Commissioning works Snip 3.05 07 85. Groups and categories of pipelines of automation systems depending on the wednesday and operating pressure

4 of these Rules, and signing an act of acceptance of mounted automation systems in the amount of working documentation.

2. Preparation for installation work


2.1. Installation of automation systems should precede preparation in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 and these Rules.

2.2. As part of general organizational and technical training should be determined by the customer and agreed with the general contractor and the assembly organization:

a) Conditions for the acquisition of the object by instruments, automation tools, products and materials of the customer's delivery, providing for supplying them to the technological unit. node, line;

b) list of devices, automation, aggregate and computing complexes of ACS TP Mounted with attraction shefmontal personnel of manufacturers;

c) conditions for transporting blocks of shields, consoles, group installations of instruments, pipe units to the installation site.

2.3. When preparing an assembly organization to the production of work should be:

channels, tunnels, niches, furrows, mortgage pipes for hidden wiring, openings for tube and electrical wiring passes with installations in them, sleeves of pipes, frames and other mortgage structures;

installed platforms for maintenance of devices and automation tools;

mounting openings left for moving large-sized nodes and blocks.

2.9. In special premises intended for automation systems (see section 1.4), as well as in the industrial premises in places intended for installation of instruments and automation equipment, construction and finishing works should be completed, formworking, scaffolding and scaffolding, not Required for mounting automation systems, as well as brief garbage.

2.10. Special premises intended for automation systems (see p. 1.4) must be equipped with heating, ventilation, lighting, if necessary, air-conditioned, mounted according to a constant diagram, have glazing and door constipation. In the premises should be maintained at no lower than 5 (p.

After the specified premises for the installation of automation systems in them, construction work and installation of sanitary systems are not allowed.

2.11. In rooms intended for installation of technical means of aggregate and computing complexes of ACS TP In addition to the requirements pP. 2.9; 2.10, air conditioning systems must be mounted and dust carefully removed. The color of the premises of the chalk blame is prohibited. On the windows should be provided for the means of protection against straight rays (blinds, curtains)

2.12. By the beginning of the installation of automation systems on the technological, sanitary and other types of equipment, it must be installed on pipelines:

mortgages and protective constructions for mounting primary devices. Mortgage designs for installing selective pressure devices, flow and levels should end with shut-off reinforcement;

automatic devices and means embedded in pipelines, air ducts and devices (with products, voluminous and high-speed meters, rotameters, flow sensors and concentrators, Level gauges of all types, regulators, etc.)

2.13. The facility in accordance with technological, plumbing, electrical and other working drawings should be:

the main pipelines and distributing networks with the installation of fittings for the selection of coolants to heated devices of automation systems are laid, and pipelines for removal of coolants are laid;

equipment has been installed and main and distributing networks are laid to provide instruments and automation tools for electricity and energy carriers (compressed air, gas, oil, ferry, water, etc.) and pipelines for the removal of energy carriers are laid;

the sewage network for collecting waste from drainage pipe wiring systems of automation systems is laid;

work on the installation of automatic fire extinguishing systems.

2.14. Grounding network for technical means of aggregate and computing complexes ACS TP Must meet the requirements of enterprises - manufacturers of these technical means.

2.15. The acceptance of the object is issued as an act of readiness of the object to the production of work on the installation of automation systems according to the mandatory application 1.

Transfer to the installation of equipment, products,

Materials and technical documentation

2.16. Transmission to the installation of equipment, products, materials and technical documentation is carried out in accordance with the requirements (rules on contracts for capital construction, approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the "Regulations on the relationship between organizations - general contractors with subcontractors" approved by the USSR State Building and Murnian USSR.

2.17. Accessories, materials and products must comply with working documentation, state standards, specifications and have relevant certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying their quality. Pipes, fittings and compounds for oxygen pipe wiring must be degreased, which should be specified in the documentation confirming this operation.

In the acceptance of equipment, materials and products, the completeness is checked, the lack of damage and defects, the safety of the color and special coatings, the preservation of the seal, the presence of special tools and devices supplied by manufacturers.

Details of pipe wiring for pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2) are transmitted to installation in the form of products prepared for installation (pipes, shaped parts to them, connecting parts, hardware, fittings, etc.) or assembled in assembly units, Completed according to the specification detail drawings. Pipe holes must be closed with traffic jams. Acts or other documents confirming the quality of welded joints in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84 should be transferred to products and assembly units that have welded seams.

The elimination of equipment defects found in the acceptance process is carried out in accordance with the "Rules on Contractual Construction Treaties".

3. Production of installation work


3.1. Installation of automation systems should be carried out in accordance with the working documentation, taking into account the requirements of the manufacturers of instruments, automation, aggregate and computing computers, prepired technical conditions or instructions for the operation of this equipment.

Installation work should be carried out by the industries using small mechanization, mechanized and electrified inster and adaptations that reduce the use of manual labor.

3.2. Installation operations of automation systems should be carried out in two stages (stages)

In the first stage It should be performed: the preparation of mounting structures, nodes and blocks, electrical wiring elements and their enforcement assembly outside the installation zone; checking the presence of mortgage structures, openings, holes in building structures and elements of buildings, mortgage structures and selected devices on technological equipment and pipelines, the presence of a ground; Bookmark to the constructed foundations, walls, floors and overlapping of pipes and deaf boxes for hidden wiring; Marking of the tracks and the formation of supporting and bearing constructions for electrical and pipe wiring of the actuators of the instruments.

In the second stage It is necessary to perform: laying pipe and electrical wiring on the installed constructions, the formation of shields, stories Ultie, instruments and automation tools, connecting tube and electrical wiring to them, individual tests.

3.3. Mounted devices and means of automating the electrical branch of the state system of instruments (GSPs), shields and consoles, constructions, electrical and pipe wiring to be grounded according to the working documentation must be attached to the ground contour. With the requirements of manufacturers' enterprises, the means of aggregate and computing complexes must be attached to the contour of the special grounding.

Installation of structures

3.4. Marking of installations for installation of structures for instruments and automation tools should be performed in accordance with the working documentation.

When marking, the following requirements should be taken into account:

when installing structures, hidden wiring, strength and fire resistance of building structures (bases)

the possibility of mechanical damage to the mounted devices and automation means should be excluded.

3.5. The distance between the supporting structures on the horizontal and vertical sites of the tracking of pipe and electrical wiring, as well as pneumatic cables should be accepted by working documentation.

3.6. Supporting structures must be parallel between themselves, as well as parallel or perpendicular (depending on the type of structures) building structures (grounds)

3.7. Designs for devices installed on the wall must be perpendicular to the walls. Racks installed on the floor must be adjusted on a plumb or level. When installing a number of two or more racks, they must be bonded between themselves with detachable connections.

3.8. Installation of boxes and lotco should be performed by enlarged blocks collected in the installation and procurement workshops.

3.9. Fastening boxes and trays to supporting structures and connecting them between themselves should be bolted or on welding.

With a bolt connection, a density of boxes and trays between themselves must be ensured and with supporting structures, and the reliability of electrical contact is ensured.

When connecting welding, burners and trays are not allowed.

3.10. The location of the boxes after their installation should exclude the possibility of the accumulation of moisture into them.

3.11. In places intersection of sedimentary and temperature seams of buildings and structures, as well as on external installations of the box and trays, they must have compensating devices a.

3.12. All designs must be painted according to the instructions given in the working documentation.

The rules do not apply to the installation of pipe wiring inside shields and remotes.

3.15. Installation and testing of pipe wiring systems of automation must meet the requirements SNIP 3.05.05-84 and present SNiP.

3.16. Equipment, devices, equipment, work techniques, applied when installing pipe wiring, should ensure the possibility of mounting the following pipes and pneumatic cables:

The direction and the magnitude of the slopes must comply with the documents specified in the working documentation, and in the absence of such instructions, the wiring should be laid with the following minimal slots: pulsed (see Recommended Appendix 3) to pressure gauges for all static pressures, membrane or pipe tyagonorizers, gas analyzers - 1:50; Pulse to steam flowers, liquid, air and gas, regiments of the level, drain self-electrical oil hydraulic jet controls and drainage lines (see recommended Annex 3) -1: 10.

The slope of heating (see recommended Annex 3) pipe wiring must comply with the requirements for heating systems. Pipe wiring, requiring various slopes, fixed on common structures, should be laid on the greatest slope.

3.22. The working documentation should provide measures to compensate for thermal extensions of pipe wiring. For cases where the working documentation provides for self-propensation of temperature lengthening of pipe wiring on turns and bends, it should be indicated, at what distances from turning (bending) should be fixed pipes.

3.26. Installation of pipe wiring should provide: strength and density of wiring, pipe connections between themselves and their connections to fittings, devices and automation tools; Reliability of fastening pipes on structures.

3.27. Fixing pipe wiring on support and supporting structures should be carried out by normalized fasteners; Fastening tube wiring welders are prohibited. The fixing must be performed without disrupting the integrity of the pipes.

3.28. It is not allowed to fasten the pipe wiring on the outside of the shields, instrument housings and automation tools.

on both sides of the turns (bends of tr b) at distances providing selfompensation thermal extensions of pipe wiring;

on both sides of the reinforcement of seven and other vessels, if the valves and vessels are not fixed; With the length of the connecting line, from any side of the vessel, less than 250 mm, the coating of the pipe is not performed;

a) on the curved part of the pipes there should not be folds, cracks, crumples, etc. p.;

b) No more than 10% are allowed ovality of pipe sections in bending places.

3.32. The minimum radius of the inner curve of the bend of pipes should be:

for polyethylene pipes bends in cold condition:

for polyethylene pipes bends in hot condition - not 3 D N;

for the annealed copper pipes bends in a cold condition - not less than D N;

for annealed pipes from aluminum and aluminum alloys when bending them in a cold condition - at least 3D n.

3.33. The connection of pipes during installation is allowed to carry out both in-disponne and detachable connections when connecting pipe wiring, removal of gaps and inconsistencies pipes by heating, tension or penibania pipes.

3.34. Attaching pipe wiring to mortgage designs (see recommended Annex 3) of technological equipment and pipelines, to all devices, automation tools, shields And the consoles should be carried out by detachable connections.

3.35. Normalized threaded connections should be applied for splitting connections and connections of pipe wiring. At the same time, connective parts specifically designed for these pipes should be used for pipes made of stainless steel, aluminum and aluminum alloys.

3.36. It is forbidden to have pipe connections of any type: on compensators; on curved areas; in places of fastening on support and supporting structures; in the aisles through the walls and overlappings of buildings and structures; In places inaccessible to the weight of living during expllation.

3.37. Pipe connections should be positioned at distances at least 200 mm from the attachment points.

3.38. When pipe connections in group tube postings, connections should be placed with a shift to ensure that the tool is operating when installing or dismantling pipe wiring.

With group gaskets, the distances between the detachable connections should be specified in the working documentation, taking into account the block installation technology.

3.39. Rubber pipes or pipes from other elastic material connecting pipe wiring with devices and automation tools, up to the full length of connecting tips; Pipes must be laid without beggars, freely.

3.40. Armature (valves, cranes, gearboxes, etc.) installed on pipe wiring from copper, aluminum and plastic pipes, must be rigidly fixed on structures.

3.41. All pipe wiring must be scarked. Marking The signs applied to the tags should correspond to the labeling of the pipe wiring provided in the working documentation.

3.42. Application of protective coatings should be carried out on a well-purified and low-fat surface of the pipes. The color of the color wiring color must be specified by the working documentation.

3.44. Plastic pipes I. pneumocabilities It is necessary to lay on non-aggravated structures and lay freely, without tension, taking into account the change in the length of the temperature difference.

In places of contact with sharp edges of metal structures and fasteners, the unlaried cables and plastic pipes must be protected by gaskets (rubber, polyvinyl chloride) Speakers by 5 mm on both sides of the edges of the supports and fasteners.

Fastening parts must be installed so as not to deform the cross section of plastic pipes and pneumocabels.

3.45. Compensation of temperature changes of the length of plastic pipe wiring should be provided due to the rational arrangement of movable (free) and fixed (hard) mounts and curved elements in the pipe wiring (taps, ducks, a snake gasket)

3.46. The arrangement of fixed fasteners, not allowing the movement of wiring in the axial direction, should be produced so as to divide the track to the sections, the temperature deformation of which occurs independently from one another and self-compensated.

Mixed must be fasteners from connecting boxes, cabinets, shields, etc., as well as in the middle of the sections between two turns.

In all other cases, the DG is allowed to move pipes and pneumatic Cabers In the axial direction, moving mounts should be applied.

3.47. Fastening plastic pipes and pneumatic Cabers It is not allowed on turns.

The top of rotation at a horizontal laying should lie on a flat solid support. At a distance of 0.5-0.7 from the top of the rotation of plastic pipes and pneumocabilities Must be secured by moving fasteners.

3.48. Installation of plastic pipe wiring must be made, not allowing damage to pipes (cuts, deep scratches, dents, melting burns and t. d.). Plots of pipes that have received damage must be replaced.

3.49. Plastic pipes and pneumocables, laid open in places of possible mechanical effects at an altitude of up to 2.5 m from the floor should be protected from damage to metal casing, pipes or other devices. The design of the protective devices should allow their free dismantling and maintenance of pipe wiring.

Plots of pipes up to 1 m long in devices, executive mechanisms and automation means installed on technological pipelines and devices, allowed not to be protected.

3.54. When connected to devices, equipment and loosening compounds (taking into account the allowable bending radii), plastic pipes must have a supply of at least 50 mm in case of possible damage at repeated remounts of attachments.

3.55. When laying pneumocables on cable structures, the following conditions must be met:

pneumocabilities must be laid in one layer;

provision boom should only be formed under their own weight pneumocabel and should not exceed 1% of the length of the span.

The attachment with a horizontal laying should be carried out through one support.

3.56. When installing metal pipe wiring, it is allowed to use any welding methods that provide high-quality compounds, if the view or method of welding is not specified by the working documentation.

3.57. Welding steel pipelines and quality control of welded connections should be made in accordance with SNIP 3.05.05-84.

3.58. The method and technological mode of pipe welding, welding materials and the order of welding control should be taken in accordance with the type technological process on the welding OST 36-57-81 and OST 36-39 (80 approved MinmontortStress THE USSR. Types and structural elements of welds must correspond to GOST 16037-80.

3.59. In-block connection of copper pipes should be soldered according to GOST 19249-73.

Quality control of soldered compounds should be performed by external inspection, as well as a hydraulic or pneumatic test.

3.65. Before starting work on the installation of pipe wiring Over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2) Responsible persons from the number of engineering and technical workers are appointed, on which management and quality control of pipe wiring and documentation are assigned.

Designed engineering and technical workers must be certified after special training.

3.67. When installing and adjusting pipe wiring of automation systems filled with combustible and toxic liquids and gases, as well as pipe wiring for R Y. (10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2) It should be guided by the requirements of the normative documents given in the River Application 4.

3.68. Fully mounted pipe wiring should be tested for strength and density in accordance with SNIP 3.05.05-84.

3.71. Pressure gauges used for testing should have:

accuracy class not lower than 1.5;

the diameter of the housing is at least 160 mm;

measure limits equal to 4/3 of the measured pressure.

3.72. Tests of plastic trin wiring and pneumatic Cabers Must be carried out at a temperature of a test medium not exceeding 30 (s.

3.73. The test of plastic pipe wiring is allowed to produce no earlier than 2 hours after performing the last welding of pipes.

3.74. Before testing for strength and density, all pipe wiring, regardless of destination, must be subjected to

a) external inspection in order to detect installation defects, compliance with their working documentation and readiness for testing;

b) purge, and when specifying in working documentation - washing.

3.75. Purge of pipe wiring should be cleaned with compressed air or inert gas, drained and purified from oil and dust.

Pipe wiring for steam and water is extremely cleaved and rinse the working medium.

3.76. Purge of pipe wiring should be made to a pressure equal to the worker, but not more than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2

If necessary, purge under pressure more than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2) The purge should be performed in accordance with the instructions given in the special schemes for purging technological pipelines agreed with the customer.

The purge should be made within 10 minutes before the appearance of clean air.

Purpose of pipe wiring, working at an overpressure of up to 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm 2) or absolute pressure to 0.001 to 0.095 MPa (from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm 2) It should be produced by air pressure not more than 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm 2).

3.77. The washing of pipe wiring should be made to the steady appearance of pure water from the outlet or the flushing of the washed pipe wiring.

At the end of the washing, the pipe wiring must be completely freed from water and, if necessary, cleaned with compressed air.

3.78. After purging and washing, pipe wiring must be muffled.

The design of the plugs should exclude the possibility of their breakdown under test pressures.

On pipe wiring designed to work with R R. (10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2), Clamps or deaf lenses with shanks should be installed.

3.79. Pipelines applying test liquid, air or inert gases from pumps, compressors, cylinders, etc. p. To pipe wiring, should be previously tested by hydraulic pressure in the assembled form with shut-off reinforcement and pressure gauges.

3.80. With hydraulic tests, water should be used as a test liquid. The temperature of the water during testing should be no less than 5 (C.

3.81. With pneumatic tests, air or inert gas should be used as a test medium. Air and inert gases should be released from moisture, oil and dust.

3.82. In the hydraulic and pneumatic test, the following pressure raises are recommended:

3rd (up to R PR;

4th (reduced to P R [for pipe wiring with pp to 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm 2 Recommended only 2-step]

The pressure on the 1- and 2nd steps is withstanding for 1-3 minutes; During this time, the lack of pressure drop in the pipe wiring is established by testimony of the pressure gauge.

Trial pressure (3rd stage) is withstanding for 5 minutes.

On pipelines for pressure p p (10 MPa, test pressure is maintained for 10-12 minutes.

Raising pressure on the 3rd stage is a test for strength.

The operating pressure (4th stage) is withstanding over the time required for the final inspection and detection of defects. The pressure of the 4th stage is wangled by a density test.

3.83. Defects are eliminated after a decrease in pressure in the pipe wiring to atmospheric.

After eliminating defects, the test is repeated.

3.84. Pipe wiring is considered suitable for exploitation, if during testing for strength, there was no pressure drop in the pressure gauge and during the subsequent density test in the welds and connections did not detect leaks.

At the end of the tests, the act must be drawn up.

3.85. Pipe wiring filled with flammable, toxic and liquefied gases (except for gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm Pipe wiring filled with oxygen, as well as pipe wiring over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm per absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa (from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm must be subjected to additional tests on the density with the definition of pressure drop.

3.86. Before testing pipe wiring on density with definition of pressure drop, pipe wiring must be washed or produced.

3.87. For pipe wiring for pressure 10 (100 MPa (100-1000 kgf / cm 2 Before testing for density with a definition of pressure drop on pipe lines, safety valves must be installed, pre-regulated on the opening at a pressure greater than working by 8%. Safety valves must be provided for by working documentation.

3.88. The density test with the definition of the pressure drop is made by air or inert gas test pressure equal to the worker r ) In addition to pipelines to absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa (from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm which should be tested by the following pressure:

a) pipelines filled with combustible, toxic and liquefied gases - 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm

b) pipelines filled by conventional media - 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm

3.89. The duration of additional test on the situation and the time of exposure under test pressure is established in the working documentation, but must be at least for pipelines:

for combustible, toxic and liquefied gases - 24

absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa -12

3.90. Pipe wiring is considered to be withstanding the test if the pressure drop in them does not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 2.

table 2

These norms relate to pipe wiring with a word of 50 mm. When testing pipe wiring with other conditional passages, the pressure drop in them is determined by the product above the pressure drop values \u200b\u200bon the coefficient calculated by the formula

Electric wiring

3.93. Installation of electrical wiring of automation systems (chains of measurement, control, power, signaling, and t. p.) wires and control cables in boxes and on trays, in plastic and steel protective pipes, on cable structures, in cable structures and land; Installation of electrical wiring in explosion and fire-hazardous areas, installation stage (Grounding) must meet the requirements of SNiP 3.05.06-85, taking into account the specific features of the installation of automation systems set out in the manuals to the specified SNiP.

