multilayer roof with a solid sheet.

Basic rules for installing a roof from corrugated board

The laying of profiled sheets must be carried out in strict compliance with certain rules. First of all, this is a complete safety assurance and adherence to the installation technology in the processes of lifting the material and subsequent movements on the roof, as well as fastening the main material.

The lifting of the corrugated board to the roof is carried out with the help of a log by two workers, the third person takes it upstairs. In this case, no more than one sheet is lifted at a time.

If on the street strong wind, the work on raising the corrugated board should be postponed for a while!

To move on the roof, you should wear shoes with soft soles and walk on them, trying to step into the deflection between the waves. To do this, lay the corrugated board in such a way that the deflection is tightly adjacent to the lattice. Since the edge of the material is sharp enough, to ensure your own safety, work must be done with rubber gloves.

Profiled sheets are laid with an overlap. The size of the overlap is directly related to the angle of inclination of the roof. The lower it is, the more overlap. For a flat surface, the technology of laying the material is slightly different. In this case, the sheets must be applied in two corrugations to prevent moisture from entering under roof covering.

The shavings that are formed when fastening the profiled sheets with self-tapping screws from their screwing in must be removed with a brush. Otherwise, the rust that forms on it over time will ruin the roof to a large extent.

If you use products with protective film, then in order to avoid its "accretion" with the polymer material, it must be removed during the installation process.

Roofing cake - keeps warm and protects against noise

Using a corrugated roof for the roof of your house, it is very important to create good warmth and noise insulation, since the house "gives off" more than 20% of the heat environment exactly through the roof. And a special one does an excellent job with this task. thermal insulation layer performing protective function called roofing cake.

What does a roofing cake for corrugated board consist of? Insulation is laid on the first layer on the counter-lattice installed on top of the rafter system.

Please note that the slope of the corrugated roof must be at least 20%.

The next component of the roofing cake is the waterproofing layer. It is necessary so that water does not flow through the joints of the sheets and at the junctions. On top of the waterproofing, in compliance with all ventilation gaps, a crate for the profiled sheet is installed, which is laid on it with the last layer.

All layers of the cake are interconnected and perform a specific functional task. An error in the technology of at least one layer can lead to a decrease in the performance of the entire roof and its operational life. The following situations may indicate that the roofing cake was not assembled correctly:

  • Ceiling leaks;
  • Loss of heat;
  • Condensation;
  • Ice.

If quality work has been done to install thermal insulation, it can guarantee minimal heat loss through the roofing and prevent surface condensation.

Installing a special wind barrier made of a roll-type vapor-proof material will help to avoid blowing through the roof.

The seal has two main functions. First, it limits the heating of the roof space. And, secondly, it creates good sound insulation in the room. The vapor barrier layer solves the issue of moisture ingress from the room into the roofing cake. And the waterproofing "filling" of the pie protects the insulation from the penetration of condensate, which is usually formed at the bottom of the profile sheets.

When laying a waterproofing film, it is necessary to observe the distance between the rafters, on which it lies no more than 120 centimeters.

Lathing for profiled sheets

In the device of a roof from a profiled sheet, a crate is an obligatory element. For pitched roofs as a lathing, wooden bars of the following sizes are used: 5x5 cm, 3x10 cm, or 3x7 cm. The elements of the lathing are laid with a step of 25 cm.If the slope of the slope does not exceed 15 degrees, it is used solid lathing made of plywood, OSB boards or boards. Lathing for gable roofs mounted in increments of 50 cm.

For roofs with a complex geometric shape, it is impossible to close the lathing in gutters and valleys, you need to leave a ventilation gap of 5 cm. The device of a roof made of corrugated board makes a requirement that the bottom strip has an entry under the profiled sheet at a distance of 25 cm.

If ventilated or chimneys are provided in the roof structure, additional sheathing will be required.

Fastening sheets to each other is an important stage in the roofing process

When installing a roofing made of corrugated board, special attention should be paid to fastening the sheets to each other. After all, the nodes of the roof from the profiled sheet are the most important point in this job. A negligent attitude towards the nodes located at the joints of the sheets can significantly affect the performance of the future roof for the worse. The very process of laying sheets does not cause difficulties, much more effort and time is spent on the places of their joints.

The main purpose of corrugated roofing nodes is to create insulation of transitions from a horizontal surface to a vertical one and, of course, to connect the corrugated sheets to each other. Therefore, their implementation should be approached with special care.

When creating adjacency nodes, the following actions are performed:

  1. To prevent the ingress of dust and moisture at the junction, a strip is installed under which a seal is arranged;
  2. A rod is created in the wall, which is inserted into the groove and then fixed with dowels and coated with a layer of sealant;
  3. The connection of the bar to the profile is carried out by means of a self-tapping screw, which is screwed into the maximum protruding point of the wave.

