Polycarbonate porch canopy. Canopy making

It is quite possible to make a visor over the porch with your own hands, you just have to figure out what tools and materials are needed for this. The main purpose of a canopy over the roof, or as it is sometimes called, a canopy, is to protect the doors, porch and walls adjacent to the entrance from the effects of rain or snow.

Also, the visor serves as a complement to the design of the house, to which, of course, attention is drawn first of all. There are many different types of structures, differing in shape, design, material, which, if you have certain skills and tools, you can do it yourself.


A canopy or canopy is present in almost all houses and its main functions are as follows:

  • protection of entrance doors and porch from the effects of bad weather (rays of the sun, rain and snow);
  • creation comfortable conditions when opening the lock front door when it is raining or snowing;
  • aesthetic - with its appearance, the visor decorates the look of the house, and also complements the overall exterior of your home.


For the design of the visor to serve long time and did not have to change it literally after a year, the canopy must meet the following requirements:

  • it is important that the structure of the canopy, in addition to its weight, must also withstand the estimated weight of snow, which, in case of precipitation, may be on it. With insufficient strength of the structure of the visor, it can break off at the same time, damaging the adjacent elements of the exterior or even the residents of the house;
  • the canopy should protect not only the front door to the house, but the entire porch;
  • it is necessary to provide a system for collecting and draining water from precipitation when designing and performing a canopy;
  • the type of visor should be combined with the look and style of the porch of the house, the front door, as well as the roof.

Design options

Awning visor

Some of the most commonly used canopy designs are:

  • arched marquise - is considered the most economical and can be made in any size, depending on your wishes;
  • marquise - the semicircular shape of such a visor makes it impossible for foliage and snow falling from the trees to accumulate on it;
  • domed canopy. It is usually installed over single-leaf doors, if the door consists of two leaves, then an elongated visor is designed and made;
  • straight visor (with or without valance). It is worth noting that it is often used for commercial premises, since its design allows you to mount outdoor advertising on a canopy;
  • single-slope. Outwardly, it looks like a three or a quadrangle with or without a valance. This version of the canopy is considered one of the easiest to implement.

Materials (edit)

Plastic visor

There are several options for materials for making a canopy, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • polycarbonate. On this moment is the most widely used material that is inexpensive, durable, reliable, durable and attractive. One of its advantages is the ability to perform it in any desired color;
  • metal. Metal constructions are also fairly easy to make and are considered inexpensive compared to other materials. It should be understood that to work with such material you will need special tools for welding, riveting and joining sheets to the base of the visor. One of the disadvantages of such a material is the need to apply an additional anti-corrosion layer to the metal;
  • corrugated board... Due to its low price and ease of use, it is considered one of the most popular materials. A significant disadvantage of corrugated board is its distortion when damaged (trapped stone, sediment in the form of hail);
  • lightweight plastic. The material is outwardly similar to polycarbonate and is distinguished by its lightness, while at the same time durability and reliability of structures. It can also be made in any color required by the customer, or you can achieve the desired shade by gluing special film on the material;

Roof tiles

  • bituminous and metal tiles. Sheds from them are constructed simultaneously with the roof covering of the building itself - in this case, the remnants of the used material can be put on the visor, which will help the owner of the house significantly save money on equipment. This material can only be used if the shape and color of the material is completely identical, otherwise the design will look ridiculous. Of these two materials, the metal tile will be much heavier than bitumen, and with the ongoing precipitation inside the structure, the noise of drops falling on the canopy will be heard;
  • artistic forging. Usually, a forged frame is produced, which is subsequently covered with any of existing materials... The disadvantage is the high cost and large weight of the structure and, as a consequence, the need for a sufficiently strong fastening to prevent collapse;
  • wood. V recent times more and more often, wood is used to make sheds as a high-quality, reliable and environmentally friendly material. Such a visor looks especially harmonious on houses made of wood, or having any structures made of this material in the exterior. An important point is that all materials must be treated with agents that prevent rotting and damage by insects. In addition, be sure to cover the wooden canopy waterproofing material(slate, plastic, etc.)

Manufacturing instruction

As an example of installing a canopy with our own hands, consider the option using polycarbonate material:

  1. A schematic drawing of the future canopy is created, indicating the main parameters and values ​​- the length of the canopy, its width, as well as the angle of inclination of the slope. For better protection from precipitation, the length and width of the visor are better to be done with a margin, and the angle of inclination should ensure a quick fall of snow and rain from the canopy.
  2. Materials are prepared and purchased: polycarbonate sheets, a profile for the frame itself, a grinder, a level, a welding machine, a drill, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver.
  3. They mark the fastening of the canopy support.
  4. Frame parts are made and welded.
  5. Fastened to the frame additional elements to ensure the strength of the structure.
  6. Install the frame and process it special means from corrosion.
  7. Cut polycarbonate of the required size with a grinder.
  8. Fasten polycarbonate to the frame, carefully sealing the joints between the wall of the house and the canopy. It should be noted that gaps must be left between the sheets, taking into account the thermal expansion of the material.
  9. Remove from polycarbonate protective film.

