Hide the pipes in the bathroom with your own hands. Water in a box or how to hide pipes in the bathroom

The bathroom is a room more functional, however, when designing it, one should not forget about one's own comfort and aesthetics. Very often, during renovations, homeowners tend to hide everything tightly. engineering Communication, wall them up inside the wall or line them with panels. However, this decision is often dubious, because in the event of a leak or other malfunction, pipes will have to be dismantled and expensive repairs ruined.

In this article, we will tell the secrets of experienced finishers how to close the riser in the bathroom with drywall or other material so that it looks beautiful, but at the same time does not interfere with the maintenance of communications.

Basic Rules

As a rule, a lot of all sorts of pipes run in the bathroom, ranging from water pipes to sewer pipes. Unnecessary, not too aesthetic details spoil the interior of the room, diverting attention to themselves, so most homeowners try to hide them during the renovation process.

If you have firmly decided to close the risers or other engineering communications in the bathroom, then you must follow the following rules:

Please note that during the installation of the box for plumbing, it is necessary to provide sound insulation from mineral wool or foam to reduce the noise level inside the bathroom.

Many, when deciding how to close the risers in the bathroom, opt for drywall. Moisture resistant drywall - practical, inexpensive material, from which it is very convenient to mount the box.

It is resistant to moisture, any facing material. To work with this material, you will need steel guides, drywall screws, a grinder or a hacksaw for cutting sheets, a puncher, a screwdriver.

The installation process is as follows:

  • First, a frame is constructed for the box with risers. It can be made from steel profiles or wooden bars. It is better to use profiles, as they are stronger and more durable. If it is planned to clad the box with tiles, it is better to use a reinforced profile that can withstand a lot of weight.
  • First, the guides must be attached to the walls, and then to the floor.
  • Then, using a hacksaw or grinder, a sheet of moisture-resistant drywall is cut.
  • After that, drywall blanks are fixed on the frame rails with the help of self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.
  • Lastly, the drywall box is puttied, coated with a deep penetration primer, and then veneered finishing material.

Note! Many homeowners, when installing a moisture-resistant drywall pipe box with subsequent tiling, do not make an inspection window for fear of spoiling appearance designs. However, now invisible revisions are presented in hardware stores, which are tiled and do not stand out against the general background of a false wall.

Plastic panel construction

In addition, in the event of equipment failure and the need for repair, plastic panels can be carefully removed and then fixed back without causing much harm to the decoration of the room.

To work with plastic you will need:

  1. Plastic panels of the coloring you like.
  2. Bars, plastic or metal profiles for the manufacture of the frame.
  3. Plastic guides for fixing panels.
  4. Plastic corners for the design of external corners.
  5. Hacksaw or jigsaw for cutting plastic sheet.

The advantage of this option is that you can build a plastic structure with your own hands, moreover, even if repairs in the rest of the room have already been made. The work must be done in the following order:

  • First, we mount a masking box made of metal guides around the riser, plastic profiles or wooden bars.
  • Then, along the top and bottom of the box, we put a fixing bar for the panels.
  • After that, carefully close the box with plastic panels.
  • At the final stage, we glue the corners to the outer corners with silicone glue so that the design looks neat.

Please note that the plastic box cannot be tiled or any other finishing material, it cannot even be painted. Therefore, immediately choose the panels of the color and design that suits you.

Installation-free options

It often happens that the appearance of a bathroom with open risers annoys homeowners, but there is no way to start something drastic. In this case, you can use the ideas of masking communications with improvised means:

Video instruction

Many owners during the repair want to disguise the communications passing through the bathroom so that they do not get out of the general interior. In this material, we will tell you how to hide the pipes in the bathroom so that they do not spoil the environment, and it is possible to get close to them for routine inspections and repairs.

What is the purpose of hiding the pipes

The most significant reason why people tend to mask pipes during renovations is the desire to create a cozy and harmonious atmosphere in the bathroom. In addition to aesthetic beauty, this allows you to protect pipes from exposure high humidity which causes them to darken.

If you hide the pipes in the bathroom correctly and correctly, then as a result you will get a functional and modern room, with a harmoniously organized space.

