The simplest wooden porch. Self-construction of a wooden porch with a canopy

Before choosing which porch in appearance and style suits your house or cottage, you should always find out a little more about how it works, what the design features are, is everything really as complicated as it looks on the drawing. After such an analysis, all the advantages and disadvantages of each project always become obvious, and it is easier to conclude how the option fits a particular house.

What are the most popular porch designs?

Almost always, a wooden house is a low-rise building, a maximum of two floors, but always with a large and open terrace and colorful color scheme. The style preservation rule requires the builder for a wooden house to build a wooden porch. Moreover, it must match the style and technique of construction. But modern design approaches can easily break all written and unwritten rules, leaving one thing unshakable - the design must be made safe, comfortable and beautiful from any angle. Before you make a wooden porch, you should correctly take into account many years of experience with a variety of schemes and designs.

All wooden porch projects can be conditionally divided into several categories:

How the porch is arranged, make a wooden structure correctly

There are many nuances in the porch device that are difficult to see in the drawing or diagram, the failure to comply with which can make the finished porch absolutely inconvenient and impractical.

Simple porch

For a dacha or a small wooden house with 1-2 rooms, the design of an attached wooden porch will be the most optimal. The name itself speaks of the design, the porch is, as it were, attached to the main wall with the front door.

The basis of the design is two or three, and sometimes four main load-bearing beams, called stringers. These are the main elements of the frame of the stairs, the upper part of which rests on a beam made of wood of the front wall at the floor level of the first floor of the building, the lower part on the Mauerlat or the supporting plane of stone or concrete pillars embedded in the ground to a depth of at least 70 cm, also called gobies. Sometimes a thick beam of wood or log cuts can be used as gobies. The sealed surface is treated with resin and waterproofing mastic.

For fastening the floorboards of the steps, oblique grooves are cut in the stringers, on which the steps rest. The surface of the floorboards is most often not planed, this makes it less slippery. In versions of higher quality decoration, the surface of wooden steps can be profiled by applying a special corrugated pattern.

The side walls of the stairs are fixed with vertical posts, on which the handrails are attached. Like bulls, racks are treated with anti-rotten mastics and buried in the ground to the depth of "frost".

Such a porch is convenient if the house does not have a wide strip foundation and the building itself is raised on piles or supports above the ground.

Classic porch with entrance platform

The entrance to the house and the wooden porch itself are much more convenient to use if there is a small platform or even a tiny terrace in front of the entrance. Making the most popular wooden porch project among the people is not much more difficult than in the previous version. Moreover, the design of the stairs remains the same, but with a slight addition. To build a platform, you will need to drive several additional supports into the ground, on which, in fact, the wooden platform rests. Supports made of wood must be covered with a sand-gravel mixture and concreted.

The frame and the supporting surface of the site can be made of pine lag boards, which are assembled in one box. It will be more convenient if the upper supports of the stair stringers are made lower and supported on the second carrier log of the box. The top of the box can be made in the form of a lattice, this solution is popular for rural areas and cottages, where dust and dirt from the soles of shoes have to be removed before entering the house more often than anywhere else. In the standard version, the surface of the site is sewn up with a floorboard into a spike and treated with protective mastic.

Depending on the design of the porch, the platform fence can be made of metal, for example, from a profile, or forged metal racks can be used. A simpler option would be a wooden structure. In this case, the supports can be simultaneously made fence posts. Along the perimeter of the handrails, the interior space is filled with wooden balusters, which can be turned or carved, as in the photo.

Advice ! The attachment points of the kosour on the log or external beam made of wood can be made more durable if you do not cut grooves in the log, but use steel angles No. 75 and bolt fastening as a connection node.

If the size of the canopy is from one to two meters wide, to increase the rigidity of the porch, it will be necessary to make an additional row of supports. A further increase in size will require additional rows of support posts for every additional 70-80 cm of the platform.

More complex wood porch designs

According to the above design, almost all the most intricate porch projects are carried out. Instead of one staircase, you can make two and separate them in opposite directions, as in the photo.

If the device at home allows, instead of one long flight of stairs, you can make a complex porch from several flights of stairs connected in series with an intermediate platform.

A more complex design is . Most likely, it will not be possible to make such a structure with your own hands due to the difficulty of making the transitions of each step and attaching the entire porch structure to the facade of the house.

