Which glue is best for plastic and paper. What glue to glue cardboard to cardboard and other materials

Plastic products are widely used in everyday life. In case of breakage, you need to know what kind of plastic glue you need for repair. In order for the gluing result to be durable and safe, we advise you to take a closer look at the types of plastic and the rules for selecting an adhesive composition.

What does the marking on plastic mean?

Since some adhesives may not hold together, but dissolve plastic, it is recommended that you study the markings on the broken product. The plastic type icon looks like a triangle made up of arrows (symbol of recycling). Inside it there are numbers from 1 to 7, and below there is an inscription. According to these identification marks, the belonging of the material to one or another type of plastic is determined, which will allow you to choose the right glue.

What types of plastic exist:

  • 1 (PET) - stands for polyethylene terephthalate. It is used to produce food packaging for liquid products.
  • 2 (HDPE) - high density polyethylene, designed for the production of packaging and shrink film.
  • 3 (PVC) - polyvinyl chloride, better known as PVC. It is made from plastic windows, linoleum, etc.
  • 4 (LDPE) - low density polyethylene, toys for children, pipes, bottles, packaging containers are made from it.
  • 5 (PP) - polypropylene, heat-resistant material. It is used for the production of food packaging, medical disposable instruments, household appliances, pipes, thermal dishes.
  • 6 (PS) - polystyrene. They make disposable tableware. Expanded polystyrene is widely used in construction.
  • 7 (O) - this type of plastic is not recyclable, consists of a mixture of polymers, paper, foil.

Glue marking

The main difficulty is that the labeling of the adhesive does not match the symbols for plastic recycling.

How is plastic adhesive labeled?:

  • PE - polyethylene;
  • PC - polycarbonate;
  • PP - polypropylene;
  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride;
  • PMMA - organic glass;
  • PUR - polyurethane;
  • PA 66 - polyamide.

Sometimes it's easier to find clear instructions in Russian than the marking icon. But if there are no recommendations on the package, then the designations will help you make the right choice.

Types of glue

Plastic is characterized by low adhesion due to its smoothness, therefore it is more difficult to glue it than other materials. In industry, such products are fastened by welding. At home, this method is not used, but you can pick up a good glue. The principle of operation of the composition is as follows: it dissolves the surface, and with strong squeezing, the parts are connected. Therefore, the main component of adhesive for plastic is a solvent for synthetic polymers. For viscosity, the composition contains liquid polystyrene.

Liquid glue for plastic and Moment plastic

The group of adhesives for plastics can be divided into the following types:

  1. hot glue. Represents solid glue sticks. They must be warmed up before use. There are special ones, there are also types of glue for use without a gun. Such a composition is suitable for small jobs, as it does not have a special bond strength.
  2. Contact. It is often sold complete with a hardener, which must be mixed with the bulk in the proportions indicated on the pack. This type of glue can tightly glue plastic, but there is one drawback: the product is toxic. Need to use resources personal protection. For a better bonding of the parts after applying the glue, you need to wait 10 minutes, and only then squeeze them firmly.
  3. manufactured on water based and considered the least effective way fastenings. It dries for a long time (at least a day). It is used to repair small items that are not subjected to increased loads. But liquid glue samples do not deform the plastic, this is very important for working with small details.
  4. Reactionary- reliable and affordable option glue for plastics. There are several types of such compositions: some are designed to work under water, others freeze under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and others work in the open air. There are one-component and two-component.

Advice! Do not use toxic contact adhesive on children's toys.

Product examples

What can be found on the shelves of construction and hardware stores:

  1. « Moment plastic"- a type of glue that connects many types of plastics. He has transparent base, quickly seizes and forms a strong connection. It is waterproof and heat resistant. However, it has toxic substances, and it is not used to repair products that come into contact with food or skin.
  2. "Super Moment» - second glue.
  3. - epoxy glue, hardens in 20 seconds. Simple and easy to use composition.
  4. "" - a brand that offers several types of glue for plastic. Among them, adhesive-sealant for transparent plastic, composition Plus for PVC, PMMA- glue for polystyrene and acrylic surfaces.
  5. « Second» - superglue for hard plastics. One of the fastest acting compounds.
  6. For minor car repairs, special automotive plastic sealants are sold.
  7. Rexant - hot-melt adhesive, produced in the form of rods. It can be transparent or colored (to mask joints if colored parts are connected).
  8. Akfix HT300 - heat and water resistant composition. Withstands temperatures up to +300 degrees. This adhesive sealant contains silicone. It reacts to moist air.

