How to make a garage roof correctly. Do-it-yourself garage roof Wooden garage roof

A reliable garage roof is an important condition for the preservation of the building. Roofing work in the garage is mainly carried out in the same way as on other buildings, but there are some nuances.

Types of garage roofs

According to the design features, several types of roofs can be distinguished. By the presence of roof slopes, there are:

  • pitched;
  • flat.

A flat roof needs to be equipped with a continuous elastic coating made of polymer-bitumen materials that are resistant to temperature changes. The supporting parts for such a structure are the walls of the building. Screeds or slabs can be used as a base. In some cases, a hanging garden is made on a flat roof. In this case, the structure will be exploitable.

A pitched roof is formed by bases, the angle of inclination of which can be from 10 to 60 °. The structures have an emphasis on the rafter mechanism. The following types of roofs can be built for the garage:

  1. With one slope. The structure has an emphasis on the walls of the building, in connection with which one of the walls must be higher than the others in order to be able to create a slope. The difference in height is calculated by the formula: H = tg α x s, where s is the width of the building, tg α is the slope tangent, the value of which can be calculated on a calculator or taken from Bradis tables. The slope of the roof depends on the characteristics of the climate of the region: the amount of snow and the strength of the constant wind.

    A pitched roof is formed by walls of different heights

  2. With two slopes. This option is most often used in the construction of garages, since it allows you to increase the usable area of ​​the building due to the attic space. A roof of this type can be made with or without overlap, however, it must be supported by a Mauerlat - a horizontal strapping made of bars, which unites the rafter mechanism into a solid structure.

    The gable roof increases the useful space of the garage due to the attic space

  3. Hip roof. It is used quite rarely for garages, but in some cases it is used to maintain a uniform style of building the territory. The rafter mechanism in this case will not have a ridge run, since the roof frame is formed by four identical slopes.

    The hipped roof consists of four identical slopes

  4. Mansard room. This type of construction allows you to arrange an additional room above the garage structure, which can be used by the owner for his own needs. For example, you can create a workshop, storage room, study, or guest room. It differs from the attic space in the height of the ceiling rise: at least 1.5 m. This roof project is considered expensive, since it needs steam, hydro and thermal insulation. You also need to install non-standard double-glazed windows. The rafter pair will have a steep kink, which can lead to a decrease in the strength of the building.

    The minimum rise of the floor in the room under the mansard roof is 1.5 m

Materials and tools for manufacturing

Competent erection of a roof with a single slope implies compliance with the slope required for the unimpeded drainage of melt water after rains or snowfalls. The height of the support parts must be different. The slope should be chosen taking into account the following factors:

  1. The climate of the region in which construction works are carried out. Gentle roofs with a slope of 5-7 ° are impractical to produce in regions with a lot of snow. However, they are suitable for places with strong winds. Roofs with a slope of 20-25 ° should not be made over separately located garage spaces in regions with moderate winds. Such structures can only be erected over attached buildings.
  2. Coating material type:
    • in the manufacture of roofs with a slope of 15 ° or less, it is necessary to use materials in rolls - polymer, polymer-bitumen or bituminous;
    • if the slope is up to 10 °, then the roof should be arranged in 2 layers;
    • at an angle of inclination of 17–20 °, metal sheets are used, sealed with a seam, flat or wavy slate;
    • for roofs with a slope of 25 ° and more, it is better to choose profiled sheets or metal tiles.
  3. Site design. The architectural features oblige to use the roof of the same color and shape throughout the entire territory.

When calculating the area of ​​the slope, it is necessary to take into account the installation of overhangs that protect the structure from rain.

Overhangs are roof outlets that protect the building from rain and snow

It is important to consider such nuances:

  1. There should be overhangs of 55-60 cm above the frame.
  2. The overhang over the iron-clad frame structure should be at least 15–20 cm.
  3. The overhang over a concrete or brick building should be 35–40 cm.

In some cases, the size of the overhangs is made larger to form a canopy on the side of the entrance or along the wall. The canopy will need to be supported on support pillars made on a separate or common base with the garage.

Garage Roof Covering Material

The roof of the garage can be covered with different materials. You need to choose based on the operating conditions and financial capabilities. For example, a building with a tile roof will cost much more than a building covered with slate. At the same time, laying metal tiles takes a lot of time. The most commonly used materials are:

  1. Roofing material. This is a material based on dense or lightweight cardboard impregnated with bitumen. It is covered with refractory bitumen, after which minerals are added to it. Breaking load - 26-28 kg. One roll is enough to cover approximately 10 m 2 of the roof. Roofing material can withstand heating up to 80 ° for two hours. The material can be used with a slope of at least 5 °. The rolled sheets are connected with an adhesive mixture or mastic in several layers or are fused with a gas burner. Roofing material is recommended for use if a garage with a complex-shaped roof is being manufactured. The main advantages of the material:
  2. Bituminous shingles. It is an artificial soft material for roofing, based on fiberglass impregnated with rubber bitumen with basalt or slate powder. Service period - up to 50 years. The decorativeness of the coating is achieved due to a wide range of colors and cutting shapes. Bituminous shingles have all the advantages of roofing material, however, they have a more aesthetic appearance. An additional advantage is the ability to replace individual fragments during repairs. The material can be installed on a roof with a minimum slope of 2 °.

    A roof made of bituminous tiles has a much more aesthetic appearance compared to roofing felt

  3. Ondulin. This is a molded mass based on cellulose, bitumen, various pigments and fillers. After drying, the sheets with waves become resistant to chemical attack. The advantages include low weight and low cost. The period of possible operation is up to 15 years. On sale can be found in material of different colors. Special fasteners should be used to fix the sheets.

    Ondulin is well suited for the garage roof, because it is a lightweight and beautiful material.

  4. Slate. It is a sheet of asbestos cement with a surface in the form of waves. Despite not the most aesthetic appearance and hygroscopicity, it has quite a few advantages:
  5. Iron sheets. The material has a polymer coating and is strong and durable. Sheets are fastened in a folded manner in a lock, and therefore experience in carrying out these works and a special tool are required. The permissible slope is 19-30 °. It is advisable to apply an additional protective coating on the metal roof, which can be organized using acrylic paint.
  6. Decking. These are metal sheets of a wavy shape, which are laid with an overlap in one wave on each side and are attached to the crate with roofing screws, which greatly simplifies the installation process. The recommended tilt angle is from 8 °.

    You can cover the roof of the garage with a profiled sheet alone in a day.

  7. Metal tiles. It is one of the most popular roofing materials. In terms of their properties, metal tiles are similar to corrugated board, but they look much more attractive. The coating consists of profiled iron sheets with a thickness of about 0.5 mm with a smooth or rough surface, protected by a layer of polymer spraying. Average service life is 30 years. The minimum slope is 14 °.

    The coating resembles natural tiles from afar, but costs much less

Garage Roof Tool

In order for the work to be done with high quality, you need to prepare the following tool:

  • a hammer;
  • a mallet made of wood;
  • a jack for lifting material to the roof;
  • roulette;
  • level for taking measurements;
  • spatula, if you plan to plaster and paint the garage;
  • scissors for metal, if you plan to use corrugated board;
  • saw;
  • axe.

Some metal roofing materials will require hole preparation. In this case, a countersink and a countersink should be added to the list.

DIY garage roof device

A roof for a garage building consists of the following elements:

  1. Rafter mechanism. It is used as a basis on which all the details are fixed. The structure will take on the overall loads of the roof.