Basic requirements for a wooden porch

The classic device of a wooden porch of any project should provide:

  1. The size of the entrance area in front of the door should provide enough space for the movement of the open door with two adults in front of it. For example, with a door width of 70 cm, the size of the area in front of the entrance will be 120x100 cm;
  2. Usually, experts recommend making the plank surface of the site 5-7 cm below the threshold. But such requirements are valid only for entrance doors, in which the plane of the frame coincides with the plane of the front wall of the house. For doors "recessed" into the wall, turned at an angle, or if the porch is combined with a terrace, compliance with such requirements is not necessary;
  3. The slope of the stairs is not recommended to do with an angle to the horizon of more than 45 o. The main condition for the correct inclination is the ease of reading all the steps of the stairs, even by people of small stature or children. Floorboards or step boards are made of solid oak or hardwood boards, at least 45-50 mm thick. Comfortable step height no more than 200 mm;
  4. The boards from which the porch structure is assembled should not have cracks or chips. Before use, the wood is carefully sanded and treated with oil impregnation, drying oil or primer, after the final assembly of the stairs, the procedure is repeated.
  5. Handrails and railings are recommended to be made high, above one meter, but two or three levels. This will not affect the appearance of the wooden porch in any way, but it will help to make the use of the stairs equally comfortable for both tall and short people, especially children and the elderly.

The porch of a country house is most often built of metal, wood or concrete. The choice of a particular material depends mainly on the architectural features of the building itself. For each of the varieties of street stairs, there are construction technologies.

They will be discussed in this article. You will learn not only how to properly make a porch to a house from one material or another, but also how to tie it to the foundation of the house and what its own foundation should be.

The choice of material for the porch

The choice of material for the porch to the house mainly depends on what its walls are built from. So, at the facade of a wooden building, it is best to build a structure of boards and timber. A concrete or metal structure can be attached to a concrete or brick house. Tiles, bricks, wood or even plastic are often used for decoration:

Porches made of wood for a country house

Porches made of wood have a number of undeniable advantages. They are beautiful and practically do not require additional finishing. Such designs are somewhat cheaper than other varieties.

Construction of a porch to the house. Photo of an aesthetic and not difficult to manufacture design

Wooden street stairs are usually attached only to a chopped or cobbled building or to a bathhouse. But there are exceptions to every rule. The simplicity of the design of such stairs makes them extremely popular and often a carved or ordinary wooden porch can also be seen near concrete or brick houses.

A wooden staircase can be attached, including to a concrete house

Is it worth making a porch out of concrete?

Concrete porch options can be filled. They are also built from blocks. Such a design can be made at the entrance to a concrete or brick building. The main advantage of a concrete staircase is durability. How to fill the porch with your own hands and how to make it from blocks will be discussed below.

Concrete marches look very beautiful and at the same time solid and solid

Metal constructions

Do-it-yourself metal porch at the dacha It is best to make it from a corner or a profiled pipe.

On a note: Very beautiful designs are obtained from galvanized material. However, making them at home is hardly possible. In order to make such a ladder, considerable experience in working with a welding machine is needed. Therefore, at the entrances to private houses, you can often see painted metal structures made of ordinary steel.

It is better to make the steps of street stairs made of metal wooden. In some cases, they are made of metal.

Using wooden steps, you can build a very beautiful metal porch.

You can build a porch in a country house or in a country house using different technologies. The choice of a specific one depends on what material will be used for its manufacture:

Assembling a wooden outdoor staircase

First, consider how to make a porch with your own hands to a wooden house. To build even the simplest wooden porch so that it turns out to be reliable can only be done by drafting a project. In this case, the calculation of the stairs should be performed taking into account the following factors:

  1. The angle of inclination of a comfortable march varies from 27 to 45 degrees;
  2. The width of the step should be approximately 30cm, height 17cm;
  3. The height of the railing should not be less than 90cm.

How to build a porch with your own hands. Drawings of comfortable street stairs

To make a simple wooden ladder, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Edged board for steps and stringers;
  2. Beam at least 80*80mm. From it it will be possible to make porch supports;
  3. Board 3cm for a bowstring or stringer;
  4. Beam 50 * 50mm in order to make a railing and a canopy frame;
  5. Board 2cm for sheathing the visor.

They continue to build a wooden porch with their own hands by installing supports. To make them durable, it is worth treating their ends with automotive oil. Under them, in the ground at a distance from the wall equal to the width of the upper platform, they dig holes about half a meter deep.

A durable porch can only be built with reliable supports.

At the next stage, the upper platform is knocked together. Next, you will need to make strings or bowstrings. At one end of the kosour, they are attached to the upper platform, and at the other they rest on a concrete pad. Then proceed to stuffing the treads and risers.

Wooden porch with their own hands. Photo of the process of installing steps on stringers

Advice: When building a wooden staircase of a private house, it is better to fix the steps not on self-tapping screws, but on bolts with nuts. Weak fasteners from a constant load in the future simply simply loosen up.

So, we have examined how to build a wooden porch with our own hands in stages. However, without a railing and a canopy, the design will be unfinished. Balusters are mounted on metal studs. Next, the handrail is attached to the bolts. After that, you need to make a visor by sheathing a wooden frame with boards.

Making reliable railings with your own hands when building a porch is not so difficult.