3.94. The addition of single-wire copper veins of wires and cables with a cross section of 0.5 and 0.75 mM. 2 and multi-breed copper veins section 0.35; 0.5; 0.75 mM. 2 to the instruments, devices, clamping assemblies should, as a rule, be performed by soldering if the design of their conclusions allows it to be carried out (unbearable contact compound)

If you need to connect one-run and multi-booth copper veins of these sections to the instruments, devices and clamping clamps, having conclusions and clamps to attach conductors under the screw or bolt (folding contact compound) of the veins of these wires and cables should chain tips.

Single-wire copper wires of wires and cable cross section 1; 1.5; 2.5; four mM. 2 should, as a rule, join directly under the screw or bolt, and the multi-proper wires of the same sections - using tips or directly under the screw or bolt. At the same time, the veins of single-wire and multi-wiring wires and cables, depending on the design of the conclusions and clips of instruments, devices and assemblies of the clamps, eliminated ring or pin; The ends of the multi-leading veins (rings, pins) are made to disappear, the pin ends can be pressed with pin tips.

If the design of the conclusions and clips of instruments, devices, clips assemblies requires or allowing other ways to attach single-run and multi-wire copper wires of wires and cables, the connection methods specified in the relevant standards and technical conditions for these products should be applied.

Attaching aluminum veins and cables cross section 2.0 mm 2. And more than the instruments, devices, clips assemblies should be carried out only by clamps that allow you to directly connect to them aluminum conductors of the corresponding sections.

The attachment of single-robes live wires and cables (under the screw or soldering) is allowed only to be implemented only to fixed elements of devices and devices.

Connection Conducted wires and cables to devices, devices and automation tools having output devices in the form of plug connectors must be performed by multi-level (flexible) copper wires or cables laid from clamps or junction boxes to devices and automation tools.

Collapsible and unsaturable compounds of copper, aluminum and alummied Conducted wires and cables with conclusions and clips of instruments, devices, clips assemblies should be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10434-82, GOST 25 54-82, GOST 25705-83, GOST 19104-79 and GOST 23517-79.

3.95. Connection of steel protective pipes with each other, with extensive boxes, etc. d. In the premises of all classes should be carried out by standard threaded compounds.

In the premises of all classes, except for explosion and fire-hazardous zones, it is allowed to combine steel thin-walled protective pipes with sheet steel sleeves or steel pipes with larger diameter followed owan On the entire perimeter of the connection places: the burden of pipes is not allowed.

3.96. Mounted wiring automation systems must be subjected to external inspection, which establishes the correspondence of mounted wiring of working documentation and the requirements of this Regulation. Wirkers that meet the specified requirements are subject to insulation resistance check.

3.97. Measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring of automation systems (circuits of measurement, control, power, signaling, and so on) is produced megommeter The voltage is 500-1000 V. The insulation resistance should not be less than 0.5 MOM.

During measuring the insulation resistance of the wire and cables must be connected to assemblies of shield clips, stories Removers and connecting boxes.

Devices, apparatus and wiring not allowing the tests with a stress of 500-1000 V, during testing should be disabled.

According to the results of measuring the resistance of the isol, the act is drawn up.

3.105. The inspection of devices and automation tools is made by the customer or attracted by them specialized organizations performing work on setting up devices and automation tools by methods adopted in these organizations, taking into account the requirements of the instructions of the State Standard and manufacturers.

3.106. Instruments and automation tools taken into installation after checking should be prepared for delivery to the place of installation. Moving systems should be arraged The connecting devices are protected from moisture, dirt and dust in them.

Together with the instruments and means of automation, the installation organization must be transferred special tools, accessories and fasteners included in their set required during installation.

3.107. The placement of instruments and automation tools and their mutual location should be made by working documentation. Their installation should ensure the accuracy of measurements, free access to devices and their lockable and tuning devices (cranes, valves, switches, adjustment handles, etc.)

3.108. In places of installation of devices and automation tools, lowered for installation and explive services, the construction of stairs, wells and sites in accordance with the working documentation should be completed before the installation.

3.109. Instruments and automation tools should be installed at ambient air temperature and relative humidity stated in the installation and operational instructions of manufacturers.

3.110. Attachment to the instruments of external pipe wiring should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 25164-82 and GOST 025 65-82, and electrical wiring - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10434-82, GOST 25154-82, GOST 25705-83, GOST 19104-79 and GOST 23517-79.

3.111. Fastening devices and automation tools for metal structures (shields, appliances Stands, etc.) should be carried out by the methods provided by the design of instruments and automation tools and the details included in their kit.

If the fasteners are not included in the set of individual instruments and automation means, they must be fixed by normalized fasteners.

In the presence of vibrations in the installation places, the threaded fasteners must have devices that exclude them spontaneously unscrewing (Spring washers, lock nuts, spop and t. p.)

3.112. Holes of instruments and automation tools intended to attach pipe and electrical wiring should remain muted until the posting is connected.

3.113. The enclosures of the instruments and automation means must be grounded in accordance with the requirements of manufacturers' instructions and SNIP 3.05.06-85.

4.5. After the completion of the work on an individual testing, an act of acceptance of mounted automation systems is issued, to which documents are attached by positions 4-12, 16, 21 of Annex 1.

4.6. The transfer of installation work under the adjustment by individual systems or individual parts of the complex (for example, dispatching and operator, etc. p.) The commissioning of mounted automation systems is drawn up with the act (see required application 1)

5.3. During the period of individual tests and comprehensive testing of technological equipment Customer or on his instruction paddle The organization should ensure the commissioning of automation systems necessary for testing or testing technological equipment in accordance with the project and the technical conditions of manufacturers.

5.4. By the beginning of the work on the commissioning of automation systems, Zachch must lead to the working condition of all regulatory and shock fittings, on which the actuators of automation systems are mounted; Enter the automatic fire extinguishing and alarm system.

programs and protocols of testing systems of automation systems;

schematic diagram of working documentation of automation with all changes made and coordinated with the customer in the process of production of commissioning (one copy)

passports and instructions for enterprises-manufacturers and automation equipment, additional technical documentation obtained from the Customer in the process of commissioning work.

5.24. The completion of commissioning works is recorded by the act on acceptance of automation systems into operation in the amount provided by the project.

Decorated when installing and commissioning

Automation systems

1. Act of the transfer of work documentation for the production of work

2. The act of readiness of the object to the production of automation systems

3. Act of interruption of installation works

4. Act of inspection of hidden work

5. Act tests of pipe wiring for strength and density

6. Act of pneumatic testing of pipe wiring on the situation with determination of pressure drop during testing

Completeness of documents in accordance with SN 202-81, VN 281-75 and the standards of the project documentation system for construction; Fitness to carry out installation work using a complete block and nodal methods of work production; availability of permission to work work; The date of acceptance of documentation and signature of customer representatives, general contractor and assembly organization

Form arbitrary

In the form of an act of examination of hidden works SNiP 3.01.01-85

In the act, it should be especially noted that the installation of mortgage structures and primary instruments on technological equipment, devices and pipelines in accordance with with p. 2.12

Is made on pipe wiring filled with combustible, toxic and liquefied gases (except gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.1 MPa) pipe wiring filled with oxygen; Pipe wiring on the pressure of SV. 10 MPa and absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa

7. Act on degreasing reinforcement, connections and pipes

8. Documents on pipe wiring pressure of St. 10 MPa

9. Journal of welding work

11. Protocol Warming Cables on Drums

12. Wiring Documents in Excess Zones

13. Electric wiring documents in fire hazardous areas

14. Act of testing devices and automation tools

15. Permission to install instruments and automation tools

16. The statement of mounted devices and automation means

17. Act of acceptance of mounted automation systems

18. Permission to make changes to working documentation

Document species are established

Form arbitrary

Form arbitrary

Form arbitrary

Compiled on pipe wiring filled with oxygen

Circuits on pipe wiring with the pressure of CV. 10 MPa

The composition is for pipe wiring I and II categories and the pressure of St. 10 MPa

/ SNiP 3.05.07-85 (with change. 1 1990)

Updated: 02/09/2006



SNiP 3.05.07-85

Official edition

State Committee of the USSR

For construction affairs

Developed GPI projectmontazhtatatika minmontortstess of the USSR (M. L. Vitebsky - The head of the topic V. F. Valetov, R. S. Vinogradova, Ya. V. Grigoriev, A. Ya. Messer, N. N. Pronin).

Made by the Ministry of Monster of the USSR.

Prepared for the approval of the head of the USSR (B. A. Sokolov).

With the introduction of SNIP on 3.05.07-85 "Automation Systems" Lose Sipp SPIP III-34-74 "Automation System".

Coordinated with the Ministry of Health of the USSR (letter dated December 24, 1984 No. 122-12 / 1684-4), Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR (letter of February 6, 1985 No. 14-16 / 88).

These norms and rules apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation and commissioning of automation systems (control, management and automatic regulation) of technological processes and engineering equipment on the construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures of the sectors of the national economy.

These rules do not apply to the installation: automation systems of special objects (atomic installations, mines, enterprises for the production and storage of explosives, isotopes); Railway transport SCB systems; communication and alarm systems; automation of fire extinguishing systems and smoke removal; devices using radioisotope measurement methods; Devices and automation tools built into machines, machinery and other equipment supplied by manufacturers.

The rules establish the requirements for the organization, production and acceptance of work on the installation of devices, automation, shields, consoles, aggregate and computing complexes of automated process control systems (ACS TP), electric and pipe wiring, etc., as well as to adjust the mounted automation systems.

The rules must be respected by all organizations and enterprises involved in the design, installation and commissioning of automation systems.


1.1. In the work of the installation and commissioning of automation systems, the requirements of these rules must be respected, SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNIP III-3-81, SNIP III-4-80 and departmental regulatory documents approved in the manner prescribed by SNiP 0101.01 82 *.

1.2. The installation of automation systems should be carried out in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation, project manufacturing project (PPR), as well as with technical documentation of manufacturers.

1.3. Installation of instruments and automation tools for the assembly method of construction and a complete blocking method for the installation of technological equipment and pipelines conducted in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84 should be carried out in the process of integuctive assembly of technological lines, nodes and blocks.

1.4. The general contractor must attract an organization that carries out the installation of automation systems, to the consideration of the construction project organization (POS) in terms of the installation of installation works with a complete block and nodal methods, layouts of special premises intended for automation systems (dispatching, operator, hardware rooms, sensor premises, and T . n.), leading the timing of their construction and transfer to installation.

1.5. When passing automation systems, documentation should be issued in accordance with the obligatory Annex 1 of these Rules.

1.6. The end of the installation of automation systems is the completion of individual tests performed in accordance with the section. 4 of these Rules, and signing an act of acceptance of mounted automation systems in the amount of working documentation.

2. Preparation for installation work


2.1. Installation of automation systems should precede preparation in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 and these Rules.

2.2. As part of general organizational and technical training should be determined by the customer and agreed with the general contractor and the assembly organization:

a) Conditions for the acquisition of the object by instruments, automation tools, products and materials of the customer's delivery, providing for supplying them to the technological unit. node, line;

b) a list of devices, automation tools, aggregate and computing complexes of the ACS TP mounted with the involvement of the packaging personnel of manufacturers;

c) conditions for transporting blocks of shields, consoles, group installations of instruments, pipe units to the installation site.

2.3. When preparing an assembly organization to the production of work should be:

a) working documentation obtained;

b) developed and approved a draft work of work;

c) an acceptance of the construction and technological readiness of the object to the installation of automation systems is carried out;

d) an acceptance of equipment (devices, means of automation, shields, remote controls, aggregate and computing complexes of ACS TP), products and materials from the Customer and the General Contractor;

e) enlarged assembly of nodes and blocks;

(e) Implemented by the norms and rules of occupational safety and fire safety.

2.4. Prior to the start of installation of automation systems by the assembly organization, together with the general contractor and the Customer, the following questions should be resolved:

a) installed advanced deadlines for the construction of special premises intended for automation systems that ensure timely conducting individual tests of technological lines, nodes and blocks;

b) the technological lines, nodes, blocks and timing of their transfer under individual tests are determined after the installation of automation systems is fulfilled;

c) the necessary production workshops, household and office premises, equipped with heating, lighting and telephone;

d) the use of the main building machines that are at the disposal of the general contractor (vehicles, lifting and unloading machines and mechanisms, etc.) to move large-sized nodes (blocks of shields, remote controls, pipes, etc.) from the production bases of assembly organizations before installing them in the project position at the construction site;

e) constant or temporary networks applied to objects of electricity, water, compressed air, with devices for connecting equipment and tools;

g) are provided in accordance with the project (work project) of activities that protect devices and means of automation, shields, consoles, pipe and electrical wiring from the effect of atmospheric precipitation, groundwater and low temperatures, from contamination and damage, and the means of computing equipment - and from static electricity.

2.5. In the working documentation of automation systems adopted for the work of work, the assembly organization must check the following:

a) interchanges with technological, electrical, sanitary and other working documentation;

b) bindings in working drawings of devices and automation means supplied by manufacturers equipped with technological equipment;

c) accounting for the requirements of the high factory and installation readiness of equipment, advanced installation work methods, maximum transfer of labor-intensive work in assembly and procurement workshops;

e) the presence of explosive or fire-hazardous zones and their borders, categories, groups and the names of explosive mixtures; installation sites of separation seals and their types;

e) availability of documentation for the installation and testing of pipe wiring for pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2).

2.6. An acceptance of construction and technological readiness for the installation of automation systems should be carried out in stages on the individual completed parts of the object (dispatch, operator premises, technological blocks, nodes, lines, etc.).

2.7. Supply to the object of products and materials by the organization mounted automation system should be carried out, as a rule, using containers.

Acceptance of an installation object

2.8. Prior to the start of installation of automation systems at the construction site, as well as in buildings and premises for installation of automation systems, construction works provided for by working documentation and work project work should be performed.

In the building structures of buildings and structures (floors, overlaps, walls, equipment foundations) in accordance with architectural and construction drawings should be:

the centering axes are deposited and the working high-altitude marks:

channels, tunnels, niches, furrows, mortgage pipes for hidden wiring, openings for passage of pipe and electrical wiring with installations in them, sleeves, pipes, frames and other mortgage structures;

installed platforms for maintenance of devices and automation tools;

installation openings are left to move large-sized nodes and blocks.

2.9. In special premises intended for automation systems (see section 1.4), as well as in the industrial premises in places intended for installation of instruments and automation equipment, construction and finishing works should be completed, formworking, scaffolding and scaffolding, not Required for installation of automation systems, as well as removed garbage.

2.10. Special premises designed for automation systems (see section 1.4) must be equipped with heating, ventilation, lighting, if necessary, air-conditioning, mounted according to a constant diagram, have glazing and door constipation. In the premises should be maintained at no lower than 5 ° C.

After the specified premises for the installation of automation systems in them, construction work and installation of sanitary systems are not allowed.

2.11. In rooms intended for installation of technical means of aggregate and computing complexes of ACS TP in addition to the requirements of PP. 2.9; 2.10, air conditioning systems must be mounted and dust carefully removed. The color of the premises of the chalk blame is prohibited. The windows should provide for the protection against direct sunlight (blinds, curtains).

2.12. By the beginning of the installation of automation systems on the technological, sanitary and other types of equipment, it must be installed on pipelines:

mortgages and protective structures for installation of primary devices. Mortgage designs for installing selective pressure devices, flow and levels should end with shut-off reinforcement;

instruments and automation means embedded in pipelines, air ducts and devices (tape devices, volumetric and high-speed meters, rotameters, flow sensors and concentrates, level gauges of all types regulating organs, etc.).

2.13. The facility in accordance with technological, plumbing, electrical and other working drawings should be:

the main pipelines and distributing networks with the installation of fittings for the selection of coolants to heated devices of automation systems are laid, and pipelines for removal of coolants are laid;

the equipment has been installed and the main and distributing networks are laid to provide instruments and automation tools for electricity and energy carriers (compressed air, gas, oil, ferry, water, etc.), and pipelines for the removal of energy carriers are laid;

the sewage network for collecting waste from drainage pipe wiring systems of automation systems is laid;

the grounding network is performed;

work on the installation of automatic fire extinguishing systems.

2.14. The grounding network for technical means of aggregate and computing complexes ACS TP should meet the requirements of enterprises - manufacturers of these technical means.

2.15. The acceptance of the object is issued as an act of readiness of the object to the production of work on the installation of automation systems according to the mandatory application 1.

Transfer to the installation of equipment, products,

Materials and technical documentation

2.16. Transmission to the installation of equipment, products, materials and technical documentation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Rules on the Contract Contingency Treaties, approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Regulations on the relationship between organizations - general contractors with subcontractors, approved by the USSR State Building and the USSR .

2.17. Accessories, materials and products must comply with working documentation, state standards, specifications and have relevant certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying their quality. Pipes, fittings and compounds for oxygen pipe wiring must be degreased, which should be specified in the documentation confirming this operation.

In the acceptance of equipment, materials and products, the completeness is checked, the lack of damage and defects, the safety of the color and special coatings, the preservation of the seal, the presence of special tools and devices supplied by manufacturers.

Details of pipe wiring for pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2) are transmitted to installation in the form of products prepared for installation (pipes, shaped parts to them, connecting parts, hardware, fittings, etc.) or assembled in assembly units, equipped According to the specification of detail drawings. Pipe holes must be closed with traffic jams. Acts or other documents confirming the quality of welded joints in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84 should be transferred to products and assembly units that have welded seams.

The elimination of equipment defects found in the acceptance process is carried out in accordance with the "Rules on Contractual Construction Treaties".

3. Production of installation work


3.1. Installation of automation systems should be carried out in accordance with the working documentation, taking into account the requirements of manufacturers of instruments, automation, aggregate and computing equipment provided for by the specifications or instructions for the operation of this equipment.

Installation work should be carried out by the industrial method using small mechanization, mechanized and electrified tools and devices that reduce the use of manual labor.

3.2. Installation work of automation systems should be carried out in two stages (stages):

In the first stage, it should be performed: the preparation of the mounting structures, nodes and blocks, electrical wiring elements, and their integuctive assembly outside the installation zone; checking the presence of mortgage structures, openings, holes in building structures and elements of buildings, mortgage structures and selected devices on technological equipment and pipelines, the presence of a grounding network; Bookmark to the constructed foundations, walls, floors and overlapping of pipes and deaf boxes for hidden wiring; Marking of the tracks and the installation of support and supporting structures for electrical and pipe wiring, actuators, devices.

In the second stage, it is necessary to perform: laying pipe and electrical wiring according to installed structures, installation of shields, stitches, consoles, instruments and automation tools, connecting tube and electrical wiring to them, individual tests.

3.3. Mounted devices and means of automating the electrical branch of the state system of instruments (GSPs), shields and consoles, structures, electric and pipe wiring to be grounded according to the working documentation must be attached to the ground contour. With the requirements of manufacturers' enterprises, the means of aggregate and computing complexes must be attached to the contour of the special grounding.

Installation of structures

3.4. Marking of installations of structures for instruments and automation tools should be performed in accordance with the working documentation.

When marking, the following requirements should be taken into account:

when installing structures, hidden wiring, strength and fire resistance of building structures (bases) are impaired;

the possibility of mechanical damage to mounted devices and automation means must be excluded.

3.5. The distance between the supporting structures on the horizontal and vertical sites of the tracking of pipe and electrical wiring, as well as pneumatic cables should be accepted by working documentation.

3.6. Support structures should be parallel between themselves, as well as parallel or perpendicular (depending on the type of structures) building structures (bases).

3.7. Designs for devices installed on the wall must be perpendicular to the walls. Racks installed on the floor must be adjusted on a plumb or level. When installing a number of two or more racks, they must be bonded between themselves with detachable connections.

3.8. Installation of boxes and trays should be performed by enlarged blocks collected in the installation and procurement workshops.

