Growing and caring for heather in a pot. Rules for planting a heather flower at home in a garden

Heather slender - graceful spreading shrub about 40 cm high. The leaves are small, oppositely located on thin branches. Flowers, 5-10 mm in size, of bright red-pink color, are arranged in 4 pieces at the tips of the lateral shoots. The wintering heather is slightly higher, it reaches a height of half a meter, and its flowers are larger white, the length of which reaches 2 cm.

Growing conditions
Heather is extremely picky about the soil, it thrives best in acidic sandy and peaty substrates. The plant loves bright light and cannot stand heat, so for best results, it is best to grow heather at home, creating a suitable microclimate and constantly ventilating the room. During the off-season, you can take out the heather in a pot outside. The optimum temperature for keeping shrubs is 8-25 ° C in summer and 11-15 ° C in winter.
Indoor heather: planting and care
At home, heather is generally cultivated as annual plant... You can save it for further cultivation - for this, after the end of flowering, a full cycle of feeding should be performed, and then - cutting.
When choosing planting material To grow heather at home, consider the following:
the root system must be closed;
shoots should be flexible, densely leafy and terminate in a vegetative bud.
The depth of the heather pot should be greater than the length of the roots. If planting is carried out in large decorative containers or boxes, then the distance between the shoots should be at least 30 cm.The root collar must be deepened into the ground
Heather care at home
The main care for heather, like any other houseplant, is watering. It is very sensitive to chlorine and other impurities that tap water is "rich in", so it is better to settle, purify or collect rainwater in advance.
Often the root system of heather is located on the surface, so it is impossible to loosen the substrate, but the plant will gratefully "respond" to regular mulching - pine litter, cones, bark, shavings, etc. sawdust, pine nut husks. Mulch protects against overheating, drying out of the soil, weed growth, and also acidifies the soil.
To acidify the soil, you can add garden sulfur 40 g per 1 square meter when watering, boric acid (according to the instructions on the package), citric acid, kvass.
The roots of all heathers form mycorrhiza, so do not be alarmed when transplanting white bloom on the roots, this is not a disease, but a feature of the plant. Heather has adapted to symbiosis (cohabitation) with the simplest mushrooms. The fungal mycelium filaments (hyphae) help them extract food from very poor soil.
Heathers do not need feeding, because in nature they grow on poor soils. It is enough to feed once a year in spring (April-May, 20-30g kemira or special fertilizer for azaleas).
Basic principles of heather care at home:
carrying out regular dressings with special mineral fertilizers during the period of active growth - in autumn and summer, as well as after the end of flowering;
the substrate should not be allowed to dry out;
v warm time years, regular spraying of the leaves is required to prevent pest infestation;
if heather is grown as a perennial plant, then an annual transplant is required while maintaining an earthen coma;
heather loves fresh air, but is afraid of drafts;
Heather home care
it is necessary to control the acidity of the soil and, if necessary, "acidify" it with ash;
heather pruning is used to stimulate flowering. It is important to prune the heather shortly before or immediately after the plant starts growing actively. Pruning delays the aging of heather and heathers, helps maintain the lushness of the shrub and stimulates more abundant flowering in the next season. Pruning heather can only be done on the green (not lignified) part of the plant, where the leaves are present. The heather cut to the level of the wood will die, as it will not be able to form new shoots. When pruning heather and heathers, trim long branches at different heights to maintain a natural, sloppy, shaggy look.
Heather propagation
Heather propagates by dividing the bush during transplantation, cuttings and seeds. At home, the latter method is often used, since it is available at any time of the year. The main thing is to create a suitable microclimate - temperature 18-20⁰С, humidity, and then in 3-4 weeks the first shoots can be expected to appear.

Many legends about the ancient elves who inhabited Scotland many thousands of years ago, about their ability to make a drink from heather that prolongs life, and romantic stories are associated with heather, as a symbol of Scotland. He is so loved by the people that it was even the patrimonial emblem of one of the country's communities in the Middle Ages.

Scottish ode to heather

Heather from time immemorial has settled on scarce waste lands, populating them according to the well-known law: "Nature abhors a vacuum." V different places wastelands, fires are overgrown with grass and shrubs, then they are replaced by stronger plants. At first, heather looks like a harmless bush that does not live long. But gradually it forms a curtain, which expands and occupies new wastelands. Reproduction proceeds by layering from the creeping twigs, seeds and rhizomes.

There are no other applicants for the land where heather grows. There are few people who want to occupy a sour, dry, burnt-out land plot. For endurance and reliability, nature has awarded heather with the ability to get food where there is none.

Each root of the plant is entangled with mycelium, which decomposes and makes available food from the barren land, converts substances into the form necessary for the plant. The mycelium itself feeds on heather juices. A symbiosis without which both species would die.

Heather is celebrated in Scotland not only for covering the sparse rocky soil with a colored blanket. Its branches were used for weaving baskets, making brooms, creating a roof. Late flowering of heather thickets in the vast expanses of hilly terrain gives the last bribe of the outgoing summer to the bees. Honey is obtained with bitterness, but healing.

Heather flowers are used to brew a hoppy drink ale, which is a traditional product of Scotland. From the same inflorescences, dye was extracted for artisans who weaved textiles, dyed threads in traditional colors and sewed national male Celts and plaids from plaid.

Each Entrance door dwellings even in winter time was decorated with a basket with non-falling heather flowers on thin twigs. Many Scotland legends, beliefs and rituals are associated with heather - the symbol of Scotland.

