Frequent stool with undigested food in a child. Undigested food in the stool in children: why and what to do

Standard laboratory tests often provide quite a lot of information about the patient's health status. Such analyzes not only show how correctly or incorrectly the body functions, but also help to identify what exactly is the essence of the violations. A fairly popular study is a coprogram - a study of the characteristics of feces. When conducting such an analysis, indigestible in the feces can be detected, such a violation can be observed in both a child and an adult, we will consider its causes and talk about what to do in this condition.

Plant fiber indigestible in the feces of a child

The reasons

Normally, in perfectly healthy children, small particles of undigested rough food, represented by nuts, peels of vegetables and fruits, can periodically be observed in the feces. It may well be that the food was not of proper quality. At the same time, experts argue that in the absence of malaise in the child and discomfort during the act of defecation, there is nothing to worry about.

You need to see a doctor if undigested particles in the products of digestion are visible simply to the naked eye, and also if mucus and blood are observed in the feces, and peristalsis causes discomfort. It is also worth worrying when the baby has an abundance of intestinal noise and cramps.

Small lumps of undigested fiber in the feces can be caused by the predominance of plant foods in the baby's menu. Sometimes this symptom is caused by functional dyspepsia, but in this case, the baby may experience periodic regurgitation, decreased appetite, bloating, and frequent loose stools (often with mucus). A similar condition can occur with gross violations of the diet by a nursing mother, as well as with overfeeding a child and non-compliance with his diet. Also, functional dyspepsia can be caused by dentition (), a mismatch between the diet of the crumbs and its age-related needs, and taking certain medications.

Quite often, the appearance of food particles in the feces in children is provoked by dysbacteriosis - an imbalance in the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.

It is worth noting that sometimes indigestion of fiber in babies can occur due to disorders in the pancreas. But such problems are usually manifested by other more pronounced disorders of well-being.

What to do with indigestion of fiber in children?

If you find incomplete digestion of food in babies, you need to contact a pediatrician. So, if such a problem arose during diet violations, you need to stop consuming an excessive amount of vegetable fiber and provide the baby with a competent balanced diet.

If indigestion is observed in babies when they are introduced to new food, you need to postpone the intake of new foods for a while and try to enter them again on the menu only after two to three weeks.

It is also extremely important to stop overfeeding the baby and force feeding.
Treatment of disorders in the activity of the pancreas is carried out only under the supervision of a qualified gastroenterologist.

If dysbacteriosis has become the cause of indigestion of fiber in children, the child is usually prescribed prebiotics - Enterol, etc. It is also important to follow a diet.

Plant fiber is indigestible in the feces of an adult. The reasons

It is worth noting that in the feces of an adult, two types of fiber can be found - digestible and indigestible. The first is usually observed in digestion products due to a deficiency of hydrochloric acid, which separates the cells of digestible fiber. With insufficient production of this substance, pieces of vegetables or fruits appear in the feces, of course, the beneficial substances from them cannot be absorbed by the body.

As for indigestible fiber, it is a small fraction of cereals, legumes, hairs and vessels of plants, skins of various fruits and vegetables. Such particles can be found in the feces of perfectly healthy people.

Experts say that the appearance of undigested food in adults can be triggered by reduced acidity of the digestive juice, pancreatic ailments, as well as accelerated evacuation of food. Often these ailments are accompanied by the appearance of diarrhea.

What to do with the appearance of indigestible fiber in the stool in an adult?

If such a symptom is found against the background of absolute health and normal well-being, you just need to change your diet. Reduce the amount of plant foods, make the diet balanced.

If the cause of such a violation lies in a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid, it is better to consult a doctor. This problem requires compliance with a special diet and taking certain medications that activate the production of digestive juice. To stimulate the secretory activity of the stomach, Limontar, Pentagastrin, Histaglobulin, etc. are usually used. In some cases, patients with a similar problem are shown replacement therapy using Pepsidil, Pepsin, etc.

In case of violations of the activity of the pancreas, enzymes and others can be used. In addition, directed treatment of the identified disease is carried out under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

In case of violations of the digestibility of food in children or adults, it is better to seek medical help as soon as possible. You can’t do without medical help if the indigestibility of fiber is accompanied by other health disorders.