How to build a welded metal porch

Now let's figure out how to build a porch to a metal house. The technology of erecting such structures is slightly different from the method of assembling wooden ones. Install supports from a pipe, angle or from a profile of at least 50 * 50mm. Next, you need to make the frame of the upper platform. The bowstring should be made from a channel or corner.

A porch to a metal house can be made using a welding machine

During the construction of the porch, the steps are welded from the corner in the form of frames, to which the racks are welded along the height of the riser. Further, the resulting elements are welded to the bowstrings, to their upper edge. Then the edged board is screwed to the corner.

Since metal is a material that does not tolerate moisture, a canopy must be made. You can equip a porch with your own hands made of metal, for example, with a visor made of profiled sheet. In this case, the frame should be made of a steel corner.

The construction of a metal porch involves the mandatory installation of a visor

If you like arched, domed or curved canopies, polycarbonate can be used instead of a metal profile. You can make a curved frame yourself using a pipe bender. Polycarbonate sheets are attached to it with self-tapping screws with thermal washers.

From polycarbonate you can make a visor of a very interesting shape

Important: Holes for fasteners should be slightly larger in diameter than their rods. The self-tapping screws themselves do not tighten too much when installing the sheet, since polycarbonate sheets expand with increasing temperature.

How to build a concrete march

A concrete porch should be attached to the stone building. With your own hands, you can make it filler or block.

Monolithic porch. How to build

When building a porch from monolithic concrete, formwork is used. Its form depends on the chosen form of the march itself. It is easiest to make it from the board, and it is a multi-tiered structure (by the number of steps). All steps must be reinforced. The concrete mixture is made from cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1 * 4 * 4.

To build a concrete porch, you need to make a multi-tiered formwork

On a note: A semicircular, round or oval concrete porch looks very nice. In this case, during construction, the formwork can be made of tin or plastic.

See below how you can build a porch with your own hands (video):

How to build a block porch

In order to make a neat porch of a country house from blocks or from foam blocks, marking should be done. Next is the foundation. The ladder is laid out with dressing of the seams. After construction, a block structure, just like a monolithic one, must be tiled or boarded. In this case, you will get not only a solid, but also a beautiful porch.

The porch can also be built from concrete blocks.

Approximately according to the same technology, a do-it-yourself porch is made of brick or stone.

How to tie a ladder to a house

In the event that the porch of a village house is arranged in the process of its construction, it is poured simultaneously with the foundation of the building.

Important: At the same time, the foundation of the street staircase is laid to the same depth as the foundation of the house itself.

It is best to build a porch at the same time as the building itself

However, more often the march is tied to the building after it has been erected. In this case, you should follow the rules for attaching the porch to the basement, which will be discussed below.

Concrete stairs. How to build a reliable

When attaching the porch of a private house with your own hands, it is worth remembering that heavy structures are not recommended to be fixed rigidly to the foundation and plinth. In this case, roofing material or polyethylene is laid between the march and the house. It can also be plywood or boards impregnated with bitumen. The fact is that an extension is usually made to a house that has already shrunk. A heavy concrete or brick staircase will definitely sit down.

Iron and wood deck

In the event that you make a porch with your own hands from wood or metal, you can attach it directly to the plinth. At the same time, bars or a metal corner are nailed to the wall during construction. A wooden frame or an iron frame of the upper platform is attached to them with one edge.

You can build a metal porch by attaching it directly to the house

What can be the foundation of the porch

How to properly attach a porch to the house with your own hands, we hope now you understand. Only one question remained unconsidered, namely, what should be its foundation. Under the street stairs, you can make a base of different types.

concrete pad

Under light wooden and metal stairs during their construction, a small concrete cushion is usually arranged. Next, let's see how to fill in such a support. They do not lay it on the entire width of the porch, but only under the first step of the march. Thus, it serves as a support for stringers or bowstrings. Its installation is carried out as follows:

  1. In the place where the ends of the stringers will subsequently be located, a square pit is dug out to the width of the porch. Its depth depends on the weight of the structure of the outdoor ladder and is usually 30-40 cm;
  2. Formwork from boards is installed in the pit. Further, sand or gravel is poured on its bottom with a layer of 10 cm;

Do-it-yourself porch. Photo of the process of arranging a concrete cushion for a march

  1. After that, the bottom is poured with a three-centimeter layer of cement mortar;
  2. A reinforcing cage is installed on the resulting support, which can be made from a 12mm bar;
  3. Next, the formwork is filled with concrete mix. At the same time, four parts of sand and the same amount of crushed stone are taken for one part of cement grade 300-400.
Advice: In order to remove possible voids in the solution, you need to pierce it with a rod, shovel or wooden stake in several places.
  1. At the last stage, the surface of the filled pillow is carefully leveled. In this case, it will be possible to build the most stable porch.

If a wooden or metal staircase has a very wide or long flight, it is worth building a thicker pillow. At the same time, wooden or concrete pillars of the upper platform must have a thickening at the very bottom.