Give credit to the plant for the benefits it brings to people:

  • unpretentious ground cover shrub;
  • honey plant for the last bribe;
  • material for folk craft;
  • healing properties;
  • sacred meaning.

Currently, the only Heather Center in the world has been created in Scotland, and it houses a beautiful Botanical Garden. The shrub of life and longevity, revered in the land of the elves, thanks those who sing it. Nowadays ecological tourism is gaining popularity. And in this country, with a dimensional life and invariable friendliness, they lay routes of relaxation for tourists. The symbol of Scotland, heather helps maintain the country's economic well-being.

Psychologists say that after two weeks of detachment and contemplation of untouched nature, a person returns renewed. Local residents believe that their spiritual harmony is guarded by heather. Until now, there are many rituals in which it is this plant that acts as a protector of a person in the fight against evil.

Heather in the suburbs

In Central Europe, there are no such open spaces on which a wild heather massif could freely settle. However, heather grows all over the place and is one species. Evergreen heather looks like a branched lignified stem, slightly thicker than a pencil. Its small leaves are rolled up into a tube. The flowers resemble a bell, strung with a brush on a branch. They bloom in the second half of summer and in September. In the densely populated Moscow region with country estates, cultural forms of shrubs are widespread.

This plant creates a landscape design with stunning landscapes of a heather garden. The cultivars are mostly imported. Therefore, the climate of the Moscow region is not always suitable for travelers. Plants of local propagation take root better. By the way, the plant can be propagated by layering, seeds,. The simplest thing is to take a petiole from a plant you like in the summer, root and grow it in a container, and in the spring, plant the finished plant in a permanent place.

It is necessary to plant heather gardens in the climate of the Moscow region spring plantings so that the plant develops over the summer root system and went into the winter prepared. But to keep the heather compositions from freezing, they should be covered for the winter. Any heather garden cannot grow unless the acidity of the soil is provided to it. It is picky about moderate topsoil moisture, so plants should always sit under mulch.

To create a heather flower bed in the Moscow region you will need:

  • choose a landing site;
  • purchase or grow seedlings on your own;
  • create a suitable substrate and prepare the seats;
  • plant bushes using technology;
  • provide proper care during the summer.

In order not to be mistaken when purchasing seedlings in a store, you need to remember that seedlings remain decorative even with dead roots. Therefore, you should carefully check how alive the buds and the state of the root system are. When planting, do not bury the neck in the ground.

Keeping in mind that the plant loves acidic soil, watering should be done from time to time with the addition of apple cider vinegar to maintain the acidity level of the soil.

In the future, care in the Moscow region consists in surface loosening of the earth, cleaning from weeds, etc. The garden will thank long flowering, with an outfit leaving for the winter. The compositions created will require shaping after three years of growth.

Heather has almost no diseases and pests. However, with excessive moisture or excessive fertilization, gray rot... There may also be a viral disease characterized by spots on the leaves and a drooping crown. Such plants should be removed immediately so as not to infect others.

How to care for heather - video

The Heather plant is a perennial plant with a height of more than 1 meter, its life span reaches 40 years. The stem is brown-red with many branches. The leaves are small, but pink flowers grow in brushes that are located on the sides. The flowering period is the second half of summer. Heather is famous as an excellent honey plant.

Collecting heather

For medicinal purposes, all parts of this plant are used, including. Harvesting is done during the flowering period, the tops with flowers are collected. Drying is done in well ventilated areas.

Medicinal properties

Based on this plant, medicines which have the following properties:

  • calming;
  • hypnotic;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • diuretic;
  • healing;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antibacterial;
  • expectorant.

Medical use

Folk have long contained this useful herb in their composition. It copes well with many diseases: coughs and colds, cystitis and stomach ailments.

  1. For diseases of the oral cavity and sore throat, heather sap from the leaves is used.
  2. For the treatment of gastritis, an infusion of the herb is used.
  3. Decoctions are effectively used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions and skin problems.
  4. For lotions and compresses, the decoction is used for skin diseases, ulcers and wounds.
  5. For the treatment of edema and radiculitis, sprains, you can do baths with this herb.

You can make the following products from heather:

1. Broth. For 20 grams of dried leaves and flowers, you need to take 200 milliliters of boiling water, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath and cool at room temperature. After straining, the composition is ready for use.

Take 1/3 cup orally 2-3 times a day before meals for liver, kidney and gallbladder diseases.

2. Tincture. 10 grams of dried roots are poured with 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka. The herb is infused for 2 weeks. After straining, 30-35 drops are used per reception.

3. Heather tea. To calm the nerves and to improve sleep, brew 2 teaspoons of the collection in a glass of boiling water. It is infused for 15-20 minutes, taken in a heated form several times a day in a glass.

4. Infusion for the bath. Put 50 grams of collection on a 7 liter bucket of boiling water. After 30 minutes of infusion, the water is drained into the bathroom, the raw materials are thrown away. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, after which the body calms down.

Bees are very fond of these beautiful pinkish-lilac flowers; honey from them turns out to be a pleasant dark red color with a surprisingly strong aroma.

The taste of this beekeeping product is tart, slightly bitter, with a long original aftertaste. Moreover, the taste only becomes more expressive over the years. from heather is stored for a very long time, does not form crystals.

The composition of the product is high in protein and minerals, which explains its benefits. After some time, it changes its consistency, coagulates and acquires a jelly-like substance. The value of this product is very high.

