Tile drilling. How to drill a tile on the wall: detailed instructions and useful tips

Modern ceramic tiles are an excellent finishing material actively used in construction and renovation.

Its excellent characteristics make it an almost indispensable material for wall decoration and other surfaces.

It is beautiful, durable, waterproof, practical, hygienic, easy to care for, and has a fairly reasonable cost. If desired, anyone can learn, if not professionally, but neatly and efficiently lay tiles.

Is it possible to drill tile with your own hands? After all, whatever one may say, and holes will sooner or later be needed: for various accessories, for hanging, for holding various, for, and for other possible needs.

What can complicate the work with the material? Let's remember how it is made.

Material properties

The simplest one, already forgotten by some, manual... For making small and not too deep holes, it is usually enough. In addition, there will definitely not be any problems with adjusting the rotation speed. In some cases, even a banal brace is used.

Special devices - conductors: They can be used to make it easier to drill straight holes. With the help of suction cups, they are attached to the surface, preventing the drill, especially at the beginning of work, from going to the side.

Special blowers... Under low pressure, they supply water to the workplace, which cools the hot tool.


Special spear (feather) drills specially designed for tiles. They are very convenient for making holes of small and medium diameter (for dowel fasteners).

For secure clamping in the tool holder, they can be equipped with a cylindrical shank. Hex drills are produced for the size of standard bits - they are used in work with.

In an ordinary tile, before failure, such a drill can make an average of no more than thirty holes. If you have to work with porcelain stoneware, then this figure is reduced to two or three pieces.

Corundum or diamond core drills, which are included in the category of professional tools: they will perfectly cope not only with tiles, but also with porcelain stoneware.

Such drills are like a hollow tube, thereby significantly facilitating the workflow. Waste is removed through the cavity without obstruction. They are usually made to make holes large enough.

Drill "ballerina"... It can be used for one-time work when you need to make a hole of significant diameter. It has a low cost, and easily copes with the task.

Heavy-duty tungsten carbide drills... This option is not one of the most successful, since it may be difficult to pass the mechanism through the upper, most durable tile layer. They are more suitable for deepening holes that have already been made by other nozzles.

Heavy-duty carbide drills with sharp-angle one-sided sharpening... The hardest, outermost layer of the tile passes through perfectly. Such products manufactured good manufacturer, will work for quite a long time.

Reminiscent of the ones just mentioned, tungsten carbide-coated drills... They are used not only for drilling ceramics, but also hard natural materials such as granite and marble. They come on sale mainly in sets of various diameters, they are used more often by professionals.

How to drill a tile

How to drill small holes in tiles on the wall?

Such holes are usually needed when you need to place a cabinet, shelf, mirror, hanger, piece of furniture or other accessory on the wall. Most often used plastic plug-in dowels up to 12 mm in diameter.

Consider the option when the wall is already finally tiled with tiles, under which there is a completely frozen solution or glue.

How to drill a large hole in a tile?

Large holes (20 mm or more) are usually made in the material before it is laid on the floor or walls. The tiles are placed on a workbench, after which a careful marking is carried out.

A hole in a tile may be needed for a variety of reasons. Sometimes you need to run a plumbing, hang a shelf or a heated towel rail on the wall, and often you need to install an outlet or a hook to place essentials.

To carry out this procedure successfully, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations, and also follow the procedure exactly. Then the action will be carried out successfully, and the tiles will not suffer.

Content of the article:

What do you need to know?

Before starting work, it is advisable to practice so as not to spoil the already laid tiles. You should find pieces of a cable that is already unusable and do required holes first on it. When the actions have been rehearsed, you can perform the work on the required surface.

Important Special attention to give the correct markup. You can mark points for the subsequent formation of a hole using a marker or felt-tip pen. Sometimes problems arise with this aspect. It is very difficult to mark the tile so that it will last for a long time.

It is especially difficult to work in this way with glazed tiles. It is easier to mark holes by sticking a piece of masking tape over the area to be applied. It is applied symbol... Then all the markup will be perfectly marked.

Scotch tape can also be used for other purposes. On the surface on which this material is glued, drilling is carried out with increased ease. The drill will definitely not slide off the area it is pointed at.

This method of holding the drill in the correct position is safer for the integrity of the tile than trying to punch the base, since when using a sharp dowel and nail there is always the risk of chips and unnecessary scratches.

Sometimes it is necessary to drill holes in a tile that is not yet bonded to the surface. In this case, a comfortable and reliable surface should be prepared in advance. It is necessary to check in advance that there is no vibration of the structure.

A material is placed under the tile that does not block the drill. Often these are unnecessary sheets of wood, plywood, or drywall. The tile must be in close contact with the surface. The presence of devices that can make it unstable, which will lead to deformation and irreversible damage to the material, must not be allowed.