Design ideas

There are a lot of ideas for decoration, and each owner of the house can choose the one that suits his taste, style of decoration and costs. Alternatively, you can use the following styles:

  • polycarbonate canopy with metal base. The most economical option at low cost. Looks neat and without any frills;
  • chalet;
  • Russian style (permissible only if your house is built of timber or logs);
  • forged canopy;
  • visor, additionally equipped with lanterns or other lighting elements.

In general, deciding to make a visor over the porch with your own hands, you need to soberly assess your financial capabilities, make sure that you have all necessary tools and materials, as well as carefully study the manufacturing and fastening technology of the canopy you like. With a serious approach to business and correct execution necessary actions your visor will serve you for a long time.

How to make a visor over the porch with your own hands, see the following video:

An integral part of every entrance is a visor. Without it, the front door to private house looks unfinished. In addition, it has an important practical purpose, which is protective function... The article will discuss the types of designs, as well as an option for self-made visor over the porch.

Requirements for visors

The visor must be not only practical, but also safe, therefore there are a number of requirements that the design of the visor must meet:

  • tightness;
  • strength;
  • attractiveness;
  • sufficient width and length;
  • matching the general mood of the building.

One of the main functions of the visor is protective. Wherein it comes both about the tenants and guests who will enter the house, and about the front door itself. Good visor It is sealed, that is, rain or melt water does not flow through the slots in its flooring. This extends the service life of the material from which the door is made. In addition, the visor casts a shadow on the porch, which prevents quick fading. paintwork, which is applied to the platbands and the door.

The structure of the visor must be strong enough. This means that without any particular difficulties it must withstand both its own weight and wind load, which in some cases can be several times greater than the weight of the canopy structure. In addition, in winter, with heavy snowfalls, part of the precipitation will linger on the canopy. Its strength should be sufficient for the weight of the snow cover.

The visor is not a module that is made to be simple. He should be attractive and set the general mood. At the same time, the design of the canopy should not contradict the exterior of the building. This is reflected both in the lines of the frame and in the colors. The width of the visor should be such that the overhang on each side of the door is at least 50 cm. Only in this case can we talk about a sufficient protective function.

Varieties of designs

The classification of canopies is most often made according to the way the roofing is designed, and the names correspond to the name of the roof of a similar structure. It follows from this that they can be:

  • single-slope;
  • gable;
  • multi-slope;
  • arched;
  • domed;
  • concave.

The first option requires the least amount of material to manufacture and is lightweight. You can assemble such a structure without special efforts do it yourself. It is one plane that is fixed to the wall at the required slope. This design has certain restrictions on the slope, therefore, with a large length, snow can accumulate on the visor. The visor with two slopes resembles a triangle. For the manufacture of such a structure, twice as much material will be required than for a single-pitched one. In this case, the angle of each slope can be increased. This will make it possible to accelerate the removal of precipitation from above.

Multi-slope canopies look great when installed on the porch of a house that has a hip or other roof complex shape... It is rather difficult to make such a visor, so you will need to draw up a high-quality and well-thought-out drawing, as well as the help of a specialist. Arched visors are a semicircular structure. It should be chosen if the house has rounded shapes with which the visor will be combined. Otherwise, it's better not to risk experimenting. This also applies to dome canopies. They are somewhat similar to the arched ones, but they have an additional bend in the front of the structure.

Note! Concave structures are a type of single-slope canopies. Their disadvantage is poor drainage of precipitation, although by outward appearance they can be quite attractive.

Roof decking

The choice of roof decking is important step when designing the structure of the canopy above the entrance. All materials that are suitable for these purposes can be divided into two large groups:

  • polymer;
  • metal.

From the first group, they most often opt for cellular polycarbonate. It's really good material, which has the following advantages:

  • light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • light transmittance;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • ease of rounding;
  • variety of colors;
  • resistance to chemical attack.

Polycarbonate is capable of partially transmitting light, which is useful for the visor. Before buying polycarbonate, you need to make sure that it has a protective film that minimizes exposure to UV rays. If there is no such film, then the material will quickly dry out and crack. Of the disadvantages of polycarbonate, its fragility can be critical. If hail is not uncommon in the area where the visor is planned to be installed, then it is better to choose a different type of flooring, since during the first precipitation the polycarbonate will be completely damaged.

