Why dream boiled round potatoes. What is the dream of a large potato

Potatoes are a traditional product that is on the table of almost every Russian family almost every day. It is potatoes that are given the largest areas in dachas and villages. So why do potatoes dream in a dream, how do different types of dream books interpret this dream?

It is with potatoes that there is so much trouble, you need to: dig up the ground, plant, weed, collect bugs, fertilize, dig and collect. It is from potatoes that you can cook different versions of dishes only as a side dish: boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, french fries, rustic potatoes, jacket potatoes, potato pancakes ... The list is endless. And therefore, probably, the appearance of potatoes in a dream is perceived by most people as a positive sign.

Did you have a strange dream last night? What does it mean to see potatoes in a dream? Our article is about it!

If you dream that you are eating potatoes, this means that soon you will receive an offer for profitable cooperation or an offer to take a position higher than the one you currently occupy.

If you see potatoes growing in the field, and not dug up, good news awaits you in life.

There is also an interpretation that offers the one who saw the potato in a dream to prepare for unexpected events, but it does not specify whether they will be positive or negative.

Waiting in a dream for harvesting potatoes - you need to prepare for an event that is about to happen. Perhaps you have dreamed about it for a long time. Maybe they wanted to on a subconscious level, but did not dare to say it out loud. Soon these wishes may come true!

In our article you can find out why you dream of planting potatoes or digging them

Interpretation of sleep depending on the details

If it were possible to clearly say what something or someone is dreaming of, everything would be too simple. Interpretation largely depends on the details, on how vividly this or that object is remembered. Only understanding sleep as a whole will help to lift the veil of secrecy and look into the future.

  • Why dream of digging potatoes?

If you dream that you are digging the ground to plant potatoes, this means that your wishes will come true, you just need to formulate them correctly and be able to visualize them. Imagine how you feel when they come true. Then it will be much easier for them to “sprout” and “sprout”, like young shoots.

If in a dream you are digging a potato crop, get ready for success in some endeavor. Moreover, how loud this success will be depends on the size of the dug out tubers. Small potatoes indicate that your merits will be appreciated. Let this not immediately lead to global changes, but it will help you climb the next step on the career ladder.

Large tubers say that success will be deafening, you will literally fly up. But be prepared for this, accepting the opportunities that have fallen on you and seeing new horizons is also not an easy task.

  • Why dream of a large potato?

If large potato tubers are covered with sprouted shoots, they have damage, a lot of black spots, this indicates envy of your person. Your successes and achievements, happiness in family life haunt someone. Take a closer look at others, it may be worth limiting communication with someone, telling everyone less about personal things.

If you dreamed of a large potato, then that's good. But rotten potatoes in a dream are not a good sign.

If you plant large potatoes, you can count on success in big things. Just remember that success, like the harvest, must be earned. To care, to process, to perform some kind of action. If you just plant potatoes in unprepared soil, you are unlikely to reap a big harvest in the fall. It is the same with goals, if you do nothing, success rarely comes by itself. Take action!

If a woman has prepared for herself a dish of large potato tubers, she will have great success at work. Achievements will be appreciated by colleagues and even management.

Large potatoes are collected and put into bags, you see that there are a lot of them - you can not worry about your financial well-being for a long time to come, nothing threatens you.

  • Why dream of peeling potatoes?

If you take off your uniform from boiled potatoes, you will have a choice on which your material well-being depends. Take your time, weigh the pros and cons, consult with your loved ones, because it matters to them too.

Peeling a large mountain of potatoes - a meeting with friends or a noisy party is ahead.

If you peel potatoes not at home, but in a cafe (you are a kitchen worker), there will soon be a chance to help relatives or friends, do not refuse to help them.

If a guy dreams that he is serving in the army and peeling potatoes, the sleeping person will have to prepare a speech for public speaking, a report, a presentation.