It applies in the following cases:

  • diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys;
  • with rheumatic and arthritic pain;
  • with prolonged insomnia;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, low acidity of the stomach.

The charm of this seemingly discreet flower is simply amazing. It got its name due to the fact that a flowering plant resembles branches covered with hoarfrost. Translated, it means protection and fulfillment of desires.

Blooming heather is a symbol of summer, with its blooming time for fun and relaxation came. The scent of summer is associated with this plant. Legendary ale was prepared from heather flowers, which was the main treat of Scotland.

Heather symbolizes the femme fatale who is able to captivate and seduce men. The plant brings happiness to the house, bestows wisdom in relationships, protects against rash acts caused by irrepressible passion.

The heather branch is a symbol of Scotland, located on its coat of arms. In Norway, the plant is considered the national flower, it symbolizes eternal young life. And in Japan, there is still a tradition according to which a branch of heather is burned on Mount Wakakusa during the unusual festival held on January 12th.

The flower attracts to the house, good luck in finances, and the heather planted near the house, on the north or east side, protects the home from misfortunes and grief. You can carry a twig in a bag or wallet, then it will protect the owner, bringing him good luck.

Burning a branch of a plant in a house allows you to rid it of the witchcraft that haunts the living. This method helps very well when something constantly breaks and disappears in the home.

This plant has witchcraft. Indeed, according to legend, God himself bestowed on him many amazing qualities for the courage of this plant to become an adornment of the lifeless hills of Scotland.

If you know something else about the use of the plant, write about it in the comments.

An amazing plant that you just can't help but love! A low shrub that branches very strongly, growing into huge thickets. They are called heathers or heather wastelands. During flowering, they look very elegant and spectacular, forming beautiful carpets of pink, lilac, white or red color.

Features of growing a flower

Heather is renowned for its exceptional endurance and ability to grow literally on rocks. It forms a tandem with some fungi that live in the roots of the plant and actively fertilize it. This unique ability helps heather live in all conditions.

However, it is impossible to call heather easy to care for, it has a lot of requirements for living conditions that cannot always be met.

Planting heather

This is not an easy and very important matter, from correct execution the further fate of the bush depends.

Planting methods


These can be purchased from a nursery or garden center. Quality seedlings are sold in containers that preserve the root system and symbiosis with myceliums. Mature shrubs with open roots most likely will not take root - heather does not tolerate transplanting and moving very well.

ATTENTION! When buying heather seedlings, examine them very carefully - already dead bushes remain unchanged for a long time and seem to be alive.

Truly living plants have flexible and elastic branches, densely covered with leaves. In addition, the shoots should have new buds and young beige stems.


The method is laborious and lengthy, but effective. Purchased seeds are sown in small containers on the surface of a light substrate and placed in a greenhouse. Germination begins in 15-18 days. In the house, seedlings are grown for about 2 years in compliance with the temperature regime in the range of 17-21 °, average soil moisture and good lighting.

Optimal planting time

Heather can be planted in the garden early autumn from the last decade of September to the first decade of October or in the middle of spring, starting from the second half of April.

When is it better to plant heather - in the spring or in the fall?

The answer is unequivocal - in the spring! During the warm period, the shrub will have time to settle down in a new place, take root and release young roots. Falling temperatures in autumn will help the heather ripen and prepare for the cold.

Plant soil

The main requirement for the soil is its acidic reaction.

IMPORTANT! Neutral and alkaline earths are totally unsuitable for shrubs!

The rest of the soil can be any - its composition is not so important for the plant. It is best to grow heather in high moor peat, diluted with sawdust and coniferous substrate (decayed litter from under trees or pines). Such soil contributes rapid development the simplest fungi.

Before planting heather, the soil must be treated with an acidified liquid. In a bucket of water, electrolyte is diluted for refueling car batteries (50 ml), acetic or citric acid (1 liter of powder or 70-80 ml). This solution is plentifully shedding the entire area of ​​future plantings.

Landing technology

The planting scheme of seedlings is 30 × 40 cm, depth - up to 40 cm. The root collar should be located above the soil surface.

ATTENTION! The bushes must be removed from the containers and straightened all the roots, which are usually compressed and bent inward. If this is not done, the heather will die, since it cannot cope on its own. The root system of the shrub is located horizontally, expanding to the sides, and not in depth.

Each seedling must be planted in a separate hole, at the bottom of which drainage must be laid out.

Features of heather care

Location in the garden and lighting for the plant

Heather can grow in any light, but it is optimal to plant it in bright light with a slight shade. To do this, it is placed next to low trees and bushes. In gravel front gardens, alpine slides and rockeries, heather will be quite comfortable, thanks to the optimal humidity conditions.

In the shade, heather will be able to grow, but it will bloom rarely, poorly and for a short time. The inflorescences will lose the brightness of colors, become expressionless and pale.

Air humidity

On dry summer days, heather grows poorly and withers. To avoid this, the bushes are sprayed with cool water in the evenings.

Temperature regime

Heather does not like heat, preferring moderate heat in the range of 17-22 °. When the temperature drops to 20 °, it can freeze without insulation.

How to water properly?

The root system of heather is very short, but highly branched, with many small roots, it is located close to the surface, therefore it is not at all adapted to extract water from the depths. In the absence of rainfall, the shrub can be severely affected by moisture deficiency.

Due to these characteristics of the roots, watering is necessary often to upper layer did not have time to dry. In addition, it is advisable to mulch the soil, retaining moisture in it. For shelter, you can use any material, with the exception of a black polyethylene film, which will cause overheating of the soil and its accelerated drying.

