Connect copper pipe to steel. The main methods of connecting copper pipes

Thanks to their almost unique performance copper is today one of the most popular materials used for the installation of communication systems. It is especially common in private homes, where water supply and heating systems are made of copper pipes, the connection of which is carried out using various methods.

One of the main reasons for the use of copper in communication systems is the material's outstanding resistance to high temperatures and high pressure from the side of the medium circulating through the pipes. So, for example, calculations show that in the case of installing a single-pipe heating system, if you want to get a water temperature in the radiator of 70 degrees, it should not be lower than 120 degrees at the inlet. Many modern materials just not designed for this temperature. As an example, plastic (or polymer) pipes, which are so popular today, can be cited here. They are light, not too expensive (especially in comparison with copper), do not cause difficulties during installation and look quite aesthetically pleasing. But the maximum temperature for which they are designed is 95 degrees Celsius. At higher temperatures, the pipes simply begin to melt. At the same time, copper easily withstands temperatures up to 300 degrees.

During the operation of a domestic pipeline, the reverse situation may also occur - freezing of water in pipes. At the same time, the vast majority of materials cannot withstand the linear expansion of frozen water and are destroyed - ruptures or cracks appear on pipes made of polymer, cast iron or steel. Copper perfectly copes with this problem due to its ductility.

In general, copper pipes are universal elements. They can be used not only in water supply or heating systems. Often, specialized pipelines are installed from them in refrigeration units or air conditioners. Due to the gas impermeability of copper, they are also used for the installation of gas pipelines, both domestic and industrial. Besides, in recent times copper pipes for electrical wiring have become quite common, which allow you to reliably protect all its "intricacies" from mechanical and other damage.

Types of connections of copper pipes during the installation of networks.

To connect copper pipes into a single system, various techniques and additional details are used. The choice of a specific method depends on the characteristics of the pipeline, and on its purpose, and on its location, and even on national traditions. As for the last point, today in Europe, where copper pipelines are used most often, there are two traditional approaches to their installation:

  • "British approach" is a fitting-free connection of pipes to each other (pipe bending, flanging, bending, soldering, welding, etc.). This method makes it possible to simplify the design as much as possible. copper pipeline, which practically does not use any additional elements (connecting parts required only for connecting devices to the pipeline). But it is worth noting that this approach requires quite a lot of experience and high qualifications from installers. In addition, you can not do without special tools here;
  • "German approach" - connecting pipes to each other using fittings. This approach has a number of advantages: the use of fittings requires less time to install the pipeline and less effort on the part of the installers. It can be used for laying pipelines of any configuration and guarantees high quality connection, practically independent of the experience and qualifications of the installer. The disadvantages of the method include the complexity of the pipeline design and the need for regular checks of fitting connections.

All types of copper pipe connections that exist today can be divided into 2 categories:

  • one-piece;
  • detachable.

Permanent connections- this is a structure that cannot be disassembled without destroying its individual components. These include:

  • soldering;
  • welding;
  • pressing.

Soldering or welding can be fittingless. Factory connectors for copper pipes (various fittings) are also used. For pressing, special press fittings are required, which are supplied with crimp sleeves.

All types of permanent connection can be used in the installation of water supply, gas supply and heating systems.

Note! When installing water pipes and heating systems for pipes of small and medium diameter, low-temperature soldering is most often used, and welding is used for pipes of large diameter. When installing "warm floors" the most common technique is pressing. If it is required to connect copper to steel, then usually soldering or welding is used, depending on the diameter of the pipes (solder - bronze). But when installing a gas pipeline, high-temperature soldering is necessary.

plug connection- This is a collapsible design. It is obtained using various types fittings:

  • threaded;
  • compression;
  • self-locking.

In addition, in this case, a flange can be used - a connector for copper pipes of large and medium cross-section. And in case of emergency repair of the pipeline, a turnbuckle can be temporarily used to connect pipes of the same diameter.

Most often, a variety of fittings and connectors are used to connect various equipment, consuming devices or fittings to the pipeline. The convenience of such connections is that they can be easily disassembled if necessary (for example, if a pipeline needs to be repaired or the equipment connected to it needs to be replaced). They are very reliable and do not require much qualification from the installer. In addition, a minimum of special tools is required for installation - most of the work is done literally by hand.

But at the same time, detachable connections need periodic inspection and maintenance activities. They are weakened by temperature and pressure drops in the system, and sealing elements wear out over time. That is why they must be located in such a way that access to them during the operation of the pipeline is open at any time.

Note! Threading is prohibited on copper pipes. Therefore, special transition type fittings are used to connect copper with threaded elements of the system. Such parts, on the one hand, have a socket for connection with a pipe by soldering or crimping, and on the other hand, a thread.