What purpose pipes can pass through the bathroom

As a rule, plumbing, sewage or heating pipes can pass through a bathroom or bathroom. If a we are talking about water pipes, they are usually located so that it is convenient to carry out their replacement or scheduled repairs. But sewer pipes are installed with a mandatory slope in the direction of the riser. Sometimes heating pipes pass through the bathroom if a radiator or battery is installed in it. Then they will also need to be masked.

In addition to the scope of application, passing pipelines may differ in the material of manufacture. As a rule, at present, plastic pipelines are increasingly being installed, which are distinguished by ease of installation, oxidation resistance, light weight and ease of operation.

The fact how to put the pipes in the bathroom and disguise them depends largely on the material. Polypropylene pipes, for example, are characterized by thick walls and high strength. But PVC pipe rolling has thinner walls, but it also costs a little less. However, do not count on them to last very long, because before high temperature and water pressure, they are quite unstable. Therefore, such communications should not be hidden hermetically in the wall, but you need to leave access to them.

Along with plastic, steel welded or metal-plastic pipelines are often installed in bathrooms - they are more reliable, but also much more expensive.

Allowed and prohibited for masking communications

Before you hide the pipes in the bathroom in the wall, it is worth considering a number of factors that allow or prohibit such actions. In particular, fitting connections in the form of the letters G, T and X must not be firmly embedded in the wall. This is due to an increased risk of leaks at the junctions. In addition, you should always have access to counters, filters and other important systems.

Capital laying in the wall of steel welded or copper brazed pipes is allowed. But if the docking of the pipeline was carried out on threaded connections, they must be accessible at all times in case of leaks.

We hide pipes correctly

When we hide pipes in the bathroom, it is always worth remembering that the fewer joints there are, the more reliable and airtight the system will be. Therefore, it is worth considering in advance how the wiring will be located and necessary equipment, as well as how to properly hide the pipes in the bathroom in a given situation.

Next an important factor will be the material type of the connections, if they cannot be dispensed with. Ideally, if both pipes and connecting parts have the same margin of safety and are made of the same material.

Remember that when we hide pipes in the bathroom, it is imperative to provide viewing windows or hatches in places where faucets, valves, meters and other parts are installed.

And the last rule. Before you hide water pipes in the bathroom, don't forget to isolate them. This is especially true for hot water or heating system in which the pipes tend to expand.

Masking methods

expedient this way hiding pipes can become in new buildings and Khrushchevs, where the layout provides for more extensive bathrooms.

At the heart of such a box will be metal or wooden frame lined with drywall. On top, you can make any decoration to your liking.

At the end of the installation, windows are cut in drywall to access the valves and closed with decorative doors.

Installing a screen or furniture

Another original version how to hide water pipes in the bathroom - assemble a new one or build a finished furniture structure around them. The furniture will bring a touch of elegance to the interior and allow you to organize convenient places storage, as they are usually cabinets with shelves.

If the pipes in your bathroom are vertical, they can be easily decorated with a pencil case. The back wall is removed in it, and recesses for pipes are cut in the shelves. The only difficulty in this case will be the need additional processing cabinet shelves with moisture-resistant impregnation or selection of furniture from suitable material resistant to moisture.

In this regard, much more often such products are assembled to order or create an individual thing on their own.

One of the most popular materials is moisture-resistant laminated chipboard. The door opening mechanism can be hinged or sliding - depending on the availability of space and the placement of plumbing. After mounting the cabinet, all the cracks in it are sealed with silicone.

Installing a special screen is another original way how to hide sewer pipes in the bathroom. It is a frame, with plasterboard or plastic panels installed on it. Such a product is quite attractive in appearance and is inexpensive. In addition, its installation and dismantling is quite simple, so in the event of a repair, there will be no difficulties. However, space is required to install the screen.

Bath podium

Such an outlet will be acceptable in those bathrooms where the pipes run close enough to the floor. Then, under the plumbing, you can build a small step, under which all communications will hide. Can be used as a material Chipboard boards, covering them with moisture resistant impregnation.

roller shutters

Thanks to the use of such devices, access to meters, valves and pipes will always be free. This is very convenient if the water supply runs through a niche. Installing roller shutters during repairs will reduce costs.

