Test how rich you are. What wealth do you deserve? Who will become a rich man

Each of us has certain talents. Numerology will help you determine how strong your connection with the world of finance is, whether you have the gift of making money.

The predisposition to success in money can be determined by three main methods: two methods by date of birth and the third - by your favorite number. Remember that if you have a predisposition to wealth, then this does not mean that you will absolutely be rich. This means that it will be much easier for you to achieve this than for other people.

Method one: favorite number

It would be more accurate to say favorite number, because it is important that the number lies between 1 and 9. The most successful people are those whose favorite numbers are One, Four and Eight.

Why exactly these numbers indicate your predisposition to wealth will be written later - in the second method, based on calculating the number of luck by date of birth.

Numerologists believe that your favorite number is related to your past lives, because you don’t actually choose it - you already chose it for yourself many lifetimes ago. It has been your talisman for a very long time.

Method two: calculating the number of luck

Take your date of birth and add up all the numbers. Add them up until you get a prime number from 1 to 9. For example, your date of birth is 07/19/1975. Your personal number will be 1+9+7+1+9+7+5=39. Let's add 3+9=12 again. And again 1+2=3. Your number is Three. Then read the value of the resulting number.

1: one of the best money auras. You have great flair, you can be leaders, so you are lucky in business.

2: the deuce with money is not always going smoothly, because you are prone to altruism and excessive generosity.

3: the triple is a spiritual, not a material number, so the predisposition to wealth is weak.

4: numbers love you, so you are very lucky in money.

5: you are versatile, so your chances of getting rich are about 50/50.

6: the six likes to spend more than to save, which is not always good.

7: another spiritual number with a low propensity for wealth.

8: if you get this number, then you should definitely be lucky in money.

9: the nine loves to share, study, work, but not get rich.

Method Three: Birth Date Estimation

Assess your date of birth - if you have three or more repeating numbers, if the date is symmetrical or mirrored, then you have a high predisposition to wealth. Great examples are dates of birth like: 30.03, 09.09.1999, 20.02. and so on.

It's not the most accurate way to gauge your financial luck, but it can be used in conjunction with the other two. Based on all three methods, you can see the big picture of how prone you are to high wealth.

Remember that predisposition does not give you one hundred percent guarantee of success. Luck in money is largely your merit, so work with your thoughts, tune in to the fact that you will become rich, even if the numbers say otherwise. The power of thought is above all. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.03.2017 04:03

Undoubtedly, each of us at least sometimes wanted to know when in life it is worth waiting for luck, ...

There are no mediocre people - nature has endowed each of us with certain abilities, the implementation of which and ...

/ /

Lesson #5

Abundance is everything that surrounds you, including money. Every person wants to live well and not deny himself anything, to have a lot of money. Many aspire to become millionaires, but wealth, for some reason, does not go into the hands of everyone. Why is this happening? Perhaps people are doing something wrong? They dream incorrectly, repel money in some way, they are afraid of it. It happens that a person behaves in a way that repels money more than attracts it.

Want to know what are your chances of becoming rich? I suggest you take the wealth test. The test is not easy, do not rush to pass it, think carefully about each question and answer sincerely. Already in the process of passing this magical test, you will find answers to important questions for you.

Choose only one answer for each question.


01 . How do you think? Compared to friends, acquaintances and work colleagues, you work:

a) About the same, on average, as they are;
b) On average, less than them;
c) On average, much more than them;
d) You don’t tend to work hard at all.

02 .How independent are you?:

a) rather independent;
b) Rather dependent;
c) Absolutely independent;
d) Completely independent.

03. Your attitude to work:

a) Working is normal;
b) Negative;
c) You have to somehow earn a living;
d) Do not think of yourself without difficulty.

04. News about rich people, their expensive purchases and entertainment, you:

a) Annoy, because you never get something like that;
b) Strain, as it once again reminds you of your poverty;
c) motivate;
d) Just pissed off for no reason.

05. Business news for you:

a) are interesting;
b) are indifferent;
c) arouse some interest;
d) Try to follow the main news.