The drill often becomes hot when used for a long time. If the hole is overheated, there is a risk of cracking. To avoid this, you should not put in a lot of effort when working.

You need to spend more time creating the hole. When the drill quickly overheats, action should be taken to cool it down. You can dip it in machine oil for a few minutes.

If work is done on horizontal surfaces, local cooling is undertaken. To do this, a hole is drilled in a separate block, which is filled ice water... If necessary, lower the drill there.

If standard drill coolants do not help, more automated methods can be used. Some craftsmen acquire a special tool. A pressure vessel is often used. It provokes excessive pressure when used hand pump... With the help of an equipped jig, the liquid reaches the drill and quickly cools it.

Craftsmen often prefer to use drills, which provide a percussion function. When working with tiles, this function must be disabled. The drill is invariably directed towards the tile in a perpendicular position. If special supporting devices are not provided for this, the master must independently control the maintenance of the optimal level.

When drilling ceramic tiles in particular, when making the widest holes, very small but sharp remnants of material are often scattered. In order not to run into these elements, it is necessary to wear protective elements for hands and eyes, that is, use thick gloves and glasses.

Required tools and materials

Step-by-step instruction

The location of the hole is selected. It is advisable to make all lines symmetrical and retreat as far as possible from the edge of the tile, avoiding cracking. Next is executed step by step order work:

  • Step 1. After completing the complete layout plan, you should choose a drill suitable size and install it in the drill chuck according to the instructions for a specific device model. You need to focus on the parameters of the dowels, the installation of which is planned in the first place. It is necessary to estimate the size of the dowel plug and choose a drill with which a hole 1-2 mm larger is formed.
  • Step 2. The drill is installed in a predetermined center of the future hole. Scotch tape or a similar device prevents it from slipping off. Drilling should be started at minimum speed. Care must be taken to eliminate the top layer of the tile. Further drilling takes place in a more convenient and safe mode.
  • Step 3. If a diamond or other expensive drill is used, it is recommended to remove it immediately after bringing it up to the wall, that is, after the tile is completely perforated. A standard drill suitable for working with walls is prepared. It must have a diameter that is no larger than the previous element.
  • Step 4. After bringing the drill to the wall, the further distance is passed very carefully. The work is especially closely monitored when a long drill is used. It is capable of swaying, which can harm the integrity of the tile. If you constantly hold the device at the proper level or use special clips, the risk of cracks, chips and scratches on the surface is reduced.
  • Step 5. A dowel is inserted into the created hole. This device hammered into the wall carefully so as not to create unnecessary vibration. If the craftsman accidentally hits the tiles or misdirects the force of the impact, the success of the hole creation may be leveled out due to the appearance of cracks. After carefully installing the dowel, you can bury a nail, hook or similar element into the prepared hole.

How can you not do it?

When selecting best place to create holes in the tile, you must follow the rule that prohibits working with a drill near the edge of the tile. Maintain a distance of 1.5 cm or more from the edge.

During the drilling of the tile, the device must not be set at the highest speed. The range of 100-400 rpm in 60 seconds is allowed. To determine the required speed, you should first practice making holes on the sample material, evaluating the power and thickness of the drill, as well as the density of the tile itself.

Do not set the punch mode. If you neglect this rule, the tile structure will quickly crack, which will lead to the need to replace it. The device can be rearranged to this mode only after a hole has been made in the wall structure. This simplifies and speeds up the work.

It is not recommended to use a mechanical drill. With its help, holes are made quite difficult and for a long time. Even the creation of one of them takes a lot of time and effort, which is why the work is unnecessarily delayed. It is also most difficult to keep the drill exactly perpendicular to the tile while working.

Swinging and unnecessary turns of the drill is strictly prohibited, as this will inevitably lead to excessive space and damage to the structure, which will make the end result not aesthetically pleasing enough. In order not to spoil the tiles, you should use a drill tripod.

When drilling a hole between the tiles in the area of ​​the seam connecting this element, do not go over the edge of the tile. If you touch a piece of the structure, it will crack and break off from the base, which will damage the result of the work.

Sometimes, for drilling especially fragile varieties of tiles, special drills are used, which are not able to create a hole in the base of the wall. In the process, you have to use two drills.

The first is only needed to create a hole in the tile, and the second for its further formation. It is impossible for the second stage to select a drill that is larger in diameter than the previous one, otherwise there is a risk of destruction of the tile.

To successfully drill the tiles, use a suitable drill. If slight slippage is noticed, it is advisable to apply the template and drill along it, guiding the centralized drill.