The concrete pillow under the porch can be quite large. You can build it, including the number and steps

Column foundation under the porch to the house

Sometimes wooden ladders are simply supported on poles during construction. At the same time, in addition to the supports of the upper platform, two more wooden posts are dug into the ground under the march (instead of a concrete cushion). In the same way, you can make supports for the bowstrings of a metal staircase from pipe segments. Such a foundation is cheaper than a pillow and its construction is simpler, but at the same time it is less reliable.

You can build a porch with different types of pillars

Strip foundation

The porch device is technologically rather complicated if it is built into the veranda. In this case, most often during construction, a strip foundation is completely poured under the entire structure.

Do-it-yourself porch. Photo of a foundation pit for a strip foundation

This event consists of several stages:

  1. After the markup is made, a trench is dug around the perimeter of the veranda;
  2. Sand is poured on its bottom;
  3. Further, formwork is installed along the edges, which can be made from a board;
  4. Then, bars 5 cm thick (reinforcement supports) are laid at the bottom of the trench;
  5. The armature is knitted from a 12mm rod;
  6. After it is installed in the formwork, the latter is poured with a concrete mixture of the same composition as for a simple concrete pad;
  7. Formwork can be removed a day after pouring.

How to build a porch. Filling the strip foundation

Important: The veranda and the march itself are erected no earlier than two weeks after the foundation is laid.

How to build a slab foundation

Next, let's see how to make a slab foundation for a street staircase. This type of foundation is arranged under heavy structures - concrete and brick. It is a monolithic slab under the entire area of ​​the stairs. It is poured in about the same way as a pillow. The depth of laying depends on the depth of the foundation of the building. Usually it is 50-70cm.

The slab foundation under the porch is not very difficult to make.

On a note: The thickness of the sand or gravel layer according to SNiP must be at least 10 cm.

So, now you know how to build a porch with your own hands. Depending on its type, different methods can be applied. Under light street stairs, you can make the foundation cheaper and simpler. Heavy structures require more reliable foundations.

The first thing people see when they come to visit is the porch, a kind of visiting card of the owner of the house. It is important that it is not only beautiful, but also durable. A wooden porch looks especially cozy, which you can build with your own hands. In this article, we will tell you how to make a porch with a canopy made of wood using examples of finished projects.

A wooden porch is a fairly light structure; it is not necessary to make a complex strip foundation for it. If the staircase structure is built using stringers (strings), then a foundation on supports is sufficient.

Advice! As piles, coniferous wood is well suited, it is durable and does not rot even in a humid climate.

Attention! In order for such a structure to be more stable, we attach the extreme support to the wall of the house with hardware (self-tapping screws or nails).

Making steps

We calculate the number of steps. The main thing here is to follow a few rules:

  • the number of steps must be odd;
  • the width of the steps should be 36-45 cm, the height should not exceed 20 cm.
  • the width of the porch is taken at least one and a half width of the front door.

We outline the profile of future bowstrings on the plank. Because the support is connected to the lags on the porch, then we cut out spikes on the bowstrings and stringers.

Attention! If you want to build a porch with a patio or attic, then you need to install two auxiliary stringers and bowstrings for structural stability.

To attach stringers, bowstrings with lags, a spike-groove design is used. To do this, you need to screw the board with grooves to the platform log, into which the spikes of the bowstrings and stringers are mounted. For reliability, the structure is reinforced with steel brackets.

Types of steps

The final stage of the manufacture of the porch

  1. First you need to lay the boards on the platform in front of the entrance. The boards are adjusted as close as possible to each other, because over time the wood will still dry out and disperse. Some experts believe that it is necessary to leave a distance of 2-3 mm between the boards so that water flows there, and the distance that forms after the shrinkage of the wood is not critical for people.
  2. After that, risers and treads are laid. They are connected to each other according to the "thorn-groove" principle. We fasten the bowstring and riser in a similar way. For strength, you can additionally connect the structure with self-tapping screws.
  3. A porch fence is made if there are more than 3 steps. On a wooden porch, stainless steel or wooden railings look best. Also, for safety, you can cover the flight of stairs with non-slip rubber mats.

Scheme: wooden porch on a concrete base

Porch painting rules

  • Before applying the paint, the wood must be treated with a primer. It retains the properties of wood.
  • It is not recommended to cover soft wood with transparent varnishes, because a lot of dirt and sand accumulates in their surface over time. But hardwood, on the contrary, looks beautiful if you cover it with a transparent varnish.
  • It is recommended to cover a pine porch with several layers of paintwork, updating it every 3-5 years.

Open the finished structure with varnish in several layers
  • Re-coating is applied only after the old one has been removed.
  • For painting the porch, alkyd paints are mainly used, they are the most resistant to abrasion. Other paints are less popular due to a sharp, unpleasant odor (oil), low durability (water-based) or high cost (reactive).