Whatever type of connection is chosen when installing a copper pipeline, you should know that in any case it does not reduce mechanical strength systems. On the contrary, any of the joints, except for welding, increases the thickness of the walls of the system, which means that this part of the pipeline is even more durable than the pipe itself. As for the welded joint, it (initially softer due to the nature of the process) becomes stronger with time.

Preparation of copper pipes for connection during installation of communication networks.

Before connecting pipes to each other, they must be prepared. Preparation includes several stages.

  • Cutting.

To complete this stage, it is best to resort to the help of a pipe cutter. The whole process of using this tool is extremely simple. It is necessary to put a pipe cutter on the end of the pipe where the cut is to be made, advancing it to the place marked for the cut. After that, it is necessary to tightly tighten the clamp (screw) of the tool and start rotating the cutter around the pipe. The screw will then be tightened, causing the pipe to be cut off at the location of the cutter.

Note! The use of a pipe cutter allows you to make an accurate perpendicular cut. But in the process of cutting the pipe, do not use excessive force - this can crush the end of the copper product. It is better to make a couple of extra turns of the pipe cutter.

Of course, everyone knows about the plasticity of copper and that it can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw. But to achieve good quality such a cut and its perpendicularity is quite difficult. When working with a hacksaw, the edges are too uneven and require additional processing. True, if special tool not at hand, a hacksaw is the only way to fit the pipe to the desired length. But then you have to turn Special attention on the edges.

  • Pipe edge processing.

After cutting, burrs and irregularities will remain on the edge of the pipe in any case. Before making a connection, these defects must be eliminated. To do this, use a file or file of a rounded shape.

The outer surface of the edge must also be cleaned by removing oxide film and pollution. This work is done with the help of fine-grained skins. In addition, before joining, the inner surface of the edge should also be cleaned. For these purposes, special napkins or brushes are suitable.

Note! Edge cleaning should be carried out until its surface becomes shiny. But at the same time, too much zeal should not be shown, since there is a great chance to remove too much copper layer. In this case, when making a connection by soldering or welding, difficulties may arise.

Connection of copper pipes using capillary soldering.

One of the most common ways to connect copper pipes is capillary soldering. For its implementation, special fittings are used to help the solder be distributed at the place where the seam is received as evenly as possible, regardless of the position of the pipe itself. It is of great importance in this right choice fitting diameter - it should be 0.1-0.15 mm larger than the pipe diameter.

Flux must be applied to the end of the pipe to perform capillary soldering. it special compound, which, when melted, dissolves the oxide film present on the pipe. In addition, it perfectly protects copper from oxidation, which inevitably occurs when it is heated.

Note! Flux is a highly reactive compound, which means that it can interact with the metal it is applied to. Therefore, when applying it, you should be careful not to use more flux than required. It is best to use a brush, applying the flux exclusively to the part of the pipe that will fit inside the fitting. Moreover, this must be done immediately before soldering. After that, immediately insert the end of the pipe into the fitting until it stops, turning it around the axis of the pipe - this is required so that the flux "lies" as evenly as possible. If at the same time some part of the flux appears on the outer surface of the pipe, it must be removed immediately.

After the pipe is inserted into the fitting, the junction must be heated. Heating must be uniform over the entire circumference of the joint. To do this, you can use an open flame - for example, a gas burner with two nozzles. Often used more safe way- industrial dryer. You can determine the degree of heating using the flux or solder used. In the event that a flux is used, which includes tin, silver drops that appear at the junction will indicate that the temperature required for soldering has been reached. If a different type of flux is used, then you can understand whether the connection has heated up to the required temperature by applying the edge of the solder to it. If the solder immediately begins to melt, it means that it can already be introduced into the gap between the pipe and the fitting. At the same time, you can lead the solder bar both from right to left and from left to right - in any case, it will fill the gap and securely connect the parts to each other.

The amount of solder required is determined very simply - by the diameter of the pipe. To do this, even before starting soldering, you can wrap the pipe with wire, which will act as solder, and cut off a piece of the required length from it.

Note! Capillary soldering fittings are commercially available, inside of which there is already solder in the right amount. Working with such fittings comes down to heating the junction to a temperature where the solder begins to melt. Adding additional solder in this case is not required.

After soldering, the joint must cool naturally. During this time, it should not be subjected to any mechanical stress. Only after the solder has completely solidified can the pipeline installation process be continued.

Other connections are made in a similar way during the installation of a water supply or heat supply system at home. After the entire system is mounted, it must be flushed hot water- this will help remove flux residues from inside the pipes. If this is not done, then the composition remaining on the surface of the copper can lead to corrosion of the copper elements. From the outside of the pipeline, all joints should also be inspected and, if there is any remaining flux or solder on them, clean them with a damp cloth.

Connection of copper pipes with elements from other materials.