    The rafter frame defines the shape of the roof and is its supporting part

  2. Sheathing. Serves as a support for fastening the roof covering.

    The step of the lathing depends on the used roofing material

  3. Materials for hydro, steam and thermal insulation. They are required in order to retain heat and protect the building from moisture.

    In order for the roof to retain heat and protect the garage from moisture, insulating materials must be installed in a specific sequence.

  4. Finish coating.

    Laying the topcoat is the final stage in the construction of the roof

  5. Additional details to strengthen the rafter mechanism.

If it is planned to build a garage with a pitched roof, then a Mauerlat or logs must be placed on the upper end parts. The elements will be used as a support for the rafter mechanism. They are fixed to the walls with wire through anchor bolts. Fasteners must be hammered into the wall or bricked up in the masonry.

The main parts of the gable roof rafter are the rafter legs. They may be:

  • suspended (supported by extreme parts);
  • layered (have intermediate parts for support).

If the span, which is formed by the supporting walls, has a length of less than 5 m, then only horizontal elements can be installed on the rafter frame. They are called crossbars. In the places where the Mauerlat and rafter legs are attached, holes for fasteners must be prepared. The supports are installed in these holes and are securely fixed with nails or anchor bolts.

Installing Mauerlat

Laying a roof for a garage should begin with the installation of a Mauerlat. For this, a beam of 15x10 cm is used. If the walls of the garage are made of timber, then the upper crown can be used as a Mauerlat.

  1. For walls made of bricks or concrete blocks, a reinforcing belt is made. Steel studs are mounted in it, on which the Mauerlat will then be put on. The design of an armored belt is required not only for the distribution of loads from the roof, but also for the horizontal alignment of the end surfaces of the walls. Without this element, the slope can be different in different parts of the roof.

    Before pouring concrete, metal threaded rods are welded to the reinforcing cage so that their protruding part is several centimeters longer than the Mauerlat beam

  2. Concrete is poured into the formwork, its surface is finally leveled, and then the structure is covered with a layer of roofing material and left to dry completely (at least 7 days).

    After leveling the concrete layer, the studs should come out of it to a height that exceeds the thickness of the Mauerlat by 3-5 cm

  3. Mauerlat beams are mounted. At the locations of the studs, holes of the appropriate diameter are drilled, and the beams are put on the studs. Nuts are screwed on top.

    After the Mauerlat beam is laid on the armored belt, it is fixed with nuts screwed onto the ends of the studs

  4. The rafters are fixed to the Mauerlat. The simplest method is two nails with a length of 150 mm, located crosswise, or staples made of iron. For better fastening, metal plates can be used.

    With the help of metal plates, you can make a sliding mount that will allow the elements to move within a small range during frame shrinkage and seasonal deformations of the building

Marking rafters and making lathing

At this stage, you will need to mark the rafters:

Installation of rafters for a pitched roof is not difficult. When constructing a rafter mechanism, one should be guided by the following principles:

As the base of the garage roof under the covering material, a crate made of strips or iron purlins should be used. The lathing is selected in this way:

The lathing should be done from bottom to top.

Each rail should be fastened with one nail to the rafter leg.

Insulation and waterproofing of the garage roof

External insulation of a garage roof should be done in the following sequence:

Internal roof insulation is performed as follows:

  1. First of all, a waterproofing layer is performed. The joints are sealed with tape.

    It is better to lay the waterproofing film with a slight slack in order to avoid excessive stress during thermal deformations.

  2. If it is planned to use polystyrene, then a crate must be made under it. Next, the sheets are attached with self-tapping screws. In the process, it is necessary to glue the joints with an adhesive mixture.
  3. If mineral wool is used, then it fits into the gaps between the rafters of the rafters.

    Slabs of mineral wool should go into the gaps between the lags and be held there without additional fastening

  4. The insulation material is covered with a vapor barrier film. The joints are glued with construction tape.

    A vapor barrier film protects the insulation from warm humid air coming out of the lower rooms

Care should be taken that the insulation material does not come into contact with the waterproofing film. There should be a gap between them. To do this, a counter-lattice of 30x40 or 50x50 mm bars is stuffed over the film. If a super diffusion membrane is used for waterproofing, a ventilation gap is not required.

Insulation of the roof inside can be done using penoizol.

Penoizol is applied to the roof by spraying

The foam should be sprayed on. It will penetrate into all gaps, expand as it dries, and spread throughout the base. As a result, there will be no gaps into which moisture or cold could penetrate. Penoizol is one of the best materials for insulation. It eliminates the appearance of mold and mildew. The only drawback is the high cost. However, it should be remembered that the period of possible use of the material is 70 years.

As a material for waterproofing pitched roofs, bituminous mastic is most often used. The coating, distributed over the roof surface, is able to form a base with excellent waterproofing parameters. It is also allowed to use an anti-condensation film, which is made on the basis of viscose. This option is most often suitable for roofs that are covered with profiled sheets.

Waterproofing is done after the rafter system and lathing have been completed, as well as the insulation has been laid:

If the roof will not be ventilated, then not an ordinary film should be used as a material for waterproofing, but with a protection against condensation. It is also possible to use a modern vapor-permeable membrane, which will remove excess water vapor to the outside. The waterproofing process can be facilitated by using a self-melting roof. However, it is important to ensure that the coating material does not overheat.

Video: waterproofing a garage roof

Laying roofing

One of the most popular options is roofing felt roofing.

Step-by-step guide to laying roofing material

Roofing material is mounted on a solid crate. The material is capable of performing two functions at once:

  • protect the interior from precipitation;
  • create solid budgetary coverage.

Roofing material is a soft roll material for roofing, so it is easy to install. To reliably protect the roof, roofing material must be installed in 2-3 layers. The first layer is used as a lining, and the subsequent ones are used as the main coating.

In addition to roofing material, other roll-type materials can also be used. They are laid out on mastic or fused with a gas burner. The second method requires increased attention, since it is fire hazardous. Such work should be performed by a person with experience.

Video: roofing with bitumen and roofing felt

The sequence of installation of roofing sheeting

The corrugated board has a low weight, so there is an opportunity to save on the manufacture of the rafter mechanism and lathing. The rafter legs can be made of 100x30, 50x30 or 50x50 mm bars. The choice must be made based on what load will be on the rafter mechanism. To create a high-quality roof, you need to insulate it and lay the material for waterproofing. Sequencing:

  1. Waterproofing is laid on the surface of the frame. In this case, it is allowed to use a polyethylene film with a thickness of 200 microns. The film is fixed to the lathing using slats of small thickness with a section of 20x20 mm. The distance between the slats must be made so that the profiled sheet can fit tightly on the parts.

    For laying a profiled sheet with a thickness of 0.4-0.5 mm, a sheathing step of 50 cm is sufficient

  2. A metal roof is laid on top of the waterproofing material. Profiled sheets are fixed to the crate with special self-tapping screws with rubber lining. For convenience, you can pre-make small holes in the base. Self-tapping screws must be screwed in without tension, so that the material can contract and expand with changes in temperature.

    Sheets of corrugated board are fastened with roofing screws into the groove of the wave

  3. The roof is insulated from inside the garage. The process of insulation for corrugated board is completely similar to that described above.
  4. On the inside of the roof, a vapor barrier film and a finishing coating of the walls and ceiling of the attic are mounted.

Video: self-covering the roof with profiled sheets

Features of laying folded and slate roofs

It is possible to lay seam roofing made of galvanized metal only if you have certain skills and special devices. It is not recommended to do this on your own.