3.9. Fastening boxes and trays to supporting structures and connecting them between themselves should be bolted or on welding.

With a bolt connection, a density of connecting boxes and trays between themselves must be ensured and with supporting structures, and the reliability of electrical contact is ensured.

When connecting welding, burners and trays are not allowed.

3.10. The location of the boxes after their installation should exclude the possibility of the accumulation of moisture into them.

3.11. In places intersection of sedimentary and temperature seams of buildings and structures, as well as on the outer installations of the box and trays, compensating devices must have.

3.12. All designs must be painted according to the instructions given in the working documentation.

3.13. Pipe and electrical wiring passes through the walls (external or internal) and overlaps must be performed in accordance with the working documentation.

Pipe wiring

3.14. These rules apply to the installation and test of pipe wiring of automation systems (pulse, command, powered, heating, cooling, auxiliary and drainage, coolant according to the recommended Annex 3), operating at an absolute pressure of 0.001 MPa (0.01 kgf / cm2) to 100 MPa ( 1000 kgf / cm2).

The rules do not apply to the installation of pipe wiring inside shields and remotes.

3.15. Installation and testing of pipe wiring automation systems must meet the requirements of SNiP 3.05.05-84 and the present SNiP.

3.16. Equipment, devices, equipment, work techniques, applied when installing pipe wiring, should ensure the possibility of mounting the following pipes and pneumatic cables:

steel water-gas pipelines according to GOST 3262-75 ordinary and lungs with conditional passage 8; fifteen; twenty; 25; 40 and 50 mm;

steel seamless cold-deformed according to GOST 8734-75 outer diameter 8; 10; fourteen; 16 and 22 mm with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm;

seamless cold and warm-formulated from corrosion-resistant steel according to GOST 9941-81 outer diameter 6; eight; 10; fourteen; 16 and 22 mm with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm. For pipe wiring with a pressure of over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2), pipes can be used by outer diameter 15; 25 and 35 mm;

copper according to GOST 617-72 by outer diameter 6 and 8 mm with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm;

from aluminum and aluminum alloys according to GOST 18475-82 by outer diameter 6 and 8 mm with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm;

from low-density polyethylene (high pressure) on the technical conditions of manufacturers external diameter of 6 mm with a wall thickness of 1 mm and an outer diameter of 8 mm with a wall thickness of 1 and 1.6 mm;

polyethylene pressure in accordance with GOST 18599-83 heavy outer diameter 12; 20 and 25 mm;

polyvinyl chloride flexible on the technical conditions of manufacturers of manufacturers internal diameter 4 and 6 mm with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm;

rubber according to GOST 5496-78 inner diameter of 8 mm with a wall thickness of 1.25 mm;

pneumatic and pneumoelectric with polyethylene tubes (pneumocabilities) on the technical conditions of manufacturers (polyethylene tubes must have dimensions 6x1; 8x1 and 8x1.6 mm).

The choice of a specific sorting of pipes, depending on the properties of the transported medium, the values \u200b\u200bof the measured parameters, the types of transmitted signals and distances between the connected devices should be carried out in accordance with the working documentation.

3.17. Pipe wiring must be laid in the shortest possible distances between the connected devices, parallel to the walls, overlaps and columns, it is possible further from technological units and electrical equipment, with a minimum rotation and intersections, in places available for installation and maintenance that do not have sharp ambient temperature fluctuations, not exposed to strong heating or cooling, concussion and vibration.

3.18. Pipe wiring of all destinations should be laid at a distance, ensuring the convenience of mounting and operation.

In dusty rooms, pipe wiring must be laid in one layer at distances from the walls and overlaps, allowing the mechanical purification of dust.

3.19. The overall width of the horizontal and vertical pipe wiring group, fixed on one design, should be no more than 600 mm when servicing the wiring on one side and 1200 mm - on both sides.

3.20. All pipe wiring filled with a temperature of over 60 ° C, laid at a height of less than 2.5 m from the floor should be fenced.

3.21. Pipe wiring, with the exception of dry gas filled or air, should be laid with a bias that secure condensate and gas (air), and have devices for removing them.

The direction and the magnitude of the slopes must comply with the documents specified in the working documentation, and in the absence of such guidelines should be laid with the following minimal slopes: pulsed (see recommended Annex 3) to pressure gauges for all static pressures, membrane or pipery, gas analyzers - 1:50; Pulse to steam, liquid, air and gas flow meters, level regulators, drain samotane oils of hydraulic jet controls and drainage lines (see recommended Annex 3) -1: 10.

The slope of heating (see recommended Annex 3) pipe wiring must comply with the requirements for heating systems. Pipe wiring, requiring various slopes, fixed on common structures, should be laid on the greatest slope.

3.22. The working documentation should provide measures to compensate for thermal extensions of pipe wiring. For cases where the working documentation provides for self-propensation of temperature lengthening of pipe wiring on turns and bends, it should be indicated, at what distances from turning (bending) should be fixed pipes.

3.23. Metal pipe wiring in the places of transition through the temperature seams of the buildings should have P-shaped compensators. The place of installation of compensators and their number should be specified in the working documentation.

3.24. On the pipe wiring laid with a slope, P-shaped compensators, ducks "and similar devices should be positioned so that they are the highest or lowest pipe wiring and eliminated the possibility of accumulating air (gas) or condensate in them.

3.25. The minimum height of the gasket of the outer pipe wiring should be (in the light): in the non-coming part of the territory, in places of passage of people - 2.2 m; In places of intersections with roads - 5 m.

3.26. Installation of pipe wiring should provide: strength and density of wiring, pipe connections between themselves and their connections to fittings, devices and automation tools; Reliability of fastening pipes on structures.

3.27. Fixing pipe wiring on support and supporting structures should be carried out by normalized fasteners; Fastening tube wiring welders are prohibited. The fixing must be performed without disrupting the integrity of the pipes.

3.28. It is not allowed to fasten the pipe wiring on the outside of the shields, instrument housings and automation tools.

It is allowed to fix pipe wiring on the disassembled technological equipment from selected devices, but not more than two points.

The fastening of pipe wiring on the uninimited technological equipment is allowed as agreed with the customer. Pipe wiring in the field of approach to equipment must have detachable connections.

3.29. Pipe wiring must be fixed:

at distances no more than 200 mm from the branch parts (on each side);

on both sides of turns (pipe bends) at distances that ensure the self-compensation of thermal elongations of pipe wiring;

on both sides of the reinforcement of seven and other vessels, if the valves and vessels are not fixed; With the length of the connecting line from any side of the vessel less than 250 mm, the fastening of the pipe to the supporting structure is not performed;

on both sides of the P-shaped compensators at distances 250 mm from their bending when installing compensators in the places of transition of pipe wiring through the temperature seams in the walls.

3.30. Changing the direction of pipe wiring, as a rule, should be performed by the corresponding bend of pipes. It is allowed to change the direction of the pipe path to apply standardized or normalized bent items.

3.31. Methods of bending pipes are selected by the assembly organization.

Curved pipes must meet the following basic requirements:

a) on the curved part of the pipes should not be folds, cracks, crumpled, etc.;

b) No more than 10% are allowed ovality of pipe sections in bending places.

3.32. The minimum radius of the inner curve of the bend of pipes should be:

for polyethylene pipes bends in cold condition:

PNP - not less than 6D n , where DN - outside diameter; PVP - not less than 10DN;

for hotethylene pipes bends in the hot condition - not less than 3rd;

for polyvinyl chloride plasticized pipes (flexible) bends in cold condition - not less 3 DN ;

for pneumocabels - at least 10DN.

for steel pipes, bends in a cold condition - not less than 4D, and the bends in the hot condition - not less than 3rd;

for the annealed copper pipes bends in a cold condition - not less than 2D;

for annealed pipes from aluminum and aluminum alloys when you bending them in a cold condition - no less than 3rd.

3.33. The connection of pipes during installation is allowed to be carried out both inepent and detachable connections. When connecting tube wiring, eliminating the gaps and inconsistency of pipes by heating, tensioning or preventing pipes.

3.34. Attaching pipe wiring to mortgage designs (see the recommended application 3) of technological equipment and pipelines, to all devices, automation tools, shields and consoles should be carried out by detachable connections.

3.35. Normalized threaded connections should be applied for splitting connections and connections of pipe wiring. At the same time, connective parts specifically designed for these pipes should be used for pipes made of stainless steel, aluminum and aluminum alloys.

3.36. It is forbidden to have pipe connections of any type: on compensators; on curved areas; in places of fastening on support and supporting structures; in the aisles through the walls and overlappings of buildings and structures; In places inaccessible to service during operation.

3.37. Pipe connections should be positioned at distances at least 200 mm from the attachment points.

3.38. When pipe connections in group tube postings, connections should be placed with a shift to ensure that the tool is operating when installing or dismantling pipe wiring.

With group gaskets, the distances between the detachable connections should be specified in the working documentation, taking into account the block installation technology.

3.39. Rubber pipes or pipes from other elastic material connecting pipe wiring with devices and automation tools must be attached to the entire length of the connecting tips; Pipes must be laid without beggars, freely.

3.40. Armature (valves, cranes, gearboxes, etc.), installed on pipe wiring from copper, aluminum and plastic pipes, must be rigidly reinforced on structures.

3.41. All pipe wiring must be scarked. The marking signs applied on the tags should correspond to the labeling of pipe wiring provided in the working documentation.

3.42. Application of protective coatings should be carried out on a well-purified and low-fat surface of the pipes. The color of the color wiring color must be specified by the working documentation.

Steel pipes designed to protect pipe wiring must be painted outside. The plastic pipes are not subject to color. Pipes from non-ferrous metals are painted only in cases specified in the working documentation.

3.43. When installing plastic pipes and pneumocabels, it is necessary to use the minimum number of compounds, the maximum use of the construction length of the pipes and pneumocabel.

3.44. Plastic pipes and pneumocables should be laid on non-trade designs and lay freely, without tension, taking into account the change in the length of the temperature difference.

In places of contact with sharp edges of metal structures and fasteners, unsonent cables and plastic pipes must be protected by gaskets (rubber, polyvinyl chloride) protruding by 5 mm on both sides of the edges of the supports and fastening brackets.

Fastening parts must be installed so as not to deform the cross section of plastic pipes and pneumocabels.

3.45. Compensation of temperature changes in the length of plastic pipe wiring should be provided by the rational arrangement of movable (free) and fixed (hard) fastenings and curved elements of the pipe wiring itself (taps, ducks, a snake gasket).

3.46. The arrangement of fixed fasteners, not allowing the movement of wiring in the axial direction, should be made so as to divide the track to the sections, the temperature deformation of which occurs independently from another and self-compensated.

Mixed must be fasteners from connecting boxes, cabinets, shields, etc., as well as in the middle of the sections between two turns.

In all other cases where the movement of pipes and pneumocables in the axial direction is allowed, moving mounts should be applied.

3.47. The fastening of plastic pipes and pneumocabels on turns is not allowed.

The top of rotation at a horizontal laying should lie on a flat solid support. At a distance of 0.5-0.7 m from the top of the rotation, plastic pipes and pneumocabilities must be fixed by moving fasteners.

3.48. Installation of plastic pipe wiring must be made, not allowing damage to pipes (cuts, deep scratches, dents, melting, burns, etc.). Plots of pipes that have received damage must be replaced.

3.49. Plastic pipes and pneumocables, laid open in places of possible mechanical effects at an altitude of up to 2.5 m from the floor should be protected from damage to metal casing, pipes or other devices. The design of the protective devices should allow their free dismantling and maintenance of pipe wiring.

Plots of pipes up to 1 m long in devices, executive mechanisms and automation means installed on technological pipelines and devices, allowed not to be protected.

3.50. The outer pipe wiring from plastic pipes should be protected from direct sunlight.

3.51. Plastic pipes and pneumocabilities in boxes and trays laid horizontally must be laid freely without fasteners. When laying in boxes and trays, laid vertically, pipes and cables must be fixed with an interval of not more than 1 m.

In places turn the route or branch for all cases of gaskets, the pneumatic trays should be enshrined in accordance with paragraph 3.47-real rules.

In boxes, when laying plastic pipes and pneumocables, non-aggravated partitions should be installed with the fire resistance limit of at least 0.75 hours each every 50 m.

Armored pneumocabilities lay in boxes, as a rule, is not allowed.

Pipes and cables from the box are displayed through the holes in its wall or day. Plastic bushings must be installed in the holes.

3.52. The distances between the plastic pipes fastening plastic or beams of them should be no more specified in Table. one.

3.53. Pipe wiring from plastic pipes for which liquids or wet gases are transported, as well as plastic pipes at ambient temperature of 40 ° C and higher, should be laid on horizontal sites on solid carrier structures, and on vertical sites the distance between the mounts should be reduced twice as compared to those specified in Table. one.

Table 1

3.54. When connected to devices, equipment and loosening compounds (taking into account the allowable bending radii), plastic pipes must have a supply of at least 50 mm in case of possible damage at repeated remounts of attachments.

3.55. When laying pneumocables on cable structures, the following conditions must be met:

pneumocabilities must be laid in one layer;

provision booster should form only under the action of its own weight of the pneumocabel and should not exceed 1% of the length of the span.

The attachment with a horizontal laying should be carried out through one support.

3.56. When installing metal pipe wiring, it is allowed to use any welding methods that provide high-quality compounds, if the view or method of welding is not specified by the working documentation.

3.57. Welding steel pipelines and quality control of welded connections should be made in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84.

3.58. The method and technological mode of pipe welding, welding materials and the order of welding control should be taken in accordance with the type technological process on the welding OST 36-57-81 and OST 36-39-80, approved by the USSR Ministry of East. Types and structural elements of welds must correspond to GOST 16037-80.

3.59. In-block connection of copper pipes should be soldered according to GOST 19249-73.

Quality control of soldered compounds should be performed by external inspection, as well as a hydraulic or pneumatic test.

In appearance, soldering seams should have a smooth surface. There are no influx, prizes, sinks, extraneous inclusions and non-immortals.

3.60. Fastening single metal pipe wiring should be performed on each support.

Additional installation requirements

Oxygen pipe wiring

3.61. Work on the installation of oxygen pipe wiring should be carried out by personnel who have studied special requirements for the performance of these works.

3.62. In the process of installation and welding of the pipeline, contamination of its inner surface with fats and oils should be excluded.

3.63. If necessary, degreasing pipes, reinforcement and compounds, it should be carried out according to the technology provided for in the OST 26-04-312-83 (approved by the Ministry of Health), fireproof solvents and soluble detergents dissolved in water.

Pipes, reinforcement and compounds intended for oxygen-filled pipe wiring should be provided with a document indicating their degreasing and fitness to the installation.

3.64. In the threaded compounds, the winding of flax, hemp, as well as the insiduction with sudial and other materials containing oil and fats are prohibited.

Additional requirements for the installation of pipe wiring permission over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2)

3.65. Prior to the start of work on the installation of pipe wiring over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2), responsible persons from the number of engineering and technical workers are assigned, on which the management and quality of work on the installation of pipe wiring and documentation are assigned.

Designed engineering and technical workers must be certified after special training.

3.66. All elements of pipe wiring pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2) and welding materials entering the installation of an assembly organization are subject to external inspection. At the same time, the presence and quality of the relevant documentation is also checked and the act on accepting pipes, reinforcements, pipelines, etc. is also compiled.

3.67. When installing and adjusting pipe wiring of automation systems filled with combustible and toxic liquids and gases, as well as pipe wiring at Ry

і 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2) should be guided by the requirements of the regulatory documents given in the recommended Annex 4.

Test tube postings

3.68. Fully mounted pipe wiring should be tested for strength and density in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84.

Type (strength, density), method (hydraulic, pneumatic), duration and evaluation of test results should be taken in accordance with the working documentation.

3.69. The value of the test pressure (hydraulic and pneumatic) for strength and density in pipe wiring (pulsed, drainage, feed, heating, cooling, auxiliary and command systems of hydroautomatics) in the absence of instructions in the working documentation should be taken in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84.

3.70. Command pipe wiring filled with air at operating pressure Pp.

Ј 0.14 MPa (1.4 kgf / cm2), should be experienced on the strength and density of the pneumatic method of trial pressure Rr = 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / cm2).

3.71. Pressure gauges used for testing should have:

accuracy class not lower than 1.5;

the diameter of the housing is at least 160 mm;

measure limits equal to 4/3 of the measured pressure.

3.72. Tests of plastic pipe wiring and pneumocabels should be carried out at a test medium not exceeding 30


3.73. The test of plastic pipe wiring is allowed to produce no earlier than 2 hours after performing the last welding of pipes.

3.74. Before testing for strength and density, all pipe wiring, regardless of destination, must be subjected to:

a) external inspection in order to detect installation defects, compliance with their working documentation and readiness for testing;

b) purge, and when specifying in working documentation - washing.

3.75. Purge of pipe wiring should be cleaned with compressed air or inert gas, drained and purified from oil and dust.

Pipe wiring for steam and water is allowed to blow and rinse the working medium.

3.76. Purge of pipe wiring should be made to a pressure equal to the worker, but not more than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm2).

If you need to purge under a pressure of more than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm2), the purge should be performed in accordance with the instructions given in the special schemes for purging technological pipelines agreed with the customer.

The purge should be made within 10 minutes before the appearance of clean air.

The purge of pipe wiring operating under pressure to 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm2) or absolute pressure to 0.001 to 0.095 MPa (from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm2) should be produced by air pressure not more than 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm2).

3.77. Washing pipe wiring should be made to the steady appearance of clean water from the outlet of the pipe or the flushing of the washed pipe wiring.

At the end of the washing, the pipe wiring must be completely freed from water and, if necessary, cleaned with compressed air.

3.78. After purging and washing, pipe wiring must be muffled.

The design of the plugs should exclude the possibility of their breakdown under test pressures.

On pipe wiring designed to work with Pp.

і 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2), plugs or deaf lenses with shanks should be installed.

3.79. Pipelines supplying test fluid, air or inert gases from pumps, compressors, cylinders, etc. to pipe wiring, should be pre-tested by hydraulic pressure in the assembled form with shock reinforcement and pressure gauges.

3.80. With hydraulic tests, water should be used as a test liquid. The water temperature during testing should be no less than 5


3.81. With pneumatic tests, air or inert gas should be used as a test medium. Air and inert gases should be released from moisture, oil and dust.

3.82. In the hydraulic and pneumatic test, the following pressure raising steps are recommended:

ѕ 0.3 RPR; ѕ 0.6 RPR; ѕ to rpre; ѕ Reduced to PP [for pipe wiring with RR up to 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm2) is recommended only 2-step].

The pressure on the 1- and 2nd steps is withstanding for 1-3 minutes; During this time, the lack of pressure drop in the pipe wiring is established in the pressure gauge testimony.

Trial pressure (3rd stage) is withstanding for 5 minutes.

On pipelines PR pressure

і 10 MPa Trial pressure is maintained for 10-12 minutes.

Raising pressure on the 3rd stage is a test for strength.

The operating pressure (4th stage) is withstanding over the time required for the final inspection and detection of defects. The pressure of the 4th stage is a density test.

3.83. Defects are eliminated after a decrease in pressure in the pipe wiring to atmospheric.

After eliminating defects, the test is repeated.

3.84. Pipe wiring is considered suitable for exploitation, if during testing for strength, there was no pressure drop in the pressure gauge and during the subsequent density test in the welds and connections did not detect leaks.

At the end of the tests, the act must be drawn up.

3.85. Pipe wiring filled with flammable, toxic and liquefied gases (except gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm2), pipe wiring filled with oxygen, as well as pipe wiring for pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2), on Absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa (from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm2) must be subjected to additional tests on the density with the definition of pressure drop.

3.86. Before testing pipe wiring on density with definition of pressure drop, pipe wiring must be washed or produced.

3.87. For pipe wiring pressure 10

ѕ 100 MPa (100-1000 kgf / cm2) Before testing for density with determining the pressure drop on the pipe lines, safety valves must be installed, previously adjusted to the opening at a pressure exceeding a working per 8%. Safety valves must be provided for by working documentation.