This is not the entire range offered by the adhesive industry. This is not to say that some glue is better or worse. Each composition is designed for specific types of work. Read the instructions carefully and follow all recommendations.

How to glue plastic

The type of plastic is installed, the right glue is selected. How to glue plastic objects correctly:

  1. Details should be cleaned up. If necessary, the item is degreased with soapy water or ethyl alcohol. A clean surface has more adhesion, and objects will be easier to stick.
  2. It doesn't hurt to lightly sand the surfaces to roughen them. So the glue will take better.
  3. Two-component formulations are mixed only after surface preparation.
  4. If the parts are covered with glue with a brush, then an object with artificial bristles is taken.
  5. Glue is applied in such an amount that when compressed, its excess does not come to the surface.
  6. Squeeze objects together firmly, but gently.
  7. The duration of adherence of materials depends on the selected adhesive.

Advice! Use a needle to glue a thin crack.

Sometimes you need to attach the most various materials: wood, glass or metal. In this case, the adhesive must take into account the characteristics of the two surfaces to be joined, and not just the plastic.

Glue Super Moment

Job Tips with plastic:

  1. For outdoor use, waterproof glue is used.
  2. Despite the high temperature that the adhesive can withstand, plastic objects themselves should not be exposed to it.
  3. When working with contact adhesive, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  4. The best 7(O) marking adhesive is epoxy. This type is also suitable for polystyrene.
  5. If there is no marking on the product, then start from this: for plastic toys and artificial glass is taken mainly polystyrene; for bottles, buckets and boxes, glue designed for polypropylene and polyethylene is suitable.

Do not be too lazy to study the marking of plastic products and glue. If the repair of small Lego-type toys is a simple process, then the Sekunda glue familiar to everyone may not be suitable for more serious work.

Often, we need to glue broken or cracked plastic items, from the temples of eyeglasses to the bumper of a car. It may also be necessary to glue a hook in the bathroom or a holder for a garden sprayer. The essence of the gluing process is the dissolution of the surface layer of two workpieces and the formation of a plastic layer from this solution, common to both parts. After hardening, the parts form a single whole, or, as they say, "stick together tightly."

Determine the type of plastic

in order to reliably glue plastic, first of all, you need to find out what kind of plastic the object is made of. Knowing the plastic, you can choose the most suitable adhesive for it.

All manufacturers put recycling symbols on their plastic products - this is the well-known Recycling Triangle - a triangle with arrows on the sides, symbolizing reuse materials.

The triangle contains numbers from one to seven. Often the numbers are supplemented by an abbreviation. According to these designations, the type of plastic is determined.

What does the marking on plastic mean?

  • PET polyethylene low pressure or polyethylene terephthalate. It is mainly used for packing or packaging food products. It is produced in the form of a film, bags or transparent containers for liquid and bulk goods, as well as drinks.
  • HDPE compacted low pressure polyethylene. It is used for the production of shrink film and packaging bags.
  • V (PVC) polyvinyl chloride - non-food plastic, used to make strong and durable items such as household buckets, frames plastic windows, linoleum.
  • LDPE Low density polyethylene high pressure. It is used in the production of bottles for drinks and dairy products, packaging bags, toys, pipes for cold water.
  • PP polypropylene. Plastic is chemically inactive, heat-resistant (up to 150 °C), is most widely used in the production of medical products, heat-resistant dishes and household utensils, toys, pipes and fittings for hot water, and much more.
  • PS polystyrene. Also, food grade plastic, disposable tableware, household utensils, and cases of kitchen appliances are made from it. If it is foamed, it forms an excellent porous heat insulator - foam used in everyday life and in construction work.
  • O Other (other) - materials that are not intended for recycling, for example, with inclusions of metal, paper or other substances). This also includes plastics that do not belong to one of the six groups.

PS - polystyrene

To reliably glue plastic, you need to carefully consider the markings on the product and select an adhesive designed for polymers of this group. There is another way to determine the type of plastic - a small piece of it must be set on fire. Each type burns with a characteristic smell and type of flame. For reliable application of this method at home, you need to gain considerable experience.

