How to use a sander. Choosing a grinder: what are they and what are they used for? Video - an overview of wood sanders

Construction or restoration work requires the purchase of a tool for finishing wood (wood sander), but which model should I choose? It depends on its purpose, since the tool is multifunctional. The selection criteria are largely influenced by the features of the surfaces to be treated: their size or the complexity of the design with many hard-to-reach places. Important is the size of the budget allocated for restoration or construction, as well as the experience of the master, his skills in working with tools for grinding wood.

If a grinder is required for home use (small repairs, hobbies), choose simple and quite budget models.

They are lightweight and small in size. For processing large volumes of construction or industrial work (for example, in a furniture workshop), it will be more successful to purchase powerful units.

There are the following types of woodworking sanders:

  • tape;
  • Vibration;
  • Eccentric;
  • Corner;
  • Renovator;
  • Brush.

Belt sander

It is advantageous to choose such a tool if you need to effectively remove large layers of material (for example, old paint), sand boards, process cut lines and qualitatively adjust the surfaces of parts.

These units are very powerful, and if the master does not have enough experience, then there is a danger of spoiling the surface to be treated. Working with a belt sander requires some skill. But with a little practice, you can quite easily, quickly and efficiently process a significant area.

When choosing a sander of this type, you need to make sure that you have the necessary equipment: models produced by different manufacturers are equipped with abrasive belts of various sizes.

Inexpensive models have a basic set of features:

  1. Speed ​​control switch.
  2. Thermal protection of the motor.
  3. Attachment for connecting a vacuum cleaner (or dust collector).

Vibrating sander

A vibrating machine is a tool for a more "delicate" effect on the surface of a tree. The work surface is often rectangular in shape, which makes it convenient for sanding corners.

The main criteria for choosing this particular type of machine are:

  1. Dimensions of the working surface (sole). This parameter directly affects the speed of the work performed.
  2. Sole shape. The rectangular surface can be supplemented with a triangular wedge for working in hard-to-reach places.
  3. The range of motion of the machine: with its increase, the processing speed increases. But this can affect the quality of the grinding.
  4. Method of fixing an abrasive surface. There are several possible options: clamps, Velcro, combined method.
  5. Possibility of adjusting the speed of movement: it can be different for different woods.
  6. A way to get rid of shavings and dust.

The parameters of the grinders, which in this case should be paid attention to, are:

  1. Platform size (diagonal or triangle area).
  2. The productivity of the tool, which is directly related to the vibration frequency (up to 2600 rpm).
  3. Weight (about 1 kg)
  4. Power (most often from 300 to 200 W).

Orbital sander

An eccentric or orbital machine processes wood to a fully polished state.

The eccentric machine processes wood to a fully polished state.

Difficult areas are processed in a different way, often by hand. This design is distinguished by a complex trajectory of movement of the working surface: the sole of the machine makes rotational and vibrational-orbital movements. Pneumatic models are the most convenient to use.

This type of tool is the most expensive. Moreover, pneumatic models of a grinder must be equipped with a high-performance compressor. This is not always possible with domestic use. Most often, such a tool is used in production.

If the shape of the surface is triangular (delta grinder), then such a tool is used if it is necessary to work in hard-to-reach places. This makes it possible to dispense with manual grinding. The abrasive cloth is attached to the backing with Velcro, which makes it quick and easy to replace.

Its speed is very high. Such a model brings any detail to perfect smoothness, but you can work with it only on large and flat surfaces.

Additional devices

Angle grinders have high productivity, which is due to the presence of a powerful drive and high tooling speeds. However, a significant drawback of the model is the inability to process internal corners. Delta attachments or renovators are more suitable for grinding them.

The renovator is similar to the delta modification of a vibration machine, but it is significantly more functional.

The list of its features includes:

  • polishing and grinding wood and other materials;
  • Creating slots;
  • Cleaning walls and other surfaces from linoleum, tiles, etc .;
  • local repair of power structures, facings.

A professional tool of this type is equipped with a signaling device that notifies by means of sound signals about excessive load on the surface being treated. Depending on the volume of the surface to be treated and the tasks set, the master may prefer a model with a two-handed grip. This is convenient when long-term work is required. The advantage of one-handed models is their compactness.

Moreover, manufacturers are constantly increasing the number of possible operations performed by the tool. Additional advantages of the renovator are its ability to operate both from the network and from the battery, low power consumption, and quite affordable price. Brushes use metal brushes instead of abrasive tape. This type of tool is suitable for large surfaces. It is used to remove old coatings.