We make a visor over the porch

First, choose the material for the visor:

  • . Differs in a variety of color scale, will approach under any design of the house. In addition, it is strong, durable, very easy to work with, but it costs more than other materials.
  • metal. A cheap and easy option for a visor. However, to make a canopy out of it, you need to have experience in welding. In addition, without additional anti-corrosion treatment, the metal visor will quickly begin to rust.

Scheme of a polycarbonate visor
  • . It is easier to work with this material than with metal, and a wide variety of colors makes it an analogue of polycarbonate, only cheap. However, the big disadvantage is that if the top layer is damaged, this material will quickly succumb to corrosion. Thicker sheets of corrugated board are much more expensive.
  • lightweight pvc boards. As well as corrugated board, they can be considered an analogue of polycarbonate. However, unlike corrugated board, PVC is more durable and reliable.
  • metal tile. A great option if you have leftover material after laying the roof. If you purchase another material different from what the roof is lined with, then this will be very striking. Some do not like this material for the noise from the rain.

Having chosen the material, we make a sketch of the visor. Its length will be equal to the distance from the door to the extreme point of the canopy, and the height is calculated from the height of your house. It is also necessary to make the slope of the visor 20 °.

Wooden visor

We make parts for corners from wood. We take the length of the rafters equal to the height of the slope of the visor. From the corners we make struts and a wall beam. We connect the entire structure with self-tapping screws. We mount the frame above the entrance: the wall beam is fastened with screws, and the struts with anchors. As a crate, we use bars or planks, which are laid out at a distance of 30 cm from each other. We lay end-to-end sheets of the selected material and fix with self-tapping screws. We fix the metal bar to the top of the slope, and to the bottom - the eaves.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this technique is given as an example of making a porch. If you wish, you can come up with an original design for the railing, decorate the canopy with forging, make a large terrace where you can drink tea, or build a patio porch where it is appropriate to put beautiful flowers in pots. It all depends on your skill and imagination.

Do-it-yourself wooden porch: video

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TO The stigma is a functional element of any household and is its hallmark. Such a structure should be located at the entrance to the building and fit into the created exterior of the building. By choosing the right material, you can build a luxurious porch to the house with your own hands. Projects, photos and design drawings can easily be found in our review. In addition to practical functions, this structure performs a decorative function. At the same time, the canopy and railings are decorated with beautiful carvings and other decorative elements.

In many buildings, the porch is part of the project and fits perfectly into the overall exterior.

The porch in a private house, photos of which can be viewed on the site, is an open area with a staircase in front of the entrance to the house. It can be of any shape, and also made of various materials.

Such a structure can be made in the following variations:

  • the structure of the attached type is more mobile.

Helpful information! To avoid skewed steps and cracks, a foundation must be installed.

Foundation: construction features for all types of porch

A strong foundation is needed to make a porch to the house with your own hands. Designs, photos and descriptions will help create a quality foundation.

The depth of the foundation for the porch and the house must be the same, otherwise the smaller structure may be displaced. The type of foundation depends on the material of the main structure. If brick or concrete is used, then the base must be reinforced.

Foundation installation begins with markings. Piles are driven into the corners of the resulting rectangle, and then a trench is made along the contour. For a large visor, you will need to install additional supports. Formwork is recommended. For it, boards, or chipboard, are used. It is also important to make waterproofing. In this case, the bottom of the pit is covered with roofing material. For reinforcement, bricks and a special mesh or are used. Then the concrete mixture is poured. Each layer of the solution must be rammed with a shovel.

Helpful information! After pouring, the foundation surface must be leveled and covered with roofing material. Moisture must not get on the surface of the concrete pavement in case of rain.

Related article:

Do-it-yourself porch to the house: projects, photos of various types of porch

They will help you choose the best design of the porch of a private house with photos that can be found on the site. In this case, it is worth deciding on the material for the future design. Traditional options include wood, concrete, stone and brick, or metal.

Metal structures: the nuances of the device

Metal products are mounted using electric welding. The design is assembled from standard parts. If desired, you can use forging elements for a metal porch in a private house. The photo will allow you to choose interesting solutions.

Such a design is mounted in several stages:

  • two channels are laid in parallel at a distance of future steps. Then a corner is cut to the size of the steps;
  • a part equal to the height between the steps is cut off from the corner. Both elements are welded in the form of the letter G;
  • L-shaped parts are attached to the channel;
  • then the channel is connected using corners.

Ready. Steps made of any material are mounted on it. If more than three steps are provided, then railings are mounted. The visor completes the design.

Concrete options: design features

The concrete structure involves the continuation of the foundation in the steps. In this case, reinforcement is used, which will prevent the appearance of cracks. Such a structure requires additional cladding with stone or tiles.

Formwork is made for each step. The finished structure is covered with decorative material.

Helpful information! The space between the foundations of the main building and the extension is sealed with mineral wool, which ensures better stability of the structure.

