How to make a canopy over the porch (canopy) with your own hands - detailed instructions. How to make a canopy over the porch of a private house: a photo of polycarbonate, metal and wood, forged canopies How to make a canopy for a porch

It is quite possible to make a visor over the porch with your own hands, you just have to figure out what tools and materials are needed for this. The main purpose of the canopy over the roof, or as it is sometimes called, the canopy, is to protect the doors, porch and walls adjacent to the entrance from the effects of rain or snow.

Also, the visor serves as a complement to the design of the house, to which, of course, attention is drawn in the first place. There are many different types of structures, differing in shape, design, material, which, if you have certain skills and tools, you can do it yourself.


A canopy or canopy is present in almost all houses and its main functions are as follows:

  • protection of the entrance doors and porch from the effects of bad weather (rays of the sun, rain and snow);
  • creating comfortable conditions when opening the front door lock when it is raining or snowing;
  • aesthetic - with its appearance, the visor decorates the look of the house, and also complements the overall exterior of your home.


In order for the design of the visor to serve for a long time and not have to change it literally in a year, the canopy must meet the following requirements:

  • it is important that the structure of the canopy, in addition to its weight, must also withstand the estimated weight of snow, which, in case of precipitation, may be on it. With insufficient strength of the structure of the visor, it can break off at the same time, damaging the adjacent elements of the exterior or even the residents of the house;
  • the canopy should protect not only the front door to the house, but the entire porch;
  • it is necessary to provide a system for collecting and draining water from precipitation when designing and performing a canopy;
  • the type of visor should be combined with the look and style of the porch of the house, the front door, and the roof.

Design options

Awning visor

Some of the most commonly used canopy designs are:

  • arched marquise - is considered the most economical and can be made in any size, depending on your wishes;
  • marquise - the semicircular shape of such a visor makes it impossible for the foliage and snow falling from the trees to accumulate on it;
  • domed canopy. It is usually installed over single-leaf doors, if the door consists of two leaves, then an elongated visor is designed and made;
  • straight visor (with or without valance). It is worth noting that it is often used for commercial premises, since its design allows you to mount outdoor advertising on a canopy;
  • single slope. Outwardly, it looks like a three or a quadrangle with or without a valance. This version of the canopy is considered one of the easiest to implement.

Materials (edit)

Plastic visor

There are several options for materials for making a canopy, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • polycarbonate. At the moment it is the most widely used material, which is inexpensive, durable, reliable, durable and has an attractive appearance. One of its advantages is the ability to perform it in any desired color;
  • metal. Metal structures are also fairly simple to make and are considered inexpensive compared to other materials. It should be understood that to work with such material, you will need special tools for welding, riveting and joining sheets to the base of the visor. One of the disadvantages of such a material is the need to apply an additional anti-corrosion layer to the metal;
  • corrugated board... Due to its low price and ease of use, it is considered one of the most popular materials. A significant disadvantage of corrugated board is its distortion when damaged (trapped stone, sediment in the form of hail);
  • lightweight plastic. The material looks like polycarbonate and is distinguished by its lightness, while at the same time durability and reliability of structures. It can also be made in any color required by the customer, or you can achieve the desired shade by gluing a special film on the material;

Roof tile

  • bituminous and metal tiles. Sheds from them are built simultaneously with the roof covering of the building itself - in this case, the remains of the used material can be put on the visor, which will help the owner of the house significantly save money on equipment. This material can only be used if the shape and color of the material is completely identical, otherwise the design will look ridiculous. Of these two materials, the metal tile will be much heavier than bitumen, and with the ongoing precipitation inside the structure, the noise of drops falling on the canopy will be heard;
  • artistic forging. Usually a forged frame is produced, which is subsequently covered with any of the existing materials. The disadvantage is the high cost and large weight of the structure and, as a consequence, the need for a sufficiently strong fastening to prevent collapse;
  • wood. Recently, more and more often wood has been used for making sheds, as a high-quality, reliable and environmentally friendly material. Such a visor looks especially harmonious on houses made of wood, or having any structures made of this material in the exterior. An important point is that all materials must be treated with agents that prevent rotting and damage by insects. In addition, the wooden canopy must be covered with a waterproofing material (slate, plastic, etc.)