3.88. Density test with a definition of pressure drop is made by air or inert gas test pressure equal to the worker (RPR \u003d PP ) , In addition to pipelines to absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa (from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm2), which should be tested by the following pressure:

a) pipelines filled with combustible, toxic and liquefied gases - 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm2);

b) Pipelines filled by conventional media - 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm2).

3.89. The duration of additional density test and exposure time under test pressure is set in the working documentation, but must be no less for pipelines:

pressure from 10 to 100 MPa (from 100 to 1000 kgf / cm2) - 24 hours;

for combustible, toxic and liquefied gases - 24 ,;

oxygen filled - 12 ,;

on an absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa -12;

(from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm2)

3.90. Pipe wiring is considered to be withstanding the test if the pressure drop in them does not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 2.

table 2

These rules belong to pipe wiring with a conditional passage of 50 mm. When testing pipe wiring with other conditional passages, the pressure drop rate in them is determined by the product above the values \u200b\u200bof the pressure drop on the coefficient calculated by the formula

K.= ---------

where DY. - Conditional passage of tested pipe wiring, mm.

3.91. At the end of the testing of pipe wiring on the density with determining the pressure drop in testing, the act must be drawn up.

3.92. When performing pneumatic tests, the safety requirements set forth in SNiP III-4-80 and the rules of the device and the safe operation of pipelines for combustible, toxic and liquefied gases "(PAG-69).

Electric wiring

3.93. Installation of electrical wiring of automation systems (chains of measurement, control, power, alarm system, etc.) with wires and control cables in boxes and on trays, in plastic and steel protective pipes, on cable structures, in cable structures and land; Installation of electrical wiring in explosion and fire-hazardous zones, installation of the downstream (grounding) must meet the requirements of SNiP on 3.05.06-85, taking into account the specific features of the installation of automation systems set forth in the manuals to the specified SNiP.

3.94. The addition of single-rocker copper veins of wires and cables with a cross section of 0.5 and 0.75 mm2 and multi-breed copper live in cross section of 0.35; 0.5; 0.75 mm2 to devices, devices, clamping clamps should, as a rule, be performed by soldering if the design of their conclusions allows it to implement (unbearable contact compound).

If you need to connect one-run and multi-level copper copper of these sections to the instruments, devices and assemblies of clamps, having conclusions and clips to attach conductors under the screw or bolt (collapsible contact compound), the veins of these wires and cables should be terminated by tips.

Single-wire copper wires of wires and cable cross section 1; 1.5; 2.5; 4 mm2 should, as a rule, join directly under the screw or bolt, and the multi-proper wires of the same sections - using tips or directly under the screw or bolt. At the same time, the veins of single-wire and multi-wiring wires and cables, depending on the constructions of the conclusions and clips of instruments, devices and clips assemblies, are terminated by a ring or pin; The ends of the multi-breeding veins (rings, pins) should be disappeared, the pin ends can be pressed by pins tips.

If the design of the conclusions and clips of instruments, devices, clips assemblies requires or allowing other ways to attach single-run and multi-wire copper wires of wires and cables, the connection methods specified in the relevant standards and technical conditions for these products should be applied.

Attaching aluminum veins and cables with a cross section of 2.0 mm2 and more to devices, devices, clamping assemblies should be carried out only by clamps, allowing you to directly connect to them aluminum conductors of the corresponding sections.

The attachment of single-robes live wires and cables (under the screw or soldering) is allowed only to be implemented only to fixed elements of devices and devices.

Attaching Conducting wires and cables to devices, devices and automation tools, having output devices in the form of plug connectors, should be performed by multi-way (flexible) copper wires or cables laid from clamps or junction boxes to devices and automation tools.

Collapsible and unsaturable compounds of copper, aluminum and alummic veins of wires and cables with conclusions and clips of instruments, devices, clips assemblies must be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10434-82, GOST 25154-82, GOST 25705-83, GOST 19104-79 and GOST 23517-79.

3.95. The connection of steel protective pipes with each other, with long boxes, etc. In the premises of all classes should be carried out by standard threaded compounds.

In the premises of all classes, except for explosion and fire-hazardous zones, it is allowed to combine steel thin-walled protective pipes with sheet steel luminosity or steel diameter steel pipes with a subsequent wedroom throughout the perimeter of the connection places: it is not allowed to burn pipes.

3.96. Mounted wiring automation systems must be subjected to external inspection, which establishes the correspondence of mounted wiring of working documentation and the requirements of this Regulation. Wirkers that meet the specified requirements are subject to insulation resistance check.

3.97. Measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring of automation systems (chains of measurement, control, power, alarm system, etc.) is made by a stress megommeter 500-1000 V. The insulation resistance should not be less than 0.5 mΩ.

During measuring the insulation resistance of the wire and cables must be connected to the assemblies of shield clips, stitches, consoles and connecting boxes.

Instruments, apparatus and wiring, not allowing tests with a stress of 500-1000 V, for tensile time must be disabled.

According to the results of measuring insulation resistance, an act is drawn up.

Shields, Stats and Remote

3.98. Shields, stitches and consoles should be transmitted by the Customer in the form completed for installation with equipment, reinforcement and installation products, with electrical and tubular internal wiring, prepared for connecting external electrical and pipe wiring and appliances, as well as with fasteners for assembling and installing shields, Stats and consoles on the facility.

3.99. Separate shields, consoles and stations must be collected in composite shields (operator, dispatcher) of any configuration using detachable connections.

Fastening threaded connections must be tightly and evenly tightened and protected from self-eject.

3.100. Shields, stitches and consoles should be installed on mortgage structures. The exception is small-sized shields placed on walls and columns, and flat stitches that do not require pre-installation of mortgage structures for mounting.

The main way to fix the supporting frames of shields to mortgage structures is not welding.

Shields, stitches and consoles during installation must be adjusted on a plumb, then fixed.

The installation of auxiliary elements (decorative panels, mnemoshem, etc.) should be carried out with the preservation of axial lines and the verticality of the entire frontal plane of the shield. The angle of inclination specified in the working documentation should be set aside within the tolerances specified in it.

3.101. Inputs of electric and pipe wiring into shields, stitches and consoles must be performed in accordance with the OST 36.13-76, approved by the USSR Ministry of Education.

3.102. In order to increase the level of industrialization of installation work, it should, as a rule, apply industrial premises of automation, including complete operator premises (CPA) and complete sensors (efficiency). Automatic industrial premises should be delivered to an object with mounted shields, appliances, consoles, pipe and electrical wiring. The object should be performed only on connecting external pipe and electrical wiring.

3.103. End seals and connecting tube and electrical wiring entered into shields, stitches, consoles, CPCs and efficiency must be performed according to SNiP requirements of 3.05.06-85 and these Rules.

Automation devices and means

3.104. Installation should be taken devices and automation tools that are tested with the design of the appropriate protocols.

In order to ensure the safety of instruments and equipment from breakdown, the ordering and the embezzlement, the installation must be performed after the written permission of the general contractor (customer).

3.105. The inspection of devices and automation tools is made by the customer or attracted by them specialized organizations performing work on setting up devices and automation tools by methods adopted in these organizations, taking into account the requirements of the instructions of the State Standard and manufacturers.

3.106. Instruments and automation tools taken into installation after checking should be prepared for delivery to the place of installation. Moving systems must be arranged, the connecting devices are protected from moisture, dirt and dust in them.

Together with the instruments and means of automation, the installation organization must be transferred special tools, accessories and fasteners included in their set required during installation.

3.107. The placement of instruments and automation tools and their mutual location should be made by working documentation. Their installation should ensure the accuracy of measurements, free access to devices and their locking and tuning devices (cranes, valves, switches, adjustment handles, etc.).

3.108. In places of installation of instruments and automation tools, lowered for installation and operational services, the construction of stairs, wells and sites is completed before the installation of the installation in accordance with the working documentation.

3.109. Instruments and automation tools should be installed at ambient air temperature and relative humidity stipulated in the installation and operational instructions of manufacturers.

3.110. Connection to the instruments of external pipe wiring should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 25164-82 and GOST 025165-82, and electrical wiring - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10434-82, GOST 25154-82, GOST 25705-83, GOST 19104-79 and GOST 23517-79.

3.111. Fastening devices and automation tools to metal structures (shields, handbanks, stands, etc.) should be carried out by methods provided by the design of devices and automation tools and parts included in their kit.

If the fasteners are not included in the set of separate instruments and automation tools, they must be fixed with normalized fasteners.

In the presence of vibrations in the installation places, the threaded fasteners must have devices that exclude their spontaneous unscrewing (spring washers, lock nuts, hopnes, etc.).

3.112. Holes of instruments and automation tools intended to attach pipe and electrical wiring should remain muted until the posting is connected.

3.113. The enclosures of the instruments and automation means must be grounded in accordance with the requirements of the instructions of manufacturers and SNiP 3.05.06-85.

3.114. Sensitive elements of liquid thermometers, thermoslahs, pressure gauge thermometers, thermoelectric (thermocouple) converters, resistance thermal converters should, as a rule, are located in the center of the measured medium. With a pressure of over 6 MPa (60 kgf / cm2) and a steam rate of 40 m / s and a water of 5 m / s, the depth of immersion of sensitive elements into the measured medium (from the inner wall of the pipeline) should be no more than 135 mm.

3.115. The working parts of the thermoelectric (thermocouple) surface converters and thermocouples of the resistance should be tightly adjacent to the controlled surface.

Before installing these devices, the place of contacting them with pipelines and equipment should be cleaned from scale and stripped to a metal shine.

3.116. The thermoelectric converters (thermocouples) in porcelain fittings are allowed to immerse itself into the high temperature zone on the length of the porcelain protective tube.

3.117. Thermometers in which protective covers are made from different metals should be immersed in the measured medium to the depth of the manufacturer not more specified in the passport.

3.118. The capillaries of pressure gauge thermometers on the surfaces are not allowed, the temperature of which is higher or below the ambient temperature.

If you need to lay the capillaries in places with hot or cold surfaces between the latter and the capillary, there must be air gaps that protect the capillary from heating or cooling, or the corresponding thermal insulation must be laid.

The entire length of the laying capillary of manometric thermometers should be protected from mechanical damage.

With an excessive length, the capillary must be rolled into the bay with a diameter of at least 300 mm; The bay must be tied up in three places with non-metallic dressings and securely fixed at the instrument.

3.119. Instruments for measuring the pressure of steam or fluid, if possible, must be installed at one level with a pressure selection site; If this requirement is impossible, the working documentation should define a constant amendment to the instrument's testimony.

3.120. Liquid U-shaped pressure gauges are installed strictly vertically. The liquid filling the pressure gauge must be unnoticed and should not contain air bubbles.

Spring manometers (vacuum meters) must be installed in a vertical position.

3.121. The separation vessels are installed according to the standards or working drawings of the project, as a rule, near the selection of impulses.

Separating vessels should be installed so that the test holes of the vessels are located at one level and could be easily serviced by the operational personnel.

3.122. With a piezometric measurement of the level, the open end of the measuring tube must be set below the minimum measured level. The pressure of the gas or air in the measuring tube should ensure the passage of gas (air) through the tube at a maximum level of fluid. The flow rate or air in piezometric levels should be adjusted by a value that provides coverage of all losses, leaks and the required speed of the measurement system.

3.123. Installation of instruments for physicochemical analysis and their selected devices should be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of instructions of the manufacturers of instruments.

3.124. When installing showing and registering devices on the wall or on racks, fitting to the floor, scale, diagram, locking valves, the settings and control organs of pneumatic and other sensors should be at an altitude of 1-1.7 m, and the control valves of the shock reinforcement are in one Plane with a scale of the device.

3.125. Installation of aggregate and computing complexes ACS TP should be carried out on the technical documentation of manufacturers.

3.126. All devices and automation tools installed or embedded in technological devices and pipelines (narrowing and selective devices, counters, rotameters, floats of level gauges, direct control regulators, etc.), must be installed in accordance with the working documentation and with the requirements, specified in the required application 5.

Optical cables

3.127. Before mounting the optical cable, it is necessary to check its integrity and the attenuation coefficient of the optical signal.

3.128. The optical cable gasket is performed in accordance with the working documentation by methods similar to those accepted when laying electrical and tubular wiring, as well as communication cables.

3.129. Optical cables deployed openly in the places of possible mechanical effects at an altitude of up to 2.5 m from the floor of the room or maintenance sites should be protected by mechanical covers, pipes or other devices in accordance with the working documentation.

3.130. Upon ending the optical cable, the fastening of the means of destruction should be performed for the power element using the limiters of the tension and device against the spin. Traction efforts should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the technical conditions on the cable.

3.131. The optical cable gasket must be performed under climatic conditions defined in technical conditions on the cable. The gasket of the optical cable at the air temperature below minus 15 ° C or relative humidity of more than 80% is not allowed.

3.132. In the locations of the optical cable to transceiver devices, as well as in the installation places of the connecting clutch, it is necessary to provide a cable supply. The stock must be at least 2 m in each spliced \u200b\u200boptical cable or transceiver device.

3.133. The optical cable should be fixed on the supporting structures with a vertical laying, as well as when laying directly on the surface of the walls of the rooms - along the entire length after 1 m; With a horizontal laying (except for boxes) - in places of rotation.

3.134. The mounted optical cable should be controlled by measuring the attenuation of signals in the individual fibers of the optical cable and checking it into integrity. The monitoring results are issued by the measurement protocol of the optical parameters of the mounted optical cable (see required application 1).

4. Individual testing

4.1. The acceptance of the Working Commission is made by automation systems in the amount provided for by the working documentation, and the past individual tests.

4.2. In case of individual test, check:

(a) Compliance of the mounted automation systems for working documentation and the requirements of these Rules;

b) pipe wiring for strength and density;

c) electrical insulation resistance;

d) measuring the attenuation of signals in separate fibers of the mounted optical cable by special instructions.

4.3. When checking the mounted systems for compliance with the working documentation, the compliance of the installations of instruments and automation tools, types of equipment and technical characteristics of the equipment specification, compliance with the requirements of the present SNiP and operational instructions of the installation of devices, automation, shields and remote controls, other means of the LAN ACS TP, Electric and pipe wiring.

4.4. Testing tube wiring for strength and density, as well as checking the insulation resistance of electrical wiring in accordance with section. 3.

4.5. After the completion of the work on an individual testing, an act of acceptance of mounted automation systems is issued, to which documents are attached by positions 4-12, 16, 21 of Annex 1.

4.6. The transfer of installation work under the adjustment by individual systems or individual parts of the complex (for example, dispatching and operator, etc.) is allowed. The delivery of mounted automation systems is issued by the act (see required Appendix 1).

5. Production of commissioning

5.1. Commissioning work must be performed in accordance with the obligatory application 1 to SNiP 3.05.05-84 and these Rules.

5.2. In the production of commissioning, the requirements of the project and the technological regulations of the commissioned object, "rules of electrical installations" (PUE), "Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers" (PTE) and "Rules for Safety Safety during the operation of consumer electrical installations" (PTB), Approved USSR Ministry of Energy.

5.3. During the period of individual tests and comprehensive testing of technological equipment, the Customer or on his instructions, a commissioning organization should ensure the commissioning of automation systems necessary for testing or testing technological equipment in accordance with the project and the technical conditions of manufacturing enterprises.

5.4. By the beginning of the work on the commissioning of automation systems, the Customer must lead to an efficient state of all regulatory and shock fittings, on which the executive mechanisms of automation systems are mounted; Enter the automatic fire extinguishing and alarm system.

5.5. Commissioning works on automation systems are carried out in three stages.

5.6. In the first stage Preparatory work is performed, and the working documentation of automation systems, the main characteristics of devices and automation means are being studied. Instruments and automation tools are checked with the necessary adjustment of individual elements of the instrument.

5.7. To check devices and automation tools, the customer must:

deliver devices and means of automation to the production room to the place of verification;

transfer a commissioning organization for the time of checking devices and automation tools Spare parts and special tools supplied by manufacturers of tested devices and automation tools, as well as calibration equipment and special tools that come complete.

5.8. When checking devices and automation tools, they check the compliance of the basic technical characteristics of the equipment with the requirements established in passports and instructions of manufacturers. The results of the inspection and adjustment are fixed in the act or passport of equipment. Faulty devices and automation tools are transmitted to the customer for repair or replacement.

Instruments and automation tools, uncompaired, without technical documentation (passports, evidence, etc.), with changes not reflected in the technical specifications, are not accepted for inspection. At the end of the check, the instruments and automation tools are transmitted to the installation on the act.

5.9. In the second stage Works are performed on the autonomous adjustment of automation systems after the completion of their installation.

At the same time, it is carried out:

checking the installation of instruments and automation tools for compliance with the requirements of the instructions of the manufacturers of instruments and means of automation and working documentation; Detected defects in the installation of instruments and automation tools are eliminated by the installation organization;

replacing individual defective elements: lamps. diodes, resistors, fuses, modules, etc. for good, issued by the customer;

checking the correctness of labeling, connecting and phasing electrical wiring;

phasing and control of the characteristics of the executive mechanisms;

setting the logical and temporal relationships of signaling, protection, lock and control systems; checking the correctness of the signals;

preliminary definition of object characteristics, calculation and configuration of system equipment parameters;

preparation for the inclusion and inclusion of automation systems to provide individual testing of technological equipment and adjusting the settings of the system equipment in the process of their operation;

registration of production and technical documentation.

5.10. The necessary shutdowns or switching of tube and electrical wiring associated with the test or adjustment of individual devices or automation means is commissioned.

5.11. The inclusion of automation systems to work should be made only at:

lack of violations of requirements for the operating conditions of instruments and automation tools, communication channels (temperature, humidity and aggressiveness of the environment, etc.) and to safety;

the presence of the minimum necessary technological load of the automation object to determine and set the settings for setting up devices and automation tools, testing and commissioning of automation systems;

compliance with the settings of the operation of devices and automation devices specified in the working documentation or established by the Customer;

the presence of documents from the customer on the completion of the installation work listed in the required application 1.

5.12. In the third stage Works are performed on the integrated adjustment of automation systems, bringing the settings for setting up devices and automation tools, communication channels to values \u200b\u200bin which automation systems can be used in operation. At the same time, it is carried out in the complex:

determining the conformity of the procedure for working out devices and elements of signaling systems, protection and control of the working documentation algorithms with identifying the reasons for the failure or "false" response to them, setting the necessary values \u200b\u200bof the positioning of positional devices;

determining the compliance of the bandwidth of the shut-off-regulating reinforcement with the requirements of the technological process, the correctness of the testing of the switches;

determination of the consumables of regulatory authorities and bring them to the required norm with the help of the configuration elements available in the design;

preparation for the inclusion and inclusion of automation systems to ensure the integrated testing of technological equipment;

clarifying the static and dynamic characteristics of the object, adjusting the values \u200b\u200bof the parameter settings of systems, taking into account their mutual influence in the process of operation;

test and determination of the suitability of automation systems to ensure the operation of equipment with the performance corresponding to the norms for the development of design capacity in the initial period;

analysis of the operation of automation systems in operation;

registration of production documentation.

5.13. The work of the third stage is performed after the complete end of construction and installation work, acceptance of their working commission, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-3-81 and these Rules on the current equipment and in the presence of a sustainable technological process.

5.14. Removing the consumables and determining the bandwidth of regulatory agencies should be made under the condition that the parameters of the medium in the pipeline standards the standards established by the standard, working documentation or passport to the regulatory fittings.

5.15. The adjustment of the working documentation and other technological documentation of the values \u200b\u200bof the response of elements and devices of signaling systems and protection should be made only after approval by the customer of new values.

5.16. To prepare automation systems to work during the period of integrated testing of technological equipment, the Customer must transfer a commissioning organization the list of systems necessary for the inclusion of systems and their inclusion.