Fertilizing and fertilizing plants

For best development heather, which, in principle, does not suffer from a lack of nutrients, you can use minerals once for the entire warm period. Any complex of trace elements is scattered over the surface of the earth or diluted in water for irrigation. Fertilizer calculation 25-35 g per sq. m of soil or 1.5-3 g per liter.

IMPORTANT! Fertilizers, even after dilution, should not fall on leaves, branches and flowers, so as not to cause chemical burns.

Pruning heather

The procedure is simple, but it has its own characteristics and subtleties. It is carried out to form the crown, rejuvenate the plant and eliminate old dried shoots.

In the spring, they cut the shrub to direct shoots, improve growth and increase decorativeness.

Autumn pruning removes all dead, dried, faded branches.

Pruning methods

Young plants of the first 3 years of life are pruned very moderately, removing only strongly regrown branches. More mature specimens can be trimmed more intensively using a sharp pruner.

An autumn peel-off should only remove dead and unneeded branches. If you decide to do winter ikebana, do not touch the lignified mature stems.

Heather transplant

It is done only in the most extreme cases, with a strong need, because the bush is very painfully experiencing it and may die. This is due to the destruction of its symbiosis with fungi and damage to the small delicate roots.

Transplant methods

To minimize the possibility of damage, the heather bush is dug into a large lump of soil. It is recommended to capture the entire substrate surrounding the plant and especially its roots. This structure is carefully moved into a container and then landed in a prepared place.


The operation is required infrequently - the heather grows beautifully on its own, capturing large areas of land. Usually, reproduction is carried out if it is necessary to plant shrubs in a new place at a great distance from the previous one.

There are many ways, from the simplest to the laborious and inaccessible for amateur gardeners.

Reproduction methods

  • Division of rhizomes. The easiest and fastest-performing method. It is necessary to excavate the heather bush you like, trying not to shake off the ground, and cut it into pieces, dividing the young growth in half. Plant each half in separate planting holes.
  • Apical cuttings. When pruning in autumn, select healthy, strong shoots and set to root in peat. The cuttings must be kept in cool place at a temperature of 14-16 °, fertilize with urea every 17-20 days. Root the tops during the winter, plant them outside in the spring.
  • Layers. Cover the fallen large shoots with a substrate of sand and peat, filling up a 5-9 cm segment. Moisten this mound constantly to get roots. Subsequently, cut off from the maternal shoot and plant separately.

Heather bloom

A very spectacular show that pleases the owner for a very long time. Most often, the heather is covered with snow, continuing to bloom.

When does the plant bloom?

Heather produces buds by the end of August. The shoots are completely covered with small flowers, shaped like bells. A unique feature of the shrub is that the buds do not crumble when flowering. They remain on the branches until spring, gradually sinking under the snow.

What to do after flowering?

All that is required is to cover the shrub closer to winter, preventing its freezing. Without waiting for the flowers to fall off, the near-stem areas are covered with dry leaves, peat or spruce branches... The cover is done after the arrival of light frosts and freezing of the soil surface, preventing overheating and soaking of the roots.

Problems, diseases and pests in the flower

Resistant to pest attacks, heather can contract viral and fungal infections.

  • The attack of viruses is manifested by an ugly curvature of branches, improper colors of flowers and leaves, inhibition of the development of a dwarf shrub. These infections are easy to recognize and nearly impossible to cure. The only measure involves the disposal of the affected plants by burning them. This will help prevent the spread of the disease to other bushes.
  • Heather is often attacked by fungi of gray and root rot, which appear with constant dampness. If young branches suddenly begin to die off, the shoots are covered with an unpleasant bloom, and the leaves fall off en masse, it's time to use fungicidal preparations to destroy pathogenic fungi. Fundazol, Rovral, Hom, Topaz will help against them.

ADVICE! Periodic spraying of the bushes with copper preparations will prevent any attacks of pathogenic fungi that cause rot, rust and powdery mildew, from which heather is not at all immune.

Popular varieties

The Heather family includes heather and erika. In the genus Heather, there is only one species - common heather. But more than 250 varieties of it are known!

  • Goldhaze - the leaves resemble juniper needles, but only of lemon color. Inflorescences are snow-white.
  • Allegro - foliage of a deep green hue, flowers are dark red. The variety is characterized by fast growth.
  • Alexandra is a miniature shrub with emerald foliage and purple buds.
  • Silver Night (Silvernight) - a spectacular bush covered with silvery foliage, which by autumn changes color to purple. Inflorescences are lilac with large red stamens.
  • Anne-Marie is a medium-sized plant with dark green leaves that become silvery in autumn. The flowers are light burgundy, double.
  • Alba Plena - small leaves have a bright herbaceous color, contrasting with snow-white flowers.
  • If you plant heather in a permanently dry area (for example, under trees), it is guaranteed to survive any frost. However, it will be impossible to wait for flowering.
  • The shrub grows and develops best on sandy and peatlands.
  • An excess of any fertilizer causes the tops to wilt and brown on the leaves.
  • Coniferous spruce branches are considered the best covering material for heather, as it helps the development of beneficial fungi.
  • A potted heather at home will live no more than one season, dying during the winter.

Answers to readers' questions

What is the lifespan of a plant?

With the right good care heather can live for more than half a century! At the same time, it is actively growing and can occupy huge areas.

Why does heather dry?