Manufacturing instruction

As an example of installing a canopy with our own hands, consider the option using polycarbonate material:

  1. A schematic drawing of the future canopy is created, indicating the main parameters and values ​​- the length of the canopy, its width, as well as the angle of inclination of the slope. For better protection from precipitation, the length and width of the visor are better to be done with a margin, and the angle of inclination should ensure a quick fall of snow and rain from the canopy.
  2. Materials are prepared and purchased: polycarbonate sheets, a profile for the frame itself, a grinder, a level, a welding machine, a drill, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver.
  3. They mark the fastening of the canopy support.
  4. Frame parts are made and welded.
  5. Additional elements are attached to the frame to ensure the strength of the structure.
  6. The frame is installed and treated with special anti-corrosion agents.
  7. Cut polycarbonate of the required size with a grinder.
  8. Fasten polycarbonate to the frame, carefully sealing the joints between the wall of the house and the canopy. It should be noted that gaps must be left between the sheets, taking into account the thermal expansion of the material.
  9. Remove the protective film from the polycarbonate.

Design ideas

There are a lot of ideas for decoration, and each owner of the house can choose the one that suits his taste, style of decoration and costs. Alternatively, you can use the following styles:

  • polycarbonate canopy with metal base. The most economical option with little cost. Looks neat and without any frills;
  • chalet;
  • Russian style (permissible only if your house is built from a bar or log);
  • forged canopy;
  • visor, additionally equipped with lanterns or other lighting elements.

In general, deciding to make a visor over the porch with your own hands, you need to soberly assess your financial capabilities, make sure that you have all the necessary tools and materials, and also carefully study the manufacturing and fastening technology of the canopy you like. With a serious approach to business and the correct implementation of the necessary actions, your visor will serve you for a long time.

How to make a visor over the porch with your own hands, see the following video:

The first thing that guests see when they come to your home is the porch and the front door. It is here that the main impression of the house as a whole is formed. The visor on the facade was originally intended to protect the entrance and door leaf from rain and sun, but its decorative role is in the foreground.

Entrance canopy options

To get a canopy as beautiful as in a magazine photo over the porch of a private house, it is worth approaching its arrangement with all responsibility and seriousness.

Types of mini-awnings by type of installation and design

The main purpose of the porch canopy is to protect the entrance doors and threshold of the house from rain, snow and sunlight. Visors can be classified according to the type of installation, design, material for the roof and frame, size and shape.

Methods for attaching canopies over the door

Usually, a small visor is hung over the door, commensurate with the dimensions of the porch. However, it is possible to build a wide canopy, which in summer will act as a terrace. Wide canopies with closed sides provide good wind protection.

Support structure example

By the type of installation, canopies are divided into two types:

  1. Supporting. These are massive structures that require reliable fixation. Such awnings are attached to the house on one side, and the opposite side is installed on metal or wooden supports.
  2. Hinged. Lightweight, small structures that are mounted directly above the door. Such canopies are easy to install, but often play a more decorative role, because a small shelter is unable to protect, for example, from heavy rain or heavy snow.

Hinged canopy - sketch

Photos of ready-made structures will help to make a canopy or a canopy over the porch with your own hands. Looking at the work, it is easier to decide how you want your canopy to look. There are many roof design options.

Variety of shapes and design solutions

Shed roof. The simplest design is functional and without any special frills. Even a person who has only initial experience in construction can do it. This shape is ideal for wide supporting canopies made of corrugated sheet or slate, as well as for open terraces. When erecting a lean-to structure, it is important to make a sufficient slope so that precipitation or foliage from trees does not accumulate on the roof.

Shed canopy over the door

Gable or tricycle canopy. The roof of the "house" will decorate the porch in both classic and rustic style. Gable wooden or tiled porches look especially nice. Most often, such a porch is made with support pillars so that the structure can withstand the considerable weight of the roof. A three-slope canopy is a complicated version of a gable roof. It is not so easy to make it, but it also looks more interesting.

The three-slope visor looks noble

Semicircular visor. Previously, such visors were made of metal. Now, as a rule, cellular polycarbonate is used for them. This material bends well, easily attaches to the frame and looks very presentable in general. The lightness of the design allows you to make it hinged, and different colors of polycarbonate give room for design delights. Semicircular can be made as a small canopy over the door, and a large-scale structure that covers the entire facade.

Semicircular structures are made of polycarbonate

Curly awnings. Making a porch with a custom roof will require extensive building experience. Such awnings are difficult to design, but always attract attention and admiration. For their construction, such roofing materials are chosen with which it is easiest to create complex shapes, for example, tiles, honeycomb or monolithic polycarbonate.

The design can be very different - in the form of a simple or elongated dome, polygonal, concave or any other shape.

A canopy can be very unusual

Variety of materials for the visor

The functionality and durability of the canopy will depend on what the canopy will be covered with. The modern market offers a lot of options for roofing materials. Before you make a visor over the porch with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with their properties and only then make a choice.