Advantages and disadvantages of hiding pipes

If a major installation of pipes into a wall is carried out, then among the disadvantages of this method, one can note the probable prohibitions on gating the ceiling if this is a panel building or the thickness of the walls is too thin. In addition, the risk of accidents is high in cases where low-quality pipes are used. And access to such communications is practically impossible, except for viewing windows.

But the advantages of such a disguise can be called the external presentability of the interior, since any facing material can be laid on top of communications and significantly save space.

Plasterboard boxes significantly reduce the usable area in the bathroom. And if you need to replace the pipeline, you will have to completely disassemble this design, because it limits access to the pipes.

Although roller shutters will always allow you to quickly access the pipes, they are still quite fragile and can be easily damaged due to careless handling.

As for the masking of pipelines with furniture, the latter suffers significantly over time due to high humidity. To prolong the operation of such items, they very often need to be wiped dry. It is also necessary to control the tightness of silicone seams. Well, if we talk about the merits, then the furniture in the bathroom is convenient and practical, because there are always a lot of different accessories.

Without communication systems it is impossible to equip a bathroom. However, sewer and water pipes are unlikely to contribute aesthetic appearance premises. For this reason, most homeowners in the renovation process set the goal, how to hide pipes in the bathroom. Today, there are several ways to solve such a problem, ranging from masking communications in the wall to decorative design with furniture.

Hidden piping in the bathroom will save scarce space and create an aesthetic interior.

The need for disguise

Before thinking about how to hide pipes, you need to understand the type of communications wiring. As a rule, in the bathroom there are three points for draining and supplying drains:

  • wash basin;
  • washing machine;
  • bath.

Having determined what kind of plumbing will be installed in the room, you should apply accurate markings on the wall in the places where you plan the outlet for the pipes. The lowest point of water flow is the drain from the bathroom. When planning it, it is important to take care that the pipes are at a slight slope.

With plumbing, as a rule, there is no particular difficulty, however, when laying sewer pipes it is important that the communications go at an angle in the direction of the riser. plums washing machine and washbasin can be connected to the tub pipes. However, when planning, it is worth considering options for the output of pipes - this can be done through the wall of the cladding of the bathroom itself or through the wall of the room.

A well-thought-out communications branching scheme will allow you to choose best way pipe masking.

Solution number 1: hide the pipes in the wall

This approach is the most correct from an aesthetic point of view, because. communications hidden in the wall are completely invisible and practically inaccessible. This method of masking pipes is carried out at the initial stage of repair, because. close the pipes in the wall and do no damage fine finish will not work. The essence of the method lies in the fact that a special strobe is made in the wall, in which communications are placed.

Important! It should be understood that walling all the pipes into the wall will not work. For example, a sewer bed or riser with a diameter of 110 mm will not physically fit into the wall. And it is forbidden to make a deeper strobe, because. this will be a gross violation of the integrity of the wall and the structure of the house as a whole. For this reason, disguise in the wall is suitable for hidden communications, whose diameter does not exceed 50 mm.

In the process of developing channels for pipes on the wall, it is necessary to make a special markup, according to which the strobe will be made. The size of the cavity should be such that the communications fit perfectly in it, and in the case of a branch of hot water pipes, it will also be necessary to make the strobe a little wider so that the pipe expanded when heated does not rest against the walls of the channel. Then the products are laid in the path made for them and fixed with the help of special fasteners so that they can be tiled later.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to leave the gates open. It is necessary to close them qualitatively cement mortar. Also, pipelines must be securely fixed with special fasteners - clamps and clips.

You can completely hide the following communications:

  • pipes made of brazed copper;
  • plastic plumbing;
  • steel communications and their welded joints;
  • metal-plastic press fittings, crimped with special tongs.

Masking such pipes in a bathroom or toilet is completely safe, since the homeowner will not be afraid of a break in communications, premature wear, etc. Their connections are reliable, and the material allows them to be used for decades.