The shrub begins to dry out, losing leaves and young twigs, with excessive dryness of the substrate and air, especially in hot weather. During such periods, it needs to be watered more often, spraying it every night from a spray bottle.

How to care for a flower in winter?

The only thing that needs to be done is to properly cover the near-trunk areas, protecting the shrubs from freezing. And do not forget to open it in the spring, completely clearing the soil from the mulch layer.

Heather belongs to the heather family. In Norway, it is considered the national flower. At home, two types are grown: slender and hibernating.


Heather is an evergreen, fast-growing shrub up to sixty centimeters high. It can be both branching and creeping. The plant has decorative needle-shaped leaves of various colors, ranging from light green to silver-gray. There are varieties with multi-colored leaves: red, orange or gold. It is they who give the heather a special charm.

The plant has a different time and flowering time, depending on the selected species. When this period comes, the bush becomes bright decoration any room for a long time. For example, slender heather pleases in autumn and winter. Small flowers are similar in shape to barrel-shaped bells, formed by not fully accreted ordinary or double petals. They are found in white, purple, lilac-pink or other colors and cover the entire plant. Inflorescences are round or pyramidal in shape. This is a magnificent honey plant with the most delicate aroma. From the side, the bush looks like a dazzling flash.

Some features

In the wild and in home gardens, the plant blooms all summer. This period is shifted to October - March when caring for and planting heather at home. Withered flowers do not lose their color; they remain on the shrub for several months, retaining its decorative effect. For this reason, they can not be removed, however, if you cut them off, others grow more abundantly and delight with bright colors. Heather is a rather unpretentious plant. There are certain features of breeding, subject to which it will delight flower growers for many years. In the summer, the plant can be transferred to the balcony, not forgetting about frequent watering.


In the wild, the plant propagates by seed. Heather is bred at home using cuttings or dividing the bush in mid-spring or autumn. Experts advise using the latter method, as it gives the best results. The procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the root system. Further, the heather is well watered. When propagating by seeds, remember that the shrub will bloom in two years.

How to care for heather at home

The plant grows best in cool rooms with ample supply of fresh air and also prefers diffused light. It is not recommended to place it near heat sources. The optimum temperature is 7-12 degrees winter period and about 20 in the summer. Does not tolerate even short-term dryness of the soil, dry and hot air. It is advisable to mulch the soil, this has a good effect on the shrub. It is imperative to remove dried leaves and branches. Watering must be done at the root. At least twice a year, you should acidify the soil by adding acid to the water.


When caring for heather at home, the following problems are possible:

  • a grayish-white bloom has formed on the leaves, the cause is powdery mildew;
  • slow growth is the result of inappropriate acidity of the soil in which the plant is located, or a high nitrogen content;
  • the leaves acquire a brownish tint, young shoots wither - this is a consequence of stagnant water, and in some cases an excess of nutrients;
  • branches and flowers dry up, the reason is insufficient watering, dry indoor air, slightly acidic soil environment.


After the end of the flowering period, the shrub is subjected to formative pruning, which inhibits its aging. In addition, thanks to this procedure, the splendor of the plant is preserved. Only the green part of the bush with leaves is cut off. When performing this manipulation, the branches are shortened by different levels to maintain the sloppy, natural look of the plant. If you process the shrub to the wood itself, then it will die. For abundant flowering pinch heather branches at home.

Diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to pests and diseases. However, in unfavorable conditions For example, when the air humidity is high, heather is exposed to powdery mildew and gray rot. For prophylaxis, the shrub is sprayed with antifungal chemicals.

Purchase at a flower shop

When buying this magnificent plant, you need to pay attention to the condition of the flowers, they should not crumble, and the branches must be flexible. The problem is that a shrub can die even from a short-term dryness of the soil during transportation, but in appearance this will not be noticeable, since for several months it does not lose its decorative effect.

Looking to buy potted heather? At home, he will survive if, before buying, carefully examine the condition of the bush. If the plant is weak, it will quickly die if it finds itself in other conditions.

Necessary activities

As soon as you brought the bush home, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Using a shower head, rinse the plant with cool water. This will have a positive effect on the condition of the plant.
  2. Transplant the heather into a larger container. This culture has a poorly developed root system, so the plant is planted to a depth of fifteen centimeters to prevent decay. The roots are carefully straightened, they should look outward, and if this is not done, then the heather may not take root.
  3. The pot with the plant is placed in a tray with pebbles or wet peat. The ideal planting time is from April to early June.

Land and feeding

Acidic and loose soil, the presence of drainage is essential conditions when taking care at home. Indoor heather should be constantly in moist soil. Shortly before transplanting the plant, the soil must be additionally acidified. To do this, dilute one hundred grams of apple cider vinegar or citric acid in ten liters of water. During flowering and growing season, it is recommended to feed the shrub organic fertilizers once every thirty days. Heather at home requires frequent moistening and spraying. Water for this manipulation is used at a standing and room temperature. During rest, the frequency of watering is reduced, fertilizers are not applied. Pine bark can be poured over the soil, which will prevent rapid evaporation of water, increase acidity and disinfect the substrate. At the beginning spring period it should be transplanted and fertilized.

What are the benefits of heather

The plant contains special substances that give it anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, cleansing and other useful properties. Medicinal raw materials flowering shoots are considered, from which infusions, decoctions, teas, powders are prepared. Heather is used in both folk and traditional medicine to treat:

  • renal pathologies;
  • sore throat;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • wounds, ulcers on the skin;
  • burns.

