Making an armored belt with your own hands. Self-made formwork for the armopoyas Who needs to fill the armopoyas and make the roof

In any construction, it is extremely important not only to build the structure correctly, but also to give it strength. Thanks to the reinforcing belt, each building not only increases its strength properties, but also has an even distribution of loads. Not a single foundation - for a house or for a fence - can do without an armored belt, because otherwise the service life of such a building will not exceed several years.

Up to 30% of land owners prefer to build a house on their own, and more simple buildings- up to 60%. Therefore, the question of how to make an armored belt is one of the most important at the design and construction stage.

Types of armopoies

When building a house, professionals distinguish several types of reinforcing belts:

  • Rostwerk: this is the very first armopoyas, located at the level of the foundation of the house. It is most important, since it is responsible not only for the strength of the foundation, but also prevents possible subsidence of part of the foundation, depending on the seasonal movements of the soil. Therefore, its installation must be approached with great care.
  • The second armopoyas is located on a ready-made foundation, helping to correctly distribute the load of the walls to the base of the house. Thanks to the already laid grillage, the second reinforcing belt can be significantly smaller.
  • The third (and subsequent) armored belts are laid during the construction of the building floors. They not only give strength to the load-bearing walls and the entire structure, evenly distribute the load from interior partitions, window and doorways, but also literally keep the walls from their possible divergence.

As reinforcing reinforcement when arranging an armopoyas, either a metal mesh of ribbed rods with a thickness of 10-15 mm is often used, or separate metal ribbed rods of the same or larger diameter.

The reinforcement mesh is never welded at the joints of the rods: this will reduce the strength of the metal, and therefore the entire armopoyas. Therefore, the connection is made using ordinary wire.

Any construction begins with the arrangement of the foundation. The larger the building, the stronger the foundation must be. For example, if 30 cm is enough for a garage monolithic foundation, then for a residential building you will need a base with a reinforcing belt, located much deeper.

Arrangement of the foundation of the house with a reinforcing belt:

  • A sand and gravel cushion is placed in a trench prepared according to the level of freezing of the soil. A reinforcing mesh is installed on it. To prevent possible corrosion, experts recommend installing the reinforcement on the halves of the brick so that when pouring with a solution, the metal is completely sunk in the solution.
  • For the corners of the house, it is preferable to use several metal rods with a diameter of at least 15 mm. Usually they are placed in a square, as this greatly strengthens the structure of the future house.
  • Reinforcing mesh is more suitable for walls. A single mesh with a height equal to the depth of the trench is usually used. If the soil at the construction site is subject to movements depending on different climatic conditions, the height of the mesh is doubled, and it is placed in the trench folded in half. Thus, the foundation receives great strength characteristics.
  • To obtain the grillage of greater strength, initially a small amount of concrete is poured, carefully placing a reinforcing mesh or rods in it. After the first layer of mortar "grabs", you can finally fill the prepared trenches with concrete.

Second reinforcing belt

It is more of a convention than a real necessity, with a heavily reinforced foundation or a one-story building. Since the second armopoyas is responsible for the state of external load-bearing walls, then two or more storey house needs additional strengthening.

Before making an armored belt on the finished foundation of concrete blocks, you need to lay out the partitions along the edge of the wall in a half-brick up to 40 cm high.Metal rods with a diameter of at least 15 mm, or a single reinforcing mesh, are placed between them. A concrete solution is poured from above.

Third reinforcing belt

This armopoyas is located at the level of the floors and plays no less a role than the grillage. It is designed to contain the entire structure and strengthen both external and interior walls with window and door openings.

Features of laying armopoyas for floors:

  1. Its height does not exceed 40 cm.
  2. If the width of the walls is not less than 50 cm, then the brickwork along the edges of the wall in half a brick can act as formwork. If the width of the wall is less than 50 cm, then a wooden formwork is being prepared.
  3. The third armored belt must be strongly strengthened, therefore, a reinforcing frame is used for it: a metal mesh made of rods with a diameter of 10-12 cm, folded 2-3 times.
  4. Laying the third armopoyas is as important as the first. If the grillage is laid incorrectly or is completely absent, then after a few years cracks form in the foundation and walls, threatening to ruin the entire building. The absence of a third armored belt guarantees the instability of floors and slabs laid on them, window and door openings. In other words, it jeopardizes the entire structure of the building.


In this video, we will talk about filling the armopoyas in a house from gas blocks.

Any developer, having conceived to build a house from aerated concrete, is faced with the need to manufacture an armored belt (it is also called a seismic belt). Armopoyas on aerated concrete is a monolithic reinforced concrete tape, poured along the entire perimeter of the walls (between the first and second floors, etc.). This element is required for uniform distribution loads and ties the walls together. This reduces the risk of cracking when the building shrinks unevenly. Also, the armopoyas is laid under the Mauerlat when installing the roof.

Maxim Pan User FORUMHOUSE, Moscow.

