Correct fastening of the Mauerlat to aerated concrete are possible options that have been proven in practice. How to fix the Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt? A few tricky tips What is better to put the Mauerlat on the armopoyas

Before you start fastening the Mauerlat, you need to understand what this element is and why it is needed. So, the Mauerlat is a wooden beam laid on the walls of a house to evenly distribute the load arising from the weight of the roof itself, as well as wind and snow loads. Thanks to a correctly laid Mauerlat, these loads are distributed from beams or rafters and ceilings to the walls. to the house may differ depending on the material from which the house or summer cottage is built. For example, distinguish between the attachment of the Mauerlat to expanded clay concrete blocks, concrete blocks, brick walls, etc. This division is due to the presence of features during fastening.

The construction of the roof of any house should begin with the fastening of the Mauerlat.

Moreover, this rule does not apply to the construction of log roofs or frame houses- in these cases, the role of the Mauerlat is played by the upper crowns of the logs or the upper beams. The most common timber thickness is 150x100 or 150x150 mm.

Justification of the need

The need to install a calculation and subsequent fasteners of such a design as a Mauerlat is theoretically justified. In construction publications it is noted that if you design a house (its rafters) without taking into account the installation of the Mauerlat (or, as most often happens, simply install it "by eye" or guided by experience), the thrust on the walls will not be transmitted.

General information about the material

Expanded clay concrete - a fundamentally new wall thermal insulation material, which can be used both in load-bearing and enclosing structures. This material is one of 6 deeply improved types of concrete - the so-called.

Accordingly, expanded clay blocks are blocks made of expanded clay concrete. The main components of this material are cement, water, foamed and fired clay.

  • by changing the proportions of the above components, you can achieve the required density and strength. The more cement is added to the expanded clay mixture, the stronger and stronger the produced block will be;
  • in this case, the only drawback will be a proportional increase in thermal conductivity. In other words, the walls will get colder.

Today expanded clay concrete blocks almost completely replaced the previously used cinder blocks. They are great for building a home inexpensively. The very process of manufacturing expanded clay concrete blocks is identical to the process of manufacturing cinder blocks.

The main difference is that blast-furnace slag was the filler in the cinder blocks. Accordingly, the thermal conductivity of such blocks left much to be desired, as well as the strength.

A house made of this material was very short-lived. Today, the parameters of such gas silicate blocks are an order of magnitude superior to cinder blocks in terms of these characteristics, being, in addition, environmentally friendly.

  • expanded clay blocks, possessing excellent strength characteristics, are suitable not only for low-rise construction. The house is warm and durable. At the same time, characteristic through voids in these blocks make it possible to equip a hidden frame in the body of the wall, which sharply increases bearing capacity walls;
  • the dimensions of the gas silicate blocks are somewhat larger than the double brick (stone). Note that the masonry of such blocks is no different from the masonry of a simple ceramic brick, however, it is more convenient and easy, and it will take much less time to build a house.

Use of expanded clay concrete blocks instead of bricks in low-rise construction (for example, to build private house) significantly reduces the cost of work - from 6 to 60%.

These blocks are perfectly combined with the overwhelming number of reinforced concrete products; building materials needed to build a house; metal structures, window and doorways.

Mounting methods

It is considered optimal to mount this material flush with the inner surface of the walls of the house. It is strongly not recommended to lay the Mauerlat on the house closer than 5-6 cm from the outer plane of the walls.

  1. Mauerlat must be attached to the wall of the building. At the same time, it is recommended to make a protective barrier for the Mauerlat outside, preferably from brickwork. Do not forget about waterproofing, it is necessary to protect the tree. Do not overdo it especially, two layers of roofing material will be enough.
  2. There are several ways of attaching a structure such as a Mauerlat directly to the house. If the walls are brick - in masonry, several (2-3) rows below the uppermost row of the wall are embedded in wooden blocks.
  3. It is to these bars that the Mauerlat will subsequently be fastened with staples. When building roofs for houses built from expanded clay concrete or foam concrete, gas silicate blocks, a reinforced concrete belt should be made under the roof.
  4. When pouring this belt, threaded rods must be laid in it. After that, holes are drilled in the Mauerlat beams for these pins and the beams are installed directly on them, which are attracted to the walls of the house with nuts and washers.