Often when installing a private copper plumbing, sewage or heating systems, it becomes necessary to use elements made of other materials. In this case, it should be remembered that in no case should direct contact between copper and galvanized steel be allowed due to the electrochemical processes that occur in this case. As a result of such contact, corrosion processes on the steel surface develop at an accelerated rate, and it is destroyed. In order to avoid this, a brass fitting must be placed between the copper and steel sections of the pipeline. In addition, it is very important here that the galvanized steel parts in the pipeline are located in front of the copper ones - that is, the water circulating through the labor first passes through the steel section, and then enters the copper section. But the contact of copper with plastic, brass or acid-resistant steel is safe from this point of view and does not affect the service life of the pipeline.

When connecting copper pipes, you will need special elements called fittings. Such parts contribute to the rapid and easy installation plumbing systems for the home. The store sells high-quality threaded and compression fittings for copper pipes from such manufacturers: Emmeti, IBP, Tiemme, Uni-Fitt, Viega. All products have the necessary certificates and comply with the requirements and standards.

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Tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x1/2"x54 - a fitting-adapter from a threaded to a press connection if it is necessary to branch out in the installation of copper pipes in cold and hot water supply systems, heating systems, plumbing equipment. The material of the press-B tee is bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x1/2"x54 - bronze. The scope of the press-B tee is bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x1/2"x54 - water, air, glycols, fuel oil and other non-aggressive liquids. Operating conditions of the press-B tee bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x1/2"x54: the maximum temperature is 110 degrees Celsius, the maximum allowable pressure is 10 bar. Only a single compression of the press-B tee bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x1/2"x54 is allowed. Complete set of press-B tee bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x1/2"x54 - HNBR sealing elements.

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Tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x3/4 "x54 - fitting-adapter from a threaded to a press connection if it is necessary to branch in the installation of copper pipes in cold and hot water supply systems, heating systems, sanitary equipment. The material of the press-N tee is bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x3 /4"x54 - bronze. The scope of the tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x3 / 4 "x54 - water, air, glycols, fuel oil and other non-aggressive liquids. Operating conditions of the tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x3 / 4"x54: maximum temperature 110 degrees Celsius, maximum allowable pressure - 10 bar. It is allowed only a single compression of the press-N tee bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x3 / 4 "x54 with pressing tongs. The complete set of the press-N tee bronze Sanpress VIEGA 54x3 / 4"x54 - HNBR sealing elements. Sanpress press fittings are equipped with the SC-Contur (micro-groove on the fitting) safety loop, which allows you to visually identify unpressed joints during pressure testing, and the resulting

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Press-N tee bronze Sanpress VIEGA 35x3/4 "x35 - fitting-adapter from a threaded to a press connection if it is necessary to branch in the installation of copper pipes in cold and hot water supply systems, heating systems, sanitary equipment. The material of the press-N tee is bronze Sanpress VIEGA 35x3 /4"x35 - bronze. The scope of the tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 35x3/4 "x35 - water, air, glycols, fuel oil and other non-aggressive liquids. Operating conditions of the tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 35x3 / 4"x35: maximum temperature 110 degrees Celsius, maximum allowable pressure - 10 bar. It is allowed only a single compression of the tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 35x3/4"x35 with pressing tongs. Complete set of the tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 35x3/4"x35 - HNBR sealing elements. Sanpress press fittings are equipped with the SC-Contur (micro-groove on the fitting) safety loop, which allows you to visually identify unpressed joints during pressure testing, and the resulting

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Press-N tee bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x3/4"x22 - fitting-adapter from a threaded to a press connection if it is necessary to branch in the installation of copper pipes in cold and hot water supply systems, heating systems, sanitary equipment. The material of the press-N tee is bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x3 /4"x22 - bronze. The scope of the tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x3 / 4 "x22 - water, air, glycols, fuel oil and other non-aggressive liquids. Operating conditions of the tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x3 / 4"x22: maximum temperature 110 degrees Celsius, maximum allowable pressure - 10 bar. It is allowed only a single compression of the tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x3/4"x22 with pressing tongs. Complete set of the tee press-N bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x3/4"x22 - HNBR sealing elements. Sanpress press fittings are equipped with the SC-Contur (micro-groove on the fitting) safety loop, which allows you to visually identify unpressed joints during pressure testing, and the resulting

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Tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 15x1 / 2 "x15 - a fitting-adapter from a threaded to a press connection if it is necessary to branch in the installation of copper pipes in cold and hot water supply systems, heating systems, sanitary equipment. The material of the press-B tee is bronze Sanpress VIEGA 15x1 / 2 "x15 - bronze. The scope of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 15x1 / 2 "x15 - water, air, glycols, fuel oil and other non-aggressive liquids. Operating conditions of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 15x1 / 2"x15: maximum temperature 110 degrees Celsius, maximum allowable pressure - 10 bar. Only a single compression of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 15x1 / 2 "x15 with press tongs is allowed. Complete set of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 15x1 / 2"x15 - HNBR sealing elements. Sanpress press fittings are equipped with the SC-Contur (micro-groove on the fitting) safety loop, which allows you to visually identify unpressed joints during pressure testing, and the resulting