Alternative treatment to increase the acidity of gastric juice

The indigestibility of vegetable fiber is often explained by the reduced acidity of gastric juice. You can cope with it at home using proven traditional medicine.

So, to increase the acidity of gastric juice, healers advise combining equal shares of calamus root, rose hips and dill, as well as. Chop and mix all ingredients well. Brew a couple of tablespoons of the resulting mixture in a thermos with half a liter of boiling water. Infuse the medicine throughout the night - for seven to eight hours, then strain. Take the infusion strained at seventy milliliters four to five times a day - half an hour after each meal. The recommended duration of admission is one and a half to two months.

To prepare the next medicine that increases the acidity of gastric juice, you need to prepare equal shares of oregano herb, yarrow herb, dandelion root, elecampane root, and immortelle fruit.

Grind all the ingredients and mix them well together. The preparation and administration of this medicine is carried out in the same way as in the previous version.

To increase the acidity of the digestive juice, a tincture based on immature walnuts can be used. Grind ten to fifteen fruits thinner and pour half a liter of vodka. Send such a medicine under the lid to the cabinet and infuse at room temperature for two weeks. Strain the finished product, and squeeze the vegetable raw materials. Take the tincture in a tablespoon three times a day.

To increase acidity, you can prepare half a kilogram of red rowan berries. Pour them with three hundred grams of sugar, mix and leave for five hours. Boil such a remedy for half an hour, then cool and take a tablespoon three to four times a day shortly before a meal.

To prepare a wonderful remedy that stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach, you need to grate one apple and two hundred grams of pumpkin, squeeze the juice of a lemon and mix it with water (1: 2) so as to get a quarter cup of the solution. Mix the prepared ingredients, add a spoonful of honey to them, mix and eat for breakfast. After such a meal, you need to refuse to eat for three to four hours.

To increase the acidity of gastric juice, you can prepare juice from fresh plantain leaves. Rinse such raw materials under running water, dry it and pass it through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass and drink it in a tablespoon twenty to thirty minutes before a meal.

If undigested food particles are found in the feces of an adult or a child, you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Unfortunately, stool disorders in a one-year-old child are not uncommon, but what if undigested food particles appear in the feces? Such phenomena do happen and often become a cause of concern for young mothers. Often, experts devote entire programs to stool disorders in babies, for example, one of those is Dr. Komarovsky.

The saddest thing is that in most cases it is the parents who are to blame for such violations, because of the excessive effort to "do everything for the baby." Although there are problems that require medical treatment, in such cases, an appeal to a specialist is a must! Today we’ll talk about why there are undigested food residues in the feces of a child and what to do in such a situation.

Causes of the problem

The digestive system of a small child is formed for a long time, so stool disorders at the age of up to a year are a common thing. However, disorders are different, and sometimes there are such troubles as the appearance of food debris in the feces. It can be a peel from plant foods, small parts of nuts and much more. In this case, it is worth making allowances for the fact that the quality of the fruits and vegetables you purchase does not hold water. Moreover, if the act of defecation does not provide for the presence of any unpleasant sensations, there is no reason to panic. You can avoid food particles in your baby's stool by buying better foods.

However, there are certain signs by which violations of the gastrointestinal tract in a child can be detected. Such deviations include:

  • the presence of mucous or blood impurities in the feces;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • an abundance of intestinal noise during intestinal peristalsis and much more.

The cause of such phenomena can also be the wrong diet, especially when it comes to excessive amounts of fiber. It is important to know that food moves through the child's gastrointestinal tract quickly enough, and an enzyme capable of breaking down such substances may not be enough. Then small lumps of undigested fiber may appear in the feces. In this case, there is also no serious cause for concern and it is not necessary to treat the baby with medical means. Such troubles can be eliminated by limiting the amount of plant foods in the diet.

The next problem to focus on is functional dyspepsia. The appearance of food particles in the stool is just one of the symptoms of this disease. There may also be manifestations such as:

  1. Frequent belching.
  2. Loss of appetite.
  3. Liquid stool.
  4. Mucous impurities in the stool.
  5. Bloating, etc.

Among the reasons for such problems, one can note the mother's refusal to follow a diet when feeding, the lack of a diet, too large portions when feeding. Also, such problems sometimes appear at the moment when the child's teeth begin to cut, or they are a consequence of taking certain medications. Also, to avoid trouble, do not rush to start feeding the baby with food for which he is not yet functionally ready.