The most common are studs with a diameter of 1 2 - 1 6 mm. They must be installed at least every 1.6-2 m.

There is also a Mauerlat fastener for a house using studs, designed for brick walls. So, during the construction of the walls, the studs are embedded in brickwork so that the depth is at least 3 rows of bricks.

To save money, instead of studs, it is recommended to embed simple fittings, welding the nuts to it by welding. In the same row of brickwork, where studs (reinforcement) are embedded in the house, it is necessary to insert a thick (3-6 mm) steel wire, the ends of which must be of sufficient length to tie the Mauerlat.

Note that often during the installation of such a structure as a Mauerlat, it becomes necessary to splicate the bars. This is done by cutting the beams into half a tree, followed by their fastening with bolts or nails.

  1. One of the most popular in recent times is the Mauerlat mount, in which only edged boards size 50x150 mm (as a rule, up to 6 0 x 16 0 mm).
  2. Initially, it is necessary to lay out one row of boards on the walls, and then fix them to the house using anchor screws (not bolts, since their heads will protrude). The length of the anchors must be at least 20 cm.
  3. Holes in a reinforced concrete belt or masonry are made using a perforator, having previously drilled the board with an ordinary drill. Then you need to lay out the next row of boards on the house, nailing them to the first row using simple 100 mm nails.
  4. The joints of the boards should be made in other places, thus carrying out the dressing. In the corners, the boards must also be laid with a bandage. The result is a Mauerlat, which is 100 mm thick, which is quite enough.

This method attaching the Mauerlat to the house, especially to expanded clay concrete blocks, is popular for several reasons. First of all, it is much easier to lift the board to the height of the board than the parallel bars. The next reason is that there is no need to cut in half a tree.

Fasteners with metal studs

To perform fasteners to aerated concrete, a one-piece Mauerlat structure is used, laid along the perimeter of the entire roof. The masonry of these blocks is completed with U-blocks designed to create a one-piece reinforced concrete belt.

  1. Therefore, the studs are installed in the U-blocks before they are filled with concrete (under the rope). Placing the studs at the same level allows for faster and smoother fastening.
  2. Before laying the timber, holes are made in it. They must match exactly where the studs are installed. To mark such places, the timber is laid out on the studs, after which they hit it with a sledgehammer.
  3. After the holes are ready, the bar is put on the studs and hammered. The Mauerlat, put on the studs, can also be fixed with nuts and washers. In this case, the number of studs, as well as the distance between them, must be taken into account even before installation, so that the places of these fasteners (rafters - Mauerlat) do not coincide with the places of fastenings with a reinforced concrete belt.

Quantity rafter legs must match the number of studs. The height of the studs above the reinforced concrete belt should be equal to the cross-section of the timber plus 4-6 cm (for fastening with a washer).

Mechanical anchors

In this case, the fastening is carried out using wedge anchors. Wedge dowels with harpoon teeth with outside, as well as a cut along the central axis, are inserted into the prepared holes.

After fixing the dowel and installing the fastening element in it, expansion occurs, due to which the teeth are pressed into the expanded clay concrete. This method is considered the most reliable.

However, its significant disadvantage is its high cost (one anchor can cost up to 3 6 0 0 rubles).

Chemical method

Chemical fastening is one of the cheapest methods. The cost of one capsule for fasteners is about 1 6 0 rubles. Due to the fact that active chemical element penetrates into the pores, the Mauerlat is securely attached to the aerated concrete.

The substance that gets inside the aerated concrete improves the quality of its surface layer, providing additional heat and waterproofing.

Tools for the job

To fasten the Mauerlat at home, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • drill;
  • screws;
  • hairpins;
  • strong (preferably steel) wire;
  • fishing line (rope);
  • boards (beams) of the required dimensions;
  • anchors (the calculation of their number is described above);
  • standard set construction tools(hammer, wood saw, etc.).

For fastening the Mauerlat to expanded clay concrete blocks, it is necessary to use materials exclusively High Quality: wood must be free of knots, waterproofing - no damage.

For quality execution works better to use professional tools. We should not forget about the importance of the accuracy of preliminary calculations, because without them the most quality work will not provide reliable fastening of the Mauerlat to the expanded clay concrete blocks.