Glue marking

Glue tubes are also marked, it's a pity that the notation does not always coincide with the symbols in the triangle on plastic product. Most often, the following symbols can be seen on the tube:

  • PC-polycarbonate (used to cover greenhouses and sheds).
  • ABS is an acrylonitrile copolymer.
  • PP polypropylene.
  • PPMA organic glass for general use.
  • PE is a well-known polyethylene.
  • PVC is another friend - vinyl, or polyvinyl chloride.
  • PS - polystyrene.
  • PA 66 - polyamide.
  • PUR polyurethane.

If you are not an expert in organic chemistry, then, most likely, further study of labeling at home will not be successful. It is better to read in the user manual, which must be attached to the tube, which plastics can be glued with it.

Types of adhesives

The variety of plastics used in everyday life corresponds to an equally wide variety of manufactured compositions and methods of their application.

How to glue plastic

To dissolve the surface layer of the material, it is necessary to destroy chemical bonds between molecules. For this, special substances are used - strong solvents. Each solvent is suitable for its own group of plastics, and may not even leave a trace on a material from another group. At the heart of each adhesive composition is such a solvent. In addition, the composition may include:

  • a hardener that promotes its drying;
  • filler - dissolved molecules of the substance for which the adhesive is intended.

One of the strongest solvents is dichloroethane. It is used to glue polystyrene and plexiglass.

Depending on the method of application, the funds are divided into several groups:

  • liquid;
  • contact;
  • reactionary;
  • hot melt adhesives.


Liquids are widely used in everyday life, they are easily and simply used at home for gluing plastic with a porous structure. They are available both on the basis of an organic solvent and on a water basis. They are applied to surfaces that are pressed against each other for a time sufficient to evaporate the base. After that, the adhesive layer hardens, forming connecting seam. PVA glue is a typical example; it can be used to glue not only linoleum, but also wood at home.


Gluing takes place in two stages:

  • the surfaces to be glued are lubricated with a thin layer, which dissolves the surface layer of plastic, softening it and facilitating contact with another surface;
  • after a few minutes, the parts are pressed against each other with force, the softened layers are mixed, the solvent evaporates and a seam is formed.

This is how Moment, BF-2 and others work. They can glue polystyrene and other plastics at home. They contain toxic substances, so you need to work in a well-ventilated area and avoid getting drops on the skin or mucous membranes.


One-component reactive agents dissolve the bonded material very quickly and harden just as quickly. These are famous brands, like Sekunda, Superglue and their analogues. The seam is strong and rigid.

Two-component consist, respectively, of two components stored separately from each other:

  • hardener;
  • fixer.

The components are mixed immediately before use and applied to surfaces where the mixture hardens to form a joint. The basis is epoxy or polyester resins. The seam at home is very durable. A characteristic feature is that complete hardening takes a long time, and the seam gradually increases both strength and brittleness.

Hot melt adhesives

This group includes substances that exhibit their properties when heated to 110-120 ° C. Requires a special glue gun from heating element. Differs in accuracy of drawing. In addition to plastic, they can glue wood, fabric, paper at home.

How to glue plastic tightly at home

After the type of plastic has been determined and the appropriate substance has been selected, one should:

  • thoroughly degrease the surfaces to be bonded. To do this, use alcohol, a degreaser or a soap solution (only laundry soap);
  • to more reliably glue objects, you need to increase the wettability. To do this, treat the surfaces with a velvet file or thin sandpaper;
  • mix two-component reactive substances only after completion of the preparation of parts;
  • do not use brushes with natural bristles;
  • apply enough adhesive so that when pressing the workpieces, the excess does not squeeze out beyond the gluing zone.

The parts should be pressed in such a way as to exclude their displacement in the plane of gluing relative to each other.

How to achieve maximum effect when gluing plastic parts

So that gluing plastic at home gives maximum effect, follows:

  • accurately determine the material and select the appropriate adhesive for it;
  • carefully follow the instructions for use;
  • wait the set time for the seam to gain strength and do not try to use the product ahead of time;
  • for outdoor work or for objects used in conditions high humidity, you need to choose a waterproof brand;
  • despite the declared heat resistance of the adhesive, the parts themselves may not survive this temperature;
  • if there is no marking on the product, then you can try to drop a drop of adhesive in an inconspicuous place and see if the material dissolves.

Epoxy glue gives one of the strongest bonds and is compatible with many types of plastics.