Dysbacteriosis. A problem that adults can suffer from, but it is much more difficult for children. The fact is that at the birth of a baby, his intestines are sterile. It lacks both beneficial and harmful microflora. At the same time, bacteria are colonized within a few hours from the moment of birth. In this case, beneficial microorganisms may not be enough. Such problems are manifested by a change in the color and consistency of feces, as well as the possible appearance of food particles due to intestinal disorders.

So, we figured out the causes of such phenomena, but what to do if they occur? We will talk about this further.

How are digestive problems corrected?

We draw attention to the fact that medical assistance is not always needed. Of course, it will never be superfluous to consult with a specialist, but in most cases, the perpetrators of the violations are the parents themselves. Why is it so? We will talk about this in more detail.

First of all, when correcting digestive problems, the age and type of nutrition of the baby is important. Is your child breastfed? So, mom needs to reconsider first of all her own diet. Professionals recommend following a special diet that will help you correct the chemical composition of breast milk. For this, it is advised not to eat:

  • high-fat foods;
  • fried foods;
  • smoked meats.

If none of this helped, or if you strictly adhered to the specified diet and limited yourself to food, then most likely the problem lies in the child's gastrointestinal tract. The only way out of the situation is to see a doctor.

Often the appearance of food particles in the stool is associated with the start of feeding the baby and accustoming him to solid or mushy food. Indeed, bowel movements may become more frequent, and stools may change. Perhaps the child is simply too early to eat such food, or you feed him too large pieces. Again, do not rush to start complementary foods, and if such problems begin, postpone it for a month. Did not help? Contact a specialist.

Don't overfeed your baby! Many parents often try to feed the baby through force, believing that he is not eating enough. Never try this! In infants, the gastrointestinal tract is not yet formed, and the stomach is small. Therefore, the baby himself knows how much food he needs in order to get enough. However, overfeeding can lead to a number of all sorts of troubles.

Firstly, these include excess weight. The child should develop gradually, no need to try to speed up this process artificially. Secondly, you have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, who is simply not ready to digest large volumes. In this case, not only disorders of the digestive system at a young age may appear, but also problems already in adulthood. Be careful.

In general, we have listed the simplest situations that you can handle on your own. Feed your baby in adequate doses and on schedule, then you can prevent a huge number of digestive problems. However, there are situations in which the problem does not go away. It seems that the diet is observed, and while you avoid complementary foods, besides, you do not overfeed. Please note that in case of any trouble, you must come to a specialist!

It's no secret that the main indicator of human health are normal tests, which must have a certain appearance, smell and condition. First of all, we are talking about feces and urine. Of course, if, for example, the consistency of the child's feces is disturbed, this is already a reason for the mother to sound the alarm. The same reaction will follow if the baby has undigested food in the feces. Naturally, this ailment is typical not only for children, but also for adults, so it requires the most detailed consideration. So, let's try to figure out why undigested food appears in the feces, and how this problem can be eliminated.

Things to remember

If we talk about an adult, then the feces should have a uniform consistency and color, without any inclusions, including lumps, particles of blood, mucus, and even more food.

When visiting the toilet, it will not be superfluous from time to time to monitor the appearance of bowel movements. If undigested food is found in the feces (pieces of peel, seeds, vegetables, nuts), then there is no reason to worry - this is the norm. If the food particles in the feces have a larger structure and are clearly visible to the naked eye, then you should take action and go straight to a specialist. Rest assured, he will be able to explain why undigested food appeared in the stool, and prescribe the right treatment for you.

Naturally, you should not rely on chance or try to help yourself. Do not forget that you can only aggravate the situation. Know that undigested food in the stool in some cases indicates the presence of serious disorders, and your task is to respond to them in a timely manner.

Causes of pathology in children

In the normal state of a child, particles of rough food can sometimes be present in the structure of feces: vegetable peels, pieces of fruit, nuts. It is possible that the reason for this circumstance is the use of low-quality products.

We repeat, if the child does not experience discomfort and pain when emptying the intestines, and seeds and pieces of fruit are visible in his feces, this is not a problem. Another thing is when a baby, in addition to the fact that there is undigested food in the feces, blood and mucus are visible to the naked eye. You should also immediately go to the doctor if it is a pain.