06. Are you able to set aside some of your money every month?:

a) I not only don’t put it off, but I also owe it to everyone;
b) Save regularly;
c) Sometimes you put it off when you can;
d) Very rarely have the opportunity to put something off.

07. If you found a few million dollars tomorrow, what would you do?:

a) Would buy a house, a car, expensive things, etc.
b) We would put it in the bank at interest;
c) Start your own business
d) They would squander the bulk of the money.

08. If in one minute you were handed several million dollars, provided that you must immediately answer for what purposes you are using this considerable money:

a) you would be confused;
b) Try to list the expensive purchases that you dream about, luxury items, etc. as quickly as possible;
c) You know exactly for what purposes you need such money. The answer would be given immediately;
d) Do you doubt whether you need such a lot of money at all?

09. How do you feel about sales?:

a) I can't stand it
b) Once they tried, but it did not work out, and the attitude to sales is neutral;
c) Although you don’t work in sales, but if life forces you, then selling is no problem for you;
d) You are good at selling.

10. What do you think? For a successful businessman, the ability to sell;

a) One of the most important qualities;
b) In principle, it does not hurt;
c) Why should he also be able to sell something, he is already a big leader ?;
d) Aren't the salesmen who work for this businessman's company supposed to be able to sell?

11. How do you think? Which option is more likely to bring you wealth?

a) Winning a large amount of money;
b) Hard work;
c) Unexpected inheritance;
d) Found treasure.

12. And which option that can make you rich would you prefer?:

a) hard work
b) Big scam;
c) Marriage of convenience;
d) Winning at the casino.

13. Big money for you

a) The source of evil in the whole world;
b) Possibility of self-actualization;
c) The ability to feel one's own superiority over the immediate environment;
d) It's hard to say.

14. How often do you finish what you start?

a) Always;
b) Sometimes;
c) Rarely;
d) often.

15. Do you like to set goals and achieve them?:

a) Rarely when it succeeds;
b) I love, I put and I reach to the victorious end;
c) Basically - yes;
d) It is difficult for you to do this.

16. After another failure, you tend to:

a) You are disappointed, but you try to somehow pull yourself together;
b) Have difficulty coping with yourself;
c) No problem! Believe that the next attempt will be more successful;
d) Such failures unsettle you for a long time.

17. What is your attitude towards self-improvement?

a) Where else can I improve?;
b) Positive. We must work on ourselves tirelessly;
c) negative. Will this change anything?;
d) If circumstances are pressing, you have to do something with yourself.

18. If you have something big in mind, and relatives convincingly prove that it is nonsense, you usually:

a) Agree with their arguments and drop the case;
b) Do business, no matter what;
c) You are doing business, but the words of relatives are spinning in the subconscious, that this is nonsense, and it is unlikely that you will succeed;
d) You don’t even doubt that you will succeed, but you don’t do anything.

19. How are your ideas?

a) They come one after another at such a speed that I don’t even have time to write them down;
b) Do you have problems with it;
c) They come often;
d) They rarely come.

20. Do you believe that a child from an absolutely poor family is capable of becoming a millionaire in the future?

a) No;
b) Definitely;
c) Hardly, although you admit such a possibility;
d) Now without connections and rich patrons - nowhere!

21. What is your attitude towards self-education?

a) Didn't the school give me an education?;
b) Is school and university education not enough?;
c) You know for sure that you need to develop all your life;
d) You are simply sure that it is necessary to engage in self-education, but do not do this, or do it when circumstances are already running out.

22. If you won millions of dollars in the lottery, would you:

a) went into all serious;
b) They continued to work in order to increase this money;
c) If you are in business, you would expand it as much as possible;
d) Quit everything.

23. If someone has honestly earned millions, then:

a) It is still unfair to have so much money alone;
b) A good person will honestly not earn that kind of money;
c) This is an absolutely fair reward for his labors;
d) Lucky, and only.

24. How do you feel? If you were given one million dollars as a gift, would you:

a) They definitely managed to increase it;
b) Probably, you could increase it;
c) It is unlikely that you would be able to increase it;
d) You could only spend it.

25. If you had to live alone on a desert island for a year, would you:

a) went crazy from hopelessness;
b) Fooled by idleness;
c) They would pull themselves together and, with grief in half, somehow endured this year;
d) Arrange your home in such a way that you can spend this time as comfortably as possible.