  • threaded fittings on a metal-plastic basis, which are assembled with keys;
  • threaded connections of steel pipes.

Chasing and laying pipes into walls is the most time-consuming, but aesthetic camouflage option.

Solution number 2: drywall and plastic boxes

Unlike the previous camouflage method, building a box is a great option for hiding sunbeds and large-diameter risers. With it, you can hide entire clusters of pipelines and make a beautiful lining under overall design rooms.

There are two options for communication boxes - plastic and drywall. What is the difference between them? plastic box more practical in terms of quick access to hidden piping. In case of emergency, it can be disassembled easier and faster, with minimal damage. It can also be assembled again, which cannot be said about drywall construction. As a rule, such a box is tiled. Therefore, the scope of these two products is different - under plastic it is best to hide old pipes, the condition of which is in doubt, and under drywall you can sew up new communications collected from modern materials.

The general technique for constructing a box is reduced to the following actions:

1. Guide profiles are fixed to the walls adjacent to the corner.

2. Then an angle is assembled, which is made of two profiles twisted together. It is important that the profile flanges are oriented to each other at an angle of 90°.

3. At the end of the construction of the frame, the corner element must be unfastened between the wall guides on both sides.

4. The finished frame is sheathed with plastic or plasterboard.

Important! When installing a plastic box, it is worth considering that last panel should not be firmly attached. It is enough to glue it with silicone to end wall. This will provide easy access to communications, because. it is enough to cut the glue with a knife and avoid damage to the structure.

A box for hidden wiring will allow you to hide the largest communications.

Solution #3: Plumbing Roller Shutters

Another option for masking pipelines is to use plumbing shutters. Such products have several purposes at once:

  • absorb the working noise of plumbing equipment;
  • mask pipes;
  • improve the aesthetics in the interior;
  • provide full access to communication nodes.

The use of roller shutters is enough convenient way to hide the plumbing, because with external accuracy, full access to any plumbing elements is maintained. In addition, even a boiler can be hidden behind a roller shutter.

Roller shutters in the bathroom will help create a neat and aesthetic interior.

Solution #4: Furniture

It is just as convenient to hide pipes in furniture as in a box. Communications will always be easily accessible, while outwardly not a single pipeline will be visible. However, in the case of such a disguise, it is necessary to be sure of the quality of the joints and the material of the pipes themselves, otherwise the cabinet or cabinet will be hopelessly damaged.

The use of hanging cabinets is the most modern option that allows you to make the room impeccably neat, as well as save scarce space under the washbasin for placing other interior items.

Usage hanging furniture- an original way to hide the wiring of the pipeline.

Not less than interesting option is the installation of a false cabinet or a decorative curtain to cover communications. To implement such a solution will require very little time and cost. All that is required is to choose a curtain suitable for the interior of the room and hang it on the frame of the washbasin. This option is suitable for masking pipes with a diameter of up to 50 mm, but it provides maximum ease of operation and easy access.

Hide the drain wiring under the washbasin behind the curtain - best option for shabby chic style.

Solution #5: Tile

This approach is the most popular when finishing bathrooms, since masking the piping behind the tiles does not require large investments, and a wide range of colors and patterns of tiles will make the bathroom aesthetic and original.

To hide pipes behind tiled wall Initially, it is necessary to install a drywall partition. It is usually made from waterproof material, the sheets of which are attached to metal carcass. The tile is fixed on the partition. However, the most difficult thing in the construction process of such a structure is the creation of access to cranes. Therefore, the size of the opening must be such that through it it is possible to freely get to the communication nodes. As a rule, such a hatch is comparable in size to one or two tiles.

The hatch can be completely recessed into the wall, disguised as a common tile laying. In this case, the wall looks solid. Or you can install an overhead sanitary hatch, which is made of metal and has a magnetic lock. These products are commercially available, have a low cost, and a neat appearance will not spoil general design interior.

Tile is a simple and aesthetic option for masking piping.

Conducted plumbing communications in the bathroom and toilet must be securely hidden so as not to damage the overall interior of the room. To solve this problem, there are many ways, each of which has its own characteristics and allows you to choose the best option for repairing your home.