It is impossible to fasten the timber (Mauerlat) directly to the aerated concrete on the studs. If this is done, then over time, under the influence of wind load, the fasteners will loosen. When device attic floor armopoyas on aerated concrete with wooden floor redistributes the point load from the timber to the entire wall.

An example of a forum user with a nickname is indicative mad-max, which exhaustively answers the question when you need an armored belt in a house made of aerated concrete . He did not have time to fill the armopoyas under the Mauerlat, and the house went into "winter". Already during the cold weather arched openings under the windows in the house they cracked exactly in the middle. At first, the cracks were small - about 1-2 mm, but gradually they began to increase and for the most part opened up to 4-5 mm. As a result, after the winter, the forum member poured a 40x25 cm belt into which, before pouring the concrete solution, he installed an anchor under the Mauerlat. This solved the problem of growing cracks.

mad-max FORUMHOUSE user

I would like to add to this that the foundation for my house is tape - monolithic, the soil is stony, there was no movement in the foundation before I started building the house. I believe that the reason for the appearance of cracks was the lack of an armored belt under the Mauerlat.

An aerated concrete house, and even more so a house with two floors, needs an armored belt. When making it, you should remember the following rule:

The main condition for the correct "operation" of the armopoyas is its continuity, continuity and looping along the entire perimeter of the walls.

There are several options for the armopoyas device in aerated concrete house... The manufacture of an armored belt begins with the calculation of its cross-section and the choice of the type of formwork - removable or non-removable, as well as the "pie" of the entire structure.

Eyeonenow FORUMHOUSE user

I am building a house of aerated concrete 37.5 cm thick, with brick cladding and a ventilated gap of 3.5 cm. special U-blocks I do not want factory-made for filling the armopoyas. I saw on our forum the following scheme when building a house, how to insulate an armopoyas - on wall block installs a partition block 10 cm thick, then it is insulated (EPS), and is mounted from the inside of the house removable formwork... I also saw an option when the insulation is pressed close to brickwork... With this scheme, a belt of greater width is obtained.

To understand which option to choose, let's turn to the experience of FORUMHOUSE experts.

44alex FORUMHOUSE user

I was building a house of aerated concrete 40 cm thick. In my opinion, a ventilated gap between the wall and the cladding of 3.5 cm is not enough, it is optimal to leave a gap of 5 cm. If you look at the "pie" of the armored belt from the inside out, it was as follows:

  • removable formwork;
  • concrete 20 cm;
  • EPS 5 cm;
  • partition block 15 cm.

The need to create an armored belt for a Mauerlat when building a roof is not always obvious to novice builders. They often have the wrong idea about the reinforced strengthening of the base for the construction of the roof as something unnecessary and unnecessary. However, the armopoyas is an important mediator that distributes the load of the roof onto the walls of the building. Let's consider why an armopoyas is needed under the roof, what functions it performs and how to do it yourself.

In this article

The need for an armored belt

Let's start considering reinforced base under the roof with its main functions.

Load conversion

The rafter legs transfer the load to the Mauerlat, the main concentration of which is in the places where the rafters are supported on the walls of the house. The task of the Mauerlat and the armopoyas is to transform this load, making it uniform. The Mauerlat is affected by two types of loads. This is the weight of the roof itself, the snow accumulated on it, the effect of wind gusts on the roof and other natural phenomena.

Another load is associated with the expansion of the rafters of the walls of the building. With an increase in the weight of the roof, it increases significantly. Modern materials for the construction of buildings, such as expanded clay concrete, aerated concrete, with a number positive characteristics not able to withstand such a bursting load. Before installing the Mauerlat on them, it is imperative to create a reinforced belt.

Brick walls have a greater endurance to point loads, therefore, for mounting a Mauerlat on them, it is enough to use anchors or embedded parts. However, experts recommend the use of an armored belt for brick walls if the building is being erected in an earthquake-prone region.

Fastening the roof to the house

The most important and basic task of the Mauerlat is to firmly fasten the roof to the house. Thus, the Mauerlat itself must be securely mounted to the building.

The main tasks of the reinforced base under the roof can be summarized as follows:

  • Holding strict geometry buildings in all situations: seasonal soil fluctuations, earthquakes, house shrinkage, etc.;
  • Alignment of walls in a horizontal projection, correction of inaccuracies and flaws in the construction of walls;
  • Ensuring rigidity and stability of the entire structure of the building;
  • Uniform and distributed distribution of the roof load on the walls of the building;
  • Possibility of strong attachment to the reinforced base important elements roofs, primarily Mauerlat.

Calculation of the reinforced base for the roof

The process of reinforcing the base for the Mauerlat begins with planning and calculations. It is necessary to calculate the size of the armored belt. By building standards it should be equal to the width of the wall and at least 25 cm. The recommended height of the reinforced base is around 30 cm. The armopoyas and the mauerlat laid on it should encircle the entire house.

If the walls are erected from aerated concrete, then the upper row is made of stone in the shape of the letter U, which creates the formwork. It is necessary to lay reinforcing elements in it and fill the entire structure with a cement solution.