Peeling raw potatoes with a knife - clean your reputation. If detractors spread rumors behind your back, this problem will be resolved in some way beyond your control.

  • Why dream of picking potatoes?

Such a dream is often dreamed by people who, in principle, do not have their own plot, do not plant potatoes and never dig. People who are completely far from country sowing and harvesting.

Seeing a huge pile of dug up potatoes that are not sorted into bags can promise trouble and grief. You will be in frustrated feelings, you will need to get together and pull yourself together. In other words, harvest the bags.

If you see the process of picking potatoes, it means inspiration, new ideas and trends. If the potatoes that you collect are almost all rotten, in reality you may not be successful in the business you were counting on. Perhaps all your efforts invested in it will be in vain.

The richer the harvest, the better! So in a dream about large potatoes.

If you are digging potatoes in your garden, you will see an increase in family income, perhaps a one-time increase, or in the long term. If you help relatives to dig potatoes, expect bonuses that will come from relatives. Maybe an inheritance from a wealthy relative?

Try to remember how you dug potatoes!

If suddenly you did it with a children's spatula, you should pay attention to your lifestyle. You do a lot of stupid, rash things that make others not take you seriously.

Wield a shovel - you will learn facts that used to be someone's secret.

You use a rake - not the best tool for this job, right? Think about it, maybe in reality you are inclined to exaggerate your importance and show off? Look around, there are a lot of people who do things better than you do, they just don't talk about it that much.

  • Why dream of planting potatoes?

If you help someone plant potatoes, and this does not cause you any joy, then there is a routine in life that cannot be abandoned, but which will not bring you any life dividends.

In a dream, a woman is planting potatoes - perhaps soon she will receive an offer to marry. Here is such an unusual interpretation.

The interpretation of sleep about potatoes can even depend on the variety of potatoes that is being planted!

Planting small tubers with rotten - to material losses, but insignificant. Planting large white tubers - to the emergence of prospects and the opening of new horizons. Use yellow potatoes for planting - make profitable acquaintances.

Before planting, you prepared the ground - you can do a lot for the sake of your loved ones, even if it is very difficult. And if you planted potatoes in unprepared soil, you can not wait for the profitable completion of the affairs that you were counting on. You have worked little in this direction, success will await the one who has put much more effort into it.

Potatoes in bags in a dream means a good sign, provided that the potatoes are all good

  • Why dream of raw potatoes?

A raw potato seen in a dream means that you don’t have to worry about the financial side of family life. You have stable and reliable sources of income with which nothing will happen in the long run.

Admiring the large tubers of freshly dug potatoes right on the field means very good plans for achieving material wealth. All undertakings regarding financial issues will come true, do not be afraid to make investments and investments in business development, they will bear fruit.

  • Why dream of potatoes in bags?

If you see a thin bag from which the crop is pouring out, expect problems in business. We can talk about the leakage of information and ideas, and possibly black bookkeeping. Take a closer look at the employees, study the reports carefully, establish monitoring of the mail and the affairs of the employees during the day.

Seeing a crop stored in bags means financial stability.

  • Do you dream of fried potatoes?

Eating fried potatoes in a dream means that your house is always open to friends, you are ready to receive them, discuss problems and give advice, regardless of your own position and condition. This is not always good, sometimes you need to think about yourself.

  • Do you dream of boiled potatoes?

If you eat boiled potatoes and understand that it is very tasty, in life you can easily protect yourself from the attacks of ill-wishers, empty gossip and rumors.

  • Why dream of rotten potatoes?

In general, this is a negative sign, promising losses. There is nothing good in planting rotten potatoes or harvesting rotten crops. A series of successes can be replaced by a series of disappointments. Do your best to change the situation.

  • Do you dream of frying potatoes?

A man fries potatoes in a dream - soon he will stop leading a bachelor lifestyle, and there will be a much larger variety of dishes on his table than just fried potatoes.