Styling master class tiles on the box below:

July 31, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outdoor decoration(plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works.

I will say right away that the piping scheme in the bathroom can only be fundamental, since it directly depends on the size of the room, the number and types of plumbing units, as well as on the combination or separation of the room. But, nevertheless, there are certain principles for the installation of water supply and sewerage, which should be observed in any circumstances.

I will try to tell you now how this is done, and for clarity of information, I suggest you watch the video in this article.

Sewerage and plumbing

2 ways to mask pipes

There are two general ways to mask pipes and here is the first of them:

  • since you can lay pipes in the bathroom right along the wall, fixing them with brackets, you won’t be able to hide them under ceramic tiles until you cover them with drywall;
  • and here there may be fundamental differences - the fact is that wall cladding with drywall implies a crate, under which, in fact, pipes will be hidden. And such an arrangement requires space, that is, a reduction in the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises;
  • the minimum distance that will be moved away from the wall is 27 mm, now add to this the thickness of the moisture-resistant sheet 12 mm, the thickness of the wall tile 4-9 mm and the adhesive layer 5-6 mm. As a result, you will get at least 5 cm of loss on each side of the bathroom, and in some cases this may be an unacceptable luxury;
  • but here you can make another decision - use the same drywall, but only in certain places. That is, make vertical and horizontal boxes and lay water supply and sewerage in them at the same time;
  • the disadvantage of this method is that the hidden pipe connection to the mixer in the bathroom in this case will be carried out by chasing, so that you can hide them under the tile.

  • under drywall, pipes are usually fixed with brackets, although I do this with perforated hangers - the installation price is less, and the strength is higher;
  • but here it is important to fix the end fitting - this can be done with a water socket or a clamp- on the top photo both options are shown;
  • for the faucet, you need the edge of the fitting to be flush (± 2-3 mm) with the tile, so it is best to use a clamp in such cases, anyway, I always do this.

The second way is as follows;

  • in the wall with the help of a grinder with diamond disc and a puncher, a strobe is made, that is, two lines are cut to the width of the groove. Then the middle part is removed with a puncher or even with an ordinary hammer and chisel;
  • the depth of the strobe, as a rule, should correspond to the diameter of the pipe - for plumbing it is 20 mm (PPR), and for sewerage 50 mm (PVC);

The principle of fixing pipes: brown the wall is indicated, the strobe is gray, the pipes are red. White - suspensions, cross - screws

  • in order to fix the pipes in the strobe for subsequent plastering, it is best to use metal perforated tape hangers;
  • pay attention to the diagram above - you just press the pipes with a hanger, and fix the hanger with screws and dowels;
  • the distance between the hangers can be set arbitrarily - it depends on the urgent need and is intended only to hold the pipeline at the time of plastering.


Laying pipes in the bathroom begins with the wiring of the sewer at the place of installation of plumbing units. This is due to the fact that the diameter of the pipes in this case is larger than the water pipes and, by solving the issues of their disguise, you simultaneously prepare the ground for hiding the water supply.

Table of optimal and minimum slope for sewer pipes

Let's start with the fact that the sewer needs a slope, regardless of how the pipeline will be installed. For internal wiring, you may need only two diameters from those indicated in the upper table - 50 mm and 100 mm.

Although 100mm pipe is usually used for either riser or outdoor. There is no diameter of 32 mm in the table, but it is used for dishwashers and washing machines, where the drain is forced, therefore, if technically necessary, you can even allow a counter slope.

The order of installation of different nodes is indicated in the upper diagram, but this is for an apartment. And in a private house, where the bathroom may exceed the size of the living room, this principle may change.

In addition, you may need to connect a dishwasher or washing machine and the tie-in of these units can be done in any place suitable in your situation. But tie-ins can be avoided - for bathtubs, cubicles, sinks and sinks, siphons with an additional outlet are sold (in the photo above it is indicated by an arrow).

To be honest, for me the most difficult thing in installing a sewer in an apartment is dismantling a branch from a fan tee - it can be a tee with a reduction or just an extension. Removing this fitting is quite difficult - it is located in the socket and is compacted with cement mortar, tow, tar, and so on.