Of the metal roofing decking, the most common are corrugated board and metal shingles. They have similar properties, but the metal tile looks more attractive. From positive qualities of these materials it is worth highlighting:

  • mechanical strength;
  • light weight;
  • long service life;
  • the possibility of self-installation;
  • the possibility of giving a rounded shape;
  • affordable price;
  • a wide range of colors.

By mechanical strength metal decking is superior to polycarbonate. They can also be bent to a certain radius to obtain the desired visor shape. Metal tiles and corrugated board are more resistant to wind loads. Heavy hail will dent, but will not pierce the metal sheet. Among the shortcomings of the material, one can note its noise. Even a little rain will drum well on the visor.


Any job starts with planning. It will help to correctly calculate the forces, means and take into account possible difficulties in achieving the goal. This is also true in the manufacture of a visor, so the first stage will be its design.


To make the design process easier for yourself, it is better to photograph the entrance beforehand. In the photo, it is easier to choose the required dimensions and shape of the future structure. This can be done both manually and in a graphical editor. When drawing up a drawing, several points must be taken into account:

  • width of the structure;
  • the length of the extension of the structure;
  • number of supports;
  • the angle of inclination of the ramp.

It has already been said above that the visor should be 50 cm wider than the entrance on each side, but this rule is not valid if there is a large porch. In this case, you need to make sure that the visor covers the sides of the porch. The stem length can be adjusted according to your wishes. If the visor is too long, then additional supports are simply installed. The number of supports will depend on the complexity of the structure and its weight. Usually, a wall mount and two supports are sufficient. The angle of inclination is selected in the same way as for the roof that is on the house.

Preparatory work

The preparatory process is to purchase necessary materials and missing tools. Of the materials you will need:

  • the selected roof deck;
  • metal profile pipe with dimensions 50 × 30 and 40 × 20 mm;
  • mounting consumable;
  • cement;
  • sand.

From the tool you can not do without:

  • grinders;
  • screwdriver;
  • puncher;
  • roulette;
  • marker;
  • welding machine.

Don't forget about items individual protection eg glasses, gloves and natural fiber clothing.


First of all from shaped pipe 40 × 20 mm, it is necessary to prepare the frame of the future structure. Depending on the selected dimensions, blanks are cut. Two of them should correspond to the height of the porch, the other two should correspond to its length. Two more blanks are sized in the process. From these components it should turn out right triangle... First of all, parts are welded together in pairs, the dimensions of which are known. They should be at right angles.

A special clamp or vise will allow you to achieve this. The entire seam should not be boiled in one pass, since the angle will be broken. It is better to make small tacks, align the workpiece, and then boil it completely. When everything is ready, you can measure the length of the hypotenuse. The grinder cuts out two more elements, and they are welded into place. Now you need to combine the triangles into general design visor. To do this, they are connected by strips at the corners. To increase the rigidity of the canopy frame at the resulting rectangle, which will be adjacent to the wall, it is necessary to weld several transverse strips.

The next step is to mount metal elements under the crate, on which the roofing of the porch will be fixed. When the porch frame is ready, it can be installed on the wall. This will make it easier to secure. Several holes are drilled in the legs of the triangle, which will be adjacent to the wall. They must match in diameter with the diameter of the anchor with which the fastening will be made. The porch frame is leaned against the installation site and the hole pattern is transferred to the wall. Holes are drilled in the wall with a puncher.

The porch frame can now be cleaned. All rust must be removed from it. The easiest way to do this is grinder or a grinder with an appropriate attachment. After that, the porch frame is painted. When it dries, you can install the roofing material. If it is a corrugated board or metal tile, then they should be fastened with roofing screws with rubber seals... Polycarbonate can also be secured with them, but do not overdo it with polycarbonate. If the screws are tightened too much, they will simply crush the flooring. Next, the visor rises and locks in place.

After installation, it is necessary to seal the junction of the visor to the wall. This can be done using various mastics or a piece of roofing material. With a large extension of the visor, the racks are mounted. They must first be welded to the frame. Two holes 50 cm deep are dug under them. bituminous mastic which will protect them from rusting. The racks are lowered into place and the space around them is filled concrete mortar... Another option for the visor self assembly is in the video.


As you can see, make simplest option a lean-to visor will not be a problem even for an inexperienced craftsman. The main requirement is the ability to work with various power tools.