A slate roof can serve for over 40 years. The material is laid in the same way as the corrugated board, but the slate is heavy. Accordingly, he needs a strong and reliable rafter mechanism. Rafters should be made of wooden bars with a cross section of at least 100x80 mm.

Video: roofing with slate

Operation and maintenance of a roof for a garage

Soft surfaces are quite durable, but regular inspection of the substrate is recommended. Signs that indicate the need for repair:

  1. Various mechanical damages: through abrasion, deep crack, burst hole.
  2. The appearance of depressions in which water or dirt can stagnate.
  3. Changes in the appearance of the coating: the appearance of moss, mold or mildew.
  4. Emergency layering at the joints.

If these signs are present, it is recommended that the roof be repaired immediately. Experienced experts recommend that garage owners perform regular maintenance activities at least once every 3 years. In this case, it will be enough just to eliminate minor flaws. If the roof is left in disrepair for a long time, then a complete replacement of the coating may be required.

Garage roof repair

The repair method depends on the type of roof and the degree of deterioration of the building. In private buildings, where the garage is located separately from the building, budget materials for the roof with a long service life are used. Garages in cooperatives cannot be covered with profiled sheets or flexible tiles, therefore soft materials on a bitumen basis are used. There are 3 options for repairing a garage roof:

  1. With the help of heated bitumen.
  2. The use of soft roofing material.
  3. Application of profiled sheets or tiles.

Before proceeding with the repair work, you will need to remove debris from the roof and clear the places that need to be repaired. If the previously installed coating material can be used, then you will need to cut out the grooves with an ax in places with defects. If the roof was covered with roofing material, then the structure should be inspected for cracks or swelling. Such defects must be eliminated prior to repair work.

When the preparatory work is completed, you can start repair work:

It is quite simple to repair a roof with roofing material. You will need to cut out several pieces of material, and then close the indentations with their help. Each segment must correspond to the size of the depression. Sequencing:

Video: partial repair of the garage roof

It is quite possible to build a durable roof for a garage on your own, but it is important to follow the instructions and choose high-quality and reliable materials at all stages of work.

Experienced car enthusiasts know perfectly well that a perfectly made roof for a garage is very important, since it is not only the final stage of the entire construction, but also serves as protection from various atmospheric precipitations. Roofing is a complex process, so it is necessary to first familiarize yourself with what kind of roofs are made in garages and choose the right roof covering.

What are the roofs for the garage

The roof for a garage can be varied, so it is necessary to initially decide on its design. In many cases, it is possible to replace one type of roofing with another, but this implies additional costs and anxiety. That is why it is better to make the right choice even at the initial stage of roof construction.

Before choosing one of the types of roof frame, it is worth deciding on its load-bearing characteristics, dimensions and shape of the box, and then consider one of the presented roof design options.

Features of the device of a shed roof

A pitched roof is the simplest type of structure, which is very much in demand today, since it has no analogues in cost. To equip such a roof, you do not need to use special building materials, special equipment or have deep knowledge in the field of design.

A pitched roof is the simplest and cheapest construction for covering a garage.

Features of the construction of a pitched roof are as follows:

As rafter legs, two boards connected along the wide side are often used, but the best option is to use beams made of metal or wood with a section of 50 * 150 mm.

A pitched roof consists of the following parts:

  • the base of the roof is a rafter system, to which all other constituent elements are attached;
  • the sheathing is a support for the roofing;
  • elements that reinforce the rafter system;
  • insulating materials that protect the structure from water and retain heat inside the structure;
  • directly covering the roof of the garage.

The upper ends of a single-pitched roof garage must have a Mauerlat or logs that support the rafters. They are attached to the walls with wire anchors. The anchors themselves can be walled up in masonry or hammered into the wall.

Such a structure can be covered with any kind of roofing material: roofing material, corrugated board, soft tiles, etc.

How is a gable roof structured

A gable roof is installed above the garage, if an attic is needed. The most common gable roof gable construction is an isosceles triangle.

The rafter system of a gable roof can be made in the following versions:

It is very easy to install a gable roof, since its base consists of several rafters of identical dimensions. The installation of the frame rafters is done in series, and then they are connected at the very top of the roof.

The roof support is the walls of the building. To correctly calculate the size of the ridge, as well as the rafters, it is necessary to know not only the angle of inclination of the roof, but also the dimensions of the structure. To neatly make a visor, you need to add about half a meter to the length of the rafters.

Installation of a gable roof begins with the arrangement of roof trusses, which are assembled on the ground according to a template. The Mauerlat is installed along the perimeter of the building, and then it is attached to the wall using anchors. A layer of roofing material is made between the Mauerlat and the wall.

Characteristic features of a sloping roof

A broken roof is a structure with numerous broken lines. In principle, this is a type of gable roof that allows you to create an additional room on the attic floor.

There are such types of broken roofs:

The reliability of the structure and its comfort depend on the type of roof chosen. However, the most popular today are the broken hipped roofs, since they ideally combine two features: the effective use of additional space and the low complexity of installing the rafter system. This approach implies obtaining full-fledged residential premises with a small financial investment.

The device of the sloping hipped roof of the garage allows you to create full-fledged living quarters on the second floor

To build a broken roof, it is necessary to make a fairly large structure of the rafter system, however, during its construction, modular installation methods can be used, so it is not necessary to use different lifting equipment. The rafter system and racks are cut at the right angle in those places where there are fractures of the slopes. To fix the knots, it is necessary to use “kerchiefs” made of plywood with a maximum thickness of 2 cm.

This design of a four-pitched roof is perfect for small garages where it is impossible to construct a broken roof of a more complex shape. For buildings with large areas, another rafter system is installed.

Operated garage roof

An exploitable roof is a flat structure that has a special coating. A similar structure can be built over the entire area of ​​the building or over some part of it.

The exploited roof is conventionally divided into the following types:

The device of such a roof must comply with the standards that are indicated in the SNiP, since the operating time of the roof depends on the correctness of the selected materials, the calculations performed, and also the consideration of the loads.

Usually, the roof structure has a multi-layer structure, and it is done in this way:

  • rigid base;
  • mandatory vapor barrier layer;
  • insulation;
  • screed at the right angle;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • protective separator;
  • topcoat.

An exploited roof can also be equipped with granite gravel (fraction 25/32 mm), which is laid on geotextiles. In order for the roof to function normally, gravel is laid with a minimum thickness of 50 mm. Geotextiles in parallel with gravel will make the pavement more stable.

The indisputable advantages of a sliding roof for a garage

Today, mobile sliding roofs are of great interest, which have many advantages over traditional roofs.

By its design, a retractable roof can be of the following type:

By functionality, retractable roofs are divided into:

  • seasonal (the structure moves only during a certain period, usually in summer);
  • permanent (used throughout the year);
  • temporary (used for mobile light buildings).

In addition, a retractable roof can be not only capital, when the entire structure or its specific part is covered, but also attached over various structures to the main house. Among other things, a sliding roof can be constructed over other free-standing buildings such as greenhouses, greenhouses or observatories.

The main elements of the sliding roof are load-bearing profiles made of aluminum, which are manufactured with a variety of protective coatings in the form of:

  • anodizing;
  • powder paint;
  • various enamels.

To stiffen the profiles, a square steel pipe is installed inside them. However, the most durable forms of sliding roof frames are:

  • dome;
  • arched;
  • single-slope with an angle of inclination of at least 45 o.