And if we add to this caked sludge with corrosion, then the seal there is excellent - created by time.

Some remove such taps with a burner - they heat the joint red-hot so that all organic matter in the seal zone burns out, and then they are removed by scrolling and loosening. Personally, I am against this method, because:

  1. firstly, the smells from the sewer will spread not only in this apartment, but in the neighbors;
  2. and, secondly, it takes time for the metal to cool, and this is at least 20 minutes.

I prefer to pull out the seal with an old chisel - there are less smells and you get the result faster - I usually do this job in 20-30 minutes, although in some cases it can take more than an hour.

In this situation, it is very important not to damage the funnel tee socket - otherwise, you will have to change it. But in order to replace it, it is necessary to disassemble the riser. This is impossible to do, then you will have to replace part of the riser or even the entire pipe, from top to bottom (replacement of the riser in old houses is necessary - the instruction provides for its operation for no more than 50 years, but it is not always possible to agree with neighbors).

Water pipes

Approximate plumbing scheme in the bathroom: marked in blue cold pipe, and red - hot

Now let's figure out how to lay pipes in the bathroom for cold and hot water supply and for this we will use the most popular (it is also the best for domestic services) material - polypropylene (PPR). Docking here takes place by welding with a special soldering iron, but we will not focus on this (only in passing), since this is a topic for a separate article.

To clear my conscience, I’d better give you a table that shows the depth of pipe insertion into the fitting and the holding time. Compliance with these rules ensures good cross-country ability and one hundred percent (!) Reliability of docking.

Section (mm) Weld seat depth (mm) Heating time (sec) Cooling time (sec)
20 14 to 17 5-6 2-3
25 15 to 19 6-7 3-4
32 16 to 22 8-9 4-5
40 18 to 24 12-13 5-6
50 20 to 27 18-19 6-7
63 24 to 30 24-25 7-8
75 26 to 32 30-31 8-9
90 29 to 35 40-41 9-10

Soldering depth and time depending on dimensions

In addition (I will not give tables anymore), PPR pipe divided by wall thickness and the presence of a reinforcing layer. So, if there is no aluminum foil in PN-10 and PN-16, then it is present in PN-20 and PN-25. Therefore, such a marking indicates the possibility of application for hot water and heating.

And here, again, doubts may begin to overcome you, because, in fact, any of these markings can be used for domestic needs, distributing them into a hot and cold sector.

In such cases (you will have to trust my experience) it is best to use PPR PN-20 (the figure indicates the nominal pressure in bar, that is operating pressure here 20 bar, 2 MPa or 20.4 kgf / cm2) is a universal pipe that is suitable for hot and cold water and even for heating.

Of course, you will use half-inch pipes, but for PPR it will be 20 mm in the outer diameter, and -13.2 mm in the inner diameter from a 3.4 mm wall. In fact, PPR PN-20 can be operated at a temperature of 95⁰C, but you don’t need it - for both domestic hot water and heating, the maximum working temperature you are unlikely to exceed 80⁰C.

I also want to draw your attention to the connection of hot and cold water to a boiler or column, regardless of where the installation was made, in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Most often, fittings for connection are brought out under such a heating unit.

The connection itself is made with a metal-plastic, metal corrugation or, worse than that, rubber in a metal sheath. But, based on personal experience, I can confidently state the fact that it is best to do this with the same polypropylene, using American women on the inlet fittings. This option will never (100%!) Leak, unless, of course, the soldering is done correctly.


You can no doubt make such a wiring with your own hands, if at the same time you have necessary tools, desire and increased attention to the tips given in this article. But if you still have questions, then ask them in the comments.

July 31, 2016

If you want to express gratitude, add a clarification or objection, ask the author something - add a comment or say thanks!

Hidden plumbing in toilets and bathrooms enhances their aesthetics and allows more efficient use of usable space. Unsightly pipelines are hidden behind plastic panels and false walls, boxes are built around them or cabinets are mounted. In addition, the pipes are poured with a floor screed or special grooves are cut out for them in the wall. However, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What pipes are laid in the bathroom

According to the purpose, the pipes laid in the bathroom are divided into:

  • plumbing;
  • sewer;
  • heating.