The roof can be compared to a large sail. Therefore, it is better to spend a little time ensuring reliable fasteners, so that in case strong wind the roof didn't even budge against the walls of the house.

Particular attention should be paid to this point for everyone who has country house... A dacha made of expanded clay concrete blocks is often incorrectly classified as temporary housing, which is why due attention is not paid correct arrangement its roofs.

The question of how to fix the Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt is quite rare, because such a connection is rather nonsense in construction. To understand this, you need to figure out what the armopoyas is for, and what the Mauerlat is and its purpose.

Is aerated concrete?

But first of all, let us designate that the construction of houses from aerated concrete is at the peak of popularity, and the demand for this building material growing. This means that many are faced with it when building their own houses. What you need to know about aerated concrete:

  • belongs to the category of porous materials;
  • good thermal insulation qualities;
  • not the lowest moisture absorption;
  • good bearing capacity;
  • low strength.

Exactly last characteristic determines the possibility or impossibility of laying the Mauerlat on aerated concrete. Because the porous structure of the material does not allow it to be heavily loaded, especially pointwise.

As for the Mauerlat itself, this is a structure that is laid on the upper surfaces of the walls. In fact, it performs the functions strip foundation, distributing evenly the loads from the roof onto the walls of the house. Mainly made from timber with a minimum section of 100x100 mm. It should be added that this roof element simplifies the fastening of the rafter system to the walls.

Armopoyas: design features

Now about the armopoyas. Its main task is to mount the Mauerlat. And if it is not in the structure of the house being erected, then certain problems arise related precisely to the fastening of the Mauerlat bar. There are several ways of fastening. They are excellently used by builders if houses are built from more durable materials: brick, stone, concrete blocks.

Mounting methods

So, we are familiar with the main elements, indicated by the question of how to attach the Mauerlat to aerated concrete. It remains to figure out the ways and understand one important idea. And the thought is that the proposed options for fasteners should be accepted with a lot of reservations. Because installing a Mauerlat on aerated concrete blocks without pouring a reinforcing belt is a rather dubious event.

And no matter how much you look for technologies, they all turn out to be, at least, of little use. And with each option, there is a huge number of contraindications. And although there is a lot of information on some portals that it is possible to lay the Mauerlat on aerated concrete and fix it, everyone unanimously assures that there are certain criteria that must be taken into account.

For example:

  • you can use this method (without an armored belt) if the building being constructed small size;
  • if the roof is a simple structure covered with light roofing materials;
  • if hanging rafters are used in the construction of the rafter system, which are tightened together with reliable puffs;
  • if layered rafter legs are installed, propped along the axis of the ridge beam.

By the way, the last option is best suited to this situation. Because part of the load from the roof will fall precisely on the supports under the ridge, this will reduce the load on the walls. And yet, before attaching the Mauerlat to aerated concrete, you need to think carefully about whether this process is worth carrying out without pouring the armored belt.

Option number 1

Mounting the Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt is best done using steel wire 4–5 mm in diameter, which are twisted into 2–4 layers. This method is often used when a Mauerlat bar is laid on brickwork. How this process is carried out. There are several strict requirements:

  • the wire must be laid in the masonry of aerated concrete stones in the third or fourth row before the end of the masonry, that is, 3-4 rows of blocks must be laid above the wire;
  • the length of the twist should be such that from both sides it reaches the laid Mauerlat, overlaps it and twists, creating a mount;
  • the step of laying the wire twists is equal to the step of installing the rafter legs.

An example of fastening a Mauerlat bar with a wire

Before laying the Mauerlat without an armored belt on the walls of aerated concrete, the ends of the walls must be waterproofed. The easiest way is to spread the roofing material in two layers. Then the timber itself is laid. It must be aligned either on the outer surface of the wall, or on the inside. Horizontal alignment is mandatory. After that, the wire braids are tightened using a pry bar. The main thing is that the screed is strong and tight.

Example of Correctly Tightened Wire Braids Using a Pry Bar

It seems that this is the solution to the problem. But let's think sensibly. Strong tightening of gas silicate blocks can lead to cracking of the material, especially this will be seen during the operation of the roof, when wind loads will act on it. From them, the wire will work like a saw. But it is with this tool that blocks are trimmed when it is necessary to adjust them to the required dimensions.