5.17. Staffing staff allocated to maintain automation systems included in the operation of the safety instructions and the rules of work on the current enterprise must pass. Instructing is carried out by the customer services in the amount established by industry, ministries; It should be done in the safety journal.

5.18. In the absence of specific requirements for the performance of automation systems in working documentation, the definition of such requirements is carried out by the Customer in coordination with the commissioning organization.

In determining the requirements for automation systems, the automation systems must first be given the requirements for the quality and reliability of the system.

5.19. All switching modes of the technological equipment when determining the actual characteristics of the automation object should produce a customer. Enable and disable automation systems should be fixed in the operational log.

5.20. Commissioning work on automation systems should be carried out in accordance with the requirements given in the working documentation, instructions of manufacturers of instruments and automation equipment or in industry regulations for the operation of completed construction of facilities approved by the relevant ministries and departments of the USSR in coordination with the USSR State Building.

5.21. The volume and conditions of commissioning work on individual automation systems are determined in the program developed by the commissioning organization and approved by the Customer and providing for the fulfillment of PP requirements. 5.5-5.12.

5.22. The results of commissioning works are issued by the Protocol, which includes an assessment of the system, conclusions and recommendations. Implementation of the recommendations for improving the operation of automation systems is carried out by the Customer.

5.23. The transfer of automation systems to operation is carried out in coordination with the Customer, both separately established systems and comprehensively on automated installations, components of technological equipment and workshops.

When passing automation systems for separately established systems, an act of acceptance of automation systems is issued in accordance with the obligatory application 1.

The following documentation should be attached to the act:

list of settings of devices, devices and automation means and settings for automatic control systems (regulation);

programs and protocols of testing systems of automation systems;

the schematic diagram of the working documentation of automation with all changes made and coordinated with the customer in the process of production of commissioning works (one copy);

passports and instructions for enterprises-manufacturers and automation equipment, additional technical documentation obtained from the Customer in the process of commissioning work.

5.24. The completion of commissioning works is recorded by the act on acceptance of automation systems into operation in the amount provided by the project.



Production documentation

Decorated when installing and commissioning

Automation systems



1. Act of the transfer of work documentation for the production of work 2. Act of the readiness of the facility to the production of automation systems 3. Act of interruption of installation works 4. Act of inspection of hidden work 5. Act tests of pipe wiring for strength and density 6. Act of pneumatic testing of pipe wiring on density with definition of pressure drop during testing

Completeness of documents in accordance with CH 202-81, VNG 281-75 and the standards of the project documentation system for construction; Fitness to carry out installation work using a complete block and nodal methods of work production; availability of permission to work work; The date of acceptance of documentation and signature of customer representatives, general contractor and installation organization The content is established in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 form arbitrary in the form of an act of examination of hidden works SNIP 3.01.01-85 The content is established by the same

In the act, it should be especially noted that the installation of mortgage structures and primary devices on technological equipment, apparatus and pipelines in accordance with clause 2.12 is based on pipe wiring filled with combustible, toxic and liquefied gases (except gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.1 MPa); Pipe wiring filled with oxygen; Pipe wiring on the pressure of SV. 10 MPa and absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa

7. Act on degreasing reinforcement, connections and pipes 8. Documents on pipe wiring pressure of St. 10 MPa 9. Journal of welding work 10. Insulation resistance measurement protocol 11. Protocol Warming Cables on Drums 12. Wiring Documents in Excess Zones 13. Electric wiring documents in fire hazardous areas 14. Act of testing devices and automation tools 15. Permission to install instruments and automation tools 16. The statement of mounted devices and automation means 17. Act of acceptance of mounted automation systems 18. Permission to make changes to working documentation

Compiled on pipe wiring filled with oxygen is compiled on pipe wiring by the pressure of CV. 10 MPa is compiled for pipe wiring I and II categories and the pressure of SV. 10 MPa is compiled only when laying at low temperatures are made only for explosive areas are made only for fire hazardous areas.

19. Act of acceptance of automation systems 20. Act about acceptance of automation systems 21. The measurement protocol of the optical parameters of the mounted optical cable

The form is attached in the form of an act of ad. 2 Snip III-3-81 form arbitrary

It is executed when commissioned by separately established systems in the amount provided by the project



______________________ (customer)



Acceptance of operation

automation systems

Foundation: presentation to the commissioning of automation systems ________________________________________________

(Name of commissioning organization)

Compiled by the Commission: ______________________________________


(representative of the customer, surname, and. about., position)


(Representatives of commissioning organization, surname, and. about., posts)

The commission carried out work to determine the suitability of automation systems to operation ___________________________________



It has been established that the above automation systems:

1. ensured the smooth operation of the technological equipment in the specified mode during the period of integrated testing during ________ with a positive result,


2. Complies with the technical requirements _____________________


(Name of the regulatory document, project)

Based on the data received, the Commission believes:

1. Complete the automation system presented to delivery.

2. Commissioning works are made with an assessment _______________

To the act attached: 1. ________________



Customer commissioning organization

______________________ _________________________

(signature) (signature)

Functional Pipe Wiring

Filling environment and its parameters

Pipe wiring group

Command and feed systems of pneumatic and hydroautomatics, heating and cooling

Water, air

Hydroavtomatomy team systems

Oil at pp.

Ј 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm2)
\u003e 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm2)

Pulse, drainage and auxiliary

Air, water, steam, inert gases, non-hazardous and non-combustible gases and liquids RR up to 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2)

According to CH 527-80

Other gases and liquids in accordance with the distribution area CH 527-80

According to CH 527-80

Terms and definitions of automation systems

1. Mortgage design (mortgage element) - Detail or assembly unit, in-disabled built into building structures (channel, corner, sleeve, nozzle, stove with sleeves, box with sandy shutter, suspended ceiling structures, etc.) or in technological apparatus and pipelines (bins, fittings, pockets and sleeves for the device, etc.).

2. Pipe wiring is a set of pipes and pipe cables (pneumocabels), connections, connections, protective devices and fittings.

3. The pulse line is a pipe wiring connecting the selected device with a measuring instrument, a sensor or regulator. It is designed to transmit the effects of a controlled or adjustable technological environment on sensitive instrumentation, sensors or regulators, directly or through separation media.

The pulse lines of communication also include capillaries of pressure gauge thermometers and temperature regulators connecting the heat-sensitive elements (thermobalutes) with pressure gauge instruments of instruments and regulators.

4. Command Link - Pipe Wiring, connecting separate automatic functional units (sensors, switches, secondary measuring instruments, transducers, computing, regulating and control devices, actuators). It is designed to transmit command signals (air pressure, water, oil) from transmitting blocks to the receiving.

5. Power line is a pipe wiring, connecting measuring instruments and automation tools with power sources (pumps, compressors and other sources). It is designed to feed to devices and automation tools (sensors, converters, computing, regulating and controlling devices, amplifiers, positioners) fluid (water, oil) or gas (air) with overpressure, varying in the specified limits used as carriers of auxiliary Energy when working and transmitting command signals.

6. The heating line is a pipe wiring through which coolants (air, water, steam, etc.) are bled to the heating devices, measuring instruments, automation, shields, and pulsed, command and other pipe wiring tools.

7. The cooling line is a pipe wiring by which the cooling agents (air, water, brine, etc.) are bred (air, water, brine, etc.) to the cooling devices of selected devices, sensors, actuators and other automation means.

8. Auxiliary line - pipe wiring, by means of which:

a) bodied to the pulsed communication lines. Protective fluids or gases that create counter streams in them for protection against aggressive impacts, blockage, clogging and other phenomena, causing damage and refusal of selected devices, measuring instruments, automation tools, and pulse lines themselves;

b) bodied to the instruments, regulators, pulsed liquid or gas communication lines for periodic washing or purging them during operation;

c) A parallel flow of a portion of the product is created from the technological apparatus or pipeline for analysis to accelerate the supply of the test to the measuring device remote from the selection site (for example, to the analyzer of liquid petroleum products, etc.).

9. The drainage line is a pipe wiring, through which the products of purge and washing (gases and liquids) are reset from instruments and regulators, pulse and command lines, auxiliary and other lines in the velocked (special containers, atmosphere, sewage, etc. ).

10. The pipe unit is a certain number of pipes of the required length and configurations, laid and fixed in a certain position and fully prepared for connection with adjacent tube wiring nodes.

List of basic regulatory documents on technological pipelines


additional information

Rules of device and safe operation of pipelines for combustible, toxic and liquefied gases

Approved by the USSR State Surveillance and aggravated with the USSR State Building in 1969

Safety rules for the production of the main chemical industry

Approved by the USSR State University, Minhim-Prom, and the Central Committee of the Union of Oil, Chemical and Gas Industry and aggravated with the USSR State Building in 1979

Security rules in explosive and explosion-fire-hazardous chemical and petrochemical industries

Approved by the USSR Surveillance State University and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1974

Safety rules for the production of acetylene

Approved by the USSR State University and Min-Himprom and Main-Himprom and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1977.

Safety Rules for the production, storage and transportation of chlorine

Approved by the USSR Surveillance and Min-Himprom and Main-Himprom and agreed with the USSR state building in 1973, in 1983 amended

Security rules for inorganic industries of the nitrogen industry

Approved by the USSR State University and Min-Himprom and MIN-Himprom and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1976

Safety rules for the production of synthetic ethyl alcohol

Approved by the USSR State University, Minnef-Tehimprom of the USSR and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1981

Security Rules in the Gas Economy of Plants of Black Metallurgy

Approved by the USSR State University, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1969

Security rules in the coke-chemical industry

Approved by the USSR State University, Ministry of Health of the USSR and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1981


Instructions for the design of gaseous oxygen pipelines

Approved by the Minhimprom and agreed with the USSR State Building, Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR, GUPO MVD of the USSR in 1983

Security Rules in Gas Economy

Approved by the USSR state-surveillance and agreed with the USSR State Building and the WCSPS in 1979

GOST 12.2.060-81 (ST SEV 2083-80)

System of labor safety standards. Acetylene pipelines. Safety requirements

Approved by the USSR State Committee on Standards

ѕ ѕ

Appendix 5.


Installation Requirements

On technological equipment and pipelines

1. Installation of tousing devices in pipelines should be made in accordance with the working drawings and standards in compliance with the rules for measuring the flow of gases and liquids with standard tousing devices "approved by the State Standard.

2. Before installing a narrowing device, reconciliation with project data and components are reconciliation:

a) diameter of the pipeline and installation site;

b) brand of material of the frying device;

c) the direction of flow and the correctness of the designation "plus" and "minus" on the body of the suspension device.

3. Installing a tousing device should be carried out so that in the working state of the designation on its enclosure is available for inspection.

In case of impracticability of this requirement for a suspension device, a plate is attached on which the data placed on the body of the tapeying device is applied.

4. Supporting devices installed on pipelines must be mounted in compliance with the main technical requirements:

a) the length of the direct sections of the pipeline indicated in the working documentation must be supplied before and after a tightering device;

b) The installation of flanges should be carried out so that the planes of the flanges were among themselves parallel and perpendicular to the axis of pipelines.

The distance between the flanges planes should be equal to the construction length of the suspension device, taking into account space for laying on both sides;

c) the pipeline in front of a narrowing device must be purified from dirt, traces of welding and internal protrusions that distort the flow shape; on the inner surface of the pipeline of a pipeline equal to the two outer diameters of it, before and behind the narrowing device there should be no ledges, as well as noticeable with the naked eye of irregularities (dents, welding graph, etc.);

d) the coaxiality of the pipeline and the suspension device, as well as the perpendicularity of the end of the suspension device of the pipeline axis;

e) the direction of the arrow indicated on the tapering device should coincide with the direction of the substance flow filling the pipeline; The acute edge of the diaphragm, the rounded part of the nozzle or tube of the Venturi should be directed against the flow of the measured medium;

(e) Sealing gaskets should not appear inside technological pipelines.

5. Mortgage structures for mounting selected pressure devices and selections from tape devices on horizontal and inclined pipelines should be located:

a) on gas and air pipes - on top;

b) on liquid pipelines and steam side.

6. Flow meters (counters, rotameters, etc.), built into technological pipelines, it is necessary to assemble the following basic requirements:

a) Installing meters is made after the installation and thorough cleaning of the pipeline; The test of the pipeline and the meter is performed simultaneously;

b) high-speed meters must be installed on direct portions of pipelines in the places specified in the project;

c) the planes of the flanges must be between themselves are parallel and perpendicular to the axis of the pipeline.

7. Technological pipelines in places of installation of rotameters, volumetric and high-speed counters must have bypass lines with appropriate shut-off reinforcement.

8. If the counter caliber is less than the diameter of the pipeline, the installation of the meter should be carried out between two conical transition nozzles. At the same time, the shut-off valves must be installed on the main pipeline before and after nozzles. The use of transition flanges is prohibited.

9. Floats of level gauges of all types should be installed so that the movement of the float and cable or traction occurs without wiping. The location of the float must be equal to several more maximum level measurement.

10. The installation of temperature and pressure regulators of direct action on process pipelines should be carried out in such a way that the direction of the arrows on their enclosures corresponded to the direction of movement of the measured medium.

11. The length of the direct portions of the pipeline before and after regulating valves must comply with the project specified in the project.

12. If the conditional passage of the regulating valve is inconsistent with the pipeline diameter, the valve installation should be carried out by means of conical transition connections.

The use of transition flanges is prohibited.

13. All instruments and automation instruments installed or embedded in technological devices and pipelines are direct-acting regulators, frying devices, control valves, counters, etc. - should be installed after cleaning and washing the devices and pipelines to their hydraulic tests for strength and Density at oxygen pipers - after degreasing.

State Committee for the construction of the USSR


Change N 1 SNiP 3.05.07-85

"Automation systems"

Decree of the USSR State Building of October 25, 1990, N 93 was approved and from January 1, 1991, the developed SOCE ProjectMontazhavtomatik Montazhsstroy the USSR was published below the change in N 1 SNiP 3.05.7-85 "Automation Systems", approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Building of October 18, 1985 № 175.

Paragraph 1.5 shall be stated in the new edition:

"1.5. When installing and adjusting automation systems, documentation should be issued in accordance with the obligatory application of 1 of these Rules."

Paragraph 1.6. Words: "Equipment after an individual test" shall be replaced by the words: "mounted automation systems in the scope of work documentation."

Paragraph 2.5 to add sub-clause as follows:

"E) Availability of documentation for the installation and testing of pipe wiring for pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / sq. CM)."

Paragraph 2.17. In the first sentence, exclude the word "specifications";

After the second paragraph, the text to supplement the new paragraph of the following content:

"Details of pipe wiring on pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / sq. Cm) are transmitted to installation in the form of products prepared for installation (pipes, shaped parts to them, connecting parts, hardware, fittings, etc.) or assembled in assembly Units installed according to the specification of detail drawings. The pipe holes must be closed by traffic jams. On products and assembly units that have welds must be transmitted acts or other documents confirming the quality of welded joints in accordance with SNiP 3.05.95-84.

Paragraph 2.18-2.20 exclude.

Paragraph 3.51. The penultimate paragraph shall be stated in the new edition:

"Armored pneumocabilities lay in boxes, as a rule, not allowed."

Paragraph 3.65. In the first sentence, exclude the words "blank and".

Paragraphs 3.67-3.74 eliminate.

Section 3 Addition to the subsection of the following content:

"Optical cables

3.135. Before mounting the optical cable, it is necessary to check its integrity and the attenuation coefficient of the optical signal.

3.136. The optical cable gasket is performed in accordance with the working documentation by methods similar to those accepted when laying electrical and tubular wiring, as well as communication cables.

Optical cables are not allowed to be laid in one tray, box or pipe together with other types of automation systems.

One- and two-wheel cables are prohibited to lay on cable shelves.

It is prohibited for laying an optical cable to use ventilation channels and shafts and evacuation paths.

3.137. Optical cables deployed openly in the places of possible mechanical effects at an altitude of up to 2.5 m from the floor of the room or maintenance sites should be protected by mechanical covers, pipes or other devices in accordance with the working documentation.

3.138. Upon ending the optical cable, the fastening of the means of destruction should be performed for the power element using the limiters of the tension and device against the spin. Traction efforts should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the technical conditions on the cable.

3.139. The optical cable gasket must be performed under climatic conditions defined in technical conditions on the cable. The gasket of the optical cable at the air temperature below minus 15 degrees or relative humidity of more than 80% is not allowed.

3.140. In the locations of the optical cable to transceiver devices, as well as in the installation places of the connecting clutch, it is necessary to provide a cable supply. The stock must be at least 2 m in each spliced \u200b\u200boptical cable or transceiver device.

3.141. The optical cable should be fixed on the supporting structures with a vertical laying, as well as when laying directly on the surface of the walls of the rooms - along the entire length after 1 m; With a horizontal laying (except for boxes) - in places of rotation.

At the turns, the optical cable must be fixed from two sides of the angle at a distance equal to the allowable radius of the cable bending, but not less than 100 mm, counting from the top of the angle. The rotation radius of the optical cable must meet the requirements of the technical conditions on the cable.

When laying an optical cable for solitary supports, these supports must be installed no more than 1 m, and the cable must be fixed on each support.

3.142. The mounted optical cable should be controlled by measuring the attenuation of signals in the individual fibers of the optical cable and checking it into integrity. The control results are issued by the measurement protocol of the optical parameters of the mounted optical cable (see required application 1). "

Paragraph 4.2 to supplement the following paragraph:

"d) measuring the attenuation of signals in separate fibers of the mounted optical cable by special instructions."

Paragraph 4.5 after the words "is issued" to state in the new edition:

"Acceptance of mounted automation systems to which documents are attached by positions 4-12, 16, 21 of Annex 1".

Clause 4.6. The second sentence shall be stated in the new edition:

"The delivery of mounted automation systems is drawn up with an act (see required Appendix 1)."

Appendix 1, position 17 in the column "name" words: "Act about acceptance of equipment after an individual test" Replace with the words: "Act of acceptance of mounted automation systems"; In the column "The content of the document" words: "in the form of an Act of Appendix 1 SNiP III-3-81" shall be replaced by the words: "arbitrary shape";

Complete position 21 of the following content:

In the column "name" Write: "The protocol measurements of the optical parameters of the mounted optical cable"; In the column "Content of the Document" Write: "arbitrary shape."


Official edition

State Committee of the USSR

For construction affairs

Developed GPI projectmontazhtatatika minmontortstess of the USSR (M. L. Vitebsky - The head of the topic V. F. Valetov, R. S. Vinogradova, Ya. V. Grigoriev, A. Ya. Mester, N. N. Pronin).

Made by the Ministry of Monster of the USSR.

Prepared for the approval of the head of the USSR (B. A. Sokolov).

FROM The introduction of SNIP 3.05.07-85 "Automation Systems" is lost SPIP SNIP III-34-74 "Automation System".

Coordinated with the Ministry of Health of the USSR (letter dated December 24, 1984 No. 122-12 / 1684-4), Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR (letter of February 6, 1985 No. 14-16 / 88).

These norms and rules apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation and commissioning of automation systems (control, management and automatic regulation) of technological processes and engineering equipment on the construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures of the sectors of the national economy.

These rules do not apply to the installation: automation systems of special objects (atomic installations, mines, enterprises for the production and storage of explosives, isotopes); Railway transport SCB systems; communication and alarm systems; automation of fire extinguishing systems and smoke removal; devices using radioisotope measurement methods; Devices and automation tools built into machines, machinery and other equipment supplied by manufacturers.

The rules establish the requirements for the organization, production and acceptance of work on the installation of devices, automation, shields, consoles, aggregate and computing complexes of automated process control systems (ACS TP), electric and pipe wiring, etc., as well as to adjust the mounted automation systems.

The rules must be respected by all organizations and enterprises involved in the design, installation and commissioning of automation systems.

1. General Provisions

1.1. In the work of the installation and commissioning of automation systems, the requirements of these rules must be respected, SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNIP III-3-81, SNIP III-4-80 and departmental regulatory documents approved in the manner prescribed by SNiP 0101.01 82 *.