26. Do you sincerely believe that your poverty:

a) This is a temporary phenomenon that you will soon overcome;
b) It's forever;
c) If everything depended on you, you would have escaped from poverty long ago;
d) As fate wills, so be it!

27. If you became rich honestly, would you:

a) They were embarrassed by the condemnation of their poor relatives;
b) Were afraid of the envy of your friends;
c) If I have earned wealth with my work and intellect, then why should I be ashamed of this?;
d) You would be tormented by the conscience that your environment does not live as well as you.

28. What is your attitude towards the possibilities of achieving wealth:

a) Everyone has such opportunities;
b) Only children of wealthy parents have opportunities;
c) Here the inhabitants of rich countries have opportunities, but we have only an illusion of opportunities;
d) Whoever wants it finds opportunities.

29. If you had a chance to chat with a real billionaire, and he offered several options for help, what would you choose?:

a) A check for $10,000 free of charge;
b) A check for $20,000, with a phased return of this amount by you;
c) A check for $30,000, with a phased return of this amount, plus a small percentage;
d) You do not receive any money, but the billionaire wants to become your personal mentor and teach you how money is made.

30. How often do you spend money on some nonsense to satisfy a momentary desire, and then regret it?:

a) Quite often
b) Quite rarely;
c) extremely rare;
d) Constantly.

31. Are you planning for your future?:

a) Always;
b) Never;
c) Sometimes;
d) Why is it necessary?

32. Could you lead people?

a) easy;
b) Hardly;
c) By several people - perhaps;
d) Probably yes.

33. Your level of self-confidence:

a) I am always confident in myself;
b) Below average;
c) Above average;
d) I am an insecure person.

34. If your first business went bust, would you:

a) Were depressed for a long time;
b) would be afraid to start something new;
c) start a new business;
d) Get a job.

35. Do you believe that the more knowledge you acquire in your profession, the more lucky you are in your work?:

a) A dubious statement, although there is something in it;
b) Definitely;
c) I don't believe
d) Not in my profession.

36. How do you think?:

a) Money is evil;
b) Money is not evil, but big money is evil;
c) Money is freedom;
d) Money is freedom, but big money is no longer freedom.

37. Which statement do you agree with?:

a) Money spoils a person;
b) Big money spoils a person;
c) It depends on the person how he will use his money.
d) Little depends on a person with big money. No matter how good someone may be, and becoming rich, he is likely to become bad.

38. Do you believe that it is possible to be rich and happy at the same time?:

a) What happiness is there when you have to hide so much money from relatives and friends ?;
b) What happiness can there be if officials, tax authorities and swindlers of all stripes are waiting to snatch something from you?
c) Yes, I believe it is possible;
d) A good person cannot be happy and feel good about becoming rich when there are so many poor and unhappy people in the world.

39. The main factor in achieving wealth:

a) Prestigious education;
b) Unshakable determination and work;
c) a rich uncle;
d) Positive thinking.

40. Whatever your income is, at the moment, can you imagine increasing this income hundreds and thousands of times?:

a) Sure! Of course I can, and even more;
b) If my income doubled, I would already be happy;
c) I can still imagine a 5-10-fold increase in income, and even then vaguely;
d) And what's the point of presenting something, because it won't add money anyway?

41. What do you do if there are problems?:

a) Methodically solve them;
b) You wait and hope that everything will somehow be resolved by itself;
c) Get depressed
d) Depress those around you by dumping your problems on them.

42 . Do you have any ideas on how you can become rich?;

a) not yet;
b) Not one, but several;
c) What are the ideas in my position, here at least somehow survive;
d) So far very vague, but in general, there will be money - and ideas will appear.

43. Which statement suits you best?:

a) To become rich - money must be loved with all your heart and soul, work is not so important, because a strong love for money will attract this money to you;
b) Money must be hated, but work up to a sweat;
c) To become rich, it is enough to treat money with respect, at the same time, you need to work hard on yourself and go towards your dream, and money will be added as a reward for mastery;
d) To have a chance of becoming rich, one must worship money.