Modern polycarbonate roofs

In recent years, this material has gained immense popularity. Polycarbonate sheets come in different colors, so you can easily build a visor that fits into the overall color scheme of the building.

Polycarbonate transmits light well

Polycarbonate has a lot of advantages:

  • transparency, due to which it practically does not shade the facade of the house;
  • variety of colors;
  • low weight of sheets combined with sufficient strength;
  • ease of installation;
  • flexibility, which is important when building semicircular and complex canopies.

Stylish asymmetry

Despite all the advantages, polycarbonate also has disadvantages. Perhaps the main one is low impact resistance in comparison, for example, with tiles or profiled sheets. The polycarbonate visor will easily withstand the snow cover, but it can wrinkle or even crack from a heavy branch falling on it.

Polycarbonate can be used to make a canopy over the porch of a wide variety of designs - flat shed, arched, gable or any other shape you like.

A hinged forged visor with a polycarbonate roof is considered a classic.

Large canopy with supports

Combination with forging

Classic metal roofing

The metal tile combines classic design and the latest technology for the production of roofing materials. The metal base is responsible for strength and durability, and the polymer coating resists corrosion.

Advantages of metal roof canopies:

  • service life up to 45 years;
  • strength;
  • resistance to the external environment;
  • simple installation.

There is only one drawback of metal tiles - a high price compared to other materials.

A single ensemble of roof and canopy

It is advisable to make tiled canopies during the construction phase of the house, together with the main roof. The remnants of the tiles, which always remain after large-scale works, are quite suitable for the visor. In addition, the roof and canopy will look very stylish in the same style. Considering the considerable weight of the tiled roof, it is better to put the porch on supports.

Metal roofing combined with forging

Practical and reliable corrugated board

Ordinary galvanized profiled sheets are not particularly decorative, but recently a profiled sheet with a polymer coating of different colors has appeared on sale.

The roof over the porch made of corrugated board is distinguished by the following features:

  • strength and shock resistance;
  • relatively light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • low price compared to other roofing materials.

Corrugated canopies are strong and durable

Considering that the sheets are rather large (width 0.75-1.0 m and length up to 12 m), it is advisable to use corrugated board for large-scale metal canopies over the porch of the house. It is unprofitable to buy a full-size sheet for a compact visor, therefore, small structures are covered with scraps of corrugated board left after a large construction site or other materials are used.

Good old wave slate

Until recently, slate was almost the only and ubiquitous roofing material. Nowadays, slate is not so popular, however, modern craftsmen continue to use it in construction.

Slate canopies are valued for the following qualities:

  • resistance to environmental influences;
  • heat-insulating properties (slate heats up little by the sun's rays);
  • durability.

At the same time, slate has a lot of disadvantages:

  • heavy weight;
  • fragility of sheets;
  • complex installation (due to the fragility of the sheets, it is not easy to cut and drill holes in them for fasteners).

When making a slate canopy over the porch with your own hands, you must take into account its considerable weight, so you should definitely provide for a strong frame and reliable attachment to the facade.

Plastic slate for visor

An alternative to traditional slate is plastic and euro-slate. They also have a wavy leaf surface, but are more practical, weigh less and look more attractive, as they are produced in various colors.

Environmentally friendly wood canopies

Wood never goes out of style. The wooden visor over the porch has not lost its relevance from ancient times to the present day. This design looks especially good in combination with a log house or a house with wood trim.

Eco-style wooden canopy

The advantages of wooden awnings are obvious:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • high decorativeness;
  • reliable protection from the sun - it is always cool under such a canopy;
  • uncomplicated installation process.

Unfortunately, wooden structures are prone to rotting and can be destroyed by bark beetles. In order for the visor above the porch made with your own hands from wood to serve as long as possible, you will have to cover it with several layers of special impregnations.

Quite often, combined sheds are erected over the entrance, where the supports and beams are made of wood, and the roof is covered with corrugated board or tiles. Wood is the best suited for making curly or carved structures, because it is malleable to processing and in the hands of a master can turn into a real work of art.

A wooden porch can be the main decoration of the house.

How to build a visor over the porch yourself

So, inspired by the colorful photos of the awnings over the porch, you decided to build your own structure. Where to start work?

Design and important calculations

The whole process includes several important stages:

  1. Drawing up a drawing and a rough estimate.
  2. Frame construction.
  3. Installation of the frame on the facade and, if required, erection of additional supports.
  4. Roof sheathing.