The features of each unit make it effective in performing certain tasks:

  1. The belt sander works well on large flat surfaces, for example, volumetric parts of an uncomplicated configuration. But this type of tool is not very convenient for processing small items.
  2. Vibratory grinders have an average productivity, are effective for processing parts of various shapes, do not leave traces, and are energy efficient.
  3. Eccentric models are good for achieving a high quality finish: grinding or polishing.
  4. Renovator or delta modification is a furniture design tool. It is also used for interior decoration with wooden elements.

Such units cannot work continuously; work will have to be stopped every 15 minutes. The most versatile model is considered to be a belt sander. It is suitable for processing not only wood, but also other types of surfaces (plastic, metal), and can be useful for both professionals and amateur craftsmen. Expensive professional grinders can function non-stop for a full working day. They also have the function of centering the abrasive belt, which saves material.

To facilitate the work, the master can complete the grinder with a stand on which the tool is attached. When sanding, you can move, turn, guide the material itself, and not a heavy unit. If the work continues for a long time, then even in the case of a relatively small machine, it is much easier to manipulate the workpiece.

On the farm, you often have to grind something, clean off the old paintwork. Most of the work is with wood. Few manufacturers are selling perfect pieces. Perhaps a carpenter. And if there are perfectly processed boards, then their price is such that you will inevitably want to polish them yourself. Even taking into account the fact that the work is boring and uninteresting. Therefore, a wood sander is one of the tools that should be in the home arsenal.

Types, purpose, features of work

There are different types of grinders that do the same job, but with different results. There is a tool for rough (preliminary), medium (intermediate) and fine (finishing) grinding. Part of the instrument can even perform.

To choose a wood sander, you first need to decide what type of work you need it for. For rough sanding - leveling unevenness, height differences - one type is suitable, for finishing sanding - bringing to the ideal - another type. Moreover, both tasks can be solved using different types of equipment.

LBM - angle grinder

The well-known grinder can also be used for sanding wood. It copes well with the coarse grinding function. Of all the tools available, this one is the most productive. If you need to quickly level large wooden surfaces - grinding the floor, walls, logs - this is the work for angle grinders. Minus - the surface turns out to be very uneven, it takes a long time to align all the pits and humps. If it still "passes" on the log house, then the result is unsatisfactory for any carpentry work. If only there is an opportunity to purchase another tool, you should not use an angle grinder for grinding wood.

For wood, use red emery wheels - this is a special abrasive

For the grinder, there are special attachments for grinding wood. The best option is flap discs or discs with different grit sandpaper. When installed, the working plane is below the protective cover, it is safe to work, you can move in any direction. Carefully it is necessary to process the places with protruding heads of nails and screws. We lower the tool from above, carefully move it. The grinding wheel easily breaks with a sharp movement, so be careful.

By varying the grain size of the used grinding wheels, it is possible to carry out coarse and medium (intermediate) grinding. The work will take less time than if you use any other sander for wood. But it may take more time to bring it to a flat surface, since, with a lack of experience, there will be more flaws.

When sanding wood, the sandpaper becomes clogged, the speed of work decreases. In addition to a decrease in speed, there is another sign - the smell of burnt wood. It is not necessary to change the disk right away, you can restore its operability. To do this, grind the metal for a few seconds. Everything adhered - resin, wood fibers, dust - burns, the surface is cleaned, the processing speed increases again. This trick, by the way, can be used with other grinders as well.

If you have to clean and change the circles often, a Velcro attachment is installed on the grinder. Replacing the sandpaper is much easier and faster - unpinning / sticking is a matter of seconds. But working with a nozzle is more dangerous. Due to its height, the grinding area is above the level of the protective casing, it does not perform its functions. During the start, it happens that an unreliably fixed circle or even the nozzle itself flies off. They have a small weight, injuries are not serious, but all the same, they are injuries. The angle grinder with a smooth start helps to reduce the risks, but, all the same, you need to work with gloves, protective clothing with tightly buttoned sleeves, boots that cover your legs, and goggles.

Belt sander

It is called so due to the fact that the sandpaper is in the form of a tape that continuously moves with the help of rollers. Therefore, such a sander for wood is also called "endless".

The wood belt sander is designed for rough and intermediate leveling of the surface. By installing a finer grit sandpaper, you can achieve a medium finish. This is sufficient for joinery that cannot be painted. To bring it to perfect condition, you need a different type of wood sander. Moreover, to eliminate long longitudinal scratches, you will have to carry out stepwise grinding, changing the grain several times - the scratches remain deep.