What affects the reliability of bonding

The reliability of the seam is affected whole line conditions. All of them are important, and failure to follow one of them can lead to the fact that the glued at home will fall off, despite the observance of all the others. So:

  1. Compliance of the material of the product and the adhesive composition.
  2. Correspondence of the type of adhesive composition with the magnitude of the forces that the connection will experience. Equally important is the direction of these efforts. So, compounds that give rigid seams are not suitable for repairing, for example, shoes - after all, the sole will bend and twist during operation, despite the fact that the tensile force will be small. At the same time, this composition can successfully glue, say, a hook to glass, and hang tens of kilograms on it.
  3. Compliance with the technology of application. Everything is important here - and how many seconds or minutes it is necessary to compress the surfaces, and how to degrease them, and how much to keep the parts pressed against each other. All this depends on the properties of a particular “plastic-glue” pair, is described in detail in the instructions and must be followed verbatim. A one-second deviation in dwell time or early use of the product may result in secondary failure.
  4. The mechanical part of the process. It is important to thoroughly clean the surface of dust and roughen it. In addition, the direction of pressing the parts to each other must be perpendicular to the surfaces to be glued. It is impossible to allow mutual displacement of parts after pressing - this will also lead to failure.

Gluing plastic tightly is not so easy. Carefully following the simple rules by the home master will allow you to get strong and durable connections. The main thing is not to forget about safety precautions: do not inhale the vapors of the adhesive composition and prevent it from getting into food, on the skin or mucous membranes. In case of accidental swallowing, you should immediately consult a doctor, be sure to take the tube with you.

It would seem that solving the problem of restoring a broken plastic thing is simple - for this you need to connect its broken parts and glue them together. But not always the use of glue gives the expected result. And all due to the fact that all adhesives for plastics are different. To answer the question of how to glue plastic tightly, you should study the features and properties of the most popular compounds, and choose the best among them.

Types of glue for plastic

Gluing material made of synthetic polymers is sometimes more difficult than ceramics and metal. The structure of the plastic is characterized by a smooth surface and, accordingly, low adhesion. In industrial production, welding is used to connect plastic parts. Gluing plastic at home in this way is impossible, so repairs are carried out with glue.

The main component present in most adhesives is a special mixture that dissolves synthetic polymers. To give the compositions viscous properties, liquid polystyrene is added to them.

The principle of operation of such compounds is to dissolve the parts different surfaces. After compressing them under pressure, there is a strong adhesion of the parts to be glued to each other.

Depending on the composition, all adhesives are divided into the following types:

  1. hot glue;
  2. contact;
  3. liquid;
  4. reactionary.

To figure out which glue is best for gluing plastic, you need to study the properties and features of each type of glue.

hot glue

Such connecting compositions are solid rods. To impart adhesive properties, they must be heated to a certain temperature. For this purpose, special pistols are used.

As a rule, hot melt adhesives are used in creativity, since they have a low bonding strength and are not suitable for precision work.

In stores, you can also find hot melt adhesives that are designed to be used without a gun. Their advantage is ease of use and fairly rapid hardening.


Those who think how to glue plastic at home simply and quickly should pay attention to contact adhesives. A special hardener is sold with some of them. Getting started, you need to mix the two compositions according to the instructions on the package.

Such compounds are capable of rigidly connecting plastic parts, however, are highly toxic. It is necessary to use contact adhesive for plastic, strictly adhering to the instructions.

Wait at least 10 minutes for the contact adhesive to dry before joining two parts that have been coated with contact adhesive, and only then press the two parts firmly together.


Liquid substances are simple and affordable, but at the same time they have the lowest quality connection of plastic parts. They can be water-based or solvent-based.

It is recommended to use them for working with small objects that will not be subjected to stress in the future. Liquid adhesives are not prone to destruction of the plastic structure. This is very important when working with small parts, because plastic-dissolving adhesive can deform them. They harden for a long time, so after repair work it is necessary to leave the glued parts for at least a day.


Such household compositions are considered the most reliable, and at the same time they are one of the most affordable. It should be noted that many of them have their own application features.

So, when working with some of them, the connected parts must be left to dry in the open air. Other formulations require exposure to ultraviolet rays, while others only work underwater.

Reactive adhesives can be:

  • One-component.
  • Two-component.

Both one-component and two-component adhesives for plastics can include components such as polyurethane, epoxy resins, polyesters.

Best Waterproof Adhesives

Waterproof compounds are used to connect parts that are exposed to moisture. For example, such adhesives connect pvc pipes and others plastic materials in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

The best glue for plastic, according to many, is Moment Plastic. It belongs to contact and perfectly connects almost all types of plastic. Due to the presence of harmful substances they are not recommended to glue objects in contact with food or human skin.