All measurements must be present on the canopy drawing, because they will be used to calculate the consumption of the necessary materials. When designing a visor, it is necessary to take into account the width of the front door. Another 30-50 cm is added to this figure and the minimum width of the roof is obtained. For example, if the front door is 90 cm wide, then the visor is made at least 110 cm. The angle of inclination of the roof must also be considered - it should be 20-30 degrees.

The wider the canopy, the more the slope is made.

Drawing of a metal visor

The frames for the visors are made of wooden bars, a metal corner or profile, and they also order ready-made forged products, which only need to be covered with roofing material to your liking.

Polycarbonate canopies

Stages of building a protective canopy over the door

When constructing the frame, the basic rule is adhered to - the heavier the roof, the more powerful the supporting structure should be. For lightweight polycarbonate canopies, even reinforcement with a diameter of 5 mm or more is quite suitable as a frame. And for massive slate or tiled roofs, you will need bars or a metal corner with a section of 5-10 cm.

The finished frame is attached to the facade with anchor bolts. The junction with the wall of the house is covered with a protective bar. If required, support posts are installed, which are usually not just dug into the ground for strength, but also concreted.

The construction work is concluded with the installation of the roof. The way it is attached depends on the material used. Polycarbonate is fixed with self-tapping screws through thermal washers, and the ends are sealed with a special tape. The professional sheet and metal tile are fastened with self-tapping screws along the profiled sheet or, in extreme cases, with ordinary wood screws. The slate is nailed to the crate.

Unusual canopy over the door

Regardless of which version of the canopy over the porch you have chosen, the construction must be approached with all responsibility. Then the visor will become not only protection, but also a decoration of the house, and will also last for more than one year.

Video: Awning over the entrance

A canopy above the front door is used to protect the entrance from precipitation, sun and other natural factors. In addition, the visor has a decorative function and serves to decorate the entrance to the house. Made by hand, it is a matter of special pride for the owners. It can be made of metal, tiles, plastic, wood, corrugated board, polycarbonate or other materials. In this article, we will consider a visor made of polycarbonate, its advantages, types and features.


A visor made of such material has a lot of advantages:

  • polycarbonate is easy to install and has a low dead weight;
  • it is durable and can be operated in a wide temperature range;
  • transmits sunlight well - does not shade the territory;
  • shockproof - can withstand mechanical shock, including strong hail;
  • resistant to loads - withstands the weight of the snow mass;
  • not flammable;
  • easily tolerates bending, so it can take any shape;
  • available in various colors.

Did you know? Polycarbonate is used in the manufacture of eyeglass lenses. These lenses are 10 times stronger than any other, and also considered the safest.

Types of polycarbonate canvas

Consider the main types of polycarbonate canvas:

Polycarbonate sheets can also be transparent or opaque. Opaque sheets are used to create partitions, wall cladding, false ceilings, wall decorations. Mosaics made of polycarbonate stained-glass windows look very nice. Polycarbonate sheets retain their color for a long time, are resistant to scratches and mechanical damage.

Varieties of visor shapes

All canopies consist of a frame, support elements and cover. The frame and supports are made of metal. Covering made of polycarbonate sheet.

Important! The width of the canopy should be at least 0.8 m, the length - 0.5 m or slightly more than the width of the front door.

The shape of the visors are as follows:

Important! If the length of the canopy exceeds 2 m, then the structure may fall, therefore additional pillars are placed under the central support.


Most often, the frame is made of aluminum or steel. Aluminum is an easy-to-work, ductile material. Does not corrode. Before installation, it is varnished to ensure protection from environmental influences.

A wood frame is usually used for canopies of the same material. This is due to the fact that the tree is not plastic and is susceptible to the influence of an aggressive environment. Moreover, the tree is short-lived.

A forged metal frame looks best. It can be made in any decorative form and decorated with ornaments. Perfectly decorates both the front door and the wall around it.

Did you know? The first door canopies were used in Chinese architecture. And the progenitor of the canopy can be considered a pagoda, in which each tier is decorated with a canopy roof.

How to install the visor

To install the visor, you will need the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • ordinary drill + a set of drills;
  • perforator for installing the finished product;
  • screwdriver with an attachment for self-tapping screws;
  • paint brush for priming and painting the finished product.