A belt sander is good if you need to remove the old coating - paint varnish

Why is a wood belt sander good? It has good performance. The tape is installed on it in such a way that it turns out to be sanding close to the wall with one side. What are its disadvantages? Due to the construction, not all points can be reached. For example, corners, cutouts, grooves and other small parts. It is not always possible to "crawl" between two parts (when processing handrails, for example). Another drawback is that most of the belt sanders have a solid mass, it is difficult to work with them on weight, sanding vertical surfaces. But on the horizontal plane - they are the most productive.

The next disadvantages are high noise level, not the largest sanding spot. It makes so much noise that it is extremely uncomfortable to work without headphones. Why a small sanding spot, because it looks large enough? Even with a large belt width, it grinds only in the center - the part at the front and back is not used due to the fact that it is raised for feeding onto the rollers.

The wood belt sander has features in work. To reduce the depth of the furrows that it leaves, it must be guided along the fibers. Then finishing sanding takes less time. And one more thing - if you gape in the process of work and leave the machine in one place for a long time, a solid "pit" will form. Despite this, it is the most productive wood sander that is often used.

Orbital (eccentric)

The orbital sander for wood has a round sole with Velcro, on which sandpaper discs are attached. The discs are the same as for the grinder, so they are interchangeable. There are holes in the sole of the machine for removing dust. Dust is collected in a bag, cassette-type container, almost all models allow you to connect a construction vacuum cleaner.

The work of the eccentric sander for wood is based on the simultaneous rotation and movement back and forth (reciprocating movements). This achieves a good enough speed for intermediate and finishing wood processing. When working with this type of grinder, the platform moves in a spiral or orbit. Therefore, this tool is also called orbital grinders.

Eccentric sanders are good for curved or profiled surfaces - the machine is light in weight, makes little noise, is easy to control, the angle of the disc can be used to reach grooves, scraps, etc. With all this, she also handles large planes at a good pace. When installing coarse sandpaper, it can be used for coarse and intermediate sanding. The speed is less than that of the tape, but also quite acceptable. There are such cars with different radius of movement (eccentricity) - from 3 to 8 mm. Selecting this parameter and determine the main purpose (more on this below).

The disadvantages of this type of machines are the impossibility of processing in the corners. The round platform is simply not included there. Also, there is a zone of uncertain polishing at the edges - it will not be possible to polish close to a wall or a vertical surface.


The sole of the vibration sander can be rectangular or triangular. During operation, it makes circular movements with a small amplitude - it vibrates, which gave the name to this type of equipment. This wood sander is used for fine finishing - for varnishing or painting, but has a low performance.

A vibrating sander for wood with a rectangular surface allows you to process large areas, but it does not work with it to sand wood near vertical planes and walls - it starts to beat against an obstacle. Triangular in this regard is more suitable for working in corners and hard-to-reach places, but you still can't bring it tightly to the wall.

Another disadvantage of vibrating systems is the so-called "lambs". If a grain of sand or other solid fragment gets under the surface, it leaves small circles on the wood - "lambs". Removing these marks is difficult. It is necessary to use sandpaper of increasingly fine grain, gradually removing scratches. But if in the process something gets under the sole again, the process is repeated again. Therefore, before work, the surface is thoroughly cleaned and the plyosos is usually connected - for quick and timely removal of extraneous fragments.


Strictly speaking, this is not a grinder, but it can be grinded. Moreover, those places that are inaccessible for other types of machines are corners (even sharp ones), places directly at the vertical walls. For grinding, a special-shaped triangular platform is installed on the tool, on which sandpaper is fixed on a self-adhesive base.

During operation, the platform moves in a horizontal plane with a very small amplitude - the vertices of the triangle deviate by about 1.7 ° (this is an average of 2.5 mm). Due to this small movement, grinding occurs. This machine can be used to sand in corners and close to vertical surfaces. Moreover, you can remove not only wood, but also smeared and dried glue. In general, an oscillating machine is used for finishing sanding in hard-to-reach places - due to its low productivity and a sanding spot, it is unrealistically long to process more or less large surfaces with it.

What type of sander to choose

To summarize, we can say that for housework and construction, ideally, two grinders are needed - for a rough and a fine finish. The most commonly used pair is tape + eccentric. If you are planning to make furniture, then you cannot do without oscillation.

If you do not like the result of a belt sander, you can purchase two orbital ones with different eccentricities. For rough grinding, a tool with an eccentricity of 6-8 mm is suitable, for finishing grinding and even polishing - 2-4 mm. The only drawback of this solution is that good eccentric sanders are expensive.