Roof ridge design made of profiled sheet

The device of roofing from corrugated board also implies the presence of a ridge, the design of which takes place at the final stages of installation.

Ridge elements are also laid with an overlap of 200 mm. With the help of self-tapping screws, they are attached to the upper corrugation. Self-tapping screws should be chosen taking into account the wave height of the profiled sheet. And the step that must be adhered to when fastening is 300 mm.

If the roof has a slight slope, then the use of a seal will be relevant. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to eliminate the ingress of moisture in the event of an oblique direction of atmospheric precipitation. Between the ridge and the seal the right decision will leave small ventilation gap.

It is most advisable to start work on the installation of the ridge from the side of the roof that is less exposed to rain.

The importance of proper editing

The service life of the roof of a house can be maximal if the roofing device is made of corrugated board according to all the rules of competent fastening of sheets and factors such as are taken into account:

  • possible wind influence;
  • the likelihood of high temperature expansion at the center of the sheet;
  • sufficient density at the connecting points of the profiled sheets.

The conformity of the material fastening process to all existing standards is achieved by using certain sizes of self-tapping screws for each type of work. For example, the connection with the crate should be provided with 4.8x35 mm self-tapping screws, but the ridge fastening will not do without longer self-tapping screws - from 80 mm.

Ease of repairing a roof made of corrugated board

One of the clear advantages of such a roofing material as corrugated board is the speed and simplicity of its installation and dismantling. Therefore, when repairing a roof from a profiled sheet, there are no special difficulties.

In most cases, roof repairs can be limited to removing one or more sheets that are unusable for further use and replacing them with new ones. If the damage is very insignificant, then replacement of the sheets may not be required - in this case, it will be enough to put the patches.

By choosing roofing material for the roof of your house, you should Special attention draw on corrugated board. After all, this is not only a convenient option for installation and further operation, it is also a material that has an attractive appearance and a democratic price.

Roofing sheeting has similar technical properties as metal shingles. The difference between these materials is appearance and manufacturing process. Roofing cake under the corrugated board has features in terms of installation and fasteners.

Roofing cake device for corrugated board

When starting work on the arrangement of the roof with the help of corrugated board, it is recommended to find out the nuances of the future structure. First of all, attention is paid to the isolation of sounds. This is due to the fact that metal is a "noisy" material and when exposed to atmospheric precipitation in the under-roof room, residents will hear rain, hail and even gusts of wind. In view of this, insulation is laid under the crate, the thickness of which is at least 150 mm.

Nevertheless, one layer of insulation as sound insulation is clearly not enough, as is the use of polymer materials... Therefore, when installing a roof from corrugated board, experts strongly advise making a roof pie from the following layers:

  • rafter system;
  • counter lattice;
  • insulation in the form of slabs;
  • underlay for waterproofing;
  • crate for professional sheet;
  • roofing corrugated board.

The counter battens are installed over the rafters, because serves as a basis for roll insulation if the roof is pitched. The minimum slope of the corrugated roof is 10 °. If the roof has two slopes or is made of the type of hip, multi-gable, then use insulation in the form of slabs. Its location is between the rafter system and the beams.

If rafter system is made of metal, then a counter-batten is additionally installed under the insulation layer. Waterproofing is laid directly on the insulation layer. The purpose of these measures is to exclude the possibility of moisture ingress. After the waterproofing has been installed, you can start installing the crate under the profiled sheet, taking into account the ventilation gap.

Sometimes in cold warehouses, a roofing cake is made without insulation. In this case, the entire order of work is preserved, except for the installation of thermal insulation. But this is done very, very rarely. Also, in cold attics, it is possible to arrange an uninsulated roof, provided that the ceiling above the last floor is well insulated.

The nuances of installing fasteners

Work begins with the installation of the eaves strip, it is placed below the waterproofing. Then the metal sheets are stacked one on top of the other. Installation is carried out taking into account the nuances of the construction site. In the event that the roof slope is small, then they overlap in 2 profiles. If special seals are used, then the overlap is installed in 1 profile. In a situation where the roof slope level is large, they are not used.

The hip type roof deserves special attention. The process of stacking sheets starts from the center and towards the edge. The exact location of the corrugated board should be monitored. As this, specialists resort to folk method taut rope.

Attention! During installation, the size of the eaves overhang should be taken into account. It should be between 35 cm and 40 cm.

First, the profiled sheets are attached to one self-tapping screw in the center of the canvas. This is due to the ability to adjust the overlap. Then, both sheets are fastened at the bottom with a step between self-tapping screws of 50 cm. Further, the corrugated board is fastened into an overlap ridge using fasteners. It is also important to fix the metal sheet along the bottom of the structure. Fasteners are installed along the ridge line, through 1 sheet and along the eaves overhang. There are 5 to 6 pieces per 1 m² of sheet. self-tapping screws.