Often, the master is given the task of drilling the already laid out tile, so the responsibility increases, since damage to the entire masonry cannot be allowed. When the correct drill is selected, all precautions are taken and the work is carried out carefully, a positive result is ensured.

The question of how to drill a tile so that it does not crack during the drilling process is asked by many. After all, in order to hang many shelves, cabinets and hooks in the bathroom (and not only), you need reliable fasteners in the wall.

Often people simply turn to professionals and then they no longer have to puzzle over the question of how to drill holes in the tiles on the wall. But even more people make home repairs with their own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Tile is a fairly durable, but slippery and fragile finishing material. It is with these features that the emerging risks and errors in drilling are associated. Indeed, from uneven load and vibration, the material can simply crack. Pro tip: drill holes in the tiles before fixing them to the wall. Before such manipulation, it is advised to soak it in water for a day. This will make it more pliable and less fragile. But if the tile is already laid on the wall, you can also do all the work required with it.

A few tips for those interested:

  1. The best way to drill holes is in the seams. So the risk of tile chipping is less, and the cosmetic defect of the masonry is not so noticeable.
  2. Due to the strength of this finishing material it is optimal to choose drills with diamond dusting. Winder drills are also suitable.
  3. It is better to drill at low speeds and always wet the hole with water.
  4. In order to mark the place of the future hole, masking tape is used. A marker or felt-tip pen is applied to the glued strip of masking tape for precise drilling.

It is imperative to choose the right tool to do this job.

What tool is needed to drill a tile

In order to prepare the attachment points for shelves, hooks and cabinets on the tiled wall in the bathroom, you must have the following tool:

  1. Drill with different operating modes.
  2. Drill. It is better to have tungsten carbide lance drills. But an ordinary winder drill is also suitable for these purposes. Only it needs to be properly sharpened before work.
  3. Conductor. This is a kind of stencil for drilling holes of various diameters. It is made in the form of a thick plate, on which there are already holes of different diameters.
  4. Felt pen or marker.
  5. Masking tape or adhesive plaster.

If it is necessary to drill a hole with a large diameter, then instead of a drill, you need to use the so-called "ballerina". However, it takes skill to work with this tool. It is advisable to practice on pieces of broken tiles before drilling holes in a tile. And after that it will become quite clear how to drill the tiles on the bathroom wall.

Features of performing such work with tiles

First of all, you need to remember that you cannot drill into the material at the very edge. This is due to the fact that with this type of processing, the risk of tile splitting increases. We advise you to step back from the edge by at least 1.5 cm. This will help reduce the risk of cracks and chips to zero.

We also note the features of drilling holes up to 1.5 cm:

  • Lock the drill and set the drill or screwdriver to minimum speed.
  • After drilling the tile, change the drill to a regular one and continue drilling the wall under the cladding.
  • Blow out the finished hole from dust and install a plastic dowel in it.

Most importantly, when drilling, do not forget to moisten the hole in the tile with water. This will ensure that the possibility of splitting and / or cracking of the tiles is minimized as much as possible. It is difficult to drill a tile only the first time, each time you will get better and better.

It is impossible to do without holes in the tiles - you need to fix various cabinets, shelves and hangers. The easiest way out in this situation is to turn to professionals, however, for those who prefer to independently perform renovation work, this question is far from idle.

If the joints between the tiles are wide enough and the holes are small in diameter, then it is better to calculate the fasteners in such a way as to drill them directly into the joint.

What is required for work

The quality of work directly depends on the choice of tools, namely drills and drills. It is most advisable to drill in a tile hand drill, since in this case it is possible to control the rotational speed of the drill, as well as the pressing force. The low speed, coupled with the absence of vibration, prevent damage to such a fragile material.

In the absence hand tool on the farm you can apply electric drill or a screwdriver with the ability to operate at low speeds. A drill tripod will not be superfluous, with which the tool is attached so that the drill is directed strictly perpendicular to the surface.

In addition, the following tools are required to drill the holes:

  1. masking tape;
  2. marker or pencil;
  3. puncher;
  4. drills for tiles, as well as concrete;
  5. hammer.

In the place where the recess will be made, a piece of tape is attached. This will prevent the drill from slipping, making it much easier to get started. With a marker or pencil, the drilling point is marked on the scotch tape. When working with an electric drill, it is imperative to ensure that the drill does not smoke during operation. If smoke occurs, stop working and cool the overheated tool.

To avoid overheating of the contact surface, it is recommended to spray it with cold water before work.

Then, resuming drilling, it is better to switch to a lower speed. After the tile is drilled, the drill is set aside and the hammer is taken. A drill is inserted into the tool, designed for drilling concrete and stone walls, and the immediate process of drilling the wall begins.

To avoid splitting the material, a thinner drill must be selected for the wall. To make the hole the right depth, you should stick a piece of electrical tape on the drill.