If the budget is limited, and the farm has a grinder (angle grinder), rough grinding can be done with it, and for intermediate or finishing, use orbital or vibration. Just keep in mind that vibration is the least productive, albeit the cheapest. If possible, buy an orbital one - it is more versatile and gives better results.

Technical selection criteria

Any tool is divided into classes, which differ in work resource (and price). So a sander for wood can be household or professional. Household ones are designed for short continuous work with interruptions. Basically, it is recommended to work no more than 3 hours a day, periodically taking breaks of 15 minutes.

Professional models are designed to work for 8-12 hours, breaks are rarely needed or not needed at all. The working resource of such a tool is many times greater. For this, durable and reliable (read - expensive) materials are used. In addition, the performance of such equipment is much higher, as a rule, there are more adjustments.

When choosing, the first thing to decide is what class your car should be. I must say that some manufacturers have a good household class, and some also have semi-professional lines. This is an intermediate class, as a rule, for private use it is optimal in terms of price / quality combination. Some models are even used by professionals.

General selection options

Although wood sanders differ, there are general points to consider when choosing. Here they are:

These are general points to pay attention to. Now about what is important for different types of grinding machines.


When choosing belt grinding, you need to look at the following parameters:

You also need to pay attention to how convenient it is to change the tape. There are also models that allow you to quickly change the brushes. Sometimes spare brushes are even included.

Popular models of belt sander

ManufacturerModelPowerBelt dimensions (width / length)Belt speedThe weightPrice
InterskolLShM-76/900900 watts76 mm / 533 mm250 m / min3.2 kg55-90 $
Makita9911 650 Wt76 mm / 457 mm270 m / min2.6KG100-150$
BoschPBS 75 AE750 watts75 mm / 533 mm350 m / min3.5 kg120-160$
InterskolLShM-100 / 1200E1200 watts100 mm / 610 mm400 m / min5.6 kg100-150$
Makita9404 1010 Wt100 mm / 610 mm440 m / min4.7 kg200-270$

Eccentric (orbital)

In addition to all the general parameters described, the choice of an eccentric wood grinding machine has its own nuances:

The selected model still needs to be tested in the store. To do this, place an emery disc on the platform and turn on the tool. The vibration should not be felt at all. This means that it is well balanced and will work comfortably.

Popular eccentric sander models

ManufacturerModelPowerDisk rotation speedPlatform oscillation frequencyDisk sizePlatform stroke (eccentricity)Price
MakitaBO5031300 watts12000 rpm24000 rpm125 mm2.8 mm90-120 $
MakitaBO5041300 watts12000 rpm24000 rpm125 mm3 mm100-200$
MetaboSXE 450 TurboTec350 watts13100 rpm8500 rpm150 mm6.2 mm185-220$
BoschGEX 150 AC340 watts12000 rpm24000 rpm150 mm4 mm175-220$
BoschGEX 125-1 AE Box250 watts12000 rpm24000 rpm125 mm2.5 mm70-90$


First of all, you need to choose the shape of the sole. It can be rectangular (most often), square or ironing. The system for attaching the sandpaper here is clamping, just a piece of sandpaper of the required size is pulled and fixed with clamps. For normal operation of the stretched paper dust extraction, holes must be made in the right places (holes in the platform). It is best to connect a vacuum cleaner to remove dust, as the presence of dust under the platform leads to a large number of scratches. That is, instead of grinding, we get a damaged part. This is an important point.

What to look for:

The vibration sander is only used for finishing sanding and has a low performance. Only fine-grain paper can be placed on it. Rough machining should be done with another tool.

Popular models of vibration grinders

ManufacturerModelPowerPlatform oscillation frequencySizes of tape (sole)Platform strokePrice
InterskolPShM-115 / 300E300 watts10500 rpm230x115 mm 35-50$
MakitaBO3711190 watts22000 rpm228x93 mm2 mm60-75$
MakitaBO3700180 watts20,000 cpm230x93 mm2 mm50-60$
BoschPSS 200 AC200 watts24000 rpm230x93 mm2 mm50-70$
HitachiSV12V300 watts20,000 cpm228x114 mm2.4 mm100-130$

The processing of most types of wood, due to its not too dense structure, is not particularly difficult. But if it is necessary to achieve high quality, to prepare the material for subsequent coating (for example,), then you will have to spend a lot of time and effort using only traditional techniques (plane, file + sandpaper). Unfortunately, not every home has a wood sander.

And first of all, for the reason that not everyone is familiar with its capabilities. This article will not only help you understand that a good owner really needs a wood sander, but also tell you how to choose it correctly.