Do-it-yourself wooden porch for a private house: installation features

Do-it-yourself wooden porch to the house is popular. Projects and photos of such structures are diverse. The best material is larch and other conifers. For such raw materials, special protective impregnations are required.

Installation of a wooden structure consists of the following steps:

  • the manufacture of stairs includes the formation of a bowstring. These elements are connected to the base;
  • installation of the site consists of mounting the shelf boards to the finished base;
  • steps are being installed. At the same time, steps and risers are attached with the help of self-tapping screws;
  • the design is carried out with the help of railings and a canopy.
Helpful information! The durability of the structure depends on the correct preparation and processing of wood. The material must be well dried.

Related article:

Porch made of brick or stone

It is very difficult to make brickwork for the porch, since the brick must be laid out perfectly evenly. It is even more difficult to lay a stone porch without certain skills. The chipped edges don't fit together.

Simple options include the construction of a concrete staircase and facing it with stone or brick.

Visor options

An important addition to the extension is the canopy over the porch. The photo on the site allows you to see interesting options for this element.

The visor is created from timber, metal, plexiglass or metal pipes. Wooden structures must be treated with special solutions every 2-3 years so that the wood does not deteriorate.

The visor should at least protrude half a meter beyond the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main structure. Piles for the canopy supports are mounted at the stage of creating the foundation. Polycarbonate, plexiglass or tiles can be used as a coating. This element must have a pitched shape.

Helpful information! A wooden structure or metal sheets can be coated with paint in several layers.

Which porch is better: glazed or open?

A closed porch is often used for a private house. Photos of projects can be found on the Internet. Most often, these are transparent structures made of metal and glass. The frame and piles are made of metal. The walls are made of glass. A roof of this design can be combined with a balcony on the second floor.

The glazed version is made with a concrete foundation, a canopy and a staircase. The frame is made with the help of corners. In this case, the corners are attached to the installed piles.

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If you built a wooden house on your site, then it would be an absolutely logical decision to build a porch to a wooden house with your own hands. Despite the seeming complexity, this task is by no means so impossible, and will be within the power of almost every master with a head and hands.

In addition to the aesthetic load, what makes a good porch remarkable, first of all, this element of the facade has specific functional purposes:

  • Protection of the entrance to the house from precipitation in the form of rain, snow and hail;
  • Creating a canopy that creates a comfortable shade and protects the canopy from heat and heat in the warm season;
  • It is possible to create a recreation area, in the case of arranging a large porch in the form of a veranda.
  • Well, and most importantly, this is a flight of stairs along which we will climb to our cozy home.

Therefore, before picking up a hammer and a chisel, you need to think carefully about the above, and take into account all the nuances, making the necessary amendments to the construction plan.

Proportions and dimensions

We think that it is no secret to anyone that from time immemorial man has been constructing residential buildings, taking as a basis the dimensions of the human body and its psychological perception of the surrounding space. An exception is not the porch, which must meet certain requirements of human physiology.

All the following dimensions are generally accepted, and are used everywhere in construction. You, if necessary, are free to change the main proportions, according to your preferences and requirements, but do not forget about the reliability of the design.

Now let's take a closer look:

  • To create a free approach to the door, you need to provide an open space that will allow you to open the door without interfering with the person standing in front of it;
  • If you focus on building codes, then the width of the porch in front of a single-leaf door should not be less than 1m 60 cm - this value is the minimum;
  • For a double-leaf version of the door leaf - the norm regulates a distance of 2 meters;
  • The distance from the doorway to the first step starts at 1 meter: this value should be adjusted, looking at the width of the doorway - the wider, the greater the distance;
  • To protect the steps and platform from direct sunlight and precipitation, the length of the canopy at the porch should go beyond the boundaries of these elements. Usually leave a protrusion equal to 30 centimeters.

Now, with regard to human physiology. There are also certain laws, derived in specific formulas and values:

  • The average step length for an adult is about 63 cm. Based on this, the optimal values ​​​​of the height and depth of the steps are derived. They are 16 -19 cm and 25 - 33 cm, respectively;
  • If nature has endowed you with non-standard dimensions, then when designing a porch, you can use the formula shown in the picture above. Its essence is that in the width of your step two heights and one depth of steps should proportionally fit. In this case, the height should be one and a half to two times less than the depth.
  • The flight of the step cover from the riser should not be more than five centimeters, otherwise, when walking, you will constantly stumble on them, risking injury, especially in winter, when the surface of the stairs is covered with a layer of ice or frost.

Advice! Of course, the best way to protect yourself from winter is to attach an enclosed porch to a wooden house, but this is not always feasible. Therefore, take care of the anti-slip coating in advance, and clean the ice from the steps in time.

To ensure safe movement on the stairs in the winter season and not only, it is required to equip the passage with handrails. The instruction regulates that any staircase with three or more steps should have this element.

The standard height of the handrails varies from 80 to 90 centimeters.