44. What is your inner feeling that comes from the very heart :

a) I am sure that I will become rich;
b) Most likely, I will still become rich;
c) I feel that the chances are small, but they still exist;
d) Alas, but I will never become rich.


7 Rainbow Meditations to Attract Abundance

This is a simple, beautiful and very feminine way. activate money energy, increase your financial flow, have as much money as you want.

Meditation is an amazing practice that sets you up to new vibrations and creates a new world for you.


01. a — 3 b — 2 c — 4 d — 1;

02. a — 3 b — 2 c — 4 d — 1;

03. a — 3 b — 1 c — 2 d — 4;

04. a — 1 b — 2 c — 4 d — 1;

05. a — 4 b — 1 c — 3 d — 3;

06. a — 1 b — 4 c — 3 d — 2;

07. a — 1 b — 2 c — 4 d — 1;

08. a — 1 b — 1 c — 4 d — 1;

09. a — 1 b — 1 c — 3 d — 4;

10. a — 4 b — 3 c — 1 d — 1;

11. a — 1 b — 4 c — 1 d — 1;

12. a — 4 b — 1 c — 1 d — 1;

13. a — 1 b — 4 c — 1 d — 1;

14. a — 4 b — 2 c — 1 d — 3;

15. a — 1 b — 4 c — 3 d — 1;

16. a — 2 b — 1 c — 4 d — 1;

17. a — 1 b — 4 c — 1 d — 1;

18. a — 1 b — 4 c — 2 d — 1;

19. a — 4 b — 1 c — 3 d — 1;

20. a — 1 b — 4 c — 2 d — 1;

33. a — 4 b — 2 c — 3 d — 1;

34. a — 1 b — 1 c — 4 d — 1;

35. a — 2 b — 4 c — 1 d — 1;

36. a — 1 b — 1 c — 4 d — 1;

37. a — 1 b — 1 c — 4 d — 1;

38. a — 1 b — 1 c — 4 d — 1;

39. a — 1 b — 4 c — 1 d — 3;

40. a — 4 b — 1 c — 1 d — 1;

41. a — 4 b — 1 c — 1 d — 1;
42. a — 1 b — 4 c — 1 d — 1;
43. a — 1 b — 1 c — 4 d — 1;
44. a — 4 b — 3 c — 2 d — 1.

0 - 100 points. It's very sad, but you are going the wrong way. You go anywhere, but not to wealth and big money. Erroneous psychological attitudes about money, formed in your brain and subconscious, will destroy in the bud all good intentions, attempts and hopes to break out of poverty.
If you do not reconsider your attitude to life, money, self-development, your own laziness, to successful and rich people, self-confidence, then, unfortunately, in the future you will only be able to count on a pension that the state will allocate to you.

100 - 173 points. You understand that a lot of things in life depend on you, and you want to become a rich person, and you try to work fruitfully for this, but something is still missing, and something even interferes. And you know what's stopping you? The fact that you are trying to sit on two chairs at the same time - poverty and the pursuit of wealth. Once you relax a little, and you are already moving into the first category (0 - 100 points), which does not give any chance to escape from poverty.

And as soon as you pull yourself together, roll up your sleeves, start achieving your dream no matter what, with redoubled energy and pressure, as you fall into the group "173 and above." And people from this group have every chance of becoming multimillionaires.

Before it's too late, decide as soon as possible which group you are striving for. You are unlikely to succeed in sitting on two chairs, wealth and poverty at the same time. Although it may be possible, only in this case the chances of joining the ranks of the poor losers will be great, but there are no chances of becoming rich! Decide for yourself!

173 points and above. You are well aware that everything that you have achieved and will achieve in life is the result of your conscious choice and actions. You are in control of your life. No critical opinion and remarks can lead you off the path leading to your dream. You yourself determine in which direction you move and with what intensity. You know that the universe is abundant and there is a lot of wealth in the world, and soon you will also have a part of this wealth. Good luck on this path!

If you want to become a rich person as soon as possible, then it will not be superfluous to know how to save time and life ...

No matter how many points you score, I have good news: since you were not too lazy to go wealth test, which means that not everything is lost yet, which means that you still want to break out of poverty, and a burning desire to join the ranks of the rich is the very first step on the path to wealth!