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Tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x1 / 2 "x22 - a fitting-adapter from a threaded to a press connection if it is necessary to branch in the installation of copper pipes in cold and hot water supply systems, heating systems, sanitary equipment. The material of the press-B tee is bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x1 / 2 "x22 - bronze. The scope of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x1 / 2 "x22 - water, air, glycols, fuel oil and other non-aggressive liquids. Operating conditions of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x1 / 2" x22: maximum temperature 110 degrees Celsius, maximum allowable pressure - 10 bar. Only a single compression of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x1 / 2 "x22 with press tongs is allowed. Complete set of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 22x1 / 2" x22 - HNBR sealing elements. Sanpress press fittings are equipped with the SC-Contur (micro-groove on the fitting) safety loop, which allows you to visually identify unpressed joints during pressure testing, and the resulting

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Discount price: RUB 1,029.50

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Tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 28x1 / 2 "x28 - a fitting-adapter from a threaded to a press connection if it is necessary to branch in the installation of copper pipes in cold and hot water supply systems, heating systems, sanitary equipment. The material of the press-B tee is bronze Sanpress VIEGA 28x1 / 2 "x28 - bronze. The scope of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 28x1 / 2 "x28 - water, air, glycols, fuel oil and other non-aggressive liquids. Operating conditions of the press-B tee bronze Sanpress VIEGA 28x1 / 2"x28: maximum temperature 110 degrees Celsius, maximum allowable pressure - 10 bar. Only a single compression of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 28x1/2"x28 with press tongs is allowed. Complete set of the tee press-B bronze Sanpress VIEGA 28x1/2"x28 - HNBR sealing elements. Sanpress press fittings are equipped with the SC-Contur (micro-groove on the fitting) safety loop, which allows you to visually identify unpressed joints during pressure testing, and the resulting

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The water socket crimp-B with a plastic ring TIEMME 10x1/2" is designed to connect copper and steel pipes with taps in the water supply system, heating and plumbing equipment. The material of the water socket crimp-B TIEMME 10x1/2" is CW617N brass with a plastic ring (P.T.F.E.) . The scope of the water socket is water, glycols, non-aggressive liquids, oil and compressed air. The norms for the pipe limit the operating conditions of the crimp-B water socket with a TIEMME 10x1 / 2 "plastic ring to the following data: the maximum operating temperature is 120 degrees Celsius, the maximum allowable pressure is 30 bar. The thread of the crimp-B water socket with a TIEMME 10x1 / 2" plastic ring is - ISO 228 (GOST 6357-81), connection type - crimp and internal thread.

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The connection of copper pipes is made in three ways: on compression fittings, by means of capillary soldering and using press fittings. Each of these methods has its pros and cons. It all depends on the conditions in which it is planned to operate the plumbing system.

Connections on compression (compression) fittings

The main advantage of this technique is ease of installation, a minimum of auxiliary tools. Each person will be able to cope with such work, because you only need to tighten the nuts with two keys. Disadvantages of connection through fittings: limited maximum pressure (up to 10 bar) at a system temperature of 100 degrees.

Connection of copper pipes with compression fittings

During installation, it is also extremely important to prevent the slightest distortion. If the fittings are intended for "soft" pipes, a special bushing is required. The last factor is extremely important, but it is often neglected.

Connections made by capillary soldering

The advantages of soldering: accuracy and evenness of the seams, the minimum amount of solder required, democratic value. Performance characteristics: maximum operating pressure 40 BAR at a maximum system temperature of 150 degrees. Capillary soldering requires a torch (on propane or acetylene), flux, solder. This method connecting copper pipes requires a certain experience and knowledge from a person.

With press fittings

Advantages installation work without soldering: high reliability, average cost with a quick payback. To perform work without soldering, by means of press fittings, a minimum of knowledge and skills is required from a person. Connecting copper pipes in this way is a matter of minutes.

How to connect copper pipes with steel?

Traditionally, copper products are mounted with steel parts using compression (compression) fittings. Work technology:

The fitting is disassembled, then a pipe is inserted into it, on which a compression ring and a clamping nut are preliminarily put on.

By hand the nut is tightened to the stop. It is important to ensure that there are no distortions. Based on the diameters of the copper pipe or the instructions specified in the passport documents or special tables, the nut is tightened by a certain number of turns with a wrench. Usually the number of turns is from ½ to ¼. It is important to follow the recommended RPM. Otherwise, the pipe may be deformed.

Connecting copper products to steel parts is quite simple. If something remains unclear to you, we strongly recommend that you watch the instructional video, which tells in detail how to mount copper parts with steel pipes.