The thing is that the abundant consumption of food of plant origin leads to the appearance of small accumulations of indigestible fiber. There is no enzyme in the body that would effectively cope with its splitting. Therefore, undigested food appears in the feces of a child. In this case, there is no need to consult a doctor, it is enough just to reduce the intake of fiber.


However, one should not forget about another reason explaining why undigested food is observed in the feces of a child. We are talking about such a childhood pathology as

With such a disorder, the body not only breaks down food poorly - the baby has a deterioration in appetite, bloating, and he is mixed with mucus. Why does the above pathology occur? Firstly, this happens when the mother does not adhere to the diet, overfeeds the child. Secondly, the baby may erupt teeth. Thirdly, the diet may not correspond to the age characteristics of the child. Fourthly, the cause of the disorder sometimes lies in the use of drugs that weaken the secretory functions of the digestive tract. Remember that the pancreatic and intestinal juices of a toddler in the first months of life are produced in a limited volume, which is only enough to break down food to a mushy consistency. The older the baby gets, the stronger its digestive potential.


However, these are not all the reasons for undigested food in the baby's stool. It should also be remembered about the banal dysbacteriosis.

The baby has a completely sterile intestine, but already from the first hours of life, the process of settling microflora in the body begins. With a deficiency of beneficial bacteria, the work of the intestine suffers, and the feces become liquid, lumps of food remain in them (reminiscent of rice grains), and a specific smell appears.

How to normalize the functions of digestion in a child

If an adult is sick

As already noted, in the human body there is no special enzyme that could completely break down fiber. Naturally, in 99% of cases, it comes out through the intestines in its original form.

It should be noted that prostate dysfunction may also explain why undigested food is found in the stool in an adult. In the latter case, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist who will write out the necessary prescription for medications. Why else can adults have particles of undigested food in the feces? Firstly, too low acidity of gastric juice can contribute to this. Well, and secondly, the presence of certain ailments in the human body can also provoke the problem of poor-quality breakdown of food. In particular, we are talking about diarrhea, bloating, general malaise, pain in the intestines and stomach. Again, if the above symptoms occur, you should not self-medicate: you should immediately consult a doctor.

Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after conducting all the necessary tests.

Of course, everyone has come across a situation where the analysis left much to be desired, for example, the excrement appeared to have a different color, consistency or smell. Naturally, this is a serious reason to start worrying about your own health. However, do not despair. You cannot know in advance whether you are sick or not - only a doctor will determine this.

Treatment of the digestive system in adults

In order for the solution of the problem under consideration to be as effective as possible, some recommendations should be followed. In particular, you must refrain from drinking alcohol. Doctors, as a rule, resort to drug treatment in the form of substitution therapy ("Creon"). Artificial enzymes help to fill the deficiency of components responsible for the normal absorption and breakdown of nutrients.


If the function of digestion is upset due to banal gastritis, then one of the main methods of treatment is the appointment of drugs that activate the production of hydrochloric acid ("Pentagastrin").

In parallel with this, the patient takes all the same substitution therapy ("Pepsidil"). In addition, the doctor prescribes to the patient drugs that neutralize the etiological factor ("Omeprazole").


Diarrhea can also cause undigested food to pass through the stool. The situation is exacerbated by such common digestive disorders as colitis and gastroenteritis. In the latter case, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antidiarrheal and rehydration drugs are used. Only a specialist can prescribe the right medicines for you, so the last paragraph should not be considered as some kind of guide to action.

It is felt by us not only by some sensations in the epigastric region, but also by the color, appearance and smell of feces. Most often, such studies are carried out by young mothers, since the feces of a newborn are a significant indicator of the health of the baby. But adults should also pay attention to the fact that there is undigested food in the feces.

Is it a pathology or a variant of the norm?

Each of us knows firsthand about the change in color, smell and consistency of feces, because indigestion, infections, and constipation happen to everyone at least once in a lifetime. But undigested food fragments can cause real panic in some. Under normal conditions, the feces do not contain any inclusions, lumps, pieces of undigested food, mucus, blood, etc. Very small white blotches can be present in both children's feces and adults - this is a variant of the norm. The remains of undigested food in the feces do not always indicate poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Insufficiently digested food can be a consequence of infectious diseases, constipation or indigestion. In most cases, the appearance of undigested food fragments does not mean that a person is sick. It’s just that the human gastrointestinal tract is not able to digest some products or parts of them. Why is this happening? To understand this, you need to know at least a little about what happens to food during the passage of the digestive tract.