They differ in design, principle of operation and precision of wood processing. Consequently, and the specifics of the application. What exactly to choose will have to be decided independently, based on the purpose for which the power tool is purchased.

Belt type machines

Belt grinders are the most common in everyday life. They can carry out rough processing of not only any wooden blank, but also samples from plastics and metals. Such machines will not be able to grind the surface to a mirror shine, but eliminating obvious defects, leveling the base with their help is not a problem. And quite quickly. All that is required is to install the belt with the optimum grain size.

Tape CMM device

Like any electric / tool, it includes a low-power electric motor and an actuator in the form of rollers. An abrasive belt is pulled over them, forming a closed loop. When you turn on the grinder, the rollers start rotating and the "skin" movement. The quality of processing is mainly determined by the clamping force and grain size of the installed blade.

What to evaluate when choosing

  • Grinder power. For the category "household tool" 1 kW is sufficient. More is unlikely to be needed.
  • Speed ​​regulation range. The larger it is, the wider the scope of application of the grinder. Such CMM work with all types of "skins", therefore, they are suitable for processing various materials - metals (removing rust, preliminary polishing), wood (stripping, cutting off the remaining knots, and so on).
  • Linear parameters of the tape (mm). For household models, the standard width is 76, but in length there is a certain size range (standard) - 457, 533 and 610. The latter samples are larger, but with their help it is more convenient to process such blanks as a board, log, timber or flooring with a large area.

If the CMM is needed only for "spot" work - alignment of minor segments, smoothing the surface in certain areas, then you can get by with a machine for 400 tape. Such models are cheaper.

  • Centering mechanism. In the process of work, the tape is constantly shifting ("leaves" from the rollers), and it has to be periodically corrected. The presence of a special device greatly simplifies this task, since the adjustment is performed automatically, and there is no need to spend time on it.

The starting price for belt sanders is 3,468 rubles.

Examples of

"Makita" (series 9910K) - 0.65 kW power is enough to process not only wood, but also metals. The belt speed is not adjustable (270 rpm), therefore the scope of application is somewhat limited, although this is sufficient for domestic use. Abrasive cloth parameters (mm): width - 75, length - 450. Price - 9 180 rubles.

"Bosch" (PBS 75 A series)- power 0.7 kW, abrasive belt speed (76 x 530) 350 rpm, weight 3.2 kg. Price - 7 590 rubles.

Brush models

They are distinguished into a separate group, although this is just a type of tape CMM. The working tool is a shaft-mounted brush that does the roughest work.

What can you do with these models?

  • Removal of foreign deposits (scale, rust, oxides).
  • Removing a layer of old paint.
  • Cleaning of wooden surfaces (plank and parquet floors, external walls, etc.).

With certain skills, brush grinders are used to artificially age wood products.

What to evaluate when choosing

  • What "tool" can be equipped - types and sizes of brushes and abrasive cloths.
  • The weight. It must provide sufficient pressing force of the CMM to the base being processed. Optimally - not less than 4 kg.
  • Shaft diameter. This parameter determines the maximum rotation speed, therefore, the quality of wood processing.

Price - from 6 490 rubles.

Examples of

"Makita" (series 9741) - power 0.86 kW; brush diameter 13 mm; the number of revolutions - up to 3,500; weight 4.2 kg. Price - 29 320 rubles.

"Makita" (AG1014P) - low-power equipment (1.4 kW) with a speed of up to 3000. Weight - 3.3 kg. Accordingly, the price is lower - only 7,280 rubles.

Vibration type CMM

Sanders of this type are used for surface finishing. It is advisable to purchase them when the quality of grinding is a determining factor. For example, when restoring furniture before covering the wood with wood stain and varnish. Such work requires special care, since the smallest defects are clearly visible through the applied transparent layer.

Modification of vibrating CMM - a machine with a deltoid working part. Its application is specific - wood processing in corners, grooves, grooves and the like, so they are rarely used in everyday life. But if the owner deals with wood processing all the time, then it is worth paying attention.

What to evaluate when choosing

There are 2 main parameters:

  • Speed. Similar to tape models - adjustment limits.
  • Depth of processing. Such machines are excellent for working with samples on the surface of which there are significant differences in height. For example, after drying the material, if it was organized in violation of technology.

The starting price of the models is from 1,650 rubles.

Examples of

"DeWALT" (series D 26441)- sole 115 x 140 (mm); power 0.23 kW; stroke size 1.4 mm; clamp - "Velcro". Price - 5 458 rubles.