This wealth test will help you objectively evaluate your prospects and understand if wealth awaits you in the near future!

Wealth test!

Answer yourself honestly a few questions of the test without looking back.

1. Are you paid more than other employees?

2. Do you plan a family budget? Tracking income and expenses?

3. Do you double-check item weight and change in store?

4. Are you planning to buy an expensive item that you can't afford right now?

5. Could you live on both a small and a large salary?

6. Do you feel tension at the sight of money?

7. Do you have a habit of haggling in the market?

8. Does your image match your income (or do you strive to look more presentable)?

9. Do you think your life could be better?

10. Do you know how you would spend money if you got a million?

Wealth Test Results!

A positive answer to questions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 is worth one point, and one point should be added for a negative answer to questions 1, 2, 6, and 10.

If you typed from 8 to 10 points - you love money immensely, and this is mutual. It is safe to say that your prosperity will continue to improve as you look after your future. Do not forget about the principle of tithing, give part of the funds to charity and help loved ones.

If your result test for wealth does not exceed 4-7 points, then we can say that you have not yet figured out yourself and have not determined how much money you need, and whether you need it at all. You are not satisfied with your standard of living, but you are not yet ready to achieve more.

The course will help you change your money consciousness and tune in to wealth and prosperity.

If on a wealth test you did not score more than 3 points, this allows you to conclude that money is not the main thing for you.

The amount of money in your wallet only reflects your true attitude towards wealth and money.

Your inner beliefs, embedded in the subconscious, either miss the monetary energy or not.

Monetary Research Continued

Write down on paper the answers to the following questions:

  • What is money for you?
  • What place do they occupy in your life?
  • Are you satisfied with your standard of living?
  • Do you think about money during the day (how many minutes)?
  • What do you think about money - how to make money, or that there is none?
  • How do you feel about money?
  • Are you comfortable with big money?
  • What do you think when you don't have a penny in your pocket?
  • What income are you ready for?
  • What will you spend big money on?
  • How do you feel when you have to part with money?
  • What do you think about when you have to borrow?
  • When do you lend?
  • What does it feel like to be deceived?
  • And when do you cheat for your own benefit?
  • Are you good at managing money?

If you sincerely answer all of these questions, you may be able to bring out some of your beliefs about money that you may not have thought about before.

Why do some people live in luxury, while others have to go to work and still lack money?

Because most are hindered by negative money beliefs (money blocks).

  • internally do not believe that you can easily get a lot of money,
  • Do you think money is hard to come by?
  • inside there are thoughts that you are not given to become rich ...

It is worth working out your worldview¹. This is essential if you really want to live richly.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Worldview - a system of views, assessments and figurative ideas about the world and a person’s place in it, the general attitude of a person to the surrounding reality and to himself, as well as the main vital positions of people, their beliefs, ideals, principles of knowledge and activity, determined by these views, value orientations (

Ancient Tibetan wealth test - reveal your purpose! Pass the ancient Tibetan wealth test. Monkey - millionaire will reveal your destiny.
We offer you to choose one of the monkeys in the picture and determine the right direction of work or business for yourself.

Ancient Tibetan wealth test. RESULTS:

1. The source of your wealth- a profession associated with publicity, advertising, fame. It is important for you to care about appearance, good taste. You must be effective, and your ideas must be effective.

It is quite possible that your vocation is journalism, beauty salon, modeling business, sale of jewelry and branded items. The creative career of a singer or actor is also not excluded.

2. Your source of wealth- you yourself. Your ideas, reflections, logic. You are able to come up with a new system or qualitatively reconstruct the old one.

Your mind is rational, your successful field of activity is finance, law, science. You are able to think broadly and freely. Feel free to say it out loud.

3. Your source of wealth- Vera. Sincere, deep and strong. This is the most important thing in your life. And it doesn't have to be a religion. You can believe in your dream, your strength, in what you are doing, and also in the people around you.

And you should be able to give this bright faith to others, share it more often. Any work aimed at helping people is suitable for you: a teacher, a doctor, a priest.

4. Your source of wealth- work in a team, in a circle of like-minded people. You can work from the office, from home, or become the head of your own business.