Mounting technology

How to connect copper products?

  1. cut off, as in previous version, the desired segment of the product;
  2. The outer and inner parts are cleaned of contaminants using a special ruff or sponge for copper;
  3. The pipe is inserted into the capillary fitting to the limit, flux is applied, the excess of which can be removed with a clean cloth;
  4. The connection is heated by gas burner or special building hair dryer solder is applied. The solder should melt and evenly fill the mounting gap;
  5. We are waiting for the natural cooling of the solder. Flux residues are removed with a damp and clean cloth.

Now you know how to connect copper pipes in several ways. If something in the installation of copper products seems unclear to you, you can always watch the instructional video. In principle, this work is quite simple and you can do it yourself, without resorting to the services of professionals.

How to connect copper pipes

Flare connection

2. Put the coupling on the pipe.

Threaded connection

Fitting is being prepared;

How to solder copper pipes - soldering copper pipes

Pipe products made of copper materials and their alloys have not looked like a novelty in our heating systems; in addition, they are increasingly found today in modern water and gas supply mains of residential buildings and industrial enterprises. These reliable and plastic products are currently widely used as critical components. modern systems air conditioning and refrigeration units of various profiles.

copper pipe

All this is quite enough for us to have a desire to learn how to form one-piece connections from such products, or rather, to get acquainted with how to solder copper pipes in living conditions. The fact is that the known techniques for connecting copper pipes have been used since ancient times and involve the introduction of a special molten adhesive composition or solder into the contact zone. What is especially important to know when mastering the process of soldering copper pipes is that reliable welding contact is obtained, as a rule, only when the melting temperature of the solder itself is slightly lower than the melting point of the tubes being welded.

We also note that high-quality and reliable soldering of copper pipes with your own hands will require the performer to be especially careful when working with the products to be welded, as well as certain theoretical training.

Benefits of Welded Copper Joints

Copper pipe welding

It is impossible not to mention in our article the many testimonies that additionally confirm undeniable advantages copper structures obtained by welding. Such mentions only increase the ever-increasing demand for products that differ in a whole set of enough unique properties:

  • durability and strength of welded copper products;
  • availability and ease of handling copper material;
  • the ability to select the conditions for the formation of a welding contact (adjusting the welding mode).

In addition, the use of the latest welding techniques will allow you to save on mandatory assembly spare parts such as standard adapters and fittings, which significantly reduces the overall cost of manufacturing welded heating pipes.

Copper pipe soldering methods and tools used

When carrying out special operations related to welding of pipe blanks of various diameters, the following temperature conditions are most often used:

  1. High temperature regime with thermal heating of the melt zone up to 900 degrees, used for workpieces under significant loads.
  2. The low-temperature processing mode, most often practiced in everyday life with a working temperature in the contact zone up to 450 degrees.
Gripper-pipe cutter

You may need the following tool to help you fix the jointed pipes during the soldering process:

  • A special grip-pipe cutter that provides even cut workpiece at the place of its intended welding.
  • Chamfer preparation tool (including deburring).
  • A special kind of expansion mechanism used to prepare the soldering site to a depth approximately equal to the diameter of the workpieces to be welded.
  • And finally myself welding machine or gas burner, directly used for soldering copper joints.
soldering torch

In addition to this, you will certainly need a building thermal hair dryer, through which it will be possible to heat up the joints of the workpieces up to 650 degrees (used mainly when working with low-melting solders).

Building hair dryer

The presence in the current tool kit of such a heating-welding machine will allow its owner to very easily regulate the temperature regime in the welding zone, as well as maintain it at an optimal level. In addition, a wide range interchangeable nozzles, included in the working set of the welding device, provides you with the ability to direct a stream of heated air to any place convenient for you.

Materials used in soldering copper blanks

Before soldering heating pipes with their own hands, any performer is simply obliged to thoroughly familiarize himself with the working materials used as thermal solders. In addition, he should certainly be aware that all these materials, according to their refractoriness characteristics, are divided into hard and soft categories.



The so-called high refractoriness solders outwardly resemble elongated rods of an arbitrary profile and are usually used when it is necessary to heat the metal in the soldering zone to the highest possible temperatures (up to 900 degrees Celsius). Such temperatures provide a high-quality and reliable solder contact.

Note! Such soldering materials are mainly used in repair and restoration work carried out on critical supply lines or in the repair of industrial air conditioners and special refrigeration equipment.