The procedure for laying a pie for a roof made of corrugated board

It was found that the average heat loss through the roof is about 20%. Therefore, they install a roof made of corrugated board with insulation. The creation of a roofing cake, which includes layers for insulation of heat and water, as well as a ventilation gap, helps to prevent not only the risk of heat loss, but also the processes of decay and the formation of moisture. In addition, the roofing cake protects the building from summer heat, sounds of precipitation and gusts of wind.

The number of layers of insulation is proportional to the purpose of the roof space, i.e. will it be residential or not. If there is an attic in the project, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer should be increased and work should be carried out to isolate moisture. This is due to the fact that when wet, the insulation loses twice its characteristics. As a result, the entire roofing cake freezes, characterized by the formation of ice and damage to the finish. Mold will form directly under the roof, causing rotting of the tree.

Proper maintenance of the insulation is necessary if the installation of the roof material was made with errors. It is also necessary if high evaporation occurs in living rooms.

Installation requirements and rules

The operating period of the roof depends on the quality of installation work and compliance with the norms and requirements described in the SNiP for the installation of corrugated board. The angle of laying depends on the type of roofing material, which ensures a reliable service life.

Basic requirements for the installation of a roofing cake under corrugated board:

  • For corrugated board, the minimum angle of inclination is 10 °. With a decrease in this indicator, the outflow of water will be difficult, creating favorable conditions for water to enter under the sheets. This is especially true for overlapping corrugated board.
  • The length of the slope is also taken into account. The profile sheet is produced in a length of 12 meters and is able to cover the entire slope at once, without the formation of joints and seams. If the slope is short, then the sheet is simply cut to the required length.
  • Due to the fact that moisture collects under the roof, this process should be prevented at the stage of installing the roofing cake. For this, it is necessary to carefully carry out thermal insulation measures and leave a ventilation gap. A hole is drilled at the highest point of the structure. If it comes about difficult-to-ventilate rooms, then use additional channels.

A corrugated roof is a practical, functional and economical option. When choosing profiled sheets, experts recommend giving preference to material with a length equal to or slightly longer than the length of the slope. Thus, there will be no joints, and the level of waterproofing will increase.

For fastening the profiled sheet, self-tapping screws from 19 mm to 250 mm are used. Self-tapping screws have their own gaskets. In this case, the thread length should be chosen more by 5 mm of the connected element. A prerequisite for a strong and reliable roof is the arrangement of ventilation in the under-roof room.

Attention! Marking of profiled roof decking: "C" means the scope of use - wall railing, marking "H" indicates the use for load-bearing supports.

SNiP roofing from corrugated board is a thoroughly developed document, which clearly describes the technology and methodology of this type of construction work.

Is compliance with SNiP mandatory?

For any construction operation, from digging a foundation pit to landscaping, an appropriate building standard, SNiP, has been developed.

The architectural supervision authorities monitor compliance with SNiPs.

The construction of multi-storey residential buildings is especially strictly controlled. Architectural and construction supervisory structures do not thoroughly check the quality of work on individual buildings - in this segment of development, each owner builds at his own peril and risk.

Official inspectors only control the observance of general urban planning norms, they are unlikely to examine the roof of your cottage, checking it for compliance with SNiP.

Despite the lack of control, compliance with SNiP when erecting a roof from corrugated board is very desirable.

These standards were developed by professionals, and their observance guarantees the safety and durability of the construction site.

You should not treat the construction of a roof from a metal profile as a creative process.

If you want the coating to last a long time and adequately fulfill its functions, then you will have to build in compliance with building codes and regulations.

The building codes are based on the requirements of fire and sanitary safety, therefore it is in the interests of the homeowner to comply with them.

If you are going to order a roofing from corrugated board for your house, then knowing SNiP will help you to control the quality of the work of hired personnel.

The construction of roofs from corrugated board is regulated by SNiP under number II-26-76, the document was developed by JSC TsNIIPromzdaniy and put into effect on May 20, 2010.

This SNiP is called "Roof". Section number 6 is devoted to fixing the corrugated board in it.

The section deals with the installation of sheets, the choice of corrugated board, measures fire safety... Several points of the sixth section are devoted to the requirements for the method of joining sheets together.

There are requirements for the slope of the slopes, the method of fastening the roofing parts and even for the rules for accepting the finished roof.

When constructing a roof from corrugated board, another SNiP will be useful - "Loads and Impacts", 2.01.07-85.

Requirements for building materials

Profiled sheeting is obtained from galvanized steel by cold rolling method. To increase rigidity, it is given a wavy shape. Decking can be roofing, wall and load-bearing.