Interpretation in various dream books

Egyptian dream book

Potato means daily routine, monotonous work. If in your dream you are digging potatoes, and it turns out to be unexpectedly large, you may be paying too much attention to household chores and forgetting about yourself.

You are alone or alone - an increase in income, cleansing of unnecessary burdens. You are on the field among other people - you will bypass everything pompous and artificial with your attention. You can't dig everything - sincere feelings for another.

New dream book 1918

Digging up large potatoes is a good dream, as soon you will receive a good pay for your work, a bonus at work, or a useful expensive gift. It is recommended to take your work responsibly so as not to frighten off luck.

You will be duly rewarded for your labors if in a dream the potatoes you dig are large and smooth. But if the root crops are small, rotten or absent at all, take on new things with caution, as the rewards for them may not follow.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

Digging alone - the competitor is defeated, there is very little left and the prizes and merits will be yours. Harvesting potatoes in a field with others - you need the support and good advice of an older comrade. Throwing potatoes in buckets - wishing for an expansion of the family.

A garden planted with potatoes - life, routine, everyday affairs. Digging potatoes - fatigue from daily worries. Plant potatoes in a dream - you are frustrated by the futility of your efforts, you should change tactics.

Find out from the online dream book what Potato is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Potatoes in a dream: interpretation of 100 dream books

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is Potato dreaming and what does it mean:

Potato - If you dreamed of a potato - to harvest it (in season) or to tears. Boil potatoes in a dream - for pleasure, digging potatoes - for fun, eating potatoes - for a date with a friend, frying potatoes - for marriage.

Miller's dream book

Why is Potato dreaming in a dream?

Potato - A dream about potatoes promises pleasant incidents. Digging potatoes in a dream is a sign of future success. Eating potatoes is a significant benefit. Cooking potatoes promises you a suitable job. If you plant potatoes in a dream, then you can count on the fulfillment of your desires.

Rotten potatoes means that your joys and pleasures will come to an end, and your future does not bode well.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why dreamed a lot of Potatoes

Large potatoes - to large incomes, improved financial situation.

Children's dream book

Potato in a dream, what does it mean

Potato - Hard times.

Family dream book

Potato see how to unravel the symbolism

Potato - In a dream, potatoes can be seen before various events. For example, if a woman eats potatoes in a dream, then soon her professional activity will bring tangible results, which will be expressed either in an increase in salary, or in career advancement. Planting potatoes - in the near future, an interesting offer awaits her, if not hands and hearts, then a highly paid job. And if the potatoes are rotten, then you don’t have to rejoice for long. So seize the moment and enjoy life.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the dream book Potato interpret?

Potato - Yes - dissatisfaction; digging potatoes is a thankless job, work.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is Potato dreaming?

Potato - Dreamed of a potato - you will see a lot of people. Digging potatoes is good, eating them will make you sick. Taking potatoes in the barn or digging potatoes in the field will make you sick.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

See potatoes in a dream:

Potato - See or eat - harvest, profit; dig potatoes - have a thankless job; eating potatoes is a slight indigestion; free potatoes from peel - free themselves from violence; cooking a potato dish is an unpleasant visit; see a lot of potatoes - a good income or harvest; to see small potatoes is a disadvantage; sell potatoes - get rid of the guests.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Potato from your dream

Potato - Unsatisfactory condition, useless or hard work.

Culinary dream book

Features of a dream about Potatoes

Potato - Eating potatoes in a dream - portends an event that will seem important to you at first, but will soon disappoint you. Peeling potatoes is a change in opinion about a person from bad to good. Planting or digging potatoes - to intimacy with a new partner.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why did the Potato dream

Potato - For profit.

Esoteric dream book

Potato in a dream:

To see potatoes, to eat - to prosperity. Boil, cook potatoes - for guests from afar. Digging, planting potatoes - you have to work hard.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Potato - Dreams in which potatoes are present may be dreamed of by those who have worked hard and now hope that their labors will not be in vain. The subconscious, through dreams, helps mentally prepare for what lies ahead.