The wall is drilled to a depth that corresponds to the size of the dowels, which are then inserted into the recesses made. With bare hands this will not work - you will need a hammer for this purpose. It is necessary to drive in the dowels with a hammer very carefully, because any wrong movement can ruin the fragile surface of the tile.


There are two types of special drills that are designed specifically for tiles and are made from tungsten carbide:

  • arrow-shaped drill;
  • drill with diamond edge.

In the absence of such, you can use conventional victorious drills, sharpening them better in advance. When the surface of the tile is drilled and you need to go deeper into the wall, it is recommended to change the drill to a hammer drill with a carbide drill.

In order to arrange a hole in a tiled wall, several small holes for dowels, brackets, it is enough to purchase an affordable arrow drill. Although the diamond tool is different high degree strength, but at the same time it costs much more than an arrow-shaped one and it is not entirely practical to acquire it for the sake of a couple of holes in the wall. For making holes with a large diameter, diamond core bits are used.

Diamond core bits

If there is a need for holes for sockets, hoods, pipes, then you cannot do without diamond core bits or special circular nozzles ("ballerinas").

Drilling with a crown is performed as follows:

  1. Mark the location of the hole.
  2. Place the bit of the required size on the drill.
  3. Start drilling the tiles.

If using a crown good quality, then the work will take no more than 5 minutes. Make a hole if necessary custom size, then for this purpose it is better to use circular drill, the so-called "ballerina". To complete the work, you must first mark right size and narrower, then start drilling at low speed.

To protect yourself from the escape of debris, you need to use protective goggles.

During work, the drill must be held perpendicular to the surface. Do not allow the tool to swing while drilling. To facilitate this task, you can use a tripod specially provided for this case - then you do not have to keep the instrument suspended.

It is advisable to make holes on the tile away from the edges - this will avoid chips and cracks. The drill, in relation to the surface, is located at a right angle. Initially, the drill runs at minimum speed, then the speed must be gradually increased. Press the tool against the tile with minimal pressure.

Make a hole in the tile on the wall, subject to availability necessary tools, some skills in this type of work, as well as caution, then any difficulties do not arise. However, if the walls are covered with expensive tiles, while the owner is not confident in his own abilities, then it is better not to risk it, but still resort to the help of a professional who will do the job at the proper level.

After the end of the tiling work, it is time to install plumbing fixtures, furniture, accessories. In this case, you will have to drill the tiles. It is important to understand that it is important to use special drills and a special technique, otherwise the tiles may crack. In this article, we will tell you in detail and show how to drill a tile or porcelain stoneware without consequences.

What is the problem

Porcelain stoneware and tiles have work surface increased rigidity. Because of the usual drill (for wood or metal) can damage the tiles.

Common mistakes leading to splits and cracks in tiles:

  1. Marking with rough objects (nails, screwdrivers, chisels)
  2. Drilling at high speeds.
  3. Using the shock mode.
  4. Using the wrong drill.

In order not to spoil facing material and work more efficiently, you must comply correct technique and use a special tool.

How to drill?

It is very important to understand that your regular tools will not work for drilling holes in tiles. You will need a drill or a powerful screwdriver with the ability to adjust the speed and drilling modes. A puncher is not suitable for these purposes.

The revolutions must be kept in this range - from 200 to 1000 revolutions per minute. You cannot exceed the upper figure. Otherwise, the tiles may be damaged. In general, your conventional drill, it is only important that it has a speed control function.

After choosing a power tool, you need to choose a special tile drill. To do this, use special drills - "feathers". These are drills of a special structure and shape. Such drills are not expensive - from 70-80 rubles.

First of all, the tile drill has small size... Secondly, its end has a triangular shape with a sharp edge.

The main condition under which the hole will turn out to be even, and the hard surface will not crack, is the hardness of the tip of the drill for the tile.

These drills can be diamond-coated or made from Pobedit.

How to drill?

The drilling process is also different here. In order not to spoil the tiles, you need the following rules:

  1. You cannot press on the drill with force. If you add body pressure, you can split the tiles without even starting to drill. All you have to do is hold the drill and after the drill begins to go deeper into the surface, you can add light pressure with one hand.
  2. Tiles can only be drilled in drill mode. You cannot turn on “hammer” or “punch” mode.
  3. After passing the tile layer and resting on concrete wall, you need to change the drill to “drill for concrete”. Here it is important to carefully insert a new drill into the hole made in the tile and try not to touch its edges when drilling. Here you can already turn on the "punching mode".
  4. You cannot add force if the tile is poorly drilled. Better to add RPM to the drill.
  5. Take a break when the drill starts to overheat. the glazed coating can deteriorate from high temperatures.