The polycarbonate canopies above the porch are small canopy, one side tightly adjacent to the facade of the house. It performs both purely practical and decorative functions, adding presentability to the house; without it, the entrance group would look rather dull. With a canopy, the porch looks as a whole as a complete and integral architectural composition.

Porch visor: functions and features

The main function of the porch canopy is to protect the entrance and porch from rain, snow, hail and sunlight. A simple example - no matter how reliable and well protected and lined Entrance door, under the influence of the sun, wind and moisture, it will begin to lose its original presentability. Over time, spots will appear on it, paint will begin to peel off, and rust will appear. Of course, all this can be eliminated, but this will require time and financial costs. In addition, moisture trapped in the lock in winter can cause jamming (sometimes complete damage) of the mechanism - you simply cannot open it because it is frozen - a situation that, unfortunately, is quite familiar to many motorists.

Another point is water diversion. Firstly, the visor allows you to leave the house and calmly open the umbrella. Or, on the contrary, when you come home, close your umbrella, and, without fussing or dodging the unpleasant rain, get your keys, open the door and enter the house. And by the way, wipe your feet on a dry mat. Secondly, water, including flowing down from the roof, is diverted from porch, which reduces the negative impact of natural factors on it. In addition, you can not be afraid that leaving the house in winter, you will have to balance on slippery frozen steps, which is especially dangerous if the porch is high.

The polycarbonate canopy above the entrance reflects the sun's rays quite effectively. This helps to reduce the heat load on the walls, resulting in a slightly cooler house in the summer, which in turn will save energy - the air conditioner will run less.

Basic requirements for the visor

Structural rigidity. The visor will have to withstand quite significant loads - water flow, snowfalls (the load created by the accumulating snow is large enough, therefore it is important to choose the right shape in which the snow will "slide" from the visor), strong wind(the visor must not be ripped off). Therefore, in order to give sufficient stability to the structure, a truss (base) will be required, for which various materials can be used:

  • metal corners - allows you to get visually light, modern and attractive awnings. It is best to use welding to connect them, it looks more aesthetically pleasing than if a bolted connection is used
  • tree - gradually loses its attractiveness, primarily due to poor compatibility with modern materials such as injection molded or cellular polycarbonate. In other matters, when it comes to a house from a bar or a rounded log, then there are no other options to preserve the unity of style. Due to the use of rather heavy roofing, for enough large area visor, to ensure the safety and reliability of the structure, you will need to install support pillars, which in general visually makes the structure heavier
  • forged frame - such a visor will give the house aristocracy, making entrance group more solemn and elegant. But at the same time, this is the most expensive option.

Visor area. The ideal size is when the visor completely covers the front door and the entire porch area plus 30-40 cm around it. However, the canopy can be extended to the driveway, so you don't have to run across in the rain after getting out of the car. Or, by expanding the canopy over the porch, you can get a canopy over the terrace. True, in this case, you will have to install additional supports - this option is easier and more efficient than increasing the thickness load-bearing beams constructions.

  • polycarbonate is very plastic, which makes it possible to make canopies of complex geometrically complex structures from it
  • polycarbonate is durable, it does not corrode or decay, it perfectly resists any natural factors, it can be operated in the temperature range from -50C to + 220C. The only drawback is that over time, in inexpensive polycarbonate grades, due to the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the original color of the coating may fade somewhat.
  • it transmits light well (while blocking ultraviolet light), so it will not be dark under the visor. In addition, transparent polycarbonate in general makes the entire structure optically light, not burdening the building facade.

Advice! When designing, you should definitely provide for installation on a visor lantern that will illuminate the approaches to the house. And so that the light does not burn in vain, equip this lantern with a motion sensor - it will be triggered when someone approaches the porch

The front door in a private house / in the country is exposed to aggressive influences environment... The visor will partially protect the door from destruction. There are many options for installing these structures. In this article, you will learn how to make a porch canopy so that it is a beautiful and reliable home decoration that properly performs its main functions.

The main functional purpose visors:

  • Protect the front door from precipitation and the scorching sun.
  • Provide comfort to the homeowner. For example, it is more pleasant to open the lock under a canopy, especially in bad weather.
  • Decorating the exterior of the house.

Most often, owners of private houses make custom-made canopies. If you also do not have time to make this structure, then you can do the same. But if you need to save the family budget, you can make a visor with your own hands. Be that as it may, so that your visor is of high quality and meets your needs, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the varieties of visors and their features.

If you decide to purchase this particular coating option for arranging the visor, then buy corrugated board more High Quality and thicker. It is much easier to work with it than with metal tiles and metal.

If you decide to make a canopy out of, then remember that its color and structure must match the roofing material of the roof. Differences in color and texture, however slight, will be very noticeable.