That is, this option, with the seeming correct use, raises great doubts. And the more the Mauerlat is tightened with the wire, the faster it will cut the blocks.

Option number 2

Installation of a Mauerlat bar without an armored belt using anchors and dowels. For fastening, it is proposed to use an anchor with a length of at least 30 cm, preferably 50. Appearance they have this:

How this process is carried out:

  1. After waterproofing their upper ends, a Mauerlat is laid on the walls.
  2. Through each 1-1.2 m in it, as well as simultaneously in aerated concrete blocks, holes are made with a drill and a drill, the diameter of which is matched to the diameter of the dowel for the anchor.
  3. Dowels are clogged.
  4. Anchor bolts are screwed into them.

To attach the Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt, it is better to use an anchor with a diameter of at least 12 mm. And one more thing - pick up a washer of a larger diameter under the nut.

So, is this method really reliable? If this concerned a reinforcing belt made of concrete mortar, then there was no doubt. This is one hundred percent reliable fastening... With aerated concrete, even if long anchors are used, there is no certainty that this type of fastening will be able to withstand the serious loads emanating from the roof structure. It is one thing to fix a shelf, cabinet or TV on aerated concrete, another thing when the loads from the roof are not one ton various materials.

Option number 3

Mounting the Mauerlat to aerated concrete wall with studs. Here, a hairpin with a diameter of at least 12 mm is used. It is laid across the wall in a masonry of blocks 2-3 blocks below the last row. It turns out that the threaded ends of the stud will stick out from the wall on both sides. Therefore, its length is chosen according to the width of the aerated concrete wall.

In this case, the Mauerlat is laid on aerated concrete in the same way as in previous cases. But the fastening is made by wire twisting. At the ends of the steel "pigtail" loops are made, which are put on the ends of the hairpin. That is:

  • first one loop is put on, for example, on the outer end of the fastener;
  • it is tightened with an M12 nut with a wide washer laid under it;
  • the twisted wire is thrown over the wall, respectively, and the Mauerlat;
  • a free loop at the opposite end is inserted into the free end of the hairpin;
  • tightening with a nut and washer;
  • a pry bar is required, which twists the twist over the Mauerlat bar, that is, the latter is pulled to the wall.

We must pay tribute to this method of attaching the Mauerlat to the wall erected from gas blocks. In many respects, it is more reliable. First, the wire does not come into contact with the aerated concrete material. This means that from its twisting there is no load that could cut it. Secondly, the hairpin is laid without violating the integrity of the blocks, which is very important for aerated concrete material. But even this option does not guarantee one hundred percent reliability of the fasteners.

Option number 4

Today we need to talk about innovative methods of fastening, because scientific and technological progress does not stand still and offers us new materials that increase the strength of the fastening. These are the so-called chemical anchors. In fact, this is all the same metal fixture that is inserted into the wall. But instead of a metal dowel, a two-component is poured into the hole made adhesive composition, which, when in contact with air, quickly polymerizes, forming a strong connection. A steel anchor is inserted into it while the material has not yet become solid.

Today manufacturers offer two types of chemical dowels:

  1. A ready-made two-component composition in a can, on which a pistol nozzle is put on for the convenience of feeding the mixture.
  2. The composition is in a glass capsule, which must be inserted into the prepared hole. Then an anchor is inserted into it, which itself breaks the capsule, thus mixing the two components with each other and creating conditions for their contact with air.

The process of fixing the Mauerlat in this way exactly repeats the technology with conventional anchors and metal dowels, which was considered in option No. 2. Only instead of a steel dowel, either a capsule is inserted into the prepared hole, or the composition is poured from a can. The most important thing in the latter case is to insert the anchor immediately after filling the mounting hole with a two-component chemical compound.

It should be added that manufacturers of chemical anchors today offer varieties specifically for aerated concrete materials... It is them that must be used for fastening.

Now, with regard to the reliability of the fasteners. This is one of the most reliable options... But there is no information that someone has already used it. Therefore, one can only speculate. Although, in theory, everything should work.

Option number 5

All the same studs are used here, only they will be installed vertically and serve as anchors. Steel strips 5 mm thick, 50 mm wide, with a length equal to the width of the wall are welded to them. The device is installed at the stage of wall construction below the upper plane of the butt end by 2-3 blocks. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine the length of the stud. The reference point for the installation is a strip across the wall. It is better to use the option if the walls rise from two blocks, so the pins will be between the blocks, without violating their integrity.