For the installation of the roof, it is necessary to use the roofing corrugated board with the PC marking (roofing corrugated board).

According to SNiP, it is possible to construct a roof made of corrugated board NS (supporting-wall). The load-bearing corrugated board is used as a base for the roofing cake; it is covered with roll materials on top.

Roofs made of corrugated board are easy to install and weigh little, so they are used as an inexpensive, quickly erected roof option.

Schematic representation of the roof

The lack of material includes a strong amplification of sounds. Raindrops falling on the corrugated roof will cause sounds similar to drum rolls.

To increase the comfort of living in a house with a corrugated roof, it is necessary to equip a full-fledged roofing cake, laying sound insulation and insulation under the metal.

V roofing works profiled sheets can be used in two ways:

  • as piece products for non-insulated roofs;
  • as an element of an insulated coating consisting of several layers.

The length of the sheet is not strictly stipulated by SNiP, the maximum is 12 meters.

Therefore, according to SNiP, it is advisable to use profiled sheets on buildings whose roofs have a slope length of no more than 12 meters.

If the slopes are longer, then the sheets are mounted with an overlap of 200 mm in length. The transverse overlap between the sheets is one wave.

For the roof, you can use a material with a profile height of more than 35 mm. Roofs with short slopes are allowed to be made from a profile with a wave height of 21 mm.

Wooden bars or metal beams are used as the basis for corrugated sheets.

According to SNiP, the places where the profiled sheet adjoins the walls is protected with overlays made of galvanized metal with plastic spraying.

In places where vertical parts (pipes, lightning rods, antennas) are fixed on the roof, fittings are installed for corrugated board with a comb corresponding to cross section corrugations.

For the installation of corrugated board, self-tapping screws with a rubber washer are used. The washer must be at least 1 mm thick. Flat roofs and roofs with a slight slope have to be sealed.

Vertical and horizontal joints of profiled sheets are coated with silicone sealant.

Additional elements of the roof are fastened with rivets. Ventilation ducts should be left in the roof, usually along the ridge.

Roof requirements

According to SNiP, the concept of "roof" includes the entire upper building structure protecting the building from outside influences.

The roof consists of a roof, a base for it, insulating materials and a supporting structure, which can be made of corrugated board, reinforced concrete slabs and other sheet materials.

Minimum slope table

So, SNiP allows the use of corrugated board in the construction of industrial facilities with a roof slope of 8 degrees and residential buildings with a roof slope of 10 degrees.

In individual construction, the corrugated board is laid on wooden crate... Its step depends on the slope of the roof, the norm is from 30 to 40 cm. The greater the angle of inclination of the slope, the greater the step.

The SNiP stipulates that the deviation of the crate pitch from the recommended values ​​cannot exceed 5%. The lathing is fixed to the rafter system.

To securely fix the profiled sheets, a 5x5 cm bar is enough.

The building codes clearly indicate what diameter the bar can be used at a certain angle of inclination of the slopes.

So, on roofs with a slope of 20 degrees, the lathing is made from a bar of 3x3 cm with a step of 20 - 40 cm.

When constructing a roofing pie, the materials are assembled in a strict sequence. According to SNiP, the roofing cake consists of a main coating, insulation and insulating materials.

Each layer is bonded to the others and in the horizontal plane is a homogeneous coating that is impervious to moisture.

Mistakes in laying at least one layer will reduce the life of the roof.

A cake, during the assembly of which was guided by building codes and regulations, will exclude heat loss, will not get wet, and ice and condensation will not form in it. Insulation is installed between the rafters.

In SNiP there is a rule according to which the insulation is placed not on the crate itself, but on an interlayer of vapor barrier material.

The thickness of the insulation depends on the climatic zone. Vapor barrier films protect the insulation from moisture from the room. From above, the insulation is protected from moisture by a waterproofing layer.

The corrugated board itself is mounted on the roof in compliance with the technology described in SNiP.

In the document, you can see how you need to adjoin the roof to the transverse and longitudinal wall (in SNiP - Figure H.6), how to make cornices and ridge knots from corrugated board (Figure H.8).

You are guided in the work by SNiPs, and then the roof, assembled by your own hands, will serve the period set by the manufacturer.

A high-quality roof covering of your home is a guarantor of reliable protection against leakage and destruction, which, first of all, will provide coziness and comfort.

Steel is one of the most durable and strong materials, but its only drawback as a roofing material was weight. The aggregate of heavy sheets together gave a huge mass, which negatively affected the frame of the roof covering. The problem was solved by the method of corrugation steel sheet, which, having a low weight in relation to size, retained its strong and rigid qualities due to the trapezoidal structure of the profile - and this is how the corrugated board appeared.

Over the past few years, it has gained great popularity due to its practicality in use, as well as minimal harm to the environment.