Metabo (SR 2185 series)- abrasive 93 x 185; power 0.2 kW; platform stroke - 2 mm; fastening of the working element with Velcro. Price - 7 390 rubles.

Eccentric sanders

If you need to bring the tree to a mirror shine, you should use just such a model. But the scope is limited - only for surfaces with the correct geometry. If the base is curved, all the more curly - not an option. We'll have to look for another way to grind.

What to evaluate when choosing

  • Power. For domestic use, up to 750 watts is sufficient.
  • Amplitude of vibrations. Optimally - from 5 to 7 mm.

An increase in these characteristics leads to an increase in the cost of the grinding machine. In fact, these are already professional models. And to choose them for the house or not is up to the buyer to decide.

  • Fastening the working "tool".

It will take more time to change the element, but consumables are cheaper. For domestic use, it is mainly such CMMs that are purchased.

The only plus is the speed of replacement of the working element. Convenient - yes. There are more disadvantages - the cost of "consumables" is higher, and not every modification of them is suitable for a certain CMM model. You may have to search online and pay for shipping.

Price - from 2 190 rubles.

Examples of

"Elitech" (series МШЭ 0412Э)- power 0.4 kW; disc 125 mm; adjustment of revolutions in the range from 6,000 to 13,000; amplitude - 2 mm; frequency from 12,000 to 26,000. There is a connection to a vacuum cleaner; power cord - 3 m. Price - 2 870 rubles.

"Makita" (series BO5030K)- 0.3 kW; disc 125; number of revolutions - 12,000; frequency - 24,000; amplitude - 5.5 mm. The CM set includes containers for collecting dust. Price - 6,290 rubles.

The question is far from idle, since the market is literally saturated with various models of wood sanders, and each is positioned as one of the best. What to advise?

With the systematic use of the grinder, for a variety of operations, it is worth focusing on the time-tested brands - "Makita", "Bosch" and "DeWalt". Somewhat more expensive, but they will definitely not let you down even with intensive use.

If the owner picks up the CMM only occasionally, for short-term use, it is enough to purchase a model of the Skil or Kress brand. Among the household-grade grinders, they have the largest number of positive reviews.

Practice shows that if the rules for choosing a grinding machine are basically clear to everyone, then you cannot say the same about the criteria by which an abrasive cloth is evaluated. It is this question that perplexes many.

What to look for

  • Abrasive material. For most jobs, zirconium grained belts work best. All rough cleaning of the surface is carried out with just such a cloth. But after processing, scratches remain on the wood, which must be leveled. This is done with a tape of aluminum oxide particles. Therefore, you need to purchase a set - for basic processing and "finishing".
  • Density of grains (pieces / inch). This parameter is related to the size of the abrasive grains. Grinding is carried out by sequential installation of belts. First - by 65, then - by 120.

Finishing (fine) wood polishing is always carried out in the direction of the fibers, and coarse - at an angle to them.

Dust removal from the working area is done in different ways. But from a practical point of view, it is not recommended to purchase sander equipped with bags. As soon as the supply of containers runs out, there will be problems with their purchase. Checked. Better to choose a CMM that can be attached to a vacuum cleaner. Much more convenient.

Eccentric sanders are designed for cleaning, grinding, polishing operations on wood, metal, concrete, plastered surfaces. The principle of operation is based on giving the working body, an abrasive disc, a rotational and reciprocating motion. According to their functionality, engine power, duration of operation, the units are divided into household and professional.

Despite the shorter motor resource, the household tool can handle flat and curved surfaces. To make rough and fine sanding of concrete, plaster, putty. Polishing metal, plastic, glass, natural and artificial stone

KOLNER KRS 430 - the cheapest in its segment

The eccentric machine is used on wood, metal and plastic surfaces. It is used for leveling plastered walls in home renovations. Polishes varnish and enamel coatings. Infinitely variable speed control determines the required processing mode. Equipped with a dust removal system, which allows operations to be carried out indoors.

  • Affordable price.
  • Power.
  • Low noise.
  • Autonomous dust collector.
  • Does not finely polish the car body.

PATRIOT OS-125 - the lightest

The sander will perform the rough and finish stages of flat and curved surfaces. The low weight of the tool allows you to spend more time without fatigue at work in the process of machining a part. An efficient dust extraction system concentrates waste in a removable dust container. The abrasive wheels are fixed by means of Velcro, which provides a quick change of consumables.

  • Lightweight - the hand does not get tired longer.
  • Optimal power for home renovation.
  • Efficient cooling system, - the electric motor does not overheat.
  • We have to hold the machine tighter - centrifugal forces tend to pull out of the hands during the working process.