The most typical representatives of solder solders of this class include self-fluxing copper-phosphorus compositions equipped with a variety of additives (such as Cu94 P6 and Cu92 P6 Ag2). A 6% addition of silver or phosphorus, almost imperceptible to the eye, will allow you to lower the working melting temperature of such a solder up to 750 degrees. And this is provided that the actual expansion rates of the materials used correspond almost exactly to those of copper, which makes it possible to obtain a strong and reliable connection.

soft solder

Solders, colloquially called "soft", got their name due to the fact that they are used in the process of low-temperature processing. copper tubes produced at home. They are made, as a rule, in the form of rather thin wires and are developed on the basis of such popular chemical substances, which are the lead, tin, zinc or their alloys known to all of us.


Flux for soldering

In order to simplify the procedure for soldering copper pipes with your own hands, special paste-like or even liquid formulations(they are also called fluxes). It is important to note that often the success or failure of the operation performed can largely depend on the competent selection of one or another flux.

Like solders, the materials we are considering are also conditionally divided into low-temperature reagents (up to 450 degrees) and high-temperature chemical components used in soldering above 450 degrees.

Such chemical compositions are used for the following purposes:

  • help to clean the soldering area from harmful oxides;
  • protect working area from the ingress of oxygen, which is always contained in environment;
  • create favorable conditions for uniform distribution soldering composition at the places of soldering;
  • improve the quality of adhesion of products with solder.

During the work, the solder, heated to the required temperature, evenly spreads over the parts of the parts to be soldered, thus forming reliable connection. After the soldering contact has cooled down, all excess flux is simply removed from the processing zone.


This video is about soldering pipes with soft solder:

How to connect copper pipes | All about pipes

Installation of copper pipelines involves the ability to properly make pipe and fitting connections. We will talk about this in this short article.

Copper pipes can be connected to the coupling without flaring the end of the pipe. The advantage of such a connection is that it can be disassembled and reassembled at any time. In the same place where it is not possible to work with a gas burner or it is impossible to completely drain the water from the old pipe, a flared connection is used. Such a connection is made as follows. The first step is to process the end of the pipe so that its surface is perfectly flat. After that, a coupling is put on the pipe, and a flaring cone is directed inside the pipe. After that, pull the flare clamp and slowly turn the flare screw. This must be done until the expansion angle of the pipe reaches forty-five degrees. After that, the screw must be unscrewed, the clamp loosened and the flaring device removed from the pipe. Now the coupling can be shifted towards the end of the pipe until it stops and tighten the nut.

However, more often copper pipes are interconnected using fittings. Unlike plastic pipes, fittings in copper pipes are not crimped, but soldered. Such soldering can be both high-temperature and low-temperature. In the first case, hard solder rod with a high melting point is used. The heating of pipes and fittings in this case should be done with acetylene or propane burners, since the temperature of their flame is very high. Used for low temperature soldering soft solder made in the form of a wire. Warming up can be done with a conventional blowtorch. In practice, high-temperature soldering is used for socket joints, and low-temperature soldering for fittings. The soldering technology is simple. First, the soldered surface of the pipe and fitting is cleaned of oxide and covered with flux. Then a fitting is put on the pipe and the place of the future connection is heated until the molten solder fills the gap between the pipe and the fitting. It should be borne in mind that the solder should not melt in the flame of the burner, but from the temperature of the heated metal. After cooling, the connection acquires high strength. After that, it remains only to remove the remaining flux from the surface.

Threaded connections are also used in copper pipelines. They must be handled with extreme caution, since copper threads can be torn off without even applying excessive force. In threaded connections for copper pipes, a ferrule is always used, which is designed to evenly distribute the load over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection. This work is done in the following sequence. First, the end of the pipe is processed, then it is put on the pipe union nut, and on the very edge of the crimp ring. Then the fitting is inserted into the pipe until it stops and the union nut is carefully tightened.


How to connect copper pipes - construction

How to connect copper pipes

Copper pipes are connected when arranging various pipelines, using fittings and special methods. Everyone needs to know how to connect copper pipes, since obtaining a reliable joint requires certain conditions to be met.

Flare connection

Soft copper pipes are very often connected to a coupling in which the non-flared end of the pipe is sealed. It is not difficult to dismantle such a joint, and then it can be easily restored. Usually, a flared connection of copper pipes is used when it is dangerous to work with a burner and it is impossible to completely drain the water from the old pipe. The order of work is as follows:

1. Clean the end of the pipe. In this case, you need to remove all the burrs.

2. Put the coupling on the pipe.

3. Insert the pipe into the calibrated flare hole. Squeeze it in there well. The hole should be the same diameter as the pipe itself. Install the end of the pipe at the same level or slightly above the clamping surface.

4. Put a fixture on the clamp. Start turning the screw until the cone flares at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the end of the pipe.

5. Remove the pipe from the calibrated hole. Then you need to bring the coupling close to the flared edges. Wrap the threads of the coupling with sealing tape, and tighten the nut.