  • Boiling or frying potatoes is a favorable sign. In the future, the dreamer will have a promising job or acquaintance with influential people who will support him.
  • You are holding rotten potato tubers in your hands, which means that in reality you will encounter obstacles that you were not ready for.
  • Another interpretation of the dream about potatoes is that you will be able to achieve success, but your joy will be overshadowed by some unpleasant little things.

Romantic dream book

What is the dream of potatoes

Planting potatoes for a girl - in the near future it is worth waiting for a marriage proposal from a loved one. A dream in which a woman fries potatoes is interpreted in a similar way. Boil potatoes - to an unexpected meeting with an unpleasant person, a former love, parting with which brought a lot of painful experiences.

  • If the dreamed potato turned out to be small, you should not count on the attention and care from your lover. This can even lead to a break in relations if your loved one does not want to come to the rescue when it is most needed.
  • Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

    For those born in January, February, March, April

    Potato - Digging potatoes - To the disease. Plant potatoes - To the funeral.

    For those born in May, June, July and August

    Potato - If you plant potatoes in a dream - you can count on the fulfillment of your desires. Digging it is a sign of future success. Cooking potatoes - for a new, good job. There is it - to a significant benefit. A rotten potato portends the end of a joyful period and the onset of troubled times.

    For those born in September, October, November, December

    Potato - Dig up potatoes in a dream - sparsely and a lot of small potatoes - to the collapse of the planned business. Plant - You will save money to open your own business.

    Potatoes are considered by the people as the “second bread”, which is not surprising, because it is affordable and nutritious. If in a dream you saw this tuber, know that hard times are coming. But, do not think that the dream book always gives a negative explanation for this dream. There are also directly opposite descriptions of what this vegetable is dreaming of. Remember all the details of what you saw, and you will surely be able to know your future with the utmost accuracy.


    Seeing in a dream how you are cooking potato dishes is a good sign. For example, boil pre-peeled tubers - for the visit of guests. Moreover, Aesop's dream book claims that these guests will arrive from afar. Show cordiality, meet them with a richly laid table and kind words.

    If you dreamed of a baked potato, then luck will accompany absolutely all your endeavors. Use the opportunities that have fallen to the maximum: earn money, start a family, or get the profession that you have always dreamed of. Now any business will be on your shoulder.

    If you dream of fried potatoes, then in real life an important event will happen. A modern dream book advises to mentally prepare for it in advance.

    Seeing boiled potatoes in a dream - to profit and good relations with your relatives and friends. Cutting tubers into small pieces in a dream before using them in the cooking process means that you have to work hard enough to achieve what you dream of.

    Sell ​​and buy

    The modern dream book is convinced that buying potatoes in a dream is a big find. If the dreamed vegetables were large and fresh, then the thing found will bring a lot of benefits. In the exact opposite way, it is explained what spoiled and sprouted tubers dream of.

    Dream Interpretation Grishina believes that buying a lot of selected potatoes in night vision is a solid profit. There may be an unexpected bonus, inheritance and a big win in the lottery.

    An explanation that predicts a similar plot is also given by Vanga's dream book. The soothsayer promises the dreamer who buys potatoes the fulfillment of all his desires. And this will happen in the very near future.

    Pick up or pick up

    Seeing in a dream how you plant potatoes means that in reality all things will work out in the best way. Circumstances will develop in such a way that it will be possible to achieve your goal both in business and in your personal life.

    Shereminskaya also explains in detail why she dreams of planting tubers in the ground in her garden. Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya is convinced that the dream predicts an extremely advantageous offer. Throw away your fears and boldly get involved in business. You are definitely going to be successful.

    Dig up large potatoes from the ground in a dream - to increase wages. You don't even have to fight for that promotion. The boss will decide to stimulate you in this way for even greater career achievements.