For other types of roofs, which have a slope angle of up to 45 o, use only reinforced coverings, as well as profiles.

The highest quality and most effective options for arranging a sliding roof are plexiglass, triplex or tempered glass coatings. This kind of panels can withstand hail up to 14 mm.

What types of materials are used for the roof of the garage

The roof of the garage can be built from a variety of building materials, and their cost depends on the "thickness" of your wallet, and the methods of installation - on the time you have. Therefore, you should thoroughly think about the type of roofing material for the garage.

Quite a popular and well-known material among consumers, which is affordable and easy to use. One roll is enough to cover 10 m 2 of the roof and forget about it for 15 years. The main advantage of roofing felt is that this coating is inexpensive and durable, but for its use it is necessary to make a crate, as well as a rigid frame.

Roofing material is one of the most inexpensive and popular materials for covering the roof of a garage.

Waterproofing is considered to be of high quality, provided that it was made from at least four different layers, while using different types of roofing material.

Corrugated board

This is a modern material displacing slate, since the service life of the corrugated board exceeds half a century. When deciding how to cover the roof of the garage, think about purchasing a non-existent wall material of the HC brand. The wavy profile of the sheet is made using cold rolled products. All types of corrugated board have an identical wavy trapezoidal shape, but the size and height of the material is different for all brands.

Decking is one of the most popular materials for a garage roof, because it is lightweight and lasts for at least 50 years.

Decking is a durable, fireproof, waterproof and soundproof roofing material that meets government regulations. Its advantage is its reusability.


Traditional slate is often used for arranging the roof of a garage, since its operational life is about 40 years at a moderate cost. The material is an asbestos-cement slab, which is quite simple to install - holes are drilled into which galvanized nails are driven in with an allowance of a couple of millimeters. Further, the installation of this material is carried out identically to the roofing device made of corrugated board with the only difference - the corners of the internal spans are cut.

Slate on the roof of the garage is laid in the same way as corrugated board and is attached with special slate nails


The roof of the garage can also be made of cement-sand or ceramic tiles. These natural coatings last approximately 100 years and are UV resistant, flame retardant and able to withstand a wide variety of temperature fluctuations. In addition, the tiles have excellent noise absorption, no static stress and low heat conductivity.

For laying tiles on a gable roof, special locks are used on each product

If a roof is being built with a slope of about 12 degrees, then metal tiles are the ideal option. The flooring is made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.6 mm, which is covered with a polymer composition. To shape the material, it is stamped. Metal tiles are available in a variety of colors.

The metal tile is laid in large sheets, often corresponding to the length of the slope

Recessed roof

Metal is the lightest building material that allows you to save money when installing the frame. Of course, servicing a metal structure, you will have to spend a lot of money, but this material is suitable for any type of roof. For example, when planning to build a metal roof, when arranging it, you can do only with a crate, which is made of beams.

To create a seam garage roof, special tools are used to form the profile of the sheet fastening.

The installation of a folded structure implies the use of special equipment and the involvement of professionals, since even minor "punctures" in the calculations will lead to distortions, which are much more difficult to eliminate than to build a roof right away.

How and how to insulate the roof of the garage

Any motorist dreams of a warm garage, while making the roof insulated is quite simple.

In modern construction, the roof of a garage is insulated in combination, that is, they combine a traditional insulation with a heat insulator that reflects light and does not transmit infrared radiation. However, in some cases, such costs can be unreasonably high, for example, if the building is detached. Then they use classic materials, such as:

  1. Mineral wool. It has excellent technical characteristics. It is used only with a waterproof and vapor barrier material that protects mineral wool from water. In addition, mineral wool is quite affordable.

    Mineral wool is inserted into the cells between the rafters and secured with wire or fishing line before the ceiling finish is laid

  2. Glass wool. This material is cheaper than other insulation materials, but has a low degree of fire resistance. If you intend to make a pitched roof, then it is better to buy a special type of glass wool, which has a high structure density. Such material is produced in rolls with a width equal to the normal distance between the rafter legs.

    Glass wool is one of the most inexpensive and affordable materials for roof insulation.

  3. Styrofoam. It is a waterproof material that is similar to mineral wool in terms of its thermal insulation characteristics. Polyfoam is a flammable insulation, however, the PBS-S brand with the addition of fire retardants has the property of self-extinguishing. Due to these features of the material, it is used as insulation for the roof of the garage. In addition, it does not rot, mold and mildew do not form on it.

    Laying foam in a garage roof lathing does not require any special skills

  4. Penoizol. It is a liquid foam, but with the best performance. It is resistant to fire and water, solidifies when placed in an enclosed space, and forms a perfect seamless finish. With all this, penoizol is cheaper than any sheet polystyrene, and its service life is about 40 years without loss of characteristics.

    To insulate the roof with penoizol, it is necessary to use special equipment for spraying

You can also use traditional options for insulating a garage roof, for example, using sawdust, but they cannot be compared with modern materials.

The garage room is an object with a high probability of fire, therefore it is necessary to purchase insulation with improved fire resistance characteristics.

We insulate the garage roof from the inside

Required tools:

  • special buttons or furniture stapler with staples;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • carpentry tools;
  • self-adhesive tape;
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation.

The roof is insulated from the inside as follows:

Such a cake fits not only on timber beam structures, but also on reinforced concrete slabs. Before installation, the beams are protected with sheet material, after which waterproofing is attached to it, then insulation and vapor barrier.

Do not allow the waterproofing film to come into contact with the insulation; there must be a certain distance between these materials for ventilation. Direct contact is only allowed if a superdiffusion membrane has been used.

Video: how to insulate the garage roof inside

We insulate the garage roof from the outside

Outside, the roof is insulated even at the construction stage, since it is not very convenient to open an already finished building in order to correct shortcomings. Pay attention to the presence of a vapor barrier, which must be installed from the side of the room. In this way, you can prevent not only the re-condensation of vapors, but also avoid unpleasant smudges. How to insulate the garage roof from the outside:

Video: how to insulate the garage roof from the outside

How to repair a garage roof

Leakage is the main nuisance that the garage roof brings, and the reasons for this may be as follows:

  • depletion of the strength resource during operation;
  • negative impact of weather;
  • incorrect installation of the roof;
  • mechanical damage due to careless cleaning of the roof from the snow cover;
  • low quality finishing material;
  • disdain for the installation of waterproofing;
  • violation of installation norms when using roofing material.

Leaks should be eliminated even at the stage of mold or wet spots. Initially, it is worth checking the joints, as well as joints, then the integrity of the roof for holes, chips or other damage. In addition, it is necessary to remove various types of blockages, for example, from dry leaves, which clog the corners of the roof and accumulate moisture.

The way to eliminate the leak depends solely on the extent of damage and the characteristics of the roofing material. Partial repairs can be carried out for small pieces as well as soft roofing materials. The scope of repair work for panel and sheet material depends only on the complexity of the structure and its damage.

With the help of roofing material, you can quickly and inexpensively completely repair the roof of the garage and get rid of leaks.

When preparing the drawings and the project of the garage roof, immediately include in the estimate an extra 10% for other expenses that are difficult to foresee.

Video: how to repair a garage roof

High-quality construction of a garage roof is the best option to minimize your costs if you have the necessary knowledge in construction. The choice of material and tools is of great importance when arranging the roof. It is enough to read the necessary information, and you will be able to carry out all the work yourself. We wish you success!