Moment Plastic dries very quickly, it is molded with high strength even under the influence of moisture, temperature fluctuations, alkalis, acids.

This epoxy adhesive for plastic is characterized by super fast adhesion - it hardens already 20 minutes after application. The composition is simple and easy to use, it is good for them to close up cracks and fasten chipped parts. It is suitable for all major types of plastic.

Loctite 406 is a water resistant plastic adhesive that is easy to apply. When applied, it spreads well over the surface. Loctite 406 has excellent strength properties for bonding both glossy and rough surfaces.

Best Heat Resistant Adhesives

When the question arises, what can be used to glue plastic to plastic in places where high temperatures, it is worth paying attention to heat-resistant compounds. Such substances are able to withstand high temperatures for a long time without losing their original strength.

Rexant is a clear adhesive for plastics, available in sticks designed for handguns. This manufacturer also produces rods of green, blue and other colors, which are used to visually mask joints when gluing colored parts.

This heat and moisture resistant adhesive/sealant contains silicone that cures when exposed to humid air. The adhesive is highly heat resistant and can withstand temperatures up to 300°C.

When using hot melt adhesive to bond plastic, remember that plastic materials themselves cannot withstand high temperatures.

Elite Drakon is a polymer adhesive for plastic, parquet, ceramics, wood and other materials. Using this tool, you can glue materials of different composition without fear for the quality of gluing. Dragon has high adhesion and heat resistance.

At right choice glue and his optimal use You can successfully glue any plastic part. Compliance with the recommendations specified in the instructions will allow you to restore a broken item without unnecessary material costs.

You will definitely take this trick into service if you did not know it before. We will talk about how to glue plastic or plastic parts very reliably with ordinary second glue, using one little secret, which increases the strength of the connection of two parts by more than 10 times.

What is the trick?

So, the secret is that around the seam of the parts to be glued, we will apply ordinary soda with superglue. The result is a strong thickening around the seam.
The fact is that cyanoacrylates, which make up the glue, interact with soda. They interact, and are not the usual filler. When these two components are mixed, an instant reaction occurs and the strongest composition is obtained, with which it is quite possible to glue not only plastics, but also metals. Peculiar similarity cold welding. Secondary adhesive alone does not have half the strength if used alone. No wonder everyone did poorly and fell apart. But with the use of this technology, this will no longer be the case.

It will take

  • Any super or second glue.
  • Baking soda.

We glue plastic

Let's get started. I broke off the bushing into which the screw is screwed. And, accordingly, I will now restore all this.
At the beginning, everything is as usual. Lubricate the place with glue.

At one and at the second detail.

Let's connect them.

Now the soda comes into play. When the parts come into contact, excess glue is squeezed out, it must be sprinkled with plenty of soda.

After 5 seconds, the excess can be blown off.

Then pour plenty of superglue around the crack and then again fill it with soda.

We blow off the excess again.

We repeat the process one more time.

Sprinkle generously.

As a result, a strong influx formed around the sleeve, which will securely hold everything.

Although everything has hardened before our eyes, it is recommended to let it stand for about 24 hours before using the product.

Pros and cons of the method

  • Instant curing. Even large drops freeze immediately.
  • A very durable monolith is obtained as a result.
  • Sticks to almost any plastic.
  • You can even seal holes and holes.
  • Instant curing can act as a negative factor, due to the fact that the composition cannot be poured into the center of the parts to be glued.
  • The reaction occurs with the release of heat, which in some cases can serve as a negative.
  • Unfortunately, such a composition can only be applied to the surface, but there are times when it is not possible to get there.
I especially recommend that motorists take note of this recipe, since I myself have glued dashboards and glass filters in this way more than once. Hold tight!

In everyday life, many faced such a problem as broken plastic products. These items rarely lend themselves to any kind of repair with their own hands, it is more reliable to glue them. You can decide how to glue plastic tightly by considering the best adhesives for various types and adhesive technology.

Glue for plastic (click to enlarge)

Determine the type of plastic

Before gluing plastic, it is important to first determine the type of material of the broken item. This is important to do in order to better glue the plastic and not spoil the product - many adhesives are solvents plastic parts.