It is best to make a canopy out of metal tiles at the stage of covering a house or other building, on the front door to which you decided to make a canopy. In this case, you will be able to make a visor from the remnants of metal tiles from the roof of the roof.

As a roofing material for a visor, bituminous tiles or other similar roofing material, even roofing material of a domestic manufacturer, can also act.

This refers to the manufacture of a wooden frame. As a roofing material, the same polycarbonate, metal tile, sheet metal, slate, etc. This canopy is best suited for old-style houses. In addition, among the buildings for the exterior of which is suitable wooden structure canopy - log houses, restored huts and structures made in the half-timbered style.

The best design solution there will be a visor, the frame of which is made of forging. It will serve as a worthy home decoration. However, this design will cost you a pretty penny. A forged canopy can be combined with roofing materials such as polycarbonate, tiles and even plastic.

The forged visor is quite heavy, so in order for it to serve for a really long time, you need to install it correctly.

Forging is suitable for almost any design, as it can consist of both coarse and refined elements. If on personal plot there are already forged elements, then the visor should be made in the same style with them.

To make such a structure, you will need a list of materials:

  • Cornice strip.
  • Gutter.
  • Metal corners.
  • Adjacency bar.
  • Pipe.
  • Bars.
  • Decking / flexible shingles.
  • Anchors, screws and screws.

The following tools will come in handy for you:

  • Welding machine.
  • Yardstick.
  • Hacksaw for metal / grinder.

Before you start making a visor, you need to sketch a sketch of it. For the construction of a very specific visor, you need to make certain measurements, such as the width and length of the porch. Add another 60 cm to the resulting figure. This will be the width of your design. To obtain the length of the visor, you need to measure the distance from the front door to the end of the porch, adding about 15–20 cm to this figure. The height of the visor is calculated depending on the architecture of the house.

The slope of the visor should be about 20º.

Using this data, you can draw a sketch on paper or in a special program on a computer to scale.

Cut the metal corners according to the project. The length of the rafters from the corners is equal to the height of the ramp. You also need to make struts and wall beams from the corners. The frame parts are connected to each other using a welding machine. The frame is fixed over the porch.

Secure the wall beam. This is done using stainless steel screws, and anchors are used to attach the struts. Make a batten by placing it on the rafters. If corrugated board is used as a roofing material, then there should be a distance of 30 cm between the slats. solid crate... Roofing material will subsequently be laid on it.

You can fix the shingles with self-tapping screws. Flexible roof tiles overlaps, not end-to-end.

Now you need to fix the metal strip of abutment to the upper part of the ramp. On its lower side, you need to attach a cornice strip, and then connect and install the gutter and pipe.

It will not be difficult to make such a structure even for an inexperienced person in construction. A ready-made frame can be purchased at a hardware store or you can build it yourself.

As in the previous case, before starting work on the manufacture of an arched visor, it is necessary to take measurements and draw a sketch.

  1. Frame a 12-16 mm square tube or aluminum pipe... Bend the pipe along the radius of the arched canopy. You will need to make 2 identical arcs.
  2. Connect the arcs with straight pipe segments at both ends. To make the frame of the arched visor more rigid, weld it onto it with inside connecting beam.
  3. Then weld the canopies to the back arc. With their help, the visor will be attached to the wall of the house.
  4. Now clean the frame from rust and scale. Prime it and paint it.
  5. Install arched structure over the porch with screws.
  6. Fix the polycarbonate with self-tapping screws.

If you are making a porch canopy one-storey house, then make it so that the edges of the overhangs protrude 20-30 cm above the porch. Thus, the possibility of water / snow getting into the place where the visor is attached to the wall will be excluded, which will extend its operational life.

The gable canopy is more difficult to make. But it provides the best protection from slanting rain. And if necessary, cleaning it from snow will make it easier. The gable visor is stiffer than its counterparts, therefore it differs high level windscreens.

First you need to take measurements and sketch. Then you should calculate the size of the triangular brackets and lathing.

The final result of making a visor depends entirely on the accuracy of the measurements. Therefore, this stage of work should not be taken lightly.