One of the important stages in the construction of a garage - the construction of a roof, often raises a lot of questions. What to choose: an attic or flat roof, red corrugated board or cheap slate, to make a "warm" overlap or insulate the slopes themselves? And below you will learn how to make a roof for a garage with your own hands, using examples of options for a gable and a pitched roof.

First of all, you have to find out what kind of garage do you need at all: a heated or cold box, which can only hide the car from snow and rain?

Now decide on the type of roof itself:

  • flat - it involves pouring a concrete floor or installing its factory slabs (as a rule, hollow-core), using a crane for laying them;
  • single-slope - the easiest option for those who plan to make a roof for the garage with their own hands;
  • gable - a more complex and time-consuming roof option that requires certain building skills and a large consumption of materials.

Alternatively, consider a device above the second floor garage. Depending on the roof used, it is worth deciding on the option of its insulation:

  • flat is insulated along the top of the slab;
  • single-slope is usually insulated by laying heat-insulating material between the rafters;
  • the gable is insulated either as a gable, or by placing the insulation over the garage in the horizontal overlap.

Select the suitable roofing material for your roof type.

All these actions should be performed even at the design stage, since its weight and the load that the roof will exert on the foundation depends on the chosen structure (this will affect the size of the foundation structure and its appearance: columnar, strip or base plate around the entire perimeter of the garage).

Do-it-yourself flat roof for the garage

It is recommended to carry out such a roof with the assistance of specialists. This is because you cannot lay finished floor slabs without a team of crane operators. In addition, pouring the concrete floor manually, you will need a large volume of ready-made concrete (which will allow you to do this procedure at one time), reinforcing cages, formwork and assistants.

When pouring a monolithic concrete slab on the garage, it is usually made horizontal, and the slope is created later by laying insulation (for example, expanded clay).

If hollow-core floor slabs are installed, then the slope can be created during installation (by making the front wall higher than the rest: the height differences should form a slope of at least 2 cm per 1 m of the slab length).

Do-it-yourself shed roof for the garage

The most affordable and simple option for beginners planning to make a garage roof with their own hands is a pitched roof. Moreover, wooden or metal tanks can be used as load-bearing structures.

  • The supporting structures (rafters) are laid along the garage (it is important that the front wall is higher than the rest, which allows you to make the slope necessary for the roofing material) and rest on the Mauerlat (timber with a cross section of at least 10x10 cm). It is worth laying a waterproofing layer under the Mauerlat (pieces of roofing material are perfect).
  • With the help of a construction styler, a wind and moisture protection membrane is fixed on the top of the rafters.
  • Further along the rafters, a wooden counter-lathing is attached, on which the lathing is fixed (with a certain step or solid, depending on the roofing material).
  • The roofing material is laid in accordance with the technology of such a process developed by the manufacturer.
  • Roof insulation. It is carried out depending on the option chosen (in the overlap plane or between the rafters). The insulation from the inside should be protected with a layer of vapor barrier.

Do-it-yourself gable roof for a garage

To equip a gable roof, you will need a device of a more complex version of the supporting structure. Moreover, if the roofing material needs a significant slope (a large amount of snow is retained on the roof or rainwater can fall under it under a strong wind), then it is better to make not an attic, but an attic (inside it will be an exploited room).

How to repair a soft roof?

To perform the entire complex of repair work on the soft roof of the structure, you will need the following set of tools:

  • roofing material;
  • broom;
  • tin bucket;
  • bituminous mastic;
  • burner and gas cylinder;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • axe.

Before proceeding with the repair, it is recommended to take into account the nature of the roof. In many cases, garages are built in one row. However, if you decide to make a complete renovation, then you need to contact your neighbors and warn them about it. Otherwise, hardly anyone will be happy that part of its roof was destroyed.

Attention! Repairing a solid roof is only necessary in warm and dry weather.

Identification of problem areas

Remove all leaves and other dirt from the roof surface. After that, once again carefully inspect the roof and decide what should be its repair - partial or complete. If the roof is more than 10 years old, then most likely swellings, cracks, and seams have formed on it. Having identified the problem area, do not rush to shoot everything. It is enough to cut it crosswise and press firmly. If there are cracks, then cut through these places with an ax, and then clean them of debris and dust. To do this, use a gas burner and hairdryer.

Covering the roof of the garage with roofing felt

One of the easiest ways to repair a roof is to cover it with roofing felt. The main advantage of this material is its low cost. In addition, it is an excellent waterproofing material that protects the garage roof from leaks.

Previously made holes can be covered with roofing material. For partial repairs, it should be cut into small pieces. Attach such a piece to the hole and press firmly. A layer of resin or mastic is applied on top of it. After that, the bent roofing material can be pressed again and covered with mastic.

Attention! The cut piece of roofing material must be 20 cm larger than the damaged area. Thus, you will provide high-quality waterproofing. Then you can simply leave everything as it is and spread a new layer of roofing material over the entire surface of the roof.

How roofing material is laid on the roof of a garage

If you have planned to overlap the roof with a new layer of roofing material, then it should be spread on the surface and wait a day. To complete the work, you will need resin (to combine the old roofing material with the new one). It will also protect all joints from possible leakage. Typically, the resin is prepared in a tin bucket or some other container for further disposal. For this, tar is melted with a burner to the consistency of thick sour cream.

As soon as the resin is ready, it can be poured over a part of the roof, after which the roofing material can be laid. Then walk across its entire surface. The next sheet should overlap 12 cm towards the slope. For this reason, the first sheet should start from the lowest point.

Attention! If bubbles form during the roofing felt, then poke a hole (small) and firmly press the problem area. If necessary, this place must be filled with resin.

It will take 12 hours for the first layer of roofing material to dry. Then you can edit the second layer. Do not forget to make sure that the joints of the first and second layers do not coincide in any way. This will eliminate the possibility of moisture penetration into the soft roof.

If there are places adjacent to the wall, then it is important to pay special attention to them. Perhaps the use of a rigid sheet will be relevant. Most likely in the corner you will need to cover several layers of roofing material. Moreover, each layer should dry well.

Attention! If the angle of the roof slope is less than 15 °, then less than four layers of roofing material will be needed. If the slope is more than 16 °, then you need to use at least two layers.

Features of waterproofing a garage roof

There is another way to make waterproofing. For this, it is not at all necessary to use roofing material. You can use a special deposited material like bikrost. It is ideal for soft roofs.

The technology for its application is as follows:
  • cleaning and priming of the roof;
  • unrolling a roll of bikrost if necessary. Do not immediately roll out the roll along the entire roof;
  • take into account that the lower layer of bikrost is represented by oxidized bitumen, which can be heated with a burner;
  • during warming up, make sure that at the edges and corners the material fits as tightly as possible to the roof;
  • each next sheet of material should overlap up to 70 mm;
  • do not delay the work process. Everything needs to be done efficiently and quickly. This is primarily due to the fact that bitumen sets very quickly. Tearing it off the roof can cause damage.

As you can see, the technology of waterproofing the roof with bikrost is almost no different from that used when laying roofing material. The only advantage is that you don't have to prepare the resin. Believe me, this is a painstaking and unpleasant process. But the result will not be worse.

How to repair a rigid roof

If not resin is used to cover the garage, but corrugated board, then the nature of its repair, of course, will be different. It is most likely easier to replace damaged sheets. Although there are times when a tree has fallen on the roof of the garage, as a result of which one has to resort to major repairs, which also implies the installation of the lathing.