What food should remain undigested?

Plant foods contain two types of fiber: digestible and indigestible. The first type should not remain in the feces in the form of fragments. If this still happens, it indicates that the stomach produces hydrochloric acid in insufficient volume. The same can be said if the excrement contains practically whole pieces of vegetables and fruits. But bran, peel, seeds, partitions, stem fibers contain indigestible fiber. It is found in the coarsest parts of plants, covered with a double shell and consisting of cellulose and lignin and incapable of digestion in the human stomach.

So the detection of fragmentary residues of indigestible fiber in the feces does not mean pathology, it is a physiological phenomenon.

When overeating

In addition, there is, so to speak, a limit to the amount of food that our stomach and intestines can handle at a time. If you overeat, then the body simply cannot produce as many enzymes and enzymes, so part of the food will remain undigested. This process is also quite normal and is not considered a pathology. The digestive process can be disrupted by physical activity immediately after a large meal, as well as eating when sick or under stress. Eating should be carried out in a calm atmosphere and in a normal mode. After the meal, you need to take a short break in your activities. In this situation, the body directs the right amount of resources for digestion, and the food is digested completely. If you notice undigested food in the stool systematically, then this indicates that the pancreas, stomach or small intestine are working in an emergency mode and need some help. It is these organs that are responsible for the breakdown of products into proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

What are the reasons?

Undigested food in the stool (lienterea) in adults is most often detected due to the presence of chronic inflammation in the stomach (gastritis) or pancreas (pancreatitis). It is necessary to start treating these diseases as soon as possible, since the inflammation will worsen over time, which will eventually lead to tissue death.

And over time, an ulcer, diabetes, oncology can develop. Given all these factors, you should be very careful about the presence of undigested food fragments in the feces. To find out what pathology this is caused, it is necessary to undergo an examination. In this case, it will be easier to make a diagnosis by knowing what type of food remains undigested: carbohydrate or protein. In order to break down proteins and carbohydrates, the body produces various enzymes. In addition, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are digested in different parts of the digestive tract. This provides information and allows you to analyze the results of the examination, and to conclude which of the organs or systems is not functioning well.

So, a person has pieces of undigested food in the stool.

If diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are detected, the doctor prescribes immediate treatment. In this case, therapy is a joint intake of antibacterial drugs, enzymes and anti-inflammatory drugs. When treating any pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, a diet should be followed.

The principles of proper nutrition

Common to all types of diets are the following principles of nutrition:

  • products must be carefully processed: remove coarse parts, films, seeds, peel, stalks;
  • you need to cook food only in a certain way: steam, boil, bake or stew (in no case should you fried);
  • exclude alcohol and smoking;
  • a large amount of fermented milk products enriched with lacto- and bifidobacteria is introduced into the diet;
  • eat in small portions 5-6 times a day.

All of the above activities contribute to the elimination of the causes of the appearance of undigested food in the feces of adults.

Indigestion in children

If deviations of this kind are found in a child, then this may alert parents. In fact, it all depends on age. During the first year of life, food may not be fully digested due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract is not fully formed. This is the reason for the incomplete digestion of food, even by very young children who eat exclusively milk and mixtures. With the introduction of a new product into the diet, the likelihood of undigested food in the stool in a child increases.

Age features of the structure

In addition, the gastrointestinal tract of a child is much shorter than that of an adult and the food stays in it for less time and simply does not have time to be digested completely. Pieces of food in a baby's stool can be seen with the naked eye. These can be whole vegetables, fruits, etc. And in other cases, such fragments are found only in a laboratory, during a study. For example, this is how lactose deficiency is detected, in which undigested carbohydrates and lactose are found in the feces of children. The detection of whole pieces of food in the feces of a child should alert if this is accompanied by symptoms of dyspepsia:

  • bloating;
  • intestinal colic;
  • impurities in the feces (mucus, etc.).

Why there is undigested food in the feces is interesting to many.