1.2. The installation of automation systems should be carried out in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation, project manufacturing project (PPR), as well as with technical documentation of manufacturers.

1.3. Installation of instruments and automation tools for the assembly method of construction and a complete blocking method for the installation of technological equipment and pipelines conducted in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84 should be carried out in the process of integuctive assembly of technological lines, nodes and blocks.

1.4. The general contractor must attract an organization that carries out the installation of automation systems, to the consideration of the construction project organization (POS) in terms of the installation of installation works with a complete block and nodal methods, layouts of special premises intended for automation systems (dispatching, operator, hardware rooms, sensor premises, and T . n.), leading the timing of their construction and transfer to installation.

1.5. When passing automation systems, documentation should be issued in accordance with the obligatory Annex 1 of these Rules.

1.6. The end of the installation of automation systems is the completion of individual tests performed in accordance with the section. 4 of these Rules, and signing an act of acceptance of mounted automation systems in the amount of working documentation.

Official edition

State Committee of the USSR

For construction affairs

Developed GPI projectmontazhtatatika minmontortstess of the USSR (M. L. Vitebsky - The head of the topic V. F. Valetov, R. S. Vinogradova, Ya. V. Grigoriev, A. Ya. Mester, N. N. Pronin).

Made by the Ministry of Monster of the USSR.

Prepared for the approval of the head of the USSR (B. A. Sokolov).

FROM The introduction of SNIP 3.05.07-85 "Automation Systems" is lost SPIP SNIP III-34-74 "Automation System".

Coordinated with the Ministry of Health of the USSR (letter dated December 24, 1984 No. 122-12 / 1684-4), Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR (letter of February 6, 1985 No. 14-16 / 88).

These norms and rules apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation and commissioning of automation systems (control, management and automatic regulation) of technological processes and engineering equipment on the construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures of the sectors of the national economy.

These rules do not apply to the installation: automation systems of special objects (atomic installations, mines, enterprises for the production and storage of explosives, isotopes); Railway transport SCB systems; communication and alarm systems; automation of fire extinguishing systems and smoke removal; devices using radioisotope measurement methods; Devices and automation tools built into machines, machinery and other equipment supplied by manufacturers.

The rules establish the requirements for the organization, production and acceptance of work on the installation of devices, automation, shields, consoles, aggregate and computing complexes of automated process control systems (ACS TP), electric and pipe wiring, etc., as well as to adjust the mounted automation systems.

The rules must be respected by all organizations and enterprises involved in the design, installation and commissioning of automation systems.

1. General Provisions

1.1. In the work of the installation and commissioning of automation systems, the requirements of these rules must be respected, SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNIP III-3-81, SNIP III-4-80 and departmental regulatory documents approved in the manner prescribed by SNiP 0101.01 82 *.

1.2. The installation of automation systems should be carried out in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation, project manufacturing project (PPR), as well as with technical documentation of manufacturers.

1.3. Installation of instruments and automation tools for the assembly method of construction and a complete blocking method for the installation of technological equipment and pipelines conducted in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84 should be carried out in the process of integuctive assembly of technological lines, nodes and blocks.

1.4. The general contractor must attract an organization that carries out the installation of automation systems, to the consideration of the construction project organization (POS) in terms of the installation of installation works with a complete block and nodal methods, layouts of special premises intended for automation systems (dispatching, operator, hardware rooms, sensor premises, and T . n.), leading the timing of their construction and transfer to installation.

1.5. When passing automation systems, documentation should be issued in accordance with the obligatory Annex 1 of these Rules.

1.6. The end of the installation of automation systems is the completion of individual tests performed in accordance with the section. 4 of these Rules, and signing an act of acceptance of mounted automation systems in the amount of working documentation.



SNiP 3.05.07-85

State Committee of the USSR
For construction affairs

Moscow 1988.

GPP projects Montamontazhtatatika MontazhSetsstroy USSR ( M. L. Vitebsky- head of the topic, V. F. Valetov, R. S. Vinogradova, Ya. V. Grigoriev, A. Ya. Mester, N. N. Pronin).

Made by the Ministry of Monster of the USSR.

Prepared for the approval of the GlavTechnation of the USSR State Building ( B. A. Sokolov).

With the introduction of SNiP, 3.05.07-85 "Automation Systems" lose the force of SNIP III-34-74 "Automation System".

Coordinated with the Ministry of Health of the USSR (letter dated December 24, 1984 No. 122-12 / 1684-4), Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR (letter of February 6, 1985 No. 14-16 / 88).

With a change in the approved resolution of the USSR State Building of October 25, 1990 No. 93 of the GPKA ProjectMontazhavtomatik Montazhtsstroy the USSR, the modified items were noted *.

These norms and rules apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation and commissioning of automation systems (control, management and automatic regulation) of technological processes and engineering equipment on the construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures of the sectors of the national economy.

These rules do not apply to the installation: automation systems of special objects (atomic installations, mines, enterprises for the production and storage of explosives, isotopes); Railway transport SCB systems; communication and alarm systems; automation of fire extinguishing systems and smoke removal; devices using radioisotope measurement methods; Devices and automation tools built into machines, machinery and other equipment supplied by manufacturers.

The rules establish the requirements for the organization, production and acceptance of work on the installation of devices, automation, shields, consoles, aggregate and computing complexes of automated process control systems (ACS TP), electric and pipe wiring, etc., as well as to adjust the mounted automation systems.

The rules must be respected by all organizations and enterprises involved in the design, installation and commissioning of automation systems.


1.1. In the work of the installation and commissioning of automation systems, the requirements of these rules must be respected, SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNIP III-3-81, SNIP III-4-80 and departmental regulatory documents approved in the manner prescribed by SNiP 0101.01 82 *.

1.2. The installation of automation systems should be carried out in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation, project manufacturing project (PPR), as well as with technical documentation of manufacturers.

1.3. Installation of instruments and automation tools for the assembly method of construction and a complete blocking method for the installation of technological equipment and pipelines conducted in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84 should be carried out in the process of integuctive assembly of technological lines, nodes and blocks.

1.4. The general contractor must attract an organization that carries out the installation of automation systems, to the consideration of the construction project organization (POS) in terms of the installation of installation works with a complete block and nodal methods, layouts of special premises intended for automation systems (dispatching, operator, hardware rooms, sensor premises, and T . n.), leading the timing of their construction and transfer to installation.

1.5.* When installing and adjusting automation systems, documentation should be issued in accordance with the obligatory Annex 1 of these Rules.

1.6.* The end of the installation of automation systems is the completion of individual tests performed in accordance with the section. 4 of these Rules, and signing an act of acceptance of mounted automation systems in the amount of working documentation.

2. Preparation for installation work


2.1. Installation of automation systems should precede preparation in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 and these Rules.

2.2. As part of general organizational and technical training should be determined by the customer and agreed with the general contractor and the assembly organization:

a) Conditions for the acquisition of the object by instruments, automation tools, products and materials of the customer's delivery, providing for supplying them to the technological unit. node, line;

b) a list of devices, automation tools, aggregate and computing complexes of the ACS TP mounted with the involvement of the packaging personnel of manufacturers;

c) conditions for transporting blocks of shields, consoles, group installations of instruments, pipe units to the installation site.

2.3. When preparing an assembly organization to the production of work should be:

a) working documentation obtained;

b) developed and approved a draft work of work;

c) an acceptance of the construction and technological readiness of the object to the installation of automation systems is carried out;

d) an acceptance of equipment (devices, means of automation, shields, remote controls, aggregate and computing complexes of ACS TP), products and materials from the Customer and the General Contractor;

e) enlarged assembly of nodes and blocks;

(e) Implemented by the norms and rules of occupational safety and fire safety.

2.4. Prior to the start of installation of automation systems by the assembly organization, together with the general contractor and the Customer, the following questions should be resolved:

a) installed advanced deadlines for the construction of special premises intended for automation systems that ensure timely conducting individual tests of technological lines, nodes and blocks;

b) the technological lines, nodes, blocks and timing of their transfer under individual tests are determined after the installation of automation systems is fulfilled;

c) the necessary production workshops, household and office premises, equipped with heating, lighting and telephone;

d) the use of the main construction machines that are at the disposal of the general contractor (vehicles, lifting and unloading machines and mechanisms, etc.) to move large-sized nodes (blocks of shields, consoles, pipes, etc.) from the production bases of the assembly organizations before installing them in the project position at the construction site;

e) constant or temporary networks applied to objects of electricity, water, compressed air, with devices for connecting equipment and tools;

g) are provided in accordance with the project (work project) measures to protect devices and means of automation, shields, consoles, pipe and electrical wiring from the effect of atmospheric precipitation, groundwater and low temperatures, from contamination and damage, and computing equipment - and from static electricity.

2.5.* In the working documentation of automation systems adopted for the work of work, the assembly organization must check the following:

a) interchanges with technological, electrical, sanitary and other working documentation;

b) bindings in working drawings of devices and automation means supplied by manufacturers equipped with technological equipment;

c) accounting for the requirements of the high factory and installation readiness of equipment, advanced installation work methods, maximum transfer of labor-intensive work in assembly and procurement workshops;

e) the presence of explosive or fire-hazardous zones and their borders, categories, groups and the names of explosive mixtures; installation sites of separation seals and their types;

e) availability of documentation for the installation and testing of pipe wiring for pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2).

2.6. An acceptance of construction and technological readiness for the installation of automation systems should be carried out in stages on the individual completed parts of the object (dispatch, operator premises, technological blocks, nodes, lines, etc.).

2.7. Supply to the object of products and materials by the organization mounted automation system should be carried out, as a rule, using containers.

Acceptance of an installation object

2.8. Prior to the start of installation of automation systems at the construction site, as well as in buildings and premises for installation of automation systems, construction works provided for by working documentation and work project work should be performed.

In the building structures of buildings and structures (floors, overlaps, walls, equipment foundations) in accordance with architectural and construction drawings should be:

the centering axes are deposited and the working high-altitude marks:

channels, tunnels, niches, furrows, mortgage pipes for hidden wiring, openings for passage of pipe and electrical wiring with installations in them, sleeves, pipes, frames and other mortgage structures;

installed platforms for maintenance of devices and automation tools;

installation openings are left to move large-sized nodes and blocks.

2.9. In special premises intended for automation systems (see section 1.4), as well as in the industrial premises in places intended for installation of instruments and automation equipment, construction and finishing works should be completed, formworking, scaffolding and scaffolding, not Required for installation of automation systems, as well as removed garbage.

2.10. Special premises designed for automation systems (see section 1.4) must be equipped with heating, ventilation, lighting, if necessary, air-conditioning, mounted according to a constant diagram, have glazing and door constipation. In the premises should be maintained at no lower than 5 ° C.

After the specified premises for the installation of automation systems in them, construction work and installation of sanitary systems are not allowed.

2.11. In rooms intended for installation of technical means of aggregate and computing complexes of ACS TP in addition to the requirements of PP. 2.9; 2.10, air conditioning systems must be mounted and dust carefully removed. The color of the premises of the chalk blame is prohibited. The windows should provide for the protection against direct sunlight (blinds, curtains).

2.12. By the beginning of the installation of automation systems on the technological, sanitary and other types of equipment, it must be installed on pipelines:

mortgages and protective structures for installation of primary devices. Mortgage designs for installing selective pressure devices, flow and levels should end with shut-off reinforcement;

instruments and automation means embedded in pipelines, air ducts and devices (tape devices, volumetric and high-speed meters, rotameters, flow sensors and concentrates, level gauges of all types regulating organs, etc.).

2.13. The facility in accordance with technological, plumbing, electrical and other working drawings should be:

the main pipelines and distributing networks with the installation of fittings for the selection of coolants to heated devices of automation systems are laid, and pipelines for removal of coolants are laid;

the equipment has been installed and the main and distributing networks are laid to provide instruments and automation tools for electricity and energy carriers (compressed air, gas, oil, ferry, water, etc.), and pipelines for the removal of energy carriers are laid;

the sewage network for collecting waste from drainage pipe wiring systems of automation systems is laid;

the grounding network is performed;

work on the installation of automatic fire extinguishing systems.

2.14. The grounding network for technical means of aggregate and computing complexes ACS TP should meet the requirements of enterprises - manufacturers of these technical means.

2.15. The acceptance of the object is issued as an act of readiness of the object to the production of work on the installation of automation systems according to the mandatory application 1.

Transfer to installation of equipment, products, materials and technical documentation

2.16. Transmission to the installation of equipment, products, materials and technical documentation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules on Contract Contract Contract Treaties" approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the "Regulations on the relationship between organizations - general contractors with subcontractors" approved by the USSR State Building and Mamurn USSR .

2.17.* Accessories, materials and products must comply with working documentation, state standards, specifications and have relevant certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying their quality. Pipes, fittings and compounds for oxygen pipe wiring must be degreased, which should be specified in the documentation confirming this operation.

In the acceptance of equipment, materials and products, the completeness is checked, the lack of damage and defects, the safety of the color and special coatings, the preservation of the seal, the presence of special tools and devices supplied by manufacturers.

Details of pipe wiring for pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2) are transmitted to installation in the form of products prepared for installation (pipes, shaped parts to them, connecting parts, hardware, fittings, etc.) or assembled in assembly units, Completed according to the specification detail drawings. Pipe holes must be closed with traffic jams. Acts or other documents confirming the quality of welded joints in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84 should be transferred to products and assembly units that have welded seams.

The elimination of equipment defects found in the acceptance process is carried out in accordance with the "Rules on Contractual Construction Treaties".

3. Production of installation work


3.1. Installation of automation systems should be carried out in accordance with the working documentation, taking into account the requirements of manufacturers of instruments, automation, aggregate and computing equipment provided for by the specifications or instructions for the operation of this equipment.

Installation work should be carried out by the industrial method using small mechanization, mechanized and electrified tools and devices that reduce the use of manual labor.

3.2. Installation work of automation systems should be carried out in two stages (stages):

In the first stage It should be performed: the workpiece of the mounting structures, nodes and blocks, elements of electrical wiring and their integuctive assembly outside the installation zone; checking the presence of mortgage structures, openings, holes in building structures and elements of buildings, mortgage structures and selected devices on technological equipment and pipelines, the presence of a grounding network; Bookmark to the constructed foundations, walls, floors and overlapping of pipes and deaf boxes for hidden wiring; Marking of the tracks and the installation of support and supporting structures for electrical and pipe wiring, actuators, devices.

In the second stage It is necessary to perform: laying pipe and electrical wiring on installed structures, installation of shields, stitches, consoles, instruments and automation tools, connecting tube and electrical wiring to them, individual tests.

3.3. Mounted devices and means of automating the electrical branch of the state system of instruments (GSPs), shields and consoles, structures, electric and pipe wiring to be grounded according to the working documentation must be attached to the ground contour. With the requirements of manufacturers' enterprises, the means of aggregate and computing complexes must be attached to the contour of the special grounding.

Installation of structures

3.4. Marking of installations of structures for instruments and automation tools should be performed in accordance with the working documentation.

When marking, the following requirements should be taken into account:

when installing structures, hidden wiring, strength and fire resistance of building structures (bases) should not be broken;

the possibility of mechanical damage to mounted devices and automation means must be excluded.

3.5. The distance between the supporting structures on the horizontal and vertical sites of the tracking of pipe and electrical wiring, as well as pneumatic cables should be accepted by working documentation.

3.6. Support structures should be parallel between themselves, as well as parallel or perpendicular (depending on the type of structures) building structures (bases).

3.7. Designs for devices installed on the wall must be perpendicular to the walls. Racks installed on the floor must be adjusted on a plumb or level. When installing a number of two or more racks, they must be bonded between themselves with detachable connections.

3.8. Installation of boxes and trays should be performed by enlarged blocks collected in the installation and procurement workshops.

3.9. Fastening boxes and trays to supporting structures and connecting them between themselves should be bolted or on welding.

With a bolt connection, a density of connecting boxes and trays between themselves must be ensured and with supporting structures, and the reliability of electrical contact is ensured.

When connecting welding, burners and trays are not allowed.

3.10. The location of the boxes after their installation should exclude the possibility of the accumulation of moisture into them.

3.11. In places intersection of sedimentary and temperature seams of buildings and structures, as well as on the outer installations of the box and trays, compensating devices must have.

3.12. All designs must be painted according to the instructions given in the working documentation.

3.13. Pipe and electrical wiring passes through the walls (external or internal) and overlaps must be performed in accordance with the working documentation.

Pipe wiring

3.14. These rules apply to the installation and testing of pipe wiring of automation systems (pulse, command, powered, heating, cooling, auxiliary, and drainage, coolant according to the recommended Annex 3), operating at an absolute pressure of 0.001 MPa (0.01 kgf / cm 2) to 100 MPa (1000 kgf / cm 2).

The rules do not apply to the installation of pipe wiring inside shields and remotes.

3.15. Installation and testing of pipe wiring automation systems must meet the requirements of SNiP 3.05.05-84 and the present SNiP.

3.16. Equipment, devices, equipment, work techniques, applied when installing pipe wiring, should ensure the possibility of mounting the following pipes and pneumatic cables:

steel water-gas pipelines according to GOST 3262-75 ordinary and lungs with conditional passage 8; fifteen; twenty; 25; 40 and 50 mm;

steel seamless cold-deformed according to GOST 8734-75 outer diameter 8; 10; fourteen; 16 and 22 mm with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm;

seamless cold and warm-formulated from corrosion-resistant steel according to GOST 9941-81 outer diameter 6; eight; 10; fourteen; 16 and 22 mm with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm. For pipe wiring with a pressure of over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2), tubes can be used with an outer diameter of 15; 25 and 35 mm;

copper according to GOST 617-72 by outer diameter 6 and 8 mm with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm;

from aluminum and aluminum alloys according to GOST 18475-82 by outer diameter 6 and 8 mm with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm;

from low-density polyethylene (high pressure) on the technical conditions of manufacturers external diameter of 6 mm with a wall thickness of 1 mm and an outer diameter of 8 mm with a wall thickness of 1 and 1.6 mm;

polyethylene pressure in accordance with GOST 18599-83 heavy outer diameter 12; 20 and 25 mm;

polyvinyl chloride flexible on the technical conditions of manufacturers of manufacturers internal diameter 4 and 6 mm with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm;

Quality control of soldered compounds should be performed by external inspection, as well as a hydraulic or pneumatic test.

In appearance, soldering seams should have a smooth surface. There are no influx, prizes, sinks, extraneous inclusions and non-immortals.

3.60. Fastening single metal pipe wiring should be performed on each support.

Additional requirements for installation of oxygen pipe wiring

3.61. Work on the installation of oxygen pipe wiring should be carried out by personnel who have studied special requirements for the performance of these works.

3.62. In the process of installation and welding of the pipeline, contamination of its inner surface with fats and oils should be excluded.

3.63. If necessary, degreasing pipes, reinforcement and compounds, it should be carried out according to the technology provided for in the OST 26-04-312-83 (approved by the Ministry of Health), fireproof solvents and soluble detergents dissolved in water.

Pipes, reinforcement and compounds intended for oxygen-filled pipe wiring should be provided with a document indicating their degreasing and fitness to the installation.

3.64. In the threaded compounds, the winding of flax, hemp, as well as the insiduction with sudial and other materials containing oil and fats are prohibited.

Additional requirements for the installation of pipe wiring permission over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2)

3.65. Prior to the start of work on the installation of pipe wiring over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2), responsible persons from the number of engineering and technical workers are assigned, on which the management and quality of work on the installation of pipe wiring and documentation are assigned.

Designed engineering and technical workers must be certified after special training.

3.66. All elements of pipe wiring on pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2) and welding materials entering the installation of the installation organization are subject to external inspection. At the same time, the presence and quality of the relevant documentation is also checked and the act on accepting pipes, reinforcements, pipelines, etc. is also compiled.