If partial repairs are required, then, first of all, you need to dismantle the old sheet and lay a new one. It is important that it does not coincide in wavelength. In addition, it is important to carefully ensure that the correct overlap is made. The sheet is screwed on with special self-tapping screws designed for corrugated board.

Attention! If the length of the garage is 6 meters, and the sheet of material is 1 meter, then 12 sheets of corrugated board will be needed for the entire roof.

If the garage is covered with metal tiles, then its repair is practically no different. The only thing that needs to be controlled is the locks that connect the shingles.

By adhering to our recommendations, you will be able to make a high-quality roof repair, which will significantly reduce costs, than you would have to rebuild it. And at the same time, do not forget that often the roof requires partial repair, which will save you money. But the main thing is that you can do all the work yourself.

A flat roof is used not only in residential buildings, but also in auxiliary and household buildings. A flat roof garage can be not only practical and functional, but also an original structure. A flat roof is ideal for regions with little average monthly rainfall. However, even in areas with an abundance of precipitation and snowy winters, the arrangement of a flat roof is possible provided that the supporting frame of the roof is reinforced and the permissible loads on the floor system are taken into account.

A flat roof has the following advantages:

  1. The building with a flat roof looks quite original and modern.
  2. On such a roof, you can equip a terrace, a recreation area or use it according to the preferences of the owners.
  3. Since such a structure does not require the installation of a complex and expensive rafter system, and also due to the small coverage area, garage owners receive significant savings in money for the construction of this part of the structure.
  4. If we compare a flat roof with pitched structures, then its repair is much easier and does not require much time from you.

The only drawback of such roofs is the need for careful design and calculations of the future structure, taking into account the maximum permissible loads and the type of roofing. If mistakes are made at this stage, then the roof may not only leak, but also be unable to withstand the weight of the snow cap and ice.

Attention! When designing flat roofs, a slight slope of the surface is laid for the drainage of melt and rainwater. This slope should be within 4 °.

Varieties of flat roofs

Reinforced concrete floor slabs or metal profile beams can be used as the base of a flat roof. The structure of the roofing cake and the sequence of its execution are directly related to the type of base used.

All flat roofs are divided into several subspecies, depending on the method of forming the roofing cake:

  • monolithic roofs in classic design;
  • structures made of corrugated board;
  • inversion coverings, which can be attributed to a special version of the traditional roof.

All of the above structures are divided into unexploited and exploited, depending on the strength and bearing capacity of the base.

Monolithic roofs

Monolithic roof structures for a garage are considered classics. They belong to the category of soft roofs. The roofing cake of such a roof consists of the following layers, located from the bottom up:

  1. The base is a reinforced concrete slab for arranging floors.
  2. A film vapor barrier is laid on top of it.
  3. This is followed by a layer of insulating material. Usually mineral wool is used for these purposes.
  4. A waterproofing roofing carpet is laid on the insulation. Roll material containing bitumen is used as waterproofing.
  5. If the roof is in use, then a reinforced concrete screed is made. A metal mesh is used to strengthen it. After that, if necessary, an additional layer of waterproofing and a tile covering can be laid.

Sometimes for arranging a flat monolithic roof, metal I-beams with a height of 120-150 mm are used. Further, the construction is carried out as follows:

  1. On the lower shelves of these beams, a solid lathing of 2.5 cm thick wooden boards is mounted, which are covered with roofing material.
  2. After that, the reinforcing mesh is laid so that it stands at a distance of 30-50 mm from the roofing material.
  3. Then the space between the beams is filled with concrete.
  4. When the mortar has set, a classic soft roll roof is set up.

Quite often, flat roofs of garages are made of a load-bearing profiled sheet. This is the most economical option for arranging a flat roof structure. But this option is only suitable for unexploited roofs. The design of the roofing cake in this case practically does not differ from that described above with the only difference that an additional layer of heat insulator is required.

Classic design

Such a structure in section looks like a multilayer structure, which should include the following mandatory layers:

  • flat base (concrete, made of metal beams or bearing profiled sheet);
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • layer of heat-insulating material;
  • waterproofing carpet.

A polyethylene film is usually used as a vapor barrier. It reliably protects the roof structure from warm air vapors rising from the room and causing condensation to form in the thermal insulation layer.

The following materials can be used as insulation:

  • expanded clay-gravel mixture;
  • mineral wool slabs;
  • expanded polystyrene plate insulation.

The waterproofing carpet is made of roll materials produced on the basis of bitumen. Also for this you can use spray membranes and special mastics.

Inversion roofs

The inversion roof design is fundamentally different from the options discussed above. In cross-section, such a roofing cake has the following layers:

  1. The base is a flat concrete slab.
  2. A waterproofing roofing carpet is attached to it with the help of a bituminous primer.
  3. Next, a slab of rigid heat-insulating material is laid.
  4. This is followed by a drainage layer and a reinforced covering.
  5. After that, geotextiles are laid, which protects the insulation from the negative effects of external factors.
  6. The final layer of the inversion roof can be any material suitable for this purpose, for example, paving slabs, a fertile layer of grass.

Important! An inverted roof can withstand significant loads, so it can be used as an exploited roof.

General device rules

According to the requirements of SNiP, a flat roof should be performed with a minimum slope to one side in order to avoid the accumulation of precipitation on the surface and leakage. It is worth remembering that even a minimal amount of moisture retained on the coating can lead to rapid deterioration of the roofing cake structures. This is because, due to repeated thawing and freezing of moisture, structures are deformed and destroyed.

To form the required angle of inclination, either supporting elements (beams or floor slabs) are used, which are mounted in accordance with the required slope, or a special slope is made from expanded clay.

It is also worth remembering that there must be a separating layer between the insulation and the layer of the slope made of bulk material. The soft roofing is laid in two layers with overlapping strips. In this case, the direction of laying the strips in two layers should be mutually perpendicular.

Experienced car enthusiasts know perfectly well that a perfectly made roof for a garage is very important, since it is not only the final stage of the entire construction, but also serves as protection from various atmospheric precipitations. Roofing is a complex process, so it is necessary to first familiarize yourself with what kind of roofs are made in garages and choose the right roof covering.

What are the roofs for the garage

The roof for a garage can be varied, so it is necessary to initially decide on its design. In many cases, it is possible to replace one type of roofing with another, but this implies additional costs and anxiety. That is why it is better to make the right choice even at the initial stage of roof construction.

Before choosing one of the types of roof frame, it is worth deciding on its load-bearing characteristics, dimensions and shape of the box, and then consider one of the presented roof design options.

Features of the device of a shed roof

A pitched roof is the simplest type of structure, which is very much in demand today, since it has no analogues in cost. To equip such a roof, you do not need to use special building materials, special equipment or have deep knowledge in the field of design.

A pitched roof is the simplest and cheapest construction for covering a garage.

Features of the construction of a pitched roof are as follows:

  1. Bearing walls are built in such a way that their heights on opposite sides are different.
  2. Mauerlat is laid on these walls.

    Mauerlat is laid on the load-bearing walls of the garage

  3. The rafters are laid on top of the Mauerlat and attached to the racks using metal corners.

    A rafter system is installed on the Mauerlat

  4. Then the crate is stuffed.

    A crate is installed on the rafter system from the longitudinal rows of edged boards

  5. The roof is insulated from the inside.

    Insulation is laid in the gaps between the rafter joists with a slight interference

As rafter legs, two boards connected along the wide side are often used, but the best option is to use beams made of metal or wood with a section of 50 * 150 mm.