Decking - what is it, its pros and cons

Profiled decking is produced by cold rolling from hot-graded steel sheet. During production, it can be treated with several layers of protection to increase strength and durability. At the initial stage, the workpiece is treated with anticorrosive phosphate and only then is it primed. The upper part of the sheet is covered with a mixture of polymers, and the lower part - with a special varnish.

Thanks to the work done, the result is a durable material. High Quality, which combines many more advantages than negative qualities.

  1. Service life of the material;
  2. Competitive price with other types of roofing materials;
  3. Material weight;
  4. Simplicity and time saving during installation and dismantling;
  5. Resistant to temperature changes.

The disadvantage of corrugated roofing is low level noise reduction, due to which sound insulation is significantly deteriorated.

Types of corrugated board

The widespread use of corrugated board and not only in the roof, divided all its types into three classes:

  1. H - for coatings and floors, as well as permanent formwork(the best roofing material). Additional stiffeners, corrugation thickness and height make it the most reliable and durable option.
  2. C - for enclosing fences and walls. This option is much cheaper than the previous one. The thickness of the sheet is less, therefore, the service life and reliability are significantly inferior.
  3. NS - combined corrugated board. The brand is also often used in roofing works, but in most cases for non-stressed roofs. It all depends on the angle of the roof slope, which is quite an important factor in the winter. A thin sheet of steel and a flatter roof structure can be fatal under the pressure of the snow.

Roof angle

For correct styling corrugated board, it is necessary first of all to take into account the slope of the roof. This will help calculate the right part overlap with an adjacent sheet.

  • When the roof slope is less than 15 °, frost is more than 12 °, the overlap of the sheets should be at least 20 cm;
  • In cases of an inclination angle of 15 ° -30 ° - from 15 to 20 cm;
  • A roof slope above 30 ° allows to reduce the overlap to 10-15 cm;
  • A slope angle of less than 12 ° requires additional work to seal the overlaps using silicone sealant.

Preparatory work

Before the installation process itself, it is worth carefully and correctly calculating the amount of roofing material and its appearance. You can do this yourself or use the services of a company whose manager will help you.

  1. During transportation and loading, avoid strong bends, as well as provide a level surface for the vehicle that will transport the material.
  2. Manual unloading provides for one worker for every 2 m of length. When using lifting equipment, it is necessary to use soft slings.
  3. Transport to the roof using a log to connect the edge and the ground, not exceeding the norm of one sheet.

Without fail, you will need a tool such as: tape measure, hammer, hacksaw for metal, cord, rail, drill and drills.

Waterproofing and ventilation

Under the roof, moisture is always collected from the premises of the house. To prevent this, it is necessary to organize the roof in such a way that the temperatures outside and under the roof are the same. To accomplish this, you need to take care of proper steam and heat insulation, as well as ventilation.

Waterproofing is most often mounted before attaching corrugated sheets to the crate.

where 1 - rafter leg; 2- waterproofing; 3- rafter strips (cantilever beams); 4 - lathing.

Pro tip: install the waterproofing film so that it hangs down a little, about 20 mm, in a position perpendicular to the roof slope. Installation should start from the lower edge of the roof to the ridge. Its overlap, sealed with adhesive tape, should be 100-150 mm.

Method of laying the film on the rafters:

To ensure the most efficient movement of air flow from the eaves to the ridge of the roof, ventilation holes are arranged between the ridge strip and the roofing sheets. In places where air is difficult to enter, additional ventilation ducts must be made. However, the most in a simple way is the placement wooden slats directly onto the waterproofing layer.

Rafter strips and lathing

On top of the waterproofing and vapor barrier, rafter strips or steel purlins are mounted if the profile height becomes 40 mm. Further, a crate is attached to them in the longitudinal direction, the step of which depends on the type of corrugated board.

To organize the crate you will need:

  • timber measuring 50x50 mm;
  • board 32x10 mm;
  • moisture resistant plywood sheets with a diameter of 10 mm.

The lathing is of two types: solid and thinned. The first type is installed on ribs, skates and around chimneys. The thinned step is 50 mm. Lay the boards at the same distance, this will facilitate the entire further process for fastening sheets of corrugated board.

Everything wooden parts be sure to treat with an antiseptic and fire-fighting mixture.

Experts advise to lay a so-called diffusion gasket on top of the lathing, which will prevent the formation of condensation. It is fastened with small nails with a wide head.

The arrangement of the lathing should be treated with special responsibility, since from it in to a greater extent the reliability of the entire structure depends.

There are also no exact standards for the thickness of the lathing, it all depends on the same parameters of the profiled sheets and the length of the fasteners. Minimum dimensions the sections of the lathing become 32/100 mm. The board that runs along the eaves should be slightly thicker than the rest. It is necessary to arrange the fastening of additional boards near the chimney.