3.75. When installing and adjusting pipe wiring of automation systems filled with combustible and toxic liquids and gases, as well as pipe wiring at R Y. ³ 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2) should be guided by the requirements of the regulatory documents given in the recommended Annex 4.

Test tube postings

3.76. Fully mounted pipe wiring should be tested for strength and density in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84.

Type (strength, density), method (hydraulic, pneumatic), duration and evaluation of test results should be taken in accordance with the working documentation.

3.77. The value of the test pressure (hydraulic and pneumatic) for strength and density in pipe wiring (pulsed, drainage, feed, heating, cooling, auxiliary and command systems of hydroautomatics) in the absence of instructions in the working documentation should be taken in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84.

3.78. Command pipe wiring filled with air at operating pressure R R. £ 0.14 MPa (1.4 kgf / cm 2), should be experienced on strength and density with a pneumatic method of trial pressure R p \u003d 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / cm 2).

3.79. Pressure gauges used for testing should have:

accuracy class not lower than 1.5;

the diameter of the housing is at least 160 mm;

measure limits equal to 4/3 of the measured pressure.

3.80. Tests of plastic pipe wiring and pneumocabels should be carried out at a test medium not exceeding 30 ° C.

3.81. The test of plastic pipe wiring is allowed to produce no earlier than 2 hours after performing the last welding of pipes.

3.82. Before testing for strength and density, all pipe wiring, regardless of destination, must be subjected to:

a) external inspection in order to detect installation defects, compliance with their working documentation and readiness for testing;

b) purge, and when specifying in working documentation - washing.

3.83. Purge of pipe wiring should be cleaned with compressed air or inert gas, drained and purified from oil and dust.

Pipe wiring for steam and water is allowed to blow and rinse the working medium.

3.84. Purge of pipe wiring should be made to a pressure equal to the worker, but not more than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2).

If you need to purge under a pressure of more than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2), the purge should be performed in accordance with the instructions given in the special schemes for the purging of technological pipelines consistent with the customer.

The purge should be made within 10 minutes before the appearance of clean air.

Purge of pipe wiring, working at overpressure up to 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm 2) or absolute pressure to 0.001 to 0.095 MPa (from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm 2) should be produced by air pressure not more than 0, 1 MPa (1 kgf / cm 2).

3.85. Washing pipe wiring should be made to the steady appearance of clean water from the outlet of the pipe or the flushing of the washed pipe wiring.

At the end of the washing, the pipe wiring must be completely freed from water and, if necessary, cleaned with compressed air.

3.86. After purging and washing, pipe wiring must be muffled.

The design of the plugs should exclude the possibility of their breakdown under test pressures.

On pipe wiring designed to work with R R. ³ 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2), the plugs or deaf lenses with shanks should be installed.

3.87. Pipelines supplying test fluid, air or inert gases from pumps, compressors, cylinders, etc. to pipe wiring, should be pre-tested by hydraulic pressure in the assembled form with shock reinforcement and pressure gauges.

3.88. With hydraulic tests, water should be used as a test liquid. The water temperature during testing should be no less than 5 ° C.

3.89. With pneumatic tests, air or inert gas should be used as a test medium. Air and inert gases should be released from moisture, oil and dust.

3.90. In the hydraulic and pneumatic test, the following pressure raising steps are recommended:

1st - 0.3 r PR;

2nd - 0.6 p pr;

3rd - to R PR;

The 4th - reduced to P p [for pipe wiring with pp to 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm 2) is recommended only 2nd stage].

The pressure on the 1- and 2nd steps is withstanding for 1-3 minutes; During this time, the lack of pressure drop in the pipe wiring is established in the pressure gauge testimony.

Trial pressure (3rd stage) is withstanding for 5 minutes.

On pipelines for pressure p p ³ 10 MPa, test pressure is maintained for 10-12 minutes.

Raising pressure on the 3rd stage is a test for strength.

The operating pressure (4th stage) is withstanding over the time required for the final inspection and detection of defects. The pressure of the 4th stage is a density test.

3.91. Defects are eliminated after a decrease in pressure in the pipe wiring to atmospheric.

After eliminating defects, the test is repeated.

3.92. Pipe wiring is considered suitable for exploitation, if during testing for strength, there was no pressure drop in the pressure gauge and during the subsequent density test in the welds and connections did not detect leaks.

At the end of the tests, the act must be drawn up.

3.93. Pipe wiring filled with combustible, toxic and liquefied gases (except gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm 2), pipe wiring filled with oxygen, as well as pipe wiring for pressure over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2) The absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa (from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm 2) must be subjected to additional tests on the density with the definition of pressure drop.

3.94. Before testing pipe wiring on density with definition of pressure drop, pipe wiring must be washed or produced.

3.95. For pipe wiring for a pressure of 10-100 MPa (100-1000 kgf / cm 2) before testing on the density with a definition of a pressure drop on the pipe lines, safety valves must be installed, pre-regulated on the opening at a pressure exceeding the working per 8%. Safety valves must be provided for by working documentation.

3.96. The density test with the determination of the pressure drop is performed by air or inert gas test pressure equal to the working (p η \u003d p p), except for pipelines to an absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa (from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm 2), which should be tested by the following pressure:

a) pipelines filled with combustible, toxic and liquefied gases - 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm 2);

b) Pipelines filled by conventional media - 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm 2).

3.97. The duration of additional density test and exposure time under test pressure is set in the working documentation, but must be no less for pipelines:

pressure from 10 to 100 MPa (from 100 to 1000 kgf / cm 2) - 24 hours;

for combustible, toxic and liquefied gases - 24 ";

oxygen filled - 12 ";

on an absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa - 12 ";

(from 0.01 to 0.95 kgf / cm 2)

3.98. Pipe wiring is considered to be withstanding the test if the pressure drop in them does not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 2.

table 2

These rules belong to pipe wiring with a conditional passage of 50 mm. When testing pipe wiring with other conditional passages, the pressure drop rate in them is determined by the product above the values \u200b\u200bof the pressure drop on the coefficient calculated by the formula

where D y is the conditional passage of the tested pipe wiring, mm.

3.99. At the end of the testing of pipe wiring on the density with determining the pressure drop in testing, the act must be drawn up.

3.100. When conducting pneumatic tests, the safety requirements set forth in SNiP III-4-80 and the "rules of the device and the safe operation of pipelines for combustible, toxic and liquefied gases" (PAG-69).

Electric wiring

3.101. Installation of electrical wiring of automation systems (chains of measurement, control, power, alarm system, etc.) with wires and control cables in boxes and on trays, in plastic and steel protective pipes, on cable structures, in cable structures and land; Installation of electrical wiring in explosion and fire-hazardous zones, installation of the downstream (grounding) must meet the requirements of SNiP on 3.05.06-85, taking into account the specific features of the installation of automation systems set forth in the manuals to the specified SNiP.

3.102. The addition of single-wire copper wires of wires and cables with a cross section of 0.5 and 0.75 mm 2 and multi-breed copper veins cross section of 0.35; 0.5; 0.75 mm 2 to devices, devices, clips assemblies should, as a rule, be performed by soldering if the design of their conclusions allows this to implement (unbearable contact compound).

If you need to connect one-run and multi-level copper copper of these sections to the instruments, devices and assemblies of clamps, having conclusions and clips to attach conductors under the screw or bolt (collapsible contact compound), the veins of these wires and cables should be terminated by tips.

Single-wire copper wires of wires and cable cross section 1; 1.5; 2.5; 4 mm 2 should, as a rule, be connected directly to the screw or bolt, and the multi-proper wires of the same sections - with the help of tips or directly under the screw or bolt. At the same time, the veins of single-wire and multi-wiring wires and cables, depending on the constructions of the conclusions and clips of instruments, devices and clips assemblies, are terminated by a ring or pin; The ends of the multi-breeding veins (rings, pins) should be disappeared, the pin ends can be pressed by pins tips.

If the design of the conclusions and clips of instruments, devices, clips assemblies requires or allowing other ways to attach single-run and multi-wire copper wires of wires and cables, the connection methods specified in the relevant standards and technical conditions for these products should be applied.

The addition of aluminum wires of wires and cables with a cross section 2.0 mm 2 and more to the instruments, devices, clamping clamps should be carried out only by clamps, allowing you to directly connect to them aluminum conductors of the corresponding sections.

The attachment of single-robes live wires and cables (under the screw or soldering) is allowed only to be implemented only to fixed elements of devices and devices.

Attaching Conducting wires and cables to devices, devices and automation tools, having output devices in the form of plug connectors, should be performed by multi-way (flexible) copper wires or cables laid from clamps or junction boxes to devices and automation tools.

Collapsible and unsaturable compounds of copper, aluminum and alummic veins conductive wires and cables with conclusions and clips of instruments, devices, clamp assemblies must be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10434-82, GOST 25154-82

3.103. The connection of steel protective pipes with each other, with long boxes, etc. In the premises of all classes should be carried out by standard threaded compounds.

In the premises of all classes, except for explosion and fire-hazardous zones, it is allowed to combine steel thin-walled protective pipes with sheet steel luminosity or steel diameter steel pipes with a subsequent wedroom throughout the perimeter of the connection places: it is not allowed to burn pipes.

3.104. Mounted wiring automation systems must be subjected to external inspection, which establishes the correspondence of mounted wiring of working documentation and the requirements of this Regulation. Wirkers that meet the specified requirements are subject to insulation resistance check.

3.105. Measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring of automation systems (chains of measurement, control, power, alarm system, etc.) is made by a stress megommeter 500-1000 V. The insulation resistance should not be less than 0.5 mΩ.

During measuring the insulation resistance of the wire and cables must be connected to the assemblies of shield clips, stitches, consoles and connecting boxes.

Instruments, apparatus and wiring, not allowing tests with a stress of 500-1000 V, for tensile time must be disabled.

According to the results of measuring insulation resistance, an act is drawn up.

Shields, Stats and Remote

3.106. Shields, stitches and consoles should be transmitted by the Customer in the form completed for installation with equipment, reinforcement and installation products, with electrical and tubular internal wiring, prepared for connecting external electrical and pipe wiring and appliances, as well as with fasteners for assembling and installing shields, Stats and consoles on the facility.

3.107. Separate shields, consoles and stations must be collected in composite shields (operator, dispatcher) of any configuration using detachable connections.

Fastening threaded connections must be tightly and evenly tightened and protected from self-eject.

3.108. Shields, stitches and consoles should be installed on mortgage structures. The exception is small-sized shields placed on walls and columns, and flat stitches that do not require pre-installation of mortgage structures for mounting.

The main way to fix the supporting frames of shields to mortgage structures is not welding.

Shields, stitches and consoles during installation must be adjusted on a plumb, then fixed.

The installation of auxiliary elements (decorative panels, mnemoshem, etc.) should be carried out with the preservation of axial lines and the verticality of the entire frontal plane of the shield. The angle of inclination specified in the working documentation should be set aside within the tolerances specified in it.

3.109. Inputs of electric and pipe wiring into shields, stitches and consoles must be performed in accordance with the OST 36.13-76, approved by the USSR Ministry of Education.

3.110. In order to increase the level of industrialization of installation work, it should, as a rule, apply industrial premises of automation, including complete operator premises (CPA) and complete sensors (efficiency). Automatic industrial premises should be delivered to an object with mounted shields, appliances, consoles, pipe and electrical wiring. The object should be performed only on connecting external pipe and electrical wiring.

3.111. End seals and connecting tube and electrical wiring entered into shields, stitches, consoles, CPCs and efficiency must be performed according to SNiP requirements of 3.05.06-85 and these Rules.

Automation devices and means

3.112. Installation should be taken devices and automation tools that are tested with the design of the appropriate protocols.

In order to ensure the safety of instruments and equipment from breakdown, the ordering and the embezzlement, the installation must be performed after the written permission of the general contractor (customer).

3.113. The inspection of devices and automation tools is made by the customer or attracted by them specialized organizations performing work on setting up devices and automation tools by methods adopted in these organizations, taking into account the requirements of the instructions of the State Standard and manufacturers.

3.114. Instruments and automation tools taken into installation after checking should be prepared for delivery to the place of installation. Moving systems must be arranged, the connecting devices are protected from moisture, dirt and dust in them.

Together with the instruments and means of automation, the installation organization must be transferred special tools, accessories and fasteners included in their set required during installation.

3.115. The placement of instruments and automation tools and their mutual location should be made by working documentation. Their installation should ensure the accuracy of measurements, free access to devices and their locking and tuning devices (cranes, valves, switches, adjustment handles, etc.).

3.116. In places of installation of instruments and automation tools, lowered for installation and operational services, the construction of stairs, wells and sites is completed before the installation of the installation in accordance with the working documentation.

3.117. Instruments and automation tools should be installed at ambient air temperature and relative humidity stipulated in the installation and operational instructions of manufacturers.

3.118. Attachment to the instruments of external pipe wiring should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 25164-82 and GOST 25165-82, and electrical wiring - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10434-82, GOST 25154-82, GOST 25705-83, GOST 19104-79 and GOST 23517-79.

3.119. Fastening devices and automation tools to metal structures (shields, handbanks, stands, etc.) should be carried out by methods provided by the design of devices and automation tools and parts included in their kit.

If the fasteners are not included in the set of separate instruments and automation tools, they must be fixed with normalized fasteners.

In the presence of vibrations in the installation places, the threaded fasteners must have devices that exclude their spontaneous unscrewing (spring washers, lock nuts, hopnes, etc.).

3.120. Holes of instruments and automation tools intended to attach pipe and electrical wiring should remain muted until the posting is connected.

3.121. The enclosures of the instruments and automation means must be grounded in accordance with the requirements of the instructions of manufacturers and SNiP 3.05.06-85.

3.122. Sensitive elements of liquid thermometers, thermoslahs, pressure gauge thermometers, thermoelectric (thermocouple) converters, resistance thermal converters should, as a rule, are located in the center of the measured medium. With a pressure of more than 6 MPa (60 kgf / cm 2) and a steam rate of 40 m / s and water, 5 m / s, the depth of immersion of sensitive elements to the measured medium (from the inner wall of the pipeline) should be no more than 135 mm.

3.123. The working parts of the thermoelectric (thermocouple) surface converters and thermocouples of the resistance should be tightly adjacent to the controlled surface.

Before installing these devices, the place of contacting them with pipelines and equipment should be cleaned from scale and stripped to a metal shine.

3.124. The thermoelectric converters (thermocouples) in porcelain fittings are allowed to immerse itself into the high temperature zone on the length of the porcelain protective tube.

3.125. Thermometers in which protective covers are made from different metals should be immersed in the measured medium to the depth of the manufacturer not more specified in the passport.

3.126. The capillaries of pressure gauge thermometers on the surfaces are not allowed, the temperature of which is higher or below the ambient temperature.

If you need to lay the capillaries in places with hot or cold surfaces between the latter and the capillary, there must be air gaps that protect the capillary from heating or cooling, or the corresponding thermal insulation must be laid.

The entire length of the laying capillary of manometric thermometers should be protected from mechanical damage.

With an excessive length, the capillary must be rolled into the bay with a diameter of at least 300 mm; The bay must be tied up in three places with non-metallic dressings and securely fixed at the instrument.

3.127. Instruments for measuring the pressure of steam or fluid, if possible, must be installed at one level with a pressure selection site; If this requirement is impossible, the working documentation should define a constant amendment to the instrument's testimony.

3.128. Liquid U-shaped pressure gauges are installed strictly vertically. The liquid filling the pressure gauge must be unnoticed and should not contain air bubbles.

Spring manometers (vacuum meters) must be installed in a vertical position.

3.129. The separation vessels are installed according to the standards or working drawings of the project, as a rule, near the selection of impulses.

Separating vessels should be installed so that the test holes of the vessels are located at one level and could be easily serviced by the operational personnel.

3.130. With a piezometric measurement of the level, the open end of the measuring tube must be set below the minimum measured level. The pressure of the gas or air in the measuring tube should ensure the passage of gas (air) through the tube at a maximum level of fluid. The flow rate or air in piezometric levels should be adjusted by a value that provides coverage of all losses, leaks and the required speed of the measurement system.

3.131. Installation of instruments for physicochemical analysis and their selected devices should be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of instructions of the manufacturers of instruments.

3.132. When installing showing and registering devices on the wall or on racks, fitting to the floor, scale, diagram, locking valves, the settings and control organs of pneumatic and other sensors should be at an altitude of 1-1.7 m, and the control valves of the shock reinforcement are in one Plane with a scale of the device.

3.133. Installation of aggregate and computing complexes ACS TP should be carried out on the technical documentation of manufacturers.

3.134. All automation instruments and means of automation, installed or embedded in technological devices and pipelines (narrowing and selective devices, counters, rotameters, floats of level gauges, direct control regulators, etc.) must be installed in accordance with the working documentation and with the requirements specified In mandatory Annex 5.

Optical cables

3.135.* Before mounting the optical cable, it is necessary to check its integrity and the attenuation coefficient of the optical signal.

3.136.* The optical cable gasket is performed in accordance with the working documentation by methods similar to those accepted when laying electrical and tubular wiring, as well as communication cables.

Optical cables are not allowed to be laid in one tray, box or pipe together with other types of automation systems.

One- and two-wheel cables are prohibited to lay on cable shelves.

It is prohibited for laying an optical cable to use ventilation channels and shafts and evacuation paths.

3.137.* Optical cables deployed openly in the places of possible mechanical effects at an altitude of up to 2.5 m from the floor of the room or maintenance sites should be protected by mechanical covers, pipes or other devices in accordance with the working documentation.

3.138.* Upon ending the optical cable, the fastening of the means of destruction should be performed for the power element using the limiters of the tension and device against the spin. Traction efforts should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the technical conditions on the cable.

3.139.* The optical cable gasket must be performed under climatic conditions defined in technical conditions on the cable. The gasket of the optical cable at the air temperature below minus 15 ° C or relative humidity of more than 80% is not allowed.

3.140.* In the locations of the optical cable to transceiver devices, as well as in the installation places of the connecting clutch, it is necessary to provide a cable supply. The stock must be at least 2 m in each spliced \u200b\u200boptical cable or transceiver device.

3.141.* The optical cable should be fixed on the supporting structures with a vertical laying, as well as when laying directly on the surface of the walls of the rooms - along the entire length after 1 m; With a horizontal laying (except for boxes) - in places of rotation.

At the turns, the optical cable must be fixed from two sides of the angle at a distance equal to the allowable radius of the cable bending, but not less than 100 mm, counting from the top of the angle. The rotation radius of the optical cable must meet the requirements of the technical conditions on the cable.

When laying an optical cable for solitary supports, these supports must be installed no more than 1 m, and the cable must be fixed on each support.

3.142.* The mounted optical cable should be controlled by measuring the attenuation of signals in the individual fibers of the optical cable and checking it into integrity. The monitoring results are issued by the measurement protocol of the optical parameters of the mounted optical cable (see required application 1).

4. Individual testing

4.1. The acceptance of the Working Commission is made by automation systems in the amount provided for by the working documentation, and the past individual tests.

4.2.* In case of individual test, check:

(a) Compliance of the mounted automation systems for working documentation and the requirements of these Rules;

b) pipe wiring for strength and density;

c) electrical insulation resistance;

d) measuring the attenuation of signals in separate fibers of the mounted optical cable by special instructions.

4.3. When checking the mounted systems for compliance with the working documentation, the compliance of the installations of instruments and automation tools, types of equipment and technical characteristics of the equipment specification, compliance with the requirements of the present SNiP and operational instructions of the installation of devices, automation, shields and remote controls, other means of the LAN ACS TP, Electric and pipe wiring.

4.4. Testing tube wiring for strength and density, as well as checking the insulation resistance of electrical wiring in accordance with section. 3.

4.5.* After the completion of the work on an individual testing, an act of acceptance of mounted automation systems is issued, to which documents are attached by positions 4-12, 16, 21 of Annex 1.

4.6.* The transfer of installation work under the adjustment by individual systems or individual parts of the complex (for example, dispatching and operator, etc.) is allowed. The delivery of mounted automation systems is issued by the act (see required Appendix 1).