A pitched roof consists of the following parts:

  • the base of the roof is a rafter system, to which all other constituent elements are attached;
  • the sheathing is a support for the roofing;
  • elements that reinforce the rafter system;
  • insulating materials that protect the structure from water and retain heat inside the structure;
  • directly covering the roof of the garage.

The upper ends of a single-pitched roof garage must have a Mauerlat or logs that support the rafters. They are attached to the walls with wire anchors. The anchors themselves can be walled up in masonry or hammered into the wall.

Such a structure can be covered with any kind of roofing material: roofing material, corrugated board, soft tiles, etc.

How is a gable roof structured

A gable roof is installed above the garage, if an attic is needed. The most common gable roof gable construction is an isosceles triangle.

The rafter system of a gable roof can be made in the following versions:

  1. Naslonnaya. The rafter beams abut not only the ridge, but also the cornice part. On the walls lies a Mauerlat, to which the lower parts of the beams are attached, and a solid purlin rests on intermediate posts or an internal wall. The support frame is made before the rafter system is installed. The pitched gable roof expands the walls, which means that it cannot be suitable for all types of garages.

    Inclined rafters are based not only on the load-bearing walls of the building, but also on the internal support

  2. Rafterless. In this case, you can do without detailed calculations, special lifting mechanisms, as well as complex structures. The emphasis is triangular pediments, which are traditionally made of bricks. The disadvantage is that there are limitations in the length of the building. The maximum size is nine-meter metal beams.

    A rafterless roof can only be used with a building length of no more than 9 meters

  3. Hanging. The support is made exclusively on the load-bearing walls, and there will be no expansion of the box from significant loads caused by heavy snowfall or the mass of the roof covering. The rafters are attached to each other in the ridge and secured with a lining. The frame does not move apart thanks to the puffs that are installed at the bottom of the rafters. If the design involves large spans, then the crossbar, headstock and struts are installed, which prevent the sagging of the rafter system.

    Hanging rafters rest only on load-bearing walls, and ribs of rigidity protect them from spreading: puffs and crossbars

It is very easy to install a gable roof, since its base consists of several rafters of identical dimensions. The installation of the frame rafters is done in series, and then they are connected at the very top of the roof.

The roof support is the walls of the building. To correctly calculate the size of the ridge, as well as the rafters, it is necessary to know not only the angle of inclination of the roof, but also the dimensions of the structure. To neatly make a visor, you need to add about half a meter to the length of the rafters.

Installation of a gable roof begins with the arrangement of roof trusses, which are assembled on the ground according to a template. The Mauerlat is installed along the perimeter of the building, and then it is attached to the wall using anchors. A layer of roofing material is made between the Mauerlat and the wall.

Characteristic features of a sloping roof

A broken roof is a structure with numerous broken lines. In principle, this is a type of gable roof that allows you to create an additional room on the attic floor.

There are such types of broken roofs:

The reliability of the structure and its comfort depend on the type of roof chosen. However, the most popular today are the broken hipped roofs, since they ideally combine two features: the effective use of additional space and the low complexity of installing the rafter system. This approach implies obtaining full-fledged residential premises with a small financial investment.

The device of the sloping hipped roof of the garage allows you to create full-fledged living quarters on the second floor

To build a broken roof, it is necessary to make a fairly large structure of the rafter system, however, during its construction, modular installation methods can be used, so it is not necessary to use different lifting equipment. The rafter system and racks are cut at the right angle in those places where there are fractures of the slopes. To fix the knots, it is necessary to use “kerchiefs” made of plywood with a maximum thickness of 2 cm.

This design of a four-pitched roof is perfect for small garages where it is impossible to construct a broken roof of a more complex shape. For buildings with large areas, another rafter system is installed.

Operated garage roof

An exploitable roof is a flat structure that has a special coating. A similar structure can be built over the entire area of ​​the building or over some part of it.

The exploited roof is conventionally divided into the following types:

  1. Roof with seating area. Here you can arrange a cafe, make an open area under the sun, arrange a gym in the fresh air, etc.

    On the roof of the garage, you can make a comfortable seating area

  2. Roof parking. Designed for the organization of car parking.

    Such a parking roof can only be built in large garages.

  3. Green roof. It is a fertile layer on which flowers are planted and lawns are arranged.

    On the flat roof of a large garage, you can arrange a "green" recreation area

  4. Roof terrace. Has an artificial or natural surface, which is intended for driving, walking or just recreation (paths, tennis court, and so on).

    On the exploited flat roof of the garage, you can arrange a swimming pool, tennis court, recreation area, etc.

The device of such a roof must comply with the standards that are indicated in the SNiP, since the operating time of the roof depends on the correctness of the selected materials, the calculations performed, and also the consideration of the loads.

Usually, the roof structure has a multi-layer structure, and it is done in this way:

  • rigid base;
  • mandatory vapor barrier layer;
  • insulation;
  • screed at the right angle;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • protective separator;
  • topcoat.

An exploited roof can also be equipped with granite gravel (fraction 25/32 mm), which is laid on geotextiles. In order for the roof to function normally, gravel is laid with a minimum thickness of 50 mm. Geotextiles in parallel with gravel will make the pavement more stable.

The indisputable advantages of a sliding roof for a garage

Today, mobile sliding roofs are of great interest, which have many advantages over traditional roofs.

By its design, a retractable roof can be of the following type:

  1. Removable entirely. In this case, the entire structure or a certain part of it folds and leaves its place.
  2. Sliding. The roof moves or opens in different directions.

    A small shell garage is the simplest option for a retractable roof garage.

  3. Moving. The structure moves along special rollers.

    Fully movable garage roof is integral with the lifting door

  4. Partly sliding. Only a single roof element becomes mobile.

    A very convenient small garage with a partially retractable roof was created by Japanese engineers

By functionality, retractable roofs are divided into:

  • seasonal (the structure moves only during a certain period, usually in summer);
  • permanent (used throughout the year);
  • temporary (used for mobile light buildings).

In addition, a retractable roof can be not only capital, when the entire structure or its specific part is covered, but also attached over various structures to the main house. Among other things, a sliding roof can be constructed over other free-standing buildings such as greenhouses, greenhouses or observatories.

The main elements of the sliding roof are load-bearing profiles made of aluminum, which are manufactured with a variety of protective coatings in the form of:

  • anodizing;
  • powder paint;
  • various enamels.

To stiffen the profiles, a square steel pipe is installed inside them. However, the most durable forms of sliding roof frames are:

  • dome;
  • arched;
  • single-slope with an angle of inclination of at least 45 o.

For other types of roofs, which have a slope angle of up to 45 o, use only reinforced coverings, as well as profiles.

The highest quality and most effective options for arranging a sliding roof are plexiglass, triplex or tempered glass coatings. This kind of panels can withstand hail up to 14 mm.

What types of materials are used for the roof of the garage

The roof of the garage can be built from a variety of building materials, and their cost depends on the "thickness" of your wallet, and the methods of installation - on the time you have. Therefore, you should thoroughly think about the type of roofing material for the garage.

Quite a popular and well-known material among consumers, which is affordable and easy to use. One roll is enough to cover 10 m 2 of the roof and forget about it for 15 years. The main advantage of roofing felt is that this coating is inexpensive and durable, but for its use it is necessary to make a crate, as well as a rigid frame.

Roofing material is one of the most inexpensive and popular materials for covering the roof of a garage.

Waterproofing is considered to be of high quality, provided that it was made from at least four different layers, while using different types of roofing material.