The following requirement is mandatory in design, but is far from always feasible in practice when building a porch with your own hands - a person moves in space so that when climbing a flight of stairs, he starts and finishes it with one foot. Therefore, the correct staircase should consist of an odd number of steps (in apartment buildings with a floor height of 2.5 meters, the number of steps in the march is 9).

What else should be considered before starting the construction of the porch of a wooden house?

The level of the platform in front of the door should be 5 or even 10 centimeters below the border of the door leaf. Otherwise, you risk that as a result of seasonal soil fluctuations, the raised porch will block the door and prevent it from opening freely.

Foundation and place under it

Like any other construction, the construction of a porch begins with a foundation. You must check all dimensions and heights at the design stage - ideally, you should have a full-fledged drawing. If you do not have enough skill in carrying out such work, then we recommend that you involve a third-party specialist who will cope with such a simple task for him in a very short time.

Advice! It is better to be an inexperienced builder with the right blueprint than a jack-of-all-trades with little idea of ​​the final result.

The designer will indicate in the drawings the complete scheme of the porch along with the foundation. He will determine the type of soil and give the necessary recommendations so that the structure is reliable and lasts as long as possible.

Among other data, the depth of soil freezing will also be indicated (this is extremely important information when building a foundation), below which you will need to dig trenches for the foundation, or drill wells. If you refused the services of a professional, then you will have to look for this data on the “network”, where the limit values ​​\u200b\u200bare posted for each of the regions of our vast country.

The foundation for a wooden porch can be of three types:

  • Wooden piles- the most common, inexpensive and simple solution for such purposes. That is what we will cover in this article.

  • Metal piles- form with horizontal lintels a strong and even frame, sheathed on the outside with wood. The price of such a solution will be higher, and besides, you will need to hire a craftsman who will reliably strengthen and weld the frame into a single structure. The disadvantages include the fact that the metal has a solid weight, and for work you will need at least three people, sometimes with the involvement of lifting equipment.

It is better to use such a solution if you want to make a terrace made of synthetic composite materials, which are very demanding on the evenness of the base, and are laid on special profiles, or, conversely, the size of the porch is small and consists only of steps that will contrast with the main building facade.

  • Concrete or block- these are capital foundations for a porch, which require compliance with certain standards when attaching to a wooden house. There are a great many types of concrete foundations, but the main requirement for their construction is that between it and the house, or rather its foundation, it is imperative to provide for an expansion joint.

What is it for? During the time when seasonal ground movements occur, due to the difference in the loads that the structures experience, the foundations at their junctions can crack.

Expansion joints are filled with elastic materials to prevent moisture from entering it. For these purposes, rubber gaskets, or mineral wool, are excellent, which are subsequently closed with a special flashing.

This concludes our preparations and begin to disassemble the construction process

We do it ourselves

As already mentioned, we are building a porch for a wooden house only from wood, so that it most harmoniously fits into the overall picture of the facade. Further about everything in order.

Base under the porch

Well, now let's take a closer look at the construction of a foundation from a wooden beam. And we will start by marking the site with the help of twine and tape measure.

This is done approximately as shown in the photo above.

  • The wall and the doorway are the main reference points from which it is required to measure all the necessary distances, not forgetting to observe right angles at the intersections of the lines.
  • To do this, align the lengths of the segments with an accuracy of a millimeter. Throw both diagonals in the resulting rectangle, which should be equal to each other.
  • If right angles are alien to you, and you have chosen a porch of an unusual shape, for example, pentagrams, then be guided by the geometric features of the figure that you plan to build.
  • Next, we determine the location of the piles - usually these are the corners of the terrace, including those adjacent to the house, and the corners of the first step. If the porch and flight of stairs have solid dimensions, then increase the number of piles at the rate of 2 piles by 1 - 1.2 meters of free span. This value can vary greatly depending on the thickness of the bars of the lower trim of the veranda, and reach 2.4 m with a cross section of 100 * 150 mm.
  • Now it is necessary to drill wells at these points, with a depth exceeding the depth of soil freezing by 15 - 30 centimeters.
  • In order for moisture to better move away from wooden piles, it is necessary to make a drainage cushion from river sand of medium fraction and gravel, which are poured into the holes alternately, in small layers.

  • Further, piles are installed in the holes, the recessed ends of which are pre-treated with waterproofing material (bitumen), or fired at the stake for the same purpose. This treatment will protect the tree from premature decay and damage.
  • If the size of the terrace has impressive dimensions, or the piles will go up, forming the base for the porch visor, then before installing them, asbestos-cement pipes are placed in the holes, into which concrete is poured three-quarters of the depth of the well. But first they are set vertically, rammed around with rubble and soil, and a reinforcing belt is made inside.
  • This design will more reliably fix the pile and protect the wood.