Before actually starting construction works it is also necessary to prepare the necessary tools and Construction Materials... To create a reinforced base under the roof, you will need:

  • Concrete mixer for high-quality mixing of cement mortar;
  • A specialized vibrator that accelerates cement mortar in the formwork, preventing the creation of voids from the air in the structure;
  • Materials for the construction of formwork;
  • Armature.

Installation technology

The installation of the armopoyas begins after the masonry work. It is necessary to wait until the masonry is completely dry.

Formwork creation and rebar placement

The first stage is the construction of the formwork. In buildings made of aerated concrete blocks, the outermost row of masonry is made from blocks in the shape of the letter U. If these are not available, the outer part of the formwork is made of 100 mm sawn blocks, and the inner part is made of planks. Installation is carried out in strict compliance with the horizontal level.

A frame made of reinforcement is laid in the formwork. His longitudinal part formed from 4 rods of reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm. Transverse fastenings are made from rods of 8 mm in diameter, subject to a step of no more than 25 cm. In projection, the frame looks like a square or rectangle. The frame parts are mounted with an overlap of up to 20 cm. The joints are connected with a knitting wire. In a solution, such a reinforced frame exists as a monolithic one.

Laying the frame provides for the observance of certain rules:

  • The thickness of the concrete from the frame to the formwork is not less than 5 cm;
  • In order to comply with this rule, coasters made of bars of the required height are placed under the frame.

An important part of the work is to strengthen the formwork frame. If this is not done, then it will be warmed up by the weight of the concrete. This can be done in various ways:

Installation of fasteners for the Mauerlat

After working with the formwork and laying the reinforcement, you can start installing the fasteners for the Mauerlat. We recommend using threaded rods. It is convenient to purchase studs with a diameter of 12 mm. The length of the studs is calculated taking into account that their bottom is attached to the frame, and the top protrudes 2-2.5 cm above the Mauerlat.

Installation of studs is carried out taking into account:

  • There is at least one stud between the two rafters;
  • The maximum installation step is no more than 1 meter.

Filling with cement mortar

The main feature of the reinforced base for the Mauerlat is its strength. It can only be reached when pouring. concrete mortar at once.

For creating concrete mix concrete is used not less than M200. The best mixture for filling the belt is prepared in the following proportions:

  • 1 part of M400 cement;
  • 3 parts of washed sand and the same amount of crushed stone.

The use of plasticizers will help to increase the strength and speed of hardening of the mixture.

Since a lot of mixture is required at once to create an armored belt, it is advisable to use a concrete mixer and a special pump for supplying the solution. In the absence of equipment, the help of several people will be required to prepare and continuously feed the finished mixture.

After the concrete is poured into the formwork, it is important to expel all air from any air pockets. For this, a special vibrator device and simple fittings can be used, with which the mixture is pierced along the entire perimeter.

Mauerlat installation

Removing the formwork from the armored belt is possible as soon as the concrete hardens enough, and installation on the Mauerlat structure can be started no earlier than 7-10 days after pouring the armored belt.

Before laying, the parts of the Mauerlat must be specially prepared:

  • Mauerlat timber is treated with antiseptics;
  • Connecting it individual elements performed by the method of a straight lock or oblique notching;
  • The Mauerlat is applied to the armored belt and the places for the studs are marked. Holes for fasteners are drilled.

Laying the Mauerlat is preceded by covering the reinforced base with a layer roll waterproofing, as a rule, roofing material is used for these purposes.

The Mauerlat is secured with a large washer and nut, and locknuts are used for safety. After tightening all the fasteners, the remaining tops of the studs are cut off with a grinder.

Let's sum up

Reinforced base under the Mauerlat is more a necessity than a luxury. Roof structure has a rather large effect on the walls of the house, which, although it is evenly distributed thanks to the Mauerlat, can negatively affect the strength of the entire building.

The creation of an armored belt is necessary in structures made of gas and expanded clay concrete due to the fragility of these materials, in areas with high seismic activity. It is also advisable to strengthen the walls under the Mauerlat when creating heavy roofing structures.

Reinforcement of the upper part of the walls is not difficult work requiring the involvement of specialists. Subject to a number of rules and the involvement of assistants, it can be done on your own.

If the house is built from block materials, then it is often exposed to natural influences. In particular, the building settles, the soil swells around it, etc. well and strong wind and long showers - negatively affect the integrity of the structure. To protect against such influences, a do-it-yourself armo-belt is created on top of the walls from concrete. In our article I would like to talk about the manufacturing technology of the reinforcing belt, as well as its purpose.

The purpose and design of the armopoyas

Reinforcing belt (seismic belt) - increases the reliability of the house and prevents cracks. They, in turn, are formed when the ground moves or is exposed to atmospheric precipitation. Such an element helps to evenly distribute the loads from heavy structures located above it.

For example, concrete floors laid just on top of the reinforcing belt. Many are mistaken in thinking that wooden floors do not need to be. This is far from the case - this element is needed to close the walls of any house. In this case, the type of overlap is irrelevant. After all, as you know, houses are built for long centuries, and not for a short time.

Armopoyas device: stages of work and their features