Connection with fittings

Connecting copper pipes with fittings reduces labor costs during installation, the time it takes to complete the work and guarantees the quality of the connection, since there is no metal retraction. Copper pipes with fittings are most often connected by capillary soldering, which is based on the capillary effect. There are two types of soldering copper pipes:

The soldering is high-temperature. For this method, rod refractory solders are used. Propane and acetylene burners are used to heat pipes;

The soldering is low-temperature. With this method, soft solders are used, which are rolled into coils. For this soldering, there is enough fire from the usual blowtorch.

There are no special differences in these two methods, but high-temperature soldering is used for socket connection pipes, and low-temperature soldering - on joints with fittings into which solder is melted.

The fitting method is as follows:

A fitting is put on a flux-coated pipe:

The joint is heated with a torch until the solder melts and closes the gap between the fitting and the pipe;

The structure is allowed to cool and then the exterior is cleaned with special cleaners for copper. After that, the pipe is ready for operation.

Threaded connection

Threaded connection copper pipes is collapsible, and special ferrules are used. If there is a need for dismantling, the ring will need to be replaced. This type of connection is made as follows:

First cut off a piece of pipe of the required length;

If pipes with PVC insulation are used, it is necessary to remove the insulating layer from the end of the pipe with a sharp knife and remove the burrs that formed after the cut with a file;

Fitting is being prepared;

A union nut is put on the pipe, then a squeeze ring is put on;

The nut should be screwed on smoothly - at first it is twisted by hand, when it becomes impossible to do so, a key is used. During operation, the nut compresses the pipe and the joint is sealed.

The connection of copper pipes is made in three ways: on compression fittings, by means of capillary soldering and using press fittings. Each of these methods has its pros and cons. It all depends on the conditions in which it is planned to operate the plumbing system.

Connections on compression (compression) fittings

The main advantage of this technique is ease of installation, a minimum of auxiliary tools. Each person will be able to cope with such work, because you only need to tighten the nuts with two keys. Disadvantages of connection through fittings: limited maximum pressure (up to 10 bar) at a system temperature of 100 degrees.

Connection of copper pipes with compression fittings

During installation, it is also extremely important to prevent the slightest distortion. If the fittings are intended for "soft" pipes, a special bushing is required. The last factor is extremely important, but it is often neglected.

Connections made by capillary soldering

The advantages of soldering: accuracy and evenness of the seams, the minimum amount of solder required, democratic value. Operating characteristics: maximum working pressure 40 bar at maximum system temperature 150 degrees. Capillary soldering requires a torch (on propane or acetylene), flux, solder. This method of connecting copper pipes requires a certain experience and knowledge from a person.

With press fittings

Advantages of installation work without soldering: high reliability, average cost with a quick payback. To perform work without soldering, by means of press fittings, a minimum of knowledge and skills is required from a person. Connecting copper pipes in this way is a matter of minutes.

How to connect copper pipes with steel?

Traditionally, copper products are mounted with steel parts using compression (compression) fittings. Work technology:

The fitting is disassembled, then a pipe is inserted into it, on which a compression ring and a clamping nut are preliminarily put on.

The nut is tightened by hand until it stops. It is important to ensure that there are no distortions. Based on the diameters of the copper pipe or the instructions specified in the passport documents or special tables, the nut is tightened by a certain number of turns with a wrench. Usually the number of turns is from ½ to ¼. It is important to follow the recommended RPM. Otherwise, the pipe may be deformed.

Connecting copper products to steel parts is quite simple. If you still don't understand something, we strongly recommend watching the instructional video, which explains in detail how to mount copper parts with steel pipes.

Mounting technology

How to connect copper products?

  1. Cut off, as in the previous version, the desired segment of the product;
  2. The outer and inner parts are cleaned of contaminants using a special ruff or sponge for copper;
  3. The pipe is inserted into the capillary fitting to the limit, flux is applied, the excess of which can be removed with a clean cloth;
  4. The connection is heated by means of a gas burner or a special building hair dryer, solder is applied. The solder should melt and evenly fill the mounting gap;
  5. We are waiting for the natural cooling of the solder. Flux residues are removed with a damp and clean cloth.

Now you know how to connect copper pipes in several ways. If something in the installation of copper products seems unclear to you, you can always watch the instructional video. In principle, this work is quite simple and you can do it yourself, without resorting to the services of professionals.

Copper pipes - versatile material, which is used almost everywhere: when creating water pipes, gas pipelines, heating systems. They are not afraid of chlorinated water, which makes them especially attractive for the installation of urban water supply networks. Copper is not afraid of corrosion and has a very long service life.

Installation of a copper pipeline is carried out using a variety of different types connections, and this is not only welding and soldering, but also the use of compression (crimp) elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of compression fittings

The connection of copper pipes with compression fittings is convenient because it does not require heat and special equipment.

This means that they can be used to mount pipes in hard-to-reach places, from the tools you only need:

  • spanners,
  • calibrator,
  • cutter.