But in any case, it is important for you to have close-minded people nearby: relatives, childhood friend, spouse, reliable partner. In a word, the one who will always support you and your ideas will help if it is difficult.

5. Your source of wealth- absolutely everything related to home comfort. Your strong point is cooking various dishes, kitchen appliances and their repair, gardening, creating comfort.

You can be the owner of a cute shop or cafe, you can be engaged in the textile industry, plants and garden tools. Or you can completely go into household chores, devoting yourself to your family and children.

6. Your source of wealth– activity, actions and movement forward. Your unchanging motto: "Movement is life!". Your profession must certainly be connected with travel and travel. In addition, it is important for you to devote time to sports. If your job is not like that, then choose a similar hobby. And do not grow old in spirit. Move!

7. The main source of wealth- greed, desire. This, by the way, is not necessarily greed. For example, greed for life, for the joys and pleasures that it brings.

You are more likely to be "like a duck to water" in the entertainment or restaurant business. You expect sensual joys from life, strive to bring pleasure not only to the mind, but also to the body. And one more important condition - you must love your job.

8. The source of your wealth- Holidays and festivals. You can arrange children's matinees, work as a photographer at celebrations, be a toastmaster or a musician.

You will make a talented designer, graphic designer or florist. You will perfectly cope with the duties of a travel agent and will be able to breathe life into the editions of the printing house. Remember that you need a bright life, because you will soon get bored from the gray monotonous everyday life.

9. source of wealth for you- feelings, the ability to empathize, understanding others. You can become a good psychologist, although in this case, excessive emotionality may interfere with you. Strive for harmony. Any creative work is ideal for you, you, like no one else, know how to express your feelings. You are merciful and always full of sympathy for those who are offended by life.

10. Your source of wealth- strict kindness. You strive in this life to "do" good. You are probably too strict and picky with people, and it seems to you that a stick will help them rather than a carrot. However, behind your prickly severity, you still hide the warmth of the soul. Your kindness is always with fists. You are called to work in the police or serve in the army. And also in any area where criticism is needed. But do not forget that it is constructive.

11. The source of your wealth- Own business. Well, if it is connected with the construction. After all, you constantly need to create something new, something that will serve people for more than one year. You are a serious and responsible person, you know how to be self-critical and learn from your own mistakes. You are a pretty good mentor and teacher for those who are younger than you and are just starting their journey.

12. The main source of wealth- everything related to metal and speed. This is the automotive industry, and everything that has to do with trains and planes. You are a modern person, speed is important to you. As well as reliability and quality. Sometimes it seems to you that you are completely exhausted from the race and do not have time to live. At times like these, you definitely need a break.

13. Your source of wealth- to give warmth, joy. To yourself and those around you. An important point: do not get hung up on trifles, let others do it. Your task is to gush ideas, come up with a framework, create a foundation. And if at first it seems that it is not well tailored, when it is sewn, everyone will be convinced of the scope of your idea. You may sometimes be considered a rude person, but in reality you only want the best for everyone.

14. The source of your wealth- sense of humor. You can brilliantly manifest it in any area. In many areas of activity, you are simply irreplaceable. Your wit will not only help you find real friends, but will also be the engine of your career. The main condition is that the jokes are not evil.

15. source of wealth for you- any profession related to cleanliness, even to some extent sterility. A career as a doctor or scientist can be successful. And in life, you must also keep your thoughts pure, be a moral person with an unsullied conscience. It is you, like no one else, who should not lie, commit vile deeds. All this immediately reflects on you.

16. The source of your wealth- across the seas, in a distant land. By the way, the sea will always play a big role in your life. Therefore, it is best if your work or hobbies are related to water. But it is not necessary to become a fisherman or a plumber. You can just occasionally take diving lessons or set up an aquarium and meditate while looking after the colorful swimming fish while tending to them.

If you liked it! Show your friends this test, they will definitely find two minutes for the result! They will be grateful to you for this. Leave your comments if you agree with the results.