5. Production of commissioning

5.1. Commissioning work must be performed in accordance with the obligatory application 1 to SNiP 3.05.05-84 and these Rules.

5.2. In the production of commissioning, the requirements of the project and the technological regulations of the commissioned facility, "rules of electrical installations" (PUE), "Rules for the technical operation of consumers electrical installations" (PTE) and "Safety Rules for Consumer Electric Installations" (PTB), Approved USSR Ministry of Energy.

5.3. During the period of individual tests and comprehensive testing of technological equipment, the Customer or on his instructions, a commissioning organization should ensure the commissioning of automation systems necessary for testing or testing technological equipment in accordance with the project and the technical conditions of manufacturing enterprises.

5.4. By the beginning of the work on the commissioning of automation systems, the Customer must lead to an efficient state of all regulatory and shock fittings, on which the executive mechanisms of automation systems are mounted; Enter the automatic fire extinguishing and alarm system.

5.5. Commissioning works on automation systems are carried out in three stages.

5.6. In the first stage Preparatory work is performed, and the working documentation of automation systems, the main characteristics of devices and automation means are being studied. Instruments and automation tools are checked with the necessary adjustment of individual elements of the instrument.

5.7. To check devices and automation tools, the customer must:

deliver devices and means of automation to the production room to the place of verification;

transfer a commissioning organization for the time of checking devices and automation tools Spare parts and special tools supplied by manufacturers of tested devices and automation tools, as well as calibration equipment and special tools that come complete.

5.8. When checking devices and automation tools, they check the compliance of the basic technical characteristics of the equipment with the requirements established in passports and instructions of manufacturers. The results of the inspection and adjustment are fixed in the act or passport of equipment. Faulty devices and automation tools are transmitted to the customer for repair or replacement.

Instruments and automation tools, uncompaired, without technical documentation (passports, evidence, etc.), with changes not reflected in the technical specifications, are not accepted for inspection. At the end of the check, the instruments and automation tools are transmitted to the installation on the act.

5.9. In the second stage Works are performed on the autonomous adjustment of automation systems after the completion of their installation.

At the same time, it is carried out:

checking the installation of instruments and automation tools for compliance with the requirements of the instructions of the manufacturers of instruments and means of automation and working documentation; Detected defects in the installation of instruments and automation tools are eliminated by the installation organization;

replacing individual defective elements: lamps, diodes, resistors, fuses, modules, etc. for good, issued by the customer;

checking the correctness of labeling, connecting and phasing electrical wiring;

phasing and control of the characteristics of the executive mechanisms;

setting the logical and temporal relationships of signaling, protection, lock and control systems; checking the correctness of the signals;

preliminary definition of object characteristics, calculation and configuration of system equipment parameters;

preparation for the inclusion and inclusion of automation systems to provide individual testing of technological equipment and adjusting the settings of the system equipment in the process of their operation;

registration of production and technical documentation.

5.10. The necessary shutdowns or switching of tube and electrical wiring associated with the test or adjustment of individual devices or automation means is commissioned.

5.11. The inclusion of automation systems to work should be made only at:

the absence of disorders of the requirements for the operating conditions of instruments and automation tools, communication channels (temperature, humidity and aggressiveness of the environment, etc.) and the safety technique;

the presence of the minimum necessary technological load of the automation object to determine and set the settings for setting up devices and automation tools, testing and commissioning of automation systems;

compliance with the settings of the operation of devices and automation devices specified in the working documentation or established by the Customer;

the presence of documents from the customer on the completion of the installation work listed in the required application 1.

5.12. In the third stage Works are performed on the integrated adjustment of automation systems, bringing the settings for setting up devices and automation tools, communication channels to values \u200b\u200bin which automation systems can be used in operation. At the same time, it is carried out in the complex:

determining the conformity of the procedure for working out devices and elements of signaling systems, protection and control of the working documentation algorithms with identifying the reasons for the failure or "false" response to them, setting the necessary values \u200b\u200bof the positioning of positional devices;

determining the compliance of the bandwidth of the shut-off-regulating reinforcement with the requirements of the technological process, the correctness of the testing of the switches;

determination of the consumables of regulatory authorities and bring them to the required norm with the help of the configuration elements available in the design;

preparation for the inclusion and inclusion of automation systems to ensure the integrated testing of technological equipment;

clarifying the static and dynamic characteristics of the object, adjusting the values \u200b\u200bof the parameter settings of systems, taking into account their mutual influence in the process of operation;

test and determination of the suitability of automation systems to ensure the operation of equipment with the performance corresponding to the norms for the development of design capacity in the initial period;

analysis of the operation of automation systems in operation;

registration of production documentation.

5.13. The work of the third stage is performed after the complete end of construction and installation work, acceptance of their working commission, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-3-81 and these Rules on the current equipment and in the presence of a sustainable technological process.

5.14. Removing the consumables and determining the bandwidth of regulatory agencies should be made under the condition that the parameters of the medium in the pipeline standards the standards established by the standard, working documentation or passport to the regulatory fittings.

5.15. The adjustment of the working documentation and other technological documentation of the values \u200b\u200bof the response of elements and devices of signaling systems and protection should be made only after approval by the customer of new values.

5.16. To prepare automation systems to work during the period of integrated testing of technological equipment, the Customer must transfer a commissioning organization the list of systems necessary for the inclusion of systems and their inclusion.

5.17. Staffing staff allocated to maintain automation systems included in the operation of the safety instructions and the rules of work on the current enterprise must pass. Instructing is carried out by the customer services in the amount established by industry, ministries; It should be done in the safety journal.

5.18. In the absence of specific requirements for the performance of automation systems in working documentation, the definition of such requirements is carried out by the Customer in coordination with the commissioning organization.

In determining the requirements for automation systems, the automation systems must first be given the requirements for the quality and reliability of the system.

5.19. All switching modes of the technological equipment when determining the actual characteristics of the automation object should produce a customer. Enable and disable automation systems should be fixed in the operational log.

5.20. Commissioning work on automation systems should be carried out in accordance with the requirements given in the working documentation, instructions of manufacturers of instruments and automation equipment or in industry regulations for the operation of completed construction of facilities approved by the relevant ministries and departments of the USSR in coordination with the USSR State Building.

5.21. The volume and conditions of commissioning work on individual automation systems are determined in the program developed by the commissioning organization and approved by the Customer and providing for the fulfillment of PP requirements. 5.5-5.12.

5.22. The results of commissioning works are issued by the Protocol, which includes an assessment of the system, conclusions and recommendations. Implementation of the recommendations for improving the operation of automation systems is carried out by the Customer.

5.23. The transfer of automation systems to operation is carried out in coordination with the Customer, both separately established systems and comprehensively on automated installations, components of technological equipment and workshops.

When passing automation systems for separately established systems, an act of acceptance of automation systems is issued in accordance with the obligatory application 1.

The following documentation should be attached to the act:

list of settings of devices, devices and automation means and settings for automatic control systems (regulation);

programs and protocols of testing systems of automation systems;

the schematic diagram of the working documentation of automation with all changes made and coordinated with the customer in the process of production of commissioning works (one copy);

passports and instructions for enterprises-manufacturers and automation equipment, additional technical documentation obtained from the Customer in the process of commissioning work.

5.24. The completion of commissioning works is recorded by the act on acceptance of automation systems into operation in the amount provided by the project.


Production documentation issued when installing and adjusting automation systems



1. Act of the transfer of work documentation for the production of work

Completeness of documents in accordance with CH 202-81, VNG 281-75 and the standards of the project documentation system for construction; Fitness to carry out installation work using a complete block and nodal methods of work production; availability of permission to work work; The date of acceptance of documentation and signature of customer representatives, general contractor and assembly organization

2. Act of the readiness of the facility to the production of automation systems

In the act, it should be especially noted that the installation of mortgage structures and primary devices on technological equipment, apparatus and pipelines in accordance with clause 2.12

3. Act of interruption of installation works

Form arbitrary

4. Act of inspection of hidden work

In the form of an act of examination of hidden works SNiP 3.01.01-85

5. Act tests of pipe wiring for strength and density

6. Act of pneumatic testing of pipe wiring on density with definition of pressure drop during testing

Is made on pipe wiring filled with flammable, toxic and liquefied gases (except gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.1 MPa); Pipe wiring filled with oxygen; Pipe wiring on the pressure of SV. 10 MPa and absolute pressure from 0.001 to 0.095 MPa

7. Act on degreasing reinforcement, connections and pipes

Compiled on pipe wiring filled with oxygen

8. Documents on pipe wiring pressure of St. 10 MPa

Circuits on pipe wiring with the pressure of CV. 10 MPa

9. Journal of welding work

Circuits for pipe wiring I and II categories and pressure of St. 10 MPa

10. Insulation resistance measurement protocol

11. Protocol Warming Cables on Drums

Is made only when laying at low temperatures

12. Wiring Documents in Excess Zones

Document species are established

Are compiled only for explosive zones

13. Electric wiring documents in fire hazardous areas

Are compiled only for fire hazardous zones

14. Act of testing devices and automation tools

Form arbitrary

15. Permission to install instruments and automation tools

16. The statement of mounted devices and automation means

Form arbitrary

17. Act of acceptance of mounted automation systems

Form arbitrary

18. Permission to make changes to working documentation

Form according to GOST 21201-78

19. Act of acceptance of automation systems

The form is attached

It is executed when putting commissioned by separately established systems

20. Act about acceptance of automation systems

In the form of an act of ad. 2 SNIP III-3-81

In the amount provided by the project

21. The measurement protocol of the optical parameters of the mounted optical cable

Form arbitrary





____________ № __________


Acceptance of operation

automation systems

Base: presentation to the commissioning of automation systems


(name of commissioning organization)

Compiled by the Commission: __________________________________________________________________________


(representative of the customer, surname, and. about., position)


(representatives of the commissioning organization, surnames, and. about., posts)

The commission carried out work to determine the suitability of automation systems for operation _____________________________________________________________


(name of automation systems)

It has been established that the above automation systems:

1. Ensured the smooth operation of the technological equipment in the specified mode during the period of comprehensive testing during ________ with positive



2. Comply with the technical requirements __________________________________


(name of regulatory document, project)

Based on the data received, the Commission believes:

1. Completely submitted to the delivery system of automation.

2. Commissioning works are made with an assessment ____________________________

To the act attached: 1. ________________

2. _________________

3. _________________

Customer commissioning organization

______________________ _________________________

(signature) (signature)

Functional Pipe Wiring

Filling environment and its parameters

Pipe wiring group

Command and feed systems of pneumatic and hydroautomatics, heating and cooling

Water, air

Hydroavtomatomy team systems

Oil at p p £ 1.6 MPa

(16 kgf / cm 2)

»» R P\u003e 1.6 MPa

(16 kgf / cm 2)

Pulse, drainage and auxiliary

Air, water, steam, inert gases, non-hazardous and non-combustible gases and liquids

R R up to 10 MPa

(100 kgf / cm 2)

According to CH 527-80

Other gases and liquids in accordance with the distribution area CH 527-80

According to CH 527-80

Terms and definitions of automation systems

1. Mortgage design (mortgage element) - Detail or assembly unit, in-disabled built into building structures (channel, corner, sleeve, nozzle, stove with sleeves, box with sandy shutter, suspended ceiling structures, etc.) or in technological apparatus and pipelines (bins, fittings, pockets and sleeves for the device, etc.).

2. Pipe wiring - a set of pipes and pipe cables (pneumocabels), connections, connections, protective devices and fittings.

3. Pulse line - Pipe wiring connecting the selected device with a measuring instrument, sensor or regulator. It is designed to transmit the effects of a controlled or adjustable technological environment on sensitive instrumentation, sensors or regulators, directly or through separation media.

The pulse lines of communication also include capillaries of pressure gauge thermometers and temperature regulators connecting the heat-sensitive elements (thermobalutes) with pressure gauge instruments of instruments and regulators.

4. Command Link- Pipe wiring, connecting separate automatic functional units (sensors, switches, secondary measuring instruments, transducers, computing, regulating and control devices, actuators). It is designed to transmit command signals (air pressure, water, oil) from transmitting blocks to the receiving.

5. Power line - Pipe wiring connecting measuring instruments and automation tools with power sources (pumps, compressors and other sources). It is designed to feed to devices and automation tools (sensors, converters, computing, regulating and controlling devices, amplifiers, positioners) fluid (water, oil) or gas (air) with overpressure, varying in the specified limits used as carriers of auxiliary Energy when working and transmitting command signals.

6. Heating line - Pipe wiring through which coolants (air, water, steam, etc.) are bred (air, water, steam, etc.) to the heating devices, measuring instruments, automation, shields, and pulsed, command and other pipe wiring.

7. Cooling line - Pipe wiring, by means of which the cooling agents (air, water, brine, etc.) are bled (air, water, brine, etc.) to the cooling devices of selected devices, sensors, actuators and other automation tools.

8. Auxiliary line - Pipe wiring, by means of which:

a) bodied to the pulsed communication lines. Protective fluids or gases that create counter streams in them for protection against aggressive impacts, blockage, clogging and other phenomena, causing damage and refusal of selected devices, measuring instruments, automation tools, and pulse lines themselves;

b) bodied to the instruments, regulators, pulsed liquid or gas communication lines for periodic washing or purging them during operation;

c) A parallel flow of a portion of the product is created from the technological apparatus or pipeline for analysis to accelerate the supply of the test to the measuring device remote from the selection site (for example, to the analyzer of liquid petroleum products, etc.).

9. Drainage line - Pipe wiring, through which the products of purge and flushing (gases and liquids) are reset out of instruments and regulators, pulse and command lines, auxiliary and other lines in allocated for this place (special containers, atmosphere, sewage, etc.).

10. Pipe block - A certain number of pipes of the required length and configurations, laid and fixed in a certain position and fully prepared to connect with adjacent tube wiring nodes.

List of basic regulatory documents on technological pipelines


additional information

Rules of device and safe operation of pipelines for combustible, toxic and liquefied gases

Approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1969

Safety rules for the production of the main chemical industry

Approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR, Minhimprom and the Central Committee of the Union of Oil, Chemical and Gas Industry and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1979

Safety rules in explosive and explosive chemical and petrochemical industries

Approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR and agreed with the USSR state building in 1974

Safety rules for the production of acetylene

Approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR and Minhimprom and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1977

Safety Rules for the production, storage and transportation of chlorine

Approved by Gosgorthnadzor of the USSR and Minhimprom and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1973, amended in 1983

Security rules for inorganic industries of the nitrogen industry

Approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR and Minhimprom and agreed with the USSR state building in 1976

Safety rules for the production of synthetic ethyl alcohol

Approved by Gosgorthimnadzor of the USSR, the Minneftekhimprom of the USSR and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1981

Security Rules in the Gas Economy of Plants of Black Metallurgy

Approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1969

Security rules in the coke-chemical industry

Approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and agreed with the USSR State Building in 1981


Instructions for the design of gaseous oxygen pipelines

Approved by the Minhimprom and agreed with the USSR State Building, Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR, GUPO MVD of the USSR in 1983

Security Rules in Gas Economy

Approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR and agreed with the USSR State Building and the Central Bank institution in 1979

GOST 12.2.060-81 (ST SEV 2083-80)

System of labor safety standards.

Approved by the USSR State Committee on Standards

Acetylene pipelines.

Safety requirements

Appendix 5.

Requirements for installation of devices in technological equipment and pipelines

1. Installation of tape devices in pipelines should be made according to working drawings and standards in compliance with the "Rules for measuring gases and liquids of standard tousing devices" approved by Gosstandart.

2. Before installing a narrowing device, reconciliation with design data and components are reconciliation:

a) diameter of the pipeline and installation site;

b) brand of material of the frying device;

c) the direction of flow and the correctness of the notation "plus" and "minus" on the body of the suspensory device.

3. Installing a tousing device should be carried out so that in the operating state of the designation on its enclosure is available for inspection.

In case of impracticability of this requirement for a suspension device, a plate is attached on which the data placed on the body of the tapeying device is applied.

4. Constructive devices installed on pipelines must be mounted in compliance with the basic technical requirements:

a) the length of the direct sections of the pipeline indicated in the working documentation must be supplied before and after a tightering device;

b) The installation of flanges should be carried out so that the planes of the flanges were among themselves parallel and perpendicular to the axis of pipelines.

The distance between the flanges planes should be equal to the construction length of the suspension device, taking into account space for laying on both sides;

c) the pipeline in front of a narrowing device must be purified from dirt, traces of welding and internal protrusions that distort the flow shape; on the inner surface of the pipeline of a pipeline equal to the two outer diameters of it, before and behind the narrowing device there should be no ledges, as well as noticeable with the naked eye of irregularities (dents, welding graph, etc.);

d) the coaxiality of the pipeline and the suspension device, as well as the perpendicularity of the end of the suspension device of the pipeline axis;

e) the direction of the arrow indicated on the tapering device should coincide with the direction of the substance flow filling the pipeline; The acute edge of the diaphragm, the rounded part of the nozzle or tube of the Venturi should be directed against the flow of the measured medium;

(e) Sealing gaskets should not appear inside technological pipelines.

5. Mortgage structures for the installation of selected pressure devices and selections from tape devices on horizontal and inclined pipelines should be located:

a) on gas and air pipes - on top;

b) on liquid pipelines and steam side.

6. Flow meters (counters, rotameters, etc.), built into technological pipelines, must be mounted in compliance with the following basic requirements:

a) Installing meters is made after the installation and thorough cleaning of the pipeline; The test of the pipeline and the meter is performed simultaneously;

b) high-speed meters must be installed on direct portions of pipelines in the places specified in the project;

c) the planes of the flanges must be between themselves are parallel and perpendicular to the axis of the pipeline.

7. Technological pipelines in places of installation of rotameters, volumetric and high-speed counters must have hydrogen lines with the corresponding shut-off reinforcement.

8. If the counter caliber is less than the diameter of the pipeline, the installation of the counter should be carried out between two conical transition nozzles. At the same time, the shut-off valves must be installed on the main pipeline before and after nozzles. The use of transition flanges is prohibited.

9. Float levels of all types should be installed so that the movement of the float and cable or traction occurred without wiping. The location of the float must be equal to several more maximum level measurement.

10. The installation of temperature and pressure regulators of direct action on process pipelines should be carried out in such a way that the direction of the arrows on their enclosures corresponded to the direction of movement of the measured medium.

11. The length of the direct portions of the pipeline before and after regulating valves must comply with the project specified.

12. If the conditional passage of the control valve is inconsistent with the diameter of the pipeline, the valve installation must be made by means of conical transition pipes.

The use of transition flanges is prohibited.

13. All automation instruments and means installed or built into technological devices and pipelines are direct-acting regulators, suspending devices, adjusting valves, counters, etc. - should be installed after cleaning and washing the devices and pipelines to their hydraulic test for strength and density, At oxygen pipers - after degreasing.

1. General Provisions. one

2. Preparation for the production of installation work. 2.

General requirements. 2.

Acceptance of an object for installation .. 3

Transfer to the installation of equipment, products, materials and technical documentation. four

3. Production of installation work. five

General requirements. five

Installation of structures. five

Pipe wiring. 6.

Additional installation requirements for oxygen pipe wiring. 10

Additional requirements for the installation of pipe wiring for pressure Over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm 2) 11

Test tube postings. eleven

Wiring. 13

Shields, stitches and consoles .. 14

Automation devices and means. fifteen

4. Individual tests. 17.

5. Production of commissioning. eighteen

Attachment 1*. Production documentation issued when installing and adjusting automation systems. 21.

Appendix 2. Groups and categories of automation systems of automation systems depending on the medium and operating pressure is filled. 23.

Appendix 3. Terms and installation of automation systems. 23.

Appendix 4. List of basic regulatory documents on technological pipelines .. 24

Appendix 5. Requirements for installation of devices in technological equipment and pipelines. 25.