Corrugated board

This is a modern material displacing slate, since the service life of the corrugated board exceeds half a century. When deciding how to cover the roof of the garage, think about purchasing a non-existent wall material of the HC brand. The wavy profile of the sheet is made using cold rolled products. All types of corrugated board have an identical wavy trapezoidal shape, but the size and height of the material is different for all brands.

Decking is one of the most popular materials for a garage roof, because it is lightweight and lasts for at least 50 years.

Decking is a durable, fireproof, waterproof and soundproof roofing material that meets government regulations. Its advantage is its reusability.


Traditional slate is often used for arranging the roof of a garage, since its operational life is about 40 years at a moderate cost. The material is an asbestos-cement slab, which is quite simple to install - holes are drilled into which galvanized nails are driven in with an allowance of a couple of millimeters. Further, the installation of this material is carried out identically to the roofing device made of corrugated board with the only difference - the corners of the internal spans are cut.

Slate on the roof of the garage is laid in the same way as corrugated board and is attached with special slate nails


The roof of the garage can also be made of cement-sand or ceramic tiles. These natural coatings last approximately 100 years and are UV resistant, flame retardant and able to withstand a wide variety of temperature fluctuations. In addition, the tiles have excellent noise absorption, no static stress and low heat conductivity.

For laying tiles on a gable roof, special locks are used on each product

If a roof is being built with a slope of about 12 degrees, then metal tiles are the ideal option. The flooring is made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.6 mm, which is covered with a polymer composition. To shape the material, it is stamped. Metal tiles are available in a variety of colors.

The metal tile is laid in large sheets, often corresponding to the length of the slope

Recessed roof

Metal is the lightest building material that allows you to save money when installing the frame. Of course, servicing a metal structure, you will have to spend a lot of money, but this material is suitable for any type of roof. For example, when planning to build a metal roof, when arranging it, you can do only with a crate, which is made of beams.

To create a seam garage roof, special tools are used to form the profile of the sheet fastening.

The installation of a folded structure implies the use of special equipment and the involvement of professionals, since even minor "punctures" in the calculations will lead to distortions, which are much more difficult to eliminate than to build a roof right away.

How and how to insulate the roof of the garage

Any motorist dreams of a warm garage, while making the roof insulated is quite simple.

In modern construction, the roof of a garage is insulated in combination, that is, they combine a traditional insulation with a heat insulator that reflects light and does not transmit infrared radiation. However, in some cases, such costs can be unreasonably high, for example, if the building is detached. Then they use classic materials, such as:

  1. Mineral wool. It has excellent technical characteristics. It is used only with a waterproof and vapor barrier material that protects mineral wool from water. In addition, mineral wool is quite affordable.

    Mineral wool is inserted into the cells between the rafters and secured with wire or fishing line before the ceiling finish is laid

  2. Glass wool. This material is cheaper than other insulation materials, but has a low degree of fire resistance. If you intend to make a pitched roof, then it is better to buy a special type of glass wool, which has a high structure density. Such material is produced in rolls with a width equal to the normal distance between the rafter legs.

    Glass wool is one of the most inexpensive and affordable materials for roof insulation.

  3. Styrofoam. It is a waterproof material that is similar to mineral wool in terms of its thermal insulation characteristics. Polyfoam is a flammable insulation, however, the PBS-S brand with the addition of fire retardants has the property of self-extinguishing. Due to these features of the material, it is used as insulation for the roof of the garage. In addition, it does not rot, mold and mildew do not form on it.

    Laying foam in a garage roof lathing does not require any special skills

  4. Penoizol. It is a liquid foam, but with the best performance. It is resistant to fire and water, solidifies when placed in an enclosed space, and forms a perfect seamless finish. With all this, penoizol is cheaper than any sheet polystyrene, and its service life is about 40 years without loss of characteristics.

    To insulate the roof with penoizol, it is necessary to use special equipment for spraying

You can also use traditional options for insulating a garage roof, for example, using sawdust, but they cannot be compared with modern materials.

The garage room is an object with a high probability of fire, therefore it is necessary to purchase insulation with improved fire resistance characteristics.

We insulate the garage roof from the inside

Required tools:

  • special buttons or furniture stapler with staples;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • carpentry tools;
  • self-adhesive tape;
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation.

The roof is insulated from the inside as follows:

  1. We carry out waterproofing. Seal the joints with special tape.

    A special film is used to waterproof the garage roof from the inside.

  2. Installing a heat barrier. When using sheet polystyrene, it is necessary to first install the crate, and only then fix the material with self-tapping screws, while gluing all joints with polyurethane foam in parallel. The mineral wool fits into the space between the rafters and is held there due to a slight interference caused by a slightly larger sheet than the inter-rafter distance.

    Styrofoam is placed in the cells between the rafters and fixed with special dowels or foam

  3. Vapor barrier. We cover the layer of insulation with sheets of vapor barrier film, and glue the places of their connection with self-adhesive tape.

    The vapor barrier material is attached to the rafters on top of the insulation

Such a cake fits not only on timber beam structures, but also on reinforced concrete slabs. Before installation, the beams are protected with sheet material, after which waterproofing is attached to it, then insulation and vapor barrier.

Do not allow the waterproofing film to come into contact with the insulation; there must be a certain distance between these materials for ventilation. Direct contact is only allowed if a superdiffusion membrane has been used.

Video: how to insulate the garage roof inside

We insulate the garage roof from the outside

Outside, the roof is insulated even at the construction stage, since it is not very convenient to open an already finished building in order to correct shortcomings. Pay attention to the presence of a vapor barrier, which must be installed from the side of the room. In this way, you can prevent not only the re-condensation of vapors, but also avoid unpleasant smudges. How to insulate the garage roof from the outside:

Installation of insulation from the outside is in many ways similar to laying from the inside - the material is also laid between the rafter joists

  • The hydro-barrier is the last layer. It is advisable to seal the joints with adhesive tape.

    A well-laid hydro-barrier will protect the garage roof from water penetration

  • At the last stage, we mount the material for the garage roof.
  • Video: how to insulate the garage roof from the outside

    How to repair a garage roof

    Leakage is the main nuisance that the garage roof brings, and the reasons for this may be as follows:

    • depletion of the strength resource during operation;
    • negative impact of weather;
    • incorrect installation of the roof;
    • mechanical damage due to careless cleaning of the roof from the snow cover;
    • low quality finishing material;
    • disdain for the installation of waterproofing;
    • violation of installation norms when using roofing material.

    Leaks should be eliminated even at the stage of mold or wet spots. Initially, it is worth checking the joints, as well as joints, then the integrity of the roof for holes, chips or other damage. In addition, it is necessary to remove various types of blockages, for example, from dry leaves, which clog the corners of the roof and accumulate moisture.

    The way to eliminate the leak depends solely on the extent of damage and the characteristics of the roofing material. Partial repairs can be carried out for small pieces as well as soft roofing materials. The scope of repair work for panel and sheet material depends only on the complexity of the structure and its damage.

    With the help of roofing material, you can quickly and inexpensively completely repair the roof of the garage and get rid of leaks.

    When preparing the drawings and the project of the garage roof, immediately include in the estimate an extra 10% for other expenses that are difficult to foresee.

    Video: how to repair a garage roof

    High-quality construction of a garage roof is the best option to minimize your costs if you have the necessary knowledge in construction. The choice of material and tools is of great importance when arranging the roof. It is enough to read the necessary information, and you will be able to carry out all the work yourself. We wish you success!