Eaves overhang

We lay the bottom row of roofing sheeting on the crate, forming at the same time cornice overhang... Its dimensions completely depend on the height of the profile sheet.

However, initially it is necessary to take care of the eaves, which must necessarily be organized below the waterproofing layer. This is necessary so that the waste water and the resulting condensate fall into the eaves, along which they flowed into the catchment, and then along the drainpipe. Otherwise, water will run down the walls of the house, which will cause negative consequences.

Installation of corrugated board

It should be noted right away that the installation of corrugated sheets should be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

Cutting corrugated board

Of course, it is better to purchase corrugated sheets on the market that correspond to the size of the roof, but often these two parameters do not correspond, so you need to know how to cut correctly and which tool is better to use for this.

Fitting the material must be done on a flat surface, for example, on the ground.

For these purposes, you can use a variety of tools, but it is best to use electrical devices like a drill with a disc attachment. If you could not get such a tool, then you will have to cut it by hand using metal scissors on a steel base or a hacksaw with fine teeth.

It is forbidden to use mechanisms with an abrasive cutting working disk, for example, a grinder, to cut corrugated sheets. The reason is that such devices, during operation, emit relatively large heat energy, which negatively affects performance material.

During the cutting of the roofing material, it will not do without damaging the edge, therefore, it is necessary to take care of the paint in the color of the corrugated sheets in advance.

We raise the sheets of corrugated board to the roof

During the raising of the roofing sheeting to the roof, difficulties very often arise due to the dimensions of the material, therefore, for comfortable work it is best to perform this stage of work using lag.

They should be installed in such a way that with one side they rest against the ground, and with the other - directly against the eaves of the roof slope.

The distance between the slats should be slightly less than the width of the corrugated sheets themselves. Thanks to this system, two people can easily lift the roofing sheet for further installation. You can replace the logs with a regular staircase without railings.

Fastening sheets of corrugated board

Roofing with corrugated board should be made, observing the following technology:

  • The sheets should be fastened using hexagon self-tapping screws 80 mm long and a sealing gasket. It is worth remembering that the self-tapping screws should not be tightened too much, as this can lead to an excessive density of the gasket, as a result of which the waterproofing layer may suffer.

  • The sheets should be fastened at the bottom of the wave, and in the ridge elements and in the overlap areas - at the top.
  • It is best to start installation from the end of the ramp. The side overlap should go over half the wave of the sheet. However, if the slope is gentle (the angle of inclination can vary from 8 to 120 degrees), then to avoid leakage, the overlap should go 1.5 waves.
  • At transverse and longitudinal joints, additional sealing must be made using self-adhesive tape or bitumen mastic.
  • The front parts of the roof should be equipped with wind pads, which will protect the roof from the corrugated board from destruction and blowing out. They need to be fastened with self-tapping screws, the pitch of which is 200 mm.
  • Depending on the wave height, the length of the self-tapping screw L is also selected, which is equal to:

L = L1 + H + L2 WHERE

L1, L2 - respectively the profile thread (about 25 - 30 mm) and the thickness of the washer with a seal (about 3-4 mm), H - the height of the corrugation.

For 1 m2, you need to use about 5-8 self-tapping screws.

Installation of roofing from corrugated board - video:

We make out the pediment cut

To prevent the sheeting from breaking off during strong gusts of wind, it is necessary to properly equip the gable cut.

If the allowance for the sheets of corrugated board from the front of the house is 50-70 mm, then a wind bar with dimensions of 25x80 mm is used, which is attached with self-tapping screws. If, from the front of the house, the allowance is insignificant or there is none at all, then in addition to the rail, a wind bar is also used. It looks like a regular steel corner. It must be fastened with a step of 200-300 mm and with a transverse overlap of 100-150 mm.

Corner strips are used to adjoin the slope to the wall. The strips, regardless of the type of junction - longitudinal or transverse, should be mounted using self-tapping screws with a pitch of 200-300 mm and an overlap between these strips of about 100 mm or more.

Cross wall connection:

Longitudinal wall abutment:

Installation of a ridge and snow barrier

Get started assembly work associated with the mount of the ridge, should be on the side that is less susceptible to gusts of wind and leaders. For example, if for your area the prevailing windy side is the west, then it is better to start attaching the ridge from the east. It can be simple, curly or tiled. The ridge is fixed using self-tapping screws with a pitch of 200-300 mm, also do not forget about the sealing gasket and the ventilation gap.

The snow barrier is especially relevant during a thaw; it prevents an avalanche falling of snow from metal roof... It must be installed slightly below the edge of the roof across the roof slope. Fastening is carried out in advance mounted beams.