Not a bad mounting option, one of the best, but on one condition - the mass of the roof should not be large. The load on the walls in this case is oblique, so the fasteners work in bending. The wider the strip in the fastening structure, the better.

Generalization on the topic

Several options for attaching the Mauerlat without filling the armopoyas have been proposed. It is difficult to say how the whole structure will behave, whether the fasteners will be reliable. Therefore, you should not take risks and avoid expenses. Fill the armopoyas and all your problems will be solved at once.

Mauerlat is a special wooden, less often metal, structural element roofs. It is necessary for even distribution of the roof pressure on the bearing supports, as well as for fastening rafter frame to the aerated concrete wall. The reliability and durability of the entire structure depends on how accurate and strong the connection of the support will be.

Mauerlat should be correctly performed from a log or bar of at least 10x10 cm in size, treated with aseptic solutions, dried, without cracks and knots. If raw wood is used, then a prerequisite is the presence of an anchor adjusting nut, which subsequently must be tightened once a year for 5 consecutive years.

Rarely, it is allowed to use a channel or a beam for construction, but in this case, the rafters must also be metal, and the load on aerated concrete increases significantly, and reinforced fastenings are mainly needed, and the cost of such a project will not fit into every budgetary framework.

Mounting Guide

Initially, in order to evenly distribute the pressure on the building frame, a reinforced concrete strapping belt is erected to avoid pushing the aerated concrete. It is a concrete tape with dimensions of 20x15 cm, running along the entire perimeter of the aerated concrete wall.

A reinforcing belt is constructed according to the following scheme:

  • Assembling the formwork along the top of the wall.
  • Placement of U-shaped blocks inside the timber frame.
  • Reinforcement with rods 10 mm.
  • Tied installation in reinforcement cage threaded studs with a diameter of 14 mm for reliable installation of the Mauerlat at a distance of 1 m from each other.
  • Filling shapes concrete mortar brand M-200.

An important point in the technology for preparing fasteners is the calculation of the number of studs and their location. The number of rafter legs and fasteners must be the same. They are installed in such a way that they do not intersect with the connection points of the Mauerlat with rafter system... The height is selected taking into account the size of the bar plus 4 cm.

After a week, the formwork is removed and the belt is ready for further work... Fasteners are embedded in the concrete, bonding with the reinforcement cage, providing the most reliable connection of the possible. A bar is superimposed on the studs, and the attachment points are imprinted on the latter by blows with a sledgehammer. Holes of the required diameter are drilled. Mauerlat fits snugly on fasteners and is fixed with washers and nuts.

There are options when, instead of a reinforcing belt, a so-called monolithic pillow is assembled. Its length, as a rule, is not more than 40 cm, and also contains a reinforcing cage with a tied anchor, filled with concrete mix... This feature is typical mainly for brick walls.

How to properly mount a Mauerlat without an armored belt?

If the construction of a reinforcing belt is almost impossible, then fastening to the wall one-storey house made of aerated concrete is carried out without it.

There are several types of fasteners that it is quite possible to do with your own hands using:

  • steel wire;
  • anchors;
  • studs;
  • dowels.

Also, the subsequent fastening of the Mauerlat to aerated concrete can be carried out in two ways:

1. Mechanical - using bolts with M 12-14 thread and dowels with special harpoons. After screwing the elements into the base, the dowel parts expand into honeycomb blocks aerated concrete, firmly grabbing inside. Negative side this method is the high cost of hardware.

2. Chemical - special capsules with a polymer resin adhesive are used. This option is more affordable. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the chemical reagent, spreading in the pores of aerated concrete, firmly seizes the metal rod with the wall. In this case, the prepared hole should be 2-3 layers of masonry deep.

A chemical anchor provides a more durable connection than a mechanical one. Such ones are suitable for use in thin-walled structures, since they do not give expansion. Thus, additional hydro and thermal insulation of aerated concrete is provided. The only drawback is the impossibility of welding, if necessary, due to the destruction of the polymer resin under the influence of high temperatures.