Installation materials:
  • metal pipe for frame parts;
  • polycarbonate for covering the visor;
  • metal primer;
  • paint for metal;
  • decorative screws;
  • fasteners for the finished product.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Layout work. We determine the shape and size of the future canopy. If you order the manufacture of a forged or aluminum frame, then you will have to determine the dimensions of the future product at the stage of ordering the frame.
  2. Pipe cutting. If you make the frame yourself, we cut the metal pipe to the required size. Remember that when cutting the pipe, you must make an additional allowance for the pipe length for bending. We bend the cut pipe into the shapes we need.
  3. We connect the frame parts by welding.
  4. We cut the polycarbonate sheet into pieces of the required sizes and shapes.
  5. Wall mount. We prime the metal and paint it in the desired color. We carry out further work after the paint has completely dried. We fasten the frame with anchors. Using self-tapping screws, we attach a polycarbonate coating to the frame.
It is not so difficult to install the visor with your own hands. Be careful when taking measurements, and you will make your job easier without the need for additional alterations.

Video: how to make a polycarbonate visor

Advantages of awnings:

  • Weather protection. The presence of a canopy guarantees a long service life of the porch, the material of which is especially susceptible to destruction.
  • The correct design of the canopy allows you to diffuse the light over the porch as you need it.
  • The presence of a canopy gives the porch a completeness and a more aesthetic appearance.

The material of the canopy can be different - metal, glass, ondulin, slate or wood. But the most optimal and stable will be polycarbonate. Other materials, being exposed to precipitation, quickly deteriorate and require frequent repair.

In addition, polycarbonate, due to its transparency, allows the sun's rays to pass through itself, helping to dry out the porch after rains. This material is resistant to mechanical damage than glass, for example, cannot be distinguished.

An important fact is that polycarbonate does not support combustion. Its flexibility allows you to make the visor not only flat, but also arched. Heat and cold air does not pass through polycarbonate.

On the aesthetic side, there is a huge plus of the material, since its color gamut is huge. Multi-colored polycarbonate will not fade over time.

Varieties of polycarbonate awnings:

Making a canopy:

First, the shape of the visor is selected. If the canopy is planned to be arched, then it is worth remembering that polycarbonate can bend to a radius of 0.7 m. With a smaller radius, the polycarbonate sheet will break in half.

Installation of the visor is carried out in the summer or in a warm room.

Polycarbonate is cut with a grinder saw or a hand saw, its edges do not crumble, but are difficult to mechanical stress. The sheets are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws with rubber pads.

The ideal installation option is the simultaneous construction of a house and a canopy, since fasteners for a canopy can be inserted into the desired wall.

If the house is old, then for fastening you will need eyelets, a metal corner or a support beam that is located above the entrance.

It is better to take pipes for the frame with a rectangular section 2 * 2 cm. They are either welded together or connected with aluminum rivets.

To give the desired bend to polycarbonate, they make cuts in it every 4-5 cm, calmly bending to the desired arc.

Support pillars for reliability must be concreted in the ground. The concrete sets for about three days, so until this time the visor is not installed on the supports.

The lower parts of the posts must be protected with anti-corrosion coating and waterproofing.

Price for canopies made of polycarbonate above the entrance to a private house

Polycarbonate canopies are very common, so it will not be difficult to find them in large cities of Russia.

Online stores sell visors from 3500 rubles to 35,000 rubles. Of course, it all depends on the size and shape.

Someone sets not the price for a specific visor, but the cost of work per square meter.

It is worth remembering that the final cost of a polycarbonate canopy includes consumables, manufacturing, delivery, installation services.

Closed awnings over the porch - photo gallery

The closed canopy is a one-piece roof over the porch. It does not allow moisture and snow to pass through, protecting the entrance to the house.

The material and design for awnings can be very different.


Types of structures:

The canopy supports are in the form of pillars or brackets on the wall of the house. The former can be placed directly on the porch, attaching them with special anchors, or cement them with a sand and gravel cushion.

Wood supports are the lightest and most beautiful, and you can make real works of art from them by cutting. But such material must be subject to antiseptic and fire-prevention treatment.

Brackets are the most popular mounting option. They are usually made from profiled pipes.

The most beautiful type of support is forged brackets and poles. Their appearance gives the canopy a special flavor.

How to make a polycarbonate canopy over a porch with your own hands - a photo, the price of polycarbonate canopies over the entrance to a private house, closed canopies over the porch - photo gallery

Types of canopies over the porch and entrance: the advantages and order of construction with your own hands DIY polycarbonate canopy: what a beginner needs to know? How to make a canopy with a canopy over the porch with your own hands DIY polycarbonate canopy - it's easy! Do-it-yourself canopies over the porch Types of awnings over the porch of a private house Fastening polycarbonate: thermal washers, profiles, polycarbonate canopy truss - calculation of how to make a polycarbonate roof with your own hands - video, photo How to make a carport from various materials with your own hands

“The river begins from the blue stream”, and the entrance group to the house begins from the porch and the awning above it. This is a kind of visiting card of every home owner. The visor over the porch, see the photo examples of successful solutions in the galleries, bears not only a huge aesthetic load, decorating the facade of the house, but also performs a lot of practical functions, the main of which is to protect the street extension from precipitation, making the entrance to the house more comfortable.