Rubbing in heather infusion slows down hair loss and improves hair appearance... Before using the plant for medicinal purposes, it is advisable to consult with specialists. It is contraindicated when taken orally for people with low acidity gastric juice.

Heather at home

Reviews about this bush are only positive:

  • unpretentious plant with a compact crown, but has some growing characteristics;
  • slow growth, no more than 2 cm in two years;
  • long-liver;
  • abundant flowering;
  • heather has an unusually pleasant smell;
  • the plant is very fond of bees;
  • can grow on a balcony, indoors and in a summer cottage.

The owners of this beautiful plant give the following tips:

  • should not be planted in damp places;
  • fertilization is necessary for growth and development;
  • be sure to mulch the soil with humus or peat;
  • regular watering is required;
  • cover with spruce branches should be in case of frosty and little snowy winter.


Heather foliage is used to produce a dye for fabrics, from which the famous Scottish kilts and plaids are sewn. The plant is used to brew the traditional Scottish beer - heather ale. Honey is made from heather and used for diet tea drinks. The shrub is part of the paraphernalia in magic and is considered a powerful talisman. If you create favorable conditions for growth at home, heather will delight gardeners for many years.

In this article, we will describe in detail, one of best plants for landscape design and how to care for and grow it. And so please meet the article - "heather cultivation and care". For those who want to decorate a garden, attic or apartment, perennials are perfect. Heather is one of them. This undersized shrub has exceptional unpretentiousness. In addition, the genus of heather includes many multi-colored varieties, from which you can make interesting fragrant compositions, both in the garden and on the windowsill.

Heather cultivation and care

Common heather is the only representative of the genus Heather. However, there are several hundred varieties of the plant. different colors, sizes and shapes. Because of this, heathers are a favorite plant of landscape designers.

Common heather is often confused with a representative of a similar heather family - Eric's bush. This plant has many different types... Erica is a thermophilic shrub, so it is more often grown in greenhouses or at home. However, there are also frost-resistant species suitable for landing in open ground.

Garden heather

Heather will not only decorate the garden or private plot but will also attract bees. This is worth taking note of for those who own or plan to start their own apiary.

Place and time for planting heather

In order for heather to bloom, it needs a comfortable place. A best conditions for this plant, these are sunny arid places. In the wild, heather is found in deserts, rocky slopes, and marshy areas.

The best time to plant this shrub is early autumn, mid and late spring. It is also easier to buy the plant during these seasons. In the spring, the heather will take root and start up a strong root system, which will allow it to winter safely. In autumn, there is a risk that the plant will freeze in frost, so it is better to plant it in early or mid-September.

Choosing heather seedlings for planting

Healthy and strong seedlings are the key to the extensive growth of the bush. When buying, it is worth choosing branches with the following characteristics: branches must be elastic and flexible; the bark is smooth and even, without any plaque; the soil in the pot is moist, but not wet; the branches should have light green buds.

The younger and fresher the seedling, the faster it will take root in a new place. Store-bought heather has one peculiarity: the roots in the pot are twisted and crushed, so they should be gently shaken and straightened before planting.

Preparing the soil before planting heather

When preparing the soil for indoor heather, a number of steps should be followed. The choice of the pot is at your own discretion. Drainage laying - small stones or sand. Filling the soil - it does not need to be compressed tightly, because it is designed to pass moisture well.

The soil should be as close as possible in composition to that on which the heather grows in the wild. Then abundant hydration is performed. After completing these steps, you can start planting the plant.

How to plant heather

Heather is unpretentious in maintenance, but the choice of soil should be approached thoroughly. The shrub does not accept alkaline and neutral soils, the acidity level is 4-5 optimal for its active growth.

Preparing a heather planting site consists of the following steps:

  • Shallow holes are dug with a depth of 20-25 cm with a diameter of up to 30 cm.
  • The next stage is soil preparation. The composition for planting heather is made from sand, high moor peat, tree bark and needles. The pits are filled with soil so that a small mound forms.
  • Small pits are made in fresh soil, and a heather bush is placed there.
  • After planting, the soil around the plant is thoroughly crushed.

If the soil on the site is neutral or alkaline, then even a partial replacement of the soil does not guarantee quick survival of the heather. Artificial oxidation can help in this situation. It is best to use natural acids (oxalic, citric) for this procedure. Oxidation is done before or after planting. For this, a solution is prepared: one teaspoon of acid per 3 liters of water.

Heather how to care

Heather needs an optimal level of moisture - it is undesirable to overdry or fill it. However, watering abundant thickets is problematic. Mulching the soil can help with this. The best materials for heather are: bark; needles; dried sawdust.

Mulching will not only retain moisture, but also protect the plant from weeds.

For watering heather, it is better to use rainwater or settled water. For active growth, it should be additionally oxidized with 2-3 tablespoons per watering can with a volume of 10-15 liters.

How heather multiplies

The most common way to propagate heather is by cuttings. To do this, a small process 7-10 cm long is cut off from a healthy piece that has taken root. After that, the cuttings are placed in a pot with sour loose soil for rooting.

When the planted bushes have taken root and faded, they have seeds. They can be used to propagate heather. For this, an acidic soil of peat and sand is prepared. The planting vessel should not exceed 10 cm. After sowing, it is covered with foil and removed to a dark place for a couple of weeks. After a month, the heather seeds will sprout. In this state, they are taken out into the street right in their own pot and only after 1-2 years will they be ready for transplantation into open ground.