The best option for fastening without an armored belt and the simplest is steel wire. In this case, the scheme of actions is as follows: 3-4 rows of blocks to the edge of the wall, it folds in half and is threaded under the bricks so that the ends come out freely. The length of the string is calculated with a margin so that it is enough to thread it through the drilled holes in the bar at a distance of 25-30 cm and twist it together as tightly as possible. The number of straps must match the number of rafters.

Anchoring it is used in the absence of a reinforcing belt, but most often it is used in conjunction with its construction. Then the installation technology will differ by replacing the concreted pins with the installation of anchors with harpoon dowels after the mortar has set or with a tie in a reinforcing cage.

Fastening with studs is performed when the structure and roof are small and the pressure on the support does not imply large loads. This process is performed independently using bolts or special metal L-shaped or T-shaped rods with a length of at least 1 m and a diameter of 8-24 mm. Such steel elements are embedded in the wall 2-3 rows of masonry to the upper edge.

Important: the deepening of the rod is carried out by an amount equal to two heights of the Mauerlat. After the masonry has solidified, a bar is put on and attracted by nuts to the aerated concrete.

The instruction for fastening the support with pins implies the use of wooden plugs pretreated with moisture protection agents. Such devices are mounted in a wall of aerated concrete or fixed under the timber itself. Mauerlat is fixed with metal staples. The number of fasteners should be equal to the number of rafters.

Tips and general instructions

1.creation of an additional axis of stiffness;

2. obstacle to deformation and violation of the geometry of the structure during seasonal shrinkage;

3. leveling the surface of the walls horizontally, for example, with uneven masonry;

4. even distribution static load on the building frame.

When using studs and anchors, it is important to properly prepare the holes. Align a strict vertical for a secure fit. Especially for chemical method tacking, where after drilling it is necessary to thoroughly clean and rinse the holes for a better setting of the reagent. In some cases, a cone-shaped extension is created with a drill to enter more adhesive mass and, accordingly, a more durable connection.

One of important conditions: Before fixing the wooden support, waterproofing is made of bitumen-polymer material... Roofing material in this case is used less often, as well as polyethylene film... The fact is that when materials come into contact with wood - concrete, an active process of decay of the wood component occurs. For this reason, it is recommended to lay the Mauerlat with modern waterproofing materials in two layers.

It is quite problematic to carry out work on the construction of the roofing system, reliable fastening of the structure to the aerated concrete wall, especially in the absence of proper experience in construction. Therefore, it is better to entrust such events, starting with the design of the future roof, to professional contractors.

Private and public construction requires the use of structural elements of varying complexity. When building houses from aerated concrete, a special element is used - Mauerlat. There is a special technology that describes the attachment of the Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt. This construction method significantly increases the reliability and service life of the future structure.

Design features

The technology of building houses from aerated concrete is being improved for objective reasons - in the materials market, the demand for aerated concrete blocks is growing every day. The peculiarities of the construction of houses from this material allows for high-quality construction in the shortest possible time. A house built of aerated concrete has beneficial thermal insulation characteristics, and also differs in a relatively small constructive weight.

Aerated concrete has a disadvantage associated with the difficulty of attaching structural elements to each other. The porous base of the walls is difficult to connect to the main frame, and builders have to look for additional solutions. Mauerlat is a structural element that connects the walls of the building and the roof. An armopoyas made of reinforced concrete helps to solve the problem, but some homeowners use the method of attaching the Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armopoyas.

The peculiarity of aerated concrete structures is that it is difficult for porous concrete to withstand the point pressure of the pushing elements. Mauerlat is an important structural element that serves as a load. Unlike the foundation, the Mauerlat bears the load exerted only by the roofing part of the building - the roof, the inner part of the slope and thermal insulation layers.

Working with a metal or wood Mauerlat helps in redistributing pressure to the walls. Mounting the Mauerlat also facilitates the installation work associated with the installation of rafter elements.

Calculation algorithm

Installation of the desired material can be performed using the following modules:

  • Wooden supports;
  • Metallic profile.

The section for a wooden beam is selected within the format 10 cm * 10 cm. If the roof has particularly large dimensions, it is recommended to use larger modules (10 cm * 15 cm, 15 cm * 15 cm, 15 cm * 20 cm). There is a certain proportion in accordance with which the Mauerlat is mounted for work - the thickness of the material should be equal to 2 times the thickness of the rafter supports.