As a rule, the latter are laid in bathrooms only in private homes.

According to the material of manufacture, pipes are distinguished:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyethylene.

Metal (cast iron and steel)

They have not been used for wiring communications for a long time, but they are still preserved in some houses. old building(Soviet or even pre-revolutionary). Copper pipes, on the contrary, are modern and technologically advanced, but their minus is a high price. During installation, they are connected by soldering or using fittings.

Plastic (polypropylene)

Most suitable for connection to water supply, sewerage and even heating systems. The advantages of such pipes are low weight, strength, ease of installation and, most importantly, reliability. They are connected by thermal welding, so that the whole structure becomes monolithic. Such pipelines can be safely hidden in boxes and walled up. They withstand high water pressure, do not rot or rust.


Easy to bend into different sides, which allows the use of these pipes for installation complex structures. But, unlike plastic ones, they are not welded, but connected with metal fittings and collets, because of which there is a risk of leaks at the joints.

PVC (polyvinylchloride)

Polyethylene (made of cross-linked polyethylene)

These pipes are also unreliable and unsuitable for wiring communications in bathrooms.

The use of pipes of different types in the photo

When distributing communications, pipes are used different diameter: ¾ inch (19.05 mm) for piping and ½ inch (12.7 mm) for plumbing connections. These standards are optimal for arranging bathrooms in high-rise buildings. With private development, you need to remember: the larger the water analysis, the larger the diameter of the pipes will be required.

Eight options for closing plumbing, choosing the best

There are many ways to hide plumbing in the toilet and bathroom. But before considering specific methods, you need to know the answer to main question- pipes are masked during their laying or they want to hide already laid communications.

In the first case, the pipes are poured with a floor screed or removed into niches hollowed out in the walls. In the second - they build boxes or special furniture designs, install roller shutters, etc.

To choose the best option for masking pipes with all their bends and branches, first the pipeline routes are marked on the wall with a pencil. Or draw a diagram on paper, keeping the scale. After that, they decide where to ditch the wall, and where to install the box or build some other structure.

Pros and cons

WayPipe arrangementAdvantagesFlaws
Plastic panelsvertical1. Comparative cheapness.2. Ease of mounting.3. The design is quickly disassembled and assembled again.1. Fragility of plastic and insufficient rigidity of the whole structure.2. Reducing the usable floor space.
Drywall boxesVertical and horizontal1. Possibility to hide wide main pipes.2. Strength and rigidity of the structure.3. Possibility of tiling.Impossibility of access to the pipeline without dismantling the entire structure.
false wallverticalThe effect of the complete absence of any eyeliners and other connections.High cost. Reducing the usable area of ​​the premises.
Homemade lockersvertical1. Practicality.2. Aesthetics.3. Additional space for household needs.They deteriorate from high humidity.
Sanitary furniturevertical1. Giving the interior a rich and chic look.2. Ease of installation.3. Additional storage spaces.1. High price.2. The need for careful handling and constant care.
roller shuttersvertical1. Mobility.2. Possibility of access to the entire pipeline at any time.1. High price.2. Softness of lamellas.3. High risk of damage upon impact or other mechanical impact.
In floor screedHorizontal1. Free up additional workspace.2. The ability to implement any design solutions.1. The impossibility of repairing the pipeline without destroying the entire floor.2. Not suitable for hiding sewer pipes.
vertical1. Optimal solution from a financial point of view.2. Space saving.3. The possibility of obtaining a perfectly flat wall.1. Lots of dust, dirt and construction debris during the work.2. The impossibility of repairing the pipeline without destroying the wall cladding.3. Pipe diameter restrictions (up to 50 mm).

Pipe masking methods on the picture

Basic Solutions for Sheltering Vertical Pipes

Plastic panels

Covering plumbing with plastic panels is one of the easiest and most budget ways furnish the bathroom with your own hands. But the main advantage of this method is that, if necessary, the structure can be disassembled without particularly damaging it, and after repair work collect again. Therefore, plastic is often used for sheathing not particularly reliable pipes.