In this article, we will figure out what options for awnings over the porch are, what materials are used for construction, we will consider the most successful, beautiful and almost universal design solutions for such extensions. And of course, we will focus on how to correctly calculate the size of the canopy for the porch, what parameters must be taken into account when designing, and how to make a canopy over the porch with our own hands.

Design features of awnings, roofs and canopies

Hip roof over the porch covered with tiles

Support for the visor

Depending on the way the extension is supported, the roof can be supported by vertical pillars, or it can hang on special brackets on the wall of the house. The location of the support points depends mainly on the state of the load-bearing wall of the state, on the dimensions and materials for the canopy. The design of the porch with a canopy also plays an important role for the type of supporting structure, the photos demonstrate this well. Thus, the canopy can be attached to the house and be part of the building, or it can be an independent structure, with its own foundation and supports. In principle, supports for the canopy can be placed on the upper platform of the porch, fastening the structure with anchors, or digging individual holes and cementing the pillars, having previously arranged a gravel-sand cushion.

Forged canopies over the porch, photo of a structure with complex geometry

Supports for canopies are made of different materials, the simplest and lightest, of course, from wood, but they need preliminary treatment with an antiseptic and fireproof composition. It is unlikely that anything can compare with the beauty of wood, and the possibilities of modern cutting make it possible to acquire beautiful openwork elements at a very reasonable price, the aesthetic effect of such decor fully compensates for all costs.

Visor over the porch, photo of a wooden extension on the pillars

Semicircular canopy made of metal and polycarbonate, schematically the main load-bearing elements of the visor

We will take as the basis of the visor an independent wooden extension above the entrance door, on pillars, with a lean-to roof, a kind of hut-veranda on chicken legs.

It is interesting: Do you know why the huts in fairy tales are on chicken legs? In fact, even in antiquity, people noticed that after fires, in swampy areas, the remains of coniferous trees stand as skeletons for centuries, do not rot, do not deteriorate. The people at that time were savvy, and immediately understood what was the matter. It turns out that if a pine log is smoked in thick smoke over charcoal, then the resin under heat treatment forms a strong protective layer, the wood becomes practically invulnerable, nothing is afraid of it: neither water, nor microorganisms, nor rot does not take it. Therefore, during construction, the columnar foundation was made of such stoned logs, and houses on such a foundation stood for more than a century. It was only later, in fairy tales, that they came up with the idea of ​​drawing emotional, running huts on giant chicken legs.

First, you need to transfer the drawings of the visor to the terrain, carefully measure the dimensions, hammer the pegs around the perimeter, and peel off the top layer of soil. To add a canopy with a size of 2 * 1 m, a height of 2.2 m, you will need 2 pillars-logs, 2.5 m long, and 2 2.7 m each, treated with antifungal antiseptics, water-repellent and fire retardants. Those parts of the supports that will be dug into the ground must be smoked or coated with mastic.

To install vertical supports in the corners, holes are dug with a depth of 0.7 m, a layer of 200 mm of sand is poured onto the bottom, a layer of crushed stone of 200 mm is poured on it, everything is rammed. Concrete is mixed, a little mortar is poured onto the bottom, a pillar is installed, leveled, strictly vertically, it is advisable to make struts to fix the pillars in this position, concrete mixture is added so that the hole is completely filled. After 7 days, when the concrete has set, the supports are sawn to the desired level, we remind you that the minimum height of the canopy should be 2.2 m.

Diagrams of the main types of canopies for the porch

Further, from the bars, the posts are strapped around the perimeter, be sure to check the geometry of the perimeter so that the logs do not fall to the sides. The pillars at the facade are attached to the load-bearing wall of the main building using anchors or metal corners, so we tie the two structures together.

On top of the support logs, logs are laid, on which the rafters are attached, with a step of 200-300 mm; for these purposes, wooden bars with a cross section of 50 * 50 mm are quite suitable.

The conical canopy on the pillars reliably protects the porch from precipitation

Important: In order for the structure to be airtight, the gap between the facade of the house and the extension must be carefully repaired. For this, a strip of galvanized metal is suitable, which must be bent along, the part that is adjacent to the house must be recessed into the facade. The strip is coated with liquid bitumen resin, and screwed on with self-tapping screws. Sometimes polyurethane foam is used for sealing, but it degrades over time from exposure to UV rays and moisture.