  • Make 2 brackets. They can be metal or wood. To do this, connect two perpendicular beams to each other and secure them with a brace at an angle of 45-60º.
  • Attach the brackets at a distance equal to the width of the visor. Attach the vertical beams of the resulting bracket to the wall, level it and fix it with 3-4 stainless steel screws.
  • If the visor is to be supporting, then it is not necessary to make brackets. Instead, metal / wood posts should be installed. Dig holes for the posts at the required distance from each other. In the pit do sand pillow, tamp it down. To shrink the sand, slightly dampen it with water. Install the post and fill with concrete. The upper ends of the pillars are connected by load-bearing beams.
  • Make the rafters from wooden blocks / edged boards. If the visor is small, then two pairs of rafters will be enough for you. Fasten together rafter legs crossbars. Then fix the rafters to the upper beams of the brackets and install the ridge bar.
  • Make a crate. It can be made from boards / beams / plywood. The choice of material is optional.
  • Install the gutter hooks.
  • Install the roofing material according to the manufacturer's instructions. Now you need to install the strip adjacent to the wall and the wind strips to the front of the gable canopy. They, among other things, will protect the structure from moisture and snow.
  • Now you need to install the gutter and eaves. Remember that the bottom edge of the plank must be lowered into the groove. Secure the downpipe.

Before installation wooden elements structures, each of them needs to be treated with antiseptics, which will significantly increase their operational life.

So, depending on the type of visor and your skills in working with the tools listed in the article, you can make the visor yourself. If, after reading the instructions, you understand that these works are too tough for you, then it is better to order a ready-made visor. Do you have any questions about the topic? Ask our expert. You can share your experience in the comments to the article.


In the video provided, you can clearly learn about the intricacies of making a visor over the porch:



In this photo gallery, you will see a lot interesting ideas, for the manufacture of the visor:


If you decide to make a visor yourself, then the diagrams below will help you design your own visor model:

Owners of private houses often face the need to build a canopy over the porch. There are a lot of types and modifications of this architectural detail - from graceful canopies over the entrance to the house to a spacious covered terrace along the entire facade. Build by yourself simple design even a novice builder can do it. The main thing is to choose the right materials and drawing, as well as to reliably attach the structure to the house so that it does not collapse under the weight of snow in winter.

The canopy protects the porch from snow and rain and serves as a harmonious decoration of the facade

What to give preference to - a canopy or a visor

Although the two designs are very similar, there are some technical differences. If vertical support beams are usually installed for the canopy, then the visor is attached directly to the wall of the house. Therefore, you need to pay attention not only to the shape and materials of the extension itself, but also to what the main building is built of and whether it will be possible to securely attach the frame to the wall or additional supports will be needed.

Visor above the front door

It is worth considering where you plan to place the extension, and what is more important to you - aesthetics or functionality. After all, beautiful and graceful forged visor may look out of place above the entrance to the utility block, and a bulky wooden canopy will ruin the exterior of the front entrance to the house. Also, when planning in advance, check if the chosen dimensions of the structure are appropriate and if there is available space for construction.

Canopy supports become a harmonious detail of the exterior of the house

Selection of reliable materials for construction

In the question of how to make a canopy over the porch, the first thing you have to decide on is what material the frame will be made of and what to use for the roof. In home construction, for the frame, they most often take wooden bar and metal pipes or a profile, but each of the options has its own pros and cons:

  • Wooden frame easy to manufacture, easy to attach to the wall of the house, and the cost is relatively low. But wood is a short-lived material, and even after special treatment such a structure will have to be regularly repaired or changed.
  • Metal structures are strong and durable. But to work with metal you need: optional equipment (welding machine), special mounts and skills in working with such material.

Drawing of a metal canopy with a polycarbonate roof

Suitable for the roof are polycarbonate, roofing iron, metal tiles, corrugated board, ondulin, slate, glass - almost any available material. Often in home construction, the remnants of the material with which the roof was covered are used for the canopy over the porch. It is worth considering that the weight of the entire structure depends on the roofing material, and therefore the method of fastening.

How to build a wooden canopy with supports over the porch

Wood is one of the most affordable building materials. In addition, it is easy to operate, and when correct processing the construction of wooden beams can become a real decoration of the house. Therefore, it is not surprising that many owners who decide to install a canopy over the porch on their own choose exactly wood for construction.

Wood is an available material for construction

Drawing and calculations for a wooden canopy

Before you make a canopy over the porch of wood with your own hands, you need to prepare a drawing and correctly calculate all the dimensions of the parts. It is very important to check in advance all the angles and lengths of the beams, since during the construction process even a slight error will lead to a strong distortion.

The dimensions of the extension are calculated individually. The height of the building must be sufficient for an adult to stand on the porch without bending. The angle of the roof slope should be between 25-35 °. When calculating the length and width of the structure, you should focus on the dimensions of the porch - you can add 50-60 cm to the original dimensions on the sides and free edge.

Advice. To clarify the size of the canopy, you can lay out the slate or corrugated board on the ground, taking into account the overlaps and measure the resulting rectangle. This will be the size of the roof of the extension.