The time of work is reduced, labor costs are reduced, and the resulting system is completely sealed and durable.

However, this design is not without drawbacks. Compression fittings must be periodically checked and tightened, so they must not be concreted.

They are designed for low pressure in the system, therefore they are considered less reliable than soldering. The design is reusable, that is, it can be disassembled and assembled, but in practice, the reconnection is unreliable, and soon it has to be replaced.

The device and principle of operation of the compression fitting

Compression fitting for copper pipes consists of several parts:

  • corps;
  • crimp nut;
  • crimp ring.

Crimp rings (usually one or two are used) are designed to create a tight connection and provide it with high pressure resistance and durability. Thanks to them, the structure becomes resistant to vibration fatigue and can serve for many years.

Quality copper pipe fittings can last up to 50 years.

It is better to choose parts that use special EPD M material for the connecting rings, rather than ordinary rubber, as they will last much longer.

Compression fittings are made from:

  • brass,
  • copper,
  • plastic,
  • metal.

At the same time, brass connecting elements are most often used, since this material is easy to process and costs less than pure copper. In terms of strength, it is inferior to stainless steel, but on the other hand, it is much easier to mount it.

Sometimes brass fittings are additionally treated with nickel to increase resistance to various influences.

When choosing, pay attention to the weight of the product, this indicator should not be too light. You can ask the seller for a quality certificate, in addition, professionals advise immediately choosing parts from a well-known manufacturer.

This ensures that you do not waste your money and that the installed system is reliable. Many people advise using a brass fitting for HDPE pipes, as it does not corrode, but provides a greater margin of safety than plastic.

Types of compression fittings

AT various systems pipelines, several types of connecting devices are used, which you can see in the photo:

  • tees(used when creating a one-way branch);
  • crosses(installation of bilateral branches);
  • couplings(connect two pipe sections of the same diameter);
  • bends(used to create 45 degree turns);
  • plugs(installed at the end of the pipe section).

If it is supposed to connect pipes of the same diameter, then direct connecting devices are used, and if different, transitional ones.

Installation of compression fittings on copper pipes

Since this type of connection does not require special equipment, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

In the European classification, two types of components are distinguished, marked with the letters A and B.

  1. Type A are used only for the installation of above-ground piping systems made of semi-solid grades of copper or stainless steel.
  2. Type B used for underground and surface utilities, it is designed for soft and semi-hard grades of copper with a thick wall.

Installation instructions for different types require strict adherence to certain rules in order to make the connection as reliable as possible.

Installation of compression fittings type A

  1. Pick up right size element. It is not difficult to do this, since all connecting structures are made according to a single European standard in accordance with the nomenclature;
  2. Cut the pipe and remove burrs. Check the cut with a gauge. Make sure that there is no dirt, rough edges or scratches on the surface. A compression ring is put on the pipe, you can moisten the junction with water to prevent the seal from tearing or slipping;
  3. Insert the pipe into the fitting as far as it will go. Tighten the clamping nut by hand first and then use a wrench.

Excessive use of force is not required here, since the connection will not become more tight from this. When using cheap parts, the ring may be squeezed out, in which case the fitting will have to be completely replaced.

As a result of the actions taken, the pipe should only be slightly deformed, and this confirms that the connection is tight. The video in this article will show in detail in practice all the stages of work on creating a durable structure.

Installation of compression fittings type B

Fittings of the second type are mounted in approximately the same way. The cut is cleaned of dirt, it is important to ensure that the threads in the new fitting are clean. It can only be slightly lubricated with machine oil to make it easier to wrap. The seal cone must be pressed against the inner edge of the tube, the edge of the pipe itself must be flared.

It is important to choose the right key and make sure that it is not loose, otherwise you can easily damage the nut. For example, if a connection with a diameter of 54 mm is required, it is better to take a key with a length of 750 mm.

Features of connecting copper pipes

The price of a copper pipeline is quite high, so it is recommended to follow a few rules when choosing materials.

  • It is better that they are uniform, this will increase the life of the entire structure.
  • It is impossible to combine copper with unalloyed steels. Because of this, electrochemical processes begin between the metals, which are detrimental to the connection. Steel elements and even galvanized steel in this case begin to suffer from corrosion.
  • In extreme cases, if a heterogeneous connection cannot be avoided, they are installed in front of copper in the direction of water flow.
  • Copper pipes are well combined with PVC pipeline parts, in this case there will be no negative consequences for the connection.
  • PVC pipes for sewerage are increasingly replacing metal pipes, as they are cheaper, easier to install, and at the same time they are practically not inferior to them in strength and durability.


Crimp fittings for connecting copper pipes are used quite often, as it is both convenient and profitable. But it is important not to save on the quality of parts, otherwise the need for repairs will arise very soon. The more responsibly you approach the selection and installation of components, the longer they will eventually serve you.