    The universal dream book believes that picking potatoes means getting a well-deserved benefit in reality. You've done a great job and it's time to harvest.

    If you dream that you are digging beds and choosing large and smooth vegetables from the ground, then get ready to experience success in absolutely any endeavor.


    Seeing in a dream how you sort out potatoes is a good sign. In real life, you will receive a lot of profitable offers, you just have to choose the most suitable and interesting one.

    The modern dream book believes that collecting potatoes in bags in a dream means receiving a marriage proposal. If the dreamed vegetables were large, then the future spouse will improve your life for the better.

    If you dream that most of the sorted potatoes are rotten or blooming, then your plan will not come true. Nevertheless, Aesop's dream book claims that if you get down to business not now, but a few months after the dream, then everything will surely work out.

    Another option for dreaming about potatoes with sprouts is the coming sadness and empty chores.

    Various interpretations

    Peeling potatoes in a dream means that you will try to get to the bottom of the truth, but this will not work. Another option for explaining why you dream of cleaning it is a change in opinion about a person. If you thought exceptionally well of a certain citizen, then a series of events will force you to change your mind for the worse.

    The universal dream book believes that peeled potatoes can predict material difficulties.

    If you dreamed that you had to steal, then in reality the situation will force you to appropriate something alien to yourself. Try to return what you took as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will run into serious difficulties.

    Eating young raw potatoes in a dream - to the discovery of new sources of income. At first, they will bring a small profit, but over time, more and more money will be made.

    If you dreamed of a flowering potato bush, then soon you will go on a romantic date. If it grows on your site in a dream, then mild adultery will develop into a serious and lasting relationship.

    Why dream of such an ordinary product as a potato? There are quite a few interpretations of this image and they are not always positive. Deciphering various dream books, taking into account the dreamer's actions and the state of the fruits in a dream, will tell about the most relevant options.

    What is the dream of potatoes according to Miller's dream book

    In the creation of this American psychologist, dreams about potatoes warn you of accidents, not all of which bring positive changes.

    The process of planting potatoes indicates the fulfillment of a cherished dream in the foreseeable future. At the same time, the process of digging up potatoes, according to the dream book, portends the success of undertakings.

    You can start preparing for a significant benefit if you happen to eat potato dishes in a dream, and wait for a profitable job offer if you happen to cook them yourself.

    Dreamed of spoiled and rotting root crops? The image indicates the collapse of hopes, the end of a joyful and happy life streak, a return to which will not become available very soon.

    What does potato mean - interpretation according to Vanga

    The dream book of a blind fortune teller generally describes potato dreams in a positive way. I had a chance to eat potatoes - to soon fill the wallet. Planting - for future well-being, and digging - for brilliant career prospects.

    Have you dreamed of flowering potato bushes that have not yet been dug up? They predict good news. The dream interpretation also believes that the crop harvested and stored in the basement warns of unforeseen difficulties. Have you started cooking a delicious potato dish in a dream? Difficulties will be resolved in reality and debts will be returned.

    Potato - Modern dream book

    A popular modern dream book is sure that if you dreamed about potatoes, then you should prepare for unexpected events.

    In a dream, eating potatoes means that the authorities will soon notice your diligence and diligence, the reward will be career advancement, a bonus or a salary increase.

    Sowing potato work seen in a dream predicts pleasant changes. The dream interpretation guarantees a new position or a marriage proposal from a loved one.

    Why dream of a spoiled, sick and rotting root crop? The image does not bode well. Enjoy the happy moments, because it is quite possible that they will not last long at all.

    What is the dream of potatoes according to Hasse's dream book

    Famed for her mediumistic abilities and ability to penetrate other people's dreams, Miss Hasse claims that planting potatoes in a dream speaks of good undertakings, and digging them out means receiving a long-awaited income.

    Did you dream of a big crop of vegetables folded into bags? The dream book indicates that you don’t even have to worry about financial issues in the near future, everything in this regard will be fine and cloudless.