But then it all depends on your needs, you can cover the rafters with a profiled sheet, polycarbonate or slate, on this, the manufacture of a canopy over the porch can be considered complete. But zealous owners understand that such a visor is not durable, therefore a layer of waterproofing is placed on the rafter system, it can be a roofing material or a vapor barrier membrane, it is attached to the rafters using a sheathing - it can be slats of 20 * 20 mm, and for a soft roof it is better to use boards tightly fitted to each other. Roofing material is laid on the crate.

Even a small forged visor can become a facade decoration

At the end we make an ebb tide. The gutter is fixed parallel to the building façade, to the outer edge of the roof, with a slight slope. A chain is fixed at the corner of the drain, along which the water will gently drain to the ground. Then you can start finishing the canopy, its design depends on the design and budget for the visor.

Be sure to watch the video in which ready-made samples of canopies in front of the porch are selected from different materials.

Read more about choosing and installing a visor

What to make a light visor from?

A polycarbonate canopy over the porch is the easiest option to protect the entrance group from precipitation. It looks light and airy, you can make it yourself. Visors and awnings above the entrance, the photo illustrates this well, it is better to do it from colored, cellular polycarbonate, 10-12 mm thick. A durable material with stiffening ribs withstands difficult mechanical and climatic loads. Before buying, try to slightly twist the sheet, if cracks start - the material is not of high quality. Bend only transversely so that the stiffeners are perpendicular to the bend.

The visor over the porch is often installed on a metal frame. Mensols - sold ready-made, you can also make your own from metal, add serial forging jewelry for beauty. For a polycarbonate canopy with a depth of 1-1.2 m, a bracket with a 0.6 m fit to the wall and a concave diagonal is sufficient. The sheet is mounted on a special mount with a thermal washer; plugs should be installed on the ends.

How to calculate the correct size of the porch roof?

According to the regulations, the upper platform should be 1.5 times the width of the entrance door (1.2 1.5 m), a comfortable porch width of at least 0.8 m.The roof of the porch should extend beyond the dimensions of the steps by 0.2-0.3 m so that water does not drain onto the entrance group.

A porch with a polycarbonate roof, photo below, can be very modest in size, and vice versa, a whole covered complex in front of the house. In order to save money, it is necessary to take into account the standard sheet sizes: 6000
2050 mm, you can buy a half - 3000 mm / 2050 mm and a quarter - 1500/2050 mm, just enough for a small canopy to protect the upper platform from precipitation. It is recommended to grind the cut edge with a fine abrasive to ensure better adhesion of the docking and end strips. When installing larger structures, do not forget to purchase a docking bar, with which you can aesthetically and tightly seal the joint. Fasten polycarbonate outwards only with the UV-resistant side, the marking is indicated on the protective foam.

What should you consider before making a porch awning?

Before you make a visor over the porch, you need to decide on the dimensions and materials for manufacturing. Visors are cable-stayed (suspended on top holders) - small-sized structures made of light materials, cantilever ones - they are fastened with embedded walls in the body and support ones - on poles, columns, walls, corner holders abutting against the wall. Removal of struts at least a third of the removal of the canopy.

When you have decided on the parameters of the visor, it is necessary to organize a blind area around the porch so that storm water does not erode the soil, and if the house is higher than 2 floors, then the installation of a drain pipe is required. For small canopies, the frame is made in the form of holders or a simple frame, for larger canopies it is recommended to make trusses with additional reinforcement, and with a width of 3.5 meters, a truss rafter system is required. On ridge roofs and in places with high wind loads, additional fastenings for the roofing material are required.

What awnings are in fashion now?

The familiar awning over the porch of a private house is increasingly being replaced by awnings. In fact, this is a roof made of durable fabric, moisture resistant, non-fading from UV rays, well protected from precipitation and withstand hail. Stationary awnings have been known since ancient times - awnings over the entrance with a fabric roof.

Of interest are modern pull-out systems, in which the degree of opening and the angle of inclination can be adjusted. The awnings are adjusted according to the intensity of the sun in order to control the illumination of the room. Awnings are installed not only above the door, but also above the windows. But this is not only a visor for the house, if you additionally protect the porch with vertical awnings, you get a closed terrace, which, if necessary, easily turns into an open canopy. And if you buy vertical racks in the kit, which can be installed even in soft ground, then you will get a whole gazebo in front of the house.

How to quickly build a visor with your own hands?

The easiest way to build a canopy over the porch with your own hands is from a bar. Making wood products does not require special equipment, a hacksaw and a hammer are enough. Drawings can be made by hand, after calculating the size of the extension.