The above symptoms indicate an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. It is impossible to ignore dysbacteriosis (it will go away on its own), it must be treated, otherwise the violations will be aggravated more and more, and complicated by the addition of other diseases. In addition to the imbalance of microflora, the cause of dyspepsia may be an intestinal infection or an improperly selected diet. In order to prevent such phenomena, new products are introduced into the child's menu gradually, one at a time. Naturally, all products must be fresh. Eggs need to be boiled for a long time, and milk should be boiled.

Meat and fish products must be mashed, this reduces the content of muscle fibers in the child's excrement. Vegetables and fruits should be washed and rinsed with boiling water. Products of plant origin should not have any damage: darkening or soft spots. If, despite careful observance of all these rules, particles of food are still found in the child's feces, then the pediatrician must be informed about this. He will assess the degree of danger and, based on the accompanying symptoms, will determine further actions.

How to treat an ailment so that undigested food remains in the feces no longer appear.


First of all, as we have already said, it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon. If it is errors in nutrition, and there are no symptoms of inflammation (fever, chills, the presence of blood in the stool), then the treatment is reduced to the correction of eating behavior and the consumption of large amounts of water. Other reasons due to which undigested pieces of food are found in the feces of a child and an adult can be understood from the coprogram. Such a detailed analysis can reveal the presence of the simplest organisms and bacteria, which cause the infectious process. In this case, the doctor prescribes the treatment, based on the data obtained during the examination.

In children during the first months of life with natural feeding, the feces are unformed, homogeneous, mushy in consistency. Its color is golden yellow, sometimes yellow-greenish. The smell of feces is sour, the reaction is always sour. With artificial feeding, the feces are denser, its color is pale yellow, the smell is slightly putrid, sometimes with an ammonia tint, the reaction is slightly alkaline or neutral. Microscopy in the feces of a breastfed child reveals a small amount of neutral fat, a small content of fatty acid crystals, a moderate presence of calcium and magnesian soaps, which are also visible to the naked eye in the form of whitish lumps. A small amount of mucus may be present in the stool.

In children of older age groups feces decorated with a moderate fecal odor. The color of the feces is from yellow to dark brown. The reaction of feces with adequate nutrition for age is slightly alkaline, but sometimes neutral or slightly acidic. The stool contains a large amount of detritus. Sometimes in the feces of a healthy child there are single unaltered and altered muscle fibers, intra- and extracellular starch, and occasionally neutral fat is found.

With different types of digestive disorders, rather specific changes in the coprogram are characteristic, which are called coproogic syndromes.

Fragments of undigested food in children

Fragments of undigested food indicate a violation of the mechanical grinding of food in the mouth, insufficient digestion of the food substrate under the influence of the saliva enzyme - ptyalin. In these cases, in older children it is customary to talk about oral indigestion syndrome. Fecal microscopy in this syndrome reveals an abundance of starch grains, unchanged muscle fibers, as well as products of protein decay, carbohydrate fermentation, and butyric acid breakdown of fats.

With such features of feces, it is necessary to clarify with the parents and, if necessary, correct some details of the upbringing of the child: is the child accustomed to chewing food thoroughly, is he in a hurry while eating and does not swallow poorly chewed pieces of food? Often, this kind of fecal features are due to the fact that the child swallows food without chewing it, with force-feeding. In some cases, chewing disorders may be due to defects in the oral cavity (it is advisable to consult a dentist), neurological disorders (an examination by a neuropathologist and a psychiatrist may be required).

Unsteady, poorly digested stools in children

Unsteady poorly digested stool can be noted in case of insufficiency of the secreto- and acid-forming function of the stomach, as well as impaired motility of the stomach. At microscopy, an increase in feces of unchanged muscle fibers, intracellular starch, connective tissue and undigested fiber is typical - syndrome of insufficiency of gastric digestion.

In this case, if the child has abdominal pain, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen after eating, "rotten" belching, chronic atrophic gastritis can be assumed. The presence of "fasting" or "late" (2-3 hours after eating) abdominal pain in combination with such a coprological syndrome may indicate that the child has duodenogastric reflux or accelerated evacuation from the stomach - functional dyspepsia. In such situations, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist and, possibly, a gastrological examination.

Unsteady, loose, grayish stools in children

Unsteady, loose, grayish stools possible with accelerated transport of food in the pylorus and duodenum and loss of enzymatic cleavage of the food substrate in these sections of the digestive tract. Microscopy in feces is characterized by an increase in altered muscle fibers, intracellular starch, connective tissue, undigested plant fiber, the fibers of which, although separated, are not enlarged and not changed. In this case, one speaks of syndrome of insufficiency of pyloroduodenal digestion.