ENKOR MSHE-450 / 150E - the largest fluctuations

It works effectively in rough and medium grinding operations. Smoothes the plastered surface, smoothes the finishing filler. Removes old paint and varnish coatings, rust, scale from metal blanks. The presence of an additional handle contributes to ease of use.

  • Increased diameter of the working plate.
  • Long cord.
  • Endurance.
  • Inefficient dust collection system.
  • The fixing of the grinding attachments quickly fails.

BOSCH PEX 300AE - the most productive

Household tool. Despite the classification, it allows dry sanding of wood, metal, plastic. It is used for home repairs for removing old paintwork coatings, leveling plaster and putty. Dust emissions are eliminated by an efficient microfiltration system.

  • Allows you to perform a large amount of work.
  • Not dusty.
  • Equipped with anti-vibration system.
  • Noisy.
  • Abrasive discs do not work evenly over the area.

ELITECH MSHE 0515E - the most powerful

The power of the electric motor is enough to perform operations on grinding the bulges of plastered walls, smoothing the putty layer, sanding the surface of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Performs roughing and finishing of wooden blanks. Connecting a vacuum cleaner keeps the workplace clean.

  • Powerful electric motor.
  • Work at a semi-professional level.
  • Long cable.
  • An extra handle is missing.

The best in the professional group

Devices from the professional series are used by home craftsmen, private craftsmen. Found application in car repair shops. The instrument of this group is distinguished by high endurance, the ability to work for a long time without interruption.

RYOBI ROS300A - the cheapest

The eccentric device performs operations on various types of surfaces and materials, in particular, concrete, steel, non-ferrous metals, wood, plastic. The choice of the mode is carried out by smooth adjustment of the speed. An efficient cyclonic action system is applied to capture and collect dust. A properly tuned engine ventilation mechanism contributes to the duration of operation.

  • Soft glide.
  • Compact dimensions.
  • Absolutely not dusty.
  • Connection indicator light.
  • The standard dust collector is slightly inconvenient when working on vertical surfaces.

METABO FSX 200 - the lightest

The power tool is used for grinding and polishing work on wood, plastic, glass. Performs rough and fine finishing of walls and ceilings. Removes paintwork, rust and scale from metal workpieces. Compact dimensions and low weight contribute to increased productivity.

  • Lightweight.
  • It is possible to work with one hand.
  • Anti-vibration pad on the handle.
  • Good balancing.
  • The dust extraction system leaves much to be desired.

BOSCH GEX 125-150 APE - the most optimal

Professional tool for performing a wide range of operations - dry rough and finishing grinding, peeling old paintwork materials, rust. Allows the use of two standard sizes of abrasive wheels, 125 and 150 mm. Long-term operation is facilitated by the locking of the start button. The quality of work ensures the separation of the grinding block from the main body.

  • Ergonomic
  • Good build quality.
  • Two standard sizes of abrasive accessories.
  • Not dusty.
  • Slightly heavy for vertical and overhead work.

HITACHI SV13YA - the best for home and workshop

The power tool will fit into the home environment, when carrying out household repairs, and will be used in the garage for bodywork. Grinds and polishes. The optimal processing mode is selected by smoothly adjusting the engine speed.

  • Low noise.
  • Anti-vibration rubber cover.
  • Fits comfortably in the hand.
  • The Velcro may need to be improved.

MAKITA BO 6040 - the most powerful

Universal eccentric unit for all types of abrasive processing, rough and fine grinding, polishing. Equipped with two modes of operation, the change of which occurs by changing the position of the switch. Provides automatic maintenance of the speed when the load increases. The "Soft start" function will provide a shockless entry into the operating mode.

  • Power.
  • Versatility.
  • Build quality.
  • Reliability.
  • It lacks an extra handle - difficult to hold under full load.

The wood sander is an indispensable tool for finishing work. Thanks to its use, the process of polishing and grinding wooden surfaces is significantly accelerated. The unit itself is convenient and compact, which makes it possible not only quickly, but also to level the walls, floor, furniture and other wooden surfaces with high quality.

At the moment, there are four types of grinding machines, which differ in the field of application, design, principle of operation and other criteria. The following types of grinding machines can be used for carpentry and joinery, as well as repair and construction works:

  1. LShM - belt grinders;
  2. VShM - vibration grinders;
  3. OShM - orbital sander;
  4. Delta sander.

The choice of a typewriter is directly influenced by the scale of the upcoming work (for home or professional use).

Belt sander

The belt sander is ideal for professional use.