The holders are made in the form of a right-angled triangle, with legs of 0.6 and 0.9 m, the short side is firmly attached to the wall with anchors. The structure is pulled together by transverse bars, the element against the wall is additionally attracted to the house. The tree is treated with protective compounds, painted. Slate, profiled sheet will serve as roofing material. You can also purchase ready-made pipe holders or forged ones on the market, attach them to the wall above the porch, laying a sheet of polycarbonate on top.

What kind of roofing material to choose for a wooden shed to the house?

The entrance group is a small architectural group that performs not only the practical function of protecting the porch, but also carries an aesthetic load, and must harmoniously fit into the overall architectural ensemble. According to the recommendation of experts, the roof on the wooden shed to the house should be made of the same material that covered the main roof - this is ideal. Practical construction shows that a wooden canopy over the porch can be covered with any material that would delicately fit into the exterior. If unsure, take samples of the material and select a roof locally.

For example, due to the transparency of polycarbonate, the roof of it is airy and almost invisible, so this material is universal. A small canopy can be covered with slate or corrugated sheet to match the color of the main roof. On a large wooden shed to the house with supports and a gable roof, soft tiles are suitable, they also come in different colors, so you can choose a close color.

How to seal the joint between the polycarbonate canopy and the wall?

The visor over the porch made of polycarbonate does not provide a snug fit of the sheet to the wall, in order to avoid smudges on the facade, it is necessary to seal the joint. On sale you can find a special wall profile, as in the photo. Polycarbonate visors, according to reviews, still leak, the profile does not provide reliable sealing.

To cope with the problem, the joint must first be degreased, treated with soil, then filled with colorless silicone sealant and only then the bar must be fastened. The sealant can be mixed with mineral insulation and the joint can be sealed tightly with this mixture. A large gap is sealed with facade rubber. Additionally, you should build a galvanized steel ebb.

What metal is better to make a canopy?

A metal canopy over the porch is a practical and beautiful option to protect the entrance to the house. The metal frame is able to withstand any roof. The most beautiful is forged, the most practical is made of stainless steel, it does not corrode. With your own hands, a frame for small and medium canopies up to 2 m wide should be cooked from a reinforced profile with a section of 20 * 20 mm, a wall of 2 mm. For large structures, a corner or pipe 40 * 40 mm, wall thickness at least 2 mm.

To reduce weight, you can apply a 20 * 40 profile, but additional drawings and diagrams with the calculation of stiffeners will be required. The profile thickness is determined by the weight of the roofing material and snow loads. For lightweight materials, for example, polycarbonate, you can make more elegant metal canopies, photo. For the Polonso farm, steel, galvanized pipes and aluminum can be used. The calculation of the pipe section and wall thickness in each case is carried out individually, since these criteria depend on the dimensions of the building.

What kind of rafter system to choose for a canopy?

The device of the rafter system for the shed depends on the design of the roof of the main house and the architectural features of the facade of knowledge. Most often, a one- or two-slope roof is arranged so as not to overload the exterior with design excesses. At the dacha or in a private house, it is advisable to build a lean-to canopy with your own hands, before making a frame, it is enough to calculate the angle of inclination of the roof. To calculate the structure, cross-section of load-bearing elements, wind load, one should be guided by section 2.01.07-85 of SNiP, since with an increase in the steepness of the slope of the slopes and an increase in the size of the building, the loads also increase. The average angle of inclination of the lean-to roof over the porch is 20-25 o.

Different roofing materials are used depending on the slope. For rolls, 5 o is permissible, the metal tile is placed on a slope with a slope of less than 30 o, in regions with a large amount of precipitation of 45 o. The professional sheet can be laid on the roof with a slope of 9-20 o.

For which awnings is metal roofing suitable?

The metal roof canopy is suitable for all types of roofs of the main house. Metal tiles can be of different colors, so choosing the right shade is not difficult. This is a very budget material, lightweight and practical. Due to its low weight, the metal tile practically does not create loads, therefore, the construction of a bulky frame is not required. But the material is very noisy, so extraneous sounds will disturb during hail and rain.

A do-it-yourself canopy made of metal tiles is constructed in several stages. The rafter system is covered with lathing, slats or moisture-resistant plywood. The first sheet is laid with an offset of up to 40 mm, the second with a lateral overlap, without distortions and gaps. The next row is laid with an approach to the previous one by at least 100 mm. Self-tapping screws with EPDM gaskets are used for fixing. At the junction of the slopes, seals are installed, on which the ridge strip is fixed.