Such a syndrome develops with dumping syndrome and is possible with functional dyspepsia, gastroduodenitis, duodenal ulcer, etc. If a child has such a syndrome, it is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist and gastroenterological examination.

Fatty stool in a child

Fat chair. The appearance in a child of a plentiful, shiny, greasy stool with the smell of rancid oil may be due to overfeeding with fats, a violation of the breakdown of fat in the intestine, or an accelerated transit of chyme. In young children, such stools can leave oily stains on diapers. In some cases, the mother marks drops of fat on the surface of the feces. At the same time, the stool is gray-yellow, the reaction is alkaline or neutral. When microscopy in the feces are found in large quantities of neutral fat (type I steatorrhea), altered muscle fibers, extracellular starch. Since usually the appearance of such a stool is due to a decrease or loss of the digestive function of the pancreas, it is customary to isolate pancreatic insufficiency syndrome.
This syndrome, combined with respiratory disorders, signs of malabsorption (anemia, hypovitaminosis, developmental delay, etc.), is characteristic of cystic fibrosis. In this situation, a study of sweat electrolytes, consultation of a geneticist is indicated.

The appearance of such a coprological syndrome in a child with intense girdle pain and repeated vomiting is possible in the case of acute or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, and with moderate pain - in the case of dyspancreatism or reactive pancreatitis. It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the pancreas, to examine urine amylase. In case of its increase, hospitalization of the child is advisable.

Feces of a grayish-white color with a greasy sheen may be associated with insufficient or untimely entry of bile into the intestines. The consequence of this is a violation of the digestion and absorption of fats, an increase in butyric acid fermentation in the intestine. Cal in this case has a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. When microscopy in feces, soaps and crystals of fatty acids are found in large quantities, the reaction of feces to stercobilin is negative - syndrome of violation of bile formation and bile excretion.

If such a syndrome is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, enlargement and soreness of the liver, darkening of the urine, the activity of transaminases should be determined in the child's blood. And if at the same time there is still icterus of the sclera and skin, the child must be sent for hospitalization to the infectious diseases department with a diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis.

This syndrome, combined with high body temperature, vomiting and intoxication, is characteristic of food poisoning. It is necessary to clarify the epidemiological history, send the vomit for bacteriological examination, depending on the severity of the disease and epidemiological characteristics - send the patient to the infectious diseases hospital.

The combination of such coprological syndrome with "right-subcostal" pain syndrome suggests dysfunction of the biliary tract or chronic cholecystitis. It is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist and examine: ultrasound, duodenal sounding, study of the composition of bile, etc.

The appearance in a child of an unformed, oily, watery stool suggests an acceleration of chyme transport and (or) a decrease in fermentation and absorption of substrates in the small intestine. Cal at the same time usually has a neutral or slightly acidic, less often - alkaline reaction. Mucus is evenly mixed with feces. Microscopy in the stool reveals a significant amount of altered muscle fibers, extracellular starch, a lot of epithelium, soaps and fatty acid crystals (type II steatorrhea), fatty detritus - syndrome of indigestion.

If such a syndrome is noted in a child with abdominal pain, frequent unformed stools, rumbling and bloating, fever, it confirms the presence of acute enteritis. In this case, feces should be sent for bacteriological examination (salmonellosis, yersiniosis, escherichiosis, campylobacteriosis, etc.) and, depending on the patient's condition, decide whether it is necessary to treat him in an infectious diseases hospital.

The recurrent course of these symptoms, combined with signs of malabsorption (weight deficiency, polyhypovitaminosis, anemia, etc.), a high level of activity of the inflammatory process suggest Crohn's disease. It is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist and examination in the gastro- logical department.

In the case when the syndrome of small intestinal digestion is detected in a child with polyfecal matter, growth retardation, progressive malnutrition and signs of hypovitaminosis, celiac disease can be suspected. Serological screening (anti-gluten, anti-endomysial and anti-tissue transglutaminase) should be performed and the child should be consulted with a gastroenterologist. A morphological study of a biopsy of the small intestine mucosa will allow a differential diagnosis with allergic enteropathy, autoimmune enteropathy, congenital microvilli atrophy, and intestinal epithelial dysplasia.