Roof insulation from corrugated board

To insulate the roof, you will need mineral wool and a vapor barrier. Together with mineral wool, you can take durra insulation, but this one is the most effective.

And so ... we go down from the roof to the attic and you can proceed to the final stage of arranging the roof from corrugated board.

Mineral insulation can be rolled or sheet, whichever you choose - it doesn't matter, since both have excellent performance properties. It is mounted in the gap between the rafters; any method can be used to fasten it - screw it on, fix it tightly with a thread, or glue it. The main thing is that any of them, performing their functions, and at the same time not unnecessarily compressing the seal, since it is not the cotton itself that keeps the cold outside, but the air that is located in it.

2-lathing; 3 - sealant; 4- ridge; 5- layer of waterproofing; 6.7 - rafter bar and leg, respectively; 8 - mineral wool; 9- vapor barrier; 10 - ceiling rail; 11- lining or some other finishing material; a - roof ventilation; b - ventilation between waterproofing and mineral insulation.

Then a vapor barrier should be attached over the mineral wool. It is necessary in order to prevent moisture that is in the air from getting inside the insulation, as this can significantly reduce the operational properties of mineral wool - the more it absorbs moisture, the more difficult it will be to keep heat.

It is worth remembering that the entire roof space does not need to be insulated, but the so-called cold triangle should be taken care of. The space located at the top of the roof at a distance of 300-400 mm must be left untreated mineral wool since this cold triangle will promote good air circulation in the attic and in the inside of the roof.

Installation of a roof made of corrugated board is also allowed on an old roof, which meets all its operational properties, this will increase its thermal insulation properties.

The cost of installing a roofing from corrugated board primarily depends on the complexity of the structure, dimensions and, of course, on the roofing material itself.

Caring for professional flooring

In care, this roofing material is not whimsical at all. However, it should be handled with special care, as the profile sheets can be easily damaged. Before installation, do not put them on the ground, but rather use a special plank stand for this, the boards of which are about 25 cm thick and are located in 50 cm increments. At least once every six months, do a general cleaning of the roof from dirt, sheets and other "pests".

If scratches appear on the sheet, then there is nothing to worry about, since the zinc layer located under the plastic will protect the corrugated board from rust, and the place of damage can be treated with paint of the same color.

What is roof insulation made of corrugated board for? The answer to this question is fairly obvious. It is through the roof that approximately 25% of the heat is lost from the room. Therefore, correct and effective insulation roofing is of paramount importance.

Insulation of the roof made of profiled sheet and reduction of heat losses through the roof allows to reduce the energy consumption spent on heating the air in the room. It is common knowledge that warm air lighter than cold and rises up under the ceiling of the building. That is why the insulated roof made of corrugated board allows you to make indoor conditions more comfortable and significantly reduce heating costs.

Basic requirements for thermal insulation materials when installing a warm roof from corrugated board

Vacuum is considered an ideal insulation, and the usual dry air that surrounds us is very close to it in terms of characteristics. Its thermal conductivity is 0.025 W / (m ° C). It is this characteristic that is most important for any insulation. The lower the thermal conductivity, the smaller the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, the higher its efficiency and the lower the cost of roof insulation. Various modern heaters thermal conductivity can range from 0.029 to 0.23 W / (m ° C).

Another important characteristic of thermal insulation materials is hygroscopicity, that is, the ability of the insulation layer to absorb moisture, as well as their vapor permeability. Last characteristic determines the ability of a heat-insulating material to pass moisture contained in the air without retaining it.

Usage effective insulation allows you to create a "breathing" roof - just such a roof made of profiled sheet with insulation will ensure the optimal level of humidity in the room.

In addition to these basic characteristics, thermal insulation materials differ from each other in compressive strength, resilience and elasticity. These parameters are selected depending on the conditions under which the insulated roof made of corrugated board is used. The most widely used roof insulation materials are foamed polystyrene or basalt fibers.

When insulating a roof from corrugated board, first of all, it is necessary to determine the thickness of the insulation layer. This calculation is rather complicated, since it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors - from the temperature coefficient of the area to the level of humidity. The coefficient that takes into account the necessary factors is called the coefficient of heat transfer resistance for the roof and is denoted by the Latin letter R.

This coefficient has already been calculated for the administrative centers of the Russian Federation, and is shown in the table below. If you need to perform a calculation for a different area, then you will have to use a special regulatory documents... In particular, . You can download it by right-clicking on the SNiP name and selecting "Save as ...".