Heather can be propagated directly in the open field if a large bush is already growing on it. The extreme branches with young shoots are carefully bent to the ground and sprinkled on top with fresh soil. The next spring, a full-fledged sprout is formed from it, which is neatly torn off from the initial bush and transplanted to a new place.

Another way to propagate this bush is by root. As a rule, the heather root system already consists of several accrete bumps, they are carefully separated and planted in new places. This procedure is done in early autumn, when the plant has already bloomed.

Heather indoor planting and care

Planting homemade heather has some peculiarities. The soil for it needs to be prepared differently than for a fellow growing in the garden. Indoor plants are more susceptible to disease. For example, it is often attacked by a spider mite. To scare him away, use Actellik or a tincture of garlic. The heather pot is placed in a well-lit place. The temperature should be cool here. In the off-season, the plant is taken out into the open air.

The most important prerequisite for growing heather is keeping track of soil acidity and moisture levels.

Therefore, do not allow the soil mixture to dry out. Fertilizers applied to the soil in dosage.

Indoor heather care

The main condition for caring for heather in the home is regular watering. The plant is sensitive to exposure to chlorine and other impurities tap water... Therefore, it is purified. You can also collect rainwater.

The root system of the plant is located closer to the soil surface. As a result, loosening the soil in the pot is unacceptable. There are several principles for caring for indoor heather:

  • regular fertilizing is carried out with mineral fertilizers in the autumn and summer periods;
  • it is unacceptable to wait for the earthen substrate to dry;
  • in warm weather, the leaves of the plant are sprayed to scare away pests;
  • when growing heather for several years, it must be transplanted every year while preserving an earthen coma;
  • the plant is afraid of drafts;
  • it is important to control the acidity of the soil;
  • if the drain is poorly prepared, rot can develop.
  • It is not recommended to grow heather at home for more than a year.

Reproduction of indoor heather

When grown at home, heather can be propagated by seed any month. This procedure should be carried out at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. In bowls with prepared substrate (coniferous, as well as peat land mixed with river sand- 1: 2: 1) seeds are sown without sinking in the soil. The container is closed from above with glass. It is removed only after the emergence of seedlings, which appear above the ground after 3-4 weeks.

High humidity is maintained for the first 5 days. Then the plant is sprayed on top once a week. In the summer, the seedlings are taken out into the fresh air. They need to be protected from the sun. After 8-10 months, the plants are transplanted into separate pots.

In the process of growing heather in the open field and at home, you should observe simple rules that will help any gardener. At proper care the plant will delight you with a rich honey smell and abundant flowering.

We hope you enjoyed the article "Heather growing and care"!

Heather belongs to low-growing evergreen shrubs, during the flowering period, very effectively forming a single carpet of colors of white, red, purple and lilac with a pleasant smell. If a forest bush is planted in the garden, then even during the first frost, flowers in the form of small bells continue to remain on the bush, pleasing the gardener's eye.

This plant is used for garden plot as decoration alpine slide, curb or rockery, as well as in indoor conditions in a pot. Despite the fact that heather is a rather unpretentious plant, it is very picky about light and soil quality, especially in indoor conditions. In too dark places, it will not bloom, and if there is insufficient watering, it will wither away, it also does not like frequent transplants, so it is recommended to immediately think about where it will be planted.

When planting heather in home pot it should be borne in mind that this is mainly an annual plant, therefore, in order to preserve the bush, it must be cut off and transplanted once a year after flowering. In this article, we will show you how to care for shrubs at home and in the garden.

Rules for planting a heather flower at home in a garden

For indoor keeping, heather is planted in pots, placed on a balcony or window (the south side with direct sunlight is destructive, and the east and west are ideal, so consider the location), periodically airing the room.

Flowering shrub heather

For planting, it is important to make sure that the plant has not dried out, since the flowering type of flowers retains for a long time after dying off. You also need to examine the roots for decay - there should be no gray plaque on the ground.

When purchasing young heather bushes, you need to make sure that the branches are flexible and elastic with thick leaves, and at the end there are buds and new shoots.

For planting in a garden plot, the features are the same, and given that in nature the flower grows best on peat bogs, stony soils and wastelands, we think over the place and prepare the appropriate soil.

Heather in nature

Preparing the soil for planting a plant

The soil must be acidic, this is one of the most important requirements., and the rest is not so critical, although it is better to give preference to a mixture of humus, peat and sand with the addition of sawdust or needles. Also, shortly before planting, it is recommended to additionally oxidize the ground with a special liquid: for 10 liters of water we take 100 grams of apple cider vinegar or citric acid, you can use 50 grams of electrolyte for batteries.

Before planting, the root system of each bush is carefully manually straightened so that the roots look outward and not inward - if this is not done, then the heather will not be able to take root and die. When planting, the root collar of the bush should be slightly higher than the ground, and at the bottom of each hole we lay out drainage. When planting in a pot, you need to take a vessel 5-6 cm wider than the rhizome and be sure to leave a "native" lump of earth on the roots. The ideal time for disembarkation is from mid-April to early June.

If you decide to plant a flower with seeds, then remember that in indoor conditions heather will bloom in two years. Seeds are sown on the surface of the earth and put into a greenhouse (they are covered with a film). After two to three weeks, seedlings will appear, which are transplanted into open ground, preferably in the spring, but it is also possible at the end of September. Cut off plants that have only reached the age of three, trying not to cut the branches at the root.

If an adult bush is not cut off (once a year in spring), then the plant will wither and may die.

Heather flower close up

How to care after landing?