The production of a Mauerlat from logs is possible, but it does not justify the effort expended - the cross-section of the log is difficult to adjust to the configuration of the rafter components. The characteristics of the wood selected for the job must also meet high standards. The Mauerlat is fastened with wood, which is checked for durability and the absence of mechanical damage.

The best option is considered quality wood hardwood, processed special formulations... It is also possible to use a metal profile for work with roof fastening. Carrying out such work is accompanied by the use of a channel or I-beam impregnated with anti-corrosion substances.

Basic meanings

A specialist installing a Mauerlat without an armored belt must make the correct calculation of the main parameters. When working, the following values ​​are taken into account:

  • Built-up area;
  • Roofing system type;
  • Features of the roofing material;
  • Seismic activity of the zone;
  • Climate influence.

Various structural forms of the roof are distinguished, but the most common is considered gable roof... As an example, it is beneficial to make a calculation for work on this type of roof. The volume of the Mauerlat is measured by the formula V = P * S, where P Is the perimeter of the flooring, and S- section of a bar or V = N / R, where N Is the mass of the timber, and R- the density of the tree.

Fastening methods

Fastening the Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt can be carried out in accordance with several technologies. Fastening work to aerated concrete blocks pass with the help of special elements.

Chemical anchors

This method is based on the use of chemical resins with adhesive properties. Liquid dowel or other chemical paste perfectly connects the porous surface of aerated concrete and metal profiles. In small-sized buildings, it is allowed to fix the corners with ties, brackets and screws. Anchoring increases the level of protection of the structure.

Work with chemical compositions implies the following list of actions:

  • Filling the hole with adhesive;
  • Fixation of the metal frame;
  • Control of the solidification of the composition.

It is noted that corners reinforced in this way are characterized by high durability and long service life (up to 50 years). It is prohibited to conduct welding works with fixed metal profiles, as chemical anchors are sensitive to high temperatures.

Studs for fastening

Construction studs are perfect for small-sized buildings, where the Mauerlat is fastened so that it performs the function of a reinforced belt.

Working with studs involves the following list of actions:

  • Drilling holes at a distance of 1.5 m;
  • Fixation of the stud with a cement compound;
  • Installation of a waterproofing layer;
  • Mauerlat installation;
  • Fastening the timber with forged staples;
  • Installation of the roofing system on top of the structure.

Steel wire

With a steel wire of a certain thickness, a similar result can be achieved in installation works... Using this method involves the following sequence of actions:

  • Embedding the twisted wire into the walls of the building;
  • Control of the correct position of the wire in aerated concrete;
  • Control of the free passage of the wire through the bar;
  • Calculation of the required number of components in accordance with the number of rafters.

The support of the rafters on the walls made of small-sized blocks of porous concrete can be carried out using special reinforced beams - brackets. Brackets are made of metal with anti-corrosion coating. Fixation takes place with wire ties, self-tapping screws, plates and perforated tape.

For a user uninitiated in capital construction, it is unlikely that it will be known what a Mauerlat is, what role it plays in building a structure, and so on. Therefore, the question of how the Mauerlat is attached to aerated concrete is generally misunderstood.

However, the use of such technology is an up-to-date and very effective solution. It can help solve a number of significant problems that can reduce the durability and strength of the structure.

It is also necessary to mention a more economical embodiment of the specified fastening method. If it is necessary to fasten the Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt, then in this case it is not a solid armored belt that is poured, but concrete cushions are made in the right places. Such an attachment for foam blocks is also quite reliable.

2.3 Metal studs

In the presence of a small house, as well as a slight roof pressure, to fasten the walls of the cinder block with the Mauerlat bar, you can use a lightweight method - metal studs embedded in the wall. These are steel fasteners in the form of bolts with a square base with sides more than 5 cm.

If, during the implementation of the cinder block masonry, studs are embedded in the wall, they must be installed one or two rows to the upper edge. The length of the stud must be long enough to pass through the bar.

Subsequent fixation similar to fixing a Mauerlat with a cinder block using anchor bolts.

2.4 Waterproofing during installation

Having decided on the method of fastening, it is necessary to calculate the fasteners and their location. If it is necessary to fix the Mauerlat to the gas block without an armored belt, then the first option is suitable - steel wire.