Calculated values ​​of the coefficient of resistance of heat transfer of the roof for cities of the Russian Federation according to SNiP 23-02-2003
Locality Degree-day Heat transfer resistance
for roofs, R, (m2x ° C / Bt)
Arkhangelsk 5700 5.05
Astrakhan 3400 3.90
Anadyr 9000 6.70
Bryansk 4000 4.20
Bratsk 6900 5.65
Volgograd 3900 4.12
Vologda 5200 4.80
Vladimir 4900 4.65
Vladivostok 4600 4.50
Yekaterinburg 5600 5.00
Irkutsk 6500 5.45
Krasnodar 2400 3.45
Krasnoyarsk 5900 5.15
Kursk 4200 4.30
Magadan 7700 5.05
Makhachkala 2300 3.35
Moscow 4600 4.50
Murmansk 6000 5.20
Novosibirsk 6200 5.30
Omsk 6000 5.20
Orenburg 5200 4.50
Petrozavodsk 5200 4.80
Saint Petersburg 4400 4.40
Salekhard 8300 6.35
Syktyvkar 5900 5.15
Tomsk 6300 5.35
Tyumen 5600 5.00
Ulan-Ude 6700 5.55
Khabarovsk 5800 5.10
Chelyabinsk 5500 4.95
Chita 7200 5.80
Yakutsk 10000 7.20

The table below shows an approximate calculation for the cities of Anadyr, Salekhard and Yakutsk. Due to the difficult climatic conditions, more precise calculations are needed in these cities.

Comparison required thickness different heaters under the same conditions

The thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation can be viewed either on the packaging or in the accompanying certificate. I draw your attention - it is necessary to take exactly the coefficient with the B index, which characterizes the use of the material in a humid environment.

According to technology, the device of a warm roof made of corrugated board depends on the design of the roof. A warm corrugated roof can be pitched or flat. The insulation installation technology in the first and second cases is somewhat different.

Decking with insulation on pitched roofs

By making necessary calculations and having determined the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, we will solve only part of the problem. Next, we need to achieve the main thing - to create conditions in which the selected insulation will be guaranteed to retain its properties and the corrugated board with insulation will make our house warm and cozy.

The greatest danger to most thermal insulation materials is moisture. The basis of any insulation is ordinary air trapped inside the granules or fibers of the insulation. That is why all thermal insulation materials are very lightweight. After all, the fewer there are specific gravity, the more air in the pores of these materials and the higher their thermal insulation properties.

But worth thermal insulation materials to be in a humid environment, their properties change dramatically. If the moisture content of the insulation layer increases by 5%, then the thermal resistance, main indicator its properties is reduced by 50%, that is, by half.

The device of insulated roofing made of corrugated board is most often performed from roofing insulation based on basalt fibers, produced in the form of rolls or slabs. Their disadvantage is that they can absorb moisture from the surrounding air.

Unlike these materials, expanded polystyrene plates not hygroscopic. But they are very fragile, flammable and can decompose at temperatures above 60 degrees. Therefore, polystyrene foam boards are used relatively rarely for roof insulation.

Where does this dangerous moisture come from and how do we protect our roof from it? There are two main reasons why moisture can get inside the insulation. The first is precipitation, that is, simply speaking, rain or snow. The second is condensation, which can form when the roofing is in contact with a warm moist air rooms on one side, and cold outside air on the other.

First of all, the insulation is protected from atmospheric moisture by the roofing itself made of corrugated board. In addition, in the device of the so-called "roofing pie", a special substrate for corrugated board is used. Usually these are special vapor-permeable membranes that allow water vapor to pass only in one direction. These membranes are laid on top of the insulation layer. It is such a substrate under the corrugated board that does not allow moisture from the outside to penetrate into the thermal insulation layer, and the moisture inside the insulation easily comes out.

The underlay for the profiled sheet is laid on top of the rafters and pressed against them wooden blocks, 40-50 mm thick. They are mounted along the rafters and are called counter battens. The lathing to which the corrugated board is attached is mounted perpendicular to the rafters. Thus, a ventilation gap is created between the membrane and the corrugated board. The air circulating there removes moisture from the under-roofing, and the substrate under the corrugated board on the roof always remains dry.

From below, the profiled sheet with insulation is protected with a hydro-barrier. So called reinforced for greater strength with fiberglass plastic wrap... It is she who protects the layer of insulation from moisture in the warm air of the heated room. For better ventilation, it is recommended to leave a gap of 2-3 cm between the hydro-barrier and the insulation.

Multi-layer installation of insulation on the operated flat roof from corrugated board

The first method is called one-layer conditionally. Since insulating boards are produced with a thickness of no more than 100 mm, they are always laid in several layers. But in a "single-layer" installation, all insulation boards have the same density.

With a two-layer method upper layer thermal insulation boards has a high density, and, therefore, a large load capacity. In this case, the plates of the upper layer distribute the load on the roof over the entire layer of thermal insulation. This method of installation makes it possible to carry out operated roofs that can easily support the weight of a person.

After the boards are installed, a bitumen or PVC roofing is laid on top of the thermal insulation layer.