    If you had a chance to peel potatoes in a dream, then your work will not be appreciated. His washing suggests that because of your own honesty, you will not see income, but your conscience will be clear.

    Plant, collect, peel potatoes in a dream?

    Did you dream about the process of planting potatoes? This is a good sign, indicating that in reality things will work out in the best way. You will succeed in achieving your goals in your personal life and in business.

    Why dream of planting potatoes in your own garden? The event portends a profitable offer. When it finally arrives, you can safely cast aside fears and, without regard to circumstances, get involved in the proposed case.

    A large potato dug out in a dream indicates that such a desired wage increase is just around the corner. You don’t even have to “fight” for him, just in this way the leader decides to motivate you for further victories and work achievements.

    Why dream of harvesting potatoes according to the Universal Dream Book? The reward you deserve will soon be received. Figuratively speaking, having worked hard, you can count on a big harvest.

    Did you dream of digging large, clean and uncontaminated root crops out of the ground? You are guaranteed the success of absolutely any undertaking.

    If in the morning you, having opened your eyes, remembered that you had to peel potatoes in a dream, then most likely this indicates that, with all your desire, you will not be able to get to the bottom of the truth in the matter of interest to you. Another interpretation of such a dream says that you may have to change your opinion about a person for the worse.

    Fried, boiled, raw potatoes in a dream

    Did you happen to see raw, only dug potatoes in a dream? This is a good sign that predicts finding a new source of income. Perhaps initially they will not be so significant, but every day your financial wealth will grow by leaps and bounds.

    The dishes that you cook from your favorite root vegetable in a dream also have their own meaning. Dreamed of fragrant fried potatoes? It portends some important event, perhaps it is time for you to start moral preparation for it.

    Why dream of boiled potatoes? He warns of profit, as well as improving relationships with loved ones. According to Aesop's dream book, the process of boiling potatoes speaks of the arrival of guests from afar, meet them with all possible cordiality and hospitality.

    Dream Interpretation - a lot of potatoes

    Why dream of potatoes dumped in a big pile? This is a sure sign of a profitable offer that awaits you in the near future. Whether you accept it or not will determine your future material well-being. Planting a large amount of potatoes is a close fulfillment of cherished desires.

    Why else do potatoes dream - dream options

    • Potatoes in the ground indicate a misconception about their surroundings. Try not to be superficial and don't judge people lightly.
    • Rotten potatoes are not a very good omen. Probably, you will not have the best of times and major waste.
    • Dreamed of a potato field? The reward for the work done will be very generous.
    • Potatoes in the garden, planted in even rows on well-groomed beds, portend the successful implementation of your plans and ideas.
    • The process of frying potatoes in a pan - a visit from a person that you are not very happy to see awaits you.
    • Sort out potatoes - you need to do a little pleasant, but important and necessary work.
    • Washed potatoes are a good omen, the events happening around you have a positive color.
    • Jacket potatoes - set the table, guests are coming to you.
    • Potatoes with mushrooms - most likely, holding a planned party will cost more than you planned.

    Dreams about potatoes are considered auspicious. But why do potatoes dream, each dream book tells differently. It is important to take into account all the nuances in order to define management as accurately as possible.
    Potatoes in a dream most often portend pleasant events and changes for the better. But in some cases, the prognosis is not so favorable.

    Eat the fruits

    In a dream, a woman eating potatoes portends financial stability as a result of obtaining a new position and raising her salary.
    The lunar dream book warns: harvesting potatoes means that in reality you will have to do unpleasant empty work that will not bring satisfaction.

    There are root crops in a dream - to the need to closely monitor the quality of products. Problems with the stomach and digestive system are possible.

    Simon Kananit, deciphering why one dreams of seeing tubers or eating potatoes, speaks of a good harvest of fruits and a profitable enterprise.