Mucus in the stool of a child

Mucus in stool in a small amount - a physiological phenomenon. An increase in the amount of mucus in the stool is characteristic of motor disorders and inflammatory processes in the colon. The appearance on the surface of fragmented fecal masses of a large amount of viscous mucus containing accumulations of deflated intestinal epithelium and single leukocytes is characteristic of spastic processes in the large intestine.

The appearance in the feces of an abundance of mucus, which contains a large amount of purulent detritus, altered deflated intestinal epithelium, a large number of leukocytes (neutrophils), sometimes erythrocytes, is typical for inflammatory lesions of the colon mucosa - colitis syndrome. In some cases, streaks or even blood clots are found in the feces.

Colitis syndrome in combination with infectious-inflammatory and toxic syndromes is typical for acute enterocolitis, dysentery, etc. In these cases, along with a coprogram, bacteriological examination of feces is necessary. It is advisable to consult an infectious disease specialist and, in severe cases, hospitalize the patient in an infectious diseases hospital.
The recurrent course of the combination of these syndromes suggests that the child has nonspecific ulcerative colitis, some forms of Crohn's disease. At the same time, it is necessary to study the indicators of the activity of the inflammatory process, conduct sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, it is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist and hospitalize in a gastroenterological clinic.

Blood in baby's stool

Blood in the stool may appear either due to a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the colon or anorectal region, or, less commonly, due to diapedesis. Blood can be visible to the naked eye or hidden, detected by microscopy or using a benzidine test (Gregersen's reaction).

If the appearance of blood in the feces accompanies painful defecation, one can assume an anal fissure, the presence of a foreign body in the rectum, hemorrhoids - it is necessary to examine the anal area, carefully conduct a digital rectal examination and consult the child with a surgeon.

The appearance of fresh blood in the stool in a child with pain in the left side of the abdomen suggests ulceration of the Meckel diverticulum, an ulcer in the anus and rectum, polyposis or angiomas of the large intestine, and malignant neoplasms of the large intestine. In this case, rectoscopy or colonoscopy may be necessary - an examination by a surgeon is necessary and, probably, hospitalization of the child. In case of massive blood loss, as evidenced by a large amount of blood in the stool, as well as tachycardia, weakness, dizziness, etc., the child should be urgently hospitalized.

Blood from a scanty stool or blood on a doctor's glove after a rectal examination of a child who has rhythmic intense but gradually decreasing abdominal pain suggests ileocecal or colonic intussusception. Such a child should be urgently hospitalized in a surgical hospital.

Blood in the feces in combination with acute colitis and infectious-inflammatory syndromes, symptoms of intoxication is typical for dysentery. Along with a coprological examination, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological examination and, depending on the severity of the disease, hospitalization in an infectious diseases clinic may be required.

Similar manifestations, but having a chronic or recurrent course, may be symptoms of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. In this case, consultation with a surgeon or hospitalization in a gastroenterological hospital is necessary.

Relatively rarely, blood in the stool can be detected in a child with a history of repeated nosebleeds, "bruising" and other hemorrhagic manifestations. We can assume idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemorrhagic vasculitis, hereditary thrombocytopathy, von Willebrand disease, hemophilia. In this case, it is necessary to examine the coagulogram, the number and function of platelets, consult the child with a hematologist.

Black-brown (tarry) coloration of feces in a child

Black-brown (tarry) coloration of feces may be due to bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract. The same coloring of the stool can be given by blood swallowed during nasal and pulmonary bleeding, bleeding from the hole of the tooth.

The color of the stool in these cases is due to the oxidation of hemoglobin in the stomach with the formation of hematin hydrochloride.

If a child with tarry stools has hepatosplenomegaly on examination, bleeding from esophageal varices may be suspected. If, along with dark stools, the child had vomiting of "coffee grounds", hungry and nocturnal pains in the abdomen disturbed, bleeding from a stomach or duodenal ulcer, acute hemorrhagic gastritis is very likely. In these cases, an urgent consultation with a surgeon and hospitalization in a surgical hospital is necessary. The dark nature of the stool may be due to the intake of certain medications: iron preparations, bismuth-containing agents, activated charcoal.