The belt-type design includes two rollers (leading and driven), which, in the course of their movement, drive the belt attached to the sole of the tool. Depending on its pricing policy, this tape can be made of various materials.

An important technical characteristic of all grinders is their speed, which depends directly on the power of a particular model. For LSHM, this value can be in the range from 500 W to 1200 W at a speed of 75-500 m per minute. Most of the manufacturing firms equip their products with a special regulator to control the belt speed.

The dimensions and other features of this tape also depend on the capabilities of the tool. Therefore, in the selection process, the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. Lenght and width. The more their values, the more functional the model is. However, with the growth of these indicators, the weight of the machine, as well as its parameters, increases.
  2. Granularity. Usually, professionals recommend keeping in stock several of their varieties, which are designed for fine and rough grinding. Thus, you can count on the expected result of the work.

In general, LShM are industrial units with a fairly high power. With their help, large areas can be processed in a short period of time and, as a result, a perfectly smooth surface is obtained. It will be difficult for a person without experience to operate the grinder, which can lead to damage to the wooden surface.

The belt-type machines are ideal for rough and quick processing of wood, metal and plastic surfaces.

Vibrating sander

The most popular type among all grinders.

In terms of the frequency of processing wooden surfaces, the vibration machine is slightly inferior to the belt type. With its help, the final (finishing) stage of grinding wooden, plastic, metal or stone flat surfaces takes place.

The main part of the machine is a plate that makes frequent reciprocating movements. The very same shaft rotation is translated into translational movements of the platform due to the vertically located motor.

What to look for when choosing this tool:

  • Outsole quality. The sander must have a perfectly flat, high-quality sole with a clear geometry. Cheaper options include a plastic or steel platform, while more expensive options include magnesium and aluminum alloys.
  • The material from which the pad is made. A porous polymer pad is considered best, while rubber works worse with a plane.

The vibratory sander processes any surface with high quality. This is the best option for processing hard-to-reach places.

Orbital sander

The Bosch GEX 125–150 AVE model has 400 W of power, which can easily stretch the sole up to 15 square meters. cm.

The orbital or eccentric machine features a round sole, while the sanding element itself is attached with a special Velcro. The unit includes a counterweight and an eccentric that drive the sole in multiple directions.

The product can work in two ways:

  1. By orbiting;
  2. By rotating it along the axis.

Axial movement in most models occurs by inertia, less often - forcibly. As a result of its complex movement and high speed of the machine, a high quality surface is obtained without any single flaws. Dust is discharged to the outside through special holes on the grinding wheel, as well as on the sole itself. To collect it, containers or a vacuum cleaner are used.

Features of the models:

  • The power of the grinder can vary between 200-900 watts. The higher the value, the more productive the tool will be.
  • The speed of the forward motion. Adjustable grinders can have this indicator in the range of 4000-14000 rpm, without adjustment - up to 12000 rpm.
  • Sole type. If a delicate sanding is required, then you should not choose a large sole, which also has a dead zone and an amplitude of up to 7 mm. For convex surfaces, it is advisable to use an elastic pad.

The compact outsole is capable of handling even hard-to-reach surfaces.

  • Plate material. The best choice is a metal plate, which has high strength and reliability, conducts heat well, and is also particularly stable.

The orbital type is designed to carry out the polishing and grinding process at a high level.

Delta sander

This type of sander is designed for processing surfaces not only made of wood, but also metal, plastic and stone. According to principle

Compact and versatile delta sander.

work they are similar to vibration models. Their feature is the shape of the plate, which makes it possible to perform high-quality grinding work even in hard-to-reach places.

The movements of the sole are carried out at high speed and have a reciprocating appearance. For both home and professional use, it is advisable to choose a powerful model with the ability to regulate the speed of its operation. Thus, it becomes possible to work with several types of surfaces.

A wide range of modern products allows you to choose models with special holes for removing dust, the ability to install additional attachments, rotating soles and other features of work.

The delta sander is designed for polishing and cleaning any surface, even in hard-to-reach places.

  • Important details. Before choosing a specific model, it is worth checking all moving parts for backlash, as well as the degree of accuracy of fitting the body components.
  • Noise and vibration levels. To evaluate these indicators, it is worth including the selected model directly in the store. This is the only way to evaluate the performance of its work.
  • The cost of components. It is worth clarifying in advance what the cost of possible repairs, consumables and components that may be needed in the process of work will be.

You should not rush into choosing a sander. Only after carefully weighing all the pros and cons, you can purchase a quality tool that allows you to carry out repair work at a high level.