Heather is considered an unpretentious plant, but there are still some nuances:

  • Loves fresh air, but does not tolerate drafts
  • An indoor plant needs to be fertilized more often than a garden plant. For this, Kemira Universal or a special fertilizer for azaleas is used. For feeding, the product can be diluted in water or simply scattered over damp earth, slightly sprinkled with mulch. The plant often suffers from overfeeding the soil than from its poverty.
  • Periodic mulching of the roots has a beneficial effect on the plant, since its roots are sometimes located above ground level. For this, you can use bark, shavings and sawdust.
  • Avoid watering with tap water, which contains too much lime and chlorine
  • Be sure to remove dried twigs and leaves.

To water better times a week with rain or melt water, you can also settle the water in containers before watering. Add acid to the water periodically. Watering is done at the root, trying not to get on the ground part - the plant can hit gray rot, while trying to prevent the topsoil from drying out, which mainly feeds the bush.

Shrub heather in landscape design

Reproduction is carried out by seeds, dividing the bush and layering. To divide the bush in the spring, after digging the bush, carefully divide it into two or three parts, preserving the earthen coma on the roots and replant it to a new place. When propagating by layering, sprinkle large shoots with earth to a depth of 10 cm. The hill is often moistened so that the roots germinate faster. When the rope takes root, cut it off from the mother bush and transplant.

Pests and the fight against them

Heather has several enemies that need to be fought carefully:

  • Aphids (we use Decis, Intra-virus)
  • Spider mite (we fight with Aktara and Aktellika)
  • Gray rot (use Fundazol, Topaz, Rovral from it)
  • Powdery mildew and rust - we spray the bushes with copper preparations

If you create favorable conditions, heather will grow wildly and decorate your home (or plot) with wonderful colors and an extraordinary aroma. And knowing that this plant does not require special care methods, it is perfect not only for experienced florists but also for beginners.


Heather is a discreet flower, not lush, but charming. Small lilac-pink flowers it looks like bells and is densely scattered on twigs-inflorescences.

The flowers and leaves of heather are small, but there are many of them on one plant, - therefore, flowering thickets of heather from a distance look like delicate pinkish-purple clouds.

In rock gardens, it is usually not the wild-growing heather that is grown, but its cultivated varieties.

In 1994, 18 varieties of heather were donated to the Main Botanical Garden in Moscow by German specialists.

The name of this genus, referring to the Heather family and includes only one species, comes from the ancient Greek word kalynein - "to clean", since from ancient times heather was used to make panicles.)))

Despite its modest size heather is a relative of large-leaved rhododendron and strawberry tree ... As well as blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, wild rosemary.

Wild heather grows in Russia in pine forests, on forest edges and rocky slopes, as well as in peat bogs.

Scotland also called the land of heather honey, and in ancient Scotland, heather was depicted on the coat of arms of one of the clans.

Legends of heather

An old Scottish legend has it that the humble Heather was the only one who, at the request of God, agreed to grow on the bare, windswept hillsides. For this, God rewarded him with increased endurance and natural charm, as well as the aroma and qualities of a honey plant.

Once upon a time one Scottish princess was waiting to return her husband from a military campaign. The only thing left of her beloved is a white silk scarf and memories of the days spent together. The princess cried out all her eyes and one of her tears fell on the purple heather flower. At the same moment, the flower turned white, like a silk scarf of a loved one. The legend is silent about how this story ended.

I would like to believe that the wife nevertheless waited for her husband from the war - after all, since then white heather is considered a symbol of good luck in Scotland.

Heather is dedicated to the Roman and Sicilian Venus Erikita, and in Egypt and Phenicia to Isis. Isis's brother, Osiris was imprisoned in the heather in Byblos, where she went in search of him. Set killed Osiris, threw his coffin into the river. River waves carried the coffin with the corpse of Osiris to the shores Gebala (Bybla), they threw him on dry land, and he was left lying on a young sprout of heather. While Isis wandered, the heather had time to grow, surrounded the coffin of Osiris and hid it inside its trunk. And after a while, King Gebala, walking, saw a beautiful tree and ordered it to be cut down and made of it a column for his palace.

In Japan there is still a tradition burn the heather on Wakusayama , Mount Wakakusa .. Now it is an unusual festival (January 12), and earlier on Mount Wakakusa, monks set fire to Heather, whose thickets (heather) reached 33 hectares (80 acres), after which the warrior monks shot down his flame.

perhaps it:

a) an attempt to resolve the 1000-year-old dispute over the border between the two temples of Nara;
b) effective method to reduce the population of various small evil spirits;
c) the remains of ancient Japanese hunting equipment.

Magical use

Heather is used in magic rituals to cleanse the home and yard from evil spirits and evil spirits.

Heather dispels any witchcraft. It is good to plant heather in the garden, best of all from the east and north sides. It will bring protection to your home, good luck and financial well-being for you.

White heather protects against violence, and heather ale- a healing drink - brings consolation.

The most famous legend

Once upon a time, brave and strong people - the Picts - lived in the northern heather fields of Scotland. Only they possessed the secrets of making a miraculous drink - heather honey, which gives people strength and youth. The King of Scots decided to master the mystery and sent his army to this tribe to find out everything about the drink. But the freedom-loving and proud people did not reveal the secrets of the preparation of the drink and took it to the grave.

Robert Stevenson recreated the legend of the tragedy that took place in the heather fields, and wrote the ballad "Heather honey". I always remember this legend when I see heather thickets in the forest ...