    Miller's interpretation

    What is the dream of potatoes according to the prediction of a psychologist?

    • Planting potatoes in a dream - to the fulfillment of dreams and desires, as well as the speedy resolution of global problems.
    • Digging - success in business with significant benefits.
    • A rotten potato means that the joyful period of life is ending and hard times are coming.
    • Cooking potatoes is a new good job.
    • Small fruits - expect a lack.
    • Selling - getting rid of annoying guests.
    • Eating boiled potatoes means a modest life, but hospitality will always be at the highest level.
    • In addition, Miller promises to meet with old acquaintances.


    Cooking food from potatoes in a dream - to receive an offer to move to a new high-paying position that you have long dreamed of.

    But if the vegetable is not the main ingredient in the dish, the dream book warns: an unpleasant visit awaits you.

    Did the dream tubers look more like peas in size? This indicates that there are moments in life that upset you.


    Why dream of planting potatoes in the ground? So, get a tempting offer. It will come from superiors or a loved one.

    However, if the roots rotted in the ground, get ready for financial losses. As long as you can, enjoy life.


    The universal dream book prophesies: digging potatoes in a dream - in reality, doing painstaking work for which you will not receive gratitude. Sometimes a vision warns of a deterioration in well-being.

    According to another version, getting tubers out of the ground in a dream symbolizes good luck and wealth. And to plant, to the realization of cherished dreams.

    Shereminskaya is sure that picking potatoes is a favorable sign, the situation will turn out in your favor.


    But sometimes these events in a dream portend failure. The work on which you have spent a lot of time and effort will be useless and will not bring success.

    The 21st century dream book, if the tubers were spoiled or gnawed by pests, warns that pleasant surprises and joy are over. In the near future, life will be full of fulfilling duties and solving problems.


    The dream book, if you cut off the peel of a potato in a dream, is encouraging: you will get rid of coercion, humiliation, mockery.

    Aesop deciphers a similar plot as an opportunity to recognize a friend or relative from an unexpected side. As a result, the opinion of him will improve significantly.

    Various interpretations

    The Eastern dream book prophesies the onset of a difficult time, but thanks to foresight, you can cope with difficulties. The situation is not as dire as it seemed at first.

    Longo, compiling a dream book, gives a different interpretation. He believes that potato tubers mean an increase in salary, a bonus, or an additional opportunity to earn money.

    According to the Muslim dream book, a root crop seen portends interesting acquaintances. In addition, a lot of trouble awaits you, some of which will be a joy. But getting a vegetable out of storage or digging out of the ground means an early illness.

    A huge pile of potatoes in a dream for gardeners is a symbol of a rich harvest; for the rest, this image promises high profits, an interesting profitable business.

    If you sell tubers in a dream, it means that your dreams and desires will come true to get rid of annoying acquaintances or delayed relatives.

    Vanga said that if you dream of potatoes, then new events await the person. There are potatoes - soon attention from the authorities. Planting - opening up new perspectives. This may be a promotion at work or it may mean that your loved one will notice you soon.

    Freud explained the potato vision with prosperity in life. A person who sees potatoes in a dream will not need anything. Plant or dig - a new sexual partner.

    If you eat potatoes in a dream, then according to Loff's Dream Interpretation, the body needs to consume more vegetables.

    If you dreamed that you were digging potatoes, then you need to change jobs, says Tsvetkov's dream book. In this place you are underestimated.

    Potatoes in Russia are a sign of well-being. If you dreamed about potatoes, then you will have an early profit, the Russian dream book prophesies.

    Dream Interpretation Hasse. There are potato dishes - the well-being of the financial condition. The more food on the plate, the more profit is expected.

    Dream Interpretation Meneghetti promises an imminent event that will disappoint you in the end. To clean is a change in opinion about a person for the better.

    How to define a prophetic dream

    After interpreting sleep, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what and what lunar day.

    Comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can assume whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

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