82% of the world's wealth belongs to less than 1% of the inhabitants of the Earth - this 1% is sorted and put in order every year, compiling new lists of millionaires. At the same time, millionaires are the same people as we are: they save, quarrel in stores and suffer from childhood injuries. TJ studied the 2017 Forbes list and analyzed the biographies of those who made it.

Answer 7 questions and find out how much money you could have if money were given away for inclinations, habits and moral guidelines.

How to describe your youth?

  • He was brought up by intellectuals, and then freaked out and went away.
  • The youngest child in the family, did not decide anything.
  • Received certificates for success in school, zadrotstvoval.
  • From an early age, I had to think more about work than about studying.
  • He hung out between parents who lived separately, left home.
  • It shook!

What family scenario does not cause disgust?

  • A modern classic: a civil marriage, smoothly flowing into an official one, a couple of children.
  • One happy marriage throughout life is unrealistic, so I reserve the right to make a mistake and choose two.
  • Civil marriage, childfree.
  • The third marriage, and this is not the limit.
  • Divorced people are the best.
  • Loneliness

What scandal would you be the hero of?

  • Take first place in the ranking of poorly dressed people.
  • It is delicious to relax in Courchevel and be detained by the police.
  • Buy something foreign instead of domestic, let them be offended at home.
  • Make a scandal in the store when they mistake me for a beggar.
  • Let my employees leave secret messages in my firm's merchandise, and let my customers wonder what it all means.
  • Become a suspect in all the world's conspiracies.

What shade is closest to your skin color?

How would you spend money if you had a lot of it?

  • I will invest everything in business, but you can also donate something to a religious organization.
  • Only what I need for myself, I will give the rest to those in need.
  • I will create a bunch of funds, I will redistribute world capital.
  • Naturally, I can’t deny myself anything.
  • I'll take care of the development of culture, and save the rest: it will come in handy.
  • I will buy a property that I like, and gradually donate to education.

How do you spend your free time in a life where you have everything?

  • I'm probably working.
  • Raise chickens in the village.
  • I ran in the morning - and okay.
  • Cars, yachts, and more!
  • I like to dance regularly in a decent place.
  • With a book.

What phrase could you say?

  • "I'm sure I've been influenced by a lot of people."
  • "To be honest, I'm not cool myself."
  • "I'm younger, I have a better memory."
  • "I want to be a natural, really natural person, to live in a high."
  • “I have a desire to please everyone and please everyone.”
  • No comment.

You are worthy

An obsessive entrepreneur who can make money out of nothing and there is no reason - just for his own pleasure and for the love of risk. Since there was a lot of money, I had to figure out what to do with them - and this is a separate entertainment. People around you do not understand what drives you and where everything is going, so they suspect the worst and blame everyone. You try not to pay attention to it and continue to do what you see fit. Just like financier George Soros.

You are worthy

As a child, you found your calling, so all you need to do is stick to the path you chose then. A number of coincidences - and now you are already the owner of the empire. At the same time, you are supported at all levels - from the country to the family. You live low profile and are said to be the most secretive of the rich. How about the founder of the Zara store and the Inditex company, Amancio Ortega.

You are worthy

You know how to invent new things, you have in-demand skills and do not demand more than what you are supposed to - so just use your talents and maybe you will be able to come up with what people need. Then you become completely indispensable. Your weakness is to tell everyone how you gave up the benefits and do not waste time on unworthy petty things. Much like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

You are worthy

You are not afraid to start from the bottom and, thanks to your organizational and communication talents, you will make useful contacts over time. Your methods of doing business may raise questions, but what a result! Over time, you can get tired of the responsibility that others give you: after all, all you want is to live for your own pleasure. Just like businessman Roman Abramovich.

You are worthy

They studied well, worked hard and tried to do everything for the well-being of the country. When you get tired of just making money, you will look for a better use for yourself. You may even want to become president and in your free time from work and entertainment you will write your own program on how to change everything for the better. For example, as businessman Mikhail Prokhorov.

You are worthy

Perhaps everything was not very good in childhood, but those around you said that you deserve more. You, it seems, knew this yourself, so you worked hard and gradually gained strength. Created to be a public person and influence people's thoughts - you get a lot and most often the epithet "self-made" will be applied to you. As well as to TV presenter Oprah Winfrey.