Sample drawing canopy with supports

Materials and tools for construction

To build a canopy over the porch, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • processed wooden beam 15x15 cm for supports and rafters;
  • wooden beams 75x75 mm and a board 25 mm for lathing;
  • roofing material (slate, corrugated board, galvanized iron);
  • anchor bolts, brackets and screws for the installation of the battens;
  • self-tapping screws and slate nails;
  • shovel, hacksaw, screwdriver, hammer, paint, tape measure and plumb line.

Before attaching the canopy to the house, you need to clear the place for construction, mark the places where the supports are installed and treat with bitumen or another compound wooden parts to protect against moisture and decay.

Step-by-step instructions for building a wooden shed over the porch

Mounting the support beam on the wall above the porch:

  1. The place of attachment of the support beam is marked on the wall.
  2. Using a plumb line and tape measure, draw a flat horizontal line.
  3. Anchoring bolts to the wall attach a beam of 10 cm. You can pre-cut the grooves in it for fastening the rafters, or you can fasten the lathing over the support beam or with brackets.
  4. If the width of the porch along the facade exceeds 2 meters, then it is necessary to install additional vertical supports along the edges of the horizontal beam.

Installation of vertical supports:

  1. Dig wooden supports into the ground to a depth of 40-50 cm.
  2. Concrete wells with supports.
  3. After the mortar has solidified, cut the pillars to the required height and lay the second support beam on them.

Advice. In order to prevent snow from lingering on the roof of the canopy, experts recommend calculating the height of the free edge using the formula - 10 cm for each meter of length. That is, if the length of the porch is 2 m, then the height of the structure along the wall should be 20 cm higher than along the free edge.

Support beam with brackets for rafters

Installation of the battens:

  1. Rafters are attached to the support beams (bar 75x75 mm).
  2. The distance between the rafters should be no more than 80 cm, since with a larger step in winter under the weight of snow, the roof can be strongly deformed.
  3. The rafters are attached to the support beams in grooves or brackets.
  4. Sheathing boards are laid perpendicular to the rafters.
  5. The distance between the boards should be such that each sheet of slate or corrugated board rests on the board in 3 places - the top of the sheet, the bottom and the middle.

Rafters attached with U-brackets

Laying roofing material:

  1. After the frame of the sheathing is ready, it is recommended to paint it or treat it with an anti-rotting compound.
  2. The slate is laid from the free edge. Fasten the roofing material with slate nails.
  3. The finished canopy can be "refined": install decorative railings or sheathe the sides with clapboard.

Ready wooden canopy with supports

Wooden canopy over the porch

Another option for how to make a canopy over the porch with your own hands is to build a wooden visor. It is easy to assemble a small structure on your own and then fix it above the porch on the wall. Such canopies can be of the most diverse forms - single-slope, arched, gable, curly. But for a novice master, it is better to opt for a simple lean-to frame.

Single-pitched wooden visor

Before starting construction, according to the drawing, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of all parts. The width along the facade should be 50 cm more than the width of the porch, and the length along the slope should be at least 70 cm.For consoles and crossbars, you will need a wooden bar with a section of 75x75 mm, for the lathing, thinner slats are suitable - 40-50 mm. It is better to make the slope angle of the visor about 30 °. All parts must be treated with linseed oil or painted before assembly.

The console of such a frame consists of three bars:

  • vertical is attached to the wall and is the basis for fixing the brace and the horizontal crossbar;
  • the front support bar of the sheathing is attached to the horizontal crossbar;
  • the brace serves as a stop for the entire visor.

Wood visor device

The rear support bar is attached to the ends of the vertical bars. For fastening the battens, you can choose grooves in the rafters or simply cut off the ends of the rails at the desired angle and screw them onto the rafters from above with self-tapping screws. You can overlap such a canopy with slate, galvanized iron, corrugated board or ondulin. To reduce noise from rain under the roofing material, it is recommended to lay roofing material or mineral wool.

Anchor bolts are used to attach the wooden canopy to the wall. It is worth considering that the fasteners must enter the wall at least 2/3 of their length - then the canopy will not move away from the wall and will be securely fixed to the facade. For a strong fixation, it is better to attach not only the consoles to the wall, but also the upper support crossbar of the lathing.

Polycarbonate canopy - how to do it yourself

Polycarbonate structures stand out not only for their beauty. These are solid, reliable and durable structures, which are easy to assemble even for inexperienced builders. Therefore, it is not surprising that many private home owners want to install a polycarbonate canopy over the porch instead of the old wooden canopy.