  • Next, piles are installed (in pits or asbestos-cement pipes, after the concrete has hardened), which must be set strictly in a plane and vertical, and firmly fixed for a while. Use a rough crate, stretch marks and wedges for this, exposing the structure like a tent.
  • After fixing, we fill the space around with concrete mixed with screenings and small gravel - such concrete will be much stronger. Don't forget that we have to make a pretty impressive layer.
  • Piles adjacent to the house are attached to the wall with long self-tapping screws, anchors or nails.

All further work is carried out only after the concrete has completely cured.

Installation of stringers

Steps on a flight of stairs can be fastened in various ways, but most often craftsmen use designs on bowstrings. The bowstring is an inclined guide support that provides reliable fixation of the steps.

You can attach the step to the bowstring by inserting it into the groove, or by using self-tapping screws, nails, studs, dowels or special steel fasteners to fix it. But most often they use bowstrings that have cutouts for steps that fit on top. Such bowstrings are called stringers.

Making a kosour on your own is not such a difficult task. It is enough just to accurately mark the boards and make straight cuts along all the marks, for which a pre-prepared staircase drawing is very useful to you.

Of the tools you will need:

  • A circular saw;
  • Square and pencil;
  • Meter;
  • Wood saw.

The number of prepared stringers, first of all, determines the shape of the stairs and its width. Sometimes you can find options on one stringer, but such work is the privilege of qualified specialists. We will need at least two supports, the number of which will increase depending on the width of the passage.

Stringers can be divided into two main types, differing not only in shape, but also in the complexity of manufacturing:

  1. Stepped - we showed them in the photo above. They have triangular cutouts placed at the same distance from each other along the entire length of the part. This design has one drawback - the beam, after sawing cuts in its body, becomes thinner and greatly loses its strength.
  2. Stringers with "fillies" - have smaller slots, and are equipped with additional elements, the "fillies" themselves, and dowels for fixing them. Such a design is only possible for an experienced carpenter, so we will not advise it for beginners.

Stringers are the most time-consuming and complex parts of the porch being built. When marking and sawing boards, be especially meticulous, often double-checking, and comparing the result with the parts already cut.

Advice! To make several braids of the same shape, use a stencil that you have previously cut out of plywood, thick cardboard or a piece of MDF.

  • If the width of the tread in the stringer can be less than the actual step (laying with a release), then the height of the riser must exactly match the height of the cladding part of the same name.
  • Do not forget to take into account that the upper step of the stringer should become a continuation of the main porch area. Take this into account when marking up this element.
  • In order for the supports to be strong and not to bend under the weight of people walking on the porch, boards with an end section of at least 60 * 300 mm should be used as a material. So you guarantee yourself the quality of the future product.
  • Use for these purposes boards that do not have cracks and falling knots. Beware of overdried wood, which has lost a lot of strength.
  • Since our structure is external, the contact of the stairs with moisture and ultraviolet radiation is ensured. Of course, you can buy cheaper boards from softwoods (pine, spruce, etc.) and treat them with special impregnations, but it would be better to immediately take hardwoods, which are not only more resistant to the above troubles, but also have a good density that makes them resistant to mechanical stress.

The leaders among such species are oak, Siberian larch, beech or maple. The price of lumber will be higher, but such a porch will last much longer.

Before you start assembling all the elements into a single structure, you need to treat the wood with antibacterial impregnations and flame retardants - substances that protect wood from fire.

After complete drying of the impregnation, you can proceed with the installation:

  • We install the bars of the lower trim on the strengthened piles - they are attached from the outside to nails or long self-tapping screws.
  • Waterproofing can be laid around the pile at the attachment point.
  • We cut grooves in a horizontal beam for laying the upper edge of bowstrings or stringers in them.
  • The lower part of the kosour is laid on a horizontal support plate in the form of a bar. At the same time, washed down can be done both in the beam and in the stringer. In the first case, it is better to tie the elements with steel corners, and in the second, with studs.

  • Next, we install the lags, forming the basis of the future site. They are placed flush with the bottom trim, and are fastened with special stainless steel brackets.

  • The thickness of the lags should not be less than 5 centimeters, as it must withstand the weight of people walking on it without deflections.
  • Lay them perpendicular to the laying direction of the decking that will cover the floor afterwards. The laying distance is 50 cm.
  • Next, the deck board is laid, which is placed with a verified gap to drain water.
  • Laying steps starts from the bottom - first the riser is placed, then the tread.
  • Fastening is carried out with galvanized self-tapping screws with a wide hat, which needs to be drowned a little. To do this, first drill a narrow hole for the self-tapping screw, and slightly expand its edge with a wider drill, creating a recess.
  • In the future, you will need to hide the holes with wood putty.
  • To avoid this, you can purchase special staples and use wood glue.

This concludes our review, in which we examined the construction of a wooden porch to the house with our own hands. As you can see, the process is very exciting, and will be within the power of many of us. You can learn more about it from the video in this article, where an experienced craftsman performs a similar job.