Most often, the manufacturer labels its products with a recycling symbol, by which you can determine the type of plastic. It is a triangle with traced arrows on the edges, inside there are numbers from 1 to 7.

Another designation of the brand is the letter symbols inside or next to the triangle. Knowing these designations, it is possible to determine the type of plastic, after which the adhesive for plastic is suitable for it.


1 or PET is polyethylene terephthalate. The main area of ​​application is packaging food products. It is used in the manufacture of artificial fibers, plastic packaging for liquid foods, films.

2 or HDPE - high density polyethylene using low pressure technology. It is used in the production of shrink film and packaging bags.

3 or PVC - polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used in the manufacture of linoleum and plastic windows.

Watch the video to find out more:

4 or LDPE - low density polyethylene using high pressure technology. Food plastic, bags, wrappers and bottles, greenhouse film, packaging containers, toys for children, pipes are made from it.

5 or PP - polypropylene, due to its inertness and heat resistance (it can be kept under hot steam and boiled), is widely used in the production of food packaging. The material is widely used in medicine (disposable syringes, catheters), in the production of household appliances, heat-resistant dishes and plastic pipes for hot water supply.

6 or PS - polystyrene. Disposable tableware (cups for foodstuffs), internal plastic lining of refrigeration devices are made from this type. When foaming expanded polystyrene, a porous insulating material (polystyrene) is obtained, which is widely used in construction and production.

7 or O (Other) - non-recyclable materials (combines a combination of foil, paper and polymer materials) or not included in the previous groups.

One way to determine the brand of plastic in the absence of a sign is a burn test. Each material burns in its own way and with a different smell, from which its type can be determined.

Labeling of adhesives

In addition to plastic, adhesives for plastics are marked with symbols, although this designation rarely coincides with recycling marking symbols. To know how to glue plastics, the following letters are affixed to the adhesives to indicate the materials to be glued:

Designation for plastics (click to enlarge)

  • polycarbonate - PC;
  • acrylonitrile copolymer - ABS;
  • polypropylene - PP;
  • organic glass - PMMA;
  • polyethylene - PE;
  • polyvinyl chloride - PVC;
  • polystyrene - PS;
  • polyamide - RA 66;
  • polyurethane - PUR.

Often it does not make sense to look for markings on the packaging of the adhesive, it is enough to study the instructions in Russian, which clearly explains what types of materials the adhesive is intended for and how to glue the plastic.

Types of adhesives

Plastic products have a lot of types and are widely used in everyday life, so gluing plastic can be done with a wide range of adhesives and different methods.

One of the gluing methods is softening the surfaces of the parts to be glued with a suitable solvent (dichloroethane for plexiglass or polystyrene), after joining the seam is reliably soldered. In a similar way, you can prepare glue with your own hands by dissolving plastic small chips.

Kinds good adhesives for plastic (click to enlarge)


Popular household adhesives are easy to use and come in two forms: solvent-based or water-based. The principle of operation of the first is as follows: water or solvent evaporates from the glue applied to the top of the plastic parts, the glue seam dries with further hardening, due to which the parts hold tightly.

These adhesives can bond plastic to porous materials that allow air to pass through, otherwise the water and solvent will not evaporate and the adhesive will not cure.

In everyday life and industry, a good liquid PVA glue is known, which is widely used in furniture production for the secure bonding of artificial films on wooden surfaces, in the construction area, linoleum is often glued to PVA. Other liquid adhesives are made on the basis of rubber resins, in this case the solvents are methyl acetate, alcohol, acetone.


The name was obtained because of the principle of gluing: before sticking plastic to plastic, the surfaces of both glued products are smeared with glue and after 10-15 minutes they are firmly pressed against each other. There are two types: with a hardener and without a hardener, the best known brands are BF-2 (4), Moment, rubber glue.

On the video you will learn how to use contact adhesives:

Adhesives include toxic materials, so at home, before gluing plastic, it is necessary to ensure the ventilation of the room.

Reactive Adhesives

There are one-component and two-component types. The former, when applied to the surface to be bonded, harden very quickly from interaction with oxygen or water vapor. These types include the well-known "Second", "Superglue" and other analogues capable of sealing to obtain a rigid and durable seam.

Two-component have a hardener and fixer, which are located separately from each other. Before being used for gluing, they are connected and after being applied to the surfaces to be glued, under the influence of environmental conditions, they gradually begin to harden and glue the parts. Their basis is various resins, the most famous types are polyurethane, epoxy, polyester.