Polycarbonate is well suited for the manufacture of canopies and awnings

What you need for a polycarbonate visor

To mount a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands, you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • frame drawing (the dimensions of the parts are calculated in advance according to your measurements);
  • metal pipes or corners for the manufacture of the frame;
  • polycarbonate for roof covering;
  • welding machine, grinder, drill;
  • self-tapping screws, brackets, anchor bolts.

Simple cantilever type direct visor diagram

The dimensions of the polycarbonate canopy should not be very large, it is enough if the roof protrudes 25-30 cm on each side of the porch. Polycarbonate for arched canopy it is better to take a cell phone with a thickness of 6 mm or more. Monolithic polycarbonate more suitable for straight structures. The size of the polycarbonate sheet is calculated according to the dimensions of the frame - the roofing material should protrude from the sides by 10-15 cm, along the free edge - by 20 cm.

Stages of installation of an arched canopy made of polycarbonate

It is not difficult to make a polycarbonate visor on a metal frame on your own. The main thing is to have necessary equipment and experience with welding. The frame is assembled on the ground and then attached above the porch.

An approximate drawing for an arched canopy for polycarbonate

  1. According to the prepared drawing, it is necessary to cut out parts for the frame and mark them.
  2. To make arches on pipes with a grinder, make deep notches by ¾ of the diameter at regular intervals, then bend the parts with an arc.
  3. Connect the arcs to each other with crossbars. In total, you will need 4-5 crossbars - two connect the edges of the arches, the rest are evenly distributed along the length.
  4. Two long pipes are welded along the length for rigidity, along the free edge of the arch, instead of a pipe, you can install a forged patterned element.
  5. Vertical consoles are attached to the wall edge of the arch by welding or connecting corners.
  6. To give strength to the frame from the free edge of the arch to the console supports, it is necessary to install struts.

Ready metal carcass for canopy

Before sheathe the frame roofing material, you need to decide how to attach the canopy to the wall of the house. If you plan to use an anchor, you need to drill holes for bolts on the console supports and the wall arch, attach the frame to the facade, mark the attachment points on the wall, and then drill the wall using the marks.

For fastening with brackets on the facade, mark the location of the canopy, install the brackets and fix the frame on them.

Stayed finishing touch- sheathing with polycarbonate. This material bends well, it is easy to attach it yourself. Fasten polycarbonate to the extreme and central cross-members with screws with a thermal washer. Experts recommend making the holes for the screws 5 mm larger than the diameter of the fasteners - in this way it will be possible to avoid distortions and deformation of the visor.

Polycarbonate fixing scheme

Options for attaching awnings to the wall

Information on how to build a canopy over the porch will be incomplete if you do not consider mounting the structure to the wall of the house. From correct attachment the frame to the wall depends on the reliability of the extension itself and its service life. There are several options:

  • welding to built-in fittings;
  • mounting on brackets;
  • fixing the support beam to the wall with anchor bolts.

Mounting scheme wooden canopy up to the wall facing works

With built-in fittings, everything is simple - lengths steel pipe or rods are laid in the wall during the construction of the house, and the frame is already welded to them. But other options need to be considered in more detail, since they are most often used for light awnings over the porch. The pictures below show how to screw the awnings directly to the wall of an already built house.

Fastening the canopy rafters with brackets and on the beam

Figure (c) shows how to fasten the rafters with brackets to a support beam fixed to the wall with long anchor bolts. In fig. (a) depicts a U-shaped bracket, such are used for light canopies. Figure (b) is a diagram of fastening the rafters in the grooves of the support beam (1 - support beam, 2 - canopy rafters, 3 - anchor bolt, 4 groove of the support beam, 5 and 6 options for fixing the rafters with a pin and a nail).

Important! If the length of the canopy exceeds 2 m or there is no certainty that the wall will support the weight of the roof, then pillars must be placed under the support beam.

The rafters are fixed to the wall with brackets

Ideas for building awnings and canopies - photo gallery

The above are examples of the most simple awnings... But such constructions can be more complicated. The photo shows that the design of the sheds in the yard depends on their purpose - for household purposes (storage of firewood, hay) they choose simple forms, but real works of art are being erected for relaxation and decor.

A visor over the porch is not only a weather protection for the front door. It is also decorative element emphasizing architectural style the whole building. Graceful and massive, metal and wood, plastic and forged - the design of awnings in a private house in the photo is varied and depends only on the imagination of the master.

As you can see, even an inexperienced master can make a canopy over the porch with his own hands. But if you are not confident in your own abilities or you need an exclusive version of the visor, then there is always the opportunity to contact the professionals who will not only develop a project especially for you, but also help with the installation of a ready-made canopy.