Required tools:

  • level;
  • ruler and tape measure;
  • pencil.
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver or stapler;
  • pliers.

Materials used:

  1. PVC panels are not thinner than 8 mm;
  2. dowels;
  3. Self-tapping screws or staples for a stapler;
  4. Lighthouses ( wooden blocks 4x5 cm);
  5. Starting and corner moldings.

For fasteners, it is better to use not staples, but self-tapping screws. This will make it possible, if necessary, to quickly disassemble the structure without damaging the plastic.

Sheathing is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The wall is marked: with a step of approximately half a meter, parallel lines are outlined along which the beacons will be installed.

    The wall is marked for lighthouses

  2. Wooden beacons are nailed to the wall with dowels.

    Lighthouses are fixed perpendicular to future PVC panels

  3. With a hacksaw or jigsaw, cut the blanks of plastic panels of the required length.

    Plastic panels are easily cut with a regular hacksaw for wood

  4. At the edge of the wall, a starting molding is attached perpendicular to the lighthouse, into which the first strip of plastic is inserted.
  5. The protrusion of the second is inserted into the groove of the first panel and so they move to the end.

Video: How to build a box of plastic panels in half an hour

How to build a do-it-yourself storage cabinet

Behind the panels that hide the pipes, there is a lot free space. It can be used for business if you build a structure in the form of a cabinet with shelves.

Required tools:

  • jigsaw;
  • drill with nozzles;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • marking pencil.

Materials used:

  • wooden planks for guides;
  • Chipboard or plywood for shelves;
  • doors or shutters;
  • dowels;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fittings (canopies, handles).

Roller shutters look aesthetically pleasing and modern

How to mount a vertical box

Sewer and water pipes of large diameter are often hidden in boxes. The frame of the box is mounted from aluminum profiles and sheathe moisture resistant drywall or plastic panels. Drywall is most often veneered ceramic tiles, but other finishing methods are also possible (washable wallpaper, self-adhesive film, etc.).

Required tools:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • pencil;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • drywall knife or hacksaw for plastic.

Materials used:

  • aluminum guide profiles 27×28 mm;
  • ceiling profiles 60×27 mm;
  • dowels;
  • moisture-resistant wall drywall (12.5 mm) or PVC boards;
  • self-tapping screws.
  1. First, mark the future box. To do this, the same distance is measured on both sides of the pipe with a tape measure, taking into account the fact that between the pipe and the wall of the box there must be a distance not less than the length of a matchbox.
  2. Guide profiles are cut with metal scissors or a hacksaw.

    The profile is well cut with scissors for metal

  3. Profiles are attached to the walls, floor and ceiling according to the markup.
  4. On site outer corner of the future box, another metal profile is installed strictly vertically. Fix profiles with dowels.
  5. Install horizontal jumpers - stiffeners.

    For rigidity, horizontal jumpers are attached

  6. Drywall strips or plastic panels are cut to size and attached to the profiles. Sheathing the box with drywall.
  7. They cut through viewing windows in places where open access to meters, taps, etc. is required. Before final finishing inspection hatches are covered with doors.

    Plumbing sections where taps and meters are installed cannot be sealed

How to install a false wall

This method is used if the water supply and sewage routes are located along the far wall. All wiring is sewn up solid drywall partition or plastic panels.

The tools and materials used are the same as for the construction of a vertical plasterboard or plastic box.

Before you hide the pipes, it is advisable to photograph them in order to know the location in the future.

How to hide pipes in the wall

To cover the pipes in this way, special cavities are selected in the wall. It's best to do it in the first step. overhaul because wall chasing is a very dusty and dirty process.

Required tools:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • grinder or perforator;
  • putty knife.

Materials used:

  • fasteners for pipes;
  • plaster mortar.

Two main ways to cover pipes located horizontally

The first method is to hide pipes under drywall, the principle of work remains the same as when laying vertically. During a major overhaul, water pipes can be hidden in the floor screed. This is not as difficult to do as it seems.